IFR for Professional Pilots

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IFR for Professional Pilots


Canadian Instrument Rating procedures. Expands on procedures and requirements in AIM and Instrument Procedures Manual

Selkirk College IFR Manual


IFR for Professional Pilots

Needed amendments: The following items are in need of amendment in this text but time has not yet permitted this work. If you have other suggestions please let me know. Jeppesen approach plates – briefing strip Sample cold temperature correction problems with answers.


IFR for Professional Pilots

Introduction To be a Professional Pilot is more or less synonymous with being an IFR pilot. It should therefore be clear that the contents of this text are vital to anyone who wishes to be a professional pilot. I would not want to leave you with the impression that it contains all that is important however. This text concentrates on the technicalities of IFR flying, but only a limited discussion of the decision making that is required can be presented here. In addition the supporting topics of meteorology and air regulations are left for other texts and courses. There is a rich philosophical subtext to professional aviation that cannot be put into words. There is a professional mindset that you must dedicate yourself to developing. Technical competence alone is not enough. In this course you will learn the procedural aspects of IFR flight, that is to say how holds, approaches, STARs, SIDS and the many other procedures are conducted. You will also develop a sense of how the ATC system supports you, the Professional Pilot. You will learn the communication techniques that are so vital to safe IFR flight. And, you will learn to “think like an IFR pilot,” by which we mean, to deploy the various pieces of equipment at your disposal to keep track of your position in the abstract world you have chosen to devote your life to. This course coordinates with Avia 120 and 220 in which you learn meteorology, Avia 130 and 230 in which you learn all the relevant regulations, Avia 150 and 250 in which you develop the teamwork skills so vital to your success, Avia 240 in which you learn the additional details of long range flight, and Avia 261 in which you learn the technicalities of all the navigation systems. Only when the complete package has been synthesized in your mind will you be ready to call yourself a Professional Pilot. Keep in mind that synthesis is necessary. Avoid the tendency to take the new knowledge in as discreet bits. All the techniques, skills, and knowledge are useless if isolated. This course follows Avia 160 in which you learned the fundamentals of navigation, and developed a rudimentary appreciation of how the IFR system works. There will be review questions and assignments in this course. Be sure to keep your Navigation for Professional Pilots text and review it often during this course. In Canada NavCanada is responsible for maintaining the navigation infrastructure of our airspace system. Their mandate includes installing and maintaining the hundreds of VORs, NDBs, and ILSs. You will learn more about NavCanada in Avia 230. The US military operates a GPS satellite system that pilots from all countries are permitted to use (with limitations that you need to be aware of.) The Russians have a separate GPS system, and the Europeans are preparing to launch their own. As all these technical wonders of the 21st century are the structure of the environment you will work in you should develop a keen interest in how they all work. The course Avia 261 covers most of this, but you must develop the habit of keeping abreast of future changes post-graduation. How navigation systems work is largely beyond the scope of this course, but we will spend a lot of time examining the work-a-day details of employing them; the difference being roughly the equivalent of knowing how to drive a car as opposed to how it works. We will examine what navaids should be used as well as when, and how to do this 3



IFR for Professional Pilots without losing situational awareness. You will discover that flying IFR is inherently abstract. By far the biggest challenge both initially and throughout your career will be “situational awareness.” Many accidents are the result of controlled flight into terrain (CFIT) which happens when the pilot looses the mental image of where s/he is. Aspects of countering this are raised in Avia 150 and 250, but the recommended procedures developed in this course are designed to help you avoid this fate. Throughout this course you will need the Transport Canada Instrument Procedures Manual, a CAP2, CAP3, LO1/2, HI, Terminal Charts, and CFS. Also, have your CR and an electronic calculator handy. You will also be referring to the Program Manual, in particular the FTM/IPM. We will also make use of online resources, many of which are provided by the FAA including the entire USA approach chart inventory as well as several excellent texts in PDF format. You will also need POH for C-172P, Beech 95, and King Air for the flight planning exercises. IFR regulations are covered in Avia 130 and 230. Despite that many regulations must be referred to in this text. You should read the entire RAC, MET, COM, AIR, and MAP sections of the AIM. Also read and know the contents of CFS section F. Pay particular attention to RAC 6.3 (communications failure) as this is a major topic on INRAT exam. This is also covered in CFS section F.


IFR for Professional Pilots

Table of Contents: CHAPTER 1.......................................................................................................... 9 Overview of IFR Flight .................................................................................................................................9 Start your study of IFR by reading your AIM in particular: .......................................................................9 Definition of IFR ........................................................................................................................................9 Uncontrolled IFR .................................................................................................................................10 The Emergence of ATC .......................................................................................................................10 Procedural Separation ..........................................................................................................................11 Radar Separation ..................................................................................................................................13

CHAPTER 2........................................................................................................ 15 IFR Charts ...................................................................................................................................................15 Canada Air Pilot (CAP) .......................................................................................................................15 LO Charts .............................................................................................................................................15 HI Charts ..............................................................................................................................................16 Terminal Charts ...................................................................................................................................16

CHAPTER 3........................................................................................................ 17 Airspace Structure .......................................................................................................................................17 Domestic Flight Information Regions (FIR) .............................................................................................17 Tower ...................................................................................................................................................19 Oceanic Control ...................................................................................................................................20 Structure of Nav-Canada’s Airspace System ............................................................................................21 Northern / Southern Domestic Airspace ..............................................................................................21 Low and High Level Airspace .............................................................................................................21 Low Level Airways and Air Routes.....................................................................................................23 Approach and Departure Airspace .......................................................................................................23 Class F -Special Use Airspace .............................................................................................................25

CHAPTER 4........................................................................................................ 27 IFR Flight Planning .....................................................................................................................................27 Situational Awareness in IFR Flight ....................................................................................................27 Preferred IFR routes .............................................................................................................................29 LO Charts – Distances, Bearings, etc. ..................................................................................................30 Navlog Preparation ..............................................................................................................................31 Selecting an Alternate ..........................................................................................................................32 Filing an IFR Flight Plan .....................................................................................................................33

CHAPTER 5........................................................................................................ 37 IFR Departures ............................................................................................................................................37 CAP Departure Procedures ..................................................................................................................38 Departure alternate ...............................................................................................................................43 IFR Clearance Review .........................................................................................................................43 Crew Briefing.......................................................................................................................................44 VFR Departure .....................................................................................................................................44




IFR for Professional Pilots CHAPTER 6........................................................................................................ 47 Enroute Procedures .....................................................................................................................................47 Altitude Reports ...................................................................................................................................47 Climb and Descent ...............................................................................................................................47 1000 on Top .........................................................................................................................................47 Clearance Leaving or Entering Controlled Airspace ...........................................................................47 Clearance Limit ....................................................................................................................................48 IFR Flight in Uncontrolled Airspace ....................................................................................................48 Position reports ....................................................................................................................................48 Altimeter Setting Procedures during Abnormally High Pressure Weather ..........................................49 VFR Restrictions ..................................................................................................................................49 Mountainous Regions ..........................................................................................................................49 MEA and MOCA .................................................................................................................................50 Minimum IFR Altitude ........................................................................................................................50

CHAPTER 7........................................................................................................ 51 Holding .........................................................................................................................................................51 Purpose of Holds ..................................................................................................................................51 The Hold Clearance .............................................................................................................................51 Hold Pattern Specifications ..................................................................................................................54 Drift Compensation in a Hold ..............................................................................................................54 Headwind / Tailwind Compensation in a Hold ....................................................................................56 Planning a Hold....................................................................................................................................57 Correcting for Drift Errors in a Hold ...................................................................................................58 Correcting for Timing Errors in a Hold ...............................................................................................60 Hold Entries .........................................................................................................................................62 DME Holds ..........................................................................................................................................65 Intersection Holds ................................................................................................................................66 GPS Use In Holds ................................................................................................................................67

CHAPTER 8........................................................................................................ 69 Arrivals .........................................................................................................................................................69 ATIS.....................................................................................................................................................69 STARs ..................................................................................................................................................69 Descent out of Controlled Airspace .....................................................................................................69 Advance Notice of Intent in Minimum Weather ..................................................................................69 Contact and Visual Approaches ...........................................................................................................70 Radar Arrivals ......................................................................................................................................70 Initial Radio Contact with Control Towers ..........................................................................................70 Radio calls: at Uncontrolled Airports ..................................................................................................71 Cold Temperature Corrections .............................................................................................................71 Remote Altimeter Settings ...................................................................................................................71 Approach Ban ......................................................................................................................................72

CHAPTER 9........................................................................................................ 73 Approaches...................................................................................................................................................73 Types of IFR Approaches ....................................................................................................................73 Approach Ban ......................................................................................................................................74 Precision vs. Non-Precision Approach .....................................................................................................75 Straight-in vs. Circling (Naming Conventions) ...................................................................................75 Approach Plates ........................................................................................................................................76


IFR for Professional Pilots Approach Segments .............................................................................................................................77 Definitions: IAF, IF, FAF, MAP ..........................................................................................................78 Initial Segment .....................................................................................................................................79 Vectored Arrival ..................................................................................................................................79 Procedure Turns ...................................................................................................................................81 DME ARC Arrival ...............................................................................................................................89 Transition for Straight-in Arrival .........................................................................................................90 STAR Arrivals ..........................................................................................................................................91 ILS, PAR, VOR, ADF Approaches ..........................................................................................................91 GPS Approach, with the KLN90b .......................................................................................................92 GPS Approach, with GNS430 .............................................................................................................93 Mountain IFR approaches ....................................................................................................................93 PAR Approach .....................................................................................................................................95 Terrain Separation on Approach ...............................................................................................................96 Terrain Clearance: 100-mile Safe Altitude ..........................................................................................97 Terrain Clearance: MSA ......................................................................................................................97 Terrain Clearance: Intermediate Segment ............................................................................................99 Terrain Clearance: Final Segment ........................................................................................................99 Terrain Clearance: Missed Approach...................................................................................................99

CHAPTER 10.................................................................................................... 101 Transition to Landing – Circling..............................................................................................................101 Required Visual Reference ................................................................................................................101 Landing from an ILS ..........................................................................................................................101 Landing from a Non-precision approach – straight in .......................................................................102 Circling ..............................................................................................................................................102 How to Circle .....................................................................................................................................103 Circling in the Mountains ..................................................................................................................103

CHAPTER 11.................................................................................................... 107 IFR communications .................................................................................................................................107 Enunciate ...........................................................................................................................................109 Say less to say more ...........................................................................................................................110 Know When and What to Report .......................................................................................................110 Read Back – Verbatim .......................................................................................................................112 Phonetic Alphabet ..............................................................................................................................113 By the Numbers .................................................................................................................................114 Key Phrases ............................................................................................................................................116 Say again – repeat ..............................................................................................................................116 Say Your…. .......................................................................................................................................116 Roger, Confirm, Affirmative, Negative .............................................................................................117 When able – Until able.......................................................................................................................118 Check .................................................................................................................................................118 Sample Radio Calls – Lear JET: CYVR to CYYC .................................................................................119 Sample Radio Calls – King Air: CYXX to CYYJ ..................................................................................128 Sample Radio Calls – King Air: CYCG to CYVR .................................................................................133

CHAPTER 12.................................................................................................... 141 Copying clearances ....................................................................................................................................141 Shorthand ...........................................................................................................................................141




IFR for Professional Pilots CHAPTER 13.................................................................................................... 145 Cockpit Organization ................................................................................................................................145 The Five Ts .............................................................................................................................................145 Heading Recording .................................................................................................................................146 Nav Radio Setup – Identify Reporting Points .........................................................................................146 Don’t Neglect the ADF ......................................................................................................................147 Keep Track of Your Position .............................................................................................................148 Plan Ahead .........................................................................................................................................148 The DME “HOLD” Feature ....................................................................................................................149 The RMI – Your Best Friend ..................................................................................................................149 GPS Moving Map ...................................................................................................................................150 Tune Setup Identify (TSI) .......................................................................................................................151 Tune - Run the Stack ..........................................................................................................................152 Setup: 3, 4, 5, or 8 things ...................................................................................................................153 Identify ...............................................................................................................................................155 Abbreviated TSI .................................................................................................................................155 TSI for Frasca 142 ..................................................................................................................................155 TSI for Beech 95 .....................................................................................................................................156 TSI for Alsim ..........................................................................................................................................157 Scripting Principles .................................................................................................................................159 Flexibility in Scripting .......................................................................................................................159 Kitchen Table Flying ..............................................................................................................................161 The Ultimate Kitchen Table Flight ....................................................................................................163 IKEA Kitchen Tables .........................................................................................................................163

CHAPTER 14.................................................................................................... 165 Briefings .....................................................................................................................................................165 IFR Clearance Review .......................................................................................................................165 Takeoff Briefing.................................................................................................................................165 WAT .......................................................................................................................................................167 AMORTS................................................................................................................................................168

CHAPTER 15.................................................................................................... 173 IFR in Uncontrolled Airspace ..................................................................................................................173 Sample Radio Calls for Uncontrolled IFR Flight – Yellowknife to Cambridge Bay .........................174

APPENDIX 1..................................................................................................... 179 Frasca 142 Radio Template ......................................................................................................................179

APPENDIX 2..................................................................................................... 181 B95 Radio Template ..................................................................................................................................181

APPENDIX 3..................................................................................................... 183 King Air Radio Template..........................................................................................................................183


IFR for Professional Pilots

Chapter 1 Overview of IFR Flight Start your study of IFR by reading your AIM in particular: RAC 6.0 to 10.0 RAC Annex COM 1.0 to 5.0 You should read all the above and then re-read it several times over the course of your training using a highlighter to emphasize important facts

Definition of IFR IFR stands for Instrument Flight Rules. The purpose of having these rules is to facilitate flight in weather that prevents pilots from seeing either the ground or other airplanes. When airplanes fly in cloud we say they are in IMC weather. In the early days of aviation airplanes did not have instruments by which pilots could maintain control in IMC. In those early days entering cloud for more than a few seconds resulted in loss of control, usually a spin or spiral, and either a crash or, if the pilot was lucky, a recovery once out of cloud. In the years leading up to World War II flight instruments had been developed that permitted pilots to control airplanes in IMC. Of all the flight instruments developed the “artificial horizon” was the most important. An artificial horizon is a gyro instrument that displays pitch and bank information. Unlike a real horizon it does not show yaw, i.e. heading changes, and thus today the term artificial horizon has been dropped and we call the instrument an Attitude Indicator (AI). Controlling an airplane by instruments alone requires a scan. The recommended procedure is called selective radial scan. It is covered in the Transport Canada Flight Training Manual and the Selkirk College FTM/IPM under lesson 24. The FTM/IPM refers to a simulation on the ProfessinoalPilot.ca website called selective radial scan. All this was covered in the first year of the Professional Pilot Program. In this text it is assumed that you have mastered the selective radial scan. Once airplanes could be flown in IMC three problems remained: 1. How to navigate without ground contact 2. How to avoid other airplanes 3. How to avoid striking terrain such as mountains, towers, etc. To solve problem 1 required the introduction of radio navigation. Our modern system of VOR, ADF, LORAN-C, and GPS is the result of 60+ years of technological progress. 9



IFR for Professional Pilots Today pilots can navigate with amazing accuracy without being able to see the ground. The basic skills of radio navigation are covered in the text Navigation for Professional Pilots. In this text it is assumed that you already know how to track accurately and intercept a course. You also know how to fly a DME arc. As you know, VOR, ADF, and GPS have accuracy and operational limits. Knowing these is vital to your safety; much of this is covered in Avia 130, 230, and 261, be sure to pay close attention to the details.

Uncontrolled IFR Once problem 1 was solved pilots naturally wanted to fly in IMC to offer reliable schedules. These pioneers foresaw what today we take for granted - airlines. There was no government run air traffic control system, so the pilots used common sense and developed a system of flying IFR without conflicting with each other. Common sense told them that two airplanes could not safely fly in the same vicinity at the same time so a very simple method was developed for solving problem 2. Pilots coordinated between each other on the radio. Prior to takeoff the pilot would broadcast that s/he was ready for takeoff and then listen for responses. If someone else was in the air they would talk and the two pilots would “work out” the conflict. For example the airborne pilot might say, “I am at 6000 feet and will stay up here until you takeoff and leave the area.” The other pilot would then simply say, “O.K. I will takeoff and climb to 5000 feet.” The pilots would report their positions and listen to the reports of others; thus knowing when it was safe to climb or descend, make an approach, and so on. When an airplane neared its destination the pilot would report that s/he was making an approach. An airplane waiting for departure would have to wait while the airborne airplane landed, or the airborne pilot might “hold” for a while, waiting for the other to takeoff, depending on who acted first. How does the above sound to you? In northern Canada this form of “separation” is still in use. This is called IFR in Uncontrolled Airspace. There is no Air Traffic Control (ATC) in a lot of northern Canada. Appendix 1 discusses IFR in uncontrolled airspace.

The Emergence of ATC Uncontrolled IFR is only feasible when there is a very limited volume of traffic. IFR with no ATC is perfectly safe, and as mentioned above is done every day in northern Canada. However, a method of facilitating higher volumes of IFR traffic is needed. The purpose of the ATC system is to facilitate numerous IFR airplanes in relatively close spatial and time proximity. The ATC system consists of controllers who keep track of the location of all the IFR airplanes and by approving their routes ensure that they do not conflict. The pilots do not 10

IFR for Professional Pilots communicate directly with each other, instead they communicate with a controller who issues a clearance, which means exactly what the route word implies. The word clear means emptied. Therefore a clearance means that the airspace is clear, i.e. empty, of other traffic. As long as the pilot follows the assigned clearance s/he is assured that no conflict, with other traffic, will arise. It is important to understand that ATC exists primarily for separating airplanes from each other and NOT to separate airplanes from terrain. If traffic volumes were low enough pilots could fly IFR with no ATC. The IFR pilot is capable of avoiding terrain and obstacles during departure, enroute and approach and can therefore complete an entire flight without a controller. The only thing the pilot cannot do is avoid other aircraft in IMC. That is what we pilots need controllers for. By the way, a future concept in aviation is called “free flight.” The idea of free flight is to eliminate controllers by providing pilots with cockpit displays somewhat similar to a controllers radar screen. Pilots could then return to the original days of IFR by communicating directly with each other and working out conflicts. In reality complex computer programs onboard would likely “negotiate” who goes first and so on. It remains to be seen to what extent free flight becomes a reality in the 21st century. For the purpose of this course free flight will not be considered. You likely know that controllers use radar to observe the location of airplanes and use it to separate them. But ATC existed long before radar was available. IFR traffic control is possible with no radar. The method is called procedural separation. Procedural separation is used today on oceanic routes and in less populated regions where radar is not available. In the event radar fails ATC can revert to procedural operation. We will therefore start by examining how procedural separation is done.

Procedural Separation Before an airplane can get an IFR clearance in controlled airspace a flight plan must be filed. Note that a flight plan is not needed to fly IFR in uncontrolled airspace. The flight plan is used to predict where the airplane will be relative to others during the flight time. Today the analysis is done by a computer, but in the early days of IFR it was done by hand. The only difference is the volume of traffic that can be processed. The controller going over the flight plan creates a strip, which is just a piece of paper that has the airplane’s call sign, type, equipment, TAS, departure point, route, and destination on it. Based on the filed TAS the strip contains estimated time at each reporting point along the filed route. Reporting points include all VORs and NDBs as well as other designated points along the airways. When done by hand this process is done with a computer, such as a CR3, and takes several minutes, depending on how long the flight is. You can see why it is required to file an IFR flight plan at least 30 minutes before departure.




IFR for Professional Pilots The picture below shows a typical IFR flight strip. The exact format varies depending on the type of airspace. The strip shown here is for procedural control. A slightly different format is used for radar control.

IFR strips are laid out with the aircraft ident, type, and TAS on the left for westbound aircraft and on the right for eastbound. An eastbound example is shown later. The labeling on the strip is for your reference, the actual strip is blank as you will see when we demonstrate their use later. The information is taken from the filed flight plan and then the strip is printed by a strip printer like this one:

Controller organizes IFR Flight Strips Strips are moved right from bay to bay for eastbound flights and left for westbound. Strips in each bay are all proceeding to the same or parallel fixes.

Altitude separation The primary method of separating airplanes traveling along airways is by having them fly at different altitudes. Eastbound aircraft fly at odd altitudes and westbound aircraft fly at even altitudes. Consequently opposite direction aircraft on any airway are 1000 feet apart.


IFR for Professional Pilots For example, one airplane can be cleared eastbound at 9,000’ at the same time another is cleared westbound at 10,000’. At some time they will be over the same location but separated by 1,000 feet. A reciprocal track is any track that is within 45 degrees of the reciprocal, i.e. more than 135 degrees. Therefore, in the diagram below an eastbound aircraft on V2 is considered opposite direction to an aircraft on V1. (More on this when we examine protected airspace shortly.) Because altimeters are less accurate at high altitude the separation between aircraft is increased to 2,000’ above FL290, except that properly equipped airplanes can be 1,000 feet apart in RVSM airspace. Read RAC 12.16. Time separation When altitude separation cannot be used, i.e. both airplanes wish to fly the same altitude on the same route then time separation is normally used. Aircraft must remain at least 10 minutes apart when enroute except that if the aircraft in the lead is 20 knots faster than the trailing aircraft in which case the second airplane can be allowed to proceed when 5 minutes has elapsed. Obviously the time differential will increase over time, which is why this is permitted. Direct Communication between Pilots A controller can allow pilots flying the same route to maintain their own separation by directly communicating with each other and reporting their DME. The DME must be from the same station. For example the first airplane reports 90 DME from YWH on V2 (see above.) The trailing airplane must remain at least 10 miles behind. If it is 100+ DME all is well. These reports must be made no less than every 30 minutes. If the trailing airplane begins to close in on the leading airplane the pilots should communicate to decide what to do. The airplane behind could slow down or the leader could speed up, or they could call ATC and request an altitude change.

Radar Separation When radar is available things are easier. It is best to think of radar separation as in addition to procedural rather than instead of procedural separation. In other words the same airspace must be protected whether there is radar or not, it is just easier with radar. The existence of radar does not change the fact that full width of an airway must be protected. Indeed, since the radar separation standard is 5 miles and airway half-widths are 4 miles and 4.34 for LF many controllers actually enforce the 5 mile standard. In a radar environment the controller watches the a/c on a radar scope. If the projected flight path of two aircraft will bring them closer together than the standards permit the controller will issue a vector or ask the airplanes to change airspeed. A vector is usually phrased something like, “GABC, for traffic spacing turn right heading 140.” Pilots can be assured that the controller would not issue such a clearance if it was not needed and thus 13



IFR for Professional Pilots should turn immediately. In some cases the pilot may wish to propose an alternative such as speeding up or slowing down. This may be a good idea, but the suggestion should always be made AFTER turning, to prevent loss of separation.


IFR for Professional Pilots

Chapter 2 IFR Charts Read AIM MAP section, especially MAP 3.0 through 8.1 (online at http://www.tc.gc.ca/CivilAviation/publications/tp14371/menu.htm)

Canada Air Pilot (CAP) The CAP (Canada Air Pilot) is published on behalf of NavCanada. Its primary purpose is to present IFR arrival, approach, departure, and aerodrome charts for airports with publicly available instrument approaches. There is also a restricted Canada Air Pilot (RCAP.) There are 7 volumes of the CAP, each with information for a particular part of Canada. CAP 2 covers British Columbia and CAP3 covers the Prairie Provinces; these will be the main focus in this text. Many companies use approach plates provided by other companies such as Jeppesen Sanderson, known as Jepp charts. These include the same information but are formatted differently. The FAA publishes the complete list of USA approach charts online at: http://www.naco.faa.gov . Pilots should read the special notices that make up the first few pages of each CAP. These are used to disseminate recent changes to IFR standards or procedures. These notices are removed when the information has been published in the AIM. CAP GEN The CAP GEN contains a great deal of useful information. Every IFR pilot should read it cover-to-cover. The course manual includes an assignment coving the CAP GEN. All the information in the CAP GEN can be found in other sources, especially the AIM; however the CAP GEN, which is easy to carry in a flight-bag, makes a convenient reference for pilots wishing to check alternate limits or the meaning of approach light codes, etc.

LO Charts LO Charts show all Canadian low level airways and air routes. IFR pilots must be completely familiar with the symbols used as described in the legend.




IFR for Professional Pilots

HI Charts HI Charts show all high altitude Canadian airways as well as the organized track structure used in the ACA.

Terminal Charts Terminal charts are published for those airports with terminal radar service. The significance of terminal radar in increasing the utilization of airspace has been explained in chapter 1.


IFR for Professional Pilots

Chapter 3 Airspace Structure I recommend that you read RAC 2 (entire section) before continuing below.

Domestic Flight Information Regions (FIR) Canadian air traffic controllers work either in IFR Centers or Control Towers. Towers are located at controlled airports. IFR Centers are located in buildings that are not necessarily at airports. Each center is responsible for a block of airspace called a Flight Information Region (FIR.) In Canada there are seven domestic centers located at: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

Gander Moncton Montreal Toronto Winnipeg Edmonton Vancouver

Read RAC 2.4 in your AIM before proceeding. Figure 2.2 shows the location of the above FIRs. It also shows Gander Oceanic FIR, which is discussed below. You will discover that Canada and the USA have agreements in certain areas such that Canadian controllers control some American airspace, and vice versa. Detroit controls traffic around Windsor for example, and Vancouver controls traffic at Bellingham Washington. Each FIR is broken into sectors with one controller (sometimes with assistance) responsible for all IFR traffic in that sector. The dimensions of sectors are set so that no controller is overwhelmed with too much traffic. Sectors may be expanded or contracted throughout the day as traffic volumes change. In the vicinity of very busy airports, such as Vancouver and Toronto, a Terminal area is designated. This usually includes a VFR terminal area (VTA) which is intended to put VFR traffic under positive control and reduce the chance of conflicts with IFR traffic1. IFR control in a terminal is divided into numerous small sectors (one or two departure and arrival sectors for each runway for instance.) At busy airports there would typically be an IFR airplane lifting off and landing every 60 to 120 seconds. This would mean 20+ airplanes within 30 miles of the airport, and that is far too much for one controller to handle; that is why the airspace must be divided into small sectors.


The regulatory aspects of this VTA are covered in Avia 130 and 230 so will not be discussed here. Here we are interested in understanding how the IFR aspects of the airspace actually work




IFR for Professional Pilots At airports with insufficient traffic to warrant a terminal one controller will handle both arrivals and departures, and often some over-flying enroute traffic. If traffic volumes are very low then one sector may encompass multiple airports. As mentioned, the size of sectors changes as traffic volumes change, for example in the middle of the night one controller may control all low level traffic in the B.C. interior which includes several airports such as Penticton, Kelowna, Kamloops, Cranbrook and an occasional aircraft at Grand Forks and Princeton. During the day this same airspace would be broken into several sectors. IFR Controllers specialize; some control high level traffic, some control arrivals, some departures, and some low level enroute traffic. Controllers who handle airplanes that change altitude a lot, such as arrival and departures, have an inherently higher workload, which is why arrival and departure sectors are small. High level controllers deal with airplanes flying in level flight and thus can handle more volume and a much larger geographic area. When an airplane reaches the edge of one controller’s sector s/he hands it off to the next controller. While the airplane is within one FIR the controllers are all sitting in the same room and able to speak with each other directly. They discuss each handoff before it happens and can easily pass on special concerns (although they sometimes don’t.) When the handoff is from FIR to FIR telephone coordination is needed. On a typical IFR flight from a busy airport such as Toronto, after being cleared for takeoff by the tower the pilot will talk next to a departure controller who may deal with the airplane for only the first 5 miles. A second departure controller may deal with the airplane from there to 30 or 40 miles out at which time a third controller may deal with the airplane up to 18,000’, then a high altitude controller will take over and deal with the flight for 200 miles or so. The airplane is then handed from one high altitude controller to the next every 100 to 200 miles until nearing destination. Once the airplane descends below 18,000’ a high level controller will hand it off to a low altitude controller. The airplane will be handed off again to an arrival controller perhaps 40 miles from destination. At a busy airport such as Vancouver arrival may be subdivided into multiple sectors, so the airplane may be handed off to a second arrival controller 20 miles out. The arrival controller will deal with the airplane until it is established on final approach; at that point it will be handed off to the tower who will clear it to land. Tower controllers work in the tower at the airport and are therefore physically separated from IFR controllers. The IFR controller can phone the tower to coordinate handoffs if necessary. The above description gives you a sense of how an IFR flight is passed from one controller to another. It gives you no idea how the controllers actually do their job. We will deal with that in the section How ATC Works below.


