IMCA-R-002 Entry Level Requirements and Introductory Modular Course Outline For New Remotely Operated Vehicle (ROV) Personnel

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Guidance on 

Entry Level Requirements and Introductory Modular Course Outline for New Remotely Operated Vehicle (ROV) Personnel

IMCA R 002 Rev. 3 November 2016



    B A           

The International Marine Contractors Association (IMCA) is the international trade association representing offshore, marine and underwater engineering companies.

IMCA promotes improvements in quality, health, safety, environmental and technical standards through the publication of information notes, codes of practice and by other appropriate means. Members are self-regulating through the adoption of IMCA guidelines as appropriate. appropriate. They commit to act as responsible members by following relevant guidelines and being willing to be audited against compliance with them by their clients. There are three core activities that relate to all members: Competence & Training   Lifting & Rigging   Safety, Environment & Legislation   The Association is organised through four distinct divisions, each covering a specific area of members’ interests: Diving, Marine, Offshore Survey, Remote Systems & ROV.   There are also five regional sections which facilitate work on issues affecting members in their local geographic area –  Asia-Pacific,  Asia-Pacific, Central & North America, Europe & Africa, Middle East & India and South America.

IMCA R 002 Rev. 3  This guidance was prepared by the Training Steering Group of the IMCA Remote Systems & ROV Division Management Committee and the Competence & Training Core Committee.  www.imca

If you have any comments on this document, please click the feedback button below:

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 July 1996

Initial publication

 January 2000

To cover requirements of IMCA C 005

Rev. 1

May 2009

To emphasise technical background requirements

Rev. 2

November 2016

010   To reflect current practice and to align align with with  IMCA R 010

Rev. 3

The information contained herein is given for guidance only and endeavours to reflect best industry practice. For the avoidance of doubt no legal liability shall attach to any guidance and/or recommendation and/or statement herein contained.

© 2016 IMCA –  International  International Marine Contractors Association


Guidance on Entry Level Requirements and Introductory Modular Course Outline for New Remotely Operated Vehicle (ROV) Personnel IMCA R 002 Rev. 3 –  November  November 2016

Introduction ........................... ......................................... ........................... .......................... .......................... ........................... ........................... ............... 1 

2  3 

Glossary ......................... ....................................... ........................... .......................... ........................... ........................... ........................... ....................... ......... 2 

Learning Objectives for the ROV Introduction Course Modules ..................... ..................... 4  4 

Application and Delivery .......................... ........................................ ........................... .......................... .......................... ..................... ........ 5 

Minimum Requirements for Personnel Qualification ....................... ..................................... ................. ... 6  6 

Aim and Objectives ........................ ..................................... ........................... ........................... .......................... .......................... ................... ...... 3 


Academic Qualifications/Industrial Experience ......... .................. .................. ................... ................... ................... .................... ................... ................... ................... ........... 6 


Personal Person al Attributes Attrib utes ................................. ................ ................................. ................................ ................................. ................................. ................................. ................................. ............................. ............. 6 


Medical Certification, Survival Training and Travel Requirements ........... ..................... ................... ................... .................... ................... ........... 6 


Matrix of Minimum Requirements ..................................................................................................................... 7  

ROV Introduction Course  Training Modules ............................ .......................................... ....................... ......... 8  8   – 


Initial Familiarisation (Modules 1-3) ................................................................................................................... 8  

IMCA R 010  Further Familiarisation in ROV Systems and Operations (Modules 4-10) ......................... ....................................... ........................... .......................... ........................... ........................... ....................... .......... 11  11   – 


IMCA R 010 Modules ......................................................................................................................................... 11  




005   Details of the competence requirements for ROV personnel are contained in the latest revision of   of   IMCA C 005  –   Guidance on competence assurance and assessment: Remote Systems & ROV Division . In the entry level requirements for ROV/pilot technician grade II contained in that document, it specifies that such personnel should meet the requirements as set out in this document. It should be noted that the information contained within this publication is intended to set out the requirements for new personnel to receive an introductory course in ROV systems. This training should not be construed as achieving any level of competence defined in IMCA C 005. “The combination of appropriate training, current skills, knowledge and experience so IMCA describes competence as: “The that a person consistently applies them to perform tasks safely and effectively. effectively. Other factors, such as attitude and and physical ability, can also affect someone’s competence.” competence .” 

