IEEE Std 979-2012 IEEE Guide for Substation Fire Protection

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IEEE Guide for Substation Fire Protection

IEEE Power and Energy Society

Sponsored by the Substations Committee

IEEE 3 Park Avenue New York, NY 10016-5997 USA

IEEE Std 979™-2012 (Revision of IEEE Std 979-1994)

27 November 2012

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IEEE Std 979TM-2012 (Revision of IEEE Std 979-1994)

IEEE Guide for Substation Fire Protection


Substations Committee of the

IEEE Power and Energy Society Approved 30 August 2012

IEEE-SA Standards Board

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Figure B.1 to Figure B.5 are reprinted with permission from CEATI, Report T023700-3022, © 2005. Abstract: Guidance is provided to substation engineers in determining the design, equipment, and practices deemed necessary for the fire protection of substations. Keywords: fire, fire protection, hazard, IEEE 979TM, risk, safety, substation design, substations

The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc. 3 Park Avenue, New York, NY 10016-5997, USA Copyright © 2012 by the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc. All rights reserved. Published 27 November 2012. Printed in the United States of America. IEEE is a registered trademark in the U.S. Patent & Trademark Office, owned by the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Incorporated. National Electrical Code and NEC are registered trademarks in the U.S. Patent & Trademark Office, owned by The National Fire Protection Association. National Electrical Safety Code and NESC are registered trademarks in the U.S. Patent & Trademark Office, owned by The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Incorporated. PDF: Print:

ISBN 978-0-7381-7311-5 ISBN 978-0-7381-7326-9

STD97286 STDPD97286

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Participants At the time this guide was completed, the E3 Working Group had the following membership: Don Delcourt, Chair Hanna Abdallah Radoslav Barac Scott Bryant Randall Clelland Gary Engmann

Brian Farmer Ajay Garg Raj Ghai Joseph Gravelle Matt Hulcher Thomas La Rose

Debra Longtin Patrick McShane Bob Panero Steven Shelton Boris Shvartsberg

The following members of the individual balloting committee voted on this guide. Balloters may have voted for approval, disapproval, or abstention. Hanna Abdallah William Ackerman Ali Al Awazi Steven Alexanderson Stan Arnot Peter Balma Thomas Barnes Michael Bayer George Becker W. (Bill) J. Bergman Steven Bezner Thomas Blackburn Daniel Blaydon William Bloethe Chris Brooks Steven Brown Gustavo Brunello Scott Bryant William Byrd Thomas Callsen Robert Carruth Michael Champagne Robert Christman Randall Clelland Kurt Clemente Jerry Corkran Don Delcourt Gary Donner Michael Dood Randall Dotson Fred Elliott Gary Engmann Brian Farmer Jorge Fernandez Daher Patrick Fitzgerald Marcel Fortin

Rostyslaw Fostiak Ajay Garg George Gela David Gilmer Jalal Gohari Edwin Goodwin Joseph Gravelle Randall Groves Charles Haahr David Harris Gary Heuston Scott Hietpas Werner Hoelzl Robert Hoerauf Philip Hopkinson David Horvath R. Jackson Gael Kennedy Yuri Khersonsky James Kinney Hermann Koch Robert Konnik Jim Kulchisky Donald Laird Chung-Yiu Lam Thomas La Rose Debra Longtin Federico Lopez William McBride Patrick McShane Daleep Mohla Anne Morgan Mark Morgan Jerry Murphy Arthur Neubauer Michael S. Newman David Nichols

Gary Nissen Robert Olen Lorraine Padden Bansi Patel Christopher Petrola Alvaro Portillo Jean-Christophe Riboud Michael Roberts Edward Rowe Thomas Rozek Anne-Ma Sahazizian Daniel Sauer Bartien Sayogo Devki Sharma Gil Shultz James Smith Jeremy Smith Jerry Smith John Spare Gary Stoedter Brian Story David Tepen Malcolm Thaden Wayne Timm Eric Udren John Vergis Loren Wagenaar David Wallach Barry Ward Joe Watson Yingli Wen Donald Wengerter Kenneth White Alexander Wong Roland Youngberg Luis Zambrano

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When the IEEE-SA Standards Board approved this standard on 30 August 2012, it had the following membership: Richard H. Hulett, Chair John Kulick, Vice Chair Robert Grow, Past Chair Konstantinos Karachalios, Secretary Satish Aggarwal Masayuki Ariyoshi Peter Balma William Bartley Ted Burse Clint Chaplin Wael Diab Jean-Philippe Faure

Alexander Gelman Paul Houzé Jim Hughes Young Kyun Kim Joseph L. Koepfinger* David J. Law Thomas Lee Hung Ling

Oleg Logvinov Ted Olsen Gary Robinson Jon Walter Rosdahl Mike Seavey Yatin Trivedi Phil Winston Yu Yuan

*Member Emeritus

Also included are the following nonvoting IEEE-SA Standards Board liaisons: Richard DeBlasio, DOE Representative Michael Janezic, NIST Representative

Don Messina IEEE Standards Program Manager, Document Development Malia Zaman IEEE Client Services Manager, Professional Services

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Introduction This introduction is not part of IEEE Std 979-2012, IEEE Guide for Substation Fire Protection.

Since the original edition of IEEE Std 979 (issued in 1994 and reaffirmed in 2004) was prepared, the body of knowledge on fire protection has increased significantly. This revision captures much of this knowledge and presents it for use by both the substation designer and the fire protection professional.

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Contents 1. Overview .................................................................................................................................................... 1 1.1 Scope ................................................................................................................................................... 1 1.2 Purpose ................................................................................................................................................ 1 1.3 General ................................................................................................................................................ 1 2. Normative references.................................................................................................................................. 3 3. Definitions .................................................................................................................................................. 3 3.1 General terms ....................................................................................................................................... 4 3.2 Fire-suppression system terms ............................................................................................................. 4 3.3 Fire detection system terms ................................................................................................................. 5 4. Fire hazards ................................................................................................................................................ 6 4.1 General ................................................................................................................................................ 6 4.2 Combustible oil hazards ...................................................................................................................... 6 4.3 Flammable and combustible liquid and gas hazards ............................................................................ 7 4.4 Fire exposure hazards .......................................................................................................................... 7 4.5 Indoor substation hazards .................................................................................................................... 8 4.6 Critical loss assets ................................................................................................................................ 8 4.7 Maintenance and construction ............................................................................................................. 9 5. Fire protection considerations for substation sites ...................................................................................... 9 5.1 General ................................................................................................................................................ 9 5.2 External exposures ............................................................................................................................... 9 5.3 Site grading ........................................................................................................................................ 10 5.4 Prevailing winds ................................................................................................................................ 11 5.5 Fire emergency response capability ................................................................................................... 11 5.6 Available firefighting water supplies ................................................................................................. 11 5.7 Emergency access to the substation ................................................................................................... 11 6. Fire protection for substation buildings .................................................................................................... 12 6.1 General .............................................................................................................................................. 12 6.2 Use and occupancy ............................................................................................................................ 12 6.3 Underground substations ................................................................................................................... 13 6.4 High-rise substations ......................................................................................................................... 13 6.5 Indoor substations .............................................................................................................................. 14 6.6 Construction ...................................................................................................................................... 14 6.7 Fire alarm and detection systems ....................................................................................................... 18 6.8 Fire suppression ................................................................................................................................. 18 6.9 Life safety .......................................................................................................................................... 19 6.10 Combustible materials ..................................................................................................................... 20 7. Fire protection for substations .................................................................................................................. 20 7.1 Spatial separation of outdoor mineral-oil-insulated equipment ......................................................... 20 7.2 Prescriptive separation requirements ................................................................................................. 21 7.3 Calculated separation requirements ................................................................................................... 23 7.4 Ground surface material .................................................................................................................... 23 7.5 Cable raceway systems ...................................................................................................................... 23 7.6 Water supply ...................................................................................................................................... 25 7.7 Fire extinguishers .............................................................................................................................. 25

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8. Fire protection for equipment ................................................................................................................... 25 8.1 Oil-spill-containment systems ........................................................................................................... 25 8.2 Stone flame suppression .................................................................................................................... 26 8.3 Fire barriers ....................................................................................................................................... 27 8.4 Fire-suppression systems ................................................................................................................... 27 8.5 Explosion suppression ....................................................................................................................... 28 8.6 Equipment design .............................................................................................................................. 29 9. Fire protection measures selection ........................................................................................................... 29 9.1 General .............................................................................................................................................. 29 9.2 Fire protection objectives .................................................................................................................. 29 9.3 Performance factors ........................................................................................................................... 29 9.4 Life cycle factors ............................................................................................................................... 30 9.5 Risk-based economic analysis ........................................................................................................... 30 9.6 Benefit/cost analysis .......................................................................................................................... 30 Annex A (normative) Additional information to main body clauses............................................................ 32 Annex B (informative) Quantitative methods for analysis of hazards.......................................................... 47 Annex C (informative) Selection of fire protection systems and substation design ..................................... 56 Annex D (informative) Fire emergency plan, incident management, and recovery ..................................... 65 Annex E (informative) Examples ................................................................................................................. 69 Annex F (informative) Bibliography ............................................................................................................ 84

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IEEE Guide for Substation Fire Protection

IMPORTANT NOTICE: IEEE Standards documents are not intended to ensure safety, health, or environmental protection, or ensure against interference with or from other devices or networks. Implementers of IEEE Standards documents are responsible for determining and complying with all appropriate safety, security, environmental, health, and interference protection practices and all applicable laws and regulations. This IEEE document is made available for use subject to important notices and legal disclaimers. These notices and disclaimers appear in all publications containing this document and may be found under the heading “Important Notice” or “Important Notices and Disclaimers Concerning IEEE Documents.” They can also be obtained on request from IEEE or viewed at

1. Overview

1.1 Scope The original guide (1994) was developed to identify substation fire protection practices that generally have been accepted by industry. This revision includes changes in industry practices for substation fire protection. New clauses on fire hazard assessment and pre-fire planning have been added.

