Sample Counter Affidavit Reckless Imprudence Pr c8079e24218b15469b33744cf4a49b00

August 17, 2022 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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Download Sample Counter Affidavit Reckless Imprudence Pr c8079e24218b15469b33744cf4a49b00...




NameoftheCompla!a!t" Complainant"


Ca#eN$m%e& For:RecklessImprudence ResultinginDamagetoProperty withMultiplePhysicalInjuries

NameoftheRe#po!'e!t" Respondent. ()))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))(


I, Name Nam e o of of f th the e Re Re# Re#po! #po!'e! 'e!t" t" Fil Filipi ipino no, , o leg legal al age age, , wit with h postaladdressat!!"# postaladdress at!!"#$%$Ruino&treet,'ega(pi $%$Ruino&tree $%$Ruin o&treet,'ega t,'ega(pi (pi#illage, #illage,Makati)ity, #illage,Makati)ity, Makati)ity, ater*eingsworninaccordancewithlaw,dohere*ydeposeand statethat:

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!/$ Fr !/$ Fromth omthea*o ea*ovedi vedisc scus ussi sion on,itiscle ,itisclearth arthatIdi atIdidnotl dnotlac ack k precautionindrivingmyvehicle$Iwasnotoverspeedingnorwas violatinganytraicruleswhenIhitthecomplainant$&hecrossedthe streetwhilethegreenlightis>onandclearly,shetooktherisko crossingthestreeteventhoughvehiclesarelowingin4ast%venue$

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!9$ In PaderangavsDrilon 4 ,the&upreme)ourtstatedthat >tGheHuantumoevidencenowreHuiredinpreliminaryinvestigation issuchevidencesuicienttoe!5e!'e&a4ellfo$!'e'%elefa#to issuchevidencesuicientto e!5e!'e&a4ellfo$!'e'%elefa#to thefa,tofthe,omm##o!ofa,&mea!'the&e#po!'e!t:# p&o% p& o%a%l a%le e 5$ 5$l lt t th the&e e&eof of$ $  % pr prel eliimi mina nary ry in inve vest stig igat atiion is not not the the occasionortheullanderumaragasaasclaimed*ythecompla imed*ythecomplainant,her inant,her injuriescannot*eaultedtomeasshecrossedthestreetwhilethe 3 4

%nneon$1hecomplainanthe greenlightis>on$1heco mplainantherselalsoadmit rselalsoadmittedthats tedthatshewas hewas notinthedesignatedareawhenshecrossedthestreet$)orollary,the injuriesthatshesustainedcan injuriesthatshe sustainedcanonly*eattri*ut only*eattri*utedtotheact edtotheactthatshe thatshe crossedthestreetwhilethegreenlightis>onandtotheactthatshe didnotcrossthestreet didnotcros sthestreetatthepro attheproperpedestria perpedestrianlane$ nlane$

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