IGC Exam Sucess Guide
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RRC Bu Buss iness Training a ck cknowled nowled ge gess with t ha nk nkss the co-opera co-opera tion of NEBOSH in the product ion of tthis his bo oklet.
Mod ule 950. 950.1 1.1
© RRC Bus ines inesss Tra ining All rright ight s res reserved erved No p a r t o f t h i s p u b l i c a t io i o n m a y b e r e p r o d u c e d , s t o r e d i n a r e t r iiee v a l s y s t e m , o r t rraa n s m i t ttee d i n a n y f o r m , o r b y a n y m e a n s , e llee c t ro ro n i c , e l e c t ro ro s t a t iicc , m e c h a n iicc a l , p h o t o c o p i e d o r o t h e r w i s e , w i t h o u t t h e e x p r e s s p e r m i s s i o n i n w r iitt i n g f ro r o m R R C B u s i n e s s Tr a i n i n g .
NIC Exa m S ucces ucce s s (Ta ckling th thee NEBOSH Exa xamina mina tio tion) n)
AIM ............................................................................ ..................................1 INTRODUCTION...... ..... ...... ..... ...... ...... ..... ...... ..... ...... ..... ...... ...... ...... ...... ..... ..... 3 P AP ER A1: THE MANAGEM GEME ENTOF S AFETY AND HEALTH.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 P AP ER A2: CON CONTROL OLL LIN ING G WORK ORKP LACE HAZARDS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 EXAMPLE OF A COMPLE COMPLET TED P RACTICA ICAL L AS S ES S ME MEN NTR TRE EP ORT ORTF FORM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 EXAMP LE O OF F A COM COMP P LETED RE REP P OR ORTT TTO MANAGEM GEME ENT. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 AND FINALLY… ...... ..... ...... ..... ...... ...... ..... ...... ..... ...... ..... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ... 34
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NIC Exa Exa m Succe S uccess s (Ta ckling th e NE NEBOSH Exa Exa mina tio tion) n)
Copyright Copyrig ht RRC 2004
NIC Exa m S ucces ucce s s (Ta ckling th thee NEBOSH Exa xamina mina tio tion) n)
AIM The a im of this booklet bo oklet is t o prepa re you for your N NE EBO BOS S H Interna nte rna tiona l Certi ertifi fica ca te examinat ions by providi providing ng s ome ex exaa mpl mplee q uestions a nd model ans wers. The bookl booklet et a lso a im imss to provide provide a n insight insight into wha t NEBOSH BOSH expects expects fr from om you, a s well as wha t mista kes to a void. The model ans wers provided provided ha ve been wri written tten a s idea l a nsw ers, a nd not under exa exa mi mina na tion conditions conditions or time time restraints . It ma y therefore therefore not a lways b e poss ibl iblee to pr produce oduce suc such h deta iled ans wers iin n the a ctual examination. We ha ve a lso included included deta iled iled e xa mpl mples es of a completed completed Practica l Ass ess ment Report Report a nd a compl completed eted Report to Ma Ma na gement for you to consider in the course course of your p prepara repara tion.
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NIC Exa Exa m Succe S uccess s (Ta ckling th e NE NEBOSH Exa Exa mina tio tion) n)
Copyright Copyrig ht RRC 2004
NIC Exa m S ucces ucce s s (Ta ckling th thee NEBOSH Exa xamina mina tio tion) n)
INTRODUCTION EXAM LAYOUT The exa mi mina na tion consists of tw o pa per pers: s: !
Pa per A1: The Ma Ma na gement ge ment of Sa fety a nd Hea Hea lth Pa per A2: Cont roll rolling ing Workpl orkplaa ce H Haa za rds
Ea ch pa per com compr prises ises one long q uestion (worth (worth 20 ma rks) rks) and ten s hort q ues uestions tions (worth 8 ma rks rks e a ch). ch). You ha ve to a nsw er ALL questions. For ea ch paper, pa per, you ha ve tw two o hours to compl complete ete your a nsw ers. This mea ns tha t you ha ve a pprox pproxim imaa tely 2 25 5 mi minutes nutes to a nsw er the long long q uestion a nd on a verag e eight mi minutes nutes per short ques tion. This should leave a deq ua te time time for read ing ing the q uestions thoroughly before you a ttempt to answ er er,, a nd for rea ding ding throu through gh your a nswers a t the end. The s econd element is t he practica l a ss ess ment, w hich hich inv involv olves es ca rryi rrying ng out a workpl workplaa ce sa fety iinspection nspection a nd writing writing a sho rt s umma umma ry report. The inspe inspection ction will ta ke a round 30 30 minutes minutes .
Ex a m Te Te c h n i q u e NEBOSH BOSH a re renow renowned ned for ssett ett ing cha lleng llenging ing q ues uestions tions in exa exam m pa pers a nd for m maa rk rking ing st rictly. rictly. NEBOSH BOSH a re not trying trying to ca tch you out, but they do word word their q uestion uestionss in such a wa y as to a sk for for s pecifi pecificc informat informat ion and they expect this inform informaa tion to be provi provide ded d in the req req uested for format. mat. The main m mista ista ke tha t ca ndi ndida da tes ma ke a ga in a nd a ga in is to n o t re re a d provide ide excell excellent ent ans wers t h e q u e s t io i o n s p r o p e r llyy . Often ca ndida tes prov but unfor unfortunately tunately they do not a nswer the q uestion they they ha ve been been given. It is a ll well a nd good understa nding the syll syllaa bus b a ck to front, front, but it is is of no use if you ha ve poor exa exami mina na tion techniq ue. The following skills skills a re req req ui uired red to a chiev chievee ma xim imum um ma ma rks: rks:
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NIC Exa Exa m Succe S uccess s (Ta ckling th e NE NEBOSH Exa Exa mina tio tion) n)
Rea d the q uestion. uestion.
Understa ndersta nd wha t inf infor ormation mation iiss being being req uested.
Understa nd the brea dth of k knowledge nowledge req uired. uired.
The a bili bility ty to provide provide t he inform informaa tion in a log ica icall and coherent way.
Tim imee ma na gement ge ment (you (you must a lloca lloca te yo ur time time evenly througho throughout ut to ta ke into a ccoun ccountt the number of m maa rk rkss a llowed llowed per ques tion) tion)..
It is importa importa nt to identify the a ction vverb erb withi within n the q uestion a s t his identifies identif ies the b read th of kn knowledge owledge requir required ed in the a nsw er. The following mea nings of the verbs ha ve been ident ified ified b y NE NEBO BOSH SH:: !
provi provide de a list list without ex explana plana tion.
Id e nti f y
select a nd na na me.
give give the most iimpor mporta ta nt fea tures tures of (less depth tha n ‘ex ‘expl plaa in’ in’ or ‘des cribe’ cribe’ but mor moree depth t ha n list).
Describe -
give a wo word rd pictur picture. e.
Expl ai n
giv givee a clea clea r a ccoun ccountt of, or reas ons for for..
provi provide de a gener generaa lly lly rec recognised ognised or a ccepted definition.
a less dema nding form form of ‘define’, or where there is no recognised defini definition. tion.
prov provide ide without witho ut expl explaa na tion (e.g. e. g. give a n exampl exa mplee o f) f)..
provi provide de a simpl simplee line line dra wing using lab els to identifyy s peci identif pecifi ficc fea tur tures. es.
