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Jessica 226.2 - Paradise Illusions - Elizabeth Power Paradise Of Illusions The ESCAPE GREEK Elizabeth Power

Sun, sea and a luggage disappointments ... Abandoned by misleading boyfriend and with shattered self-esteem, Kayla Young flees to an isolated Greek island. Pursued by the press and hunters of fortune, Leonidas Vassalio can not believe that there is a stranger in his sanctuary who is forced to live with. Kayla even suspect the true identity of Leo. And he will take advantage of the situation to your advantage ... Scanning: Simone R Review: Bruna C.

Dear reader, The edition of 226 couples Jessica not exactly start off right ...

Captive Innocence, Anna loses a great career opportunity because of Cesare.

He sabotages

intentionally because it believes that is before the woman who wants to destroy the wedding of his best friend. But Anna, who is innocent, is not willing to give up without a fight.

And when she faces, the

sparks fly! In Paradise illusions, all that Kayla Young want is to be alone and heal your elbow pain. But she did not think it would invade the sanctuary of the mighty Leonidas Vassalio. At first, it looks good upset about the intruder, however, when you realize that Kayla has no idea who he is, decides to enjoy the company ... Happy reading! Editorial staff Harlequin Books Translation: Tina Jeronymo HARLEQUIN 2014 PUBLISHED BY AGREEMENT WITH HARLEQUIN BOOKS SA All rights reserved. Prohibited reproduction, storage or transmission, in whole or in part.

All characters in this work are fictitious. Any resemblance to persons living or dead is purely coincidental. Original title: Captivated BY HER INNOCENCE Copyright © 2013 by Kim Lawrence Originally published in 2013 by Mills & Boon Modern Romance Original title: A GREEK ESCAPE Copyright © 2013 by Elizabeth Power Originally published in 2014 by Mills & Boon Modern Romance Cover graphic design: Core i associated designers Artwork cover: Isabelle Paiva Publishing: Abreus SYSTEM Printing: RR Donnelley Distribution to newsstands and magazines from all over Brazil: FC Comercial Distribuidora SA Publisher HR Ltda. Street Argentina, 171, 4th floor São Cristóvão, Rio de Janeiro, RJ - 20921-380 Contact: [email protected]

CHAPTER 1 - THAT'S RIGHT! It is this image I want. Stop wasting time, you idiot, and fly right! - Camera shot a second before the bird soar rock and hover above the crystal clear water. - Do not think I'd let you get away, did you? From his vantage point on a rocky hillside overlooking the covered gravel beach, Kayla Young turned abruptly back, embarrassed, occurring to him that anyone could have heard her. Relieved, he saw that no one was around, who was alone in the warm breeze and bright sun shining in a sky of intense blue. I was not sure when it had begun talking to herself. Perhaps the fact of having gone alone to this splendid island was not doing well for his sanity, he thought with a grimace. Or maybe it was a defense mechanism because I knew that day in distant England, the man thought that he would spend the rest of his life was about to marry another woman. Precisely there at one. The pain of betrayal was not as deep, but the scars remained Challenging them, however, played the blond hair back and looked through the viewfinder.

Only tight lips showed her tension as she silently watched the beauty around. Bluish mountains.

Translucent water.


extremely sexy Greek ... She had been following a line the landscape of the extent to deserted beach, but retreated quickly with the display. Lowering the camera, he found he could see it clearly without the help of zoom lenses He stopped to watch him for a long time. He was tanned and had wavy hair and black, somewhat longer than usual, falling at the neck. Using black jeans and light shirt, removed fishing tackle wooden boat that had just drag to the beach. Considering the contours of the muscles of his arms and how the shirt molded his strong and broad chest, she just assumed it was a man who worked with his hands. An old truck was parked near the rock where she was on the road just above the beach. When the man began walking toward the vehicle toward her, Kayla could not stop watching it. For some inexplicable reason, he has to look at him through the camera zoom. The secret inspection

filled her with an absurd and reckless enthusiasm. The man was unshaven, which gave his strong jaw and striking features an air even more manly. Were the features of an experienced man who should not have more than 30 years, a man who would probably require things his way and would have. With a peculiar shiver down your spine, Kayla soon noticed the determined air in his expression, arrogance and pride in his gait, posture. He could see it all in every muscular piece of the unknown intriguing, the "air" smart he owned, in the thick eyebrows furrowed now why ... God! He was looking up. And I had seen. He had seen pointing the camera towards you. Agitated, accidentally fired the machine before you download it and realized - as he also called for a protest in his direction - that was photographed. He froze instantly, following him with her eyes as he walked quickly and determined way toward you. Realizing he was being chased, he turned and started to walk away without delay. I did not know why he was running. It would have been better to stick to resolve the situation. The problem was that he was

afraid to face a man so angry. And what could be said? Oh, you caught my eye when I was enjoying the view and I could not turn him over. It would have been risky, she thought with her heart pounding and heavy legs.

Glancing over his

shoulder, he saw that the stranger reached the ascent of steep path leading to the security of the Villa where she was staying. Why been watching anyway?


himself. He had trouble with men enough to last a lifetime.

It must have been because he owned an

interesting face, nothing more. Except for this, I would not have looked twice. I learned the hard way that men were just opportunists, liars. - Ah! Stumbling on a rock, Kayla struggled to maintain balance while he heard the footsteps of his pursuer ever closer. It was too late. She fell to the dirt road and lay there for several moments, desperate, but, to his surprise, was uninjured.

A moment later, the man stopped beside her, panting, driving her harsh words in their own language. Stunned by the speed with which he should have gone to have it achieved, she sat up, leaning on his elbows, which made his blond hair and smooth cascateasse to below the shoulders. As knew only a few words in Greek, he said in a trembling voice: - I do not understand what you say. - Also I was panting and so shaken by the anger of the unknown as the fall. He said something else she could not understand and put a hand on his shoulder, turning her to face him. Up close, it seemed even more beautiful. Traces of tanned face seemed carved, with high cheekbones, square jaw, straight nose. She had black eyes like onyx and full lips, male drawing. - Did you get hurt? - The question, asked in English this time, surprised her as well as the tone of some concern. - Nope. But no thanks to you - she said accusingly. He sat down, shaking the dust of short, and tried not to look so intimidated as he felt. It was

also impossible to ignore that hot hand on his shoulder, protected only by fragile skin strap blouse. - So I'll ask again. - He finally pulled his hand away, straightening his back. - What were you doing, anyway? - Taking pictures. - My? Kayla swallowed hard, watching him with a cautious air blue eyes. - No, not a bird. You photographed by accident. - By accident? - The way the stranger raised an eyebrow, it was clear he did not believe his words. Through her, then, with a hostile look. - What do you mean? Her anger was palpable. Kayla also noted that despite sound angry, his voice was powerful and pleasant. When he spoke, he confirmed that spoke his language, although with an accent. - How much exactly took photo of me? - Only one - admitted her, still panting from running up the hill. - I already told you. I shot the camera accidentally.

- You want me to believe?

Who are you,

anyway? And what are you doing here? - Nothing. I mean, I'm on vacation and ... That's all. - When you are on holiday, often meddle in the lives of others? Spying? - I was not spying on you. - Facing charges of air in those dark eyes and distrust in his voice, Kayla started to get really afraid. Maybe it was a fugitive. Wanted by the police. This would explain the anger at being photographed. - My camera?

- Trying to hide concern, he

looked anxiously around and saw the expensive equipment lying next to a nearby bush. Stretched to reach it but, dazed, he saw the man caught her first. - Do not spoil the machine! The stranger was angry enough, he thought. But the camera was something that estimated a gift to yourself in order to replace the old after he discovered that Craig was having an affair. consolation.

It was a kind of

He went out with his machine and

photographed everything as a means of therapy. And

over the previous three months had needed all the therapy he could get. - Give me one good reason why I should not do that. She wanted to retort that it was an expensive machine. And it contained every picture he had taken since arriving there the day before. But it was likely that their arguments only to leave him even angrier. - Maybe I should just stick with it - the stranger pondered aloud, watching her shoulders and breasts molded by the blouse with insolence. - If that leave happy - she replied, annoyed with the way he looked at her. But there was something in that look that caused a heat wave percorresse. But fear persisted. And if man were even a fugitive from the law? A bird came gliding above the pine forest, emitting a high-pitched peep that startled her. For the first time, she realized how the hillside was isolated.

Except for a cluster of fishermen's

houses, whitewashed, nestled above the beach at the foot of the mountain road, there was no other sign of human occupation.

And indeed, the nearest town,

where there was a small market and a tavern, was about five kilometers away. As he stood, a male arm came up to help her. The sudden gentleness was so unexpected after so much animosity that Kayla automatically accepted the hand that was extended to him. He noted that it was strong and slightly calloused as he helped her up and approached the other in a confusing manner. He stayed with the senses alert, aware of magnetism that surrounded her, his woodsy scent. He had to raise his head to look at him because he was tall, about 1.90m She stepped back immediately, but the tremor in his voice showed that she realized that there was a sudden chemical in the air. - I'm not afraid of you. - Great. - His tone remained hostile. - In this case, you will not mind me saying you do not like invasions of my privacy, like yours. So, if you want to enjoy your 'holiday' - added scornfully, handing him the camera abruptly - stay out of my way! I clear? - Yes, sir ... sir. Well, whoever it is. I guarantee you do not want to invade your privacy, I will do whatever is in my power to keep away.

- Thank you. Kayla struggled to contain the outrage when he turned away unceremoniously and went down the steep path without looking back. Minutes later, through the bushes below the modern white villa where he was staying, he heard the distant noise of a vehicle.

It could only be the

unknown truck he'd seen parked on the beach below. The INDA THOUGHT OF confusing meeting that night while preparing a pre-cooked dish in the wellequipped kitchen of Villa microwave. Ground floor with large ceramic floors, exposed wooden beams on the ceiling and spectacular views of the bucolic region, the place belonged to his friends Josh and Lorna. Knowing how much you needed to unwind the couple lent vacation home in Greece for a few weeks. Almost no one had seen since the driver had left there the previous day.

Why the first person who

found had to be so rude? Well, it was better than the unknown had been rude rather than friendly and liar, she told herself bitterly, thinking of Craig Lymington.

Had been misled too easily by the empty promises of it. He believed when Craig told him I wanted to stay by your side for life. "It will break your heart. Mark my words, "said her mother mercilessly when she told enthusiastic about one of the most important executives of the company he worked for the Consolidated Cartwright, the had asked in marriage. They had been engaged for two months and she was immensely happy. Until the night he discovered those messages on his cell phone and realized it was not the only woman for whom Craig had whispered those same empty words without meaning. "All men are equal and those kinds that rise fast in companies are the worst!" Warned her mother numerous times. But she did not hear her. He believed that his mother was just bitter, marked by his personal experience. After all, her husband had also been an executive and left there 15 years before, when Kayla was only eight. Because of this fact and the mother's warnings, he had grown determined not to allow the man she

eventually decided to get married treated her that deplorable way. But it just happening, he thought ruefully. I had to admit, at least to herself, that her mother was right. Those types of executives were the worst. It was a finding that was further proven when he had to endure sung two board members who had tried to take advantage of his broken engagement. After he left the company where he worked with Craig, struggling to leave the pain and the humiliation of betrayal back, I might have got herself together and get on with their lives if they had left.

But the

condescending attitude and happy mother, especially when he learned that Craig would even marry another, made the situation much worse. Consequently, when Lorna offered him the chance to unwind in its quiet seclusion in Greece for a couple of weeks, Kayla accepted without hesitation. It was like the answer to a prayer. One place to start to recover self-esteem. Now, however, as he pulled the lasagna not very appetizing microwave were not thoughts around Craig Lymington undermining their determined attempts to

recover the balance. The unknown hostile face that had the bad luck to find in the morning and his unexpected reaction when he helped her up to the proximity of both stealing your peace of mind. An unknown exciting that already had caused a surprising impact. L EONIDAS V ASSALIO repaired a loose shutter on the lower floor of the two-story home in farm style. His features were as hard as the stones of the great old house and as loaded as the clouds advancing up the mountains, announcing storm. The place would fall apart if we do not take urgent steps to reform it, he thought, looking at the sorry state of the roof and peeling green paint around doors and windows. The muscles in his arms rippled as he continued tightening a screw. It was hard to imagine that the place had been her home in the past. This modest and isolated house whose access was through a path in dirt switchbacks. Still, the island with its rocky coastline, intense blue waters and barren mountains it was as familiar as his own being and the complete opposite of the world in which he lived now.

The first heavy raindrops began to fall, hitting her face and neck while working and reflected on the chaos in his life had become. To the outside observer, his privileged lifestyle was object of envy, but personally was tired of sycophants, shallow women and intrusiveness of the paparazzi. Nosy people like blonde who caught taking photos of her on the beach that morning. I bet that was one of them. Why else would have been there unless the that should work for a newspaper? Had dealt with reporters enough for a lifetime and, in recent times, they walked increasingly persistent. Always managed to ward off the publicity surrounding him. Keep a low profile in the media. Anyone Greece could not have recognized him instantly, though he recognized the name Vassalio for sure. It was his brief involvement with Emerald Leigh that became the center of press attention lately. To make matters worse, two top executives who had entrusted the direction of one of its subsidiaries in the United Kingdom, along with an unscrupulous lawyer, had gone back on a verbal promise involving an enterprise.

The breaking of this promise has

attracted negative publicity for Vassalio Group and made his own ethics were questioned. After all, as chairman of the group, considered him responsible for everything that happened. The problem was that he had been too busy at the time to realize what was happening in the subsidiary. The fact that ordinary people were victims of lies and their homes were being destroyed by bulldozers weighed on his conscience. And he did not like being accused of deceiving people, not having a shred of consideration for them, to devastate communities to profit from the multi-million dollar construction of stadiums and shopping and leisure centers in order to further enhance the fortunes of Vassalio. The fact that all those who had sold their homes had been well rewarded outside relegated to only the last pages of the tabloids. It was taken by the pressing need to get away from everything for a while, to forget Leonidas Vassalio, the billionaire businessman of only 31 years to rethink his life.

I had to reflect on what was

important to him. In order to do this, he had to go back to its roots. Enjoy the joy of anonymity that the stay

there would give her. Just because someone else knew it was there. Now, however, it seemed that even that was too much to expect if that nosy blonde had lied about the reason for being there. But if you told the truth and been really photographing birds, why he had taken a picture of it? Amused themselves in registering some of the local atmosphere? One of the fishermen going about their daily tasks? Or has he simply liked him? He mused, twisting his lips cynically. In other circumstances, he would have admitted to himself without the slightest reservation that felt attracted to her. Especially after noting that the mysterious woman was not wearing a wedding ring. That was not the right moment to take one to bed. He was aware of its power of attraction and there had even woman who wanted whose desire was not reciprocal, but it was not what he was looking there. Moreover, whatever the reasons that had been unknown to photograph it - and no matter how intense chemistry between them is evinced when looked at each other - she seemed to not be behind a love affair.

It should be hosted in one of those modern villas that had been built along the hillside.

It was the

direction she took when he reached the dirt winding road. He wondered if he was alone or in the company of someone in one of these villas.

And what had

brought her here. Just I hoped not there in order to spy on him, to end the peace and tranquility that so desperately needed. Finishing repair the window, Leonidas quickly entered the house to escape the heavy rain.

I was

disgusted with himself for thinking both intruder. But the fact was that she would discover, the hard way, which could not cross his path. CHAPTER 2 THE five-kilometer JOURNEY to the nearest town to buy provisions seemed an easy task, especially after the previous night's storm caused power outages and made the refrigerator stops working. In fact, after the power came back, the refrigerator has remained stagnant, leading her to believe that enguiçara of time. Even the GPS, but helpful enough in those tracks.

To complicate matters, the small car that

friends left the Villa to use when visiting the island

refused to take now. She had parked on the narrow dirt road just beat to consult the map and try to find, but when you become a jump-start, discovered that the car was stalled. - Come on! - He said with despair, making new attempts. - Please. No use at last realized, leaning back in the seat. Needed help. He remembered then that Lorna had given her the name of a person who could call in an emergency. He opened the glove compartment in search of the man's phone number when the phone took the bag, however, found that there was no signal. Taken by growing tension, he looked around at the Greek panorama of sea and mountains and closer to pine forests and rocky slopes leading to the track. In addition to the open car windows, the sound of crickets and the wind only seemed to emphasize their isolation. I had no idea where she was. I knew there was not much run since leaving Villa, but it was enough to get lost. In fact, she looked over her shoulder, under the clear blue sky, acknowledged finally well below the

grouping of rocks advancing towards the sea from the beach where he had seen the rude local resident yesterday. Under the hot sun from late morning, with only a useless phone and a stalled car for company, she looked curiously toward what looked like a deserted farmhouse with a roof in bad shape you saw above the trees at the end of the trail . Was there any chance of making a phone call away? Sticking his head out the window, he took a deep breath and could make the crisp smell of wood burning. Hopeful, he jumped out, picked up the precious camera and quickly followed the dusty trail. It was the truck which immediately recognized when he arrived panting, a stone-paved area in front of the house. It was a yellow truck in a very familiar look that made him stop short, even before seeing the owner. Black hair and somewhat long. Sparkling eyes. Face furious. God!

Emerging from the side of the house, the Greek still had the same expression of a few friends from before. And no wonder. He had invaded his territory again, albeit unintentionally.

Kayla swallowed,

occurring to him that if there were not realized before I would see that man over there, would have run in the opposite direction before approaching. Now she saw him, he felt as if he had taken root in place, impressed by the power he radiated. Using just a jeans shorts and light brown leather vest, exposing his chest and muscular arms, the Greek had an aura of pure virility. - I thought I told to stay away from me - cried angry, winning without delay the distance between them. - What you want? As if unsure, she thought Leonidas, glaring at the camera that the blonde clutched on the body. - I took pictures enough yesterday? Kayla pondered with increasing nervousness that man looked even more threatening and higher than the day before.

- I ... I just want to use your phone - informed him, ignoring his accusation, annoyed with herself for sounding so defensive, so be intimidated. - My phone? She felt her body tingle before penetrating the Greek look. He felt vulnerable in fair and short shirt she wore with a shallow sandal. - Do you have one, does not it? - He asked firmly, trying not to allow it to open animosity afugentasse. - My car broke down - said, looking over his shoulder. She noticed he glanced in the direction, but it was clear he could not spot the car, which was further down the track, hidden by trees and bushes. In turn, all he could do was look at the muscles rippling chest and tanned arms of the unknown. - Really? And what is the problem? - He arched a thick eyebrow in skepticism pure expression. He looked at her with such intensity that left her baffled. His eyes were black and expressive above the straight nose and high cheekbones.

He had well-

designed lips, manly and full. As for the body ...

It was undoubtedly the typical Greek god. Although shocked by their reactions, to realize that never felt so affected by the sensuality of a man before, not even to Craig, Kayla could not look away. But he had a question and everything he did was get him there, devouring it with his eyes and imagining what should be spectacular naked. He licked his dry lips. - I'm not getting to the match - said at last He took a deep breath, further expanding the strong chest. - The engine gives any sign of life when you turn the key in the ignition? -. No, nothing happens. So, if let me use the phone if you have one ... - She glanced doubtful the house, wondering if he had been in that state before the phones were invented. - It's Sunday. For those who will call? - To the nearest garage? Kayla raised his eyebrows, waiting for the man whose number had been available for emergencies. In fact, Lorna said to call her if I needed help or guidance. At the time, we thought it would be easier to get her

friend's help in England than the sexy Greek stopped a meter away from it. Suddenly, without a word, the man came over and passed by it. - Show me where the car is - he spoke next, surprising her. Kayla had to run to catch it. When they reached the part of the track where the car was, he just extended his tanned hand, indicating he wanted the key. The instant he started the engine, the engine caught. - I do not understand ... - She looked away from the treacherous vehicle for man, now standing beside him, imposing and with an expression on his face so pleased that he wanted to be able to kick him. And the car. - I tried several times. With an expression of who did not believe, he leaned into the car interior to stop the engine and handed him the key. - I would like to try again? She stared at him defiantly and then sat behind the wheel. Almost wished that the old car would not

catch it in order to not be demoralized, but it was not the case. Despite the frustration, relief was higher, causing her to lay her head on top of the seat and close my eyes. - See? It's simple when you know how. The contemptuous tone of the unknown blew up. - The engine would not turn!

I tried several

times! And if you think you made it all up for some ulterior motive, just to come here bothering you, believe I have better things to do. My cell phone is no signal. The GPS did not help anything. And as if that were not enough, the lack of power at night made the refrigerator Lorna stop. You must have pifado, why not returned to work and all the food I had bought ruined. If you think you can stand there accusing me of lying, I assure you, sir ... sir ... - Leon. Kayla studied with an air somewhat confused. I had tears in his blue eyes. - How? - My name is Leon. And who is this Lorna you mentioned? His traveling companion?

