IGC-3 Full Assessment

February 10, 2017 | Author: Muhammad | Category: N/A
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200 9


Under Pass No. 5


List of hazards, unsafe practices and good practices

1- Housekeeping: 1.1Fire hazard from compiled rubbish and polythene sheets.

1.2Trip Hazard from scattered materials and rubbish on site.


Priori ty/ Risk H,M,L H


Actions to be taken (if any)

List of all immediate and longer-term actions required

- Removal of all rubbish from site. - Good housekeeping should be planned. - Segregation between different materials.



200 9 Time Scale

(Immediate ,1Week,etc )

Immediat e 2 Days 3Days

1 Week

-Removal of rubbish, material segregation and good housekeeping plans. 1.3Two inch scattered nails and small pieces of timber with nails projected from one side.

H 3 Days 1 Week

M 1.4Food waste materials lead to hygienic hazards of flies, varmints and even snakes.

-Waste management action plans. -Minimization of use of bad practices on carpentry works. -Retrain carpenters. - Segregation between food and other materials

1 Month 3 Days


Under Pass No. 5


List of hazards, unsafe practices and good practices

2 Environmental hazards: 2.1Disposal of concrete on the ground which pollute the ground.

2.2 Oil spillage from air compressor which contaminate the ground and water (see report).

2.3Scattered cans and plastic bottles which has an environmental impact, and if reused for drinking water (Which is biological hazard to health), oil or petrol it may lead to contamination or substance hazards (not labeled). Cans can cause site injuries by its sharp edges.


Priori ty/ Risk H,M,L M


Actions to be taken (if any)


200 9 Time Scale

List of all immediate and longer-term actions required

(Immediate ,1Week,etc )

-Eliminate the waste by regularly ordering the concrete according to the demand. -Avoid cleaning the concrete truck on site. -Collect the concrete to a specific disposal area.

1 week

H -Immediately stop the spillage. -a quick maintenance for air compressor should be maintained -Insure regular maintenance for equipments.

Regularly Immediat e

Immediat e 1 Day 1 Month

M -Site cleaning methods and eliminating of waste should be done. -induction training of the environmental and biological hazards should take place. -Material segregation methods to be used. -Wear of suitable Personal Protective Equipments (P.P.E.)

2 Days 2 Weeks 1 Week Immediat e


Under Pass No. 5


List of hazards, unsafe practices and good practices

3 Physical Hazards: 3.1Working at height on scaffolding without guard rail, without façade bracing and not fully covered with timber boards (or other material like aluminum). 3.2Too steep timber ladder without handrails lead to the upper part of scaffolding parallel to shuttering for concrete walls of the bridge which can lead to fall from height.


Priori ty/ Risk H,M,L



H 3.3Electrical shock can happen from generating of an electrical drill with damaged wires and using a domestic socket connection for 220 volts electrical current.


Actions to be taken (if any)

List of all immediate and longer-term actions required

-Stop The work on scaffolding -A competent sub-contractor should be provided for proper erecting of scaffolding.

-Maintain the slope to be suitable and have can easily be accessed. -Insure handrails for the ladder. -Induction training for workers on falls from heights to be done. -Provide a 110 voltage current system. -Provide of an industrial socket connection. -Proper storage of electrical cables. -Provide for new cables. -Portable Appliances Testing techniques should be followed (PAT).


200 9 Time Scale

(Immediate ,1Week,etc )

Immediat e 1 Day

Immediat e 1 Day 1 week

1 Week Immediat e Immediat e 1 Day Monthly

H 3.4Good practice: High voltage cable over the new diversion - towards Alain – is maintained with goal posting with net under the electric liens and the area is barricaded to protect movement under the electric high voltage lines. 3.5Protruding steel bars from wall shuttering under the scaffolding


-Goal posts with net under the line is done. -Barriers to stop vehicles (e.g. Cranes) from moving under the high voltage lines (Done).

- Protruding steel bars should be

Immediat e Immediat e

without protection caps.

Immediat e 1 Day

capped. -Bars should be bent to prevent sharp edge of steel.


