IGC3 project
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GC3 – The Health and Safety Practical Application Candidate and course provider declarations: For completion by the candidate: I declare that the work submitted for this practical application assessment ie . the completed observation sheets and the report to management, is my own work. I recognise that contravention of this statement constitutes malpractice malpractice and may result in my being subject to the penalties set out in the NEBO! "alpractice policy. policy.
Name #$ #$rint%
ign ignat atur ure e
(((((( (((((( ((( ((((( (((((( (((( ((( (((( ((((((( ((((( ((((( (((((( ((( (
For completion by a course provider representative e!"! internal practical assessor#: I declare that the work marked is identical to that received from the candidate. I recognise that contravention of this statement constitutes malpractice and may result in my being subject to the penalties set out i n the NEBO! "alpractice policy. policy.
Name Name #$rin #$rint% t%
(((( (((((( (((( (((( (((( (((( (((( (((( (((( (((( (((( (((( (((( (((( (((( ((( (
ign ignat atur ure e
(((((( (((((( ((( ((((( (((((( (((( ((( (((( ((((((( ((((( ((((( (((((( ((( (
For completion by the course provider$s internal practical assessor: I declare declare that I have have marked marked this work and am both /ualified /ualified and approve approved d by NEBO! NEBO! to do so. I recognis recognise e that contravention of this statement constitutes malpractice and may result in my being subject to the penalties set out in the NEBO! "alpractice policy.
Name Name #$rin #$rint% t%
(((( (((((( (((( (((( (((( (((( (((( (((( (((( (((( (((( (((( (((( (((( (((( ((( (
ign ignat atur ure e
(((((( (((((( ((( ((((( (((((( (((( ((( (((( ((((((( ((((( ((((( (((((( ((( (
%&: This declaration must be completed in full submitted and retained 'ith the candidate$s script! (f this declaration is not submitted the candidate$s candidate$s result may be declared declared void!
Unit GC3- Health and Safety Practical Application (Aug 2013)
GC3 – TH) H)A*TH A%+ SAF)T- P.ACT(CA* APP*(CAT(/% 'ate of practical application
Assessor$s Assessor$ s mar,in" sheet
Name of assessor
0ourse provider number
0ourse provider name
tudent number
tudent name
0a1imum mar,s available
Completion of observation sheets
1ange and number of ha2ards+good practice
. -
Identification of suitable control measures and timescales
.eport 5 (ntroduction and )1ecutive Summary
Introduction providing an overview of the chosen area
-. -
E3ecutive summary
.eport 5 0ain findin"s of the inspection
4uality of interpretation of findings and clear references to strengths and weaknesses
*. -
Identification of possible breaches of international standards
*. *
$ersuasiveness + conciseness + technical content
.eport 5 Conclusions and .ecommendations
0lear and concise conclusions which are clearly related to report findings and are effective in convincing management to take action
Unit GC3- Health and Safety Practical Application (Aug 2013)
2 26
Assessor$s mar,s a'arded
%)&/SH moderated mar,s #if different%
. -
1ecommendations which present realistic actions to improve health and safety in the chosen area
T/TA* 0A.8S
Outcome: PASS
(60% or more)
(less than 60%)
'ate assessed (((( + (((( + (((( 5ssessor6s signature (((((((((((((((((((((( 'ate received by course provider (((( + (((( + (((( 'ate received by NEBO! (if applicable) ((((( + ((((( + (((((
Assessor$s additional comments on the practical application:
ASS)SS)+ &- name in bloc, letters# ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((( The mar, sheet must be retained by the Course Provider and sent to %)&/SH only if re9uested!
%)&/SH S) /%*-
Unit GC3- Health and Safety Practical Application (Aug 2013)
%)&/SH 0oderator$s comments:
Candidate$s observation sheet
Sheet number: 62 of Student name: ;inod! ;
Student number: 6647 efecti!e &oad Indicator can cause *rane failure and toppling of crane.
-ecommendations Immediate actions are suspend the ob and unload the material to a safe place arricade operating range and post warning sign board. +nsure the crane is positioned at appropriate location and ensure that the ground is hard and solid. &ong term recommendations are pro!ide trained > certified riggers, % rigger shall stand by for critical lifts at the opposite side of the load near the crane to watch the ack and caution the operator if the ack mo!es. 6?& of the slings and other gears shall be more than the load acting on it. %ll slings shackles and other loose gears shall be certified, colour coded and in safe condition. +ngage trained personnel, =se hard hat, safety boots, eye protection and hand glo!es (rained signal man shall be engaged. nly one man shall show signal to crane operator. 6ignal man shall be identified by wearing a reflecti!e acket. %lways attach proper tag lines of sufficient length and strength. *ontrol swinging by holding and controlling from both ends. :o one should go under Unit GC3- Health and Safety Practical Application (Aug 2013)
suspended load. +nsure that o!erload warning > alarm and electronic load indicator is functioning properly.
&egal %s per my obser!ation the employees were !iolating the following rules and regulations (he &ifting perations and &ifting +/uipment -egulations 1998F&&+-'1998) (he $ro!ision and =se of ?ork +/uipment -egulations 1998F$=?+-'1998) 6 4121 *ode of practice for safe use of cranes.
*ost It approimately comes between 5000 -s to #5000 -s
.# It’s obser!ed that two person’s stand on the edge of a 2.5 meter depth un barricaded eca!ation to gi!e iron rod to the below worker. (here is chance of person can fell inside the eca!ated area and hit on the iron rod which is used for structural beam. Iron rod can be fell abo!e of the workers working below due to slipping or o!er load. +mployee shall be eposed to ha"ards associated with loose rock or soil sliding or falling from trench walls, face or bank. (his will cause men and material fall, collapse of the soil, contact inury, fatality and death.
