(Important)Hart Concept of Law Chapters 2 3 4 5 6-Libre 2

May 1, 2017 | Author: Nishant Ranjan | Category: N/A
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Jia Sajjal H L A Hart was born in 1907, and graduated from New College, Oxford, where he read classics, ancient history and philosophy. Ha t suffe ed f o hat ould e atego ised as a se a ti sti g ; the ea i g of o ds a d thei meticulous usage can be seen as a focal point in his criticism of other jurists. Ha t s ook The Co ept of La claims to be an exercise in both analytical jurisprudence (analyzing everyday language to give an analytical account of how the law has developed), and descriptive sociology (looking at the nature of rule bound human behavior). Hart sets out to produce a descriptive, positivist legal theory, and the book has elements of what Cotte ell has la eled o eptualis . The early chapters (2-4 of Ha t s ook p og essi el take apa t Austi s i pe ati e theo of la . They identify inadequacies both with the account of sovereignty and with the notion of laws as orders backed th eats. The ethod, i effe t, is to o st u t his o theo out of the ashes of Austi s. CHAPTER 2; Laws, Commands and Orders: (i)

Varieties of Imperatives: Hart begins this chapter by stating at the outset that he is going to criti ize a positio hi h is, i su sta e, the sa e as Austi s do t i e ut p o a l diverges from it at certain points. He considers linguistic differences between orders and la s a d this i t odu es the eade to hat is ofte alled the li guisti ethod o the ethod of li guisti philosoph . Fa ousl , Ha t i this hapte d a s a li guisti disti tio et ee ou sta da d use of the te ei g o liged that is ei g oe ed to do so ethi g a d ei g u de a o ligatio that is ei g u de a duty) to do something, saying that in the former case, no obligation was implied. Ha t sta ts ith his defi itio of the i pe ati e ood ith the word o de and gives the gunman example, a hypothetical situation, in which a gunman demands a bank clerk to hand over cash at gunpoint. By the use of this scenario, Hart distinguishes between different i pe ati es, sa i g that the gu a is e tai l ot pleadi g o e uesti g the a k le k to ha d o e the o e he is o de i g hi to do so. He the takes this position one step further by saying that although one can assume that the gunman ordered the clerk to hand o e the o e , it ould e diffi ult to ega d this as the gu a gi i g a o de [Note: makes a distinction between an order and giving an order] because the later suggests some right or authority which is not present in the given situation. The bank clerk is forced to hand over the money because the gunman has a gun pointing to his face and not because he is the le k s supe io o oss. The gu a a ho e e , gi e a o de to his he h a guarding the door. In summary, a legal obligation or a duty is different from being obliged or forced to do something. When the gunman orders the clerk to hand over the money, it will be misleading to sa that he is gi i g a o de to the le k.

Jia Sajjal Next Hart draws a distinction between commands and orders backed by threats. A distinction he feels has been largely ignored by Austin. Commands The word command carries a strong implication that there is a relatively stable hierarchal society of men in which the commander occupies a position of preeminence. A command means to exercise authority over men, NOT power to inflict harm, and though it may be combines with threats of harm in case of non-compliance, a command is primarily an appeal not to fear but to respect authority.

Orders Backed by Threats An OBT is an OBT. It requires compliance not because of respect but solely due to the fear of threat of punishment or sanctions.

Hart sums up by saying that the idea of a command and its strong connection and respect fo autho it is u h lose to la tha the gu a s o de a ked th eats- which Austin misleadingly calls a command.


Law as Coercive Orders: (a) Generality: Hart feels that no society could support the number of officials necessary to secure that every member of the society was officially and separately informed of every act he was required to do. Hence, law possesses GENERALITY and the standard form even of a criminal statute (which has the closest resemblance with an order backed by threat) is general in two ways; (i) It indicates a general type of conduct. (ii) Applies to a general class of persons who are expected to comply with it. Official individuated face-to-face directions here have a secondary place: if the primary general directions are not obeyed by an individual, officials may draw his attention to them and demand compliance, as a tax inspector does, or the disobedience may be officially recorded and the threatened punishment imposed by a court. Therefore, generality is the first feature we should add to the model of the gunman if it is to reproduce for us characteristics of law. Secondly, Hart points out that Austin has spoke of la s ei g add essed to lasses of persons. This he feels is misleading in suggesting a parallel to the face-to face situation which really does not exist and is not intended by those who use this expression. Laws are complete when they are made, it is desirable that they are brought to the notice of the general public, but they are in a finished form whether or not they are conveyed to the public. The order of the gunman would have no force if the clerk was unafraid of