Under Pass No. 5


List of hazards, unsafe practices and good practices

4 Chemical hazards: 4.1People ignite fire near the polymer bitumen container which is a fire hazard due to chemical substances.

4.2Charging of vehicles batteries on work area will generate hydrogen gas which is flammable gas.


Priori ty/ Risk H,M,L




Actions to be taken (if any)

List of all immediate and longer-term actions required

-Insure good storage for chemical substances. -Train workers to deal with chemical substances and resulted fire hazards. - Provide worker with readily hot drinks regularly or to use hot drinks in the rest periods. -Control of substances hazardous to health methods should regularly be done (CoSHH). -Stop charging batteries on work area. -Insure good ventilation for work area. -Control of Substances Hazardous to Health techniques to be insured (CoSHH).


200 9 Time Scale

(Immediate ,1Week,etc )

Immediat e 1 week 1 Day


Immediat e Immediat e 3 Days


Under Pass No. 5


List of hazards, unsafe practices and good practices

5 Physical hazards: 5.1Assembly point on work area is not assigned which may lead workers to be stroked by vehicles as they are in hurry to catch the buses at the end of the working day. 5.2The stability of stones of the demolished old wall wings of the road in the under pass (for joining of the new road walls) is not insured which can lead to fallen objects hazard.


Priori ty/ Risk H,M,L




Actions to be taken (if any)

List of all immediate and longer-term actions required


200 9 Time Scale

(Immediate ,1Week,etc )

-Assembly point should be assigned. - Easy access and egress for buses to working area. - Training for the workers.

Immediat e 1 week

-Shuttering for the sides of the wall is a must. -Barriers must be used to barricade the area. -Casting the new wall

3 Days Immediat e 1 Week

1 Month


5.3Temporary round about near the site offices at the T shape junction to prevent a sudden turn which lead to vehicles overturn which can lead to injuries or even death at high speeds.

-Temporary round about to be done. -Speed limit signs to be placed. - Ramble strips on the road to be established.

1 Week Immediat e 2 Weeks

L 5.4Unstable mobile water tank is parked near the road side in the sloped area which cam move or overturned towards the working are and can cause injuries

-Mobile tanker to be placed in an even floor down in the working area. -Parking breaks must be used.

3 days 2 Weeks


Along the road


List of hazards, unsafe practices and good practices



Priori ty/ Risk H,M,L


Actions to be taken (if any)

List of all immediate and longer-term actions required


200 9 Time Scale

(Immediate ,1Week,etc )

Good practices:

6.1Fencing with control gate to prevent Camels (animals) from crossing the road. The guard man is to stop trespasser from entering the site which may be hazardous to them. This can prevent accident occurring and control the crossing of camel through the under passes.


H 6.2The use of concrete barriers near deep excavations can prevent of falling, and use of barriers in a good manner in diversions will control the traffic movement.

-Control of camel’s movement was done. -Gate with guard man to open for workers to pass and immediately close the gate to stop trespassers.

1 week

-Use of concrete barriers to prevent cars from jumping into deep excavations. -Ease diversion of barriers will ease the movement of cars.

Immediat e

- Use of traffic sings for round about, T shaped junction of critical turn. -Use of ramble strips with different spaces in between from suitable distance to warn drivers in high speed for critical areas.

Immediat e

M 6.3Ramble strips, in addition to traffic signs (speed limits signs), on the road near diversions, T shaped junctions or before round about; in critical turns; are placed.

Immediat e

1 week

3 Weeks

M Immediat

6.4Instruction boards on site along the road are placed with reflective ribbons in suitable places (Entrances, diversions, speed limits, etc.)

-Use of sign boards is mandatory by police authority


Along the road


List of hazards, unsafe practices and good practices



Priori ty/ Risk H,M,L


Actions to be taken (if any)

List of all immediate and longer-term actions required



200 9 Time Scale

(Immediate ,1Week,etc )

Physical hazards

7.1No fire extinguishers on site to fight fire if ignited. M 7.2Tress passers through the site at the underpass with motor cycles.

7.3Compressor hose with steel bar tighten to the free end which can lead to strike by the steel bar if the hose is free.