-. I'm not here alone - Kayla revealed without thinking. A totally frustrating morning as that was taking its toll. - Lorna owns the Villa where I am. He had also been the friend who, along with her husband, Josh, had miraculously appeared to her rescue. He offered her a position in his interior design company when it too stressful thought continue in the old job. - He said that the refrigerator is not working? - To complete! - What man do? I would go to the Villa to see if she was not lying about that too? - Did you eat anything? - What? He put his hand on the hood, speaking to him through the open door. - I know I'm Greek and you're English, but seems to be having great difficulty understanding me. I asked if he ate something. - No. - Then, take the car to the house. I will follow on foot. Kayla almost said "What?" Again, but held back in time. The man ... Leon ... I was trying to be

hospitable? It was possible, she thought amazed. It was rude, unfriendly and a complete stranger. But it was taken by an inexplicable desire to know him, to know more about you. That's the memory of all the food spoiled what would have to throw away motivated to accept the suggestion. He had almost reached the courtyard footwear stone when Kayla just keep the camera in the trunk, safe from the sun. Not to mention what seemed like the best step, since the camera seemed to offend him so much. Unable to avoid, she followed him with her eyes as he approached. He savored the sight of attractive figure, from the broad shoulders and strong arms, through the tan and hard abdomen chest until the narrow hips in jeans shorts. The legs were awesome too, tanned and muscular, and the feet, wearing brown leather sandals He noted that the beautiful Greek curved her lips filled with cynicism air as he approached more as if well aware of his reluctant interest in him. - Go around the house to the back - instructed her and waited until it was ahead.

The kind gesture seemed to clash with his general behavior until then, which surprised her again, she mused, bypassing the old house as indicated. Never talk to strangers. Never accept candy from strangers. Realizing what he was doing, that ignored the old warnings occurred to him that the mother would have a fit if he could see her now. - And then? Will not you tell me something about you? - Leon asked, following her. She did not stop walking. - Like what? - Your name would be a good start. They had come to the back of the house where covered terraces of weeds overlooked an equally careless garden. - It Kayla - she informed him, following his example not to mention the surname. - Kayla? Despite all the animosity shown so far, the way he repeated his name was engaging as the warm spring breeze blowing from the sea. An unexpected sequence

of chills through her, ruffling the light and clear by his arms. - Come. - Leon indicated a rustic bench under a canopy of vines. Nearby, there was a pile of burning wood, protected by a circle made of bricks. Beside, resting on a stone, it was a large grid containing several coarse and clean fish. - You even caught them? - Kayla had noticed the basic equipment fishing in the back of the yellow truck. He wondered if he went out fishing every day with the boat she saw him pulling up the beach the day before. - Yeah, about an hour. - Crouching, he repositioned a piece of wood on the fire. - What happened? - She asked, looking at her when the silence stretched. - Are you vegetarian? Kayla was impressed, thinking how even that morning he had been to the sea, fishing those fish and then preparing them at home for lunch. But not admit. - No - she replied at last, watching him support grid on the bricks above the fire.

- Then, sit - said Leon, rising. And he turned away to enter the house through the back. Alone, Kayla studied the old and neglected building. With ivy growing up the walls, it seemed almost to have become part of the hillside that rose on one side. He wondered if it would be just a place that Leon would have found and where it was appropriate to take refuge for some reason. He looked away quickly when he left the house carrying plates, cutlery and various breads a painted wooden vessel. - Can I finish you will not want anything? - He asked, noting that was still standing, standing where he had left. The fish began to grill with the skin bubbling and the tempting aroma coming to her. - He, of course - accepted, sitting on the bench quickly, which made him open a mocking smile as had the plates and cutlery in a cast iron table that seemed to be there for decades. - But why are you inviting me to lunch one wants to be left alone? - Good question. - Leon stood before the grid, starting to turn the fish with a spatula. - Maybe that's the best way to keep an eye on you.

- Why? It seemed too preoccupied with my presence. Why do you think needs to keep an eye on me? - Kayla frowned. - Unless ... - Unless what? Her heart was suddenly wildly. - That you have something to hide. Crouched there, hands now supported on strong thighs, he studied with an intensity so disconcerting that, for a moment, Kayla wondered if your first guess was correct. The man could only be running from the law.








photographed? Leonidas acquired a certain air of fun. - And all we have? - Sketched a contemptuous smile, thinking: Especially you, my little hunter scandals. For a moment, he saw the tension in the oval and perfect her face. I would be eager to start you something to put in a column any gossip? - The fact that I value my personal space necessarily mean I'm hiding something? - Asked

somewhat harsh and saw her get a air of one who pondered his question. It was clear that no thought Kayla, trying to keep his suspicions, surprised by the fact that he is leaving so easily persuaded. - No. He stared at her for a long time with probing black eyes before going back into the house. He returned soon after with two tall glasses which also put on the table. - What about you? - To me? - Kayla watched when he has to crouch on the makeshift grill. Mouth dry, he noticed again how much was manly and muscular. - Are you here alone, which can only mean one of two things. - What are they? - She asked cautiously. Before answering, Leon served grilled fish for both and handed him one of the ceramic plates. - Or running away ... - Putting the own plate on a wooden crate facing the opposite side of the seat, grabbed the bowl table of breads.

- Or ...? - Kayla swallowed, feeling the intensity of his eyes as he took a piece of bread that was offered to him. - Or is behind something. - Like what? - She furrowed her delicate eyebrows with the impression that every expression, every reaction and his word were being evaluated. Leonidas pursed his lips. - Dreams. Fun. - Shrugged to look like an indifference he did not feel. Another sensational story to try to tarnish the name of Vassalio. - What is your case, beautiful Kayla? The unexpected compliment made her heart Kayla jump. As the man could be so perceptive? There seemed to live like a gypsy. If you were alone or with someone, she could not know. I could tell, however, so the comment heard earlier that there was no one living in that house. He was a man in full interaction with nature, which was not afraid of hard work. Someone who had a sharp mind under all that physical strength. And an understanding of human nature that even Craig,

with his university education and corporate ambitions, had. I had no intention, however, to say to that disconcerting handsome that his first assumption was correct. He was running away and only realized it completely now. The recent engagement disruption and the fact of being heartbroken were issues that did not want to address with anyone. Let alone with a man she had just met, who considered his unwelcome presence, even if he felt obliged to invite her to lunch. Looking at the dish with the meal mouthwatering, he shrugged and said, - I'm in a temporary work since I left the job I've been for five years. I thought it would be a good idea to come to a quiet place and reflect on what I do if I have to change service. - If the company Lorna and Josh go under and I have to look for a permanent job, he thought, but made a silent prayer for the good of friends for things not reached that point, even though they were facing problems lately. Leon nodded without making it clear whether it was a gesture of approval or simple politeness. Settling on the crate where withdrawn his plate, he asked:

- You mean you is ... how do you say? - He pretended to seek the word. - Freelancer? - So to speak - Kayla replied hesitantly. At the time faced a terrible time on the breaking of the engagement, the accountant had filled a vacancy that had arisen by chance in the couple's friends now, but things were still uncertain for everyone. Leon took an immense rustic jar of a tree trunk cut in his side and held it up as if it were an ancient warrior celebrating before offering drink. It looked like a hunter, she mused. Like one of those ancient Greeks who had fought to protect their land from Roman invaders. Astute. Living up to intuition. Valente. Indomitable. - It is a homely, non-alcoholic beverage. Try it he explained, occurring him to "so to speak" meant circumventing the truth, the local wine would have been better to drop the language intriguing blonde. But I knew she was driving. - What did you do to your old job? - Persisted after filling two glasses with the drink for both. - I am an accountant. - Kayla proved the dark liquid with some hesitation. Found it pleasant,

containing lemon and other citrus notes plus some other component that left fermented. - Why are you smiling? - If anyone could call the way he hoped the smile of lips, he thought. Because I think the idea of you being an accountant so unlikely as to me being a singer nightclub, reflected Leonidas, surprised and amused by what he considered an outright lie. - You do not look an accountant - said, studying her openly. Long hair, beautiful, and captivating traits. Slim figure, but with curves in the right places. What did not expect was the desire that stormed, despite his efforts to remain immune to the obvious chemistry between the two. Also noticed her reaction to his gaze on the blush that covered her cheeks. - And how is an accountant? - Kayla could not hide a slight tremor in his voice on the intensity of those dark eyes over her body barely covered by shorts and a shirt. - Well, not usually blonde and beautiful. Or invasive.

The words did Kayla drop a nervous laugh. It was covered by a heat wave that had nothing to do with the exotic drink, good food and a warm breeze blowing the leaves of an olive tree that was nearby. - What about you? - He asked quickly, to try to control the absurd reaction. - When I saw this place the trail, I thought it was abandoned. Only after I noticed the smoke. How long have you lived here? He looked back at the house in bad shape, but now noticed that there was a part of her that appeared to have been renovated in recent years. - I mean, I assume more here. - I'm living for now - Leon replied evasively. - I thought it was a good place to ... What is it they say? Camping for a while. - You mean you're a backpacker or something? Leonidas laughed, displaying perfect teeth, and studied the woman sitting in front of air safeguarded. She wondered how long she planned to take the farce on. The day before, showed all the characteristics of a disguised opportunistic reporter. And again that morning when there appeared with his infernal camera. Even if he had actually look stressed to complain cell

unsigned, the refrigerator that had left in his hand and the car reportedly stalled. But if his suspicions were right, how Kayla was leading the conversation he indicated that it was a great actress. - Not exactly - he said still elusive. - You ... You work for something? - When needed. - What happened almost seven days a week most of the time, thought Leon circumspect. If she was there in order to try to tarnish the name of Vassalio, already knew that. But what if this were not the case? It could only be pondered angry. Otherwise, the disguised blonde would not have invaded your privacy like that. - And what does? To earn a living, I mean. She still was backing the innocent. Leon would have given him an Oscar if she were competing for the prize. - Working with construction. - As you may already know very well. - A construction worker! - Deduced Kayla, occurring him that his initial assumption was correct. This was a man who worked with his hands.

- So to speak. - Leonidas deliberately used the same words her. He realized he was getting into the game, and it was making him increasingly bored. Suddenly I was sick of being walking on eggshells. Placing the dish on the table, he got up and shoved his hands in his pockets in intimidating stance. - All right, Kayla. This has gone too far - said in a calm tone, but warning. - What do you mean? Leon had to admit that, in fact, it represented very well. It seemed perplexed confused. Perhaps even shocked. - The farce ended girl. - What scam? - Kayla had no idea what he was talking about. - I do not understand. - Not even? - Leon let out a sarcastic laugh. - You think you do not know what your game is? The reason that brought you here? - Hey! - It also raised and, with hands on hips, staring at him with a displeased look. - You can only have me confused with someone else. I do not know who you think I am, but anyone'm not who you were expecting. - I was not expecting anyone, let alone

another leech with ulterior motives! Kayla felt increasingly confused. None of it made sense. - Listen, whatever your problem, of whoever is running away, would appreciate it if not descontasse me. He left before he could say another word. CHAPTER 3 WAS bang that woke her. Or had been the rain and the thunder? Terrified, Kayla jumped out of bed. Came amid a light, restless sleep for hours, it seemed, though the storm should have started only minutes before. Now, opening the door to let out a scream as the wind almost pushed back. Even in the dark, he saw there a frightening way crossed above the corridor and a large hole in the roof through which the wind and the heavy rain far into. It startled by lightning he saw tearing the sky through the bedroom window. The thunder that followed was so intense that it seemed to shake the very foundation of the house. She puts a hand to immediately switch, but to his distress, nothing happened.

- Oh, great, no light again. With the help of flashes from outside, he found the chair where he had left the jeans and shirt with his arrival trip two days earlier. She dressed them on the baby-doll wearing with trembling hands. He continued groping around the room, thinking the bag and a flashlight he had seen before in the first dresser drawer. Apparently, the lack of energy must be common there. There was debris everywhere as he passed under the huge tree branch that had pierced the roof and hung in a frightening way. From what he could see, a tree had fallen and was anchored in the house, but one of the branches entered through the roof. Had to leave right away, he thought afflicted. Leaves, twisted sticks, tile shards and roof masonry pieces were scattered across the floor as he came into the room. The torrential rain that fell by the hole in the top to hit squarely now, and intense flashes and deafening thunder made her increasingly panicked. Suddenly he heard another sound, like someone was knocking on the front door of the Villa. And then a voice, muffled but clear enough.

- Kayla! Kayla! Respond! Are you in there? Kayla? Are you okay? She moved quickly to open the door and almost cried with relief when faced with the imposing figure of Leon in the doorway. He had his fists clenched as if he had been ready to break down the door if need be. Rainwater ran down her face and neck to the soaked shirt. Kayla took all her willpower not to lean on his chest when grabbed her arm and said something in an urgent tone in the language. - Get out of there! Hurry! - Ordered, returning to use the language of it. - There was a sliding further up the mountain. It may not be safe to stay in this house. As if Kayla hesitated, glancing anxious around, added: - Return to pick up your things in the morning. He kept his voice high because of the deafening noise produced by wind and rain. - You come with me! Freezing in place because of the wooden noise crashing somewhere near the hillside, Kayla found herself being lifted in the air. Only calmed down when he realized he was in the security of strong arms to her

chest of Leon, which now carried quickly to his truck, which left with the lights on. He placed it on the passenger seat and walked around the front of the vehicle as soon as he could under the shower to sit behind the wheel. Kayla noticed then that was open shirt, clinging to the torso of well-defined muscles, as soaked as the jeans she wore. - Oh thanks! - He cried, burying his face in his hands when the truck started down the trail. - I did not know what was happening - He said, when managed to recover enough to straighten the seat and look at him. - I woke up and thought the world was ending. - Would you just for that tree had fallen on top of you - pointed out Leon darkly. Fortunately, it had not happened, she thought gratefully. Nor was more exposed to the danger that had gone into the house. Thanks to Leon. I did not know how it would be arranged if he had not appeared. - What happened? - He asked with sudden amazement when he realized the coincidence. - You were just passing by?

- Something like that. - He did not look away from the winding road ahead. The windshield wipers barely cope with the volume of water falling. At 1:30 a.m.? For the first time, Kayla noticed what time it was the digital clock on the truck's dashboard. He had been out of the house late at night, had seen what had happened and had driven there? Or have been in bed? Had he heard the sliding noise and come here specifically to help her? He doubted, she told herself. No man she knew would have been so gallant and brave to risk his life for a girl who did not know and which did not even like. Apparently, he did not like women, then he had a serious problem with some. - Why did you come help me if you think I'm a person who intends to cause you problems? - He asked without hesitation, pushing wet hair from his forehead. - What would I have done? - Leon kept total concentration toward the truck under the storm. - That had left there to get hurt? Or worse? Kayla shuddered at the thought.

- Is it always like these islands? - He asked worriedly. - It's the risk you run when you come here in the spring. - What can happen with Villa? - She looked nervously at the water that cascaded from the hills to the dirt road, poorly lit by the headlights of the truck. - The branch of that tree went through the roof and it was anchored in the house. - We will return in the morning to check the damage. - But the furniture and electronics ... And my things ... I'll be all wet. - It is to be expected - said Leon, changing gears in a more closed curve. - Whereas there is a big hole in the roof. Kayla had to fight hysterical laughter. The nerves were concluded. And the shock. Because there was nothing funny in the chaos that caused the storm in the Greek stronghold that the couple of friends worked so hard to achieve. - What will I tell Lorna? - He said, thinking aloud. - She and Josh already have enough problems. -

Just then it occurred to him: - God! Where will I stay? Tonight? The Morning? During my stay here ... - Well, tonight you will stay in the house where I am - informed the Leon a decided tone. - And tomorrow, after you've phoned her friend and told what happened, we think of something. We, he said, as if the problem was also his. And it was not. Still, Kayla felt strangely comforted. - Like what? I








accommodation, or if the island had some kind of hostel. Or would be able to pay for their stay there. I might have to return to England. - There are three hotels on this side of the island. The biggest is closed for renovation, but I'm sure that as we are out of season, you will find vacancies in the other two. - I can not stay in your house tonight. I hate to bother. - She did not even know him, and the little I had seen the man was not the most sociable. - You said you wanted to be alone.

- Something you ignored since the day of your arrival - Leon replied dryly. - Why will start worrying now? - Sorry. - Now, Kayla felt even worse. - No need to do that. I was just a little shaken by what happened, nothing more. I can get me. - Really? Whatever I do, then, that the drop in the middle of this storm? - He let out a laugh when he saw it acquire an expression of obvious anxiety. - Relax. I'm taking you to stay with me. So, no more discussions about it, nor apologies, okay? Restless, Kayla was limited to a nod. - I did not hear you. - Yeah, okay - She kept her eyes fixed on the endless rain that punished the windshield and hands in her lap until they reached the safety of the old farmhouse stone patio. The part of the house where Leon led was remarkably clean and organized. Surprise saw who was also fully furnished, although most of the furniture was worn out and needing to be replaced. The tapestries on two of the walls, as well as the thick, patterned fabric upholstery, were washed out by the action of sun and

time. With whitewashed walls and the floors of large stone tiles, had a rustic and cozy charm that offered more comfort than she had imagined looking from the outside. He was too exhausted because of the recent experience, however, to pay close attention to how Leon lived. After looking around, he commented: - I'm still not happy regarding this arrangement. I knew nothing about him. It was still a stranger and had proved hostile, although he had just save her from a dangerous situation. - I'm afraid you have no choice. - He opened a cupboard and took out folded towels and bedding. - I have no intention of trying to find a hotel for you tonight. No manager would give you a warm welcome to this hour on an island so quiet, even if safe to do so. And if you really do not know me ... Interrupted to go through it with a speculative look as if finally began to believe it. - I'm not a criminal - said firmly. - Unless you are being sought because of some traffic violation on which still do not know.

Kayla smiled, relaxing a bit, as he intended. Yes, the man was clever, he thought. And probably quite manipulative, but was too tired to ponder tonight. After she declined the offer of something to eat, Leon led her to a rustic room, but practical, with the same kind of antique furniture. How downstairs, the walls needed to be washed again. A large wooden double bed dominated the ample space and the handful of male objects scattered around, it became clear that he had been using the room until then. - It's not a five-star place, but it is hot and dry and the sheets are clean. - And they seemed. They were targets and, although they were somewhat crumpled, had as inviting aspect and the soft pillow. - Well, I just used them for half an hour - explained, bending the light of lips. So he has been lying and had risen which could only mean that he had driven under the storm specifically to see if she needed his help. - Do not think anything about it - warned her when their eyes met, as if reading his thoughts.

Kayla wanted to say something, at least thank him for leaving the bed in the middle of the night to go see if he was okay but his attitude and everything that had happened up to then dissuaded the idea. - What will you do? - She asked, looking at the bed that he was being transferred. Suddenly concerned about the possibility of be going the wrong idea, he said, - did not imply that ... - And he did not - secured Leon, although traveling up and down with a disconcerting look. - Do not worry about me. - He began to advance up to the door. - There is a proper sofa in the living room. Adequate but not comfortable. Not for a man of that size. Kayla knew that the sofa would not be a replacement to the height of that soft bed. - I feel bad about it. - Nonsense, I'm sure you're used to better accommodations. As I said, it's not a five star place. The expression of Leon was more cynical than made excuses when the look at each other, which made her one angry either. I not told you already had your experience a luxurious life and did not want to repeat it. At least not

what we had experienced with Craig, accompanying him to business dinners and meetings luxurious weekend, times when observed former flattering influential people by mere interest, realized now. - I am more than grateful ... - A vivid and sudden flash







accompanied by a loud thunder, interrupted her in midsentence and did a cry. - It's okay - Leon tone sounded nice. - This house may seem to have seen better days, but I can assure that the roof is tough. No tree will fall upon us, I promise. The visible afraid he did approach again. Kayla gave up only realize it when he felt strong hands on his shoulders through the thin fabric of his shirt. They were warm, nice touch and, to his surprise, reassured her. - I'm fine. - He stepped back, breaking the contact. He wondered what was more disturbing. The storm or touch this strange quarter in which incredibly was.

- Of course it is. But take those wet clothes. And have a restful night's sleep - advised her and finally left the room. Kayla shivered slightly. Indeed, the wet clothes bothered her. As soon found himself alone, he took off his jeans and shirt with relief by putting them to dry in the back of a chair. There were some moments in the comfortable double bed where wondered what he was doing there, unable to ward off thoughts around the man who had been lying between those same sheets shortly before. He had been lying there naked? It was taken by unavoidable heat wave at the thought, especially when he felt the faint fragrance of a colony in woody clean sheets. But it was just a few moments. When he opened his eyes, torrential rain and the wind had stopped and sunshine penetrated the gloom of the room through the slats of the Venetian. Down the bed, she opened the window and let the sun enter therein and bathe his body summarily dress while contemplating the clear blue sky. The room overlooked the front patio overlooking the track of

land, the steep slope with mountain road and the sparkling sea below. We saw the van parked in the driveway area of stone in front of the house. A heat wave swept through remembering how Leon had come to his rescue, carrying her in his arms until that truck, when she was too shocked to move. - So you're awake. - A pleasant and familiar voice, with a slight mocking what we got to her than anything. Startled, he realized that Leon had been doing something in the truck. Only he realized it when she saw him rise up behind the vehicle. He raised his hand uncertainly, fascinated by the impact of manly beauty and his rustic. With a long hair much like a gypsy, black vest and denim shorts, looked like a man totally oblivious to the conventions. Self-sufficient, self-possessed. A man who probably never would submit to restrictions that Craig and his colleagues adhered executives. But he looked at her with an interest so evident that she felt her heart pounding as she realized why.

She was wearing only her baby-doll color silk cream and brown with lace trimmings. Embarrassed, quickly retreated from the window, sure I was not imagining the laughter that reverberated through the courtyard while making close the shutter. The bathroom in the upstairs hallway was discovered as the previous, clean and properly equipped night. At some point that morning a toothbrush, on the package had been placed on two towels wine surprisingly good quality on top of a wooden cabinet next to the sink. Impressed, Kayla thanked Leo silently by the gesture. Fortunately, hair brush had been in the bag when it prepared to leave Villa quickly the night before along with your makeup bag makeup. I used not apply too much, preferring the natural style, but not live without a mask brown lashes always thought that the combination of hair and pale eyelashes left her with a visual deleted, and Craig agreed. He felt a twinge in his chest at the thought of him, but to his surprise, there was no more pain to remind herself that what Craig Lymington thought did not matter.

