In the Novel Dear Mr Kilmer Written by Anne Schraff

May 22, 2018 | Author: Aziah Abdol Aziz | Category: Poetry
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In the novel Dear Mr Kilmer written by Anne Schraff, the character who shows perseverance to achieve success is Richard Knight. Richard Knight is a passionate boy who has interest in writing poems. e befriends with annah Schemers who always be his companion in anything that he intends to do. Richard never tells anyone about his interest in poetry including his father and other family members because he afraid that there is no one will support and understand his passion. e prefers to tal! about his interest with annah and also share it with his teacher, Mrs ansen.

Richard has to face many obstacles in order to achieve his dream. "irst, he shows the perseverance when he finally starts to write and send letter to Mr. Kilmer, his favourite poet. Mr. Kilmer is Richard#s penpal and he learns about Mr Kilmer  when his $nglish teacher reads the %&ree' poem that is written by (oyce Kilmer. "rom the novel, we can see that Richard tells Mr. Kilmer that he li!es to write poem too. too. e also also as!s as!s for for Mr. Mr. Kilme Kilmer#s r#s advi advice ce whet whethe herr he shou should ld tell tell his his secr secret et to everybody. In Mr. Kilmer reply letter, he advices Richard to overcome his fear and share his poetry with people around him. So, he can freely write the poem without afraid of anything as he always hides his writing in a loc!ed drawer. In my opinion, sending a letter to his penpal is a good beginning for Richard as he gets support from a famous poet who always encourages him to !eep writing and be honest to everyone. &he advices given by Mr Kilmer does help Richard to tell other people especially his family members, )a and *us about his passion in poetry.

In the novel Dear Mr Kilmer written by Anne Schraff, the character who shows perseverance to achieve success is Richard Knight. Richard Knight is a passionate boy who has interest in writing poems. e befriends with annah Schemers who always be his companion in anything that he intends to do. Richard never tells anyone about his interest in poetry including his father and other family members because he afraid that there is no one will support and understand his passion. e prefers to tal! about his interest with annah and also share it with his teacher, Mrs ansen.

Richard has to face many obstacles in order to achieve his dream. "irst, he shows the perseverance when he finally starts to write and send letter to Mr. Kilmer, his favourite poet. Mr. Kilmer is Richard#s penpal and he learns about Mr Kilmer  when his $nglish teacher reads the %&ree' poem that is written by (oyce Kilmer. "rom the novel, we can see that Richard tells Mr. Kilmer that he li!es to write poem too. e also as!s for Mr. Kilmer#s advice whether he should tell his secret to everybody. In Mr. Kilmer reply letter, he advices Richard to overcome his fear and share his poetry with people around him. So, he can freely write the poem without afraid of anything as he always hides his writing in a loc!ed drawer. In my opinion, sending a letter to his penpal is a good beginning for Richard as he gets support from a famous poet who always encourages him to !eep writing and be honest to everyone. &he advices given by Mr Kilmer does help Richard to tell other people especially his family members, )a and *us about his passion in poetry.

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