Imperial Grand Indictment for all Public Officals

March 25, 2017 | Author: :Lawiy-Zodok:Shamu:-El | Category: N/A
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True Bill No. 666

Imperial Grand Indictment No. 666

Bond Amount: $900,000,000,000.00 NMNI

Grand Jury Charges:

Tama-re Natural Law Firm LLC UNDER SEAL

Noone Society©®™ (Intergalactic Confederation)- Plaintiff vs.

Pontifex Maximus of the Holy See of Peter

- Defendant

) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) )

Case No.: 666 Doc No.: 0666 Case Pleading: 28 U.S.C. § 1346(b), Article II: Acts of Genocide Rome Statue of the International Criminal Court (ICC), 18 U.S. Code § 1111 – Murder, 18 U.S. Code § 2337- Suits against Government officials, 42 U.S. Code § 1994 - Peonage abolished Novus Codex Commandment-law No. 1 & 55.

Noone Society©®™ vs. UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, USA, etc., and all of its subdivisions, agencies, agents, offices, and officers thereof, and the Ens Legis corporations / franchisees / subsidiaries of the Corporate UNITED STATE / United States, USA, etc.; in name the STATE(S) OF: Including but not Limited to all the offices under the “Pope” which is the papacy Jurisdiction of the Luciferian vicar on “Earth” called “Jorge Mario Bergoglio” (Pope Francis) Pontifex Maximus of the Holy See of Peter (Leviathan / Lucifer). Charge:


28 U.S.C. § 1346(b), Article II: Acts of Genocide Rome Statue of the International Criminal Court (ICC), 18 U.S. Code § 1111 – Murder, 18 U.S. Code § 2337- Suits against Government officials, 42 U.S. Code § 1994 Peonage abolished Novus Codex Commandment-law No. 1 & 55. Tribunal: Noone Supreme Tribunal

IN THE NAME AND BY THE AUTHORITY OF NOONE SOCIETY©®™ The GRAND JURY, for NOONE SOCIETY of the Nu City-States, duly assembled, affirmed, charged, and organized as such at the August term, 2016 of Noone Supreme Tribunal N.EY. 69. .upon oath present in and to the said tribunal the said terms that:

UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, USA, etc., and all of its subdivisions, agencies, agents, offices, and officers thereof, and the Ens Legis corporations / franchisees / subsidiaries of the Corporate UNITED STATE / United States, USA, etc.; in name the STATE(S) OF: Including but not Limited to all the offices under the “Pope” which is the papacy Jurisdiction of the Luciferian vicar on “Earth” called “Jorge Mario Bergoglio” (Pope Francis) Pontifex Maximus of the Holy See of Leviathan (Lucifer).

True Bill No. 666 th

For hereinafter styled DEFENDANT, on or about 12 day of August, 2016, N.E.Y. 69, and before the presentment of this indictment, in any country of empires, kingdoms, and nations aforesaid, did then and there, intentionally or knowingly cause the Defendant has perpetrated the International Crime of Slavery upon the Indigenous People of Noone Society as recognized in part by the 1926 Slavery Convention and the 1956 Supplementary Convention on the Abolition of Slavery, the Slave Trade, and Institutions and Practices Similar to Slavery.

The Defendant has perpetrated innumerable Crimes against Humanity against the Indigenous People of Noone Society as recognized by the Nuremberg Charter, Judgment, and Principles. The Defendant has perpetrated the International Crime of Genocide against the Indigenous People of Noone Society as recognized by the 1948 Genocide Convention. The Defendant has perpetrated the International Crime of Apartheid against the Indigenous People of Noone Society as recognized by the 1973 Apartheid Convention. The Defendant has perpetrated a gross and consistent pattern of violations of the most fundamental human rights of the Indigenous People of Noone Society as recognized by the 1948 Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the two United Nations Human Rights Covenants of 1966. The Defendant has perpetrated a gross and consistent pattern of violations of the 1965 Racism Convention against the Indigenous People of Noone Society. The Defendant is the paradigmatic example of an irremediably racist state in international relations today. The Defendant has denied and violated the international legal right of the Indigenous People of Noone Society to self-determination as recognized by the United Nations Charter, the two United Nations Human Rights Covenants of 1966, customary international law, and jus cogens. The Defendant has illegally refused to accord full-scope protections as Prisoners-of-War to captured Indigenous People of Noone Society independence fighters in violation of the Third Geneva Convention of 1949 and Additional Protocol I thereto of 1977. The Defendant’s treatment of captured Indigenous People of Noone Society independence fighters as “common criminals” and “terrorists” constitutes a “grave breach” of the Geneva Accords and thus a serious war crime. The List of Defendant Companies that benefit off the slave trade of African Americans: Lehman Brothers, whose business empire started in the slave trade, recently admitted their part in the business of slavery. According to the Sun Times, the financial services firm acknowledged recently that its founding partners owned not one, but several enslaved Africans during the Civil War era and that, “in all likelihood,” it “profited significantly” from slavery. “This is a sad part of our heritage …We’re deeply apologetic … It was a terrible thing … There’s no one sitting in the United States in the year 2005, hopefully, who would ever, in a million years, defend the practice,” said Joe Polizzotto, general counsel of Lehman Brothers.

True Bill No. 666 Aetna, Inc., the United States’ largest health insurer, apologized for selling policies in the 1850s that reimbursed slave owners for financial losses when the enslaved Africans they owned died. “Aetna has long acknowledged that for several years shortly after its founding in 1853 that the company may have insured the lives of slaves,” said Aetna spokesman Fred Laberge in 2002. “We express our deep regret over any participation at all in this deplorable practice.” JPMorgan Chase recently admitted their company’s links to slavery. “Today, we are reporting that this research found that, between 1831 and 1865, two of our predecessor banks—Citizens Bank and Canal Bank in Louisiana—accepted approximately 13,000 enslaved individuals as collateral on loans and took ownership of approximately 1,250 of them when the plantation owners defaulted on the loans,” the company wrote in a statement. New York Life Insurance Company is the largest mutual life insurance company in the United States. They also took part in slavery by selling insurance policies on enslaved Africans. According to USA Today, evidence of 10 more New York Life slave policies comes from an 1847 account book kept by the company’s Natchez, Miss. agent, W.A. Britton. The book, part of a collection at Louisiana State University, contains Britton’s notes on slave policies he wrote for amounts ranging from $375 to $600. A 1906 history of New York Life says 339 of the company’s first 1,000 policies were written on the lives of slaves. USA Today reported that Wachovia Corporation (now owned by Wells Fargo) has apologized for its ties to slavery after disclosing that two of its historical predecessors owned enslaved Africans and accepted them as payment. “On behalf of Wachovia Corporation, I apologize to all Americans, and especially to AfricanAmericans and people of African descent,” said Ken Thompson, Wachovia chairman and chief executive officer, in the statement released late Wednesday. “We are deeply saddened by these findings.” N M Rothschild & Sons Bank in London was linked to slavery. The company that was one of the biggest names in the City of London had previously undisclosed links to slavery in the British colonies. Documents seen by the Financial Times have revealed that Nathan Mayer Rothschild, the banking family’s 19th-century patriarch, made his first personal gains by using enslaved Africans as collateral in dealings with a slave owner. Norfolk Southern also has a history in the slave trade. The Mobile & Girard Company, which is now part of Norfolk Southern, offered slaveholders $180 ($3,379 today) apiece for enslaved Africans they would rent to the railroad for one year, according to the records. The Central of Georgia, another company aligned with Norfolk Southern Line today, valued its slaves at $31,303 ($663,033 today) on record. USA Today has found that their own parent company, E.W. Scripps and Gannett, has had links to the slave trade. There is evidence that FleetBoston evolved from an earlier financial institution, Providence Bank, founded by John Brown who was a slave trader and owned ships used to transport enslaved Africans. The bank financed