1.2 Purpose The purpose of the original guide (1994) was to give design guidance, fire hazard assessment, and pre-fire planning in the area of fire protection to substation engineers. Existing fire protection standards, guides, and so on that may aid in the design of specific substations or substation components are listed in Annex F. This revision updates that guidance.

1.3 General The guide outlines substation fire protection practices based on industry standards and good practices. It incorporates lessons learned from substation fires, substation fire protection research and testing, advancements in fire protection engineering practices, and changes in fire protection due to risk and

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IEEE Std 979-2012 IEEE Guide for Substation Fire Protection

environmental concerns. The guide provides design guidance in the area of fire protection for substation engineers and others involved in substation fire safety and protection. The predominant dielectric insulating fluid for transformers is mineral oil, and mineral oil constitutes one of the primary fire hazards in the substation. Consequently, much of this guide addresses hazards and protection measures based on mineral oil fires. There are several alternative fluids with improved fire safety properties (higher flash and fire points), known as “less-flammable” dielectric fluids, which have been introduced. Many of these fluids have been recognized as reducing the hazard and the risk of a fire occurring relative to mineral oil. Use of a “less flammable” fluid is one means to reduce the risk of fire at a substation. See 8.4.2 and A.21 for additional information on these fluids. It is the intent of this guide that the analysis and decisions made may require the use of a team approach comprising various specialists. These specialists will be able to provide specific guidance on their areas of expertise; provide interpretation of the related codes, standards, and practices; and help formulate fire protection solutions. The following are some of the specialists that could be involved: ⎯ Substation design engineers (civil, electrical, mechanical, and structural) ⎯ Substation operation and maintenance staff ⎯ Fire protection engineers and specialists ⎯ The local fire department ⎯ The authority having jurisdiction over the substation ⎯ Architects and code consultants This guide provides fire protection guidance for the following types of substations that have the principal power delivery functions accomplished with alternating current (ac) or direct current (dc) power and are operated at voltages of 1 kV and above: ⎯ Generating plant switchyards ⎯ Customer substations ⎯ Switching substations ⎯ Transmission substations ⎯ Distribution substations ⎯ Capacitor substations ⎯ Converter station switchyards The types of substations listed can be designed in a number of different configurations and layouts as follows: ⎯ Outdoor substations ⎯ Indoor substations ⎯ Multistory above-grade substations ⎯ Multistory below-grade substations ⎯ Substations in mixed-use buildings including high-rise (>22.9 m) buildings ⎯ Substations in conjunction with other related operations (e.g., offices, maintenance facilities, and control centers)

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IEEE Std 979-2012 IEEE Guide for Substation Fire Protection

This guide provides electric power engineers and fire protection professionals with fire protection and safety guidelines for application in the planning, design, and operation of substations. Guidelines are outlined in the following critical areas of application: ⎯ The identification of substation fire hazards ⎯ The fire protection aspects for substation sites, buildings, and switchyards ⎯ Issues to be considered when selecting the various types and levels of fire protection ⎯ Recommended typical fire protection applications ⎯ Fire planning and incident management This guide is not intended to be the primary standard for the minimum levels of fire protection required for new and existing substations. The minimum required level of substation fire safety and protection is based on the minimum requirements of governing authorities and on the level of risk the asset owner is willing to accept. This guide provides design options and strategies for the mitigation of substation fire hazards once the minimum required level of substation fire safety and protection is determined. The application of this guide is not meant to take precedence over local building, fire, safety, and electrical codes. It is intended to be used in conjunction with these governing codes and standards for the purpose of providing specialized substation fire protection guidance for asset protection and customer service reliability. This document does not necessarily cover aspects of life safety covered by local building, fire, safety, and electrical codes. Refer to A.1 for additional information.

2. Normative references The following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of this document (i.e., they must be understood and used, so each referenced document is cited in text and its relationship to this document is explained). For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments or corrigenda) applies. IEEE Std 980TM, IEEE Guide for Containment and Control of Oil Spills in Substations.1, 2 NFPA 850, Recommended Practice for Fire Protection for Electric Generating Plants and High Voltage Direct Current Converter Stations.3 NFPA 851, Recommended Practice for Fire Protection for Hydroelectric Generating Plants. When exploring the additional information in NFPA 850 and NFPA 851, keep in mind that these documents were developed for generating facilities that have different hazards and risks than transmission and distribution substations.

3. Definitions For the purposes of this document, the following terms and definitions apply. The IEEE Standards Dictionary Online should be consulted for terms not defined in this clause.4 1

The IEEE standards or products referred to in this clause are trademarks of The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc. IEEE publications are available from The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers ( 3 NFPA publications are available from the National Fire Protection Association ( 2

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IEEE Std 979-2012 IEEE Guide for Substation Fire Protection

3.1 General terms control building: A building or structure in a substation that contains protection, control, system control and data acquisition (SCADA), and telecommunications equipment, electrical panels, battery banks, and other auxiliary equipment. In this guide, this term may be used interchangeably with other commonly used terms such as control house or control enclosure. fire protection: The study and application of measures to prevent, detect, extinguish, control, or deal with fires, and the subsequent impact on people, assets, business activities, or the environment. hazard: Any source of potential damage, harm, or adverse health effects on something or someone under certain conditions at work. risk: The chance or probability that a person will be harmed or experience an adverse health effect if exposed to a hazard. It may also apply to situations with property or equipment loss. switchyard: The outdoor portion of a substation with only a single voltage level. In multivoltage substations, the switchyards are typically connected by one or more power transformers.

3.2 Fire-suppression system terms clean agent gas fire extinguishing systems: A fire protection system that uses clean gaseous agents that are (1) electrically nonconducting, (2) volatile or gaseous, and (3) do not leave a residue on evaporation. The system discharges the agent for the purpose of achieving a specified minimum agent concentration throughout a hazard volume. A clean agent complies with restrictions on the production of certain Halon fire extinguishing agents under the Montreal Protocol signed September 16, 1987. deluge sprinkler system: A sprinkler system employing open sprinklers that are attached to a piping system that is connected to a water supply through a valve that is opened by the operation of a detection system installed in the same areas as the sprinklers. When this valve opens, water flows into the piping system and discharges from all sprinklers attached thereto. double interlock preaction sprinkler system: A Preaction system that admits water to sprinkler piping on operation of both detection devices and automatic sprinklers and only discharges from opened sprinklers. This type of arrangement provides the most redundancy to reduce the probability of accidental sprinkler discharge by requiring both detection devices and sprinklers to activate independently prior to water being admitted to the piping network. This type of arrangement also allows for pressure monitoring to detect leaks in the piping network or open sprinklers prior to water being admitted to the system. dry pipe sprinkler system: A system employing automatic sprinklers that are attached to a piping system containing air or nitrogen under pressure, the release of which (as from the opening of a sprinkler) permits the water pressure to open a valve known as a dry pipe valve, and the water then flows into the piping system and out the opened sprinklers. foam-water system: A sprinkler system that generates a foam-water solution and discharges it onto the hazard to be protected utilizing air-aspirating foam-water sprinklers or nozzles or non–air-aspirating standard sprinklers. overhead sprinkler system: The installation includes at least one automatic water supply that supplies one or more systems. The portion of the sprinkler system above ground is a network of specially sized or hydraulically designed piping installed in a building, structure, or area, generally overhead, and to which 4

The IEEE Standards Dictionary Online subscription is available at standards_dictionary.html.

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IEEE Std 979-2012 IEEE Guide for Substation Fire Protection

sprinklers are attached in a systematic pattern. Each system has a control valve located in the system riser or its supply piping. Each sprinkler system includes a device for actuating an alarm when the system is in operation. The installation includes at least one automatic water supply that supplies one or more systems. The system is usually activated by heat from a fire and discharges water over the fire area. single interlock preaction sprinkler system: A single interlock system is a Preaction system that admits water-to-sprinkler piping upon operation of detection devices and discharges out only the opened sprinklers. This type of arrangement reduces the probability of accidental sprinkler discharge by requiring the activation of a detection device prior to admitting water to the sprinkler piping and then requiring a sprinkler head to open prior to water flow. water mist system: A distribution system connected to a water supply or water and atomizing media supplies that is equipped with one or more nozzles capable of delivering water mist intended to control, suppress, or extinguish fires. Water mist systems must only be used for applications that they are listed for or where specific research and testing has validated the application. water-oscillating monitor: Typically a supplement to an overhead sprinkler or foam system, they provide additional delivery of the liquid suppression agent to areas shadowed from the overhead sprinkler system. wet pipe sprinkler system: A sprinkler system utilizing automatic sprinklers attached to a piping system containing water and connected to a water supply so that water discharges immediately from sprinklers opened by heat from a fire. video image detection: The principle of using automatic analysis of real-time video images to detect the presence of smoke or flame.

3.3 Fire detection system terms beam detector: A type of photoelectric light obscuration smoke detector where the beam spans the protected area. dry-pilot line detector: A system of heat detection employing automatic sprinklers on a pressurized dry pipe network. The activation of a sprinkler causes a loss in system pressure, which is annunciated as an alarm signal. electronic heat detector: A fire detector that detects either an abnormally high temperature or a rate of temperature rise or both. linear heat detector: A heat-sensitive cable that has a fixed alarm temperature rating or a heat-sensitive cable in which the impedance with changes in temperature can be adjusted to specific resistance levels to establish alarm temperature thresholds. optical flame detector (IR3): A flame detection device sensitive to various portions of the infrared spectrum commonly emitted from flaming fires. This type of fire detection is not sensitive to smoldering fires, and detection is limited to each sensor’s field of view. pneumatic rate-of-rise heat detector: A line-type detector comprising small-diameter tubing, usually copper, which is installed throughout the protected area. The tubing is terminated in a detector unit containing diaphragms and associated contacts set to actuate at a predetermined pressure. The system is sealed except for calibrated vents that compensate for normal changes in temperature.