IFR for Professional Pilots

Tower The primary purpose of a Tower is to coordinate takeoffs and landings thus preventing conflict on the runways. It would obviously be disastrous if an airplane tried to takeoff while another was landing. The Tower controller’s principle job is to prevent this. If you have flown VFR at a controlled airport such as Boundary Bay, Pitt Meadows, Langley, or Kelowna you have a pretty good idea of how the tower controller does his/her job. If you haven’t experienced it you can probably imagine it. Tower controllers are NOT IFR controllers. They do NOT issue IFR clearances. Neverthe-less they play an important role in keeping IFR traffic separated. The most important role they play is sequencing departures in accordance with IFR separation standards. Because the tower takes this responsibility departing IFR aircraft can obtain an IFR clearance that is not actually valid. That would not be possible at an uncontrolled airport. Let me explain what that means. In the section above titled Emergence of ATC I pointed out that the word clearance means that the approved route is clear, i.e. empty of conflicting traffic. But if that was the case as soon as you get your IFR clearance you could simply taxi out and takeoff without fear of conflict with any IFR traffic (remember that an IFR clearance provides no assurance about conflict with VFR traffic). At a small airport such as Castlegar (which has no tower) that is indeed the case. But at a busier airport such as Vancouver common sense tells us that it can’t be true. What is the actual situation? At Vancouver an airplane departs IFR about every 90 seconds, so obviously an IFR clearance is issued every 90 seconds. But this clearance is normally copied by the pilots 15 minutes or so before departure. So, at any given moment 10+ airplanes are all cleared for perhaps two active SIDs (a SID is a published departure procedure details of which we will examine later.) In addition there will be 10 to 20 airplanes that will complete the IFR approach and land while the departing airplane taxis out but before it takes off and leaves the area. All this traffic is obviously in “conflict” and so the term “clearance” cannot mean what it is supposed to. It is the skill of the tower controller that resolves the above dilemma. When each airplane is ready it calls the tower and requests takeoff clearance. The tower controller knows the IFR separation standards, which we discuss under HOW ATC Works below, so he checks that no IFR traffic is on final within the permitted distance and also that the preceding aircraft on departure has reached the required distance (usually 3 or 5 miles) and if that airspace is “clear” he tells the pilot, “Cleared for takeoff.” At that moment the word clear and the concept of clearance come together. The pilot can be assured that the airspace is empty of conflicting traffic, i.e. clear. Once airborne the tower will hand the airplane off to the departure controller who will maintain the required IFR separation, as we will discuss below. It is important to realize that the tower establishes separation by spacing sequential departures so that the airplanes are the required distance apart once they get to the departure controller (the first IFR controller the pilot deals with.) Note: should a pilot wish to make a maneuver or do anything contrary to the IFR clearance s/he has copied a 19



IFR for Professional Pilots tower CANNOT issue or approve such a request. As stated previously, tower is NOT an IFR control agency. The obvious question is; how are departures sequenced when there is no tower, i.e. at an uncontrolled airport, such as Castlegar? The answer was implied above. The pilot will not be able to get an IFR clearance until the airspace is clear. FSS will relay the clearance, or the pilot may contact the IFR controller directly, but no clearance will be issued until the airspace is clear. Consequently only one airplane can have an IFR departure clearance at a time. When one airplane gets a departure clearance any other airplane wishing to depart will have to wait until the first one takes off and leaves the area. This obviously reduces the number of airplanes that can depart in a given period of time. This system works smoothly when an airport has one departure per hour rather than one per minute. When a larger number of airplanes wish to depart in a short time frame the system cannot accommodate them. Pilots will attempt to depart VFR, or request VFR climbs to avoid delays. We will discuss these options later, but they obviously only apply when the weather is NOT IMC. If the weather is IMC there is nothing to do but relax and enjoy the wait 

Oceanic Control Canada has been designated by ICAO to take responsibility for control of the Western North Atlantic Ocean. The oceanic control center is in Gander Newfoundland. Please note that Gander also has a domestic FIR, which was included in the description above. Oceanic control is explained in RAC 11. Operation in the oceanic control area is mostly covered in Avia 240 and 261. It is however done by procedural methods, which we will turn to shortly.


IFR for Professional Pilots

Structure of Nav-Canada’s Airspace System Before we can discuss how ATC controls IFR traffic we need to know the terminology of the airspace structure. You should already know this material from Avia 130. Review RAC 2.0 before proceeding. In what follows I will not repeat all the contents of RAC 2.0. I will try to clarify some of the confusing aspects of the airspace system. Something to keep in mind, which might sound very flip but it is important; airspace is uncontrolled unless it is controlled. What I mean by that is that it is best to begin by imagining all the airspace over Canada as being uncontrolled and therefore available for uncontrolled IFR as previously described. From this unregulated airspace NavCanada takes control of certain airspace, as described in RAC 2.0. The AIM naturally concentrates on explaining what is controlled. After you read RAC 2.0 try to visualize what is not controlled, i.e. what is not mentioned.

Northern / Southern Domestic Airspace Take note that the purpose of this division is that in the SDA magnetic tracks are used, while in the NDA true tracks (and runway numbers) are used. See RAC Figure 2.1 Notice that the northern domestic airspace is further divided into the northern control area (NCA) and arctic control area (ACA) (see RAC Figure 2.3.) Pay particular attention to RAC 2.6, it is worth reading a few times to digest fully. Question: where does high level airspace begin in the northern domestic airspace? Formulate your answer before reading the next paragraph. High level airspace begins at 18,000 feet, but control is provided only at FL 230 and above in the NCA and FL270 in the ACA. Therefore, the airspace below these flight levels is uncontrolled. Be sure to notice that all of the northern domestic airspace is a standard pressure region, which is discussed below.

Low and High Level Airspace Low level airspace is below 18,000 feet. A frequent exam question is whether or not 18,000’ is in high or low level airspace. What is your answer? Does the answer change with altimeter setting? 18,000 feet is in high level airspace, regardless of altimeter setting.




IFR for Professional Pilots

Standard Pressure and Altimeter Setting Regions It is crucial to wrap your mind around the altimeter setting regions, as described in RAC 2.10 and 2.11. In the standard pressure region you set the altimeter to 29.92 and all altitudes are referred to as flight levels. In the altimeter setting region you set the altimeter to the reported altimeter setting of the nearest station so that your altimeter indicates approximately the altitude above sea level. This is what you are used to doing as a VFR pilot, but if you look at RAC Figure 2.9 you can see that most of Canada is actually a standard pressure region. In the Southern Domestic Airspace the high level airspace is also the standard pressure region. In the Northern Domestic Airspace the whole area is a standard pressure region. To put it another way, the only airspace in which you set the altimeter is the low level airspace in the southern domestic control area (which just happens to be where you have flown up to now). To check your understanding, imagine you wish to fly IFR directly from Yellowknife to Iqaluit. Can you fly at 9,000 feet? The answer is no. You will fly at FL090. As explained in RAC 2.11 you should set the altimeter to the airport altimeter setting for departure and arrival, even in the standard pressure region, i.e. in the northern domestic airspace. Pay close attention to the rules about when to switch to 29.92, this is a common Transport Canada exam question. An important rule is that the altimeter should be adjusted in the standard pressure region (see RAC 2.11 transition.) Changing the altimeter from 29.92 to the current altimeter setting is called transition (this term is part of the AMORTS briefing, covered later. When you fly the King Air keep in mind that you transition above 18,000, or after leaving southern airspace and entering northern. When the altimeter setting is more than 29.92 then an airplane cruising at FL180 would actually be more than 18,000 ASL, which means there would be plenty of vertical separation from airplanes at 17,000 feet. But if the altimeter setting is less than 29.92 FL180 would be less than 18,000. Since the rules say that high level airspace starts at 18,000 it should be obvious that on such days FL180 does not exist. See RAC 6.4.3 which should now make sense.

Jet Routes If you have been keeping track of what has been covered so far you know that all the SDA at 18,000 and above is controlled (i.e. is SCA.) Within NDA, NCA control starts at FL230 and ACA starts at FL270. There are NO lateral limits, i.e. there are no gaps within this controlled airspace, the whole area is controlled, so any route you fly will be in controlled airspace, and will therefore need a clearance from ATC. 22

IFR for Professional Pilots On HI charts the airways within the high level airspace are called “jet airways.” Jet airways do not have specific widths, unlike the low level airways we will discuss next. In SDA Jet airway tracks are magnetic and in NDA they are true.

Low Level Airways and Air Routes Now we will discuss the low level airspace, which you will recall is everything below 18,000 feet. Remember that low level airspace is uncontrolled except where specified. So NavCanada specifies airways along which it provides IFR control. It also takes control of airspace around IFR airports for departures and arrivals. The rest of the airspace remains uncontrolled, so you can fly IFR in it without a clearance. Low level airways are tracks between VORs or NDBs. Some airways run from a VOR to an NDB. If a VOR is one of the navaids upon which the airways is based it is called a Victor airway. If the airway is based only on two NDBs it is called a low frequency airway. When a Victor airway is based on two VORs its width is as shown in RAC 2.7.1 Figure 2.5(a) Low frequency airways and Victor airways based on one VOR and one NDB are wider, as shown in Figure 2.5(b) and 2.5(c). An example of a Victor airway that is based on both VOR and NDB is V304 between EMPRESS and LUMSDEN, on LO2. There are numerous other examples, including V23 between VANCOUVER and NANAIMO on LO1 and Vancouver terminal chart. The base of airways is 2,200’ agl, the top is just below 18,000’ (i.e. 18,000 is not included). Below airways is class G airspace. The lower portion of airways is class E airspace. Above 12,500’ airways are class B. Pay attention to RAC 1.9.2 and notice that in many areas a transponder with mode C is required to fly above 10,000 feet on these airways (even for VFR airplanes.) Mode C is always required above 12,500’ and VFR traffic must have a clearance to fly in class B airspace. See RAC 2.8.2 for full details.

Reporting Points Reporting points, marked with little triangles, will be found on LO charts along the airways. Solid triangles represent mandatory reporting points and open triangles represent on request reporting points. Examine the legend for the LO chart and become completely familiar with all the symbols.

Approach and Departure Airspace So far the only controlled low level airspace we have described is airways. These are relatively narrow strips of airspace (do you know the exact widths – see RAC 2.7). 23



IFR for Professional Pilots If airways were the only controlled airspace it would be impossible to control IFR departures and arrivals. Controlling arrivals and departures is one of the primary mandates of ATC, therefore NavCanada must take control of airspace around airports. This is done by establishing control zones, control area extensions, and transitions areas. We will look at each in turn. Please read all of RAC 2.7 before continuing. I do not intend to repeat it all, only provide clarification in the hopes of making the structure easier to understand and remember.

Control Zones You are probably familiar with control zones as a VFR pilot because you probably dealt with them. You are used to requesting a clearance before “entering the zone.” The controller clears you to join the circuit and then clears you to land, etc. The base of a control zone is ground level and the top is typically 3,000’ agl. IFR airplanes are controlled within the zone, but remember that IFR clearances come from the Center, not the Tower. Control zones can be class B, C, or D. It makes no operational difference to the IFR pilot, although most prefer class B zones. In a Class B zone VFR traffic is also kept positively separated just like IFR traffic. We are going to discuss separation shortly. Normally separation is a concept that applies only to IFR traffic, but in a Class B zone it also applies to VFR traffic. In class C, and D zones VFR traffic is not positively separated, although assistance in avoiding other traffic is normally provided if the controller has time. Note that it is done ONLY if the controller has time. IFR airplanes obviously fly in control zones only for the first and last two or three minutes of a flight. However, this is usually the portion of a flight in which the airplane transitions from IMC to VMC and may be in and out of cloud. VFR traffic must be very careful to avoid IFR traffic in control zones. An IFR pilot in IMC gets very nervous about VFR airplanes in the area (hence the appreciation of Class B zones). Most control zones are round in shape with a radius of 5NM. Some controls zones have an irregular shape. In the CFS the Obstacle Clearance Circle will show the radius of the zone or display the words “shape irregular” – read page A50 in the CFS.

Control Area Extensions I assume you are keeping track as we develop an image of controlled airspace. So far we only have airways and control zones. There are bound to be gaps between the airway and the control zone. In order to be able to clear IFR airplanes to leave an airway to an approach procedure a control area extension will often be needed. These are described in RAC 2.7.2. 24

IFR for Professional Pilots Note that control area extensions have the same base and top as airways.

Transition Areas Transition areas are similar to control area extensions except that they are based at 700’ agl. IFR approach procedures almost always have segments that extend beyond the control zone. A block of airspace called a transition area will be designated so that the airplane is in controlled airspace while it performs the approach procedure.

Class F -Special Use Airspace I am sure that controllers wish there was no such thing as Class F airspace. Be sure to read RAC 2.8.6. You cannot fly IFR in Class F airspace. Therefore ATC must clear you around or over it, but NEVER through it. There are three exceptions. You can fly IFR through Class F airspace if ________. The answer is in RAC 2.8.6 and is a typical exam question. Note the rules about joint use airspace, also in RAC 2.8.6. This is class F airspace that becomes class E airspace when not in use, and therefore you can get an IFR clearance through it.




IFR for Professional Pilots


IFR for Professional Pilots

Chapter 4 IFR Flight Planning IFR flight planning in most ways is simpler than VFR planning. You use LO or HI charts, not VNCs and the lines representing the airways are all marked on the map for you with the magnetic tracks and the length of the airways given; therefore you don’t need a protractor or a ruler. The basics of preparing the IFR navlog were covered in Avia 160 so they will be mentioned here only very briefly. Planning

Situational Awareness in IFR Flight There is a “mind set” that we call thinking like an IFR pilot. Thinking like an IFR pilot involves knowing where you are, where you are going, and how to get there. The IFR pilot fully visualizes the entire “IFR System” knows his/her place in it and always maintains situational awareness. Knowing the appropriate priority at any given moment is a major key. There are good IFR pilots and “not so good.” Knowing how to perform every IFR procedure is NOT enough. The secret is really employing the correct skill at the correct moment in time. As such, you must learn to recognize the indicators of what is important at a given moment and react accordingly. Once this becomes natural we say you are thinking like an IFR pilot. SOPs are a major key in achieving this. SOPs bring the procedures into a repeatable format which makes an imprint on the mind creating the necessary mind set.

Create a Script You must have a complete image of an IFR flight. I emphasize complete. You should be able to describe step-by-step every action to be taken from the moment you enter the cockpit until you park and disembark. You start by saying, “the first thing I do is …….” And the next thing is …… and the next thing is ……. Etc, all the way to the end of the flight. If you can’t do this you aren’t ready to be in the cockpit. It is crucial to avoid having to “figure out” what to do in flight, you must be proactive about anticipating and figuring things out ahead of time. The key principle is anticipation. A productive way to think about preparing for a flight is to imagine that it will be a movie in which an actor will play the role of “you.” The actor is not a pilot, so you must script every action s/he will take.




IFR for Professional Pilots The idea of creating a script is expanded further in several of the sections below. It is one of the most valuable ideas you will come across in this book, so I hope you will heed it. You will learn to do what I call “kitchen table flying” which I will explain later.

Aviate Navigate Communicate There is an old saying that must become the mantra for your life as a professional pilot. Aviate, navigate, and communicate. This is a priority list. It tells you that NOTHING is more important than controlling the airplane. If control is in doubt then forget about everything else and get control. A classic example is during a missed approach procedure. The airplane must be established in a climb with the gear and flaps retracted. Instructors are often flabbergasted to see how many pilots will push the PTT button and start talking on the radio while the gear is still down and the climb rate is far less than the safe value; I have even seen people sinking toward the runway attempting to communicate when they clearly need to aviate. Make a resolution to step through this three step priority list continuously throughout your flights. Everything you do as a pilot can be put into one of these three categories. What you need to do is develop a mental discipline that whenever you do ANYTHING you slot it into this priority sieve. For example when your find yourself wanting to reach over and tune a new VOR frequency (navigate) you should consciously think, “are my wings level, is my altitude steady? O.K proceed.” Personally I literally “talk” silently to myself as described here, but in some fashion you must confirm that aviate is OK before you do any navigating and both aviate and navigate are OK before you communicate. If you have an autopilot then it largely takes care of aviate meaning that you can more easily concentrate on navigate and communicate. If there are two pilots, and no autopilot, then one should always be aviating while the other can concentrate on navigating and communicating. In these situations the aviate, navigate, and communicate priority still applies but failure to consciously think about it may not carry a noticeable penalty – most of the time. You should however strive to keep this three level priority in your mind all the time and train yourself to scan the flight instruments (confirm aviate) just before every navigation change or communication. This will keep you mentally prepared to handle malfunctions such as autopilot failure or incapacitation of your copilot.

Single Pilot – No Autopilot IFR The hardest thing in the world to do is single-pilot IFR with no autopilot. Well, maybe climbing Mount Everest with no oxygen is harder. But single-pilot IFR is right up there. To do it you must absolutely be committed to aviate, navigate, and communicate priority. An airplane will drop off into a spiral dive, or slump below the minimum climb gradient on a missed approach, very easily if you divert your attention to navigating before you have full trimmed control. It is critical to keep the airplane in good trim during singlepilot IFR. Never communicate before aviate and navigate are confirmed OK.


IFR for Professional Pilots What I find works for me is a self authorization mantra. When flying single pilot I constantly ask myself, “What should I do now?” At every moment I have some answer that comes into my mind. I run this through my mind as though some part of me is asking permission from another part to do something. I describe this as my “first officer” asking my “captain” (I am both of these at once). When the first officer wants to do something, such as report on the missed approach, the captain checks that pitch and bank are steady and airspeed and vertical speed are as desired, he then checks that nav radios are as needed (I use the TSI system described below) and if these are all OK he authorizes the first officer to make the call. This has become so ingrained in me that I honestly cannot press the PTT button without scanning the AI, Alt, VSI and radio stack first. And I cannot reach for a nav radio without scanning the AI, Alt, and VSI first. This is pretty basic stuff, but if you develop a bad habit early in your flying it is hard to break later so work on this diligently. Conducting a WAT and AMORTS briefing single pilot with no autopilot is very challenging. I would go so far as to say that you cannot do it “cold.” By cold I mean without having done it previously. This means that you must examine every plate you could possibly use on a flight and run through an AMORTS briefing for it as part of your preflight preparation. That way when you do the briefing in flight you will have a reasonable chance of not missing anything. In closing this section I would like to say that by far the most common mistake for beginners is to worry too much about communicating. Take a hold entry for example. When you enter the hold you are supposed to report, but what difference does it make if you report the second you pass the station or 30 seconds later? It doesn’t really matter. But if you don’t turn, or you spiral in the turn that does matter. Yet time and again new IFR pilots will press the PTT and start talking without turning, or will loose altitude in the turn because pitch is not under control, or the airplane is not in trim. Don’t let this happen to you.

Preferred IFR routes Start by examining the CFS section C for any preferred IFR routes. There are both low and high altitude preferred routes depending on the type of airplane you are flying. If there is no preferred route published that is usually because there is not enough traffic between the airport you are flying from to the one you are going to to warrant a preferred route. However, if you are flying out of or into an airport that does have preferred routes you should select the preferred route for an airport in the right direction. For example there is no preferred low altitude IFR route from Vancouver to Castlegar – but there a preferred route to Princeton – this route should be used by an airplane departing Vancouver for Castlegar. You should almost always file the preferred route. It causes a great deal of trouble for ATC if you don’t. Normally you will be cleared for the preferred route even if you file 29



IFR for Professional Pilots something else. Therefore, if there is an important reason why you require an alternate route indicate that in the remarks section of your flight plan – an example might be “Aircraft on unpressurized ferry flight. Request route due to lower MEA.”

LO Charts – Distances, Bearings, etc. Start by examining the legend for the LO and HI charts; you must get to know all the symbols on the map. Bearings and distances are the most obvious thing, but by no means the only thing, they provide. Let’s look briefly at a few key items in the legend. Aerodrome symbols can be black or green – what is the difference? (IFR as opposed to VFR only. Note that the IFR could be in the RCAP, not the regular CAP in some cases.) Can you tell the length of runway at an airport without opening up your CFS? (Yes, as well as type of runway surface and whether or not the runway is lighted. Be sure to know how to interpret these symbols.) Are VOR and NDB symbols always located in the exact correct position on LO charts? (No, sometimes they must be offset for clarity, however the compass rose is centered on the correct location for the VOR.) How can you tell whether you should be flying at an odd or even altitude on a particular airway? (the airways symbols have a pointed end – this indicates the direction for even altitudes.) Looking at LO2 can you tell whether Calgary International has a Class B or a Class C control zone without looking in the CFS? (Yes, check the symbols in the legend.) The box that surrounds the frequency for NDB or VOR stations can be either thick or thin; what is the difference? (Thick lines indicate the nearby airport has a FSS.) How are RCO and DRCO sites found on the map? (See the legend for the symbols and read about using DRCO in CFS page D36 and AIM RAC 1.1.3.) The LO chart shows all the airways and navaids needed for navigation. As an example look at the LO2 chart and locate V317 from YVR to YNY. You can see that the airway uses radial 014 outbound from YVR; this track applies all the way to LYTON. From LYTON the airway follows radial 237 to YNY; the track on your navlog would be 057. Note that this V317 passes numerous intersections (MODY, JANEK, LYTON, CHAPT, FELKO) Only LYTON needs to be on the navlog (and in the GPS flight plan) because it is the only waypoint at which the track changes. The LO chart gives the distance between each waypoint; make sure you can find all the distances. For example the distance between CHAPT and FELKO is 25 NM. 30

IFR for Professional Pilots What is the distance from YVR to LYTON. You might be thinking that you can find the total distance on the map in a square box – but it is important to realize that distance totals are provided only between navaids and compulsory intersections. LYTON is not a compulsory intersection and therefore the total distance of 202 on the map is from YVR to YNY. Contrast this with the earlier example of V342 from YVR to YDC; in that case CILLI is a compulsory intersection so the distance from YVR to CILLI of 69 NM is provided on the map. To get the distance from YVR to LYTON you will have to add up 43+23+21. What is a mileage breakdown point – and what symbol is used? (Look it up in the legend and then look for some examples (there is one on V300 between Thunder Bay and Sioux Narrows.) There are a couple of small differences between Canada and the USA that you need to know about because the LO charts cover some USA airspace. In Canada the MEA can change at any intersection and if you are crossing over that intersection you must be at the higher of the two MEAs. In the USA they provide a minimum crossing altitude (MCA) that you can cross the intersection provided you climb at 200 ft/nm to the higher MEA. Examine the legend to find the symbol for MCA and look to see if you can find any examples (they will only be in USA airspace.)

Navlog Preparation You learned to complete a navlog in Avia 160 so this section will provided only a few comments highlighting the differences between IFR and VFR flight planning. If using the Electronic Navlog (ENL) select the MT-navlog. Or, if you are planning a round robin IFR as we do in the last few lessons of the syllabus use the round-robin navlog. The navlog should always start from the departure airport and the first waypoint should normally be the location where you intercept the airway structure. This point is likely to be an NDB, VOR, or airway intersection. The distance and time for this first leg should be a reasonable estimate. Be sure to examine the SID and allow for any vectoring or other maneuvering you will do. In other words; the first leg is almost always longer than the straight-line distance from the airport to the first waypoint. After the first waypoint the navlog is very simple to layout. The bearings and distances are all provided on the LO and HI charts. Make one leg for every change of track. This will require a new leg after each station passage, and separate legs if the airway has a dogleg, such as V342 between YVR and YDC (i.e. there should be a leg from YVR to CILLI and another from CILLI to YDC.) The last waypoint on the navlog should be the location where the approach or STAR begins. 31



IFR for Professional Pilots The time for the STAR and approach should then be estimated and entered on the navlog. The fuel-flow used for the approach should be conservative. For a piston engine airplane it is usually best to assume cruise fuel flow since this will be on the safe side. For a turbine airplane the fuel flow may increase in the warmer air at low altitude, so take care to allocate a high enough value. Allocate 45 minutes of reserve time at cruise fuel consumption. With all the above complete your navlog now indicates to you the time the flight will take and the minimum legal fuel requirement. You must now decide how much contingency fuel to add. As a student pilot you are spoiled by the ability to add all the fuel you want. In fact we always depart with full tanks. But, in the real world flying you will have to establish a reasonable contingency fuel. At the major airline level the question of how much contingency fuel is required is becoming a huge cost factor. It costs money to carry around unneeded fuel “just in case.” So, it is important that you consider carefully how much contingency fuel you actually need. Please read the Air Canada Fuel Bulletin on our website CRM page.

Selecting an Alternate Unless specifically authorized in an Air Operator Certificate all IFR flight plans require an alternate (see RAC 3.14.) An alternate airport is a safe place you can go and land if the weather drops below minima at your destination. As such the alternate is a critical safety feature of your flight planning, especially if the weather is marginal. Your CAP GEN and AIM RAC 3.14 give the rules for selecting an alternate. This is extremely crucial stuff but a bit difficult to interpret – so read it carefully. There are three standard alternate minima; these are 400:1, 600:2, and 800:2. 90% of the time one of these will apply. The first table in RAC 3.14 shows that these apply when the airport has multiple ILS, one ILS, or non-precision approaches respectively. It is important to get your mind wrapped around the idea of the standard alternate minima – do so before moving on. When standard alternate minima apply you are permitted to use a sliding scale. For example if your alternate airport is equipped with an ILS standard alternate minima are 600:2, but you can also file this airport as an alternate if the forecast is 700:1½ or 800:1. Make sure you understand when the sliding scale is applicable. If the alternate airport has “unusually high” approach minima then standard alternate minima DO NOT apply and the weather forecast needs to be greater – this requirement should be obvious, so if it isn’t obvious then stop and think about it for a minute. To meet 32

IFR for Professional Pilots this obvious safety need the rules state that the alternate minimum ceiling must be 300 feet above the approach MDA and the visibility must be 1 sm more than the approach visibility. For example Grand Forks approach minima are 3360:3 so after doing the math you get 3660:4. This however is NOT the correct answer – but it is a good start. The 3660 must rounded off in accordance with note 4,– it is critical for you to read note 4 of RAC 3.14 and know the rules for rounding off altitudes. The correct visibility is actually 3sm, not 4sm, because of note 5. Therefore, Grand Forks can be filed as an alternate if the TAF forecasts 3700:3. Of course there is a problem, because there is no TAF for Grand Forks. Therefore note 3 applies and we must ensure from the GFA that there is no cloud below 6100 asl (this is 1000 above the HAT) and there is no CB in the GFA and the visibility is forecast to be at least 3sm. Finally we must confirm that paragraph 3 does NOT apply. This paragraph starts with the words, “Pilots can take credit for GNSS …” It is important to note that the requirement is that there be conventional approaches at the destination. So if CYCG is the destination it has NDB and Localizer approaches, so we can file Grand Forks as an alternate as described above. But, if CAD4 (Trail) is the destination we cannot – because Trail only has an RNAV approach. In this case we would use the clause for NO IFR APPROACH AVAILABLE. The GFA would have to show ceiling no lower than 10,500 asl (MOCA on G1.) In most cases you base your alternate selection on the TAF for the destination airport. The basic idea is that the forecast must be at or above alternate minima at the time you will arrive. But, what if the forecast includes a TEMPO or BCMG clause? The rules for this are in RAC 3.14. The basic idea is that for TEMPO and BCMG you must use the least favorable weather forecast for the period. But, for PROB forecasts you are given more leeway; as long as the overall forecast is above alternate minima you can accept a lower PROB provided it is not lower than the approach minima. The last point to note is that you can only base your alternate on approaches you are able to fly. For example if your glideslope is unserviceable you cannot use the ILS, or if the wind favors runway 27, you cannot use the approach on runway 09, etc. You can see from the above that there are lots of twists and turns to choosing an alternate. You will have to be very careful not to miss anything.