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NIC Exa m S ucces ucce s s (Ta ckling th thee NEBOSH Exa xamina mina tio tion) n)
P AP ER A1: A1: THE MA M ANA NAG G EM EMENT ENT O F S AFET ETY Y AND HEALTH EXA EX AMP LE LONG QU ES TIONS Ques tion 1 The rresults esults of a hea lth a nd sa fety audit of an orga nisa nisa tion showed a number of non-compli non-compliaa nces w ith rres es pect to procedures . (a)
Des cribe cribe the poss ibl iblee rrea ea so ns for procedures procedures not being a dhered to. (10)
Outli utline ne wha t a ctions could could b e ta ken to encoura encoura ge employees to comply with hea lth a nd sa fety procedures. (10)
Ap p r o a c h i n g t h e Q u e s t i o n
First irst ly ly,, look at the ma rks a lloca lloca ted - this is a l o n g q u e s t iioo n a nd so you should should a ll lloca oca te yo your ur time a ccordingly (a (a pprox pproximat imat ely 25 minutes minutes ). Cons ider how much wri writing ting ma y be inv involv olved ed - genera ge nera lly lly exa examiner minerss will expect ex pect to see a bout a pag e a nd a ha lf (depending depending on size of wr writi iting ng,, etc.). cribe be’’ mea means ns to provi provide de a word picture of somet hing. P a r t a ) ‘To des cri Hence, it is is not enough just to li list st the rea so ns, but rat her each one needs to be ex expa pa nded on s lightly lightly to ensur ensuree the read er under understa sta nds the point. poin t. As a result, result, ea ch rea rea so n will will be a lloca lloca ted 2 ma ma rks rks up to a ma xi ximum mum of 10. 10. It is iimporta mporta nt to focus on des cribing cribing the rea s ons only - don’t try to guess wha t procedures procedures a re not being compl complied ied with. You cannot know this a s no inf cannot inform ormaa tion iiss given given a nd you will n o t ga in any ma rks for guess ing. ing. When a nsw eri ering ng this q uestion, d o not get s tuck on the word ‘a udit’ . The q uestion is not a bout a udi udits; ts; it is ab out why peopl peoplee do not do wha t they are supposed to do. If you a re not sure sure how to a pproa pproa ch this this q uestion, try to think of a n ex exaa mple, mple, s uch as employees employees fa ilin ilingg to w ea r Perso Pe rsona na l Protect Prot ectiv ivee Eq Eq uipment ((PPE PPE)) - wh whyy mig mig ht tthis his ha ppen? The a nsw er to this m might ight be: nono-one one enfor enforces ces it; peer pr pres es sure; ma na gement a re not not concer concerned; ned; PPE makes the w ork ta sk more more difficul diffi cult; t; empl employees oyees ha ve never been t old to w ea r PPE, PPE, et c. Copyright RRC 2004
NIC Exa Exa m Succe S uccess s (Ta ckling th e NE NEBOSH Exa Exa mina tio tion) n)
‘outlin ine’, e’, which ess entially mea ns the ma in P a r t b ) a sks for a n ‘outl fea tures tures or general pr prin inci ciples. ples. For this, this, no ex expl plaa na tion of the points points is required, requir ed, a nd s o 1 mark wi will ll be giv given en for ea ch valid poin pointt up to a ma ximu imum m of 10. The q ues tion req req uires uires a ctions th a t could be ta ken to ures es - think encouraa ge or motiv encour motivaa te e m p l o y e e s to comply with proced ur a bout how peopl peoplee are motiv motivaa ted, encou encourra ged a nd engag ed. Aga in, in, use a n exa exa mple to help you vvisua isua lis lis e the iiss s ues. ues . Following on from the example used a bove, the a ctions may in example incl clude: ude: provi provide de tra ining, ining, joint joint consulta tion on p prrovision ovision a nd use of PPE, PPE, pos ter campa igns, ma na gement commitm commitment, ent, d iscipli iscipline, ne, etc. Remember the example iiss only there to help he lp y o u - keep your a nsw er gener generaa l as the q uestion demands. Once you have work worked ed out w ha t is requir required, ed, then you may wa nt to jot dow n a q ui uick ck plan of your a nsw er to help you ans wer more more logicall logically. y. This ma y a lso help he lp if if you rrun un out of time a s the examiner e xaminer can t hen s ee tha t you were thin think king ing a long the ri right ght lines lines a nd m a y a lloca loca te you some ma rks. Remember to identify identify you yourr notes a s a pla pla n, a nd put a nea t line line under it it when you ha ve compl completed eted your ans wer. Ma ke sure the examiner examin er ccaa n rea rea d the content. An s w e r P llaa n (a)
Unrea nrea li list st ic procedures, procedures, poo r sa fety cultur culture, e, poor ma na gement commitment, inadequate supervision/enforcement, lack of tra ini ining/ ng/infor informa ma tion, etc. et c.
Sa fety meetin meetings gs , t ea m briefin briefings gs , joint joint consulta tion, involv involvee employees empl oyees in risk risk a ss ess ments, provi provide de t raining, raining, post er ca mpaigns , encourag e a ccident/ ccident/in inci cident dent reporti reporting, ng, pr provi ovide de a good work workin ingg env envir ironment, onment, job rota tion, d iscipli iscipline, ne, etc.
M o d e l An s w e r (a)
Following ollowing a hea lth a nd s a fety a udit, a number number of nonnon-compl compliances iances were identified with respect to procedures. proced ures. There are a re a number of reas ons why procedures procedures ma y not be followed followed within a n orga ni nisa sa tion. Fir irst st ly, ly, it may be tha t the procedures procedures la la id down are unrea unr ea li list st ic or that they a re u uncl nclea ea r. This ma y be due to the fa ct tha t the procedur procedures es w ere wr written itten without con consulta sulta tion with with employees empl oyees , a nd s o the procedur procedures es d o not reflect reflect wha t is really
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ha ppeni ppening ng in the orga ni nisa sa tion. Alterna lterna tively, tively, there there may be press pr ess ure ure on employ employees ees to cut corners corners in or order der to g et the job d one q ui uick ckly ly a nd hence procedur procedures es a re not followed followed for thi thiss rea so n. This pres presss ure ure ma y come from ma na ge gement ment or fr from om the employees , depending de pending on th thee incentives incentives invol involved, ved, e. g. piece w work ork.. There ma a y abe a genera l la lapoor ck ofsa safety fetycultur a wa renes ren s a nd comm itment enta ca usedm by n underly under lying ing cu lture. e. es This ma commitm y be due to lack of mana gement commitment commitment or peer pressure, pressure, or just just a genera ge nera l llaa ck of motiv motivaa tion throughout througho ut the w orkforce. orkforce. The poor sa fety cul cultur turee ma y be further further enforced enforced b y iina na deq ua te s uperv upervision or la la ck of enforc enforcement ement when procedures procedures a re breached . A lack of tr traa ini ining ng ma y be the rea so n tha t procedures procedures a re not followed foll owed . Employees mployees ma y n not ot ha ve been s hown the cor corrrect wa y of ca rrying rrying out a procedure. Alternativel lterna tively, y, the there re ma y be litera litera cy or langua ge iss ues whic which h ha ve meant tha t s ome empl employees oyees ha ve not been provided provided with a deq ua te tra ining ining or infor informat mat ion. There m maa y be iss ues a round round the w ork ta sk its its elf that mea n procedures pr ocedures a re not fol followed, lowed, e.g . the ta sk is is repetitive, epetitive, b ori oring ng or complex.. Add itiona complex itionall lly, y, the w work orking ing conditions ma y be poor beca use of th e des ign or lack of considera considera tion of er ergonomic gonomic iss ues. Thes e in turn may mea n tha t procedures procedures a re not not foll followed owed . (b)
There a re a num number ber of w a ys in whi which ch empl employees oyees ca n be motiva motiva ted a nd encou encourra ged to compl comply with health a nd s a fety procedur procedures. es. Regular s a fety meetings a nd/or nd/or tea m briefin briefings gs could could b e held where procedures procedures a re discuss ed. Appr ppropri opriaa te trainin trainingg a nd infor in mat ion coul could d aalso besments prov provided. ided. In a ddkiti ition, empl could beformat inv involv olved ed in rrisk isk ss es or underta underta ing inon, g s employees a fetyoyees obs erva erv a tion tours. tour s. Joint con consulta sulta tion iin n the form form of sa fety commi committees ttees could could a lso be s et up to encour encouraa ge employee employee pa rtici ticipa pa tion. Improvements mprovements to the t he w work orking ing envi environm ronment, ent, welfa re fa facil cilities ities or the job itself a ll help to ma ke the employee employee feel valued. Additiona lly, lly, employees could be encour encouraa ged to report a ccidents ccidents , inci incidents dents or haza rds . Sa fety ccoul ould d a lso be in incl cluded uded in per persona sona l perform perf ormaa nce a ppra ppra isa ls or objecti objectivves with a ppropr ppropriat iat e recognition recognition or pr pra ise when ta rgets a re met.