Jia Sajjal him or if it were said i a e pt oo . If o e uses the o d add essed i la , e a fail to distinguish an important difference between the making of a law and a face-tofa e o de a d o fuse the t o disti t uestio s: to ho does the la appl ? a d to ho is it pu lished (b) Persistent characteristic of law: Besides the introduction of the feature of generality to the gunman model, a more fundamental change must be made. It is true there is a sense in which the gunman has an ascendancy or superiority over the bank clerk; it lies in his temporary ability to make a threat, which might well be sufficient to make the bank clerk do the particular thing he is told to do. There is no other form of relationship of superiority and inferiority between the two men except this short-lived coercive one. The gu a does ot issue to the a k le k sta di g o de s to e follo ed ti e afte time by classes of persons. Yet laws pre-e i e tl ha e this sta di g o pe siste t characteristic and it is this very characteristic that we must endeavor to reproduce in the given gunman model. (c) General Habit of obedience: The question how many people must obey how many such general orders, and for how long, if there is to be law, no more admits a definitive answer than the question how few hairs must a man have to be bald. Mere temporary ascendancy of one person over another is naturally thought of as the polar opposite of law, with its relatively enduring and settled character. It remains to be seen whether this simple, though admittedly vague, notion of general habitual obedience to general orders backed by threats is really enough to reproduce the settled character and continuity that legal systems posses. Moreover, he accepts that penal statues bear close resemblance to OBT s ut hat a out othe la s, su h as those go e i g o t a ts, wills etc (power conferring)? How are they to fit into the OBT model? Moreover, Hart says that the law has features of supremacy and independence within its territory that cannot be reproduced in this simple model. Within a country like Pakistan, for example, there are various bodies such as local authorities or officials that give out orders in return of which they receive habitual obedience, for example; WAPDA. However, it is noteworthy here that this body is subordinate to the Head of the State and thus, may be described as an agent of the Government of Pakistan. The Government is also independent as it is arguably not in the habit of obedience to the government of any other state. Hart sums up by saying that the sovereign, or the body issuing general orders backed by threats(s), must be INTERNALLY supreme and EXTERNALLY independent. (Pointing to his external and internal point of view)

Jia Sajjal Chapter 3; The Variety of Laws: In this chapter, Hart considers what law would be like if we assumed that law really consisted of orders directed to us by the legal sovereign. He makes three main criticisms: (i)

The content of laws: The model of orders is much closer to the idea that all laws impose duties as though all laws were really of the sort that we find most common in criminal law; (as containing orders not to perform certain acts (crimes), the failure of which imposes a sanction) and tort. That said it is pertinent to note here that criminal law and the law of torts are not the only category of laws. Hart states, and rightly so, that law extends to the laws of contracts, and wills etc, which do not have mandatory application to everyone and do not impose duties or obligations. Instead they provide individuals with facilities for realizing their wishes, by conferring legal powers upon them to create certain conditions within the coercive framework of law. What needs to be borne in mind is the fact that Austin does deal with the issue of public and private power conferring rules and sees nullity of transactions as a sanction because it leads to the loss of an expected benefit. Hart however states that this would be missing the point, since the whole point of power conferring rules, as their very name suggests is to confer power or to provide the individual with facilities to make contracts and not impose a sanction. To further elaborate this claim he gives the example of Section 9 of the Wills Act. If there is non-compliance with the number of witnesses, the will shall not be a valid document. It would be null without any legal force or effect- the aggrieved party will not have suffered any ACTUALL detriment/ sanction. Rules conferring powers fall into distinguishable kinds themselves. For example; Rules regarding capacity, manner and form, maximum and minimum duration for contracts etc. Moreover, there are rules which confer powers of an official nature. An example of this may e judi ial ules hi h a a ge f o defi i g the su je t atte a d o te t of a judge s jurisdiction to his power to try certain types of cases. If a judge listens to a case with an issue that exceeds the scope his jurisdiction, the decision may be voidable. There is no sanction attached to this as per Hart [However, according to Austi s defi itio of sa tio s, it a e a gued that the su se ue t iti is as a esult of the judge transgressing his jurisdiction would be a sanction as a sanction is the smallest chance of incurring the smallest possible evil]. Hart feels that although there are psychological associations involved with a sanction, nullity a ot e a e il fo a ea hi g pa t as it cannot be assimilated as an inducement to abstain from activities that the rule forbids. He feels that talking about nullity of a contract as a sanction takes the focus away from the contract itself. This, he compares to the rules of football and says that if the focus was on