Filing an IFR Flight Plan Read RAC 3.16 carefully before proceeding. 33



IFR for Professional Pilots You should be aware of the codes for filing combination IFR and VFR flight plans even though they are not used very often – if they are needed you can always look them up, the important thing is to know that these codes exist. The planned departure time is more important on an IFR flight plan than VFR. In some cases if flow control is in effect you are expected to be within 3 minutes of your filed takeoff time. In such cases you normally check with clearance delivery prior to engine start to confirm your departure slot time. When flow control is not in effect it is still important that you be reasonably close to your filed departure time. Your flight plan must be filed at least 30 minutes before your planned engine start – if not the system will not have enough time to process your flight plan. If you file a flight plan and then find out your passengers are going to be an hour late be sure to call and have your departure time amended. RAC 3.16.6 (the speed and altitude boxes.) Once you file the speed on your flight plan you must fly that speed accurately (see RAC 8.3.) If you cannot do so (perhaps due to turbulence or a malfunction) you need to inform ATC. This is less important in a radar environment, but it is critical when you are in a procedural environment such as an oceanic flight. However, there is no need to worry about slowing down during times such as vectors to an approach. ATC also typically expects aircraft descending on STARS to adjust speed – while there are not regulations authorizing these speed changes they are common practice so you don’t need to worry that ATC will be upset with you. If your speed or altitude changes at any time during a flight enter the new speed and altitude in the same format described in RAC 3.16.6 as part of your route (see below.) RAC 3.16.6 (route box) – normally the first entry in your route is the point where you will intercept the airway. This is often a VOR or NDB or and airway intersection. Typically this will correspond to the first waypoint on your navlog. In some cases you may start the route with an airway that passes by thus indicating to ATC that you will make an intercept of the airway – but this does create a slight ambiguity since the precise point you will intercept the airway is not defined. When your follow a single airway there is no need to enter waypoints along the airway; for example you can file V300 from Castlegar all the way to Newfoundland. When you change from one Victor airway to another the transition point must be clear; however this will always be at a VOR or NDB so simple insert the nave of the navaid between the two airway names, for example V300 YDC V342 … (which means that you will follow V300 to Princeton and then V342 after Princeton.) Often it will be necessary to change altitude and or airspeed during the flight. Changes to altitude and speed are inserted in the route at the point they occur. The format is identical to the format for speed and altitude described above. For example if the new speed is 245 KTAS enter N245 in the route. If the new altitude is 12,000 feet enter A0120 in the route. An important point when filing the route on your flight plan is whether or not to file a STAR as part of your route. Read RAC 9.2 before continuing. 34

IFR for Professional Pilots There are important differences between Conventional STAR and RNAV STAR from a flight planning point of view. If you file a Conventional STAR this tells ATC that you wish to fly that STAR but you still require a clearance for the STAR as you near your destination; thus, even if you have been cleared via the “flight plan route” you would still hold at the depicted hold location at the start of the STAR if you are not cleared specifically for the STAR. If you file an RNAV STAR it becomes a “part of your route” (see RAC 9.2.3) and therefore if you are cleared via “flight plan route” you are in effect already cleared for the STAR. In accordance with RAC 9.2.3 you would NOT hold, you would fly the STAR all the way to the DTW without the need for further clearance. At the DTW follow the instructions on the particular STAR plate. RAC 3.16.7 (time enroute box) on your flight plan is very important – especially if you were to have a communications failure. Read the communications failure procedures in RAC 6.3.2 and CFS section F before continuing. From your reading about communications failure you know that if you file an RNAV STAR in your route, and you are cleared via the flight plan route you are expected to fly the STAR and land. Therefore, the enroute time on your flight plan should run from takeoff to landing, just as it would on a VFR flight plan. From your reading about communications failure you know that if you DO NOT file an RNAV \STAR you require additional clearance before flying an arrival procedure and an IFR approach. In the event of communications failure ATC expects you to start the arrival/approach at the flight plan time. Therefore it is important that your flight plan time run from takeoff to the time when you would start the arrival/approach. This is very different from a VFR flight plan. Be sure you understand the difference. The rest of the flight plan form is filled out exactly like a VFR flight plan.




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Chapter 5 IFR Departures The departure procedure gets you safely from takeoff to the enroute environment at a safe altitude. Once you are enroute you will be above the MEA and thus safe from a terrain clearance point of view. But, during the departure you necessarily fly below the MEA as you climb. It is therefore a critical time of flight and it is supremely important that you have a procedure that ensures safe clearance from terrain and obstructions. In Canada most airports have developed IFR departure procedures that you can follow and which ensure your safety. But, not every airport has such procedures (and in some parts of the world you will be completely on your own) so you must be able to come up with a procedure of your own. (At the time of this writing the IFR departure procedure in CYCG is suspended – thus creating the equivalent of an “un-assessed airport.”) The simplest IFR departure is to climb in VMC conditions up to the MEA. On many days this is feasible. Once you are above the MEA you know you are safe; therefore as long as you remain VMC during the climb you will be OK. You have probably observed Jazz climb visually up the Arrow Lake for example. In the days before Canada published IFR departure procedures our most reliable and safest method of making IFR departures was to climb visually to the missed approach point (MAP) for one of the IFR approaches at the given airport and then follow the missed approach procedure (this is the current best way to depart CYCG given the suspended departure procedure.) The MAP is usually at the threshold of a runway so getting to it after takeoff can be a bit tricky – but as long as you can provide visual terrain separation to that point you know you are safe to enter cloud on the missed approach procedure. The other procedure that we used to use before departure procedures was to fly an IFR approach backwards. If you are able to takeoff in the opposite direction to the approach and can climb rapidly enough to remain above the published MDAs on the approach you once again know you are safe. This is not always as easy as it sound because IFR approaches can descend as steep as 400 feet per nautical mile, which is a very steep climb. But, if your airplane can make the climb this procedure is also safe. If the pilot intends to provide visual terrain separation on departure s/he should tell the controller and get approval. This is important because the airplane must be provided traffic separation service and the controller cannot do that effectively if s/he does not know the route the pilot intends to fly. For example, if the departure procedure calls for a climb overhead the airport before proceeding on course but the pilot intends to proceed on course without climbing overhead s/he should tell the controller that.




IFR for Professional Pilots Often on a SID departure ATC provides vectors to the airway after takeoff. By rule the controller cannot vector the airplane below the minimum radar vectoring altitude – with one exception. If the pilot says, “I can maintain my own terrain separation” the controller can vector the airplane below the vectoring altitude. Knowing this can save time; it would save more if pilots knew what the minimum radar vectoring altitude is, which they don’t. But, when you fly the same route every day you can figure it out (because the controller turns you at the same altitude day after day.) If you are in VMC conditions you can tell the controller, “I am able my own terrain separation” and get a turn toward your airway earlier. To recap – we have three procedures that we could use if there is no published IFR departure procedure: 1. Climb in VMC until at the MEA 2. Follow a published missed approach procedure 3. Fly an approach backwards If the above options are not viable the only alternative is to develop an IFR departure procedure. Transport Canada no longer funds this activity, which means that users must fund the process (very expensive.)

CAP Departure Procedures Read RAC 7 before proceding. Departure procedures are published in the CAP for most airports. These procedures are designed by professional IFR procedure designers who follow complex rules to ensure that the procedures are safe. These rules are in the document TP309, a copy of which is on our website. It is however far too complex for pilots to realistically know all the rules. There are however a few basic principles of IFR departure procedures that you must know. The procedure designer analyzes the terrain surrounding the airport. S/he must determine whether or not a departing airplane has any risk of hitting an obstruction. Of course if a pilot was to level off immediately after liftoff then the airplane would surely hit something, so the designer makes certain assumptions, these are: 1. The airplane will be at least 35 feet agl when it crosses the departure end of the runway 2. The airplane will climb on a gradient of at least 200 ft/NM 3. The airplane will not turn until it reaches 400 feet agl


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Read RAC 7.7 carefully before proceeding. Based on the above assumptions the designer checks to see whether or not there is any danger, i.e. any obstructions impinging on the “obstruction surface.” At many airports in the prairies there will be no obstructions impinging and thus the approach designed will publish takeoff minima of ½ statute mile. If you see ½ mile takeoff minima that means you have no obstacles to worry about so you can simply takeoff and proceed in the direction your clearance takes you without concern. Check almost any airport in your CAP3 and you will find they have ½ mile takeoff minima. Here in British Columbia there is almost always obstructions impinging on the obstruction surface. The takeoff minima at such airports will have a asterisk (*) When you see the * it means there are obstructions and you CANNOT simply follow the standard takeoff procedure described above.. You must look to see what procedure is needed to be safe. You may require a steeper climb gradient, or you may need to perform a SPEC VIS departure (described next.)

SPEC VIS If a ½ mile takeoff cannot be approved a SPEC VIS departure is published. Climb gradients more than 700 ft/NM are never published. In such cases only SPEC VIS will be published (Castlegar is an example of this). A SPEC VIS departure requires a visual climb to a specified point. After that point a normal 152 ft/NM gradient applies; the simplest version of this situation is shown in the diagram below. 39



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In the above example the airport is surrounded by mountains as is typical of airports in British Columbia. In this case a standard 152 ft/NM cone based at the ground is not an option. Let’s say the procedure designer discovers that if the cone is centered on the airport but based at 900’ agl no obstacles penetrate it. The departure designer will then simply instruct pilots to climb over the airport visually to this altitude before proceeding on course (BPOC). “SPEC VIS Climb visually over airport to 2,300’ or above BPOC.” In the example above the BPOC point is directly over the airport. This is very common, but by no means the only possibility. It is important for the pilot to read the departure instructions carefully and understand where the BPOC point and understand that the 152 ft/NM cone is centered there, and based at the specified altitude. Pilots usually prefer that the departure procedure designer specify the lowest possible altitude for the BPOC point. Consequently it is usually the case that the cone is based at an altitude from which climb can be made in some direction but not necessarily all directions. There are numerous examples of this, Port Alberni for instance:


IFR for Professional Pilots

The departure procedure for Port Alberni requires a visual climb over the airport to 4,800 feet. From there the 152 ft/NM obstacle gradient is clear ONLY on heading 137°. The pilot can enter IMC on this heading but must turn again when intercepting the Vancouver 258° radial. The instructions specify that the aircraft should level at 8,000’, but this is a traffic restriction not related to obstacle clearance. For other examples similar to Port Alberni look at Castlegar, Penticton and Kamloops.




IFR for Professional Pilots Unassessed Runways It was mentioned earlier that not every runway in Canada has been assessed for IFR departures. What should a pilot do if departing from an airport that has not been assessed? If the airport is to be used on a regular basis, especially for commercial purposes, it may be worth the expense of having a professional assess the runways. If a standard ½ mile departure is safe it would be good to know that. If a greater than standard climb gradient is needed it is important to know that, and if SPEC VIS is required it would be good to find the most efficient safe route. For an occasional IFR departure, such as a medevac from an uncontrolled airport that normally does not handle IFR traffic, the pilot is on his own to determine a safe procedure and decide whether standard conditions exist. If the airport is in the middle of Saskatchewan the pilot might be satisfied to check the local charts for towers and finding none assume that standard conditions apply. The pilot might also consider that the turbo-prop airplane s/he is flying normally climbs at a gradient of 1,000+ ft/NM. Given these facts the pilot might feel confident that a takeoff in ½ statute miles is safe. Most likely the pilot would turn at 400’ agl, but it is CRUCIAL to realize that this would be no more than a habit. If no assessment has been formally done then no criteria exist. In more rugged parts of Canada the pilot might realize that obstacles do exist and that a standard ½ mile takeoff is NOT advisable. In this case the pilot must devise a “home made” SPEC VIS procedure. The pilot can do this in many ways but in most cases the pilot will use one of the following strategies: 1. A visual climb to airway MEA. Of course the weather must be quite good for this. 2. If there is an IFR departure procedure nearby the pilot may choose to fly VFR to that airport and then depart IFR. 3. If there is an IFR approach procedure the pilot may climb visually to the missed approach point then follow the missed approach procedure. Alternatively the pilot may fly the approach procedure backwards It should be clear that when departing from an unassessed runway great care must be taken. The law permits ½ mile takeoff, but the safety of doing so is questionable. The pilot must be completely certain that no obstacles impinge on the aircraft’s climb gradient.


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Departure alternate Departure alternates at required when a commercial air operator takeoffs at weather lower than the published takeoff weather in the CAP or lower than the published approach minima in the CAP. You will learn the details in your Air Regs course – you should read CAR 724.26. If a departure alternate is required it is filed on the flight plan in accordance with RAC 3.16.7

IFR Clearance Review Just before takeoff you should conduct an IFR clearance review. At Selkirk College we have this on our C-172 and B85 checklists. In the future, if it is not on your checklist you must do it anyway. Reviewing your clearance before takeoff is the single most important thing you can do to ensure a safe non-stressful flight. It is surprisingly easy to get airborne without realizing you don’t know where you’re going. That anyone could be so stupid or incompetent might seem implausible to you, but once you start flying IFR you will see that it can easily happen if you don’t consciously develop a clearance review procedure. An IFR clearance review is a three step process: 1. Read the clearance 2. Trace the route on SID, Terminal, or LO charts 3. Get all radios setup You start by reading the clearance which by this point you will have copied. Make sure you understand it and accept it. If necessary ask for clarifications or amendments. Let’s say your clearance is something like, “GABC is cleared to Somespot airport via the Clover 3 departure flight plan route, squawk 4321.” Flight plan route is obviously acceptable. You would then read the Clover 3 SID and note the altitude you are cleared to, the frequency and location to contact departure control, and any special restrictions such as climb gradients or com-failure procedure. The second step is to trace the route you will fly on your charts. When the clearance includes a SID use that chart first, if not then go directly to the LO or terminal chart as applicable. Put your finger on the map at the takeoff point and move it along the route as you create a script for yourself (see appendix about scripting.) The SID must be translated into a step by step process such as climb on heading 270 to 3,700’, turn right direct YAB VOR, maintain 5,000’. Continue the process of writing this script for yourself deep enough into the flight to connect up with the script that you should already have (see scripting appendix.) If you have been cleared via flight plan route you only need to build a script to the end of the SID because you already have one for the rest of the route from your “kitchen table flying.” If you are cleared for an unanticipated route you should go 43



IFR for Professional Pilots further and build a complete script. This won’t happen very often. Frequently the unexpected route will be one you have flown before and you will be able to recall the script you used previously. But, if you get a totally unexpected and unfamiliar route you need to examine it, and script it, before you takeoff. You will get quite quick at doing this with practice. We will do numerous exercises of scripting in this course. The third step is to setup all the radios. To do this we use a framework called Tune, Setup, Identify (TSI), which is described in detail elsewhere in this text. If you have a good script this step is pretty easy. Once you have completed these three steps you should be ready to go. You would normally then conduct a crew briefing if you have a copilot and then takeoff.

Crew Briefing In a two-pilot environment it is normal to conduct a takeoff briefing just before departure. This is normally just after the IFR clearance review described above and before calling the tower for takeoff clearance. The primary content of the crew briefing is to review the speeds and procedure for the takeoff and to clarify who will do what in the event of an emergency. The crew briefing should also clarify the IFR departure procedure. This should be very short, for example simply saying, “We will climb runway heading to 5,000’ and expect radar vectors.” It is not usually wise to put too much information in the briefing because if you do you risk information overload and a tendency for the other pilot to tune you out. But you should note the altitude you are cleared to and any turns that will be required in the first minute or so. I like to think of this as priming the other pilot to act as an altitude and heading alerter. If you say to yourself, “what do I want the other pilot to draw my attention to if I get distracted?” your answer will generally tell you what to include in the briefing. You will find that it is very easy to shoot through your assigned altitude on departure (especially in the King Air) so you will want the other pilot to draw that to your attention. It is also easy to forget a turn after takeoff since most takeoffs involve climbing runway heading until ATC instructs you to turn. So these are the sorts of things to include in a briefing. Conversely, things that won’t happen for many minutes into the flight have no place in a briefing. They can be briefed later at a more appropriate time. Things that are totally SOP do not need briefing (unless you have a new copilot who doesn’t know the SOPs). Briefing SOPs is a good way to bore the other pilot into ignoring you.

VFR Departure Read RAC 6.2.2 A pilot may request permission to depart VFR and pick up an IFR clearance in the air. Obviously the weather must be VFR to do this. It is necessary to have ATC permission to do this. When the aircraft takes off it is NOT IFR. It does not become IFR until it receives a clearance. Why would the controller not approve the request? 44

IFR for Professional Pilots If two airplanes are both trying to depart at the same time on the same route ATC will be reluctant to authorize a VFR departure (presumably for the second airplane) because it is difficult or impossible to establish separation. In other words the airplanes will remain in close proximity to each other. In this case ATC will refuse the request and the second pilot should do the entire flight VFR or wait on the ground for an IFR clearance. VFR departures do work well when the conflicting traffic is in the opposite direction. Obviously an outbound airplane will pass an inbound and quickly reach a point at which separation exists. Once ATC determines separation is adequate an IFR clearance can be issued. Remember that when departing VFR the airplane is not permitted to enter IMC conditions.




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Chapter 6 Enroute Procedures Altitude Reports Read RAC 8.4 Although RAC 8.4 specifies that it is only compulsory to report reaching your assigned altitude in a non-radar environment it is standard practice to always report reaching the assigned altitude. Note that on your initial call to departure the controller will be checking the accuracy of your mode-c so you should be accurate about indicating your altitude. The second paragraph of RAC 8.4 lists the times when you should report your altitude – make sure you know and follow this list.

Climb and Descent Read RAC 8.5 Know the meaning of the phase “when ready.” When you vacate an altitude ATC can assign the altitude to another aircraft so you should climb or descend at least 500 fpm to avoid possible conflicts. Know the rules about making visual climbs and descents – these are often very handing to get a climb when there is a lot of traffic. Notice that you cannot do visual climbs in Class B or A airspace (i.e. not above ___________ altitude?)

1000 on Top Read RAC 8.8 We don’t normally use 1000 on top in training – and it is not operationally common either, but in a few situations it may be advantageous. The main advantage is that two airplanes can both fly at the same altitude because separation is not provided. This might allow two airplanes to cruise at 9000 avoiding the need for on to climb to 11,000 and use oxygen (this is the most likely reason to use it.)

Clearance Leaving or Entering Controlled Airspace Read RAC 8.9 47



IFR for Professional Pilots Also read RAC 9.3 (example of an airplane being cleared to descend out of controlled airspace via a particular IFR approach.)

Also read RAC 9.4 – descent out of controlled airspace. This is how you would go about landing at an airport with no IFR approach such as Nakusp or Creston, etc.

Clearance Limit Read all of RAC 8 An important concept is the clearance limit – read RAC 8.10. The clearance limit is an important concept especially if you have a communications failure. You cannot proceed beyond the clearance limit until the expect further clearance time. Thus if you are cleared to hold or otherwise cleared “short” you need a procedure to follow in the even of a communications failure. (re-read RAC 6.3.2.)

IFR Flight in Uncontrolled Airspace Read RAC 8.11 It is important to know this information for the INRAT exam. It is also quite common to fly in uncontrolled airspace especially early in your career – so you should know what to do. Chapter 14 contains details of flight in uncontrolled airspace

Position reports When you are radar identified you do not have to make IFR Position Reports. If you are not radar identified then you must report all compulsory reporting points and navaids along your route. Compulsory reporting points are marked as solid triangles on the LO and HI charts. There was a time when IFR position reports were very important. They still are important to international pilots flying oceanic routes. However, over the North American continent you will be in radar contact a lot of the time and therefore many pilots have forgotten how to make a good IFR Position Report. The format of an IFR position report is on the back cover of your CFS (which you should always have onboard.)


IFR for Professional Pilots The controller uses your time and ETA for the next reporting point to prevent any conflicts with other traffic so safety demands that you be accurate. If you subsequently discover that your ETA is off by more than 3 minutes let the controller know. S/he may have to take action to prevent a conflict so the sooner you let them know the better.

Altimeter Setting Procedures during Abnormally High Pressure Weather Be sure to read RAC 12.12 The gist of this rule is that older altimeters cannot be set to an altimeter setting more than 31.00 inches, so ALL pilots will 31.00 whenever the actual altimeter setting is more than 31.00 – ATC will confirm this with you. Once you reach the FAF you change your altimeter to the actual setting if you are able. If you cannot do that you simply leave the altimeter set to 31.00 and in effect you get a higher DH or MDA for the approach (i.e. this is a safe procedure.) Be sure to also read about how this affect departure alternates, etc.

VFR Restrictions Read RAC 6.2.1 At various times on a trip an airplane will need to climb or descend to a new altitude. Before a controller can clear the airplane to the new altitude the airspace in between must be clear; e.g. if the airplane is at 12,000’ and requests to descent to 8,000’ there must be no traffic at 9,000’, 10,000’ or 11,000’. In a non-radar environment the controller does not know the exact location of all the airplanes so any traffic that could possibly be within the airspace prevents a climb or descent clearance. The pilot can request a visual climb or descent, with the restrictions explained in RAC 6.2.1. Note that visual climbs and descents can only be done below 12,500, so they won’t do you any good when flying at high altitudes including flight levels. During a VFR climb or descent the airplane has an IFR clearance but traffic separation is NOT being provided. The airplane must remain clear of cloud until reaching the new altitude.

Mountainous Regions Because altitude indications rely on the pressure altimeter, which is subject to increasing error at altitude it is necessary to set MOCA and MEAs higher in mountainous terrain. The mountainous regions of Canada are defined in RAC 2.12




IFR for Professional Pilots

MEA and MOCA MOCA and MEA are designated for all low level airways and air routes in Canada. MOCA is the minimum altitude that provides the legally required terrain clearance. This is normally 1,000 feet above the highest obstacle within the boundary of the airway. In mountainous areas 2, 3, and 4 this is increased to 1,500 feet. It is increased to 2,000 feet in areas 1 and 5, which includes British Columbia (see RAC 2.12 for mountainous area boundaries). MEA takes radio reception into account as well as terrain. If the airway segment is long it may be necessary to fly higher than MOCA in order to receive the VOR or NDB for navigation. In this case MEA is higher than MOCA. When radio navigation is not limiting then MEA = MOCA. With GPS it is possible to fly safely below MEA but above MOCA. Different MEAs may be published for adjoining segments of an airway. The airplane must cross the reporting point where MEA changes at the higher MEA. In the USA minimum crossing altitudes (MCA) are published at reporting points. The aircraft can cross the point at that MCA if climbing at 200+ ft/Nm until reaching the new MEA. Canada does not use MCA, but some LO charts covering portions of the USA show them; MCA is therefore included in the legend of LO charts.

Minimum IFR Altitude The minimum IFR flight plan altitude is defined as the lowest whole thousand foot altitude appropriate for direction of flight above the MEA. See RAC 8.6 and CAR 602.34 In the winter when temperatures are cold MOCA obviously provides less terrain clearance than in the summer. In some cases pilots may find it prudent to increase the minimum IFR flight plan altitude if the temperature is very cold, especially on airways with very high MEAs typical of British Columbia; having said that, many pilot become complacent about this given that 2,000 feet of separation is already built in. It is very rare for altimeter errors to approach this value. This cavalier attitude cannot be carried into the approach phase, which we turn to next.


IFR for Professional Pilots

Chapter 7 Holding The first IFR procedure covered in second year is “holding patterns” and how to enter and maintain them. A holding pattern is more commonly referred to simply as a “hold.” A hold is a racetrack shaped pattern in which an airplane “flies circles” as a delaying tactic. Why would we ever want to do that?

Purpose of Holds In the days before ATC RADAR holds were a routine requirement used on a daily basis to keep airplanes separated. A brief reference to this use was made earlier. In today’s IFR system there are still many remote parts of Canada without RADAR service, especially at lower altitudes. Consequently when more than one airplane is arriving at a smaller airport one may need to hold, because only one airplane at a time can be permitted into the approach airspace. Holds are sometimes needed even in a RADAR environment. For example if a runway closes at a large airport, perhaps due to a gear up landing or the need to initiate snow plowing, there may be too many airplanes vying to land on the remaining runway for the system to accommodate. As a result some airplanes will have to hold for a time until the traffic load eases. Certain in-flight emergencies require time for the pilot(s) to complete checklists (for example – an emergency gear extension.) When the crew requires time to sort out a situation they will often “request a hold.” ATC will then accommodate by providing a hold clearance. The situations described above should make it clear to you that holds are needed and used in the modern IFR system. Sometimes you may hear pilots claim that “no one ever holds except on a flight test anymore.” That is not the case. Depending on the type of airplane you are flying and the part of the country you fly in you may hold as often as once a week or as infrequently as once a decade, but everyone does need to know how to enter and fly a holding pattern. There is one final situation in which you will have to hold, and that is your IFR flight test. Entering and maintaining a holding pattern is one of the skills you must demonstrate in order to get (and keep) your instrument rating.

The Hold Clearance Read your AIM section RAC 10, it describes all the technical specifications of holding patterns. 51



IFR for Professional Pilots RAC 10.2 specifies the six components that must be part of a holding clearance. Below these requirements have been reworded to improve clarity: 1. A clearance to a holding fix 2. The compass direction to hold from the fix 3. A specified radial, course, or inbound bearing that defines the inbound track 4. If DME is used, the DME distance at which the fix turn and outbound end turn are to be commenced 5. The altitude or flight level to maintain 6. The time to expect further clearance (EFC or EAC.) We will now make a preliminary examination of 1, 2, and 3 above.

Holding Fix A holding fix is a “place” to hold. It is usually a VOR or NDB, but it can also be an intersection or DME fix. In the modern world of RNAV navigation any named fix in the navigation database could be used as a holding fix by an appropriately equipped airplane. For airplanes lacking GPS or similar type navigation systems there are a few restrictions on where a hold fix can be specified. A hold fix cannot be in the DME cone of ambiguity, or at an intersection where the radials cross at an angle of less than 45°, or at an intersection where the cross-bearing is from an NDB. When the holding fix is an intersection we say we are performing an “intersection hold.” In the special case where the controller specifies both a DME fix and a DME distance to end the outbound leg we call the hold a “DME hold.” Most pilots agree that DME holds are the easiest type of hold to fly. A fuller description of a DME hold is presented later. A hold where the fix is a VOR is called a “VOR hold” and a hold where the hold fix is an NDB is called an “NDB hold” or “ADF hold.” Direction From the Fix The controller always specifies a compass direction such as north, south, etc to help the pilot visualize where the holding pattern is to be flown. This information also acts as a safety feature as it must be consistent with the specified inbound track. Pilots must therefore develop the habit of confirming that the specified compass direction is compatible with the specified inbound track. If it is not some error has been made. Perhaps the pilot heard, and read back, the clearance wrong; or perhaps the controller 52

IFR for Professional Pilots misspoke the clearance. Either way the error must be sorted out or grave danger could arise. The eight possible options for compass direction are: North North East East South East South South West West North West The Specified Inbound Track The specified inbound track must unambiguously indicate the exact course the pilot is to navigate along on the inbound track of the hold. As you will see soon the inbound track is the ONLY segment of the hold in which the pilot actually employs radio navigation. When the controller states, “inbound course 030” it is quite easy to see what the precise inbound course is. It is a little less obvious that if the controller says “inbound on the 210 radial” that the same inbound course of 030 has in effect been specified. Unfortunately convention demands that holds at VORs be specified in terms of radials. The pilot must therefore calculate the reciprocal in order to determine the inbound course. Naming an airway can also uniquely specify a hold course. For example the controller may say the hold is to be “inbound on V300,” where V300 is an airway that leads to the specified holding fix. In this case the pilot would have to consult an LO chart to obtain the required radial. Once the pilot looks up the radial on the map the hold is specified as surely as if the controller had stated the radial directly, therefore this is a legal (and common) specification format for an inbound hold track. Expect Further Clearance Time As you know from your study of IFR regulations all IFR procedures must contain contingencies for communications failure. (Re-read RAC 6.3.2.) Any time you hold you must have a specified time that you will leave the hold in the event of a communications failure. It is important to note that this time is only used if you suffer a communications failure. Since this communications failure is very rare you will seldom need this “further clearance” time, but it is still a legal requirement. Controllers routinely use two distinct phrases when specifying the further clearance time. They may say “expect approach clearance at X” or “expect further clearance at X” in each case X is replaced by a time in UTC. When you receive an EAC you know that the next clearance will be an approach clearance and so you should prepare for that. When 53



IFR for Professional Pilots you receive an EFC you should expect some further clearance (which could be an approach clearance) at the specified time.

Hold Pattern Specifications RAC 10.3 attempts to explain hold pattern specifications, but it is a bit confusing. Read RAC 10.6 for clarification. At or below 14,000 feet, a zero-wind hold involves flying the inbound leg of 1:00 (one minute) along the specified track. Once you reach the hold fix you make a 180° right turn then fly 1:00 outbound. You then make another 180° right turn bringing you back to the specified course again. The entire hold pattern takes 4:00 to complete. The diagram to the righ shows only the specified holdcourse – and that it is 1:00

It is helpful to think of the 1:00 hold-course as starting at a point we call EP1, as shown in the diagram below

Figure 4- 1

Drift Compensation in a Hold If there is a crosswind a hold pattern looks like the one below. Notice that the inbound and outbound legs are not parallel to each other. The reason is that crosswind tightens one turn but widens the other – so every hold has a “fat end” and a “skinny end.” The point labeled TP in this diagram is the turning point where a rate one turn will bring you to EP1.


IFR for Professional Pilots

Figure 4- 2

The fat end and the skinny end depend on which way the crosswind is blowing. In the hold above wind is from the north, in the hold below wind is from the south.

Figure 4- 3

On the hold course compensate for wind exactly as we always do – in other words drift correction equals crosswind / magic-number. Drift correction on the outbound leg must be three times the amount used on the inbound leg if outbound time is 1:00. If outbound time is less than 1:00 (see below) then outbound drift will be more than three times inbound drift. If outbound time is more than 1:00 then outbound drift will be less than three times inbound drift – but will always be more than inbound drift. In Summary: 1. Basic outbound drift is 3 times inbound drift. 2. Outbound drift is more than 3 times if outbound time is less than 1:00 55



IFR for Professional Pilots 3. Outbound drift is less than 3 times if outbound time is more than 1:00

Headwind / Tailwind Compensation in a Hold With no headwind or tailwind outbound time is basically 1:00 – however it must be increased slightly if there is a lot of crosswind. An IMPORTANT rule of thumb is that if the tailwind on the outbound leg equals 1/3 the TAS the outbound time will be zero. The diagram below shows that in this case a continuous 360° right turn is made at the fix resulting in a 1:00 inbound leg.