Leon was in the large living room, locking something in a drawer when Kayla went down, feeling good mood and free from bad impression left for what happened the night before. It was amazing, thought reluctantly, with the doorframe. She felt, more closely, the vest emphasized his muscular torso, as the contours of strong arms were perfect, tanned skin, lightly sprinkled with the black. He was glad to have applied mask the eyelashes and well brushed hair, who was especially bright that morning. Leon ran through with a long look. It was evident that he was remembering how he had seen in the earlier window. - I tried to call Lorna, but I can not get signal in the cell - said quickly, hoping he had not noticed the way his eyes devoured. - Can I use your landline? - Could it is connected. - Leon took out his own cell phone and held it out as she approached the room. Kayla soon realized that the device was hot, what did recall once again the feeling of warmth and coziness that felt those strong arms while they had rescued from the storm.

- Once is an appropriate time - Began trying to deal with the absurd fact be leaving the affect it so much - and then leaving me in Villa, think you could show me the direction of the nearest hotel? - One thing at a time. First, do not plan anything on an empty stomach. - It's your life philosophy? - She tried to sound cheerful, which was difficult, given the tension in his voice. - One - confirmed Leon with a half smile. Kayla thought it best not to ask what were the others. Despite all hospitality he was demonstrating since made it clear he did not like meddling in his personal life. To his surprise, he managed to call Lorna's office on the first try. With maximum tact, he explained about the storm and the branch of the tree that crossed the roof, struggling to save her friend from the stress and worry as far as possible. There was a time she and Josh were trying to have a baby and Lorna had already suffered two miscarriages in the previous two years. Now she was in the second quarter of another

pregnancy, and Kayla regretted having to cause more hassle to conclude: - I have not had chance to look how was the Villa in daylight, but we will go there after breakfast to check the damage. - We? - Lorna asked curiously across the line. - I had help of a person from a neighboring property - explained Kayla evasive. I was not ready to be associated with any other man yet, especially one that had just met. - This person hosted me here during the last night. - So tell you that I am immensely grateful to take care of my friend. - As was his nature, Lorna was more concerned with the welfare and Kayla security than with the tree anchored in its estimated Villa. - I'm so happy and relieved that have appeared someone to help you. Otherwise, what would you do? Exactly what had thought, pondered Kayla. While listening to her friend on the phone discussing what he would do, he could not help but follow the strong figure of Leon with his eyes when he left the room.

- Lorna's parents come here to see what needs to be done - I told him a few minutes later to find him in the kitchen down the hall. It was huge and had rustic and antique cupboards, plus a large wood stove where he prepared something in a frying pan. A wide pine table was in the center, to a person already set. There were two large windows facing front of the house, with magnificent views of the distant sea below, and the other two on the opposite side, which opened onto the terraces and garden - Lorna and Josh have your own business and do not have much free time - said, returning the phone. Unlike you, he thought, for a moment envying the flexible lifestyle of it. His free spirit and full autonomy. The absence of obligations and responsibilities. - You've always been so self-sufficient? She watched him cut a melon, which put on the table next to a plate to with slices of fresh pineapple. - I like to think so I've always believed that if you want something done right, the best way is to do it yourself. - Leonidas hardened his jaw, considering that learned this the hard way. - It's another of his philosophies?

Kayla put her hand in one of the pine chairs, waiting for an answer which did not come. No man was an island, according to the saying. It seemed, however, that Leon was, at least emotionally. It seemed more closed and reticent than anyone he knew. And uncommunicative. Someone that it reserved their privacy as if it were a priceless jewel. - Who thought I was when he accused me of doing some kind of game with you yesterday? - It is not important. - He returned to the stove. - But it seemed the way spoke to me. The things he told me were not pleasant. - Yes. Well, we all make mistakes - Leonidas admitted, beginning to accept the fact that the accused unjustly. - I came here to relax. I did not expect a woman to appear suddenly uninvited and stayed secretly taking my photos. When you realized that I had seen those rocks and ran away from me, I figured it had to be malicious. Then I saw you again here and decided to invite her to lunch to try to figure out what was going on. - He accused me of being spying on you. - Kayla crossed his arms in a defensive pose, resisting the urge

to remind you that the accident was photographed on the beach. - What you thought? I was a secret agent, or some like that? - He suggested with a wry laugh. He






possibilities occurred to him. - A private detective hired by a jealous wife? By a suspicious wife, trying to figure out where you hid millions over which they tell you? God of heaven? That's it? Not as the millions, yet. - The wife? She nodded. Why else would he have called leech with ulterior motives? It must have been recovering from the wounds of a bitter divorce. - Congratulations for such a fertile imagination, but I'm single. The fact that a man want to protect your privacy means there is a greedy and vindictive wife behind? - No, of course not. They were mere hypotheses. Kayla wondered why the discovery that the man was single made her so happy. He felt the blush spreading across his face before the intensity in those black eyes, like he was reading his disquieting thoughts.

- How did you know about this house? - Now it was clear that it was not a simple abandoned place, discovered by chance. - I was born on this island. Can I use the house when I want. - Who is the owner? - Someone who is too busy to care much about the place. - What a shame. - She looked around, noticing the peeling paint on the walls. - It would be a beautiful house if it was reformed. Someone must have really liked here the past. In the distant past, thought Leonidas, when the beautiful mother's voice singing flowed between those cozy walls. When you could not sleep at night because of enthusiasm the grandfather would take him fishing the next morning. - Obviously, the current owner does not have the same sentimentality you in relation to this house - said with difficulty hiding the bitterness in his voice. - You said he was born on this island? - Kayla had the feeling I was intruding again, but could not help. - It is a paradise. What made you leave?

Traces of it seemed carved in granite as he put melted cheese and dried tomato between two slices of bread with a spatula. - I believed there was a better life out of here. - And there? Again, Leon did not answer. That satisfaction was to never settle in one place? He wondered Kayla. To stay walking to and fro? - Take your breakfast. - He put the plate with the sandwich on the table, telling you to sit down. - Then we will verify the damage caused by the storm. CHAPTER 4 THE STRUCTURE of Villa suffered less damage than feared Kayla. However, after Leon helped clear debris left by the branch that went through the roof and to organize what was possible, it was not advisable to stay there. By his assessment, there were almost sure that anchored tree does not bring down the solid wall, but the rain moistened everything and the hole in the roof was great. - I'll have to look for another place to stay. - She tried not to show so anxious and insecure as she felt

while playing the last food parcel damaged in a trash bag. - Let me take care of it. - Leon took out his cell phone. Before leaving that morning, he had changed clothes for jeans and a light blue shirt. The sleeves rolled realçavam the skin tan and virility of his arms. - I think I did enough. - After saving her and given her shelter, he still insisted to stay and help clean operation. - I owe you a lot. - If that's all that's worrying, forget it. I'm not planning on being paid back anytime soon. - It's no fun - she replied before him mockingly. I did not like the idea of being indebted to him. What disturbed him most, however, was the strong physical attraction she felt for the man intense as never felt before, not even for Craig. What was illogical, for he had been willing to become his wife, to spend the rest of his life at his side. But Leon was already in charge of host it somewhere. Listening to him speak in Greek with some hotel across the line manager, gave that account, in fact, would have been more difficult to find

accommodation alone on the remote island. There was the language barrier, for starters. When he hung up, however, it became clear that there was another problem. Even out of season, the hotel was small and had no vacancy for the following three weeks. When he called the second hotel available on the island, it was reported that due to a part in flood spaces, also were no vacancies at the moment. It was almost as stunned as she was. - Well, then, I guess I'll have to get me here as you can until the arrival of parents Lorna tomorrow. - Nonsense. You can not stay here. - The state of the Villa was still precarious, with the branch going through the roof and anchored tree on the side of the house. - No? And you have a better idea? - Yes you will get there in the house with me. - With you? Kayla looked at him and let out a humorless laugh. Now he was back in his Villa the kitchen sink, with his thumbs in his jeans bystanders and the determined air of a man accustomed to having things his way.

- You're the one talking nonsense now. - As I said after I examined the damage, I think the tree will not fall, but you never know. If you think I'll leave you here, running this risk, it is very much mistaken. - I'm not your responsibility or your problem. And I came here to be alone. - Why exactly? - Leon squinted to study it. What's a girl like you doing in a place so isolated when you could be enjoying the company of people of their age and having fun on Crete or Corfu? And do not tell me that is just enjoying the sun while reflecting on the next step in his career because he could have done it anywhere. - Maybe I'm not behind "fun" right now. I came here looking for peace and quiet. Not to socialize. - I also - he recalled in a way that suggested that their plans also were not having the desired result. - Exactly. And the last thing you want is a ... what was it called me? Oh, yes, "A leech with ulterior motives." Well, believe me, I'm not with any ulterior motives.

- That's right. We had a good start. I should not have told you these things - he admitted, away from the sink. It seemed a kind of apology. - But the fact is that this Villa offers even danger. Whether you're my responsibility or not, if you think I'll leave it to risk your safety just because of a few simple sentences that told you in the heat, still have to meet me. I carried you here yesterday and will do it again if necessary. Will swallow his pride and be sensible enough to accept that there is no alternative? - There is always an alternative - snapped Kayla, although the idea of charging those arms when he was not distracted by the threat of falling tree or a landslide was too confusing to ponder. - How to escape? Leon looked at her with piercing eyes, as if revealing your soul and reaching their deepest secrets and painful. What right had to accuse her of running away? And even if the run was none of your business. Still, all who had suffered in previous weeks, all that wrong had since arriving there, suddenly exerted its effect.

- Who said I'm running? - He retorted angrily. And I think that because I'm here on vacation alone, I would think the same about you. And were not those used simple sentences. You cashed in me all the problems he has with women, there are whatever Want to know why I'm here alone? So if refestele with this! I was supposed to have married last Saturday. Only the groom decided he would rather marry another. He kept the same time, date, church and photographer for convenience. Kayla could not hold bitterness. Now, wiped the water that had run the refrigerator to the kitchen floor with angry gestures. - Because I wanted to marry her soon. At least he had the decency to tell me she was pregnant before I broke our engagement three months ago. And as if all this were not enough, all worked at the same company. That is why I felt compelled to resign. I live in a small community and therefore the whole neighborhood knew about it. Simply, I could not stand there and face the humiliation. So if escape because I'm not strong enough to stand there and throw rice on top of my ex-

boyfriend and his pregnant secretary, who betrayed me, it's wrong, I'm sorry! - Forgive me. Leon had a constricted expression. And shocked. - Man is one. - He called it something in Greek, a word obviously unflattering. - I spoke without knowing the facts. - Exactly. - Now that she desabafara, I was feeling a little calmer. - However, water is passed. I have forgotten my ex-boyfriend. - Really? - Yes - She pursed her lips in a resolute expression. - He kept everything that was planned for us ... For our day. Strangely it was what hurt more in the end. - Even the guest list - added with a little dry laugh. - Well the most part. It's funny ... when you're part of a couple, seem to have many friends. Then, when broken, you realize that they were not his friends. Most of them was Craig. Known, actually. My exboyfriend never had real friends. It was people

connected to the company. People who knew through work. Sales representatives, executives, customers. His management team and wives. The company's hierarchy with which we liked sociabilizássemos. - You do not seem very much in love - said Leon watching her closely. - And I'm not. It all just left anger at myself for not giving me account of these things before. - And how could it? How can a person prepare can predict that something will happen? - Oh, I had a good teacher. My father did the same thing with my mother, changed her for the secretary. So it's not like I had not been warned in advance. Just would not listen. I thought it could never happen to me. But now I know I never get involved with that kind of man - What kind is that? - The type that uses an impeccable suit and keeps a clean shirt in the office closet. That always comes home late because it has a huge workload. What do you think every reasonably attractive co-worker is only there to inflate his ego. Leonidas looked down, but merely to say:

- I thought this kind of chauvinism had ended with the 1970s. - Oh, you have to see. There is something that happens to a man when he sits behind a desk, get a desk and put a plate on the door with his name. Something we think puts beyond the limits of what is morally acceptable behavior. But I will not bore you with it. It's my problem and I should have stayed with his eyes open. I did not want to see and paid for it. End of story. Leonidas doubted that was the end of it and told himself to never tell him what he did for a living. After which the former boyfriend had done to her, she probably would despise if he knew he was a businessman. Do not hesitate to frame it as the type of man who repudiated if he knew who also sat at a table, a desk and had kept extra shirts in their offices in Athens and London. And refuse your help, really needed. - You had a hard time. The biggest problem he faces now, however, is knowing where to go to sleep tonight. As I said you can not stay here. You will have

to come with me. Unless you are planning on returning home. Kayla






circumstances, the best solution would be to return to England, no doubt. But for what would? The mother of triumph for having been right about Craig? The piety of the neighbors? The whispers behind your back? What everyone would say if they knew that after the engagement of the disruption, the holidays that had determined to be alone also had gone down the drain? - If you're worried that I try to take from you, stay quiet because I would not try to seduce a girl who is in a depressive phase. - I'm not depressed - Kayla said vehemently. But then, fearing that he interpreted his comment the wrong way, who thought he wanted to take advantage of it, he added quickly: - I mean ... - He found himself suddenly without words to explain it clearly. - I know what you mean - said Leon, making him things, although there was a "what" mocking the way curled his lip. Sensual lips that made her think of how it would let you take advantage of it. - And then what will be Kayla?

She felt a heat wave going through it as they did every time I heard him say his name in that powerful voice, but velvety. I did not want to return home, for sure. But I did not want to be indebted to a complete stranger - even though it appeared to be the personification of forbidden fantasy of every woman. - Get your things and come with me. - You know I can not be with you. - I will not try to convince her. Get your things and come. Let me finish fix what is lacking here in the kitchen. L EON I asked her to follow his truck left the car there for couple of friends. The engine choked that time, which made him get down from the cab of the truck and get closer to see what was happening. The moment came near the car caught. Kayla looked at him through the open car window with a triumphant gleam in his eye. - Do you believe me now? Leon curled his lips lightly, but did not answer. It occurred to her that perhaps he was a man who did not like being reminded of their mistakes frequently.

- I think this car needs to run a little. It is likely to be stopped for some time, which is not good for any vehicle. Kayla followed the winding road, feeling tempted to stop to admire the spectacular view of the sea and hills bathed in sunshine. It remained, however, well behind Leon's truck, envying her knowledge of each curve, dexterity and safety behind the wheel. After guiding her by a group of graceful whitewashed houses, he stopped in front of one of them, with blue shutters and, like the others, with colorful flower pots on the balcony. - Once you refuse to be with me, I will leave it in the capable hands of Philomena - said Leon after down the truck. - Philomena? - A friend of mine. - He opened the car door and then was removing her suitcase from the trunk. - There is a minor inconvenience, however. - What? - It only able to speak Greek. - And why you would want to host me?

- Kayla almost had to run to get you to follow certain steps. It was clear that would not let her go against his plans. - The children grew up and moved. Believe me, Philomena will be glad to have some company. It is the widow of a fisherman long ago. - But you asked him first? - Let me take care of it. When he led her to a cozy living room without even knocking on the door, he deduced that the woman in dark clothes who greeted them with warm brown eyes was old enough to be his grandmother. The affection for Leon was clear from the start, while both exchanged several phrases in Greek. At one point, however, the woman appeared to scold him about something, leaving Kayla puzzled and afraid. He did not want to impose his presence there. But Leon seemed to placate her then and finally Philomena turned to her and her wrinkled face lit up with a welcoming smile. - I did not speak? - He said triumphantly. Philomena is happy to receive you as a guest in your home.

- Even without understanding a word of what you said, I realize that she likes you. But I realized that she was upset with something earlier. - Do not worry; It has passed. And it was not about anything related to you. It is very welcome here, as I said - he smiled. - Philomena had seven children and was a midwife in the past. It was she who made my birth, and I am eternally grateful for having helped bring me into this world. So I do not mind when she decides to scold me from time to time. - But for what, anyway? - Some trivial matters. By leaving the island and things like that - Leon replied evasively. - What? - Persisted Kayla unable to contain his curiosity. Leonidas looked at the woman who had helped his mother to bring him to the world and had been ever-present during his childhood. A consolation in the face of strict discipline and sometimes brutal of his father and his rock when her mother died. - I think she's not happy with what I've become commented dryly. And he admitted to himself that he could not blame her old friend. There were times lately

when he thought he was far from feeling happy with yourself. - Oh? - Kayla wanted to know more, but he had nothing to add. I saw him change, then a few more words in Greek with the elderly woman before advancing toward the door. - I thanked her and told her to take care of you translated, with a charming smile that left her shaky legs. And then he walked away before Kayla could say anything else. SHE SETTLED IN THE NEW FACILITY with remarkable ease and as imagined, despite the language barrier, Philomena Sarantos proved to be a lovely hostess, generous. Continued intrigued by the comment of Leon as the old midwife does not like what he had become. It would have referred to your lifestyle? The fact of not having a steady job? It seemed happy to be wandering from one place to another? Two days passed without seeing him. But what was expected? He had not made it clear from the

beginning that he did not want interference in your life? That last morning, might have offered to host it in the farmhouse by mere politeness. Anticipating his refusal. But what did it matter? She had plenty to worry about without the sexy Greek to occupy his thoughts. The day before, received a text message from parents Lorna and went to meet them at the Villa. They took some men of the region beyond to care for the tree removal, and an expert who examined the building and stated that it was uninhabitable for now. After combining with men reforms that would be needed, parents girlfriend proved very concerned about the fact that she had been without accommodation. After explained to them, however, where she was staying, as well as Lorna by telephone, both set out to spend a few days on the island of Corfu in order to "make the trip worthwhile," in his words. Now, after the sun had just been born and another day splendid ahead, she went down the dirt path leading to Philomena's house and gave a delighted exclamation to find a small bay.

WALKING PEL OMEIO THE UNDERGROWTH, LEONIDAS REACHED A POINT WHERE the beach opened later and stopped abruptly. Kayla walked through the blue water toward you, with the soft waves wrapping it up to the ankles. How to look at the water in front of him, he has not seen. He would have considered a white cotton tunic she wore demure in any other circumstances, it gave him an angelic air, especially because of blond hair blowing in the breeze. But sea water until moistened tissue on at any given time. The tunic was now clinging to her body, revealing curvilinear shapes and bare breasts under the thin fabric. The sun left him the gold, bright hair and rosy cheeks. Fascinated by her beauty, Leon noticed the grace of his movements, the way his walk changed the light, making the breasts look indistinct at a time and crisp and tempting on the other. It was a tempting siren, filling him with desire, while ran with a long look from the face to the shapely legs, partially exposed by the tunic length to below the thigh. She finally looked up and when she saw him, covered her mouth with his hand in a gesture of

bewilderment. Advanced then barefoot through the small bay to a white hat lying on the ground. - I did not see you - told him, picking up his hat had been on top of your camera and a beach bag with the rest of your stuff. - Clearly not. - Leon could not help but smile when he saw her discreetly cover the wet chest with his hat. - How long you been standing there? Not enough, he thought Leonidas, struggling to control the urge, aware of the stiff manhood against his fly light linen pants he wore with a stripped shirt. The sunglasses hid the fiery glow that was sure was in his eyes. - You should not go into the sea without someone to accompany her. - I did not mean, but the water was so inviting when wet feet on the edge I could not resist. - The sea exercises this fascination for us and when we'll see ... It is the nature in luring back at her. Like those amazing blue eyes that stared. - What a beautiful thing to say. Leonidas laughed.

- Do you really? Kayla, who had turned her things and started to wear a white capri pants, confirmed with a nod. - You getting along with Philomena? Wearing slippers, she took the hat left aside for the moment and has to cover her breasts exposed by wet coat before re-turning to look at him. - Yes, of course. She's a great person - She said with a warm smile. - I remember my grandmother. - That's good - Leon took a back pocket pad of paper pants and began to scribble something. I do not want to seem distracted, but there were things that needed to put on paper before they forget. - And what does your grandmother think you're here alone? Are not you afraid that you become victim of a dangerous stranger? - No. - Kayla put the camera in the beach bag and adjusted his sunglasses on her head, never taking his hat to its strategic position. - She died. A few months ago. Yet while scribbling on paper block, Leon noticed her sadness in his voice.

- I'm sorry. You were close? - Yes, but my mother and I were never really. And after my father left, it never was the loving kind when I saw him, and over the years grew apart. It was my maternal grandmother who filled the void left by the two as best he could. Kayla was staring at sea, lost in his memories, hiding emotions. - You mean you went through that engagement disruption delicate after had lost her grandmother who loved? - Leonidas said with a degree of feeling which was not used. - It must have been very difficult. - At least I could count on Lorna. Always by my side and helped me in both situations. - Tell me about it. Kayla put her purse beach bag on his shoulder, and they both started walking slowly side by side toward the tracks. She told him about her friend she had met on the first day of school and who had become like a sister. On the interior design firm she and her husband had and how they were brilliant at what they did, although currently faced difficulties due to the state of the market and the fact that they lost the

biggest customer because of the crisis. He said even that might have to look for another job if things did not improve. But he was not paying attention, he thought with relief, certain other tagarelara. - What are you writing? He closed the pad, making save it in your pocket. - I was just writing down some things you do not want to forget. -. You were not drawing. - Suddenly she stopped walking while they were still at bay, understanding. - You were drawing me. - Never mind - he said in a warning tone. - Oh no! You were drawing me. - Kayla hid his face with his hat off, keeping his arms crossed over his chest. Why? I was with the tips of wet hair and even had applied mask on the eyelashes. Not to mention it had not put her bra ... - I look like a drowned rat and without eyelashes! - You look like an angel. - You can not be serious. - She raised her head, keeping his hat beside him like a protective shield.

