understanding of t%e green (uilding design and construction industr) as t%e) relate to green (uilding
Section I: Green Building Design & Construction
Samle !uestion * *+ ,il grit searators are installed to: a- o .lter oil in storm /ater run0o1 (- o cature storm /ater run0o1 from surface ar2ing areas c- o reco3er oil silling at site d- o mix oil /it% storm /ater
Answer: a
Section I: Green Building Design & Construction
Samle !uestion 4 4+ %e rimar) function of roof garden is: a- o reduce t%e storm /ater run0o1 (- o minimise t%e %eat island e1ect c- o romote %a(itat d- 5or energ) e6cienc)
Answer: b
Section I: Green Building Design & Construction
Samle !uestion 7 7+ Best strateg) for 8eat Island Roof a- ree Co3er (- ,en Grid a3ers c- Grass Pa3ers d-
SRI (et/een 49 & ;
e- All t%e a(o3e
Answer: e
Section I: Green Building Design & Construction
Samle !uestion ; ;+ Green Consultant d- Plum(ing e- All of t%e a(o3e
Answer: e
Section II : Building Standards & Codes
*" $uestions
Purose o
3erif) t%e candidate's
understanding and 2no/ledge on fe/ of t%e local (uilding standards and codes as t%e) relate to en3ironmental asects
Section II : Building Standards & Codes
Samle !uestion " "+ %e Energ) Conser3ation Building Code ?ECBCis alica(le to (uildings or (uilding comlexes t%at %a3e a connected load a- *## 2< or greater (- @esser t%an "## 2< c- ## 2< or greater d- @esser t%an ## 2<
Answer: a
Section II : Building Standards & Codes
Samle !uestion + %e standard to (e referred for Erosion & Sedimentation Control measures is: a- AS8RAE (- ECBC c- IS d- BC
Answer: d
Section II : Building Standards & Codes
Samle !uestion + Baselines for 5res% Air Ventilation a- AS8RAE 9#+* (- AS8RAE 4+* c- AS8RAE "4+* d- AS8RAE *9+*
Answer: b
Section III : IGBC Resources and Processes
*" $uestions
Purose o
test candidate's understanding
of rocesses and resources related to IGBC rogrammes
Section III : IGBC Resources and Processes
Samle !uestion + If a credit oint %as (een denied for a roect and t%e roect team feels t%e) %a3e comlied /it% t%e credit re$uirement> t%e roect team a- Can /rite to t%e IGBC sta1 (- Cannot do an)t%ing c- Can aeal for re3ie/ of t%e credit d- Can declare t%emsel3es of %a3ing ac%ie3ed t%e credit
Answer: c
Section III : IGBC Resources and Processes
Samle !uestion 9 9+ 8o/ man) CIRs can a registered IGBC roect al)> for free a- ; (- 4 c- 7 d- *
Answer: b
Section III : IGBC Resources and Processes
Samle !uestion *# *#+ At /%at stage> IGBC conducts site 3isit a- At t%e time of Registration (- Fust (efore releasing t%e Preliminar) Re3ie/ c- Fust (efore a/arding t%e .nal rating d- After o/ner occuies
Answer: c
Section IV: Green Design Strategies & Imacts
7# $uestions
Purose o
e3aluate understanding of green
(uilding strategies and t%e imact t%at t%e) /ould result in+
%e candidate is re$uired to matc% t%e imact to a strateg) ro3ided
Section IV: Green Design Strategies & Imacts
Samle !uestion ** **+ Perform soil and climate anal)sis to determine t%e secies of lants /%ic% /ill adat (est a- Imro3e erosion & sedimentation control (- En%ance t%e aest%etics c- Reduce /ater re$uirement for landscaing d- Reduce /ater consumtion in .xtures
Answer: c
Section IV: Green Design Strategies & Imacts
Samle !uestion *4 *4+ sage of sal3aged materials are encouraged a- o en%ance local econom) (- Because it is c%eaer t%an 3irgin materials c- Because of its %ig% rec)cled content d- o reduce demand for 3irgin materials
Answer: d
Section IV: Green Design Strategies & Imacts
Samle !uestion *7 *7+ %e intent of Commissioning Plan for Building e$uiment & s)stems is a- o ensure sa3ings for t%e o/ner as en3isaged in design (- Routine installation c%ec2 c- Verif) erformance of s)stems d- one of t%e a(o3e
Answer: a
Section IV: Green Design Strategies & Imacts
Samle !uestion *; *;+ 5or densel) occuied areas> at /%at %eig%t C,4 sensors are installed a- Belo/ 7H (- A(o3e H c- At outdoor AC duct d- At (reat%ing le3el> (et/een ;H0H
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