Titan Raga: Segmentation, Targeting and Positioning Segmentation:
!M"GRA#$ICS Gender Inco%e "ccupation
#S&C$"GRA#$ICS 'i(estyle #ersonality
B!$A)I"RA' "ccasions Bene(its
Female More than 35,000 per month Working Independent oman
!el"#dependant and modern li$ing %$ol$ed oman o" toda&, 'el"#re'pe(ting, (on"ident and 'ophi'ti(ated, Free thinking attit)de
!o(ial meeting' *on"iden(e, !el"#%+pre''ion
Primary Target Group: Feminine, &et independent *o%an ho i' con(ident and ha' "ree thinking attit)de Positioning: Elegant, Sophisticate, exclusive )ni-)e in de'ign., /eelr& like a((e''or& an d '&mol o" 'el"# e+pre''ion, independent thinking and modern li"e't&le
Titan Raga: Promotional Mix
aga at(he' are a (olle(tion o" elegant, deli(ate, and "eminine -)alitie' ith ea(h pie(e eing tr)l& )ni-)e2 he 'ame i' e$en re"le(ted in it' promotion'2 Ad+ertising (il%s,
In 014, itan rolled o)t an ad "ilm "or it' line o" aga at(he'2 he "ilm a' (on(ept)alied & gil$& and Mather angalore2 he "ilm "eat)re' oll&ood a(tre'' imrat a)r2 aga i' a re"le(tion o" the modern oman : progre''i$e, (on"ident and pa''ionate2 oda&;' omen are independent and "ree 'pirited and the ad trie' to de"ine thi' ne dimen'ion2 aga roke thi' 'tereot&pe ith it' (on'i'tent portra&al o" a 'pirited oman ith an air o" 'en')al poer2 When
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