NEBOSH International General Certificate in Occupational Health and Safety
Student Name:
Student Number:
Date of Submission:
IGC3 % The Health and Safety #ractical Application Candidate and cour&e pro'ider declaration&: !or co(pletion )y the candidate: I declare that the work submitted for this practical application assessment ie. the completed observation sheets and the report to management, is my own work. I recognise that contravention of this statement constitutes malpractice and may result in my being subject to the penalties set out in the N!"S# $alpractice policy.
Name %&rint'
!or co(pletion )y a cour&e pro'ider repre&entati'e *e+,+ internal practical a&&e&&or-: I declare that the work marked is identical to that received from the candidate. I recognise that contravention of this statement constitutes malpractice and may result in my being subject to the penalties set out in the N!"S# $alpractice policy.
Name %&rint'
!or co(pletion )y the cour&e pro'ider.& internal practical a&&e&&or: I declare that I have marked this work and am both )ualified and approved by N!"S# to do so. I recognise that contravention of this statement constitutes malpractice and may result in my being subject to the penalties set out in the N!"S# $alpractice policy.
Name %&rint'
NB: Thi& declaration (u&t )e co(pleted in full &u)(itted and retained / ith the candidate.& &cript+ If thi& declaration i& not &u)(itted the candidate.& re&ult (ay )e declared 'oid+
IGC3 % THE HEALTH AN SA!ET" #$ACTICAL A##LICATION Date of practical application
Name of assessor
*ourse provider number
*ourse provider name
Student number
Student name
4a5i(u( (ar0& a'aila)le
Co(pletion of o)&er'ation &heet&
ange and outline of ha-ards and conse)uences
Identification of suitable control measures and timescales
$eport 7 Introduction and E5ecuti'e Su((ary
Introduction providing an overview of the chosen area
/ecutive summary
$eport 7 4ain findin,& of the in&pection
1uality of interpretation of findings
Identification of possible breaches of international standards
&ersuasiveness 2 conciseness 2 technical content
$eport 7 Conclu&ion& and $eco((endation&
*lear and concise conclusions which are clearly related to report findings and are effective in convincing management to take action
ecommendations which present realistic actions to improve health and safety in the chosen area
6 6 2
A&&e&&or.& (ar0& a/arded
NEBOSH (oderated (ar0& %if different'
Outcome: PASS
(60% or more)
(less than 60%)
Date assessed (((( 2 (((( 2 (((( 4ssessor5s signature (((((((((((((((((((((( Date received by course provider (((( 2 (((( 2 (((( Date received by N!"S# (if applicable) ((((( 2 ((((( 2 (((((
A&&e&&or.& additional co((ent& on the practical application:
ASSESSE B" *na(e in )loc0 letter&- ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((( The (ar0 &heet (u&t )e retained )y the Cour&e #ro'ider and &ent to NEBOSH only if reue&ted+
UNIT IGC3 % THE HEALTH AN SA!ET" #$ACTICAL A##LICAITON Student nu()er;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Location;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
UNIT IGC3 % THE HEALTH AN SA!ET" #$ACTICAL A##LICAITON Student nu()er;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Location;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
ate of re'ie/
4ain findin,& of the in&pection
1. Manual handling $anual handling is common in construction work and is one of the most common causes of injury at work. $any manual handling injuries are often the result of carrying out these operations for a long period, but even one bad lift can cause a lifetime of pain and disability. 6he main concern with manual handling activity is the increased risk of injury due to wear and tear on the back, especially on the lumbar intervertebral discs, !ack injuries can be painful and reduce one5s mobility and can lead to long absences from work and in modern times are among the main causes of early disability. 6he 7actors that increased in the construction due the risk of injury included the load being too heavy, large, difficult to grasp or unstable, the task being too strenuous or involving awkward postures or movements, and the working environment lacking sufficient space, having slippery, uneven or unstable floors, having e/treme temperatures or poor lighting. 6he manual handling of loads regulation and its related schedule sets out a framework for employers to reduce the risk of injury from manual handling activity. It seeks to reduce the very large incidence of injury and ill health arising from the manual handling of loads at work. 6he regulations place duties on employers in respect of their own employees. 6he "ccupational Safety and #ealth egulation re)uires the responsible person of a workplace to make a preliminary assessment of all manual handling operations before work and to avoid the need to undertake ha-ardous manual handling operations as far as reasonably practicable. 8here avoidance is not reasonably practicable, the responsible person has to make a further assessment and reduce the risk of injury by providing mechanical aids or team lifting. . 4sbestos
Asbestos can cause asbestosis (diffuse fibrosis of the lung), mesothelioma (cancer of the lining of the chest and abdomen) and lung cancer. Smoking further increases the risk of lung cancer for those exposed to asbestos. Asbestos dust will be generated whenever materials containing asbestos are disturbed. hese materials include spra!ed asbestos coatings, thermal and acoustic insulation materials, fire
resistant walls and partitions, asbestos cement sheets and flooring materials. "emolition work on asbestos insulation and spra!ed asbestos coating can produce particularl! high level of dust. hese materials should be removed b! competent asbestos contractors before commencement of demolition work. All work involve asbestos and the re#uired safet! precautions are regulated b! the $actories and %ndustrial &ndertakings (Asbestos) 'egulation and the ode of ractice on Safet! and *ealth at work with Asbestos. "isposal of materials containing asbestos has to be carried out in accordance with the +nvironmental rotection "epartment re#uirements.
UNIT IGC3 % THE HEALTH AN SA!ET" #$ACTICAL A##LICAITON Student nu()er;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Location;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
UNIT IGC3 % THE HEALTH AN SA!ET" #$ACTICAL A##LICAITON Student nu()er;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Location;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
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