Figure 4- 5

When tailwind is less than 1/3 your TAS proportionally reduce the outbound time. For example if you hold at 150 KTAS you know that 50 knots of wind would require zero outbound time so with 25 knots tailwind estimate 30 seconds outbound – etc. When there is a headwind on the outbound leg the outbound time must be increased. Headwind of 1/3 TAS requires outbound time of 2:00. Adjust proportionally for lesser winds. In summary: 1. Tailwind outbound of 1/3 TAS requires zero outbound time 2. Headwind outbound of 1/3 TAS requires 2:00 outbound time 3. Adjust proportionally for lesser winds.


IFR for Professional Pilots

Figure 4- 6

The AIM RAC 10.6 specifies that outbound timing should begin abeam the holding fix (at the point labeled ts, for timing starts) rather than at the point labeled SHP.

Planning a Hold Above we learned how to estimate the drift compensation and headwind/tailwind compensation in a hold. You must learn to estimate these values prior to entering the hold. Your strategy will be (based on best available wind information): 1. Estimate crosswind and headwind / tailwind on hold course a. Determine relative wind angle b. For 30°, 45°, 60° use 50%/90%, 70%/70%, 90%/50% to estimate crosswind / tailwind 2. Estimate inbound drift (crosswind / magic number) 3. Estimate outbound time: a. More than 1:00 for outbound headwind and less for tailwind. b. 2:00 / 0:00 for wind of 1/3 TAS c. Adjust in proportion for lesser wind 4. Estimate outbound drift: a. Three times inbound drift if time 1:00 outbound b. More than three times inbound drift if less than 1:00 outbound 57



IFR for Professional Pilots c. Less than three times inbound drift is more than 1:00 outbound Let’s do an example for the King Air holding at 140 KIAS – our magic number is 2.5 (150 / 57.3) Let’s say the hold course is 300 inbound and the wind is 270 at 30 knots. We can now employ the steps outlines above: 1. The relative wind angle is 30° from the nose. Thus we have 15 knots of crosswind and 27 knots of headwind inbound and therefore 27 knots of tailwind outbound. 2. Inbound drift 6° (15 / 2.5) 3. Outbound time a bit less than 0:30 (50 knots would be 0:00 therefore 27 knots is about 0:25) 4. Outbound drift 20° (would be 3x6=18° but must be increased since time on the controller’s radar screen that s/he vectors the airplane to). At some airports there is a standard gate and a short gate. On a short gate the controller vectors the airplane where it may be on or even above the glidepath when it intercept final. In this case you will feel compelled to quickly extend the gear and start final descent. Be careful not to descend too soon. DO NOT descend until you are established on final, even if the glidepath needle is alive. On vectors to an NDB approach 80

IFR for Professional Pilots be especially careful because there will be bank error as you turn final; don’t descend until you complete the turn and confirm you are within 10° of final approach track.

Procedure Turns The term “full procedure approach” means that a procedure turn is to be done. The first step is to fly to the IAF. For an NDB approach this will be the beacon, for a VOR approach it will be the VOR. For an ILS approach there is often an NDB at the IAF you can fly directly to. (Notice that 99% of the time the IAF and FAF are in the same place – but there are lots of exceptions where the FAF for example is at a particular DME from the VOR). The diagram below is from TP308, which is the Transport Canada publication describing IFR approach design criteria. It shows the shape and size of the procedure turn airspace. You should be familiar with the following points about this airspace: There is an “entry area” marked with hash marks in the diagram The Primary area extends from 6 to 8 NM laterally from the inbound course on the “maneuvering side” The Primary area extends 4NM laterally on the “non-procedure side” There may be a higher safe altitude in the entry area than in the Primary area in some cases




IFR for Professional Pilots

In the Diagram above the point labeled “FIX” is the IAF. As you fly to the IAF you descend through a series of safe altitudes. In some cases your route to the IAF may be along an airway in which case you should descend to the airway MEA. If your route to the IAF is off airway you can descend to the 100NM safe altitude until within the 25NM MSA and then descend to the MSA altitude. Upon reaching the IAF there are four types of procedure turn you can do: 1. Standard PT 2. S-turn PT 3. Modified-racetrack PT 4. Racetrack PT Each of these procedure turns is designed to keep you within the designated procedure turn airspace. Once past the IAF you can start your descent to the entry zone altitude. You should report “by the ______ outbound” once you are abeam or over the IAF and headed away from 82

IFR for Professional Pilots the airport - i.e. entering the Primary area - this is important, don’t report outbound until you are headed away from the airport. Once you are outbound it is safe to descend from the entry altitude to the PT altitude. The diagram below is also from TP308. It emphasizes that there may be an obstacle in the entry zone and therefore a higher safe altitude in the entry zone. Do not report outbound until in the primary area and do not descend below the entry zone altitude until in the primary area.

NOTE: Most approaches do not have a published entry zone altitude. Make sure you can identify one on an approach plate (see the CAP GEN legend – for an example see the NDB RWY 16 approach to Nanaimo). A typical outbound call would sound like this, “GSAK is by the Abbotsford beacon outbound” (always use the full name of the FAF – i.e. don’t just say “beacon outbound”. All procedure turns have three legs/headings known as: 1. Outbound heading 83



IFR for Professional Pilots 2. 1st procedure turn heading (1st PT HDG) 3. 2nd procedure turn heading (2nd PT HDG) Open your CAP to any approach plate that has a procedure turn on it. You must learn to identify the three PT legs listed above – this is very easy to do. The diagram to the left is typical of an approach plate: 1. Outbound heading = 225° 2. 1st PT heading = 180° 3. 2nd PT heading = 360°

Procedure turn are designated as left or right depending on whether the 1st PT heading is 45 left or right of the outbound heading. The example above is a left procedure turn. The diagram to the left shows an IAF at the center. You would fly directly to the IAF and perform the type of procedure turn shown in each of the four sectors shown. The S-turn is always used when approach from the “procedure side.” The diagram shows a right procedure turn so the S-turn sector is in the location shown. If this had been a left procedure turn the S-turn and modified racetrack sectors would swap. The standard and racetrack sectors are the same for left and right procedure turns. The above diagram is important but rather difficult to use in flight. Just as with holds we need a procedure that allows us to visualize the type of procedure turn on the heading indicator or HSI.


IFR for Professional Pilots As you fly toward the IAF set the track bar on the HSI to the approach course, as shown to the left. The outbound heading always goes on the tail of the HSI. Notice the 45° markings on the HSI, in the diagram to the left I have circled them to highlight them. You judge the type of procedure turn depending on where the tail of the track bar is – as shown below. If the tail of the track bar is within 45° of the nose do a standard procedure turn. If the tail of the track bar is within 45° of the tail do a racetrack procedure turn. If the tail is to the side - between the 45° marks - you will either do an S-turn or a modified racetrack depending on where the 1st PT heading is. If the 1st PT heading is below the track bar do an S-turn – if it is above the track bar do a modified racetrack.

The order that the legs are flown in varies depending on the type of procedure turn. We will now go through each type of procedure turn.

Standard Procedure Turn For a standard procedure turn:




IFR for Professional Pilots 1. Fly outbound first – in this case don’t just fly the heading, track outbound along the intermediate course. 2. Then, turn to the 1st PT heading and fly it for 1:00 minute. 3. Then turn 180° to the 2nd PT heading. This turn is always made away from the FAF – i.e. so that distance from FAF increases in the turn. The approach plate specifies the maximum distance for the procedure turn. Make sure you don’t go out too far. On the other hand, you must go out far enough that you will have enough room to descend in the intermediate segment.

S-Turn Procedure A generic S-turn looks like the diagram below:

The diagram to the left shows the HSI when tracking directly to an IAF prior to an S-turn. The first turn is always toward the tail of the HSI, i.e. toward the outbound heading. The steps are listed below.


IFR for Professional Pilots 1. Turn outbound to the 1st PT heading. Wait until crossing the approach course then fly 1:00 additional minute. 2. Turn to the outbound heading (with a wind drift correction to maintain a suitable XTRK). Fly the outbound heading until a suitable distance from the FAF. 3. Turn to the 2nd PT heading and fly it until intercepting the approach course. Observing GPS XTRK during step 2 is very useful. XTRK must be a bit more than 1% of your TAS. Don’t go outbound beyond the maximum procedure turn distance – BUT, do go outbound far enough to lose the required altitude in the intermediate segment; on an ILS that means be below the glidepath.

Modified Racetrack Procedure A generic modified racetrack looks like the diagram below:

Notice that the three legs are flown in the same order as for the S-turn; the only difference is that the airplane arrives at the IAF from the non-procedure side, thus it is a shorter turn to the 1st procedure turn heading and the 1:00 timing starts right away. The steps for a modified racetrack are: 1. Turn toward the outbound heading rolling out on the 1st PT heading. Fly this heading for up to 1:00 (check GPS XTRK). 2. Turn to the outbound heading (with a wind drift correction to maintain a suitable XTRK). Fly the outbound heading until a suitable distance from the FAF.




IFR for Professional Pilots 3. Turn to the 2nd PT heading and fly it until intercepting the approach course.

Racetrack Procedure A generic racetrack looks like the diagram below:

Notice that we fly the racetrack slightly wider than a hold so that we can use the 2 nd PT heading to intercept the intermediate segment. This means that GPS XTRK on the outbound leg must be more than 1% of TAS. The racetrack procedure has only two steps: 1. Turn in the direction of the procedure turn to the outbound heading – allowing for wind. Check the GPS XTRK and ensure it exceeds 1% TAS. Fly outbound far enough to facilitate the altitude to be lost (on an ILS be sure to get below the glidepath). 2. Turn to the 2nd PT heading and fly it until intercepting the approach course.

Procedure Turn Timing An important question is “how long I should go outbound for?” when flying a procedure turn. It is much better to go out a certain distance on the GPS rather than a specific time. If you do not have a GPS you will have to go by time. You should go outbound far enough that you will be below the glidepath on an ILS when you intercept the intermediate segment.


IFR for Professional Pilots On a non-precision approach there is no glidepath, but you should go outbound far enough that you would be below the glidepath if it did exist. If you don’t you will have to descend extra quick or else you won’t reach MDA in time. The diagram below (from TP308) shows the intermediate segment and its relationship to the procedure turn airspace. From this you can see that you must NOT descend below the procedure turn altitude until established on the intermediate course and within the procedure turn distance from the FAF.

There is a lot of variability between approaches in terms of how much altitude must be lost in the intermediate segment. It can vary from zero to 2,500 feet. If there is a lot of altitude to loose in the intermediate segment it is important to notice that when you review the minima prior to the approach and plan to go out further in the procedure turn and possibly a greater than normal descent rate. You must NOT go outbound beyond the procedure turn distance published on the approach plate.

DME ARC Arrival An alternative to a procedure turn in a DME arc. An arc can often bring an airplane from the enroute phase of flight to the IF quicker and smoother than a procedure turn. They are used quite often in areas where radar service is inadequate for vectored arrivals. The arc normally has a starting point which is the IAF. You can often fly directly to the IAF using your GPS. If you do not have a GPS you will have to navigate to the IAF using conventional navaids (i.e. do a PDT and track to the IAF). The procedure for flying a DME arc is covered in Navigation for Professional Pilots and will not be fully repeated here. The main points to remember when arcing are these:




IFR for Professional Pilots Radius of a rate-one turn is ½% of TAS. Use this to judge when to start turning to intercept the arc. On the arc the RMI needle must be near the wingtip – therefore calculate initial arc heading by looking at your RMI and adding or subtracting 90 as appropriate. On the arc DME closing speed should be near zero – but your arc will actually be a series of short straight legs along which closing speed will first decrease then increase. When closing speed is decreasing (as you fly a steady heading) you are getting closer over time. When closing speed is increasing (as you fly a steady heading) you are moving away from the station. When flying an arc arrival always set the HSI to the final approach course. If you have a standard VOR indicator put it on the lead radial. Most arcs intersect the approach course at approximately 90°. But this is not always the case. When the arc intersects the approach course at a large angle a lead radial is published on the approach plate. The lead radial provides 2NM “warning” that you are about to intercept the approach. Shortly after passing the lead radial you should stop arcing and turn to intercept the approach at a 45° angle.

Transition for Straight-in Arrival Previously we learned that many approach plates have a published intermediate fix (IF.) In many cases you can simply fly to the IF and then turn inbound, without the need for any procedure turn. You may be wondering why you can’t always just fly to the IF and then turn inbound. The reason is that in order for this to be feasible you must arrive at the IF below the glidepath. So you can only use this technique if a route to the IF at a suitably low altitude can be found. Many approach plates show tracks leading to the IF at altitudes that are suitable for straight in landings. When such transitions are published simply fly the prescribed route to the IF then turn inbound almost exactly as you would if a controller had vectored you to the approach – for all intents and purposes the transition replaces vectors. Even if the approach plate doesn’t show a published transition you may be able to fly to the IF using your GPS and then make a straight in approach – but only if the MSA is low enough that you will be below the glidepath at the IF. When the transition you are 90

IFR for Professional Pilots considering is unpublished you will have to calculate for yourself whether you will be below the glidepath (remember the 3NM to lose 1,000 feet rule). If you wish to do a straight in approach you need authorization from ATC. Make sure you are cleared for the “straight in” approach. All RNAV GNSS approaches in Canada are designed with transitions leading to the IF – no procedure turn is ever used on these approaches. We will discuss GNSS approaches later.

STAR Arrivals STAR stands for Standard Terminal Arrival. STARs are explained in RAC 9.2, read this fully. Make sure you know the difference between a conventional STAR and an RNAV STAR. RAC 9.2.2 specifies the equipment you must have to fly an RNAV STAR. You will notice that item “d” specifies that you must have a Flight Director System (or FMS) capable of following the STAR. Obviously our Frasca simulators and our BE95 aircraft do not have Flight Directors, and therefore cannot fly RNAV STARs – however you can fly them for practice in the simulator. At the time of this writing the Flight Director in the Alsim does not follow the RNAV. Therefore it too does not meet the legal requirements of RAC 9.2.2 (but we can do them for training purposes anyway.) Pay particular attention to the concept of “open” and “closed” RNAV STARs. You must learn how to close the RNAV STAR. Once closed you follow the GPS all the way to the FACF (which is equivalent to the IF) for a straight in approach with no need for vectors from a controller. If the STAR remains open you expect vectors from the DTW to the FACF. If the controller wants you to close the STAR s/he must clear you for the approach at least 3NM prior to the DTW. If you want to fly an RNAV STAR you should file it on your flight plan – as explained in RAC 9.2.3. The RNAV STAR becomes part of your IFR clearance from the time of departure. This is different than a conventional STAR which you won’t be cleared for until you are approaching your destination. This makes for subtle differences in the communications failure procedures in the two cases. You must read carefully section F of the CFS paying close attention to the communications failure procedures on STARs.

ILS, PAR, VOR, ADF Approaches These approaches are quite well explained in the Instrument Procedures Manual. Read this information thoroughly. 91



IFR for Professional Pilots Also read RAC 9.27 and 9.28 regarding simultaneous approaches.

GPS Approach, with the KLN90b When completing the Approach portion of the AMORTS briefing, the pilot briefing the approach should identify the procedure to transition from en-route flight to the instrument approach procedure (IAP). This may be by way of direct navigation, a STAR, Radar Vectors, DME ARC, or transitions published on the applicable GPS approach plate. The GPS approach will be retrieved from a current GPS database. Approach waypoints will be verified by checking the latitude and longitude of each waypoint. Step down fixes that are not included in the database will be identified and noted at this time. Additionally, accuracy of bearings and distances between waypoints will be confirmed while flying the approach by referencing the approach plate. Prior to transitioning from an airway to the IAP, the pilot will confirm the HSI is displaying GPS referenced track guidance by confirming that “GPS” has been selected on the annunciator panel and the “GPS” light has illuminated. For straight-in GPS approaches, the pilot will confirm that “LEG” mode has been selected on the annunciator panel and the light has illuminated. The GPS will remain in “LEG” mode unless there is a requirement to hold or shuttle at a waypoint, in which case the “OBS” mode would be selected prior to reaching the holding waypoint. It would be re-selected to “LEG” mode following the last turn inbound in the hold or shuttle. The pilot will confirm the correct station altimeter setting has been entered into the GPS data-base when prompted by the message “PRESS ALT TO SET BARO”. This will occur once the GPS arms the approach mode. Later updates as provided by ATC will be entered as required by pressing “ALT” on the GPS panel and correcting the altimeter setting. The pilot will confirm that the GPS has “ARMED” the approach by determining that the “ARMED” annunciator light has illuminated, and calling “APPROACH ARMED”. This should be accomplished no later than 2 miles prior to the initial approach waypoint (IAWP). If not already in use, the Super Nav 5 page, should be selected shortly after passing the IAWP. The scale factor on the super-nav page can be set to “AUTO”, or set to a specific distance at the pilot’s discretion. Speed reduction from cruise speed to initial approach speed should occur on the leg from the IAWP to the IWP (intermediate way-point) and in any case should be initiated no later than 3 nm prior to the IWP. Pre-landing checks to should be initiated after passing the IAWP. If the landing gear is not required to assist in the descent between the IAWP and the IWP, it will be not be extended until initiating the speed reduction to final approach speed. This will normally occur once by the IWP inbound. 92

IFR for Professional Pilots The aircraft will be configured for the final approach prior to the final approach way-point (FAWP). Within 2 miles prior to the final approach way-point (FAWP) the pilot will confirm the active light is illuminated and call “ACTIVE”. If the active light has not illuminated by the FAWP inbound, the approach must be discontinued and the pilot will conduct a missed approach. At the FAWP the pilot will call “APPROACH ACTIVE, CONTINUING” or “APPROACH NOT ACTIVE, MISSED APPROACH”. On reaching the MDA, standard calls will apply. On reaching the MAWP, if the runway is not visible the pilot will call “MISSED APPROACH” and execute a missed approach. The GPS will not automatically cycle past the missed approach waypoint. The pilot will re-configure the aircraft for the missed approach and initiate a climb BEFORE, pushing “DIRECT” on the GPS radio. If the desired direct-to waypoint is displayed, press “ENTER”, if not select the correct waypoint, then report the missed approach to ATC. The direct-to waypoint displayed should be the first waypoint for the published missed approach (Note: the wrong waypoint will be displayed if the right-hand selector knob was left out). If a different waypoint is desired due to alternate ATC instructions, it can be selected before pressing, “ENTER”. If the missed approach instructions specify a particular track, the pilot will select “OBS” to correct the track reference to the appropriate track if needed, then return to “LEG” mode unless the OBS mode is required for a hold.

GPS Approach, with GNS430 A complete description is provided in the GNS430 Manual on our website at: http://selair.selkirk.ca/Training/instrument-rating/documents/GNS430_PilotsGuide.pdf

Mountain IFR approaches For the most part an IFR approach is an IFR approach is an IFR approach. But, there are a few distinct features of approaches into mountainous areas, such as Castlegar, Kelowna, Penticton, etc. that don’t show up so much in approaches to flatter parts of the world. In this section we will discuss the key items. One difference is the length of the approach. The average IFR approach has a final segment of about four miles and an intermediate segment of five to ten miles. In other words you intercept final approach between eight and twelve miles from the airport. But many mountain approaches are much longer. It can be the intermediate or final segments that are longer (or both). Castlegar has two beacons on the approach, where as most approaches have only one, this extends the final approach segment in Castlegar to more than 12 miles. Many mountain approaches have the intermediate and final segments divided with two or more MDAs within each. The only reason for a long intermediate or final approach segment is to lose a lot of altitude. For example in Castlegar the intermediate and final segments involve 93



IFR for Professional Pilots descending from 9,000’ to 5,000’ (lower for company approved approaches) which is a 4,000 foot descent. At three miles per thousand feet the approach designer must give you 12 miles to lose 4000 feet, hence the long approach. In flatter parts of the world the total altitude lost is usually only 2,000 to 2,500 feet, which requires only 6 or 7 miles of descending. Previously I have told you that our generic Selkirk College procedure is to fly a stabilized intermediate segment and then “dive and drive” to MDA in the final segment. But if the final segment has two MDAs it is really only the last one that you should dive on. It is of great advantage to fly stabilized all the way to the last segment of the approach. With the long descent through many thousands of feet you are almost guaranteed significant wind shifts. This makes tracking particularly important, and substantially increases the risks of NDB approaches because the pilot may hesitate to follow the NDB being unsure weather the wind is really changing or the ADF needle is just wandering due to mountain effects. Always backup the ADF with GPS if available. And remember that localizer approaches are more reliable in the mountains than NDB approaches. Cold Temperature Corrections Pilots everywhere should make cold temperature corrections when the temperature drops below zero. But, on a mountain approach you may fly over a mountain (such as Sentinel) clearing it by only a few hundred feet, in cloud, at thousands of feet above the field elevation. In this case if you don’t make the temperature correction it will be the last mistake you ever make. It is quite possible to fly smack into the top of a mountain while exactly at the published altitude for beacon crossing on a cold day. So, always remember to make your temperature corrections. The procedure is explained in the text “Navigation for Professional Pilots.” Steep Final Approach Segment In flat parts of the world most approaches have straight-in landing minima and the approach designer tries to make the FAF crossing altitude such that a 3 glidepath (320 ft/NM) takes you to the runway. The maximum descent gradient ever required is 400 ft/NM. Mountain approaches almost never have straight-in minima. Once again Castlegar is a good example. Penticton and Kamloops are also examples. To maximize the chances of landing on a mountain approach you want to use the maximum safe descent rate in the final segment. After you pass the FAF reduce power to establish maximum safe descent rate. At 100’ above MDA start to level off. Stabilize the Approach Prior to the LAST Segment Previously I mentioned that you want to use the maximum safe descent rate in the final approach segment, on a mountain approach if the final segment has an intermediate step down try to fly a stabilized approach to that point.


IFR for Professional Pilots One of the most important things to do is plan the approach so that you arrive at the final fix established in a descent. If you cross the fix in level flight and have to throttle back and start descent the seconds you waste doing that can prevent you from reaching MDA. It is therefore crucial to develop the skill of flying stabilized all the way to the last fix (which might be after the so called FAF), as I mentioned earlier. It is much more difficult to stabilize an approach if you have no DME or GPS. In such cases you may have to use dive and drive throughout the approach, but be extremely careful to avoid descending through any altitudes as the margins are very thin. Circling in the Mountains “Normally” pilots maintain the circling MDA while circling. The general advice is; don’t descend until turning final. But that will not work in the mountains. The circling altitude is usually several thousand feet above ground level. When flying a mountain approach you must ensure you have adequate visual reference before descending below MDA. If you break out before MDA you can assess this in the descent and make a continuous descent to the runway. If the weather is marginal level off at MDA and assess it. If you judge the weather is adequate (i.e. you have the required visual reference) you may resume the descent. Plan your descent from MDA to the runway so that you never lose sight of the runway. How far you fly away from the airport depends on the visibility. If the weather is good you may choose to fly well away from the airport in order to descend without conflicting with circuit traffic. If the weather is marginal there will be no VFR traffic so it is best to circle down over the airport. In other words just descend in the circuit. Remember that just because you are IFR does not give you any special priority over VFR traffic. Most mountain airports are uncontrolled, so be prepared to cross midfield and join downwind like any other airplane. Remember that you are obligated to confirm the runway is clear if no ground station is available to report it as clear. There is more about mountain circling in the next chapter.

PAR Approach PAR approaches are available at several locations, which are listed in CAP GEN. A PAR approach is just as accurate, if not more so, as an ILS. A PAR always starts with vectors to final, slowing to the normal procedure turn speed and getting your pre-landing checks done. The arrival controller will turn you over to the PAR controller as you approach the intermediate fix. Once turned over to the PAR controller you will be briefed about the missed approach and any other special considerations. The PAR controller will inform you that you no longer read back clearances, simply follow instructions. 95



IFR for Professional Pilots The PAR controller gives you a running commentary of distance to landing, how many feet you are off the centerline, how high you are, whether you are above or below the glidepath, etc. Think of this as “aural CDI needles.” Your job is to hold your heading and vertical speed constant, changing them only when the controller tells you to. The approach starts with the controller telling you that you are intercepting the glidepath. At that point start a descent at five times your groundspeed, and be sure to hold your heading steady. The controller will tell you if you are getting high or low, listen carefully and translate the information into revised vertical speed values. If the VSI gets away from you quickly return to the correct value, don’t wait for the controller to tell you. The PAR controller will coordinate with the tower. You won’t be able to talk to tower because you will remain on PAR frequency right through to landing. At some point the controller will tell you that you are cleared to land. The PAR controller will tell you when you are approaching “civilian minimums,” which means 200agl. S/he will then continue to talk you right down to the runway. It is up to you to confirm you have the required visual reference as you descend through minimums; if not, start a missed approach. The controller will see that and turn you back over to departure control for further clearance. From that point on things are exactly like a missed approach for any other type of approach.

Terrain Separation on Approach At some point the airplane must leave the airway for landing. In order to facilitate this NavCanada publishes approach procedures for many airports in Canada. We have already said that approaches are divided into three segments for the purpose of traffic separation. The same segments are also applicable for terrain separation, i.e. each segment has a terrain clearance standard. In many cases there is no airway leading to the IAF, which is the point at which the initial approach segment begins. To facilitate transition from airway to approach 100-mile safe altitude and Minimum Sector Altitudes (MSA) are published. We will examine the terrain separation standards for: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

100-mile safe MSA Initial Approach Segment Intermediate Approach Segment Final Approach Segment Circling Airspace Missed Approach Segment

When terminal radar service is available items 1 to 3 on the above list are replaced by radar vectors, during which the controller takes responsibility for assigning a safe 96

IFR for Professional Pilots altitude. Radar vectoring altitudes are established by NavCanada. They are similar to airway MOCA standards except that some vectoring altitudes in Mountainous areas have been set at 1,000 feet rather that the usual 1,500’ and 2,000’ (most are set at the higher standard however). The above 7 areas are discussed from a terrain clearance point of view below.

Terrain Clearance: 100-mile Safe Altitude Every approach plate lists a 100-NM safe altitude. This provides terrain clearance for 100 NM centered on the same point as the MSA. 100-mile safe altitudes provide 1500 feet of terrain clearance in mountainous areas 2, 3, 4 and 2,000 feet in areas 1 and 5. Elsewhere 1,000 feet of terrain clearance is provided. 100-mile safe altitudes are seldom needed in practice, but they are an important safety backup. If suddenly all navigation information is lost, climbing to the 100-mile safe altitude gives you time to sort out the problem. Many pilots refer to this altitude as the “emergency safe altitude.”

Terrain Clearance: MSA Minimum Sector Altitudes (MSA) are the primary reference for transitioning from an airway to an approach when radar service is not available. MSA provides 1,000 feet of terrain clearance. It is IMPORTANT to note that no extra clearance is provided in mountainous terrain, so be careful in cold temperatures. A cold temperature correction should be applied to the MSA when the airport temperature is below zero. TIP: It is seldom necessary, or advisable, to descend all the way to MSA altitude. Later in this book we will talk about flying approaches in detail. MSA covers a 25 nautical mile area centered on a designated point.




IFR for Professional Pilots

The above example shows four MSA areas centered on the XX beacon, which is the IAF for the approach. The bearings shown are magnetic in SDA and true in NDA. The example shown is typical, but there are exceptions. In most cases the MSA is centered on the IAF, but not always.

The above picture shows the MSA for ILS 16 at Kelowna. The MSA is centered on the EX beacon, which is not the IAF or the FAF. It is IMPORTANT to pay attention to which point the MSA is centered on. The above diagram also demonstrates that there are not necessarily always four MSA areas. In this case all aircraft approaching from the west have a common MSA of 7,800’ asl.


IFR for Professional Pilots In order to use the MSA you must KNOW you are within 25NM of the designated point. Use DME or GPS if possible to confirm this. Sometimes a cross radial or NDB crossbearing can be used. If you make a mistake and descend before you are within 25NM it could be a fatal mistake, so don’t go by ETA or other potentially inaccurate methods.

Terrain Clearance: Intermediate Segment As you enter the intermediate segment your terrain clearance decreases to 500 feet. In other words the FAF crossing altitude is 500 above the highest obstacle in the Intermediate airspace (see diagram above.) On the IFR flight test the altitude tolerance changes from +/- 100 to plus only.

Terrain Clearance: Final Segment As soon as you pass the FAF and enter the final segment the terrain clearance reduces to 250 agl. This is really not a lot when you consider that your altimeter could have a 50 foot error and who knows what error there might be in the altimeter setting, etc. Therefore, never descend below MDA. It might look to you as though you have more than 250’ of terrain clearance but that is because the highest obstacle in the final approach airspace is not usually the runway.

Terrain Clearance: Missed Approach At the beginning of the missed approach you have only 250 feet of terrain clearance. By the time you reach the end of the missed approach procedure you will have 1000’ of terrain clearance provided that you start climbing right at the MAP and climb at least 200 ft/NM.




