Increase Computer Speed Using Your Notepad

May 15, 2018 | Author: Kaizer Diones | Category: Random Access Memory, Personal Computers, Operating System, Computer File, Computing
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Incre Increase Computer Speed Using Using your Notepad

Home Tech Software

Edited by Michael Mangada, Charmed, Anonymous, Innocent Yogo and 17 others

6 Parts: Instructions Is it true that adding .vbs file to my string speeds spe eds u p my PC? How does it work? Tips Tricks & Warnings Questions and Answers Comments

 Random Access Memory or RAM is a part of your PC which temporarily stores stores the necessary data needed needed for a program to execute. In some instances, as programs are closed, they leave  small chunks chunks o f data in the RAM. These chunks of data are left unused yet take up a space in the RAM . As more programs are run and terminated, the amount of "idle" data left in the RAM   piles up and takes up a considerable space. This is not a problem if you have a lot of RAM to  spare. But if you have 1 GB or less amount of RAM and you use RAM-intensive programs at the  same  same time , then the issue becomes more apparent. Your PC slows down.

There There are a lot of software out there that offer RAM RA M optimization and promise PC speed up for  a certain certain fee. But if you do not want to shell out money m oney in order to clear and optimize your PC's RAM, you can make your own RAM optimizer using Notepad! This article will tell you how. Contents 1 Instructions http://vi si ease_C om puter _Speed_Usi ng_your _N otepad



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2 Is it true that adding .vbs file to my string speeds up my PC? 3 How does it work? 4 Tips Tricks & Warnings 5 Questions and Answers 5.1 How to increase computer speed? 5.2 I want serial key for IDM registration please help? 5.3 How can I increase RAM with cmd? 5.4 How can I speed up my PC using notepad for speeding up my games? 5.5 My Computer is Slow How can I Optimize it to run at 1gb of ram? 5.6 Can I upgrade my Lenovo S110 RAM using cmd? 5.7 My wallpaper doesn't set . when I shut down the computer it set some time and when start computer it is dismissed? 5.8 Please, how can I make my Mozilla Firefox run without freezing? 5.9 With a 4 GB RAM PC but only 3 GB usable, do I have to pu 409600000? Or, less? 5.10 How to speed up computer FPS with CMD? 5.11 Can I select all files, I cannot do this easily please help me? 5.12 After double clicking nothing happens? 5.13 Just googled ram.vbs and your article popped up. Thanks? 5.14 When watching Netflix ,and just average stuff my CPU goes to 100% ,and there is a lag in the video. Since this is a notepad I didn't think the BIOS would let me tweak the CPU so I'm looking to speed up the RAM? 5.15 Hello, I need to free my memory standby, Win7 4GB RAM 5.16 What Increase computer speed with other program language? 5.17 How am I opening this boost boost2? 5.18 My laptop battery discharge very quickly and laptop fan give heat and noise? 6 Comments Ad

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Instructions Open Notepad. 1. Click 1 Start and type Notepad in the search bar and hit Enter or click the notepad icon as it appears.

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Type the following code in Notepad . 2. FreeMem=Space(64000000) 2 if your RAM is below 1GB.

FreeMem=Space(51200000) if your RAM is 512 MB FreeMem=Space(102400000) if your RAM is 1GB FreeMem=Space(204800000) if your RAM is 2GB FreeMem=Space(409600000) if your RAM is 4GB and so on.

Save the file with a VBS extension . 1. You 1 can name it however you want as long as you append a .vbs extension to the file name as you save. In this case, we will name our file "Boost.vbs" and save it on the Desktop for easy navigation. The file should look like the one boxed with a red rectangular shape in the image above.

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Incr ease C om puter Speed Usi ng your Notepad - Vi si How

O 2. Open 2 pen a new Notepad file. Type the following code in Notepad . 3. mystring=(80000000) 3

Save it as a VBS file . 4. In 4 this case, we will name it "Boost2.vbs" Run the two VBS files by double clicking on them . 5. Voila! 5 There goes your Do-It-Yourself Ram Optimizer.