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IEEE Std 979-2012 IEEE Guide for Substation Fire Protection

smoke aspirating system: The principle of using an air sample drawn from the protected area into a highhumidity chamber combined with a lowering of chamber pressure to create an environment in which the resultant moisture in the air condenses on any smoke particles present, forming a cloud. The cloud density is measured by a photoelectric principle. The density signal is processed and used to convey an alarm condition when it meets preset criteria. spot-type ionization detector: The principle of using a small amount of radioactive material to ionize the air between two differentially charged electrodes to sense the presence of smoke particles. Smoke particles entering the ionization volume decrease the conductance of the air by reducing ion mobility. The reduced conductance signal is processed and used to convey an alarm condition when it meets preset criteria. This type of smoke detection is best applied to flaming or incipient fires in which small particulate matter is produced. spot-type photoelectric detector: The principle of using a light source and a photosensitive sensor onto which the principal portion of the source emissions is focused. When smoke particles enter the light path, some of the light is scattered and some is absorbed, thereby reducing the light reaching the receiving sensor. The light reduction signal is processed and used to convey an alarm condition when it meets preset criteria. This type of smoke detection is best applied to fires in which larger particulate matter is produced. wet-pilot line detector: A system of heat detection employing automatic sprinklers on a pressurized wet pipe network. The activation of a sprinkler causes a loss in system pressure, which is annunciated as an alarm signal.

4. Fire hazards

4.1 General The impact of fire hazards on health, safety, continuity of operations, and asset preservation is a reason to provide fire prevention, fire protection, and other fire safety measures. Fire hazards are the conditions that create the potential for a fire. Fire hazards have at least the following attributes: ⎯ The magnitude of a possible fire ⎯ The consequence of the potential loss ⎯ The probability of an occurrence over a period of time (i.e., risk) Subclauses 4.2 through 4.7 present recognized fire hazards found in substations. Refer to A.2 for additional information.

4.2 Combustible oil hazards Based on mass and potential for energy release, mineral-oil-insulated equipment is normally the largest fuel source present in most substations. Mineral-oil-insulated equipment includes the following: a)

Transformers and reactors 1) Main tanks 2) Bushings 3) Radiators 6 Copyright © 2012 IEEE. All rights reserved.

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IEEE Std 979-2012 IEEE Guide for Substation Fire Protection

4) Conservator tanks 5) Tap changers 6) Cooling pumps b) Instrument transformers c)

Voltage regulators

d) Circuit breakers e)

Cables 1) Oil insulated 2) Pipe type 3) Potheads 4) Transition joints



g) Lubricating oil systems (e.g., for synchronous condensers) h) Oil pump houses i)

Oil processing plants

4.3 Flammable and combustible liquid and gas hazards Other equipment-related fuel sources that may be found at substations include the following: a)

Hydrogen-cooled synchronous condensers

b) Oxy-acetylene used for maintenance and construction purposes c)

Battery rooms 1) Heat from short circuits or thermal runaway 2) Hydrogen gas generated by battery charging

d) Diesel- or propane-fueled generators and fuel cells for backup power e)

Propane heating fuels


Flammable and combustible liquid storage, handling, and dispensing

4.4 Fire exposure hazards Critical substation equipment and other assets can be compromised due to external fire exposures in addition to internal failure modes. Some example of exposure hazards include the following: a)

Auxiliary structures 1) Office areas 2) Warehouse areas 3) Oil storage areas 4) Shop areas

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5) Stand-by diesel generator buildings 6) Hazardous materials storage areas b) Any building, room, or support structure that is of combustible construction c)

Miscellaneous combustible storage

d) Vegetation (nearby forests, hedges, and shrubs).

4.5 Indoor substation hazards Indoor substations present a unique set of hazards requiring a higher level of fire protection for the following reasons: ⎯ Any smoke and other products of combustion contained in the building can create an exposure hazard to building occupants, emergency personnel, and possibly a corrosive exposure to critical substation equipment. ⎯ Heat (flame impingement, radiative and convective exposures) and the blast pressures from fires and explosions contained within the structure can expose the structure and/or equipment to damage. ⎯ The egress of building occupants and access by emergency personnel for manual firefighting and rescue operations can be complicated by the smoke, heat, structural damage, and travel distances.

4.6 Critical loss assets The following are critical elements of a substation that if destroyed or damaged can impact the substation’s ability to function: a)

Control, computer, protection, switchgear rooms, and equipment 1) System protection equipment 2) Communication equipment 3) SCADA equipment 4) Computers

b) Cable spreading areas, cable trenches, cable tunnels, and cable vaults c)

Batteries and charger systems

d) Station service transformers (dry or liquid filled) e)

Power transformers


Circuit breakers

g) Bus structures h) Auxiliary equipment The annexes provide more information on fire hazards and their potential impacts.

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IEEE Std 979-2012 IEEE Guide for Substation Fire Protection

4.7 Maintenance and construction Maintenance and construction activities can create high-risk conditions within substations. The following equipment and activities could present hazardous conditions: a)

Oil-processing equipment

b) Mobile transformers c)


d) Hot work (cutting, grinding, and welding) e)

Maintenance activities


Increased fire exposure and fuel load associated with 1) Temporary or permanent construction 2) Combustibles and flammable transient fire loads (e.g., fuel cans, rags, and wood) 3) Material and equipment storage 4) Office trailers 5) Parked vehicles

5. Fire protection considerations for substation sites

5.1 General The following should be considered during new site selection or existing site analysis: ⎯ External exposures ⎯ Site grades ⎯ Available firefighting water supplies ⎯ Emergency access to the substation ⎯ Fire emergency response capability ⎯ Prevailing winds ⎯ Environmental consideration Refer to A.3 for additional information.

5.2 External exposures External exposures are fire hazards external to the substation. A fire involving these external hazards has the potential to impact substation operations adversely and may spread into the substation with more significant consequences. A review of site fire exposures should consider all of the following: ⎯ Type of exposure and possible spread mechanisms ⎯ Level of existing protection present in the external exposure

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⎯ Risks involved ⎯ Additional fire protection features required to create an acceptable level of risk Subclauses 5.2.1 through 5.2.3 discuss some typical external hazards. ANSI/NFPA 80A-2012 [B30]5 provides a method for the analysis and mitigation of external radiant heat threats from these types of exposures. 5.2.1 Forested or grassland areas Forest and grass fires can expose the substation to conductive smoke, fire plumes, radiant heat, and soot. Generally, unplanned landscaping, trees, and vegetation should be removed for a minimum of 9.1 m (30 ft) beyond critical buildings, structures, and equipment. In addition, vertical vegetation (i.e., trees) heights should be analyzed to minimize fall potentials that exist within 9.1 m (30 ft) of operational critical buildings and equipment. Refer to A.4 for additional information. 5.2.2 Hazardous industries or operations Chemical plants, petroleum refineries, liquefied natural gas plants, and compressed gas tank farms are examples of neighboring facilities that could pose an external threat to substation operations should an emergency or fire occur at the neighboring site. Spatial separation or other fire protection methods should be used to protect the substation from these types of external threats. 5.2.3 Combustible buildings Nearby combustible buildings and warehouses often represent substantial fuel loads that can expose the substation to conductive smoke, fire plumes, radiant heat, and soot. Spatial separation or other fire protection methods should be used to protect the substation from these types of external threats. Refer to 7.2.4 for additional information and other reference documents such as ANSI/NFPA 80A-2012 [B30]. Temporary enclosures made of combustible materials and temporary heating for construction activities require special considerations for fire prevention. Issues include providing safe heating sources and isolation of combustible materials from hot work. Wherever possible, buildings used to support the operation of a substation (e.g., offices and warehouses) should be located outside the substation fence.

5.3 Site grading Mineral oil spill fires can spread long distances over a wide area, potentially exposing critical elements of the substation to fire. In addition, oil can cause environmental impacts if it reaches nearby environmentally sensitive areas such as streams and rivers or is absorbed into the ground. One of the most critical factors that can impact the fire protection of substation equipment and buildings is the site grading. Special attention should be paid to site grading conditions, spatial separation, and overall substation layout to minimize the degree and direction of oil spread. 5

The numbers in brackets correspond to those of the bibliography in Annex F.

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5.4 Prevailing winds The prevailing wind direction should be taken into consideration when determining mineral-oil-insulated equipment locations. The prevailing winds can create an increase in the hazard from fires involving mineral-oil-insulated equipment and combustible structures. In a fire situation, the wind can cause the flame and fire plume to tilt. This can result in higher heat fluxes, smoke concentrations, and soot levels at downwind buildings or equipment. Additional fire protection measures may be considered when the wind is found to increase the fire hazard. Refer to A.5 for additional information.

5.5 Fire emergency response capability The fire response time and resources of either internal fire brigades or local fire departments are important factors in determining the required level of fire protection. The substation designer should consider these factors in the selection of fire protection mitigating measures in the substation design. Refer to A.6 for additional information.

5.6 Available firefighting water supplies In the event of a fire in the substation buildings or mineral-oil-insulated equipment, water is the most commonly used fire-extinguishing agent. As part of the design process, the available firefighting water supplies should be reviewed. Available water supply is an important design attribute for both automatic suppression systems that may be considered as well as for responding fire departments or fire brigades. Refer to A.7 for additional information.