- I never joke about beauty. Especially the beauty of a woman - assured him in a velvety voice. And he must have known numerous. Known exactly what to tell them to make them feel how I'm feeling right now, Kayla thought, with soft knees, her heart pounding and wanting to believe that those words were true. Let out a shaky laugh. - This teaser always work? Leon pursed his lips. - It is not a pass. And it works for what? Sketched a mocking smile then. - To take you to my bed? Kayla felt her face burning. What was absurd. It was not naive in relation to men. Bride had been, after all, about to get married. Still, there was something in Leon that made her feel taken by emotions like never experienced. She was thrilled with him, alive, feminine, sensual. At the same time, fearful. - It's not what you usually do? - Said a breathless both. - Possibly, but not in this case. And not with a girl who made her feel so unsure of herself that she blushes at the mere mention of a

man and a woman give each other pleasure. Or on the fact that a man is interested in her. No need to hide from me You might not have. When Leon took his hat she clung like a lifeline and inadvertently bumped the sensitive skin of her neck, above the discreet neckline, Kayla realized it was herself she was afraid. Those emotions that were repressed at all costs. The powerful physical attraction that had dominated from the moment she saw him on another beach a few days before. Now, with the wet robe exposing her breasts fully the ardent gaze, she felt a surge of excitement running through her and her nipples hardening. All he could think of was those strong arms wrapped around her, the virile body next to her between soft sheets of a bed. - Are you saying that your interest is purely aesthetic? - He asked trembling, aware that the beaks of turgid breasts and his chest heaving the betrayed - No -. Leon had taken his sunglasses and held them in his waistband. Now, Kayla could see his eyes clearly.

They were half closed and filled with desire as he bent his head and won the short distance between them. CHAPTER 5 THE TOUCH lips of Leon in their made Kayla felt as if his whole body was on fire. It was taken by a rapture as not remember ever having felt. His kiss was full of passion, but at the same time suit. Domineering but gentle. And the skill with which persuaded her half-open lips for him was the technique of a man who had studied and understood women. He had the fragrance of the earth and the high pine forests and hillsides. He radiated an innate sensuality and was spontaneous, but at the same time, showed control as he wrapped his arms slightly. Kayla left the beach bag slide along your body to the ground and held him by the neck without breaking the kiss. He then stopped with the effort to contain and, with a groan of defeat, pulled her to themselves, shaping it in the heat of his body. She felt every part of that stiff body with the softness of her, as the kiss became increasingly hungry. He patted his broad shoulders and back, delighting in

the muscular contours under the palms of your hands. The only sounds were the panting of both, muffled moans and the whisper of the sea in the background. I felt sensitive nipples pressing against that strong chest, while the tough masculinity close to his body made her desire beating. When Leon pulled away from her, she uttered an exclamation of astonishment and disappointment. - What was that? - He asked shakily. Why kissed I was told it had no intention of trying to get her to bed? Leon was also panting, and the ardent glow remained in his gaze. - Because you were wondering how it would be if I did. Baffled by the ease with which he read his thoughts and that persuaded to bow to his will, he asked defiantly: - So why stop? - Because, as I said before, I have no intention to take me to a woman who is depressed - reminded him, though his evidenciasse expression that made a tremendous effort to contain the passion.

- And, as I told you before, I'm not depressed Kayla protested vehemently, embarrassed by their reactions, for having indulged with such abandon a first kiss. - Are not you? - Leon slowed the pointed question with a half smile. - Well, you had a relationship with him, did not you? - Yes of course. At least that's what I thought. - Why and how should I interpret this? - The way you want - Kayla said evasively. I was too ashamed to tell the enthusiasm of Craig for her seemed to fade away in several weeks that had preceded the breaking of the engagement and now could not accept not to have known the truth. She had believed when Craig claimed that his disinterest was due to overwork, that would improve things when they married. When you obtain a promotion in which both had fought. - You were living with him? - No. - Why not? If I ever decide I want to have a wife, she has will be part of my life, and will be in my bed before I even ask in marriage.

- I did not mean that we lived together. Not before marriage. And Craig felt the same way. - Really? You could live so well without each other? - Not that any of your business ... - Kayla hated the fact that her relationship with her ex was being examined so closely with this man she barely knew. But we wanted to start married life properly. In our place. I did not want to simply move to his apartment. In addition, there is much more a relationship of the couple go to bed at every opportunity. - You think? Leon studied it carefully, fixing his eyes on her lips, still crimson because of their kiss, and she felt an electric current running through it. - Yes! - Exclaimed defensively, knowing that the way had to behave, abandonment that had kissed him, contradicted everything he was saying. The worst was that he knew. - The kind of man I get involved not think only in their primitive lascivious instinct. Leon gave a fun laugh. - That's what I was doing? So you must forgive me if I do not fit the type of man that is accustomed to.

Although I would bet that your relationship left much to be desired in terms of what is needed for an appointment for life. It is likely to have been the lack of passion between you what led him to seek "entertainment" elsewhere. The comment, though accurate, the hurt, hurting his pride, making her relive the sense of inadequacy that dominated after that overcame the initial blow of Craig's betrayal - especially coming from a man who radiated so much sensuality. - Sorry - said Leon suddenly, surprising her. - I did not intend to open any wound. - Not even? - She said accusingly. - Well, all right. I had. But until it stops hurting, you're not ready for an engagement with another man And even if it was the last thing a sensible girl like you would want would be an involvement with a man like me. Why? She wanted to retort, but stopped himself. It was not exactly the kind of man who needed the time to ward off the bitter taste that Craig left in your life with all its frivolity and selfishness? With his betrayal?

- Believe it or not, I'm not looking for an involvement with anyone - said, more to secure it to herself than anything else. And was not it? It was better to be alone, as his own mother said in relation to itself, was not it? - Yes, you are a sensible girl. - Leon took his hat that had dropped on the floor and placed it unceremoniously on her head. - Thank you. You might want to draw me like this - Kayla said defiantly, although he was relieved by the fact of the matter about his love life has finally been closed. What was not so easy to put aside, however, it was a vivid reminder of the stunning kiss that had just changed. Why corresponded with such ardor, as he claimed still felt affected by what Craig had done? Does this almost stranger was even so irresistible about to make her not want to think about anything else with his simple kiss? If it were the case, it was undoubtedly dangerous. - I will not draw you. For the simple reason that it is wrong. I am not an artist. But if ... And if I had to

stare at you the way it is ... - Leon watched her wet front tunic with burning eyes, and she felt an instant surge of excitement running through it -... Whether or not an ex-boyfriend in your life, I would end up taking you to bed for sure. The






Philomena's house was steep and barren, and Leonidas walked in front, protecting Kayla thorns and twigs advancing the narrow trail. He had a tough morning, solving a problem that had arisen in the London office, as his second in command will need your opinion. Driving an empire was not easy and, although needed that time away to unwind, had to remain attentive to business. The branch of the construction of shopping malls and tourist and residential complexes had many facets and huge responsibilities. After the accusation of negligence press the local residents caused by the breakdown of the verbal promise of its two executives in relation to the project, he had to ensure that there were no more loopholes for unscrupulous mercenary lawyers and members of his staff do shady deals behind your back .

I never wanted to be labeled by the press as "cruel" and "sucker" among other derogatory and unfair things. Neither wanted his name involved as the gossip that the woman he had been involved briefly, Emerald Leigh, had brought with her eagerness for publicity. I had a reputation to uphold, both in corporate life and personal; a reputation that had fought hard to win and it was a source of pride, which would defend tooth and nail and his unshakable principles. But I had not gotten where he was without drawing a hard way to become hard, determined, firm, and had no intention of deviating from it. Nor allow anyone thought it would soften. Not even that beautiful girl. Hearing her gasp behind him on the trail, he stopped and waited for Kayla to catch up. He had a ruddy face and seemed to be having difficulty you keep pace. - Let me get it for you - provided, stretching his hand to the bag, she handed him willingly. When held out his other hand, however, he was reluctant. - It's okay. This will not mean that you agree to let me take you to bed - said with a mocking smile.

It was clear that no thought Kayla, but, anyway, when their hands met, the heat that rose up her arm was undeniable. - Thank you - said trembling, hoping to make him believe that it was a difficult climb under the intense heat that was making her breathless, and not a reaction to it, it was more and more intense, especially after they had kissed at bay. - Where did you learn to speak English so fluently? - He asked, needing to say something to compose himself as he looked at one another, although he was interested in knowing. - When I'm working, it is mainly in the UK. And my grandmother was English. So I had chance to start learning the language while still small. She noted, occurring him the natural landscape of sea and hillsides below served to highlight the air somewhat rustic this man who was born to him. He reflected on his words as well. When I'm working, he said. So, Leon had not even a regular job. Maybe some global crisis in the construction area had left unemployed and taken him there to spend some time there.

- How old were you when you left this island? - Fifteen. - Alone? He left to complete his studies, and then go to college? Leon let out a laugh that did not contain the slightest trace of humor. - No, I attended college. I wanted to continue my studies, but my father would not even hear of it. - Why not? - He wanted me to leave the world as he had also done, and arrange a 'decent service, "as he said. Kayla was perplexed. - Really? And what did he do? - He asked as he resumed walking the trail. - He took sustenance how could this island - he said with a strain in his voice that puzzled. - Where are your parents now? - Have died - he said dryly, without any emotion right now, but implying that there was some reason for her reticence. - I'm sorry. - During a previous conversation at the Villa in the other morning, Kayla discovered that, like herself, he also was an only child.

- Life just teaching us to overcome these things. - At least you still have Philomena - she said, trying to ease the tension. On the beach, Leon had proved ardent and now back to close as usual. He wondered if he would have gone to meet him on purpose, or if found in the bay by chance. The first possibility enthused to. - Did she tell you where I was? - Are you suggesting that I asked? - He turned to look at her with an unexpected smile that lit up her face. Blushing, Kayla tried to free his hand, but could not. - Yes, I asked - he admitted then, without the slightest embarrassment. - I spent at Philomena's house this morning to see how you were. We had a bad experience during the storm and I did not want it to spoil your holiday. It really matter? Well, there was no doubt that had helped so far. - Not spoiled. Thanks - he said with a smile. Why were you so hostile to me earlier? He has not told me.

- You never stop asking questions? - He asked with a mixture of impatience and fun. -. No, I think I was born already asking questions. - And by the way, how old are you? - Twenty three. - You're old enough to know when a man does not want that they are speculating about his private life. They had reached the top of the road passing next to Philomena's house. There was a wide area in the back with a garden, a lemon tree and some orange and where she also grew eggplants, peppers, vegetables, and where loose chickens pecked in the middle of the undergrowth. - How's the car? - Leon asked, indicating the vehicle parked by the side of the house, just behind where he had left the truck. - He did not give further problems. Oh, but I think we can not say the same of his truck - she added, noting that the old yellow car had a flat tire. Cursing under his breath, Leon stepped forward to the truck and prepared to change the tire. Kayla found Philomena in the back, holding clothes on the line. Through mime, he indicated where

Leon was and offered to help her, but the hostess refused with a smile and showed two loungers in the garden, the inviting shade of a colorful umbrella. Without wanting to offend her, Kayla came in and put a bikini. Put a red and white beach yoke combining over, tying it with a side knot at chest level. When he returned to the garden, the woman had already entered, but it came out a few minutes later with two glasses of iced juice on a tray. Kayla put her at a nearby table and offered to take the Leon to the side of the house. Philomena thanked him with a nod and walked quickly into the house because the phone had started ringing. The yoke she had removed slid to behind the lounge chair and was not very easy to achieve. So she came around the side of the house the way it was taking the juice. He stood open-mouthed when he saw him. Shirtless, Leon had just change the tire of the truck. It was magnificent ... The muscles of the biceps and broad shoulders rippled as he worked, and beads of sweat glistened on his tanned skin.

- Philomena thought you would like something to drink - said, his mouth dry. He turned and opened one of his rare and captivating smiles. When he raised, through her from top to bottom in white and red bikini with a hungry look that made her feel naked. She winced slightly as she handed him the glass and their fingers accidentally touched. - Thank you. - You are here for a long time. I should have asked for my help. - And you think I would have been able to change the tire with you so? Kayla swallowed hard, watching him take the juice and trying not to show that he was also affected by brief his clothes. I had an amazing chest, welldefined muscles, dotted with the blacks who were decreasing toward the firm abdomen. It was a Greek god, no doubt ... - You understand what I'm saying? She understood and her body reacted according to the sensuality that was in the air, almost palpable. The throbbing nipples, pressing up against the bikini fabric,

and a wet heat spread up through the center of her femininity. He wondered how it would be if he owned it covered his body with torrid caresses his lips and hands so skilled, to take him to an overwhelming ecstasy ... Shocked by his thoughts, he tried to drive them away, feigning interest in the old vehicle as he struggled to compose himself. - The truck belongs to the owner of the house where it is, or had to buy it? Staring at her at length, Leon pushed the juice from his lips to answer: - It's mine. - Maybe it's time for you to buy another. - And maybe it's time you stop laughing at my expense. - Sorry. - Kayla wish I could withdraw the comment. After all, he had not afford a new truck. Unlike superb Craig, with his Jaguar and executive salary and benefits senior. - I did not mean to joke at all. - Not even? Apparently, you measure the worth of a man by the car you drive.

- Of course not. - What will you? A Porsche or a Mercedes? - Listen, as I said I was not joking. It was just a comment commonplace. And I was discounting. - What? - The embarrassment you put me through. When I said that I was intruding on his personal life. Finishing the juice, Leon let out a laugh that softened the austerity in his face, but his eyes remained serious. - I thought you had made this comment just to provoke a reaction in me - To provoke a reaction in you? - Kayla swallowed. The sexual tension between them hung in the air like a living thing. - Why would I want to do such a thing? - Why should I be one of the only men who met it is not unfolding to instantly react to its tempting sexual signals. - I'm not sending any signal! - She replied mortified. - And, of course, I'm not trying to attract attention.

- Not even? - Leon studied his features with the indignant searching eyes that seemed to see everything. - You would not have come up here like this ... - made a significant pause to observe his body framed by sculptural bikini, pausing for a moment longer in steep breasts, and finally down to the firm abdomen, then continued : -... If I was not. Embarrassed, she wished she had caught the yoke before he went to him to take the juice. And it has seemed offered. It was what he had done, he thought annoyed with herself. He wished it away when he reached out suddenly and touched his face, passing the thumb gently over her lips. I told him then, in a voice a little hoarse: - If I make love to you, Kayla, was a moment of pleasure passenger. Nothing more. Without any commitment and do not think you came here to leave a man who has his own problems to solve using you that way. A girl like you need a lot more than I can offer. To







engagement to try to forget the man who cheated. Even if that involvement was filled with a few hours of incredible pleasure, I'm sure.

Leon was serious, but even his words aroused Or was that sensual touch on his lower lip that made him close his eyes and lean his face in his hand that enveloped? - Who said I want to make love to me? - Your protest seemed useless when he opened his eyes to look at him with the obvious desire that through her. - You say that every denial does - he pointed out in an equally full of passion voice. - And it's not naive enough to not realize you're making me horny as ever. - You're wrong! - Kayla said breathlessly, appealing to the only means of escape was possible. He walked away quickly, almost running, and entered the house. Upstairs, away from the puzzled look of Philomena, took refuge in the bathroom and took off her bikini that seemed stuck in the body. Why he felt so attracted to Leon? Asked in self-recrimination, trying to slow down that sultry heat that enveloped under the cold shower jet. He even admitted that he was a man with problems to solve.

And problems related to women, no doubt. From the little that revealed until then, it was clear he had some past relationship had made him bitter. She had to stop playing the fool when I was with him and try to get him out of thoughts when he was not. For your own good. He tried to think in the previous two months. In ex-fiance. In that led to Greece. He struggled to evoke other emotions that would block those absurd and dangerous feelings for Leon. Try as he might, however, feel bitter suddenly seemed a waste of emotion. Craig and his betrayal did not seem to care much more CHAPTER 6 KAYLA DID NOT SEE LEON IN THE TWO DAYS THAT FOLLOWED, AND WHEN HE FINALLY APPEARED, IT WAS ONLY TO BRING FIREWOOD TO





- We were even asking us why we did not see you - Kayla said with as much indifference that was able to demonstrate.

But it was impossible to stem the tide of enthusiasm he felt in seeing it - sexy as ever in a clear jeans and white sports shirt - especially because those black eyes studied with a seductive air. He wondered if he had not been right after all, if not the leading been seeking attention. After all he had said about not being willing to compromise - and its own resolution of not engaging with the man - could not contain. - We? You mean you missed me? - No - she lied, while knowing that it was not able to fool you. - In any case, I think will not mind spending the day with me today. Philomena had told me that one of these days, you asked one of the neighbors on the small island that can be seen here, wondering if he could make a visit. He also mentioned that you worry too much because it is not helping around the house. She wants you to enjoy your vacation, and I So, as there are no scheduled visits to that island, even I'll take you there. Even while making the suggestion, Leonidas told himself it was folly. Kayla had assured he was not ready for a relationship but, try as he might, he could

not keep away. It was enough to see it to feel the desire pulsing through her veins with renewed intensity. I was sexy with a short white blouse and yellow sleeves, tied below her breasts. - Thanks, but I think I will refuse - she said, disappointing him. - Whatever you say - he muttered, turning toward the door, thinking better. Especially since, at the time, I could only think of what would happen if you open the front tempting blouse and caressed her sensitive breasts until she sobbed with pleasure. - Well, I ... The hesitation of Kayla made him stop short and turn around. Just a superhuman self-control enabled him to contain the desire. Mainly because they saw the same passion that consumed mirrored in her eyes. - If you can give me a minute. Kayla gulped as he looked at one another, knowing that, no matter who fought in contrast, had crossed a bridge that was already in flames behind him and there would be back. - N ADA rowboat today? - She was surprised to see the small boat that Leo showed him a berth in a

further beach on the coast, where he had taken the truck. - I never thought I would see it in a means of transport under 50 - joked. Leon's eyes sparkled smiling as he helped her climb into the boat. - Hrisi mou, I can dance to the music. "Yes honey". At least that Kayla understand Greek. He felt the pulse racing before the form of affectionate treatment and the proximity of both. - Good to know! IT WAS A DAY OF FUN AND GOOD SURPRISES. Deftly, Leon drove the boat for blue water sparkled under the spring sunshine, following the rocky coast of their own island to start, pointing bays and deserted beaches where access was given only by the sea. Armed with his camera, Kayla captured the magic of the surroundings through the lens. He took every opportunity to photograph your thoughtful tour guide: profile, smiling, looking at the landscape with air pervaded with a white shirt short sleeve glued to the torso and the hair in the wind, because of the speed at which followed

- Do not think I ever took pictures of me enough? - He asked at one point. - What are you going to do? Put them on the internet? She looked at him with inquiring air, not understanding the reason for the question, but could not resist the urge to tease him. - Maybe - he said with a nervous chuckle. - Do this and our recent friendship ends here. The sudden sharp tone of it made her shiver. - If you're so worried, delete the photos. - She held out her camera. - I promise I will not post them on the internet, but here are do not trust me Sincerity it did Leon hesitate for a moment, overcome by the impulse to tell the whole truth. The possible consequences if they did contain, however. Kayla would be angry, no doubt. The more prolonged the lie, it would be worse. On the other hand, he returned to the island where he was born to retreat for a time of glamor and superficiality that were part of your world now. I was still not prepared to give up their precious anonymity. He reminded himself that the fact of giving

a woman outside one of the reasons that made him go the search for peace and quiet. Not that Kayla was like the opportunist who had the misfortune to spend the weekend costing just as much to its reputation. But the fact that billionaire attracted interest, and she was human, after all. It would be great for his wounded ego, after having been cruelly deceived by the groom, see its associated name to a man like him. Suffice a text message to her as friend Lorna in London to attract a horde of paparazzi far. - It's been too concentrated time on your photos and away from me for a day. - Opened a smile, but still took the camera and put it in a compartment below the helm. They had lunch on the boat, sharing a small feast made up of some types of cheese, lobster, fresh bread and juice. They shared delicate typical sweets for dessert, filled with cream, dried fruit and nuts. Kayla was delighted with the delicacies. - All this must have cost you a fortune commented unable to avoid, after they finished the big meal.

- Let me worry about that. - But rent a boat like this should not have been cheap. What about all the food that brought cooler ...? It occurred to her that Leon had also assured that not refuse your invitation or, otherwise, would not have arranged everything there. - With what is concerned? I think I spent more than I can? Or think you owe me for what I did? - Both things. - She was not used to that pay you nothing, especially in a relationship. Always made a point of contributing financially and emotionally in a relationship and in the case of her engagement failed, just giving everything and not getting anything in return, recalled with a hint of regret. - Forget it. I did not spend that much as you think. And I was now even willing to rent a boat to spend a day exploring the vastness of the sea around these islands. The fact that you have come to me is a bonus, and therefore need not feel embarrassed, not indebted to me at all. Your contentment is already more than enough. - Leonidas was held not to add that most women had known would have considered his generosity a must.

