
February 15, 2019 | Author: pdrich8 | Category: Insulator (Electricity), Capacitor, Electricity, Nature, Electrical Engineering
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IEEE Std C57.19.00 ™-2004 (Revision of IEEE Std C57.19.00-1991)



IEEE Standard General Requirements and Test Procedure for Power Apparatus Bushings

IEEE Power Engineering Society Sponsored by the Transformers Committee

8 June 2005 3 Park Avenue, New York, NY 10016-5997, USA

Print: SH95315 PDF: SS95315

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IEEE Std C57.19.00 ™-2004 (Revision of  IEEE Std C57.19.00-1991)

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IEEE Standard General Requirements and Test Pr!edure "r P#er  $%%aratus &us'in(s Sponsor 

Trans"rmers Cmmittee of the IEEE P#er En(ineerin( S!iet)  Approved 8 Dece!er "00#

IEEE-S$ Standards &ard

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$he Institte of E&ectric%& %nd E&ectronics Enineers, Inc.  %r* Avene, /e' or*, / 1001-5997, 2SA Cop3riht 4 "005 !3 the Institte of E&ectric%& %nd E&ectronics Enineers, Inc.  A&& rihts reserved. !&ished 8 ne "005. rinted in the 2nited St%tes of Aeric%. IEEE is % reistered tr%de%r* in the 2.S. %tent 6 $r%de%r* ffice, o'ned !3 the Institte of E&ectric%& %nd E&ectronics Enineers, Incorpor%ted. rint D

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Intrdu!tin This introduction is not part of IEEE Std C2.9?.77-;771 IEEE Standard eneral cClenahan  #igel >cLuin Samuel >ichael ar" >ichel Jent >iller  6effre" #elson

T. %. 0lsen Carlos 5eioto 5aulette 5a"ne 5aul 5illitteri 6eff essina  IEEE 'tandards "ro+ect Editor 

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IEEE Std C2.9?.77-;771 IEEE Standard eneral
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