5.7 Emergency access to the substation Access roads should be designed to accommodate emergency response vehicles. Provisions for emergency access at two locations should be considered around the station yard. Where feasible, vehicle entry gates should conform to the following: ⎯ Not be located beneath overhead power lines ⎯ Not be adjacent to fire hazards (such as mineral-oil-insulated transformers) that could cause them to be blocked during an incident ⎯ Be located as far apart as practical (a minimum of one half the overall station diagonal is recommended) Refer to A.8 for additional information.

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IEEE Std 979-2012 IEEE Guide for Substation Fire Protection

6. Fire protection for substation buildings

6.1 General Substation buildings should be designed in accordance with applicable local building codes. In the absence of applicable building code requirements, the following recommendations may be followed for the design and construction of substation buildings. Fire protection may be applied to substation buildings that meet one or more of the following criteria or where fire protection is required by local codes: ⎯ The building area is greater than 1000 m2 (10 000 ft2). ⎯ The building is multistory. ⎯ The building contains mineral-oil-insulated equipment. As a minimum, all new substation buildings should be of noncombustible construction and should include the life safety recommendations in 6.9.

6.2 Use and occupancy In the absence of explicit local building code classification criteria, electrical equipment buildings and battery buildings should be classified as special-purpose industrial occupancies. Warehouse buildings should be classified as storage occupancies. Maintenance shop areas should be considered as industrial occupancies. Office areas separate from control building spaces should be considered business occupancies. Refer to A.9 for additional information. 6.2.1 Control buildings and rooms Control buildings and rooms should be reserved for control equipment, metering equipment, SCADA equipment, telemetry and communications equipment, low-voltage (1890 L or 500 gal) should be installed in conduit wherever possible. In switchyards, conduits are commonly used to enclose cables going to equipment. Polyvinyl chloride (PVC) conduit is commonly used. For mineral-oil-filled equipment, the conduit may become a path for burning oil to flow away from the equipment and out of any oil containment. The use of noncombustible materials and fire stops will minimize this problem. Conduits should be sealed with a fire-resistive seal to keep moisture, dirt, and debris out of the conduit. Refer to 6.6.4 for considerations when conduits are used in buildings. 7.5.3 Tunnels Walk-through cable tunnels (galleries) are used where there are a large number of cables. The cable trays in these areas should be separated by a distance sufficient so that a fire in one tray will not propagate to an adjacent tray. If flame-retardant cables are used, the recommended separation distances are given in IEEE Std 384-2008 [B65] and ANSI/IEEE 525-1992 [B4]. If cables are not flame retardant or the proper

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separation cannot be achieved, then a fire-resistive barrier or shield can be used between the trays or a fireretardant coating may be applied to the cables. Fire hazards can also be minimized by utilizing fire stops. Consideration should also be given to the installation of 2 h fire-rated separation, a fire-detection system, a fixed extinguishing system, locating firefighting equipment at the tunnel entrances, and keeping air flows through the tunnels to a minimum. Restricting air flow in a cable tunnel will result in a reduction in the ampacity of the cables in it. This must be considered in planning the use of fire barriers.

7.6 Water supply Where a local municipal water supply is available, fire hydrants should be considered for installation such that mineral-oil-insulated equipment with capacities of 1890 L (500 gal) or more and buildings are no more than 150 m (500 ft) from a fire hydrant. In this case, the need to isolate electrically any metallic water pipes where they enter the substation should be reviewed to determine whether the transfer of the substation’s ground potential rise will be hazardous.

7.7 Fire extinguishers Unless more restrictive local requirements apply, it is recommended that fire extinguishers be made available where personnel are present performing maintenance activities. This requirement can be achieved by permanent installation of fire extinguishers throughout the yard or by requiring service personnel to bring suitable fire extinguishers with them during maintenance activities. Refer to A.18 for additional information.

8. Fire protection for equipment

8.1 Oil-spill-containment systems Substation oil-spill-containment systems have typically been installed for environmental reasons, but they also provide fire protection benefits. By minimizing the surface area of a mineral-oil spill fire, the following benefits arise: ⎯ Reduced overall size of the spill fire ⎯ Contained fire from spreading within the substation ⎯ Reduced flame height ⎯ Reduced radiant heat flux to noninvolved exposures ⎯ Reduced clean up and restoration area following the event If oil-spill containment is not required for environmental reasons, then the substation designer should consider the oil-spill containment for fire protection. An oil-spill-containment system should be designed in accordance with IEEE Std 980.6 In addition to containing the oil volume, the containment volume should allow for precipitation (typically 24 h of the


Information on references can be found in Clause 2.

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25-year storm density), automatic fire-suppression systems (refer to ANSI/NFPA 15-2012 [B16] for guidance), and manual firefighting activities, as applicable. Oil-containment systems should be designed to survive exposure to a minimum 3 h fire occurring within the bounds of the containment system. This minimum fire-resistance time may be reduced to a 2 h exposure with the installation of automatic suppression systems. The perimeter of the spill containment should generally be located between 2 m and 3 m (6.6 ft and 9.8 ft) beyond the portions of the electrical equipment containing oil, based on the height of typical bushings and conservators. Stone is frequently used in oil-containment pits. Refer to 8.2 for recommendations.

8.2 Stone flame suppression It is common practice for substation designers to use stone for ground surface material in switchyards and to provide stone in the containment pits of oil-insulated equipment. Testing has shown that a 150 mm (6 in) depth of 18 mm (0.75 in) diameter stone can suppress the flaming combustion of mineral oil by lowering the flame temperature and controlling the combustion air. When the level of the mineral oil rises to within 40 mm (1.5 in) of the top of the stone surface, flaming combustion will occur. See Zalosh and Lin [B81] for further details. It is recommended that the stone used for ground surface material or in containment pits should be between 18 mm and 38 mm (0.75 in and 1.5 in) in diameter. Containment pits should be designed with a minimum stone depth of 450 mm (18 in) so the liquid volume will not rise to within 50 mm (2 in) of the top surface of the stone. Stone used for station surfacing will typically have a depth of 150 mm (6 in). The void space for a layer of 18 mm (0.75 in) diameter stone is approximately 30% to 40% (the actual void space for the stone being used in containment pits should be determined for design purposes). Therefore, the overall volume of the oil containment will have to be significantly larger when flame-suppressing stone is used to fill the entire volume of a containment pit. An alternative is to put a layer of stone on a grating system in the containment pit. Refer to IEC 61936-1-2011 [B60] for further details. The following considerations should be made when using stone: ⎯ Stone used as ground surfacing material with depths of more than 150 mm (6 in) may be difficult to drive over. ⎯ The stone should be durable so it does not fracture under the expected loads. ⎯ The void ratio for stone used in containment pits should be considered in determining the liquid (includes oil, rain water, melting snow, etc.) containment volume. ⎯ Crushing the stone so it has at least two faces will allow the stone to interlock and provide a better surface for walking and driving. This reduces the void ratio and is taken into account when determining the storage volume. ⎯ Washing stone before it is installed will reduce fines and organic material normally present in new material from being deposited at the bottom of the layer and thus improve its effectiveness and increase the period until the first maintenance. ⎯ Areas with snow accumulation may encounter spring melting conditions where snow melts in daytime and freezes when it cools off at night. This may cause ice to form around the rock, which would make the stone ineffective for fire-suppression or fire protection purposes.

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IEEE Std 979-2012 IEEE Guide for Substation Fire Protection

⎯ Stone should be maintained on a regular basis to remove foreign debris such as sand, dirt, and weeds that accumulate between the stones and reduce its effectiveness.

8.3 Fire barriers Guidance on the design and installation of fire barriers for mineral-oil-insulated equipment can be found in NFPA 850 and NFPA 851. Fire barriers should be of suitable construction to maintain effectiveness throughout the duration of the expected exposure fire. Fire barriers should be designed to withstand wind loads, seismic loads, and blast pressures, as applicable. Fire barriers may be installed as a means of passive separation protection when the minimum spatial separation distances defined in 7.2 are not achieved. Refer to A.20 for additional information. 8.3.1 Height The minimum barrier height should be based on site-specific calculations. In lieu of these calculations, consider a barrier height between 0.3 m (1 ft) and 1 m (3.3 ft) above the highest mineral-oil-insulated portion(s) of the adjacent equipment. Where separating mineral-oil-insulated equipment from non–mineral-oil-insulated equipment or buildings, the height of the barrier should not be less than that required to break all sight lines between the highest mineral-oil-insulated component(s) and all portions of the non–mineral-oil-insulated equipment or buildings within the minimum spatial separation distance(s) defined in 7.2. 8.3.2 Width The barrier should extend to the outermost boundary of the oil-containment area(s) serving the mineral-oilinsulated equipment or the boundary of the postulated pool fire. Where separating mineral-oil-insulated equipment from non–mineral-oil-insulated equipment or buildings, the width of the barrier should not be less than that required to break all sight lines between the outermost edge of the oil-containment area serving the adjacent mineral-oil-insulated equipment and all portions of the non–mineral-oil-insulated equipment or buildings within the minimum spatial separation distance(s) defined in 7.2.

8.4 Fire-suppression systems Active, automatic fire-suppression systems should be considered in lieu of fire barriers when the minimum spatial separation distances defined in 7.2 are not achieved. These types of systems may also be installed in addition to fire barriers or indoor equipment vaults for additional fire control. In areas with gaseous fire extinguishing systems, smoke ventilation systems should be properly interlocked for the effective operation of the extinguishing system.