When, finally, anchored on the small island, Kayla found it fascinating. Lonely and uninhabited, it was a wildlife sanctuary, with only the sound of birds and insects and the lapping of waves echoing in the wind. There was no defined trails, and the climb through surprisingly green vegetation was arduous, but the feeling of freedom in the high offset the effort. It was like being in a world apart. In all directions, the intense blue of the sky met the sea views. Looking over the distance that had crossed, Kayla saw the mountainous land which they had left with their pine forests and jagged coastline. There were huge rocks in the middle of vegetation, ancient ruins surrounded by weeds and wildflowers, a silent witness to the beliefs of some lost civilization. - You said he returned to his homeland to solve some problems, right? - She said, risking to the issue that had been fussing before. - What kind of problems? Concerning a woman? Leon had his foot on a rock and a hand on her knee, with long hair in the wind, looking at the

vastness around like a mythological god who inspect his domain. - Among other things - he answered evasively, as usual. But to the surprise of it, he added after a while: - I used to dream of being the owner of the island where I was born as a boy. Sat on that hill ... - he indicated one indiscernible point in the distance, along the sea, then added: -... And imagine all that would do there. The mansion. The pool. The stable of thoroughbreds. - And dogs? - Kayla smiled, accompanying it with their own world of make-believe. - Yes, several. So he liked animals, he thought happy, her eyes shining and her cheeks flushed. It was dominated by a euphoria as there was not much experiencing. - I was 12 ... But then grew - Leon added with a deep sigh, remembering that everything we wanted out after moving away as much as possible of the islands and all that had called home. Kayla frowned, noting his sudden tension. - What happened?

- My mother died when I was 14 and then my grandfather shortly after. My father and I have not got along very well - Why not? - Why do not we get along with some people, but with the other? Especially to us next? - He shrugged. Different





sometimes because they are too similar. Why do not you get along with your mother? - Cited as an example. Watching a lizard disappearing through the later stones, Kayla considered the question. - I think that for all these reasons. - To forward the serious turn the conversation had taken, he said: - And then will draw a picture of this house that I used to fantasize to see? - No. - Why? She had seen him draw on the pad again while expected in the truck in front of Philomena's house. He had also been talking to someone on a cell phone while but concluded the link as soon as you turn and opened the passenger door. He asked if she had been talking to

a woman and would be the same that caused her "problems". - It's not what I do. No son of mine will disgrace the name of Vassalio painting to live! Leonidas could still hear and see the father ridiculing his talent, his love of perspective, light and color. Taking away everything, sometimes with physical violence; destroying the results of teen jobs and, with them, all the creativity in your soul. Art was feeling and sentiment was weak, had told her father repeatedly. And Vassalio family men had never been weak. So Leonidas channeled all his energy to creating new worlds of concrete blocks, innovative designs that had jumped the role and formed the basis of its projects. Projects that had enriched to a point that never imagined. And with the money, everything had fallen into his hands. Influence. Respect. Women. How many wanted, at its choice. But no never been interested enough to the more than passengers relationships. It had always been just sex; I never love.

- But what about you, Kayla? He had aspirations? - I think so, but not like yours. I've always been practical and realistic. I was raised on the principle that if a person does not expect much can not be disappointed. - And because of that he never allowed himself to dream? - Of course I do, but I've never been eluding me for things I can not have. Especially things that are totally out of my league. Leon leaned against a rock, crossing his strong arms over his chest. - And do not believe everything can be at your fingertips if you jump high enough? Kayla admired with the review, taking into account the stripped his attitude towards life. - There is a saying that the higher you climb, the greater the fall? Moreover, I think is not the best person to speak. You do not even have a steady job. - I arranging me. - But it has nothing to offer real security, or which fulfill their full potential, right?

- And why is it so important to complete all my "potential"? - Because everyone needs a purpose. A purpose in life. - And what is your goal, glykia mou? The sensuality with which he said his name emphasized the isolation in which they found themselves. - Be happy. - Only that? Be happy? - He looked surprised, amused and then acquired an air of cynicism to add: And how do you expect to achieve this happiness? - Keeping your feet firmly on the ground and being true to myself, never trying to be something I'm not. Enjoying nature. Things like that. - Kayla looked around the rustic beauty of the island, inhaling the clean, fresh air of the sea. - Forming a happy home. Having children one day. And a lot of animals. - And this will be enough for you? - Leon still admired. - Having a home and children? - It's better than being a wanderer without any ambition. - You think I have no ambition?

- And you? - Kayla knew he had no right to challenge him like that, but I had the feeling that he was making fun of their values. - You'd be surprised. But just out of curiosity, what do you imagine me doing? How do you think I could develop my ambition? - Well, you know dealing with cars. It could be mechanical. You could even get your business. With the prices charged for repairs and services today, you could live comfortably. - If I were mechanical, could not take time off to come to places like this for weeks. And, of course, I would not have known you. Kayla saw the desire in his eyes, burning, mirroring the one that consumed against which he had to make a tremendous effort to fight. Especially since she yearned for him to kiss her again. - You could save enough to be able to buy his workshop - continued in a hoarse tone. - And hire a charge. Thus, it could take time off from time to time. - You think it's that easy? A stable professional life? A mortgage and own a business ... Ready! A person is rich. That's not how things work.

- How do you know without trying? Well, forget it. It was just a suggestion. A person has to have motivation and determination also - And you think I have not? - It is you who is saying, not me. I was just trying to help. - Thanks, but I do not need that kind of help. - As you wish. - Kayla walked away from the ruins to a flatter area, covered with grass and flowering shrubs. - It was boring - Leon laughed, approaching. She took her delicate hand and looked into her eyes with a fervent expression before observing her full lips. - You are quite insightful - she whispered breathlessly, feeling delicious goose bumps all over the body. - And for a man without ambition, you certainly believe you can get what you want. - You bet - he said in a husky, seductive voice, with a determination that left her shaky legs. - What about my lack of ambition, as I said you'd be surprised. What will not surprise you to know that my greatest ambition at the moment is to feel your body lying under me and prove his lips again, agape mou. Make

love to you at length, until you scream, begging to feel inside you. I'm sure you want the same thing, although I feel like a man without ambition and goals in life. Kayla wanted to protest, but knew it would be useless. He was already melting when Leon came upon his lips. She held him by the neck, corresponding to the hungry kiss with abandon, pulling him closer. Stimulated lips, tongues entwined in an erotic dance while the two were lying slowly on the sunny lawn. Leonidas did what he had wanted since he had seen in the early morning when sought. She untied her yellow blouse, letting out a satisfied sigh when you open it, revealing the white lace bra. He is delighted with skin contact satin under her fingers when he touched to download one of the bra cups and expose him one breast. It was small but perfect, proportional to the delicate body and curved her, watched as the stroked to wander, shaping it in his palm. And so sensitive ... Pink nipple was stiff with excitement between his fingers. Kayla moaned, arching her back, longing for more. She shivered with pleasure when he captured the

tip of her breast with hot lips and began to suck it languidly. There was no one around. Amid the wind rustling, the only other sounds were those of sea birds and the breaking of waves on the beach below the hill where they were. Finally, he left the tempting nipple and ran her skin with her lips, her breasts rising and the neck until you kiss your lips again with eagerness. Kayla opened her shirt buttons, making him let out a grunt tortured when he toured his chest with soft hands. Down more and more, then, until they touch the innermost part above the jeans. Making a tremendous effort to maintain control, he wanted to stop with that nonsense. Reveal who was real. How could I make love to her with a secret hovering between them? But, as if sensing his brief hesitation, as if Kayla was begging him not to stop by way touched, their muffled moans. I could not tell who it was now, he told himself soon after. She would be angry, and he could not handle it right now. I did not want to lose confidence that you deposited Kayla, sincere affection

that seemed to feel for him as a person, no matter who it was. Within seconds, he delivered the white shorts and lace panties. It was beautiful. A natural blonde Leon noted with a satisfied smile as she parted her legs in front and arched her body in a feverish invitation. It would be so easy to remove his own clothes, thought Leonidas, and accept everything she was giving him willingly appease the desire that consumed him. In a few moments, you could be in paradise ... I was excited as ever, only to see her like that and think of a pleasure so absolute, but amid the passion of fog that enveloped his body and mind, a sobering thought remained. I could not do that. Could not abuse the trust of Kayla. Not while still thought necessary to continue incognito and, therefore, have to deceive her. Still, it was clear she was excited, she wanted him with the same impetus he wanted. She was lying on the grass and wildflowers, with his face turned to the side and his arms above his head in a gesture of total surrender. An angel thought

inviting him to share of paradise. Or Eve, tempting him amid the greenery of her sensual Eden. Unable to resist, he bent his head and kissed her firm abdomen and was descending slowly with his lips. Gently spread her legs wider and wrapped his arms beneath her thighs. To feel the lips of Leon in their most intimate parts, Kayla shivered in full and a muffled scream of pleasure escaped his lips. It was the most erotic experience of his life. He was not inexperienced, but no man ever made her feel this way. Never delivered with such abandon to anyone else, for Leon knew exactly where and how to play. Using his lips and tongue expertly, its softness and warmth, apply the pressure required to provide you with pure delight. Those torrid moments lasted until he thought it was no longer bear the sweet torture, and his body tensed in anticipation. A liquid fire spread across the center of her femininity as lava, accompanied by heady sensations. When the spasms of a fabulous orgasm walked, he shouted his name and his voice echoed through the small island, charged by the warm breeze.

Leon girded with the thighs, keeping it next to you, until the long waves of pleasure were ceasing slowly giving way to a gentle languor. Anyway, she looked at him, now lying beside him on the grass of the hill and leaning on his elbow. - Why do not you ... - Peculiarly, even after the full intimacy that had just shared, felt embarrassed to do the review. - Why do not I what? - Leonidas ran her fingertips over her face and then removed it a little wild flower hair. - Why did not enjoy what I wanted? He added to help her. Kayla nodded, closing his eyes to savor the tenderness of his touch. - Because I think you are not a girl who does casual sex, and would not have thanked me for it tomorrow. - You say that because you think I'm still suffering from the disruption of engagement? Suddenly aware of their nakedness, and he remained dressed only with an open shirt, she sat down to collect the clothes and dress. - I assure you I'm not.

He had overcome the pain that the betrayal of Craig caused him. But there might be other reasons for Leon have not made love to her until the end Maybe he was keeping faithful to another woman, he thought with sudden unease. Someone who aroused the anger, but also the passion, in a way that may never could ... - She has been here? You brought her to meet his corner? - She could not face him while making the tie blouse below her breasts. - Who? - Woman on which not want to talk. Leon gave a fun laugh. - You have a very fertile imagination. - Not as much as yours, with its island containing a mansion, thoroughbreds and dogs. - Dogs were your idea. - There was a sense of humor in his voice, but the desire is still evidenciasse in his eyes. - And I think it's time we return. - I'm serious - Kayla persisted, wanting him to stop evade the issue, asking if he did so because, in fact, there was someone else. - Me too. - Leon rose, lifting her with him, and this time, his determination not met with resistance.










NOT TO SOCIALIZE AND much less to make

love to a girl who did not know him. She was beautiful, frank and contagious with his joy and spontaneity. But what I would say if she knew he now had money more than enough to buy that island if he wanted to? Several islands. That boy's dream had been aside once conquered an empire like never been able to imagine, but could not resist the urge to dive into old memories. Outside rewarding. In the world in which he lived, there was no room for fantasies and dreams. Only to the cold, hard facts, for numbers. Closing contracts. That was the dream. That was what he had found.

So far, he had not realized that his dreams had been buried so deeply. First, by his father and, more recently, under the weight of their own responsibilities. He had been so busy making money, enjoying the fruits of everything that worked over the previous decade or more, not reserved time even to wonder where those dreams had ended up. And now, that girl emerged from nothing led him to question his values. He felt disgusted with himself for allowing her to affect both. That, however, does not change the fact that he wanted more than he already wanted a woman in a long time. He thought up in her bed, possessing it with all the rapture. I could not understand how the former fiance boor been able to betray someone so adorable. Just thinking about it, I felt the anger and indignation seething within. It was one more reason not to get involved more. Kayla had been deceived once by a man, although in a different way, and would not forgive him for having concealed her the truth. Or would have to reveal who he was, or terminate the relationship before they go further. None of perspectives pleased him.

I knew what she thought of executives and, after the bad experience with ex-boyfriend - and his father would consider it birds of a feather. I could not blame her. On the other hand, I did not want to get away from her. I was relieved that the secretary have sent you an e-mail with some questions of his team in relation to a project that was underway and needed his immediate attention. On that day, at least, would not have to think about how to solve things with Kayla. Whatever solve tell you knew she would not take well. AS LEON DID NOT SHOW UP THE DAY BEFORE OR THAT




Barely thought about ex-fiance since Leon had taken her to that island, realized by diverting the road looking for just a moment to observe the familiar form in the distant sea. I could not help but be amazed at the difference between the two men, wondering what, after all, seen in Craig. Her love for him would have been so empty that the first man to appear was able to make her forget altogether the former and the pain that caused him?

Was it love? Not to mention that Leon was not just any man, she reminded herself with a sudden throb in her breasts and that familiar heat in the center of her femininity. It made her feel like no other man has ever managed. A wave of excitement wrapped her to recall the afternoon both on the small island. Leon had given him an extraordinary pleasure. I wanted it so much! Of course, he also wanted. Why, then, not made love to her to the end? Was there another woman? He asked once more. Leon had denied, was not it? Maybe just thought it was not yet ready to embark on a relationship with him. In that case, he thought, with a delicious shiver, it was up to him to show that was. Earlier, I had fear of involvement with a complete stranger, but I knew enough to know that the wanted. Better than to fight what he felt. When he reached the farmhouse and saw a yellow truck parked in front, his heart raced. Then Leon was home. And if you did not see her? It had been too presumptuous to go up there? Disappointed him in some way?

Taken by sudden nervousness, she got out and stepped forward hesitantly to the front door. When he knocked, the door opened by itself. He called it, but as there was no answer, entered. Not found in the living room, where hesitated, making for him. About to go look for him in the kitchen then heard a thud in the upstairs floor. Leaving the bag and basket with bread that had brought in a large cupboard in the hall, up the staircase concerned. - Leon? His room was plunged in gloom, with the shutters still closed. But soon he saw lying on his back in bed, sleepy, reaching out to try to reach something on the floor. She saw a big alarm clock, old-style, lying on the ground and picked it back to the nightstand. When called downstairs, he was to have him awake and he had just knocking the clock. - Are you okay? - He asked, knowing he had a habit of getting up early. It was after 10am. - I think I blacked out - muttered Leon, rubbing his eyes. - Why are you here? - I brought him food. When I knocked, the door was open and I ended up going. I called you several

times. - Kayla knew he was running over the words, but could not help. He was naked and just a thin sheet covering his legs to the waist, leaving nothing to the imagination. - Are not you glad to see me? - What do you think? - He said, his voice slightly slurred by sleep and the involuntary reaction of his anatomy. Even with the face burning, Kayla could not look away from the powerful virility it. Moved by something stronger than your common sense, he sat on the edge of the bed. - I think it's bubbling - whispered, placing soft kisses on the muscular chest of Leon, using the hair silky to pet him as he increasingly down with his lips. Her trembling hands holding the sheet. Leon took a ragged breath and expectant. - Why did you come? - I thought a good "entertainment" deserved retribution - she whispered, covering her hard abdomen with mild and wet kisses. I do not know where I was finding the courage to seduce him like that. I knew, just by instinct, he liked women confident, certain, and

not those of the unsecured type who still took care of wounds a previous relationship. - Close your eyes - he ordered in a gentle tone, getting up. Leon had the impression that his heart stopped and then turned fiercely to life when Kayla returned to the bed and sat on top of him, legs apart. He was wearing a white top with a red miniskirt, curled around the thighs. He felt his mind in a whirl of conflicting thoughts when he saw she was naked what had been wearing underneath. - Kayla. Stop it ... - asked a feverish pitch. - Why? It is too early for you? - Brought it to her, moved by the excitement, despite the doubts that troubling I was going too far? He did not like a woman to take the initiative? It was the least worried man with the conventions he had ever known. And, it demonstrated, I did not want a woman with emotional baggage to intervene. Lying beneath it, Leonidas shuddered to feel the warm, moist lips were sliding down her skin.

- Good heavens! - Exclaimed breathlessly, her body on fire. I had to stop it. But when she took her soft mouth, did not like to issue a protest. His body was stiff as steel, stiff as a bow, and the feeling was that incandescent lava coursed through his veins. While those lips and tongue involved with erotic caresses, made a superhuman effort to resist, not to give full vent to the fire that consumed him. When, at last, thought he had won the battle, Kayla positioned himself over his body and began to slip around it, to receive it within themselves. Leon tried to back away, but could not help but sink deeper in the humid heat that enveloped him. He grunted rendering, allowing yourself the freedom to let her do what she wanted. Looking at him, Kayla watched his tortured expression, stamped pleasure on his face and the way she closed her eyes. It seemed dominated by a vulnerability as never seen before show, which evoked her tender feelings, but also made him feel powerful. I was in control and loving the fact leading to cadence. Then she heard him issue another guttural sound and

felt his big hands around her hips while he intensified the pace of rush. The intensity of penetration made her drop an ecstatic scream. He felt the time the climax snatched and, soon after, their contractions around him, while a prolonged orgasm also enlevava. It was the most extraordinary experience of your life. Both were panting when she collapsed on him, sated, taken by immense contentment. Leon then turned on the bed, cradling it in the crook of his arm. - Wow, what was that? - Said as soon regained talks with the still rapid breathing. Kayla did not know for sure if there was a "what" of disapproval in that husky voice. - Why U ask? Do not like it? - Of course I liked it! - He exclaimed incredulously. - But right now, I do not know if I should applaud you for your momentum or pat that your beautiful butt and send her back to Philomena's house.

- Why? - She frowned with sudden unease. - The Greeks always have to be the dominant partner? - I began to feel hurt and embarrassed. - Nope. But those who choose to be must take responsibility for what you are doing. Is there any chance you get pregnant after this delicious sneak out? - Of course not! I am not stupid! - She tried to sit up, but Leon kept firmly beside him. He thought it unnecessary to add that took pill. He tried to leave it after the breaking of the engagement, but their periods had become so irregular that the doctor suggested that to keep his emotions were more stable. - What now, then? - What do you mean? - We made love and you do not even know who I am. - It was something that had to correct as soon as possible, thought Leonidas, feeling dead. A feeling that was entirely new to him. - Of course I know. At least, I know what I need of him - assured Kayla, depositing him soft kisses on well-defined contours of the breast. - I'm trying to be serious.

- Why? - She whispered, noting with deep satisfaction that his sensual kisses left him breathless again. But when slid his hand from inside of his thigh, Leon took her to not move forward anymore. - Because I do not think you're a girl who does this without knowing what kind of man is involving and without requiring a certain degree of emotional bond. And he had not offered any Despite being aware of this, Kayla could not avoid the thought made her feel so desolate. - I'm not demanding anything - said, knowing that the only way to guard was out of there. - Sorry if I offended you. He jumped out of bed, managing to evade the hand that tried to contain it while he heard an urgent tone: - Kayla! Come back here! She did not return, however. Wounded pride made her take refuge in the adjoining bathroom. I was eager to pack up and leave as soon as that house.

Taken from regret to have her upset, Leonidas was left to fall back on the pillows. He had not meant that she interpreted his words that way. I had tried to explain without much tact, which should have told you long before. The fact that delayed things had only made the situation even more complicated. After what just happened, I had not known how or where to start. Now he knew he could not just let it happen again, not before you tell the truth. All that managed to make it out to believe that had offended. Offended! He could not hold a lazy smile. She had taken him to the clouds, he thought, when he had awakened from a deep sleep and guided directly to a sea of pleasure. There had given him time even to catch his breath, let alone think. And it would not have been caught by surprise, still in bed, if I had not stayed up almost all night resolving the labor issues that the secretary had sent the e-mail. I was analyzing important details of a new venture and taken even their plants with that trip The plants! He jumped out of bed at the time Kayla left the bathroom.

Left all the paperwork related to the project spread on the kitchen table with the laptop and plants alongside, incriminating evidence of their identity. It was dawn when they went up, took a shower and plunged into a deep sleep. - Kayla, come here! She ignored his authoritative tone and frowning, he walked around the bed, looking for something on the floor and in the folds of the sheets. - Lose something? - Leon asked, knowing he had to act quickly. Kayla stepped forward to grab the red panties he held, which made her look into his body and fall into his arms. - You did not offend me. It was wonderful - she said, and she felt the hot breath on his forehead. - Now, go back to bed. I want to talk to you. - As an incentive, he patted her buttocks under the miniskirt. Kayla gave a muffled groan, weakening before those powers of persuasion. She felt vulnerable and incredibly sexy without underwear, but also upset with herself for being unable to resist his charm.

Whatever he had to say, its compenetrado way, should not be a good thing, she mused. I would say that would not compromise. Anyway, also still was not ready for another relationship. And do not let him have that conversation in his way. Catching him off guard for a moment, as he adjusted the pillows back, he managed to extricate himself and grab her panties. - Can I talk better over a cup of coffee. - With a chuckle, he left the room. - Kayla, come here! Kayla was in the downstairs hallway, putting her panties when he ran down the stairs, still tying the belt of her robe, but as soon as she saw him, she darted in front, laughing. - Want to sit still and listen to me? - Leon saw her take the purse and a corner table of the basket and turning toward the kitchen. I had to tell him everything tactfully. She would be angry, no doubt, but not as much as if he discovered the truth alone.