Jia Sajjal s o i g goals a d e e thi g else as egle ted tha it ould t e u h of a ga e. Nullit merely withholds legal recognition; it does not finish the contract itself. Moreover, Hart says that the legal system makes provisions for power conferring rules. It would be ludicrous to reduce the variety of laws into a single simple type as civil law is the recipe for creating duties, whereas, criminal law imposes these duties. Hart then observes the theory propounded by Hans Kelsen which narrows the meaning of the o d la . A o di g to Kelse , La is the p i a o that stipulates the sa tio . In other words, this means that law is a mere direction to officials to apply certain sanctions itted appl Y; Whe e X = IF a breach has occurred. Hence, as per Kelse s theo ; If X is o Crime and Y = Sanction. Therefore, the general form of this extreme theory of law appears to be that instead of law being a series of orders backed by threats of sanctions, it is now directions to officials to apply sanctions when a breach occurs. But then what about the perspective of the private individual when he is conferred with a power; i.e. to create a contract? Kelsen would reply that if the individual breaches the term(s) of the contract, the order will be administered under law to the official to apply the sanction- Under Section 73 of the Contract Act. OR. There could also be directions to private individuals themselves to for example A to not enter into a contract with B, if B is under aged or has not given consideration. The sanction would then be the non-performance or the extinguishing of the contract itself. It a e said that oth Austi s a d Kelse s theory revolve around the importance and vitality of sanctions in a legal system. If it can be shown that law without sanctions is perfectly conceivable, both theories will fail. Ha t is of the opi io that the fo us o sa tio s o eals the self-appli ato atu e of laws. He feels that sanctions are ancillary/ supplementary and only come into play when the rule is broken or the purpose of the system is distorted. The idea that criminal law applies to officials and not citizens clouds the distinction and obscures the character of law. Although Kelse s theo is appeali g e ause it ide tifies a ou se of o du t, he ei , officials must apply sanctions towards ordinary citizens and even to other officials. Hart is quick to point out why law should ot po t a the o di a a s pe spe ti e? Wh should it e li ited to the ad a s pe spe ti e ? Wh should the la ot set a sta da d of conduct for the behavior of ordinary people instead of waiting for the sanction to be applied? He feels that it would be limiting and depressing if the principle function of law was restricted to private litigations or prosecutions as a means of social control and ignore the diverse ways in which law is used to control, guide and to plan life out of court.

Jia Sajjal Hart sums up his argument by giving an example with reference to the rules of cricket. He sa s that although o e a look at a ga e of i ket f o the offi ial s pe spe ti e the u pi e s sig als of a si , fou o l , it ould e a ig disto tio to e lude the pla e s perspective. (ii)

The Range of Application: The second point of criticism that Hart puts forward is that the idea of ordering someone to do something, ignores an important feature of the law- that it can just as easily and readily apply to those who make the law; and so the model of orders as a top-do o e, a ot ade uatel a ou t fo it. Moreover, Hart points out that it is better to treat the situation of power conferring rules as promises rather than coercive orders because a promise creates an obligation for the promisor. This view may be applicable to the making of contracts, wills, etc buts its application to criminal law and the law of tort is questionable. It appears that under this the promisor, will covenant with the state that he shall not commit a crime against his fellow men, but this entails a utopian scenario where the use of sanctions are probably not needed. Its applicability in real life is unlikely.


The Mode of Origin: The model of laws as orders implies that there is a time and place in hi h la as eated, he the o de as ade o gi e . Ha t ho e e , poi ts out that with law it is not necessary in every case to be able to locate the time and place of the coming into force of the order. He points out to the legal status of a local custom. Such usto s, if easo a le, a d e isti g f o ti e i e o ial , a e legall alid a d enforceable, yet it is of the essence of customs that they arise over time and not as a result of a particular sovereign order. Hart says that it is not true that custom is not law unless it is recognized by courts because in fact IT IS law because people obey it; they have internalized it.

