Indian Abacus Movers Tutor Training Manual_2nd Level - free

April 2, 2017 | Author: Indian Abacus | Category: N/A
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Indian Abacus Pvt. Ltd., has launched its newly invented state-of-the-art Indian Abacus devices and the program with int...


Indian Abacus


Movers Tutor Training Manual

Abacus Mental Arithmetic Education for Brain Skills


Published by Indian Abacus Private Limited, Global Head Office: th th No. A1 – 1857, 13 Main Road, 6 Avenue, Anna Nagar West, Chennai – 600 040. Tamilnadu, India. First Edition: April, 2013 Patent pending: India & International (US) Indian Abacus – Digital Indian Abacus – Non Digital Indian Abacus – Digital for Tutor Indian Abacus – Non Digital for Tutor

Copyright: Movers – Abacus Tutor Training Manual This publication is copyrighted

All rights reserved by Indian Abacus Private Limited, No part of this publication should be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise without the prior permission of the owner and the publisher. This book may not be lent, resold, hired out or otherwise disposed of by way of trade in any form of binding or cover other than that in which it is published, without the prior consent of the owner / publisher.


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Page No


1st week Lesson plan & Guidelines



2nd week Lesson plan & Guidelines



3rd week Lesson plan & Guidelines



4th week Lesson plan & Guidelines



5th week Lesson plan & Guidelines



6th week Lesson plan & Guidelines



7th week Lesson plan & Guidelines



8th week Lesson plan & Guidelines



9th week Lesson plan & Guidelines



10th week Lesson plan & Guidelines



11th week Lesson plan & Guidelines



12th week Lesson plan & Guidelines






Abstract Week 1

Activities to be followed for 1st one hour session


Activity class work

Time (Min)

Mixed Formulae Book A Page No. 1,2 & 3, Book B Page No.1,2 & 3


Speed Writing


Tables ( 5 ) 0510152025 3035404550


Image Flash


Reading the slider images


Oral Sums Practice


Abacus Sums: ––> 1 digit – 5 rows, 1 digit – 8 rows Continuous Numbers: 1 to 10 Do 1 +2 +3 +4 +5 +6 +7 +8 +9 +10 = 55 on abacus.


Fingering Practice


Continuous Numbers: 10 to 1 Set 55 Do 10 –9 –8 –7 –6 –5 –4 –3 –2 –1 = 0 on abacus. Title +50 49+9, 49+8, 49+7, 49+6, 49+5, 49+4, 49+3, 49+2, 49+1 Title +100 99+9, 99+8, 99+7, 99+6, 99+5, 99+4, 99+3, 99+2, 99+1


Oral Sums Practice


Abacus Sums: 2 digits– 5 rows based on syllabus +50 & +100


Book Practice


Class work: – complete Book A – page no. 1 & 2


Speed Writing


Tables (5) 0510152025 3035404550

Activities to be followed for 2nd one hour session 8

Image Flash


Reading the slider images


Oral sums practice


Mental Sums: ––> 1 digit – 3 rows, 1 digit – 5 rows Fixed Number Practice: +1 Do addition of +1 repeatedly for a duration of 1 minute.


Fingering Practice

Fixed Number Practice: –1 Set 200 and do –1 repeatedly until you reach 0. 10

Title –50: 50–9, 50–8, 50–7, 50–6, 50–5, 50–4, 50–3, 50–2, 50–1


Title –100: 100–9, 100–8, 100–7, 100–6, 100–5, 100–4, 100–3, 100–2, 100–1 11

Oral Sums Practice


Abacus Sums: 2 digits – 5 rows based on syllabus –50 & –100


Book Practice


Class work: – complete Book A – page no. 3


Speed Writing


Random Numbers: 2 digits – 10 rows Listening and writing exercise


Book Practice

Indian Abacus – Tutor Training Manual

Home Work: – complete Book B – page no. 1 to 3


Guidelines Week 1

Book Practice: Book A – page no. 1,2 & 3 Book B – page no. 1,2 & 3 1.

