IIT-JEE-Study-Guide-EBook (1).pdf

April 18, 2017 | Author: Shivam Gupta | Category: N/A
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IIT JEE Study Guide A comprehensive guide to crack IIT JEE!


Eduflix.tv - Learn from the best teachers 1st Edition

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Forward ........................................................................................4 Acknowledgement ........................................................................5 Inspiration ....................................................................................6 How to study Maths? ....................................................................7 10 Steps to Crack IIT JEE .........................................................10 Study tips for learning Physics ....................................................12 Isomerism in Chemical Compounds ..........................................15 Entrance Exam Preparation Tips ..............................................18 Free Body Diagrams ...................................................................20 Why Studying Hard Is Not Enough! ..........................................22 How Can I Crack IIT JEE? .......................................................24 What Are The Best Books To Prepare for IIT JEE ....................27 Physics .................................................................................................................27 Chemistry ............................................................................................................28 Mathematics ........................................................................................................29

Methods to improve the problem solving speed and accuracy ..30 Balancing equations in chemistry ...............................................32 Tracking Worksheet Physics .......................................................34 Tracking Worksheet Chemistry ..................................................35 Tracking Worksheet Maths ........................................................36 How to solve problems with pulleys? ..........................................37 IIT JEE Study Guide

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Valency Chart .............................................................................41 Is it easier to pull or push a roller? .............................................45 On Atwood Machine ..................................................................46 Frame of Reference ....................................................................47 Last Minute Preparation for IIT JEE .........................................48 Coaching Classes Vs Self Study For IIT JEE ............................50 Easy way to learn periodic table ................................................52

IIT JEE Study Guide

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Forward This book is not about notes or study material for IIT JEE. With our information age there is no dearth of study material.

This book is also not about shortcuts to solve problems for IIT JEE. Because, there are no shortcuts. The only way to learn shortcuts it to devise them yourself.

As the name of this book suggests, this book is just an attempt to provide you with the right guidance for IIT JEE. There are many ways we can learn things. But the best way to learn is to learn just for sake of learning. And some of you would have already realized that once you “cross a level”, it is really fun to keep learning. You have a well defined objective in front of us. BUT you would know that you have “crossed the level” when you will start enjoying the journey.

All the best and enjoy the journey!

Team Eduflix PS: Since this is the first edition of this book, we will be very thankful if you can provide your feedback or point out mistakes in this book.

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Thanks to all the great teachers that made us what we are and taught us the lessons of life.

Thanks to Eduflix Teachers for their continuous support and their dedication to help students.

Thanks to all the participants on our Q&A forum who keep the quality of study content very hight. Lot of ideas in this book are taken from our Q&A forum.

Thanks to our backend team who spends 100% of time in thinking about just one thing - how can we help our students better.

And thanks to you for taking out time to read this book.

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Inspiration Carpe Diem (Sieze the Day) Future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of there dreams Heights by great man reached and kept, Were not attained by sudden flights, But they while their companions slept, Were toiling upward in the night

Karmanye Vadhikaraste, Ma phaleshou kada chana You have the right to perform your actions, but you are not entitled to the fruits of the actions. Ma Karma Phala Hetur Bhurmatey Sangostva Akarmani Do not let the fruit be the purpose of your actions, and therefore you won’t be attached to not doing your duty.

If you dont know answers ask questions!

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How to study Maths? [This article is written by Mr. Ghanshyam Tewani who is Mathematics Faculty for Eduflix. Mr. Tewani has experience of 12 years for training students in Mathematics for IITJEE and other competitive examinations. He is a rare genius, acknowledged as one of the best national level teachers in mathematics. His intense and concise lectures are aimed at clearing the student's fundamental concepts in mathematics and at the same time, laying a strong foundation for better understanding of complex problems. Mr. Tewani has written more than 10 books on Mathematics related to IIT-JEE/AIEEE Exams which are published and distributed pan India by Cengage Learning] There are no laboratories where formulae of maths are realized or derived. The laboratory of maths is your pen and paper. Everything you need can be proved in black and white. The best part of mathematics is that nothing has been invented in laboratories; each theory has been driven by logic and argument. And most certainly mathematics is the language of Science (Physics, Chemistry etc.) In primary school the teachers taught us as if we knew stuff already. As a AIEEE / IIT JEE coach interacting with class 11 and class 12 students even I used to believe that the stuff might have been taught earlier, but infact it was not. I remembered that once I asked my class teacher why a0 = 1, he was not able to explain it or he just said the explanation is not in the scope. Later on I realized that a0 = ab – b = ab / ab = 1

“Why is a0 = 1?” Many students think that mathematics problems can be solved by killer concept shortcuts. But actually shortcuts are developed only by practice. Different students have different shortcut for the same type of problem depending upon the level of their practice. IIT JEE Study Guide

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“shortcuts are developed only by practice” Many students and parents have one common question, How is 11th class and 12th class mathematics different from earlier maths? Although there is a big gap in the syllabus, but more than that there is an underlying difference in the way one should approach / study maths in the higher classes. Students have to learn to change their techniques. Till 10th our technique is that of memorizing algorithms and solving problems with manipulative techniques that work in certain welldefined situations. In class 11 and class 12 mathematics much amount of emphasis I put is on what the student would call Theory — the precise statement of definitions and theorems and the logical processes by which those theorems are established. This type of learning techniques I believe should have been developed in lower classes. But unfortunately in those classes students don’t have the aptitude to raise such queries in class and apply the logic. Even in class 11, and as an example – many think that trigonometry is boring, is full of formulas. Contrary to that trigonometry is much interesting if one knows how each formula has been derived. Derivation of the formula helps to understand when to apply it. If you try to understand how trigonometry shifts from acute angled triangle to obtuse angled triangle, what the range-domain of trigonometric functions are,  and by plotting their graphs that gives a solid footing in the subject.