-Provide of water and carbon dioxide extinguishers on site. -training for workers on fire fighting methodology. - Signboards to restrict entering the working area. -Good housekeeping for safe pass of motor cycles. - Remove of the Steel bar from the hose end. -Train people to use the equipment. - Insure regular maintenance for the equipment.

Immediat e 1 Week

1 Week 2 Weeks

Immediat e 1 Week Monthly

04 / 12 / 2009 Under pass No. 5

2:30 pm.

Introduction: As safety is one of the important issues in our life and is the first issue people should take care of it, the government is take the safety into the considerations of the country legislations and law. The municipalities and the environmental agency, as regulatory authorities, held the safety issue and put it as apriority that should be adopted in all the country firms. The safety manual of Abu Dhabi and Alain municipalities is the witness of this care. Based on the priority of safety, health and environment and on the inspection done date on 04th. Of December 2009, on the road site which is Dualing and improve traffic safety on Alain Nahil road; I had found good practice and number of issues need a risk carried by those issues. Summary The aim of this inspection is to highlight the health, safety and environmental issues and to discover whether it is good practice or violations and to decide which recommendations are to be taken as remedial actions to be done. It is found that the main issue is the one way road without Intermediate Island which is the main risk, for this reason the municipality decides about this project which is Dualing and improves traffic safety on Alain Nahil road, to cover this dangerous issue. The compliance with health, safety and environment is clearly observed through the good barricading; well designed diversions and the precautions

taken under the high voltage electric line by maintain goal posts with net and barricading the area. Through the site inspections I observe some violations mainly on the under pass no.5 which are: the scaffolding which is incomplete; the side wall of the under pass without support to protect workers from the falling objects which are big stones on the road side. As Alain water table is very close to the ground level and there is many sources of drinkable water in different areas in Alain hence Alain is known as the oasis city; so as I observe there is spillage of oil from the compressor this may be one of the reasons which contaminate the water; same as the concrete disposal on the site. On the other side the high hazard from electric shock is persist there with the use of electrical equipments with damaged electric wires connected to domestic sockets. Observations 1- The scaffolds on site are incomplete without full boarding, without hand rails, without secured access and without façade bracing (item no.3.1 in page 3 of the observations). The contractor used only two no. of boards 20cm. wide about 50 cm thick (no way to take accurate dimensions because of incomplete scaffolds). This one of the most hazardous issues and most of the workers suffer from this type of hazards which is the fall from height. The recommendations to these hazards is to be carried by the contractor should stop the work on the scaffolding immediately and bring competent scaffold erector as to contract with specified scaffolds contractor; the sub-contractor should complete the scaffolding by placing top and middle handrails, full scaffold boarding with standard timber boards and insure a practically reasonable access according to the standards. The worker on site should have knowledge of how to deal with scaffolding; this can be done by training for company workers. The const to this action may not be high as if someone fell down lost his life or even injured this may cost not less than Dhs.250,000. The repair of scaffolding my not cost more than Dhs.15,000 include the administrative costs. The legislations, as refer to the Abu Dhabi or Alain municipality manual, shows the standard methods, numbers and dimensions

of how to insure correct scaffolding system which can be found on items no. 29.7, 29.8 and 29.10.3 for success to scaffold, layout of scaffold and railing of scaffolds. In section 29 of the manual you can find more about the scaffolding. 2- The hazard of electricity almost the dangerous event which may lead to death, reparatory paralysis, bruises or physical trauma. The use of equipment without earth wiring, with damaged wires and connected to domestic socket is classified by high risk which may be fatal hazard. As I found on the site and state it in item No. (3.3) on my observation sheet no.(3), the contractor used an electric drill connected to damaged wires and no earthing. I recommend that the contractor should immediately stop the work on this issue; Change all the damaged wires with new wires; maintain earthing system on site; use of 100 volts output current and suitable equipment - if possible - because it is very expensive; provide fuses to the equipments; use of electrical connection breaker (ELCB); provide portable appliance testing (PAT) for his equipments; change all domestic sockets with industrial ones and the use of suitable personal protective equipments (P.P.E.). All these, except the 110 volt system, may not cost more than Dhs.3,000 rather than the cost of any accident except death may be more than Dhs.10,000 include the cost of absenteeism or compensations. To deal with electricity in standard manner and cope with the legislations refer to Abu Dhabi and Alain municipality manual section 7 under the items 7.3, 7.4 and 7.5 which cover these issues. 3- Refer to my observation sheet no.(2) item no.(2.2) which is about the spillage of oil from compressor machine used in site in the under pass no.5. Due to lack of compressor maintenance the oil is spilled out from the compressor tank, and the tank without cover. This actually case pollution to land and may lead to contaminate the water table which is a highly environmental issue. Other chemical hazards can generate as fire hazard due to ignition of the fuel; or biological hazard due to inhalation of the fumes of the fuel or oil. Recommendations to this action is immediately stop the use of this equipment; empty the fuel tank, send it to maintenance and insure regular maintenance system and testing (PAT method as