* To conclude Hart believes that to look for uniformity in law is to miss the point. A distinguishing characteristic of law lies in its fusion of different types of rules.

Jia Sajjal Chapter 4; Sovereign and Subject: Austin has stressed that whenever there is law, there is the concept of an illimitable sovereign who is as essential to society as the backbone of a man. The sovereign is characterized by the habit of obedience that is owed to him by the masses. Hart poses the uestio of hethe this ha itual o edie e a e plai ; i The o ti uit of la a d (ii) Persistence of laws long after the sovereign and those who rendered him habitual obedience have died. Moreover, it is important to examine whether the legally illimitable status of the supreme law giver is necessary for the existence of law, and whether either the presence or the absence on limits on the sovereign can be understood in terms of the habit of obedience. (i)

Habit of obedience and the continuity of law: the earliest premise of a definition for obedience is respect for authority and not merely compliance with orders backed by threats. In order to explain this concept Hart once again uses the aid of a hypothetical situation where he identifies an absolute Monarch- Rex, who rules a community for a very long period, and the people of which, obey him. Hart begs the question that if Rex requires obedience backed by the threat of sanctions, ho a the o edie e a o ded to ‘e the ha e a ha it i ued in it? [This question bears similar reasoning to the distinction he draws in Chapter 2 between commands and OBTs]. Moreover, if all that was required to make Rex the sovereign was habitual obedience, what happens when Rex dies and Rex II succeeds his father to the throne? The mere fact that there was a general habit of obedience to Rex I in his lifetime is no guarantee that Rex II will be habitually obeyed as well. Therefore, there is nothing to make Rex II the king until people of the community develop a habit to obey him. Hence, until people start obeying Rex II the society will remain in a state of chaos. Hart states, that the way out of this problem is to secure the obedience of people through the system of rules which bridge the transaction from one law giver to another. In other words Rex will regulate in advance that the people must obey Rex II after his death. Meaning, Rex II has a title to succeed his father/ he will have the right to make law on his fathe s death a d he his fi st o de s a e issued they shall become law BEFORE a habit of obedience is formed between him and his subjects (because that is the established RULE). When explaining the continuity of law-making power through a changing succession of individual legislators, it is natural to use expressions like the ule of su essio , title , ight to su eed a d the ight to ake la . It is o ious however; that with these expressions we have introduced a new set of elements [rules] which cannot be explained in terms of habit of obedience. In fact, the idea of habitual obedience fails in two different though related ways where one legislator succeeds another. Firstly, mere habits of obedience to orders given by one legislator cannot confer on the new legislator any right to succeed the old and give orders in his place. And secondly, habitual obedience to the old law giver cannot by itself render

Jia Sajjal p o a le, that the e legislato s o de s ill e o e ed. If oth the afo e e tio ed ight and presumption are present there must have been acceptance of the rule which allows the new legislator to succeed the old. The complex social practice he then talks about is rule following. And in order to understand what rule following is he differentiates between a habit and a rule. [He points out only one similarity and that is that both a habit and a rule are repeated] Hart states that there are three salient differences: (a) A habit is behavior that converges. However, deviance will not lead to criticism from society. Whereas when talking about a rule, deviations are met with criticism and there will be pressure from society to conform. (b) If a standard is not met, there will be criticism and demand for compliance, which will be considered legitimate in cases of rules, this does not happen for habits. (c) The third distinction is one that has more often than not been disregarded or misinterpreted in jurisprudence. This relates to the internal aspect of rule following. Under habitual obedience this internal aspect is lost as people confer to laws only for the external element of law. Hart feels that for a social rule to exist people must look at it internally and internalize its acceptance. To explain this point further he gives the example of the game of chess. Moving the queen two spaces ahead would mean to someone who does not understand the rules of the game as a mere habit- because this is the external point of view. Those who are aware of the game and its rules have a iti al efle ti e attitude that manifests.- an internal point of view towards rule following. When these rules will not be followed, it will be met with criticism from those holding an internal point of view. What Hart is trying to say is that people can accept rules without compulsion. What is necessary is that there should be a critical reflective attitude to certain patterns of behavior and this should display itself in criticism (including self criticism), demands for conformity and an acknowledgment that the demands are legitimate. [Put in your own analysis. Why do you think that the internal aspect is not enough for conformity and Austi s st ess upo sa tio s is legiti ate? This is p i a il due to hu a atu e. Humans do not like restrictions and seldom adhere to prohibitions if they go against their personal interests. Sanctions are crucial to compliance with laws. Moreover, Hart states here that criticism can me a motivating force, why then does he in chapter three rule out the possibility of criticism as a sanction as purported by Austin?] Hart goes on to say that acceptance of a rule by a society at one point in time does not guarantee its continued existence. There may be a revolution and the society may seize to accept the rule. Thus the statement that Rex II has a right to legislate afte ‘e I s death presupposes the existence of the rule in the social group under which Rex I had this right. [Hart is building up to the ROR]. [Austi s edee i g featu e= passi e itize s. Do t k o la . His theo a ou ts fo this fact].

