Importance of Freedom of Speech and Expression

May 27, 2018 | Author: Shobhit Gopal | Category: Freedom Of Speech, Human Rights, Ethical Principles, Applied Ethics, Law And Economics
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this paper talks about the importance of "freedom of speech and expression" in india. It explains the concept ...





DRAFT Constitutional law

“Importance of Freedom of Speech and Expression in India” Submitted to:

Submitted by:

Mr. Mahendra Singh aswan !o"al

Shobhit Mani

Assistant ro#essor $Law%

Roll&'() $*rd sem%

Dr. Ram Manohar Lohiya National Law +ni,ersity- Lu/now


Table of Contents Page no. 

Acknowledgement ………………………………………………………………………...... .3

Introduction …………………………………………………………………………… ……….4

Historical Background ……………………………………………………………………. ………...5

Importance of freedom of speech and expression …………………………..….…….5

Is it an asolute right! …………………………………………………….…………………….. …." •

#easonale #estrictions #estrictions ………………………………………………………….………."

 $est  $est of reasonale # #estrictions estrictions …………. ………………………………………………….…%&

How is right to freedom of speech and expression is di'erent from (.) …………………………………………………………………………… …………………………….……..%*

+onclusion …………………………………………………………………………… ……………….…%*

Biliograph, ge 2 | P a……………………………………………………………. ………………………………%3 


I take this opportunit, to express m, profound gratitude and deep regards to m, guide -Mr. Mahendra Singh aswan  for his exemplar, exemplar, guidance/ monitoring and constant encouragement throughout throughout the course of this thesis. $he lessing/ help and guidance gi0en , him time to time shall carr, me a long wa, in the 1ourne, of life on which I am aout to emark. I would like to express m, gratitude towards m, parents 2 memers of r. #am anohar ohi,a 6ational aw (ni0ersit, for their kind co7operation and encouragement which help me in completion of this pro1ect. I would like to express m, special gratitude and thanks to all those people who ga0e me attention and their in0aluale time. , thanks and appreciations also go to m, friend and classmates in de0eloping the s,nopsis and people who ha0e willingl, helped me out with their ailities.

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The right to #reedom in Artile ') guarantees the Freedom o# s"eeh and s"eeh and e1"ressione1"ression- as one o# its si1 #reedoms. It is enshrined under Artile ')$'% a o# the onstitution o# India. The #reedom o# s"eeh is regarded as the #irst ondition o# liberty and most basi right o# all #reedom  "ro,ided to the "eo"le. 2 atan3ali Shastri- has said in the ase o# Romesh Thaper v State of !adras " that #reedom o# s"eeh and that o# the "ress lay at the #oundation o# a demorati soiety-

#or without #ree "olitial disussions- no "ubli eduation is "ossible- whih is so im"ortant #or the  "ro"er #untioning o# the go,t. go,t. It ou"ies a "re#erred and im"ortant "osition in the hierarhy o# the liberty- it is truly said about the #reedom o# s"eeh that it is the mother o# all other liberties. Freedom o# S"eeh and e1"ression means the right to e1"ress one4s own on,itions and o"inions #reely by words o# mouth- writing "rinting- "itures or any other mode. In modern modern time it is widely ae"ted that the right to #reedom o#  s"eeh is the essene o# #ree soiety and it must be sa#eguarded at all time. The #irst "rini"le o# a #ree soiety is an untrammelled #low o# words in an o"en #orum. Liberty to e1"ress o"inions and ideas without hindrane- and es"eially without #ear o# "unishment "lays signi#iant role in the de,elo"ment o# that "artiular soiety and ultimately #or that state. It is one o# the most im"ortant #undamental liberties guaranteed against state su""ression or regulation.

Freedom o# s"eeh is guaranteed not only by the onstitution or statutes o# ,arious states but also by ,arious international on,entions li/e +ni,ersal Delaration o# 5uman Right- 6uro"ean on,ention on 5uman Rights and #undamental #reedoms- International Co,enant on Ci,il and olitial Rights et. These delarations e1"ressly tal/ about "rotetion o# #reedom o# s"eeh and e1"ression.

This Ri#ht inc$%des: •

% AIR ')78 SC

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The right to #ly national #lag and sing national anthem

• • •

Right to silene Right to reei,e in#ormation Freedom o# "ress

&ISTORIC'( )'C*+ROUND: The delaration o# rights o# man and o# iti9en ado"ted during the Frenh re,olution in ';) s"ei#ially a##irmed #reedom o# s"eeh as an inalienable right. The delaration "ro,ides #or #reedom o# e1"ression in Artile ''- whih says that n Liberty- "ublished in ';7) beame a lassi de#ene o# the right to #reedom o# e1"ression.

