IK Unleashed Hogwash Scenario

May 11, 2017 | Author: Joscar Gamaliel Malacaman | Category: N/A
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Short Description

Descripción: Iron Kingdoms Unleashed Beginner Scenario...



® Melissa Steele (order #7129055)


2 Melissa Steele (order #7129055)

SCENARIO: HOGWASH You are about to delve into the savage wilderness of Iron Kingdoms Unleashed. This adventure will guide you through the untamed lands of western Immoren, where cunning warriors and ferocious beasts lurk. Surviving the wilds requires sharp senses, a sharper blade, and as many friends as you can muster. A world of magic and survival awaits! This adventure provides rules guidance, but the Game Master is encouraged to read through the accompanying rulebook to become familiar with the rules of the game and the capabilities of the pregenerated characters included. If this adventure spans multiple sessions, at the end of each session the Game Master rewards the players with 1 XP each and gives them the opportunity to purchase new skills, abilities, and more as their characters gain experience.

Adventure Background

The farrow warlord Morrg and his army of brigands have been raiding small communities on the fringes of his territory. Morrg has claimed a portion of Blackmarsh Valley in the southern Gnarls forest, and his forces have been stealing resources to facilitate a mad plan to wipe out the inhabitants of the entire region. Morrg’s attacks have slowed recently as the valley’s primary source of water, the Arrowhead River, has begun to dry up. Each day the river recedes slightly. If the water level drops much further, the entire region will suffer. Morrg has caused this

Game Master Only! The synopsis and scenes described in this booklet should not be read by players. If you are a prospective player, do your Game Master the courtesy of allowing him to run this adventure for you and do not read it yourself!

diminished flow by damming the Arrowhead in the hills to the south as part of his plan to exterminate the valley’s inhabitants. Morrg’s dam is a means to an end. Flooding the Blackmarsh would do nothing to its bog trog and gatorman inhabitants, and larger communities in the valley could weather the flooding. What Morrg plans is to unleash the pent-up river to deliver powerful alchemical explosives and flammable oil to settlements along the Arrowhead in a sudden deluge of water. The flooding will destroy homes and kill some inhabitants, but the explosions will be apocalyptic. The floodwaters will distribute the explosives much farther than otherwise possible, effectively covering the region with a random swath of destruction. The explosions will ignite the oil and turn the waterway into a roaring inferno. Once the flames have died down, Morrg and his warriors can sweep through and slaughter whoever remains. The farrow warlord works for a Thurian magnate named Aidan Byrne. Byrne wishes to clear the valley of resistance so his workers can strip the forest there of its mineral resources. Morrg agreed to the contract because it will enable him to eliminate his many enemies within the valley and flee the Blackmarsh to retire on his lucrative payment before anyone— such as the trollkin—has a chance for reprisal. The player characters assemble to investigate the river’s strange ebb, seek retribution for their lost friends and allies, and stop the warlord once and for all.

3 Melissa Steele (order #7129055)


treasures. Ambitious entrepreneurs seek to exploit the riches hidden beneath the dense canopy of the forest, willing to kill for a chance to discover its secrets.

Warlord Morrg Morrg commands a sizeable force of brigands who dwell at the southern edge of Blackmarsh Valley, hiding among a series of hills along the Arrowhead River. Morrg and his war band are farrow, a savage race of boar-men who live along the fringes of civilization. Morrg is a warlock — a powerful battle-mage and deadly warrior as effective in martial combat as when wielding arcane forces. A warlock’s greatest talent, however, lies in harnessing the primal power of his warbeasts, creatures mystically bonded to him. Without his warbeasts, a warlock’s power is greatly diminished. Morrg has two warbeasts, razor boars named Caldon and Crommen. For years Morrg worked as a raider and mercenary, stealing from human caravans and his wilderness neighbors and selling his war band’s strength to the highest bidder. His brigands have clashed with the inhabitants of Blackmarsh Valley numerous times over natural resources and dominance of the area. Morrg’s greatest enemies in the Blackmarsh are the White Maw Tharn tribe to the north. The two groups compete for land between the territories of powerful kriels of trollkin, the dominant race of the Gnarls. After losing a recent battle, Morrg retreated to his encampment in the southern foothills to lick his wounds and devise a new plan. Morrg has made many enemies in the Blackmarsh. He considered moving to a new territory to avoid reprisal but cannot allow himself to appear weak. His warriors would be quick to exploit any perceived vulnerability in favor of another warlord. To maintain control, the warlock needed to devise a method to destroy his many rivals.

The Gnarls

The adventure takes place in the remote Blackmarsh Valley on the fringe of the southern Gnarls, a massive and dense temperate forest in the northwestern portion of the human kingdom of Cygnar. Ever-spreading climbing vines have overtaken the other vegetation in the forest, covering anything stationary within a few months. The Gnarls is home to many small, secluded wilderness communities. The forest is dominated by powerful trollkin kriels, dangerous when roused to anger. The valley is a perilous place for humans, though for some the temptation is too hard to resist. Lumberjack camps dot the banks of the Dragon’s Tongue River on the forest’s northern border, and the Gnarls is rumored to contain lost wonders such as hidden mines, abandoned settlements, and ancient ruins full of untold

4 Melissa Steele (order #7129055)


The adventure begins on the fringes of farrow territory, as the player characters (PCs) hunt down Warlord Morrg. Each character has compelling reasons for wanting to confront the warlord; Morrg has abducted their friends, killed their families, and imperiled their homeland. The PCs discover that Morrg has something terrible in store for the region beyond raids and skirmishes. Following a trail of clues, they learn he has devised a means to deliver death simultaneously to communities throughout the valley. Working with the bone grinder Knor, Morrg’s farrow have built dozens of improvised incendiary and explosive devices. By damming and then releasing the Arrowhead River, Morrg can send barrels of explosives and liquid fire downstream in a sudden flood of ruin and destruction. In the course of a single night, whole communities will be destroyed. In their mission to prevent Morrg from opening the floodgates, the PCs must outmaneuver Morrg’s army and confront his bone grinder, only to be ambushed as they try to ascend to his clifftop bivouac. A group of White Maw Tharn arrives, giving the PCs the opportunity to escape, but Morrg destroys the rescuers with a short burst of explosive-laden floodwater. In one fell swoop the farrow proves the destructive capabilities of his improvised weapon and eliminates the PCs’ potential allies.

The Ticking Clock Morrg plans to unleash his weapon at sundown, about six hours from the start of the adventure. Depending on how quickly the PCs proceed, they may arrive at the dam with hours to spare or just in the nick of time. Throughout the adventure, actions have an associated time cost. Performing these actions can be beneficial to the PCs, but it also means they have less time to stop Morrg. There are countless different actions the PCs might choose that are not covered in this adventure, and a Game Master should feel free to set how long one of these tasks takes based on its complexity. A PC can travel about a mile through the woods every twenty minutes; standard skill use (Interrogation, Medicine, Navigation, Tracking) requires around fifteen minutes per attempt; and more complex actions (such as preparing alchemical items or setting complex traps) can require up to an hour or more per attempt.

With no one to turn to but each other, the PCs battle their way through the warlord’s deadliest warriors in order to stop him before he accomplishes his mad ambition. Fighting on the cliffs, they confront Morrg and his two trained warbeasts, a pair of deadly razor boars. Once the PCs stop the warlord and end his threat, they realize he was only the beginning: the farrow was working for a human who seeks to exploit the Blackmarsh for its resources and is willing to wipe out everyone within it.

Getting the Players Involved

clash, and the bone grinder Knor took the fallen chieftain’s heart as a trophy. Seeing the threat Morrg posed, Zocha made a claim for leadership of the tribe, but she was defeated in the battle for dominance that followed. Though physically powerful, the young new leader lacked the conviction or courage to pursue Morrg. Zocha suspected the dying river was part of a plot by Morrg, but the new chieftain disagreed. He claimed the water would return in time and that attacking the warlord would gain the White Maw nothing. The heated argument ended with Zocha striking out on her own. Soon after, a small group of warriors led by a Tharn named Galbar decided she was right and set out to assist her and her companions.

This adventure kit includes four pregenerated characters. Each character has specific reasons for hunting down Morrg’s war band as well as a goal to achieve during the adventure. Gullin Oakbreaker – The pygmy troll tribe Gullin leads was hit by Morrg’s raiding farrow. The farrow overwhelmed his village with massive force and took everything of worth they could carry. They also abducted several tribe members for use as laborers to handle the dangerous explosives needed for Morrg’s plan. Gullin is on a quest to rescue his tribe members and retaliate against the warlord. Some members of his tribe want to leave the valley—abandoning their abducted kin—to live among trollkin to the north. Gullin knows the larger trollkin kriels would offer protection if asked, but approaching them would indicate that pygs must rely on trollkin for rescue. That might be satisfactory for other pyg leaders, but not for Gullin. To prove his own worth as a leader as well as the worth of his people, he is determined to recover his lost tribe members. Longchops – The ebbing of the Arrowhead River is affecting Longchops’ home within the valley; with water levels receding, prey in his territory is moving off. He could abandon his home for wetter pastures, but Zocha the Outcast promised him access to the White Maw’s northern hunting grounds if he helps—a tall order for her, but the gatorman is unaware of that. Additionally, his traveling and hunting companion Lurk encouraged him to join the group. Lurk – Lurk’s swamp home is also vanishing due to the ebbing of the river, but more immediate to him is his bitter rivalry with Morrg’s bone grinder Knor. Years ago, the two were members of a hunting party of bone grinders and fell into an argument over the most valuable component of a rare kill. Lurk bushwhacked Knor, incapacitating him and stealing the valuable components. He barely escaped the farrow’s retribution. Knor promised to claim the bog trog’s life and soul by grinding Lurk’s bones for what he had done. With the others helping him, Lurk has a chance to get close to Knor, perhaps even turning one of the war band’s powerful razor boars into an asset he can use to defeat his old rival once and for all.

The White Maw Tribe Later in the adventure, Galbar and a group of warriors from the White Maw tribe arrive to assist the PCs. These Tharn were persuaded by Zocha's arguments and set out to find her. They have marched hard to catch up to the PCs, tracking them deep into Morrg’s territory. If the Game Master wants to preserve the surprise, the White Maw show up in scene 4 exactly as written. To foreshadow this, consider having a wounded group of farrow scouts or a solitary survivor come from the north as the PCs travel. These wounded farrow are survivors of an attack by the White Maw and can tell the warriors that they are near. The wounded farrow are reluctant to offer much information but can be convinced to talk with a promise of their freedom. If the PCs attack instead, they later recognize wounds from Tharn-made weapons on the farrow’s bodies. The adventure should showcase the PCs, not their Tharn allies. If the group wants to turn back to meet with the Tharn, gently remind the players that they do not know exactly where or how near the tribe is and that time is short before Morrg’s plan comes to fruition. Hours spent searching for potential allies in the twisted Gnarls is time lost from stopping the warlord’s nefarious plan.

Zocha the Outcast – Zocha hunts down Morrg for no less reason than to save her people and her homeland. She is part of the White Maw Tharn tribe, longtime enemies of Morrg’s war band. During their most recent battle the Tharn drove the farrow back, but the White Maw chieftain was killed in the

5 Melissa Steele (order #7129055)

Scene 1: Opening Shots

The adventure begins with the PCs on the trail of Warlord Morrg. At the fringe of his territory, the characters discover a group of Morrg’s warriors picking through the remnants of a destroyed village. The brutish pig-men search the ruins for loot and argue among themselves, shouting loudly enough to draw the PCs’ attention.

Starting the Adventure Once players have chosen their characters, read the following to set the stage and start the adventure.

Read Aloud or Paraphrase You’ve followed the tracks of Morrg’s raiding parties through Blackmarsh Valley for days, picking your way south through the twisted forest. Along the way you encountered derelict campsites abandoned by the brigands, a trail of refuse cast carelessly aside, and several small communities picked clean of provisions and left in ruins. Despite all the evidence of their work, the warlord’s raiders remain elusive. Your luck begins to change on the afternoon of the third day. Through the trees ahead, you can make out the shapes of a few small thatch-roofed huts standing near the bank of the Arrowhead River. Even from a distance you can see the huts are in disrepair, with collapsing timbers and sagging sides. They’ve likely been abandoned for some time. From within the ruins of the small village, a sudden loud, agitated squeal rings out—the shout of an angry farrow. It is quickly answered by another farrow’s retort, just as infuriated, and the voices launch into a heated argument. The farrow seem consumed by their debate. A simple dirt path leads to the village, flanked on both sides by the vine-draped trees of the Gnarls. To the west, the recently depleted Arrowhead River snakes through the trees. The waterline has dropped significantly lower than it has ever been. The trees are dense enough to conceal the PCs as they approach the village, so they can use the terrain to their advantage if they choose to proceed cautiously.