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8.4.1 Indoor equipment vaults A minimum 3 h fire-resistance-rated vault should encompass all individual energized pieces of indoor mineral-oil-insulated equipment containing 1890 L (500 gal) or more of mineral oil. The minimum fire-resistance rating may be reduced to 2 h where automatic suppression is installed in accordance with 8.4. 8.4.2 Alternative dielectric insulating medium Alternative types of dielectric insulating liquids have been developed with higher flash and fire points to minimize the likelihood and impact of fires. These are generally referred to as “less flammable” fluids as defined by the National Electrical Code® (NEC®) (NFPA 70) [B75]. Such alternative dielectric insulating fluids should always be considered where feasible, but they are particularly useful for minimizing fire impact on indoor equipment applications and equipment arrangements where the minimum spatial separation distances in 7.2 cannot be achieved. Refer to A.21 for additional information.

8.5 Explosion suppression Explosion suppression systems for power transformers are not widely deployed. Some methodologies may minimize transformer explosion impacts as indicated in 8.5.1 through 8.5.3. 8.5.1 Distribution class transformers For distribution class auxiliary transformers inside substations, tank rupture prevention/protection systems may be used as per UL and FM listings requirements per Article 450-23 of NFPA 70 [B75]. An example is FM Global’s FM Approved Transformers Standard 3990, which incorporates current limiting fusing and equivalent means to limit the potential fault energy to an acceptable level. 8.5.2 Power class transformers Explosion suppression systems have been developed, tested, and installed in high-risk transformer applications. At this time, the industry has not accumulated enough experience to validate the effectiveness of any of the designs. System manufacturers can provide both test data and user testimony. Substation designers considering such an application should work closely with the transformer manufacturer and the explosion suppression system manufacturer to determine the most appropriate design. New designs using multiple containment structures and more pressure-resistant tank construction are being developed by some manufacturers. 8.5.3 Alternative dielectric insulation medium The use of high-fire-point fluids or nonflammable gases, such as SF6, as a dielectric medium in distribution and power class transformers can significantly reduce the impact of a catastrophic failure inside a transformer tank. Substation designers considering such an application should work closely with the transformer manufacturer to determine the most appropriate design.

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8.6 Equipment design Below are a few suggestions to minimize the spread of fire from oil-filled equipment: ⎯ Avoid the use of low melting temperature valves and other fittings, especially at the lower surfaces of transformer walls (an external fire will melt these valves and feed the fire) ⎯ Implement a scheme on transformers to stop the fans and pumps when there is a transformer trip (prevent pumping oil or blowing air onto a fire or ruptured transformer that is on fire or spilling oil [even if contained])

9. Fire protection measures selection

9.1 General A fire risk evaluation should be initiated as early in the design process as practical so that the fire prevention and fire protection recommendations as described in this document have been evaluated in view of the substation-specific considerations regarding design, layout, and anticipated operating requirements. The evaluation should result in a list of recommended fire prevention features to be provided based on acceptable means for separation or control of common and special hazards, decrease the probability of ignition, and the suppression of fires. The fire risk evaluation should be approved by the owner prior to final drawings and installation. Many factors are used in the selection of the most appropriate type of fire protection for substation hazards. There is no one best solution for each of the individual hazards that substations have, but there are a number of alternatives that can be used based on the needs of the owner, insurance company, and regulator. The following are a number of commonly used methods for selecting fire protection measures.

9.2 Fire protection objectives Individual fire protection solutions can provide different damage levels for specific applications. The owner needs to determine the acceptable level of fire loss to help determine the level of fire protection to use. A typical example of this method involves the fire protection for substation control buildings; some owners have an objective of suppressing a fire at a cabinet components stage and thereby install gaseous fire protection systems to extinguish those fires very rapidly. Other owners may be willing to accept damage from a fire that would be limited to the loss of one or two cabinets and will therefore install a preaction sprinkler system in the substation control facility.

9.3 Performance factors Important criteria in the selection of the most appropriate fire protection for a substation are called performance factors. The three typical criteria are as follows: ⎯ Reliability: The system will operate correctly when it is required to do so. ⎯ Availability: The system will have a low down time for maintenance or as a result of failures. ⎯ Effectiveness: The system will suppress the fire before critical conditions can occur.

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The various fire protection systems available provide differing levels for these criteria.

9.4 Life cycle factors Fire protection systems have varying life expectancies. Sprinkler systems can continue to provide successful performance for several decades, but software-based addressable detection systems become obsolete much sooner (typically 1 to 15 years).

9.5 Risk-based economic analysis The economic risk-based analysis is the evaluation of the investment measures in relation to the probability of fire, the potential losses due to fire, and the cost of the fire protection measures. This analysis requires a reasonable database of the probability of fires for the different hazard areas or types, an assessment of the performance success of the proposed fire protection measures, an estimate of the fire loss costs, and engineering judgment. The potential losses usually include the equipment loss as well as an assessment of the lost revenue due to the outage resulting from the loss of equipment. Refer to A.22 for additional information.

9.6 Benefit/cost analysis One of the most common risk-based economic analysis is a benefit/cost analysis. This analysis is calculated using Equation (1):

B/C =

benefit p ( F ) × e( RM ) × [ RC + LR + SB + OC ] = cost RM


where benefit cost e(RM) LR OC p(F) RC RM SB

is the value associated with lost revenue, operation, and building replacements that are avoided if a major fire is prevented (benefit of avoided loss) is the cost to protect against damage due to major fire is the effectiveness of remedial measure is the lost revenue (in $) due to fire (lost load × mill rate) is the operating cost associated with manning the station due to fire damage of supervisory equipment or additional testing and switching costs associated with restoring service is the probability of major fire (probability of an outage due to a fire) is the replacement cost of facility and equipment lost due to fire is the cost of remedial measure is the societal benefit (in $) lost due to customer outages created by fire

Once the potential financial loss due to a fire has been calculated, the designer should input costs and effectiveness of any proposed fire protection measure into the benefit/cost equation and determine the B/C ratio. If the B/C ratio is less than 1, then the provision of the fire protection measure is not an acceptable investment. Normally, the B/C ratio should be greater than 1 and preferably greater than 2. A B/C ratio of 2 means that the avoided fire loss cost or benefit is twice that of the cost of the fire protection measure. Therefore it is a good investment. 30 Copyright © 2012 IEEE. All rights reserved.

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Any fire insurance coverage can also be included in this type of calculation. The insurance premiums can be included as a fire protection cost, and an insurance payout will reduce the fire costs. It should be noted that insurers will generally reduce the insurance costs for specific types of fire protection installed. Companies should review the possible premium savings with their insurers and factor any savings into the calculation. Refer to C.6 for additional information and an example calculation.

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Annex A (normative) Additional information to main body clauses

A.1 Purpose This clause provides additional information to 1.2. Fire protection measures reduce the fire risks to the public in the vicinity of the substation and to emergency response personnel. These measures can also decrease the risk to operating personnel. Fire protection should be integral to the planning, design, and operation of substations. In many instances, fire protection is not considered. Too often, fire protection decisions are made after the planning and design of the substation, which can lead to costly changes late in the project. Although common cause events are considered, substation fires generally have not been considered in assessing the reliability of the electric system. However, substation fire events have occurred, with significant challenges to system reliability. Careful consideration of the consequences of a substation fire, and alleviating those consequences throughout the planning and design process, will help to mitigate the consequences of a fire in a substation. Properly designed substation fire protection can minimize the effect of component failure during a fire on overall reliability of the system supply. Having fire protection systems and processes will minimize the asset and revenue losses from any fire.

A.2 Fire hazards This clause provides additional information to Clause 4. Identifying fire hazards can be a complex process. The fire hazard analysis process should be used for planned, new, or existing substations to determine the appropriate level of fire protection necessary to mitigate the consequence of fire. The fire hazard analysis process should be done by a team consisting of substation designers, fire protection specialists, and substation operating staff so that all perspectives are included in the process. The probability of fire and potential magnitude of its consequences should be quantified to help justify the need for fire protection. For further information regarding the process for evaluating industrial fire hazards, refer to Chapter 2, “Industrial Fire Hazard Assessment,” of the ANSI/NFPA Industrial Fire Hazards Handbook, 3rd ed. [B46]. Historical information on substation fires can help with fire hazard analysis. There have been a wide range of types and causes of fires experienced in substations. The types of fires are based on the equipment and systems used in the substations. Fires involving dc valves, outdoor or indoor mineral-oil-insulated equipment, mineral-oil-insulated cable, hydrogen-cooled synchronous condensers, or equipment with fluids containing polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) are usually well documented. Therefore, these types of equipment are easily recognized as a fire hazard. There are a number of other substation fire types that are not as well documented. Factory Mutual Data Sheets 5-4 [B57], 5-19 [B58], and 5-31 [B59]; NFPA 851; and CIGRE TF 14.01.04-1999 [B54] provide guidance on these types of fires. Clause D.6 covers a study done by a major utility of reported substation fires listed by types. 32 Copyright © 2012 IEEE. All rights reserved.

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A.3 Fire protection considerations for substation sites This clause provides additional information to Clause 5 and 6.8. A fire risk evaluation should be initiated as early in the design process as practical so that, in addition to other applicable codes and/or regulations, the fire prevention and fire protection recommendations of this document may be evaluated in view of the specific considerations regarding design, layout, and anticipated operating requirements. The evaluation should result in a list of recommended fire prevention features to be provided based on acceptable means for separation or control of common and special hazards, the control or elimination of ignition sources, and the suppression of fires. Fire Safety Decision Trees is a methodology commonly used to determine the most appropriate strategy for fire protection. It can also be applied to the various hazards that are found in electrical substations. Refer to NFPA 550-2012 [B40] for details on how to use this methodology.

A.4 Forested or grassland areas This clause provides additional information to 5.2.1. A fall hazard should be carried out on trees and other vertical vegetation around a substation. Fallen trees should be a minimum of 9 m (30 ft) away from all critical substation assets. NFPA 1144-2013 [B44] provides a method for evaluating this type of hazard under specific site conditions.

