Ielts 12

July 20, 2022 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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 •i i Language Assessment ,.,.  1



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Cambridge Universi Prs .co/lt ambridge Ensh Langage ssessmen  wwclo oto o t ttl: wwco9781316637821 ©    S 2017 It  olly c  w po po  copy to  ot in ance o  pul  pl w t t  ck of t  ook   to  cop  ut  cl  ol qut  w   t  ot cy to t to    p po o   ul tc tc  to k co cop p  u w  o  ow cl Oly O ly to p t c t wo wo  '©S '©S 2017 •f@gidM' y  cop Ft pul 2017 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5  4 3 2 1 t  Mly y V t A catalogue record recordfor for th pubicatn  avaiabe m the British Libra

ISBN 978-1316637821 Acc Acc Stut Book w w  w ISBN 9781316637869 Acc Acc Stt Book wt w wt Auo ISBN 9781316637838 Gl T St Book w w ISBN 9781316637876 l T Sut Book Boo k wt w w w  Au Auoo ISBN 978131663784 Auo D (2)  pul  o polty     ptc o ccucy ofR  xl o pty tt wt f to   ulcto,  o ot ut tt y cott o uc wt  o wll  ccu ccu o ppopt Ioto Ioto  pc l ttl    ot cl oto   t wok  coct t  t of t pt ut  ut   pul o ot t t  t cccy of uc to t


Contents Introduction Test 5


est 6


Test 7


st 8





Listening and Reading Answer Kys Sample answers for Writig tasks Sample ansYer sheets Acknowledgments

132 136

116 124



Introductio  T he Inter  The Internati nationl onl English Language Langu age Testing Sys System tem (ELTS) is wide recogn rec ognise isedd as a reliable means of assessng the language ablty of canddates who need to study or work where English is the langua language ge of communcaton. communcaton. T ese Practe Practe Tests are desgned to give future IEL IELTS TS canddates an dea of wether their Englis s at the requred level ELTS s s owned by three patnes, Cambrdge Engls Language Assessm Assessment ent part of the University of Cambrdge the Brtsh Councl and IDP Educaton Pty Lmited (thrugh its subsidiary ompany ompany IELTS Australa Pty Limted) Further nrmaton on IELTS can c an be found on the IELTS webste wwweltsorg WHAT IS THE TEST FORMAT?

   consists of of  coonents Al candidates tae the sae istenin and eaing tests hee is a choce of Reading and Witin tests t ests accordng accordng to hether a candidate is tain the Acadeic o General Trani Traning ng odule Academic

General Training

Fo candidates ishin o stud at undeaduate or ostaduate levels and  those seein oessiona oessiona eisation

Fo candidates ishin ishin to iate to an Enish-seain Enish-se ain cont (Astaia Canada Ca nada New Zeaand K and  those ishin to tain o std a eo deee ee

he test coonents ae taen in the followin ode: Listening

4 secions 40 iesaoxiate 30 intes Academic Reading

3 secions 40 ies 60 intes

General Training Reading


Academic Writing

2 ass 60 ines

3 secions 40 ies 60 ines Geneal raining Writing

o Speaking

11 o 14 intes Total st Time

 os 44 ne

tass 60 ines 2




Listening This test consists of ur sections, each with ten questions. The first to sections are concerned ith social needs he first fi rst section is a conversation beeen to speakers and  the second section is a monologue he final to sections are conc concerned erned ith ituations related to educational or training contexts he third section is a conversation convers ation beteen up to  ur people and the fourh section is a monologue. A variety of question types is used, including: ultiple choice matching, plan/map/ diagram labelling, form copletion note completion, table completion, o-chart completion, summary summ ary completion sentence completion and an d shor-anser questions. Candidates hear hear the recording once only and anser the questions a ass they listen Ten Ten minutes are alloed at the end r candidates to transfer their ansers to the anser sheet

Reading This test test consists of three sections ith 40 questions T There here are three texts hich are  taken from journals, books, magazines and nespapers The texts are on topics of general interest At least one texttypes contains detailed logicalmultiple argument A variety of question is used, including choice, identiing inrmation (True/False/Not Given) identiing the riter's vies/claims (Yes/No/Not Given) matching inrmation, matching headings matching features, matching sentence endings sentence completion sumary copletion, note completion, table completion, flo-cha copletion, diagram label copletion and shor-anser questions

Writing This test consists of to tasks It is suggested that candidates spend about 20 inute inutess on Task 1 hich requires them to rite at least 150 ords, and 40 minutes on o n ask ask 2 hich requiress them to rite at least 250 ords ask 2 contributes require c ontributes tice as much as Task 1 to the Writing score Task 1 requires candidates to look at a diagram or some data (in a graph, table or cha) and to present the infrmation in their on ords hey are assessed o on n their ability to organise, present and possily compare data, and are required to describe the stages of a process describe an object or event or explain ho something orks In ask ask 2, candidates are presented ith a point of o f vie, argument o orr problem hey are assessed on their ability to present a solution to the problem, present and justi an opinion, compare and contrast evidence and opinions and to evaluate and challenge ideas, evidence or arguments Candidates are also assessed on their ability to rite in an appropriate style More information on assessing the Writing test, including riting assessment criteria (public version) versio n) is available on the IELTS ebsite




Speaking  This test takes between 11 and 14 minutes and an d is conduct conducted ed by a trained traine d examiner.  There are three parts: Pa 1

 The ndidate and the examiner introduce themselves themse lves Candidates then the n answer gene general ral questions about themselves, their home/family their job/studies, their interests and a wide range of similar familiar topic areas. This part lasts between four and ve minutes Pa 2

 The candidate is given a task card ca rd with prompts a and nd is asked ask ed to t o talk on o n a particular topic  The candidate has one minute to prepare and they ca make some notes if the wish before speaking for beeen one and two minutes The examiner then asks one or o questions on the same topic topic Pa3

 The examiner examiner and the candidate engage en gage in a di discussion scussion of o f more abstract abst ract issues which are  thematically linked to the topic t opic in P Part art 2. The discussion discus sion lasts between four fo ur and five minutes mi nutes  The Speaking Speak ing test assesses whether candidates candid ates can commun communicate icate eetivel eetivelyy iin n English  Te assessment takes into account Fluency and Coherence Coherence,, Lexical Resource Re source Grammatical Rane and Auracy and Pronunciation. More information on assessing the Speaking test, including Speaking assessment crteria (public version) is available on the IELTS website




IELTS rsults are repoed on a nine-band scale In addition to the score for over overall all language ability, IELT provides a score iin n the fom o off a profile for each of the fur skills (istening Reding Witing and Speaking). Speaking). These scores are lso reported on a nine-band sle All scoes are recorded on the Test Test Repor Form along with details of the ndidate's nationality  fit lnguage lnguage nd date of bith Each Overall Band Scor Score e coresponds to a descr descriptive iptive statement which gives a summary of the English language ability of a candidat classied at  that level The nine bands and their descriptive stat statements ements are as llows:

9 Expe Use Ha flly nal mman f h langag: aa, aa an  n wh ml nanng. -

8 Ve G Use Ha f nal mman f h langag wh nly aonal  nma naa an naa Mnanng may  n nfama an Hanl ml a anan w -


G Use naa Ha nal mman f h langag hgh wh anal 7  naa naa  an mnanng n  an nal  hanl ml langag w an nan a anng 6 Cpee Use Ha gna v mman f h langg  m  na  na  naa naa  an munnng an  an nan fa ml langag, ala n fama an -

5 es e Ha aal mman f h langag, ng  a manng n m an an gh  gh  lkly  mak many mk Shl Shl b abl  hanl ba mmnan mmna n n wn l  l 

4 Le Use Ba mn  lm  fama an Ha qn blm   n nn an n  n abl     m langug -

3 Exe L e nvy an nan nly gnl manng n v fama an an Fqn bakwn n mmnan o 


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1  Use na ha n ab   h langag byn bly a fw la  la  w -

O D  ep ep e es


N aabl nfan v




Listening and Reading The Answer Keys are on pages 116-123. Each question in the Listening and Reading tess is worth one mark

Quesns which requ le  Roman numel answers •

For quesions where he answers are leers or Roman numerals, you should wrie ony  the number of answers required. For example if he answer iiss a single letter or numeral you should wrie only one answer If you have wrien more leters or numerals han are required, the answer mus be marked wrong

Questions which require answers in the rm of words or numbe •  Answers may be wrien in upper or lower case case  • Words in brackets are opona- they are correct cor rect bu not necessary •  Alernative answers are separaed by a slash (/) •

• • • • •

If you are asked to wrie an answer using a cerain number of words and/or (a) number(s) you will be penalised if you exceed his For example if a quesion specifies an answer using NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS and the correct answer is 'black leather coa he answer coa of black leah leaher er is incorect. In questions where you are expeced o complee a gap you should only ransfer he necessary missing word(s) onto the answer sheet For example, to complete 'in the   where the correct answer is morning the answer 'in the morning would be ncorect  All answers require correc spelling (including words in brackets) Both US and UK spelling are acceptable and are included in the Answer Key  All standard alternatives for numbers dates and currencies are accepable accepable  All sandard abbreviations are accepable You will fnd addiional noes about individual answers in he Answer Key

Writing The sample sample answers are on pages 124-131. I is not possible r you to give yourself a mark  for the Writing tasks We have provi provided ded sample answers (written (w ritten by candidate candidates) s) showing  heir score and he examiners commens. These Thes e sample answers answe rs will give you an ins insigh igh nto what is reqired for he Wrii Wriing ng test





At the end of each Listening and Readng Answer Key you will find a char which will help you assess whether, on the bass of your Practice Test results, you are ready to take the IELTS test In nterpreting nterpreting your there of in ponts you should in i n amind perormance in the realscore IEL TS test are will abe b enumber reported tto o ways: there bear wll be BandYour Score  from 1 to 9 for each of the components and an Overa Overallll Band Score from 1 to 9 whch s the the average average of your scores n the four components However nstitutons consdering yur application are advsed to look at both te t e Overall Band Score and the Bands r each componen componentt in order to determne whether you hve the lnguage sklls needed r  partular curse of study. For example, f your course 'involves involves  lot of reading and writing but no lectures lstenng skills mght be less important and a score of 5 in Lstenng mght be acceptble accept ble f the Overll Bnd Sco Score re ws 7 However, fr a course cou rse whch has lots of lectures and spoen nstructions  score of 5 in Lstenng mght be unacceptble even though the Overall Band Score was 7 Once you have marked your tests you should have some dea of whether your lstenng nd reding sklls re good enough r you to try the IELTS test. If you dd well enough n one componen component,t, but not n others, you w wllll have to decd decde e for yourself whether you are ready  to take take the test.  The  T he Practice Tests hve been checked to ensure that they are of approximately the same levell of dficulty leve dficulty s the real IELTS test. However However we cannot guarantee that your sc score ore n the Pracce Tests will be reflected in the real IES test. The Practice Tests can only give you n dea of your possble future perormance and it is ultimately up to you to make decisions based on your score Derent nstitutions accept derent IELTS scores r dierent types of courses We have based our recommendations on the average scores whch the majority of nstitutons accept  The  T he nstitution to to whch you ar are e applying my of course cours e require a higher highe r or lower score s core than most other nsttutions. Fuher information

For more information about IEL TS or any other Cambridge nglish Language L anguage Assessment Assess ment examnaton examnat on wrte to Cmbrdge English Language Assessment 1 Hlls Hlls Road Cambrdge CB12EU Unted Kngdom https/suppocambridgeenglishorg httpwweltsorg




Questns 1-10

Complete the notes below. Wt ONE Wt  ONE ORD AND/OR A NUMB for each ans


Cruse o a lake xale

T v n n d . .§�!Di §�!Di 

n t pht f th 1  . tht nd th 

Farm s • hdn cn hp fd th hp • • •

Vt cn ncd  40-nt d n  2   Vt cn w n th f' 3  by th      vb t xt ct

Clg s • yt xp th Bc Rd • •

A 5    pvdd Ony tb f cyct wh hv  6   B cn b hd hd f f  7  (n (n th  Shp Tn)




Cyclists need: a repair kit food and drink a 8 . (can be hied)

T here ae oo 9 ·--···· o accommdt accommdton on in the area


Tta Ttall  s s for wol wolee am amililyy o cr crui uise se n ndd f frm rm vi visi sitt 10 $  _




Questions 11-20

Questions 1-4

hoose the correct le A, B or C.

Talk to new kitchen assistants 11

According to the manager, what do most people like about the job of kitchen assistant?  B C



The manager is concerned about some of the new sta's 



hair styles shoes

he anager says that the day is likely to be busy for kitchen sta because  B C


the variety of work the friendly atmosphere the opportunities for promotion

it is a public holiday the head chef is absent the restaurant is almost fully booked

Only kitchen sta who are 8 or older are alowed to use  B C

the waste isposal unit the electric mixer the meat m eat slicer

Questons 15 and 16

hoose O lers A-E 

Accod o e aager, which  things can make the ob o tcen assstant assstant stressful?  B C D

hey have to llow orders imediately The kitchen gets very hot They may not be able to take a break They have to do overtime


The work is physically demanding



Lstening Questions 17-20

What is te responsibility responsibility of each o off te following restaurant sta? A-  next Choose FOUR answe from the box and write the coct le A- next Questions 1720. Responsibilities A

training courses


 food stocks


 first aid




sta discounts



Restaurant staf 17

Joy Parkins


David Field


Dexter Wills


Mike Smit


....... ............. ..............





Questons 21-30

Questions 21-23

Choose the coct le A, B or C .

Paper on Public Libraries 21

What will be he main topic of Trudie and Stewa's paper? A B C

how public libra seices are organsed in diferent cuntre how changes in society are reflected in public libaries how the fudig of public liraies has changed

 They agee ha one dsadvntage of ree dgitaisd books is hat A  they may take a ong tme to read   they can b dificult to red C  the  the are generaly ld 23 Sewart expects that in the future libraies will A B C

mantan the traditinal funcion bcome cnres for lcal communitis no ongr cotain any books

Quesons 24-30

Complete the notes below. W ONE WRD ONLY fr each anse

Study of local library: possible questions •  whether  has  4 . o its own  it policy regarding nise of varius kinds  how ts aeed by laws regardng all aspects of 5    • how the design needs o take the 6  of stomers into acount •  what 7  s rquired in case of accidents

•  why a amous amous ersons 8  s located in the lbrary •  whethe i has  9    of local organisations • ow  dfrn rom a brary   30   14


Lstening SECTION 4

Questions 31-40

Comple the notes bew. Write NO MORE THAN  ORDS f each anse

Four business values Many business business values can result result in 31   Senior managers need to understand and deal with the potential Senior 32 . .  that may result Cllaat During a training course course,, the speaker was in a team that had to t o build a 33 . 

Otherr teams experienced 34  from trying to collaborate Othe collaborate The speaker's team won because they reduced col collaboration laboration Sales of a 35  were poor because of collaboration collaborat ion Ite Hard work work may be a bad use of various company 36     The word word 'lazy 'lazy'' in this context refers to people who avoid doing tasks that are 37   Ceatt An adveising campaign campaign for a 38  was memorable but failed tto o boost sales reativit should should be used as a response to a particular 39     Eellee According to one stud, on average, pioneers h had ad a 40  that was far higher than that of followers ompanies ompan ies that always aim at excellenc excellence e may miss opportunities





You should spend about 20 minutes on Q 1-13  , which are based on Reading Passage  belo.

Cork ork  the thic thick k bark of the cork oak  tree (Quercus suber)- is a emarkable  material It is tough, eastic, buoyant,

Porgal Spain, Ita, Greece and Morocco They osh in warm, sny cmates where ere is a minim of

and re-resistant, and suitable r a  wide range of prposes. It has also been used r millennia: the ancient Egyptians sealed their sarcophagi (stone cons) with cork, while the ancient Greeks and Romans used it r anyhing om beehives to sandals And the cork oak itself is an extraordinary tree Its bark grows up to 20 cm n thickness inslating  the tree like like a coat wrapped around

400more millime millimees of rain per yea, yea ,Like and not thanes800 than millimees grape vines, the trees thve in poor soil, putng down deep roots in search of moisture and nuients Southern Portugal'ss A Portugal' Alentejo lentejo region meets meet s all of  these reqirements, reqirements, which explains  wh, by e early early 20th ccentr, entr, this region had become the world's lagest producer of cork, and why today it acconts for roughly ha of a all cork production produc tion arond the world.

 the trunk and branhes and keeping  e inside at a constant 20  al year rond Developed mos probably as a defence against rest res, the bark of the cork oak has a particular cellar cell ar strcte strcte  wi about 40 million cells per cic centimetre   that technology technology has never succeeded in replicang. The The cells a are re lled wth ai, which is why cok is so buoyant It also has an elasticity that meas  you can sqash it and watch it spring

Most cork rests are familyowned Many of these family businesses, and indeed many of e trees themselves, are arond 200 years old ork production is, above all, an exercise in patience From the planting of a cork sapling to e rst harvest harve st tes 2 5  years, and a gap of approximately a decade must separate harvests om an individual tree. tree . And r topquality cork, its necessary to wait a rther


back to its original size and shape  when you release the presse. C     er of Mediteane Medite anean an coies, incding

1 or 20 years You even have to wait r the ght kind of o f summers day to harvest cork If I f the bark is stripped on a day en s oo cold  or    the air is damp  e tree  be damaged damaged




Cork harvesng harvesng is a ve specialised prossin. No mechanical means of stripping cork bark has been invented, inven ted, so the job is done by teams

is caused y a chemical compound called 24,6-trichloroanisole (TCA),  which rms through the inteaction of plant phenols chlorine and mould.

of highly skilled workers. First, they make vertical cuts down the bark using small sharp axes then lever it away in pieces as large as they can manage manage The most skil cork strippers prise away a semi-circular husk that runs the length of the trunk from just above ground level to the rst branches. It is then dried on the gound r about ur moths bere being taken to ctories, where it is boiled to kill any insects that might

Thethree tinies tiniest concen trations  as lile as ort concentratio ur parts part s tons a illion  can spoil the taste of the product contained in the bottle. The result has bee a gradual yet steady move rst towards plastic stoppers and more recently, recently, to aluminium screw caps. These substitutes are cheaper to manuacture and in the case of screw caps, more convenient r the use.

remain the cork 60% of cork thein then n goes on toOver e made into traditional tradit ional bottle stoppers, with ost of the remainder being used in the constructon constru cton trade. Corkboard and cork tiles are ideal r thermal and acoustic insulation, while granules of cork are used in the manuactue of concrete. Reent years a seen the ed o te virtual nol nol  o as he

have several advantages howeve. Firstly Firstly  its traditional traditio nal image is mor in keeping with that of the type of high quality goods with which it has long been associated. Secondly  and very importany importany  cork is a sustainable product that can be recycled recycle d wthout diculty. diculty. Moreove, cork rests are a resouce which support local biodiversity bi odiversity and prevent desertication in the regions where they are planted. So given the current

materal r tte  av to ocens ou ests eet i  on the contens  te l. s

conces issues the utreabout of thisenvironmental ancient aterial once again looks promising.

The classic cork stopper does



Test5 Questions 1-5

Do the following statements agree with the information information given in Reading Passage 1? In boxes 1-5 on yur answer sheet, te  the statement agrees with the infoation RUE  if the statement stateme nt contradi the informat information ion FALSE  NO GVEN  there is no information on this

The cork oak has the thickest bark of any liing tree.


Scientists have developed a _synthetic cork with the same cellular structure as Scientists natural cork


Individual cork oak trees must be le r 5 years between the first and second


haest Cork bark shold be stripped in dry atmospheric conditions

The only way to remov the bark from cork oak ttrees rees is by had



Reading Questions 613

Comple the nos below. Choose ONE WOD ONLY from the passa Choose ONE passage ge for each anse  yur ansers ansers in i n boxes  on yur anser sheet.

Comparison of aluminium screw caps and cork bottle stoppers Advantages of aluminium screw caps •    h 6 .  h b    7      8    dvantages of cork ole stoers    h 9     qy      10   • y 11   •    12   •    13  h




You should spend about 20 minutes on Q 146  , ich are based on Reading Passage 2 below.

