Impact of Time Management Program On Time Wasters of Head Nurses and Their Perception Toward Effective Organizational Performance

April 14, 2023 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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 IOSR Journal of Nursing and Health Health Science (IOSR-JNHS) (IOSR-JNHS) e-ISSN: 2320 – 1959.p1959.p- ISSN: 2320 – 1940 1940 Volume 4, Issue 3 Ver. II (May. - Jun. 2015), PP 18-30   

Impact of Time Management Program on Time Wasters of Head Nurses and Their Perception toward Effective Organizational Performance Ahlam Mahmoud El-Shaer  Nursing Administration, Faculty Faculty of Nursing, Mansoura University.Egypt  University.Egypt    Ab  A bstrac stractt: Time management is a set of skills and behaviours that become a part of one’s personal and  professional life. It is the key to high performance levels and affecting not only the productivity of your employees, but also helps to cope pressure more efficiently. The aim of the t he study is to explore the impact of time management program on time wasters of head nurses and their perception toward effective organizational  performance. Quasi-experimental Quasi-experimental design was used in i n this study. All head nurses (n= 4 40) 0) working in outpatient of health insurance at Dakahlia were included in the study. Three tools were used for data collection, namely time management questionnaire, time management for effective organizational performance questionnaire, andknowledge Test. A major finding of the study were highly statistical significant improvement of knowledge level of head nurses', current use of time management, time wasters and perception toward effective organizational performance post program. Statistical significant positive correlation were found post program at P 85-75), moderate knowledge (< 75-60), and low (
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