Indefinite Pronouns as Antecedents PPT
Short Description
Indefinite Pronouns as Antecedents Page 193-194
A personal pronoun must agree in number with the indefinite pronoun that is its antecedent.
Hint: Indefinite pronouns that end in one, body, or thing are always singular.
Indefinite Pronouns as Antecedents making sure a pronoun agrees with its indefinite pronoun antecedent.
Indefinite Pronouns Singular Indefinite Pronouns another, anyody, anyone, anything, each, either, e!eryody, e!eryone, e!erything, much, neither, noody, no one, nothing, one, someone, someody, something Plural Indefinite Pronouns oth, few, many, se!era" Either Singular or Plural a"", any, more, most, none, some
Use a singular pronoun to refer to a singular indefinite pronoun.
Use a plural pronoun to refer to a plural indefinite pronoun.
Hint: An antecedent will not appear inside a prepositional phrase.
Each of the myths has (their, its own heroes and !illains. E!eryone has (their, his or her fa!orite myth. "e!eral of the girls ha!e finished (her, their homewor#.
Indefinite Pronouns as Antecedents making sure a pronoun agrees with its indefinite pronoun antecedent.
Indefinite Pronouns Singular Indefinite Pronouns another, anyody, anyone, anything, each, either, e!eryody, e!eryone, e!erything, much, neither, noody, no one, nothing, one, someone, someody, something Plural Indefinite Pronouns oth, few, many, se!era" Either Singular or Plural a"", any, more, most, none, some
$se a singu"ar pronoun to refer to an antecedent that is a singu"ar indefinite pronoun. $se a p"ura" pronoun to refer to an antecedent that is a p"ura" indefinite pronoun. An antecedent wi"" not appear inside a prepositiona" phrase.
SINGULAR OR PLURAL? ● All, many, more, most, none, some can be singular or plural antecedents. ●Use the prepositional phrase following the indefinite pronoun to determine whether the the pronoun is singular or plural. $one of the mythology has lost (their, its appeal. %ost of the stories ha!e (their, its origins in tribal myths.
Indefinite Pronouns as Antecedents making sure a pronoun agrees with its indefinite pronoun antecedent.
Indefinite Pronouns Singular Indefinite Pronouns another, anyody, anyone, anything, each, either, e!eryody, e!eryone, e!erything, much, neither, noody, no one, nothing, one, someone, someody, something Plural Indefinite Pronouns oth, few, many, se!era" Either Singular or Plural a"", any, more, most, none, some
$se a singu"ar pronoun to refer to an antecedent that is a singu"ar indefinite pronoun. $se a p"ura" pronoun to refer to an antecedent that is a p"ura" indefinite pronoun. An antecedent wi"" not appear inside a prepositiona" phrase.
%ingu"ar or P"ura"&
If an indefinite pronoun antecedent can e singu"ar or p"ura", use the prepositiona" phrase to determine its numer.
PRACTICE & APPLY P. 195 # 15 &hoose the correct pronoun from those in parentheses. '.their .they ).their *.its +.his or her
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