Jia Sajjal (ii)

The Persistence of Laws: In R V Duncan (1944) a woman was prosecuted in England and convicted for telling fortunes in violation of the Witchcraft Act, 1735. This is an illustration of how a statute enacted three centuries ago can still be good law? The question that arises is how can law made by an earlier legislator long dead still be law for a society that cannot be said to have habitually obeyed him? The answer to this lies in the idea of substituting the simple habit of obedience to currently accepted fundamental rules which govern the right to legislate and describe the persons who have this right. What Rex I declared to be a rule and survived his lifetime shall be adopted by Rex II, and Rex III and so on and so forth. So when Rex I dies, his legislative work lives on for it rests upon the foundation of the general rule which successive generations continue to respect. Bentham and Austin have defended the idea of a habit of obedience integral in the persistence of laws by stating that the law passed by Rex I, is obeyed by Rex II because of tacit approval of the old law by Rex II. Even though Rex II could change the old laws he does not do so in order to breed familiarity and continuity. [Remember: With regard to habitual obedience Austin states that the requirement of HO is to be rendered towards an institution and not the monarch (individual)] For Austin the sovereign was someone who was obeyed by all but himself obeyed no one. Ne t Ha t o side s this illi ita ilit of the so e eig . Ha t is of the opinion that the sovereign can and is challenged. To support his claim he gives examples of substantive limitations and in particular those found in the United States of America where the division of powers between the central government and also certain individual rights, cannot be changed by the ordinary process of legislation. Any attempt to change these is to be considered ultra vires, and declared legally invalid by the courts. The most famous such example is the Fifth Amendment to the Constitution of the United States of America. This p o ides, i te alia, that o pe so should e dep i ed of life li e t o p ope t ithout due p o ess of la ; statutes of Co g ess ha e ee de la ed i alid the ou ts he found to conflict with these. [However, laws in contradiction to this very amendment exist. Moreover, exceptions like Guantanamo bay today, and previously Abu Ghuraib can be seen as goi g agai st this e pie e of legislatio a d eake i g Ha t s sta e that the so e eig is not illimitable. Such camps function with the approval of the higher ups in American politics.] Summary: Hart says that social rules involve a standard accepted by some members of a social group, and the idea of a rule is better at explaining the law than the hierarchical, oneoff, nature of an order. Rules allowing for the distinction between legal duties and powers can account for the fact that laws apply to the institutions that make them, and explain why there are some laws that do not appear to have any particular origin, such as customary law.

Jia Sajjal Chapter 5; Law as the Union of Primary and Secondary Rules: Hart commences this chapter by giving a short summary of why the simple model of law as coercive orders fails to reproduce the salient features of a legal system. These are;    

Though the OBT theory claims to be applicable to all laws within a legal system, it only applies most closely to matters of criminal law and even then it fails to recognize the fact that a criminal statute, not only applies to the general public but also to those who enact it. The OBT theory does not take into account other varieties of law. Notably those that confer powers of a public or private nature. The OBT theory does not recognize the fact that some legal rules differ in their mode of origin; i.e. they do not come into being from anything resembling explicit prescription; Custom, Laws of God. The OBT theory also fails t take into account, in terms of the habitually obeyed sovereign, both, continuity of law and persistence of law. Moreover, the sovereign cannot be identified with either the electorate or the legislature of a modern state.