- Go sit - told him when Kayla turned back and pointed to the entrance of the living room. - I'll make coffee. - Yes, but I will make him company in the meantime. - Go to the living room - he said in a tense final attempt to prevent her from seeing all the paperwork. But she had already pursued and turned the kitchen doorway with a defiantly. - Since when he began to give many orders? - Since I thought I'd get away without letting me speak. - Leon grinned apparent casualness, but there was a whirlwind inside her. He caught up with her and the kitchen entrance, launched a stealthy glance over her shoulder to the table in the center, to the evidence that incriminated. I had to stop her from seeing them before he had a chance to explain. I should have told it all before. - Kayla ... The way Leon said his name always made her melt. - Say again - whispered hoarse. - What?

- My name. I love the way you say it. - Kayla. She smiled pleased and, putting the basket on the floor, curled up on his chest, feeling his manly fragrance on the skin at the time of opening in "V" of the robe. - The way says should be censored know? It's very sexy. - She whispered, placing her soft kisses and provocative chest. Leonidas took a deep breath, feeling that the words he needed to say were missing did not know what were the powers that girl used to hex him, but even while appealing to astute reasoning, the body reacted as if of their own accord. With the desire is reviving, he needed a superhuman effort not to boot panties, away from all the table and throw it there, getting in control this time. But the problem was I had to get her out of the kitchen. She took her suddenly lips to get her away into the hall slowly. But he did not stop to think about how the kiss distract himself. Feeling her warm body next to her, could only kiss her long and voluptuously until

they both stay panting and she recostasse her head on his shoulder. After a few moments, Kayla lifted his head and muttered: - What's that? Leon felt the stiff spine immediately. All that was achieved during the kiss had to change the position of the two and now Kayla looked for plants that he placed on an easel. Leaving it to break free of his arms, he felt the blow of defeat. Kayla stepped forward through the kitchen, looking amazed to the table that was there. I was full of papers around a laptop and a large pad of paper. And what it seemed to be a lot of plants surmounted an easel. - What is all this? - Asked by switching a look between the table and the easel until a leather suitcase, open the floor nearby, also caught her attention. - It's something you're working on? It is part of a building service? Leonidas approached the kitchen. - Listen, I can explain. - Explain what? - Kayla asked confused.

What was he doing with what appeared to be a project of a project? She told herself, turning to look at the table. A huge project, realized by looking at the paperwork more carefully. Something proposed by Vassalio Group, a construction industry giant. I knew that to readily recognize the black and gold logo on some of the papers. - I do not understand ... - Why did that old house in hacienda style had suddenly acquired the aspect of a corporate office? Why Leon was so serious? At that moment, his cell touched by stopping the poignant silence. Leon took off his robe pocket device, while watching her when she answered an incisive tone: - Vassalio. And suddenly, Kayla understood. It was like a statement made directly to shocked she thought, realizing he was beginning to tremble. Vassalio. Leon. Leonidas Vassalio. I knew the name. It was clear that yes! Already heard enough in the media, becomes the powerful group logo on billboards and in several other types of advertising, but never paid much attention to any of that so far.

- You lied to me - told in the form of an accusing whisper when he ended the call briefly, feeling so stunned and betrayed the pain was almost palpable. You lied to me since I got here! - I have omitted some information - corrected her Leon, putting the phone back in his pocket. - As if that mattered! - Most of all was what you assumed it. - Well yes! As I assumed I knew who you were when we were up there in that bed? Why do not you say anything? And how could you do that? He was referring to sex then taken by shame. How he must have laughed at your expense! - You did not give me much choice - reminded him dryly. - I could have stopped me anytime he wanted! - Do you really? - Leon raised an eyebrow skeptically. - You think I'm super-human? Show me a man who can resist being woken up like that for a goddess of sex without underwear. He made her feel easy, and Kayla wished he could turn back time, hating herself for succumbing to unbridled passion for this man

- If it makes you feel better, I did not mean that things came to this point. - Really? Pulls that bonus must have been for you, so when they came - Things did not go well - Leon replied, running a hand through his hair in disarray with exasperation. Why the hell do you think I did not take the situation until its natural conclusion that afternoon on the island? - Because it was more fun to be playing with me. - Not really. - No? What about just now? You would not have hesitated to do it again, right? - It was not my goal. I was trying to persuade you to go sit in the living room to be able to tell you calmly about who I am, without the situation escape the control and ended up in this discussion we are having now. - I mean, instead I have found myself despicable liar who you really are? - If that's what you prefer to believe ... but never my intention to mislead you.

- Why do you think I believe in something you're saying? - She replied distressed. - That's right. I deserve it. - Leon kept the grave, but dignified, showing that it was not the type to be humiliated. - Listen, I apologize for not telling all before. But I did not know who you were when it came to the island. I thought it was a nosy reporter behind a story, and came here in search of peace and privacy. For me away from all the attention and media publicity has revolved around me throughout this past year. I would not risk losing it all because of a girl I did not even know. On top of this, I found great for once to be with someone who had approached me because of my fortune. - So you used me - Kayla replied resentfully. For your own amusement. - It's not what I'm saying. But, if you think so, I can not stop her. - I could have trusted me and told me the truth. He gave a grunt of disdain. - A man in my position can not afford to trust anyone

- Which only goes to show the kind of person who gets involved - Kayla replied without flinching an inch. He deceived. Lie. As much as it was painful to admit, the fact did not make him better than Craig. - I can not argue otherwise, but I think it will not matter if you ensure you do not fall in that category, right? - Because none of the others have been as insistent as I am? - She was close to tears, but in an effort to repress them, continued an aggressive tone: A construction worker? Indeed! As I should have laughed behind my back. - That was his deduction when he said working with construction. And as you can see ... - he gestured to the plants on the easel and the paperwork on the kitchen table - work. - But you let me think wrongly. This is worse than lying. - I apologized, right? - And you think that solves everything? An apology of the mighty Leonidas Vassalio? - No, of course, but I was aware all the time that I must tell you the truth sooner or later.

- Really? When? After we had sex again? - Stop this. - Frustrated, Leon started to get closer to try to calm her, but she stepped back with sparkling eyes and a bitter expression. - How you imagined that I would react? I am grateful to you? - No, I knew you'd be angry. - And that would have spoiled their fun. - It was not any of that. I just do not want to hurt you. - I would not have hurt me if I had told the truth from the start, Leonidas - Kayla pointed with obvious disappointment, struggling to cope with the pain of a new betrayal. And by a man who had thought different from the likes of Craig and his father. I thought it was a construction worker who was just there to fish, draw and be in touch with nature for some time because he valued his quiet and privacy. But while outside naive as to think that he had a few designs as a mere hobby, the man had been actually managing a multimillion-dollar empire.

- And I would not have behaved ... Likewise, of course - concluded mortified, remembering how touched with complete intimacy, how is delivered with reckless abandon. It could not longer contain the tears that welled in his eyes. - Listen, I know how you feel and do not blame her. - Leon looked at her with gentleness and intensity. - I'm still the same person I was when I went mad with desire for you in my room. - No, it's not! You're as bad as any other business man I have ever met. Only worse. Because already reached the top. And to think I was suggesting things we could do to make your life better. - I was softened, believe me. - Do not touch me! - She exclaimed in panic when Leon took another step forward. The memories of how those lips and sexy hands were able to arouse her, how still wanted after all, left her disgusted with herself. - You know exactly what I think of men like you. - So we both deceive. By you evaluate everything based on stereotypes and I to imagine that he could make her understand my motives. I just wanted to

believe that, for a while at least, my name and my money were not the most important things about me There was something in the voice of Leon that made her wonder about the emotion that strong and indecipherable face for a moment. - Are you saying that to make me feel bad? Retorted defiantly. - Why not worked. -. There have spoken. I did not mean to hurt you, not to let things get that far. - What about Philomena? - Kayla landed the look in basket with loaves of bread they had baked a woman so warmly at Leon. - She knows? You know you have made me an idiot? Or did not venture to tell you? - I've never done you idiot. - He let out a deep sigh. - And Philomena know I had my reasons. - And you agreed to cover up? Suddenly,





Philomena ralhara with him on the day the host in your home and finally understood why. - Or rather, he found himself obliged to do so, is not it? - She just respected my decision, nothing more. - You are negligible.

Unscrupulous. Cruel. Profiteer of less fortunate people. Those were the words he had heard in the media






remembered. They had been spoken mainly by that stunning American model who became actress Esmeralda Leigh. She announced publicly that Leonidas was the baby's father hoped. She had called unscrupulous when he denied paternity, although there had been no clear picture in the article that he remembered having read. Only a small picture of him in the distance at the company's output, set in a large color picture of Esmeralda entire page in your luxurious living room. -







unscrupulous! - If you had read the outcome of the sensational story, it would have the sense to realize that whatever this woman says is false, calculated. It was proven that it claims were untrue. - Well, she's not the only one with inclination to lie, is not it? - Kayla remembered from his comments that the previous year had been difficult and the charges of the

early days. - It was because of Esmeralda Leigh you railed me as soon as he met me? He was afraid that if I knew who you were, could try to get pregnant before you can use it as access to an easy life? Well, take your money and go to hell with it! Not everyone give so much value for money as to truth and integrity. I can not be at its height in financial terms, but at least I can stand head high and be proud to be sincere. All you show me is true, Mr. Vassalio. I never want to see you so! CHAPTER 8 - I waited for your trip to Greece make you feel better - said Kayla's mother, Yasmin Young, a blonde 45 years after the daughter refused breakfast. - But since returning, he has not been eating right. And still sulking. I was right when I told him it was foolish shorten the trip and have lost count of the times I said that. It is not worth the time you lose mulling over what happened. No man is worth. The mother was referring to Craig yet. She had not told her anything about Leonidas. But the council applied to the way he walked feeling since his return to England that rainy May morning. Hurt. Betrayed. And

all because he had been foolish enough to get emotionally involved with a man of the same Craig's character, his father and so many others. - I know. - Forcing a smile, he served up only a cup of coffee and took a few quick gulps. - Now, I better go, or I'll end up arriving late. At least there was no work and depending on the mother to help her living. Still he had a job, he thought, in an attempt to cheer as he guided the car through heavy traffic. And there was hope that it would become permanent if Josh and Lorna were able to close a bulky agreement that emerged a few weeks before. The prospect was the Havens Exclusive, a company that provided luxury houses and apartments for a wealthier market share. A contract with that company would mean a shift in business that Josh and Lorna needed for your firm, Kendon Interior, and both were quite hopeful. Kayla was rooting for them and thought it was exactly what friend also needed to have a good chance with your pregnancy this time. As for herself busier as was the work, the better. He needed everything he could to try to ward off thoughts of Leonidas.

He not had any news of him since that morning he left the farmhouse untimely. Not that I expected any contact. Although it was not hard for a man like Leon find her if she wanted to, she doubted she did after the last conversation of the two. Wasted no time to leave the island after he returned to Philomena's house, finding that there was a ferry leaving that day. Because of its agitation, the woman guessed what had happened and despite the language barrier, tried to defend Leonidas his way, saying it was a good man, though stubborn. Kayla was limited to thank her for the hospitality and left. Six weeks later, still hurt and offended by the way Leon had deceived her. I tried not to think about how he had saved in the storm and had helped. The memories only served to increase the grief. In particular, the memories of tender and torrid moments they had shared. Although it was wrong, the idea would never become to see him was too painful. Changes that day in the office was instrumental in helping her in an attempt to ward off such thoughts. Lorna, who was also blonde - which led some to think they were sisters - was anxious because awaited the

Director of Havens Exclusive for what promised to be a decisive meeting the next day. Kayla liked the childhood friend like a sister, so willingly helped in the preparations for the meeting, staying at the office late. He was preparing to return home, the phone rang on his desk. - Hello, Kayla. She froze as he recognized the unmistakable powerful voice Leonidas Vassalio across the line. - How did you find me? - I was her heart racing. I remembered then that he had told her about the firm and Lorna Josh, where he worked, but did not remember whether there was told the name of the place. Well, he discovered, anyway. - It was easy. How have u been? Trembling, she ignored the question. - What you want? - I'd like to see you. - Why? - I think this is obvious, given the way you scampered that day. And then suddenly left the island. Without a word.

- What waited for me to do? To stay there for continuing to make me a fool? - I've never had this intention - said Leon gently, his velvety voice evoking sensual memories. - I know you're still angry, but I would like to dine with me today. We have much to discuss. - Really? Like what? - She wore a resentful tone to hide the disturbance within. - The way deceived me all the time? Or will apologize for having sex with myself knowing that I would not forgive him when he discovered his lies? After all you did was think I'm going somewhere with you to remoermos all this is quite wrong. - That's all I have to say? - His voice was devoid of emotion now. - Why? Want to hear more? I have a few home truths to tell you if you want. - Kayla felt the threat of tears and struggled to contain them. Could not let him realize how much he was hurt and wounded pride. - I think I got the message - Leon said in a dry tone and hung up. Kayla arrived early to the office the next morning to prepare the meeting room for the important meeting.

Slept little the night before thinking of Leon, but hid her weariness of Lorna, whom not even told about the man who met and everything that had happened. Others had felt humiliated to talk about it with her friend, who, incidentally, had their concerns and the delicate pregnancy six months to carry out. The Havens also requested some financial information and, as a bookkeeper Lorna and Josh firm, she was glad to also participate in the meeting scheduled with Mr. Woods, the director. So when they called the meeting room at 10am, smoothed her skirt gray suit he wore with a blue blouse and marched there, ready to help friends as he could in an attempt to get the new client. - Come in, Kayla - Josh said as soon as he saw her at the door. Trimmed beard, was elegant that morning in a navy suit. He was standing at the head of the long table, with Lorna sitting on your right. But it was the man who now rose from the chair opposite that made her think he was having some hallucination. Until Josh said:

- Kayla, this is Mr. Vassalio. Mr. Vassalio, this is our invaluable accountant, Miss. Kayla Young. She did not know how he managed to approach the table to accept the hand that Leon held out to him. I was shocked. - Miss. Young. She swallowed amid the formal handshake, hoping he would not notice how his fingers were trembling and ice cream. - Mr. Vassalio. - With his heart wildly, he watched as Leon was irresistible. Her hair was a little shorter clean and wore an expensive looking gray suit with a white shirt that emphasized his tanned skin. The opulent lifestyle that had worked well to hide on the island was evident in every detail of his imposing figure now. It was powerful businessman, radiating confidence on your clothes, attitude and authoritarian size. When she at last managed a look of those piercing eyes that stared with a "what" of mockery, he turned to Josh and Lorna and said the first thing that occurred to him: - And Mr. Woods?

- Woods could not come - said Leon with his powerful voice, drawing him back away, causing her to moisten her lips to his nervousness. - Mr. Vassalio is the president and owner. The Havens Exclusive is one of its group companies. He wants to see us personally - said Lorna. Is not that right, Mr. Vassalio? - Leonidas, please - he smiled, then pointed to Kayla to sit beside him for initiating the meeting. It was costing to recover. Everything was just a bizarre coincidence? Or Leon arranged for the Havens take away from the experience and talent of Josh and Lorna, armed with the knowledge that Kayla worked at Kendon Interior? When you phoned the night before, since known that there would during the meeting? He intended to shock her with his sudden, unexpected appearance? As a means to punish her for not having accepted his invitation to dinner? With the tumultuous mind, she watched him talk to Lorna and Josh business, accompanying her hand gestures. He could not help remembering how those hands had caressed ... Of how he had been tender, ardent.

Seeing him now, though, as the powerful entrepreneur who actually was could not believe it was the same man stripped attitude that had taken her to ride a boat and had given him so much pleasure. Finding her black eyes with its after he just said something to Josh, blushed as he remembered how taken the initiative on that last morning and practically had seduced him in bed. The glow that came into his black eyes and the way curled his lips, it was clear he guessed his thoughts and shared his memories. It was a relief when the meeting was over and it was agreed that Havens would start to contract preparation process with Kendon. Whatever Kayla wanted to take refuge in your office and have a chance to regain the impact to review Leon so unexpectedly. But heard Josh: - If I may, I'd like Miss. Young escort me to my car. There are one or two financial details that I would like to discuss with her. Kayla wished he could send him to hell, but held back for the sake of the couple of friends. - Of course. Feel free - Josh smiled, friendly, oblivious to the conflict between them.

Leon opened the office door for her, and Kayla struggled to contain their reactions, to not feel intoxicated with the fragrance of the colony amadeira him as he passed by her side. - Why did not you tell me yesterday that was here? - She asked as soon as he stepped into the elevator. - You did not give me a chance. - Really? I do not remember you have tried to mention it in conversation. - Why else I imagined that invited him to dinner? She felt her cheeks burning before the tone a sudden both Leon. It was powerful businessman now recalled, the most important customer of Kendon Interiors, or would be as soon as the contract was signed. In any event, the air between them was charged with electricity; something that was evident in his following comment: - Why did you think I had another reason, is not it? He was sure, by the way. Kayla had the feeling that his heart would stop at the intensity in his eyes that he ran the elevator intimacy.

- You should know that. That I can not read minds. - Oh, if he could read my thoughts, Miss. Young would know that when I'm with a strong will to take it that seriously clothing and ... The elevator door opened, and Kayla went ahead, baffled by the images that velvety words had suggested. - You embarrassed, Miss. Young? - Led to Leon, reaching it without difficulty in the reception area. He waited until they left the sliding doors to the sunny late morning to add: - I did not notice shyness in some resourcefulness you showed in my bed. - Stop this! - Why? You can ignore everything so easily? Because I can not. Or tell me you have forgotten the pleasure we gave each other? - You said in the boardroom he wanted to talk to me about something, right? - Kayla realized his voice sounded hoarse while burning pictures of both together flooded his mind in a flood. - If ... If not, I will get back to the office. I have things to do. - Me too.

They had come to his car. An expensive and luxurious car that stood out from all the others in the car. That display of wealth and importance was something Kayla should have expected. Still, he surprised her. And to think that still associated with old yellow truck ... But the truck belonged to free and unassuming man who cut firewood, fished and drawn on the beach. Only it was all just a lie, she reminded herself, taken by a new wave of pain. This expensive car belonged to who he really was. Leonidas Vassalio. The billionaire businessman of international repute. - It seems pale - Leon commented in a surprisingly gentle and worried tone, studying her face with a long look. - And a little dejected. He has been working too hard? - No, only what is necessary. - I am dejected because I get up at night, wondering how I'm going to forget you! I saw him look down to her belly. - Are not you ...? - Pregnant? - Kayla wanted to see him aback for a change and make him swallow his arrogance, but never

lie. - No, I'm not. Do not worry. I was not foolish at this point. Or mercenary. Relief was what he saw in his face? There was sure because Leon already had turned to open the door with the remote control. - Come in. -. No need to get back. - I said to enter. Or, God help me, but I will get to start these your clothes and make love to you right here, in front of anyone passing. And then, what will be Miss. Young? Kayla wanted to put an end to the bluff. Refuse to get into the car and fall victim to her attraction to him, to run the risk of succumbing and used again. But something told him that maybe it was not a bluff and, his heart wildly, got into the car. CHAPTER 9 When Leon sat behind the wheel and started the car, she already had the nerves to the surface. Where to take? He wondered, more concerned with their own reactions to the man than his intentions. Could resist if he tried to kiss her? He asked a breathless.

Leon just drove the car to a deserted part of the parking lot and stopped under a tree. Faced with a still vacant and for rent in the modern complex of companies where Kendon Interior also stood building, they were in complete privacy now, she thought, swallowing hard. - Tell me the fact that you have come here today was just a coincidence - pleaded trembling. - It was not. When you told me spontaneously about the interior design firm of his friends with such enthusiasm, I became interested and wanted to find out more. I liked what I saw and still got great references them on the market, including customer who lost only because of the crisis. As the Havens really needed an interior design firm, I found that this partnership would be ideal. Then, he had been paying attention to what had told him on the beach, reminded Kayla. And acted accordingly. Nothing escaped that man After the drawn probably taken advantage to take note of what you told, understood, anyway. - And you knew I would continue working for them, of course.

- After this rescue package as a valued customer for Kendon, its output of the firm seemed unlikely. - So you deliberately used what I told you in the difficulties of Josh and Lorna to have them in the portfolio of their group, just to trap me in any way? This is harassment! - She said accusingly. - I'd rather call it a wise corporate step. Although you almost go crazy in bed, I think you should be aware that never let any kind of passion rule my mind. Do you really think I'd let a company of my group in a deal which did not need? A business that does not result in sizeable financial gain? I am, above all, a business. And although I can not deny the fact that I have provided for the Havens work with the excellent Kendon Interior will bring some side benefits, are my corporate interests come first. - If by "side benefits" is referring to plans to bring me back to bed, forget it! - I referred to the benefits to the very Kendon assured him unfazed. Once again made the wrong comment, he thought Kayla mortified. Closing his eyes, leaned back in the leather seat.

