Indian Concertino

January 6, 2017 | Author: Luis Alejandro Urbina Salinas | Category: N/A
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lndian Concertino GeorgePerlman Violin& PianoAccompaniment

fsBN90-431-2161-4 NUR472

CD number:DHR 13.958-3 CD recorded by: De HaskeSound Sqvices BV ExecutiveProducer. Gunter VanRompæy Violin:Jo Vercruysse

@ Copyright 2005 by De Haske Fublications BV AS Heerenveen, Holland Postbus 74,NL-840 VoorBetgië/ Pourta Belgique: De HaskeBetgiumBVBA, 8-1860 Meise GmbH,Postfach51, D-79427Eschbach Fûr Deutschland:De Haske(Deutschland) F-68180Horbourg-Wihr B.P 69, Pourla France: De HaskeFrance, Milanofiori,PalazzoE/3, l-20090Assago(Ml) Centro Direàonale PerI'ltatia:De Haskeltalias.r.l., A-6884 DamÛls Haske GmbH, Musikverlag De Fiir Ôsterreich: (lntemational) AG, Postfach60, CH-6332Hagendom Haske la De I Pour Sulsse; Fiir die Schweiz For the IJK:De HaskeMusic(UK)Ltd, FlemingRoad,Earlstrees,Corby,NofthantsNNl7 4SN,England BU Postbus744,NL-8440AS Heerenveen,Hottand Altother countries;De HaskePubtications All rights reserved.No part of this book may be reproducedin any form, by print, photocopy, microfilm,or any other means without written permi$sionof the publisher. Alle Rechte vorbehalten. Vervielfâltigungund/oder Verôffentlichungdieses Buches, auch einzelner Ïeile, mittels Druck, Fotokopie, Mikrofilm etc. ohne schriftlicheEinwilligungdes Herausgebersverboten. Tous droits réservés pour tous pays. Aucune partie de ce livre ne peut être reproduite sous aucune forme : imprimée, photocopiée, microfilméeou par tout autre moyen sans I'autorisationde l'éditeur. Ttrtti i diritti riservati.Nessunaparte di questo libro puo' essereriprodotta sotto alcuna forma, stampata, fotocopiata, miclofilmata, etc., senza I'autorizzazionescritta dell'editore, Alle rêchten vooôetrouden. Niets van deze uitgave mag worden verveelvoudigd en/of openbaar gemaakt door middel van druh fotokopie, microfilm ot op welke andere wilze dan ook zonder voorafgaandeschriftelijketoestemming van de uitgev€r. Prûted h l-lokld-

Fo r e w or d S t u d y & P l a yi s i d ea lfo r d e ve l o p i n gyo u r playingin an enjoyableand musicallysoundway . Eac h ed it io nw i t h i n t h i s co n ce p fe t a tu re sa (D to add som ethingextr ato your studyr outine. When you play lndian Concertinothe (D allowsyou to practiseat a slowerstudytempo,as well as t he n o r m a lt e m p o ,so th a t yo u ca n w o rk o n your violin playingin a mor e concentr ated w ay w hi l s t i m p ro v i n gy o u r i n si g h ti n to th e mu si c.Y o u can continueto study in this goal- or ientated way unti l yo u hav ea c h i e v e dth e d e si re dre su l t.R e a dthe infor m ationabout the ( D car efullyin or de rto ful l y u n i t i s et h i sc o n c e p t . Th e t it le o f t h i s p i e cesu g g e sts a co n ce rtsituation,playinga solo par t with accom panim ent. T her e s f s u chw o rksfo r th e vi o l i n but m anyof thesecannotbe tackleduntil you hav ebeen ar e t hou s a n d o pla y ingf o r a c o n si d e ra b ltieme . T h i s ca r efullychosenconcer tinoenablesyou to gain n ec es s ar y experie n cfeo r t h i st yp e o f p l a yi n ga, l l o w i n gyou to havesufficientmusicalandtechnicalcon tr olov er yo ur inst r u m e nw t hi l st h a vi n gth e su p p o rtof an accom panist dur ingper for m ance. lt will als oenr i c h your repertoire.

About the cD The CD i s a n e x c e ll e n me t a n sto h e l p yo u achievea polishedper for m ance. Fir styou will hear the tu nin g n o t e s f, o l l o we db y th e d e motra cksothat you get an ideaof how the pieceshouldso und.T he pla y -a l o n gp a r t ( f i r st i n th e n o rma lte mp o,then in studytempo) has beensubdivided into v ar i ous tracl

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