IMRaD Sample
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A sample of IMRaD. Credits to the real owner of the document....
According to the Inquirer Washington Bureau (2012), they have predicted that major health prolems !ill come "rom the !idespread occurrence o" chronic in"ectious diseases that !ill greatly a""ect the elderly and those !ith lo! immunity# $hese in"ectious diseases lead to increased death rate all over the !orld ased "rom the latest report (%&A $oday 'e!s, 2011)# iseases iseases lie !hooping !hooping cough, uonic plague and tuerculosi tuerculosiss caused y acteria acteria are some speci" speci"ic ic reason reasonss o" this this death death rate rate (*ann, (*ann,200+ 200+)# )# Broad Broad spectr spectrum um antiio antiiotic tic are used used as an e""ective drug against a !ide range o" in"ectious microorganisms !hich includes oth ram positive and ram negative ne gative acteria (&-& .harmaceuticals .ha rmaceuticals ./$# $, $, 2010)# But despite o" this augmentation, augmentation, the World World ealth ealth rgani3ati rgani3ation on reported reported that acteria are ecoming ecoming resistant resistant to these antiiotics (eyes, 2014)# $his is ecause antiiotics has een over5prescried and are used "or a long period o" time ('atural 'e!s, 201 4)# n the other hand, terrestrial terrestrial plant community is est descried descried y its composition composition and dynamics# .lants elonging to terrestrial community indicates their potential role in supplying di""er di""erent ent nutrit nutrition ional al values values and medici medicinal nal uses uses (&huri (&hurin n et al , 2006) due to the presence o" secondary metaolites !ith road iological activities (7lleuch et al., al., 200+)# Anacardium occidentale, occidentale, commonly no!n as 8ashe! contain anacardic acid "ound not only in the cashe! pericarp oil ut also in the nut and the "ruit juice possessing antio9idant activities (:uo et (:uo et al., al., 2006)# $he liquid gained usually distinguish as 8ashe! 'uts &hell iquid (8'&) (8'&) has a road application application use"ul in oth medical purposes purposes and development development o" drugs, drugs, antio9idants, "ungicide, and other chemicals (Andrade et al, 2011)# $he e9tracts !ere evaluated to e9hiit strong antimicroial properties against aga inst gram5positive acteria (imejima et al , 1++1)#
2 In this study, the road5spectrum antiacterial properties o" Anacardium occidentale leaves and pericarp methanolic crude e9tracts !ere evaluated against human pathogens ( Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus aureus, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Bacillus subtilis and Bacillus cereus)# $his leads to the isolation, identi"ication and elucidation o" potent allelochemicals "or drug development#
Collection of Cashew Leaes and Pericarp Anacardium occidentale leaves and pericarp !ere collected "rom 8ashe! plantation area in uimaras last *ay 2014# 8ollected samples !ere !ashed thoroughly and air dried at room temperature "or t!o days# E!traction of Anacardium occidentale Anacardium occidentale leaves and pericarp !ere then separately soaed in methanol "or t!o days# &les !ere rought to the %niversity o" the .hilippines /isayas, *iag;ao 8ampus, Analytical &ervice aoratory "or in acuo e9traction at 00 mg?m Anacardium occidentale leaves and $reatment 2 ; >00 mg?m Anacardium occidentale leaves compared to a positive control (tetracycline) and negative control (*&)#
3 Preparation of Culture #edium $he microiological laoratory !as prepared y the in charge and all needed materials !ere provided y the institution# Appro9imately 4@ grams o" *ueller5inton Agar !as diluted in 400m o" distilled !ater in 7rlenmeyer "las and autoclaved "or 16 minutes at 12108 to avail the ideal amount o" medium dispensed in 16 petri dishes# $he melted agar !as allo!ed to cool at
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