Importance of Houses in Astrology
Short Description
Indian astrology plays very productive and beneficial role and consequently the interest of the common man in the study ...
Importance of houses in Indian astrology
Indian astrology astrology plays very productive productive and beneficial role and consequently consequently the interest of th thee co comm mmon on ma man n in th thee st stud udy y of th thee sc scie ienc ncee of Ve Vedi dicc as astr trol ology ogy.. In Indi dian an Ve Vedi dicc astrology has grown enormously over the decades. Vedic Indian astrology implies is the result of the well researched work and deeper understanding of human behaviors by Indian Vedic seers as influenced by planetary changes and cosmic vibrations to provide useful and great information to the followers of the Indian Vedic astrology in important sectors of life. Ancient Indian Vedic astrologers opine that the physical characteristics of a native would correspond to those of the planet owning the rising Navamsha or of the planet that is the strongest of all in the horoscope or birth chart. While applying these rules to horoscope, it is advisable to consider not one rule alone but all the relevant ones such as the planets posited posit ed in and aspect aspecting ing the ascendant.Simil ascendant.Similarly arly,the ,the comple complexion xion will correspond correspond to that of the lord of the Moon’s Navamsha.Here too one must consider the ascendant and planets related to it. Many a time it is observed that despite other favourable factors, the native is found to be of dark complexion complexion when the ascendant ascendant is occupi occupied ed or aspect aspected ed by Saturn Sat urn wit without hout the asp aspect ect of oth other er pla planet nets. s. The deve develop lopmen mentt of the var variou iouss lim limbs bs beginning with the head must be gauged by the strength of the ascendant and other houses. If a particular house is occupied by a debilitated or eclipsed planet, then the limb signified by the house is likely to be adversely affected or diseased. There are twelve houses are considered in the Indian Vedic astrology. The importance of thee twe th wellve ho hou use sess of a ho horros osco cope pe or as asttro rollog ogy y ha hass be been en ex expl plai aine ned d be belo low. w. st 1 house:Personality,Personalphysique,body,life,complexion,soul,character,wisdom,habits ,likes and dislikes, general disposition in life. 2nd house :Family,in-laws,finance,speech,tastes,prosperity,wealth,relation in father’s side and nices,speech and wisdom. 3rd house : Brother(Younger),sister(Younger),Pr Brother(Younger),sister(Younger),Prowess,courage,hand,throat,ears,father’s owess,courage,hand,throat,ears,father’s health, heal th,nei neighbo ghbours urs,se ,serva rvants nts,ta ,talen lents, ts,val valour our,com ,commen mendat dation ion for one’ one’ss nobl noblee qual qualiti ities, es, longevity of Parents. 4th house : House, House,convey conveyance,ed ance,educatio ucation,moth n,mother,comf er,comforts, orts,happine happiness,pr ss,propert operty,dom y,domestic estic bliss,mind,valuable assets. 5th house : Child Children,sp ren,speculat eculations, ions,futur futuree luck, love affai affairs,r rs,romance omances,races s,races,share ,shares,wif s,wife’s e’s elder brothe brothers/s rs/siste isters, rs, father father’s ’s relat relations, ions, elder sist sister’s er’s husban husband,emot d,emotions, ions,fait faith h in God, creative talents, research type of activities, spiritual pursuits. 6th house : Debt, Debt,enemie enemies,ser s,servants vants,waste ,wasteful ful expense expenses,heal s,health,ty th,types pes of disea diseases, ses, mater maternal nal uncles,aunts,court cases. 7th hou house: se: Mar Marita itall sta status tus,, lif lifee par partne tner, r, hus husban band/w d/wife ife,, fat father her’s ’s eld elder er bro brothe ther/s r/sist ister, er, detentions, death, business partnership. 8th house: Longevity, hidden matters, accidents, legacy, life insurance, lotteries, occult matters, recovery from illness, gains through spouse.
9th house: Previous birth (Past), state matters (govern matters), destiny matters, religious matters. 10th house: Profession (Karma), living, authority, trade, honour, position and prestige, nephew/niece from mother’s side, adopted ch ildren, Mother-in-law. 11th house: Elder brother and sister/daughter in law, gains from elders, friends, friends, freedom from misery. 12th house : Losses,expenditure,pleasures of bed,Moksha,foreign journ journey, ey,char chariti ities, es,spi spirit ritual ual int intere erests sts,, sor sorrow rowss and mis misfor fortun tunes, es,imp impris risonm onment ent,se ,secre crett sorrows, left eye, feet. According to method of Vedic astrology the planets in different signs and degrees have varied influences on the fortunes of the natives. The important terms used in Indian Vedic astrology are explained below. An astrology planet placed in own house or quarter is termed as swakshetra.In this condition; the planet will bless fairly good results. Horoscope chart shows the strengths and weaknesses w eaknesses of various planets in the twelve signs of the zodiac. Thus houses have the main importance in predictive astrology and without knowing the exact truthfulness and utility of houses in Vedic astrology. Actually this is the basic terminology in Vedic astrology or Indian astrology while charting the houses according to birth time of a native.
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