6 Melissa Steele (order #7129055)

Game Master’s Note: The Skill Roll If a PC chooses to approach the village stealthily, he must make a Sneak skill roll to do so without being noticed. To make a skill roll: 1. Determine the skill being rolled. Some skills, like Sneak, can be attempted even if the character does not have training in the skill. 2. The Game Master sets the target number of the roll. This is how challenging the attempt is. In the case of sneaking up on the village, the target number is 10. 3. Roll dice! A skill roll is 2d6 + Stat + Skill Level. Each skill uses a Primary or Secondary stat and skill level. If a character does not have training in the skill, he only adds the parent stat to his 2d6 roll. If the roll is equal to or greater than the target number, the attempted action is a success! Remember, a character can always spend 1 feat point to boost a non-attack skill roll or reroll a failed skill roll.

If the PCs successfully sneak up on the village, read or paraphrase You see the ruins of the old huts ahead, scattered in a loose ring surrounded by the forest. Morrg’s war band came through here like a wildfire, reducing the town to wreckage. A rough dirt road runs through its center, guarded by a pair of farrow warriors keeping a lazy watch to the north. Behind them you hear the angry squealing of a group of farrow. Three more pig-men are in the heart of the ruined village, arguing noisily over a miserable pile of loot. One shouts that they’ve found enough and it’s time to head back. Another angrily rebuffs him, shouting, “Today’s our last chance! Morrg opens the gates tonight. Then who knows if anything valuable will be left?” The pig-men keep bickering, drawing the attention of the guards. Without warning, one of the arguing farrow tackles another, causing the others to jeer and shout over the thrashing pair. The three watchers start making bets on who will emerge victorious.

The brawling farrow distract their companions, giving the PCs the element of surprise (see callout) if they attack. The PCs can use this opportunity to gain a tactical advantage over their opponents.

Game Master’s Note: Surprise! Whenever one group has the drop on another, there is a surprise round. A group with surprise gets to act before the opposing side has a chance to respond. Surprise represents ambushes, sneak attacks, and similar events. During the surprise round, before rolling Initiative, Gullin can use his battle plan to let his allies move into cover. This gives them a bonus of +2 DEF against ranged attacks once the battle begins. To resolve the surprise round:

The farrow brigands are not interested in waiting to see why the PCs are here. They are eager for a fight and immediately attack.

Combat Encounter #1 If the PCs surprise the farrow, read or paraphrase Scrabbling to recover from your surprise attack, the farrow dive for cover, tripping over the pile of loot and hurling themselves behind barricades with distressed squeals. Once the farrow are aware of the PCs, a combat encounter begins. When an encounter begins, the PCs are typically placed on the bottom edge of the map. However, at the Game Master’s discretion they may start the encounter on one of the map’s other edges. All parties then roll 2d6 + Initiative to determine the order of turns in the encounter. Starting with the highest total, each character takes a turn. To save time, the Game Master can make a single initiative roll for all the farrow.

1. Have Gullin decide if he wants to use Battle Plan: Take Cover. 2. Have the PCs roll 2d6 + Initiative. The highest roll gets to act first, followed by the next highest, and so on. This is an initiative roll. 3. Each PC gets to take a turn until the farrow notice they are there (when a PC takes definitive action, such as if Longchops fires his rifle or Zocha leaps among the farrow with her blade). 4. Once the farrow notice the PCs, start over as if it were the start of a new round. Roll for initiative, this time including the farrow. Now you’re in a fight! (See “Combat Encounter #1.”)

If the PCs take a direct approach or fail to sneak up, read or paraphrase You hear bickering voices as you approach a bend in the dirt path that will take you into the village. Two of the savage pigmen are shouting loudly enough to be heard from a distance. One of them shouts that they’ve found plenty of treasure and it’s time to head back. Another angrily rebuffs him, shouting, “Today’s our last chance! Morrg opens the gates tonight. Then who knows if anything valuable will be left?” As you advance, you see a pair of farrow guarding the entrance, distracted as their comrades start to brawl in the village center. One notices you in his peripheral vision and does a double take. Quickly snapping out of his confusion, he smacks the other guard to attention and calls to his comrades in the village with a short grunt. The farrow raise up their rifles, ready to fire!

7 Melissa Steele (order #7129055)


Encounter Setup HW Board a01

HW Board a03

HW a01

When the encounter begins, place the figures on the tiles as shown. Tiles needed: A01, A02, A03, A08, A09, A10, A28, B15, BOARD A01, BOARD A03, BOARD A04, BOARD A06



HW a08

HW a28





HW a02


HW a03

HW a10


HW a09 HW Board a04

HW b15 HW Board a06

Enemy Tactics

The farrow brigands were not expecting a fight, so they are disorganized when the PCs confront them. Each farrow fights to save his own skin, but they team up against threats if it benefits them. The farrow try to get to cover and shoot at the PCs with their scavenged rifles if possible, but they avoid shooting into melee. The farrow brigands make use of the Onslaught ability on turns where the PCs are in range for a charge. When only one farrow remains, he surrenders to the PCs in a bid to save his own life. (See “Aftermath.”)

Encounter Features

The encounter includes the following features. Fallen Logs: The fallen logs are linear obstacles. A character can move over linear obstacles without penalty, but he cannot charge over them unless he has the Relentless Charge or Pathfinder ability. A character who takes cover behind a linear obstacle gains solid cover (+4 DEF against ranged and magic attacks, +2 DEF against melee attacks) against attacks originating on the opposite side of the object. Huts: The village huts are obstacles that block line of sight. A character can climb atop a hut by making an AGL + Climbing roll against a target number of 12. A hut’s rooftop counts as rough terrain.

8 Melissa Steele (order #7129055)


Pile of Loot: The pile of loot in the center of town is modest, containing only a few pieces of jewelry, skinning knives, and similar commonplace items. The loot is worth 2d6 + 3 gc. Trees: The patches of trees are forests. A forest is rough terrain, and a character cannot see farther than eighteen feet (3˝) through it. Characters in a forest gain concealment (+2 DEF against ranged and magic attacks).


When only one farrow remains, he makes a desperate gamble to stay alive.

Read or paraphrase With a despairing shriek, the last farrow throws down his weapon and surrenders. He pleads for you to let him live, offering you the pile of scavenged loot in the middle of the village.

Interrogating the Survivor The surviving farrow is Chrum, a low-ranking member of the war band. If the PCs critically injured Chrum before he has a chance to surrender, any information they elicit from him reflects his dying words. A character can get the following information with an INT + Interrogation roll against a target number of 10 (or without a roll if Lurk uses the Cloak of Fear spell). Interrogating Chrum takes fifteen minutes per attempt. Chrum knows little of Morrg’s overarching plans, but he can provide the following information.

• Morrg has been ordering his patrols and raiding parties back to the camp recently, telling them they have until sundown tonight before he “opens the gates.” Chrum’s group used the commotion at Morrg’s camp to slip away unnoticed, thinking they had plenty of time to check out nearby villages. • Morrg’s second-in-command, Knor, took charge of the war band’s prisoners, including a group of pygmy trolls. They are held in the main farrow camp, serving as forced labor for the bone grinder. • If pressed for details about what Morrg’s plans entail, what waits behind the gates, or any similar information, the brigand responds with three words: “Fire and flood.” Any further attempts to interrogate him automatically fail. Chrum simply repeats those three words, squealing them at the PCs. If a PC tries to intimidate the farrow into accompanying them, Chrum pretends to play along for a short time, but he constantly looks for a chance to escape. He might try to alert other farrow to the PCs’ presence, steal a weapon and fight his way out, or simply attempt to slip away when the PCs are distracted by other matters.

Investigating the Bodies The PCs can take supplies from the fallen farrow and investigate the bodies for additional information. Each farrow carries the items listed in the Equipment section of his profile (p. 31). A character searching the bodies can make a Detection roll to discover the following information. A character learns everything up to the result of his roll. Regardless of the roll, Longchops knows that the farrow smell like they would be delicious to eat.




The farrows’ weapons are of a much higher quality than they typically carry. An odd symbol is etched into the grips of the weapons: a coat of arms, the sort used by a human noble or merchant.


The farrow bodies have clumps of tar stuck in their matted fur. The tar reeks with a harsh and distinctive smell, but none of the PCs can identify its origin.


One of the brigands wears a small runic talisman around his neck. Gullin recognizes the item, since it belongs to one of the kidnapped members of his tribe.

Fun with Body Parts (Improvised Alchemy) At the GM's discretion, the alchemy employed by a bone grinder can allow creative players to create useful improvised items from harvested organs and other body parts. The items being created should seem at least remotely plausible, be limited in impact, and generally only last a short time. Creating such items requires a skill check.

For example, the GM can prompt Lurk to harvest an intact bladder or stomach from the group's downed foes to be transformed into a single-use "Meat Silencer" for Longchops' rifle. Lurk can create this improvised item with a successful INT + Alchemy roll against a target number of 14. If Lurk is played by a newer player who is unfamiliar with the game, the GM should suggest spending a feat point to boost this roll, since it is difficult. Each attempt requires fifteen minutes spent harvesting and preparing the organs. Meat Silencer – This recently extracted bladder or stomach bound by tendons can be attached to a rifle barrel as a quick action. The next shot fired suffers a –2 RNG penalty but is greatly muffled, allowing the shooter to remain unnoticed during a surprise round and to retain the results of any previously performed stealth roll. This item is destroyed immediately on being used and only lasts six hours after being fabricated before it falls apart and cannot be used again. As they finish in the village, the PCs notice tracks made by the farrows’ distinctive hooves coming into the village from the south. Their course is obvious: retrace the brigands’ tracks south into the forest. The trail is easy to follow, but it requires time to trace through the forest. A PC following the tracks must make a PER + Tracking roll against a target number of 10. If the roll fails, the PCs can try again after spending fifteen minutes backtracking to relocate the path. If the PCs spend more than thirty minutes tracking the farrow through the woods, they encounter a patrol of farrow headed to Morrg’s camp (4 brigands led by a slaughterhouser). If the PCs failed to gather any of the information available in the village, an encounter with one of these farrow patrols gives them a second chance for interrogation and investigation.

Regaining Vitality During the course of the adventure, many instances might lead to the PCs losing vitality. To recover lost vitality, a character can take a brief rest of fifteen minutes to recuperate following an encounter. The PC automatically regains vitality points equal to his PHY stat. When a character regains vitality, he removes the damage from anywhere on his life spiral. If a character is incapacitated, he must first be stabilized with an INT + Medicine roll against a target number of 14 before he can regain vitality following an encounter. Characters who have suffered damage continue to recover over time. A character regains 1 vitality point per hour for the first three hours after being injured. After that, he regains 1 vitality point each six hours until he regains all of his lost vitality.

9 Melissa Steele (order #7129055)

Scene 2: Two Roads Diverge

Striking out from the derelict village, the PCs can follow the trail of the brigands back into Warlord Morrg’s territory. Periodically as they travel, the PCs spot gnawed bones hanging from the branches overhead. These are used to mark the perimeter of the warlord’s land. These grisly markers taken from the farrows’ defeated enemies are similar to warning markers used by the Tharn. Zocha knows these markers are intended to intimidate enemies, but she has seen her own tribe display far worse. The foul odor from the tar on the farrows’ bodies helps the PCs follow the trail. The route winds south through trackless forest for about three miles, weaving across game trails and earthen paths as it leads to a narrow path forking through the trees. The PCs should reach the fork in the trail about an hour after they leave the ruined village, though it might take them longer depending on how many Tracking rolls or side encounters occur along the way.

When the PCs reach the fork in the path, read or paraphrase Ahead the tracks break off in two directions, following roughcut trails through the woods. The tracks heading right lead down into a shaded hollow shrouded by low-hanging trees. To the left, the tracks move southeast into the wooded foothills of the Watcher Peaks. Both trails have seen extensive use; tracks both old and new converge on these trails, made by the passing of hundreds of hooved feet. A cursory examination of the two paths reveals a mixture of farrow hoofprints and those of some kind of larger hoofed creatures. A successful INT + Lore (extraordinary zoology) roll against a target number of 10 identifies them as razor boar tracks made by an extremely large specimen. A PC who spends a moment examining the tracks can make a PER + Tracking roll against a target number of 13. If he succeeds, he notices a series of long drag marks in the dirt of the path to the right, partially obscured by the tracks of farrow. The path to the left has a greater number of fresh farrow tracks, heading into the foothills. The strange odor is present on both branches of the path, though the odor is faintly stronger to the right. Depending on which branch of the path the PCs choose, they encounter one of two different scenes. Along either path, they see plenty of signs they are headed the right way: older markers designating the previous boundaries of Morrg’s territory, fresher farrow tracks in the soil, and occasionally a curing lump of tar smeared on the ground.