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Is it true that adding .vbs file to my string speeds up my PC? Yes, it is true that adding .vbs file embedded with the right code could actually speed up a PC. A .vbs extension is an extension associated with VBScript files. VBScript is a scripting language for Microsoft. In layman's speak, VBScript is capable of communicating and issuing commands to your PC's Microsoft Windows operating system via a certain set of codes. Apparently, VBScript has a certain code for telling the operating system to detect and "free up" unused RAM in your PC. And that exactly is the code embedded within the vbs file discussed in this article. http://vi si ease_C om puter _Speed_Usi ng_your _N otepad



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How does it work? When you run the .vbs file in your computer, it forces the computer to clear the "idle" data stored in RAM or the data left by programs you recently used and terminated. With additional vacant RAM, you will now have more RAM to allot to programs you wish to run. The cleared up idle data is not totally terminated. It is relegated to the "virtual memory" or  swap file of the PC. A virtual memory is a portion of your PC's hard disk that is used by the operating system as if it was an extension of the RAM. Because hard disks have relatively slower access rates than the true physical RAM, it is not advisable to use excessive amounts of  virtual memory for running programs as it bogs down the PC. In this case, because what we are trying to get rid of are data that are not essential for any presently running programs or   processes, it is okay to utilize the virtual memory. memory.

Tips Tricks & Warnings This is very useful after you play a game or to Software that uses a lot of RAM. This is like restarting your PC without restarting your PC. This is particularly useful for old PCs with limited RAM resources.

Questions and Answers How to increase computer speed?  My system is slow including internet 

It would help to delete cookies as well as history of searches. You need to do a virus check as well as certain viruses cause the system to slow down. You may want to remove applications that you don't really use as that definitely just clogs down the system of your computer.

Defragmentation also helps a lot in increasing computer speed. Doing it at least once a month would be very beneficial. See more questions like this: How to speed up ram and Increase Computer Speed Using your   Notepad

I want serial key for IDM registration please help?  For registration registration of IDM I want serial key of IDM, I want to register the IDM without   purchasing it , help me. I have no money for purchase IDM  http://vi si ease_C om puter _Speed_Usi ng_your _N otepad



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VisiHow QnA. This section is not written yet. Want to join in? Click EDIT to write this answer. See more questions like this: Can you help me to find a wway to make my game faster 

How can I increase RAM with cmd?  How can I increase RAM on my Dell inspiron 4110 4110 with cmd. I heard that you can use  sfc/scannow but that didn't work for me. Please help me VisiHow QnA. This section is not written yet. Want to join in? Click EDIT to write this answer. See more questions like this: How to increase ram with notepad

How can I speed up my PC using notepad for speeding up my games?  I cannot access my game properly

The ways of speeding up your computer using a notepad is to adjust your RAM and also to free more RAM for your PC. Have you already read the article here Increase Computer Speed Using your Notepad  if so you can understand the usage of this for cleaning your RAM. As for  the games in order to make it work properly you should at-least try updating your Computers drivers and also you do a hardware upgrade in your PC.  Not all games has the same system requirements in order to play it smoothly, smoothly, the method of  speeding your PC using a note pad is only to increase your RAM not your Graphics. See more questions like this: How to give a vbs extension in notepad

My Computer is Slow How can I Optimize it to run at 1gb of ram?  I can play games like League of Legends at 60 fps, but before I get in the game It crashs, it's  just all around slow, slow, when I'm playing low-end browser games and I have YouTube ouTube open in another tab it just refuses to run, so I end YouTube tab and continue to play the browser game,  BUT I STILL LAG! Please help me, I come from a family with no economic resources resources so upgrading is not an option in the foreseeable future VisiHow QnA. This section is not written yet. Want to join in? Click EDIT to write this answer.

Can I upgrade my Lenovo S110 RAM using cmd?  I have a lag problem when I play a game...I hate it and I want to upgrade my RAM with no cost..can you help me?? http://vi si ease_C om puter _Speed_Usi ng_your _N otepad



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VisiHow QnA. This section is not written yet. Want to join in? Click EDIT to write this answer. See more questions like this: I am using 1gp ram how to increase

My wallpaper doesn't set . when I shut down the computer it set some time and when start computer it is dismissed? On my computer wallpaper doesn't set. then I try following desktop right button Arrange icon  by lock Web items on desktop. then it set. but when I shut down computer it is dismissed.