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Pos ter ca mpaigns or infor informat mat ion provi provided ded on noticeboa rds a dd to impr im provi oving ng employee employee a wa reness. A mea ns for encou encourag rag ing sug ges tions or idea s from empl employees oyees could be in introduced troduced a long with a suita ble in incentiv centivee scheme. Ma ny of the a bove mea sures w ill, ill, in themselv themselves, es, help to imp imprrove the viove visibil sibility ity ov oferall manahea gement commi commitment tment a nd hould help impr im prove the overall lth and sa fety cu cultur lture e ofs houl a n orga ordga nisa ni sato tion.
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NIC Exa m S ucces ucce s s (Ta ckling th thee NEBOSH Exa xamina mina tio tion) n)
Question 2
Foll ollowing owing a workplace workplace a cci ccident, dent, a n employer employer ha s decided to impl implement ement regulaa r work regul workpl plaa ce inspections. (a)
Outli utline ne the fa ctors tha t the employer employer should consider when planning the inspections . (6)
Outl utline ine three proa proa ctive ctive method s for m monitor onitorin ingg hea lth a nd s a fety performa performa nce. (6)
Identify a ll the poss ible ible costs to the company a s a result result of the accident. (8)
An s w e r P llaa n (a)
Na ture ture of haza rds, te a m composition, composition, comp competence, etence, locat ion, frequency, checklists, consultation, standards/legislation, remedi emediaa l actions, cost .
Audits, sa fety s ur urvveys, sa mplin mpling, g, tours, benchma rkin rkingg (outli outline ne only three).
Los t production, clea nn-up/ up/repa repa ir cos ts , lost t ime, ime, inves inves tiga tion cost s, fi first rst a id, inta ngible ccost ost s (mor (moraa le etc.) etc.),, increa increa se in insurance premiums, fines, compensation, replacement/retraining of sta ff, eetc. tc.
M o d e l An s w e r (a)
When pla nning workpla workpla ce inspect ions, the employer must must consider va va ri rious ous fa ctors. Fir irst st ly, ly, the empl employer oyer m must ust cons ider wha t is to be looked looked a t duri during ng the inspections a s w ell a s th e na tur turee of the ha za rds prese present. nt. The locat ion or route ov over er which the in inspectio spection n is to be compl completed eted must b e consider considered, ed, a s must must the propose pr opose d frequency. The in inspections spections must b e sched uled uled on a regulaa r ba sis , e.g . every regul every three months. months. The tea m carryi carrying ng out the inspections inspections must be chos en ca reful refully ly to ensure ensure tha t it incl includes udes repr epresenta esenta tives tives fr from om mana gement, the work workfor force ce a nd a sa fety a dvi dviso so r. The tea m m must ust a lso be competent to ca rry rry out the inspections.
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It is es sentia l to ha ve a check checkli list st t o use during during the inspections to ensuree tha t they a re a lwa ys com ensur compl pleted eted in a consistent a nd sys tema tic manner. Consulta tion with em employ ployee ee rrepresenta epresenta tives tives would als o be beneficia beneficia l to ensure tha t every everyone one un understa dersta nds w hy the inspections inspections a re being impl implemen emented, ted, a nd wha t the benefits benefits might mi ght be a s a conseq conseq uenc uence. e. The empl employer oyer must must a lso consider wha t releva releva nt s ta nda rds or legislat ion apply to his/ his/her her work workpla pla ce so t ha t the inspection ca n be us ed to check compl compliance. iance. Add itiona itiona lly, lly, considera tion must must b e given to how remedia l work identified during the inspe inspection ction is prior pr ioriti itise se d, a nd how progress is foll followed owed up. The s a fety of the inspectors must not be forgotten, es peci peciaa lly lly where they ma y be enterin enteringg s ites w here Per Perso so na l Protectiv Protectivee Eq uipment, uipment, or per permits mits a re rreq eq uir uired ed.. Finally, the employer must cons ider the cos t of implementing implementing s uch a programme. programme. (b)
Three a dd itiona itiona l pr proa oa ctive ctive method s tha t could be used in the monitor mon itorin ingg of hea lth a nd s a fety per perfor formance mance a re a udi udits, ts, sa fety survveys a nd sa fety tou sur tourrs. A sa fety aud it sub jects a n or orga ga nisa tion to a comprehens comprehens iv ivee a nd independent independent ex exaa mi minat nat ion ion of a ll as pec pects ts of their their health a nd sa fety perfor per formance mance a ga inst inst sta ted ob jectiv ectives. A sa fety s ur urvvey is a deta iled, iled, inin-depth exa exa mi mina na tion of a specific specific fi field eld of activ activity, ity, e.g. ma nual ha ndli ndling. ng. A sa fety tour is a n unscheduled w ork orkplace place inspection to ensure tha t sta nda rds of housekeep housekeepiing a re a t a n acceptab le lev evel. el.
There are a number number of poss ibl iblee costs to the orga ni nisa sa tion as a result of the a ccident. There m maa y be lost production due to the a cci ccident dent itself itself,, or due to the rep repaa ir of da mag ed plant a nd eq uipment uipment a fterwa rds. Add itiona itiona lly, lly, there m maa y be clea clea n-up n-up a nd repair costs . Ma ter terials ials ma ma y a lso ha ve been da maged a nd need need to be repla repla ced.
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The pe rsonnel involv involved ed in the a ccident ma y be off w ork following following the a ccident, ccident, lead ing ing to the pa ym yment ent of sick sick pay a s w ell ell as the cost of replacement replacement st a ff. Fir irst st -a id facil faciliti ities es a nd personnel may ha ve been used a t the time time of the a cci ccident. dent. There are a lso the inta ngible costs such a s t he effect on employee employee moraa le, a s well a s the loss of business ima mor ima ge. The a cci ccident dent ma y lea d to a n incr increa ea se in iinsurance nsurance premi premium ums. s. Depending on the na tur turee a nd s ever everity ity of the a ccident, ccident, there may be lega l costs in the form form of fi fines nes o r ccour ourtt a nd lega l repr repres es enta tion cost s. There m maa y a lso be a comp compensa ensa tion cla cla im by the inj injur ured ed party.
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EXA EX AMP LE S HO RT QU ES TIONS Ques tion 1 Using a n exa exa mple mple in each ca se, ex explain plain the foll following owing terms: (a)
So fa r a s is reas ona bly pr praa ctic cticaa ble.
Ap p r o a c h i n g t h e Q u e s t i o n
First irst ly ly,, it is impor importa ta nt to note t ha t the q uestion a sks you to e x p l a i n ea ch term a nd give give o n e e x a m p llee for ea ch. This qques uestion tion is quite st raightforwa rd a nd iitt should be ea sy to ga in full full mark marks. s. Remember to a ll lloca oca te your time time a ppropri ppropriaa tely. We sug ges t s pending a ppr pprox oxim imaa tely two minute minute on ea ch poi point nt a nd s pending no m more ore tha n eight mi minutes nutes on this q uestion uestion.. Pa rt (a (a ): 1 mark wil willl be a lloca lloca ted for ex expl plaa ini ining ng the mea ni ning ng of ha za rd a nd 1 ma rk for giv giving ing a n a ppropr ppropria iate te exa mple. mple. Pa rt (b) (b):: 2 ma ma rk rkss w ill ill be giv given en for the mea ning ning of ri risk sk which shows tha t there must must be t wo elements to the mea ni ning. ng. 1 mark wil willl be given given for the example. Pa rt (c) (c):: 2 m maa rk rkss w ill ill be given for the mea ning ning of “ so fa r a s is reas ona bly pr praa cticab le” a nd 1 mark for the example. If you are s trugg trugg ling ling to remember the mea nings nings , put dow n some examples exampl es - this ma y help you you to formul formulaa te t he mea ning ning a nd vice vice versa versa . M o d e l An s w e r (a)
A ha za rd iiss s omething wi with th the potentia l to ca use ha rm, rm, e.g . a da mag ed floor floor ccov over eriing s uc uch h a s a torn torn carpet has the potentia potentia l to cause ha rm.