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Option 1: The Right Path When the PCs enter the hollow, read or paraphrase A short journey down the path leads into a swampy hollow sheltered by a wooded hill. Overhead, the trees grow together so thickly they block the sky, casting the area into shadow. Sinking into the muck are the remains of a long-abandoned mining or logging camp, built by human hands but now little more than rotting wood and scraps of rusted iron buried under a thick blanket of moss. The whole region reeks of musky swamp smells mingled with the strange odor of the tar that clung to the farrow brigands. Traveling from the fork in the path to the hollow takes thirty minutes if the PCs follow the trail directly, but they might take more time if they choose to move off the path into the woods to avoid being noticed. The Game Master should adjust the amount of time required to reach the hollow based on the speed of the party. The PCs have come across an abandoned Cygnaran camp. Years ago, it was used by surveyors looking to exploit the natural resources of Blackmarsh Valley. Morrg’s farrow discovered the derelict camp as they expanded their territory into the north and stripped it of any useful gear left behind. This is one of several similar failed mining sites in the area that belong to Aiden Byrne.

When the PCs move to explore the camp, read or paraphrase Hot, stale air rises off the muddy ground and murky pool of swamp water. Other than the drone of black flies, the hollow is quiet. Beneath the stench, you smell the sour stink of fresh farrow sweat. At least some of the brigands you faced in the village to the north must have come this way. There might be a path that will lead you to Morrg’s camp. When the PCs move closer they see ample sign of recent activity in the derelict camp. The drag marks spotted at the fork in the path are much clearer here due to the soft soil. They lead to a storage shack built against the hill to the south, which houses one of the razor boars (see next page).


Combat Encounter: Hungry Hogs

The encounter includes the following terrain features.

As the PCs explore the abandoned camp, they are being watched. A pair of hunting boars, trained by the farrow to act like guard dogs, dwells in the ruins of two shacks. The boars wait for the PCs to approach before charging out. When any PC moves within thirty feet (5˝) of either shack, the boars attack. A PC can make a PER + Detection roll against a target number of 12 to notice the boars before they attack. If he succeeds, roll for combat normally. Otherwise, the razor boars gain the element of surprise (p. 7) when they attack.

When the boars attack, read or paraphrase The stillness of the hollow is split by an explosion of activity from one of the abandoned shacks. With an ear-piercing shriek, a heavy razor boar charges out, dragging a long iron chain like a leash. A second boar quickly follows, emerging from a similar building across the way. The hunting boars have intentionally been left hungry by the farrow to encourage them to attack trespassers in the hollow. The boars attack anything that approaches within the range of their chains.

Enemy Tactics At the brink of starvation, the razor boars simply charge the closest available target in an effort to bring it down.

Camp Buildings: The camp buildings are deteriorated from neglect and exposure to the elements. A PC can climb atop a building with an AGL + Climbing roll against a target number of 12. If a PC starts his turn on top of a camp building, roll a d6. On a roll of 1 or 2, the section of wall or roof beneath the PC collapses, dropping him to the ground. The PC suffers no damage but is knocked down. Chains: Both boars are chained, preventing them from moving farther than thirty feet (5˝) from their starting positions. The chains are made of corroded iron and have ARM 15 and 10 vitality points. A razor boar is not strong enough to break its chain, but if it is unable to reach a target an enraged boar may try to pull its chain free from the wall. To do so, the boar must spend a quick action and make a STR roll against a target number of 15. If the roll succeeds, the boar breaks the chain’s anchor and can move about freely. A canny PC can limit the movement of a razor boar by using the chain to his advantage. Tangling the chain around an object, sticking it in place by stabbing between the links, or some other clever interference with the chain causes that razor boar to suffer the stationary condition for one round. (A stationary razor boar does not activate on its turn, is automatically hit in melee, and has DEF 5 against ranged and magic attacks.) Quagmire: A large pool of murky, stagnant water sits east of the main camp. It is deep water, which the boars refuse to enter.

Encounter Setup HW Board a04

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HW B05

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HW A22

HW A13

HW Board a06

HW A20

HW A21

HW A18

HW A19

When the encounter begins, place the figures on the tiles as shown. Tiles needed: A11, A12, A13, A18, A19, A20, A21, A22, B01, B02, B04, B05, BOARD A01, BOARD A03, BOARD A04, BOARD A06

Antagonists R

HW Board a03 2 razor boars

11 Melissa Steele (order #7129055)


Aftermath Once the PCs deal with the razor boars, they can investigate the surrounding buildings. The farrow clearly left the boars here to protect something.

The Camp Searching the camp turns up a few items of interest. Many recent tracks pass through here, including those of pygmy trolls. The farrow swept through the camp and effectively picked it clean, leaving only the pair of razor boars to dissuade interlopers from discovering the hidden path to their camp (see next page). Several of the buildings contain human remains that have been here for years, if not longer. They clearly died violently and were left where they fell. The farrow stripped the bodies of armor, belts, weapons, and equipment. A PC who makes a PER + Detection roll of 14 or higher finds a cracked pocket watch worth 25 gc on one of the bodies, which can be used as trade (or a bribe). Javelins that Zocha recognizes as Tharn-made impale several of the corpses. She can recover d3 + 1 javelins from the bodies. These men worked for Byrne, trying to establish a permanent mine in the region. They were killed several years ago by the White Maw tribe for intruding on the Tharn’s territory, when the tribe still controlled the majority of the Blackmarsh. A PC can make an INT roll against a target number of 10 to recognize the men as Cygnaran from what scraps remain of their clothing. The Blackmarsh contains many such small human encampments, and the PCs know that humans from the south have been trying to establish settlements in the region for many years. Typically when one is discovered, one of the tribes in the area either drives the humans off or wipes them out in an effort to protect its territory. Some of the clothing bears a symbol, identical to the one the PCs might have found on the strange weapons carried by the farrow. The east shack reeks of the foul odor the PCs discovered earlier. There are dozens of drag marks just outside the shack’s door leading out. Inside, several large wooden boxes have been ransacked for their contents, but one still contains something. A PC who examines the box sees several stinking barrels carefully packed inside. The box sits beneath a hole in the wooden roof and has partially filled with water. The barrels contain an alchemical compound that has mixed with water leaking in through the staves. A symbol charred into the wooden crates matches the one carved into the grips of the farrow brigands’ weapons in scene 1 and the clothing on the corpses here, which the PCs recognize with an INT roll against a target of 10. If the PCs looted those weapons, they recognize the symbol without a roll. Oddly, these crates have been here for some time, judging by their worn condition and the overgrowth of the Gnarls, while the weapons were recently manufactured. Lurk can make an INT + Alchemy roll to identify the alchemical compound. He learns everything up to his roll result.

12 Melissa Steele (order #7129055)



13 or lower

The compound is an element of human alchemy that has been rendered effectively inert by prolonged exposure to water.


The compound is a kind of alchemical explosive, more volatile than the blasting powder used in firearms. Humans frequently use this compound in mining.

The Fallen Totem In the ruins of the camp, the PCs find a territory marker similar to those used by the farrow. It is old and scattered, but markings on the bones and skulls are clearly Tharn in origin. This region was controlled by the White Maw prior to Morrg’s intrusion into the valley. Zocha can reassemble the marker by spending a full action and making an INT roll against a target number of 10. She gains a +1 bonus for each ally who assists her.

If Zocha reassembles the totem, read or paraphrase With a few minutes work, you restore the marker, once again claiming the land for the White Maw. All who pass this way will recognize that it belongs to the Tharn, and all White Maw who lay eyes upon it know that, fighting here, they fight to defend their home.

SCENT MASK Description: Either brewed naturally from plant and animal matter or refined alchemically, scent masking is a way to confound animals that rely on scent for tracking and detection. Hunters who wish to conceal themselves and their equipment from wary animals often employ a scent mask. Special Rules: A dose of scent masking lasts for d3 hours. PER rolls that rely on scent suffer a –2 penalty to detect a character under the effect of the scent mask. Alchemical Formula: Brewing a scent mask requires an apothecary kit and two hours of labor spent mixing, cooking, and stabilizing the ingredients. At the end of this time, the alchemist makes an INT + Alchemy roll against a target number of 12. If the roll succeeds, the character creates one dose of scent mask. If the roll fails, he creates a useless, reeking mess.

“You Gonna Eat That?” A quick examination of the razor boars is enough to realize they are not Morrg’s extraordinary warbeasts Caldon and Crommen but mundane razor boars, which the farrow trained in a fashion similar to war dogs. Lurk can harvest organic components from the dead hogs— their nasal cavities, blood, and fat—to fashion into a scent mask (see previous page). The boars provide sufficient ingredients for him to create d3 + 2 doses. The remaining meat can be left behind or eaten as a quick snack. Harvesting the components requires thirty minutes of work to dissect the two hogs and grind the pieces into a thick paste, followed by a Survival roll against a target number of 10. If the roll fails, Lurk can try again after fifteen minutes of additional work, but he can then manufacture only a single dose. The PCs should realize that Morrg has something planned involving items he took from the camp, although the shape of his plan will not be clear until later. At the south end of the hollow, a narrow path winds into the foothills to the east. The PCs notice the path once they have explored the area. The path leads to Morrg’s former base camp, effectively taking the PCs to the beginning of scene 3. They might choose to head back and explore the other path as well, which takes them an additional thirty minutes.

Option 2: The Left Path

banks of the Arrowhead River. Each smaller camp contains three to five tents, rough shacks, or similarly crude shelters. Some have been abandoned, but most of the camps are occupied by a handful of brigands, occasionally under the supervision of the camp’s slaughterhouser. Several trained razor boars wander between the camps on the lookout for scraps. The only way to move beyond the smaller campsites without having to fight off an entire army of farrow is to advance stealthily. Fortunately for the PCs, the campsites are set far enough apart and the trees between them are dense enough to provide ample cover. An altercation at one of the sites does not necessarily draw attention from all the others.

Boosting and Rerolling Skill Rolls If the PCs take this path, it is important that they are not spotted by the farrow. The Game Master might want to encourage players to spend a feat point to boost a skill roll, thereby adding an extra d6 to the roll. Remember that a roll can be boosted only once. A character can boost any nonattack skill roll in this way. If a character fails a skill roll, he can also spend a feat point to reroll the failed roll (and if he failed a boosted skill roll, he still gets the boosted roll when he rerolls the dice).

When the PCs take the left path, read or paraphrase The path heads up into the wooded foothills of the Watcher Peaks, becoming rougher and steeper as it goes. Winding between hills, the road is marked by the hoofprints of dozens, possibly hundreds, of farrow who passed this way. Occasionally the twisting road crosses over what remains of the Arrowhead River via a small bridge or felled log. The river once had modest falls and rushing rapids, but the water is abnormally low. As you travel, in the hills ahead you catch sight of farrow tents among the trees. Dozens of small campsites are scattered wherever there is a large enough patch of flat earth. Among the camps, you make out individual farrow working to break down and pack away their goods. A fifty-foot cliff face looms to the south. Once the Arrowhead River rushed down the cliff as a powerful waterfall, but now the flow is reduced to a heavy spray. You can barely make out a large structure built atop the cliff above. It takes the PCs about half an hour to reach the foothills of the Watcher Peaks, where they first spot the tents. This is the main territory of Morrg’s war band. Due to the irregular terrain, the camp is split into a dozen or so smaller encampments built on suitably flat areas of ground among the trees. The camp is laid out in a loose semicircle about a mile across, standing on both

If the PCs find themselves in combat at one of the camps, make a PER + Detection roll for the farrow at the next nearest site at the start of each round. The target number of the roll depends on the method the PCs use in combat. If the PCs use melee and thrown weapons, the target number of the roll is 16. If the PCs use firearms, the target number drops to 12. If the farrow overhear combat at one of the sites, they move to join the fighting in d3 rounds. If three or more other groups are alerted in this manner, the camp goes on general alert, which makes further attempts to sneak forward more difficult. The simplest way to advance through the encampment is to make use of the Sneak skill. Characters sneaking forward make an AGL + Sneak roll to determine the target number of the farrow’s PER + Detection rolls. The farrow in the camps are distracted and the PCs have ample cover, so a character sneaking forward gains a +3 bonus to his roll. This bonus does not apply if the PCs have caused a general alert in the camp. At the start of each round, have the nearest farrow make a PER + Detection roll to see if he spots a sneaking PC. If the farrow succeeds, he and d3 companions move to investigate.