COLLECTING AS A HOBBY Collecting must must be one of the most varied vari ed f human activities, and it's one that many of us psychologist psychologistss find fascinating Many forms of cllecting have been dignified with a technical name: an archtphilist collects teddy bears, a philatelist collects postage stamps, and a deltilogist cllects pstcards. Amassing hundreds or

Some may spend their whole lives in a hunt fr this Psychol Psychological ogicall, l, this can give a purpose to a life that thewise feels aimless There is a danger, though, that if the individual is ever lucky enugh t find what theyre loking loking for, rather than celebrating celebratin g their success, they may feel empt, now that the gal that drove them

on has gone even thousands of postcards, chcolate wrappers or whatever, takes time energy If you think about collecting pstage and money that could surely be put to much more productive use And yet there stamps, another potential reasn for are millions of colletors around the world it-or, perhaps, a result f collecting-is collecting-is Why do they do it? its educatinal value Stamp cllecting opens a window t other countries, and There are the people who collect because  to the plant plants, s, animals, animals , or famous famou s peple  they want to make money-this could be shown on their stamps Similarl, in the called an instrumental reason for collecting; 19th centur, many collectors amassed  that is, is, collecting as a means to to an end fssils animals and plants from around Theyll look fr sa sa  antiques that they  the globe, and their collections collec tions provided cansell buy to be able anatural vast amount amoun of infrmation about the  t atcheaply a profit and But expect there may well be a worldt Without those collections psycholgical element, too-buying cheap our understanding would be greatly inferir and selling dear can give the cllector a  t what it is sense of triumph And as selling online is so eas, more and more peple are joining in n the past -and nowadays, too, though  to a lesser extent-a popular form for m of Many collectrs collect to develop their colleting, colle ting, particularly among boys social  aenng meetings of a group and men, was trainspong s mig mig of colleors and exchanging information involve involv e trying t see every locomotive f a on items This is a variant var iant n oining a

bridge club r a gym and similarly brings

particular type using published data that identifies identifi es each one and ticking o each

 them into contact with likeminded people Another motive fr collecting is the desire  to find something special, or a particular part icular exampe  the cected item, item, such as a rare early recording record ing by a paticular sing singer er

engine as it isthese seendays Trainspotters Trainspotters exchange information, ofen by mobile phne so they can work ut  ut where t g  to, to t o see a particular engine engin e As a by prdut, many pratitioners of the hobby becme vey knowledgeable knowledgeable about railway




operations, or the technical specifications of diferent engine tpes.

perhaps b countr in alphabetical order, or grouping stamps sta mps b what the dep depict ict people, birds, maps, and so on

Similarly, people who collect dolls ma go beond simpl and develop aneJarging inerest intheir the collection, wa that dolls are made, or the materials that are used These have changed over the centuries from the wood that was standard in 16th centur Europe, through the wax and porcelain of later centuries, to the plastics plas tics of toda's dolls. Or collectors might be inspired to stud how dolls reflect notion notionss of what children like, or ought to like

what One reason, conscious or not,s f to   r  show someone choos chooses es to collect  the colleors individualism. Someone who decides to collect something as r  instance, unexpected as dog collars collars f   ma be conveing their belief that the must be interesting themselves And believe it or not, there is at least one dog collar museum in existence, and it grew out of a personal collection

Of course, all hobbies give pleasure, but collecting ing is us usuall uall Not all collectors are interested in learning  the common factor in collect passion: pleasure is putting it far too  from their their hobby, though, so what we mildl More than most other hobbies, might call a pschological pschological reason or collecting can be totall engrossing, collecting colle cting iiss the need for a sense of and can give a strong sense of personal control,l, perhap contro perhapss as a wa of dealing with nonc ollectors rs it ma appear insecurit Stamp collectors, for instance,  fulfilment  noncollecto spending· arrange their stamps in albums, usuall ver an eccentric, if harmless, wa of spending· neatl organising their collection according  time, but potentially, collecting has a lot going for it  to cerain commonplace principles -



Test Questions 14-21

Complete the sentences below. Choose ONE WORD ONLY from the passage for each anse rite your your ansers in boxes 14-21 on your anser sheet.


The writer mentions collecting ............ as an example of collecting in order to make money

15 Collectors may get a feeling of ........... from buying and selling items. 16

Collectors' clubs provide provid e opporunities to share sha re  ............. .


Collectors clubs oer ............ with people who have similar interests.


Collecting sometimes involves a life-long ............ fr a special item. i tem.


Searching for something paricular may prevent people from feeling their life is completely ............ .


Stamp collecting may be ............ because it provides facts about diferent contries.


........... tends to e mostly a male hobby.

Questons 2-26

Do the following statements agree with the inrmation given in the passage on  paes 20 and and 21? In boes 2-26 on your anser sheet,  if the statement agrees  the infoan RUE if the stament contradicts the information FALSE  NO GVEN if there i no infoation on this


he number of people buying dolls has grown over the centuries.


Sxteenth century European dolls were normally made of wax and porcelain.

24 Arranging a stamp collecton by the size of the stamps s less common than other methods. 25

Someone who collects unusual objects may want other otherss to think he or she is also nusual.


Collecting gives a feeling that other hobbies are unlikely to inspire.




You should end about 20 minus on Questions 27-40 27-40,, which are based on Reading Passage 3 on pages 24 and 25. Questions 27-32

Reading Passage 3 has six sections, -F -F.. Choose the coct heag for each section m the st of headings belo W the coct numbe numbe v,  v, in boxes 27-32 on yur answer sheet

L f H Courses tat require a igh level o commitment 

A course title with two meanings


The equal impoance o two key issues


Applying a thory in an unxpected context

Te inancial beneits o studying


A surprising course title


Dirent names or dierent outcomes

 Te possibility o attractin the wrong kid o student


Section 


Section B


Section 


Section 


Section E


Section F




Wat's the pupose of g ainin ainin knowled   e  ? e? A

'I would und u nd an institution ere any person can nd instruction in any subject. That wsofthe r Cornell Universi, and itI currently seems an teach apt characterization eunders dierent motto universit, al also so in the US, ere cu rrently philosoph  student can prepare r a career in reort management, engineering, interior design, accounting, music, law enrcement, you name it But what would the under of these two institutions institution s he thought of a course called �son r Pr Prot ot?? I kid you not: we h it on the boos ny unergraua unergrauate te who have met the academic requirements can sign up r the course in our program in re cience

Naturall, the course is intended r prospective arson invetigator, who w ho can learn all the tricks of the trade r detecting whether a re was deliberately set, s et, discovering ho did it, an a n establishing a chain of evidence r ective ectiv e prosecution in a court c ourt of la But wouldnt thi also be the perct course r propective arsonists arsonist s to sign up r? r ? My point is not to criticize acaemic programs in re science they are highly welcome as part of the increasing prosionalization of this and many other occupations occ upations However, its not unknown r a reghter to torch a building This example suggests h ihonet and illeg behavior, behavior, with wi th the help of o f hier eucation, can creep into int o every apect of public and business li

I realize this aew when I was invite to speak bere a clas in marketing, which is another of our degree programs The regulr instructor is a collegue o appreciat appreciates es the kind of ethic ethic  perpective I can bring as a s a philosopher There are endle endless ss ways wa ys I could have appached is asignment, but I took my cue om the title of o f the course Principles Principles of Marketing Marketing It made me think to ask the tudents, I marketing principled? l ,otball l, a subectormatter hhave ave being principles in the in sene being  having rules,er  with chess, can without principle e of sense of codied, being ehicl Many of the stuents immediately immediatel y assume that the answer ttoo my queston about marketing principles s obvious no. Just look at the ways in which everything under the sun h been marketed; obviouly it need not be done in a prncild (=ethical) ashion


I that obvious? I made the suggestion, which may ound downright crazy in ligh lightt of the evidence, that perhaps mrketing i by dfniton principle My inspiration r ti

 ugement is the phiosopher Immanuel Imman uel Kant, o argued that any boy of nowledge consists of an end (or purpose) pu rpose) and a means means 





Let u apply both the terms 'means and 'end to marketing. e studen h signed up r a course in order to learn how to maret eectivel. But to what  ere seem to be o main attitud attitud tor tordd that question. One is that the answer is obvious: the 1

 purpose ofmarketing marketing to sel things t hings and to t o mke mone. T he other titude tit is that puose of marke ting isisirrelant: ach person comes to theThe program andude course withthe his or her own plans, and these need not no t even conce the acquisition of o f marketing expertise exper tise as such such My proposl, which I believe would also be Kants, is that neie of these the se attitudes attitudes captures the signice of the end to the means me ans r marketing marketing A eld  eld of knowledge knowledge or a prssional prssional ender is dened by both the th e means an the end; hence bo deserv scrutin scrutin Studens Studens need to study both how to achive X, and also  what X is. F

It is at his his point hat ½son r Prot becomes b ecomes supremely releant. at course is  presumably  presum ably al about abo ut m how to detect and prosecute crimin activi. It is therere assumed that he e is good in  ehica sense. hen I ask r science sc ience students to articulatee the end, or purpose, articulat pu rpose, of heir eld, the entually generaliz to something li, 'e saty and welare ofsociet, which seems riht. As we w e have seen, someone could use the very same knowledge of mea to achiee a much less noble end, such s personal personal  prot via desructi, dangerous, reckess activi But we woul not c thatfgn. We have a separate word r it: aon. Similarly if you employed he 'principles 'principles of mrketing in an unprincipled way, you woul not be din marken We have aothe aotherr term r it: fu. Kant gs the example of a doctor and a poisone, who use th thee identicall knowedge to acieve identica aci eve heir dirgent ends. We woud say that one is i s practicing medicine, the oe, murder



Test5 Questons 33-36

Complete the summa bew. Choose NO MORE THAN  WRDS from the passage for each anse W your ansers in boxes 33-36 on ur anser shee

The 'Arson for Profit course This is a university course intended for students who are undergraduates and who are studying 33 .. ............ . The expectation expectatio n is that they will becom become e 34 ...... ...... specialising in arson. The course will help them to detect cases of arson and find 35 .......... of criminal intent, leading to successful 36 ............ in the courts. Quesns 37-40

Do the following statements agree with the iews of the writer in Reading Passage ?

In boxes 37-40 on your anser sheet, rite YES NO NOT GIVEN

if the statement agrees  the vies of the r if the statemnt contradicts the vie of the ter if it is impossible to say hat e riter thinks about this


It is diicult to aract students onto courses that do not cus on a career.


The 'Arson r Prfit course would be useful r people intending to t o set fire to buildings.


Fire science courses are too academic to help people to be good at the job of  firefighting.


The writers fire science science students provided a deta detailed iled definition of the purpos purpose e of of  their studies.





Yu should spend about 2 _0   minutes on this ask.

The bar cha below shows the percenge of Australian men and women in nt age groups who did regular physical activi in 2010. Smmarise the information by selecting and repong the main features, and  make compaons where relevan

Write at least 150 words

Percentage of Australian men and women doing regular physical activity: 2010 60 52.8




� G

30 G G





15 to 24

25 to 

35 to 

 45 to 

55 to  65 and over

Ag gup

I Mle I Female 27



You should spend about 40 minutes on this task. Write about the following topic: Some  pol

blv bl v ha i i go good od o har a much infoaion a poibl  in cinic rarch, buin and  acadmic worl. Ohr bliv ha some informa  informaion ion i oo impon or oo valuabl o b hard frly. Dicu boh h viw and an d giv our own opinion. Give reasons for your answr and include any relevant examples from your own knowlege or experience Write at least 250 words.





The examiner asks the ndidate about him/herself, his/her hme, work or studies and other familiar topics. EXMPLE


• • • •

Is it imprtant imprtant to you to eat healthy od? hy?hy not?] If you catch a cld what do you do to help you feel better? hy?] D you pay attention to public informatin abut health? hy?/hy nt?] What coul you do to have a healthier lifestyle?


Describe an occasion when you had to wait Describe a long time for someone or something to arrive. You should say:  who or what you were waiting for how long you had to wait  why you had to wait a long i ime me and explain how you felt about waiting a long time. PART 3

Discussion topics:

Yu will have to talk about the  topic r one to t o wo minutes Yu have one minute to think aboutt w abou what hat yu are going to say You can make some ntes to help you if you wish.

Arriving early Example questions: In what kinds f situations should peopl always arrive early? How important it is to arrive early in your cuntry? How can modern technology help people t arrive early?

Being patient Example questions hat kinds of jobs require the mos mostt patience? Is it always beter to be patient in work (or studies)? Do you agree or disagree that the older people are, the more patient they are?





Questions 1-10

Complete the notes belo   ONE WORD AND/OR AND/OR A NUMBER for each answe '

Events durig Kenton Festival xample

Start ·date: ...........�b �b.. .. May Opening ceremony (first day) •

centre, staing at  ...................... In town centre, The mayor will make a speech A 2 ......................... will perform Peormance of a 3 ....... . about Helen Tungate (a (a 4 ........................... ........................... ) Evening fireworks display situated across the 5 ..............................

Other events •


Videos about relationships tat children have with their 6 ...............................

Venue: 7 ............................ House eromance of 8 ............ dances Venue: the 9 ........................ market in the th e town centre Time:  and  pm every day except 1st day of festival Several professional concerts and one by children Venue library Time:  pm on the 1th ces available one rom estival box oe a om o which have  the festival 0 ............. ............... in their windows


Listening SECTION 2

Questions 1-20

Questions 11-15

Choose the coc lete A, B or .

Theatre trip to Munich 11 When the group meet at the airport they will have A B C

breakfast coee. lunch

12 The group will be met a Munich irpo irport rt by · A B C

an employee at the National Theatre a theatre manager a tour operator

13 Ho much ill they pay per night for a double room at the hotel? A B C

0 euros 0 euros 50 eurs

14 What type of restaurnt will they go to on Tuesday evening? A an Italian restaurant B a Lebanese restaurant C a typcal restaurant of the region 1 Who will they meet on Wednesday aernoon? A B

an actor a playwright


a theatre direor



Test6 Questions 1620

What does the man say about the play on each of the following days? A-G,,  next to Choose FIVE answers fm the box and  the coct let A-G Questions 16-20.

C A

The playwright will be present


The play was writen to celebrate an anniversary.


The play will be perormed inside a historic building.


The play will be accompanied by live music. The play will be perormed outdoors


The play will be perormed for the first time


The peormance will be atended by ocials from the town.

D 16






1 9 




..  .  .



Lsning SECTION 3

Questions 21-30

Questions 21-25

Choose the correct le A, B  or .

Scandinavian Studies 21

James chose to take Scandinavian Studies because when he was a child A B C


When he graduates, James would like to A B C




take a postgraduate course.  work in the media. become a translator.

Which course will end this term? A B


he was oen taken to Denmark. his mother spoke to him in Danish a number of Danish people visited his amily.

Swedish cinema Danish television programmes Scandinavian literature

They agree that ames's literature paper this term will be on A

9th century playwrights.


the Icelandic sagas. novels modern Scandinavian

Beth recommends that Jamess paper should be 


historical overview of the genre.

 C

an in-depth analysis of a single writer a study of the social background to the literature



Test6 Questns 2630

Comple the ow-cha belo. Choose FIVE FIVE ansers  ansers fm the t he box and  the coct le AG   , next to Questions 2630


bullet points








student paper  textbook



How James will write his paper on the Vikings He'll read a 26 .. and choose his topic  Hell borrow a 7+ : f rom rom Beth

2 8 . o f  the paper He'll plan the 28 paper 

+ He'll read some source material and write 9


He'll write He'll  write the paper p aper usin  usingg 30 

Hell wrie he coplee paper 3


Lsning SECTION 4

Questions 31-40

Complete the notes below. Write  ONE WORD ONLY for each anse

Conflict at work .. Conflict mostly consists of behaviour in the general category of 31 .. Ofen a result of people wanting  wanting to  to prove their 32 ..............  .. be tw ....... ......... .......... ........ ........ le   33  ....  ople encces in 33  pe op een en pe cause diferren  twe lso  ca Also use d b y dife

 team am than about concerned about about own te 34 '................... ................... conflicts: people more concerned company ................ ... that may last for months Conflict-related Conflict-rel ated stress can cause 35 ............. mo nths Chief Executives (CEOs)

Many have both 36 ......... .......... .    and an xiety May not like to have their decisions questioned There may be conflict between people who people who have dierent ..... diere nt 37 ..... Other managers

... may create a feeling of uncerainty ... A structure that is more 38 .. about who sta should report to

Minimising conflict

Bosses need to try hard to hard to gain 39 ....................... ....................... Someone from outside the company may be given the role of 40 ........  in Someone from  order to resolve conflicts





You should spend about 20 minutes on Q 1-13  , which are based bas ed on Reading Passage  belo

The risks agriculture faces in developing countries Synthesis of an onle debate* A

Two things distinguish distinguish fod production from a other productive activities: first, every single person needs food each day and has a right to it; and second, it is hugey dependent dependent on nature nature.. These two unique aspects, one poiti poitical, cal, the other natura, make food production highy vunerable and dierent from any other business t the sae time, cutural values are highly entrenched in fod and agricutura systems wordwide


Farmers everywhere face major risks, including extreme weather, ong-term climate change, and price volatility in input and product markets However, smallholder smallho lder farmers in deeoping countries must in addition dea with adve adverse rse environments, both natural, in terms of soil quali, rainfa, etc, and human, in terms of infrastructure, financia systems, markets, knowledge and technology Counter-intuitivey Counter-intuitiv ey,, h hunger unger is prevaent among many man y smallholder farmers in tthe he developing word


Participants in the online debate argued that our biggest challenge is to address the underlying causes of the agricultural system's inability to ensure suicient od for all, and they identified as drivers of this problem our dependency on fossil fuels and

unsupporive government policies D

On the question of mitigating the risks farmers face, most essayists lled for greater state inteention In his essay, Kanayo  Nwanze, President of the Internationa Internatio na Fund for gricu gricultural ltural evelopmen evelopment,t, argued that governments can significantly significan tly du risks for farmers by providing basc seices like roads to get pduce more eficiently to markets, or water and od storage facilities to reduce ose Sopia Murphy, senior advisor to the Institute fr gricuture and Trade Policy, suggested that the procurement and hoding of stocks by governments can also hep mitigate wild swings in od prices by alleviatin uncertainties about market suppy

*                     36




Shenggen Fan, Director General of the International Food Policy Research Institute, held up social safety nets and public wefare programmes in thiopia, Brazil and Mexico as vauabe ways to address poverty among farming families and reduce reduce their vunerability to agriculture shocks. s hocks. Howeve However, r, some commentators responded that cash transfers to poor families do not necessariy transate into increased od security, as these programmes do not always strengthen food production or raise incomes. Regarding state subsidies r agricuture, Rokeya Kabir xecutive Director of Bangadesh Nari Progati angha commented in her essay that these 'have not compensated fr the strangehold exercised by private traders. In fact, studies show that sixty percent of beneficiaries of subsidies are not poor but rich andowners poor andowners and an d non-farmer traders.

Nwanze Murphy and Fan argued that private risk management tools, like private insurance, commodity futures markets, and rural fnanc can hep sma-scae producers mitigate risk and aow fr encourage investment the in improvements. Kabir warned that financia support schemes often adoption of high-input agricultura practices, practices, which in the medium term may raise production costs beyond the vaue of their harvests. Murphy noted that when utures markets become excessivey excessivey nancialised they can contribute to short-term price volatility, which increases farmers farmers od insecurity. insecurity. Many participants and commentators emphasised that greater transparency in markets is needed to mitigate the impact of volatiity and make evident whether adequate stocks and supplies are avaiabe. Others contended that agribusiness companies shoud be held responsible r paying r negative side eects.

Many essayists mentioned cimate change and its consequences r smal-scae agriculture. Fan expained that in addition to reducing crop yieds cimate change increases the magnitude and the frequency of extreme weather events, which increase smahoder vunerabiity. The growing unpredictability of weather paterns increases farmers dicuty in managing weather-reated risks. According to this

author one soution would be to deveop crop varieties that are more resiient to new cimate cimate trends and extreme weather patterns Accordingly Pat Mooney, co-founder and executive director of the TC Group suggested that if we are to survive climate change, we must adopt poicies that let peasants diversi the pant and animal species and varieties/breeds that make up our menus.





Some paicipating authors and commentators argued in favour of community based and autonomous risk management strategie through collective action groups, co-operatives or producers' group. Such groups enhance market opporunities for small-scale producers, reduce marketing costs and synchronise buying and selling with seasonal price conditions According to Murphy, M urphy, collective action oers an important way r farmer to strengthen their political and economic bargaining power, and to reduce their busiess· busiess ·risks.' One commentator, Giel Ton,  warned that collective action does not no t come as a free good It takes time, eor and money to organise, build trut and to experiment the, like Marcel Vernooij and Marcel Beukeboom, suggested that in order to apply what we already know, all stakeholders, including business, government, scientists and civil society, must  work together starin st aring g at the beginning of th the e value chai chain. n. Some paicipants paicipants explained that market mark et price volatility is oe oen n worsened by the presence of intermediary purchasers who, taking advantage of farmers' vulnerability, diate prices One commentator suggested farmers can gain greater control over prs and minimise prce volatility by selling directly to consumers. Similarly, Sonali Bisht, founder and advisor to the Intitute of imal imalayan ayan Environmental Research and Education (INERE), India, wrote that community-suppored agriculture, where consume invest in local rmers by subscription and guarantee producers a fair price is a rsk-sharing model woh more atention Direct od ditribution system not only enurage small-scale agriculture but also give consumers more control over the food they consume, she wrote



Reading Questions 1-3

A-.. Reading Passage 1 has nine paragraphs, A- Which Whic h paragraph contains the following information? Wt he coc lee A-I   , in boxes 13 on your your answer shee.

a reference to characteristics that only apply to food production


a reference to challengs fcd only by farmers in cetain rts of th world


a reference to diculties in bringing about cooperation btween farmers



Test6 Questions 49

Look at the fowing sments (Questions 49) and the st of people belo. Match each statement  e correct peon, A-G  We e coct le A-G    in boxes 49 on your answer sheet NB You may use any ler more than once 4

Financial assistance from the government does not always go to the farmers who most need it


Farmers can benefit from collaborating as a group.


