Dear Mr Kilmer by Anne Schraf (Notes) Prepared by (SAMBBST)
WHAT happene d?
WHERE did it happen?
WHEN did it happen?
When writing your response, answer these questions:
WHO was there? Or Who was involved ?
WHY did it happen?
Understand the following: Terms
Event / Incident (What happened?
!eristiwa !eristiwa / "e#adian yang $erla"u di dala% sese$uah cerita
&ause (Why did it happened?
!enye$a$ 'engapa sesuatu peristiwa $erla"u
*esan +pa"ah "esan"esan "epada wata" wata" yang terli$at apa$ila sesuatu peristiwa $erla"u
Wata" di dala% sese$uah cerita
&haracteristics / -ualities / !ersonalities
!erwata"an / .ifat / *ualiti seseorang wata"
We %ust love our fa%ily ('
We %ust $e protective ('
!AM"#Y #O$E (T)
We %ust $e $rave ('
We %ust $e "ind ('
We %ust $e helpful ('
!R"ENDSH"% (T) We %ust $e fair ('
We %ust $e patriotic ('
We %ust stic" to our principles to do what is right ('
We %ust $e protective ('
We %ust $e $rave ('
(4) Richar' -rote a oem as a tribte to Mr Kilmer+ "n the oem5 Richar' li*ene' Mr Kilmer to the 6-orl'7+
(3) Hannah 'ecline' the role o1 #a'y #iberty+ Richar' 'ecline' his art as the Dohboy+
(&) Richar' rosely misse' shootin a bc*+
(,) Richar' -rote his .rst letter to Mr Kilmer+
(2) Richar' tol' his 1amily an' Mrs Hansen that he -rote oetry an' -rote a letter to Mr
(/) Hannah Schermer crie' at the school hall-ay+
(0) Richar' -as the only st'ent -ho sine' a symathy car' 1or the Schermers+
1us, 0ichard2s elder $rother, was upset with 0ichard $ecause 0ichard purposely %is3red
0ichard2s father, !a, was also disappointed with 0ichard
0ichard thought that hunting was not i%portant
4 Richar' rosely misse' shootin a bc*+
!a as"ed 0ichard why he purposely %issed shooting the $uc"
0ichard told !a that he had no right to "ill it 0ichard could not "ill ani%als
0ichard told !a that he felt painful and sad to "ill an ani%al
!a told 0ichard not to go hunting any%ore if he did not li"e it
0ichard learnt a$out 'r *il%er when 0ichard2s English teacher, 'rs 5ansen read a poe% to the class 6he title of the poe% was 76rees8 $y 9oyce *il%er 'rs 5ansen told the class that 'r *il%er was a fa%ous poet 5e wor"ed for 76he ew ;or" 6i%es8
0ichard regarded 'r *il%er as his new hero $ecause 'r *il%er loved poetry and was $rave to enlist in the ar%y 0ichard got 'r *il%er2s o
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