A.5 Prevailing winds This clause provides additional information to 5.4. Prevailing wind direction data are available from many national weather organizations, local weather stations, national forest organizations, and airports. The Society of Fire Protection Engineers publishes several documents that present methodologies for calculating the impact of wind-tilted fire plumes. Both the SFPE Handbook [B79] and the SFPE Engineering Guide for Assessing Flame Radiation to External Targets from Pool Fires [B77] provide examples of methodologies.

A.6 Fire emergency response capability This clause provides additional information to 5.5. When designing a new substation or changing an existing substation, the substation designer should review the capabilities of the fire service in the area of the station. If no public fire service or fire brigade is available to fight a fire in the station, then the substation designer should not rely on any manual means of fire protection but incorporate other specific safeguards. The designer could look at incorporating specific design measures into the substation design. If the local fire brigade or fire department can provide manual fire protection services to the substation, then the designer should work with these groups to determine their specific capabilities. The ranges of fire department or fire brigade capabilities can vary considerably. Large, well-organized fire departments in major cities can provide significant resources in terms of equipment and work force in a short time to deal with a major fire. Rural volunteer fire departments on the

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IEEE Std 979-2012 IEEE Guide for Substation Fire Protection

other hand may not have the same level of equipment and personnel to deal with large-scale fires. Discussions with the fire departments should be held to determine the following: ⎯ The maximum number of personnel the fire department has available ⎯ The type of equipment available such as pumper trucks, tanker trucks, aerial ladder trucks, foam supplies, and other special equipment ⎯ The number and type of equipment and personnel that would be dispatched to a fire at the substation ⎯ The expected response time The designer could then review probable types of fires (design fires) that would be expected at the substation and work with the emergency services to determine whether they have sufficient resources to deal with a specific incident. If the local fire department does not have sufficient resources to deal with the design fires at the station, then the designer should work with the local fire department and determine whether there are adjacent fire departments or fire resources that could be used during an incident. Several high-profile substation fires have been successfully suppressed using crash rescue firefighting vehicles from adjacent airports. If such resources are not available, then consideration should be given to including increased substation fire protection features or the possible purchase of required resources for the local fire department. If the substation designer finds that the local fire emergency resources and water supply are inadequate for manual firefighting, then passive or active automatic fire protection measures should be considered as part of the overall substation fire protection scheme. Some examples of passive measures that could be used in the substation design are providing adequate spacing between oil-filled equipment, provision of firewalls between closely spaced equipment, the use of noncombustible construction for the control building, and the provision of stone-filled pits or other oil containment means around all oil-filled equipment. Possible active automatic fire protection measures include water spray, sprinkler, and inert gas systems. Fire department personnel responding to substation fires can be exposed to significant fire and electrical safety hazards that they may not be trained to deal with. The types of fire hazards found in indoor and outdoor substations are significantly different from the typical hazards to which public firefighters are normally exposed. As such, they may be putting their own safety at risk. The most significant hazards that fire department personnel are exposed to are the electrical safety hazards of the substation. Fire department personnel are trained to take an active role and aggressively suppress fires. In the case of a fire in an electrical substation, there may be long delays until substation operating personnel can arrive onsite and make the station electrically safe. In some cases, it may take up to an hour for operating personnel to arrive onsite to make the station electrically safe. Therefore, the fire department personnel want to enter the facility and suppress the fire, before it is safe to do so. Delays of this type create additional pressures on the responding fire departments because they are concerned that while they are waiting to gain access to the substation fire, they cannot respond to other alarms received. These tensions can create situations where responding personnel take serious risks of electrical contacts and exposures. The type of equipment and facilities found in the substation are foreign to most of the operating environments to which the fire department personnel are exposed. Therefore, the installation of fire protection in a substation will help control or suppress fires and allow the fire department to access the facility safely.

A.7 Available firefighting water supplies This clause provides additional information to 5.6. 34 Copyright © 2012 IEEE. All rights reserved.

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IEEE Std 979-2012 IEEE Guide for Substation Fire Protection

In the event of a fire in the station buildings or mineral-oil-insulated equipment, water is the most commonly used fire extinguishing agent both directly and as part of fire extinguishing agent mixtures such as foam. As part of the design process, the available firefighting water supplies should be reviewed for any station that has a responding fire department or fire brigade. If there is no responding fire department or fire brigade, then the designer may incorporate passive measures (i.e., greater spacing of mineral-oil-insulated electrical equipment) into the station’s design. The designer should also determine the requirement for firefighting water supplies, based on governing codes, regulations, and bylaws. The following are some of the common standards for firefighting water supplies: a)

Piped municipal supplies 1) Fire Underwriter Survey Water Supply requirements guide 2) Insurance Advisory Organization 3) American Water Works Association

b) Rural water supplies 1) ANSI/NFPA 1142-2012 [B43] 2) Various NFPA fire protection application standards such as ANSI/NFPA 13-2011 [B14], ANSI/NFPA 14-2010 [B15], ANSI/NFPA 15-2012 [B16], and ANSI/NFPA 24-2013 [B21] During the water supply review, the substation designer should look at all possible sources of water adjacent to the station such as lakes, streams and rivers, swamps, and so on. The designer should also be cognizant of the relatively large quantity of water required for multiple hours of firefighting during major substation fires, such as fully involved mineral-oil-insulated transformer fires. If there is an insufficient water supply available for manual firefighting, then the designer should work with the local fire department to determine whether they have adequate tanker capabilities to bring water to the substation during the fire. Where a local municipal water supply is not available, responding fire department personnel should be consulted on their needs for fighting all probable fire scenarios. Water tanker trucks, onsite water storage tanks, ponds, lakes, and streams are all possible sources of firefighting water. Passive fire protection measures such as containment, spatial separation, and/or fire barriers are of particular importance where sufficient firefighting water may not be available. Hydrant systems intended for use by fire department personnel should have suitable grounding clamps and cables available within the station to ground any firefighting vehicles operating within the station. If the substation designer finds that the local fire emergency resources and water supply are inadequate for manual firefighting, then passive or active automatic fire protection should be considered. Some examples of passive measures that could be used in the substation design are providing adequate spacing between oilfilled equipment, provision of firewalls between closely spaced equipment, the use of noncombustible construction for the control building, and the provision of stone ground cover adjacent to all oil-filled equipment.

A.8 Emergency access to the substation This clause provides additional information to 5.7.

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IEEE Std 979-2012 IEEE Guide for Substation Fire Protection

When the substation designer is laying out the station or changing an existing station, he or she may consider emergency vehicle access to all major buildings or major banks of oil-insulated equipment. In most cases, the normal operating access for bucket trucks and crane trucks will be quite similar to that required by the emergency services. Normally, fire department vehicles do not need to get within 150 m (500 ft) of major risk areas. If the distances are greater than 150 m (500 ft), then consideration should be made to ensuring adequate access is available. When laying out the overall site plan, the designer should make provisions for emergency access at a minimum of two locations around the switchyard. Typically, the emergency services vehicles require access roads with a minimum width of 6.1 m (20 ft), centerline minimum turning radius of 12 m (40 ft), overhead clearances of 5 m, and roadbeds that will support the expected load imposed by firefighting vehicles in the various seasonal conditions. The access points to the station should have a minimum width of 6.1 m (20 ft). These access points should not be located should beneath overhead power lines or adjacent to critical fire hazards that could cause them to be blocked during an incident. The access points should also be remotely located such that the minimum distance between them is no less than 1/2 the overall diagonal distance of the switchyard. If the access roads throughout the station yard are dead-ended, then provision should be made for a suitable turnaround facility.

A.9 Substation buildings This clause provides additional information to 6.2 through 6.5 and 7.2.3. The types of fires created by mineral-oil-insulated equipment or cable can create catastrophic risks to indoor substations. The application of these types of equipment should be analyzed using fire performancebased methods because guidelines may not recommend suitable levels of fire protection for indoor substations. A performance-based method will be able to model more accurately the fire conditions and the impacts to the building occupants, the structure, and other equipment. The fire conditions can be reviewed based on some of the following types of criteria: ⎯ The blast pressure created by an explosion and the ability of the building to withstand the blast pressures ⎯ The heat release rate and flame height of the fire ⎯ The activation time for fire detection devices and fire protection systems and the ability of fire protection systems (i.e., sprinklers or water spray systems) to suppress the fire ⎯ The available safe egress time for building occupants (including detection time, egress time, and smoke exposure time) ⎯ Volume of smoke being released during the fire ⎯ The temperature exposure conditions of building structural elements and predicted failure time ⎯ Time to allow the fire to burn out ⎯ Fire conditions that the fire department will be exposed to ⎯ Smoke and fire damage to other areas and equipment of the substation

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IEEE Std 979-2012 IEEE Guide for Substation Fire Protection

The various performance fire modeling (zone or computational fluid dynamics) techniques provide varying degrees of fire details and simulation results. For an indoor mineral-oil-insulated transformer, target criteria can be as simple as preventing a fire from taking out of service a second transformer, or it can be as complex as radiant heat flux to the building structure or carbon monoxide exposures to building occupants. The following are some of the recognized performance-based fire safety and protection documents that can be used for a performance-based analysis: ⎯ SFPE Engineering Guide to Performance-Based Fire Protection [B78] ⎯ SFPE Handbook of Fire Protection Engineering [B79] ⎯ British Standards Institute, Fire Safety Engineering in buildings (Part 1 Guide to the application of fire safety engineering principles) [B51] ⎯ Australian Building Codes Board, Fire Safety Engineering Guidelines [B49] ⎯ The Canadian National Building Code (objective-based) [B73] ⎯ AICHE Guidelines for Chemical Process Quantitative Risk Analysis [B2] ⎯ EPRI TR-100443-1992 [B56] ⎯ U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NUREG) documents

A.10 Construction This clause provides additional information to 6.6. See NFPA 850 for further discussion on construction requirements. When exploring the additional information available in NFPA 850, keep in mind that the information and requirements presented may be overly conservative for direct application to substations because they are developed for generation facilities, which involve different hazards and threats.