Speed Writing: Speed writing practice is aimed at writing numbers at a fast pace, neatly and legibly by the children. Speed writing initially may affect neat and legible handwriting of numbers. But with steady practice the skill to write at good speed neatly and legibly is attained. Since practice is a must for every child, children shall write numbers as per tutors instructions within a set time. After a month of practice the children will be able to write fast, neatly and legibly. Speed writing of numbers – multiples of 5 sequentially 0510152025 3035404550 I. Write the numbers as mentioned above in the book, row by row for the duration of one minute. II.Direct View: writing looking at what is written on the note book. III. Indirect writing: Writing of numbers without looking at what is written. IV. Left Hand Writing: The same number writing practice using left hand. V. Left handers must write the numbers using right hand.


Image Flash: Reading the slider images “Image Flash” is the activity which is done to give larger scope for the students to read the Abacus slider images representing values using which the students could have extended practice and also better assessment of their skills in reading the values of images at a speed. Flash Cards were used earlier, but with the advent of Indian Abacus program now the students have scope to view limitless number of images. With the usage skills to read the constantly changing image values, students experience better challenges which ultimately enhance their Visio-spatial memory skills, necessary to perform better in doing faster and accurate mental arithmetic skills by image of Abacus. Speed and accuracy in performing Mental Arithmetic by image of Abacus indirectly reflect their concentration & memory skills. The Abacus Tutor during “Image Flash” session alerts the students to focus on the activity of reading the values of slider images. The Abacus tutor would after saying ‘’Start’’ manipulates the sliders of the tool “Indian Abacus – Tutors” continuously to make the students read the images one after the other and write down the number-value of each of such images flashed on the Tutor's Abacus and they should write the number values on their note books. The Tutor actually writes down a series of numbers – Single, double, triple, 4 digits, as the case may be, on a paper first and during the activity she would manipulate the sliders looking at the numbers she wrote down which the students read and write.


Oral Sums Practice: – 1 digits – 5 rows, 1 digit – 8 rows Oral sums called out to the students to calculate and give the correct answers is a must and the time to be allotted has to be properly implemented. Listening to the sums called out and to do the same and to give answers, not only enhances the Listening skills, but also enables the memory to become stronger, as apart from looking & doing the sums, the hearing sense also adds to establish better memory skills.



Guidelines Week 1

Ability to do fast & accurate mental arithmetic calculations & effective listening to the called out sums is also a reflection of brain skills. Call out random numbers to children and instruct them to compute the called out numbers using addition and subtraction methods on their abacus and write the answers in the speed writing book. 4.

Fingering Practice: Continuous Numbers +1 to +10 Do 1 +2 +3 +4 +5 +6 +7 +8 +9 +10 = 55 on abacus. Using 9th column to start, on abacus, add the numbers mentioned above sequentially from 1 to 10 using the required formulae until you reach the value 55 on abacus. Continuous Numbers –10 to –1 Do 10 –9 –8 –7 –6 –5 –4 –3 –2 –1 = 0 on abacus. Using 9th column to start, set 55 on abacus and subtract number on the reverse from 10 to 1 using required formulae until you reach zero. Title +50 – 49+9, 49+8, 49+7, 49+6, 49+5, 49+4, 49+3, 49+2, 49+1 Using 9th column set 49 on abacus, to practice +50, add the above mentioned numbers one by one on abacus and clear the abacus after applying each number. Title +100 – 99+9, 99+8, 99+7, 99+6, 99+5, 99+4, 99+3, 99+2, 99+1 Using 9th column set 99 on abacus, to practice +100 add the above mentioned numbers one by one on abacus and clear the abacus after applying each number.


Oral Sums Practice: 2 digits – 5 rows – sums based on syllabus: +50 & +100 Call out random numbers to children and instruct them to compute the called out numbers using addition and subtraction method on their abacus and write the answers in the speed writing book.


Book Practice: Class work – complete Book A – page no. 1 & 2


Speed Writing: Speed writing of numbers – multiples of 5 sequentially I. II. III. IV. V.



0510152025 3035404550 Write the numbers as mentioned above in the book, row by row for the duration of one minute. Direct View: simple writing looking at what is written on the note book Indirect writing: Writing of numbers without looking at what is written Left Hand Writing: The same number writing practice using left hand. Left handers must write the numbers using right hand.

Image Flash: Reading the slider images (Refer Page No. 2)

Indian Abacus – Tutor Training Manual


Guidelines Week 1


Oral Sums Practice: –Mental Sums: 1 digit – 3 rows, 1 digit – 5 rows Call out random numbers to the children and instruct them to compute the called out numbers mentally by visualizing and moving the sliders of abacus mentally according to the numbers using addition or subtraction methods and write the answers in the speed writing book.