“Derivation of the formula helps to understand when to apply it” I have noticed students usually do not pay attention to the fundamentals, like how a function varies, its graphs etc. For example in class 11, there are graphs of many functions like f(x) = x2, f(x) = 1/x, but how many of us even take notice of that. I tell students how to read the graphs. Graphs tells us many things about the function. Infact it is the horoscope of the function. I remember when I usually start my 11th class session, I ask students some elementary inequalities, like if – 2 < x < 3 then what are the values of x2 ? The replies are 4 < x2 < 9. Students would square it directly! But if we take help of real number line and understand the graph of f(x) = x2, we find that 0 ≤ x2 < 9. Also when I ask if –2 < x < 3, then what are the values of 1/x ? Students generally reverse the sign of inequality and get – 1/2 > 1/x > 1/3, then they realize that something has gone wrong as –1/2 cannot IIT JEE Study Guide

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be more than 1/3. Then they correct it wrongly i.e. –1/2 < 1/x < 1/3. If we understand the graph of reciprocal function y = 1/x, say from the NCERT book, we find that for –2 < x < 3, 1/x ∈ (– ∞, –1/2) ∪ (1/3, ∞). These simple concepts help a lot in finding domain, range of functions in calculus and solving many inequalities.

“Graphs tells us many things about the function. Infact it is the horoscope of the function.” The point is – more we apply logic in mathematics easier it becomes. You must have noticed that whenever mathematics starts becoming easier, one or two brain hacker questions just blow away your interest. Now if you work harder, and develop that creativity (comes with practice), the brain hackers turn to normal questions automatically. “The point is more we apply logic in mathematics more it becomes easier.” I always advice students whatever you hear or learn, try to feel it (isn’t it funny). You must have your own opinion/logic for a particular theory or problem which will help you feel confident in your approach. Albert Einstein had said correctly – “ Pure mathematics is, in its way, the poetry of logical ideas”

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10 Steps to Crack IIT JEE

IIT JEE Study Guide

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IIT JEE Study Guide

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Study tips for learning Physics Physics is one of the fundamental subjects for Science students. One needs to score good in Physics to score well in any exam be it tests at school or entrance tests like IIT JEE, NEET etc. Physics is more to understand than to learn or study. One who is able to undersatand the concepts analysing the real situations in his/her mind can easily reach the depth of physics.

Misconceptions Lets start with the general misconceptions about the way in which we study physics. Students think that by mugging all the given formulae they can solve each and every problem. Further they assume that just doing a bunch of questions while the topic is being covered in the class shall make them thorough with the topic. They also expect the questions in exams to be almost the same to which they have worked upon sometime. My dear friends, we need to get over this misconceptions!!!

An Example One has to have an art of solving problems after understanding the concept and by applying it well. Let me explain this by taking a question on Relative Motion. I am sure it would have troubled you at some point of time. Consider this question (the question as such is very easy, I want to go through the process of attempting it) “A car moves at a constant speed of 40 kmph along a straight road towards a vertical wall. A fly, flying at a constant speed of 100 kmph starts from the wall towards the car at the instant when car is at 20 km away. After how much time the fly and car reach at same point.” Lets now discuss a step by step way to solve this problem.

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First of all, draw a relevent rough sketch which comes to your mind after reading this question.

Write down the concept by which we solve the problem.

Do the calculations accurately and give the answer.

Going by above steps, solution would be as follows:

If we assume the car to be stationery, the fly would be approach the car with an speed which is equal to the the sum of its own speed and the speed of the car. This is equivalent to saying that we are calculating in frame of reference of the car. So, Speed of fly relative to car= (100+40) km/h=140 km/h. Now, the time after which they are at same point = Distance/ speed = (20/140) hour = 0.14285 hour (answer) So my point is that we should be able to relate concepts right from the basics. Sometimes there are multiple concepts in a single question. Do not hesitate to raise and clarify your doubts. You can have more fun in learning physics through discussions with teachers and friends.

Physics is Real

IIT JEE Study Guide

Eduflix.tv - Learn from the best teachers Physics is about the real world. Try applying your knowledge with everyday activities. The way ball bounces involves Physics. The reason why roads are banked has Physics behind it. Discuss with your friends about these things around you. The beauty of Physics is that there are real life examples in our everyday life. Physics involves mathematics when it comes to problem solving part. And we cannot imagine physics without numerical because whatever we study has to be applied further. So calculations play a mojor role.

Tips to solves problems in Physics •

Draw diagrams to visualise the physical situation. They are not decoration but a tool to support and guide your thinking. A useful diagram is the centerpiece of a good explanation.

Write down key concepts, principles, equations and assumptions.