True Bill No. 666 Brown’s slave voyages and profited from them. Brown even reportedly helped charter what became Brown University. CSX used slave labor to construct portions of some U.S. rail lines under the political and legal system that was in place more than a century ago. Two enslaved Africans who the company rented were identified as John Henry and Reuben. The record states, “they were to be returned clothed when they arrived to work for the company.” Individual enslaved Africans cost up to $200 – the equivalent of $3,800 today - to rent for a season and CSX took full advantage. The Canadian National Railway Company is a Canadian Class I railway headquartered in Montreal, Quebec that serves Canada and the Midwestern and southern United States. The company also has a history in which it benefited from slavery. The Mobile & Ohio, now part of Canadian National, valued their slaves lost to the war and emancipation at $199,691 on record. That amount is currently worth $2.2 million. Brown Brothers Harriman is the oldest and largest private investment bank and securities firm in the United States, founded in 1818. USA Today found that the New York merchant bank of James and William Brown, currently known as Brown Bros. Harriman owned hundreds of enslaved Africans and financed the cotton economy by lending millions to southern planters, merchants and cotton brokers. Brooks Brothers, the high end suit retailer got their start selling slave clothing to various slave traders back in the 1800s. What a way to get rich in the immoral slave industry! Barclays, the British multinational banking and financial services company headquartered in London, United Kingdom has now conceded that companies it bought over the years may have been involved in the slave trade.

More Crimes against humanity by the United States of America – The indiscriminate use of bombs by the US, usually outside a declared war situation, for wanton destruction, for no military objectives, whose targets and victims are civilian populations, or what we now call "collateral damage." Japan (1945) China (1945-46) Korea & China (1950-53) Guatemala (1954, 1960, 1967-69) Indonesia (1958) Cuba (1959-61) Congo (1964) Peru (1965)

True Bill No. 666 Laos (1964-70) Vietnam (1961-1973) Cambodia (1969-70) Grenada (1983) Lebanon (1983-84) Libya (1986) El Salvador (1980s) Nicaragua (1980s) Iran (1987) Panama (1989) Iraq (1991-2000) Kuwait (1991) Somalia (1993) Bosnia (1994-95) Sudan (1998) Afghanistan (1998) Pakistan (1998) Yugoslavia (1999) Bulgaria (1999) Macedonia (1999) Statement of Facts 1. The US Use of Chemical & Biological Weapons. 2. The US has refused to sign Conventions against the development and use of chemical and biological weapons, and has either used or tested (without informing the civilian populations) these weapons in the following locations abroad: Bahamas (late 1940s-mid-1950s) Canada (1953) China and Korea (1950-53) Korea (1967-69) Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia (1961-1970)

True Bill No. 666 Panama (1940s-1990s) Cuba (1962, 69, 70, 71, 81, 96)

3. And the US has tested such weapons on US civilian populations, without their knowledge, in the following locations: Watertown, NY and US Virgin Islands (1950) SF Bay Area (1950, 1957-67) Minneapolis (1953) St. Louis (1953) Washington, DC Area (1953, 1967) Florida (1955) Savannah GA/Avon Park, FL (1956-58) New York City (1956, 1966) Chicago (1960) 4. And the US has encouraged the use of such weapons, and provided the technology to develop such weapons in various nations abroad, including: Egypt South Africa Iraq 5. US Political and Military Interventions since 1945 6. The US has launched a series of military and political interventions since 1945, often to install puppet regimes, or alternatively to engage in political actions such as smear campaigns, sponsoring or targeting opposition political groups (depending on how they served US interests), undermining political parties, sabotage and terror campaigns, and so forth.

7. It has done so in nations such as China (1945-51) South Africa (1960s-1980s) France (1947) Bolivia (1964-75) Marshall Islands (1946-58)

True Bill No. 666 Australia (1972-75) Italy (1947-1975) Iraq (1972-75 Greece (1947-49) Portugal (1974-76) Philippines (1945-53) East Timor (1975-99) Korea (1945-53) Ecuador (1975) Albania (1949-53) Argentina (1976) Eastern Europe (1948-56) Pakistan (1977) Germany (1950s) Angola (1975-1980s) Iran (1953) Jamaica (1976) Guatemala (1953-1990s) Honduras (1980s) Costa Rica (mid-1950s, 1970-71) Nicaragua (1980s) Middle East (1956-58) Philippines (1970s-90s) Indonesia (1957-58) Seychelles (1979-81) Haiti (1959) South Yemen (1979-84) Western Europe (1950s-1960s)

True Bill No. 666 South Korea (1980) Guyana (1953-64) Chad (1981-82) Iraq (1958-63) Grenada (1979-83) Vietnam (1945-53) Suriname (1982-84) Cambodia (1955-73) Libya (1981-89) Laos (1957-73) Fiji (1987) Thailand (1965-73) Panama (1989) Ecuador (1960-63) Afghanistan (1979-92) Congo (1960-65, 1977-78) El Salvador (1980-92) Algeria (1960s) Haiti (1987-94) Brazil (1961-64) Bulgaria (1990-91) Peru (1965) Albania (1991-92) Dominican Republic (1963-65) Somalia (1993) Cuba (1959-present) Iraq (1990s) Indonesia (1965)

True Bill No. 666 Peru (1990-present) Ghana (1966) Mexico (1990-present) Uruguay (1969-72) Colombia (1990-present) Chile (1964-73) Yugoslavia (1995-99) Greece (1967-74)