Financial assistance from the government can improve the standard of living of  farmers


Farmers may be helpe if there is financial input by the same idividuals who buy  fro them


Governments can help to reduce variation in prices


Improvements to infrastructure can have a major impact on risk r farmers

List of People A

Kanayo F Nwanze


Sophia Murphy


Shenggen Fan


· Rokeya Kabir 


at Mooney


Giel Ton


Sonali Bisht



Reading Questions 10 and 11

Choose TO letrs, A-E   .  the coct letrs in boxes 10 and 11 on your answer sheet

Which TO problems are mentioned which aect farmers wit small farms in developing develo ping countries? countr ies? A lack of demand r loclly produced od B lack of irrigtion progrmmes C being unable to get insurance D the eects of changing wether ptterns E hving to sell their goods to intermediary buyers Questns 12 and 13

Choose TO let A- Write the coct leers in boes 12 and 13 on your answer sheet

Which TO actions re recommended r improving conditions for farmers? A reducing the size of od stocks B attempting to ensure that prices rise at certain times of the year C D

encouraging organising co-operation consumers between to take aafinancial wide range stakeof ininterested farming paries


making customers aware of the reasons r changing od prices




You should spend about 20 minus on Questions 1426, 1426, wh are based on Reag Passage 2 belo. Questions 1420

Reading Passage 2 has seven paragraphs, A-G A-G.. Choose e correct heading r each pagraph fm the t o headings belo   in boxes 1420 on your answer sheet We he correc numbe vi 

List of Headings

Dierent accounts of the same journey 

Bingham gains support


 common belief


The aim of the trip

 dramatic description


 new route


Binghm publishes his theory

 Bingham's lack of enthusiasm


Paragraph A


Paragraph B


Paragraph C


Paragraph Paragraph 


aragrap E


Paragrap F


Paragrap G




The Lost City An explorer's encounter w the ruined city f Machu Picchu, the most famous icon of e Inca civsation


When the the US explorer and academic Hiram Bingham arrived in South merica merica in 1911, he was ready fr what was to be the greatest greates t achievement of his life: the exploration explor ation of the remote hinterl hinterland and to the west of Cusco, the old capital of the Inca empire empi re in the ndes mountains of Peru. His Hi s goal was to locate the remains of a city ci ty called calle d Vitcos, the last capital of o f the Inca civilisation. Cusco lies on o n a high plateau at an elevation elevation of more than 3,000 3,000 metres, and Binghas Bin ghas plan was to descend  from this this plateau along the valley of the Urubamba river, which takes a circuitous route down to the mazon and passes through an area of dramatic dramati c canyons and mountain ranges.

When Bingham and his team set o down the Urubamba in late July, they had an advantage advantage over travellers travellers who ha precede them a track had recently rec ently been lasted down down the valley canyon to enable rubber to be brought up by b y mules from the jungle. jungle. lmost all previous travellers had le the river at Ollantaytambo Oll antaytambo and taken a high pass across the mountains to rejoin the river lower down, thereby cuting a substantial corner, corner, but also therefore never passing passin g through the area around Machu Picchu Picchu..

On 24 July they were a few days into their descent of the valley The day began slowly,, with Bingham trying to arrange suficient slowly sufici ent mules for the next stage of the

trek. His companion companionss show showed ed no interest in accompanying him up the neary hill to see some some ruins that a local farmer Melchor reaga, had ha d told them about the night before. The morning was dull and damp, and a nd Bingha also seems to t o have been less than keen on the prospect of climbing clim bing the hill In his book Lost Ci of the Incas he relates that he made the ascent without having the least expectation expectati on that he would nd anything at the top. Bingham writes about the approach in vivid style Bingham s tyle in his book. First, Fir st, as he climbs up the hill, he escribes the ever-present ever-present possibili of ealy snakes, 'capable of making considerable springs when in pursuit of their prey; not that he sees any an y Then theres a sense of mounting discovery as he comes across great sweeps of terraces, then a mausoleum, followed by monumental staircases an, finally, the grand ceremonial ceremonial buildings buildings of Machu Picchu. 'It seemd like an a n unbelievable dream .. the sight held me spellboun ... he wrote.



Test6 E

We hould remember, remember, however ha Lost Ci of the Incas i a work of hindgh no wren unil unil 1948 many year afer hi journey. Hi journal enrie of he  e reveal a much more gradual appreciaion appreciaio n of hi achievemen. He pen p en  he afernoon a he run noig down he dimenion of ome of he buldng, bu ldng,  hen decended and rejoined hi companion o whom he eem o have ad lile abou h dicovery  h age Bingham didn' realie he exen or he imporance impo rance of he e nor did he reale wha ue he could make of he dicovery.


However oon aer reurnng i occurred o hm ha he could make a nae or himelf from hi dicovery When he came o wrie he Naonal Geographic magazine aricle ha broke he ory o he world n April 1913 he knew he had ha d  o produce a big idea He wondered wheher i could have bee been n he birhplac birhplace e of  he ver fir Inca Manco he Grea and wheher i cou could ld alo have been wha wha  chronicler decribed a he la ciy of he Inca hi erm refer o Vilcabamba  he eleen where he he Inca I nca had fled from Span Spanh h invader n he 1530 Bingham made deperae aemp o prove h belief r neary 40 year Sadly, hi vion of he ie a boh he beginning and end of he Inca civiliaon, while a magnificen one,  inaccurae We now know ha Vilcabamba acuall lie 5 klomere klome re awa in he deph de ph of he jungle

One queion ha ha perplexed vior, horian and archaeologi alike ever ince Bingham i wh he e ee o have been abandoned before he Spanih Conque here are no refere reference nce o i by any of he Spanih chronicler - and if  heyy had known of  exience  he exience o cloe clo e o Cu Cuco co hey would cerainly h have ave come co me

n earch of gold AnPicchu idea whch gained wde accepance heInca a few year i ha Machu wa ha a  a counr eae bulover by an emperor  o ecape he cold winer of Cuco Cuco  where he ele could cou ld enjoy monumenal monumena l archecure and ecacular view urhermore he paicular archiecure of Machu Picchu ugge ha i wa conruced a he me of he greae of all he Inca he emperor Pachacui (c 143871) By cuom Pachacu Pachacu decendan buil oher ilar eae eae for heir own ue and o Machu Pcchu would have been abandoned aer hi deah, ome 50 ear before he Spanih Conque


Reading Questions 21-24

Do the llowing statements agree with the information given in Reading Passage 2? In boxs 21-24 on your answer shet, wrte f the statement agrees  the nformaton TRU   E  the statment contrats the nformaton FALS E NOT GIV   E N  there s no nrmaton on th 21

Bingham went to South America in search of an Inca city.


Bingham Bingh am chose a paticul paticular ar route down the Urubam Urubamba ba valley be because cause it was the


most common common route used by travellers. Bingham understood understood the significance of Machu Picchu as soon as he saw it


Bingham returned to Machu Picchu in order to find evidence to support his theory

Question 2526

Complet th sentncs blo. Choos ON E WOR D ONY from th assage for a answ

Wt your answe n boxs 2526 on your answer sheet


The track that took Bingham down the Urubamba valley had been created r the  transportation of  


Bingham found out about the ruins of Machu Picchu from a   in the Urubamba valley 




You should end about 20 minutes on Questions 7-  , ich are based on Reading Passage 3 below.

The Benefits of Being Bilingual A

ccording to the latest latest figures, the majority of the worlds population is now bilingual or multilingual, having grown up speaking two or more languages. In the past, such children were considered to be at a disadvantage compared with their monolingl peers. Over the past few decades, however, technological advances have allowed researchers to look more deeply at how bilingualism interacts with and changes the cognitive and neurological systems, thereby identiing severl clear benefits of being bilingual


Research shows shows that when  bilingul person ses one language the other is active act ive at the same time. When we hear a word, we don't hear the entire entire word all at once: the son sonds ds arrive in sequenti sequential al order. Long bere the wor word d is finished, the brain's lnguage system begins to guess what that word might be. If you hear can, you will likely activte activte words like cndy' and candle' as well, at least during the earlier stages of word recognition. recognition. For bilingual people, this activation is not limited to a single langge; auditory input ctivates corresponding words regardless of the language to which they belong. Some of the most compelling evidenc evidence e  for this phenomenon, called language co-activation, co-activa tion, come comess from studying eye

movements moveme nts look Russian Russian-Englis -English h bilingual to pick a marker'  set of objects would lo ok more at a stamp than asked someone wh who oup doesn't knowfrom Rssian, because the Russian word r stamp, maa sounds like the English word he or she heard, marker'. In cases like this, language coactivation oc occurs curs becuse wht the listener hears could map onto words in either language lan guage C

Having to deal with this persistent linguistic competition can result in diiculties, diicu lties, however For instance, knowing more than one language can cause speakers to name pictures more slowl slowly, y, an and d can increase tip-o-the-tongue states, when you can almost, but not qite, bring a word to mind s a result, the constant jggling of two languages creates a need to control how mch a person accesses a language at any given time. For this reson, bilinga people oen perorm beer on tasks tat rqre conct management In the classic Stroop sk, people see a word and re asked to name the colour of the words font When the colour and the wor mtch (ie., the word red printed in red), people correctly name the color more qickly than when the color and the word don't match (ie, the word red printed in blue) This occurs because the word itself (red') and its font colour (blue) conflict. ilingul people ofen excel at tasks such as this, which tap into the ability to ignore competing perceptual inrmation and focus on the relevant aspects of the input. ilinguals are are also better at swithing between two tasks for examle when bilinguals have to switch from categorizing objects by colour (red or green)




 to categorizing them them by shape (circle or triangle) the do so more quickl thn monolingual people, reflectin better cognitive control when hving to mae rapid changes of strategy. D

It also seems that the neurological roots of the bilingual advantage extend to brain areas more traditionally associated with sensoy processing. When monolingual and bilingual adolescents listen to simple speech sounds without any inteening background noise they show highly similar rain stem responses. When researchers pla the same sound to both groups in the presence of bacground noise however, the bilingual listeners' neural response is consideraly larger reecting etter encoding of the sounds fundamental frequency a feature of sound closely related to pitch perception.


Such improvements in cognitive and sensory processing ma help a bilingual person to process infrmation in the environment and help explain wh bilingual adults acquire a third language better than monolingual adults master a send language This This advantage may be rooted in the skill of focuss focussin in on informat information ion about the new language while reducing intererence from the languages they already now


Research also indicates that bilingual experience may help to eep the cognitive mechanisms sharp b recruiting alternate brain networs to compensate for those  that become damaged damaged durin aging. Older bilinguals enjoy enj oy improved improv ed memory relative to monolingual people which can lead to real-world health benefts. In a study of over 200 patients with Alzheimer's disease a degenerative brain disease

bilingual patients reported showing initial symptoms of the disease an average of five years later than monolingual patients In a fllowup stud researchers compared the rains rains of ilingua ilinguall and monoling monolingual ual patients mtched on o n the severity of Alzheimer's symptoms. Surprisingly the bilinuals brains had more physical signs of disese than their monolingual counterparts even though their outward behaviour and ailities were the same If the brain is an engine bilingualism may help it to go farther on the same amount of fuel G

urhermore the benefits associated with bilingual experience seem to stat very early. early. In one study study researchers taught seven-monthold seven-monthol d babies growin up in monolingual monolingual or bilingual homes that when they heard a tinkling sound a puppet appeared on one side of a screen. Halay through the study the puppet began appearing on the opposite side of the screen In order to get a reward the infants had tolearn adjust rule the'd only the bbies were ale to successfull thethe new rule. Thislearned; suggests that forbilingual very young children as well as fr older people navigating a multilingual environment impars advantages that  transfer far eyon language



Test6 Quesns 27-31

Complete the table below. Choose NO MORE THAN O WORDS fm the passage or each anse Write your ansers ansers in boxes 27-31 on your anser sheet Test

Obseing the 27 . of RussianEnglish bilingual people when asked to select cerain objects A test test called the 29  , cusing c using on naming colours A test involving switching between tasks

Questions 3-36


Bilingual people engage both languages simultaneously: a mecanism known as 8  2 Bilinguall people are more able o Bilingua o handle tasks involving a skill called 30  When changing strategies bilingual people have superior 31 

Do the following statements agree with he claims of the wrier in Reading Passage 3? In boxes 336 on ur anser sheet, rite YES NO NOT GIVEN

 i the statement agrees ith the claims of e riter  i the statement statemen t contdicts the claims of e er  i it is impossible to say hat the riter thinks about this

2 Attitudes towards bilingualism have changed in recent years 

Bilingual people are better than monolingual people a guessing correctly wat  wordss are before  word befo re they are finished


Bilingual people consistently name images faser an monolingua peope


ilingual people's brains process single sounds more eicienly than monolingual people in all siuations


Fewer bilingual people han monolingual people sufer from brain disease in old age



Reading Questions 37-40

Reading Passage 3 has seven paragraphs, A-G A-G.. Which paragraph contains the llowing information?

Wte the coct lete A-G A-G,,  in boxes 37-40  your answer sheet. 7

an example of how bilingual and monolingual people's brains respond dierently  to a certain type of nonverbal nonverbal auditory input


a demonstration of how a bilingual upbringing has benefits even even before w we e learn  to speak


a description description of the process by which people identify words that they hear


reference to some negative consequences of being bilingual






You should spend about 20 minutes on tis task. The maps below show the centre of a sma town caed Islip as it is no and The maps  plans for its developmen. Summarse the information by selecting and repong the main features, and make comparisons where relevan Write at least 150 words. Islip ow ee ow Countryside Shops Man road Shops



W+E s

Park Housing

Isli ow ee: pled develope



New housing



_ /





You should spend about 40 minutes on this task. Write about the following topic:

At the present time, e population of o f some counes includes a relavly large  number of youn adul coared  the number of  people. Do the adantages of this situation outwigh the disadantages? Give reasons for yor answer and include any relevant examples fom yo own nowledge or expeience Write at least 250 words





The examiner asks the candidate about him/herself, his/her home work or stdies and other familiar topics. EXMPLE Songs and singing

• Did you enjoy singing when you were younger? [Why?/Why not?] • • Do Howyou ofen doayou sing now? have favourite song[Why?] you like listening to? Phy?/Why not?] • How important is singing in your culture? [Why?] RT 2

Describe a lm/movie actor from yur count  who is ve popula.

You will have to talk about the  topic for one o ne to o  o minutes minute s  have one minute to think

You should say:  who this actor is  what kinds of films/movies he/she acts in

about what you are going to say u can make some notes to help you if you wish

 what you know abut ab ut this actr's ife and explain why this actor is so ppular.

RT 3

Discussion topics: Wathing fimsmovies Example questions:

What are the most popular types of films in your country? Wha s e erence beeen watching a film in the cinema and watching a film at home? Do you think cinemas will close in the future? Theatre xample questions:

How impotant impotant is the theatre in your country's history? How strong a tradition is it today in your country to go to the theatre?    e ee  e rn as a bsiness o as a c erce?





Questions 1-10

Complete the notes below. Write ONE WRD ONLY for each anse.


Te library re-opened last h 

The libra now has

a seating area wit magazines an expanded seion for books on 1   a new section on local 2 . a community room for meetings (also possible to 3  tere)  tere) a new section of books for 4  

For younger children

 te next Science Club meeting: exper experiments iments using tings t ings from your  .., . .  5 ..

Reading Callenge read six books during te olidays

For adults

• • •

 tis Friday a local autor auto r talks aout a novel ased on a real 6    is ne .   .    o n u ys  - no ilablle on sda ays ava ailab no  7  ue esd is  av ppo ort is   supp IT  su ary   esssary  necces

 free ceck of lood 8  and colesterol levels (over 0s only)

Other information

• •

 te library sop sells wallcars, cards and 9   evenings and weekends  free 1  is available 53


Tes 7


Questions 11-20

Qun 11 and 12 Choose O leer, A-E

 Which WO age groups are taking increaing increaing number of holiday with BC Travel? A   D E

16-30 year 342 year 43-54 year 55-64 year over 65 year

Qu 13 and 14 oose O lees A-E

 Which O are the main reaon given r the popularity of activity holidays? A

Client make new friend.

  D

Client learn a ueful kill Client learn about a dierent culture Client are excited by the rik involved.


Client find them good value for money

Qutin 15-17 Choose he coc le A B o 


How doe BC Travel plan to expand the painting holiday? A  


by adding to the number of location by increaing the range of level by employing mo teacher

Why are BC ravel' cooking holiday unuual? A They only ue organic food.  They have an international cu  They mainly involve vegetarian dishe

  What doe the peaker a ayy about the photograp photography hy holiday? A  

Client receive individual tuition. The tutor are ao trained guides. dvice i given on elling photographs.




Questions 1820

Complete the table below. Wrte ONE WRD ONLY for each anse

Fitness Holidays Location

Ireland and Italy

Other commets

Man focus

general fitness


19  control


mountain biking

personally designed programmealso reduces 18 ... includes exercise on the beach

wide vaiety of levels

one holiday that is

specially designed r  20 .



Test 7 SECTION 3

Questions 21-30

Quion 21-26 Cmplete the w-cha bel. Chse SIX SIX aswers  aswers fm e bx ad te the cct let AH  , ext t ests 21-26.

















RESEARCH Locate and read relevant aicles noting key information and also 21 .. .. ....

Identify a problem or need elect ele ct iinte nteie iewee weess - the these se may be sit site e 22   , visi visitors tors or city 23 .......... .. Prepare and carry out interviews If possible collect statistics heck whether 24  of inteiewees can be used

ANAYSS elect relevant information and try to   25 .... try to identi  Decide on the best form of visuals

WRTNG THE CASE STUY ive some background before writing the main sections Do O end with 26 ........




Questns 27-30

Choose the coct lete A, B or    .

The Horton Castle site 27

Natalie and Dave agree one reason why so few people visit Horon Castle is that A B

 28

Natalie and Dave agree that the greatest prolem with a visitor centre could e A B C


the publicity is poor. it is diicult to get to there is litle there of interes interest t

covering the investment costs  finding a ig enough space for it dealing with planning restrictions

What does Dave say aout conditions in the town of o f Horton? A B

There is a lot of unemployment There are few people of working age

 30

There are opportunities r skilled workers

ccording ccor ding to Natalie, one way to prevent damage to the castle site would be to A

insist visitors have a guide


makevisitor visitors keep to the paths limit numbers





Questions 31-40

Complete the notes below. W  ONE WORD ONLY for each anse

The eects of environmental change on birds Mercu (Hg)

Highly toxic 

• •

Released into the atmosphere from coal

It has also rently been found to aect birds which feed on 31 . 

In water it may be consumed by fish

Research on eects of mercury on birds

Claire VarianRamos is investigating:

 the eects on birds' 32  or mental processes, eg memory  the ees on bird ssong ong (usual (usually ly learne learned d m a bir bird's d's 33-··) •

Findings: songs learned by birds exposed to mercury are less 34 .........................  this may have a negative eect on birds' 35 35   

Labbased studies: allow more 3 6  for the experimenter

Implications for humans

Migrating birds such as 37  containing mercuy may be eaten by humans

• •

Mercury also causes problems in learning 3 38 8     in a mother's Mer  mother 's body m 39  may a   the unbo unbo child

New regulations for mercury emissions will ae everyone's energy  40 _ _






You sho spend about 20 minutes on Q 1-13   , which are a re based on o n Reading Passage . Questions 1-7

Reading Passage 1 has seven paragraphs, A-G A-G.. Choose the coct heading for each pagraph m the list of headings belo Write the coct numbe v    in boxes 7 on your ansr sheet

Lt of H

The imprance  geing he iming righ 

Yung mees ld


Develpmens  he disadvanage  ise ppulains


Planning Plannin g a bigger big ger idea

Trises ppulae he islands is lands


Carrying u a carelly prepared perain

 king r a hme r he isands' rises  The sa  he cnseain prjec


Paragraph A



Paragraph B Paragraph 


Paragraph 


Paragraph E


Pagph F


Paragraph G



Test 7

Flying toroises An airboe reinduction reinduction programme has helped consetionis consetionists ts take  signifcant steps t ptect the endangered Galpagos toise.


Forests of spiny cacti cover much of the uneven lava plains that separate the interior of the Galpagos island of lsabela from the Pacific Ocean With its  five distinct volcanoes, the island resembles a lunar landscape Only the thick t hick vegetation at the skirt of the oen cloud-covered peak of Sierra Negra oers respite  from . the barn terrain below This inhospitable environment is home to the giant Galpagos tortoise Some time afer the Galpagos's birth around five million years the islands were colonised by onesettled or more from mainland South ago merica s these ancestral toroises ontortoises the individual islands the dierent populations adapted to their unique environments giving rise to at least 14 dierent subspecies Island life areed with them In the absence of sinificant predators they they grew to becom become e the largest and longest-living toroises on tthe he planet weighing more than 400 kilograms occasionally exceeding 18 metres in length and living r more mor e than a century


efore human arrival the archipelagos tortoises numbered in the hundreds of thousands From the 1th century onwards pirates took a few on board r  food but the arrival arri val of whaling ships in the 190s saw this exploitation exploitat ion grow exponentially Relatively immobile an capable of suiving r months without food or water the toroises were taken on board these ships to act as od supplies during long ocean passages Sometimes their bodies were processed into high grade oil In total an estimated 200000 animals were taken from the archipelago before the 20th century This historical exploitation was then exacerbated when setlers came to the islands They hunted the tortoises and destroyed their habitat  to clear land for agriculture They also introduced intro duced alien species  ranging from catle cat le pigs goats goats rats and dogs to plants and ants  that either either prey on the eggs and young toroises or damage or destroy their habitat


Today only 11 of the original subspecies survive and of these several are highly endangered In 1989 work bean on a toroise-breeding centre just outside the  town of Puerto Villamil on lsabela dedicated to proteing the island's tortoise tor toise populations The centres captive-breeding programme proved to be extremely successful and it eventually had to deal with an overpopulation problem


The proem s also a pressing one aptive-bred totoises can't be reintroduced into the wild until theyre at least ve years old and weigh at least 45 kogams at which which poin pointt their size and weight  and their haened haened shells  are suficient suficient  to protect them from predators ut if peop people le wait too long afer that point the  totoises eventually become too large lar ge to transpor





For years years repatriation eorts were carried out in small numbers, wth the tooses carried on the backs of men over weeks of long, treacherous hikes along narrow trails. But in November 2010 the evironmentalist and Galpagos National Park liaison oicer Godfrey Merlin, a visiting private motor yacht captain and a helicopter pilot gathered around a table in a small caf in Puerto Ayora on the island of Santa Cruz to work out more ambitious reintroduction The aim was to use a helicopter to move 300 of the breeding centre's tortoises to various locations close to Sierra Negra.

