IECEP Electronics and Communications Engineering Quiz 2012

February 25, 2017 | Author: Aaron Ursal Aquino | Category: N/A
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This is the questionnaire for the Institute of Electronics Engineers of the Philippines - Manila Student Chapter Quiz Bo...


IECEP-Manila Form 1 S.2012


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Technological University of the Philippines - Manila

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Engr. Edmon O. Fernandez

Please indicate the subject: () Mathematics (/) General Engineering and Applied Science () Electronics Engineering () Electronics System & Technologies QUESTION: On the basis of magnetic response, superconducting materials while in the superconducting state, are completely diamagnetic; that is, all of an applied magnetic field will be excluded from the body of material, a phenomenon known as the ___________.


Reference: Materials Science and Engineering, An Introduction, 7th ed, William D. Callister, pg 105

IECEP-Manila Form 1 S.2012


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Technological University of the Philippines - Manila

Signature over Printed Name of the Coach/Adviser

Engr. Edmon O. Fernandez

Please indicate the subject: () Mathematics (/) General Engineering and Applied Science () Electronics Engineering () Electronics System & Technologies QUESTION: In environmental engineering, this refers to the SI measure of











disintegration per second.


Reference: Environmental Engineering 4th edition, Weiner and Matthews, page 319

IECEP-Manila Form 1 S.2012


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Name of School

Technological University of the Philippines - Manila

Signature over Printed Name of the Coach/Adviser

Engr. Edmon O. Fernandez

Please indicate the subject: () Mathematics (/) General Engineering and Applied Science () Electronics Engineering () Electronics System & Technologies QUESTION: In physics, this refers to a situation in which a very small change in one place can amplify into a large change somewhere else.


Reference: Conceptual Physics, 10th edition, Paul Hewitt, page 762

IECEP-Manila Form 1 S.2012


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Name of School

Technological University of the Philippines - Manila

Signature over Printed Name of the Coach/Adviser

Engr. Edmon O. Fernandez

Please indicate the subject: () Mathematics (/) General Engineering and Applied Science () Electronics Engineering () Electronics System & Technologies QUESTION: A thin metal can is rolls down an inclined plane and reach the bottom with the speed of 4.43 m/s. Determine the speed at the bottom when the can is full. ANSWER: 5.12 m/s


Reference: College Physics 5th Ed. by Weber, Manning, White and Weygand, pp. 126-127

IECEP-Manila Form 1 S.2012


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Name of School

Technological University of the Philippines - Manila

Signature over Printed Name of the Coach/Adviser

Engr. Edmon O. Fernandez

Please indicate the subject: () Mathematics (/) General Engineering and Applied Science () Electronics Engineering () Electronics System & Technologies QUESTION: The bob of a pendulum has its rest point 1.00 m below the support. The bob is pulled aside until the string makes an angle of 15 degrees with the vertical. Upon release, with what speed does the bob swing past its rest point? ANSWER: 0.82 m/s


Reference: College Physics 5th Ed. By Weber, Manning, White and Weygand, p. 92

IECEP-Manila Form 1 S.2012


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Name of School

Technological University of the Philippines - Manila

Signature over Printed Name of the Coach/Adviser

Engr. Edmon O. Fernandez

Please indicate the subject: () Mathematics () General Engineering and Applied Science (/) Electronics Engineering () Electronics System & Technologies QUESTION: It states that at any point P the magnitude of the magnetic field intensity produced by the differential element is proportional to the product of the current, the magnitude of the differential length, and the sine of the angle lying between the filament and a line connecting the filament to the point P where the field is desired. ANSWER: Law of Biot-Savart SOLUTION ( IF PROBLEM -SOLVING)

Reference: Engineering Electromagnetics (5th Edition) by William H. Hayt, Jr., pp 217

IECEP-Manila Form 1 S.2012


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Name of School

Technological University of the Philippines - Manila

Signature over Printed Name of the Coach/Adviser

Engr. Edmon O. Fernandez

Please indicate the subject: () Mathematics () General Engineering and Applied Science (/) Electronics Engineering () Electronics System & Technologies QUESTION: When controlling the action of a relay, one of the cheapest but most effective ways to protect the switching system is to place a capacitor across the terminals of the coil. This capacitor is commonly called _____? ANSWER: Snubber SOLUTION ( IF PROBLEM -SOLVING)

Reference: Electronic Devices and Circuit Theory (10th Edition) by Robert L. Boylestad & Louis Nashelsky, pp 107

IECEP-Manila Form 1 S.2012


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Name of School

Technological University of the Philippines - Manila

Signature over Printed Name of the Coach/Adviser

Engr. Edmon O. Fernandez

Please indicate the subject: () Mathematics () General Engineering and Applied Science (/) Electronics Engineering () Electronics System & Technologies QUESTION: A 1500-turn solenoid produces 600,000 maxwells when excited by a current of 2.5 amp. Calculate the inductance. ANSWER: 3.6 Henrys SOLUTION ( IF PROBLEM -SOLVING)