13 Melissa Steele (order #7129055)

if the farrow spot the PCs, read or paraphrase From a nearby group of tents you hear the alarmed cry of a farrow. A moment later other voices pick up the cry. Before long, the entire hillside is alive with the noise of farrow grabbing their weapons, ready to repel an attack. A handful of nearby farrow come crashing toward you through the underbrush. The Game Master is encouraged to let the players try different approaches as they move through the valley. While sneaking is the obvious solution, it is by no means the only one. For instance, Longchops and Lurk can sneak upriver by swimming just beneath the surface while Zocha climbs through the canopy of trees and Gullin creeps beneath the undergrowth. No matter what method the PCs try, progressing beyond the camp takes fifteen minutes and at least three rounds of movement. As the PCs move, regardless of the method they employ, they might encounter some of the following scenes along the way. • A pair of farrow gamble outside their tent over a nice-looking pistol. It is oddly clean for a farrow weapon, obviously the product of human manufacture, and it appears to be in good working order. A PC can make an INT roll against a target number of 14 to recognize a Cygnaran symbol stamped into the grip of the weapon. It is one of the firearms given to Morrg by Aiden Byrne as payment for clearing Blackmarsh Valley.

• A strong farrow in full plate orders a handful of brigands to haul a wooden wagon piled high with plunder up the treacherous pathways at the south end of camp. • A lazy brigand sitting on a barrel with a military rifle is startled by a comrade shouting at him to pack up his kit and get to the dam. • Two farrow grouse as they roll a tar-covered barrel along the ground. Rocks and twigs stick in the tar, weighing the barrel down and making the process slow and difficult. Behind them a larger farrow laughs at their misfortune. Wiping his filthy tarcovered hands on his armor, one of the barrel-haulers asks his comrade why the pygmy trolls are not doing this. It should be clear that battling the farrow is not the ideal course of action, since they vastly outnumber the PCs. There is enough cover in the forest to make a covert incursion fairly easy. If the PCs choose to fight their way through the farrow, the Game Master should use farrow brigands and razor boars in sufficient number to represent a small force (2– 4 brigands, plus 1 or more boars). The farrow continue to fight until the threat is driven off or eliminated, though if possible they haul the incapacitated PCs to Knor as prisoners rather than killing them outright.

Do You Smell That? Game Master’S Note: Setting Target Numbers The following target numbers are useful when a player attempts an action not specifically outlined in the rules. As long as the Game Master determines the action has a chance to succeed, these target numbers can be used to quickly adapt to player choices on the fly. Simple: No roll is required; the attempt automatically succeeds. Using Survival to identify a common plant or animal is a simple task. Moderate: Target number 10–12. Moderate tasks include climbing a tree with stout limbs or a rock wall with ample handholds. Complex: Target number 13–15. Spotting a camouflaged farrow hiding in the darkness is a difficult task. Difficult: Target number 16+. Difficult tasks include attempting to bribe one of the farrow with a small amount of treasure to abandon the war band, or disguising the PCs to move through the camp unnoticed.

14 Melissa Steele (order #7129055)

The farrow sense of smell is incredibly acute. Unless Lurk has created a scent mask (p.  12), they will have little difficulty smelling the bog trog. The PCs are used to the bog trog’s odor and no longer notice it much, but they clearly see the farrow tracking the peculiar smell. As the PCs move through the encampment, have them make a PER + Survival roll against a target number of 10. If the roll succeeds, they notice the farrow wrinkling their snouts and sniffing at the air whenever Lurk comes near, clearly smelling him. The farrow have little reason to suspect a bog trog in their midst, so they are likely to accuse one another of being the source of the smell. Only if Lurk comes too close to one of the camps does one of the farrow investigate the source of the fishy odor. The bone grinder Knor is familiar not only with Lurk’s odor but also with the smell of any alchemical methods the bog trog could use to disguise it.

As the PCs move further into the foothills, it becomes clear the farrow are working frantically to pack up everything valuable they can carry from their various tents. Larger, more imposing farrow are shouting orders and slinging insults at their smaller cousins to keep them motivated. The farrow are moving south to the cliff face, hauling everything they can carry with them. They seem to be clearing out of Blackmarsh Valley altogether, heading for higher ground.


Once the PCs either move through the scattered campsites of the farrow or make their way up the trail from the abandoned mining operation, they spot a massive tent set away from those of the other farrow, near the base of the cliff described in scene 2. This is Morrg’s personal tent, and his belongings are being hauled out by captured pygmy trolls.

WHEN the PCs arrive at the cliff, read or paraphrase The forest thins near the base of a high cliff face, crisscrossed with narrow, dangerous trails. Atop the cliff, a crude dam blocks the once-great waterfall. The dam looks like a pair of enormous doors made of scavenged metal scraps, with steam pipes venting into the air above it. North of the cliff, moving down the foothills and into the valley, the tents of the farrow camp spread out like a handful of scattered stones. At the edge of the war band’s encampment on the west side of the river, you see a huge, ostentatious tent. Scavenged cloth taken in dozens of raids has been stitched together in a motley of faded colors. The tent commands an impressive view of the forested hills below and the dozens of smaller and poorer farrow structures dotting the area. Bolts of fine cloth, casks of wine, and other items of plunder piled outside of the tent are in the process of being transferred into a crude wagon by a small group of pygmy trolls. The pygmies labor under the watchful eyes of a pair of heavily armored farrow who occasionally lash out with a kick when one of their prisoners struggles with his load. The pygmy trolls haul their burden up the treacherous paths cut into the rocky face of the cliff, headed for the dam above. New figures emerge from the tent. Two brigands with rifles flank a third farrow. He is taller by far than the other farrow you’ve seen, his heavy body covered in muscles and scars. As he turns to speak to his slaughterhousers, you see his face, a crude brass patch covering one of his eyes, and you recognize him as Knor, Morrg’s right hand. The farrow bone grinder begins to grunt orders at the two warriors beside him, but he stops suddenly. He holds up a gnarled hand to silence them and begins to sniff at the air.

A large pile of barrels sits a short distance away from everything else in the area, stacked near a large cauldron set above a small campfire. Tar heated in the cauldron covers the barrels. Knor is supervising the loading of Morrg’s personal riches from his tent in preparation for the opening of the dam. Morrg is at the dam overseeing the final arrangements, but the players may think he might still be in his tent. Knor keeps checking the large shelter to ensure he has not forgotten anything of value, which the PCs might misinterpret as the bone grinder consulting with his warlord. The pathways leading to the dam require the PCs to pass near Morrg’s tent. Dozens of farrow and pygmy trolls went this way recently, hauling salvage from the camp up to the cliff top. Knor and a small force of warriors block the way up to the dam. They will not permit the PCs passage without a fight. The PCs can make a PER + Survival roll against a target number of 10 to realize that even if they manage to sneak around to an alternate path, they will be exposed and visible to the entire encampment below. If the PCs move to attack, Knor and his warriors respond with violence immediately. They cannot risk anything interfering with Morrg’s plan this close to its culmination. If the PCs remain hidden, Knor keeps sniffing the air and eventually sends his slaughterhousers to investigate the nearby area. The bone grinder is familiar with Lurk’s scent and the strange odor of a scent mask; he and Lurk worked together closely in the past, and he is familiar with the bog trog’s particular recipe, despite how effectively it works against other farrow. The bone grinder is on edge and instructs the others to keep alert, so the PCs cannot gain surprise. If they want to reach Morrg, rescue Gullin’s tribe, and discover what is really going on, they will have to fight their way through.

Gullin can make an INT + Lore (tribal) roll against a target number of 10 to identify the large structure as a chieftain’s tent. Smaller tents, still opulent by farrow standards, flank Morrg’s. They belong to Knor and the warlord’s personal guard. Closest to the cliff, Morrg’s tent serves as a final staging area for moving goods up the cliff face to the dam. Small piles of gear lie near the tents, waiting to be ported up the dangerous paths by the pygmy troll prisoners.

15 Melissa Steele (order #7129055)


Combat Encounter #2

Enemy Tactics

Once combat begins, Knor’s two slaughterhousers move to protect him. They charge any obvious targets that try to move in close. One slaughterhouser stays near Knor to defend him, but the other breaks away to outflank or engage the PCs as appropriate. Knor uses Parasite on the PC with the highest ARM in range to increase his own ARM. He attacks primarily with his cinder bombs.

When Knor discovers the PCs, read or paraphrase The bone grinder grunts and says, “I thought I smelled something familiar. Tell me, Lurk, tired of life so soon?” Knor plunges a hand into a pouch on his belt and pulls out a putrescent totem of flesh and bone. As he thrusts it overhead, runes begin to coalesce around his hand. To his companions, Knor says, “Kill the others, but leave the bog trog for me.”

The brigands stay in cover whenever possible, firing their rifles at the PCs. If the PCs take cover near any of the barrels, Knor screams at the brigands to hold fire. Knor specifically targets Lurk when he has the opportunity. The two are old rivals, and Knor throws caution aside if presented with an opportunity to take on the bog trog. If the PCs notice this, they can lure Knor away from his HW Board a01 guards.

Encounter Setup HW Board a04 HW B08

Encounter Features

HW B07

The encounter includes the following features.

HW A14



HW a17

K HW B06

HW a26 HW B12

HW A25

B HW a27

S HW B10 HW B13 HW Board a06

HW Board a03

When the encounter begins, place the figures on the tiles as shown. Tiles needed: A14, A17, A25, A26, A27, B06, B07, B08, B10, B12, B13, BOARD A01, BOARD A03, BOARD A04, BOARD A06

Antagonists S


Knor, 2 Farrow BrigandS, 2 Slaughterhousers

16 Melissa Steele (order #7129055)

Barrel Stack: The stack of tar-covered barrels provides solid cover to characters behind it. If an attack misses a character behind the barrels, roll a d6. On a roll of 1, one of the barrels is damaged by the attack and explodes. Center a 3˝ AOE on the initial target of the attack. Characters in the AOE suffer a POW 12 blast damage roll. A character can pick up and throw one of the barrels as an improvised weapon with a range equal to half his STR. The character makes a STR roll against a target number of 14, followed by a PRW + Thrown Weapon roll against a target number equal to the intended target’s DEF. A character hit by a thrown barrel suffers a damage roll with POW equal to the throwing character’s STR and is knocked down. Cauldron: The cauldron is filled with hot, bubbling tar. A character who comes in contact with the tar suffers a POW 12 fire damage roll and the Corrosion continuous effect. A character who touches the cauldron suffers a POW  12 fire damage roll. A character can hurl the cauldron as a weapon with a range equal to half his STR by making a STR roll against a target number of 16, followed by a PRW + Thrown Weapon roll against a target number equal to the target’s DEF. This attack is AOE 3. Characters in the AOE suffer a POW 12 fire damage roll and the Corrosion continuous effect. Reinforcements: Farrow from elsewhere in the camp might arrive to reinforce their allies during the combat. At the beginning of each round, if there are fewer than four brigands on the map, roll a d6. On a roll of 3–6, place a brigand at the bottom edge of the map. Reinforcements stop appearing once Knor is defeated. New brigands arrive at full strength and activate on the initiative of the other brigands.


Once the PCs defeat Knor, his allies, and any reinforcements, regardless of how many gunshots or explosions they caused, the remaining farrow in the camp spread out into the wilderness. Either these farrow find alternate paths farther east and west on the cliff face, or they abandon the war band and try to move out of the path of destruction. In either case, the farrow in the encampment figure that not rushing in to be slaughtered by the PCs is probably the best course of action.

when the PCs land the final blow on Knor, Read or paraphrase With an angry squeal, the bone grinder drops to one knee. He lashes out with a spell that misses the mark before he crumples facedown into the dirt. Knor is incapacitated. Unless he is stabilized with a Medicine roll against a target number of 14, he will die in a few rounds. If any of his warriors survive the battle, they make a break for the winding paths in the cliff face, shouting for help from the camp above. The PCs can run down any survivors before they get very far, thanks in part to the slick, wet stones of the path. The PCs can loot items from the bodies of the fallen farrow. Knor carries the highest-value items, including an item of particular value to Lurk. Knor’s totem is of no use to the others, but in the bog trog’s hands it greatly augments his capabilities in melee. The bone grinder also has a captive pygmy troll whelp he had intended to use for alchemy components. The PCs discover the whelp when they search Knor’s body.

When the PCs SEARCH KNOR'S BODY, read or paraphrase A foul-smelling pouch on the bone grinder’s hip begins to move, as if a large rat were trapped inside. You see a pair of tiny blue hands emerge from the mouth of the pouch, followed by a wheezing pygmy troll whelp. It freezes in alarm before its gaze falls on Gullin. Kugga, a member of Gullin’s tribe, spawned the whelp in the aftermath of a mishap handling the explosive barrels. Kugga’s whelp is relieved to be free of the pouch, which contains all manner of organic scraps. The tiny whelp spends a few moments kicking Knor after it is set free. Once its desire for revenge is sated, the little whelp grabs onto Gullin and tugs at his leg. The whelp leads him into the tent to find Kugga—which Gullin’s whelp Knuckle does not appreciate much at all. To lighten the mood, the Game Master can have a jealous Knuckle start squabbling with the other whelp, throwing small objects from Gullin’s pockets at it or jumping down and threatening it in an exaggerated emulation of Gullin’s own fighting style. Kugga’s whelp—like all whelps—is not very smart; it simply recognizes Gullin as a fellow pygmy troll and wants to lead him to its progenitor.

