Importancia de Los Procesos Cognitivos en El Aprendizaje
September 11, 2022 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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]ere pfgkr gksduorhr kste hipfrtecdhe aey quk tkckr dberf quk sfc bfs prfdksfs df`chthvfs y sus lucdhfcks: Kctkcghkcgf quk prfdksfs df`chthvfs dfif uc edtf gk eshihbedhôc y edfifgedhôc dfif bf pbectke ]he`kt trecslfriecgf kstrudtures ikctebks ikghectk kb dfcfdhihkctf quk sk ve egquhrhkcgf, kste ks be df`chdhôc be dueb sudkgk `redhes e ghsthctes ledubtegks quk vhkckc dfc cfsftrfs y cfs pkrihtkc kb gkserrfbbf gkb eprkcghzejk. Kstfs prfdksfs gk edukrgf e su ieguredhôc y gkserrfbbf sk pukgkc dbeshlhder kc oåshdfs y supkrhfrks. Bfs prfdksfs oåshdfs
]krdkpdhôc Kc pshdfbf`ée df`chthve, aey gfs dfcdkptfs gk pkrdkpdhôc: kb dfcstrudthvhste, quk supfck quk kb iucgf kxtkrhfr cfs elkdte e trevès gk verhfs kstéiubfs quk pkrdhohifs dfc cukstre ikctk, y kb kdfbô`hdf, quk kxpbhde quk pkrdhohifs kb iucgf kxedteikctk dfif ks, shc ghstfrshfcks. Be pkrdkpdhôc pukgk gkpkcgkr gk be edthtug y kb dfctkxtf. [c kjkipbf gk dôif lucdhfce kstk ikdechsif, sfc bes hbushfcks ôpthdes. Etkcdhôc Be etkcdhôc sk pukgk gklhchr dfif be depedhgeg gk skbkddhfcer y dfcdkctrersk kc bfs kstéiubfs rkbkvectks. Ks gkdhr, be etkcdhôc ks kb prfdksf df`chthvf quk cfs pkrihtk frhkctercfs aedhe bfs kstéiubfs rkbkvectks y prfdkserbfs pere rkspfcgkr kc dfcskdukcdhe. Th sk hcahokc bes edthvhgegks quk sk rkebhzec edtuebikctk, sk ksterå deiohecgf be etkcdhôc f kb hctkrès e uce cukve shtuedhôc. Tk pukgk gkdhr quk be etkcdhôc ks ghrh`hge pfr cfsftrfs ihsifs. Cfriebikctk cfs skcthifs etreégfs pfr dfses ghsthcthves quk gk eb`uce ieckre cfs hctkrksec, pfr bf quk teiohèc pukgk skr kspfctåcke. Ikifrhe Be ikifrhe ks be depedhgeg gk ebiedkcer hclfriedhôc y userbe iås egkbectk duecgf ks ckdkserhf. Be cukve hclfriedhôc pese pfr be ikifrhe kc kb sh`uhkctk frgkc: ikifrhe skcsfrheb, ikifrhe e dfrtf pbezf y ikifrhe e ber`f pbezf.
]rfdksfs df`chthvfs supkrhfrks
Tfc uce rkbedhôc f hctk`redhôc gk hclfriedhôc quk prfvhkck gk prfdksfs df`chthvfs oåshdfs. [c kjkipbf iuy fovhf gk uc prfdksf df`chthvf supkrhfr ks be dhkcdhe. Kbbe hcdbuyk uce dfiohcedhôc gk prfdksfs df`chthvfs dfif be etkcdhôc, be ikifrhe y kb pkcseihkctf. E dfcthcuedhôc, gksdrhohifs bfs prfdksfs df`chthvfs supkrhfrks iås hipfrtectks: ]kcseihkctf ]ere \H@FWTNX: bfs petrfcks gk pkcseihkctf cf sk gkokc e ledtfrks hccetfs, sfc prfgudtf gk hcsthtudhfcks dubturebks y edthvhgegks sfdhebks. Kb dfcfdhihkctf sk dfdfctruyk, cf kstå kc kb eiohkctk ch kc kb chõf. Tk bfdebhze gkctrf gk uc dfctkxtf dubtureb f sfdheb gktkrihcegf. Kb chõf thkck aeohbhgegks kbkikctebks hccetes dfif be pkrdkpdhôc, be etkcdhôc y be ikifrhe. Kstes iås egkbectk sk trecslfrierec kc lucdhfcks ikctebks supkrhfrks. Kstf sk bf`re e trevès gk be hctkrcebhzedhôc. ]rfdksf ikghectk kb dueb sk dfcstruykc rkprkskctedhfcks hctkrces gk eddhfcks kxtkrces f gk fpkredhfcks ikctebks. Kb bkc`uejk Ks be depedhgeg dfc be quk dfcteifs tfgfs bfs skrks auiecfs pere kihthr y dfiprkcgkr ghsthctfs thpfs gk sfchgfs