Often you can’t see the solution immediately. So work with what you know, looking for intermediate results or ideas that will lead to a solution.

For numerical questions try to do the algebra first. Don’t substitute the numeric values until you have worked the problem algebraically. The algebraic solution gives you more insight than mere numbers. On the other hand, the numerical answer often gives you a good idea whether your procedure is right.

The ‘Internet’ has certainly opened-up a host of possibilities and opportunities for extended learning. Try visiting various sites available to develop a passion and taste for the subject. This would not only widen your horizon but provide you a higher level of ‘built-in confidence’ about the subject. For instance, check out Eduflix Q&A forum

Last but not the least, stick to a strict study plan wherein you give adequate time for your learning in a healthy environment.

— Have fun with physics and do share your tips and tricks about solving problems in physics in comments below.

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Isomerism in Chemical Compounds Q: In which of the following octahedral complex compounds - are facial and meridional forms possible- (a) [MA4B2] (B) [MA4XY] (C) [MA3B3] (D) [M(AA)2X2] WHERE AA is a bidentate ligand A: This type of isomerism is taught very well in the following Video Chapter: Coordination Compounds The theory is rather simple, you need to know first what is facial and what is meridonal isomer. And before that you need to know what are cis and trans isomers. Notably, in each of these isomers ( stereo isomers ) it is the orientation of ligand(s) around the central metal atom that are different. Taking the MA4B2 case: here there are 4 ligands of type A and 2 ligands of type B which are donating 4 + 2 = 6 lone pairs to the central metal atom (total 6 coordinate bonds). It has two isomers as below: (Note that the coordinate bonds shown in the vertical direction are popping out of the plane in up and down direction, giving a octahedral shape to the compound. In the cis form (when spoken with respect to the ligand B) the angle between the ligands of type B is 90 degrees, whereas in the transform the angle between the ligands of type B is 180 degrees. This structure does not exhibit any facial and meridional isomerism - discussed later in this answer.

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Introduction to facial and meridional isomerism In simple terms the name of this isomerism was coined for special complexes (e.g. [Co(NH3)3Cl3] ) that had three of one type of donor ligand and three of another. If any three like ligands are each located at 90 degrees from the other two, the result is the facial isomer. This name arises from the fact that the three atoms define one face of the octahedron. If two of the three like ligands are located at 180 degrees from each other, then the result is the meridional isomer. See below - MA3B3 will exhibit fac and mer isomers.

Also see how a octahedron looks - it has four ligands on a central plan, and one on the top and one below the plane :-)

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Notably, M(AA)2X2 just makes cis and trans forms and not a facial / meridional form - simply because it lacks the minimum number of LIKE LIGANDS needed to make a face of the octahedron - which is 3 right ! I will come back sometime and draw out the structure of M(AA)2X2 which is interesting - since it has a bidentate ligand: Copying a screenshot from Eduflix lecture on isomerism exhibited by [ M(AA) 2B2 ], example used is [ Co (en)2 Cl2 ] where en is a bidentate ligand = Ethylene Diamene, each ligand has 2 lone pair sites.

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Entrance Exam Preparation Tips [This is guest post written by Chinmay. Chinmay works with Netapp and this article is based on his experiences while preparing for engineering entrance exam.] The way the present generation pictures examinations and preparations is largely different from how it used to be before. With not working hard and eleventh hour preparations termed cool, peer pressure influences a lot on a student’s preparation. Apart from the above set-backs, time management and planning in the preparation for any kind of entrance tests are very crucial and they directly determine the performance. First thing one needs for any kind of preparation is a proper plan: what are the topics that need to be covered and their priorities with the time each topic would need. I would recommend self-administered tests at the end of each day, or at least twice a week. Most importantly, the plan must take care that all the topics are done covered and the last couple of days are reserved for revision. By revision, I mean solving as many question papers as possible and that would include full syllabus mock tests. I remember my brother telling me when I asked him how it was going a week before he wrote Karnataka CET: “Bro, I don’t know if I could finish all the topics fully.” Obviously, he lacked a proper plan and importantly, he was too involved in a single set of topics rather than concentrating on all the topics. Of course, there are always sections that need more attention. But one should take care that there is room for covering all topics effectively. So prioritization is an essential part of planning. Another trivial yet crucial point in preparations is set of study materials to refer from. You cannot rely on the text books all the time. The best materials I recommend are the

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Eduflix.tv - Learn from the best teachers notes and points you made yourself while studying the regular course. If you don’t have something similar, find out something you are comfortable with and don’t go for something new when your preparations have already begun. Alright then, along with the tips like these, we all have the experience of what has worked for us in the past and what hasn’t. So, our adjusting own strengths and weaknesses combined with the above tweaks will certainly help us maximize our performance in any kind of competitive examination. All the best!

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Free Body Diagrams These are my notes for making free body diagrams.

Newton's Second Law Newton's Second Law can be written in a equation form as F = ma where F is force, m is mass of the body and a is acceleration If F is constant, a is also constant. Further F and a can be analyzed as vectors in x, y and z direction Typically, questions asked have following types of forces 1. Gravity (mg) - questions involving vertical motion 2. Tension (T) - questions involving strings 3. Contact Force - normal force 4. Frictional Force - Force between surface of bodies 5. Spring - questions with spring and many more...

