IMO Infection

August 6, 2022 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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1. The best inspection material for C. diphtheriae: A. Smears of skin B. Throat lesions C. Skin lesions D. Pseudomembrane E. Urine 2. The !"ear! !"ear!old old bo" #as taken to the Puskesm Puskesmas as because because he couldn$ couldn$tt eat because because it #as difficult to open his mouth. After the e%amination turned out his mouth can onl" open b" 1.2 cm and on his le& #as found #ound b" pierced #ire ' da"s a&o. (" the doctor is classified into tetanus de&ree : a. ).  b. II c. ))) d. )* e. * '. Cannot open the mouth s"mptom in the case abo+e because of the influence of tetanus to%in called: a. Tetano tanosi sillin  b. Endoto%in c. Tetanospamine d. Tetano tanofl flas asm m e. ,ipo ,ipopo pol" l"sa sacc ccha hari ride de -. To%ic &ranules and +asculariation are characteristic of se+ere infections. (oth are in+ol+ed in the cell : a. Er Er" "throc hroc" "tes tes  b. (asophil c. Neutrophils d. Eusi Eusino noph phil ilss


e. ,"mpho mphoc" c"te tess /. )n the tanck test0 the #anted cell is: a. eas easur urab able le #i #ith th one core core  b. easurable small and the heart of man" c. Measurable very big with the core ofmany d. easur easurabl ablee edium edium #ith #ith the core core of of man" man" e. easur easurabl ablee ediu edium m #ith #ith )ntin )ntin one

. )*!1 )*!1 antibod" testin& can be done b" e%amination: a. E,)SA test  b. PC3 Test Test and E,)SA Test Test c. Th eSA 4e 4etest ster stern (dlot t ester tes test t n (lot d. The E,)SA E,) tes t nand an(lo 4es 4 tern (lot e. 5o there is 6. 7ne of the acute tropical diseases that can cause febris muscle ashes and nephritis is: a. alaria  b. A+ian A+ian )nfluena c. Leptospira d. Th" Th"roid oid fe+ fe+er  er  e. )*8A)DS 9. Den&ue shock occurs #hen: a.  b. c. d. e.

1!2 1!2 hour hourss bef befor oree tthe he fe+ fe+er  er  After the fe+er stops 4hile fe+er  e+er e+er or or fe+e fe+err be&i be&ins ns to to fall fall 4hil 4hilee the the fe+er fe+er be be&an &an to fa fall ll

;. i&hest cellular immune response in lepros" t"pes: a. TT


 b. (( c. ,, d. (T e. (T 1.



2'. A '2!"ear!old '2!"ear!old man came to the puskesmas #ith bod" complaints sometimes feels a little limp0 especiall" after #orkin& from the fields0 both le&s enlar&ed to the thi&h and felt hea+"0 testicles also enlar&ed. The possible etiolo&ies of the abo+e diseases are: a. (r (ru& u&ia ia mala" ala"ii  b. (ru&ia timori c. 4uche 4uchece ceri riaa ba bancr ncrof ofti ti d. ,oa!loa e. 7nch 7nchoc ocer erca ca +ol +ol+u +ulu luss 2-. The results of a peripheral blood e%amination e%a mination from a 'ectin& dru&s more than - "ears a&o. ,aborator" tests that need to be done are: A. 4idal test (. 3apid test for den&ue C. DD3  D. CDE. 3aid test anti )*

2. To%ic &ranules and +asculariation are characteristic of se+ere infections. (oth are in+ol+ed in the cell : f. Er"t r"throc oc" "tes &. (asophil h. Neutrophils i.

Eusino nop phils



26. ale 2/ "ears come #ith fe+er 1< da"s0 initiall" not hi&h and hi&her and hi&her0 especiall" in the afternoon and e+enin&. The first ' da"s of fe+er and diarrhea0 appear apathetic. ' da"s &ot  paracetamol and ampicillin but didnt uite impro+e. The e%amination to establish the etiolo&ical dia&nosis is : A.#idal0 &al 8 bul"on culture0 blood culture0 serolo&"


(. ema&&lutination inhibition C. thick blood +essel D.serolo&is leptospirosis0 #idal E.#idal0 &al 8 bul"on culture0 fecal culture c ulture 29. S#ellin& of the e"es0 petals0 2 #eeks arise in the limbs and stomach0 red u urine0 rine0 urine protein -@. The dia&nosis is : A. CP30 (. S5A0 C. S50 D. heart failure0 E. Cirrhosis of the li+er  2;. )f found eosinophilia0 possibilit" mi&ht be e%pected earl" are: A. mali&nancies (. Salmonella th"pi infections C. Parasitic infections D. )* 8 A)DS infection '.


-. ilariasis treatment options belo# are A. Pirantel pamoat (. ebendaole C. DEC -6. Se+ere netropeni in an impro+ed infectious disease &i+es the impression: A. The patient$s condition (. The patient$s pro&nosis is &ood C. The patient$s pro&nosis is bad D. 5o chan&es to therap" E. There are chan&es to therap" -9. . )n the de+elopment de+elop ment of m"cobacterium leprae0 #hich includes specific immunolo&ic reactions is0 e%cept: f. )nferno 2 &. IgA h. C"t C"toto% o%iic i.

T helper


C"toto%ic T cells

-;. The 29!"ear!old man came to the puskesmas #ith fe+er and chills. )n the thin blood  preparation there is a rin& shape in the enlar&ed er"throc"tes. The result result of the e%amination is A. . alciparum (. . *i+a% C. . alariae D. 4ucheceria bancrofti E. (ru&iua mala"i


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