This unprecedented efort was made possible by the owners of the 67-metre yacht White Cloud, who provided the Galpagos National Park with free use of their helicopt helicopter er ad its experience experienced d pilot as well as the logistil support of the yacht its captain and crew Originally an air ambulance the yacht's helicopter has a rear double door and a large internal space that's well suited for cargo, so a custom crate was designed to hold up to 33 tortoises with a total weight of about 150 kilograms kilograms This weigh weight,t, together with that of the fuel, pilot and four crew, approached the helicopter's maximum payload, and there were times when it was clearly right right on the edge of the helicopter's capabilities During a period of three

days, a group of volunteers from the breeding centre worked around the clo clock ck to prepare the young tortoises for transport Meanwhile, park wardens dropped o ahead of time in remote locations cleared landing sites within the thick brush, cacti and lava rocks Upon their their release th the e juvenile tortoises quickly spread out over th their eir ancestral

territory territory  ivestigating their new surroundings ad feeding on th the e vegetation ventually vent ually  one tiny tortoise came across a fully grown giant gian t who had been bee n lumbering around the island for around a hundred years The wo stood side by side a powerul symbol of the regeneration of an a n ancient species.



Test 7 Questions 813

Complete the notes below. Choose ONE WORD ONLY from e passage for each anse W your ansers in boxes  on your anser shee

The decline of the Galpagos toroise •

Originally frm mainland South Americ

Numbers on Galpagos islands increased, ue to lack of predators 

17th century: small nubers taken onto ships used by 8 __

1790s very large numbers taken onto whaling ships, kept for  .. , and also used to produce  

Hunted by  . on the islands

Habitat destruction: for the establishment of agriculture and by various  2  not native to the islands, islands, which also fe fe  on baby tortoises and  tortoises' 3 




You should spend about 20 minutes on Questions 1426, 1426, which are base on Reag Passage 2.

The Intersection of Health Sciences and Geography A

While many diseases that aect humas have ben eradicated du to improvements in vaccinations and the availability of healthcare, ther are still areas around aroun d the world where certain health issues ar more prevalent I a world that is far more globalised globalised than ever bfore, pople com into contact with o another through travel and livig closer ad closer to each other s a result super-viruses and other infections resistant to antibitics ar becoming mor and more common.


Geography can oen play a vry larg role in the health concerns of certain populations For instance depending o whre you live, you will not have the same health concerns as someone who livs in a dierent geographical region Perhaps

one of te most obvious examples of this idea is malaria-prone areas, which are usually tropical regions that fostr a warm ad damp environmnt in which the mosquitos that that can give people this disease can grow Malaria is much lss of of a problem in highaltitude desers, for istance C

In some countries, geographical factors influence the halth and wellbing of the populatio populatio in ver obvious ways In may large cities, the wind is ot strog enough to clear the air of the massive amounts of smog and pollution that cause asthma lung problems, eyesight eyesight issues and more in the people who live there Par of the problem is f course the massive number of cars being driven, in addition to factories factories that run o coal power The rapid industrialisation of some countries in recent rece nt years has also also led to the cuting down of forests to allow for tthe he expansion of big cities which maks it even harder to fight the pollution with the frsh air that is produced by plats


It is in situations like these that the field of health geography comes ito its own It is an increasingly mporant area of study in a world wher diseases like polio are reemerging respiratory diseases cotinue to sprad, and malariaprone areas are still still fighting to find a better cure Health geography is the combiatio of on on the one hand, knowledge knowledge regardig regardig gography ad methods used to a analyse nalyse ad interpret geographical informatio and on the other, the study of health, diseases and healthcare practices around the world The aim of this hybrid scince is to create solutions r common geographybased health problems hil people will always be prone to illness, the study of how geography afects our health could lead to the eradication of cerain illnesses and the prevention of othrs in the future y understanding why and how w get sick we ca chag the way w we e treat illnss and disase specic to cerain gographical locations






The geography of disease and ill health analyses the frequency with which certain diseases appear appear in dierent parts of the world, and overlays the data with the geography geogr aphy of the region, to see if there could be a correlati correlation on beeen the two. Health geographers also study factors that could make cerain individuals or a population more likely to be taken ill with a specifc health concern or disease, as compared with the population of another area. Health geographers in this field are usually trained as healthcare workers, and have an understanding of basic epidemiology as it relates to the spread of diseases among the population


Researchers study the interactions between humans and their environment that could lea to illness (such as asthma in places with high levels of pollution) and work to create a clear way of categorising illnesses, diseases and epidemics into local and global scales. Health geographers can map the spread of illnesses and attempt to identi the reasons behind behind an incease or decrease in illnesses as  they work to fnd a wy to halt the further spread or re-emergen re-emergence ce of d diseas iseases es in vulnerable populations.


The second subcategoy of health geography is the geography of healthcare provision. This group studies the availability (or lack thereof) of healthcare resources to individuals and and populations around the world In both developed and developing nations there is oen a very large discrepancy beeen the options available to people people in dieren dierentt social classes, income brackets, and levels of education. Individuals working working in the area of the geography of healthcare provision attempt to assess the levels of healthcare in the area (for instance it may be vey dicult dic ult r people to get medical attention because there is a mountain between  their village and the nearest neare st hospital). These researc researchers hers are n the fntlin fntline e of making recommendations regarding policy to international organisations, local government bodies and othe.

The feld of health geography is oen overlooked, but it constitutes a huge area of need in the felds of geography and healthcare If we can understand how geography aects aects our health no matter where in the world we are located we can better treat disese prevent illness, and keep people safe and well.


Readg Quesns 1419

Reading Passage Passage 2 has eight sections, A-H A-H.. Which paragraph paragraph contains the following infmation? Wte the coct lete A-H   , i boxes 1419 on your answer sheet. NB

You may use any ler more than once


an acceptance acceptance that not all diseases can be totally to tally eliminated


examples of physical conditions caused by human hu man behaviour


a reference to classifying diseases on the basis of how far they extend



reason rea sonss why the level of access to healthcare can vary within withi n a country


a description description of health geography as a mixture of dierent academic elds


a description of the type of area where a particular illness is rare

Questions 2026

Complete the sentences belo Chse  ONE WORD


the passage f each answe


Cerain diseases have disappeaed than disappeaed  thanks to bette  and healthcare


   are losing thei Because there is more contact between people   Because usefulness


Disease causing  ae most liely to be found in hot damp regions


One cause of pollution is   that burn a particula particu la fuel

4 The growth of cities oen has an impact on nearby   25

  adicated  is one disease that is growing afer having been e adicated


 can peent people from reaching A physical bar   ier i er such as a    a hospital



You should spend about 20 minutes on Questions 27-40   , which are based on Reading Passage 3.

Music and the emotions Neuscientist Jona Lehrer considers the emonal powr of music

Why des music make us eel? On the ne hand, music is a purely abstract art rm, devid  language r explicit ideas. And yet even thugh music says little, it still manages t tuch us deeply When listening t ur avurite sngs ur bdy betrays all  the symptms  emtinal arusal The pupils iin n ur eyes dilate, ur pulse and bld pressure pres sure ris rise e the electrical cnductance  ur skin is lwered, an and d the cerebellum, a brain regin assciated with bdily mvement, becmes strangely active Bld is even

re-directed t the muscles in ur legs In ther wds, sund stirs us at ur bilgical rts A recent paper in Nature Neuroscience by a research team in Mntreal Canada, marks an imprtant step in revealing the precise underpinni underpinnings ngs   'the ptent pleasurable ple asurable stimulus that that is music Althugh the study invlves plenty  ancy technlgy, including  unctinal magnetic resnance imaging (MR) (MR ) and ligandbased psitrn emissin  tmgraphy (PET) scanning experiment itsel was ratherrequesting straightrwa straightrward rd Aer screening 21 individuals whthe respnded t adverisements peple wh experience chills t instrumental music, the scientists narrwed dn the subject pl  t ten They then asked the subjec subjects ts t bring in their playlist  avuri avurite te sngs virtually every genre was represented, rm techn t tang and played them the music while  their brain activity was mnitred Because the scientsts were cmbining methdlgies (PET and MR), they were able t btain an impressively exact and detaied prtrait  music in the brain he irst thing they discvered is that music triggers the prductin  dpamine dpamine a chemical wit with h a key rle in setting setting peples mds mds  by the neur neurns ns (nerve cells) in bth the drsal drsal and ventral regins  the brain As these tw regins have lng been linked with the experience  pleasure this inding isnt particularly surprising hat s rather mre sgnicant s the indng tht the dpamne neurns in the caudate caudate  a regin  the brain invlved in learning learning stimulusrespnse assciatins and in anticipating anticipating d and ther 'reward stimuli stimuli were at their mst active arund 15 secnds bere bere the participants avurite avurite mments in the music The researchers call this the anticipatr phase and argue that the purpse  this activity is t help us predict the arrival  ur avurite part he questin,  curse, is what all these dpamine neur neurns ns re up t Why are they s active in the perid  pceding the acustic climax? Aer all, we typically assciate surges  dpamine with pleasure with  ss  actual was And yet this cluser  ceJs s s e e te chills have yet t arrive, when the meldic pattern is still unreslved 66



One way to answer the question is to look at the music and not the neurons. We music can ofen seem (at least to the outsider) like a labyrinth of intricate patterns, it turn turnss out that the most important important part of every song or o r symphony symphon y is when the patterns patterns reak down, when the sound becomes unpredictable. If the music is too obvious, it is annoyingly boring, like an alarm clock. Numerous studies, aer all, have demonstted that dopamine neurons quickly adapt to predictable predic table rewards. f we know what's w hat's going t happen next, then we ont get excited. This is why composers ofen introduce a ey note in the beginning of a song, spend most of the rest of the piece in the studious avoidance of the pattern, and then finally repeat it only at the end. The longer we are denied the patern we expect, the greater the emotional release when the patern returns, safe and sound. o demonstrate this psychological principle, the musicologist Leonard Meyer, in his classic book Emotion and Meaning in Music (1956), analysed the 5th movement of Beethovens String Quartet in C-sharp minor, p. 131. Meyer wanted to show how

music is defined music defined by its fliration fliration with  but not submission submission to  our expectations expectations of order. order. Meyer dissected 50 measures (bars) of the masterpiece, showing how Beethoven egins with he clear statement of a rhythmic and harmonic pattern and then, in an ingenious tonal dance, carefully holds of repeating it. hat Beethoven does instead is suggest variations of the pattern He wants to preserve an element of uncertainty in his music making our brains beg for the one chord he refuses to give us. Beethoven saves that chord for the end. According to Meyer is the suspenseful suspensefu l tension of music, of our of unfulfilled expectations, that is itthe source of the musics feeling. hilearising earlierout theories music  focused n the way a sound can refer to the real wor world ld of images imag es and experiences exp eriences  its connota con notativ tive e meaning  Meyer argued that the emotions we nd in music come fom the unldin un lding g events of the music itself. This embodied meaning arises from the patterns the symphony invkes and then ignores. It is this uncrtainty that triggers the surge of dopamine in the caudate, as we struggle to figure out what will happen next. e can predict some of the notes, but we cant predict them all, and that is what keeps us listening, waiting expectantly r our reward, r the paern to be completed.



Test 7 Questions 27-31

omplete e summa below. C omplete Choose NO MORE THAN  WORDS fm the passage or each anse Choose W your ans in boxes 2-31 on your anser anser sheet

The Montreal Study Participants, who were the study through adverisements hadthe their brain activ activity ity mon monitored itored whilerecruited listening for to their favourite music. It was noted that music stimulated stimu lated the brain's neurons to release a substance called 27     in two of the pars pa rs of the brain wich are associated with feeling 28     

Researchers also obseed that the neurons in the area of the brain called the 29 were paricularl active just bere the paricipants favourite moments in the music music - the period known as the 30      Activ Activity ity in  thiss part  thi par t of the brain is associated with wit h the expectation of reward stimuli such s uch as ....................; .................... ;

31 ......... 



Reading Questions 32-36

Choose the coct lette A, B, C or D. Write the coct letter in boxes 32-36 on your anwer shee.

32 What point does the writer emphasise in the first paragraph? A B C D


how dramatically our reactions to music can vary how intense our physical responses to music can be how little we know about the way that music ects us how much music can tell us about how our brains operate

What view of the Montre Montreal al study does the writer express in the second paragrph?


C D 34

What does the writer find interesting about the results of the Montrel study? A B C D


the timing of participnts' neural responses to the music the impact of the music on participants' emotional state the section of participants' brains which was activated by the music the type of music which had the strongest efect on participants' brins

Why does the writer refer to Meyers work on music nd emotion? A B C D


Its aims were innovative. The pproach was too simplistic t prduced some remarkably precise data The technology used was unnecessarily complex

to propose an original theory about the subject to oer support fr the findings of the Montreal study to recommend the need for further reserch into the subject to present a view which opposes tht of the Montrel researchers

According to Leonard Meyer, what causes the listener's emotionl response to music? A B


the way that the music evokes poignant memories in the listener the association of certain certain musical chords with certain feelings the listener's sympathy with the composers intentions the internal strctre of the musicl composition



Test 7 Questions 37-40  , belo Comle each sennce with the coct endg, A-F    in boxes 3-40 on yur answer sheet. W e coct le A-F 


The Montreal researchers discovered that


Many studies have demonstrated that


Meyer's analysis of Beethovens music shows that


Earlier theories of music suggested that


our response to music depends on our initial emotional state.


neuron activity deceases if outcomes become predictable


emotive music music can bring to mind atual piures and events


experiences in our past can influence our emotional reaction to music

emotive music delays givng listeners what they expect to hear


neuron activity increases prior to key oints in a musical piece





You should spend about 20 minutes on ths task. The cha below shows how frequently people in the USA te in fast food fo od  restaura  restaura  been been 2003 and 2013. 2013. Summarise the informa information tion by selecting and repong repon g the main features, fea tures, and  make comparisons comparisons where relevant

Wrte at least 150 words Fqcy f g  f f  g    USA (3-3) 40%  35%  30% Q



25% 20% 15% 10% 5% 0% Ever Ever


Sel time

a wek • 2003

Once a k

 2006

On or ce a mont

A fw

mes a year


� 2013





You should spend about 40 minutes on this task. Write about the following topic:

In a number of counies, some epl nk t s nessa to snd la  sums of money on conscng new lway lns for v fast fast ns b ben en cts. Oe bl the mony should b snt on mrong xstng ublc nso.

Dscuss both thes ews and g your own onon Give reasons reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience Write at least 250 words





The examiner examiner asks asks the candidate about him/herself, his/her home wor or studies and other familiar topics. EXMPLE Clothes

• • • •

Where do you you buy most of your clothes? (Why?] How ofen do you buy new clothes r yourself (Why?] How do you decide decide which clothes to buy? (Why?] Have the inds of clothes you lie changed in recent years? (Why?/Why not?]


Describe an interesting discussion you had about how you spend your money. You should say: who you had the discussion with why you discussed this topic what the result of the discussion was and explain why this discu discussion ssion was interesting for you

You will have to tal about the  topic r one to two minutes You have one minute to thin about what you are going to say You can mae some notes to help you if you wish


Discussion topics: Money and young people Example questions: Why do some parents parents give their children money to t o spend each wee? Do you agree agree that schools should teach children childr en how to manage money? Do you thin thin it is a good idea for students to earn money while studying?

Money and society Example questions Example Do you thin it s true tru e that in today's society money cannot buy happiness? What disadvanta disadvantages ges are there in a society where the gap ga p between rich and an d poor is very large? Do you thin thin richer countries have a responsibility to help poorer poor er countries?





Questions 1-10

Complete the notes not es below.

Write ONE Write  ONE ORD AN/R A NUMBER for each anse

Cycle tour leader: Applicant enquiry xample

Name: Margaret ......�mtb �mtb. .

About the applicant:

wants a  ........... job

will soon sta work as a 2 ........................., .........................,........ .

has led cycle trips in 3 ........................

interested in being a leader of a cycling trip for families

is currently doing voluntar work with members of a 4 ........... club

available for available  for five months from the 1st of 5 ............. .............

.................... can't eat 6 ......................

Contact details:

address 7  ............ Place Dumfries

postcode 8 ................. ...................


inteiew at 0 pm on 9 ................... ................... .

will plan a sho  .................................. about being a tour guide



Lstening SECTION 2

Questns 11-20

Questions 11-14

Choose the coct let A, B or .

Visiting the Sheepmarket area 11

Which is the most most rapidly-growing group of residents in i n the Sheepmarket area?




The speaker recommends the side streets in the Sheepmarket for their A B C


international restaurants. historical buidings. ars and crafs.

lothes designed by entrants for the Young Fashion competition must A B C


young professiona peope students from the university employees in the ocal arket

be odelled by the designers themselves. be inspired by aspects of contemporary cuture be made frm locally produced materias.

ar parking is free in some car parks if you A B C

stay r less than an hour. buy something in the shops. prk in the evenings or at weekends.



Questions 1520

Labl the map beow. W the coct ler A-I   , next to Questions 1520. A and Hiso n e Sheepmarket

_H,i.1 _ H,i.1Road


[ ---�


Publc Gardes Station Square Crawley Road 15

The Reynolds House


The Thumb


The Museum


The Contemporary Art Galler


he Warner Galler











Lstening SECTION 3

Questions 21-30

Questions 21-24

Complete the table bew. Wte  ONE WORD WORD ONLY fr each anse

Presentation on film adaptations of Shakespeare s plays Stages of presentatio presentation n

Work still to be done

Introduce Giannetti's book. containing a 21  of adaptations

Organise notes

Ask class to suggest the 22  adaptations

No further work needed

Present Rachel Malchow's ideas

Prepare some 23 

Discuss relationship etween adaptations and 24  at the  time of making the film

No fuher work needed



TestB Questions 2530

What do the speakers say about ech of the llowing films?

Choose SIX SIX answers  answers from the box and write wri te the coct lee A-G , next  questions 2530.

C A

cleay shows the historca perod


contains only pat of he play


s oo similar o noher kn f film


 turned out to be unpoplar with adences


presns th play n a derent period rom the orgnal


sets the original in a dieen coury


incorporates a variety of ar forms

F 25




Much Ado About Nothing



Romeo & Jut






Psper's ooks


Looking for ha

............... ................



Lstening SECTION 4

Questions 31-40

Complee he nos below. W

ONE WRD ONLY fr each anse

Noise in Cities Past research research focused on noise level l evel (measured in decibes) an people respnses. N ' • show that the hghes nose levels ae usully ound on roads • do not show other soces of nise, eg when windows ae o en o pepl pepls s eighbours are n their 31  • gnre arations n peoples percepn of nose • have made people realize th the oise is a 32 ssue tht must be dea with      • ncese sleepp disturbance slee disturban ce of stres in amount  eect on the 33  of schoolchidren D    Some noises can be condered pleasant eg the sound of a 34 n a town To nvestgae ths reseacher my use methods from 35      scenes sce nes g  g quetonaes W   Pleny of acv  in urban evironmnts which are 36     but aso allow people to eax But architects and town planes • do nt get much 37  in a usti usti s • regard sound as he responsblty of enginee  U        e ned o kow  • how  soun     ..       ..   .  .       ..  ..            .   .. . 38 .. d r ela  sound s to  to 38 ts elat • what n be lea from psycholgy about the ects f sound  wheher physcs can help u understad he 9  of soud Virtual rality pogram pogramss • advantage: predict he eect of uildng  • crrent disadvantage he he are 40     . 

   




G PSSG 1

o n Questions 1-13 1-13,, which are based on Reading You should spend about 20 mus on

Passage  belo.

Te Hstor of Glas From our eliest origins, man hs h s been mang use of glss. Historis have covered that a pe pe of natur glss  - obsi  fed  places such s  the mouth mouth of a volco s a result of   the intense heat of  erpt erption ion melng sd - w s stt used s ttips ips r spe spears. ars. rchaeologists rchaeologis ts have ev even en und evidence of mmade gls which dates back to  4000 BC; BC; ths took th thee  of glazes used r coatg stone beads It w not util 1500 BC, howeve, that e rst hoow  gls contner w made by coverng a  sd core wth a layer of molten glss.

abili in the mang of gls boles d my of e ci's crsmen le Ity It y to set up glsworks throughout Europe. A mor ilestone in the sto of gls occurred  the invention of lead cryst glss by the English gls muacturer George Renscro (1632-1683). He tempted tempte d to couter the eect of clouding cloudi ng t soet soetimes imes occued   blown gls by introducg lead to the raw mates used  the process The new gls he created ws soer d esier  to decorate, and had a gher reactive  dex, adg to i brillice d beau, d it proved invuable to the opc indust. It is thks to Renscros ivention that optic lenses, onomic  telescopes, croscopes d the like  bece possible.