Investigating the Scene Morrg’s tent is mostly empty, containing only a few of the warlord’s personal possessions. The farrow were clearly in the process of emptying the tent when the PCs arrived, and Morrg’s valuables and weapons were the first items to be sent up the cliff. Inside the tent, Kugga hides behind a wooden rack that once held Morrg’s weapons and armor. Knor used the pygmy troll as an assistant, forcing the pyg to test his alchemical bombs and coat the barrels with tar. Kugga was caught in an explosion when a barrel got too hot during the tarring process, and he was left in the tent to regenerate from his wounds. When he heard the sound of fighting outside, he hid to avoid being caught in the crossfire. If the PCs discover Kugga’s whelp, it leads them directly to the pygmy troll. Otherwise, when they enter the tent they spot Kugga with a PER + Detection roll against a target number of 10, or they discover him without a roll if they search the interior. Kugga reeks of the alchemical mixture in the barrels.

When the PCs discover Kugga, read or paraphrase In a dark corner of the tent, you see something stir behind an empty weapon rack. A stout pygmy troll with a twisted leg emerges from the shadows, limping toward you with his hands out. “I’m s–sorry, Knor,” he stammers. “I heard fighting and . . .” The pyg’s voice trails off as he sees you, his eyes growing wide. He stares for a moment before breaking the silence with a cry of amazement. “Chief! You’ve come for me!” He raises his left arm with his open hand facing Gullin and claps his left elbow with his right hand in the traditional salute of the tribe. His whelp climbs atop his shoulder and mimics the gesture.

Kugga The pygmy troll is overjoyed to discover his chieftain has come to save him. Since his capture by the farrow, Kugga has served under Knor and borne witness to his and Morrg’s work. He is injured from his mishap with the explosive barrel a few days ago, and his left leg is still in the process of regenerating. The pygmy troll eagerly explains what he knows to the PCs, relating the following information. • “They took us to the top of the falls and made us build the dam. The warlord is building a camp up there.” • “Me and some others had to haul old barrels from a human camp to the north. They were filled with stinking powder. Knor had me put tar on the barrels to protect them from the water—I guess they don’t work when they get wet. One got too hot when I was painting tar on it and it blew up. I’m lucky it didn’t kill me.” • “There are two different kinds of barrels. Some we didn’t have to put tar on. Knor was responsible for cooking what went in those— some kind of stinking liquid. Morrg used some to build those bombs he carries around and sent the rest up to the dam.”

17 Melissa Steele (order #7129055)

• “Knor and Morrg were talking about the river, about ‘the fire and the bombs.’ They were arguing over a map. They said a burn wanted the whole valley cleared.” Kugga’s last statement is a misunderstanding of Aiden Byrne’s last name. Knor and Morrg argued about which of their preferred methods was most likely to cause the most destruction — alchemical explosives (preferred by Morrg) or burning oil floating on the surface of the water (preferred by Knor). Kugga explains that Knor and Morrg were on a schedule and made references to their employer paying for results, not caring about techniques. Kugga leads the PCs to the back of the tent to show them the items that were left behind. Unfurled atop a small crate is a leather map, frayed at the edges. An elaborate brass device sits on the crate next to it.

The Brass Device The brass device is a clockwork detonator, designed to set off the contents of one of the explosive barrels at a preordained time. It was left behind due to malfunction. Such a complicated piece of clockwork is uncommon in the wilderness, and the PCs cannot easily identify it, particularly as it appears damaged. To determine the detonator’s purpose, a PC must spend a minute examining it and make an INT roll against a target number of 12. If the PCs picked up the broken pocket watch from scene 2, they gain a +2 bonus to the roll due to the similarity of the mechanisms. If the roll succeeds, the PC realizes the purpose of the clockwork detonator—to turn the barrels into timed explosives. Each PC can attempt a single roll to determine the purpose of the device.

The Madman’s Map The map is crudely drawn, but a character can make a PER + Survival roll against a target number of 10 to recognize landmarks and identify it as Blackmarsh Valley. Marked on the map are most of the major settlements in the valley: Gullin’s tribe of pygmy trolls, the marshy lowlands that Longchops hunts, the White Maw Tharn tribe, and dozens of others. Sets of numbers in Morrg’s crude handwriting appear alongside each of the major settlements. These calculations show how long it takes for barrels carried by the floodwaters of the Arrowhead to arrive at each location and a rough estimate of the number of barrels required to kill a significant portion of the population there. The floodwaters will distribute explosives across a wide area in the valley, but the warlord clearly requires a massive number of them to have any hope of affecting their intended targets. Many will snag on obstacles or break open against stones long before reaching their destinations, and others will be destroyed by early detonation. The warlord must have prepared at least sixty to ensure damage to significant villages. To successfully decipher the meaning of these numbers, a PC must make an INT roll against a target number of 13. If the roll fails, the PCs can try again after spending another minute examining the map. PCs gain a +2 bonus to this roll if they have already discovered the purpose of the clockwork detonator.

18 Melissa Steele (order #7129055)

When the PCs discover the meaning of the map, read or paraphrase Morrg plans to use the floodwaters to disperse the barrels of explosives down the Arrowhead River. With the rush of water flooding the river’s banks, these bombs will be carried into the hearts of villages along the banks of the river. Inhabitants who endure the flood itself will be blown apart. The farrow can then sweep through the Blackmarsh to finish off any survivors.

Interrogating Knor If the PCs manage to keep Knor alive, the bone grinder stubbornly refuses to cooperate. He agrees to give the PCs information only if they promise to set him free—though if they do, he sneaks up to Warlord Morrg at the dam to warn his master of their incursion. Knor knows everything about Morrg’s plan, but he lies to the PCs about the specifics. A PC can make a PER roll against a target number of 15 to realize Knor is withholding information— specifically, the timed explosives the warlord intends to deliver by unleashing the dammed river, and the name of Morrg’s employer, Aiden Byrne. The bone grinder divulges useful information only if he believes the PCs genuinely intend to give him his freedom. Otherwise, the bone grinder hurls insults at them and remains uncooperative. Getting Knor to talk requires an INT + Interrogation roll. He responds better to Negotiation attempts. Knor knows the following information: • Interrogation Target Number 10: Morrg established a small encampment atop the waterfall to protect the dam and its engine. The warlord is there now, seeing to the final stages of his plan. That is where he has taken the pygmy troll prisoners. • Interrogation Target Number 14: Morrg plans to use the dam as a weapon against Blackmarsh Valley. The PCs realize this is a ridiculous plan: the dam on the Arrowhead River is not capable of holding back enough water to significantly flood the valley. Communities would be damaged and some lives might be lost, but the consequences would be little worse than that. • Interrogation Target Number 15: The dam is essentially a giant gate powered by a steam engine salvaged from a human encampment. When opened, the gate will unleash the reservoir of water behind it. Gradually opening the gates will return the Arrowhead to its normal level without causing the river to flood.

Scene 4: AMBUSH

As the PCs head up one of the paths, read or paraphrase The steep paths wind upward toward the rocky edifice of the falls. Farrow-built scaffolds, bridges, and platforms line the path, remnants of the construction of the dam. Jets of water spraying from the dam overhead coat the stones, making them slick and difficult to traverse. The pathways wind through rough and rocky hills to the cliff wall, where they proceed in switchbacks to ascend its face. The combination of the steep path and slick stones makes passage difficult and tiresome. It takes fifteen minutes to reach the top of the falls. In addition to the slick stones, other hazards await. The farrow placed numerous rockslide traps along the paths to prevent enemy forces from attacking the dam, starting about sixty feet from the bottom of each path. Each trap is a simple construction, typically triggered when someone walks across one of the bridges or scaffolds. The farrow have subtly marked the location of each trap to avoid accidentally setting it off. Since the trigger mechanisms are hidden beneath objects, the traps are particularly difficult to spot unless a PC notices these markings (twisted branches pointed at the trigger, three small stones alongside the path arranged in a straight line, and other similar methods). A PC must make a PER + Detection skill roll against a target number of 14 to detect one of the traps on the way up. Every five minutes of walking, roll for the PCs in secret to determine if they notice

a trap. If the roll succeeds, they spot a trap. If the roll fails, a rockslide is triggered, and a group of farrow ambushers emerge and attack. If the PCs set off one of the traps, it looses a large section of the cliff wall, which collapses onto the path, cutting it off. A PC who triggers a rockslide trap must make an AGL or STR roll against a target number of 12 to leap clear of the falling debris. If the roll succeeds, the PC avoids the falling stones. If the roll fails, the PC suffers a POW 10 damage roll and is made stationary for one round as he extricates himself from the rocks. If the PCs make it to the top without triggering one of the traps, farrow waiting in ambush there emerge and attack, trying to prevent them from reaching the top. Once a trap is triggered, a few things happen in quick succession: • Rocks fall, noisily blocking the path in a cloud of dust. • The PCs hear whoops and squeals from a group of farrow brigands who emerge from hiding in rocky fissures flanking the path. Gullin can use his Battle Plan to let his allies move into cover at this time. • The brigands open fire at the PCs. With the brigands behind them and the way ahead blocked, the PCs must make a difficult choice. They can turn around and deal with the farrow, or they can attempt the treacherous climb up the rock face. In both cases, the farrow shoot at the PCs whenever they present viable targets.


HW B22

HW B19

HW a06

HW a04 HW Board b06

HW Board a07


HW Board a09



HW a07


HW B20


B HW Board b04

When the encounter begins, place the figures on the tiles as shown. Tiles needed: A04, A05, A06, A07, B18, B19, B20, B21, B22, BOARD A07, BOARD A09, BOARD B04, BOARD B06


3 Farrow Brigands, 2 Slaughterhousers

19 Melissa Steele (order #7129055)

COMBAT ENCOUNTER: FARROW AMBUSH If the PCs turn to fight the ambushers, read or paraphrase You turn to face the enemy as bullets whine through the air around you. The farrow vastly outnumber you. A growing army of brigands rushes up from the trailhead below and clogs the path behind you, each squealing angrily as he brings his weapon to bear. Use two slaughterhousers and three brigands if the PCs charge at the ambushers. To represent the path they are fighting on, use the setup in the accompanying illustration. The intent in this situation is to keep pressure on the PCs. The boulders provide solid cover to characters behind them. The farrow stay in cover, firing at any PC in range. They use the Onslaught ability on any PC who moves into charge range, firing with their rifles and making a charge attack with their clubs. Since the farrow outnumber the PCs, at the start of each turn replace the figures of any dead farrow to the west edge of the path. This continues until “A Friend In Need,” below.

If the PCs climb the rocks, read or paraphrase Bullets crack all around you, blasting stinging chips of stone from the cliff wall. Below you, constant rifle flashes flare amid a gradually spreading fog of blasting powder smoke. It’s only a matter of time before one of the shots finds its mark. Climbing the rocks requires four successful Climbing skill rolls against a target number of 13 to reach the top. Each round, the farrow below take d3 + 1 shots at the PCs with their rifles. If a shot hits a climbing PC, he makes a PHY roll against a target number of 10. If the roll succeeds, nothing happens. If the roll fails, the PC loses his grip and slips down the wall, canceling out one of his successful Climbing rolls.

A Friend In Need Let the PCs spend a round or two climbing the rock face or fighting the farrow, but make it clear the odds are against them. There are too many farrow for the PCs to effectively fight them off or escape. When things seem at their worst, aid comes from an unexpected source.

Read or paraphrase There are too many farrow for you to face or flee. Suddenly you hear howling and snarling coming from the foothills below. First one and then dozens of Tharn warriors emerge from between the trees, their transformed features predatory, their fangs bared. Shortly after Zocha left to battle Morrg, a group of White Maw warriors led by Galbar set out after her. Unwilling to leave her to face the warlord’s army alone, they followed the trail the PCs

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left behind. Galbar’s war party arrives just in time to distract the farrow. If Zocha rebuilt the totem in scene 2, the Tharn enter battle with shouts about reclaiming the White Maw’s land. The brigands turn to face this new enemy as the Tharn wade into their ranks and begin hacking them apart. This distraction gives the PCs the opportunity they need to break free from the farrow and continue up the rock face.