mentioned above). Quick induction training should be done to eliminate such as these issues. The effect of these hazards may not being seen in the short period of time, but in the long term may cause illness due to the pollution of the ground and water or burns due to fire. The Cost to this issue is not measurable like other issues but it can be about Dhs.50,000 according to the amount of damage occurred to the land; water and health. The federal law on protection and development of the environment 1999, article 2 is the official legislations we can refer to in this case. The law shows the punishment results of such violations in articles 71 and 77 which lead to punished with imprisonment for a period of not less than one year in addition to fines ranging from Dhs.5,000 to Dhs.100,000 4- Item (4.1) on my observation sheet no. (4) is about one of the high hazards on site that observed in this inspection which is a chemical hazard. The polymer bitumen container can be affected by fire ignited beside the container known by the impact of burnt material found near the bitumen container. The polymer bitumen is one of the flammable materials which generate flammable fumes cam lead to fire. The hazards of this material is fire which is chemical hazard; the inhalation on specific dose of bitumen fumes can affect the lungs in the long term and cause unconsciousness to people in the short term. The lack of good storage system is observed. The accumulation of fumes may lead to explosion if ignited, but in this case the bitumen container is exposed to weather conditions which can ignited by heat. The recommendations to this issue, the contractor insure good storage system; use the method of controlling of substances hazardous to health (CoSHH); Train people on how to deal with such materials and to stop all issues of igniting fire for cocking or making tea or any hot drinks or even to heat the bitumen, unless it is approved method and with accordance to safety standards. Contractor should insure clear labeling for materials. The cost of fire is very high and in this condition it may exceed Dhs.3,000 and in case of affecting any worker the cost will increase according to the condition of the burnt person and may reach Dhs.20,000 or more.

The main applicable legislation in U.A.E is the Ministerial Order No. (32) Year 1982 - Article (9). 5- In item (5.2) in my observations in page (5), I talk about the demolished part of the wing wall of under pass no.(5),which is not barricaded, not covered by shuttering and the stones on the top of the slope are supposed to fall down in the working area which is a conformation of a high hazard of falling objects. The stone size is very big and on a high level from the ground of about 2.5 meters. Part of the slope backfilling is removed which made a sudden wall with the top part with big stone sloped down, and the stones on the edge of this wall can easily rolled down due to the slope and the vibration from the movement of vehicles on the road. This fallen objects hazard which can lead to death or any other reportable accident or even injuries. I recommend that area to be barricaded immediately; Stones to be removed or stopped from falling by means of good shuttering and casting the wing wall as soon as possible. The legislation for this is stated under the Mistrial order no (32) – 1982. Conclusion The reflective sign boards and traffic signs are in place with highly reflective ribbons; the rumble strips on the road and the fencing through the road side to prevent; rather than the Dualing of the road itself, are the good practice on this site. Failure to the management of occupational health and safety might result in legal actions where applicable. Accidents should be investigated as to be recorded to maintain a good reference for compliance with health and safety rules. More serious situations must be considered as a priority to insure healthy and safe community. Means of motivating the employees is one of the important issues to implement health and safety and clear punishment procedures should be known by employees. Occupational health and safety is a subject that everyone should consider as life promotion and insure good community.

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