Risk is the prob probaa bility bility or lik likelihood elihood tha t a n unwa nted event will occur,, a nd t he pos sible s everity occur everity in in terms of injur injury/ y/da da ma ge sho uld uld
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NIC Exa m S ucces ucce s s (Ta ckling th thee NEBOSH Exa xamina mina tio tion) n)
it occur. occur. For ex exaa mpl mple, e, if a ttorn orn ca rpet iiss in the middle of a wa lk lkwa wa y, then t here is is a high ri risk sk of so meone tri trippi pping ng over iitt a nd inj injur uring ing themselv themselves es . If, however, the torn ccaa rp rpet et is under a d esk, then the risk risk is grea tly reduced. reduced. (c)
The term ‘so fa r a s is rea so na bly pra pra cticab le’ is is a ba lance of ri risk sk asigni ga in inst stcant cosat nd where cost is is mana money, time me then or trou trouble. ble. Imust f the risk signifi ficant the cost geati ble action mu st brisk e taisken, if the opposite a pplies pplies then no a ction ha s to be ta ken. For exaa mpl ex mple, e, if the torn ca rpet rpet is in the m middle iddle of a w a lk lkwa wa y, then the risk risk is s ignific ignificaa nt, a nd if the cost to repa ir or replace replace it is mana gea ble, then the rremedial emedial work work sho uld uld be carri carried ed out. If, however,, th e torn carpet is under a des k then the risk is however negligible, negli gible, t he cos ts of repairing/ repairing/rep replacing lacing the ca rpet ma y outweigh the b enefit of ha ving ing the w ork completed completed a nd s o no a cti ction on need be ta ken.
Copyright RRC 2004
NIC Exa Exa m Succe S uccess s (Ta ckling th e NE NEBOSH Exa Exa mina tio tion) n)
Question 2 PermitPermi t-toto-work work s yst ems a re u uss ed in m maa ny iindus ndus tries. (a)
Define the term te rm ‘permit-to ‘permit-to--work wo rk s ys ystem’ tem’..
Outli utline ne tthree hree types of work w ork s itua tion where w here a permi permitt-toto-work work sys tem may be req uired, uired, a nd exp explain, lain, for ea ch one, why a permi permittto-work towork s yst em is neces s a ry. (6)
M o d e l An s w e r (a)
A permi permitt-toto-work work system sys tem is a formal, d ocumented , pla nned procedure pr ocedure des igned to pr protect otect personnel work workin ingg in ha za rdous areas.
A permi permitt-toto-work work sys tem ma y b e req uired uired fo forr entry into confined spa ces, workin workingg on electr electric icaa l equipment equipment a nd workin workingg a t height. For entry into into co confined nfined s pa ces , t he permit-topermit-to-work work system sys tem would w ould be es sent ial for ensuring ensuring tha t the a ir qua lity lity is tes ted prior prior to entry entry a nd so protect ing per perss onnel from from s uffoca tion. For work working ing on electrical eq uipment, uipment, a permi permitt-toto-work work s ys ystem tem would wo uld be req uired uired to ensure that the eq uipm uipment ent ha s been mad e s a fe pri prior to wor work k commenci comm encing ng a nd h ence ens urin uringg conta ct w ith liv live electrica electrica l components is not poss pos s ible. For worki working ng a t height, a permitpermit-totowork sys tem is rreq eq uired uired for ensuri ensuring ng tha t mea sures a re in in pla pla ce to protect pr otect personnel from from fa lls. lls.
Copyright Copyrig ht RRC 2004
NIC Exa m S ucces ucce s s (Ta ckling th thee NEBOSH Exa xamina mina tio tion) n)
Question 3 (a)
Describe escribe four unsa unsa fe condition conditionss tha t ca n lead to a n a cci ccident. dent. (4)
Des cribe cribe four unsa fe a cts tha t ca n lead to a n a ccident. ccident.
M o d e l An s w e r (a)
Exa mpl mples es a re:
Guard miss miss ing ing
Wet floo flo o r
Ice on steps
Ha za rdous s ubsta nces leaki leaking ng into the a tmosphere tmosphere
Ma chine chine not ma inta inta ined
Defective ha ndnd-tool tool
Torn aand nd d a ma ge ged d P PE PE.. (Only 4 w ere req uir uired ed))
Exa mpl mples es a re:
Playing ga mes or tri trick ckss a t work
Work orking ing w ithout a uthorisa tion
Smoking in in a nonnon-ss mok moking ing a rea
Breaking Breaki ng the ru rules, les, cutting cutting cor corners. ners.
Copyright RRC 2004
NIC Exa Exa m Succe S uccess s (Ta ckling th e NE NEBOSH Exa Exa mina tio tion) n)
Question 4 Outl utline ine the hierarchy of control m mea ea sures tha t ca n be used to mini minimi mise se the risk from from a work workplace place ha za rd. (8 mark marks) s)
M o d e l An s w e r The hiera rchy of control m mea ea s ur ures es to minim minimise ise tthe he risk fr from om a wo work rkplace place h a za rd is: ! Elimi limina na te ha za rds. !
Reduce ex exposur posuree to ha za rdous substa nces.
Isolate, segregate.
Control throu through gh engineeri engineering ng mea ns.
Procedures, policy, PPE.
Copyright Copyrig ht RRC 2004
NIC Exa m S ucces ucce s s (Ta ckling th thee NEBOSH Exa xamina mina tio tion) n)
P AP ER A2 : CO NTRO ROL LLING WO WO RKP LACE HA HAZA ZARDS RDS EXA EX AMP LE LONG QU ES TIONS Ques tion 1 Ba ttery-powered ttery-powered forkli forklift ft truck truckss a re used in a wa rehouse rehouse to move pallets around. (a)
Des cribe cribe four ha za rds a rising from from the use of b a tteryttery-powered powered forklift trucks. trucks . (4)
Outli utline ne the control controlss need ed t o ensure pedes tri triaa n sa fety in loca tions where whe re the fork forkli lift ft truck truckss a re in use. use . (8)
Outl utline ine eight eight rules rules th a t must be a dhered t o w hen a forkli forklift ft truck is left una tte nded by the driv driver er duri during ng a work s hift. (8)
Ap p r o a c h i n g t h e Q u e s t i o n
This q uestion is a bout the contr control ol m mea ea sures neces sa ry to reduce the ri riss k from the us e of ba tterytt ery-powe powered red fork forkli lift ft truck truckss . It is importa importa nt to note tha t ha t Pa rt ((aa ) refers specifica lly lly to ‘ba tte ry-powe ry-powe red’ fork forkli lift ft truck truckss . For this reas on the haz a rds sho uld uld rela rela te specifi specifica ca lly lly to ba tteries tteries a nd their use, a nd not to ‘overtur ‘overturni ning’ ng’ a s candida tes ha ve focused focused on in in the pa st . Pa rts (b) (b) a nd ((c) c) a re mor moree general. Aga in, a pproximat pproximat ely 2 25 5 mi minutes nutes s hould be s pent on this q uestion. ues tion. The ma rks rks a re fa ir irly ly clea rly rly alloca ted . Remember for Pa rt (a ) to d e s c r i b e ea ch ha za rd to obta in full full mark markss - don’t just just li list st t he ha za rds . For Pa rts (b) a nd ((c) c),, 1 ma rk is ggiv iven en for ea ch cont rol/ rol/rul rule. e. Aga in, remember rememb er tha t ‘outline’ rreq ‘outline’ eq uires uires tha t you ‘giv ‘givee the most impor importa ta nt fea tures tures o f’; d on’t just provi provide de a li list st . An s w e r P llaa n (a)
Generaa tion of gas , b a ttery acid, ha ndl Gener ndliing of ba tteries, tteries, electr electriical ha za rds , silent silent ru runni nning. ng.
Ma rk rkin ingg of tra ffi fficc rroutes outes , s egrega tion of pedes pedes tri triaa ns, wa rnin rningg signs , a udible ala rm rms, s, a deq ua te lighting, lighting, mir mirror rors, s, HV cl clothing, othing, sa fe s ystems of work, work, enforcem enforcement, ent, traini training/ ng/superv supervision ision of sta ff.