- You never stop trying to make me feel uncomfortable, is not it? - Never have this intention. I think the responsible for this is that its denial not at all natural between us. - There is nothing between us - she replied, knowing he was only reinforcing the charge with this negative. The rational side told him that he did, but the emotional longed for those strong arms involved. - No? - The tone of Leon was so significant that led her to open her eyes with a defiantly. He looked at her without reservation. His eyes shone with evident desire as he walked the face and stopped the trembling lips. Kayla realized her breathing was accelerated and a growing desire within him at the time that burning gaze dropped a little more to her breasts, framed by the blue silk blouse. - Leonidas ... It was the first time that Kayla said her Christian name without sarcasm, he noted. It was progress, though it sounded like a prisoner who had realized that no use denying their guilt. Or maybe he could not fight

the attraction obviously felt that also was almost going crazy of desire to possess it. Knowing it would be difficult to control if it were but a brief and innocent touch, ran his index finger down her cheek. He heard her give a shaky breath. - That was a plea? - He asked hoarsely. Kayla wanted to deny, but failed, though he knew he could not succumb. Not after the way out wrong. - What you want? - He asked in a small voice, unable to hold his gaze. - We we finish what we started. - Why? You fell for me madly in Greece and found that you can not live without me? - Bitter her tone made it clear how much was still hurt. - Only fools and teenagers fall passionately in love. But I admit that behaved differently than usual with you. You think you already know me, but it is not the case. So, I want to show you exactly who is Leonidas Vassalio. - And how you plan to do this? - Proposing to you to spend a few weeks with me in my house. In fact, I insist on it.

- You're kidding, right? - Instead. I never spoke so seriously. I think it would be a good idea if there tomorrow. - And if I refuse? Leon studied his face challenging without knowing why it was so important to keep this woman in your life. The only thing I knew was I had to do it. - It would be a shame. Especially since Josh and Lorna imagined that we're all getting along so well But getting a partnership without full harmony is not very good for future business. Kayla stared at him, uncertain about the real meaning of words. He had the distinct impression, however, that he would use the current difficulties of Josh and Lorna firm as a means of keeping it in the palm of your hand. After all, the contract was not yet signed. Swallowed. - You fail to close the agreement between the Havens and Kendon and would not mind to see a business sink if I did exactly what you want? Leon had a serious and unreadable expression. - Well, if you think you know me so well ...

He did not finish. It was not necessary, Kayla anguished thought, staring at the lawn still vacant building in front of which they had parked. How could she have fallen in love with a man so callous and calculating? Yes, because he had fallen in love with him still on the island ... Leon grabbed her chin gently, turning his face to the phytase. For a moment, Kayla saw something in his face that seemed to mirror his own anguish. But it was a fleeting emotion. The expression Leon seemed to harden further, then bent while slowly maturing increasingly away from the lips of both. She felt his warm breath against his face, and a sequence of chills went up her spine. Oh, how I wanted ... Even knowing what kind of man he was and how wrong. All he could think of at the time was how longed for being naked in his arms. I wish they made love for hours on end. He closed his eyes, inebriated by the colony woody him, powerless to resist, and her lips parted to receive his kiss. - No -. In an instant, Leon walked away back in the car seat. - This is not the time nor the place gasped. - There will be many opportunities in the

future, I promise. But in the meantime, Hrisi mou, I think this is not the ideal way for you to know me better. Kayla was angry with herself for feeling so disappointed and have let him see how much she wanted, after all, and the power he wielded it. - I do not need to know you better, Leonidas Vassalio. I know exactly who it is and what it is. You are making their games with me just for fun. And my friends are using to take advantage of the situation, no matter how hard you try Maquía it. That's right. I will come to your j ° g °. If you do not enter and Havens did not close the deal with Kendon, the firm would return to earlier difficulties. He shuddered at the thought of how the resulting stress could be dangerous for the delicate pregnancy Lorna. I had no other choice. - I will spend some time in your home then agreed in a choked voice. - But I will not sleep with you, if that's what's imagining. I'm just doing it for the good of Lorna and Josh. So never forget that detail. And do not think I'll like.

- I would not be so pretentious - assured him with a mocking air. - Now, I'll take you back to work. Your company has a contract with a major customer to close ... The sudden serious tone served to remind Kayla again about exactly who he was - a typical executive, insensitive and manipulative, like the other she had ever known. - And the contract will not be closed if one of the key team members be pushing our luck to antagonize its largest customer. - Is that a threat? - Why not just call blackmail? - Leon suggested quietly. - I know you prefer. In a few moments, he guided the car back to the part of the ample parking which was on the low building of Kendon. - Tomorrow - reminded her. - I'll get you at 8am. THE POOL REFLECTED THE THE STUNNING WHITE MANSION CONTOURS.











Lying next to the luxurious pool, Kayla found himself forced to admit to, so observed during his early days in the spectacular mansion, the respect shown between Leon and his team was mutual. Casting a quick glance at the watch, he stood up, because it was time to prepare for the corporate dinner to which he would take that night. - You are ready? - Leon asked two hours later, when she emerged from the suite that appointed him. It consisted of a bedroom with a huge closet, a small room area and a fully lined bathroom marble with a whirlpool tub. - I do not know. Kayla tried not to show his reactions to see it in a refined smoking in the large hall. It was sexy, elegant and affecting as ever.

- I'm your puppet. You tell me. Leon walked slowly, studying her from top to bottom with a look of appreciation. She wore a long strapless dress with the top just a light blue tone. The color went from top to bottom in darkening fading, acquiring a darker shade of blue and then becoming purple. Silver high sandals adorned her feet, and she you had the delicate nails painted wine. Pinned hair atop the head, a sophisticated hairstyle, with fine loose strands around the neck. He wore discreet makeup, which highlighted her beautiful features, and matching earrings with a simple necklace white gold. - You look beautiful - said Leon rapt. - And it's not my puppet. It is an independent and headstrong woman who'll be happy to accompany tonight. If I wanted a puppet, I would not have traveled this far to get one. No, because almost any woman would jump at the chance to please him, he thought Kayla ironic. And then to have it faced and left on the island, was a challenge.

The magnificent staircase of the mansion were to chauffered that led to the ballroom of an equally stunning hotel. Kayla was amazed and at the same time, intimidated by the world in which he circulated. It was located light years away from the world of the man he pretended to be on the island. Here was a man at the height of its prosperity. A man who lived and traveled in style and sociabilizava with people of the most distinguished and influential. An eloquent enough to capture the attention of an audience of over 300 guests in a speech after dinner on sustainability. A speech that earned him effusive greetings after being standing ovation, although it showed impassive in the spotlight. - You were brilliant - she praised him, unable to resist, as the waiters were beginning to take the tables and couples were going to the dance floor. - Just the facts stated and emphasized the responsibility that we, businessmen, have in relation to the conservation of natural resources of the planet. - He opened a charming smile. - I'm glad to finally have addressed a subject that pleases you. And as is in such a good mood, I think will not refuse me this dance.

Before he could dodge, Kayla found herself in his arms on the dance floor, led to the rhythm of a slow music. - I think you forgot that I'm here under protest complained without much vehemence. - No, it's not - Leon muttered, narrowing it more beside him, leaving her pulse racing. - I think "under protest" does not describe how we are feeling now. They were so close that Kayla felt the contours of his muscles next to them, especially the erection against her body. A delicious heat wave enveloped her completely. - You are not feeling anything. It is only with wounded pride because a woman told him "no." He let out a soft laugh and whispered in his ear: - A woman who wants me as much as I desire can not hurt my pride. Kayla felt the skin shivering, and he looked at her with a look and a smile that would say to the guests that were watching under the crystal chandeliers that were a couple in love, eager for the privacy of the room.

- I bet you would rather be in my house now continued seductively. - I wish I was undressing slowly, with some soft music in the background, and making moan of pleasure in my bed. Images evoked the words left Kayla with faces burned, but tried to deny the desire again. - I think that's your fancy, not mine. - Really? - Leon broke into a smile that said he did not believe a word of it. Kayla felt his legs trembling so that was a relief when the music stopped and they returned to the table. How could both still want that man? How could stay under your roof when every look they exchanged and every accidental touch seemed to produce a flash fire? Even without the torrid words minutes before. Leon also had not tried to kiss her or touch her in a more intimate way since taken her to his house two days earlier. Only treated her with respect and politeness. He has at last accepted that was unfair to deceive her and decided to try to remedy? Or had any plans to win it by fatigue with the kind of sensuality that just show on the dance floor? To take her to beg to make love to her?

It was with this fear in mind that she accompanied him back in the car to the mansion, amid a silence full of sexual tension. What they feared most were his own reactions, your weakness. In that way, as soon they entered the opulent hall, headed for the staircase. - Thank you for the wonderful evening. I think I'll lie down. - Kayla ... She swallowed and stopped, turning slowly before reaching the first step. If he touched her ... God! I wanted to touch her! It was for this reason that he was trying to escape. He knew he would eventually succumbing to Leon to carry the arms to his bed, determined to cover it with pleasure. - Yes? - You dropped your scarf - Leon said in a soft, velvety tone that shivered all over. Approaching the hall, did not fail to look at her a moment in the eye and, with all wander, put the silk scarf around her shoulders. Kayla






irresistible was that smoking, longing to run his hands

over his broad shoulders, his chest, and down to the firm abdomen ... He got his breath in suspense when she saw him approach the face . The sensual kiss he landed on his forehead seemed to leave a fire mark. - You look tired - commented, studying with an unreadable expression the desire stamped on her face. Look rest - advised her gently, leaving her with a sense of loss and longing. - We have another busy day ahead of us tomorrow. CHAPTER 10 - WHY DID NOT YOU TELL ME YOU'RE DATING HIM?



Kayla struggled to conceal the tension. I had not told anyone that she was staying in Leon home. All that said the mother had would spend a few weeks with Lorna. - Do not tell anyone - asked her friend now, knowing there was no denying the involvement with him, but still determined not to go into details.

What could I say? That Leon was practically blackmailing and I would do what you wanted? And I did not intend to stay in your house one minute after the contract had been signed? - If the paparazzi suspicious of something will make his life a living hell. - I will not tell. Just Josh, of course. But how do you get? - Lorna was impressed. - Oh, forget it. You are beautiful. Leonidas must have been interested in the moment he saw her enter the meeting room last week. Wow! It will be the deserved change for Craig! Do you have any idea how this man is rich? Rich and manipulative, using their power to get what you want, Kayla thought desolate. And I wanted her back in his bed. She was sure of that, although he had not tried any approach accordingly. - You know me well enough to know that his money does not interest me. - Of course. Luckily, Lorna did not speculate more about it, and Kayla just promised herself she would do whatever was in their power so that the best friend did not have

more concerns about Kendon and could have her baby quietly. DURING THAT WEEK, LEON TRAVELED ON BUSINESS, RETURNING TWO DAYS LATER, AND WENT TO GET



The next night, took her to a show in West End she wanted to watch, but for which tickets could not. The output of the exclusive restaurant where they dined later they were approached by photographers. Leon took it very cost through the paparazzi battalion and both took refuge in the limo had been waiting. - How do you put up with all this? - Kayla said frightened by the confusion. - Although not like I had to learn to live with other people's curiosity. - Leon shrugged and then got a worried look. - Are you okay? She nodded, and he studied intently, wondering once again what was beautiful in white silk dress she had chosen to wear that night. Just looking at her already felt the desire reviving. But he had to stop himself. Kayla knew he was not ready to accept him back in his bed.

Consequently, when they reached the mansion, left to go to his room and retired to his office. He busied himself with an urgent paperwork Vassalio Group, making great effort to resist the urge to climb the stairs and take Kayla in his arms. The photos of both the restaurant stamped out the tabloids the next day. - Have you seen the papers? - She talked to Leon to Mobile after spending half an hour in an attachment to his mother, trying to circumvent their speculative questions. - Yes, I did, and I apologize. - He seemed bored with the whole advertising. Kayla began to understand why Leon out in search of peace and tranquility on the island in Greece. The reason for being so angry when he thought he had been taking pictures of him on that first day at the beach. - Do not give any statements - he recommended, when someone told him that the press found out where she worked and had been calling for the firm to try to tell you. - If you do not say anything, the media will

end up forgetting this history within a few days. Making apologize, she hung up. Two hours later, a huge bouquet of red roses was delivered to him Kendon, sent by him. As agreed, he tried to work on the output, rather than letting it drive up to the mansion as usual. With the powerful car, he managed to leave behind a reporter who had been lurking in the parking lot. - Thanks for getting me out of there so fast. And the roses. - She gave him a look as Leon focused to the steering wheel and something impelled to add: - He asked his secretary to forward these to you? It was not what executives did? Bitter thought, remembering other roses. Before directing attention to their own desks. - Not like his father - said Leon gravely, guessing his way of thinking. - Not like her ex-boyfriend. When you send flowers, always choose the person. Kayla bit her lower lip, regretting what he had said. He was sure that this time, he spoke the truth. Leon was leaving for the Channel Islands to attend a seminar that weekend. Worried about leaving her at the mercy of the media, he instructed her not to

leave the mansion and appointed a member of the security team to keep her out of trouble. - What do you think I'll do if I leave? - She complained, while Leon went out to advance to the helicopter that was waiting on the helipad of the mansion. - Speaking ill of you out there? - Listen you are not a prisoner here. I'm just thinking about your privacy and security. And then he was gone, leaving her after giving her only a brief kiss on the cheek. Kayla was entertained in the swimming pool, putting on reading and watching adventure movies in stunning home theater of the mansion. Nothing compared, however, the treacherous excitement that ran when he heard the helicopter Leon return on Sunday night after it had already gone to bed. Off to bed early just to not see it. To not have to fight against that sexual tension that was growing inside her with frightening intensity and that was all the harder to hide from him. And I had to hide it. As this was not part of his plot? Beat her with fatigue? To dominate your unwavering male pride?

She had to be strong, determined thought. I had to resist at all costs. And stay there until the contract was signed. WHEN LEONIDAS PICKED HER UP AT WORK THE NEXT NIGHT, WEARING ONE OF HIS ELEGANT SUITS, HE TOOK HER TO DINNER AT A BISTRO YOU PREFER.










- I thought, as it is so attached to your camera, like to see what some professionals have to show. Kayla was delighted to be able to enjoy the renowned photographers work in quiet and exclusive exhibition, open only to guests that night. In your case, photography was just a hobby, a passion, but could not help feeling pleased with the consideration of Leon to take her there. And to find that he had already talked about it previously with friend and gallery owner, a gray-haired






conversation about photography. Was struck in also find that the Leon himself understood much about it, commenting wisely on some display pictures with it. All the time was aware of

manly presence at his side, the heat emanating from him, the woody cologne intoxicated his senses, the timbre of pleasant voice reverberating within. - I studied a bit about photography - Leon explained modestly when she praised his knowledge. In your case it is different. You have a natural talent for this art. For a moment, he felt as if back to the small island where he told her about his dreams and had shared great relaxation. Then there was an undeniable alchemy in the air. But was no longer the man he had thought to be simple, stripped, franc. That was Leonidas Vassalio, billionaire, the powerful tycoon and the man who had hurt - that continued to hurt her for wearing her concern with the friends the couple's wellbeing to get what he wanted. - I like the camera captures the images as they really are, without further visual effects without the artificiality that so many seem to value today - she said, taken by sudden melancholy. - Men and women. Places. Things. I like to see them portrayed as they are for real. I do not like illusions. To be taken to see things that are not there.

Leon looked away from a photograph appreciated and looked at her for a long time. His black eyes held an inscrutable emotion, leading her to wonder what he was thinking. On how he had deceived? - Let's go home - said at last. He spoke very little during the relatively short journey to the mansion. How had the sporadic presence of reporters and paparazzi in the main gates of the vast estate, declined to take risks when they arrived - We will use the entrance to the east wing explained, guiding the car along a deserted street that went on for about three kilometers. By pruned trees spotted above the high wall, Kayla realized that the street surrounded the property. Electronic gates similar to those at the main entrance was opened, and the car went through a beautiful little cottage lined with trees. Later, he parked the car in a stone patio and both entered the mansion for a more secluded and discreet side door. - Why this part of the house is not used? - Kayla asked, smoothing her skirt envelope type used with a blazer, while Leon was driving for rooms where the furniture was covered with covers.

- I arranged for this wing of the mansion was converted to my dad, but he's never been here - he said with a voice filled with sudden tension. - Why not? - I think I've told you before. We never got along very well. I wished we tried to create some kind of connection as he grew older. Forging ties that had never existed before. - And you get it? - Kayla asked as they walked down a long corridor of soft lighting and wooden floor. That intimate atmosphere, was even more difficult to control the yearning in his chest, the desire to be in his arms, despite knowing about his desire was foolish. -. There were not too many things unresolved between us. Never overcome them. He did not want to share my fortune, or accept all I could offer. I did not want anything from me - Leon concluded with something like the pain in his voice. - Why? He was not proud of you? - Kayla could not help but feel sorry. I could not believe that a parent was not able to get radiant with a child so resolute, committed and successful.

Leon stopped to look at her after an archway leading to the main hall, near the grand staircase. - Oh, I think my father was satisfied with the fact that I became the man who was determined to mold me to be. She watched him the harsh features, the air of cynicism. - And what kind of man is this? - The guy who understands that sentiment and idealism are for fools and that just common sense and practicality are reliable. - Really believe that? - She asked in disbelief. - It is important to you that I believe? Kayla realized that, yes, mattered. Very. We had to contain not admit it out loud. Leon was harsh and unforgiving. Already I knew enough to know that was once achieved success by combining its strength, coolness and obstinacy to the hard work. But there was also an altruistic side in nature. Generous. Gentil. And she needed a redoubled effort not to succumb too dangerous to that facet of his personality.

- Thank you for taking me to the photo exhibition. It was very considerate of you. Well, I think I'll go up to my room. Good evening. To his surprise, Leon stopped her this time, holding her wrist. - You may not like the man you think I'm that I appear to be, but it excites you. As he was right! Kayla felt a pang of panic when Leon pulled her to him and began to stroke her sensitive neck with the other hand. - It excites you. - No. Please, no.. - Why? You are afraid to let their guard down and end up showing how much you want me? - I do not want you - she rebelled, but he saw as his denial was useless smile Leon opened. - Not even? He barely touched her, and Kayla was already feeling its resolution fading. The desire that dominated was undeniable. It showed up the way her nipples hardened and throbbed against the thin fabric of her blouse under the jacket, in the humid heat that raged through the center of her femininity.

- You want me to and it is crazy. It is freaking us both - Leon admitted, lifting her chin gently, watching her lips parted with hungry air. - You want me. Confess ... It was the longing for contact those luscious lips on his own who finally won her determination. - Yes! I want you! I want. He silenced her by taking her lips at the same moment that Kayla held him by the neck, pulling him to her. It was a grasping, desperate kiss and while devouring lips and tongues entwined, their bodies were united in a torrid embrace. Leon was quick to rid her blazer such was her desire to touch her, but when she ran her hands over his jacket and started to open the buttons, he lifted her in his arms. He carried her up the stairs as if it weighed no more than a feather. It was evident. Employees. The thought crossed Kayla's mind only briefly because all that mattered was the overwhelming passion involving both. Leon got rid of quickly coat and put it on the wall of his room as if he could not wait any longer. Amid

erotic kisses, just undress her, throwing her shirt in a corner, making him the zipper of her skirt. Soon, Kayla was just panties and lacy white bra with black high heel sandals. Watching her with a smoldering gaze, he let out a grunt of satisfaction. Then he kissed her on the curve of her breasts, covering sensitive skin with moist lips, sucking the nipple tumidus through bra income. Groaning, Kayla arched her back a call. At the same time, she ran with eager hands, delighting in contact shirt silk skirting well-defined muscles, with the trouser fabric texture on the tough masculinity. Suddenly Leon grabbed the buttocks and lifted her, and she girded her waist with his legs, sinking his hand into his thick hair. It was the culmination of everything we dared imagine, thought panting as he led her to his immense bed. They had made love in the spring, but now the sensations seemed even more intense. Still dressed, Leon took off her fragile lingerie and ran it from top to bottom with a hungry look, making her feel the most beautiful woman and desired the world. Kayla squirmed with delight under the skilled hands that explored his body and longed to see him

naked too, by touching it. When he finally pulled away to take her own clothes, she watched every gesture expectantly. He had blond hair spread across the pillow, her arms arched around the head in total abandonment. - I called you an angel on the island - he said hoarsely stopped beside the bed in his glorious nudity. - But I was wrong. You are a little devil. - And you ... - Kayla whispered anxiously, watching him take care of the protection of both not to risk the chances this time -... It is the devil himself. - Yes - Leon muttered, climbing into bed. With a visible effort to control himself, he covered







stimulating. Lips and skillful language arrested in her most sensitive spot for blissful moments. The feverish desire of both, however, was too intense to extend too much foreplay. When Leon positioned himself to possess it, Kayla received gladly, parting her legs to wrap it over with his warmth. Let out a scream of delight when penetration has widened and, immediately, their bodies began to undulate in the same frantic pace. Each rush, she

accompanied him, feeling transported to a world where only the two existed - a dizzying world of sublime sensations. Pleasure evolved a growing until it took the form of wonderful spasms, covering it endlessly. Exclaimed his name at the peak of her orgasm, hugging him tightly, never wanting to let go, knowing that Leon was also taken by a rapturous ecstasy. When it finally came down from the clouds, sobbing uncontrollably. All the emotions that had for him and had repressed until then surfaced with sudden impact. Holding her long to see her settle down, Leon finally asked: - Are you okay? - Yes - Kayla broke free from the embrace, unable to reveal the reason for her tears. If it did, would expose his feelings, and was not even willing to admit them herself. Thus, he was lying on its side on the bed, with legs drawn up, not wanting to face the reality of what had just happened. Leon woke before dawn.