y pebeores quk vhkckc gkb kxtkrhfr kc dfiohcedhôc dfc uc `rec cúikrf gk lresks y bktres dfc be lhcebhgeg gk kctkcgkrcfs y gk dfiuchdercfs dfc bes gkiås pkrsfces. O_[CK_ gkdée: bes depedhgegks ohfbô`hdes gkb skr auiecf puctuebks y dhrducsdrhtes- ftfr`ec be pfshohbhgeg gk kbeofrer shstkie gk rkprkskctedhfcks quk cf sk hcvkctec, shcf sk rkdrkec e perthr gk bfs sh`cfs flrkdhgfs pfr be dubture. Kb iås hipfrtectk ks kb bkc`uejk, quk pkrihtk hr iås ebbå gk bes kstretk`hes dfcdrktes y gkserrfbber kb pkcseihkctf lfrieb y eostredtf. Hctkbh`kcdhe dfif prfdksf df`chthvf
Be hctkbh`kcdhe ks ucf gk bfs prhcdhpebks dfcdkptfs gk kstughf gk be pshdfbf`ée , pfr bf quk uce hclhchgeg gk pshdôbf`fs e bf ber`f gkb thkipf aec hgf rklbkxhfcecgf, er`uikctegf y aedhkcgf sus prfphes dfcdbushfcks edkrde gk bf quk ks be hctkbh`kcdhe. Lhcebikctk, afy kc gée, sk ae bbk`egf e be dfcdbushôc gk quk be hctkbh`kcdhe cf kstå dfipukste úchdeikctk pfr uc thpf gk aeohbhgeg f epthtug pere pfgkr gklhchrbe, gk equé sur`k uce gk bes tkfrées quk ae tkchgf uce ieyfr edkptedhôc edkrde gk kstk dfcdkptf.Be tkfrée dfcdkptf.Be tkfrée gk bes hctkbh`kcdhes iúbthpbks gk @ergckr aedk aedk rklkrkcdhe e quk gkohgf e quk cf kxhstk uc sôbf thpf gk hctkbh`kcdhe, sk thkckc quk tfier kc dukcte ghsthctes depedhgegks gk be pkrsfce kc ghlkrkctks åiohtfs. ]fr bf quk ghvhghô be hctkbh`kcdhe kc bfs sh`uhkctks thpfs: hctkbh`kcdhe
hctrepkrsfceb, hctkrpkrsfceb, bhc`òésthde, iushdeb, kctrk ftres. Esé quk dege pkrsfce pukgk tkckr eb`úc thpf gk hctkbh`kcdhe iås gkserrfbbege quk ftres ye quk teiohèc sk dfcshgkre quk kstk prfdksf ikcteb cf ks kståthdf y quk pukgk hrsk gkserrfbbecgf e bf ber`f gkb thkipf. Th pfr tectf sk thkck kc dukcte quk bfs prfdksfs df`chthvfs cfs pkrihtkc eoerder bes prhcdhpebks lucdhfcks quk thkck kb skr auiecf, gksgk be pertk iås shipbk quk skrée eb cedkr, dfif duecgf cfs kcdfctreifs kc be egubtkz. Egkiås pkrihtk fotkckr kb dfcfdhihkctf pere kctkcgkr duecgf uc hcghvhguf thkck ghlhdubtegks pere kb eprkcghzejk y esé pfstkrhfrikctk drker kstretk`hes gk chvkbedhôc, esé dfif teiohèc e rksebter bes depedhgegks y aeohbhgegks kc bes dfipktkcdhes gk dege hcghvhguf, pere pfstkrhfrikctk drker kstretk`hes quk bks pkrihte pftkcdhebhzer sus epthtugks. Kctfcdks ks hcgugeobk quk pere quk kxhste uc eprkcghzejk sh`chlhdethvf y rkeb gkokc skr perthdhpks tfgfs kstfs prfdksfs pfrquk: ]F_U[K KT HI]F_WECWK TEOK_ GK KTWFT:
kxpbhder prfdksfs dfif be pkrdkpdhôc, etkcdhôc, kctrk ftrfs, cfs pkrihtk kcdfctrer ghldubtegks kc kb eprkcghzejk. ihgk bfs deiohfs duectevfs kc be hctkbh`kcdhe e ikghge quk be `kctk ve iegurecgf. gkstede bfs deiohfs duebhtevfs kc be frie kc quk be b e `kctk phkcse e ikghge quk sk gkserrfbbe. kxeihce bfs pesfs, eddhfcks y fpkredhfcks prf`rkshves quk kckc bu`er duecgf be `kctk rkdhok, rkdukrge, phkcse y ubhze be b e hcfriedhôc. pkrihtkc be dfcstruddhôc gk sh`chldegfs e perr gk ksteobkdkr rkbedhfcks kctrk be hcfriedhôc ebiedkcege kc be ikifrhe y be cukve hcfriedhôc.
HCWK@_ECWKT : Geierhs Erhes _fse Tecgfveb _fssece ]ebie
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