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2ohn argued that truth dri,es out #alsity- there#ore- the #ree e1"ression o# ideas- true or #alseshould not be #eared. The truth is not stable or #i1ed but e,ol,es with time. 2ohn also argued that #ree disussion is neessary to "re,ent the ?dee" slumber o# a deided o"inion?. The disussion would dri,e the onwards marh o# truth and by onsidering #alse ,iews the basis o# true ,iews ould be re&a##irmed. An o"inion only arries intrinsi ,alue to the owner o# that o"inion- thus silening the e1"ression o# that o"inion is an in3ustie to a basi human right. For Mill- the only instane in whih s"eeh an be 3usti#iably su""ressed is in order to "re,ent harm #rom a lear and diret threat. Neither eonomi or moral im"liations- nor the s"ea/ers own well&being would  3usti#y su""ression o# s"eeh.

In !ane/a +andhi v Union of India 0- 0hagwati 2 has em"hasi9ed on the signi#iane o# #reedom o# s"eeh and e1"ression in these words?Demoray is based essentially on #ree debate and o"en disussion- #or that is the only orreti,e o# go,ernment ation in a demorati setu". I# demoray means go,ernment o# the "eo"le by the  "eo"le- it is ob,ious that e,ery iti9en must be entitled to "artii"ate in the demorati "roess and in order to enable him to intelligently e1erise his right o# ma/ing a hoie- #ree and general disussion o# "ubli matters is absolutely essential.?

In ')(- in 1hitne2 v Ca$ifornia 3- Louis 0randeis 2- made a lassi statement on the #reedom o# s"eeh in the onte1t o# the +.S Constitution: ?Those who won our inde"endene belie,ed that the #inal end o# the state was to ma/e men #ree to de,elo" their #aulties... They belie,ed liberty to be seret o# ha""iness and ourage to be the seret o# liberty. They belie,ed that the #reedom to thin/ as you will and to s"ea/ as you thin/ are means indis"ensable to the diso,ery and s"read o# "olitial truth@ that without #ree s"eeh and assembly disussion would be #utile.... that "ubli disussion is a "olitial duty@ and that this should be a #undamental "rini"le o# the Amerian go,ernment.?

* %8"9 AI# 58"/ %8"9 )+# -* :*% 3 274 U.S. 357 (1927) 357 (1927)

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The Right to #reedom o# s"eeh and e1"ression as "er as Indian Constitution means the right to e1"ress ones own on,itions and o"inions #reely. The word B#reely means inluding by words o# mouth- writing- "rinting- banners- signs- and e,en by way o# silene. •

The su"reme ourt o# India has held that hosting the National Flag by iti9ens is a #orm o#

#reedom o# s"eeh and e1"ression in Union of India v. Naveen Jindal & Anr 4- (88. Freedom o# "ress is an in#erred right im"liit under art. ')$'% a. The Right to In#ormation $RTI% emerges as a #undamental right under Artile ')$'% a- as a

#reedom o# s"eeh and e1"ression are meaningless without aess to in#ormation.

IS IT 'N ')SO(UTE RI+&T4  No right is absolute #or- it is neessary to maintain soial order- "eae and tran=uillity o# the nation. 2.S Mill has rightly said B#reedom whih is absolute is no #reedom in true sense. There should be some restrition in order to "rotet the rights o# another indi,idual. 5ene- Su"reme Court in the Thapar vs State of Madras Madras 5 stated onern regarding restritions to be #amous deision in Romesh Thapar

im"osed on this right. First amendment at $')7'% $')7'% lays down grounds grounds #or reasonable restrition.


