IMRaD Sample

March 17, 2019 | Author: Phoebe Viviane Llanera | Category: Antibiotics, Bacillus, Bacteria, Growth Medium, Infection
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A sample of IMRaD. Credits to the real owner of the document....



According to the Inquirer Washington Bureau (2012), they have predicted that major  health prolems !ill come "rom the !idespread occurrence o" chronic in"ectious diseases that !ill greatly a""ect the elderly and those !ith lo! immunity# $hese in"ectious diseases lead to increased death rate all over the !orld ased "rom the latest report (%&A $oday 'e!s, 2011)# iseases iseases lie !hooping !hooping cough, uonic plague and tuerculosi tuerculosiss caused y acteria acteria are some speci" speci"ic ic reason reasonss o" this this death death rate rate (*ann, (*ann,200+ 200+)# )# Broad Broad spectr spectrum um antiio antiiotic tic are used used as an e""ective drug against a !ide range o" in"ectious microorganisms !hich includes oth ram  positive and ram negative ne gative acteria (&-& .harmaceuticals .ha rmaceuticals ./$# $, $, 2010)# But despite o" this augmentation, augmentation, the World World ealth ealth rgani3ati rgani3ation on reported reported that acteria are ecoming ecoming resistant resistant to these antiiotics (eyes, 2014)# $his is ecause antiiotics has een over5prescried and are used "or a long period o" time ('atural 'e!s, 201 4)# n the other hand, terrestrial terrestrial plant community is est descried descried y its composition composition and dynamics# .lants elonging to terrestrial community indicates their potential role in supplying di""er di""erent ent nutrit nutrition ional al values values and medici medicinal nal uses uses (&huri (&hurin n et al , 2006) due to the presence o"  secondary metaolites !ith road iological activities (7lleuch et al., al., 200+)#  Anacardium occidentale, occidentale, commonly no!n as 8ashe! contain anacardic acid "ound not only in the cashe! pericarp oil ut also in the nut and the "ruit juice possessing antio9idant activities (:uo et (:uo et al., al., 2006)# $he liquid gained usually distinguish as 8ashe! 'uts &hell iquid (8'&) (8'&) has a road application application use"ul in oth medical purposes purposes and development development o" drugs, drugs, antio9idants, "ungicide, and other chemicals (Andrade et al, 2011)# $he e9tracts !ere evaluated to e9hiit strong antimicroial properties against aga inst gram5positive acteria (imejima et al , 1++1)#

2 In this study, the road5spectrum antiacterial properties o" Anacardium occidentale leaves and pericarp methanolic crude e9tracts !ere evaluated against human pathogens ( Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus aureus, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Bacillus subtilis and  Bacillus cereus)# $his leads to the isolation, identi"ication and elucidation o" potent allelochemicals "or drug development#


Collection of Cashew Leaes and Pericarp  Anacardium occidentale leaves and pericarp !ere collected "rom 8ashe! plantation area in uimaras last *ay 2014# 8ollected samples !ere !ashed thoroughly and air dried at room temperature "or t!o days#  E!traction of Anacardium occidentale  Anacardium occidentale leaves and pericarp !ere then separately soaed in methanol "or  t!o days# &les !ere rought to the %niversity o" the .hilippines /isayas, *iag;ao 8ampus, Analytical &ervice aoratory "or in acuo e9traction at 00 mg?m Anacardium occidentale leaves and $reatment 2 ; >00 mg?m Anacardium occidentale leaves compared to a  positive control (tetracycline) and negative control (*&)#

3  Preparation of Culture #edium $he microiological laoratory !as prepared y the in charge and all needed materials !ere provided y the institution# Appro9imately 4@ grams o" *ueller5inton Agar !as diluted in 400m o" distilled !ater in 7rlenmeyer "las and autoclaved "or 16 minutes at 12108 to avail the ideal amount o" medium dispensed in 16 petri dishes# $he melted agar !as allo!ed to cool at
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