Free Body Diagram In the diagram above, we can write FBD equations for two directions - x and y In x direction, F = ma, assuming no frictional force In y direction,

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N - mg = 0, as vertical acceleration is zero These are some points I try to remember •

Analyze the problem and draw the diagram as described in the problem. Draw all the forces acting on the body • There may by multiple objects - draw free body diagram of all the objects involved • Do not include any internal forces inside the object • Analyze the forces in coordinate systems - x, y and z • We are assuming that it is intertial frame for the above point • If it is non-intertial frame, also apply the pseudo force • Use the constraints in the system - eg. length of the string or relation between two objects, massless strings, massless pulleys, frictionless surface etc. • Write down equations of motion in each direction For solving problems with pulleys, I found the following problem useful - How to solve problems with pulleys? In general, I found the quality of questions related to mechanics good. Will add more notes after solving problems from IE Irodov

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Why Studying Hard Is Not Enough! I have seen lot of students asking questions and making statements like these “How many hours do we need to study to clear IIT JEE” “Rohan used to study 9 hours a day for his AIEEE exam” ..and so on. I find it really funny because it reminds me of a situation I studied in Physics many years back. Consider the four situations shown below.

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In all the four conditions, the sketched guy is exerting equal force. In our analogy, a student is putting same level of effort in four different situation. But would one get similar results in all four cases. No!! So, working hard is not enough!! Putting more number of hours to your study is not enough!! Measuring your progress with wrong metrics is not going to help you. So stop and think. Coming back to our analogy of man pushing the block, he can try out multiple things to get the most word done out of his efforts - He can try to reduce the friction between the block and the surface - Pick a surface where gravity helps him - Never push against a wall - Avoid vertical pushing against the ground (that will only make the box heavier) So think how you can make your studies more effective. How you can achieve the same results with half the number of hours you put it or how you can improve your results with the same amount of time. Always remember: Studying hard is not enough. Start studying smart! Would love to hear ideas in comments below – how are you making your studies more effective?

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How Can I Crack IIT JEE? [This is guest post by Vineet Kothari. Vineet cracked JEE in year 1998 from a very small village of Rajasthan. He studied at IITB and currently he works with an MNC in Semiconductor Industry. These are his personal opinions and may or may not be different from that of Eduflix]  Every now and then students ask questions like How can I crack IIT JEE? Or What are the best books for preparing for IIT JEE? These questions are not wrong questions as such. Almost all students who are preparing would have them. Also there would be hundreds of people advising on the right strategies, right books and so on. In fact this questions have been answered so many times  [just search it on google and you will understand what I mean] that we dont need yet another article to write just that. The purpose of this article is something else. If you look for “the best books for IIT”, you will see the whole list of books – HC Verma, IE Irodov, Morrison Boyd, TMH etc [Check here for comprehensive list]. And most of the students study for one or the other books. But only few make it to IITs. Why is it that even when all the students read from the same books, only few are able to crack JEE? Let us look at another story: This is story of Sachin Tendulkar. I dont need to write about the greatness of this indian batsman but do you know how he achieved all this? Luck and his abilities played role to some extend but do you think that out of so many people of his age who were playing cricket, all except him were unlucky or were not capable enough? No. There were thousands of aspirants who wanted to become star cricketers. They had bats, they had teams, they enjoyed cricket. They knew basic IIT JEE Study Guide

Eduflix.tv - Learn from the best teachers concepts of hitting the ball and techniques of scoring high. Some of them were also lucky to have good coaches. So what do you think makes the difference? Its called grit. What is grit? Grit is defined as “perseverance and passion for long-term goals.”. Let me explain it graphically and with the context to JEE. In general, your JEE preparation graph will look as follows

The stages of emotions while preparing for JEE The x-axis is the timeline and considering the competitiveness of JEE, it can be easily assumed that you will have to study for one to two years to prepare for it. During this timeframe, you will go through many stages – ups and downs. With every downslide, you might want to give up and with every up slide you will be on top of the world.

IIT JEE Study Guide

Eduflix.tv - Learn from the best teachers Sometimes you will crawl like a snail and sometimes you will run like a cheetah towards your goal. But the key is to keep moving. And that is what we call grit. You keep persevering for your goals with the same passion irrespective of temporary setbacks. Grit, my friends, will be one of the biggest factors that will decide whether you get through JEE or not. Apart from grit, also remember that it is important to employ your resources in the most effective way. You might be studying hard for JEE, but studying hard is not enough [Read this –  Why Studying Hard Is Not Enough! To summarize: everybody knows how to play cricket, everbody know which books to read, everybody does the same syllabus. Nothing is different. However, winners do things differently. They dont give up in those setbacks. They realize that these setbacks are temporary. They also study efficiently. Be a winner. All the best!