If the PCs try to finish the fight instead, read or paraphrase Wrenching his axe free from the skull of a farrow warrior, a Tharn roars to you in words distorted by his transformed features, “Go! Destroy Morrg! We will kill these ones!” He punctuates his cry with a swing of his axe, lopping the head off the nearest farrow. In speech only Zocha understands, he says one final thing: “You were right.” It should be clear that Galbar and the White Maw have this battle under control. Their full attention on this new threat, the farrow do not press the attack against the PCs. If the PCs stay to help, Galbar encourages them to go, stressing the importance of stopping Morrg. After the PCs break away, the fighting continues to rage, pushing to the base of the path by the large tent below. When it looks like the Tharn have the battle nearly won, the shrill sound of a steam engine at the top of the cliff causes White Maw and farrow alike to stop fighting and look up. The farrows’ eyes widen and they immediately try to run, ignoring Galbar’s warriors.

Read or Paraphrase With a metallic grinding of gears, the dam overhead opens at the middle, unleashing a high-pressure spray of water. The dam parts only a fraction of its total width. Within the stream, you can see the dark shapes of objects as they shoot out. The farrow and White Maw warriors below turn to escape the sudden torrent, but they cannot flee in time. Farrow and Tharn alike are smashed to the ground, battered against the rocks, and forced down the banks of the Arrowhead on a surge of water. The barrels in the water then explode like thunderclaps, blinding you in a flash of brilliant light. Some detonate in huge blasts, while others bobbing on the surface explode into a sheet of fire that roars across the water. The deafening noise of the explosions makes the earth shudder, loosing stones from the cliff wall that smash into the rockslide below you, breaking it free of the path. As your hearing gradually returns, you hear a ragged chorus of farrow cheering from above. The gateway of the dam grinds back into place to build up pressure for another release. In the aftermath of the explosions, Morrg and his farrow believe they have eliminated the threat and return to making preparations for the attack on the Blackmarsh. The PCs are no longer under attack and can press on to the top of the falls while Morrg’s guard is down. Depending on how much damage the PCs have suffered, they might spend a moment seeing to their wounds before continuing to the top.


In the final scene, the PCs confront Warlord Morrg before he opens the dam again and unleashes explosives on Blackmarsh Valley below. The PCs now know he plans to wipe out the valley, seeking nothing less than the total annihilation of their tribes and allies. Morrg is aware of the attack on the encampment below from the sounds of combat and the reports of survivors who made their way to him, but he believes he wiped the enemy out when he tested the dam. Now he has relaxed his guard and turned his attention to the final stages of his plan. His farrow busily work to arm the last explosive barrels and push them into the reservoir. They do not immediately notice the PCs entering the fringes of the camp unless the characters charge in aggressively.

When the PCs reach Morrg’s camp atop the cliff, read or paraphrase Morrg’s makeshift dam has created a small lake at the top of the cliff. Tents hauled up from the foothills below ring its edges. Morrg’s elite forces work at a feverish pace, readying the last steps of the warlord’s mad plan. On both sides of the basin, pygmy trolls drag tar-covered barrels to the water’s edge. A member of the war band sets a clockwork detonator on each barrel before kicking it into the basin, where the current pulls it away from the shore. Morrg oversees the operation with pride. In one hand he wields a massive blunderbuss with a wicked chopping blade mounted to the barrel. Two enormous boars stand beside him: his notorious warbeasts Caldon and Crommen, snapping their tusked maws at anyone who draws too near. The pygmy trolls work in teams to push the explosives into the reservoir to join the large number of bombs already floating in it. Standing on the bridge over the river and on either bank, the pygs continue to drop barrels into the river until they are liberated by the PCs or combat begins, at which point their farrow handlers become distracted by the fight and they can slip away. The pygs flee the camp once combat commences. They are unarmed and can’t directly aid the PCs in a fight. The pygs scatter in random directions away from the camp unless Gullin makes an INT + Command roll against a target number of 10 to rally them to a safe place. If Gullin succeeds, he can instruct his tribe to provide assistance in the form of destroying equipment, disarming bombs on the riverbank, or other similar non-combat actions.

Combat Encounter #3A: Full Steam This encounter begins as soon as the farrow notice the PCs. Farrow on both sides of the river do not hesitate to attack, but Morrg commands them to keep loading the bombs into the water while he works the steam engine to open the dam’s gates.

When combat begins, read or paraphrase Warlord Morrg bellows at you, eerily echoed by the two boars flanking him. Eyes wild with rage, he screams in farrow to his warriors, “We’ve got visitors. Keep them entertained. I have a valley to destroy!” With that, the warlord steps toward the controls of his steam engine and activates it. Morrg’s soldiers move into position as the warlock activates the engine powering his destructive weapon. With a shriek, the engine begins to slowly churn the great gates of the dam open. If the PCs want to stop him, they will have to fight their way through his forces.


Morrg is a powerful combatant. He is well armed and skilled with his weapons as well as being a gifted spellcaster. He commands his pair of warbeasts with aggressive shrewdness. Throughout the final encounter, Morrg focuses primarily on activating the steam engine to open his dam. He relies on the capabilities of his warbeasts and warriors to deal with the threat the PCs pose to his plan. Caldon and Crommen: Morrg’s warbeasts are a pair of massive razor boars, much hardier and stronger than their common cousins. In addition to having access to their animus (p. 28), both razor boars have +2 ARM, FURY, and Threshold, and the Tough benefit. If one of the razor boars is incapacitated or killed, the surviving boar gains +2 on attack and damage rolls against any characters who dealt damage to its companion.

If the PCs choose to take a direct approach, the farrow are ready to meet them in combat and prepared to repel them.

21 Melissa Steele (order #7129055)


Encounter Setup HW Board a03

HW Board a02


HW A02

HW Board B01

HW B16

HW B25

HW A15

b HW B26

HW B09


HW B08

HW B27

b HW Board a04 HW B11

HW Board a05


R HW B28

HW B14

HW B23 HW Board a07


HW B12 HW Board A06

HW B13


R HW Board a08

HW Board A09

When the encounter begins, place the figures on the tiles as shown. Tiles needed: A02, A15, B08, B09, B11, B12, B13, B14, B16, B23, B25, B26, B27, B28, BOARD A02, BOARD A03, BOARD A04, BOARD A05, BOARD A06, BOARD A07, BOARD A08, BOARD A09, BOARD B01

Antagonists M




Warlord Morrg, 2 RAZOR BOARS, 4 Farrow Brigands, 2 Slaughterhousers

22 Melissa Steele (order #7129055)

The Device When the PCs arrive, Morrg is preparing the final stage of his attack on Blackmarsh Valley. His pygmy troll captives load primed explosives into the reservoir under the watchful eyes of his farrow warriors while he readies the steam engine that powers the dam. The engine is in shoddy condition and requires attention while it works to open the gates. To fully open the gates, Morrg needs to operate the engine for three cumulative turns. Rules for operating the steam engine are on page 24. Since the timers on the explosives are already ticking down, Morrg has only a short time to open the dam before they begin detonating. After ten rounds of combat, randomly determined barrels in the water begin to explode. One barrel detonates at the end of each round. If a barrel is near the dam when it detonates, it damages the gate (and anyone standing on top of it). Each gate can withstand five blasts before being completely destroyed. If one of the gates is destroyed, the water rushes out in force. Treat a destroyed gate as if the gates were fully open.

Enemy Tactics

Morrg, startled by the sudden arrival of the PCs, hastens to unleash his timed explosives on the valley below. Commanding his warriors to attack the PCs, Morrg moves to the steam engine and begins the process of activating it. He sends his slaughterhousers forward with the brigands to attack the PCs, casting Quagmire on one of the slaughterhousers to prevent its target from moving. Morrg and his warbeasts remain hidden behind the front line of farrow to avoid taking damage as the warlock powers up the steam engine. The brigands stay out of melee with the PCs and attack with their rifles. One stays on the far side of the river, keeping his distance from the PCs. They forfeit movement to aim their shots and focus their attention on the closest targets. If Lurk or Longchops moves into the water to disable the explosives in the reservoir, one of the brigands targets the barrel closest to him.

Encounter Features

Explosive Barrels: Several barrels float in the reservoir behind the dam. Their clockwork detonators have already been set, and it is only a matter of time before they begin detonating. A PC can disable one of the bombs in a number of ways. The simplest is to disable or destroy the clockwork detonator on the bomb. To remove the detonator, a PC must be adjacent to the barrel and make an INT or STR roll against a target number of 13. If the roll succeeds, the detonator is disabled. Nonamphibious characters suffer a –2 penalty to these rolls due to the difficulty of maneuvering in the current and keeping grasp of a barrel as it moves in the water. Another way to disable a bomb is to expose its contents to water. Each bomb is ARM 14, and if it suffers 1 damage point without detonating, water rushes in, disabling the explosive. If a bomb suffers damage from a firearm or from a fire damage roll, it detonates. Center a 3˝ AOE on the damaged barrel. Characters hit suffer a POW  12 blast damage roll.

Fire Barrels: Fire barrels can be disabled as above. If the explosive charge inside the barrel is exposed to water, it cannot ignite the alchemical fluid inside. When one of the fire barrels is destroyed, replace it with a 3˝ AOE. The AOE is a patch of flammable fluid that will travel downstream with other objects (see below). If a character in the AOE suffers fire damage, the patch ignites. Any character on the surface of the water starting his turn in the AOE suffers a POW 12 fire damage roll. If a fire barrel explodes, replace it with a 3˝ AOE. Characters in the AOE suffer damage as above. Reinforcements: At the start of each turn, place a brigand outside one of the four tents. If four brigands are already on the map, do not place a model. New brigands arrive at full strength and activate on the initiative of the other brigands. A brigand cannot make a charge attack the turn he is placed but otherwise activates normally. River Current: Though it is slowed by the dam, the Arrowhead River’s current still moves objects in the reservoir. Any character in the reservoir without the Amphibious ability, any floating barrels, and other objects in the reservoir automatically move 2˝ directly toward the dam at the beginning of each round.

Game Master’S Note: Spray Attacks Morrg’s blunderbuss and the steam engine can both produce spray (SP) attacks. Spray attacks are attacks that use a spray template. This devastating shortranged attack can potentially hit several characters. A spray uses the spray template and has a RNG of “SP 6,” “SP  8,” or “SP  10.” Effects that modify RNG do not affect spray attacks. When making a spray attack, center the spray template over a target with the narrow end of the template touching the nearest edge of the attacker’s base. The target need not be under the template. The targeting rules apply when choosing the attack’s primary target. Every character with any part of his base covered by the appropriate section of the spray template can be hit by the attack. Make separate attack rolls against each character under the template. Remember that each roll must be boosted individually. Spray attacks ignore concealment, cover, stealth, and intervening characters because the attack comes over, around, or in some cases through his protection. A spray ranged or magic attack roll against a character in melee does not suffer a –4 penalty. A spray attack roll against a character in melee that misses is not rerolled against another character. It misses completely.

23 Melissa Steele (order #7129055)


Steam Engine: A ramshackle steam engine (B23) powers the dam gateway. It has been patched together by farrow laborers with limited skills and requires constant attention to operate. To operate the steam engine, a character must stand in base contact with it, forfeit either his movement or attack action, and make an INT roll against a target number of 14. Each successful roll opens the gates partway. Fully opening or closing the dam requires three cumulative rounds of successful operation. Since the farrow rebuilt the steam engine and understand its operation, farrow operators gain a +2 bonus to this roll. The steam engine is ARM 16 and can withstand 15 damage points before it is rendered inoperable. If the steam engine suffers damage, place the spray template with the narrow end on the steam engine pointed directly toward the attacker. The spray has a range of 6. Roll to hit characters in the spray as if the steam engine had a RAT of 4. Characters hit by the spray suffer 1 point of fire damage from scalding steam.

If the PCs disable the steam engine, read or paraphrase With a series of explosive blasts the steam engine blows to pieces, hurling ragged strips of metal over the cliff. The force of the blast blows a hot, wet fog across the lake, obscuring your vision. Center a 5˝ AOE on the steam engine when it is destroyed. Characters hit suffer a POW  12 blast damage roll and are knocked down. If the PCs do not destroy the steam engine or disable Morrg before he opens the gates, the water in the reservoir and any remaining barrels flood downstream into the valley. Depending on how many bombs the farrow managed to dump into the water (or how many the PCs managed to disable) the effect of this flood could be minor or catastrophic. The Game Master is encouraged to describe the effects of bombs going off in the valley below in this case, calling out the huge plumes of fire and flashes of blasting powder that randomly go off in the distance as the fight continues.

Combat Encounter #3B: Morrg’s Last Stand If the PCs destroy the steam engine or otherwise prevent Morrg from opening the gates, the warlord is forced to try a dangerous gambit. Running across the top of the dam, he tries to grab one of the floating bombs nearest to the gates and wedge it between the partially opened doors. He hopes to blow the doors wide open with his thunderaxe.

Encounter Setup

The setup of the second part of the encounter remains the same as before. Replace any missing brigands or slaughterhousers at the top edge of the map as members of the war band move to join the battle.