IFR for Professional Pilots


IFR for Professional Pilots

Chapter 10 Transition to Landing – Circling Required Visual Reference Read RAC 9.19.3 There is a list of things which constitute the required visual reference. If you see at least one of these things you may continue the approach and land. a. the runway or runway markings; b. the runway threshold or threshold markings; c.

the touchdown zone or touchdown zone markings;

d. the approach lights; e. the approach slope indicator system; f.

the runway identification lights;

g. the threshold and runway end lights; h. the touchdown zone light; i.

the parallel runway edge lights; or


the runway centre line lights

If you do not see any of the above by the time your reach the MAP or DH you initiate the missed approach procedure.

Landing from an ILS As you approach the DH on an ILS you will begin to look for the required visual reference. If there are two pilots the PNF will look for the reference while the PF flies the approach to the DH. At the DH if the PNF calls “DH, nothing seen” the PF should simply fly the missed approach procedure and NOT risk looking out the window and becoming disoriented. Note that the above procedure is IMPORTANT and therefore if you are the captain and are not willing to trust your co-pilot to determine that the required visual reference has been obtained you should consider doing a “pilot monitored approach.” This means that the co-pilot flies the approach to the DH and will then perform the missed approach unless the captain calls “runway insight, I have control” prior to, or at, the DH. When the required visual reference is obtained it is vital to continue to follow the glidepath to the runway. Therefore the PF is still primarily following instruments while descending to the runway and taking only glances out the window. The transition to 101



IFR for Professional Pilots visual flight is quite gradual. If you stop following the instruments you will likely drift off the centerline and probably below the glidepath.

Landing from a Non-precision approach – straight in When straight-in minima are published you can descend for a straight-in landing once you have the required visual reference.

Circling There are special considerations for circling on mountain approaches and these are discussed below. First I would like to talk about the “normal” circling situation in which the circling altitude is just a few hundred feet above ground level. Circling in minimum visibility, typically 1½ to 2 sm, is quite frankly the most difficult task in IFR flight. Review the approach plate ahead of time. Many airports have restrictions such as “no circling west” etc. Have a plan for how you are going to make your “circuit.” If there are two pilots on board – and there usually are – make sure you both work together as a team when circling. The “classic” advice was to circle with the airport on the PF side, but if there are two pilots it also works to circle so that the PNF can see the airport. That way the pilot flying can concentrate on flying, maintaining heading and altitude and let the pilot monitoring call when to turn base and final. As long as the crew works competently together this can be the least stressful way to circle. As the pilot flying be sure to brief the PNF of what you expect him to do. If you are captain and your first officer is flying the circling while you tell him when to turn downwind, base, and final (airport is on left of aircraft) make sure he knows that you expect him to fly instruments and that you will maintain visual contact with the runway. If you have to circle single-pilot you will find that you should still fly instruments about 50%. Use your heading indicator; don’t try to fly purely by visual reference. Plan the heading for downwind, base, and final. Set the course bar on the HSI parallel to the runway you are landing on to help visualization. As you turn final you normally want to start the descent about the time the runway comes into view in the front window, but if there is rain on the window or it is night try to pickup the PAPI before descending. Obviously the great concern here is descending too early and landing short. On the other hand if you wait too long you will land long. It takes a lot of experience to get good at this. Try to take note of where you start down on days when the weather is good so that you have a reference the first time you do it in poor visibility. If you lose visual reference partway through the circling you must initiate a missed approach, but you are past the missed approach point so what exactly do you do? The generic advice is to turn toward the center of the airport and begin to climb; then follow the published missed approach procedure. 102

IFR for Professional Pilots Keep your wits about you. The above advice is based on the observation that the MAP is usually at the threshold of the runway and thus turning toward the airport will put you into the missed approach airspace. But there are lots of approaches where the missed approach starts somewhere else. If this is the situation consider turning toward the known MAP, if you can figure out where that is.

Single engine circling In principle the procedure to circle is the same regardless of how many engines are operating. In the King Air it will make no difference at all. But, in the B95 you will not be able to circle with gear-down and flaps extended on one engine. So expect to find that you need to retract the gear. That means that you have to remember to put it back down as you turn final.

How to Circle How to circle is explained in RAC 9.24. Be sure to read and understand it. There are a few additional tips for effective circling: Setup the GPS to the runway (in OBS mode) and the moving map scale to 1 or 2. This makes distance estimation much easier. When single-pilot it is best to make a left-hand circuit so you can keep the runway in sight. When two-pilot you can circle left or right. If you find it convenient to circle with the PNF on the inside s/he can keep the runway in sight while the PF scans instruments and observes the GPS. PNF can “call the base turn.” If you must circle with the PF on the inside the PNF will not be able to see the runway, but must observe altitude, airspeed and GPS map and call any deviations. When is a normal landing assured? The above is a crucial question. RAC 9.24 says that you should remain at the circling MDA until a normal landing is assured. Since circling MDA is only 300’ agl 99% of the time you should remain at circling MDA until either base or final.

Circling in the Mountains Mountain circling was described earlier under approaches, but here are a few more thoughts on the subject. 103



IFR for Professional Pilots In the mountains the circling MDA may be thousands of feet above the runway elevation. Take NDB B approach in CYCG, which we looked at earlier. The MDA is 4,356’ above ground level. The diagrams in RAC 9.24 are not helpful for this situation. On a mountain IFR approach you must assess the conditions and determine that a safe descent for landing can be made. Once you are sure you can safely land you start down and join the circuit very much like a VFR airplane would – i.e. join downwind or cross-midfield for downwind, etc. Remember that there very well could be VFR circuit traffic, so remember that you DO NOT have any special right of way. You must join the circuit and conform to the pattern in use. Before leaving this section please examine LOC/DME B approach in Penticton. You should notice that the approach is aligned with runway 16, and yet the name indicates circling minimums only. The reason, as explained in RAC 9.22 (if you read it carefully) is that the final segment is too steep. The final segment is from UNT beacon to the runway, a distance of 7.6 NM and it would be necessary to descend from 5,500’ to 1,129’. That means descending almost 4,400 feet. This is probably impossible, especially if you don’t get the runway in sight until one or two mile final. So what exactly do you do when you do see the runway?

The diagram below shows the probable flight path for a landing on runway 16.


IFR for Professional Pilots

The diagram below shows the probable flight path for a landing on runway 34.




IFR for Professional Pilots


IFR for Professional Pilots

Chapter 11 IFR communications Read COM 5.0 IFR flight is a team effort. When there are two pilots communication between them is critical. Even one pilot must communicate accurately with ATC. In the long run nothing is more important to your safety than your ability to communicate. Communications includes talking with other crew members and passengers as well as on the radio with ATC and FSS. In this section we will concentrate on radio communications, but you should make a commitment to apply these principles to your cockpit communications as well.

Required IFR Radio Calls The following radio calls are required for all applicable IFR flights into and out of controlled and uncontrolled aerodromes. More information regarding the content of each radio call follows in the subsequent sections of this chapter. For further details read the AIM section RAC and the CARS section 602. DEPARTURE Departing Controlled Aerodromes: receive ATIS if available request and receive IFR clearance from “Clearance Delivery” or “Ground” receive taxi authorization/instructions from “Ground” receive takeoff clearance from “Tower” report at published/requested altitude/position after takeoff to “Departure” or “Centre” report when level at altitude initially cleared to Departing Uncontrolled Aerodromes: receive AWOS/LWIS if available receive IFR clearance through AAS, RCO, DRCO, telephone etc. receive aerodrome advisory and/or report taxiing as applicable report entering active runway with departure intentions report departing circuit/clear of zone and when requested or a.s.a.p. after departing the zone to “Centre” report when level at altitude initially cleared to




IFR for Professional Pilots report over compulsory reporting points unless radar identified and whenever/wherever requested by controlling agency switch to and report on new frequency whenever instructed to by controlling agency report PIREPS whenever requested to or when conditions differ significantly than forecast (MET 1.1.6, MET 2.1) report CIRVIS, meteorites, forest fires, pollution as applicable (RAC 1.12) report failure of equipment, emergencies request weather updates with FISE on 126.7 as applicable after being assigned a climb/descent, report leaving cruise altitude as well as when level at the assigned altitude after being cleared to commence an approach, report leaving cruise altitude if in uncontrolled IFR enroute: broadcast intentions on 126.7 prior to changing altitude or commencing approach ARRIVAL Arriving at Controlled Aerodromes: receive ATIS if available if in uncontrolled IFR enroute: report to “Tower” 25 nm from airport with ETA to receive approach clearance switch to and report on new frequency (“Arrival”, “Tower” etc.) when instructed to by controlling agency report over mandatory reporting points on arrival/approach and when/where requested by controlling agency unless on radar vectors, report your ETA to the approach facility to “Tower” receive clearance for STAR, approach, and landing remain on “Tower” until assigned (industry practice) to switch frequency to “Ground” to request taxi clearance Arriving at Uncontrolled Aerodromes: receive AWOS/LWIS if available establish initial communications with ground station and state the ETL at least 5 min. prior to commencing approach (if you have only one radio you must get permission to temporarily switch frequencies--see RAC 9.11) switch to and report on new frequency when instructed to by controlling agency report over mandatory reporting points on arrival/approach and when/where requested by controlling agency report: o when passing the fix outbound or when intercepting final approach course as applicable, 108

IFR for Professional Pilots o when passing the fix inbound or 3 min. before ETL as applicable, o on final, o when commencing a circling maneuver, and o as soon as practicable after initiating a missed approach o on final leg report when exiting active runway

Enunciate When – you – speak – say – each – word – individually. Repeat out loud: I – will – concentrate – on – saying – words – and – not – slur – them – together. The ident of your airplane is NOT: gofserrapoopalfa  Say it: Golf – Sierra – Poppa – Alpha I have noticed that most people feel a compulsion to speak quickly. This WILL waste time in IFR flight. Controllers are going to be asking you to, “Say again” frequently, which will take more time than if you had simply spoken clearly to begin with. The local FSS at home base knows the ident of your airplane and can understand gofserrapoopalfa. That’s too bad, because it breeds complacency about enunciation. Please try to – speak – each – word – individually – when – you – talk – on – the – radio. It is really hard to do a good job of speaking on the radio if you insist on speaking badly the rest of the time. I strongly recommend that you make a commitment to speak well all the time. I recommend going so far as to use standard aviation phrasing in everyday life. For years I have gotten into the habit that when someone mumbles I don’t say, “What?” instead I use, “Say again”; I do this even at the grocery store and no one has ever complained. Similarly I use negative and affirmative rather than no and yes, etc. Know the key phrases that have been approved for aviation use. Use them appropriately. This may be the single easiest way to convince others (fellow pilots and ATC) that you are professional. It is amazing how many pilots don’t know the difference between “repeat” and “say again” or what “confirm” means. The phrases are listed below with explanations. I strongly recommend using them as described in day to day conversation to get used to them. Always use them properly on the radio. To do otherwise reveals you as a poser pilot.




IFR for Professional Pilots

Say less to say more You have probably heard the saying “less is more” which has environmental and other philosophical overtones. When it comes to speaking I have a similar principle based on the observation that the human mind can only absorb a limited amount of information into short term memory. Try reading this list to a friend: Apple, banana, peach, orange, mango, apricot, pear. Have your friend repeat the list. They probably can’t do it accurately. Should you get on the radio and tell FSS everything from where you are to where you were to where you are going to how bumpy it is and that you saw one airplane but not the other and; is there anyone in the practice area? and have a nice day….? Know what needs to be said. Say that, and ONLY that.

Know When and What to Report When a controller assigns you a new heading do you report getting to that heading? No, but when s/he assigns you a new altitude you do report reaching that. When you are cleared for an approach do you report reaching the procedure turn altitude? No. There are “rules” governing all this that you must know and follow. We will go over them.

Position Reports When ATC radar identifies you it is no longer necessary to report at reporting points. If you are not radar identified you must make a full position report, following the format on the back cover of the CFS. In a radar environment ATC will often make a request such as: ATC: ABC, report Active Pass Pilot: report Active Pass, ABC ATC: Roger Pilot: Victoria terminal, ABC at Active Pass [several minutes later] ATC: ABC roger. Switch Victoria terminal on 133.95 The report does NOT follow a full position report format. The controller just wants to be reminded, so s/he can give you further clearance, perhaps an altitude change or hand-off. The rule is that if you are radar identified full position report is not needed; use the format above.


IFR for Professional Pilots

Report Altitudes When you are cleared to a new altitude you must report leaving the last assigned altitude and reaching the new assigned altitude. See verbatim read backs below for further examples. When you are cleared for an approach you are NOT assigned a new altitude (normally) therefore only report leaving the last assigned altitude. Here is a typical exchange. ATC: ABC cleared to the Somespot airport for the NDB runway two six approach. Pilot: cleared to the Somespot airport for the NDB runway two six approach, leaving niner thousand at this time, ABC ATC: Roger Notice that the pilot decided to descend right away and so included that in the read back. It would be just as acceptable: ATC: ABC cleared to the Somespot airport for the NDB runway two six approach. Pilot: cleared to the Somespot airport for the NDB runway two six approach, ABC ATC: Roger

Pilot: Edmonton Center, ABC leaving niner thousand [at a later time when the pilot is ready] ATC: Roger The pilot will NOT report subsequent altitudes (MSA, Procedure turn, FAF, MDA, etc.) to ATC.

Report on New Frequency When handed off to a new controller use the following format. ATC: ABC switch Victoria terminal one three two decimal seven Pilot: switching, ABC Pilot: Victoria terminal, Lear FABC level six thousand [on the new frequency] ATC: ABC, squawk ident Notice the format of the standard report on new frequency is. Agency – Type – Ident - Altitude There are a few situations in which you want to say MORE than above, they are covered next: Contact with Departure Pilot: Calgary departure, Lear FABC off three four, through four thousand two hundred for seven thousand. 111



IFR for Professional Pilots ATC: ABC radar identified The format for initial contact with departure is: Agency – Type – Ident – Runway- Altitude When an airplane is climbing or descending at the time of hand off the new controller must always be told the present altitude to the nearest hundred feet, and the altitude cleared to. Contact with Arrival ATC: ABC switch Calgary arrival one two five decimal niner Pilot: Switching, ABC Pilot: Calgary arrival, Lear FABC, level one one thousand, with November ATC: ABC, squawk ident The format is: Agency – Type – Ident – Altitude - ATIS If the pilot has fallen behind with his duties the exchange below would be typical: ATC: ABC switch Calgary arrival one two five decimal niner Pilot: Switching, ABC Pilot: Calgary arrival, Lear FABC, level one one thousand, negative ATIS ATC: ABC, squawk ident, ATIS information November Pilot: Squawk ident, ABC ATC: ABC, radar identified Pilot: Calgary arrival, ABC has November [later, when the pilot has ATIS] ATC: ABC, roger If you don’t have the ATIS tell the controller so, as above. When you get it tell him/her that too. Notice in the above exchange that when the controller said, “ABC, squawk ident, ATIS information November” the pilot correctly recognizes that only squawk ident is an instruction, so only that is read back.

Read Back – Verbatim In IFR most clearances and instructions should be read back verbatim. In this section we will encounter one or two exceptions, but normally verbatim is the key. Verbatim means word for word. Here is the WRONG way to do it.


IFR for Professional Pilots ATC: ABC Maintain four thousand, climbing through three thousand direct Hamstrong VOR Pilot: direct Hamstrong VOR at three thousand, maintain four thousand, ABC ATC: Roger The read back is correct(ish), but why does the pilot feel the need to reorder the words? Doing this makes it much more likely that a mistake will be made. For example “at 3,000” implies leveling off. Could a mistake be made? Maybe. The ideal exchange is: ATC: ABC Maintain four thousand, climbing through three thousand direct Hamstrong VOR Pilot: Maintain four thousand, through three thousand direct Hamstrong VOR, ABC ATC: Roger Note that it is acceptable to drop words that add no information. In the example the pilot dropped the word “climbing.” If in doubt leave all the words in. What matters most is to see the clearance as having elements and read back each element, in the order given. Below is an exchange that follows the verbatim rule, but is too stilted as a result. ATC: ABC maintain four thousand Pilot ABC maintain four thousand. Leaving six thousand for four thousand. ATC: Roger Strictly speaking the above is a perfect exchange. Most pilots will shorten it as follows, which is recommended. ATC: ABC maintain four thousand Pilot Leaving six thousand for four thousand, ABC ATC: Roger Pilot: Vancouver Terminal, ABC level four thousand [when within 100 of new altitude] ATC: ABC, roger This bends the verbatim rules, but is an approved deviation. Don’t read back things that aren’t clearances or instructions. For example: ATC: ABC, traffic two o’clock four miles northbound, altitude unknown Pilot: looking, ABC

Phonetic Alphabet You must know your phonetic alphabet. You probably already do so I won’t take up space with it here.




IFR for Professional Pilots You must know when to use phonetics and when not to. If you are spelling something for the other pilot in the cockpit most pilots don’t use phonetics unless the first attempt fails. Pilot 1: Nice to meet you, my name is garf Pilot 2: Did you say garf? How do you spell that? Pilot 1: G-A-R-T-H. Pilot 2: Sorry Garth. My name is Ray

You do NOT use phonetics when a letter is used to represent an aircraft type. For example C-172 (spoken cee one seventy two) not Charlie one seven two. Or L1011 (spoken El ten eleven) not echo one zero one one. Except for special cases as indicated above, phonetics should be used on the radio. Your aircraft ident is always in phonetics. When flying in Canada drop the Charlie. I.E. Golf Sierra Poppa Alpha, not Charlie Golf Sierra Poppa Alpha. ALWAYS start with four letters in your ident. LISTEN to the controller, if s/he shortens your ident to three or two letters you should follow suit. Pilot: Vancouver tower, foxtrot alpha bravo Charlie, ready for takeoff runway two six left. Tower: foxtrot alpha bravo Charlie, cleared takeoff two six left. Pilot: foxtrot alpha bravo Charlie

Notice in the above exchange the tower did NOT follow common practice of shortening the ident to ABC. Therefore the pilot is committed to use FABC until such time that the controller makes the switch. The reason is that it is possible that GABC is also in the area, and ATC would know that.

By the Numbers Numbers are used extensively in aviation. Headings, altitudes, transponder codes, wind speed, etc. are all numbers. A number is NOT treated as a number when it is an aircraft type. A C-172 is a one seventy two. That isn’t a number any more than Skyhawk is. Similarly an El ten eleven is not a number, nor is a Dee Cee ten or Em Dee ninety or a Beech ninety five. When numbers are numbers they are spoken one-digit-at-a-time. See below for more details. 114

IFR for Professional Pilots

Headings Headings are always specified with three digits. If necessary a leading zero is added. 270 is spoken, “Two seven zero.” 030 is zero three zero.

Altitudes Altitudes are spoken in thousands and hundreds. 13,500 is spoken, “One three thousand five hundred.” Try this list of altitudes: 500 4,000 9,000 9,500 10,000 14,000 17,800 Five hundred Four thousand Niner thousand Niner thousand five hundred One zero thousand One four thousand One seven thousand eight hundred

Altimeter Setting Altimeter settings in Canada are given in inches of mercury. Four digits are given; there is NO NEED to say the word decimal. 29.92 is: two niner niner two 30.14 is: three zero one four By rule ATC controllers are required to repeat the altimeter setting when it is less than 28.92. 28.76 is: two eight seven six. I say again, two eight seven six The above is the format the controller will use. You do not need to, but if you don’t hear it for an altimeter setting less than 28.92 you MUST question it because either the controller is being lazy, or you heard it wrong. 115



IFR for Professional Pilots ATC: altimeter two eight seven five Pilot: Confirm two eight seven five [emphasize eight to draw controller’s attention] See the note below for the use of the key word confirm, which the pilot has used properly above.

Key Phrases I have used several key phrases above. You must get to know all these and use them appropriately. In everything that follows I will assume that you know the rules about phonetics and numbers so I will just write the letters and numbers and you are expected to translate them according to the rules.

Say again – repeat ATC: ABC turn left heading 265 Pilot: say again new heading, ABC ATC: ABC, turn left heading 265 Pilot: left 265, ABC ATC: ABC you are number four to land Pilot: ABC, my left engine is on fire. Repeat, left engine on fire [add emphasis] ATC: ABC roger. Cleared to land You want someone to “say again” if you didn’t hear them the first time. You are repeating yourself, for emphasis when you use the word repeat.

Say Your…. It happens all the time; some other airplane reports and you miss their ident. All you have to do is say, “station calling, say your ident.” If you want to know another aircraft’s altitude you would say, “GDEF, say your altitude” Of course ATC will use it on you as well: ATC: ABC, say your heading Pilot: 040, ABC ATC: ABC, turn right heading 055 Pilot: right 055, ABC ATC: roger


IFR for Professional Pilots

Roger, Confirm, Affirmative, Negative ATC: ABC, confirm steering 065? Pilot: roger. 065, ABC Confirm is a question. It cannot be an answer. The above utilization is correct. If the pilot answers “confirmed” that is a dead give away that he is a poser. It would be perfectly acceptable for the pilot to answer, “Affirmative” or “Affirmative, 065” Roger is an acknowledgement. In the above case the pilot is acknowledging the question and answering 065, or acknowledging the heading is 065; the perspective doesn’t matter, but it would have been better to just say affirmative. Often you can use either Roger or affirmative, but affirmative carries more information and is therefore preferable when applicable. Consider the following exchange: ATC: ABC, confirm steering 065? Pilot: Negative. Heading 200, ABC ATC: ABC Roger. Turn left heading 065, vectors to ILS 12 This exchange is also correct. The controller asks a question by using confirm. The pilot answers, “Negative.” If the pilot only said negative the controller might be forced to ask what the actual heading is, so this pilot wisely included the information. ATC: ABC, confirm steering 065? Pilot: Negative. Heading 200, ABC ATC: you were told to steer 065. Turn now! Pilot: Roger, left 065, ABC Don’t get flustered. Every professional pilot has been through the above. If you can keep your head while all others about you are losing theirs ….. Don’t let the chewing out bug you. If you can continue to formulate proper RT calls after being chewed out, as this pilot did, ATC will soon forgive you and recognize you for the professional you are. Airline pilots miss calls at times. The controller’s response is not only rude but incorrect – the ident of the aircraft called is missing  Pilot: Confirm ABC is cleared to land [from pilot on short final] ATC: ABC, roger This pilot used the word confirm correctly. This situation happens a lot – you just can’t remember if the controller cleared you to land or not. This is a perfect time to use the word confirm, because you are asking a question. For some reason pilots have a lot of trouble summoning up this call. Note that the controller would have been better advised to say affirmative. 117



IFR for Professional Pilots Summary: The most common confusion regarding these terms is to use confirm, or confirmed when you really mean affirmative. Please work on it.

When able – Until able ATC: ABC, go direct White Rock when able. Pilot: Direct White Rock when able, ABC In the above exchange the controller is telling the pilot that as soon as s/he can get the WC beacon tuned and identified s/he should go direct to it. The pilot has done the standard thing, which is read back the clearance verbatim. Is that the best thing to do? If the pilot is not presently able to go direct White Rock then the above exchange is perfect. When the pilot gets WC tuned and identified and begins to track toward it s/he should call ATC and say: Pilot: ABC now proceeding direct White Rock ATC: Roger

If the pilot is ready to go to White Rock when cleared the exchange should be: ATC: ABC, go direct White Rock when able. Pilot: Direct White Rock at this time, ABC ATC: Roger

The above bends the verbatim rule, but makes sense. Controllers sometimes clear you to do one thing until you are able to do another thing. An example exchange would be: ATC: ABC, heading 030 until able direct White Rock Pilot: 030 until able direct White Rock, ABC ATC: roger Pilot: Victoria terminal, ABC now proceeding direct White Rock ATC: ABC, roger

Check Pilot: Aircraft on short final, check your gear down The word check in the above example is used as an urgent instruction. This pilot is really saying, “Look at the green lights on your panel and make sure they are green!!” The unspoken presumption is, “I think you forgot to put your gear down.” In this form the 118

IFR for Professional Pilots word check is a substitute for confirm, but carries a sense of urgency. By using it sparingly it carries more weight. Another situation in which this key-word arises is: ATC: ABC turn left heading 270, vectors to ILS 09, expect a short gate Pilot: Left heading 270, vectors to ILS 09, check remarks In this case by saying, “check remarks” the pilot means that s/he took note of the previous remark. In this case check is a substitute for roger. The pilot could have said “roger remarks,” but this seems like bad movie dialogue, so pilots prefer “check remarks.”

Sample Radio Calls – Lear JET: CYVR to CYYC I will present sample IFR radio calls for a flight in an RNAV equipped Lear Jet flying Vancouver to Calgary. After each exchange I provide commentary about why the calls are structured as shown and any optional alternatives. Consider these calls as templates into which the details of your own calls can be fit. Memorize the structure of each call as explained in the notes. You should assume the weather is IMC, with approximately half mile visibility at both airports. The airplane has filed the preferred high altitude RNAV route, which is ADSIX KESTA KETTL. You may assume the aircraft has the equipment for an RNAV star at Calgary and that is included in the scenario.

Clearance Delivery Pilot: Vancouver clearance delivery, Lear FABC IFR to Calgary at FL 330 ATC: FABC, departure on 26 right, cleared to Calgary airport via Vancouver 4 departure, flight plan route, squawk 3511. Pilot: Squawk 3511, FABC Per RAC 6.1 only the transponder code need be read back in this case. At a busy airport like CYVR it would be unprofessional to do more. Note that the controller did not shorten the ident (FABC), hence the pilot refers to himself as FABC not ABC. All SIDs specify an altitude to maintain, but they normally have communications failure procedures that refer to the flight planned altitude. That is why it is normal to state the flight plan altitude when requesting clearance. In the unlikely event of a communications failure we don’t want any confusion between you and ATC about what altitude you are going to maintain.




IFR for Professional Pilots Pilot: Vancouver clearance delivery, King Air GSEL IFR to Castlegar at FL 230 ATC: SEL, departure on 08 right, Richmond one SID, flight plan route, maintain 3,000, squawk 5124 Pilot: Maintain 3,000, squawk 5124, SEL In this case the controller has amended the altitude in the SID to 3,000. By rule, this must be read back. In this example the controller shortened the ident to SEL so the pilot followed the controllers lead

Ground Pilot: Vancouver ground, Lear FABC ATC: ABC ground, go ahead Pilot: ABC at the Aerocenter, IFR Calgary, with Whiskey ATC: ABC, altimeter 29.64, taxi via alpha, hotel. Hold short 26 left. Pilot: 29.64. Hold short 26 left, ABC The pilot makes an initial contact in the format station – type – ident ATC then asks the pilot to go ahead. The pilot describes his/her position; alternatively s/he could have said, “On apron two.” And tells the controller s/he is IFR to Calgary and has the ATIS. The controller already has a strip for the airplane and will annotate it as the airplane taxis. The controller must get the airplane from the south side of the airport to the north east corner without conflict with landing traffic on 26L. The controller clears the airplane only part way to 26R, and specifies to hold short of 26L. All hold short clearances must be read back. (The controller will annotate hold short 26L on the strip). Pilot: Vancouver ground, ABC holding short 26 left on hotel. ATC: ABC cleared across 26 left. Hold short delta. Pilot: hold short of delta, ABC ATC: roger The pilot reports once at the hold short point. It is NOT necessary to request further. Many pilots do, but it is redundant. The ground controller checks with the south tower controller and when the runway is not in use clears the airplane across (there might be some time elapsed here due to traffic using 26L.) The instruction to hold short of delta implies other taxiing traffic.


IFR for Professional Pilots Pilot: Vancouver ground, ABC holding short of delta ATC: ABC roger, hold short. 767 traffic crossing right to left, report when he is past ABC roger Pilot: Vancouver ground, 767 has passed ABC ATC: ABC roger. Cleared taxi 26 right via route delta Pilot: 26 right via route delta, ABC ATC: roger The pilot reports holding short of taxiway D. The controller asks him/her to report when a Boeing 767 on taxiway D is past. Remember that in ½ mile visibility the controller is working blind. There is no ground radar, so the controller is using a form of procedural separation to keep track of where everyone is. When ABC reports the 767 past, the controller checks his board for conflicts and finding none clears the Lear to 26R via route Delta. Vancouver has Coded Taxi Routes – look them up in your CAP2. The instruction at the top of the page requires the pilot to read back the code. So the pilot reads back, “26 right via route delta” just as s/he should. Pilot: Vancouver ground, Lear FABC ATC: FABC go ahead Pilot: FABC on Juliet holding short of kilo. Request clearance to 26 right. ATC: ABC roger, do you see a Jazz Dash 8 entering Juliet from Kilo? Pilot: affirmative, ABC ATC: ABC, behind that traffic, cleared 26 right via Juliet, Mike, Mike niner. Pilot: ABC At the specified point in route delta the pilot switches to the north ground control frequency. The example shows a textbook call in the same format previously used: station – type – ident. While it is true that many pilots would skip this initial call, it is not recommended. The controller has a tough job keeping track of the traffic in this low visibility procedural scenario. Give the controller a chance to get ready by making an initial call. If the weather is better you might want to skip this call – that’s where your professional judgment will have to come in. The controller asks the pilot if s/he sees other traffic. The pilot uses the word affirmative, NOT roger to indicate that s/he does. The controller issues taxi instructions to the airplane, but there is no need to read all this back. The clearance contains no hold short instruction that require read back. The pilot simply acknowledges with his/her ident. Many pilots would read back, “26 right via Juliet, Mike, Mike niner, ABC” It’s not a problem if you want to do this, but it is not required in this case.