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What Are The Best Books To Prepare for IIT JEE PHYSICS For School level physics - NCERT / CBSE books are good. For entrance exams (IIT JEE / ISEET) you might like to go for more books • • • •

Concepts of Physics by H. C. Verma Problems in Physics by I .E. Irodov Fundamentals of Physics, By Halliday, Resnick & Walker Circuits devices and systems by R.J. Smith

Synchronized with Eduflix video lectures (books that can be referred with eduflix video lectures) Cengage Physics for JEE/ISEET: Electrostatics and Current Electricity by BM Sharma Cengage Physics for JEE/ISEET: Magnetism and Electromagnetic Induction by BM Sharma Cengage Physics for JEE/ISEET: Mechanics I by BM Sharma Cengage Physics for JEE/ISEET: Mechanics II by BM Sharma Cengage Physics for JEE/ISEET: Optics & Modern Physics by BM Sharma Cengage Physics for JEE/ISEET: Waves & Thermodynamics by BM Sharma

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CHEMISTRY In last few years, the quality of CBSE books have improved a lot. Other state boards are also catching up. So for concepts, your NCERT books are good. Also you will find that everyone will have his or her favorite book for different concepts. For IIT JEE etc, you need books covering syllabus of 11th and 12th. Here is list of some good books For All concepts 1. NCERT Books 2. Chemistry for IIT-JEE by Tata-McGraw Hill For Organic Chemistry 1. Morrison & Boyd 2. Solutions to Morrison Boyd 3. Organic Chemistry by Solomon and Ryhle For Inorganic Chemistry 1. IIT Chemistry by O.P. Aggarwal 2. Concise Inorganic Chemistry by J.D. Lee For General Chemistry 1. 2. 3.

O.P. Aggarwal J.D. Lee R.C.Mukerjee

Suggested reading with Eduflix video lectures Organic Chemistry: Pragati IIT-JEE Organic Chemistry by Dr. Jagdamba Singh Reaction Mechanisms by SN Sanyal Physical Chemistry O.P. Tandon for "theory" of Physical Chemistry Numerical Chemistry by P. Bahadur for "numericals" IIT JEE Study Guide

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Inorganic Chemistry Arihant An Objective Approach to Inorganic Chemistry by Dr. RK Gupta

MATHEMATICS Starting with NCERT/CBSE syllabus books would be good. 1.

NCERT Books (in order of classes as it is well laid out syllabus)


R.D. Sharma for good reference and examples


R.S. Agarwal

Books synchronized with Eduflix video lectures Ghanshyam Tewani Mathematics for JEE/ISEET: Algebra Ghanshyam Tewani Mathematics for JEE/ISEET: Calculus Ghanshyam Tewani Mathematics for JEE/ISEET: Coordinate Geometry Ghanshyam Tewani Mathematics for JEE/ISEET: Trigonometry Ghanshyam Tewani Mathematics for JEE/ISEET: Vectors & 3D Geometry

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Methods to improve the problem solving speed and accuracy There are tricks involved with all the topics that you will have to learn. Different concepts will need different ways to improve yourself. Let me give some examples •

In mechanics (Physics) you can try to visualize the problem and try to draw a diagram

For maths topics like integration, differentiation etc, you can remember some usual tricks to break down problems into smaller problems

Some topics are very straight forward, eg. modern physics, physical chemistry etc. you just need to make sure you dont make any mistake. So practice will help

I will add some more •

Try to solve as many problems as you can. First try to solve without any help and even if you look at solutions, look in phased manner (one step at a time). Will lot of practice, slowly you will not need any help.

While solving questions, make list of new tricks you learn while solving these questions. By the end of your preparation, you will have a long list.

Always Restrict your time to solve a set of (say 10) questions. No matter you do not solve all of them in that time limit. Be thorough with all the formulae which you are going to be using while solving problems.

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• • • • •

Introduce the habit of writing down the data of question as you read through it. If not able to comprehend the question maximum after three attempts, jump to next question without wasting time on that. Maintain a note of your daily self assessment papers. Try not repeating the same mistakes again and again. Practice diverse set of questions everyday.

Anyways, being said that, you need to be very thorough with your concepts because all what is written above doesnt make any sense if you dont know the concepts. In summary, get all your concept rights, solve as many questions as possible and digest tricks involved with different topics. You will sail through. all the best!!

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Balancing equations in chemistry Here are some hints you could use to solve chemistry equations 1.

the number of each type of atom on the left must be the same as the number of each type of atom on the right.


treat groups of atoms such as SO4 as a block.


do not change the formula of a substance just to get the equation to balance.


Practice as much as you can.

Consider a very simple equation H2SO4 + [x]NaOH -------> Na2SO4 + [y]H2O What are x and y in this equation? The basic fact to remember here is that acid and alcali are reacted to get salt and water. This is a simple example, we just need to balance the atoms on both the sides. Consider NA and H2 - clearly indicates that x and y both are 2. H2SO4 + 2NaOH -------> Na2SO4 + 2H2O I am listing a quick first strategy below. But before that just wanted you to think WHY we balance chemical reactions in the first place. One of the reasons is well articulated in a previous post here wherein to know which reactant is in excess (and would be left behind) one needs to know the exact proportion in which they would react. Strategy No. 1: (Works for Balancing Simple Equations): Look at the chemical equation for atoms of elements that occur in only one substance on each side of the equation (in the example above - 'S' is one such element). Begin by IIT JEE Study Guide

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balancing the equation in one of these atoms. Use the number of atoms on the left side of the equation as the coefficient of the substance containing that element on the right side and vice versa. After balancing one element in an equation the rest becomes easier. There is a more advanced (but special) method used for balancing a particular class of reactions - which are oxidation-reduction. This is also called the half reaction method. It consists of first separating the equation into two half equations, one for oxidation and one for reduction. You balance each halfreaction then combine them to obtain a balanced oxidation-reduction reaction. For example: how would one balance FeSO4 + KMnO4 +H2SO4 -> Fe2(SO4)3 + MnSO4 + H2O ?