8. US Perversions of Foreign Elections 9. The US has specifically intervened to rig or distort the outcome of foreign elections, and sometimes engineered sham "demonstration" elections to ward off accusations of government repression in allied nations in the US sphere of influence. These sham elections have often installed or maintained in power repressive dictators who have victimized their populations. Such practices have occurred in nations such as: Philippines (1950s) Italy (1948-1970s) Lebanon (1950s) Indonesia (1955) Vietnam (1955) Guyana (1953-64) Japan (1958-1970s) Nepal (1959) Laos (1960) Brazil (1962) Dominican Republic (1962) Guatemala (1963) Bolivia (1966) Chile (1964-70) Portugal (1974-75)

True Bill No. 666 Australia (1974-75) Jamaica (1976) El Salvador (1984) Panama (1984, 89) Nicaragua (1984, 90) Haiti (1987, 88) Bulgaria (1990-91) Albania (1991-92) Russia (1996) Mongolia (1996) Bosnia (1998)

10. US Versus World at the United Nations. 11. The US has repeatedly acted to undermine peace and human rights initiatives at the United Nations, routinely voting against hundreds of UN resolutions and treaties. The US easily has the worst record of any nation on not supporting UN treaties. In almost all of its hundreds of "no" votes, the US was the "sole" nation to vote no (among the 100-130 nations that usually vote), and among only 1 or 2 other nations voting no the rest of the time. 12. Here's a representative sample of US votes from 1978-1987:  US Is the Sole "No" Vote on Resolutions or Treaties  For aid to underdeveloped nations  For the promotion of developing nation exports  For UN promotion of human rights  For protecting developing nations in trade agreements  For New International Economic Order for underdeveloped nations  For development as a human right  Versus multinational corporate operations in South Africa  For cooperative models in developing nations  For right of nations to economic system of their choice  Versus chemical and biological weapons (at least 3 times)  Versus Namibian apartheid  For economic/standard of living rights as human rights  Versus apartheid South African aggression vs. neighboring states (2 times)  Versus foreign investments in apartheid South Africa  For world charter to protect ecology  For anti-apartheid convention  For anti-apartheid convention in international sports

True Bill No. 666                                          

For nuclear test ban treaty (at least 2 times) For prevention of arms race in outer space For UNESCO-sponsored new world information order (at least 2 times) For international law to protect economic rights For Transport & Communications Decade in Africa Versus manufacture of new types of weapons of mass destruction Versus naval arms race For Independent Commission on Disarmament & Security Issues For UN response mechanism for natural disasters For the Right to Food For Report of Committee on Elimination of Racial Discrimination For UN study on military development For Commemoration of 25th anniversary of Independence for Colonial Countries For Industrial Development Decade in Africa For interdependence of economic and political rights For improved UN response to human rights abuses For protection of rights of migrant workers For protection against products harmful to health and the environment For a Convention on the Rights of the Child For training journalists in the developing world For international cooperation on third world debt For a UN Conference on Trade & Development US Is 1 of Only 2 "No" Votes on Resolutions or Treaties For Palestinian living conditions/rights (at least 8 times) Versus foreign intervention into other nations For a UN Conference on Women Versus nuclear test explosions (at least 2 times) For the non-use of nuclear weapons vs. non-nuclear states For a Middle East nuclear free zone Versus Israeli nuclear weapons (at least 2 times) For a new world international economic order For a trade union conference on sanctions vs. South Africa For the Law of the Sea Treaty For economic assistance to Palestinians For UN measures against fascist activities and groups For international cooperation on money/finance/debt/trade/development For a Zone of Peace in the South Atlantic For compliance with Intl Court of Justice decision for Nicaragua vs. US. **For a conference and measures to prevent international terrorism (including its underlying causes) For ending the trade embargo vs. Nicaragua US Is 1 of Only 3 "No" Votes on Resolutions and Treaties

True Bill No. 666           

Versus Israeli human rights abuses (at least 6 times) Versus South African apartheid (at least 4 times) Versus return of refugees to Israel For ending nuclear arms race (at least 2 times) For an embargo on apartheid South Africa For South African liberation from apartheid (at least 3 times) For the independence of colonial nations For the UN Decade for Women Versus harmful foreign economic practices in colonial territories For a Middle East Peace Conference For ending the embargo of Cuba (at least 10 times)

13.          

In addition, the US has: Repeatedly withheld its dues from the UN Twice left UNESCO because of its human rights initiatives Twice left the International Labor Organization for its workers’ rights initiatives Refused to renew the Antiballistic Missile Treaty Refused to sign the Kyoto Treaty on global warming Refused to back the World Health Organization's ban on infant formula abuses Refused to sign the Anti-Biological Weapons Convention Refused to sign the Convention against the use of land mines Refused to participate in the UN Conference against Racism in Durban Been one of the last nations in the world to sign the UN Covenant on Political & Civil Rights (30 years after its creation) Refused to sign the UN Covenant on Economic & Social Rights Opposed the emerging new UN Covenant on the Rights to Peace, Development & Environmental Protection

Deaths from US Military Interventions Dictators (using the most conservative estimates) Nicaragua 30,000 dead Brazil 100,000 dead Korea 4 million dead Guatemala 200,000 dead Honduras

True Bill No. 666 20,000 dead El Salvador 63,000 dead Argentina 40,000 dead Bolivia 10,000 dead Uruguay 10,000 dead Ecuador 10,000 dead Peru 10,000 dead Iraq 1.3 million dead Iran 30,000 dead Sudan 8-10,000 dead Colombia 50,000 dead Panama 5,000 dead Japan 140,000 dead Afghanistan 10,000 dead Somalia

True Bill No. 666 5000 dead Philippines 150,000 dead Haiti 100,000 dead Dominican Republic 10,000 dead Libya 500 dead Macedonia 1000 dead South Africa 10,000 dead Pakistan 10,000 dead Palestine 40,000 dead Indonesia 1 million dead East Timor 1/3-1/2 of total population Greece 10,000 dead Laos 600,000 dead Cambodia 1 million dead Angola

True Bill No. 666 300,000 dead Grenada 500 dead Congo 2 million dead Egypt 10,000 dead Vietnam 1.5 million dead Chile 50,000 dead

14. Other Lethal US Interventions  CIA Terror Training Manuals  Development and distribution of training manuals for foreign military personnel or foreign nationals, including instructions on assassination, subversion, sabotage, population control, torture, repression, psychological torture, death squads, etc.  Specific Torture Campaigns  Creation and launching of direct US campaigns to support torture as an instrument of terror and social control for governments in Greece, Iran, Vietnam, Bolivia, Uruguay, Brazil, Guatemala, El Salvador, Honduras, and Panama  Supporting and Harboring Terrorists 15. The promotion, protection, arming or equipping of terrorists such as:  Klaus Barbie and other German Nazis, and Italian and Japanese fascists, after WW II  Manual Noriega (Panama), Saddam Hussein (Iraq), Rafael Trujillo (Dominican Republic), Osama bin Laden (Afghanistan), and others whose terrorism has come back to haunt us  Running the Higher War College (Brazil) and first School of the Americas (Panama), which gave US training to repressors, death squad members, and torturers (the second School of the Americas is still running at Ft. Benning GA) Providing asylum for Cuban, Salvadoran, Guatemalan, Haitian, Chilean, Argentinian, Iranian, South Vietnamese and other terrorists, dictators, and torturers  Assassinating World Leaders  Using assassination as a tool of foreign policy, wherein the CIA has initiated assassination attempts against at least 40 foreign heads of state (some several times) in the last 50 years, a number of which have been successful, such as: Patrice Lumumba (Congo), Rafael Trujillo (Dominican Republic), Ngo Dihn Diem (Vietnam) Salvador Allende (Chile)