Clause $(% o# Artile ') o# the Indian onstitution enables the legislature to im"ose ertain restritions on #ree s"eeh under #ollowing heads:

"  Securit of the State: State: Reasonable restritions an be im"osed on the #reedom o# s"eeh

and e1"ression- in the interest o# the seurity o# the State. All the utteranes intended to endanger the seurity o# the State by rimes o# ,iolene intended to o,erthrow the go,ernment- waging o# war and rebellion against the go,ernment- e1ternal aggression or 4 -*&&4 * )++ 5%&; AI# *&&4 )+ %558 5 AI# %85& )+ %*4; %85& )+# 584

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war- et.- may be restrained in the interest o# the seurity o# the State. It does not re#er to the ordinary breahes o# "ubli order whih do not in,ol,e any danger to the State. 0 !riendl relations "ith forei#n States: States : This ground was added by the Constitution $First

Amendment% At o# ')7'. The State an im"ose reasonable restritions on the #reedom o#  s"eeh and e1"ression- i# it tends to 3eo"ardise the #riendly relations o# India with other State. 3  $u%lic order : This ground was added by the Constitution $First Amendment% AtAt- ')7' in

order to meet the situation arising #rom the Su"reme Court4s deision in  Romesh Thapar Thapar s case '  . The e1"ression 4"ubli order4 onnotes the sense o# "ubli "eae- sa#ety and


In (ishori Mohan v. v. State of )est )est *en#al + - the Su"reme Court e1"lained the di##erenes between three one"ts: law and order- "ubli order- seurity o# State. Anything that disturbs "ubli "eae or  "ubli tran=uillity disturbs "ubli order. order. 0ut mere ritiism o# the go,ernment does not neessarily disturb "ubli order. A law "unishing the utteranes deliberately tending to hurt the religious #eelings #e elings o# any lass has been held to be ,alid as it is a reasonable restrition aimed to maintaining the "ubli order.It is also neessary that there must be a reasonable ne1us between the restrition im"osed and the ahie,ement o# "ubli order. v. Ram Manohar Manohar -ohia  - the Court held the Setion * o# +.. In Superintendent ,entral $rison v.

S"eial owers At- ')*(- whih "unished a "erson i# he inited a single "erson not to "ay or de#er the "ayment o# !o,ernment dues- as there was no reasonable ne1us between the s"eeh and "ubli order. SimilarlySimilarly- the ourt u"held the ,alidity ,alidit y o# the "ro,ision em"owering a Magistrate to issue iss ue diretions to "rotet the "ubli order or tran=uillity.

: AIR ')78 SC '( " AI# %8"* )+ %"48 9 AIR ')E8 SC E**

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5  /ecenc and moralit moralit:: The word 4obsenity4 is idential with the word 4indeeny4 o# the 0ic1lin2- the test was laid down aording Indian Constitution. In an 6nglish ase o#  R. v. 0ic1lin

to whih it is seen 4whether the tendeny o# the matter harged as obsene tend to de"ra,e and orru"t the minds whih are o"en to suh immoral in#luenes4. This test was u"held v. State of Maharashtra Maharashtra . In this ase the  by the Su"reme Court in Ran3it /. Udeshi v.

Court u"held the on,ition o# a boo/ seller who was "roseuted under Setion ()(I..C.I.. C.- #or selling s elling and /ee"ing the boo/ "ady boo/  "ady #hatterley$s "over . The standard o# morality ,aries #rom time to time and #rom "lae to "lae. 6 ,ontempt of court : The onstitutional right to #reedom o# s"eeh would not allow a

 "erson to ontem"t the ourts. The e1"ression Contem"t o# Court has been de#ined Setion ( o# the Contem"t o# Courts At- ')'. The term ontem"t o# ourt re#ers to i,il ontem"t or riminal ontem"t under the At. 0ut 3udges do not ha,e any general immunity #rom ritiism o# their 3udiial ondut- "ro,ided that it is made in good #aith and is genuine ritiism- and not any attem"t to im"air the administration o# 3ustie.

 %n re Arundhati Ro - the Su"reme Court o# India #ollowed the ,iew ta/en in the Amerian Su"reme Court Cou rt $Fr $Fran/ an/#ur #urter ter-- 2.% in $enne1amp v. !lorida 6 in whih the +ni +nited ted States States Su" Su"rem remee Cou Court rt obser,ed: BI# men- inluding 3udges and 3ournalists- were angels- there would be no "roblem o#  ontem"t o# ourt. Angeli 3udges would be undisturbed by e1traneous in#luenes and angeli  3ournalists would not see/ to in#luene them. The "ower to "unish #or ontem"t- as a means o#  sa#eguarding 3udges in deiding on behal# o# the ommunity as im"artially as is gi,en to the lot o#  men to deide- is not a "ri,ilege aorded to 3udges. The "ower to "unish #or ontem"t o# ourt is a sa#eguard not #or 3udges as "ersons but #or the #untion whih they e1erise.

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