A.11 Fire separation This clause provides additional information to 6.6.2. Fire separations are a form of compartmentalization to limit fire spread by isolating a room or space containing a fire hazard. The fire separation compartment will be formed by fire-rated assemblies of the floor, walls, and ceiling of the room. In the absence of applicable building code requirements, the following are suggested fire-resistance ratings for separating substation areas from one another: ⎯ Control rooms, 2 h ⎯ Battery rooms, 2 h ⎯ Switchgear rooms, 2 h ⎯ Cable spreading rooms or tunnels, 2 h ⎯ Telecommunications rooms, 2 h ⎯ Shops,2 h ⎯ Offices, 2 h ⎯ Warehouse areas, 2 h ⎯ Emergency diesel generator, 2 h

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IEEE Std 979-2012 IEEE Guide for Substation Fire Protection

⎯ Flammable and combustible storage, 2 h ⎯ Transformer vaults, 3 h7 ⎯ Indoor oil circuit breaker vaults, 3 h (see footnote 7)

A.12 Floor and roof This clause provides additional information to 6.6.3. ANSI/NFPA 256-2003 [B38] outlines a method to measure the relative fire characteristics of roof coverings. Class A (ANSI/NFPA 256-2003 [B38]) rated roof coverings are effective against severe test exposure, which give a high degree of fire protection to the roof deck, which do not slip from position, and which do not present a flying brand hazard.

A.13 Building openings This clause provides additional information to 6.6.6. Most building codes permit opening protective systems (rated doors, windows, and shutter assemblies) to have a slightly reduced rating due to the fact that combustible loading is typically substantially less in front of openings when they are used as functional attributes of a compartment (windows for viewing or doors for access to the space). This practice is supported in this guide by allowing the reduction from a 2 h rating down to a 1.5 h rating requirement for doors and similar opening protective systems. Where nonoperable windows are installed as opening protective systems in rated separation walls, many times wired glass, ceramic glazing, or specialized water spray systems can be used in lieu of fire shutters.

A.14 Heating, ventilating, and air conditioning (HVAC) This clause provides additional information to 6.6.10. The following is a list of areas where alternative designs should be considered: ⎯ The HVAC systems for control rooms, computer rooms, and communication rooms would ideally be designed to provide a positive pressure for these rooms and to operate with full exhaust/relief air and no return air, during a fire. These systems should not service other areas. The objective is to help prevent smoke from a fire outside these rooms entering the rooms and exhausting any smoke from a fire within the rooms. If these rooms are protected by a total flooding gaseous system, then the HVAC system should be shut down so the suppression systems can operate correctly. ⎯ Any HVAC system for areas having mineral-oil-insulated equipment, SF6, or high concentrations of cable with combustible insulation jackets should be designed to operate in a full exhaust mode in the event of a fire. These systems should not service other areas.

7 An analysis with input from a fire protection engineer, substation designer, and building official(s) should be performed to determine the appropriate level of fire separation on indoor transformer and mineral-oil-insulated circuit breaker vaults. This analysis should take into consideration the type of substation building involved (underground, multistory, or located in a high-rise building), fire-resistance rating of the overall structure, calculated blast pressure of the room boundaries and structure, blast venting, type of transformer or circuit breaker used, electrical failure characteristics (arc tension, short-circuit current, and arc duration time), active fire protection systems present, company response time, and fire department response adequacy.

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IEEE Std 979-2012 IEEE Guide for Substation Fire Protection

A.15 Smoke and heat management This clause provides additional information to 6.6.11. Special consideration should be given to control and relay rooms that are located below grade or within a multistory building, indoor transformer vaults, and other indoor areas that house large mineral-oil-insulated equipment. Two important concerns are the protection of personnel and critical station equipment from corrosive and toxic combustion products. Indoor fires can endanger occupants and assets far removed from the actual fire event due to the spread of combustion products throughout the building. Common concerns include the massive quantities of smoke that may be produced, toxic breakdown products from SF6-insulated electrical equipment (SF4 sulfur tetrafluoride gas, S2F2 sulfur monofluoride gas, HF hydrofluoric acid, H2SO4 sulfuric acid, and metallic fluoride dust), and the corrosive combustion products released from halogen-bearing compounds (e.g., PVC and polyethylene cable jackets). Consideration should be given to smoke venting from any areas that contain items capable of producing toxic or corrosive smoke. Areas that could be impacted by corrosive smoke, such as control, relay, and communication rooms, can be provided with a positive pressure ventilation system to prevent the migration of smoke into those sensitive areas. ANSI/NFPA 92A-2009 [B33] provides detailed design guidance on smoke control systems.

A.16 Fire alarm and detection systems A.16.1 General This clause provides additional information to 6.7. The following guidance is provided for the selection of industry-recognized detection strategies for specific substation hazard areas. Generally, the following should be applied to substation buildings that meet one of the following criteria: ⎯ A fire alarm and detection system is required by local codes. ⎯ The building area is greater than 1000 m2 (10 000 ft2). ⎯ The building is multistory. ⎯ The building contains oil-insulated equipment. These recommendations are not intended to preclude the use of other detection methodologies determined to be appropriate for the hazard. A.16.2 Detection Automatic detection should be designed in accordance with Section 5.7 of ANSI/NFPA 72-2010 [B28], “smoke-sensing fire detectors.” Where building and equipment configurations do not allow for the prescriptive application of requirements, particularly in existing substation buildings, performance-based designs are recommended in accordance with Section 5.3 of ANSI/NFPA 72-2010 [B28]. The following are suggested applications for detection in specific substation buildings areas: a)

Control, relay, and telecommunication areas 1) Spot-type photoelectric detection at the ceiling and below the subfloor areas 39 Copyright © 2012 IEEE. All rights reserved.

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IEEE Std 979-2012 IEEE Guide for Substation Fire Protection

2) Very early air sampling detection NOTE—Unless rapid response is available from substation and emergency responders, there is little benefit to this option.8

b) Feeder sections and switchgear areas 1) Spot-type photoelectric detection 2) Linear beam smoke detection c)

Cable spreading rooms and cable tunnels 1) Spot-type photoelectric detection where environmental conditions permit 2) Linear heat detection where humidity, temperature conditions, and other environmental conditions are outside the photoelectric smoke detectors listed range

d) General substation building areas including shops, office, and warehouse areas 1) Spot-type photoelectric detection e)

Transformer vaults and mineral-oil-insulated equipment areas 1) Linear beam smoke detection 2) Rate-compensated thermal detectors, linear heat detection, or wet/dry pilot detection for deluge system operation

A.16.3 Fire alarm/employee notification systems Audible notification should be installed throughout all potentially occupied areas of underground, high-rise, and indoor substation buildings in accordance with Section 7.4.3 of ANSI/NFPA 72-2010 [B28]. Public mode visible notification should be provided throughout all areas with an average ambient sound level of 105 dB or more. Manual pull stations should be installed at each exit along with a single, visible notification device. The minimum intensity rating should be 15 candela. A.16.4 Monitoring Fire alarm and detection systems should be monitored for alarm, supervisory, and trouble signals to a constantly attended location.

A.17 Fire suppression This clause provides additional information to 6.8. The following guidance is provided for the selection of industry-recognized suppression strategies for specific substation hazard areas. NOTE—These recommendations are not intended to preclude the utilization of other detection methodologies determined to be appropriate for the hazard.

8 Notes in text, tables, and figures of a standard are given for information only and do not contain requirements needed to implement this standard.

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IEEE Std 979-2012 IEEE Guide for Substation Fire Protection

A.17.1 Cable spreading areas Sprinkler systems should be installed throughout all cable-spreading areas. Design and installation of such systems should be in accordance with NFPA 13 [B14]. Selection of design density should be based on the type and density of cables present. See Section C-4 of NFPA 850, “Grouped Cable Fire Tests,” for additional discussion on appropriate design densities. Automatic sprinkler systems should be the wet pipe, closed-head type unless extenuating circumstances prohibit this type (i.e., use dry pipe system in unheated areas subject to freezing). Exception to wet pipe recommendation: Preaction systems may be considered where extenuating circumstances dictate the need and the water delivery delay time (and associated fire growth and damage level) is deemed acceptable. Circumstances may include situations where equipment is present that does not react well to exposure to water and additional levels of protection against inadvertent water discharge are deemed necessary. A.17.2 Control, relay, and switchgear rooms/buildings Suppression systems are generally not provided in control and relay rooms where all of the following are met: a)

A fire department with adequate personnel and equipment is available for emergency response in a timely fashion.

b) An automatic detection system is arranged to dispatch automatically the fire department upon receipt of any alarm signal. c)

Equipment present is limited to enclosed metal clad switchgear cubicles, relay and communication panels, battery systems, miscellaneous electric panels, and associated conduit and wiring. This type of equipment consists of minimal combustible material and is unlikely to contribute to a deenergized fire scenario.

d) Mineral-oil-insulated equipment is not present. e)

Area is separated from other areas of the building by minimum 2 h fire-resistance-rated construction.

Where the provisions of this clause are not all met, a double-interlock preaction sprinkler system should be installed throughout the control and relay room(s). Exception to preaction sprinkler recommendation: Total flooding gaseous agent systems (e.g., clean agent) should be considered where extenuating circumstances preclude the use of water (i.e., adjacent equipment areas with sensitive equipment in drainage path and draining water poses an unacceptable threat to equipment). Such systems should be designed in accordance with the appropriate NFPA standard and manufacturer design guidance. A.17.3 Gas-insulated switchgear (GIS) areas Sprinkler systems are not installed throughout all GIS areas except where there is mineral oil cable, mineral oil potheads, or any other high fire hazards. Automatic sprinkler systems should be the wet pipe, closed-head type unless extenuating circumstances prohibit this type (i.e., use dry pipe systems in unheated areas subject to freezing). 41 Copyright © 2012 IEEE. All rights reserved.