True Bill No. 666  

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Arms Trade & US Military Presence . The US is the world's largest seller of weapons abroad, arming dictators, militaries, and terrorists that repress or victimize their populations, and fueling scores of violent conflicts around the globe . The US is the world's largest provider of live land mines which, even in peacetime, kill or injure at least several people around the world each day . The US has military bases in at least 50 nations around the world, which have led to frequent victimization of local populations. . The US military has been bombing one Middle Eastern or Muslim nation or another almost continuously since 1983, including Lebanon, Libya, Syria, Iran, the Sudan, Afghanistan, and Iraq (almost daily bombings since 1991) this, then, is a sampling of American foreign policies over the last 50 years. The FBI uses the following definition for Terrorism: "The unlawful use of force or violence committed by a group or individual, who has some connection to a foreign power or whose activities transcend national boundaries, against persons or property to intimidate or coerce a government, the civilian population or any segment thereof, in furtherance of political or social objectives." This sounds like the terrorism we just experienced. It also sounds a lot like the US policies and actions since 1945 that I've just described.

16. Ecclesiastical Crimes:  

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Isaiah 24:5 New International Version. -The earth is defiled by its people; they have disobeyed the laws, violated the statutes and broken the everlasting covenant. “The pope, as the Vicar of Christ on earth, possesses the same full power of jurisdiction that Christ Himself possessed during His human life.” -Pope Clement VI., Acta Clementis, c. 1350; cited in the Roman Catholic publication: Granfield, Patrick, The Limits of the Papacy, NY: Crossroad, 1987; p.36. “The pope can do all things God can do.” -Nicolaus de Tudeschis [1386-1445], famous Benedictine canonist and abbot, in “Commentaria” (lvi, 34) “Though unworthy, we take the place of God on earth”- Pope Benedict XIV, Ubi Primum, Dec. 3, 1740. “We hold upon this earth the place of God Almighty.” “ came to pass in the secret design of God’s providence that We were chosen to fill this Chair of St. Peter and to take the place of the Person of Christ Himself in the Church...”- Pope Leo XIII, “Reunion of Chrisendom”, June 20, 1894; Great Encyclical Letters of Pope Leo XIII: Benziger Brothers, p. 304); On the Rosary [September 8, 1892 “By passing a preceding judgment on the great See, concerning which it is not permitted any man to pass judgment, you have received anathema from all the Fathers of all the venerable Councils...As the hinge while remaining immovable opens and closes the door, so Peter and his successors have free judgment over all the Church, since no one should remove their status because “the highest See is judged by no one.” “The Catholic Church, mother and immaculate virgin, although destined to fill the whole world with her members, has nevertheless but one head, which must be venerated by all. Whoever dishonors that head claims in vain to be one of her members. That head is the Church of

True Bill No. 666 Rome, whose power the great Constantine recognizes in his Donation. Now, as Bishop of Rome, the Pope is the Vicar of God charged with the care of the churches.” -Pope ‘St.’ Leo IX, ibid. “Only the Roman Pontiff is rightly called universal; the Pope can be judged by no one; no one can be regarded as a catholic who does not agree with the Roman church; the Roman Church has never erred and never will err till the end of time; the Roman Church was founded by Christ alone; the Pope alone can depose and restore bishops; he alone can make new laws, set up new bishoprics, and divide old ones; he alone can translate bishops to another see; he alone can call general councils and authorize canon law; he alone can revise his own judgements; his sentence cannot be repealed by anyone and he alone can review the judgements of all; he alone can use the imperial insignia; he can depose emperors; he can absolve subjects from their allegiance to impious rulers; the Pope is the only man to whom all princes bend the knee; all princes should kiss his feet; his legates, even those in inferior orders, have precedence over all bishops; an appeal to the papal court inhibits judgement by all inferior courts; a duly ordained pope is undoubtedly made a saint by the merits of St. Peter.” - Pope Gregory VII (Hildebrand), the intimate disciple of Pope Leo IX, Dictatus Papae (decreed in 1074 and reiterated at the 1st Latern Council (one of twenty R.C. ‘Ecumenical Councils’); Latin text in Karl Hofmann, Der Dictatus Papae Gregors VII (Paderborn [Germany]: Ferdinand Schöningh, 1933), p. 11. “The Pope is of so great dignity and so exalted that he is not mere man, but as it were God, and the vicar of God...Hence the Pope is crowned with a triple crown, as king of heaven and of earth and of the lower regions...As to papal authority, the Pope is as it were God on earth, Sole sovereign of all the faithful of Christ, chief king of kings, having a plentitude of unbroken power, entrusted by the omnipotent God to govern the earthly and heavenly kingdoms...The Pope is of so great authority and power, that he is able to modify, declare, or interpret even divine laws.” - From a Papally-endorsed encyclopedia: Lucius Ferraris, Prompta Bibliotheca Canonica, Juridica, Moralis, Theologica, Ascetica, Polemica, Rubristica, Historica (“Handy Canonical, Juridical, Moral, Theological, Ascetical, Polemical, Rubrical, Historical Library”), vol. 5, “Papa (Pope)” article 2 [see also J. P. Migne, 1858 edition, column 1823, Latin] (#1, 13, 18, & 30). The Doctrine of Discovery, 1493. A primary source by Pope Alexander VI. View this item in the Collection. The Papal Bull “Inter Caetera,” issued by Pope Alexander VI on May 4, 1493, played a central role in the Spanish conquest of the New World. Papal Bulls of the 15th century gave Christian explorers the right to claim lands they "discovered" and lay claim to those lands for their Christian Monarchs. Any land that was not inhabited by Christians was available to be "discovered", claimed, and exploited. If the "pagan" inhabitants could be converted, they might be spared. If not, they could be enslaved or killed. The Treaty of Tordesillas was concluded on June 7 1494 to settle the contentious matter of the possession of the newly discovered lands of the non-Christian world between Portugal and Spain. It was ratified by Spain on July 2, 1494. And by Portugal on September 5, 1494.

