Impacts of Dota in Students

March 18, 2017 | Author: Jv_Aquino_4224 | Category: N/A
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CHAPTER I THE PROBLEM AND ITS BACKGROUND INTRODUCTION Defense of the Ancients (DotA) is a custom scenario for Warcraft III, based on the "Aeon of Strife" map for StarCraft. The objective of the scenario is to destroy the opponents' "Ancient". The two teams' ancients are heavily guarded structures at opposing corners of the map. Players use powerful units known as heroes, and are assisted by allied heroes and AI-controlled fighters called "creeps". As in role-playing games, players level up their hero and use gold to buy equipment during the mission.[1] The scenario was developed with the "World Editor" of Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos, and was updated upon the release of the Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne. There have been many variations of the original concept; currently, the most popular is DotA Allstars, which has been maintained by several authors during development. Since its release, Allstars has become a feature at several worldwide tournaments, including Blizzard Entertainment's BlizzCon and the Asian World Cyber Games, as well as the Cyberathlete Amateur and CyberEvolution leagues; Gamasutra declared that DotA was perhaps the most popular "free, non-supported game mod in the world".[2] The map has gone on to influence other maps and games, including the upcoming strategy game Demigod.

DOTA GAMES have now been with us for over 30 years. The Atari 2600 is nearly 25 years old. Civilization is now nearly 10 years old. Yet, many Americans fail to recognize these complex achievements as more than fads or child’s play. Ask most people what they think about video games, DOTA and many will respond that they’re a waste of time. Many critics argue that games produce socially isolated people or promote violent behavior.

DOTA games are simple, mind numbing entertainment. Playing

games is a waste of time. Some of these criticisms may (or may not) be true, but to view all game playing through this lens is to ignore the broader history of games and the diverse range of game playing experiences available. In fact, the DOTA games sales charts reflect this diversity.

The Sims –the

“animated dollhouse” game where players create and play out digital fantasy households has dominated the charts for 18 months straight.

There are so many

computer games which is being addicted by the children or students either in high school and college and even the elementary really like the DOTA games or video games. Today millions of students has been playing DOTA games and become their habits it is so hard for them to avoid playing DOTA games. It is a big Physical and Psychological effects for them mostly to their studies.

BACKGROUND OF THE STUDY The original author of DOTA Defense of the Ancients was a mapmaker by the name of “EUL”. However,

after the Warcraft III expansion the Frozen Throne w

as released, Eul did not update the map. The original defense of the Ancient, development was eventually hatled, but not before making the source open for other developers. Numerous variants

were created

on the original

but Allstars

became the de facto9r standard of the map Based on the original map, Allstars was developed by an author alais Guinsoo, with the release of

under the

the6 x version. Another developer named Ice

frog, took up development Ice frog is now the main program for the map, doing everything form implementation

and balancing of debugging. With successive

versions, features, heroes, items , abilities, and graphics are added to updated and bugs are fixed. For example, automatically

changed the

inverson 6.48. Icefrog added a feature

terrain from

accompanied by with a changelog.

grass to

0n the Dotas,



each released,


Allstars, forum, users can be

post ideas, for new heroes or items, some of which are added to the map. Icefrog recently added anew hero based off submission for a ”Model to hero “ context o his site.

RESEARCH LOCALE The researcher conduct an interview in selected school, universities in Metro Manila. Where the respondents are students in high school level and playing Dota.

THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK In the conceptual that made by the researcher, the impacts of dota has determined, and the action that can be made by the parents to avoid their children in being addicted in playing dota. The researcher made a frame that easy to understand.



Students spent their time playing dota than studying


Parents should keep an eye on their children Prohibit students in computer shop

Students get failed grades Don’t have time for the family Not eating at the right time

STATEMENT OF THE STUDY The foregoing study is about the influence of playing computer games to the children age below 14, specifically the researcher try to find out the answers to the following problems: 1. What are the effects of computer games among children 2. What are the disadvantages and advantages of playing computer games among children with the age of 14 years old? 3. How to play a computer games? 4. What are the influence of computer games to children ages below 14? 5. What are the causes of playing computer games?

HYPOTHESIS There is no significant relationship between the profile of the respondents. A descriptive method is used in the foregoing study.

ASSUMPTION In the foregoing study the researcher observes, the age of the students that playing dota, how many times they play dota and what is the impact of it to their selves and to their study.