Glss blowing bece the most common  way to to make gls conne om the t cen BC The glss made during  ts time ws hily coloured due to the imprties of the r materi. In e rst cent  methods methods of cren crengg colourless gls were developed, which  w then then tinted by the addion of colourg materis The secret of gls ang w taken across Europe by the Roms during this cent. However,  they guded guded the sls d tec tecolo olo  required to to me gls v ve e closel, d it w not until eir empe collapsed 476 76 AD that ssmang owledge in 4  becae despread throughout throughout Europe d te Middle Middle Et. From e 10th  o e Ves gned 

In Btn, the mode gls indust only  really sted to develop er the repe of the Excise Act Act in 1845. Before that tha t  time, hey tes had been placed placed on the ount of glss melted in a shouse, d were leied connuously connuously om 17 45 to 1845. 1845. Joseph Pons Cs Pace a London's Great Exhibition of 1851 mked the beg of ss  a mate used i the bug industr. s  revoluony new building buildin g encoaged  the se o s  , domestic

 repuon r tecnic sll d stic

d horcultur chitecture. ls




macturing techiques so iproved  with the avcement avcement of science d the development developm ent of better technolo. t echnolo. om 887 onwads, glss ang developed rom tadition outh-blowng

operating in a ercely competitive glob arket here qui, desi d seice levels e crical to ng arket she. Mode Mod e gls plts e cable of ng lons   of glss contners contners a day in my erent colours, ith green, green,

 to a semiautoatic process, er acto owner HM Ashley Ashley inoduced a achine caable of producing 200 bottles per hor

 brown d cle reaining the ost  popula Few of us c iagine mode ie wiout gls It feures in amos amostt

in Cstle Cstlerd, rd, Yorkshire Yorkshire Engld  more  th thee times uicker th y preiou preiouss  production  produc tion method T hen in 907, the rst ly automated machine ws developed develop ed  e USA by Michael Michael Oens  under o the Owens Bote Machine Copy ater the or muacturers Oens Iois) Ioi s)  d instled instled n i cto cto Owens' invenon could produce  impressive impre ssive 2,500 boles per hour Other developments lloed lloed ridl, but it  ws not not unti untill the rst Wor Word d a when whe n Bitn Bit n bece cut o o essenti glss supliers supl iers,, th gls gl s bece p of the scientc secto Previous Previ ous to this, glss had been seen  a cr rer th a  precise science

every sect of our lves  in our homes, our cs d henever we sit down to eat or dnk Gls packaging is used r m  poducts, my beverages bevera ges e sold n glass, s e nuerous odss,  well s edicines d cosetics

Tod, glss mang is big busness t hs become a mode, hitech indust

Gls is  ide meri r recycling, d with growng consuer conce  r green issues, glss bottles d js e becog ever ore popular Glss recycling recycling is good nes r r  thee enironent. It sa  th save vess use used d glass contne being sent to lll. s less ener is needed to elt recycled gls  th to melt down raw ateris, s so saves fuel d production cos. Recycling so reduces the need r ra maters  to be quied, thus sng precious resources



TestB Questions 1-8

Complete e notes below. Choose ONE WORD ONLY ONLYfm fm the passage or each ans

te your your ansrs in boxes 1-8 on your aser sheet

Te Hor of Glas

Early humans used a material called 1 ................. to make the sharp p points oints of their 2 ............................ 

4000 BC: 3 .... made of stone were covered in a coating of man-made glass

First century BC glass was coloured because of the  .............. in the material

Until 476 AD Only the 5 ...................... knew how to make glass

• 

From 0 th century Venetians Veneti ans became amous or making bottles out of glas glasss

7th century George Ravenscro developed a process using  ............... ........................... ............ .  to avoid the occurrence o  .................. in blown glass

Mid-9th cetury: British glass production developed aer changes to laws ...............................  onerning 8 ...............................

Q 9-3 In boxes 1 on on y your our anser sheet,  RUE

i te statement agrees ith the inoation

FALSE e statement condicts  NO GVEN i the is no inormation on the thisinoation 

In , HM Ashley had the astest bottle-producing machine that existed at the  time


Michael Owens was hired by a large US company to design a ully-automated botle manuacturing machine r them


Nowadays, Nowad ays, most glass is produced by large lar ge international manucturers manucturers


Concern for the environment is leading to an increased demand for glass e


t is more expensive to produce recycled glass than to manufature new glass




1426, which re based on Reag You should should end about 20 minutes on Questions 1426, Passage 2 below.

Bring back the big cats It' tme to strt retuing vanished vanished native native animals to Britain, says John John Vs

There is a poem, written around 598 AD which describes describes hunting hunting a mystery animal called a 1ewn. But what was it? Nothing seemed to fit until 2006 when an animal bone dating from around the same peod was found in the Kinsey Cave in norhern England. Until this discover the lynx -a large spotted cat with tasselled ears -was -was presumed to have died out in Britain at least 6000 years ago befor beforee

trees return t places that have been denuded allowing parts of the seabed to recover from trawling and dredging permitting rivers to flow freely again bove all it means bringing back missing species One of the most striking findings of modern ecology is that ecosystems without large predators behave in completely different ways from those that retain them Sme of them drive dynamic

the inhabitants inhabitants of these islands took up farming farm ing But the 2006 find together with three others in Yorkshire and Scotland is compelling comp elling evdence that the lynx and the mysterious ewn were in fact one and the same animal If this is so it would bring forward the tasseleared cats estimated extnction extnct ion date by roughly 5000 years

processes that resonate thrugh the whole food chain creating niches for hundreds of speces that mght othewise struggle t survive The killers turn out to be bringers of life

However this is not qute the last glimpse of the animal animal in British culture A 9th century stone cross from the sle of Eigg shows alongside thea deer dee r boarhunter and a aurochs prsued by mounted speckled cat with tasselled ears Were it not for the animal's animal's backside having having worn away wth tme we could have been certain as the lynx lynxss stubby tail is unmistakable But even without ths key feature its hard to see what else the crea creature ture could have been The lynx is now becomng the totemic animal of a movement that is transforming British environmentalism: environmentalism: rewilding. Rewlding means means the mass restoration of damaged ecosystems It involves letting

Such findings present a bg challenge to British conservation which has often selected arbitrary assemblages of plants and animals and sought sought at great effor and expense to prevent them from changing t has ted to presee the living world as if itand were a jar jar fout pickle letting nothing n nothing keeping keepin g nature in a state of arrested development But ecosystems ecosyste ms are not merely collections of species; speci es; they are also the dynamic and evershifting relatinships between them And this dynamism often depends n large predators At sea the potential is even greater by protecting large areas from commercial fishing we could once mre see what 18thcentury literature describes vast shoals of fish being chased by fin and 83



sperm whales, within sight of the English shore This policy pol icy would also greatly boost catches in the surrounding seas; seas; the fishing industry's insistence on scouring every inch of seabed, leaving no breeding reserves,

On a recent trip to the Cairngorm Mountains, I heard several conservationists suggest that the lynx coul be reintouced there within 20 years If trees return to the bare hills elsewhere elsewhere 1n Btan, the bg

could not be more damaging to its own interests. Rewiling is a rare example of an envronmental movement in which campaigners articulate what they are for rather than only what they are against One of the reasons why the enthusiasm for rewilding is spreadng so quickly n Britain is that it helps to create a more inspiring  vision than than the green movements usual promse of Follow us and the world wll be slghtly slg htly less awful than it wou woul l otherw otherwse se have been' The lynx presents no threat to human beings: there is isno known instance of one preyng on people It 1s a specialist preda tor  of roe deer, a species that has exploded n Britain in recent decades, holding holding back, by intensve browsng, attempts to re-establish  forests It will also winkle out sika deer  forests an exotc species that is almost impossible  for human beings beings to control, as it hies in impenetrable plantations of young trees The attempt to reintroduce this preator marres well with the aim of bringing  forests back to parts of our bare and barren uplands The lynx requires deep cover, cover, and as such presents little risk to sheep and other livestock, which are suppose, as a conditon o  subsdes, to be kept out of the woos

cats coul soon follow There is nothing extraordinary about these proposals, seen from the perspective of anywhere else in EuropetoThe now been reintroduced thelynx Jurahas Mountains, the Alps, the Vosges in eastern France an the Harz mo mountains untains in German, and has reestablished itself in many more places The European population has triple since 970 to roughly 0,000 As with wolves, bears, beavers, boar, boar, bison, moose and many other species, the lynx has been able to spread as farming has left the hills and people discover that 1t is more lucrative t? protect charismatic wildlife than to hunt !t, as tourists wll pay foristhe chance toalmost see 1t Largescale rewiling happening everywhere every where  excep exceptt ritain Here, attitues are just beginning to change Conservatonists are starting to accept that the ol preservationar model is failing, even on its own terms Alread, proects such as rees for Lfe in the Highlands provie a hint of what might be coming An organisation is being set up that will seek to catalyse the rewilding of land and seathat across Britain, its aim a imtoben beng g to reintroduce rarest of species ritish ecosystems hope



Reading Quss 1418 Write the coct le A, B C or D  in boxe 1418 on yor anwer heet. 14

What did the 2006 discovery of the animal bone reveal about the lynx?


Its physical appearance was very distinctive. Its extinction was linked to the spread of farming It vanished from Britain several thusand years ago

It survived in Britain longer than was previously thought 15 What point does the writer make about large predators in the third paragraph? A B

C D 16

Their presence can increase biodiversity They may cause damage to local ecosystems Their behaviour can alter according to the environment They should be reintroduced only to areas where they were native

What does the writer suggest suggest abou aboutt ritis ritish h conservation conservati on in the fourth paragraph? A B C

It has failed to achieve its aims It is beginning to change direction It has taken a misguided approach



It has fcused on the most widespread species Potectin Pot ecting g large areas of the sea from commercial fishing would result in



practical benefits fr the fshing industry some short-term losses to the fishing industry widespread opposition from the fishing industry certain changes to techniques within the fshing industry

ccording to the author, what distinguishes rewilding fom other environmental campaigns? A

Its objective is more achievable

Its are more articuate Its supporters positive message is more appealing It is based on sounder scientiic principles




TestB Questions 1922

Complete the summa using the st of words and phrases A-F be. Write e coct le A-   ,  in boxs 1922 on your answer shee

Reintroducing the lynx to Britain There would advantages the lynx to Bitan. While there the is no 19reintroducng evidence thatbe themany lynx has ever putto  n danger, t would reduce nubers of certan 20  whose populations have ncreased enormously in ecent decades decades It would pesent only a mnimal threat to 21   provided these were kept away frm lynx habitats Furhermore the reintduction programme would also link ecently with intiatives to rreturn eturn natve 22  to certain areas of the country A


endangeed speces




wild anmals




m animals



Reading Questions 2326

Do the following statements agree with the claims of the writer in Readin Passage 2?

I /oxes 2326 on your answer sheet,   if he saemen a agrees grees wih he claims o off he r YES NO  if e saeme saemen n conradic conradics s e cl claims aims of he r NOT GVEN  if i is impossible o say wha he r hinks abou his


Britain could become the first European country to reintroduce the lynx.

4 The large growth in the European lynx poplation since 1970 has exceeded conseationists' expeations 5 Changes in agricltral practices have extended the habitat of the lynx in Erope 6

It has become apparent that species reintrodction has commercial advantages




Yu shou end about 20 minutes on Q 7-4 , ich a based bas ed on Reading Re ading Passage 3 on pages 89 and 9.

Questions 27-33

Reading Passage 3 has seven paragraphs, -G -G..

Choose the coct heading or each paragph fm the st o headings belo Write the coct numbe v   , in boxes 233 2 33 on your answer sheet sh eet List of Headings

Disputes over financial arrangements regarding senior managers 

The impact on companies of being subjected to close examination


The possible need need for undamental undamental change in every area of business

 

Many external external bodies bodi es being held responsible responsible for problems problems The falling number of board members with broad enough experience


A risk that not all directors take par in solving major problems


Boards not looking far enough ahead

 A proposal to change the way the board operates


Paragraph 


Paragraph B


Paragraph C


Paragraph 


Paragrap E


Paragraph F


Paragraph G




UK companies need more eective bords of directors A

fer a number of serious failures of governance (that is, how they are managed

at the highest level), companies in Britain, as well as elsewhere, should consider radical changes to their directors' roles. It is clear that the role ro le of a board director today is not an easy one Following the 2008 financial meltdown which resulted in a deeper deeper and more prolonged period of economic e conomic downturn than anyone expected, the search search for explanations explanations in the many post-mote post-motems ms of the crisis has meant blame has been spread far and wide Governments, regulators, central banks and auditors have have all been in the frame The role of o f bank directors and management and their widely publicised failures have been extensively picked over and examined in repors inquiries and commentaries 

The knock-on eect of this scrutiny has been to make the governance of companies in general an issue of intense public debate and has significantly increased the pressures on, and the responsibilities of directors. t the simplest and most practical level, the time involved in fulfilling the demands of a board directorship has increased significantly, calling into question the efectiveness of the classic model model of corporate governance governance by part-time, independent non-executive directors Where once a board schedule may have consisted of between eight and ten meetings a year, in many companies number of events requiring board input and decisions decisi ons has dramatically dramatically risenthe risen Fuhermore, the amount of reading and preparation required r each meeting is increasing gendas can become overloaded overl oaded and this can mean the time fr constructive debate must necessarily be restricted in favour of getting through the business


Oen, board business is devolved to commiees in order to cope with the workload, which may be more eicient eicient but can mean that the board as a s a whole is les involved in fully addressing addressing some of the most important issues It is not uncommon r r the audit committee meeting to last longer than the main board meeting itself. itself. Process may take take the place of discussion and be at the expense of real collaboration, collaboration, so that boxes are ticked rather than issues tackled


 radical solution, whicemay r some large companies whosemembers business busi nesses es are extensive extensiv andwork complex, is thevery professional board whose would work work up to three or ur days a week, suppored suppo red by their own dedicated sta and advisers advisers There are obvious risks to this and a nd it would be important to establish clearr guidelines fr clea fr such a board to ensure that it did not step on the toes of manageme mana gement nt by becoming too engaged in the day-to-day running of the company Problems of recruitment remuneration and independence could also arise and this structure would not be appropriate or all companies However, more professional and betterinfrmed boards would have been particularly appropriate for banks where wher e the executives had access to inrmation that par-time non-executive directors lacked leaving the latter unable to comprehend or anticipate the 2008 crash





One of the main criticisms criticisms of boards and their direc directors tors is that they d do o not cu cuss suiciently on longer-term matters of strategy, sustainability and governance but instead concentrate too much on shortterm financial metrics Regulatory

requirements and the struure of the market encourage this behaviour. The tyranny of quarerly reporting reporting can distor board decisi decisionmaking onmaking as directors have to 'make  the numbers ever ur months to meet the insatiable appet appetite ite of the mar market ket for more data This sees to encourage the trading methodology of a certain kind of investor who moves in and out of a stock without engaging in constructive dialogue  with company strategy peromade perormance rmance andby is simply seeking a sh short  term the financial gainabout This eect hasorbeen worse the cha changing nging profile profi leort of investors due to the globalisation of capital and the increasing use of automated rading systems Corporate culture adapts and management teams are largely incentivised to meet financial goals F

Compensation for chief executives has become a mbat zone where pitched batles beeen investors, management and board members are ught, oen behind closed closed doors but increasingly frequently in the full glare of press attention Many would argue that this is in the interest of transparency and goo governance as shareholders use their muscle in the area of pay to pressure boards to remove underperorming chief executives Their powers to vote down executive remunerati remun eration on policies increased when bining votes came into frce The chair of the remun remuneration eration committee can be an exposed and lonely role, as Alison Carnwath, chair of Barclays Banks remuneration commiee, found when she had  to resign, having been roundly criticised r tring to defend d efend the e enormous normous b bonus onus  to be paid to the chief executive; the irony being that sh she e was widely und understoo erstood d to have spoken out against it in the privacy of the committee committee


The financial crisis stimulated a debate about the role and purpose of the ompany and a heightened awareness awareness of corporate ethics Trust in the corporation has been eroded and academics academics such as Michael Sandel, in his thoughtful and bestselling book What Money Can t uy, are questioning the morality of capitalism and the market econom economy y Boards of companies in all sectors will n need eed to widen their perspecti pers pective ve to encompass encompass these issues and this may involve a realignment realignment o off corporate goals We live in challenging times 1



Reading Quesons 34-37

Do e fwing fwing statements agree wth the clams f  f the wrter n Reading Passage Pass age 3? In boxes 337 n your answer sheet, write YES


 if e stement ages with the cs of o f the r  if e stement cntradicts the claims f the writer f t s impssle t say what the wrter thinks abut this


Close scrutiny of the behaviour of boards has increased since the economic downturn.


Banks have been mismnaged to a greater exten than other businesses


Board meetings normally coninue coninue or as long as necessay to debate matter matterss in full


Using a committee strucure would ensure that board members are fully informed about significant issues

Qestions 38-40

Complete the sentences belo Chse ONE WORD ONLY  m the passage fr each answe m Wrte your answers n boxes 3840 384 0 n your answer sheet. 38

Before 200, non-executive directors were at a disadvantage because of heir lack of  


Boards tend to place too uch emphasis on  consideraions hat are only o shorterm relevance relevance


On certain maters such as pay the board may have to accep the views of  





WRITING TASK 1 You should spend about 20 minutes on ths task.

The diagram below shows how geothermal energy is used to produce electrici. Summae the information by selecting and repong e main featus, and make comparisons whe relevant.

Wrte at east 150 words

Geothermal power plant

© Cold




You should spend about 40 minutes on this task. Write about the following topic:

Some people people believe that aowing children to make their own choices c hoices on eveay eve ay mars mars (such as foo, clothes and entein enteinmen men is likely likel y to result  in a socie of individuals who who only think think about their own wishes. Other people  believe that that it is impont impont for children to make decisions about mars that  act them. Discuss both these views and give your own opinion Give easons r your answe and include any relevant examples fom your own knowledge or expeience. Write at least 250 words.





The examiner asks the candidate about him/herself, his/her home work or studies and other familiar topics. EXAMPLE A

• • • •

Did you enjoy doing art lessons when you were a child? hy?/Why not?] Do you ever draw or paint piures now? hy?/Why not?] When was the last time you went to an art gallery or exhibition? hy?] What kind of pictures do you like having in your home? hy?]


Describe a time when you visited a friend

You will have to talk about the

or family member at their workplace.

 topic for one onone e tominute two minutes minu tes You have to think about what you are going to say You can make some notes to help you if you wish

You should say:  who you visited  where this person worked  why you visited this person's  workplace and explain how you felt about visiting this peson's workplace


Discussion topics: Dierent kinds of workplaces Example quesons:

What things make an oce comrtable to work in? Why do some people prefer to work outdoors? Do you agree that the building people work in is more important than the colleagues  they work work with? The impoance of work Example questions:

\  e e e  peope n't have to work? Are all jobs of equal importance? Why do some people become workaholics? 94


Audioscripts i•l SECTION 1 Tc EMPLOYEE: Hi Can I help you? v1s1TOR 'd like to find out if you hae any excurion uitable r familie. T EMPLOYEE EMPLOYEE Sure. How about about taking taking your family fr a cruie? We hae a teamh that  take aener aener     eral eral time a da-it da-it oer 00 year old. v1s1TOR hat ound ound intereting How Ho w long i the trip? Tc EMPLOYEE About an hour and a half. An don't ret to take icture of the mountain. hey're all around you when you're on the boat and they t hey look fantatic vs1TR K And I aume there' a caf or o r omething on board? T EMPLOYEE Sure How old are your children? v1s1TOR r, my daughter' fifteen and my on' een. T EMPLOYEE ight Well there are ariou thing you can do once youe croed the lake,  to make a day of it. ne thing that' ery popular i a iit to the Country Farm ou're met o the boat by the farmer and he'll take you to the holding pen,  where the heep are kept Children loe feeding them! v1s1TR y on would loe that. He really like animal. T EMPOYEE Well, there alo a 4minute trek round the farm on a hore if i f he want vs1TOR Do you think he'd manage manage it? He H e han't done that befre. Tc EMPOYEE Sure. It' uitable r complete beginner. VTOR Ah good T EMPLOYEE And again iitor iitor are welcome to to explore the farm on their own a long a they take care to cloe gate and o on o n here are ome e beautiful arden alon the ide of the lake which alo belon to th farm-theyll farm-theyll be jut at their th eir bet now. now. ou could eaily pend pend an hour or two there v1s1TR K. Well that all ound good And can we et lunch there? T EMPLOYEE EMPLOYEE ou can can and i' e ood thouh it' not included in the baic cot. ou a  when ou e there. there. VTOR




3 


v1s1TOR So  there anything ele to do oer on that ide of the lake? T EMPLOYEE Well, what you can do i take a bike oer on the hip and then go on a cycling  trip here' a trail there called the Back oad oad-you -you could eaily pend three or ur hour exploring exploring it and the cenery' wonderul. he'll ie ou a ma  when ou et our ticket r the cruie-there cruie-there no extra chare vsTR What' the trail like in term of dificulty? T EMPLOYEE Quite challenging challenging in place t  t wouldn't be uitable for your eenyearold I nd omeone who ot a bi mr xerience v1s1TOR Hmm Well my daughter loe cycling and o do  o maybe the two of u could go and my wife and on could tay on the farm hat might work out quite well But we don't hae bike here.. here.. i there omewhere we could rent them? T EMPLOYEE  there' a place here in the the city city It' called atche  n. n. v1s1TOR 'll jut make a note of that-er, that-er, how do you pell it?