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True Bill No. 666 This Doctrine governs United States Indian Law today and has been cited as recently as 2005 in the decision City Of Sherrill V. Oneida Indian Nation Of N.Y. The Discovery Doctrine is a concept of public international law expounded by the United States Supreme Court in a series of decisions, initially in Johnson v. M'Intosh in 1823. The doctrine was Chief Justice John Marshall's explanation of the way in which colonial powers laid claim to newly discovered lands during the Age of Discovery. Under it, title to newly discovered lands lay with the government whose subjects discovered new territory. The doctrine has been primarily used to support decisions invalidating or ignoring aboriginal possession of land in favor of colonial or post-colonial governments. Also see MANIFEST DESTINY.

Pope Francis Invokes Lucifer during Easter Mass 2012 & 2013 saying the quoted words in Latin “Flammas eius (Flaming Lucifer) lúcifer matutínus invéniat (Lucifer finds mankind) Ille, inquam, lúcifer, qui nescit occásum: Christus Fílius tuus (I say, O Lucifer who will never be defeated, CHRIST IS YOUR SON!)”. Published here:

George Granville Monah James was a South American historian and author, best known for his 1954 book Stolen Legacy, in which he reveal that Greek philosophy originated in ancient Egypt. "The term 'Greek philosophy,' to begin with is a misnomer, for there is no such philosophy in existence. Now the Doctrine of Discovery (Papal Bulls) doctrine which are made up of three documents, are which has been enforce but all are false upon proof of claim not!.

The Proctor& Gamble Company had to place the emblem & symbol of the church organization on the labels of each Proctor& Gamble product. It is noted that since that time, the symbol of the Church of Satan has been place on all of their labels.


Crest toothpaste Charmin toilet Tissue Camay Bath soap High Point Coffee Gleem Toothpaste Dawn detergent Wondra Hand Lotion Bounce

True Bill No. 666   

Fabric softener Prell shampoo Joy dish detergent

17. The King Alfred Plan Rex-84: KING ALFRED  PARTICIPATING FEDERAL AGENCIES:  National Security Council  Department of Justice  Central Intelligence Agency  Department of Defense  Federal Bureau of Investigation  Department of Interior

PARTICIPATING STATE AGENCIES (Under Federal Jurisdiction)  National Guard Units  State Police PARTICIPATING LOCAL AGENCIES (Under Federal Jurisdiction)  City Police  County Police 18. The Center for the Study of Extraterrestrial Intelligence (more commonly known as CSETI) is a worldwide organization focusing on collecting information about UFOs, with a specific interest in extraterrestrial life forms. It was founded as a non-profit by Steven Greer, who has been the head of the organization since its inception in 1990, with the stated aim of "establishing peaceful and sustainable relations with extraterrestrial life forms". His official statements regarding its intentions also included a new category of extraterrestrial encounters, namely CE-5 or 'close encounters of the fifth kind'. This was defined by Greer as human initiated contact and or communication with extraterrestrial life. In April 1997, the organization made statements to US Members of Congress on their collected evidence and theories surrounding UFO visitations. They were aided in this endeavor by Apollo 14 astronaut Edgar Mitchell. After the initial briefing, Greer and CSETI demanded a full hearing regarding their supposed evidence, as it would allow them to subpoena witnesses, and protect the confidentiality of witnesses who would otherwise not come forward. Congress did not grant them the hearing they requested.  There is no official statutory extraterrestrial authority of the celestial bodies, and lands as well as Extraterrestrial Biological Entities like grey’s and reptilians according to the U.N who the Vatican is not a member but an overseer of.  . Ownership of extraterrestrial real estate is not recognized by any authority Nevertheless, some private individuals and organizations have claimed ownership of celestial bodies, such as the Moon, and are actively involved in "selling" parts of them through certificates of ownership termed "Lunar deeds", "Martian deeds" or similar. These "deeds" have no legal standing. Also according to the U.N who the Vatican is not a member but an overseer of.

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True Bill No. 666 The United Nations sponsored in 1967 "Outer Space Treaty" established all of outer space as an international commons by describing it as the "province of all mankind" and forbidding all the nations from claiming extra-territorial sovereignty. Article VI vests the responsibility for activities in space to States Parties, regardless of whether they are carried out by governments or nongovernmental entities. The Outer Space Treaty of 1967 has currently been ratified by 102 countries, including all the major space-faring nations. It has also been signed by 26 other nations but not yet ratified. The international Moon Treaty, finalized in 1979 and entering into force in 1984, forbids private ownership of extraterrestrial real estate. However, as of January 1, 2013 only 15 states have ratified the agreement, and none of these are major space-faring nations. Alien crafts from other worlds have crashed on Earth. Alien crafts are from both Ultra-Dimensional sources and sources within this Dimension. Early U.S. Government efforts at acquiring technologies were successful. The U.S. Government has had live Alien hostages at some point in time. The U.S. Government has conducted autopsies on Alien cadavers. U.S. Intelligence Agencies and Security Agencies are involved in the cover-up of facts pertaining to the situation. People have been and are currently being abducted, mutilated, murdered and kidnapped as a result of the UFO situation. There is a current Alien presence on this planet among us that controls different elements of our society. Alien forces maintain bases on Earth and on the Moon. The U.S. Government has had a working relationship with Alien Forces for some time, with the express purpose of gaining technology in gravitational propulsion, beam weaponry and mind control. Millions of cattle have been killed in the process of acquiring biological materials. Both Aliens and the U.S. Government are responsible for mutilations, but for different reasons. We live in a multi-dimensional world that is overlapped and visited by aliens and entities from other dimensions. Many of those entities are hostile, and many are not hostile. The basis for our genetic development and religions lies in intervention by non-terrestrial and terrestrial forces. The truth about our actual technology far exceeds that perceived by the Public. The United States Space program of today is a cover operation that exists for public relations purposes. People are being actively killed in order to suppress the facts about the situation. The CIA and the NSA are involved so deeply that exposure would cause collapse of their overt structure. Facts indicate alien presence for within the past 5 to 10 thousand years according legal U.S Documents. The Oppression of Alien Psychology The suppression of the Metagene factor

For this claim is now an enforceable True Bill by Operation of Law:

True Bill No. 666 KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, THAT of UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, USA, etc., and all of its subdivisions, agencies, agents, offices, and officers thereof, and the Ens Legis corporations / franchisees / subsidiaries of the Corporate UNITED STATE / United States, USA, etc.; in name the STATE(S) OF: Including but not Limited to all the offices under the “Pope” which is the papacy Jurisdiction of the Luciferian vicar on “Earth” called “Jorge Mario Bergoglio” (Pope Francis) Pontifex Maximus of the Holy See of Peter (Leviathan / Lucifer), as principal(s), and the Order of the Great White Brotherhood –Throne of India, Bali (surety) and Ashtar Command, of Nirvana (co-surety) as sureties, are held and firmly bound unto the NU CITY-STATES OF AMEXEM in the sum of nomnis ($ ), for the payment of which we bind ourselves, our heirs, executors, administrators, successors, and assigns, jointly and severally, firmly by these presents. That Laremy Wade, the Imperial Treasury for the Nu City-States Noon Crown Treasury Department, shall immediately ledger this Bond this said bond, for Restitution in the amount the Defendant, , shall pay restitution in the amount of NINE HUNDRED BILLION NOMNI :$900,000,000,000.00 NMNI whereas, this legal and lawful tender for settling all debts acquired by the said communer, whereas Noone Society©®™ present this bond certificate in order to protect the secured interest, to preserve and reserve all unalienable rights, the right of redress, remedy, without recourse, and subrogation, and in order to maintain all unalienable rights, treaty rights in honor of all sworn oath public officials operating within the Noone society©®™. To facilitate lawful, legal and honorable commercial transactions, and in order to lawfully engage in public and private commerce; issuing private commercial investment securities and financial assets to merchants, corporations, imperial states and communal city agencies and financial institutions within the jurisdiction of the true culture societies, this communer bond certificate, issued to the private capacity of party member: To be held as a demand deposit for this private trust account by the executive treasurer, operating in office as COUNCILMAN OF THE TREASURY for the Noone Society, is hereby necessitated, and notified. I, DEFENDENT, the principal, of sound mind, with full knowledge and full disclosure, with honorable intent, herein hold, bind, and obligate heirs, executors, administrators, and assigns, agents, principals, individually and cooperatively, jointly and severally by these presents for the amount of: $900,000,000,000.00 NMNI - Nine Hundred Billion Nomnis. For the honorable purposes through this bond, of underwriting, insuring, and indemnifying said account holder(s) and account(s) against any and all preexisting, current, and future liabilities through and by drawing against this bond, dollar for dollar, all such obligations, which shall include but not be limited to, any and all underlying and related account(s), agency(s), bond(s), and person(s), public or private, whether named or unnamed, for all aiding(s), abetting(s), act(s), action(s) (whether civil or criminal), accusations, act(s) of God, advisement(s), affidavit(s), affirmation(s), absconding(s), admiralty action(s), arrest(s), activity, attestation(s), accident(s), appointment(s), accord(s), agreement(s), bill(s), breach(es) of contract, bond(s), bankruptcy action(s), baring(s), brokering(s), capture(s), case(s), cause(s), charge(s), claim(s), code(s), collection(s), commercial action(s), common law action(s), complaint(s), commitment(s), communication(s) (whether written, oral, or electronic, with or without notice), compensatory damage(s), cost(s), criminal debt(s), contract(s), conspiracy, counterfeiting(s) s), document(s), encumbrance(s), equity action(s), error(s), execution(s), election(s), expense(s), fee(s), file(s), finding(s), fine(s), forfeiture(s), fraud(s), hearing(s), holding(s), information(s), indictment(s), injury(s),

True Bill No. 666 instrument(s), incursion(s), incarceration(s), investigation(s), interrogation(s), In Rem proceeding(s), impeachment(s), judgment(s), laundering(s), levy(ies), liability(ies), lien(s), loss(es), letter(s), license(s), manufacturing(s), margin(s), negligence(s), notice(s), obligation(s), obligation(s) of contract, obligation(s) of performance, order(s), option(s), penal action(s), penal debt(s), penal sum(s), pronouncement(s), probation(s), parole(s), prize(s), process(es), profit(s), regulation(s), reimbursement(s), restitution(s), recidivism(s), recklessness(s), recoupment(s), rule(s), recovery(s), recrimination(s), regulation(s), regulatory action(s), rescission(s), rebuttal(s), reprisal(s), recourse(s), remedy(s), remediation(s), statement(s), statute(s), seizure(s), subrogation(s), supervision(s), summoning(s), service(s), tax(es), testimony, true bill(s), taking(s), transaction(s), uttering(s), violation(s), and warrant(s), or other named or unnamed liabilities. All such liabilities, duties, obligations, and debts shall be ledgered against this Bond for set-off, discharge, and payoff by, on and through our private demand deposit & negotiable order withdraw account(s) and shall pay, satisfy, offset, and discharge, dollar for dollar, all such obligations fully and completely, thereby restoring and maintaining the honorable standing of the named account holder(s) and account(s) by, on & through our private trust account(s). NOW, THEREFORE this conveyance is in consideration for the Noone Society , and in exchange for the full adherence and compliance to the “binding law” clauses of this bond listed in the beginning; affecting and binding all elected and non-elected Imperial State and Communal Legislatives, Executives, and Judicial Public Officials and their official positions operating in the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, USA, etc., and all of its subdivisions, agencies, agents, offices, and officers thereof, and the Ens Legis corporations / franchisees / subsidiaries of the Corporate UNITED STATE / United States, USA, etc.; in name the STATE(S) OF: Including but not Limited to all the offices under the “Pope” which is the papacy Jurisdiction of the Luciferian vicar on “Earth” called “Jorge Mario Bergoglio” (Pope Francis) Pontifex Maximus of the Holy See of Peter (Leviathan / Lucifer)., which are now to be lifetime subjects to Noone Society and the power our society who holds inherited with divine right of rulership “Rex Curia” of the entire planet and beyond, as referenced in Genesis 1:26, Psalms 82:6, Proverbs 22, Statues at Large 96 Stat. 1211, Senate Joint Resolution 165, Public law 97-280 and Proclamation 6100; while covering and protecting all Heirs, agents and assigns this bond certificate up to and including the full face value of this bond in the amount of: $900,000,000,000.00 NMNI - Nine Hundred Billion Nomnis to the order of the said communer, which can be exchanged dollar for dollar, equivalent the monetary between Nomni Units and USD, until the obligated amount or term of this bond certificate is therefore extinguished. This conveyance excludes all other property, and property inalienable held in Allodium by communer apart of this autochthonous, original, indigenous, native society. Backed by the full faith and credit of Noone Society. After claimant said not! Signed by: _________________________ __________________________ ___________________________ Underwriter Without recourse –



True Bill No. 666

In Event of Default If a restitution payment is more than 36 days late, it is delinquent, and the Defendant shall pay, as a penalty, an amount equal to 9 percent of the principal amount that is delinquent. If a restitution payment is delinquent for more than 90 days, it is in default, and the Defendant shall pay, as a penalty, an additional amount equal to 19 percent of the principal amount that is in default. All penalties shall accrue, unless waived by the Noocratic Government. NOTICE OF NIBIRU ASSESSMENT LIEN

This assessment lien constitutes an International Commercial Lien on all property in each of their individual capacity, form, and items of the Debtor (indemnitor) as listed on Exhibit A Attached on behalf of, and for the benefit of, the Secured Party Creditor (indemnitee) in the amount of $900,000,000,000.00 NINE HUNDRED BILLION Nomnis, redeemable in silver dollars, fiat money, or money of account/credit, at par value. This lien will expire at the moment that the indemnitee expires or when this lien is satisfied by any Third Party Interloper who seeks to take/seize any of said property.