Could explain a bit more about you're problem, if you are having some troubles in setting up your wall paper and it won't save then you might haven't click the apply button or OK button after applying your new settings to take effect.

If you are trying to arrange the desktop icons using the computer properties and desktop, you must click the apply button and click OK to save your settings. When you locate a picture that you will want in order to set as a wallpaper you can simply pick  the picture you are wanting then right click on it to open up the menu for you to set as a wallpaper. See more questions like this: Well, last time I booted was at 54 secs. can you help me make it faster 

Please, how can I make my Mozilla Firefox run without freezing?  Hello, I installed a Mozilla Firefox 40.3 which I have been using, and when I try browsing browsing with it, it always hang or freeze, my RAM is 1GB, I have tried to find a solution to it, but to no avail  VisiHow QnA. This section is not written yet. Want to join in? Click EDIT to write this answer.

With a 4 GB RAM PC but only 3 GB usable, do I have to pu 409600000? Or, less? The PC has 4 GB of RAM, but it only says that 3 GB are usable, when creating a .vbs notepad, do I type FreeMem=Space(409600000) or do I need to use a different set of numbers? Thank   you.. I have tried: I have tried to search it but I am still unsure VisiHow QnA. This section is not written yet. Want to join in? Click EDIT to write this answer. See more questions like this: Computer is very slow and I use just 1gb ram

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How to speed up computer FPS with CMD? FPS Speed up using CMD.Type what too speed up computer.

The article above will help you increase your computer's speed and overall performance by letting you manually clear up your RAM. This will also slightly increase the FPS of your games  by reducing lags caused by memory shortage. If you want to further increase the FPS of a game, please try to set your game's graphic settings to the lowest graphic quality. See more questions like this: How to speed up when starts up

Can I select all files, I cannot do this easily please help me?  I type it and want to save it, I don't know how to select all files, help me

VisiHow QnA. This section is not written yet. Want to join in? Click EDIT to write this answer.

After double clicking nothing happens?  I did all steps, then when I double click on them, they do not respond 

VisiHow QnA. This section is not written yet. Want to join in? Click EDIT to write this answer.

Just googled ram.vbs and your article popped up. Thanks?  Just wanted to speed my computer up. Yes, if you follow the instructions given, it will be able to speed up your computer, as long as you have actually embedded the right codes onto the notepad. Using the VBS script allows you to give commands to the operating system of your computer. Just make sure you type the codes as it is to avoid any errors.

When watching Netflix ,and just average stuff my CPU goes to 100% ,and there is a lag in the video. Since this is a notepad I didn't think the BIOS would let me tweak the CPU so I'm looking to speed up the RAM?  How to increase CPU ,or RAM without replacing hardware hardware on notepad  VisiHow QnA. This section is not written yet. Want to join in? Click EDIT to write this answer.

Hello, I need to free my memory standby, Win7 4GB RAM http://vi si ease_C om puter _Speed_Usi ng_your _N otepad



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 I tried with freemem, but didn't work, Thanks VisiHow QnA. This section is not written yet. Want to join in? Click EDIT to write this answer.

What Increase computer speed with other program language? i.e. C language Or Python You can follow the same process but you would have to get other codes for different program language. These codes only work for specific languages and if you change, you would have to use a completely different one and the process may have some differences as well.

How am I opening this boost boost2? When clickingm it is not open, my phone RAM is 1.87GB

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My laptop battery discharge very quickly and laptop fan give heat and noise?  My laptop battery discharge discharge very quickly and laptop fan give heat and noise. What is the reason you think? VisiHow QnA. This section is not written yet. Want to join in? Click EDIT to write this answer. If you have problems with any of these steps, ask a question for question for more help, or post or post in the comments section comments  section below.

Comments Anonymous user #1

Score 0

2 days ago

100% working trick.....thankos Permalink || Reply Permalink 

Anonymous user #2

Score 0

64 days ago

In the step: "Type the following code in Notepad. FreeMem=Space(64000000) if your RAM is below 1GB."