SCOPE AND DELIMITATION The study conducted to determine the impacts of dota in students. The researcher focused in dota playing game and is limited in the area of Metro, Manila, in selected Schools, and Universities. to the high school students that playing Dota. It will be used until the time comes for the new generations, because technology is still there. DEFENITION OF TERMS DOTA- Defense of the Ancients (DotA) is a custom scenario for Warcraft III, ON LINE GAME – games that being played by the students in computer IMPACT- the result, if it is good or bad COMPUTER GAMES- games using the computer, net gaming

CHAPTER II Review of Related Literature and Related Studies Related Literature According to Waldbridge, "Responsible gaming is an attitude we need if we are engage into Computer Game. Developing this attitude is not a personal choice alone, it requires the participation of society (parents, school, game developer and government)." As a computer game user, player and fan, it has led me to study the effects of playing computer games such as DOTA, KHAN, and other highly innovative and competitively graphical games. The purpose of the study was to establish an understanding of to what extent is the effect of playing online games, network games and other types to the studies of the students in the university where I graduated. While it was difficult to set a parameter of classifying games according to types and quality since I and my friend believed that the characteristics of the games have something to do with the addiction of students to playing, we thought that it would be safe to just assume games as if have the same characteristics even though these games are under of different types and of the different level of complex graphical presentation, level of

real-time experiences, the plot of story it is trying to project and a lot more qualities. Thus, if we quantify the effects then assumption holds that each game that we have studied has a relatively the same impact to students considering its character/quality. However, the extent of its impact is relatively different when we talk about the degree of variation to students experiences towards gaming. This shows therefore that in studying game addiction, it requires a rigid classification and parameter identification to clearly qualify and quantify the impact of this activity to the life of students and Human in general. I encountered several unique experiences when we did the study, and it has given me knowledge on the magnitude of effects whether it is health, study, social, and family and even money issues. "One of result says that female players is exactly the same compared to male players when it comes the time of engagement to games. This means that women has started playing games as early as 4 years old as the time of engagement of men revealed, and they women also spent closely 5 to 8 hrs on the average everyday just like men does."

Perez says that, DotA effects have been continue for several years since the launch of the War of War Craft and the Frozen Throne. Almost every people especially the youth has played this game at the very beginning of the years. What is the content that DotA offers to the gamers? And how's the excitements that it brings towards the gamers? And you may ask a key question, how long will this DotA effects last?

DotA basically is a game expanded from version of War of War Craft, which initially a strategic game similar to Red Alert series. But eventually evolved into current state. Gamers can play DotA on a wide range; from single player, local LAN, or LAN over internet connection with various country's gamers. There contain variety of Heroes to be chosen as your character, there are many type of gaming modes, and different type of map for the game modes. There's no need for me to explain how the game is conducted and the features of the game. Because there are lots of gamers who are more expert than me exist in the DotA community. For me, this DotA is not a difficult game for amateur, you can start play DotA anytime and familiar with this game easily over 2 or 3 days. But one things to remind you is, DotA is not easy to master and play like a Pro. You can take up to several years spent on this game but still behave like amateur.

There are lots of effects which DotA brings to our society, to be particular, the youth. With no doubt this game is one of the hottest game in the market. In every cyber

cafe you can see gamers stick with their screen and mouse and keyboard, with their face full of concentration and excitements finding ways to defeat their opposing team or enemies. Actually DotA serve as a platform for youth to communicate. Teenagers who initially don't know each other can easily become friends through DotA game, because this game provides a common topics for every of the teenagers. They can discuss about the weapons, the heroes, and the tactics. ADVANTAGES

Some of the advantages of the DOTA games are: 1. it is more good for the students spend their time at computer games rather than in drugs; 2. it will give knowledge to all the students


The following disadvantages of the DOTA games: 1. the students must learn how to cutting their class; 2. the grade will be failed 3. no time for the family 4. they should not eat their food properly.

Related Studies: Lodaya conducted the study that the favorite pastime of 95% of DotA players is to make excuses when they get owned, in a pathetic attempt to shield themselves from the harsh reality that their own shortcomings have just been exposed for the world to see, and to try to maintain what little crumbs the other players probably never held in their minds that the dead player in question is in fact, a good player at all. Excuses are many, ranging from "lag", to "LAAAG" to "LOL I WASN'T WATCHING (tharfore surely i wud have owned yuo)", or another favorite one "Where was my team! What you guys doin?!?! Yall jackin off over there or what?!" On top of this, dissatisfaction often manifests itself amongst some players regarding their inability to do jack shit but sit there and take a fat Blademaster cock up the ass when they get raped by ownage combos, usually in the form of post-death mockery such as "i can push one buttens and get kills WOOO". In this example, "WOOO" is the noise of a child uncontrollably shitting its pants and crying. In many cases especially in the Philippines, people who become "PROS" in this so-called "game" turn out to be n00bs in real life. They play DotA as a lame excuse so that they can tell others that they play Warcraft. At least 100 years ago, Warcraft 3 is now called DotA. Ask a regular dota playing Filipino what Warcraft is and he will LOL WUT? Also, DotA is already an excuse to fail IRL. DotA just became a shitty medium to condescend to their total lack of actual skill in real time strategy gaming. Such people are called DotArds. See retard, or Encyclopedia Dramaticunt.

