when a signature is forged or made without the authority of the person whose signature signature it purports to be, the check is wholly inoperative. G.R. No. 139130 Date: Nov. 27, 2002 Poete: Quisumbung, J.
Ramon K Ilusorio– etitioners
!" and #he $anila %anking !orporation– Respondents
&ature of the case: " petition for review seeks to reverse the decision !1" promulgated on 'anuary (), *+++ by the !ourt of "ppeals in !"-.R. ! &o. /0+/(, a1rming the decision of the then !ourt of 2irst Instance of Ri3al, %ranch 4 5now the Regional #rial !ourt of $akati, %ranch *6)7 dismissing !ivil !ase &o. /6+80, for damages. #ACT$ 9irector of $ultinational $ultinational Investment %ancorporation %ancorporation , the etitioner was the $anaging 9irector !hairman andor resident of several other corporations and also a depositor in good standing of respondent bank. etitioner then entrusted his credit cards, checkbook, blank checks, passbooks, etc to his secretary, Katherine Eugenio who was also in charge of verifying and reconciling the statements statements of his checking account. - %etween the dates ;eptember
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