5 6





TC EMPLOYEE: EMPLOYEE: R-A---H--S--N-S. It's just by the crise ship terminal VTO K Tc EMPLOEE oud also need to pick up a repair kit r the bike fm there to take a along long with yo and yod need to t o take along a snack and some water itd be best to get  those in the ci ci  vsT Fine. hat sholdt be a pblem And I sume I can rnt a helmet fom the QB bike lace? TC EMPLOYEE Sre ou should denitel et that Its a great ride bt you want to be well prepared because its  remote ou wont see an shos run there, or Q9 anhre to sta so you need to get back in time r the last boat vs eah So what sor of prices are we looking at here? TC EMPLOYEE ets see thatd be one adult and one child r the crise with farm tor  thats $117 and an adult and a child r the crise only onl y so thats $24 dollars altogethe h wait a minute how old did you say yor daughter was? VTO Fiee Tc EMPLOEE hen Im a afraid fraid it 267 because she has to pay the adult fare which is $75 10 instead of the child fare which iiss $22 sory about tha thatt vsT hats K r so how do 

SECTION 2 Good morning y names Joypreious arkins and Im the restaurat And I nderstand thateeyone none of yoe had any experience as kitchen manager assistants? Well you might be feelig a bit neros now but most of or kitchen assistants say they ejoy the  work. K they might get shouted at sometimes but itits s othing personal a ad d thre le leased ased  that th hae so man die dierent rent thins to do which means the nee neerr et bored And Ill  tell yo straightaway that that if yo do well we might think about mo moing ing you up and giing yo you u some more responsibility


Right well youe all shown p on time which is an excellent star Now Im glad to see none of you hae nsuitable otwear so thats good you nee need d to be caref carefll as the flfloo oo can get e wet and slippery hose of you with long hair hae got it well out of the way but some of Q 12  oll need to rmoe our rins nd brlet ust u thm somewhre fe r oda and remer to leae h at home tomorrow as the can be a sa hazard Now its oin to be a bus da for o all toda we dont hae an tables free r this eenin and onl a few for lunch Foruately wee got or Head hef back he was away on holiday all last week which meat the other chefs had extra work Now Ill tell you a bit more about the job in a miute bt first some general regulations For all of you whateer your age theres some eqipmet you mustnt use until youe been poperly trained like  the waste disposal system system r example r healt health h ad safe reasons h I hik tre are    u hr wh  r nr 8ats mm and Jake isnt it? Rih so r ou o the o the meat slicer is out of bouds And of course none of you are allowed to use the electric mixer ntil youe been shown how it works ow you may hae heard that this can be a stressful ob and  hae to say that can be true oll be working an eight-hour day r the first week though youll hae the chace to do oerime aer that as well if you want to Bt howeer long the hours are youll get a break middle What o will find is that ou o our feet all da lon lii and cain in the middle cain so if ore not fit now ou soon will be! oull find ou dot hae much chance to take it eas 

Q 13 

Q1 4

15 & 16

  \    me o need ne ed to do i sraihw sraihw but at least w do hae a ery eicient air conditionig system compared with some kitchens. 96



Now let me tell you about about some some of the people people you need to know. So as I said, I'm Jo Parkns and I decide who does what during the da and how long the work fr I'll be tryin to et you to work with as many diferent people in the kitchen as possible so that you learn while youre on the job One erson whose name ou must remember s Davd Fld If ou nure  ourself at all even f its reall minor ou o u must reort to t o hm and he'll he' ll make sure su re the ncdent is recorded and ou get the aroriat reatment Hes trained to ive basc treatment to sta himself himself or o r hell send you of somewhere else if i f necessary necessary Then there's Dxer Wills Will s he's the erson ou need to see if ou smash smas h a late or somethng like that Don't just leave it and hope no one will notice notice  ts really important important to et thns noted and replaced or there could be problems later And fnall theres Mke Smith Hes the member of sta who takes care of all the stores of ershables so if ou notice we're gettng low n flour or sugar or somethin some thing g mke sure ou let him know so he can ut in an order

017 018



OK now the next thn 







K Stewart We need nee d to star plannn our paper on publc libraries Have you thouht of an anle yet? Well there's so much we could look nto How librares have chaned over the centuries fr instance or how dierent countres oranise them What do you think abeTrude? we should concenrate n ths count and t and relate the changes in lbrares to external develoments develoments like the fact that far more eole can read than a centu ago and that the local oulation oulation ma seak lots of dierent diere nt languages languages W could nclud somethin somethin about chanes in the source of o f fundin too Yes but remember were only supposed to write a short paper so t's probably best if we don't o nto fundin in any detail Riht Well shall we just brainstorm a few deas to et stared? K We obviously need to look at the mpact of new n ew technoloy partcularly the internet Now that lots of books have been ditalised people can internet c an access them  from their own computers at home And if everyone dd that libraries would be obsolete




But the dgitalised books that are avalable onlne fr free are motl out of







corigh cor igh aren't the? And corght in this count lasts for  ears aer the author dies So ou won't find the latest bestseller bestsell er or utodate utodate nfrmaton Thats an imortant ont Anyway I nd it hard to concentrate whn Im readin a lon txt txt on a screen I'd much rather read a physical physical book And t takes loner to read on a screen h I prefer t I suppose it's just a personal preference m I expect that libraries will o on evolvin in the next few years Some have already become centres whre community activities take place lke local clubs meetn there I think thatl become even more common Id like to think so and that theyll still be servin ther traditional functon but I'm not so sure sure There There are financial financial mplicatons mplicatons aer all What I'm afraid will haen haen is 023 that books books and magazines will all dsaear and there'll ust be rows and rows of comuters hey wont look anythin lke the lbrares were used to Well we'll see













Ive just had an idea. Why dont we make an indepth study of ou ourr local public library as background to our paper? Yes, that'd be interesting interesting and raise all sors of issues Lets make a list of possible  we could ask about then work out some sor of structure. For instance um um  things we  things  we could inteiew inteiew some of the sta and fnd out whethe whetherr the lib has its own bude or if thats controlled b the local ouncil And what their policies policies are I know they dont allow food, but IId d love to find out  what types of noise they ban - there always seems to be a lot of talking but never


music dont wondere know if that's a policy it just happens Ah IveI oen wondered d Thn thereor are thins like how the liba is afected b 025 emloment laws I suose there are ruls abut workin hours failities fr sta and so on 026 Right Then hre are or issues relatin to the desin of the buildin and how customers se i Like what measures does the libra take take to ensure their sat? Theyd need floor coverings that arent slippery, and emergency exits, for instance Oh and another thing - thers the question of the kind of insurance the libr 027 needs to to have in s nne ets inured Yes thats something else to find out. You know something Ive oen wondered? Whats that? Well you know theyv theyve e got an archive of loc local al newspapers going back years? Well next to it theve t he h e dia of a wllknwn olitician from the late 19th centu 028 I wonder why its there Do you know what his connection was with this area? No idea idea ets add it tto o our list of tthings hings to ind out Oh, Ive just thought - ou know 02  eole miht ask in the libra about local oranisation  eole oranisations s like sors lubs? Well I  wonder if the kee a database database or whether he s look online Right I quite fanc ndin out what t dierenes are between a libra thats 03 be e oen to the ublc an one thats art of a museum for examle - they must b very dierent Mmm. Then something else I'd like to know is .

SECTION 4 In public discussion of business we take cerain values for granted Today Im going to talk about four of them: collaboration, hard work, creativity and excellence Most people would say theyre all good things Im I m going to suggest thats an oversimple vew The trouble with these values is that theyre theoretical concepts, concepts, removed fom the ality of daytoday busines business s Pursue vales b all means but be reared ffr r what m hn as a 03 rslt The can actuall cause dama damae e which is not at all the intention Business leade generally try to do the right tthing hing But all too oen the the riht thin bacres 02 if those ler adot values without understandin and manain the side efects that arise. The values can easily easily get in the way of whats actually intended OK So the t value Im going to discuss is collaboration Er let me give you an example On a manement trnin trnin  cor I once attended we were ut into rous and had to construct a bri acs a stram using building blocks that we were given The rule was  that eveyone in the team had to move at least one building block during the construction This was intended to encourage teamwork





Bu i was really really a job bes done by one person. The oher teams tried to t o collaborae on on Q34 building build ing he srucure and descended ino in o confusion, ih confusion,  ih everyone ein in each oher's  way  wa y Our eam leader solved he challene brillianly She simply asked everyone every one in he eam o move move a piece a few cenimeres cenimeres o comply wih he rule and hen he n le he person in he ea ih an aptiude for puzzles like his build it alone We finished befre any other eam M poin is ha he ask wasn' really suited o eamworkin so hy make i one? eawor can also lead o inconsistency eawor inconsistency - a comon cause of poor sales In he ase ase of a smarhone smarhone ha a certain coan launched one direcor waned o aret the business marke and anoher demanded i was aied a consuers The coman anted both direcors direc ors o be involve involved d so gave the roduc a consumerfriendl name but markeed i o o coanies coa nies The resul was ha ha i me he nee needs ds of neiher gru I ould have been· been·beter to le one direcor or he other have his a not boh Now indusriousness or hard work It's easy o mock people wo say hey work hard: aer all a hamser runnin around in a wheel is workin hard - and etin nohere Of course hard work is valuable bu onl whe rerl aeted Oheise i wass the resources hat comanies value os - ime and ene And tha's bad r he oranisaion There'ss a manaemen odel ha rups people accordin o ur crieria clever hard There'  workin stupid and lazy Here laz means having a raional rai onal deerminaion no to car ou unnecessa unnece ssa asks I doesn mean ryin o avoid ork aloeher Mos people display two of hese characterisics, and he os valuable people peop le are hose ho are a re boh clever and a nd




lazy hey clarity theyspen don by makin come up ith sopossess solutions lutions oinellecual save he ime andand enery brush y heino supi supid d and decisions hardorkiThey hardorkin n rup Insead of hroin more anhours a a problem he clever and lazy roup looks r a more eecive solution Next we come come to creativiy creativiy This ofen works well  creatin an atenionrabbin  commercial r example example miht lead o increased sales sal es u i isn / a ood hin Some adveisin adveisin campains are remembered fr heir creaivity wihou havin havi n any eec on sales sales This haened a few ears ago wih the launch of a chocolae bar subsequen research resear ch showed ha len of consumers remembered remembered the t he advers bu had no n o idea what  was being adverise adverised d The trouble is tha he creaor derives pleasure from coin up wih he idea and ronly assumes he audience r the campain will share hat feelin feelin  A copany ha brins ou thousands of ne products may seem more creaive han a company tha only has a few few bu b u i may be too creaive and make smaller prois Creativi



needs o be areed o o solve a roble hat  hat he coman has idenified Just comin up ih ore and more novel products products isn necessarily a ood hin And nally excellence We all know companies hat claim hey strive for excellence' bu i aes a lon ie o achieve excelen excelence ce In business bein frst ih a product is more profiable profi able han havin he  he best product A maor study of company perforance compared pionee pio neers rs - hat is copanies brinin ou ou he fst versio version n of a paricular produc - wih  followers  follower s he copanies tha copied and iproved on hat product p roduct The sud und that the  ioneers  ione ers commanded an average arke share of 2 ercen erce n while he lloers achieved less han han half tha onl 1 ercen  even houh heir produc mih have been beer


Insisin on excellence in everythin we do is imeconsumin wases enery and leads le ads to losin ou on opporuniies Someies secondrae work is more worhhile han excellence Make sure is excellen  ound like a ood approach o business bu he us etsared approach is likely o be b e more successful











: WOMAN









Good morning Kenton Festival box oice. How can I help you? Oh, good moing I'm coming to Kenton r a few days' holiday next month and a  friend a festival Shte She e gave this and number find about 19thut. it That's told rightmethetheres festival bein n 16tme f M goestoon tillout theabo Examle h h 9 Oh that's great Ill be there frm the 15  till the 1 • So could you tell me the programme please? Wel on the irst day there's the opening ceremony in the town centre People start gathering aroun aroundd 2 o'clock to get a good place to see from and  vents will sar Q1 at 245 and nish about 530 OK thanks I'll make sure I get there early to get a good spot The festival will be ocially opened by the mayor He'll just speak for a few minutes  welcoming everyone to the festival festiva l All the town t own councillors will be there and of course lots of other people Right

Then therell be a erormance b a band Most years we have a children's choir but this year the local army cadets oered to perorm and they're vey good.



 Aer th a communi rou from the town will erorm a la the've th e've writen Q3  thmselves u a sh one It Itss about Helen Tunae I don't know if you've heard of her? I cerainly have She ws a scienist ears ao Q 4 That's right She was bo in Kenton exactly 100 years ago so we're celebrating her centenay Im a biologist so I've always been interested in her I didn't realise she came from Kenton Yes. Well all that will take place in the aernoon ad later as the sun sets hrell Q be a rework disla. disla. You should o to the ark to watch as ou'll et the best view  from ther an th disla takes lce on the ooie oo ie side of the river It's always one of the most popular events in the festival Sounds great  And what's happening on the other days? There are several events that go on the whole time For example he students of  the rt collee have rdue rdue   ner ner of videos all conncted conncted with relationsis ewen chdren and her randarents That ounds interesting It makes a change from children and parents doesn't it! Exactly Exact ly Because the ar college is in use for classes throughout the festival the videos are bein hown in Handsworh House H ouse How do you spell the name? H-ANDS-W-O-R-H Handsworh House Its close to the Town Hall




Now let me see what else can I tell you about?  Are there any displays of ballet ba llet dancing? I'm paricularly par icularly interested in i n that as I do iti t as a hobb  There isnt any ballet Im afraid but there'll be a demnstration of traditional dance fm all nd the count




Oh, that'd be nice. Wheres that being held? Its in the market market in the town centre - the outoor one not not the covere market An Q9 it's on at 2 an 5 every afernoon of the festival apar from the first ay Lovely Im intereste in all kins of ancing Lovely ancing so I'm ure Ill enjoy that! Mmm I'm sure you will nd I really like to go to some concerts if there are any Yes there are several Three perorme by prossionals and one by local chilren n where is it being held? It's in the librar librar which is in Park Street On the 18th, at 630 in the evening I presume I'll nee tickets r that Yes ou can book online or ou an bu them when ou arrive in Kenton Kenton either at Q10 the festival box ofce or from an shos islain our loo in the winows Well I think that'll keep me busy for the whole of my stay in Kenton Kenton Thank you so much for all your help You're welcome I hope you enjoy your stay hank you Goobye


Right I've now almost succeeed in fnalising plans fr our tour o Ill bring you up to date with what I know s you know were flying first to Munich, on Monay the 4th . he flight is at 1130 so its too early to have lunch at the airport I suest we meet there r cofee at 10 which shoul give us plenty of time fr breakfast before we leave home


When we arrive in Munich we'll be met at the aiort b Claus Bauer Claus works fr a tour oerator an he'll look afer u fr the time we'll be in Germany Hes alreay liaised with the managers of the theatres were going to visit an hes alo arranged for an oficer of the National Nation al Theatre Theatre in Munich M unich to show us round the theatre t heatre one aernoon ae rnoon uring our stay Now last time we iscusse this trip I int have the precise cost r hotel rooms but now I have The normal rate at the hotel where were stain is 150 euros a niht for a ouble room I' hoe to et that own to 120 eus but in fat I've been able to neotiate a rate of 110 That'll be reflecte in the final payment which you'll nee to make by the en of this



week On uesay the ay afer our arrival arrival I ha hoped we coul sit in on a rehearsal at one of the theatres theatres but unfrunately unfrunately thats prove very icut to arrange arrang e o  o instea well have a coach trip to one of the amazing castles in the mountains south of Munich On Tuesay evening evening well all have inner together in a restaurant near our hotel From talking to you all about your preferences it was clear that a typical local restaurant woul be too meatoriented r some of you ome of ou sueste an Italian restauran but I must confess con fess that I ecie to book a Lebanese one a we have plenty of opporunities to go to an Italian restaurant at home On Wenesa aferno afernoon on the irector of the la we're oin to see that evenin will talk to us at the theatre She'll describe describe the whole process of proucing a play incluing how she chose the actors actors an, as a s the play were going to see is a moern m oern one how he worke with



the playwright



Audscripts Right Now I'd just like to make a few points about the plays were going tto o see, partly because it might might influence your choice of clothes to take with you! The la were se seein ein on We Wednesda dnesda evenin is a modern one and were oin   o the remire so itll be quite a dressy occasion though of course you dont have to dress rmally rma lly I gather its rather a multim multimedia edia production with amazing lighting eects and a soundtrack of electronic music music though unfortunately the playwright is ill and is unlikely to t o be able to attend


On Thursd Thursd were seein a la that was first erormed last ear when it was commissioned to mark a hundred ears since the birth in the town of a well-known scientist Were going to see a revival of that production which aused a lot of interest


Fridas la will reall reall  make ou think hard about what clothes to ack as itll be in the  rden of a alace. Its a beautiful setting but Id better warn you there wont be much protection fom the wind


On Saturda were oin b coach to a theatre in another town not far frm Munich Tis will Q19 b he oenin of a drama festiva and the maor and all the other dinitaris of the town will be attendin After the peformance peformance the mayor is hosting a reception for al alll the audience and  therell be a band playing playing traditional music of the region And aer having a day o on Sunday o ur finl la is on Monda and its in i n th stunnin · Sunday our Q20 th  ing  ing  f   f  the en   he peformance marks the ic h   s b c k    the ol h 14   en  oldd To        h  To wn  wn H  H a     c  s   fiy years that the lead actor has been on stage and the play is the one where he made his hi s first prossional appearance appearance all those yea years rs ago And the day afer that well be flying back home Now have you got any questions before I 








Oh good morning You must be James Im Beth Cartwright  please call me Beth hank you Now as this is your first tutorial since you stared on the Scandinavian Studies course Id like to find out something about you. Why did you decide to take this course? Well m mother iiss Danish and althouh we alwas lived in Enland she used to Q21  talk about her home a lot and that me m m  want to visit Dnmar Dnmark k We hardl ever dd touh touh  m mother usua usuall ll went on her own But when whenver ver her rlatins or friends were were in Enland the alwas cam to see us I see So I assume you already speak Danish one of the languages youll be studying I can get by when I talk to people though Im not terribly accurate Now you probably know that youll spend the third year of the course abroad Have yo had any thoughts about that Im really looking foard to it And although Denmark seems the obvious place to go because of my family connections Id love to spend the time in Iceland Oh Im sure it can be arranged Do you have any plans for when you graduat graduate e A lot of students go on to take a masters degree I think the ur years of the undergraduate course will be enough for me  Q22 interested in ournalism andme I u uie ie like the ideatranslatng of movinwhich to Scandina Scandinavia via and wrii creative than I ss most  \  \     graduates do




BH: JAMS BET

JAMS B

JAMS BE

JAMS B JAMS B JAMES B










O Now how are you finding the courses you're taking this term, James? Well I'm really enjoying the one on Swedish cinema. That'll continue next term but the one on Scandinavian literature that's runni a the momet mom et will be replaced b mre specialised specialised courses Oh ad b the ay if ou're interest inte rested ed in atching Danish television television rgrammes - there's going to be a course on that the term aer next. That sounds good Have you started thinkng about the literature aer that you have to rite i the next

Q 23 

few eeks? Yes m first choice would be to do something on the Icelandic sagas Hmm The trouble with that is that a lot of eole choose that toic, ad it ca be diicult dii cult to get hold of the books you'll eed Wh not leave that r another time? Right.

u miht find modern ovels or 19th cetu plarhs interestin interest in I've read or seen seen several plas in translatio so that ould be a ood idea. Fine I'll ut you don or that toic Right So hat would you advise me to aim at in the aer? First I suggest ou avoid taking oe writer and going into a great deal of detail That aroach cerainly has its lace but I think ou first need to et a understandin of the literature literature in the cotext cotext of the socie in which it as produced - ho it as written r how it wa pulished and so on I also thik that's more fruitful tha lacing it within the history of the genre OK, that sounds reasonable Could I sk for some advice about writing the aer Im orkig on about the Vkings? I have to do that this eek and I'm a bit stuck Of course Have you decided yet yet hat to rite about? o I haven't There's so much that seems seems iteresting - Viking settlement settlement in other countries countr ies trade mythology mythology  Wel what I suest is that ou read an assimet a student wrote last ear, hich is ket in the library Its short and ell cused, and I'm sure youll find it helful Ill give you the details in a moment Textboo Textbooks ks usually cover so many toics it ca be be very diicult to choose just one OK Ive got a DVD of the film about the ikigs that came out earlier this year Should I watch that again? If it's the one I am thinkig of hmm I'd ignore it - its more fantasy tha reality But I've ot a recordin of a document that ou should wah It makes some interesting and rovocative oints, hich I thik ill hel you to focus our toic Right So then should I work out an outline? Yes Just headins for dieret sectios at this tae And the ou should start ookin r suitable articles and books to draw on and take notes no tes which ou organise according to those headings I see Then put shor phrases and senteces as bullet poits under each headin Make sure that this skeleton makes sense and flos roerly, bere writing u the aer in full OK Thanks that's very helful





Q28 Q29




Audioscripts SECTION 4 Over the years, years, attitudes towards workers have changed considerably. After all there was a time when workers had no rights at all and laboured in appalling conditions Conditions have impoved a lot but conflict in the workplace is still common And human resources managers nowadays need to be able to deal with it hen necessay What is conflict in the worklace? Denitions va bt I'm takin it to refer to a whole rane


of behaviors that-the victim violence nds unaccetabl from minor harmless aruments at the oosite extreme hsical Much f this is covered b the term bullintoby-which I mean one or mo people behaving absively or aggressively against another who is in a  weaker position position Althog Althoghh all behaviour like this is a frm ooff conflict no nott all conflict can be describedd in these terms describe As with all hman behaviour behaviour,, there are numerous reasons for it But oen its cased b 032 someone who fels the need to show their th eir sueriori over someone else in order to feel that they arent at the lowest level in a hierarchy or a gup of people In some cases one erson siml dislikes the other on the basis th tht t the ersonli of one 033 is in some wa incomatible with that of the other erson hab it of optimism in one o ne erso n A general habit person cold make them intolerant of a colleague whos constantly pessimistic - not that that jstifies treating them badly, of o f corse 04

Somethan conflis when as eole are more in romotin themselves their team in thearise coman a whole Theseinterested conflicts are called structural, andand could come about, r example when a sales team believe they are the only people in the business who do any useful work and look down on behindthescenes administrators Conflict obviousl aects b e ve stressful aects the individuals concerned - the sitation is likel to be  fr victims resultin in their absence from work ossibl for months For the company if no eort is made to deal with conflict it can spiral ot of control and even lead to the breakdown of the business Some intere Some interestin stin work with chief ex execti ectives ves - CEOs - has uncovere uncoveredd some of the reasons  why they may treat treat colleagues badly Ma Man n CEOs combine two oosin characteristic characteristics: s: confidenc confi dencee - that is the be belief lief tha thatt ther theree caable of re reat at achieve achievements ments - with a hih level of anxie a fear f ear of missing targe targets ts whether set by themselves or by the directors of o f the company This combination can make them respond badly to anyone who questions their decisions In a high pressre work environment sch s ch characteristics become problematic And its  aicularl diicult diicult to tackle the situation where colleaues colleaues manaers and board b oard members are all tin to achieve their own visions When the cant aree on strateic issues and on  where the the see the busin business ess 9oin there are real roblems