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Tracking Worksheet Physics [Take a printout of this page and update your progress every week. Completion: Write in percentage terms how much have you completed Confidence: Write your confidence level out of 100]

Track Sheet for Physics Topic


Kinematics Laws’s of Motion Gravitation Work, Energy and Power Properties of Bulk Matter Oscillations and Waves Thermodynamics Electrostatics Current Electricity Magnetic Effects of Currents and Magnetism Electromagnetic Induction and Alternating Currents Optics Modern Physics IIT JEE Study Guide


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Tracking Worksheet Chemistry [Take a printout of this page and update your progress every week. Completion: Write in percentage terms how much have you completed Confidence: Write your confidence level out of 100]

Track Sheet for Chemistry Topic

Completion Confidence

Classification of Elements and Periodicity Chemical Bonding and Molecular Structure Redox Reactions, Structure of Atom Mole Concepts Equations and Chemical Equillibrium Organic Chemistry - Nomenclature of Hydrocarbons Organic Chemistry - Types of Effects Organic Chemistry - Reagents and Reactions Organic Chemistry - Isomerism Surface Chemistry Solutions Coordination Compounds Electrochemistry Metallurgy, p/d/f Block Elements Organic Chemistry - Detailed Functional Organic Chemistry – Name Reactions

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Tracking Worksheet Maths Track Sheet for Mathematics Topic


Set Theory and Functions Trigonometry Complex Numbers Mathematical Induction Quadratic Equations Progression and Series Permutations and Combinations Probability Binomial Theorem Coordinate Geometry Limits Matrices Determinants Continuity and Differentiability Applications of Derivatives Integrals Applications of the Integrals Differential Equations Vectors Three-dimensional Geometry IIT JEE Study Guide


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How to solve problems with pulleys? For any pulley problems, you can use any one, two or three of the following concepts 1.Check the constraint on the length of the strings involved in pulley system. Typically, the length of the string would be constant. There can be other constraints, like the movement in one pulley will result in 2x movement of string with another pulley. For example, consider the system below -

Here one simple constraint is L = A + B + C (where L is the total length of the string). This L will always be constant. Now lets assume, that the mass attached with string C moves down by x. Then, what would be the movement of pulley hanging with string A and B? Lets say it is y. Then, by applying the constraint above, we have L = (A-y) + (B-y) + (C+x) Assuming A=B, L = 2A - 2y + C + x IIT JEE Study Guide

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Also, L = 2A + C This means x = 2y. 1.

The second concept you can apply is conservation of energy. Calculate the gain/loss in energy of various masses involved with the pulley system. You will need to remember only one thing - either kinetic energy is converting to potential energy of potential energy is converting to kinetic energy


And lastly, the newtons law. Balance the force wherever you can.

In some problems, you might need just one of these, in others all three. Let me illustrate this using a beautiful problem from Irodov. The problem goes like this Consider the arrangement in the figure below -

The mass of body M1 = 4M2. The height h=20cm. The masses of pulleys and threads, and friction is negligible. At a certain moment body M2 is released. What is max height body M2 will go? Now, how do we approach this problem? The first thing to note is that there are two steps body M2 will attain the max height. The height attained when body M1 IIT JEE Study Guide

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lands on the surface followed by height attained because of velocity it will reach because of sudden acceleration. Interestingly, this problem can be solved by two ways 1) Using the constraint on string length and conservation of energy and 2) Using the constraint on string length and Newton's law Lets first try using 1). As seen in the illustration of first constraint (length of string), we can see that if mass M1 moves distance of x, mass M2 will move by 2x. Lets apply conservation of energy. Energy in initial position is (M1)gh - potential energy due to M1. The energy when M1 touched ground is sum of kinetic energy of M1 and M2 and potential energy of M2 (note that M2 would move 2h. same applies for velocity and acceleration) = (1/2) M1v^2 + (1/2) M2v^2 + M2g(2h) = M1gh Using M1 = 4M2, we have => (1/2)4v^2 + (1/2)*(2v)^2 + 2gh = 4gh => v^2 = gh/2 (1) Remember, the velocity of M2 will be twice of v. Now kinetic energy because of this velocity of M2 will be used to achieve extra height by M2, lets say h2. Again balancing the energy M2gh2 = (1/2)M2(2v)^2 = (1/2)M24v^2 Substitute v^2 from equation (1) h2 = h Therefor max height = 2h + h2 = 2h + h = 3h

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Now try to solve using Newtons law - I will leave this as an exercise to you. As a hint, I will just draw the forces acting on three moving systems.