Moreover, Hart feels that the use of ancillary devices, such as the notion of tacit commands by the defe de s of Austi s theo , ha e also failed as the cannot be applied to modern legal systems. Similarly, the notion of power conferring rules as mere fragments of laws/ law being restricted to directions applied to officials by Kelsen, distorts the bigger picture as it does not take into account the peoples pe spe ti e. In view of the above, Hart feels that these theories have failed because they do not take into account the idea of rules, without which, one cannot elucidate even the most elementary points of law.

The Idea of Obligation: Hart feels that Austi s theo , though fla ed, sta ted f o the o e t poi t of view that law makes human conduct obligatory and non-optional. However, he points out, as he has done before as well that being under an obligation and being obliged are inherently two different things. Hart feels that being obliged/ forced to something is a psychological state dependent upon external circumstances, whereas, having an obligation/ being under a duty does not require psychological conditions or standards of rightness or wrongness, beliefs, or motives. The obligation would remain because it is a norm NOT dependant on facts for its validity. [It will remain valid because it is dutyexternal facts cannot and will not distort it] Hart points out that as per Austin; an obligation has been defined not in terms of subjective and varying situations, but in terms of a likelihood of sanctions in case of disobedience, making an obligation a prediction of incurring evil in case of non-compliance. Hart is of the opinion that there are many reasons for rejecting this interpretation, the fundamental of them being that Austin fails to take into account that deviation or non-conformity for rules is the REASON for applying the sanction and not the other way around. [The sanction is motivation for not breaking the law. The law is not, NOT broken because people fear sanctions. This is a play of semantics again, two different ways of looking at the same

Jia Sajjal picture] in other words what Hart is saying is that one needs to look at the INTERNAL ASPECT of rules that people apply to themselves. In order to understand the general idea of an obligation one must turn to the existence of social rules which create that obligation. Being under an obligation implies the existence of a rule, however, it is noteworthy that rules can also exist without obligating anyone e.g. rules of etiquette or speech are not binding in nature but are rules nevertheless. Hart says that what is important in determining whether rules are thought of as giving rise to obligations is the importance or seriousness of social pressure behind them. Rules supported by sufficient social pressure are important because they are deemed necessary for the maintenance of social life and balance. An example can be formulating rules regarding the use of violence i.e. the Criminal Procedure Code in Pakistan or the Offences Against the Persons Act in England. These make sure that people do not inflict bodily harm on one another. Similarly, rules that require the keeping of promises i.e. Contract, are often thought in terms of being an obligation or duty. Also, conduct required by these rules may, while benefiting others, conflict with what owing the duty may wish to do.

The Internal Aspect of Laws: In a slightly more realistic way of putting things Hart points out that an obligation Need not be a necessary result of social pressure. This he says with reference to crooks or thieves who feel no serious pressure to conform to rules even though they have a social obligation to not steal or commit crimes. Hart therefore brings in the internal and external points of view. He says that the external observer views rules in terms of observable regularities of conduct, probabilities and signs and NOT in the manner in which members of the group that adhere to the internal point of view, look at their own behavior. To the external observer, deviation from the normal conduct is a sign that a hostile reaction will follow and nothing more. Hart stresses that what is necessary is an internal point of view and stemming from that, what he calls the iti al efle ti e attitude . He feels that the iti al efle ti e attitude should o side e tai patterns of behavior to be the common standard and any deviance from it should display itself in criticism (including self-criticism), demands for conformity and acknowledgments that such criticism is justified. The question that arises here is that does criticism come first or attitude/behavior? Criticism is said to depend or come as a result of attitude, but attitude is explained by reference to criticism and its justification. This brings in a circularity which requires but does not receive any further clarification or explanation by Hart. Neil McCormick points out that the analysis of the internal point of view may be incomplete as it needs to i lude a e pla atio of hat is ea t ules ei g ge e all a epted , suppo ted iti is , suppo ted p essu e fo o fo it a d so o . M Co i k feels that su h e pla atio should be with reference to a wish or will that such pattern of conduct be upheld. Such wishes are based on feelings that individuals have of being bound themselves and want others to experience the same feelings too. Moreover, McCormick feels that it is also possible to have a third position between the strict internal and external points of view of rules to take account of the situation of an uncommitted observer who