Copyright RRC 2004
NIC Exa Exa m Succe S uccess s (Ta ckling th e NE NEBOSH Exa Exa mina tio tion) n)
Fir irm/ m/lev level el surface, surface , d des es igna ted a rea , fork forkss on floor, bra ke on, power off, key remov removed, ed, a wa y fr from om other vehicl vehicles, es, not ob st ructin ructingg emergency emer gency exits, exits, wa lkwa lkwa ys, etc.
M o d e l An s w e r (a)
There are a number number of ha za rds a ss ociate d with ba ttery-powered ttery-powered fork for kli lift ft truck trucks. The ma in haza rds rela rela te to cha rging the b a ttery of the th e forkl forklift ift truck. They he y inc inclu lude de the g eneration of hydr hydrogen ogen ga s (which is highly expl explos os iv ive) e) a nd the potentia l relea relea se of ba ttery a cid. For this rrea ea so n ba ttery cha rging rging should be compl completed eted in a des igna ted a rea tha t is well ventil entilaa ted. This wil willl preven preventt a ny build-up buildup of fumes w hich could in tur turn n lea d t o explosion a nd/ nd/or or ocia ted with with the injury inj ury to pers personne onnel. l. There a re a lso lso haza rds a ss ocia ha ndl ndliing of the ba tteri tteries es incl ncludi uding ng ma nu nuaa l handling handling a nd conta ct with ba ttery a cids. Conta ct wi with th electri electrica ca l components components is a nother ha za rd tha t could rres es ult ult in el electri ectricc shocks or bur burns. ns. Collision ollision wi with th pedestriaa ns might pedestri might occur due t o the nea r sil silent ent runn runnin ingg of the truck.
In order order to ensure ensure tha t pedes tria tria ns a re k kept ept sa fe in in a rea s where where fork for kli lift ft truck trucks a re being used , t here a re a number number of precautions tha t must b e impl implemented. emented. Fir irst st ly, ly, it is imp important ortant to ha ve tra ffic ffic routes rou tes marked marked out s o tha t it is clea r where for fork klift lift trucks trucks a re a ll llowed owed . In a dd ition, ition, pedes tri triaa n rou routes tes s hould be cl clea ea rly rly mark marked ed a nd fork forkli lift ft truck trucks must not be a llowed llowed in pedes tri triaa n a reas . Where possible, pedestria pedestria n a rea s should should b e physic physicaa lly segrega segrega ted from the t raffic route. route. The wa rehou rehouse se s houl hould d ha ve ad eq ua te lighting lighting to ens ure ure good visibil isibility ity at a ll tim times. es. Fixed ixed w a ll mi mirr rrors ors ma y a lso be necess a ry for for use on corners. corners. In a dd ition, ition, high vvisibil isibility ity cclothi lothing ng a nd transpa rent doors wil willl ensur ensuree tha t per personnel sonnel ccaa n be s een ea sil silyy a t a ll tim times. es. The fork forkli lift ft trucks trucks mus t b bee fitted with a udible a la larm rmss a nd, in fla shing li lights ghts may particularly noisy environments, rotating or or fla a lso b e nec necessa essa ry. It is a lso impor importa ta nt to ensure tha t sa fe sys tems of work for loading, unloa unloa ding and s ta ck ckin ingg a re in use a nd a re being ad her hered ed
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NIC Exa m S ucces ucce s s (Ta ckling th thee NEBOSH Exa xamina mina tio tion) n)
to a t a ll times. times. In the sa me way, it is is es sential that a ll rules ules relaa ting to t he s a fe use o f the forkli rel forklift ft truck truckss a re enforced, enforced, pa rti rticul culaa rly rly those rel relaa ting to speed rres es tri trictions ctions and a ccess . In a dditi ddition on to the a bove bove,, it is vita vita l that driv drivers ers a nd pedest rians a re a deq uately tr traa ined ined a nd super supervvised to ensure that t he precaution precautionss a bove bove a re a dhered dhered to. (c)
There a re a number of rrules ules th thaa t a driv driver er mu muss t follow wh when en lea ving ving his/her his/ her forkli forklift ft truck una tte nded . The firs firs t one rela tes to lea ving ving the forkli forklift ft truck truck on a fir firm m llevel evel surface, in a d es igna ted a rea, to ens ure ure tha t it ccaa nnot rol rolll a wa y. The truck must not be b e left in in a position where it could could obs truct truct emergency ex exits, its, wa lk lkwa wa ys o r fire fire points poin ts , a nd must be pa rk rked ed a wa y fr from om other vehicl ehicles es . The t ruck ruck shoul should d be left with the mas t t ilted ilted slightly forwa forwa rd a nd fork for ks rest ing on the floor floor to m maa ke sure tha t it iiss s ta ble a nd not li lik kely to overturn. overturn. The tru t ruck ck must no nott b e left until the b rake ha s been a pplied pplied a nd the power sw itched off. Where a st a rt key is is used , the key m must ust b e rem removed oved a nd retur returned ned to a responsible person, a s a ppropria ppropriate. te. This will will prev prevent ent unauthorised una uthorised us e of the truck.
Copyright RRC 2004
NIC Exa Exa m Succe S uccess s (Ta ckling th e NE NEBOSH Exa Exa mina tio tion) n)
Question 2 New o wners a re a bout to move in into to a n exi exist st ing ing office office buil building. ding. (a)
The new ow ners ners a re ca ca rr rryi ying ng out a n a ss ess ment of the s uita uita bility bility of lighting lighting within within the bui buildi lding. ng. Identify the factors tha t sho uld uld be considered. (8)
Outl utline ine four fa ctors, other tha n lighting, lighting, a ss ociated with the physical workin workingg envi environ ronment, ment, tha t may impa impa ct on the hea lth and s a fety of personnel. (4)
Outli utline ne the welfa re fa cil cilities ities required in the building.
An s w e r P llaa n (a)
Ta sks to be underta ken, eq uipment uipment to be us ed, na tura tura l llight, ight, layout la yout of office, exi exist st ing li light ght ing llevels evels ((st st a irs irs , corrido corridors, rs, o office) ffice),, types of a rti rtifi fici ciaa l lighting, lighting, g lare, e mergency mergency li lighting. ghting.
Noise, oise , te temperat mperat ure, humi humidity, dity, a ir q ua lity/ lity/ventil ventilaa tion, cond condition ition of fl floor oors, s, spa ce constra constra ints, ints, work worksta sta tion design.
Toil oilets ets , wa shing fa cili cilities, ties, drink drinkin ingg wa ter, rest a reas , firstfirst-aa id faciliti facil ities, es, coat storag e, rest fa cil ciliti ities es for pr pregna nt women a nd nursing nur sing mothers, pr protection otection fr from om toba cco smoke.