24 Melissa Steele (order #7129055)

Enemy Tactics

Any surviving farrow slaughterhousers attempt to hold the line, keeping the PCs from reaching Morrg, while the brigands press in to attack on the flanks using the Onslaught ability. The final wave of reinforcements charge and use Onslaught on any PCs they can reach. The slaughterhousers spend feat points for Walk It Off if they are injured or Heroic Dodge if they suffer powerful blows.

Morrg At the beginning of combat, Morrg forces his warbeasts to use their Hyper Aggressive animus and casts Entangle on any PC close enough to charge him. He is focused on reaching the gates of the dam to blow them open, but doing so requires a full action. He performs the action only if none of the PCs can be targeted by his ranged attacks. He spends his feat points on Walk It Off and Heroic Dodge, then transfers damage to his warbeasts once he runs out of feat points. Morrg fights to the death, whether from the PCs’ attacks or by plummeting off the edge of the bridge. Caldon and Crommen: Morrg begins combat by forcing each of his boars to use its animus. In subsequent rounds, Morrg forces his warbeasts to boost attack rolls against high-DEF characters such as Zocha and boost damage rolls against high-ARM characters such as Longchops. Once one of the razor boars is disabled, the survivor focuses its attacks on the PC who killed the other one.

Encounter Features

Fogbank (optional): If the PCs destroyed the steam engine, the battlefield is filled with a hot, dense haze of steam. For the first round of combat after the engine’s destruction, all characters have concealment. Swift Current: If the floodgates are even partially open, the flow of water in the reservoir picks up speed. Non-amphibious characters suffer a –2 penalty to Swimming rolls, and anything in the water is pushed 4˝ directly toward the dam at the start of each turn. Bombs that reach the dam shoot downriver to wreak havoc somewhere in the Blackmarsh. A character pushed to the dam can attempt a STR roll against a target number of 13 to grab onto something to keep from being forced out by the water. If the roll succeeds, the PC stops and can haul himself onto the top of the dam. If the roll fails, the waterfall shoots the PC off the cliff to the pool below, where he suffers a POW 10 damage roll with 2 additional dice of damage!

Aftermath When Morrg is defeated, read or paraphrase With a disbelieving howl of pain, the warlock stumbles toward the dam, arm outstretched as if to will it open. Blood seeps from his many wounds as Morrg takes a final step and plummets over the edge to the rocks far below.

Once Morrg is defeated, any remaining farrow brigands capable of doing so flee into the trees on either side of the river. With their leader gone, the farrow are not interested in sticking around. The PCs can disable any remaining bombs in the reservoir to prevent them from detonating. Outside of combat, one bomb detonates every five minutes until they are all destroyed. The PCs can free the remaining pyg captives, who can assist them in disabling bombs and will eventually lead them to Morrg’s tent on the cliff top. Inside, they make an alarming discovery. Morrg has a stockpile of weapons, medical supplies, and four bags of Cygnaran gold containing 50 gc each. A PC who searches the tent also discovers a folded piece of white vellum with an official-looking blue wax seal. A PC can make an INT roll against a target number of 8 to identify the seal as Cygnaran. A roll of 10 or higher identifies it as the kind of symbol used by those with influence: lords, knights, and others of similar station. If the missive is opened, the PCs see a message written in a neat script in Cygnaran, addressed to Morrg. Longchops has the most familiarity with the human language and can puzzle out its meaning after a few minutes of study. The message reads: My men told me your plan. See that it does not fail. I want every threat to my operations in that valley dealt with before the dawn of the new month or the next mercenary I pay comes for you, Morrg. This will be your last delivery before the job is done.

—A. Byrne The full ramifications of the message might not be immediately clear, but the PCs should realize that a human from the nation of Cygnar is involved in Morrg’s plan to destroy Blackmarsh Valley. They might recognize Byrne’s name from speaking with Kugga, but the PCs are not likely to know who the human is.

Swag Looting the war band’s encampment requires the PCs to collectively spend an hour gathering, sorting, and appraising items. All the tents on the cliff top are abandoned, and those in the valley had been picked clean of valuable items by farrow now on the run. Collecting supplies from the tents yields the following: • Blasting powder, casings, and bullets for 30 shots • Dried meat, grains, and other foodstuffs able to feed fifty individuals for one week • 100 gc in miscellaneous coins, mostly Cygnaran gold crowns

Experience Points At the end of the adventure, each player earns a number of experience points, which are used to advance a PC by assigning him or her new skills, abilities, stat increases, and so on. Each PC gains the following XP:

• Completing the adventure: 2 XP • Each session of play: 1 XP • Destroying the steam engine: 1 XP • Interrogating Chrum and Knor: 1 XP each

Continuing the Adventure The PCs discovered that Morrg was working in service to a human with his sights set on their valley home. If you would like to continue adventuring in Blackmarsh Valley, consider the following options.

Rally the Valley

The PCs return home to warn of Byrne’s designs on the valley. Tales of their experiences might convince others to join them in resisting a potential invasion by Byrne’s forces. The valley is inhabited by dozens of smaller communities that could repel an attack if they join together. Drawing such disparate peoples to a single cause would be extremely difficult, requiring the PCs to perform a series of tasks to secure the loyalty of the many tribes. This option best suits a group interested in multiple small adventures with a climactic finale. Each new territory and tribe presents the PCs with a short adventure of three or more sessions, allowing the Game Master to present a wide variety of challenges and threats. At the finale, the gathered tribes rally under the PCs’ leadership to combat Byrne’s mercenaries and drive them from the valley.


Though the PCs fought hard to preserve their homes, the players might determine that Byrne will not relent in his effort to take control of Blackmarsh Valley. With the technology of the Iron Kingdoms and plentiful resources at his command, Byrne could present an insurmountable threat to the region. To preserve their way of life, the PCs might choose to lead their tribes out of the Blackmarsh in search of a new home. An exodus campaign could be very rewarding for Game Master and players alike. The challenges of heading out into the unknown provide many sessions of conflict, as the PCs confront rivals opposed to the migration as well as escalating tensions among their people when patience and supplies run short. This kind of campaign would be suitable for players interested in playing out the struggle of the wilds. Finding a place in the wilderness willing to accept a group of landless Tharn, pygmy trolls, and others will be a challenge; wilderness communities are protective of their land, and the cities of the Iron Kingdoms are not always welcoming to wild races. The PCs and their tribes face hostilities from other tribes, predatory beasts, and the military forces of humans who view them as a menace.

25 Melissa Steele (order #7129055)


Join the Bad Guys Baiting the Hook Game Masters interested in pursuing ongoing stories of Aiden Byrne’s attempts to take control of Blackmarsh Valley can lay the groundwork for further adventures as the PCs return home. As the PCs travel, they spot signs of unusual activity to the south—a force of fifteen mercenaries, presumably sent to check on Morrg’s progress, moving through the woods. Even from a distance, the PCs see that the humans wear emblems on their clothing identical to the seal on the message to Morrg. The men survey the path of destruction the PCs left behind . . . and then begin tracking it back into the valley. Observing the human mercenaries should let the PCs know that the threat to their homes, while forestalled, is not yet over.

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Though unlikely, the PCs might decide to seek out and team up with Byrne. The human can offer them lucrative rewards for their loyalty and assign many tasks for them in the future—the first being absolute control of Blackmarsh Valley. Such a choice will naturally put the PCs at odds with their former tribes and neighbors. They will be viewed as villains in the eyes of those they once called friends, and word of their treachery will reach across western Immoren. Choosing this course of action eventually turns the world—wild and civilized alike—against the PCs. Byrne is not a trustworthy individual, either. He views wild mercenaries as disposable commodities and will dispose of them the moment they cease to be useful to him. The PCs eventually find themselves turned away from every potential contact and safe haven, struggling to survive as a band of outlaws on the run. They will constantly be looking over their shoulders, awaiting another group of heroes that bands together to confront the traitors who sold out Blackmarsh Valley for a handful of gold crowns.

Warlord MorRg Physique


Speed SPD 5 Strength STR 5

Abilities: Ammo Bandolier – The character can draw and reload a round of ammunition as part of the same quick action. Fast Caster – The character gains one extra quick action each turn that can be used only to cast a spell.



Feat Points – This character starts each encounter with 3 feat points. He is allocated 1 feat point at the start of each of his turns. He can have up to 3 feat points at a time.



Feat: Powerful Caster – The character can spend 1 feat point when he casts a spell to increase the RNG (range) of the spell by



Intellect INT 4 Arcane aRC 3 Perception


Alchemical Explosive

RAT RNG AOE POW 4 6 4 14 Abilities: Throwing this weapon requires a full action. Characters hit are knocked down.

RAT RNG AOE POW 6 8 12 Abilities: This weapon can fire grapeshot rounds. A blunderbuss firing a grapeshot round becomes RNG SP 8, has no extreme range, and is POW 10.

MAT POW P+S 6 3 8 Initiative

Init 13

Defense DEF 12 (Tailored Plate –1) Armor ARM 14 (Tailored Plate +7) Willpower













Souie! – The character can use this ability during his turn as a quick action. When he uses the ability, warbeasts in his battlegroup that are outside his control area immediately make a full advance directly toward this character. Tough – When this character is disabled, roll a d6. On a 5 or 6 he is no longer disabled, heals 1 vitality point, and is knocked down. Warlock Bond – This character is a harnesser (Adventure Kit Rulebook, p. 25) and can bond to warbeasts. He is bound to a pair of razor boars.

Spells: Spell Name



— No Yes

Target character suffers –1 SPD and cannot run or charge for one round.



10 —

10 No Yes

When Perdition damages an enemy, immediately after the attack is resolved one warbeast in the spellcaster’s battlegroup that is currently in his control area can make a full advance toward the nearest enemy. A warbeast can advance as a result of Perdition only once per turn.




— Yes No

Skills: Name Stat Rank Stat Hand Weapon PRW 2 Rifles POI 2 Animal Handling SOC 2 Detection PER 2 Command SOC 2 Survival PER 2

+ Rank 6 6 * 6 WARLORD MORRG * FIGURE 6

Wil 11



Resonance: Farrow – The character shares resonance with farrow warbeasts.

While base-to-base with target friendly character, enemies suffer –2 DEF and cannot advance except to change facing.



Olfaction – The creature gains a +2 bonus to PER rolls related to scent.




twelve feet (2˝). Spells with a range of CTRL (control area) or SP (spray attack) are not affected.

Command Range: 6 Base Size: Small Encounter Points: 14 Equipment: Ammo bandolier, thunderaxe (blunderbuss with bayonet), goggles, tailored plate, tribal trophies, 50  gc, 3 alchemical explosives, blasting powder and bullets for 10 shots, 3 grapeshot rounds

For several years, the farrow warlord Morrg has led a sizable band of farrow in the Blackmarsh Valley region of the southern Gnarls. Morrg rose to prominence in large part due to his status as a warlock, using his magical prowess combined with his ability to control a pair of savage razor boars, Crommen and Caldon. Morrg overthrew several farrow chieftains in the area, absorbing their warriors into his growing band. Once his force reached an adequate size, he began to hire out his growing army as mercenaries, which gave

him ample opportunity to interact with the humans of the Iron Kingdoms. Morrg took a liking to the weapons and technology of mankind and constantly seeks opportunities to enhance his armory with firearms. As Morrg’s war band expanded, so did his territory. The warlord took over adjacent lands in a series of brutal raids, drawing the wrath of the White Maw Tharn tribe. Morrg and the White Maw warred across Blackmarsh Valley for many months in bloody battles that left both sides with significant casualties. The armies lost over half their numbers in the fierce conflict. Morrg’s war with the White Maw came to a head in recent days, when the farrow warlock overwhelmed and killed the chieftain of the Tharn tribe. The White Maw’s retaliation was swift and brutal, forcing Morrg to retreat home with his army to lick his wounds. When he returned, a human force was waiting for him with a proposition: if the farrow were willing to do the work, the humans would provide them with a means to utterly annihilate their enemies in the Blackmarsh. Morrg agreed without hesitation.

27 Melissa Steele (order #7129055)


Razor Boars Physique


Speed SPD 6 Strength STR 6 Agility






Intellect INT 2 Arcane aRC — Perception



MAT POW P+S 5 2 8


Abilities: Brutal Charge – The creature gains +2 to charge attack damage rolls with this weapon.


Init 12


DEF 13

Armor ARM 10 (NAtural Armor +2) Willpower



Will 10














FURY: 2 threshold: 6 Command Range: 2 Base Size: Small Encounter Points: 3


Abilities: Native Beast – The creature is considered to be a beast native to the wilds of Immoren. Farrow Warbeast – This creature can be bonded to a warlock with the Resonance: Farrow ability. Olfaction – The creature gains a +2 bonus to PER rolls related to scent.