-ecommendations Immediate action is to suspend the ob and pro!ide ade/uate barrication. (he staff or 6ub *ontractors working on the opening shall be protected by a fall arrest system and the work area barricaded. 6ignage board and competent persons were pro!iding for the work. &ong term actions are on completion of such work the site shall be re'inspected to ensure that the location is returned to a safe condition. 7and rails and wooden steps pro!ide as access. $ulleys were pro!iding for material unloading purpose. carrying of materials. @all of person and material from height due to unprotected edges. 6lip and trip due to improper housekeeping. +rgonomic issues due to improper manual handling. ?ork at height !iolations like without edge protection and full body harness working at height abo!e 0 meters. 7ot work !iolation like gas cutting doing on an area spread with full of paper and other combustible material. iolation of $$+’s, not wearing $$+’s like hand glo!es and ear muff for hea!y drilling work. Improper chemical handling such as cement and other chemicals containing bags were shifting by manually and the workers are not wearing any $$+’6. (he store area were not properly !entilated and ill uminated. $oor condition of the access road, some areas of the site access road contain loose and non compact soil, water stagnant and lengthy ramp. $oor maintenance facility, absence spill tray and spill kit in machine maintenance work and non functioning filter of 6ilo didn’t changed due to this oil spread on the floor and cement spread on the atmosphere . &ack of training and super!ision are some reason for ha"ardous situation like person using duct pipe instead of platform ladder and tiles cutting inside a congested and non !entilated room. %bsence of proper barrication and competent riggers in lifting work is a ha"ard. %bsence of proper signage board and fire fighting e/uipment can cause ha"ardous situation. $oor competence le!el of the worker and una!ailability of resources can cause for ha"ardous situation. +liminate or reduce these ha"ardous conditions from the site gi!es safe working en!ironment for the employee. It reduces the incident>accident rate of the company and which sa!e money and reputation of the company. It will help to increase the production and competence le!el of the employee. It will sa!e the insuredE uninsured cost and e/uipment repairing and replacing cost. If these ha"ards were neglected it will damage the reputation of the company and loss of further orders. &egal or organisational fine and punishment like imprisonment and corporate probation orders. It will increase the incident>accident rate which can affect the temporary or permanently closure of the business. It will decrease the production and morality of the employee.
&ikely resource implications
Unit GC3- Health and Safety Practical Application (Aug 2013)
(arget date
on’t allow power cable through any metal or scaffolding pipe. $ro!ide good conditioned and double insulated cables and sockets. -e route all the cable through underground or o!erhead. +nsure that the e/uipment and the surroundings are dry. +nsure &ock ut > (ag ut system is followed in repairing and maintenance work. %ll the cables were connected through +&*. =se proper $$+ such as rubberised hand glo!es and ensure proper earthing of the e/uipment. $ermit to work system want to follow for all electrical related work. +nsure the a!ailability of fire etinguisher and other fire fighting e/uipment.
It will cost up to 000 -s for the re routing of cable permanently. (hree labours, one electrician and one super!isor want to pro!ide for this work. -esponsible persons are 6ite engineer and electrical engineer.
?ith the super!ision of the It will cost up to 3000 store in charge segregate the -s for arrange cylinder and pro!ide separate permanent shed for place for the different gas cylinders, fi!e labours cylinders. *ylinders containing and one super!isor li/uefiable gases shall be kept want to pro!ide for this in upright position and secured. work. -esponsible Beep the cylinders in use in persons are 6tore in dedicated trolleys with chains charge and site fastened. &oose cylinders shall super!isor. be secured with chain >rope to a fied structure. % and ygen cylinder store in separate shed with cool, dry, well !entilated and under co!er, away from boilers, opens flames or any potential source of heat. 6ignage board and warning signs must be displayed. nly trained ; competent persons would handle the cylinder. -oute the hoses safely so as to a!oid tripping ha"ards. -emo!e empty cylinders to storage area immediately. -eplace caps of cylinders when not in use. +nsure the a!ailability of fire Unit GC3- Health and Safety Practical Application (Aug 2013)
etinguisher and other fire fighting e/uipment.
arricade operating range and post warning sign board. +nsure the crane is positioned at appropriate location and ensure that the ground is hard and solid. $ro!ide trained > certified riggers, % rigger shall stand by for critical lifts at the opposite side of the load near the crane to watch the ack and caution the operator if the ack mo!es. 6?& of the slings and other gears shall be more than the load acting on it. %ll slings shackles and other loose gears shall be certified, colour coded and in safe condition. +ngage trained personnel, =se hard hat, safety boots, eye protection and hand glo!es (rained signal man shall be engaged. nly one man shall show signal to crane operator. %lways attach proper tag lines of sufficient length and strength. *ontrol swinging by holding and controlling from both ends. :o one should go under suspended load. +nsure that o!erload warning > alarm and electronic load indicator is functioning properly.
It will cost up to 1000 -s for arrange temporary barricading for the lifting area and pro!ide rigger. @our labours, one rigger, one banks man and super!isor want to pro!ide for this work. -esponsible persons are site super!isor, rigger and crane operator.
(he staff or 6ub *ontractors It will cost up to 2000 working on the opening shall be -s for arrange protected by a fall arrest system permanent barricading and the work area barricaded. for the lifting area and 6ignage board and competent pro!ide rigger. @our persons pro!ide for the work. labours, one rigger, one +ca!ated area, completion of banks man and such work the site shall be re' super!isor want to Unit GC3- Health and Safety Practical Application (Aug 2013)
inspected to ensure that the location is returned to a safe condition. 7and rails and wooden steps pro!ide as access. $ulleys pro!ide for material unloading purpose.
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