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IEEE Std 979-2012 IEEE Guide for Substation Fire Protection

Exception to wet pipe sprinkler recommendation: Preaction sprinkler systems may be considered where extenuating circumstances dictate the need and the water delivery delay time (and associated fire growth and damage level) is deemed acceptable. Circumstances may include situations where equipment is present that does not react well to exposure to water and additional levels of protection against inadvertent water discharge are deemed necessary. A.17.4 Oil pump houses Sprinkler systems should be installed throughout oil pump houses. Design and installation of such systems shall be in accordance with ANSI/NFPA 13-2011 [B14]. Automatic sprinkler systems should be the wet pipe, closed-head type unless extenuating circumstances prohibit this type (i.e., use dry pipe systems in unheated areas subject to freezing). Exceptions to wet pipe sprinkler system recommendation: Preaction sprinkler systems may be considered where extenuating circumstances dictate the need and the water delivery delay time (and associated fire growth and damage level) is deemed acceptable. Circumstances may include situations where equipment is present that does not react well to exposure to water and additional levels of protection against inadvertent water discharge are deemed necessary. Total flooding gaseous agent systems (i.e., CO2 or clean agent) may be considered where extenuating circumstances preclude the use of water (i.e., adjacent equipment areas with sensitive equipment in drainage path and draining water poses an unacceptable threat to equipment). Such systems should be designed in accordance with the appropriate NFPA standard and manufacturer design guidance. A.17.5 Indoor mineral-oil-insulated equipment vaults The required suppression system applications for various mineral oil volumes within rated enclosure vaults are listed in Table A.1. Where multiple system choices are listed, any single choice is acceptable. Table A.1—Suppression systems for vaults Total oil quantitya 0 L to 375 L (0 gal to 99 gal) 376 L to 1889 L (100 gal to 499 gal)

1890 L (500+ gal)

Required type of suppression system Overhead sprinkler (wet pipe, closed head)

Design standard ANSI/NFPA 13-2011 [B14]

Overhead sprinkler (wet pipe, closed head)

ANSI/NFPA 13-2011 [B14]

Total flooding Gaseous system

ANSI/NFPA 12-2011 [B11] or ANSI/NFPA 2001-2012 [B45]

Fixed water spray

ANSI/NFPA 15-2012 [B16]

Total flooding Gaseous system

ANSI/NFPA 12-2011 [B11] or ANSI/NFPA 2001-2012 [B45]


Less than 1890 L (500 gal) of mineral oil is present; the designer may have a qualified fire protection engineer conduct a benefit/cost analysis to determine the added benefit of installing suppression in the vault. This analysis may demonstrate that sufficient benefit is not gained to warrant the cost of the suppression system. See C.6 for additional discussion on benefit/cost analysis.

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IEEE Std 979-2012 IEEE Guide for Substation Fire Protection

A.17.6 Miscellaneous indoor substation areas Suppression systems should not be installed throughout miscellaneous indoor substation areas where all of the following are met: ⎯ A fire department with adequate personnel and equipment is available for emergency response in a timely fashion. ⎯ An automatic detection system is arranged to dispatch the fire department automatically on receipt of any alarm signal. ⎯ Equipment present is limited to enclosed metal clad switchgear cubicles, relay and communication panels, battery systems, miscellaneous electric panels, and associated conduit and wiring. This type of equipment consists of minimal combustible material and is unlikely to contribute to a deenergized fire scenario. ⎯ Mineral-oil-insulated equipment is not present. ⎯ Area is separated from other areas of the building by minimum 2 h fire-resistance-rated construction. Where the provisions of this clause are not all met, a sprinkler system or total flooding gaseous agent suppression system should be installed. Design and installation of sprinkler systems should be in accordance with ANSI/NFPA 13-2011 [B14]. Design density and classification should increase where conditions warrant a more severe classification. Design and installation of total flooding gaseous agent systems should be in accordance with the appropriate NFPA standard (i.e., ANSI/NFPA 12-2011 [B11] and ANSI/NFPA 2001-2012 [B45]).

A.18 Fire extinguishers This clause provides additional information to 6.9.5. Unless rigorous fire extinguisher training is provided on an ongoing basis, it is recommended that Class B hazards be considered of nonappreciable depth when determining size and distribution requirements in ANSI/NFPA 10-2012 [B7] because the extinguishers will be intended only for use on small, incipient fires as opposed to larger oil spill fires, which may be of an appreciable depth. Ongoing minimal training should be established for all personnel expected to use fire extinguishers to assist them in identifying characteristics of fires that cannot be suppressed with the fire extinguishers available and to provide education on proper technique. Special consideration should be given to installing separate fire extinguishers (A:C and B:C) in areas where both Class A and B hazards are present. Although triple-rated (A:B:C) extinguishers are available and would seem an appropriate choice for these situations, the only suitable triple-rated extinguisher (based on required minimum A and B rating) is the multipurpose dry chemical extinguisher. This type of extinguisher is prone to leaving a residue on all surfaces with which it comes in contact, and in the case of metal surfaces, this results in a corrosive chemical reaction that in some instances can cause more damage than the fire. A residue of dry chemical is conductive and, therefore, will cause shorts and grounds in electrical and electronic equipment. Electrical substation employees are exposed to significant risks while trying to suppress fires manually in substation buildings and apparatus. It is recommended that automatic fire protection systems be used wherever practical instead of using employee for manual firefighting. Should employees be expected to engage in manual suppression techniques they need to meet the following requirements:

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⎯ Receive thorough ongoing training ⎯ Be supplied with adequate turnout gear and self-contained breathing apparatus that needs to be inspected and tested on an ongoing basis ⎯ Be tested and restricted based on adequate fitness levels ⎯ Be clean shaven (otherwise, they cannot use self-contained breathing apparatus in smoke environments without the risk of being exposed to smoke)

A.19 Equipment to property lines This clause provides additional information to 7.2.4. There are a significant number of ways that substation fires can impact the public in adjacent environs. Fire protection measures can be put in place to mitigate these impacts to the public. The following is a list of some of the types of fire-related mechanisms that can occur and can impact the public directly: ⎯ Shrapnel—bushing failures can result in shards or fragments of bushing ceramic being propelled for distances up to 75 m (250 ft) or more. This shrapnel can be projected beyond the perimeter of the station and expose adjacent buildings. ⎯ Blast pressure—explosion in transformers can create blast pressures or pressure waves that could impact adjacent properties and structures. ⎯ Explosions and fires can result in oil spills that can migrate outside the perimeter of the substations and impact on surrounding public properties. ⎯ Oil pool fires as a result of the failure of mineral-oil-insulated equipment can cause thermal radiation beyond the perimeter of the station and possibly ignite combustible vegetation and structures. ⎯ Oil pool fires can create very large fire plumes with significant flame heights and smoke being spread from the fire pool. During periods of high winds, the fire flames and smoke plumes can be tilted significantly and expose adjacent buildings and structures. As a result, heat damage can occur to adjacent structures along with significant soot deposits in the downwind plumes area. ⎯ In substations without oil containment, burning oil spill fires have been known to spread beyond the station perimeter and impact adjacent buildings. A fire in a substation can result in an electricity outage that may impact the general public. The following are a list of some of the indirect impacts of an electricity outage: ⎯ Loss of heating or cooling systems during inclement weather, which can cause significant health and safety concerns ⎯ Loss of lighting and elevators in large high-rise buildings ⎯ Loss of computer communications facilities in stores and businesses ⎯ Loss of business revenue during outages ⎯ Loss of wages during outage shutdown periods

A.20 Fire barriers This clause provides additional information to 8.3. The optimum height of the fire barriers can also be calculated using the radiant heat flux calculations. Firewalls and thermal heat shields are the two common types of barriers. Firewalls are structures 44 Copyright © 2012 IEEE. All rights reserved.

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IEEE Std 979-2012 IEEE Guide for Substation Fire Protection

constructed of fire-resistive materials such as reinforced concrete, composite materials, or masonry. Thermal heat shields use steel elements covered by heavy corrugated steel sheets on both sides. Thermal heat shields can effectively reduce the radiant heat transfer from a fire to an adjacent piece of equipment, but after a major incident, often they need to be replaced. Outdoor fire barriers do not generally fall under the constraints of a building code. Several companies have found that less expensive, nonrated, corrugated metal fire barriers have performed very effectively under fire exposures although they generally need to be replaced after the fire exposure incident.

A.21 Alternative dielectric insulating medium This clause provides additional information to 8.4.2. The elevated flashpoint property of many alternative dielectric fluids equates to the liquid being more resistant to ignition sources and therefore not catching fire until it reaches the higher liquid temperature. The temperature at which the liquid can catch fire in the presence of an ignition source, such as an energized spark, is called the flashpoint. ASTM D5222-2008 [B47] specifies the fire point should be at least 300 ºC (572 °F) to qualify as a less flammable fluid. Examples of alternative dielectric insulating mediums are listed as follows. For comparison, mineral oil has a flash point of 145 ºC (293 °F) and a fire point of 160 ºC (320 °F). ⎯ High-molecular-weight hydrocarbons, flash point = 285 ºC (545 °F), fire point = 308 ºC (586 °F) Successfully introduced in 1977 and used for distribution transformers and fully miscible with conventional mineral oil. To ensure a fire point > 300ºC, contamination with conventional mineral oil must be 300ºC, contamination with conventional mineral oil must be 300ºC, contamination with conventional mineral oil must be
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