Many variations of the DotA map exist. Some maps cater to Narutards. Others, like Tides of Blood, cater to fuckwits with a scatological sense of humor. A study conducted that one of the dreadful effects of watching or playing DotA is the reduction of a bit of your IQ. Another is a slow, horrible death due to internal hemorrhaging. It is also known that your head can will explode due to the sheer retardation level and shittiness of the game. Those whose minds are simple/retarded/stupid enough to somehow TAKE the overall shittiness will have their minds liquefied into a fine goo and transformed into an addict, which is why most DotArds play their shitty game 24/7. As stated above DotA is not newfag friendly, this isn't because the game is near impossible to master properly (like Pacman) but rather it is completely and totally over complicated. In DotA, there are roughly eighty one hundred characters each with their own stats and unique abilities and almost as many items. To make matters worse in order to actually acquire good items you have to merge items together in what they call a "recipe" which causes the simple decision of choosing an item to increase your agility to take 60 seconds or longer which adds up because you have to keep buying items or you will get pwned hardcore. This complicated system results in literally over 9000 different combinations. One would expect that you could simply stick with a handful of characters you actually like but you'd be wrong, the people who obsess over DotA get a great deal of pleasure reminding you of how their mastery is far superior by choosing the "all random" mode

which means you could be playing as any of the eighty characters available and to make matters worse all the "hardened" DotArds expect that you have had extensive experience with all characters and memorized all item and ability related documentation. In the event you are unable to live up to the standards of the benevolent veterans you can expect to be slandered and mocked at every turn. Eventually word will get around about how much you suck so you can expect to be instantly booted from any DotA games you try and join which will prevent you from gaining any useful experience leaving you no choice but to become an hero or go back to Halo, but who wants to live with that kind of shame. A student

says, When I started out this game i was fully amazed with the

numbers of heroes you are to choose from. This has been very popular up to now. I do play this with my officemates and online also through the use of garena. I though first DOTA is actually the name of the game until I found out that its just a map based from warcraft 3 Frozen throne and you can also play different maps of Frozen throne like for example "fight of characters" try to play that, its also getting popular. When we talk about this game most of the questions are " who is your character?" I always just answer them "it depends" who is your the character of my opponent. Try to learn all heroes and learn to know how to "Counter them" sometimes you can beat Experienced Players using their counter heroes. You also have to consider mastering at least one just for you to make sure you can have a game win at all. You also need to know what is the equipment they wear through combination of

items. I Strong Player knows the Equipment that suits the Hero. The game is all about Pushing / Destroying the tower up to the end with the help of the creeps, until you break their defenses and dominate in the game. Along with that is killing of enemy heroes who tries to defend their tower. They always update their map time by time you have to be updated with the latest heroes and changes with their skills. you can check dota for latest information of maps, updates and gamefaqs there. For now the latest version is 6.59c in which you can download the updated map of the game at you'll have the updated map. On a side note, Most of popular online games are in garena in which you just have to learn how to tweak some settings in the game to play on it online for free. its just a matter of connecting 2 computers via VPN connection.

SYNTHESIS The following literature and studies above that the researcher gets, has it similarities in the foregoing study about the “Impact of Dota in Student” The study related studies and literature conduct all the reasons students.

why dota has its impact to

CHAPTER III RESEARCH METHODOLOGY Research Design The foregoing study utilized the descriptive method of research. This method of gathering facts that deals with the current conditions surrounding the topic. Using this method we undertake a sampling procedure and conducted an interview among twenty students in selected School/ University in Metro Manila. Respondents of the Study As already mentioned, the foregoing study employ a survey method, by selecting at random twenty students that are utilized as respondents of this study. Research Instrument The data were gathered by formulating questions and using them as the main tools for obtaining facts from the respondents. Each of the respondents are provided their own set of questionnaire. These data are transferred and arranged iun tables where they are further to analysis and interpretation. These data as earlier noted will serve as basis for the conclusion of this study.