Fingering Practice: Fixed Number Practice: +1 Do addition of 1 repeatedly for the duration of one minute. Add 1 in the 9th column repeatedly using the required formulae for the duration of one minute. Fixed Number Practice: –1 Set 200 and do –1 repeatedly until you reach = 0. Using 9th column pointer to start, set 200 on abacus and subtract 1 repeatedly in the 9th column using the required formulae until you reach zero. Title –50 – 50–9, 50–8, 50–7, 50–6, 50–5, 50–4, 50–3, 50–2, 50–1 Using 9th column pointer set 50 on abacus to practice –50 subtract above mentioned numbers one by one using required formulae on your abacus and clear the abacus after applying each number. Title –100 – 100–9, 100–8, 100–7, 100–6, 100–5, 100–4, 100–3, 100–2, 100–1 Using 9th column pointer to start set 100 on abacus to practice –100 subtract the above mentioned numbers one by one using required formulae on abacus and clear the abacus after applying each number.

11. Oral Sums Practice: 2 digits 5 rows – Sums based on syllabus –50 & –100 Call out random numbers to the children and instruct them to compute the called out numbers using addition and subtraction method on their abacus and write the answers in the fingering/speed writing book. 12.

Book Practice: Class work – complete Book A – page no. 3


Speed Writing: Random Numbers – Listening and writing exercise:– Dictate 2 digits – 10 rows numbers continuously and instruct the children to write the same in the fingering/speed note book as the digits are being spoken out. After first line completes, say 'next' and then dictate another set of 2 digit – 10 rows numbers, in this way dictate at least 10 sets of numbers.


Book Practice: Home Work – complete Book B – page no. 1, 2 & 3



Abstract Week 2

Activities to be followed for 1st one hour session


Activity class work

Time (Min)

Mixed Formulae Book A Page No. 4,5 & 6, Book B Page No.4,5 & 6


Speed Writing


Tables ( 2 ) 0204060810 1214161820


Image Flash


Reading the slider images


Oral Sums Practice


Abacus Sums: ––> 1 digit – 5 rows, 1 digit – 8 rows Continuous Numbers: 1 to 10 Do 1 +2 +3 +4 +5 +6 +7 +8 +9 +10 = 55 on abacus.


Fingering Practice


Continuous Numbers: 10 to 1 Set 55 and Do 10 –9 –8 –7 –6 –5 –4 –3 –2 –1 = 0 on abacus. Title +50 48+9, 48+8, 48+7, 48+6, 48+5, 48+4, 48+3, 48+2 Title +100 98+9, 98+8, 98+7, 98+6, 98+5, 98+4, 98+3, 98+2


Oral Sums Practice


Abacus Sums: ––> 2 digits – 3 rows, 2 digit – 5 rows


Book Practice


Class work: – complete Book B – page no. 4 & 5


Speed Writing


Tables (2) 0204060810 1214161820

Activities to be followed for 2nd one hour session 8

Image Flash


Reading the slider images


Oral sums practice


Mental Sums: ––> 1 digit – 3 rows, 1 digit – 5 rows Fixed Number Practice: +2 Do addition of +2 repeatedly for the duration of 1 minute.


Fingering Practice

Fixed Number Practice: –2 Set 400 and do –2 repeatedly until you reach 0. 10

Title –50 51–9, 51–8, 51–7, 51–6, 51–5, 51–4, 51–3, 51–2


Title –100 101–9, 101–8, 101–7, 101–6, 101–5, 101–4, 101–3, 101–2 11

Oral Sums Practice


Abacus Sums: ––> 2 & 3 digits – 3 rows, 2 & 3 digits – 5 rows


Book Practice


Class work: – complete Book B – page no. 6


Speed Writing


Random Numbers: 2 digits – 10 rows Listening and writing exercise


Book Practice

Indian Abacus – Tutor Training Manual

– Home Work:– complete Book B – page no. 4 to 6


Guidelines Week 2

Book Practice: Book A – page no. 4,5 & 6. Book B – page no. 4,5 & 6 1.

Speed Writing: Speed writing of numbers – multiples of 2 sequentially I. II. III. IV. V.