Tower Pilot: Vancouver tower, Lear FABC, ready for takeoff runway 26 right. 121



IFR for Professional Pilots ATC: ABC roger. Number three for departure Pilot: ABC When calling tower the request for takeoff should be included in the first call – as this pilot does. Many pilots would leave out the tower frequency, but the above demonstration is by the book and I recommend you follow this format. Most airports don’t have two tower frequencies however so the most normal form of this call is, “Somespot tower, Lear FABC ready for takeoff runway 12.” Notice that ATC advises the pilot that s/he is number three for departure; the implication is that the pilot called with two other airplanes ahead in the lineup. This is proper procedure on the pilot’s part. DO NOT wait until you are first in line to call for takeoff clearance, especially in poor visibility. Calling right away helps the tower controller organize the strips on his board in the order for takeoff. ATC: ABC line up on 26 right. Pilot: line up on 26 right, ABC ATC: ABC, wind 240 at 15, cleared takeoff runway 26 right Pilot: ABC Only the calls related to this flight are being shown, but the pilot would have heard the two aircraft ahead cleared for takeoff and thus be able to figure out when to perform the “below the line” items on the pre-takeoff checklist. When ATC clears him/her to position it would come as no surprise because the aircraft ahead would have been cleared for takeoff shortly before. The pilot must read back a clearance to line up. When the aircraft ahead reaches the necessary IFR separation distance, as we previously discussed, the tower controller clears the Lear jet for takeoff. The pilot does not need to read this back, ident only as shown is adequate although many pilots would say, “cleared for takeoff, ABC” consider this an acceptable redundancy.

Departure Pilot: Vancouver departure, Lear FABC, off 26 right through 1,100 for 7,000. ATC: ABC, radar identified The standard call to departure takes the form: station – type – ident– runway of departure – altitude. Note that this is the same format used previously with the addition of runway of departure and altitude. Get to know this format.


IFR for Professional Pilots In most cases there is only one departure frequency thus the most common form of this call is, “Somespot departure, Lear FABC off runway 12, through 1,000 for 6,000.” It is important to report the ACTUAL altitude the aircraft is passing through when the call is made – rounded to the nearest 100 feet. The SID instructs the pilot to call at 1,000’, but in the above example the pilot was a tad late and called at 1,100’. The call is used by the controller to check the accuracy of the Mode-C readout, which is why the actual altitude must be reported. ATC: ABC, maintain 11,000, through 7,000 turn left heading 160 vectors enroute Pilot: Maintain 11,000. Through 7,000 left 160, ABC ATC: roger As expected, the controller begins vectoring the airplane. The pilot reads back each clearance verbatim (with redundant words dropped.) Pay particular attention to the fact that the pilot reads back each clearance with its elements in the same order the controller issues them. Note that the clearance to 11,000 was issued before the airplane reached 7,000 – that is why there is no call leveling 7,000. ATC: ABC, when able, direct ADSIX Pilot: direct ADSIX at this time, ABC ATC: roger

The controller has used the key-phrase “when able” s/he wants the airplane to go direct ADSIX as soon as they get it tuned up on the RNAV. It turns out the pilot is ready, so rather than read back verbatim, in this case s/he responds, “Direct ADSIX at this time, ABC.” ATC: ABC, maintain 15,000 Pilot: Maintain 15,000, ABC ATC: ABC roger. Switch Vancouver Center 135.0 Pilot: Switching Pilot: Vancouver Center, Lear FABC through 12,400 for 15,000 ATC: ABC, squawk ident Pilot: Squawk ident, ABC ATC: ABC, radar identified. The controller clears the airplane up to 15,000 and hands it off to the center controller for that sector. The pilot acknowledges by saying, “switching” which is all that is needed. The pilot was anticipating this frequency; it is on the HI chart. If the departure controller had said a frequency that the pilot did not expect it would be worth reading back, it could even be turned into a question by adding the key-word confirm; “confirm Vancouver 123



IFR for Professional Pilots center on 135.5?” followed by the controller saying, “Negative, 135.0” and then from the pilot, “Roger, 135.0, ABC” Notice that “squawk ident” is an instruction and as such must be read back. A lot of pilots just push the ident button, but the instruction should be read back first to make sure no confusion exists. Notice the standard format that the pilot uses when contacting a new controller: station – type – ident – altitude. This will be used a million times in your life, so get to know it. Pilot: Vancouver center, ABC level 15,000 ATC: ABC roger, expect higher in 10 miles Pilot: ABC The pilot must report reaching the assigned altitude. There is a traffic conflict so the controller informs the pilot that s/he can’t clear him higher for another 10 miles. This is NOT a clearance, so the pilot simply acknowledges with the ident, ABC. ATC: ABC, maintain Flight Level 230 Pilot: out of 15,000 for Flight Level 230, ABC As was previously explained this is a recommended variance from the strict verbatim read back, which would have been, “Maintain Flight Level 230, leaving 15,000 for Flight Level 230.” While technically correct very few pilots use this very formal read back. ATC: ABC, maintain Flight Level 330 Pilot: maintain Flight Level 330, ABC ATC: roger The controller now clears the airplane to the final altitude. Notice that the airplane never leveled at FL230, i.e. the clearance to FL330 came before the airplane reached FL230. Why didn’t the controller just clear the airplane directly to FL330? Because there was a traffic conflict – probably someone at FL240 who had to “get out of the way” first. Pilot: Vancouver center, ABC level Flight Level 330 ATC: roger From this point on things become very routine. The airplane will be handed from sector to sector. This is a relatively short flight so there will be only a couple of hand offs: ATC: ABC switch Vancouver center on 134.55 Pilot: Switching, ABC Pilot: Vancouver center, Lear FABC level Flight Level 330 ATC: ABC, squawk ident Pilot: Squawk ident, ABC 124

IFR for Professional Pilots ATC: ABC is radar identified Then after some more time elapses ATC: ABC switch Edmonton center on 133.3 Pilot: Switching, ABC Pilot: Edmonton center, Lear FABC level Flight Level 330 ATC: ABC, squawk ident Pilot: Squawk ident, ABC ATC: ABC is radar identified This is the last enroute hand off for this flight, but if the airplane was going all the way to Toronto the next four hours would just be a repeat of the above pattern every 30 to 45 minutes. Not shown in this scenario are any calls made to FSS to check weather, or any calls on company frequency to dispatch. This scenario shows only communications with ATC. ATC: ABC, maintain FL 250 expect Handa Five Pilot: leaving Flight Level 330 for 250, ABC The airplane is about 55NM from Opale now and the controller begins to bring it down. “Expect the Handa Five arrival” is not a clearance and so need not be read back. By this point the pilot has the ATIS and knows that runway 16 is active. ATC: ABC, Calgary altimeter 29.75, maintain 16,000, cross Opale Flight Level 210 or below Pilot: 29.75, maintain 16,000, cross Opale Flight Level 210 or below, ABC The controller has cleared the airplane down to 16,000 before it leveled at FL250. The controller must provide the current altimeter setting before clearing the airplane out of the standard pressure airspace. The pilot should read it back. The clearance is to 16,000 with a restriction to cross Opale at FL210 or lower. Restrictions must be read back. ATC: ABC, switch Calgary arrival 125.9 Pilot: switching, ABC

Arrival Pilot: Calgary arrival, Lear FABC descending through Flight level 230 for 16,000 with ATIS X-ray ATC: FABC, squawk ident. Calgary altimeter 29.75 125



IFR for Professional Pilots Pilot: 29.75, squawk ident, FABC ATC: FABC, radar identified. Cleared the Handa Five arrival, report Opale Pilot: Cleared the Handa Five arrival, report Opale, FABC Prior to this exchange the Lear was not cleared for the Handa Five – they were just expecting it. Now they have the clearance. Note that the controller used all four letters in FABC, so the pilot followed suit. The controller has requested a call by Opale: Pilot: Calgary arrival, FABC is by Opale ATC: FABC roger, maintain 14,000 at your discretion. Be advised aircraft ident GABC is on this frequency also Pilot: 14,000 at my discretion. Check remarks, FABC ATC: roger “14,000 at your discretion” means that the aircraft can descend as quickly or slowly as the pilot likes. This is a “restriction” technically, so should be read back. The controller has revealed to the pilot that GABC is on the frequency. No read back is required but it is polite to acknowledge, which this pilot does; the key word “check” means “I have taken note of…” The controller will likely not speak with this aircraft again until it is past Adsek ATC: FABC, maintain 8,000 Pilot: maintain 8,000, FABC ATC: roger The aircraft is now cleared down to 8,000’. The chart tells the pilot not to expect anything lower than 7,500’, so all is as expected and the pilot likely expects no further calls until s/he is cleared for the approach ATC: FABC, maintain 7,000 until established on final, cleared the straight-in ILS 16 approach Pilot: Maintain 7,000 until established on final, cleared straight-in ILS 16 approach, FABC On an RNAV arrival the approach clearance can come early or late, here we have an example of an early clearance; the aircraft is at least 3NM from UBTON. By clearing the airplane for the approach the STAR is CLOSED. The pilot can follow the RNAV to ELERO and then intercept the glidepath.


IFR for Professional Pilots The controller clears the airplane to 7,000’, but the pilot will plan his/her descent so as to cross UBTON at 7,500’ or above. The airplane will not descend below 7,000’ until intercepting the glidepath on final. The above scenario only works if the controller has all the airplanes following along in trail with good spacing between them. If spacing is not good the controller will not clear the airplane for the approach. According to the STAR the pilot will then fly heading 343 from UBTON and expect vectors to final. This is called an OPEN STAR. On the closed STAR the controller will simply watch this airplane follow the route around onto final and once it is established on final s/he will hand it off to tower. ATC: FABC switch Calgary tower 118.4 Pilot: Switching, FABC Pilot: Calgary tower, Lear FABC at 11 DME, with X-ray ATC: FABC roger, altimeter 29.76, wind 140 at 25, report SARCEE. Pilot: 29.76, report SARCEE, FABC Pilot: Calgary tower, FABC by SARCEE beacon inbound. ATC: FABC number one Pilot: FABC ATC: ABC cleared to land Pilot: ABC Notice that the controller has shortened the ident to ABC (apparently GABC is gone.) The pilot followed suit. ATC: ABC, what is your destination on the field? Pilot: Apron five ATC: roger, plan to clear left on C3 Pilot: roger The airplane is still on final during this exchange. Exchanges of this type are quite common with tower.

Ground The next call will be to ground after the airplane lands. Pilot: Calgary ground, FABC is on C3, request taxi to Apron five ATC: ABC, cleared to apron five via Charlie, X-ray Pilot: ABC The controller has cleared the airplane all the way to apron five. This requires crossing runway 07, but no restriction was issued therefore the pilot is cleared all the way. Many 127



IFR for Professional Pilots pilots can’t resist calling just before crossing the runway with something like, “Ground, confirm ABC is cleared across 07?” There is a lot to be said for this, but you have to use your discretion. If the controller is busy and you can hear that 07 is not in use don’t waste air time with this call (it is not legally required.)

Sample Radio Calls – King Air: CYXX to CYYJ The sample radio calls in this scenario are for a low altitude flight from Abbotsford to Victoria. Both airports are controlled. Abbotsford has no clearance delivery. The calls in this scenario are very similar to the ones new IFR pilots will encounter in a training environment. For the purpose of this flight the King Air is IFR but the weather is VMC.

Ground Pilot: Abbotsford ground, King Air GSEL ATC: GSEL go ahead Pilot: GSEL is at the base of the tower, IFR to Victoria at 6000, with India. ATC: SEL is cleared to the Victoria airport via the Abbotsford Seven departure direct Whatcom VOR, Victor 495. Squawk 3521. Pilot: Squawk 3521, SEL ATC: roger. Are you ready to taxi at this time? Pilot: affirmative ATC: roger. Altimeter 30.21, wind 220 at 10. Taxi runway 19, hold short on alpha. Pilot: 30.21, hold short 19 on alpha. The standard form of the call to ground is: station – type – ident The pilot has the option of whether to read back the IFR clearance; s/he chooses to only read back the transponder code. The SID altitude was not amended – if it had been that would have been read back also (RAC 6.1). The ground controller asks if the airplane is ready to taxi. The pilot could have cleared this up by adding the fact that s/he is ready to taxi in the previous call; “GSEL is at the base of the tower, IFR to Victoria at 6,000, with India, ready to taxi.” The principle to grasp here is that when you call ground it is normally redundant to say “ready to taxi” because; why else would you be calling ground? But at an airport with no clearance delivery some pilots call ground to get their IFR clearance before starting the engines. If the controller does not know what you are up to, confusion could creep in. You can eliminate confusion by confirming that you are ready to taxi. In the same vein, if you only want an IFR clearance and are not ready to taxi state that. The call would then be, “GSEL is at the base of the tower; Ready to copy IFR to Victoria at 6,000” In this case there is no need to specify the ATIS, you would do that later when you call for taxi clearance. 128

IFR for Professional Pilots In the above exchange the controller issues a totally redundant instruction to hold short of runway 19 on alpha. Even though it is redundant, once issued the pilot should read it back. The principle is that you read back all hold short instructions and I recommend NOT letting yourself get into the habit of making exceptions.

Tower Pilot: Abbotsford tower, GSEL ready for takeoff runway 19 ATC: SEL, wind 220 at 5, cleared takeoff 19 Pilot: SEL When you call a tower for takeoff the request is made in a single call in the format shown above. There is only one tower frequency so there is no need to specify it. When the tower clears the airplane for takeoff it is not necessary to read it back although many pilots do, “SEL, cleared for takeoff” or even, “SEL, cleared for takeoff 19.” There are pros and cons to doing this. On the negative side it wastes a few seconds on the radio, which could be a problem on a VFR day if the tower is working seven airplanes in the circuit. On the positive side it ensures that the airplane is rolling on the correct runway, which is more of a problem on an IMC day. Make your choice intelligently taking these and any other factors that seem relevant into account. The airplane will switch to Victoria terminal at 1,500’, as per the SID, without speaking to tower again – unless the tower has any VFR traffic to point out or other similar considerations that typically would involve fitting this IFR airplane in with all the VFR traffic. If the weather is IMC it is unlikely tower will speak to this pilot again.

Departure Pilot: Victoria terminal, King Air GSEL off Abbotsford runway 19, through 1500 for 3000. ATC: GSEL, squawk ident Pilot: Squawk ident, GSEL ATC: SEL, radar identified. Maintain 6,000, through 3,000 direct Whatcom on course. Pilot: Maintain 6,000, through 3,000 direct Whatcom on course, SEL ATC: roger The call sign of the departure agency is important. The SID chart shows that the agency to be called is Victoria terminal. The standard format is the same as in the Lear jet example given earlier: station – type – ident – runway of departure – altitude. The runway of departure is appended with the airport name whenever the agency called has a call sign different than the airport. I.E. since we are calling Victoria terminal but are in Abbotsford we are off Abbotsford runway 19, not just runway 19.




IFR for Professional Pilots Note that altitude is always phrased as altitude passing through and climbing to. In this case the altitude climbing to is the SID assigned altitude of 3,000 NOT the flight plan altitude. The controller requests the pilot to squawk ident. This is an instruction and so must be read back. For some reason many pilots just push the ident button and fail to read back this instruction. Please read it back to ensure that no mistake is made. Pilot: Victoria terminal, SEL level 6,000. ATC: roger You must report reaching all assigned altitudes. It is best to make this call right away. Most pilots call as the nose is being pushed over, but make sure you are within 100 feet when you call. If you overshoot a bit and are correcting report that, “Victoria terminal SEL leveling, at 6,200 correcting to 6,000” (don’t make a habit of this sloppiness.)

Enroute ATC: SEL call Victoria terminal on 125.95 Pilot: switching Pilot: Victoria terminal, King Air GSEL level 6,000 with November ATC: SEL squawk ident. Pilot: squawk ident, SEL ATC: SEL radar identified, Victoria altimeter 30.10 Pilot: 30.10, SEL When assigned a new frequency it is not required to read it back; the format shown above is ideal. 99% of the time you should already have the next frequency tuned – they are all on the charts so you should know what frequency you will be switched to next. If the frequency assigned is NOT what you expected that would be a good time to use the keyword confirm, “Confirm Victoria terminal on 135.95?” followed by the controller correcting himself, “negative. 125.95” – “roger 125.95, SEL.” The standard format when handed from one sector to the next is: station – type – ident – altitude. The above case adds the extra information ATIS because the agency being called is the arrival controller for CYYJ. The pilot knows this from the approach plate. When calling the arrival controller the form of the call should always be: station – type – ident – altitude – ATIS. ATC: SEL traffic ten o’clock three miles northbound, a Twin Otter 1,000 feet below you. Pilot: looking, SEL ATC: SEL, by that traffic Pilot: SEL, roger ATC: SEL, traffic at two o’clock southbound, a Sikorsky helicopter at 3,500 VFR. 130

IFR for Professional Pilots Pilot: have the traffic, SEL ATC: roger Exchanges of the above type are a constant part of flight in the terminal area. In this case the airplane is in VMC. There will be times that you are in IMC conditions and the controller says something very unnerving such as, “SEL, opposite direction traffic, altitude unknown.” What should you do? Feel free to say, “SEL is IMC, request vector around the traffic.” The controller will come back with, “SEL roger, turn right heading 250, vectors for traffic.” Whether or not to do this is a command decision – put your PIC thinking cap on and decide.

Arrival ATC: SEL, depart the Victoria VOR heading 270, vectors to ILS 09 Pilot: depart the Victoria VOR heading 270, SEL ATC: roger The controller has assigned a vector heading of 270, which the pilot is to steer after passing the Victoria VOR. The information “vectors to ILS 09” is something the controller is required by rule to say – no vector shall be issued without informing the pilot where s/he is being vectored to. It is not part of the clearance so need not be read back. ATC: SEL maintain 4,000 Pilot: maintain 4,000, SEL ATC: SEL, turn left heading 180 Pilot: left 160, SEL ATC: SEL negative, left heading 180 Pilot: left 180, SEL ATC: roger ATC: SEL, turn left heading 120 Pilot: left 120, SEL ATC: SEL, cleared to the Victoria airport straight-in ILS 09 approach Pilot: Cleared straight-in ILS 09, SEL ATC: roger ATC: SEL, one zero miles final, call tower 119.7 Pilot: Switching, SEL The above series of calls is totally standard for an arrival of this type. Extra exchanges about traffic to look for are often interspersed. In addition this particular arrival is unusual in that the 270 vector heading sends the airplane toward high terrain so the actual exchange is more likely to be: ATC: SEL maintain 4,000 Pilot: maintain 4,000, SEL 131



IFR for Professional Pilots ATC: SEL roger. You are flying toward high terrain, if no communication from me, at the Vancouver VOR 215 radial, steer heading 160. Pilot: at the Vancouver VOR 215 radial, steer heading 160 ATC: roger Etc. as above Notice in the above exchange the pilot had to figure out what the clearance is (as opposed to commentary) and then read back the clearance verbatim. In this case the clearance is, “At the Vancouver VOR 215 radial, steer heading 160.” Note that every controller has his own unique way of phrasing this so listen carefully and read back the controllers words verbatim. When I wrote out the sample radio calls above I assumed that you are familiar with all the operational details. For the record: the clearance to 4,000 is issued on heading 270, i.e. after the Victoria VOR. The heading 180, which the pilot did not hear correctly is a “base leg” so the pilot would slow down and complete pre-landing checks prior to the final vector (the pilot heard it wrong because s/he anticipated the previously mentioned 160 heading – but that was not applicable, so listen carefully.) The heading 120 is a 40 degree intercept for the ILS (typical) and the pilot would be anticipating the approach clearance as received shortly thereafter; the form of the approach clearance, “cleared for straight-in ILS 09” is totally standard so this pilot should be expecting it and have no trouble reading it back.

Tower Pilot: Victoria tower, King Air GSEL 9.6 DME with November ATC: SEL roger, altimeter 30.10, wind calm, report Mill Bay Pilot: report Mill Bay The pilot chooses to include his/her DME when calling the tower. This is not required but may be helpful to the tower in spacing traffic. (In actuality Victoria tower has radar so does not need this assistance). The tower instructs the pilot to report at Mill Bay. This is totally redundant, because Mill Bay is the FAF and the pilot is required to report at the FAF. Because this is an instruction most pilots feel compelled to read it back. Actually, since tower is a VFR controller it is acceptable to simply acknowledge the instruction with the ident, “SEL” but reading it back is likely so automatic that most pilots will do it, as shown in the sample call. Pilot: Victoria tower, SEL is by the Mill Bay beacon inbound ATC: SEL, number two to a Cessna 150 on left base Pilot: SEL looking Pilot: SEL has the traffic ATC: SEL, roger 132

IFR for Professional Pilots

ATC: SEL, wind calm, cleared to land 09 Pilot: SEL

Ground Pilot: Victoria ground GSEL on Sierra request taxi to the terminal. ATC: SEL, taxi via Sierra, hold short 31 Pilot: hold short 31, SEL When calling ground after landing use all four letters in the ident, but it is not necessary to state type. You can request taxi to your desired parking location in the first call as done here. It is required to read back all hold short instructions. In this case the instruction is to hold short of runway 31. You do NOT need to request an IFR flight plan closed – ATC does it automatically. Pilot: Victoria ground, SEL holding short of 31 ATC: cleared across 31 to the terminal Pilot: SEL This exchange brings this flight to a conclusion.

Sample Radio Calls – King Air: CYCG to CYVR In this set of radio calls the airplane is departing from an uncontrolled airport with an Aerodrome Advisory Service (AAS). The arrival will be via a non-RNAV STAR. The route filed is: V300 YDC V369 BOOTH The weather is VFR and there is VFR traffic flying in the vicinity of CYCG.

Aerodrome Advisory Service Pilot: Castlegar radio King Air GSEL FSS: SEL Castlegar radio, go ahead Pilot: SEL on the main apron IFR 16,000 to Vancouver FSS: SEL roger, wind 130 at 10 altimeter 29.54, active runway 15, traffic a C-172 in the circuit, I have your IFR clearance, advise ready to copy. Pilot: 29.54, taxiing for 15, go ahead the clearance, SEL FSS: ATC clears GSEL to the Vancouver airport via the flight planned route, maintain 14,000, contact Vancouver center 134.2 clear of the mandatory frequency area, squawk 3265 133



IFR for Professional Pilots Pilot: GSEL is cleared to the Vancouver airport via the flight plan route, maintain 14.000, Vancouver center 134.2 clear MF area, squawk 3265. FSS: SEL, read back correct. Pilot: Castlegar radio, SEL is requesting a visual departure via the Arrow Lake FSS: Roger, standby After a few moments FSS: SEL, visual departure is approved. Note the form of the initial contact to an Aerodrome Advisory Service ground station station-ident-type-frequency. Note that Flight Service Specialists such as the ones at Castlegar typically read a clearance by starting with the words “ATC clears” which serve to remind the pilot that the clearance is being relayed and that it is not a controller who is delivering it. The pilot intends to climb visually down the Arrow Lake rather than performing the published IFR departure procedure in the CAP. This is safe if VMC conditions can be maintained to the MEA, which is approx 10,000’ asl. We will assume that on this day the conditions are met. The pilot has FSS confirm the plan is acceptable with ATC. It is approved. Note that IFR separation is provided – this is NOT a VFR departure, so this airplane can enter IMC conditions. The clearance is valid as soon as it is issued. Remember our previous discussion about traffic separation and realize that ATC would not have issued the clearance if there was any conflicting IFR traffic. FSS’s do not have the authority to “control” the departure, so the clearance must be valid when issued. If there had been inbound traffic the FSS would have advised the pilot of a delay in obtaining an IFR clearance. Knowing this many pilots prefer to delay starting the engines until the clearance is in hand. After the above exchange the King Air will taxi out and perform all preflight checks. The pilots must watch for the C-172 in the circuit, and when they are ready to takeoff the following transmissions will be required. Pilot: Castlegar radio, SEL is backtracking runway 15, westbound departure FSS: roger Pilot: Castlegar radio, SEL rolling runway 15 FSS: roger Pilot: Castlegar radio, SEL departing the circuit FSS: roger After a few minutes: 134

IFR for Professional Pilots Pilot: Castlegar radio, SEL is clear of the Mandatory Frequency area, climbing through 6,500. FSS: roger

Center At this point the airplane is clear of the MF and will switch to Vancouver Center. Pilot: Vancouver Center, King Air GSEL off Castlegar, through 7,000 for 14,000. ATC: SEL, squawk ident. Pilot: Squawk ident, SEL ATC: SEL, no contact, report through 12,000 Pilot: report 12,000, SEL A few minutes later. Pilot: Vancouver center, SEL through 12,000 for 14,000 ATC: SEL, squawk ident Pilot: Squawk ident, SEL ATC: SEL, radar identified. Maintain 16,000. Princeton altimeter 29.62 Pilot: Maintain 16,000. 29.62, SEL The above series of exchanges should seem very familiar by now. They are totally standard. Notice that ATC radar did not pick the airplane up at 7,000’, so the controller asked the pilot to call again at 12,000’; at that time the airplane was radar identified. Pilot: Vancouver center, SEL level 16,000 ATC: SEL, roger

The controller will hand this airplane off as it nears Princeton. ATC: SEL, switch Vancouver center on 135.0 Pilot: switching, SEL Pilot: Vancouver center, King Air GSEL level 16,000 ATC: SEL, squawk ident. Princeton altimeter 29.62 Pilot: Squawk ident. 29.62, SEL ATC: SEL, radar identified As the airplane cruises along the pilot will listen to the ATIS. S/he knows that if runway 08L, 08R, or 12 are active a BOOTH arrival will be given, otherwise a STAVE arrival. The pilot will therefore complete all necessary briefings. Let’s assume that runway 26L is in use today. A few miles before reaching BOOTH 135



IFR for Professional Pilots ATC: SEL is cleared for the STAVE FIVE arrival, runway 26 left, maintain 12,000 at your discretion. Pilot: Cleared for STAVE FIVE arrival, runway 26 left, 12,000 at my discretion, SEL. ATC: SEL, roger In the above exchange the controller has cleared the airplane to descend but the pilot has not yet done so – this is acceptable because the controller told the pilot to descend at his/her discretion. Note that the STAR requires the airplane to cross VITEV at 14,000’ or below. The pilot will need at least six miles to get down to 14,000’ which means the pilot figures to start down about at BOOTH. As the airplane approaches BOOTH Pilot: Vancouver center, SEL is leaving 16,000 for 12,000 ATC: SEL, roger The pilot reports leaving his current altitude when the descent begins. There is no need to say anything about the 14,000 restriction – just obey it. Pilot: Vancouver center, SEL level 12,000 ATC: SEL, roger

Outer Arrival As the airplane nears STAVE it is handed off to the outer arrival controller. ATC: SEL, switch Vancouver arrival 128.17 Pilot: Switching, SEL Pilot: Vancouver arrival, King Air GSEL, level 12,000, with Mike. ATC: SEL, squawk ident, Vancouver altimeter 29.77 Pilot: Squawk ident, 29.77, SEL ATC: SEL is radar identified. Notice that the pilot specifies that s/he has ATIS Mike. This is important. As the airplane continues along the STAR the controller will bring the airplane down in steps. If things go smoothly often one altitude transition runs smoothly into the next so the airplane does not have to level off multiple times. In order for this to work both the pilot and controller have to be competent. Let’s assume they are: ATC: SEL, maintain 8,000 Pilot: Leaving 12,000 for 8,000, SEL ATC: SEL, roger A little later (past MOGUS) 136

IFR for Professional Pilots ATC: SEL, maintain 5,000 Pilot: SEL, descending through 8,400 for 5,000 The brilliant pilot is almost down to 8,000 at MOGUS, but not quite (so s/he never had to level off.) A little later – about at OBTOT ATC: SEL maintain 3,000 Pilot: leaving 5,200 for 3,000, SEL ATC: SEL, roger. Slower traffic ahead, turn left heading 180 for vectors around the traffic Pilot: left 180, SEL ATC: roger Apparently some poky guy in a Beech 95 is ahead, so the controller is going to vector the King Air around it. The real reason for this traffic is to demonstrate the follow exchange:

Inner Arrival ATC: SEL, switch Vancouver arrival on 133.1 Pilot: Switching, SEL Pilot: Vancouver arrival, King Air GSEL, on 133.1, descending through 4300 for 3000, with ATIS Mike, heading 180. ATC: SEL, squawk ident, altimeter 29.76 Pilot: Squawk ident, 29.76, SEL ATC: SEL, radar identified. Notice that when on a radar vector and handed from one controller to the next the pilot should inform the new controller of the heading s/he is steering. The controller is watching the King Air and Beech 95 and trying to get the King Air around the slower airplane ahead. There may be calls not shown here asking the Beech 95 to slow down or make other turns. The King Air pilot is paying close attention. The following conversation may or may not take place.