M o d e l An s w e r (a)
When a ss ess ing ing the s uita uita bil bility ity of li lighting ghting w ithin ithin the buil building, ding, the new owners must cons ider a num number ber of factors. First irst ly ly,, they must consider the ta sks to b e under consider underta ta ken a nd the eq uipm uipment ent to b e used. use d. Where clos clos e work is to be ca rried rried out, th then en the light light ing requirements requir ements w ill ill be grea ter tha n where genera l office office a dmin dministra istra tion is is b eing eing compl completed. eted. Aga in, in, where intri intrica ca te machineryy requirin machiner requiringg preci precise se set ting is b eing used , t hen extra extra localise locali se d li lighting ghting ma y be required. required. The new owners ow ners must look a t th thee ssuita uita bility bility of the th e exis exis ting lighting in a ll a reas incl including uding sta ir irss a nd corri corridors. dors. They mu must st a lso look a t the a mount mount of na tura tura l light light in the buil building ding a nd ma ke bes t use of this, a s na tura tura l light light is pr preferab eferab le to a rti rtifi fici ciaa l light. light. In ad dition,
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NIC Exa m S ucces ucce s s (Ta ckling th thee NEBOSH Exa xamina mina tio tion) n)
they must must a lso consider signi signifi fica ca nt contr contraa st in lighting lighting betwee n different differ ent a reas . For this, t hey must must look a t the la yout of the office office including incl uding the pos itioni itioning ng of sscreen creen dividers dividers in rela rela tion to over overhea hea d li lighting, ghting, and other a rea s tha t m maa y be in sha dow. It m maa y be pos s ible to move screens a nd/or nd/or furnitur furnituree a round to improve improve exiss ting lighting exi light ing levels levels , or to reduce/ reduce/remov removee g la lare re from computer computer screens. The cond iti ition on a nd a ppropri ppropriaa tenes s of the a rtifi rtifici ciaa l lighting lighting must must be considered. Flick lickeri ering ng fluor fluorescent escent tub es ca n be a nnoyi nnoying, ng, a s ca n ex excess cess iv ivee gla re ca used b y spotlights spotlights in the wrong pla pla ce. The ma intena intena nce and the clea ning ning pr procedures ocedures may a lso rreq eq uire uire consideration. Emer mergency gency lighting lighting must a lso be considered, a s peo ple ple a re es peci peciaa ll llyy exposed exposed to d a nger in in the event of a lighting lighting fa ilur ilure. e. (b)
The phys ic icaa l working working environ environment ment ca n b e a ffected b y a grea t ma ny factors which ca ca n a ffe ffect ct the hea lth and s a fety of the em empl ployees oyees workin work ingg in tha t envi environ ronment. ment. One such fa ctor is is noise , w hich hich ca n ha ve a st ressful eff effect ect on employees. employees. Another fa fa ctor is temperaa ture. Extremes of temper temper temperaa ture ture ca n affect a n indiv individual’s idual’s a bili bility ty to concentrat e a nd ca n make them feel physically unwell unwell.. For a n office envi environment, ronment, a tempera ture of 16 16 deg rees Celsius is reasonable. Spa ce constraints constraints may a lso a ffect ffect empl employee oyee health and s a fety. Cramped conditi conditions ons ma y ma ke indiv individuals iduals feel cla cla ustrophobic. Additiona lly, lly, though, ina deq ua te spa ce m maa y result result in in accidents . Ventila entilation tion is ano anothe therr importa importa nt factor. fact or. Enclosed wo rkpla rkplaces ces must be ventilat ventilat ed b y a s uffi ufficien cientt q ua ntity of fres fres h or pur purif ified ied a ir. ir. Poor ventil entilaa tion may ma ke empl employees oyees feel ill ill with s ymptoms ymptoms such a s hea da ches a nd na usea (Sick Buildi Building ng Syndrome) Syndrome)..
There a re a number numbe r of welfa re fa facil cilities ities th a t a re req req uir uired ed in the building. An ad eq ua te number of well-ventil well-ventilaa ted a nd well-li well-litt sa ni nita ta ry conv convenienc eniences es in relat relat ion to the number of male a nd female employ employees ees is ess ential. In a ddition, wa shing faciliti facilities es with hot a nd cold cold ru runni nning ng wa ter ter,, a nd a means of dryin dryingg must be available.
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NIC Exa Exa m Succe S uccess s (Ta ckling th e NE NEBOSH Exa Exa mina tio tion) n)
A so urce urce of drin drink king ing w a ter mu must st be prese nt, a nd this must b e clea clea rly rly marked, marked, where a ppropri ppropriaa te. There must must a lso be so me fa ci cili lities ties for ta king rres es t a nd refreshment refreshment a wa y from from the wo rk rkin ingg a rea. Add itiona itiona lly lly p pregna regna nt women a nd nur nursing sing mothers must must ha ve rest rest fa cili cilities. ties. The b uilding uilding must protect non-s non-s mok mokers ers from the e ffects of inha inha li ling ng toba cco cco smoke. Ma ny buildings buildings wil willl ha ve a des igna ted a rea for smokin smokingg or smoker smokerss may b e obliged to to go outside. Accommoda tion mu muss t be a vaila ble for clothing not worn wo rn during workin work ingg hour hours, s, e.g . coa ts , etc. This a ccommoda ccommoda tion ma y take the form of lockers lockers o orr merely merely a hook. Fir irss t-a t-a id fa cilities cilities must be a vaila vailable. ble. The number of people employed in the b uil uilding ding w ill ill dete determ rmine ine whether whet her a fir firss tt-aa id kit kit is a deq ua te, o r whether a full fullyy eq uipped uipped first first -a id room room iiss req uired. uired.
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NIC Exa m S ucces ucce s s (Ta ckling th thee NEBOSH Exa xamina mina tio tion) n)
EXA EX AMP LE S HO RT QU ES TIONS Ques tion 1 Outli utline ne the pri princi ncipa pa l health effects of the following following a gents a nd, for ea ch one, identify the work situa tion iin n which a person ma y be exposed : (a)
Ca rbon monoxide.
As bes be s tos to s .
Legionella ba cteria.
Hepa titis vi virus. rus.
Ap p r o a c h i n g t h e Q u e s t i o n
This q uestion req uires uires tw o points for each a gent in or order der to g a in full full marks. mark s. The fir first st pa rt iiss t o identify identify the ma in effects of t he a gent on t he bod y. Add iti itiona ona lly, lly, a typic typicaa l work workpl plaa ce situa tion where where a per perso so n ma ma y be exposed mu must st be g iv iven en - it iiss impor importa ta nt to note tha t the q uestion a sks for a work workpl plaa ce ‘situation’ ‘situation’,, ther therefor efore, e, it is not a deq uate just to put put a workpl workplaa ce, such a s a hos pita pita l. The a ctua l situa tion or a ctivity ctivity is required. This q uestion a sks for specifi specifics cs a nd s o it iiss not poss ible ible to a nsw er with with generalities. M o d e l An s w e r (a)
The pri princi ncipa pa l hea lth effects of ca rbon monox monoxide ide a re hea da ches, drows iness iness a nd poss ible suffoca tion. Exposure coul could d occur when workin work ingg nea r a vehi vehicl clee ex exha ha ust in an unv unventil entilaa ted a rea, e.g . vehicle vehic le repa repa ir premis premis es .
Exposur posuree to a sb estos may ca use a sb estos is ((aa fibroti fibroticc diseas e of the lung), lung), lung ca ncer or meso theli the lioma oma (ca ncer of the lining lining of the lung).. Work lung) orkers ers eng a ged ge d in ma ma intena nce or demoli de molition tion work where whe re a sb estos is contained in the fa fa bric bric of the building building a re a t risk. risk.
Exposure to Legionell egionellaa ba cteri cteriaa may ca use legionell legionellosis osis , which is cha ract eris eris ed by fluflu-li lik ke s ymptoms, pneumonia a nd in a bo bout ut 1 15 5%
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NIC Exa Exa m Succe S uccess s (Ta ckling th e NE NEBOSH Exa Exa mina tio tion) n)
of ca ca ses , dea th. Any workpl workplaa ce that ha s untr untrea ea ted wa ter ta nks nks a nd s ystems from whic which h wa ter dr dropl oplets ets may be relea elea sed into into the a tmos phere (e.g (e.g . from a ir ir--conditioning ssyst yst ems or cooling cooling tow ers) poses a risk risk to thos e in the vici vicini nity. ty. (d)
The princ principa ipall hea lth effect effectss of th thee hepa titis virus virus include jaundice, jaund ice, fever, a bd ominal pa fever, pain in a nd, ultimat ely, lliv iver er fa ilur ilure. e. Any workpla workpla ce situa tion tha t ex exposes poses people to infected infected persons or u use se d hypodermic hypoderm ic needles presents a ri risk, sk, e.g . hos pita pita ls. The Hepa titis A vi viru russ , which w hich iiss no norm rmaa lly lly lles es s s erious erious,, is trans t rans mi mitte tte d via via the mouth; Hepa Hepa titi titiss B a nd C via the b lood.