Reference: Electrical Circuits (2nd Edition) by Charles S. Siskind, pp 204

IECEP-Manila Form 1 S.2012


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Name of School

Technological University of the Philippines - Manila

Signature over Printed Name of the Coach/Adviser

Engr. Edmon O. Fernandez

Please indicate the subject: () Mathematics () General Engineering and Applied Science (/) Electronics Engineering () Electronics System & Technologies QUESTION: Aseries of specb-aP lines obtained by the scattering of electrons when an electron beam is directed against a crystalline solid. The pattern may be interpreted to yield information on the structure of the crystal and its mechanical perfection.


Reference: Modern Dictionary of Electronics 7th Ed. By Rudolf F. Graf

IECEP-Manila Form 1 S.2012


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Name of School

Technological University of the Philippines - Manila

Signature over Printed Name of the Coach/Adviser

Engr. Edmon O. Fernandez

Please indicate the subject: () Mathematics () General Engineering and Applied Science (/) Electronics Engineering () Electronics System & Technologies QUESTION: Simplify the Boolean expression to a minimum number of literals: xy’ + y’z’ + x’z’ ANSWER: xy’ + x’z’ SOLUTION ( IF PROBLEM -SOLVING) xy’ + y’z’ + x’z’ = xy’(z + z’) + y’z’(x+ x’) + x’z’(y + y’) = xy’z + xy’z’ + y’z’x + y’z’x’ + x’z’y+ x’z’y’ = xy’z + xy’z’ + x’y’z’ + x’yz’ = xy’(z + z’) + x’z’(y + y’) = xy’ + x’z’

Reference: Digital Design by M. Morris Mano, 2nd ed., p 69

IECEP-Manila Form 1 S.2012


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Name of School

Technological University of the Philippines - Manila

Signature over Printed Name of the Coach/Adviser

Engr. Edmon O. Fernandez

Please indicate the subject: () Mathematics () General Engineering and Applied Science () Electronics Engineering (/) Electronics System & Technologies QUESTION: Informations transmitted to subscribed







mobile user

phone, request

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initiated by the server of the content provider.


Reference: Section 2 NTC Memorandum Circular No. 03-02-2005, Rules and Regulations on Broadcast Messaging Service

IECEP-Manila Form 1 S.2012


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Name of School

Technological University of the Philippines - Manila

Signature over Printed Name of the Coach/Adviser

Engr. Edmon O. Fernandez

Please indicate the subject: () Mathematics () General Engineering and Applied Science () Electronics Engineering (/) Electronics System & Technologies QUESTION: It is a wireless networking scheme that competes with both 802.11





schemes. at





frequency is






Reference: Electronics Communications Systems by Roy Blake, p. 870

ang small

spread home

IECEP-Manila Form 1 S.2012


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Name of School

Technological University of the Philippines - Manila

Signature over Printed Name of the Coach/Adviser

Engr. Edmon O. Fernandez

Please indicate the subject: () Mathematics () General Engineering and Applied Science () Electronics Engineering (/) Electronics System & Technologies QUESTION: It is a wireless technology that enables a variety of contactless and proximity-based applications, such as payments, information retrieval, mobile marketing and device pairing. It has an operating range of 10 cm or less using the 13.56MHz frequency band. There are currently three user modes defined for its operation: 1) Card emulation, 2) Tag reading, and 3) Peer-to-peer (P2P). These modes are based on several ISO/IEC standards, including ISO14443 A/B, ISO15693 and ISO18092. ANSWER: NFC (Near Field Communication) SOLUTION ( IF PROBLEM -SOLVING)


IECEP-Manila Form 1 S.2012


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Name of School

Technological University of the Philippines - Manila

Signature over Printed Name of the Coach/Adviser

Engr. Edmon O. Fernandez

Please indicate the subject: () Mathematics () General Engineering and Applied Science () Electronics Engineering (/) Electronics System & Technologies QUESTION: Assume we need to download text documents at the rate of 100 pages per minute. What is the required bit rate of the channel? ANSWER: 1.636 Mbps SOLUTION ( IF PROBLEM -SOLVING) A page is an average of 24 lines with 80 characters in each line. If assume that one character requires 8 bits, the bit rate is: Bit rate = (100)(24)(80)(8) = 1 636 000 bps Bit rate = 1.636 Mbps Reference: Data Communications and Networking by Behrouz A. Forouzan, 4 th ed., p73