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Valency Chart In Chemistry valency, also known as valence or valence number, is a measure of the number of bonds formed by an atom of a given element (or a radical). As an example, Nitrogen (N) has a total number of 5 valence electrons but in NH3 since it is forming just three N-H bonds its valency here is 3. So quickly: there is the concept of valency and another concept of maximum valency. Nitrogen's maximum valency is 5, and particular valency of inside NH3 is 3. First let me quickly summarize the difference in nomenclature between the compounds that are called - ide, ite, ate (and another one called hypo-ite). (a) 'ide': is a binary compound of just a metal and an electro-negative non-metal. E.g. Mg3N2 is Magnesium nitride. There is no Oxygen in the compound. The remaining three compound types below (b), (c) & (d) have Oxygen in them in addition to a central non-metal: however nomenclature follows from 'ate', to 'ite' to 'hypo-ite' perdecreasing order of Oxygen present - 'ate indicates highest amount of Oxygen present (per one atom of non-metal) and hypo-ite indicates least amount of Oxygen. (b) 'ate': as in Sodium Nitrate, NaNO3 (has 3 atoms of Oxygen for 1 Nitrogen) (c) 'ite': as in Sodium Nitite, NaNO2 (has 2 atoms of Oxygen for 1 N) (d) 'hypo-ite' as in Sodium Hypo Nitrite, Na2N2O2 (has 1 atom of O for each N) To determine valency of the radicals in each of the above cases (NO3, NO2, N2O2 for example), it is a good idea to identify: (1) Which is the lesser electronegative element: in our case - between Nitrogen and Oxygen - it is Nitrogen and would therefore be our central atom. (2) What are the total number of valence electrons: N has 5 and O has 6, and thus the total number of valence electrons for each of the radicals is per the chart below: IIT JEE Study Guide

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Clearly, for Nitride it needs to gain three electrons to attain its octet (5 + 3 = 8 electrons), and thus the radical should have a valency of 3, and ion formula: N3-. For Nitrate: it has 23 valence electrons in total, 5 from N and 3 * (6 from Oxygen). That is 23 valence electrons from the 4 atoms (1 Nitrogen, 3 Oxygen). Now, for the 4 atoms to each complete their own Octets - they should each be able to see 8 electrons in their valence shell via lone pairs and/or bond pairs. The gap is thus 32 electrons - 23 electrons, i.e. 9 electrons. At a minimum the radical should gain one electron to attain the total number of valence electrons = 24, and create at least 4 bond pairs to reach a 32 electron state in the valence shells. This is denoted in the Lewis structure below, and thus Nitrate has a net 1e- negative charge, making its valency = 1. Lewis Dot Structure of Nitrate Radical:

And using a similar argument Nitrite should have a formula of NO2- (i.e. it should gain 1e- to make 18 electrons in its valence shells, and then make 3 bond pairs

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to achieve aneffective number of 24 electrons - for the 3 number of participating atoms to effectivelycomplete their Octets), and thus a valency of 1. Lewis Dot Structure of Nitrite Radical:

Then, Hypo-nitrite should have a formula of N2O2(2-) and valency of 2. Above is one of the ways / basic approach used to arrive at the valency of few radicals.

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IIT JEE Study Guide

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Is it easier to pull or push a roller? when pushing, consider the two components of force (applied in the direction of handle) acting horizontal and vertical. horizontal force is helping go in forward direction while vertical force is acting downward making the roller further heavier. however while pulling, horizontal direction is helping it move forward but vertical force is acting upward, making the roller lighter. hence pulling will be easier than pushing in this case.

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On Atwood Machine The Atwood machine is a common classroom demonstration used to illustrate principles of classical mechanics. The ideal Atwood Machine consists of two objects of mass m1 and m2, connected by an inextensible massless string over an ideal massless pulley. But you have increased the complexity of problem by applying force F to masses. I can assume that this is acting downward for both the masses. Actually this doesnt matter as this will cancel out for both the blocks but for understanding purpose, lets keep it. Just try to balance in the above diagram. Remember the constraint that acceleration will be same for both the blocks as they are tied using a string For m mg - T + F = ma (equation 1) For m' T - m'g - F = m'a (equation 1) Add both the sides of equation 1 and equation 2 (m-m')g = (m+m')a => a = (m-m')g/(m+m')

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Frame of Reference Frame of reference refers to a coordinate system or set of axes within which to measure the position, orientation, and other properties of objects in it, or it may refer to an observational reference frame tied to the state of motion of an observer. It may also refer to both an observational reference frame and an attached coordinate system as a unit. Lets understand it in simpler terms. Frame of reference is the set of coordinate system that can be used to study the motion of an observer. For instance, in the given question we can consider three reference frames 1.

the frame of reference for the observer who is on the road [ this reference frame is stationary w.r.t. earth]. The speed of train in this reference frame is the given speed = 100 km/h. Lets call this reference frame as RF1


the reference frame for the observer on the train. If I see the motion of train while standing on the train, the motion would obviously be zero. So 100 100 = 0 km/h. Lets call this reference frame as RF2


reference frame for the observer moving on the opposite director of the train (RF3). From this frame the velocity of RF1 will be -5 km/h. So net velocity of train will from this reference frame will be 100 - (-5) = 105 km/h. This is found by subtracting the velocity of train with respect to RF1 with the velocity of RF3 with respect to RF1.