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NIC Exa m S ucces ucce s s (Ta ckling th thee NEBOSH Exa xamina mina tio tion) n)
Question 2 Outli utline ne the req uirem uirements ents necess a ry to eva cuat e people sa fely from from a building on fire. (8) M o d e l An s w e r
In order to ensure the s a fe evacua tion of peopl peoplee from a b uildi uilding, ng, it is impor im porta ta nt tha t the followi following ng req uirem uirements ents a re in pla pla ce. First irst ly, ly, t here must be a mea ns for raising the a larm (e.g . fir firee a larm, ha nd bell) bell),, a nd the dista nce to the nea nea rest a va ilable exi exit must must be a ccepta ccepta ble. Esca pe routes rou tes must b e of suffici sufficient ent width a nd ha ve cl clea ea r signa ge to indica indica te the esca pe route. route. In ad dition, esca pe rroutes outes must be kept kept cl clea ea r of obs tru tructions, ctions, w ith fi firre doo rs close close d to prev prevent ent the s prea prea d of s moke. moke. Appropr ppropria iate te firefire-fighting fighting eq uipment uipment must be prov provided ided a nd be in ful fulll working worki ng order. Emergency llighting ighting must be prov provided ided where wh ere neces s a ry. Imarsh n order ensure t the evacua tionma pr process ocess runs runs s tha moothly, moothly fire a lstom must ust be tha a ppointed. ppoi nted. These rsha ls itself wil willl ensure t the , fire building buil ding is eva eva cuat ed ful fully ly a nd tha t nobod y is is left inside. inside. There mu must st a lso b e procedures procedures to eva cuat e people with a physical disa bil bility, ity, e.g. in relat ion to hea ri ring, ng, s ight or mobil mobility. ity. It is impor importa ta nt to praa ctise the evacua tion p pr plan lan a t regular regular iinterv ntervaa ls.
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NIC Exa Exa m Succe S uccess s (Ta ckling th e NE NEBOSH Exa Exa mina tio tion) n)
Question 3 (a)
Consider a piec piecee of ma chin chinery ery with movin movingg pa rts a nd identify: (i)
Two mecha nical ha za rds (a s s ocia ted with the moving moving parts). (2)
(ii ii))
Two non-mecha non-mecha nica nicall ha za rds tha t the opera tor of the ma chine ma y be exposed to. (2)
In order to reduce the th e ris ris k of injury injury from da ngerous pa rts o off the machinery, machiner y, outline outline a hier hieraa rchy of contr control ol m mea ea sures tha t ma y be used. (4)
M o d e l An s w e r
(a )
Mecha ni nica ca l ha za rds a re thos e from from the movin movingg pa rts of the ma chinery chinery and /or the ma teri teriaa l being worked worked a nd include include impact im pact a nd enta ngle nglemen ment. t.
(ii ii))
Non-mechanica on-mechanica l ha za rds tha t coul could d a ffect the machine operat or incl include ude noise a nd vi vibra bra tion.
A hierarchy of control mea s ur ures es tha t could be used to reduce the risk risk of inj injur uryy fr from om the d a ngerous pa rts of t he ma chi chine ne commen commences ces with the fitting of fixed fixed gua rd( rd(s) s).. Thes e enclose the da ngerous nge rous pa rts a nd mu must st b e fi fix xed in p place. lace. Where fix fixed ed g ua rds a re not praa ctical, then other types of g uards , e. g. interl pr interlock ock gua rds ((where where the ma chin chinee ca nnot st a rt before before the gua rd is is closed ), or pr protectiv otectivee devices, devi ces, e .g . trip trip syst ems or pr pres es sure sensitiv sensitivee ma ma ts , s hould hould be considered. Where gua rds ca nnot give give ful fulll protection, protection, s a fety a ids s uch as jigs, push sticks sticks or holders holders ca n be used . In a dd iti ition on to the a bove, the prov provision ision of infor informat mat ion, training training a nd supervision superv ision are iimpor mporta ta nt to ens ur uree tha t operat ors use the machines machin es sa fel fely. y.
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NIC Exa m S ucces ucce s s (Ta ckling th thee NEBOSH Exa xamina mina tio tion) n)
Question 4 Consider an in indiv dividual idual llif ifting ting a loa d. Outlin utlinee the facto rs tha t may a ffect the risk from from ma ma nual ha ndli ndling ng in rel relaa tion to: (a)
Th e lo loaa d .
The ind individua ividua l.
M o d e l An s w e r (a)
The na ture of the loa d ma y present a ris ris k of injur injuryy during ma nua l ha ndli ndling ng a ctiv ctiviti ities es . Impor mporta ta nt fa fa ctors to consider a re the size a nd the weight of the load . In ad dition, considerat ion sho uld uld be giv given en to whether the contents contents of the load may move move a nd the load become be come u unba nba lanced. la nced. The position pos ition of the centre of gra gravi vity ty is is important im portant t oo. If the centre of gr graa vity is is not in the centre then this ca n ma ke the manua l ha ndli ndling ng a ctiv ctivity ity mor moree d if iffi ficul cult. t. Cronsider onsidera a tion mu must st a lasondbewhether given given a sha s to rhow ea sya it ipr s to secure secure a fi fir m gra gra sp of the load p edges reis present. esent.
The indivi individua dua l ca carr rrying ying out the t he ta t a s k ma y a ffect the t he level of risk risk of a manua l handling a ctiv ctivity. ity. Fir irst st ly ly,, one s houl hould d consider the bod y size a nd st ren rength gth o f the in indiv dividual idual iin n rrelat elat ion to the ta sk. The a ge a nd gender of the indiv individual idual m must ust a lso be considered. Other factors s uc uch h a s physi physical cal ha ndi ndicaps caps or rrestri estricti ctions ons d ue to ill illness, disa bil bility ity or pr pregna egna ncy sh ould ould be ta ken iinto nto a ccount. ccount. Note tha t indiv individual idual la ck of tr traa inin iningg in m maa nual ha ndling ndling wil willl incr increa ea se the level lev el of risk risk as so cia cia ted w ith the ta sk. Fina ina lly, lly, inappropr inappropriat iat e clothing clothing or footwea r will will a lso inc increas reas e the level level of risk risk a ss ocia ocia ted with the manua l ha ndli ndling ng a ctiv ctivity. ity.
Copyright RRC 2004
NIC Exa Exa m Succe S uccess s (Ta ckling th e NE NEBOSH Exa Exa mina tio tion) n)
C a n d i d a t e ’ s o b s e rrvv a t iioo n s h e e t
Candidate’s Name Pla ce inspected
Sheet Number
____________________ _______________________________ ___________ Candidate Number C _________ ____________ ___ Engineer’s workshop a nd sto re
Da te of inspection ___/
Actions to be taken(if any)
List haza rds, unsafe practices and good practices
risk (H, M, L)
List a ny imm immedia edia te or longerterm action required
E n gi n eer’s wo work shop shop.
F i re ri sk du due e to the storage of
flammable substances on the ben ch.
All flammable items to be stored in a fireproof cabinet.
Timescale (immediate, 1 week, etc)
Fire risk due to the current obstruction stru ction of the f i re exit with an oil drum.
Dru Dru m to be removed moved to a saf e place an and d exi exitt k ept clear at all times.
S li ppin g hazards due to un tre treate ated d oil sp spii l l ages ages on the t hef l oor
T he f l oor shoul shoul d becle clean ane ed and subject to regular cleaning.
H eal alth th ri r i sk du due e to the practi ce of prep repari n g beve beverag rage es on on a dirt di rty y bench.
T his hi s practi ce sho shoul ul d be prohibited.
Health risk due to inadequate ventilation.
M echani chani cal cal ven tilati ti lati on capabll e of achievi capab achievin n g 10 ai r changes per hour should be installed.
Wi thin 14-28 days. days.
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NIC Exa m S ucces ucce s s (Ta ckling th thee NEBOSH Exa xamina mina tio tion) n)
Actions to be taken(if any)
List haza rds, unsafe practices and good practices
risk (H, M, L)
List a ny imm immedia edia te or longerterm action required
Timescale (immediate, 1 week, etc)
R i sk of ey ey e and f ac ace e in jury jur y due to operator not wearing visor provided.
R equi reme remen n ts rel rel atin g to the wearin ari n g of visor should shoul d be en f orced. rced.
R isk of of in jury f ro rom m fallin g i te tems ms due du e to ove overl rl oaded aded stat s tate e of the sto storage rage racki rack i n g.
S to torage rage racki n g shoul shoul d be be reorganised.
R isk of bac ack k in jury due to operators not li f ti n g heavy heavy i te tems ms co corre rrectly ctly .