Any party following or adopting the guidance provided in this t his publication is not authorised by IMCA to issue any qualification or certification that claims to be ‘IMCA -approved’ or ‘IMCA recognised’. The IMCA logo is not to be used on any course related certificate. This document provides a description and outline of the technical background, typical qualifications and personal attributes that would be expected of new personnel entering the offshore ROV ROV industry. The recommended content of the modules of the course is not guaranteed to satisfy all the demands of a constantly changing industry that can be challenging, exciting and rewarding to be a part of.

IMCA R 002 Rev. 3





Diving support vessel


High pressure


Human resources


High voltage


Integrated management system


Launch and recovery systems


Offshore installation manager


Personal protective equipment


Permit to work


Quality assurance


Quality control


Remotely operated vehicle


Toolbox talk


Task risk assessment


IMCA R 002 Rev. 3



Aim and Objectives

The aim and objectives of this document are as follows: Aim:  

To provide guidance on the basic entry level training requirements for personnel joining the offshore ROV industry.



To provide a clear set of learning objectives for the introductory course. To provide an outline syllabus that can be adopted and adapted by companies and/or training establishments training new entrants to the industry, to enable a structured career path as detailed in the learning objectives contained in this document.

IMCA R 002 Rev. 3



Learning Objectives for the ROV Introduction Course Modules

Heath, Safety, Environment and Quality (HSEQ)



By the end of the course, students should be able to demonstrate:

By the end of the course, students should be able to demonstrate:

By the end of the course, students should be able to demonstrate:







Awareness of the offshore industry codes of practice, legislation and guidelines. Understanding of requirements for travelling to offshore sites by helicopter. Understanding of safety culture in the offshore industry. Electrical safety awareness and understanding of electrical isolations including lock out/tag out systems. Understanding the dangers of high energy systems (electrical, pneumatic or hydraulic) and associated good safety awareness. Confidence to carry out task risk assessments (TRA) toolbox talks (TBT) to and company requirements.





Understanding of the oil and gas industry. Understanding of ROV business lines and associated requirements. Awareness of offshore life on various offshore worksites/ vessels. Awareness of the offshore working environment of and the importance of teamwork.











Awareness of a trainee ’s duties and their role in the ROV crew. Understanding of LARS and awareness of risks. Basic ROV piloting skills including navigation, station keeping, tracking, close visual inspection and tether management. Understanding of all appropriate documentation. Recognition of ROV system components. Awareness of company integrated management system (IMS). Awareness of contractual terms and operational impacts. Understanding of the importance of good communication. Understanding of ‘competence’.

IMCA R 002 Rev. 3



Application and Delivery

This guidance is intended to apply anywhere in the world, but it is recognised that some countries will have regulations that require different standards or practices to be followed. followed. Where local or national regulations are more stringent than those contained herein, they will always take precedence over this guidance. This guidance uses a modular approach to tailor training to the level of previous experience of those entering the industry. It is suggested that modules are completed in a timely manner in line with individual company’s policies, processes and procedures.

The guidance contained in this document can be used in conjunction with IMCA C 005 –  Guidance on competence assurance and assessment: Remote Systems & ROV Division   –  –   which provides recommended job functions for the most junior ROV ROV pilot and tooling technicians and the associated levels of expected competences. This could assist with the development of a coherent training needs analysis to enable companies to design efficient and effective training programmes for new personnel thereby optimising use of time, while minimising cost and unnecessary use of resources.

IMCA R 002 Rev. 3



Minimum Requirements for Personnel Qualification

Personnel entering the offshore ROV industry should have the t he appropriate technical experience and/or academic qualifications as outlined below. An exception to such experience/qualifications is provided for in 6.1 iii) below:


Academic Qualifications/Industri Qualifications/Industrial al Experience i)

A nationally-recognised nationally-recognised technical or trade qualification (military (military service qualification and/or and/or an appropriate level national vocational qualification is acceptable) completed in one or more of the following subjects: a) electrical; b) electronic; c)


d) mechanics. In addition to the above, a minimum of three years’ technically relevant industrial experience (including any accepted training period) in an appropriate discipline, which should have been obtained within the previous four years.

OR ii)

A nationally-recognised, nationally-recognised, higher (tertiary) academic qualification (not (not otherwise covered above) in a relevant technical subject; plus a minimum of one year of technically relevant industrial experience, which can be secured as a feature of the entry e ntry into the ROV industry, i.e. a university graduate may go directly to a suitable establishment to secure the minimum of one year of relevant industrial experience, which may be with the employer.

