IGC2 Questions M15
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Important questions IGC2...
Element 1
1. Identify the measures that should be taken to prevent slip and trip hazards in an engineering workshop. Page 1-8 2. Identify the factors to consider when assessing the adequacy of lighting within an open plan Topic Focus – Second Paragraph Factors to consider! office Page 1-2 Topic ". E#plain the procedure for spillage response spillage control and response 1-1$ %eft &o'n (. Identify the main hazards that may be present during demolition of a building 1-1) *+S-Top ,. Identify the safe working practices for the use of a mobile elevating work platform (MEWPor a !cissor lift 1-"$ *+S do'n - Topic Focus . "n independent tied scaffold is to be erected on a building in a busy town centre location. (a utline the precautions that should be taken in order to reduce the risk of in#ury to members of the public during erection and use of the scaffold. /or0 /o r0 at height Safety Preention of fall of material erhead %ine contacts +ead Protection Training 3ondition soil to 4e chec0ed 5arricading 6 Fencing Signage (b utline the inspection requirements for an independent tied scaffold. 1-"1 %+S do'n ). Workers who deal with the public may be sub#ect to violent behavior. (a 7ie the meaning of $work%related violence&. 1-, %+S Top argon 5uster (b Identify reasons why a member of the public may behave violently violently towards a worker worker ris0 Factors of iolence 1-, %+S 8. 'he influence of drugs on workers in the workplace can have a significant effect on health and safety. (a Identify possible reasons why a person may be in possession of drugs in the workplace. Stress Fatigue /or0 load Personal *easons 5ad 5ehaior 9:ttitude; (b utline control measures that an employer could take in order to reduce the misuse of drugs in the workplace. 1-) *+S &rug 6 :lcohol Policy aterials; 1". Identify ways in which accidents may be prevented when using portable ladders as a means of access. Pg 1-2, *+S – Safety Precautions 1(. (a Identify hazards associated with the use of a cement mier. 1-1( *+S &o'n (b utline control measures that can be used to reduce the risks of in#ury to operators of a cement mier. 1-1, %+S Top 1,. utline reasons why a scaffold might collapse. 1-2< %+S &o'n Topic Focus 1. Identify the effects of eposure to (i )ot environments (ii *old environments 1-" %+S 1). +ffice workers are to relocate to new premises. Ecluding welfare facilities, utline factors associated with the new workplace that should be considered when reviewing the health and
1-2 %+S &o'n - Factors ..for lighting 6 1-" safety requirements for the workers 9Temperature; 18. utline precautions that should be taken in order to minimize the risks to persons working at 1-" *+S do'n - cold enironment Preentions sub%zero temperatures in cold stores. 1oement *elated +a=ards (a Identify four ways in which people can be in#ured by vehicles in the workplace. 2-1 6 2-2 %+S (b 7ie ways in which a vehicle driver who is not competent may put the safety of people in the workplace at risk. +e 'ill do 3ollisions 'ith Pedestrians 6 3ollision 'ith ?ehicles 5rea0ing Traffic rules (c Identify issues that should be included in training programme for vehicle drivers in order to reduce the risk of accidents to themselves and other people. 2-, %+S &o'n – Topic Focus 3hec0list &efensie &riing techniBues -ollowing the introduction of forklift trucks into a workplace, several collisions have occurred. 7ie reasons why the physical layout of the workplace may have contributed to the collisions. 2-" %+S &o'n - /or0 place enironment utline factors that could cause a forklift truck to overturn. 2-2 %+S topic Focus utline control measures that could be implemented in order to reduce the risk of pedestrians in a warehouse where separate traffic routes cannot be provided 2-" to 2-, *is0 :ssessment 9'or0place enironment ?ehicle &rier;
Element " 1. &isplay screen eBuipment 9&SE; workstation user has complained of neck and back pain. Identify the features associated with the workstation that might have contributed towards this condition. "-" %eft - &SE *is0s 2. Identify factors that could contribute towards the development of work%related upper limb disorders (W/01s affecting supermarket checkout workers. "-2 *ight Side Topics Focus Tas0 Factors
". " worker is manually loading boes of components onto metal shelves. (a Identify F@* types
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8. aintenance Information; Element , 1. utline the factors to consider when determining the frequency for the inspection and testing of electrical equipment. ,-1" %+S - Topic Focus 9: T > / I F E; 2. utline how fires could be caused by electricity. ,-( %+S - Electric Fire and E#plosion ". Identify four factors that could affect the severity of in#ury resulting from contact with electricity ,-" %+S - Topic Focus (. Identify the effects in the human body in a severe electric shock ,-2 *+S - Ta4ular 3olumn ,. Portable electrical equipment, for use at work, should be in good condition and free from defect. 9a; utline features of portable electrical equipment that should be checked by the user before use. (: ,-, %+S- Topic Focus 9*eerse all the points; 94; Identify additional features of portable electrical equipment that should be inspected during periodic formal inspection by an appointed person. (6 ,-11 *+S - Topic Focus . 2n relation to the use of electrical cables and plugs in the workplace (a Identify four eamples of faults and bad practice that could contribute to electrical accidents ,-11 *+S - Topic Focus 9*eerse; D /et 3onditionD Improper Earthing D Aot using PPEs li0e electric gloes (b utline the corresponding precautions that should taken for each of the eamples identified. ,-11 *+S Topic Focus ). Identify electrical hazards that could be discovered by a visual inspection. 9%56 0eft 'op 8. utline control measures that could be used when working with electrical equipment in a workplace. ,-, *+S Side Topic Focus D 3ompetent Person D Inspection 6 >aintenance D Eathing D *educed 6 %o' ?oltage
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