- Exhibit A Attached – Writ Attachment & Possession Exhibit A 1. All rents, wages, and income; 2. All land, mineral, water, and air rights; 3. All cottages, cabins, houses, and buildings; 4. All bank accounts, bank “safety” deposit boxes and the contents therein, credit card accounts, mutual fund accounts, certificates of deposit accounts, checking accounts, savings accounts, retirement plan accounts, stocks, bonds, securities, and benefits from trusts; 5. All inventory in any source; 6. All machinery, either farm or industrial; 7. All boats, yachts, and water craft, and all equipment, accoutrements, baggage, and cargo affixed or pertaining thereto or stowed therein, inter alia: all motors, engines, ancillary equipment, accessories, parts, tools, instruments, electronic equipment, navigation aids, service equipment, lubricants, and fuels and fuel additives; 8. All aircraft, gliders, balloons, and all equipment, accoutrements, baggage, and cargo affixed or pertaining thereto or stowed therein, inter alia: all motors, engines, ancillary equipment, accessories, parts, tools, instruments, electronic equipment, navigation aids, service equipment, lubricants, and fuels and fuel additives; 9. All motor homes, trailers, mobile homes, recreational vehicles, house, cargo, and travel trailers, and all equipment, accoutrements, baggage, and cargo affixed or pertaining thereto or stowed therein, inter alia: all ancillary equipment, accessories, parts, service equipment, lubricants, and fuels and fuel additives; 10. All livestock and animals, and all things required for the care, feeding, use, and husbandry thereof; 11. All vehicles, autos, trucks, four-wheel vehicles, trailers, wagons, motorcycles, bicycles, tricycles, wheeled conveyances; 12. All computers, computer-related equipment and accessories, electronically stored files or data, telephones, electronic equipment, office equipment and machines; 13. All visual reproduction systems, aural reproduction Systems, motion pictures, films, video tapes, audio tapes, sound tracks, compact discs, phonograph records, film, video and aural production equipment, cameras, projectors, and musical instruments; 14. All manuscripts, booklets, pamphlets, treatises, treatments, monographs, stories, written material, libraries, plays, screenplays, lyrics, songs, music; 15. All books and records of DEBTOR; 16. All Trademarks, Registered Marks, copyrights, patents, proprietary data and technology, inventions, royalties, good will; 17. All scholastic degrees, diplomas, honors, awards, meritorious citations; 18. All records, diaries, journals, photographs, negatives, transparencies, images, video footage, film footage, drawings, sound records, audio tapes, video tapes, computer production or storage of all kinds whatsoever, of DEBTOR;

True Bill No. 666 19. All fingerprints, footprints, palm prints, thumbprints, RNA materials, DNA materials, blood and blood fractions, biopsies, surgically removed tissue, bodily parts, organs, hair, teeth, nails, semen, urine, other bodily fluids or matter, voice-print, retinal image, and the descriptions thereof, and all other corporal identification factors, and said factors’ physical counterparts, in any form, and all records, record numbers, and information pertaining thereto; 20. All biometrics data, records, information, and processes not elsewhere described, the use thereof; and the use of the information contained therein or pertaining thereto; 21. All Rights to obtain, use, request, or refuse or authorize the administration of, any food, beverage, nourishment, or water, or any substance to be infused or injected into, or affecting the body by any means whatsoever; 22. All Rights to request, refuse, or authorize the administration of; any drug, manipulation, material, process, procedure, ray, or wave which alters, or might alter the present or future state of the body, mind, spirit, or will by any means, method, or process whatsoever; 23. All keys, locks, lock combinations, encryption codes or keys, safes, secured places, and security devices, security programs, and any software, machinery, or devices related thereto; 24. All Rights to access and use utilities upon payment of the same unit costs as the comparable units of usage offered to mostfavored customers, inter alia, cable, electricity, garbage, gas, internet, satellite, sewage, telephone, water, www, and all other methods of communication, energy transmission, and food or water distribution; 25. All Rights to barter, buy, contract, sell, or trade ideas, products, services, or work; 26. All Rights to create, invent, adopt, utilize, or promulgate any system or means of currency, money, medium of exchange, coinage, barter, economic exchange, bookkeeping, record-keeping, and the like; 27. All Rights to use any free, rented, leased, fixed, or mobile domicile, as though same were a permanent domicile, free from requirement to apply for or obtain any government license or permission and free from entry, intrusion, or surveillance, by any means, regardless of duration of lease period, so long as any required lease is currently paid or a subsequent three-day grace period has not expired; 28. All Rights to manage, maneuver, direct, guide, or travel in any form of automobile or motorized conveyance whatsoever without any requirement to apply for or obtain any government license, permit, certificate, or permission of any kind whatsoever; 29. All Rights to marry and procreate children, and to rear, educate, train, guide, and spiritually enlighten any such children, without any requirement to apply for or obtain any government license, permit, certificate, or permission of any kind whatsoever; 30. All Rights to buy, sell, trade, grow, raise, gather, hunt, trap, angle, and store food, fiber, and raw materials for shelter, clothing, and survival; 31. All Rights to exercise freedom of religion, worship, use of sacraments, spiritual practice, and expression without any abridgment of free speech, or the right to publish, or the right to peaceably assemble, or the right to petition Government for redress of grievances, or petition any military force of the United States for physical protection from threats to the safety and integrity of person or property from either “public” or “private” sources; 32. All Rights to Keep and Bear Arms for self-defense of self; family, and parties entreating physical protection of person or property; 33. All Rights to create, preserve, and maintain inviolable, spiritual sanctuary and receive into same any and all parties requesting safety and shelter; 34. All Rights to create documents of travel of every kind whatsoever, inter alia, those signifying diplomatic status and immunity as a free, independent, and Sovereign State-in-fact; 35. All claims of ownership or certificates of title to the corporeal and incorporeal hereditaments, hereditary succession, and all innate aspects of being, i.e. mind, body, soul, free will, faculties, and self; 36. All Rights to privacy and security in person and property, inter alia, all Rights to safety and security of all household or sanctuary dwellers or guests, and -all papers and effects belonging to DEBTOR or any household or sanctuary dwellers or guests, against governmental, quasi-governmental, defacto governmental, or private intrusion, detainer, entry, seizure, search, surveillance, trespass, assault, summons, or warrant, except with proof of superior claim duly filed in the Commercial Registry by any such intruding party in the private capacity of such intruding party, notwithstanding whatever purported authority, warrant, order, law, or color of law may be promulgated as the authority for any such intrusion, detainer, entry, seizure, search, surveillance, trespass, assault, summons, or warrant; 37. All names used and all Corporations Sole executed and filed, or to be executed and filed, under said names; 38. All intellectual property, inter alia, all speaking and writing; 39. All signatures and seals; 40. All present and future retirement incomes, and rights to such incomes, issuing from any of DEBTOR’S accounts; 41. All present and future medical and health care, and rights owned through survivorship, from any of DEBTOR’S accounts; 42. All applications, filings, correspondence, information, identifying marks, image licenses or travel documents, materials, permits, registrations, and records and records numbers held by any entity, for any purpose, however acquired, as well as the analyses and uses thereof, and any use of any information and images contained therein, regardless of creator, method, location, process, or storage form, inter alia, all processed algorithms analyzing, classifying, comparing, compressing, displaying, identifying, processing, storing, or transmitting said applications, filings, correspondence, information, identifying marks, image licenses or travel documents, materials, permits, registrations, and records and records numbers, and the like; 43. All library cards; 44. All credit, charge, and debit cards, and mortgages, notes, applications, card numbers, and associated records and information; 45. All credit of DEBTOR; 46. All traffic citations/tickets; 47. All parking citations/tickets; 48. All court cases and judgments, past, present, and future, in any court whatsoever, and all bonds, orders, warrants, and other matters attached thereto or derived there from;