0 3 5 



For managers managers at lower levels within the organisation, it might seem that an autocratic auto cratic rm of managem management ent - where the chief executive gives orders and everyone else has to obey  would see more conflict than others Interesting Interestingly ly though a coman with a more democratic 038 business mode can ser more, when nceraint about ab out who to reor to leads to conflictin demands Now Ill say a little abot dealin with the type of conflict that has armful eects Of corse the ideal ideal is to prevent it arising in the first place A ood manaer at an an leve will make eorts to\ earn theU resect eole the work and with,treating paricularly who report to them  wm U of\the  omucations ththose  equals who appen to have a dierent le within the organisation




Test 7

Sometimes, of coue conflc conflc does occur occur and can ge ou of hand. In such cases he human resourc res ources es depamen ofen ofen ges involved How However ever if one of he aries in a confli sees 04 huan resources resources as sily a mouhiece r he chief execuive hen hen an exernal mediaor ih be able o hel B alking o boh sides and ring o find he ruh of whas been happening he can build a clear picure of he siuaion and give feedback ha boh sides will accep precisel because here independen


1: PAUL


Hello? Hi Susie is Paul here ow are ou? Enjoin Enjoing g our new job? You're working a he librar aren ou? Yes  sared when he libra re-oened a onh ao s grea Acuall Carol and  have been meaning o join r a while Oh ou should  doesn cos anhin anhing g and he new librar has all sors of faciliies facil iies 's no jus a place pla ce where ou borrw books. For inance heres an


area wih wi h comfora comforable ble seas where ou can si si  and read rea d he magazines he have here Some people spend he whole morning here Mm Wish  had ha amoun of ime o spend! Yes ou mus be pre bus a presen wih he children and everhing? We are es Bu were hoping o ge awa his sumer Were hinking of going o Greece Well weve o a much larer secion of he lira devoed o ravel books now so ou should come and have a look  can remember if heres anhing specificall on Greece bu  should hink so. OK Now Carols organising a projec r he hiso class she eaches a school  is abou life in he own a hundred ears ago Do ou have anhing ha migh be useful? Yes acuall weve now o a new secion wih maerials on he hiso of he own and surroundin reion Righ ll el her You can alwas find ha sor of hing on he inerne Now in he old libra here used o be a separae room wih reference reference books.  was a reall real l nice quie room Yes Weve pu hose books in he ain pa of he libra now now bu we do have a ro alled he communi room    can be hired ou r meeins bu a oher imes eole an us i o sud  migh use ha s hard o find anwhere quie a home someimes  can remember how old our son and daugher are  weve inoduced a secial secion secio n of fici ficion on wrien secially r eenaers bu he migh be a bi oung for ha? Yes he would be


Well we do have los of aciviies for ounger children


1 PAUL



1 PAUL










Yes? or example we have a Science Club A he nex meein he're oin o be 05 sugarr and flour flour and doin exerimens exerimens wih suf ha ha eveone has h as in i n he kichen  suga so on 105


Audscrpts PAUL:









sus1E PAUL sus1E


sus1 UL

They might be interested yes. And we have a competition fr children called Reading Challenge That doesn't begin ntil ntil aer the end of term They have to read six books, and they get a ceificate if they manage it So that gives them something to do while they're on holiday instead o getting bored That's the idea And there's special activities for adlts too On Frida we have a lol athr lle Tan Tan Sre who' in t be alkin alkin abo abot t her new novel It's called Catch the Mose' and and she bad th  on a crim tha actall tok  lae here r ao. Right Were not free on Friday bt I'll look ot r the book Now this probably isn't for yo bt we do have IT sor available for mebers We et qite a few older le comin alon who are wantin to et  to seed  with comter technolo. technolo. It's on Tesda Tesda mornin mornins s  the don't need to ma make ke an aintmn  aintmn h jst rn    r hin h Well my mother migh be interested I'll let her know OK And there's another seice which o woldn't exect from a libra which is a ree meil check-. The hosital arranes r smone o come ln n meree h vl f r in r lod mer lod an the check cholesterol levels at the  m  m  m  Reall?




Yes bt that's the overs sobe yo woldn't alif OK. Well I'll tellonl my for mother she might interested What other inrmation  well w do ave a littl sho with thins like wallchars 09 and reetins crds and also stams so yo can post the cards straightaway  which is really sefl Yeah Well Ill bring the children rond at the weekend and wel oin Oh one more thing  Ill be brin bringing ging the car car is i s there arkin available? Q10 Yes and it ree in th enin nd a weekends Perfect Well thanks Ssie see yo .

SECTION 2 In this session session in yor training day we're going to look at some of the more secialised holidays  we oer at BC Travel Now the travel bsiness is very co competitive mpetitive an andd it' it'ss important to be awaree of how the marke awar market's t's changin changingg and developing IInn terms of age grops tthe he over5s are  n imrant imrant marke nd one that thats s in increasin creasin seadil ear on ea earr The fewest holidays are taken by the 3 to 42yearolds and that figre shows no sign of rising The biggest market at present is still the yongest grop the  to 3s bbt t this grop's also seen the biggest drop over e as ew years whereas there's a notieable roh in the nmber f holida takn concerned d bookings there are  the 5 o earol  earol  As far as the 43 to 54yearolds are concerne stead bt I have to say we haven't seen the increase we expected

Q11 & Q12

Q11 & Q12

One trend we're noticing with nearly all age grops is the growing poplarity of holidays clients ents do some kind of specialised activity I'm I' m not talking here abot adventre in which cli hlidays where clients clients take par in highrisk activities like white water rafing st fr the thrill of it. Activi Activity ty holidays sally involve rather less highrisk spos or things like art and msic They're not necessarily necessarily cheaper than ordinary ordinary holidays oen o en the opposite in i n ct Bt the do oen ae lce oside  in toris ntres ntres which ives an opportunity for clients to find  m abot the loc local al l and cstoms and many say this is one o the most positive posi tive featres of these holidays O corse they oer the chance ch ance to develop a new skill or 106

Q13& 4


Test 7

talent but cients oen say that more than ths ts the chance to create lasting relationships  wth other likemnded people thats the main draw.

Q13  &  Q14

Let me ve ou some examles of BC Travel actvit holdas Our aintn holdas tae lace n fur dferent centres in France and Ital and ther ver oular with clents of all abltes from beinners onwards We've got an xcellent team of artists to lead the classes some of them have been wth us m he star, and fve dditonal ones wll be joinng us ths  ear so that we can oer a reater number of classes in each centre


As far as coon holidas are concerned I know a lot of agents oer holdas where clents Q16 cook recipes related related to one artcular artcular count usually the one there stayng n but we fcus on dshes dshes from from a great many dierent ones Aart from that oull ou ll nd the usual emhasis on ood qual qualt t oranic inredients inredients - that thatss more or less a ven nowadas - and there are enerall enera ll some meatfee reces ncluded Our hotorah holdas take lace in a wde rane of countries from Iceland to Vietnam and clents have have the oortunit to see some stunnin scener scener Gus are small no more than eiht so clents can have oneonone tuton durng durng the holida and excursons are arraned with fulltrained udes At the end of each holda an exhbtion is held of the hotorahs taken so that clents can see one anothers wor and receve valuable feedback from the tuto

Finall let me tell ou about our fitness holdas. In Ireland and Ital we run oneweek eneral fitness classes fr all aes and levels of ftness Clents start the course wth a consultaton with a trainer and toether the draw u an ndvidual roramme As well as imrvin imr vin eneral eneral ftness clients clie nts fnd that the end u losng much of o f the stress st ress theyve theyv e built u in ther daily lves



In Greece we have a twoweek holday for clients who want to do omething aout ther Q19   weght. Ths has all the features oud exect lke a ersonalised diet rramme but one of its most oular features s that the exercse classes are all held on the beach Peole sa ts far referable to ben in a m Fnall Fnall  we ofer several holidas in Morocco One ver ve r oular one s th e mountan bkin holida holi da Bkes are rovided and there are dferent routes accordn to eoles abili abili  We oer one whch s tailored to the needs of famles whch famles  whch s atcularl at cularl oular


OK so thats about all the time I have toda so thank ou ver much 




Dave Im worred worred about about our case stud stud Ive done a bt of readin but Im not sure  whats nvolved in actuall writin a case stud - I missed mis sed the lecture where r Baker talked us throuh it OK well its qute strahto strahtoard ard Weve ot our fcus - thats tourism tourism at the Hoon Castle ste And ou sad oud done some readn about it Yes I fund some arcles arcles and made notes of the main ma in oints Dd ou remember to keep a recrd of where ou got the inrmaton from? Q 21 Sure I know what a an it is when ou fret that OK so we can comare what weve read Then we have to decde on a arcu arcular lar rblem or need at our ste And then thnk about who were on to nteiew to et more inrmation



Audioscripts NATALIE:







OK So who'd that be? The people who work there? And rsumably some of th Q22 tourists too? Ys, both thos grous. So we'll have to go to the sit to do that I suose But w might also do some of our intiewing away from th sit sit- we cou could ld even contact Q23 some people people hr in th ci lik administrators involvd in overseein tourism OK So we'll need to thin thinkk about our intiew questions and fix times and laces fr the mtings Its all going to take a lot of tim Mmm And if we can, we should ask our intrviewes if thy can bring along some numrical data that w can add to suor our findings And hotograhs? I think we have lenty of thos alrady alrady B But ut Dr Baker also said we hve to establish  with ou intiewe intiewees es whether we can identi the them m in our cas stud or whther  he want to b anonmous Oh I wouldn't have tho thought ught of that OK onc we've got all this information I suose we have to analyse it Ys, ut it all togethr ad choose what's rlevant to th roblm we're focusing on and analse that carfull to t o find out if we can id idnti nti an trends or reularities ther That's the main thing at this stag, rather than concntrating on details or lots of facts OK And then once weve analysed that what nxt? Well then w need to think about what w do d o with th data we've slected to make it as clear as ossibl to our readers Things like grahs or tables or chars 




Then the case study itslf is mostly quit standard; we begin by resenting the roblem and a nd giving so some me background then go through the main sctions but th th  thing that surrisd surrisd m is that in a normal rport we'd nd with some suestions suesti ons to deal with the poblem poblem or ned we idenified but in a case stud we end up with a ustion or a sris of ustions to our raders and the decide what ouht to b b  don Oh I hadnt realised that












So basically the roblem wre addressing in our cas study of o f the Horton Castle site is why so few tourists are visiting it And well find out more from our inteiews but I did find one ror on the intrnt that suggested that one rason might be because as far as transort goes access is dificult I rad that too, but that reor was actually written tn yars ago when the road Q27 thre was really really bad but thats been imved now And I think there's pln of of  fascinatin  fascina tin stuf there fo a rall ood da ou but u'd never realis it from th castle webitewebite- mabe thas the problem problem Yes it's reall  and borin  ea so a suggestion suggestion that what the castle needs s a visitor centre So we could have a look for some information about that on the internet What would we nd to know? Wll, who'd use it r a start It'd be good to know what categories the visitors fell into too like school aties or retired eole but I think we'd have to talk to sta to gt that inrmation OK And as w're thinking of suggesting a visitor centre we'd also have to look at otntial otnti al bl blms ms I mean, obvious obviously ly it wouldn' wouldn'tt be chea to set u No but it could b a rally good investment And as it's on a historical site i'd ne Q28    p prmsso I xpect That miht b hard.


Test 7


Right especially as the only possible place fr it would be at the entrance and thats right in front of the astle.

NATAE Mmm. DAVE But it could be a good thing for the town of Horton t present its a bit of a ghost town Once the've the 've le school and ot o t an skills or qualifications, he on ole all et out as st as the can to et jobs in the cit and the onl eole le are children and thos who'v retired


NATAE touri Right Somet else w e could woul would d be the potential damagetthat tourists stsSomething mighthing cause cause to we the castleinvestigate site I mean their environment environmental al impact present the tourists can ust wander round wherever they want but if nmbers increase 03 there miht have to be some restrictions like stickin to marked was nd there'd need to be uides an wardens wardens around to make sure these were en rced DAVE Yes we could look at that too OK well .

SECTION 4 OK so weve been looking at how man-made changes in our envinment can aect wildlife ow Ill discuss a particular example. example. Lets take a look at mercury Mercury's one of the 1 or so eleents that ake up all matter and it has the symbol Hg. Its a shiny silvery substance You ay have seen it in oldfashioned thermometers but its i ts not used uch r doestc doest c purposes now because it's highly toxic purposes But the problem is that the amount of mercury in the environment's increasing he main reason reas on for this is the powe powerr plants used to produce electricity electricity he main m ain source of energy ene rgy that ost of the use is still coal and when it's burned it releases mercury into the atmosphere Some of this gets gets deposited deposited into lakes and rivers and if its ingested by a fish its not excrete it stays in the fishs bod and it enters the f od chain So its been known or some tie that birds which eat fsh may be aected but what wasnt known until quite recentl is 031 that those that eat insects can also be aected So a woman called called Claire arianRamos is doing some research on how this is i s aecting birds nd rather than looking at how any birds are actually killed by mercury poisoning she's looking f r more subtle subeects subeects nd these ma be to do with the behaviour of the birds or with the eect of mercu on she's the wa their arly brain works on so whether it leads to roblems  with emo r examle nd particul particularly cusing the eects of mercury on bird song ow the rocess of son leain haens at a artic articular ular stae in the birds develomen and what ou ma not know is that a oun bird seems to acuire this skill  listenin to the sons rduced b its father rather than by any other bird nd arian-Ramos has already fund in her research that if oun male irds are exosed to ercu if the eat food containated with mercu then the sons the roduce arent as comlex coml ex as those roduced b b  other birds So uite lowlevel exposure to mercury is likely to have an impact impact on male birds in a natural situation situation because it can mean that t hat theyre less attractive to female birds and so it can afect their chances of reroduction ow the way shes carrying out this research is worth thinking about Shes using a mixture of studies using using birds kept in laborat laboratories ories and studies carried out outdoors in the wild he labbased studies have the advantae that ou dont et all th variables ou would in a






natural settin so the exerimenter has a uch hiher level of control and that means they can be more confident about their results in some ways nd of course they don't have to  worry about about going out and finding the birds in orde orderr to t o observe them th em



Audioscripts So what are the implications here for humans? Well, because many birds are migrato the ma b transorting mercu mercu far from contaminted sites. si tes. For examle its been be en found that  cks whd been feeding at a contaminated site were later shot b hunters over a thousand kilometre aa and resumabl eaten But these birds likel had mercur levels hih enouh to warrant concern r human consumption


In addition, addition, oin back to son leain b birds, we saw that this ma be b e afected b merc mercu uincontamina contamination tion Well we also and knowin that hum humans ans smercu causesindevelomental 038 delas the acquisition of language, factinthis process proces is ver similar the brain reions rei ons it involves and even the enes that are involved But mercur contaminat contamination ion has other impor important tant implications implications r humans as well It nw known th an nborn child can be 039 aected if the od eaten b its 'mother contains high levels f mercu, and these efects can be uite substa substantial ntial In the end, it comes down to whether more value is placed on human economic wellbein or envirnmental wellbein Its true there are new regulations fr mercu emissions from  ower lants but these will need nee d billions of o f dollars to iimlemen mlemen and increase increas e costs for eveone Some ar arue ue that thatss too much to pa to protect wildlife But as weve seen, the issues o beond that, and I think its an issue we need to consider ver carefull















Hello Pembroke Cclin Holidas, Bob speakin Oh hello Ive seen our adver r people to lead ccle trips Are ou the riht person to speak to? Yes, I am Could I have our name, please? Its Mararet Smith Example Are ou looking fr a ermanent job Mararet? Mararet ? Qt No emr Ive ot a permanent ob starin in a few months time, and I  want to do somethin else els e until then What work do ou do? This will probabl probabl sou sound nd craz - I used to be a lawe lawer,r, and then I made a complete career chane and Im going to be a doctor Ive ust finished m Q2  trainin Riht And have ou had an experience of leadin ccle trips? Yes, Ive led several bike tours in Africa The trip to India that I had arraned to Q3 lead next month has now been cancelled, cancelled, ssoo when I ssaw aw ou were adverisin r tour leaders I decided to appl OK Now we normall have two or three leaders on a trip, dependin on the size of the roup Some tours are r ver experienced experienced cclists, but weve wev e ot a tour comin up soon in Spain, which is pvin so popular we need an additional leader Its a cclin holida fr milies Would that suit ou? It cetainl would I eno workin with children and I probabl need some more experience experie nce before I o on a rall challenin trip trip That tour includes several teenaers: have ou worked with that ae roup  Yes, Im a volunteer worker in a outh club, where I help people to improve their Q4  cclin skills Before that I helped out in a cclin club where I tauht beinners












Well that's that's great Now the trip I mentioned is just r a tnight, but there t here might be the possibility of leading other other tours afer that Would that fit in i n with your plans? Thatd be fine. Ill be free fr five months M ob is due to stat on October O ctober the 2nd and Im available from Ma Ma the the 1st until late Setember Setember Good Now is there anything I need to know about the food you eat? We usually have one or two people people in the grup who dont eat meat or have some so of od allergy allergy so were always vey careful about that Yes Im alleric to cheese Would that be a problem? No as long as we have enough notice we can deal with that. Thats great



It sounds really interesting -would you lie me to t o fill in an application rm? Yes please Where should I post it to? Could you send send it to 27 Arbuthnot Place -ARBUTHN0T -ARBUTHN0T  Place Dumfies Q  And whats the ostcoe ostcoe lease? QB DG7 4PH Was that P Papa or B Bravo?  Papa Got that. If you could return the application form by Friday this week we can 9 interview ou on uesda uesda next week Say half past two Would that be possible r you? Yes its fine ure quite a long way from where I live so Ill drive over on Monday. Monda y. Should I bring bri ng anything anything to the interiew? Well have your application form of course, but well need to see any certificates youve got that are relevant, in cycling first aid or whatever K.

 And at the inteiew wed like to find out about our exerience of bein a tour Q10  uide so could ou reare a tenminute tenminute talk about tha leae? You dont need slides or or any complicated equipment equipment  just some notes Right Ill start thinking about that straightaway! straightaway! Good. Well well look foard to receiving your application form and well contact you to confirm the inter interiew iew Thanks ver much Thank you, Margaret Goodbye Bye.

SECTION 2 Welcome to this podcast about the Sheepmarket which is one of o f the oldest parts part s of the city  As its name name suggests suggests there was originally a market here where farmers farmers broug brought ht their sheep but now now its been redeveloped into a buzing buzing vibra vibrant nt area of the city which is also home to one of of the citys fastestgrowing communities communities The nearby university has always alwa ys meant the areas popular with students who come in to enjoy the lively nightlife but now raduates embarkin on on careers in the worlds of shion and desin are buin u the new aartments recentl built here to relace the small houses where the market worke used to live The narrow narrow old side streets are reat laces fr findin oriinal ictures ewelle and  which won't break the ban ban as well as local produce like fruit and vegetables ceramics which ceramics Theres also also lots of pavement cafes where you can have a coee and watch tourists from all






over the world go by. The oldest buildings in the area are on the main streets, including the citys first department store built in the 1880s, which is still open today The Sheepmarket is a centre r fashion and there's a policy of enouraging new young designers design ers The Young Fashion compe competition tition is open to local young peopl peoplee who are passionate about fashion This ear theve been asked to desin an outfit based on ideas fr the m   n thn     i  n  l   h   ss      f heir evea life using both natural and an-ade


ibres garments be judged a ane anel l of experts designers signers and the winninggThe winnin entries will bewill modelle modelled d at abyspecial gala eveni evening ngand fashion de Parking at the Sheepmarket is easy There are plenty of pay and display car parking spaces on the roadsides roadsides which are fin finee if you just want to stay for an hour or two but if you yo u want to spend the day there its better to park in one of o f the four underground underground car parks Its not expensive expen sive and if ou can resent a recei receit t from one of the local stores oull not be b e chaed at all Aer six pm many of the car parks have a flat rate which varies but it is usually vey reasonable The Sheepmarket is one of the main centres fr a and histo in the whole of the country visitors start from If you look at our map youll see some of the main attractions there Most visitors Cwley Road at the bottom of the map The Renolds House is one of the oldest houses n the i an  is on to the blic Its on the noh side of rawl Rod ne  the the fotath that leads to the ublic ardens The area areas s paicularly inter interesting esting r its unusual sculptures Te humb is ut wht its ame ill R R s  h  h You s  e i o   ill h r fro r fro  the su es es ut t bot 1O re  h Bank




The Museums ot a aricularl fine collection of New Zealand landscaes Its on the east side of the the Sheemar Sheemarket ket on Cit Road Its on the othe otherr side of the ro road ad fom the ublic  arens immediatel immediatel facin the unction with· with· Hill Road


The Contemora t Galle is on a little oad tthat hat leads of Station S Suare uare not far fm the  ublic ardens The ro  d ends at the alle  it doesnt o anhere else Thats open every day except Mond Mondays ays


The Warner alle secialises in 19thentu  r r I  n it Road nar th unction with Crawle Road on the same side of the rad as the ubli ubli  a ardens rdens Its open on weekdays  fro  to 5 and an d entry is free Finall if oure interested in urchasin hih uali artwork the lace to o is Nucleus You need to o fom Crawle Road u thuh Station Suare and east alon Hill Road until ou  et to a small windin oad tuin o o  o u there and its on our riht  if ou et ttoo Ci Road ouve one too far



Joe you know I giving a presentation in our film studies class next week? Yes Well could we discuss it? I could do with geing someone elses opinion f course, Katie What are you going to talk about? Its about ilm adaptatio adaptations nsfilm of Shakespeares diere dierent nt approaches that directors take plays I've got vey interested in all the Uhuh















So I though Id sar wih Giannei, who'  profr profr of film and lierare lierare and in one of his books books he came p wih  raihord classifi classificaion caion of film adaaions based on how faihfl hey are o he oriinal plas and nvels Rih Ive alread made made some noes on ha so I js need o sor so r hose o befre he resenaion. I hoh ha nex Id ask h clss  m u wih he wors exampls of hkar hkar adaaions ha heyve heyv e seen an o ay wh Tha shold be more  fn han havin havin heir favorie versions versions Yes I can cerainl cerainl hink of a cole! Rih Nex I wan o alk abo Rachel Malchow I came across somehin on he inerne abo her work on film adaaions and I was hinkin of showin some film clis o illsrae her ideas Will o have enoh ime hoh? Boh o reare and drin he resenaion? Aer all I dob if oll e able o find all he clis o  o wan Hmm Perhas ore rih OK well Id beer do some slides insead sayin how vrios ilms rlae o wha she says says  Tha shold encorae discssion Mmm Nex I wan o sa smhin abot how plas may be chosen r atin becas heyre cone cone with isses of he ime when he flm i  mae. Yo mean hins like arioism or he role of overnmens?