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I didn't got what I had to do :\ Permalink || Reply Permalink 

Anonymous user #3

Score 0

138 days ago

.vbs? Permalink || Reply Permalink 

Anonymous user #4

Score 0

236 days ago

is downloading speed is increased by cmd cmd Permalink || Reply Permalink 

Anonymous user #4

Score 0

236 days ago

is using .vbs file is harmful? Permalink || Reply Permalink 

Anonymous user #5

Score 0

385 days ago

do you have video tutorial? Permalink || Reply Permalink 

Anonymous user #6

Score 0

395 days ago

My computer is run fast then using notepad code but code but my game fps is not speed up so, please tell me my answer  Permalink || Reply Permalink 

Anonymous user #7

Score 0

421 days ago

hey I am a computer master but is this really re ally wor ks!!!! ks!!!! Permalink || Reply Permalink 

Anonymous user #8

Score 0

471 days ago

In the step: "Open a new Notepad file." how to open boost file Permalink || Reply Permalink 

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Anonymous user #9

Score 0

517 days ago

In the step: "Type the following code in Notepad. FreeMem=Space(64000000) if your RAM is below 1GB." ram is 1 GB Permalink || Reply Permalink 

Anonymous user #10

Score 0

542 days ago

ot working only CPU usage is Decrease...... Permalink || Reply Permalink 

Anonymous user #11

Score 0

555 days ago

Sorry for double post, is the number even correct in the mystring case? Permalink || Reply Permalink 

Anonymous user #11

Score 0

555 days ago

So what now? I wrote mystring=(819200000) since 8GB Ram. Do I not use the FreeMem at all, or do I use both? Kinda confusing, what's really working? Permalink || Reply Permalink 

Anonymous user #12

Score 0

621 days ago

Believe it or not, this VBScript doesn't speed up your computer  at all unless you restart your computer! When you click on the VBScript after it is created, it formats your RAM but RAM but it also removes memory from the RAM that other programs are using and it will not format the amount of RAM specified until you restart your computer. If you don't restart your computer then your computer will actually be SLOWER because the program is trying to format your RAM even though it can't until your restart your computer. However, their is a much better way of speeding up your computer using a VBScript. Open Notepad, and type the following... http://vi si ease_C om puter _Speed_Usi ng_your _N otepad



Incr ease C om puter Speed Usi ng your Notepad - Vi si How

mystring=(80000000) After you type that, save the file as a VBScript (.vbs or .vbe). Once the file is saved to your computer, just clic just  click k on it and exactly like this FreeMem=Space VBScript, it will instantly speed up your computer! You can also change the number  80000000 to a much bigger number so it will format more RAM and speed up your computer more then it did before. Permalink || Reply Permalink 

Anonymous user #13

Score 0

212 days ago

not clear please type it step by step thank you Permalink 

Anonymous user #12

Score 0

623 days ago

Where is the article for speeding up the FPS? FPS ? Permalink || Reply Permalink 

Anonymous user #12

Score 0

623 days ago

In the step: "The article above will help you increase your  computer's speed and overall performance by letting you manually clear up your RAM. This will also slightly increase the FPS of your games by reducing lags caused by memory shortage. If you want to further increase the FPS of a game,  please try to set your game's graphic settings to the lowest graphic quality." Their isn't an article for this. Permalink || Reply Permalink 

Anonymous user #14

Score 0

772 days ago

Hi why When I save it it shapes as notepad file ? Even when I want to open it by open with option there is no any options to run it ?  please help me how can I save it as vbs file and then to run it to http://vi si ease_C om puter _Speed_Usi ng_your _N otepad



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clean my ram ? thanks Permalink || Reply Permalink 

Anonymous user #15

Score 0

8 days ago

If you are trying to save an existing notepad file the easiest way is to "Save AS" not just save, change file type to all files *.* then you can save it as .vbs Permalink 

Anonymous user #16

Score 0

85 days ago

select all files while saving with the .vbs extenssion Permalink 

Anonymous user #17

Score 0

768 days ago

add a .vbs file extension to the file name when you save it in notepad (like boost.vbs) Permalink 

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