In general, we can find the velocity of an object in a reference frame RFi by using this formula V(RFi) = Va - Vb Where V(RFi) is the velocity of the object in the reference frame RFi Va is the velocity of the object in som given reference frame Vb is the velocity of the reference frame RFi with respect to the given reference frame. IIT JEE Study Guide

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Last Minute Preparation for IIT JEE There is not much time remaining now for IIT JEE 2013. And students attempting this year must be getting advice from lot of people on how to prepare for IIT JEE in last one month. While writing this article, I just did a search and found many articles providing tips and tricks on the same. So there are ten different sources telling you ten different things. Confused, yeah? Well, here are my two cents – dont listen to them fully. Because nobody knows how you should prepare better than yourself. While these might be of some help, one size does not fit all and these general purpose advices / tips might not be for you. Being said that, I will just list down some points that will help you creating a strategy to leverage maximum out of these days 1. Compose yourself – Take stock of the situation. List down what topics you have covered, what you have not covered etc. Draw a rough map on topics with your strong points and weak points. Spend around an hour to do this, and I am sure this introspection will help you create a better plan for next few days. 2. Create a plan – So now you have assessed the situation and you know the number of days you have got. Now create a plan. Do you want to focus on revision? Definitely you should. Do you want to grasp something new you havent covered yet? Slightly risky, but it depends on where you are. Or you just want to attempt mock test papers/ IIT JEE previous question papers? Balance between these three activities based on your comfort level and create a time plan for yourself. IIT JEE Study Guide

Eduflix.tv - Learn from the best teachers 3. Chill a bit – I missed out one more activity in the point 2 above. And this one is very important. As the exam time approaches, you should relax your schedule and have good sleep. Think like this, you need to keep the best for the final day and your brain has to be at its best on that day. So do take this into account while creating a time plan for yourself. The last thing you want to do is stress yourself.

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Coaching Classes Vs Self Study For IIT JEE Lot of parents and students ask me this question – whether one should go to coaching classes or do the self preparation for exams like JEE/ISEET, NEET etc? This is very subjective question and there is no definitive answer to it. This puts me in the similar situation as Lord Krishna in Mahabharata – I can be your charioteer but I cannot fight with you. In other words, I can help you decide whether you go to coaching class or do self study but cannot give the answer as yes or no. Here I will list down few things that will help you in finding the right answer for yourself -

Are you ready for another classroom? Classrooms have their own significance – you interact with you your teachers, discuss with your friends and participate in various activities. Most of our school time passes in a classroom. Now, if you decide to go to a coaching class, there is another classroom waiting for you. So depending on the time of your classes, you are spending extra 2-4 hours or your day in a classroom, leaving you lesser time to study on your own at your own pace. Exams like JEE test your problem solving abilities. So once you understand the concepts that you learn in schools, you are tested how you can apply them to solve difficult problems. That can only happen when you are on your own with external help if you get stuck. In short, you should go to coaching only if you will get sufficient time for self study after school and coaching classes.

Is the coaching class good enough?

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Eduflix.tv - Learn from the best teachers Accept this fact, majority of the coaching classes are not good. Dont fall for the marketing tactics used by them to lure you into paying Lacs of rupees. There is also teacher factor involved, so the quality of coaching class can go up or down depending on good teachers coming or leaving it. So do consider this before joining any coaching. Since lot of these coaching classes take one time fee and do not refund it, your money (and time) will go waste if you do not find it good.

Are you traveling far to attend coaching? Because of various reasons, the coaching centers for JEE, AIEEE etc have been centered around few cities like Kota, Indore, Delhi, Hyderabad etc. Lot of students flock to these cities with the hopes of getting good education. This comes at the expense of the school study and lot of money. Most of the times, students forget to consider the overheads involved with moving to another city. Finding a place to live, finding good food to eat, taking care of other daily chores. While these things do teach you a lot about life, unfortunately you waste lot of precious time that you should be utilizing for solving problems. And your cushy home is the best place to do that.

How much help do you need? God has gifted each one of us in a different way. Some of us are good in Maths and some us may need extra help in Chemistry. So depending your learning needs, you might need varied degree of help. Assess yourself and check how much help you need. Also keep in mind that the coaching classes are not personalized according to your needs and they cater to the entire class consisting of students with varied strengths and weaknesses. So think about this before making your decision.

Are you self disciplined? Self study needs lot of self discipline and self motivation. While we all have the power to improve on both these fronts but lets accept this, some of us give up too soon. IIT JEE Study Guide

Eduflix.tv - Learn from the best teachers Specially with the challenges faced in preparation for so tough and competitive exams. Joining a class covers up for that because you need to keep up with the pace of the classroom. Another point to consider before making your decision. Now here is the plug – What if coaching class comes to your room giving you advantage of both the coaching class and the self study? If you think this sound great, do check out our courses at http://eduflix.tv/courses/

Easy way to learn periodic table When I attended college, one of my professors suggested a very good way to remember the color coding of resistors in my electrical engineering class. If you are unfamiliar with resistors color coding, to explain simply, a resistor is just painted with some colors from which anybody can find out the value of that resistor. Now since it is difficult to remember what color stands for what number, he created a simple phrase “B B Roy Of Great Britain Has a Very Good Wife”. This phrase was to remember the term color pattern BBROYGBVGW

Now when I was teaching my nephew about the periodic table, he faced lot of problems in remembering the elements and their position. And then came this idea how we can remember abstract things by creating a phrase around it. So if you are also facing problem in remembering periodic elements, device some phrases for various groups in the periodic table. It will be easier.

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