Improved and Revised Internship Report Maryam 1

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Virtual University of Pakistan

Evaluation Sheet for Final Project Spring 2014 HRMI620: Internship Report (HRM)

"a#e of Stu!ent:

Maryam Khokhar

Evaluation riteria



(Final Project)

Presentation & Viva Voce +r,ani-ation: .ech o##ercial/

Page  of 6


Written Work Status

. Stu!ent$s I%:

re!it Hours: 6

Final Result



1on2itionally #ccepte2

#s your Internship eport has been evaluate2 an2 you are 2eclare2 2eclar e2 as 3pass4 in 5ritten 5ork6 you are no5 a2vise2 to start preparing yourself for presentation & viva voce. ea2 the gui2elines for presentation & viva voce 7,ess 7,esson8 on8 '9: uploa2e2 on V+,MS of the course. #lso follo5 the presentation template to 2esign your presentation po5er point sli2es..  #lthough6 you have been 2eclare2 as P#SS but improvements are re;uire2 in /pportunity section. ou are re;uire2 re;uir e2 to incorporate in your sli2es. 0ailure in complying the given instructions can result in un2esirable results.  *he sche2uling for prese presentation ntation & viva voce is is in progress progress.. #s soon as your presentation is sche2ule26 you 5ill be intimate2 at your V+ e"mail I): eport Internship Su&#itte! %ate: 2'/0/20* .i#e: 2:0 p#


Ma$or %M


VI*+#, +-IVESI* /0 P#KIS*# 


Maryam Khokhar

1irtual niv niversi ersit3 t3?I of Pa4istan Pa4ista n have got the E@perience of 5orking as an internee in / S""E% +PB +F .HE


niversi ersit3 t3 of Pa4ista Pa4istan n 1irtual niv



1irtual niv niversi ersit3 t3 of Pa4ista Pa4istan n


1irtual niv niversi ersit3 t3 of Pa4ista Pa4istan n

*/ %E%I.I+" I 2e2icate this report to my belove2 mother6 5ho helpe2 me a lot in throughout my stu2ies. I also 5ant 2e2icate it to the Virtual university of Pakistan.

/ 8"+C5E%7ME". 0irst of all6 I am thankful to #,MID%* 55H the most Merciful6 *he most beneBcial6 5ho gave me so much strength to 5ork 5ith .EH"+?+MMERI5 an2 gave me so much strength to complete this report.  *his report report has bee been n ma2e for th the e honors pr program ogram of

Virtual +niversity of Pakistan. I implemente2 all the stu2ies 5hich I have learne2 in the last previous seven semesters. It 5as the real eort me to apply those stu2ies practically 2uring thefor internship an2 my reports 5oul2 not have been possible 5ithout the help of my seniors Mr. #hsan an2 Mrs. Salman Khan. !esi2es all6 I 5oul2 like to thanks my #lmighty #llah 5ho has given me so much strength to implement my seven year stu2ies in this report.


1irtual niv niversi ersit3 t3 of Pa4ista Pa4istan n My 5ork an2 e@perience of 5orking 5ith *E1%-/"

1/MME1I#, is the collection of my har2 5ork an2 observations.

6/ EDE.I1E SMMRB   *I*,E8 #n internship internship  eport eport on *E1% *E1%-/"1/MME -/"1/MME1I#, 1I#,

Purpose of eport My learningFs 5ith *E1%-/"1/MME1I#, begins 5ith  $oining the organ organiAation. iAation. It has g gone one = 5eeks 5ith them. My internship report contains all the information an2 all about my 5ork e@perience that 5hat I learne2 2uring the nine 5eeks 5ith them. My report is 2ivi2e2 in sections 5hich are highlighte2 5ith a hea2ing. I have mentione2 very brieGy all the nee2e2 information in every section of the report. I have collecte2 the re;uire2 information from books6  $ournals6 resear  $ournals6 researche2 che2 over in internet ternet an an2 2 consulte2 the the companyFs brusher. brusher.

I have trie2 my level best to make this report in a very comprehensive 5ay that anyone coul2 get beneBt from it.


1irtual niv niversi ersit3 t3 of Pa4ista Pa4istan n I am sure my report going to be satisfactory for my instructor6 an2 the % team.

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