ATC: SEL, I am going to vector you through the ILS to re-intercept from the south Pilot: Check remarks, SEL If the controller vectors you through an ILS you are not supposed to turn, you are supposed to follow the vectors. Having said that, in most cases it is a mistake, so you should call the controller and say, “Vancouver arrival, SEL is passing through the ILS, did you want us to turn?” Therefore, many controllers tell you if they are planning this maneuver. But a pilot who is paying attention might expect something like this in the 137



IFR for Professional Pilots situation knowing that the controller must swing you 5 miles wide of the slower airplane to get you around it. Pilot: Vancouver arrival, SEL level 3,000 ATC: SEL, roger When the time comes ATC: SEL turn right heading 310 Pilot: right 310, SEL The pilot should have the ILS tuned. This particular ILS has the VR beacon at the FAF so the pilot can keep track as s/he approaches the final approach course. The pilot will complete all pre-landing checks. ATC expects the airplane to slow to normal final approach speed as it nears the FAF (usually about five miles before for an airplane in this category – sooner for a jet). A savvy pilot will be taking the progress around the slower airplane into account, and may be keeping speed up a bit longer than normal. But the pilot must also listen to other traffic. If a Dash 8 is cleared for the approach ahead you can bet s/he is just intercepting the final approach a few miles back from FAF and you don’t want to be “up his tail feathers”. ATC: SEL, left 290, cleared the straight-in ILS runway 26 left approach. Pilot: left 290, cleared straight-in ILS runway 26 left approach, SEL ATC: SEL, roger

Tower At this point the airplane is about 12 miles from landing. The arrival controller will watch the airplane establish itself on final and then hand it to the tower at some point prior to FAF in most cases. ATC: SEL, switch Vancouver tower 118.7 Pilot: switching, SEL Pilot: Vancouver tower, King Air GSEL on 118.7. 11 DME final 26 left. ATC: SEL roger, number two to a Dash-8, six miles ahead. Pilot: SEL At VR Pilot: Vancouver tower, SEL is the Vancouver beacon inbound. ATC: SEL, cleared to land 26 left Pilot: SEL There may be additional instructions such as: ATC: SEL plan to clear left at Echo 138

IFR for Professional Pilots Pilot: Clear left at echo, SEL

Ground Once the airplane lands and clears the runway the pilot will switch to ground frequency. Pilot: Vancouver ground, GSEL; at taxiway echo, request clearance to the south terminal. ATC: SEL, taxi echo and alpha to apron one. Pilot: SEL




IFR for Professional Pilots


IFR for Professional Pilots

Chapter 12 Copying clearances Until printed data links take over, as they probably will some day, copying an aural clearance into shorthand written format is a necessary pilot skill. In the next section, on Situational Awareness in IFR Flight I give some advice about when to write down a clearance and when to rely on your memory, or some other nonverbal memory device such as a heading bug, altitude alerter, etc. In this section I will present a shorthand that I recommend you learn and use. You may wish to modify this shorthand for your own ease of use, but in a crew situation it is advantageous if each pilot can read the other’s writing, so using a standard shorthand is recommended.

Shorthand Climbing through 2000

Descending through 1500

Climb to 2000

Right turn heading 300 Left turn heading 150

Climbing left turn to heading 150

Climbing right turn to heading 300

Flight level 330 141



IFR for Professional Pilots

Squawk 5532

Descend Climb Maintain 50000 Not below 3000 Not above 4000 Climbing left turn Climbing right turn Proceed on course Before proceeding on course Takeoff runway 33 Depart Heading 330 Radial 330 Track 330 Abbotsford one departure (SID) Mill Bay 1 departure, Vancouver transition (SID) Direct 142

IFR for Professional Pilots Victoria tower, frequency 119.7 Victoria terminal, frequency 132.7 Vancouver departure, frequency 120.5 Vancouver arrival, frequency 133.1 Vancouver center, frequency 134.2




IFR for Professional Pilots


IFR for Professional Pilots

Chapter 13 Cockpit Organization The Five Ts The five Ts is a mnemonic designed to keep you organized when you pass a beacon, VOR, or waypoint on an IFR flight. The five Ts are: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Time Turn Throttle Track Talk

You must get into the habit of performing the 5T procedure every time you pass a station or waypoint. This means both while in cruise and when flying an IFR approach. You will soon discover that some of the Ts are redundant in particular situations, but you MUST develop the habit of doing them to prepare you for when they are all needed, such as when flying an IFR approach. To perform the Ts all you do is: 1. Time – press the right hand button on the ADF to start the stopwatch. In addition, if you are in cruise write down the time over the station on your navlog. (Note: you always start the stopwatch, even in cruise.) 2. Turn – turn the OBS and Heading bug to the new course and heading, and THEN start turning the airplane. 3. Throttle – if a change in altitude is required adjust the power. If no change in altitude is called for then this T is redundant. 4. Track – start watching the CDI or ADF needle so that you don’t shoot through your track. If you did not turn to a suitable heading at step 2 then start intercepting. 5. Talk – only AFTER you have done the first four Ts should you make any position reports that may be required. If you are in cruise you will need to make an IFR position report if you are not radar identified. The format for the IFR position report is on the back cover of your CFS. If you are flying an IFR approach you will have to report outbound or inbound. The important thing to remember about the fifth T is to do it last – not first.




IFR for Professional Pilots

Heading Recording When a controller clears you to turn to a new heading simply set the bug to that heading. There is no need to write the heading down. This is in keeping with the philosophy above regarding altitude alerts. In the C-172 there is no heading bug so you should write down assigned headings.

Nav Radio Setup – Identify Reporting Points When you are flying Victor airways (single pilot) you should always track using Nav 1 and use Nav 2 in a supplemental role (unless Nav 1 is defective). This rule makes it pretty obvious what Nav 1 should be tuned to so we will assume you can figure that out. Nav 2 is used in a supplemental role. At times it should be on the same frequency as Nav 1, which is called “backing up.” But it is not necessary or wise to always backup. The rule you should follow is that you MUST identify every reporting point on Victor airways.

Take the above flight from Prince George Grand Prairie and on to Peace River as a typical example. On V301 there are three reporting points: RAPID, ELKIE, and HIDIN. Of these RAPID and HIDIN are defined by radials from YXJ (Fort Saint John VOR). Nav 2 should be tuned to YXJ and the RMI should be set to N2 along this airway. Even if 146

IFR for Professional Pilots you don’t have DME you can tell you are approaching the intersections by watching the radials on the tail of the RMI. OBS 2 should be set to the defining radial. DO NOT take the reciprocal, set the radial published on the chart. A rule that always works is that the CDI on Nav 2 will deflect toward the VOR until you pass the reporting point, then it will point away from the VOR. ELKIE is defined as 71 DME from Grand Prairie. This appears to also be 71 from Prince George, but ideally you should use Grand Prairie. To get the DME on Grand Prairie in the Frasca 142 or King Air you must put Nav 1 on 113.1. Do this prior to 71 DME. In the B-95 we could tune Nav 2 and set the DME to N2, but it seems an unwise plan since we wish to have the RMI setup as described above. Therefore Nav 1 should be used to identify ELKIE in all cases. Once the airplane passes HIDIN normal practice is to backup Nav 1 by switching Nav 2 to Grand Prairie (YQU). As YQU is approached Nav 2’s OBS should be set to V329 to go on to Peace River. Once past YQU the HSI’s OBS would be set to V329 and Nav 2 then becomes available to identify reporting points. There are no reporting points between YQU and YPE so Nav 2 should be set to YPE. The RMI could be on either N1 or N2, but N2 is preferred because it is usually better to have the RMI indicate where you are going rather than where you have been.

Don’t Neglect the ADF When flying Low frequency airways everyone makes good use of the ADF. There are a few tips that I will cover shortly, but first I would like to say that you should not ignore the ADF just because you are on a Victor airway, especially in the mountains or the north. There are lots of NDBs scattered around northern Canada and you should get into the habit of tuning them as you fly by. This provides a backup confirmation that your VOR is working properly and confirms the functionality of your ADF. Many pilots have flown for hours to a destination in northern Canada that has only an ADF approach only discover upon arrival that their ADF has failed. If they had been checking it enroute they could have saved themselves a low-fuel emergency. When flying low frequency airways you will be plagued by the inaccuracy of the ADF. The needle will wander around and at times become quite unusable for navigation. As GPS becomes more prevalent this problem will disappear, but there are still lots of people flying with no GPS, so you need to develop proficiency at using ADF. Be aware of the sources of ADF error such as mountain and shoreline effect and twilight etc. These are discussed in detail in Avia 261 so we will not go into them here. Knowing that these errors exist you must expect that the ADF needle will wander around as you are navigating. The secret is to have patience when interpreting the needle. Paraphrasing an old TV show, “truth is in there.” As the needle wanders around it points at the station plus 147



IFR for Professional Pilots some error. The error tends to be variable, so if you watch the variability and subtract it out in your mind what is left is the truth, Sherlock) Of course this is easy to say and hard to do. You will improve with practice. An important principle of ADF navigation is that the ADF is more accurate when close to the station. That should be a no-brainer. Therefore it behooves you to track accurately outbound when you depart your destination and are close to the station. Once you establish the heading that is keeping you on course don’t change it substantially enroute even if the needle starts to wander around. Hold your heading until the destination beacon comes into range. Of course it is crucial that you keep your heading indicator up-to-date, so check the compass every 15 minutes.

Keep Track of Your Position If you are using the navigation radios as described above you will always know where you are. Have your LO or HI chart out and keep noting where you are on the chart. From this you can determine the next frequency you will need. If you can’t put your finger on the chart and say, “I am here” you are not doing your job properly.

Plan Ahead After 30 years of teaching people to fly IFR I have noticed a surprising phenomenon. Many pilots I have flown with do a terrific job as long as I sit beside them and every two minutes say, “So what are you going to do next?” Sometimes it seems that I could just send along a tape recorder with that question on it. The first rule of IFR flying then is to keep asking yourself, “What should I do next?” If you do this you will more than likely come up with a good answer; if not on your first flight then by the time you have done three or four flights. In many cases the best format to use in planning ahead is the five Ts. This is particularly applicable when about 5 minutes from a VOR (or NDB) enroute, or during an approach. When you ask yourself, “What should I do next?” you discover that you are approaching a station and must do several things. In this case write yourself a script for the five Ts, but be very specific. If you just say to yourself, “I will do the five Ts” that will do little good. Instead use the Ts as a framework. You say, “Time: I will go outbound for 1:30, Turn: I will set the heading bug to 265, Throttle: I will reduce manifold pressure to 18 inches, Track: I will set the HSI and Nav 2 to 070, Talk: I will say Somespot tower GABC is by the Somespot beacon outbound.” Notice the specificity of this script. If you do this you will be well prepared to act when you pass the station. As soon as you pass the station and complete the above script you would then ask yourself, “What do I do next?” You would then plan the five Ts for inbound. And so the process goes on and on for the entire flight.


IFR for Professional Pilots

The DME “HOLD” Feature The DME in both our airplanes and the simulator have a hold feature. Occasionally you will need to use it, but it is a potentially very dangerous feature so it bears examining in some detail. To understand the hold feature you need to first understand the DME frequency pairing system, which was covered in the text Navigation for Professional Pilots. Given that every DME station is paired with a VOR or ILS of a particular frequency it would just add extra weight and complexity to your airplane to have a tuner for your DME radio. Instead your DME is tuned automatically when you tune a VOR/ILS. In the case of the Frasca the DME is always tuned when Nav 1 is tuned. In the case of the B-95 the DME can be switched between Nav 1 and Nav 2. This is also explained in the simulation called “Tuning the DME” on of Professional Pilot IFR website. The thing to remember is that you only have one DME, the N1/N2 switch only changes which tuner is being used. If you ever need to have your VOR on one station and your DME on a different station you can see the problem. The hold function is the solution to that problem. You can tune the DME, then select hold (HLD) this disconnects the DME from the nav radios. You can then tune the VOR/ILS as desired without affecting the DME. The problem is that there is NO INDICATION anywhere in the cockpit of what frequency your DME is on. There have been a few fatal accidents where the pilot held the DME from one station then forgot and used that DME for a descent on an IFR approach and flew into the ground. This switch is widely accepted to be a “killer” so don’t use it unless you have to. And, always identify your DME separately before an approach.

The RMI – Your Best Friend Perhaps the most useful instrument in the cockpit for maintaining an overall situational awareness is the RMI. The RMI can be set to Nav 1 or Nav 2 and in the B-95 it can also be set to GPS, which is a huge advantage. In the Frasca simulator you do not have the option to set the RMI to GPS. In the ALSIM the three RMI needles can be set to VOR or ADF. All of the needles can be put on ADF. The green needle (on the HSI) can be put on ADF, VOR1 or VOR2. But, the single needle can only be put on ADF or VOR1. The double needle can only be put on ADF or VOR2. The RMI displays your current radial under its tail, and the bearing to the VOR under the arrow head. It is important to realize that RMI does NOT WORK with ILS. When you tune an ILS the RMI needle goes to the right wingtip and parks there (i.e. it does nothing.) If you have the option of switching to GPS do so. In the ALSIM you would put the RMI on ADF during an ILS (unless you were presetting it for a missed approach procedure involving a VOR.)




IFR for Professional Pilots An important use of the RMI is to get a quick bearing for an initial turn. For example if a controller asks you to, “Go direct Whatcom” you can glance at the RMI (appropriately tuned) and turn to the bearing indicated by the head. The trick is to keep track of which needle is pointing at Whatcom. In the days before DME and GPS it was standard practice to deploy the RMI to the VOR that defines the next upcoming reporting point. The second OBS would also be set to this intersection, but having the RMI acted like a “poor man’s DME” showing you closing in on the reporting point. In the event that a VOR signal is lost (i.e. the station goes off the air) the RMI should go to the right wingtip, but in some cases it will continue to point at the last position. Be on guard for this possibility. Check the ident if in doubt. When the RMI is set to GPS (B95) it points at the active waypoint, which is in the upper left corner of Super-nav 5 page. When you are in LEG mode the waypoint is always ahead of you so as you pass each waypoint the needle swings telling you the new direction to fly.

GPS Moving Map Since GPS moving maps became available in-flight disorientation has gone way down. But even with a moving map pilots can become disoriented. Some famous accidents, even at the airline level, have happened despite moving maps. The first key to using the moving map involves knowing how to set it up. Know how to turn VORs, airports, NDBs, etc on and off, and how to change the scale. The scale setting depends on the airspace you are flying in. On approaches you should set it to auto, but enroute that will result in far too large a scale so you must manually set it. In busy airspace such as Vancouver terminal 7 or 10 miles is usually best. On longer cross countries you may wish to increase the scale so that at least one or two VORs are in range, so the scale should be approximately half the distance between VORs. The map can be oriented to north up or track up. Track up is better in almost all cases. Know how to change this.


IFR for Professional Pilots

Tune Setup Identify (TSI) In this section we will practice setting up the navigation and communications radios for various scenarios. This will give us an opportunity to practice IFR flight scripting, i.e. Kitchen table flying, as recommended above. The method we will use is called Tune, Setup, Identify (TSI.) The TSI system must become a ritual for you. If you use it all the time you won’t miss anything. If you don’t you may be successful some of the time, even most times, but occasionally you miss things. Sometimes the things you miss will be minor, but occasionally you will make a major mistake. An example of this is having the annunciator on GPS when it should be on Nav. If you don’t notice this your HSI will be leading you on the wrong track. In an extreme case this could be fatal. Another example that has been known to cause fatal accidents is not noticing that the DME is on hold. I can pretty much guarantee that you will make mistakes relating to tuning and setup of your radios. The question is not whether you will make mistakes but whether you will catch the mistakes and correct them before a serious problem arises. Your commitment to precisely following the TSI procedure is your best line of defense against the dangers of mistuning radios. It might seem unimportant to you what order tuning, setting up, and identification are done in. In fact it sometimes isn’t important. That is part of the problem. Because pilots can “get away with” doing things in any sequence a lot of the time with no apparent penalty for this lack of discipline. Using TSI rigorously demands discipline on your part; not unlike the life-discipline to eat right and exercise. It is often tempting to disregard “eating right and exercising.” In the short term no penalty ensues, but in the long term your health suffers. In the case of TSI the precise sequence only matters sometimes, such as when a complex clearance must be responded to in a short time period. Examples include: a last minute change of active approach, an emergency requiring immediate landing (fire), incapacitation of the other pilot, etc. TSI can take you from zero to “good to go” faster than any other sequence. If you are in the habit of using it you can handle difficult situations without making a mistake. But if you normally setup in a jumbled fashion that “gets the job done eventually” you may well miss something important under pressure. It is precisely when you are stressed that you won’t notice that you are in GPS mode when you should be in Nav, or OBS mode when you should be in LEG, or the RNAV button is depressed, or the DME is on hold, or the wrong ILS frequency has been tuned, etc. And keep in mind that even when there is no special pressure the highly abstract nature of IFR flight makes it difficult to avoid occasionally missing something, or setting some switch in the wrong position. TSI is your best insurance policy. Hopefully you are convinced that TSI is a worthwhile discipline. The logic of tuning first, then setting up before identifying is that you tune first because the radios can do nothing until they are on the proper frequency. You setup before identifying because once the setup is complete your mind can begin processing the image of your position and making decisions about where to go. Identification is therefore the last step. There is never any 151



IFR for Professional Pilots controversy about tuning first, but some people feel they should identify before setup because they know there is a “rule” that you must identify before you “use” a navaid. An established principle is that you should not navigate with a radio until it has been identified. But there are some exceptions to this, which we must discuss. The only thing more dangerous than navigating with a radio that has not been identified is not navigating at all. Common sense says that you can’t just fly off into “nowhere land” in IMC conditions. So at times, if you have to switch to a new frequency and then begin navigating by it right away, it may be necessary to start a turn while you are identifying. Conversely, in the real world you are often in VMC conditions even though you are on an IFR flight plan. If ATC requests you go to a navaid as soon as able you can tune and setup the navaid and begin turning safely toward it while you identify. A key point in both these situations is that you should know the approximate location of the navaid anyway. Once you tune and setup the radio if it indicates a track in the direction you anticipated a tentative identification has been completed and you can begin turning while the formal identification is completed. A further point to consider is that your mind needs time to process the abstract information (deflection of CDI needle, relative position of RMI to HDG bug, etc.) By setting up first you can begin figuring out what the instruments are telling you while you identify. This will save a few (important) seconds. IMPORTANT: despite the discussion above it is often the case that you should NOT turn by reference to a navaid until it has been identified. You should be smart enough to figure out such situations. In these cases delay turning until you have identified. Just because you have done setup does not obligate you to turn. The preceding paragraph is very important, note it carefully.

Tune - Run the Stack A complete TSI involves tuning all the radios before setting up. We call this “running the stack.”


IFR for Professional Pilots

Running the stack means going from top to bottom of the radios starting with the KLN 90b then com 1, com 2, Nav 1, Nav 2, and ADF. The spots you must fill include 1 active GPS waypoint, 4 com frequencies, 5 Nav 1 frequencies, 2 Nav 2, and 2 ADF frequencies. Once all these are set tune is complete. The radio stacks for the B95 and Alsim are shown in diagrams below. In all cases it is best to start at the top and work your way to the bottom. Once very radio, including standby frequencies, has been tuned you are ready to move on to setup.

Setup: 3, 4, 5, or 8 things Setup involves setting three, four, five, or eight items after tune is complete. The number of items is different in different airplanes. In the case of the Frasca 142 panel shown above there are four things to setup. These are: 1. 2. 3. 4.

Annunciator panel HSI Nav 2 RMI




IFR for Professional Pilots

The above diagram is a schematic of the Radios in the B-95. It is quite similar to the Frasca 142, but there are a few differences. For one thing there are five things to setup: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Annunciator HSI Nav 2 RMI DME

It is important for you to go through the setup procedure in the same sequence each time and never skip anything even if you know it is already OK, just say, “Good, good, good” as you skim over items that require no change. But you will be surprised how often you notice that you need to change something (that you would have missed without this framework.) For the Alsim there are 8 things for the PNF to setup and 7 things for the PF to set. The Alsim setup is described below, and should be practiced extensively using the Alsim simulation. The Alsim setup is much more complex than either of the above two and will require a great deal of concentration on your part.


IFR for Professional Pilots

Identify The last step in TSI is identify, for this use the audio panel as your guide. All Selkirk College airplanes use the KMA 24 audio panel. The recommended procedure is to run across the audio panel from left to right. The Alsim audio panel is slightly different but works essentially the same way.

Abbreviated TSI In a complete TSI you run the stack first, i.e. tune ALL the radios, then all the setup items and then identify the radios by moving across the audio panel from left to right. There are some situations in which a complete TSI is not feasible, for example a clearance such as, “GSAK go direct the WC now.” In this case common sense dictates that we not waste time tuning the GPS, Nav 1, and Nav 2 before tuning the ADF. Instead simply do an abbreviated TSI on the ADF only. I.E. tune the ADF, setup the RMI switch and identify the ADF. Two important points must be made here: First; in the Frasca 142 and B-95 setup there is no setup required for the ADF radio. But in the King Air the RMI switches must be set to ADF. It is vital that you develop the discipline of mentally acknowledging the setup step in the Frasca 142 and the B-95 by simply saying to yourself, “nothing to setup.” The two seconds taken are worth it to implant the TSI principle in your mind and will stand you in good stead when you fly the King Air and other airplanes in the future. Second; when you do an abbreviated TSI on one radio make a mental note that you “owe yourself” a complete TSI. Any change in navigation reference warrants a complete check that everything is set the way you want it as soon as workload permits. It is often necessary to do a limited TSI as described here, but run the stack and check all setup items as soon as you can afterwards.

TSI for Frasca 142 As you run the stack the details to keep in mind in the Frasca 142, in order, are: Check the active waypoint on the GPS (Nav 5 page is assumed) Tune both an active and standby frequency on com 1 Tune both an active and standby frequency on com 2 Confirm all 5 memory frequencies are as desired on Nav 1 Select an in use frequency Check RNAV / VOR buttons are as desired Confirm HOLD is not selected (unless desired) Tune active and standby frequency on Nav 2 Tune active and standby frequency on ADF Set clock display as desired on ADF Set ADF / ANT switch to ADF 155



IFR for Professional Pilots Once you have run the stack as described above perform the four item setup. Annunciator and HSI have sub-items: 1. Annunciator  Select GPS or Nav as needed  Select LEG or OBS as needed 2. HSI  Set heading bug to current or new heading  Set OBS to desired course 3. Nav 2  Set desired course 4. RMI  Select Nav 1 or Nav 2 After the setup complete identification by going left to right on the audio panel. Set marker audio as desired. Identify Nav 1, Nav 2, DME, and ADF in that order. To identify the ADFs push the button in. If more than 5NM from the station use the ANT setting to identify and perform a test by observing the needle swing as ANT and then ADF are selected.

TSI for Beech 95 As you run the stack the details to keep in mind in the B95, in order, are: Check the active waypoint on the GPS (Nav 5 page is assumed) Tune both an active and standby frequency on com 1 Tune both an active and standby frequency on com 2 Tune active and standby frequency on Nav 1 Tune active and standby frequency on Nav 2 Tune active and standby frequency on ADF Set clock display as desired on ADF Set ADF / ANT switch to ADF Once you have run the stack as described above perform the four item setup. Annunciator and HSI have sub-items: 1. Annunciator  Select GPS or Nav as needed  Select LEG or OBS as needed 2. HSI  Set heading bug to current or new heading  Set OBS to desired course 3. Nav 2  Set desired course 4. RMI  Select Nav 1, Nav 2, or GPS 5. DME  Set to N1, N2 or occasionally to Hold 156

IFR for Professional Pilots After the setup complete identification by going left to right on the audio panel. Set marker audio as desired. Identify Nav 1, Nav 2, DME, and ADF in that order. To identify the ADFs push the button in. If more than 5NM from the station use the ANT setting to identify and perform a test by observing the needle swing as ANT and then ADF are selected. The differences between the B-95 and Frasca 142 are: 1. There is no RNAV therefore Nav 1 setup is simpler 2. RMI can be set to GPS as well as N1 and N2 ( a big advantage) 3. DME must be selected. (not always on N1 as in Frasca 142)

TSI for Alsim As you run the stack the details to keep in mind in the Alsim, in order, are: Check the active waypoint on the GPS – set OBS mode as desired Tune both an active and standby frequency on com 1 Tune both an active and standby frequency on com 2 Tune active and standby frequency on Nav 1 Tune active and standby frequency on Nav 2 Tune active and standby frequency on ADF Set clock display as desired on ADF Set ADF / ANT switch to ADF

To perform the tune, setup, identify procedure on the Alsim without missing anything you must know how many items require setup, and where they are. There are 8 items to check/set for the PM and 7 for the PF. Pilot Flying setup: 1. HSI 2. Primary RMI 3. single needle RMI 4. double needle RMI 5. Annunciator – check and set CDI 6. Course 7. HDG bug

Pilot Monitoring setup: 1. HSI 2. Primary RMI 3. single needle RMI 4. double needle RMI 5. Annunciator – check and set CDI 6. Course 7. HDG bug 8. DME selector

Options: 1. HSI [Nav1 / Nav2] 157



IFR for Professional Pilots 2. 3. 4. 5.

Primary RMI [VOR1, VOR2, ADF] single needle RMI [VOR1, ADF] double needle RMI [VOR2, ADF] Annunciator – [GNSS if HSI on NAV1 and GNS430 CDI button on GPS, else NAV1 OR NAV2] 6. Course [course bar on HSI, set as required] 7. HDG bug [set desired heading] 8. DME selector [N1, N2, H1, H2] Practice the above TSI using the Alsim Simulation.


IFR for Professional Pilots

Scripting Principles Now that we have the TSI procedure and have explored recommendations for using the navigation radios to maintain situational awareness it is time to do some practice scripts. We will examine several example scripts with commentary intended to reveal the authors view of what the most effective setup is. First let’s examine a few further principles to keep in mind about scripting IFR flights.

Flexibility in Scripting There is more than one effective way to setup the radios for most IFR situations. The examples that follow represent the ideas of only one pilot and there is no intent to indicate that they represent the only acceptable setup. While there are several good setups available in most situations that is not the same as saying that any setup is good. As much as possible I will mention alternate good options and point out commonly used but poor setups. The objective is to get you thinking about the options and developing your own style (yes, there is such a thing as style).

Single-Pilot Scripts There can be a significant difference in the best setup depending on how many pilots there are and whether or not they have an autopilot. This relates back to aviate, navigate, and communicate principle. A single-pilot with no autopilot should put a premium on setups that won’t require much changing, especially during busy portions of the flight. Every time a single-pilot must change a radio, concentration available for aviating is reduced. The greatest concentration on aviating is required during departure and approach and therefore these are the stages of a flight in which it is important to choose a setup that requires no more changing than necessary. In the enroute phase of flight the airplane should be trimmed for cruise and quite stable. Making radio setup changes at this stage is comparatively easy, so everything that needs to be done, such as weather checking, RAIM predictions, WAT and AMORTS, etc should be taken care of in cruise. For departure setup a single-pilot is well advised to setup for what will be needed rather than what could remotely be needed. This is obvious when stated like this, but many pilots like to setup the radios for an emergency return to the airport in case there is an engine failure on departure. This is laudable concern but a relatively unlikely probability. If a complex departure must be flown single-pilot it is much wiser to setup for the departure and enroute; setup for an emergency return with radios that are “surplus”.

Maximum Information or Required Only? If you are taking off on a runway with an ILS should you tune the ILS? When taking off should you tune the active ILS and IAF beacon? 159



IFR for Professional Pilots Enroute, should you identify every intersection? When flying an ILS with no DME should you hold the DME on a different frequency? When flying an ILS approach should you setup the GPS moving map for the same track? When flying an ADF approach should you tune a nearby VOR? The answer to all these questions could be either yes or no. In each case the pilot must decide whether the added information is worthwhile. In the section on Single-pilot scripts above I said you should setup so that no changes are needed during departures and arrivals, if possible. This conflicts with the idea of getting as much information as possible. The single-pilot should probably not tune the ILS for departure for example. On the other hand s/he normally should identify every intersection enroute, but might have to forgo this if time is needed to check weather or deal with an emergency. The decision would have to be made in the context, including whether or not the airplane is radar identified. When there are two pilots, as in the King Air, then pilots should lean toward getting maximum information. In this case tuning the ILS on departure is good. The frequency can be quickly changed by the pilot monitoring when needed.