0204060810 1214161820 Write the numbers as mentioned above in the book, row by row for a duration of one minute. Direct View: writing of numbers looking at what is written on the note book. Indirect writing: Writing of numbers without looking at what is written. Left Hand Writing: The same number writing practice using left hand. Left handers must write the numbers using right hand.


Image Flash: Reading the slider images (Refer Page No. 2)


Oral sums Practice: – 1 digit – 5 rows, 1 digit – 8 rows Call out random numbers to children and instruct them to compute the called out numbers using addition and subtraction method on their abacus and write the answers in the speed writing book.


Fingering Practice: Continuous Numbers +1 to +10 Do 1 +2 +3 +4 +5 +6 +7 +8 +9 +10 = 55 on abacus. Using 9th column to start, on abacus, add the numbers mentioned above sequentially from 1 to 10 using the required formulae in the 9th column until you reach the value 55 on abacus. Continuous Numbers –10 to –1 Do 10 –9 –8 –7 –6 –5 –4 –3 –2 –1 = 0 on abacus. Using 9th column to start, set 55 on abacus and subtract number on the reverse from 10 to 1 using the required formulae until you reach zero. Title +50 – 48+9, 48+8, 48+7, 48+6, 48+5, 48+4, 48+3, 48+2 Using 9th column set 48 on your abacus, to practice +50 add the above mentioned numbers one by one on the abacus and clear the abacus after applying each number. Title +100 – 98+9, 98+8, 98+7, 98+6, 98+5, 98+4, 98+3, 98+2 Using 9th column pointer set 98 on your abacus, to practice +100 add the above mentioned numbers one by one on the abacus and clear the abacus after applying each number.


Oral Sums Practice: – 2 digits – 3 rows, 2 digit – 5 rows Call out random numbers to the children and instruct them to compute the called out numbers using addition and subtraction method on their abacus and write the answers in the speed writing book.


Book Practice: Class work – complete Book B – page no. 4 & 5



Guidelines Week 2


Speed Writing: Speed writing of numbers – multiples of 2 sequentially 0204060810 1214161820 I. Write the numbers as mentioned above in the book, row by row for the duration of one minute. II. Direct View: Writing of numbers looking at what is written on the note book. III. Indirect writing: Writing of numbers without looking at what is written. IV. Left Hand Writing: The same number writing practice using left hand. V. Left handers must write the numbers using right hand.


Image Flash: Reading the slider images (Refer Page No. 2)


Oral Sums Practice: – Mental Sums: 1 digit – 3 rows, 1 digit – 5 rows Call out random numbers to the children and instruct them to compute the called out numbers mentally by visualizing and moving the sliders of abacus mentally according to the numbers using addition or subtraction methods and write the answers in the speed writing book.


Fingering Practice: Fixed Number Practice: +2 Do addition of 2 repeatedly for a duration of one minute. Add 2 in the 9th column repeatedly using the required formulae for a duration of one minute. Fixed Number Practice: –2 Set 400 and do –2 repeatedly until you reach = 0. Using 9th column to start, set 400 on abacus and subtract 2 repeatedly in the 9th column using the required formulae until you reach zero. Title –50 – 51–9, 51–8, 51–7, 51–6, 51–5, 51–4, 51–3, 51–2 Using 9th column set 51 on abacus, to practice –50 subtract above mentioned numbers one by one using required formulae on abacus and clear the abacus after applying each number.


Title –100 – 101–9, 101–8, 101–7, 101–6, 101–5, 101–4, 101–3, 101–2 Using 9th column set 101 on abacus, to practice –100 subtract the above mentioned numbers one by one using required formulae on abacus and clear the abacus after applying each number. 11.

Oral Sums Practice: – 2 & 3 digits – 3 rows, 2 & 3 digits 5 – rows Call out random numbers to the children and instruct them to compute the called out numbers using addition and subtraction method on their abacus and write the answers in the speed writing book.


Book Practice: Class work – complete Book B – page no. 6


Speed Writing: Random Numbers – Listening and writing exercise:– Dictate 2 digits – 10 rows numbers continuously and instruct the children to write the same in the fingering/speed note book as the digits are being called out. After first line completes, say 'next' and then dictate another set of 2 digit – 10 rows numbers, in this way dictate at least 10 sets of numbers.


Book Practice: Home Work – complete Book A – page no. 4 to 6

Indian Abacus – Tutor Training Manual


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