Kayla was still lying on her back to him on the edge of the bed, as far as he could. Frowning, rose noiselessly to not wake up and was taking a bath. When he returned, closing the belt of her robe, she saw that she was still asleep. Remembering her tears anxiously, he kissed her forehead gently. She shifted slightly and winced for a moment, like he was having a bad dream - Leon ... - murmured. He took a deep breath. Kayla did not trust him and he felt annoyed with herself for wanting him. Why else I would have cried so bitterly after they made love the night before? Out the culprit to have found, early on, that could have an everyday involvement with a girl like her, and then the fact that you hide the truth does not matter. Also acted wrong when he thought he could bend her to his will and made her go home in order to make the wanted as much as wanted in Greece. That did not happen. She was deeply hurt, and that had never been his intention. Also had not meant to fall in love ... No, he told himself suddenly as soon as the thought emerged.

What he felt for this beautiful and captivating girl was not love. Not like she deserved, pondered, leaving the room to get dressed in the large closet. So it was no time to let her go? Kayla Leon found in the huge kitchen about an hour later. Using a fine gray suit, flipped through a newspaper in solid wood table. Apart from the panoramic windows, the sky was overcast, giving a gloomy air to what should have been a sunny summer day. - Good day. - He barely looked up from the Financial Times, but the brief glance was enough for the burning memories of the night before to surface in her mind. After a moment, he puts down the newspaper and stood up. - Kayla, we need to talk. The serious tone made her nervous. - About what? - I have been a fool. You were right. I have tried to keep it in my life because of my pride, my ego, because I do not like anyone questioning my ethics.

Much less such a sweet girl and whom I treated so unfairly in Greece. - What are you saying? - That I was selfish and inconsiderate and you no longer have to massage my ego. The contract with your friends is guaranteed, whether it was what was worrying. So, are free to go ... - Leon added after some hesitation, as if he chose the word carefully -... If that's what you want. When you want. An overwhelming pain took Kayla breast account. He had never been rejected so diplomacy. But Leon had managed what he wanted. Off their total redemption that he wanted to restore wounded pride and now do not need anything else. It was like everyone else, no doubt. The type of man she had sworn that never would be attracted again. A man incapable of love reflected devastated. Practically admitted that the night before. Love was a weakness; only fools the felt - Well ... - She forced a smile, trying to be undisturbed while trembling inside. It occurred to him why Leon have made a point of keeping it away from the media's reach during his

trip over the weekend. I had not wanted anyone to think it was a woman with whom he had a permanent relationship. - I'd better go pack my things - said in the calmly as he could appear. - I have to catch a flight to Athens - informed him in an unreadable tone, glancing at his watch. Kayla discovered that it was a trip that Leon was often alternating between offices in London and Athens. - If you are determined to go today, I will not try to stop her, of course, but I can not take you. Leave a car at your disposal, either. - It is not necessary. - Kayla wanted to leave right away before the tears to roll down her face. Leon nodded as if he understood, and somehow, she managed to pull out of the kitchen with his dignity intact, consoling himself with the fact that never let him know the truth. A truth that only now admitted to herself. I was lost and hopelessly in love with Leonidas Vassalio. CHAPTER 11

Leonidas examined every family atmosphere of the house with a heavy heart. Had promised the daughter of Philomena would you do that in order to choose an object he wanted. Something with a special meaning, she said. Looking around, however, he concluded that he did not take anything. I had everything we wanted in their Philomena memories. The warm way; the voice, sometimes scolding, but always wise; the sweet look. He wished with all his fervor that her old friend was still there. I could still hear it when gone to the house on numerous occasions, fleeing from physical and verbal abuse from his father. Be true to yourself, Leon. But he was not. Not in relation to their hopes and aspirations. About everything that was not able to feel. Not as a child, teenager or maybe, but certainly not since he became adult. Since his mother died and his father blamed for it, he had woven a thick armor around themselves. A breastplate that no one could penetrate. Only one person had come to ...

He abruptly quit the course of thoughts. No, was not true to himself, he realized grimly. But both this and that house now belonged to the past. One last look around filled him with so much pain that he had to stop for a minute to recover. Left, finally,








derradeiramente. - I was about to call you - Kayla said when he answered the phone Lorna. - The builders did a great job! The contractor has already been paid. In fact, he left a while ago. The Villa was brand new! She had to inspect the reform that had been made in Villa girlfriend and there was no more no sign of damage caused by the tree fall during the storm in the spring. He tried not to remember how Leon had saved that night, risking his own life to take it away safely in his truck. Would not think it, she told herself distressed, just as promised when descended from the ferry on the island the day before. Josh had been unable to leave the firm and, as it were in-laws wedding anniversary cruise and Lorna was advised by the obstetrician not to travel, Kayla had offered to go inspect the renovation made in the Villa.

What was not expected was the unbearable pain in being there. I imagined that would not be easy, but the vivid memories only accentuated their suffering. All he wanted was to lock the Villa, take a trip to Philomena and leave the island still in the last ferry of the day. Trying to fend off painful memories, she asked: - Is there any news about the contract? The Havens Exclusive already agreed verbally in partnership with Kendon, but sending the contract paperwork was taking too long, and Kayla feared that the deal might be done. - That's why I'm calling - Lorna said in an anxious tone across the line. - I called the Havens yesterday and seemed to find that the agreement was sent to us two weeks ago. So today another person there said it was not there must have been some confusion. I tried to call Leonidas, to see if he knew something, but his secretary said he was in Greece this week. I know you're not going out with him anymore, but as you're already right there in the country and as I said that things between you two just chilled ...

It was the only way found to describe his break with Leon Lorna without collapsing emotionally. - I was wondering if there is any way for you to get in touch with him there. To see if you can figure out what's going on. Lorna was so tense with the contract situation that Kayla had no choice but to promise to try to help her. I knew that Leon made regular trips between the UK and Greece, and with her heart pounding, he called his office in Athens a few minutes later. - Mr. Vassalio is not here this week - reported to a female voice on the other end of the line with a heavy accent. - Should be able to talk to him by phone. - Thank you - Kayla said disappointed, having gathered as much courage to contact you It seemed too personal call cellular Leon. Too intimate. After a few moments, though, for the good of Lorna, she forced herself to do it. - You have reached the mailbox of Leonidas Vassalio ... With his heart wildly, she hung up the phone. There was no way to leave a message without the voice from shaking uncontrollably. He decided to try later.

At the meantime, make the visit he had planned to Philomena. The whitewashed house was with the windows closed and seemed too silent when approached. He knocked and waited a few moments, frowning as the wait lasted. I was about to knock again, but heard someone calling the street. Turning the balcony, he saw a man who knew the neighborhood. He had a desolate look on wrinkled face. From the way he lowered his head and the gesture made by hand, Kayla had no doubts as to what he meant. With the heart overcome with grief, she sat at the steering wheel, which took several moments to recover from the shock. Looking at the phone on the bag in the passenger seat, he recalled that decided to try to call Leon again. But given the enormity of what had happened, I could not call to ask about something as trivial as a contract. And Leon knew? He wondered. About Philomena? It was clear that yes, she told herself. And he had to be devastated by the pain. It was obvious! He thought suddenly. Lorna had learned through the London office, which Leon was in

Greece. But it was not in Aerials, she discovered the same cell. He should have been informed of Philomena and returned to the island to offer condolences to her family. Because Philomena was the only family he had. In that case, Leon could only be there yet. In the old farmhouse. Where else would? Kayla has not stopped to think about when started the old car and followed by those already familiar dirt streets. All he knew was that he needed to see him. He made a prayer that he was there and who did not send him away. The old farmhouse looked the same when parked in the courtyard footwear stone. The same windows with peeling paint, the same roof in need of urgent repairs. The yellow truck was also still there, dusty as usual under the summer sun. No one answered when he knocked on the door. Giving back to the back, the pain was inevitable to set eyes on the bench where he sat to eat the delicious fish that Leon served him the first time they had been there. Everything was filled with memories. Again, there was no answer when he knocked on the door. He tried to open it, then, but found it locked.

What if he had gone? And if I had not even been there? Kayla could not bear the thought. He found he could not bring himself to look for him again. The crack of a twig made her turn around abruptly. Her heart threatened to walk out the mouth when she saw him approach the infested garden of weeds. - What are you doing here? - Leon spoke in a voice devoid of emotion, not evidence of whether or not he was glad to see her, but the bewilderment was clear in his eyes. - I returned to the island to check the completion of the reform of Villa de Lorna - she said, swallowing hard. Only to see him, so irresistible in a white sports shirt ajar and black jeans, he was already melting. Leon seemed stripped and affordable'd met on the island, but after he had met his other facets, it was impossible not to associate more with the powerful Leonidas Vassalio, the tycoon. - I learned about Philomena. Just now, after I went there thinking of making a visit. I'm sorry ... Much the same - said in a choked voice.

Leon just shook his head. Perhaps he was too excited to speak. - Not even I was sure I'd find you here, but wanted to see it. To say how sorry I am. Leon moved closer, taking the key from his pocket to unlock the door. - It was not that why you came? - He asked over his shoulder. - Yes - Kayla assured, knowing that would not have had the courage to look it up for other reasons. - And who told you I was here? - He opened the door, indicating him to come. - Nobody called Only the points. - When passed him to advance through the kitchen, Kayla felt the skin crawl under the light tunic she wore with a capri pants. That closeness was disconcerting. - But before that, which gave him the certainty that I was in Greece? - I tried to call you. He arched an eyebrow.

- Really? - He was still in front now, guiding her quickly into the living room, which told him to sit down. - For what? Kayla sank on the couch, looking around the atmosphere so familiar and full of memories. - Lorna is concerned because of the contract, but I did not want to mention it at this point. I apologize. - Life must go on. - He sounded resigned. - You want a coffee? - Would you like something cold. - It occurred to Kayla that nothing seemed as cold as his attitude and, with a pang, he wondered if he had done right in going up there. Leon withdrew for a moment, returning with two glasses of iced juice. - You mean Lorna is concerned? - They did not get the contract that Havens was sending. I worried about the possibility of ... - Yes? - What did you change your mind, as to the closing of the contract between Havens and Kendon.

There, she said, thought Kayla, sipping some juice sips to try to calm down. Why Leon twisted his lips and looked at her with what appeared aversion now? - So you still think I would be able to do such a thing? Still so dominated by doubts and misgivings because of what your ex-boyfriend and his father made him think every man who carries a briefcase and has a desk is just a vile and unscrupulous type? - This is not true! - No? We are men of a specific type. It was not what he said? Like peas in a pod. He left his own glass on the coffee table and was now standing in front of the sofa, with arms crossed in defiance. - And are not they? - She said it hurt, feeling her body react immediately to the proximity of both, even while being judged. - You lied to me about everything! And when I did not like that my friends were using to blackmail me, to make me stay in your house until ... - Until what? - Until you got what you wanted. - And what exactly?

- You know very well - No, I do not know. I think I'll have to tell me. - To what made me go to bed with you - she said cheeks burning. - It was not his intention when he made me go to his house? To restore your pride, your ego? It was not enough to have fooled me at first and then I still steal the dignity and self-respect? - That's what I did? - There was an intense emotion but unreadable in his eyes to look at her. - I did not realize that when you make love to me, you were sacrificing all. - Just I did not feel happy to be one of his banal romantic conquests. - It was not what you were meant to. So let her go. Not to mention I would not have been able to keep my hands off you stay. Kayla shuddered at the images that the last words evoked and wished he could tell you that making love with him was the most wonderful experience of your life. But that would have only served to him further massage the ego, he thought bitterly. - Well, you can tell Lorna that need not worry. Suddenly he was talking about business, relegating to

the background what had happened between them with the same ease that dispensed of his life. - The contract should have been sent to Kendon for more than two weeks. I'll talk to Havens now and your friends will receive this contract within a maximum of 48 hours. So, Leon had not been holding the contract, or had gone back, pondered Kayla. She had satisfied their requirements and he fulfilled his part of the bargain. Only he wished it all had not cost him much. There was not caused her so much pain. - What is wrong? Leon studied her with searching eyes, seeming to see through your soul, and she was taken by sudden panic. Would keep the wonderful moments they had had one in each other's arms for the rest of their lives in their memories as the most amazing experience I've ever had, but would not let him know who took him in her heart also If it did, would be subject to more pain and humiliation. - I must go. - He got up abruptly and ended up spilling juice on clothing and on the floor. - Oh no!

- I'll get a towel for you. - The cup was taken from his trembling hand. - I can get myself. - Kayla! She headed for the kitchen, determined to clean up and get out of there as quickly as possible. He had been a fool to have him tried, he thought agitated, pulling out several sheets of paper towels from a roll to wipe the front of the tunic. But I wanted to see it. Even if it was just because of Philomena. But I should have known that coming out would further hurt. And if somewhere in his subconscious had hoped that when you see it, things would change between them was taking the punishment deserved for his folly now. I should not have ignored all the lessons learned. Despite all the positives of Leon - and had many - he was still a man of cold, calculating business. A man who thought love and feelings were for fools. Kayla turned to throw the crumpled paper towel sheets in the wastebasket when something caught his eye. The trestle Leon was in the same place where he had last seen with plants, that morning he had discovered that he had been cheating. About half an

hour before, when he entered and passed quickly through the kitchen, not looked, but now saw that it contained more plants ... What surmounted the easel was a canvas of a painting yours! He was portrayed there the way he had been when he left the sea using wet white tunic. The hair fluttering in the wind and she looked at some point in the water, with light lashes enhanced by a sensuality that never attributed them before. What used was transparent, but the contours of your body does not distinguish thanks to the effect of light. It was a job of dynamic brushstrokes. With movement. But, above all, with soul. Only one man could have it painted so as to radiate so much sensuality, she thought. A man who loved the way she was. Who knew her inside and out ... He put his hand to his lips as tears welled in her eyes and began to sob. - Kayla ... - Leon, who had been watching the door, came over and shook them in his arms, touched by the intensity of emotions that dominated.








remembering who had been staying at his house that day. - Oh, honey, do not cry. She looked at him in surprise. - Why did not you tell me? - He whispered. - About the painting? - His voice was also charged with emotion, as he wiped the tears with his thumb. - Or about being in love with you? Ready. Had spoken, thought Leon, and have to deal with the consequences of stripping his soul. - What? - Kayla did not believe he'd heard right. About the painting. - He shook his head as if to clear it and let out a laugh. - Both things! - He was really saying that? She studied his face. - Why do you think I wanted you with me? Leon took a deep breath, hardly believing that she was not mocking. - Because of his pride? - Kayla winced at the memory of that last morning in the mansion. - It was you yourself said. - Well, perhaps a bit because of that also but it was mainly because I wanted you to come back to trust

me was the only way I could think to you undo the barriers that had raised against me. And not just because I have not been sincere at first, but because he believed that I was the same kind of man who had hurt you in the past, the kind you despised so much. Leonidas paused a moment, then continued: - I waited for enxergasse beyond the facade and saw that I was different from these other men. But I ended up missing again to compel you to stay in the mansion with me. I would never have gone back on my word in relation to that contract but when I realized that you really believed that I was manipulative enough to use your friends to get what he wanted from you, you would be able to harm both to make her do what I wanted, I think it was more a blow to my pride. I decided I had nothing to lose. He looked deeply and said: - I had to earn his respect. That is why he wanted to lead things slow for a while and not complicate the situation taking you to bed, despite having been torture not to. When we made love and you cried, I knew it was because his heart did not want that, though he could not resist physically to the chemistry between us.

- Not true - Kayla emphatically said, knowing he had to tell her now. - I was crying because I love you, because the whole experience was wonderful for me and because he knew, or thought you felt nothing for me and that, sooner or later, would want me to leave. And wanted - she reminded him, taken by all the anguish he felt over the previous weeks. - Why? If you felt the same as me? - Because I still do not want to admit that feeling or myself. Only after you're gone it is that I realized what I felt. And on that day, when I told him that he was free to go, he was not wanting to hurt her even more than he had ever done. - And all the while, you've been doing this ... Kayla loosened a little hug to look at the painting. Wow! I am anyway? - You better believe it. - It's a beautiful painting. You are a genius. - She did not believe that with so much talent, he had not devoted himself also to painting as a career. - Why he never painted seriously? - There were reasons - said Leon with a faraway look.

- What reasons? - Kayla persisted gently, realizing it was a painful subject he buried somewhere in his heart. - My father had other ideas for me not even want to think about the possibility of having a child to paint for a living. I not think it was something worthy of a man and nonsense like that always argued for it. Now that Leon began to vent about his most harrowing secret, I could not stop. - We were discussing about it in the car on the night my mother died. If I was not determined to oppose to his will, he would not have turned several times the front seat to yell at me and we would never have suffered the accident that killed her. I never silent when I knew I should and it was my mother who ended up paying the price. Thereafter, up to the very idea of painting seemed abominable. How could it be otherwise? - The pain that had carried all these years showed in his features. - Did you know she died because of it. Because of me! - You were not responsible for her death - assured Kayla, now comprising about the ghosts that had haunted his whole life and the things that made him so

stubborn. - How old were you? Fourteen? Fifteen? He was still a boy. It was his father who was driving. He was the adult, it was he who should have been contained while driving, have hoped to stop the car to have a delicate conversation. - My father did not see the situation from this angle - Leon revealed, reviving the old pain. But for the first time, he found comfort in the arms that involved so tenderly, in the wise words. Art was feeling, and feeling was weakness. The father instilled him that too literally. But the feelings he had for this beautiful woman, who were incredibly matched, made her feel strong as ever. - This house is yours, is not it? - Kayla murmured, laying her head on his shoulder. - You lived here as a boy. - Yes. It was the first time I got back here since my father died last year. The first time I came back, except for visits to Philomena, after more than 15 years. His voice was a little choked up when he mentioned the surrogate grandmother who had filled the void when his mother died and he turns without the

core of a loving family. Comprehensive, Kayla hugged him tightly. - I love you - whispered. Leon smiled, and she felt her heart melt before the delighted reaction of the man she had fallen in love. - I love you, psihi mou. We have not had a good start, but to know you, I saw that there are more important things in life than anything that's been seeking. Oh, it's great to have money and social position, but it is nothing without the most valuable things, as someone who loves us and a family. Without love. He kissed her lightly on the lips before adding: - Do you think I would marry a "company man" who has a valise and a secretary, who, by the way, is 50 years old and is the efficiency in person? A man who is now an island, though I know it makes no difference to you. Kayla looked unable to believe what he was really asking her to become his wife. - Of course, if you do not want ... It seemed so uncertain so vulnerable that she hugged his neck, touched his forehead to hers.

- Leonidas Vassalio, of course I want to marry you - whispered smiling before kissing him and feel the passion between them explode once again. - Leon ... That's better, said his approval of look with a glow that promised everything that was exciting and wonderful. - And now ... - He lifted her in his arms suddenly. - I think we have unfinished business up there. Much later, after Leon went to make a coffee, Kayla was surprised to see him back soon after. - Your phone is ringing - said, handing him the bag. Alarmed, she saw the display he had lost several Josh connections. - Lorna is on maternity - said after he finished talking with her husband's best friend on a cell phone. It had to undergo an emergency caesarean section this afternoon, but everything is quiet - said through her tears of happiness and laughter. - Mother and daughter spend well - Thank God - said Leon showing was glad and relieved at the news. - That means we have no time to

waste if we are to achieve Lorna and Josh in this regard. In particular, if you will fill my island with dogs, horses and babies, Ms. Vassalio. The island lies in the Bahamas, by the way. Right now, I can not do much to give you these first two items on your wish list, but it sure can take care of the latter! Later, lying in the arms of Leon, she stretched with pure contentment. He is a good man, Philomena tried to tell him, and Kayla knew that now. I also knew that, being a "company man" or not, Leon could not be better. TABLE INFIEL JULIA JAMES Marisa gasped softly as the man in front of him opened the thin box that had to take his jacket pocket. - For you. - There was a loving expression in the eyes of man, as he slid the box toward you. - I want you to accept it. Marisa watched him, the pleasure written all over his face. He slid a finger over the stones, which sparkled in the candlelight on the table.

- It's beautiful! - Then his look became more disturbed. - But are you sure? The man nodded. - Yes, absolutely. Marisa took the box and reluctantly closed the lid, looking at the man who had such a wonderful memory of her that she meant to him. He put the gift in the bag ... A beautiful leather purse and designer, it was another gift from him. Then she looked at him again. I had eyes only for him! Certainly not for the middle-aged man dining alone, a few tables away, fiddling with his cell phone, his face in shadow. Now that Ian was in his life, Marisa had no eyes or thoughts for anyone else From the first meeting, he completely transformed his life, and such a miracle still impressed. She had not imagined when arrived in London a few months before, as everything would change. Ah, I had hopes, ambitions and goals ... but the fact that they have happened still marveled. And all this was due to the handsome man sitting in front of her, looking at her with such devotion. She bit her lip. If only did not have to hide in the corners Ian's life, it is hidden from a critical world as a shameful secret. However, I knew that was what would

be seen. Never recognized in public, to the world. Therefore, they only could meet in places that Ian did not usually attend, where he was not known or recognized, which had no chance of finding someone who questioned her dinner with her ... Someone who knew both he and Eve. Eva ... The name echoed the head of Marisa, haunting her like a ghost that could not be exorcised. Ah, anguished thought, if only Eve was not who I was! Feeling emotional, Marisa looked at the beautiful smiling face across the table. If only Eva was not the woman who was in the life of Ian ... And read also in Passion Test, issue 225 of Harlequin Jessica, Fireproof, Heidi Rice.

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