To Backup or Not to Backup The issue of backing up in your setup is a matter of redundancy. Airplanes have two engines, two alternators, two vacuum pumps, etc for redundancy. If one fails the other takes over and no harm is done. The same applies to radio setups. When flying an ILS tune both radios to the ILS. When doing an ADF approach tune both ADF radios to the beacon, etc. A mistake that is sometimes made is to backup the wrong thing. For example on an ILS the ADF is used to identify the glidepath check point (usually the FAF). This may be backed up with a DME, but if DME is not available it could also be backed up with a VOR cross-radial. However, to do so would mean not backing up the localizer and glidepath. Common sense should tell us that this is not good backing up.

Avoid Flags and Red Lights When a red flag extends on a VOR or GPS it means something is wrong – usually. But it could just be that the station is out of range. Therefore on departure it is often the case that a red flag will appear on the HSI or VOR#2. What can we do about this; or should we do anything? It is a bad habit to get into, letting red flags remain unresolved on your panel. It breeds an apathy that can get you into trouble. So, if there is a way to tune some other frequency so 160

IFR for Professional Pilots that no flag shows you should do that. For example you may be able to switch from Nav to GPS, or tune an ILS rather than a VOR that is out of range, etc. Sometimes there is no way around this problem, so you have to accept the flag on the ground. Try not to let it become a habit; but keep in mind what I said about setting up what will be needed for a single-pilot departure – that could require a compromise on this issue.

Adjusting to Equipment Failures If you have a script (see below for more advice on this,) you know what you intended to do with all equipment, and why. Having thought it through you will usually find it easy to decide what you can do without if you must adjust to the failure of a radio. You will know the situations in which a radio is necessary and request a change of clearance. For example if you were going to do an ADF approach but now your only ADF radio has failed can you continue to your destination? Yes, if you have a script for setting up a GPS overlay; otherwise – no. If you are going to do an ILS in which a beacon marks the FAF can you continue if your only ADF has failed? In most cases you can. There may have scripted a DME backup, or have considered a VOR cross radial, or if you are in radar contact that can be substituted. If you have a good script you would know this and have little trouble deciding whether to continue or not and what script changes are needed.

Kitchen Table Flying As we near the end of this text I am about to reveal to you my most valuable peace of advice. I am not kidding; this simple concept is my best advice, so don’t blow it off. I have said that you should develop a script as part of your preflight planning for every IFR flight. This obviously involves looking over all the relevant charts, especially the SID, and approach plates as well as examining the LO chart. Once you have looked them over and think you understand everything, try this exercise. Sit at the Kitchen table and pretend you are in the cockpit. The first few times you try this have several blank copies of the relevant radio templates from the appendix in front of you, but once you get good at it you will just do it in your head. Start by saying, what clearance do I expect? If you can’t anticipate your IFR clearance go back to the beginning and start over because you are nowhere near ready to fly IFR. Now assume you got the required clearance – do TSI as you will for takeoff. Completely fill in the blank form (later you will just memorize your choices). 161



IFR for Professional Pilots Next; ask yourself, when is the first time I will need to change any of these items (even the slightest change)? Think it through carefully because this is perhaps the most telling test of your ability to create a script. I am quite confident that with a moment or two of reflection you will be able to specify exactly when you will need to make a change. Next, assume you are at the specified location and repeat TSI again. Then ask yourself when the next change will be. Repeat this over and over; you will eventually get to the end of the flight (i.e. end of the script), but there is one complication. The complication is that in some cases you will realize that a change point the flight could proceed this way or that way. EXCELLENT, you have identified a DECISION point that you will have to make in flight. Obvious examples include which approach you will do at the destination but there are others, such as whether or not you will get this STAR or that STAR, etc. When you recognize a decision point as described above you MUST follow each reasonable scenario. i.e. pick one and go through TSI for that and follow it through to the end of the flight – and then come back and pick the other option(s) and follow them through to the end, until you cover all possible. How long will it take to do the above? From my experience it often takes a beginner at longer to Kitchen fly a trip than it will to actually fly it; in other words it may take you two hours, sometimes more, for a 1.5 hour flight. The reason it takes so long is that you will find yourself dithering about whether you should set this or that and you will have to lookup a lot of information on the approach plates that you previously thought you had reviewed but now realize only scanned in a far too superficial way. There are two ways you could react to putting so much time into this Kitchen table flying idea. You might say “no way am I going to do this”; it is completely unrealistic to spend two hours reviewing material for a flight. I’ll give you my thoughts on that, but please reflect on what you think before reading the next paragraph. I agree that it is totally unrealistic to spend two hours reviewing charts for a professional IFR pilot. But it is ridiculous to think that if it takes you two hours to figure out what to do when you aren’t even being burdened flying that you are going to do anything but make a fool of yourself if you go flying. As a student you need this much time to prepare for an IFR flight (or simulator session). Kitchen table flying is the most valuable exercise you can undertake as a student of IFR flying. It is the equivalent of an Olympic runner putting in miles of training so s/he can run a 10 second race. You won’t need to do Kitchen table flying anymore when you can do it so fast that you could just as easily do it in flight. But I GAURANTEE that you will be far too slow the first 20 or 30 times you do it. So I will be trying to force you to do it in class, and begging you to do it before simulator sessions, so that when you finally fly IFR for real you have no hesitation about what you want to do. It won’t be long once you are on the job before you pass this idea by, but it will be an important step to getting there. 162

IFR for Professional Pilots

The Ultimate Kitchen Table Flight I’m not done yet. In the above I only talked about “kitchen flying” the radio setups. But there are clearly other aspects of a flight that can be scripted. I have found that scripting configuration and power changes is a terrific benefit to beginning IFR pilots. The best way to do this is to script all 5T situations as part of your kitchen flying script. When you know your configurations and power setting so well that reviewing them is redundant you can stop.

IKEA Kitchen Tables IKEA tables come in pieces that you have to put together. So do IFR flights. If you script a flight from Castlegar to Kelowna and on another day script one from Cranbrook to Kelowna the last 2/3 of the flights are the same. So if you have a good memory you are done in a jiffy. Scripts come in modules. Once you have a script for a departure from Vancouver you can use it for a flight to anywhere. You get the idea. So think of your scripts in modules and build a library of useful ones in your memory.




IFR for Professional Pilots


IFR for Professional Pilots

Chapter 14 Briefings IFR Clearance Review Prior to giving a takeoff briefing you need to review your IFR clearance. In the C-172 and B95 checklists we have put clearance review in as an item just before the briefing (to remind you) but in the Alsim it is assumed that the captain will review the clearance while waiting for the co-pilot to complete his/her flows. Organize your clearance review into 3 steps: 1. Read the clearance checking that it is valid and acceptable to you 2. Visualize the assigned route by tracing it out on the maps and charts. 3. Formulate a radio setup plan – and then set it up if single pilot or brief the PNF what you need if two-pilot. Step one is self explanatory – but make sure to check for a valid clearance including an assigned altitude and an EFC time if cleared short. Step two is the most important step. As you trace the route out concentrate on the first 5 minutes of the flight. Determine what heading you will fly after takeoff and when the first turn will be. Determine whether the turn will be left or right and if possible what heading you will turn to. Determine what altitude you are cleared to initially (set altitude alerter) and when you can expect higher. Step 3 will go easily if you did step 2 properly – just make sure to set all the radios, starting at the top and “running the stack” (see previous chapter.)

Takeoff Briefing The need to give a takeoff briefing was previously mentioned under the topic of Maintaining Situational Awareness. It is important to remember in all the briefings described in this section that their purpose is to improve the crew’s situational awareness. In the case of a single pilot, briefing may not be the correct term, since it is usually done silently, but the formal process serves the purpose of establishing mental alertness with the intent of reducing the chances of neglecting an important detail or reacting too slowly to an anticipatable emergency. A takeoff briefing normally contains three elements: 1. Description of takeoff, including operational speeds 165



IFR for Professional Pilots 2. Description of departure route 3. Emergency responses Item 1 normally involves describing the type of takeoff to be performed and reviewing the “V speeds.” This material is outside the contents of this course so it will not be discussed further here. Item 2 is the primary concern of this course. The pilot(s) should have reviewed the clearance, following the three-step procedure described above. The review is normally done silently. As it is a scripting exercise it proceeds from beginning to end, and thus the elements most present in the pilots mind are the later ones, when it is the first ones that need to be emphasized. Therefore, in the briefing the pilot flying should emphasize those elements of the script that apply in the first moments of the flight. Exactly how far into the flight to brief is a matter of judgment, but usually more than two or three minutes is too much. The briefing should always include: Cleared altitude Special ATC or procedural restrictions Unusual maneuvers required The cleared altitude is frequently different than the flight plan altitude, which makes mistakes easy. Therefore the cleared altitude should always be emphasized in the briefing. Special ATC or procedural restrictions include items such as VFR climb restriction, a request to contact a frequency other than the one published on the departure chart, the need to fly a climb gradient other than 200 ft/NM, etc. It can be a matter of judgment what constitutes an unusual maneuver. Most pilots would agree that any turns that must be initiated before a trimmed cruise climb is established are unusual, and therefore should be briefed. Someone once said, “I can’t define art, but I know it when I see it.” Unusual maneuvers are like that. If the departure requires you to do something you seldom or never do it is unusual by definition and therefore requires specific briefing. In the above discussion the word briefing implies a conversation, and therefore two pilots. But it is important that when flying single-pilot-IFR you brief yourself. You probably will do it silently, so the passengers don’t think you’re off your rocker. But it is still an important exercise in mentally preparing for flight. Many pilots, with the approval of the companies they work for, make use of abbreviated briefings in which words such as, “normal procedures” or some similar terminology is used to shorten the takeoff briefing. This can be a good idea or a bad idea depending on the details and the mental attitude of the pilots who use it. It is a good idea because repetitive briefings on a series of flights in a single work day tend to promote apathy and lack of attention. On the other hand, if briefings are ALWAYS stripped of details, 166

IFR for Professional Pilots perhaps because we assume we have them memorized, after weeks or months of flying we are not mentally alert and safety is compromised. Therefore I recommend that for the first takeoff each day a full briefing is done. On subsequent takeoffs, with the same crew, (single-pilot is always the same crew ) the briefing can be shortened provided the same conditions apply. When a briefing is shortened, as described above it is normally part 1 and 3 that are shortened. Only if the crew is doing the same route several times in one shift can part 2, the description of departure route be dropped.

WAT WAT is an acronym that may be used to mentally organize for the approach enroute to an IFR destination. The WAT briefing is normally completed as a lead in to the AMORTS briefing. Ideally it will be completed prior to initiating descent. However, the items included in a WAT briefing should be given consideration prior to departure and continually revisited enroute. These items allow you to formulate a plan and anticipate the arrival procedures based on relevant and updated information (weather, anticipated delays, NOTAM, etc). This mental preparation is essential to a smoothly executed arrival. In a two-pilot operation WAT should be included as part of the formal approach briefing. The letters stand for: W – Weather A – Approach T – Temperature


Check the weather, NOTAMs, and PIREPs for your destination, alternate, and enroute. Update this information periodically in cruise. You can get this from ATIS if available but you may need to call FSS. When requesting updated weather form FSS, ask for the latest METAR and any amendments to the last TAF you have in your possession. If things have changed unexpectedly or drastically, consider requesting a more thorough update. Ask yourself these questions about the current and forecast weather? What runway do I anticipate using? Considerations (winds, runway length and condition) Will it be a circling or straight-in approach? Is the ceiling and visibility above or below approach minima? What do I expect to see at DH or MDA? (type of approach lights, runway alignment) What are the chances of success? What will I do in the event of a missed approach? (try another approach, or request clearance to the alternate) 167



IFR for Professional Pilots


Review potential arrivals and approaches for your destination and alternate. Determine which approaches you are able to do (i.e. which you have the equipment for.) Determine which has the lowest minima, and which have minima lower than the reported weather. Finally decide what your preferred or anticipated approach is. Ask yourself these questions about the available approach procedures? What are the available procedures? (consider wind, weather, NOTAM outages, aircraft equipment, active runways) Which procedure has the highest likelihood of success? Which procedure will be most efficient? (least amount of maneuvering, shorter taxi, etc.) When will I need to start the descent? (crossing restrictions, etc.) Does the procedure require a non-standard radio setup?

T. Consider the temperature at destination and the alternate. If the field temperature is 0°C or below cold temperature altitude corrections are required. Consider making these calculations prior to departure if the flight is short. Always apply these corrections prior to starting the approach briefing. WAT makes a good planning ahead format to help you develop a script prior to completing the actual briefing. As you plan ahead and are trying to answer the usual, “What should I do now?” question you can use WAT to help you decide if you have forgotten anything. In a two-pilot environment the WAT items will be included as part of the approach briefing. This is not to say you will verbalize all the preceding questions, but once they have been considered you will formally brief the relevant points. Refer to the professional pilot website for an example of a typical WAT briefing in video and textual format. (Pilot Training→Alsim Page→Two-Piot CRM Videos→Two-Pilot ILS Approach)

AMORTS Although formalized approach briefings are the industry standard for professional pilots, the specific form varies with operator. It is important to adopt a systematic approach to the briefing to ensure nothing is missed. This may seem onerous at first, but in time you will be familiar enough with the format that it becomes automatic. AMORTS is a common industry acronym that helps you get organized before flying an IFR approach. You will perform an “AMORTS approach briefing” prior to commencing every IFR approach. Once you have considered WAT you are ready to complete an approach briefing. During operational single pilot flights this briefing will typically be completed silently. During a single pilot instructional lesson in the simulator the 168

IFR for Professional Pilots instructor will expect to hear the approach briefing in order to evaluate its content, and efficiency. The letters stand for: A – Approach M – Minima O – Overshoot R – Radios T – Timing S – Speeds and special considerations The acronym ensures that you will cover all important aspects of the approach before doing it. It is not a substitute for having reviewed the approach thoroughly before the flight however. It is important that you have analyzed the approach as described elsewhere in this manual before the flight. If not you should silently do that analysis before attempting an AMORTS briefing. AMORTs briefings will be performed out loud in a multi-crew situation.

A. The approach section ensures all crew members are referencing the correct material. Name the approach State procedure effective date State the airport elevation or touchdown zone elevation if applicable

State the name of the approach and whether or not you will fly a full procedure, or a straight-in. If straight-in state the method of intercepting final. State intentions to circle and runway if applicable. Next read the effective date (bottom of page.) Next read the airport elevation or touchdown zone elevation if applicable (top right corner of the plate)

M. This portion of the AMORTs will be the most involved. It is simply a step by step review of what is required to complete the procedure from top of descent until DH or MDA is reached. It is a chronological overview of the procedure including: Top of Descent Minimum safe altitudes as they apply chronologically Crossing/speed restrictions Plan to transition into the approach (when to turn to intercept the arc, what type of procedure turn with applicable timings/distances, vectors, etc.) 169



IFR for Professional Pilots Constant descent point Required tracks Altimeter bug setting if applicable Only relevant minimum altitudes need mentioning. (ie: if there are more than one sector altitude, only the applicable sector needs mentioning) Normally the initial safe altitude is the MEA for the airway you are on. But, if you are not on an airway then you must use the 100-mile safe altitude, or the 25NM safe altitude. To use either of these you must confirm you are within the specified distance.

O. The proper term for this segment is missed approach. An overshoot is a visual maneuver. Unfortunately AMMRTS doesn’t roll off the tongue too well so we use the word overshoot to remind us of the missed approach procedure. The pilot normally reads the entire missed approach procedure. For a non-precision approach ensure to mention the missed approach point and how it is identified. One extra piece of information should be added if not included in the written procedure and that is the direction of the first turn. The only possibilities are “straight ahead”, “left turn,” and “right turn.” During single-pilot operations it is advisable to MEMORIZE the initial step of the procedure. During the initial stages of the missed approach you need to concentrate on adding power, pitching the nose up and retracting flaps and gear. You don’t have time to look at the plate. Therefore you must know whether to continue straight ahead or turn. Emphasize this when you read the procedure. Remember you have already considered the weather and are aware of the chances of success. A missed approach is rarely a surprise.

R. This part of the briefing specifies the navaids required for the procedure. Only nonstandard radio setups need to be included in the briefing, other communication or direction regarding radio setup can take place informally outside of the briefing. Remember to use TSI (Tune setup identify) as a framework to keep you from forgetting anything about the radio setup.

T. If the missed approach point is based on timing brief the time here, if the MAP is based on distance (DME or GPS) state “timing, not applicable”.

S. Speeds and special considerations are briefed at this point. Only Vref and any nonstandard speeds need mentioning. Set applicable speed bugs at this time. Special considerations refer to any applicable cautionary notes found on the approach plate, and any other items which need special attention ( runway condition, crosswind, circling restrictions, non-standard configuration, short field landing technique, etc.).


IFR for Professional Pilots Refer to the professional pilot website for an example of a typical WAT briefing in video and textual format. (Pilot Training→Alsim Page→Two-Piot CRM Videos→Two-Pilot ILS Approach) The form on the next page may be useful to you in giving a briefing in flight. Make several copies of it and carry it on the flight. Fill in information such as ATIS when received. Jot notes to yourself – even prior to the flight – and your briefing will go much better.




IFR for Professional Pilots

W Get ATIS first - Reported weather – required weather (see approach plate) comparison

A Consider what approach you wish to do and specify any expected STARs, vectors, etc.



Temperature correction required if surface below 0°C

Name the approach State procedure effective date State the airport elevation or touchdown zone elevation if applicable

All altitudes plus: M

TOD point Type of procedure turn – or arc intercept point, etc. Approach course Any restrictions or special considerations Set altimeter bug



State time – GPS or DME distance at MAP

Post TOLD card: S

Vref – set bug Address all notes: Any speed restrictions


IFR for Professional Pilots

Chapter 15 IFR in Uncontrolled Airspace Read RAC 2.0 This book started with a discussion about the roots of IFR flight and that it is possible to fly IFR without air traffic control, as long as the number of airplanes in the system is small. That is exactly the situation in northern Canada and as a result NavCanada has chosen not to provide control service in NDA below FL230 and FL270 in the ACA. In other words, if you want to fly IFR at less than 23,000 feet in the north you will be uncontrolled. Read RAC 8.9 In many cases a portion of your flight will be controlled, while another portion is uncontrolled. RAC 8.9 explains the rules about getting an IFR clearance before entering controlled airspace. Remember that if you are cruising at any altitude below FL230 when you cross the boundary into NDA you become uncontrolled at that point. Remember also that if you are below 18,000 when that happens you also transition to a standard pressure region. When do you change your altimeter to 29.92? Formulate your answer before reading the next paragraph. You always change the altimeter in the standard pressure region. I.E. after leaving SDA, or prior to entering SDA (below 18,000’). CAR 602.37 RAC 2.11 Read RAC 1.9.2 and CAR 605.35 What transponder code should you squawk when uncontrolled IFR? Formulate your answer before reading the next paragraph. If you are in high level airspace, i.e. uncontrolled from FL180 to FL220 in NDA or up to FL260 in ACA squawk 2000; in low level airspace squawk 1000. Read RAC 4.0 When flying uncontrolled IFR all the usual procedures for MF and ATF that you use when you are VFR still apply (see RAC 4.0.) In addition you must report your intentions on 126.7. This usually means that you will have to transmit your departure and arrival intentions twice (once on the MF and once on 126.7).




IFR for Professional Pilots

Sample Radio Calls for Uncontrolled IFR Flight – Yellowknife to Cambridge Bay In this section I will present a set of simulated radio calls for an uncontrolled IFR flight in a Navajo from Yellowknife to Cambridge Bay. You need an LO 5 and CAP 1 to follow along. Notice that Yellowknife is in Southern Domestic airspace but that transition to the northern domestic airspace will occur 50 miles into the flight. The flight will become uncontrolled from that point on. A flight plan is filed the route is BR84 at 9,000’ asl. Notice that a flight plan is only legally needed to PENVU, there will be no ATC clearance beyond there, but if a full flight plan is not filed then a flight itinerary would be needed. We will assume that the pilot prefers to have a flight plan, just like a VFR pilot would. The flight plan must be closed after landing in Cambridge Bay (just like a VFR flight plan). To make it interesting I will include radio calls from several aircraft along the way in order to demonstrate how uncontrolled IFR is done. The other aircraft will be identified as aircraft 1, aircraft 2, etc. Pilot: Yellowknife ground, Navajo GABC. ATC: ABC Yellowknife ground, go ahead Pilot: ABC on apron 1, IFR to Cambridge Bay at 9,000, ready taxi, with alpha ATC: ABC roger, wind 240 at 10, altimeter 29.44, taxi bravo and Charlie, hold short 27. I have your IFR clearance when you’re ready. Pilot: 29.44, hold short 27. Go ahead. ATC: ABC is cleared to PENVU intersection via Yellowknife One, flight plan route, squawk 2461 Pilot: squawk 2461, ABC ATC: roger So far everything is exactly as we have been doing. This is to be expected because Yellowknife is in controlled airspace, indeed a “bubble” of southern domestic airspace surrounds it (check your LO5). The pilot taxis out, and when ready for takeoff the following calls are required. Pilot: Yellowknife tower, GABC is ready for takeoff on 27 ATC: ABC cleared takeoff 27, switch Edmonton center 135.8 through 1,000 Pilot: ABC Note that no read back is required, although many pilots would. The next call is to Edmonton after takeoff 174

IFR for Professional Pilots Pilot: Edmonton center, Navajo GABC off Yellowknife runway 27, through 1,100 for 4,000. ATC: ABC squawk ident. Pilot: Squawk ident, ABC ATC: ABC, radar identified, through 2,000 turn right heading 030 magnetic, vectors to Bravo Romeo 84. Pilot: through 2,000 right 030 magnetic, ABC ATC: ABC, roger This particular controller doesn’t want any mistakes so he tells the pilot that the vector heading is magnetic. The pilot should not really switch to true headings until PENVU but many pilots would actually set the true heading on the runway before takeoff northbound out of Yellowknife. This is technically a no-no, because they are still in SDA until PENVU. After a minute or two: ATC: ABC, maintain 9,000 Pilot: through 3,500 for 9,000, ABC ATC: roger A few minutes later Pilot: Edmonton center, ABC level 9000 ATC: ABC, roger After twenty minutes or so: ATC: ABC approaching PENVU, maintain 9,000 in controlled airspace. Radar service terminated, squawk 1000. Frequency change approved. Pilot: 9,000 in controlled airspace. Switching, ABC The pilot is now a few moments from entering northern domestic airspace. S/he should do several things: Switch the altimeter to 29.92 for the standard pressure region Correct altitude to FL090 or whatever other altitude is desired Broadcast location on 126.7 When should each of the above be done? Switch altimeter setting is AFTER entering NDA, but a broadcast should be made now, before entering uncontrolled airspace. The Navajo has two radios so the pilot leaves one softly monitoring Edmonton center and using the other makes a call on 126.7 Pilot: Any traffic on 126.7, this is Navajo GABC on BR84 at PENVU, 9,000 at 1723 Zulu, IFR to Cambridge Bay, estimating LUPIN at 1840. Cambridge Bay next. Airplane 1: something Charlie, I missed the ident. This is King Air GSEL 90 DME north of Yellowknife on BR84 descending through 11,000 for 8,000. Say your DME. 175



IFR for Professional Pilots

Pilot: This is G-A-B-C, at 52 DME northbound at Flight level 090. Airplane 1: ABC roger, we will expedite descent through 9,000 Pilot: ABC roger, could you call me through flight level 090 with your DME Airplane 1: Wilco As is common, the King Air didn’t quite catch the ident but recognized a possible conflict. Our pilot repeated his ident slowly. The King Air pilot could have simply leveled at FL010 (I would think that would be the smarter thing to do – but he doesn’t even seem to know that he isn’t at 11,000, he is at FL011) but instead asked ABC for a DME distance and discovering they were still almost 40 miles apart decided to descend. We can only wonder what s/he would have done had ABC reported “negative DME.” Airplane 1: GSEL is descending through 9,000 at 80 DME. Pilot: ABC roger, thanks. The next reporting point is LUPIN, but since there is an IFR approach at LUPIN our pilot should report about 15 minutes south of LUPIN in case there is someone arriving or departing there that could be passing through FL090. There are probably additional calls to Yellowknife and Arctic radio to check weather, which I am not showing here. Notice that our pilot has now entered NDA and changed the altimeter to 29.92. With that done s/he must correct to FL090. Our pilot will repeat the following call on 126.7 and then on LUPIN ATF 122.8 Pilot: LUPIN traffic, this is Navajo GABC on 126.7, 50 miles south of LUPIN at FL090, estimating LUPIN at 1723, Cambridge Bay next. Pilot: LUPIN traffic, this is Navajo GABC on 122.8, 50 miles south of LUPIN at FL090, estimating LUPIN at 1723, Cambridge Bay next. Notice the slightly abbreviated format. After repeating the above on 122.8 the following exchange might occur: Airplane 2: GABC this is Conquest FXYZ on 122.8, taxing for departure at runway 01 at LUPIN. Confirm estimating LUPIN at 1723. Pilot: ABC, affirmative, 1723. I am at flight level 090. Airplane 2: roger, I’ll call when I am ready for takeoff for a position update This guy is obviously pondering whether he can get up and out of LUPIN before the Navajo conflicts. The current time is 1709, so if he is going to depart with a 10 minute separation he had better move it. And GABC better be accurate with his ETA


IFR for Professional Pilots Our pilot should be monitoring both frequencies as s/he flies over, but the Conquest is legally required to broadcast his departure intentions on both 122.8 and 126.7, so in theory it is OK to be just on 126.7. Three minutes later the following transmission is made on 122.8, then moments later on 126.7 Airplane 2: This is conquest FXYZ taxiing to position runway 01 LUPIN, departure IFR northbound on BR84, climbing to FL250 Pilot: XYZ, this is ABC, I check your intentions, I estimate 35 miles south of LUPIN at FL090. Airplane 2: XYZ, roger. No conflict, I will climb northbound after departure Pilot: roger, ABC The Conquest pilot visualizes that the Navajo is still 10 minutes (just) south and that if s/he departs northbound there is no conflict, it would NOT be a good idea to takeoff on runway 19 in this case as the airplanes would get too close. Airplane 2: LUPIN traffic, Conquest FXYZ off runway 01 through 2,000 for FL 250 Pilot: XYZ, this is ABC could you report through flight level 090 please. Airplane 2: roger Airplane 2: LUPIN traffic, FXYZ is through FL090 for FL250 By the way will the conquest be uncontrolled or controlled at FL250?

Pilot: Arctic radio, this is Navajo GABC on 126.7, over LUPIN at 1721, level Flight Level 090, IFR to Cambridge Bay, estimating Cambridge Bay at 1856 Zulu, for an approach. Radio: ABC, Arctic radio, I check your progress report. No reported traffic. The above IFR position report is standard – see the back cover of your CFS. Since there is no “next” reporting point our pilot has said “for an approach” to clarify his/her intentions. The next report should be approximately 15 minutes before arrival at Cambridge Bay. It will be very much like the procedure south of LUPIN. The call must be made on both 126.7 and CYBC MF 122.1 Pilot: Arctic radio, this is Navajo GABC on 126.7, 50 miles south of Cambridge Bay, level flight level 090, inbound for the NDB runway 31 approach. Standby Pilot Arctic radio, this is Navajo GABC on 122.1, 50 miles south of Cambridge Bay, level flight level 090, inbound for the NDB runway 31 approach, estimating Cambridge Bay beacon at 18:57 Zulu. 177



IFR for Professional Pilots Radio: ABC, Arctic radio, I check your position. No reported traffic, altimeter 29.07, wind light and variable. If no air to ground advisory is available the pilot will have to fly the approach and check the windsock and runway conditions before landing. Even though the radio operator says, “No reported traffic” the pilot must broadcast all intentions on both 126.7 and 122.1 just in case. When should our pilot set the altimeter to 29.07? The altimeter should be changed just prior to commencing descent from FL090 for the approach. NOTE that if the pilot decides to “step descend” i.e. descend say to FL 050 for a while prior to the approach then the altimeter should NOT be changed. Set the airport altimeter setting once descent for the approach begins. Pilot: Arctic radio, ABC is descending from flight level 090 for the NDB runway 31true approach, estimating Cambridge Bay at 1857, estimate landing at 1909. Radio: roger Pilot: Arctic radio, ABC is by the Cambridge Bay beacon outbound. Radio: roger Pilot: Arctic radio, ABC is by the Cambridge Bay beacon inbound for landing runway 31 true. Radio: roger, no reported traffic. Wind 330 at less than 5. Pilot: roger Pilot: Arctic radio, ABC is down and clear, request flight plan closed. Radio: ABC roger, flight plan closed.


IFR for Professional Pilots

Appendix 1 Frasca 142 Radio Template




IFR for Professional Pilots


IFR for Professional Pilots

Appendix 2 B95 Radio Template




IFR for Professional Pilots


IFR for Professional Pilots

Appendix 3 King Air Radio Template




IFR for Professional Pilots Sample setup: ILS 08R at CYVR:


IFR for Professional Pilots Sample setup: V300 at GOATE; Destination CYCG for LOC DME E APR



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