Indigio Cass Prep

September 19, 2022 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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  The game used for CASS is Lock on Flaming Cliffs Version 1.12( try in torrent or somewhere) or else use Microsoft Flight Sim.  Set 1 .What do you know about Indigo ? 2-How did you get into flying? 3-How did you get to this point of your training? 4-What did you enjoy/dislike about your training? 5-Why do you want to work for Indigo ? 6-What can you contribute to Indigo ? 7-What positive skills can you contribute to Indigo ? 8-Where do you see yourself in 5 years? 9-What do you know about Indigo bases? 10-What do you know about Indigo roster? 11-What do you know about Indigo fleet size? 12-What are the three best things about you? 13-What is the negative side about you? 14 Tell us 10 good/bad things about you? 15 What makes a good/bad Captain/First Officer? Why 16 Have you flown with a demanding Captain? Give an Example 17 Any time a Captain or First Officer didn't agree with you? 18 Have you had someone to misinterpreting you? Give an Example 19 How did you prepare for this interview?* Set 2 1 Tell us about yourself. 2. What can you bring to this company? 3. Have you ever had an Emergency? 4. How did you deal with it? 5. How did you get started in Aviation? 6. Who have been your role model's, or who has had the most influence on you? 7. What goal's do you have? 8. What are some goal's that you had that were never achieved, and how did you deal with it? 9. Where do you see yourself in 10 year's? 10. What is your greatest accomplishment? 12. We see, your flying various type's of aircraft for different companies, how will you feel monotonous, about coming boring? to work here and just flying one type of aircraft. Will it become 13. We have a 5:30am show every morning, how do you feel about that? 14. The Capt. continues an approach beyond minimum's, he tell's you that he's shot this approach a 1,000 times, know's the area, and everything's fine. What will you do? 15. You find your Capt. drinking before a flight, how will you handle this? 16. You are talking to the Capt., and you smell alcohol. Although you didn't see him drinking, what would you do? 17. You smell smoke in the cockpit, what initial action should you take? 18. Then what do you do? 19. The Capt. tell's you the smoke is normal and it will clear itself, 15 minutes later the condition is growing worse. The Capt. gives you the same response.. now, what would you do? 20. The aircraft is loaded way beyond gross wt., the Capt. tell's you that he does this all the time, and the aircraft will fly. What do you do? 21. You have been cleared for take-off, upon getting airborne with the gear in the well's, what kind of conversation are you going to have with the Capt?


22. Your aviation career although progressing nicely is happening very slowly. How do you feel about this situation? 23. What are some of the limitations of your aircraft and yourself? 24 . If you attain all your goals as a professional pilot what do you intend to give back to aviation? SET 3 1.On the descent, your captain drops below the glide slope. As FO. You bring it to his attention. He doesn’t respond to you or take corrective action. What should you do? 2.You’re the FO. Your Captain shows up with what seems to be the smell of liquor on his breath. What would you do? Why? Other options? 3.A thunderstorm is moving in and approaching the end of the runway. Your captain is continuing on the approach to the same runway. What would say/do? Why? 4.You’re at the hotel bar with your flight crew having drinks and its getting close to the 8 hour mark. Someone says lets have one more drink. What do you do? 5.How would you handle a situation where your captain didn’t seem to like you? 6.What would you do if your captain was performing nonstandard but not unsafe maneuvers? 7.There are heavy thunderstorms ahead and your captain wants to fly through them. What should you say to the captain? 8.You notice that your captain is not following the checklist. You bring it to his attention. He tells you he doesn’t need to follow it he knows it. What would you do? While in cruise, he starts reading a flight magazine. Should you say anything? 9.Under what circumstances do you feel an FO would be justified in taking control of the aircraft (in flight) away from the captain? 10.The manifest shows you’re 55 pounds overweight. You inform your captain. He tells you it’s okay to fly. What should you do? 11.If your captain showed up for your flight in a very bad mood, what would you do? Why? 12 . You find yourself flying with an arrogant Capt., and you have a real personality clash, how do you deal with this?

- During your training what was the easiest and Hardest part ? ( These are the question from VP Ops Capt Z that i fairly remember ) - How has aviation changed you as a person -- you areapproach flying with anare angry would you carry theasks flight ? flaps on the you on short final unstablized and youron capt for and gear down ...what do you do .   Questionnair Questionnaire e stage stage   This will be completed online before going to the testing centre. You will use your given username and password on Welcome to ADAPT  ADAPT  Figure 3: Login screen with example username and password If you have not been sent your username and/or password via email, you should write to [email protected]   [email protected] You should do the questionnaire in a comfortable, quiet area with no distractions or interruptions. Firstly you will be asked if you will let your data to be used and stored. Then you will start


the questionnaire, which has 277 questions. This stage has no time limit, but you should try to finish within 30-45 minutes, in 1 attempt. The questions will change in length and have options to choose from. You will answer questions on a range of topics, including your interests, preferences and opinions. There are no right or wrong answers. To assess your personality to the highest standard, we need to get the correct information about you. Therefore, you should be totally honest when answering the questionnaire.  

English Proficiency Test  Test  This is an online test which has some practice sessions and 2 actual sessions Beginner and Intermediate Both are fairly simple no tension should be taken for that. EASY Structured Interview stage  stage  This involves a panel interview with 2 members of staff and takes 30-40 minutes. Like the questionnaire, this interview looks at your personality traits, states, emotion control and quality of life. The interview is a chance for you to tell us about yourself. This is done through a relaxed chat, not a formal interview.

Physical Task stage  stage  This stage uses a flight simulator that is based on a simple computer game. It is controlled using a stick and throttle. You will be sat in-front of 5 screens. The middle three screens show the cockpit view, with the head-up display in the centre. The left screen is the question screen where different types of questions will appear for you to answer. The right screen is the map screen, which shows your route and current information. Question Task tests include: Numerical Reasoning: Questions that use numbers & mathematical data. Verbal Reasoning:Questions based on spoken or written information. Abstract Reasoning:Recognising patterns/similarities between shapes & figures. Perceptual Speed and Accuracy:Working quickly & accurately to find information from words, numbers or pictures Spatial Relationship Reasoning:Being able to see spatial patterns and move/rotate these in your mind, to solve visual problems. Working Memory:How well you can remember information in the short term. Stroop Test: How and what you pay attention to.


  The whole physical task will last for 1 hour and 15 minutes, and has 5 stages: 1. Cognitive – Practice at answering the psychometric questions. 2. Familiarisation 1 – Practice using the flight simulator and the joy stick and throttle. 3. Familiarisation 2 – Practice using the flight simulator with the map (Sat Nav) screen. 4. Mission 1 – The first mission - flying the simulator and answering questions. 5. Mission 2 – The second mission – similar to mission 1 with some extra tasks. During the Physical task you will be video recorded. This is so that in the debrief you can see how you reacted. Debrief stage  stage  During this stage, you will sit with the examiner and watch the video playback of yourself during parts of the physical task. This is so you can think about how you have done and tell us about it.

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