True Bill No. 666 49. All precious metals, bullion, coins, jewelry, precious jewels, semi-precious stones, mounts, and any storage boxes within which said items are stored; 50. All tax correspondence, filings, notices, coding, record numbers, and any information contained therein, wherever and however located, and no matter by whom said information was obtained, compiled, codified, recorded, stored, analyzed, processed, communicated, or utilized; 51. All bank accounts, bonds, certificates of deposit, drafts, futures, insurance policies, investment securities, Individual Retirement Accounts, money market accounts, mutual funds, notes, options, puts, calls, pension plans, savings accounts, stocks, warrants, 401-K’s, and the like; 52. All accounts, deposits, escrow accounts, lotteries, over payments, prepayments, prizes, rebates, refunds, returns, Treasury Direct Accounts, claimed and unclaimed funds, and all records and records numbers, correspondence, and information pertaining thereto or derived there from; 53. All cash, coins, money, Federal Reserve Notes, and Silver Certificates, Nomni Units, and Sovereigncoins. 54. All drugs, herbs, medicine, medical supplies, cultivated plants, growing plants, inventory, ancillary equipment, supplies, propagating plants, and seeds, and all related storage facilities and supplies; 55. All products of and for agriculture, and all equipment, inventories, supplies, contracts, accoutrements involved in the planting, tilling, harvesting, processing, preservation, and storage of all products of agriculture; 56. All farm, lawn, and irrigation equipment, accessories, attachments, hand-tools, implements, service equipment, parts, and supplies, and storage sheds and contents; 57. All fuel, fuel tanks, containers, and involved or related delivery systems; 58. All metal-working, woodworking, and other such machinery, and all ancillary equipment, accessories, consumables, power tools, hand tools, inventories, storage cabinets, toolboxes, work benches, shops, and facilities; 59. All camping, fishing, hunting, and sporting equipment, and all special clothing, materials, supplies, and baggage related thereto; 60. All rifles and guns and related accessories, and ammunition and the integral components thereof; 61. All radios, televisions, communication equipment, receivers, transceivers, transmitters, antennas, and towers, and all ancillary equipment, supplies, computers, software programs, wiring, and related accoutrements and devices; 62. All power-generating machines or devices, and all storage, conditioning, control, distribution, wiring, and ancillary equipment pertaining or attached thereto; 63. All computers and computer Systems and the information contained therein, as well as all ancillary equipment, printers, and data compression or encryption devices and processes; 64. All office and engineering equipment, furniture, ancillary equipment, drawings tools, electronic and paper files, and items related thereto; 65. All water wells and well-drilling equipment, and all ancillary equipment, chemicals, tools, and supplies; 66. All shipping, storing, and cargo containers, and all chassis, truck trailers, vans, and the contents thereof; whether on-site, in transit, or in storage anywhere; 67. All building materials and prefabricated buildings, and all components or materials pertaining thereto, before or during manufacture, transportation, storage, building, erection, or vacancy while awaiting occupancy thereof; 68. All communications and data, and the methods, devices, and forms of information storage and retrieval, and the products of any such stored information; 69. All books, drawings, magazines, manuals, and reference materials regardless of physical form; 70. All artwork, paintings, etchings, photographic art, lithographs, and serigraphs, and all frames and mounts pertaining or affixed thereto; 71. All food, and all devices, tools, equipment, vehicles, machines, and related accoutrements involved in food preservation, preparation, growth, transport, and storage; 72. All construction machinery and all ancillary equipment, supplies, materials, fuels, fuel additives, supplies, materials, and service equipment pertaining thereto; 73. All medical, dental, optical, prescription, and insurance records, records numbers, and information contained in any such records or pertaining thereto; 74. The Will of DEBTOR; 75. All inheritances gotten or to be gotten; 76. All wedding bands and rings, watches, wardrobe, and toiletries; 77. All household goods and appliances, linen, furniture, kitchen utensils, cutlery, tableware, cooking utensils, pottery, antiques; 78. All businesses, corporations, companies, trusts, partnerships, limited partnerships, organizations, proprietorships, and the like, now owned or hereafter acquired, and all books and records thereof and there from, all income there from, and all accessories, accounts, equipment, information, inventory, money, spare parts, and computer software pertaining thereto; 79. All packages, parcels, envelopes, or labels of any kind whatsoever which are addressed to, or intended to be addressed to, DEBTOR, whether received or not received by DEBTOR; 80. All telephone numbers; 81. Any property not specifically listed, named, or specified by make, model, serial number, etc., is expressly herewith included as collateral of DEBTOR as applies to any and all ‘property’ as described in detail in additional filed U.C.C-1’s or U.C.C-3’s under necessity in the exercise of the right of Redemption in behalf of the Debtor.

NOTE; Secured Party reserves the right to add or amend this private security agreement by addition of Schedule A’s as needed or necessary on behalf of the Debtor.

True Bill No. 666

JURAT SUBCRIBED TO AND AFFIRMED before me this day: 8/12/2016 Notary Public, that the party member and authorized representative for the legal fiction (Ens Legis): Gen. Noboohu, Oonoo Auth. Rep, personally appeared and known to me to be the being whose name subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to be the same.

_____________________________________ Seal; Notary Public in and for said State My Commission expires; Eternal!

Duly Honored, Noone Society©®™

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