023 Q24 


Exacl Exacl  Is qie rick b Ive o a few ideas Id I d like o discss KTIE

And inall I wan o alk abo a few adaaions _ ha I hink illsrae a rane of aroaches and make some commens on hem Do o know he Jaanese film

Ran? JOE













I haven seen i. I I  was based on Shakeseares King Lear,  wasn i? Thas rih I was a ve ve loose adaaion in he same siaion and so b movin i o 6h en Japn insead of 6h cen cen  Briin. So r examle he kins dahers dahers become sons becase in i n Jaanese cl a ha ime women wom en coldn scceed o he hrone OK. I hoe ore oin o alk abo he993 ilm of Much Ado About Nothing. I hink has one of he bes Shakeseare films I reall brins he a o life doesn i? Yes I aree And And I hink filmin i in Ial where he play is se makes yo see wha  w   a s  lik l f   a t   h h im ime e of he pla  if e  w  ike e a Absolel Rih whas nex? Er nex I hoh Romeo & Juliet he 99 film which moves he acion ino the  preen da Yes i worked worked reall well I hoh - chanin he wo fedin families in he oriinal oriinal o wo comein bsiness emires even hoh here seakin in he Enlish of he oriinal la. Yod exec i wold sond reall bizarre b I nd I soon o sed o i. Me oo Then I hoh hoh Id inclde a real Hollwood film one has inended inended o aeal o a mass commercial adience There ms be qie a nmber of o f hose Yes b Ive picke h 99 film of Hamlet I includ eve line of he ex b is more like a ical cion hero movi - here are loads of secial secial eecs eecs b no niin inerreaion of he la All show and no sbsance Exal Then heres Pospeo's Boks bse on The Temest Tha was rlly innovaive from a slisic oin of view

Q 25  







Audioscrts lv  ? Ddnt t nlue ance an s   gn an anmon, as wll a lv l n  m tio Lookg for Richa. Dd y evr see ? KTE: Y tt . • l   n m  n   th th a fe s    f  end f  d m OE N bt 've read abu  It s  b  end  Rchard I an' ? KTE ha rh ' mre a a f lkn n h peple naa nne h he plarh - he pla  reall j j  he an pn An ha'll be here  fnh JOE:

03  


Well  n a hh ll be ve neren

SECTION 4 h lere lere ll be ab he ene f a he  f n n relan  rban envnmen env nmen  h a e A an a enne enneer er melf  hnk h  an area he here re e' lkel  ee rea hane hane n he pa reearhn reearhn  rban nape a mple We meare level f n n ebel   e  ake m n meer an  meare he ne mehere an hen  mh ak a ample f peple  a a ha level he n beame ann annn n Wh aa lke h h a a  enne ennee e have been able  bl p ha e all ne map map  map f he n envnmen envnmen B aall he hee e aren' a l f e Wha he he  h  ha he hhe hhe  ne level n areha enerall n a - h ell ha ha' ' n reall ver apre rprn B here' qe a l n hee map n' beae he an' he mplex a ha n vare ver me S hey nore n ue h as he ne mene mh hear frm he en n r aren f her nehbr an h  f ne an be qe n nan an n mmer We n have an aabae n  n h  f nrman A ell a ha hee rer f n level ake n an f he fa ha peple peple va n her perep perepn n f ne -  mene lke me h ear f rkn n a a  mh be ve ver r ere eren n fr frm m  n h ha a rear B ana even hh hee ne map are farl re heyve been efl n rvn nfrman n ran warene ht ne m mer er e nee    al al h  an   a  lal maer An ha ha mpran - e nee rle an relan beae ne an ae all r f prblem



he f  h are eller kn ha hn  n 4 hr a a  eller fen er frm nerrpe leep ' al knn ha ne an lea  a re n level f re re  e  phal hane n he b aen he mpn f he bl An here are her prblem a ell r nane f hlhlren n' have a e lae  y her rk ll er


N ne prblem h ebel mearemen  ha  en erenae beeen eren pe f ne Sme ye f n ha m ele l rbabl hnk f a ne an 034 relan mh mh ell re e hhl n ebel level - hnk f he n ae by a  nan nan n a n re fr eamle ha' n neearl mehn ha e' an  nrl r ree S mabe reearher hl ner hee  f n n rban en h  n   be rk beae  mearn ebel level n' n  help  here ne nea a 035 man reea reearher rher are n al ene ehne ehne yn ele emna re  n by n ennare an  n S ha eal eal  peple an  hear n n an rban envrnmen? Sme reen nerplna earh ha me  h rel ha a fr h eem nra - a  nee  have a ene f av    nee  be lvel h n lke he la lakk f a e  e    intrsive   \         e ae beae a he ame me e nee  be able  rela





s  civg thi will  geig rchitt d wn pla t One of th major probl     s h  rh. rh. Ap frm tuyig th ai f ai th pop re v  ve   u   h  l riin i ti area Bt i fat th hol  rari o a a ooit to a    riin  to th th xri xri of ra livi whra at rt tth h t to  it a omthi to  aoi or r a far a oil, or omthi that t a o for ir lik th aoi trt raia tm What   i r oi i iti to  rar a aa athti qalit a omthi  that ha ha th qaliti of a art rm If I f w akowl thi th w rtl r tl  to l  x ow what ov it a how i a wor with it     to vlop a mp     tdin t din f ma f f ht i i  th rla  ihi ihi  o a a  ltre ? hat a w lar fm iili h a holo aot th wa that o itrat wth hma vlomt a oial rlatiohi a th wa that o at or thoht a  fli  fl i Ca we     l r r hig frm phyi t th atr of o f sun iel Toa' owl Toa' owl tholoi tholoi  a alo hl  To how  thir ia a hl  to imai ima i th t  t thir ili will hav hav  arhitt arhitt a tow pla lra  virtal  t.   I th ftr h roram roram ol  raliti r e sile n t.  ar  len ms a r ral ali i -    h       p  rorm p ror o mai that oa ol  xlor for i ilt So hofll i  th t tholo w a la or ha o th it ooff th ft will w ill  a lar la r to th ar a wll a th 







Listening and Reading Answer Keys li LISTENING

Section 1, Questions 1-10

Section 3 Questions 21-30

1 2 3 4 5 6 8

mountains horse  garden(s) lunch map experience Ratchesons hemet

21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28

budget employment safety nsurance diary

9 10


29 30

database museum



Section 2 Questions 11-20

Section 4 Questio Section Question n 31-40 3 1-40


damage sde eects brdge confuson smaphone resours unnecessary/not necessary chocolate bar problem market shar

17 18


31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39

19 20




If you score . 0-15



you are unlkely to get an aceptable scoe nder examinaton examin aton condtons and we recommend recommend that you spen spend d a lot of time impving your Englsh bere you take IELTS.

you may get an acceptable score under examnaton conditions conditi ons but we recommend that you think about havng more practce or lessons before you take IELTS

you are likely to get an acceptable score under examnaton ndtons but remember that dierent insttutions will fnd derent scores acceptable



Listening and Rea Answer Keys READING

Reag Passage 1, Questions 1-13 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

20 21 22 23 24 25 26

NOT GIVEN FALSE FALSE  TRUE  TRUE taste cheaper convenient image sustainable recycled biodiversity desertication

Reag Passage 3, Questions 2727-40 40 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34  35 36 37 38 39  40

Reading Passage Quesns 126 2, 14 15 16 17 18 1 9 

educational  Trainspotting NOT GIVEN FALSE NOT GIVEN  TRUE  TRUE

antiques triumph infrmation contact/meetings hunt/desire aimless/empty

 vi  viii ii iv iii  vii  fre science investigators evidence prsecution NOT GIVEN YES NO NO

If you score .  26-40



you are unlikely to get an

you may get an acceptable

you are likely to get an

acceptable score under acceptable und er examination examina tion conditions and we recommend recommend that you spend spen d a lot of time improving your English before you take IELTS.

score under examination conditions but we recommend that you think about having more praice or lessons befre yu take IELTS

acceptable score under examination conditions but reeber that dierent institutions will nd dierent scores acceptable



Lstening and Reading Answer Keys


Section 1, Questions 1-10

Section 3 Questions 21-30

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30


band play scientist river grandparents Handswoh  traditional outdoor logo

Secn 4, Questions 31-40

Section 2, Questions 11-20 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

C B C A  E G D C A


31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40

bullying superiori personality stctural absence condence visions democratic respect mediator

If you score .. 




C ·�

17-5  



260 

·� � ·

you may get an acceptable you are unlikely to get an score under examination acptable sre under nditions but we recommend examination examinatio n nditions and yo u think about having  we remmend that you spend  that you more practice or lessons a lot of time improving your English before you take IELTS. before you take ELTS

." " - .


you are likely to get an acptable score under examination conditions but remember that derent institutios will nd dirent sres accetable



Lstening and Reag Answer Keys READING

Reading Passage 1, Questios 1-13 1



2 B H 3 4 D 5 B 6 C 7 G 8 B 9 A 10&11 IN EITHER ORDER


22 3 2 5 26

Reading Passage 3, Questns 27-40

D E 1&13 IN  ORD C

7 8 9 30


31 3 33 3 35 36 37 38 39 0

Reang Passage 2, Questions 1426 14 15 16 17 18 19

iii TRUE FALSE FALSE NOTGIVEN rubber  farmer

iv vi viii V



eye movements language co-activation Stop Task conflict management cognitive control YES NOTGIVEN NO NO NOTGIVEN D




f you score . 15



ou are unlikel to get an cceptable score under examination conditions and we recommend that you spend a lot of time improving your English bere you take IELTS. LTS.

you may get an acceptable score under exmintion conditions but we remmend that you think about having more practice or lessons before you take IELTS

you are likely to get an acceptable score under examination conditions but remember that dierent institutions will nd dierent scores acceptable




Lstening and Reag Answer Keys


Section 1, Quesns 1-10

Section 3, Quesns 21-30


21 22 23 24

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

traveltravel(l)ing history study teenagers kitchen crime appointmenbooking sugar stamps parking






26 F 27 A 29 B 30 B

Section 2, Questions 11-20

11 &12  IN  ORDER D

E 13&14  EIT ORDER A 15 16 17 18 19 20




stress weight  families

Section 4, Quesns 31-40 insects behaviou/behavior  father complexcomplicated reproductionbreeding control duck(s) language  food cost(s)price(s)bill(s)

31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40

If you score . �


16 25


you are unlikely to get an acceptable score under examination conditions and we remmend that you spend a lot of time improving your English before you take IELTS.

you may et an acceptable score under examination conditions but we recommend that you thin about having more practice or lessons before you tae IELTS

you are likely to get an acceptable score under examination conditions but remember that dieren institutions will find dierent sres acceptable.



Lstening and Reading Answer Keys READING

Reading Passage 1, Questions 1-13 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1


iii viii i iv vi ii pirates  food  foo d oi setters species eggs

vaccinations antibiotics

22 23 24 25 26

mosquito(e mosquito( e )s  factories  frests Polio mountain

eading Passage 3 Questions 27-40

Reag Passage 2, Questions 126 14 15 16 17 18 19

20 21


27 28 29 0 31

dopamine pleasure caudate anticipatory phase  fod

32 33 34 5 36 37 38 9 40



If you score ... 0-14


you are unlikey to get an acceptabe score under examination conditions and we recommend that you spend a lot o time improing your y our Engish before you you take IELTS.



you may get an acceptable score under examination conditions but we recommen recommend d that you think about having more practice or essons bere you take ELTS


you are ikely to get an acceptabe score under examination conditions but remember that dierent institutions will nd dierent scores acceptable



Lstening and Reading Answr Keys


Section 3, Qustions 21-30 21 cassication 22 worst 23 sides 24 issues

Section 1, Questions 1-10  tempora 1 door 2 Africa 3 4 youth May 5 6 - cheese 7 Arbuthnot 8 9 10

25 26 27 28 29 30


 Tuesday  talk/psentation

Section 2, Questions 11-20 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20



 A E C


Section 4, Questions 31-40 31 garden( garden(s) s) 32 political 33 work/study 34  ountain 35 socia 36 ively 37  training 38 cuture 39 nature 40 sient

If you score ... 015


you are unlikely to get an you may get an acceptabe acceptable score under score under examination examination conditions and nditions but we recommend we remmend that you spend  that you think th ink about having a ot o time improving your more practice or essons Enish beore you take IELTS. beore you take IELTS


you are ikely to get an acptabe score under examination conditions but remember that dierent institutions wil ind dirent scores acceptabe



Lstening and Readng Answer Keys READING

Reading Passage 1, Questions 1-13 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

obsidian spea beads impurities Romans lead clouding taxes  TRUE LSE NOT GIVEN  TRE FALSE

20 21


22 23 24 25 26




Reading g Passage Passage 3, Readin Quetions 27-40 27 28 29 30 31


ii  vi  viii  vii

32 33 34 35 36 37  38 39 40

Reading Passa Passae e 2, Questions 126 14 D 15  A 16 C 17  A 18 C 19 E


YES NOT GIVEN NO NO information inancial shareholde/investors

If you score . 14


 20 -

you are unlikely to get an acptable sre under examination examina tion condition conditionss and we recommend that you spend a lot of of time impving yo your ur nglish before you take IELTS.




you may get an acptable score under examination cnditions cndi tions but we recommend that you think about having more praice or lessons before you take IELTS

you are likely to et an acceptable sre under examinatio examination n conditions but remember that dierent institutions will nd diere dierent nt scores acceptable



Sample answers for Writing tasks TEST 5, WRITING TASK 1 SAMPLE ANSWER

This is an answer written by a candidate who achieved a examiner's comment:

Bnd 5.0

score. Here is the

he candidate covers covers the key features and rounds o o  the description with an overview Oanisation is evident, however not wholly logial and it is sometimes diicult to relate data to specific age group Vocabulary is just about adequate but is i s rather dependent on input material [gular physical activity I peentage]: original material is limited to eg [teenager I md-twenties]  with a lot of inaccuracy in word ormation ormation Most sentence forms consist of simple structures and these are oen inaccurate [bar's change an intesg I men's percentage are  incasing I the percentage more ecrease unt, though there is some accuracy accura cy in comparative forms [is higher than].

T ( c  s h (Cla  of AuL m d Wl L df( df(   5p w dLd ,5u ,5u  ph:Lc cLvL  L 2010. I' LlL" 8 o h b ch   o 2  A,\Ll ml'S     of L"    8 u ph: SLc cvL L 2. ii. i.  h m  W m'  SS cr a  LS   W'S cr  e  LS i C5d 5d d LlL5 Af Af( ( 2 hL5h( ! W  S (C  e  Hv(   S C o , s  fO hLs lL5  whU wo tut c c  h h LftL  wLh ch h  Ls ovLs h hL Lfm L uLn wl cn fols  ls  L lr 5  cL n Lt m  much coss f CL L I L o v  cu  O C Ot kp C cL11  cLs To m  11 v L Ls cc o  h  r  hrs L whLch L LftL L  cL   LLO, L  c LfmL C  t .

  LNt  hL 8 hL 8  \l



Sample answe for Wting tasks


This is an answer written by a candidate who achieved a examiner's commen comment:t:

Bnd 7 .0

score. Here is the

The candidate covers all the key features and presents a clear overview of the developments planned Informatio Information n and ideas are logically organised and there is a clear progression throughout the response A range of cohesive device devicess is used lexibly [cuntly [cuntly  Overa  First of /  thefore  Moover  The nex point  To  sum up]. up ]. Lexical choice shows show s flexibility and precision, and includes i ncludes less common items [modcations   preicg   groupe in   shopping , though there is some inapropriate word choice [eses] A range of grammatical structures is used  flexibly  flexib ly and accurately and error error-free -free sentences are frequent

1  � of h c"( of h S of l5'Lp eL L"fL°   cL cu"\ M L" h f. v•  \ of mLCL°S C  obNd L" 8 h fC v" R,S of  CCdL"e 0  C"  h c" LS o O  c5L A mL" d vs s   v shs   P· L" 8 m   h m dLcL" 8 h f( dv\" of h cL  \0 of mCL°S C"  oNd 1 5L of  c" wL L L" " Ov S; (  cSL wU\ d Ov h 5L" 8 \  wU\  rcd   bLo \ CL   A SL"  wUI V  c"\  w s w  bU wLh w fcULLs h   bus SL°   L 1 sh wU\  ed L"  s"e  1 t L" Ls    "  whch wU\  \\ As h cL wL v m    wUI  bLo  r T   " h C\ m of Lp  c" M h fu p\d  v\"•  \ of mLCL°S  dLcd      cL wUI  bL  r wLh m cULLs   0r    wL  d M  csLd w"  dL 1 cL cL  wL v cd    d



Sample answers for Writing task


This is an answer written by a canddate ho acheve a Bnd 5.0 score. Here s the examinr's omen: The repns repns loks a soe avantages ad disadvanages of the topc, top c, but doe n reach any concluson As a esult, ther is a ack f oveal progressio progr essio although ogansation is evdent and coheve devices a used (thogh rather mchancally) [O of advantages I For exmple  A/so  Another disadvantage I For instance]. The range of lexis s adequae fr he task hower thre are fen spelling mikes [cons   yonge  que and rrors in word choce or foration foration [chancing to improve  unemployee pblem] Ther are aepts to produce omple entence entence rs but there i a lak of gaatca conrl con rl which can cause soe iculy iculy  the reer [ due t some countries mit the population, if t have more young young chdn it  ove overr lmi

Ns, the pe f  ctes  hove th � 8 pe m hn th d l e le   hiS hiS 1hen ther ces hove th �  °e p me thn th \d le wUI   co,  . .ho ho cld nceos  lotiO n the fube Ah le thL Lt  5  t  cntLes ILmL t lotO, L f tt ve e �n5 chUen, Lt wUI ve ILmLt Ts e wUI dLSS the vMto    es od  ddvones es  Ln e cLeS h.ve the � p me tn h \d pe LnceoS  the l lO   cLeS cLeS  th fmU  e f odvnt. es LS LnceoS  h . .ve ve e chUen cou tho con Lncre. s Lncre. s the lotLO Ln  fue F le Ln L" , UhLne  s O W Ls me cncLn  ve t ec ec . . tLS os wnAl, he� vecn o lt f �n5 5enerotLO, he 5ven Lve   5tLS ectiO ve  ssems Lnl t 9 uULed uULed eochrs,    . .e e e f dLdvon  es s  e f sb f he �8  5enoLO sUI o l,  h wUI nt en5h f the sb, t vernn sld OStuct me h\ Al, whn th� ve the w s,  eocr wU\ n . .  en5h  eoh hem  LveSLt� shld 5e  udent  sb t eochLn eoO Ar dLvnes Ls  9 l: l: f  f   St.ns n Ln t ,  eoc   e ce o  Lne, wn    o m t  ned   f  eocs Fre, wn  ( , t 

m wl n c t c c  reeLe ever  t o j  cQ, Ln    t      . .  e t t  L,    t   t L -  ,, t t  e th ons f slvL  une lms whih n n Ln t fue


Sample answers r r Wg tasks

TEST 7, WRITING TASK 1 MPL 

This is an anser ritten by a candidate ho achieed a B 6 score Here is the examiner's comment: The candidate organises the inormation e and describes the trends in the  arious groups but the ack o data to support the ddescriptions escriptions is a signiint si gniint omission. There is a cear progression throughout the response ith good management o cohesie deices [percentge of pele who I during the same  peod I in ese segmen of e cha I the groups in which I such facities]. exis shos some exibiity and precision [ a weekly basis] and there is eidence o ess common items [segments I  majo  majorr changes I  most of the t he populan I  mos n ord choice [visualises I be  leastt pular  leas pul ar I with the exception o ith e errors iin cen].

but I there There are aso is a e ariety errors o compex in gramatica structures contro usedand ithin exibiity punctuation. and accuracy   vL\L  f !  Ll LlLz5 Lz5  l f-f  UlS UlS L   �5 2003, 200<  2013 F 2003 l 200<  Clo  f  w v v  l  f f  5  f  1%,  O l   "   L !  f LlS w  f f v�   f\ f\ l  3% f  \lLO L 200
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