Jia Sajjal can nevertheless interpret law normatively and make a detached statement. Hart, in his Essay in Jurisprudence and Legal Philosophy has distinguished between a committed statement and a detached statement expressing an internal point of view. Committed statements are made by those persons who accept rules, detached statements are made by persons who speak of them as if they accept the rules but do not commit themselves. Hart thus feels that an internal point of view in pre legal societies, on part of their members is necessary for the preservation of group cohesion and solidarity. In modern legal societies Hart says that although it is desirable, it is not necessary for the public to have an internal point of view. It is sufficient if only officials have this point of view. Officials must adopt an internal point of view of secondary rules as meaningful guides to their own conduct and that of others. What is Ha t sa i g he e the ? Is t he sa i g that itize s eed ot o e la f o a i te al poi t of view? Threat of Sanctions is sufficient? Austin was saying the same thing; the only difference was that he used the ph ase ha it of o edie e i stead of a d i te al o e te al poi t of ie . Mo eo e , critics have said that officials may not always necessarily internalize rules. They may obey them for different reasons and inducements as exhibited in modern legal societies (they may be bribed, practice favoritism etc). However, defenders of Hart have said that the internal aspect of rules is not intended to reflect the complexities of official compliance with secondary rules. It is just there to show the discourse between the outside s a d the i side s i elatio to a ule s ste . [But the hat eall is the p a ti al importance of this idea?]

The Notion of Primary and Secondary Rules: The sta ti g poi t of Ha t s o theo is the defi itio of what he calls primary and secondary rules. According to Hart, Primary rules are that which require human beings to do or abstain from certain activities whether they want to or not. In other words they impose duties which we people have to perform. He defines secondary rules by saying that they are parasitical upon primary rules as they have the power to change or introduce primary rules. They confer powers, both public and private and provide for the creation and variation of duties and obligations. It is the union of primary and secondary rules that is the key to the science of jurisprudence.

The Elements of Law: Hart says that a society can exist without courts as in the case of primitive communities and in some parts of the world till date in villages. To explain this point, Hart presupposes a society where there are only primary rules of obligation which the people of the community have to conform to if they are to live in close proximity with each other. The second condition which makes it crucial for this type of society to function is that the people who accept the rules must be in majority.

Jia Sajjal The above conditions can only be applied to a small community where the bonds of kinship, common sentiment, and belief are present in abundance to survive a regime of unofficial rules. The problem with such a society and it application to a larger sphere would be that the rules would possess UNCERTAINTY because it would be difficult to identify them, and there would be no explanation with regard to their scope of application. Secondly, the rules may become STATIC because there will be no way of adapting the rules to changing circumstances either by eliminating old rules or introducing new ones. And thirdly, INEFFICIENCY by virtue of the fact that incase a dispute arises there will be no agency authorized to inflict a sanction. This could result in arbitrary biases e.g. Mukhtara Mai case and more recently the Karo Kari case in Pakistan.

In order to remedy these faults cure these defects Hart believes it is important to merge the primary rules of obligation with secondary rules. It is this very union that will take the society from being prelegal to legal. [Three types of secondary rules; Rules of change, Rules of adjudication and the rule of recognition]

Remedy for UNCERTAINTY: In order to cure the defect of uncertainty, Hart introduces what he considers the master rule; The Rule of Recognition. Hart says that the ROR is a simple or a complex instrument which possesses flexibility for it may not be more than a list or a text of rules found in a written document or carved in some public monument. He points out that in a simple society it is not the codification of rules which is considered a crucial step from a pre legal to legal scenario. What is crucial is the acknowledgment of reference to the writing as AUTHORITATIVE. Thus, the ROR is a rule for conclusive identification of the primary rules of obligation. The virtue of an ROR is that it provides unification of rules instead of them remaining disconnected and this gives birth to a legal system. Remedy for STATICITY: In order to remedy the static nature of rules, Hart feels that it is necessary to i t odu e the ‘ules of Cha ge . Whi h e po e people to i t odu e e p i a ules a d to eliminate old ones by specifying certain procedures like legislative enactment. The rules of change may also enable private individuals to create rights and obligations in the form of wills, contracts and so on. Remedy for INEFFICIENCY: In order to cure this defect it is important to introduce what Hart refers to as The ‘ules of Adjudi atio hi h ould o fe po e s o e tai i di iduals to a it ate o judge a d also define the procedures in accordance with which adjudication would take place.