OR iii) In certain circumstances, candidates who do not meet the criteria above but have extensive industrial experience, or an appropriate technical qualification or industrial training course supported by evidence and references, may be acceptable. IMCA recommends that individuals who do not meet the criteria above do not embark on an independent path to gain entry to the offshore ROV industry (e.g. training) that would involve personal expense. Individuals without these entry level qualifications qualifications attending an ROV training course at a commercial training establishment would be very unlikely to meet the offshore ROV industry’s competence requirements. Training establishments should not identify personnel as ‘graduates’ of a course based on this document if the individuals concerned did not meet the entry level requirements.


Personal Attributes The attributes and character traits desirable in potential ROV technicians and pilots are contained in the matrix in 6.4 in 6.4 below. The possession of these qualities qualities may not necessarily be evident at first and companies may need to engage with company or external HR professionals to design assessment schemes to identify them in individuals. individuals. Companies will have different needs and priorities, but in general they will want to select those candidates who can demonstrate the desire and acumen to work in the ROV industry environment, and individuals should be expected to objectively demonstrate they possess these adequately. It is anticipated that personnel would be assessed at interview for these and any other attributes considered appropriate or required by the com company. pany. The interview process may involve practical as well as theory assessments of ROV knowledge.


Medical Certification, Survival Training and Travel Requirements In general, all offshore workers have to pass some form of recognised offshore medical examination ex amination and individuals wishing to join the industry should be apprised of this requirement at the earliest stage of their introduction to the industry. More specific requirements may be put in place by individual companies and some countries, but the following are generally required and these should comply with all applicable local, national and international regulations, including those required req uired for travel.


IMCA R 002 Rev. 3




Matrix of Minimum Requirements Requirement

Technical requirements  –  –  one of the following: 


Tick one box a-d and box e before ticking the main right-hand column: a

A nationally-recognised technical qualification


A nationally-recognised trade qualification


A military service qualification


An appropriate level national vocational qualification


A minimum of three years’ technically relevant industrial experience (including any acceptable training period) in an appropriate discipline, which should have been obtained within the previous four years

One of the above qualifications must be completed in one or more of the following relevant technical subjects:   electrical electronics   hydraulics     mechanics 2.

A nationally-recognised higher (tertiary) academic qualification in a relevant technical subject plus a minimum of one year of technically relevant industrial experience


In certain circumstances, candidates who do not meet the above criteria but have extensive industrial experience, or an appropriate technical qualification or industrial training course supported by evidence and references, may be assessed to possess an acceptable level of competence

Personal qualities/attributes 


IMCA R 002 Rev. 3

The following qualities and character traits are considered desirable, based on the nature of the work environment in the ROV industry and individuals should be expected to objectively demonstrate they possess them in sufficient quantities: A suitability to, and understanding of, the offshore environment and lifestyle,   especially with respect to being away from home and separated from family for lengthy periods; enthusiasm for the industry and its future;   positive career aspirations;     evidence of being able to work in a small team;   good oral, written, numerical and communication skills in the required language (English is the predominant language for ROV technical documentation of manufacturers and suppliers);   self-motivation; a practical approach to problem solving;   spatial awareness (may be demonstrated using an ROV simulator);     evidence of technical acumen;   ability to remain calm under pressure; attention to detail.  



7  7.1 

ROV Introduction Course  Training Modules  – 

Initial Familiarisation (Modules 1-3) The recommended initial familiarisation course modules are based on the topics listed below, but can be expanded or developed by ROV contractors and/or training establishments to suit specific requirements. It is highly recommended that personnel new to the ROV industry receive an initial shore-based ROV familiarisation before their first trip offshore. This can be provided by an ROV contractor, or alternatively by an appropriate training establishment. ROV familiarisation course modules should as a minimum, cover three areas: 1.

Health, safety, environmental protection and quality management;


ROV industry;


Background and introduction to ROV systems.