Skills: Name Stat Rank Stat Detection PER 1 Sneak AGL 1 Tracking PER 1

Animus: Animus Name Vicious


Melissa Steele (order #7129055)

6 —

— No No

Target friendly warbeast gains Hyper Aggressive for one round. (When a character with Hyper Aggressive suffers damage from an enemy attack anytime except while it is advancing, after the attack is resolved it can immediately make a full advance directly toward the attacking character.)

The razor boar is a particularly vicious species of wild pig found across the Immorese continent, especially in areas with ample ground cover and scrub for the boars to nest. A thick pelt of fur covers the razor boar’s shoulders and runs the length of its spine, granting it protection as it plunges through thorns and underbrush with impunity. These creatures are roughly the size of wolves, with sharp tusks and thick skulls that have been known to deflect small-caliber gunfire. Razor boars can subsist on any edible material and are skilled hunters and scavengers.

The farrow have a special relationship with these porcine animals. For centuries the farrow have used razor boars in much the same way that humans use hounds, teaching them to guard the tribe’s territory and using them to track prey. Many tribes selectively breed their razor boars for ferocity and size. Occasionally, razor boars raised by the farrow escape captivity and move into the wild. Larger and far more dangerous than the wild breeds, these individuals quickly become dominant among the wild population. As a result, the wild razor boars on the fringes of farrow territory are even larger and more vicious than those in other areas. Farrow frequently capture promising specimens of wild razor boars to add to their breeding stock.


+ Rank 4 5 4


Game Master’s Note Only warbeasts have an animus. Mundane razor boars do not have the ability to use Vicious. A warbeast can be forced (Adventure Kit Rulebook, p. 25) to use its animus by generating fury points equal to the spell’s cost. Also, provided the warbeast is within its warlock’s control (CTRL) area, the warlock can cast the warbeast’s animus as if it were one of his own spells.

KNOR Abilities: Anatomical Precision – When this character hits a living target with a melee attack but the damage roll fails to exceed the target’s ARM, the target suffers d3 damage points instead of the damage rolled.


Bone Grinder – This character can create bone grinder fetishes.

Strength STR 6

Finisher – This character can spend a feat point to boost damage against a damaged character. Bone Grinder Fetish: Purulent Totem – The character can spend a quick action to use this totem. His next melee attack against a living target gains an additional damage die and causes the Corrosion continuous effect. Feat Points – This character starts each encounter with 1 feat point. He is allocated 1 feat point at the start of each of his turns. He can have up to 1 feat point at a time. Olfaction – The creature gains a +2 bonus to PER rolls related to scent.



Cinder Bomb


— Yes Yes

RAT RNG AOE POW 5 8 3 12

No Yes

Abilities: Characters hit suffer the Fire continuous effect.

Target character suffers –3 ARM and the spellcaster gains +1 ARM.

Carving Knife

Skills: Name Stat Rank Stat Alchemy INT 1 Hand Weapon PRW 2 Thrown Weapon PRW 1 Lore (Ex. Zoology) INT 1 Medicine INT 1 Detection PER 2 Command SOC 2


+ Rank 5 6 5 5 5 6 *

P+S 10

Abilities: Deep Cut – A character damaged by this weapon suffers –1 on attack and damage rolls for one round.


Init 14

Defense DEF 11 (Infantry Armor –2) Armor ARM 14 (Infantry Armor +7) Willpower



Wil 11







Knor is a large, greedy farrow with multiple scars on his body from a lifetime spent hunting and harvesting great predators. Powerful and cruel, Knor enjoys forcing weaker creatures to work for him. He views all other creatures as lesser than himself. Only Morrg, who spared Knor’s life after beating him in personal combat, commands the powerhungry bone grinder’s respect.

















Intellect INT 4


Magical bolts of energy streak toward the target.





Spells: Arcane Bolt


Arcane aRC 4

Will Weaver – This character is a will weaver.

Spell Name


Speed SPD 5

Knor has a personal history Command Range: 6 with Lurk. Lurk was once a Base Size: Small member of Knor’s hunting Encounter Points: 10 party, until the two bone Equipment: grinders argued over the Apothecary kit, carving knife, infantry armor, distribution of a fresh kill. purulent totem, skinning tools, 4 cinder Lurk reasoned that since his bombs, 50 gc spell had brought down the creature, he should have first choice of its components. Knor rebutted that he could simply kill the bog trog and take the organs himself. Through a healthy dose of treachery backed up by magic beyond Knor’s ability, Lurk escaped with his life—and gained an enemy who would never forget him.

29 Melissa Steele (order #7129055)


Slaughterhousers Physique


Speed SPD 5

Abilities: Fearless – The character is utterly fearless and automatically passes Willpower rolls to resist Terror.

Strength STR 6

Feat Points – This character starts each encounter with 1 feat point. He is allocated 1 feat point at the start of each of his turns. He can have up to 1 feat point at a time.



Olfaction – The creature gains a +2 bonus to PER rolls related to scent.



Relentless Charge – This character ignores penalties for rough terrain while charging.



Intellect INT 3 Arcane aRC — Perception


Pole Cleaver MAT 7

POW P+S 5 11

Abilities: This weapon has Reach and gains +2 on charge attack damage rolls.


Init 13

Defense DEF 8 (Full Plate –3) Armor ARM 15 (Full Plate +8) Willpower

Wil 10

Vitality: 12 Command Range: 4 Base Size: Small Encounter Points: 8 Equipment: Full plate, pole cleaver, d6+3 gc

Skills: Name Stat Rank Stat Command SOC 1 Great Weapon PRW 2 Detection PER 2 Intimidation SOC 2 Unarmed Combat PRW 1

+ Rank * 7 5 * 6

Slaughterhousers are the vicious heavy infantry of farrow war bands. Rooted in the warrior traditions of the farrow, the slaughterhousers embrace battle enthusiastically and wear the heaviest armor their war bands can scavenge or manufacture. Slaughterhousers wade into combat armed with long polearms designed to hack apart their enemies. They train regularly in crudely orchestrated drills to exploit the weakness of wounded foes and cut them down with sure and brutal strikes. Individual slaughterhousers are chosen for their size, skill in battle, and vicious demeanor. Slaughterhousers are uniquely merciless and never take prisoners. They indulge their taste for bloodshed and mayhem with unrestrained fervor. Morrg’s cohort of slaughterhousers form the heart of his war band’s forces, acting as cruel frontline troops and keeping the rest of the war band under control through brute force and intimidation. They are unquestioningly loyal to Morrg, thanks in no small part to the frequency of blood-drenched conflicts he leads them into. Two slaughterhousers serve as Morrg’s personal bodyguard and are never far from his side. Any threats to the warlord are dealt with swiftly and brutally, which minimizes dissidence in the war band.


30 Melissa Steele (order #7129055)

Farrow Brigands Abilities: Dig In – This character can make a quick action to dig an improvised foxhole. Until he moves, is placed, goes prone, or is engaged, the character gains cover, does not suffer blast damage, and does not block line of sight. A character cannot use the Dig In ability during a turn in which he ran.



Speed SPD 5 Strength STR 6

Olfaction – The creature gains a +2 bonus to PER rolls related to scent.



Onslaught – At the start of this character’s turn before moving or taking any action, the character can make one ranged attack. After the attack has been resolved, the character must charge or run. The ranged attack is made before declaring a charge target.



Skills: Name Stat Rank Stat Rifle POI 1 Hand Weapon PRW 1 Detection PER 1 Sneak AGL 1

+ Rank 5 5 4 5

Farrow are an opportunistic race, and many choose to take up the life of brigands and sellswords. Farrow brigands prey on remote villages, lumber camps, and traveling merchants, which often puts them at odds with human communities. Still, there are those who value their ability as fierce and hardy warriors and are willing to employ them. Possessed of a resolve not unlike the ferocious boars they so resemble, farrow brigands are known for their hardiness and tenacity. Morrg’s farrow band are a mismatched lot, comprised of warriors who surrendered to the warlord’s army and chose impressment over execution, brigands who joined up after hearing of his success as a mercenary overlord, and even a handful of surviving farrow from his original tribe. The brigands in Morrg’s army are not entirely fond of one another— old animosities and grudges persist—and when not on campaign they dwell in scattered encampments of small, isolated sites. When their warlord calls them to battle, however, the brigands fight as a united whole, motivated equally by the prospect of plunder and the fear of falling victim to Morrg’s arcane talent.



Intellect INT 3 Arcane aRC — Perception


Scavenged Rifle

RAT RNG AOE POW 5 10 — 11 Abilities: This weapon requires two hands.


MAT POW P+S 5 3 8 Initiative

Init 12

Defense DEF 10 (Infantry Armor –2) Armor ARM 13 (Infantry Armor +7) Willpower

Wil 9

Vitality: 8 Command Range: 3 Base Size: Small Encounter Points: 4 Equipment: Infantry armor, scavenged military rifle, d3+1 gc, blasting powder and bullets for 10 shots


31 Melissa Steele (order #7129055)

PLAYER ACTIONS QUICK REFERENCE What A Character Can Do During his turn a character can make a full advance and do one of the following: 1. Perform two quick actions. 2. Attack and perform one quick action. 3. Perform one full action.

Movement Full Advance – Move up to current SPD in inches. Run – Move up to twice current SPD in inches and make one quick action. Cannot attack or perform full actions. Charge – Move current SPD in inches plus 3˝ in a straight line toward a target, stopping if running into characters, obstacles, or impassable terrain. Characters failing to get within melee range of the charge target end their turn immediately. Once within melee range of their target, charging characters turn to face it and make their first melee attack against it with a boosted damage roll. The character then continues the turn as normal.

Melee Attack Modifiers Non-prone attacker attacking a prone target: +2 to melee attack rolls Prone attacker attacking a non-prone target: –2 to melee attack rolls Back strike: +2 to melee attack rolls Knocked down target: A melee attack against a knocked down character hits automatically.

Range and Magic Attack Modifiers DEF bonuses granted from cover, concealment, and going prone do not stack. Aiming bonus: Ranged attack only. By forfeiting movement a character adds +2 to every ranged attack roll he makes during that Activation Phase. A character who gains the aiming bonus cannot make a quick action that turn. Back strike: +2 to the ranged and magic attack roll Concealment: +2 DEF to concealed targets Elevated: When a character is at least six feet (1˝) higher than other characters, he is elevated in relation to their level. Elevated characters and characters targeting them ignore intervening characters more than six feet away for determining LOS. +2 DEF to elevated targets.

Engaged: Ranged attack only. –4 to ranged attack rolls Knocked down target: Base DEF becomes 5 against ranged and magic attack rolls. Prone target: +2 DEF to prone targets Target in melee: –4 to ranged attack rolls; –4 to magic attack rolls unless attacker is engaged with target

Feat Points At his discretion, the Game Master may award a character a feat point for: • Incapacitating or destroying an enemy with an attack. • A successful critical hit on a skill or attack roll. • Heroic action, great roleplaying, etc. A character cannot have more than 3 feat points but can spend as many feat points during his turn as he wishes. Any character can spend a feat point to use one of the following feats: Boost Non-Attack Skill Roll – Boost a non-attack skill roll. A character can use this feat only if he has at least one level of the skill used for the roll. Heroic Dodge – Suffer only half the damage from an attack, rounded up. Make a Quick Action – Make an additional quick action. Parry – Cannot be targeted by free strikes that turn. Relentless Charge – While charging that turn the character can move over rough terrain without penalty. Reroll Failed Skill or Willpower Roll – Reroll a failed skill or WIL roll. A character can continue to reroll the same failed roll as long as he has feat points to spend. Run and Gun – Move up to twice his SPD in inches instead of his SPD during a full advance. Shake Continuous Effect – Cause a continuous effect to expire immediately. Shake Knockdown – Stand up immediately at the start of his turn. Shake Stationary – Cause stationary effects to expire immediately at the start of his turn. Sprint – Make a full advance at the end of his turn if he incapacitated one or more enemy characters with a melee attack that turn. Walk It Off – Immediately regain d3 + 1 vitality points unless incapacitated. Damage a character suffers during his turn must be resolved before using this feat.

Unleash A Wild World of Adventure! Beyond the Blackmarsh Valley, a whole world of untamed adventure awaits. With Iron Kingdoms Unleashed Roleplaying Game: Core Rules, delve deeper into the wilderness of western Immoren. This comprehensive rulebook includes a detailed look at the world of the Iron Kingdoms as seen through the eyes of its wilderness inhabitants and includes all-new races, careers, spells, and equipment perfect for adventures in the

Melissa Steele (order #7129055)

wilds. Take your characters from their first adventure to the Epic level, picking up new careers along the way. Heed the call of the wild with Iron Kingdoms Unleashed Roleplaying Game: Core Rules, and satisfy your appetite for savage adventure!

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