Data Collection Procedure The researcher get a permission in distributing the questionnaire to the respondents of the said study. After distributing and getting all the results, the researcher arranged in table and analyzed it, through interpretation. Statistical Treatment In analyzing the data in this study, a simple percentage and frequency method was used using the following formula: P = F x 100 _____ n



= Percentage

F = frequency n =

Total of Respondents

CHAPTER IV PRESENTATION, ANALYSIS AND INTERPREATTION OF DATA In this Chapter, where presentation, analysis and interpretation of table has shown. It will determine the number of respondents that answered the questions that the researcher made.

Question 1: Do you play computer games? RESPONDS Yes No



In this table, 75% of the respondents said that they do play computer games, and 0% said that do not play it. So this means that almost all of the students do play computer games Question 3: How often? RESPONDS Everyday Once a week Twice a week


PERCENTAGE 70% 15% 15%

In this table, almost 70% of the respondents were playing computer evryday, 15% said that they play once a week, and the 15 said that they just play twice a week Question 3: What is the game you often play?



PERCENTAGE 80% 10% 10%

Table 3, determine that 80% of the respondents do play DOTA, 10% were playing ragnarok and 10% were playing counterstrike. So it means that DOTA is more capable for them to play. Question 4: Is this affects your study? RESPONDS Yes No Sometimes


PERCENTAGE 80% 10% 10%

Table 4, 80% of the respondents says that playing DOTA and other computer games affects their study, 5% says it don’t affect their study, and 10% says that it affects their study them sometimes.

Question 5: what is the impact of playing DOTA to you? RESPONDS My grades get low/ failed My parents get angry to me I don’t have time for


PERCENTAGE 40% 20% 40%

studying In table 5, 40% of the respondents says that impact of playing DOTA to them were the low grades or sometime failed grades they get and not having time for their study. And 20% says that their parents got angry to them in playing DOTA. It means that the impact of playing DOTA is more on the study of the students


The study is all about the impacts of DOTA to students. It determines the advantages and disadvantages of paling DOTA. It also determine the effects of DOTA in the life and study of the students. The survey in different students on selected school and university among twenty respondents had been conducted. The majority of the students love to play DOTA than any other computer games, they were aware on its impact but they do not care about it. Most of these students spent time in computer shops, and not paying attention with their study. The minority of these students were all male in gender, as we all knew boys have hard head than girls. The study also determine the information about DOTA, where it came from, how it started and what kind of game is it.


Do you know how to play DOTA games? This is one of the biggest question among those who play their computer games t different computer shops. Most of the

users of this computer games are belong to 14 and above all of them are students. With this computer knowledge, the students should not able to attend their schools or classes Hence, with

this study you may able to know all the advantages and

disadvantages of computer games to the youth or teenagers. Therefore, the so called computer games is not really good to the children nor to the teenagers or students. So with this study you may also determined that several games in computer is knowledgeable but there are some DOTA games which is not suitable for the students.And with this you can avail to know all the facts and bad influence of this so called DOTA games to the children as well as for the students.


The DOTA games is one of the most popular games here in our country today. Millions of youth and children really want to play its favorite games at the computer

shop. Most of the time the children should not able to attend their classes because of this DOTA games. With this regard, we found out that there is no good impacts of computer games to the children. So this study is recommended to the following: 1. to the students, in order to let them know the worse impacts of DOTA in their life and study 2. to all the parents to give guide to their children

3. to the computer rentals, to prohibit students in time that they knew it has a class to attend to, or if the child is wearing a uniform


In partial fulfillment of the requirements for graduation, this thesis entitled, ”IMPACTS OF DOTA TO THE STUDENTS,” has been prepared and submitted by Redmelton S. Lacanilao

________________ Willie S. Villafania Thesis Teacher

Accepted and approved in partial fulfillment of the requirements for graduation.

________________ Mrs. Marilou A. Ongoco Assistant Principal High School Table of Contents

I. Chapter 1

A. Problem and its background B. Introduction C. Background of the study D. Research Locale E. Theoretical Framework F. Conceptual Framework G. Statement of the study H. Hypothesis I. Assumption J. Scopes And Delimitation K. Definition of Terms II. Chapter 2 A. Review of related literature and Related studies B. Related literatures C. Advantage D. Disadvantage E. Related Studies F. Synthesis III. Chapter 3 A. Research Methodology B. Respondents of the Study

C. Research instruments D. Data Collection Procedure E. Statistical Treatment IV. Chapter 4 A. Interpretation, Analysis and interpretation of Data V. Chapter 5 A. Sumar of Findings, Conclusions and Recommendations B. Conclusion C. Recommendation


My sincerest gratitude to all of the people who helped me to finish this thesis. To God, who guided me and gave me knowledge. To my family, for their endless love and support. To my friends, classmates and Ma’am Malou, Thank you.

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