The aim of these modules is to provide an introduction to safety awareness, an overview over view of the industry and basic information on the background to the ROV systems they may encounter. 7.1.1 

Module 1  Health,  Health, Safety, Environmental and Quality (HSEQ)  – 

This should include a range of subjects on HSEQ encountered in ROV operations and should cover each topic in sufficient depth for trainees to have a basic or ‘outline’ appreciation of each  as follows: 1.

personal safety awareness;


travel arrangements/crew changes/visas;


regional security issues;


personal protective equipment (PPE), upkeep and replacement;


offshore hazard identification and risk assessment;


task specific risk assessment (TRA);


toolbox talks;


management of change;


‘permit to work’ systems (PTW);

10. working at height; 11. manual handling; 12. safe working practices on offshore installations, installations, facilities and vessels, with special reference to ROV operations  –   including including awareness of high voltage (HV) electrical circuits and high pressure (HP) hydraulic systems; 13. safe workshop practice; 14. company accident reporting arrangements; 15. relevant safety legislation/guidance; 16. company quality assurance and control control (QA/QC) (QA/QC) standards; 17. emergency response procedures; 18. environmental protection. 7.1.2 

Module 2  ROV  ROV Industry  – 

This should provide an overview of typical offshore operations, installations, facilities and vessels (for ROV operations). It should cover the characteristics and appearance of the various types of installation or vessels and the kind of operations, other than ROV activities, conducted from each type.


IMCA R 002 Rev. 3


  It should also include instruction on the operational hazards encountered at the different locations and worksites, e.g. hydrocarbon gas, hydrogen sulphide, equipment movement, high pressure equipment and restricted areas. It should also include an overview of the respective roles of the personnel working at these locations/facilities, e.g. the vessel master (Captain), offshore installation manager (OIM), client representative, tool pusher, offshore medic, radio officer, safety officer, safety representative, etc. The module should cover the installations, facilities and vessel types used within ROV operations, including but not limited to:  

fixed platforms/jackets;


floating production vessels;


semi-submersibles, drilling rigs/ships and support vessels;

   jack-up drilling rigs;


pipelay barges;


DP vessels and anchored vessels;


trenching (pipeline, flowline, submarine and power) support;


dive support vessels (DSV);


ROV survey/support vessels;


construction barges (heavy lift vessels);


offshore renewables industry;


offshore mining industry;


rock dumping vessels.


Module 3   Background Background and Introduction to ROV System Operation  – 

This module should include:  

The use of ROV systems and tools, tasks they can perform, how they have developed and typical ROV operations to include, but not limited to: 

  piloting to include station keeping, close visual inspection and tether management

  launch and recovery1 

  ROV tooling and sensor fits 2 

  drill support

  platform inspection

  pipeline inspection   intervention 


  trenching (plough and ROV)



The different classification of ROV systems as detailed within  within IMCA R 004  004  –  –  Code of practice for the safe and efficient operation of remotely operated vehicles   –  –  and  and the limitations that may be inherent within these classifications;


Duties of the members of an ROV crew including typical qualifications and competence of the ROV crew based on:

1 2

  the class of the ROV system

  team size and roles

  responsibilities of each member of the team;

Where practical, students actually launch and recover an operational ROV It is p preferable referable that an operational operational ROV system and and ancillary support equipment should be available for demonstration demonstration purp purposes oses

IMCA R 002 Rev. 3




Maintenance and operation of lifting equipment: 

  Rigging/slinging arrangements

  awareness of defects


  awareness of the certification requirements for shackles and other (loose) rigging and lifting equipment

  roles of slingers/banksmen

  hazards and risk assessment procedures.

IMCA R 002 Rev. 3



IMCA R 010  Operations  (Modules 4-10) 010   Further Familiarisation in ROV Systems and Operations (Modules  – 

The modules contained in IMCA R 010 are aimed at personnel with an appropriate technical background as set out in this document (IMCA R 002). They have been developed to lead on from the introduc introductory tory course modules 1-3. However, it is the company’s responsibility to determine if an introductory course is required and , if the company deems it unnecessary, an individual could, with acceptable experience and qualifications, commence training at module 4. The modules contained in IMCA R 010 can be undertaken in sequence or in isolation (depending on the training need of the individual or company), but all modules should be completed or otherwise evidence provided, to the company’s satisfaction, for a new entrant to be granted  exemption from completing same.


IMCA R 010 Modules 4.

ROV electrical systems;


ROV electronic and control systems;


ROV mechanical and hydraulic systems;


ROV system/equipment maintenance;


ROV system/equipment operations;


ROV tooling and ancillary sensors;

10. lifting operations.

IMCA R 002 Rev. 3


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