Criticism of Primary and Secondary Rules: Roger Cotrell in Politics of jurisprudence; Considerable uncertainty around nature of secondary rules. First identified by Hart as power conferring, but in his later writings Hart says that the ROR can be both power conferring and duty imposing, depending on how it is viewed. (Hart 1982: 258-259) [Turn over for Joseph Raz and Neil McCormick]

Jia Sajjal Chapter 6; The Foundations of a Legal System: A o di g to Ha t, the ‘ule of ‘e og itio s ai function is to identify whether another rule is part of the legal system or not. Wherever such a rule of recognition is accepted, both private persons and officials are provided with authoritative criteria for identifying primary rules of obligation. The criteria may take any one or more of the variety of forms: meaning that they may include reference to authoritative text; to legislative enactment; to customary practice; to general declarations of specified persons, or to past judicial decisions in particular cases. In a modern legal system where there are a variety of sources of law the rule of recognition is correspondingly more complex. In order to avoid conflict these sources of law are ranked. It is in this very way that in the English legal system common law is subordinate to statute. In the day-to-day life of a legal system its rule of recognition is seldom expressly formulated as a rule. For the most part, the rule of recognition is not stated, but it existence is shown in the way in which particular rules are identified, either by courts, their officials, or private persons or their advisors. If a court uses an unstated rule of recognition, to identify particular rules of the system then that is a characteristic of the internal point of view. Hart then discusses the dichotomy between validity and efficacy. He says that there is no connection between the two unless, the rule of recognition expressly recognizes in its criteria that no rule is to count as a rule of the system if it has long ceased to be efficacious.

ROR, Supreme Criteria and Ultimate Rule: Hart further distinguishes between what he calls a supreme criterion and an ultimate rule of recognition. The supreme criterion is part of the rule of recognition and is the part which dominates over the rest. Under this definition the supreme criterion in the United Kingdom would be parliamentary enactment. And if a situation arises where the common law, or local or general custom, contradicts with it, parliamentary enactment prevails. The ultimate rule of the system is the rule of recognition itself because you cannot go further than that. It is ulti ate i the sa e se se that Kelse s asi o is e ause e a ot t a e alidit a k a further. Hart criticizes Kelsen on the point that according to Kelsen, the ultimate rule if recognition or the Grund norm as he refers to it is presupposed or assumed. Hart considers this to be misleading. He feels that saying that the ROR is assumed is wrong. It is neither valid, nor invalid but simply accepted as appropriate for use in this way. To clarify his stance he uses the example of the meter bar in Paris and the Big Ben in London which are considered to be the ultimate tests for correctness of measurement a d ti e espe ti el . Mo eo e , Ha t also poi ts out that it is ital to disti guish et ee assu i g alidit a d p esupposi g e iste e e ause if o e does ot do so it o s u es the asse tio that su h a rule exists.

Jia Sajjal Hart is at pains to point out that the existence of the rule of recognition is a matter of empirical fact and not a normative statement as Kelsen erroneously presupposes.

Minimum Conditions for the Existence of a Legal System: Hart says that it is pointless to talk about legal validity unless the legal system is generally effective. The criteria for the existence of a legal system s that:  The officials of the legal system must have an internal attitude towards the rule of recognition of the system, and it is not necessary, although it is desirable, that private citizens have an internal attitude towards rules as well. What is crucial according to Hart is the fact that there should be a unified or shared official acceptance of the rule of recognition containing the systems criteria of validity.  The valid legal rules of the system must me generally obeyed by both officials and private citizens. In an extreme case where an internal point of view is only amongst the officials, society would become sheep like but it would still remain a legal system.

Hart states that a legal system exists when both the official sector (officials) and private sector (citizens) are congruent/similar in their concerns with the law. If both points of view coincide there is harmony and the legal system is valid. However, there may be situation where this may not be the case. For example: in a time where society has hit revolution or is on the brink of it. How will the existence of a legal system be determined then? Hart also gives the example of ex colonies. In what is now India and Pakistan in the beginning there was colonial legislature. Once the countries gained independence they abandoned those laws and adopted their own rules of recognition. Moreover, where unity among officials partly breaks down due to disagreement over certain constitutional issues, this could lead to the breakdown of the legal system.

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