Furthe Fu rtherr racki n g shoul should d be be installed. Train in g in safe safe manual manual handlii n g shoul handl should d be provided and posters de dep pi cti ctin n g co corr rre ect te techni chni qu que es di spl spl ay ed.
W ithin 14-28 day day s.
This is a n ex exaa mple mple only only.. More sheets would be use d a s req uired. uired.
Copyright RRC 2004
NIC Exa Exa m Succe S uccess s (Ta ckling th e NE NEBOSH Exa Exa mina tio tion) n)
Copyright Copyrig ht RRC 2004
NIC Exa m S ucces ucce s s (Ta ckling th thee NEBOSH Exa xamina mina tio tion) n)
EXAM P LE OF A C O M P LE EXAM LET TED REP O RT TO M ANA NAG G EM EMENT ENT R e p o r t o n a n I n s p e c t iioo n o f t h e En g i n e e r ’’ss Wo r ks ks h o p a n d S t o r e
I ca rried rried out a n inspection of tthe he Engineer’s Engineer’s W Work orkss hop a nd S tore on Tuesd a y, 1 14th 4th Dec December ember 2004 2004 with a view to a ss es sing curren currentt s a fety sta nda rds a nd comp compli liaa nce wi with th lega l req req uir uiremen ements. ts. The E Eng ngineer’s ineer’s Work orkss hop is h ous ed in a former ssta ta bles , b uilt in 1 1907 907.. Generra lly, Gene ly, the s ta nda rd of sa fety was poor poor,, a nd there there a re a nu number mber of breaches of legi legisla sla tion which which rreq eq uir uire ur urgent gent ma nag emen ementt a ttention, ttention, a s indic indicaa ted in the a tta ched list list of observa observa tions tions a nd recomm recommenda enda tion tions. s. Thos e ma tters requir requiring ing urgent urgent mana gement a ttention a re outlin outlined ed below. 1. 0
Fi rree H a z a r d s
A num number ber of fi fire re haza rds were pr pres es ent a s a result result of unsa tisfa ctory workin work ingg practic practices, es, incl includi uding: ng: the st or oraa ge of fl flaa mma mma ble substa nces on a workbench; workbench; obs tru truction ction of a fir firee ex exit; it; the s torag e of fla fla mm mmaa ble rrefuse efuse in pl pla stic rrefu efuse se sa ck cks; s; a nd the use of the s tore tore for stor storaa ge of w eldin eldingg gases. Whil hilst st unsa tisfa ctory wor work king ing pra ctices ca n be e limi limina na ted a t no cos t through impr improved oved mana gement control control,, t here iiss a n urgent urgent need to provi pr ovide de a ga s cylinder cylinder stora ge a rea which meets cur current rent lega lega l req uir uirements ements . This wil w illl enta il a medium llevel evel of expenditure. 2.0 Housekeeping
The s ta nda rd of hous ekeeping in the s tore is very poor poor.. There a re numer nu merous ous fire, fire, tri trippi pping ng a nd conta ct ha za rds due to the fa ct tha t the st ore iiss fa r too sma ll for the rang e of iitems tems s tored. The s tore should be completely compl etely cl clea ea red. Extra ra ckin ckingg s hould hould b e provided provided to permi permitt s tora ge off the floor. floor. This could could b e insta lled lled a t min minim imaa l cost, w ith the dispos a l of unwa unwa nted items. items.
Copyright RRC 2004
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3 . 0 M a c h iinn e r y a n d Eq u ip ip m e n t
Severa l iitems Severa tems of machiner machineryy a nd eq uipm uipment ent a re in a da nger ngerous ous s ta te due to the a bs ence of guarding, guarding, in inaa deq uate ma intenance intenance a nd over overlo loaa din dingg of st ora ge ra ck cking. ing. There is is evidence of the gua rd to the meta ll-cutting cutting guilloti guil lotine ne ha ving been rremov emoved ed a t so me time time in in the pas t; a wood en ladd er iiss in a highly highly dangerou dangerouss s ta te; a nd the meta l ra ra cki cking is distorted due to overload overload ing. ing. Mos t of these d efic eficienc iencies ies ca n be remedied remedied a t li little ttle cost . Engineer ngineerin ingg st a ff must be iinst nst ructed ructed to rreport eport ha za rds immediately. 4.0
Wo r k in in g P r a c t i c e s
Due to the obvious obvious lack of sa fety aw a reness by s ta ff in in thi thiss workshop, workshop, a number num ber of unsa fe pra pra ctices ctices w ere noted. Thes e incl included: uded: the fa ilur iluree to clea cl ea r oil spill spillaa ges ; t he pr prepa epa ration of bev beverag erag es on a dirty dirty work workbench; bench; the fa il ilur uree to wea r fful ulll fa fa ce pr protection otection whil whilst st welding; uns a fe manua l ha ndli ndling ng practice; a nd the s tora ge of chemic chemicaa ls in unma unma rk rked ed mineral mineral wa ter bottl bottles. es. All these practic practices es ma y be a ss ocia ocia ted with poor supervision superv ision and a lack of tr traa ini ining ng in the a ppr ppropr opriat iat e s a fe workin workingg practices. I woul would d recommen recommend d tha t a ll sta ff att end a one da y tr traa ining ning cour course se on Work orkss hop S a fety, to b bee run by th thee H Hea ea lth &Sa fety U Unit, nit, in the nea r future. Thes e recommenda recommenda tions ca n be implem implemented ented a t little or no cost . 5.0
We l f a r e Am e n i t y P r o v i s i o n s
The sa ni nita ta tion and ha nd-wa nd-wa shing a rea is in a pa rticu ticularl larlyy dir dirty ty sta te, a nd requires requires urgent clea clea ning ning a nd redecor redecoraa tion. No provi provision sion is is ma de for the s tor toraa ge a nd cha ngi nging ng of clothi clothing, ng, for rest rest a nd ta king ing of mea ls. There is a st rong ca se for redevelopm redevelopment ent of this a rea in the nea r fu futur turee with a vi view ew to providing providing thes e a menities menities . This will enta il ca pita l expenditure. CONCLUSION
There is clear evi evidence dence th a t very very little little a ttention ha s been pa id to maintaining maintaini ng good sta nda rds of health a nd sa fety per perfor formance mance iin n thi thiss
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NIC Exa m S ucces ucce s s (Ta ckling th thee NEBOSH Exa xamina mina tio tion) n)
a rea for some tim time. e. Beca use of the poor st a nda rd of prov provision ision of engineering engineer ing fa cili cilities, ties, st a ff ha ve ha d t o w ork under diff diffic icul ultt conditions in orde orderr to fulfi fulfill their duties. There a re numerous numerous b rea ches of legis legisla lation tion which could result in enforcement enfor cement a ction. Va st impr improvem ovements ents in the sta nda rd of cl clea ea nl nliness iness a nd house keeping, the control of ffir ire, e, chemical a nd eq uipment uipment ha za rds, however however,, could be brought a bout ra pidly pidly through through impr improved oved s uperv upervision ision a nd minima minima l ex expenditure. penditure. On a longlong-term term ba sis , t here is is a need t o consider future future wo rksh rksh op a rra rra ngements, incl including uding the provi provision sion of more working working spa ce tog ether with better stora ge a nd wel welfare fare a rra ngemen ngements. ts.
14//1 12//2 2004
A Smith
Copyright RRC 2004
NIC Exa Exa m Succe S uccess s (Ta ckling th e NE NEBOSH Exa Exa mina tio tion) n)
AND FINA INALL LLY Y… Hopefully opefully thi thiss bookl booklet et ha s pr provi ovided ded some releva releva nt practice q uestions a s well as some ideas for ta ckli ckling ng them. IItt should should a lso have shown tha t the q uestions ues tions a re st stra raightfo ightforwa rwa rd; but t ha t it is vita l tha t you RE READ THE QUESTION a nd a nsw er the q ues uestion tion tha t is written (not (not t he one tha t you wa nt it to be!) be!).. In order to do well in the exa exa ms, it iiss rea lly lly im important portant t o practise a s many exa exa m questions as possible La stly, don’t pa nic nic a bout the exam, but do ensure ensure tha t you a re prepared prepared - you wa nt to ma ke s ur uree tha t a ll your ha rd work will will be rewa rded.
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