IECEP-Manila Form 1 S.2012


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Name of School

Technological University of the Philippines - Manila

Signature over Printed Name of the Coach/Adviser

Engr. Edmon O. Fernandez

Please indicate the subject: () Mathematics () General Engineering and Applied Science () Electronics Engineering (/) Electronics System & Technologies QUESTION: Determine the fade margin for the following conditions: distance between sites, d = 50 km; frequency, f = 1.8GHz; very dry mountainous terrain and a reliability of 99.9999%. ANSWER: 36. 25 dB SOLUTION ( IF PROBLEM -SOLVING) Fm = 30logD + 10log(6ABf) – 10log(1-R) – 70 Where A = roughness factor, 0.25 for mountainous terrain B = factor to convert a worst-month probability to an annual probability, 0.125 for very dry mountainous terrain = 30log(50) + 10log[(6)(0.25)(0.125)(1.8) – 10log(1-0.999999) – 70 Fm = 36.25 dB

Reference: Electronics Communications Systems by Wayne Tomasi, p. 628-629

IECEP-Manila Form 1 S.2012


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Name of School

Technological University of the Philippines - Manila

Signature over Printed Name of the Coach/Adviser

Engr. Edmon O. Fernandez

Please indicate the subject: (/) Mathematics () General Engineering and Applied Science () Electronics Engineering () Electronics System & Technologies QUESTION: The geometric mean of several positive numbers is smaller than the arithmetic mean of these numbers. ANSWER: Cauchy’s Mean Theorem SOLUTION ( IF PROBLEM -SOLVING)

Reference: 100 Great Problems of Elementary Mathematics by Heinrich Dörrie, p.37

IECEP-Manila Form 1 S.2012


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Name of School

Technological University of the Philippines - Manila

Signature over Printed Name of the Coach/Adviser

Engr. Edmon O. Fernandez

Please indicate the subject: (/) Mathematics () General Engineering and Applied Science () Electronics Engineering () Electronics System & Technologies QUESTION: A line segment joining the vertex of a triangle to any given point on the opposite side is called? ANSWER: Cevian SOLUTION ( IF PROBLEM -SOLVING)

Reference: Geometry Revisited Vol. 19 by H.S.M. Coxeter & Samuel L. Greitzer, p.4

IECEP-Manila Form 1 S.2012


1. Please Use One Page per Question. 2. Fill-out all needed information. 3. Submissions with incomplete data will not be considered.

Name of School

Technological University of the Philippines - Manila

Signature over Printed Name of the Coach/Adviser

Engr. Edmon O. Fernandez

Please indicate the subject: (/) Mathematics () General Engineering and Applied Science () Electronics Engineering () Electronics System & Technologies QUESTION: It states that if L{F1(t)} = L{F2(t)}, then F1(t) – F2(t) = N(t), where N(t) is a null function. That is, an inverse Laplace transform is unique for the addition of an arbitrary null function.` ANSWER: Lerch’s Theorem SOLUTION ( IF PROBLEM -SOLVING)

Reference: Elementary Differential Equations 7th edition by Earl D. Rainville & Phillip E. Bedient, p. 210

IECEP-Manila Form 1 S.2012


1. Please Use One Page per Question. 2. Fill-out all needed information. 3. Submissions with incomplete data will not be considered.

Name of School

Technological University of the Philippines - Manila

Signature over Printed Name of the Coach/Adviser

Engr. Edmon O. Fernandez

Please indicate the subject: (/) Mathematics () General Engineering and Applied Science () Electronics Engineering () Electronics System & Technologies QUESTION: Find the shortest distance from the point

to the plane

ANSWER: 4/3 units SOLUTION ( IF PROBLEM -SOLVING) √ But It follows that if is minimum, is also minimum. Applying maxima-minima for partial derivatives, we have:

Solving the two equations simultaneously and using

we obtain

Hence, √

Reference: Calculus with Analytic Geometry, pp. 441-442, Thurman S. Peterson

IECEP-Manila Form 1 S.2012


1. Please Use One Page per Question. 2. Fill-out all needed information. 3. Submissions with incomplete data will not be considered.

Name of School

Technological University of the Philippines - Manila

Signature over Printed Name of the Coach/Adviser

Engr. Edmon O. Fernandez

Please indicate the subject: (/) Mathematics () General Engineering and Applied Science () Electronics Engineering () Electronics System & Technologies

A lumber mill cuts rectangular beams from circular logs. If the diameter of the log is 16 inches and the cross-sectional area of the beam is 120 square inches, find the dimensions of the cross section of the beam. Give the exact values. QUESTION:


SOLUTION ( IF PROBLEM -SOLVING) Let a and b be the dimensions

Hence, √

Reference: Precalculus: Functions and Graphs, pg.80, 5th edition, Barnett, Zeigler and Bayleen

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