IEC 61850 Communication With GE Devices Rev1_01

February 14, 2018 | Author: Carlos Sulca | Category: Bit, Integer (Computer Science), Byte, Decibel, Relay
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Short Description



Communication between GE UR, F650 relays and IEC 61850 clients Applies to. UR firmware version 5.00, 5.20, 5.40 F650 device versions 3.7x Prepared by [email protected], 27th of September, 2007 GE Multilin Document revision 1.01


Purpose of the document

The purpose of the present document is to explain the steps necessary to configure UR and F650 relays to be able to communicate with IEC 61850 client applications. Configuration of GOOSE messaging is not in the scope of this document.


Background information

The IEC 61850 client applications in real world are implemented in station computers, RTUs (Remote Terminal Units) or gateways. These are commonly known as level 2 applications. Sometimes also IEC 61850 clients running as level 3 applications like HMI or SCADA systems can also communicate directly to relays. In practice the typical IEC 61850 communication from IEC 61850 client to the relay includes: Reception of binary/analogue events (Buffered or Unbuffered Reports) Retrieval of static information (binary status and measurements) Execution of commands Retrieval of files (oscillography, events, fault reports, etc.) This manual is be organized in a way that the necessary configuration for the above four points is explained for both UR and F650 relays. IEC 61850 communication between the relay and IEC 61850 is based on TCP/IP protocols thus it is necessary to set Network parameters in the relay.

3 3.1

IEC 61850 configuration in the UR relay Configuration of IEDName and Logical Device Name

The menu structure for IEC 61850 configuration in UR version 5.20 is the following:

Go to “Settings->Product Setup->Communications->IEC 61850->Server Configuration”, modify IEDName, change “Include NON_IEC Data” to Disabled, change “Server Scanning” to Enabled.


Important notes: IEDName is a descriptive string that identifies each IEC 61850 in the network. It is strongly recommended to configure different IEDNames for every IED in the network. “Server Scanning” parameter is used for IEC 61850 reporting function. By default this setting is disabled in order to leverage CPU load. When communicating from IEC 61850 client application to UR relay “Server Scanning” parameter MUST be set to “Enabled” Most of IEC 61850 client applications require that at least IEDName of every relay should be unique. Thus it is a good practice to set different IEDNames for all IEC 61850 devices in the network. The “Include NON-IEC Data” setting is used for mapping of internal UR relay’s into MMS data model, it includes settings, measurements, status, binary counters, etc,. However this feature is non-standard IEC 61850 functionality and in most cases can be set to “Disabled”.



IEC 61850 Reports of digital data in the UR relay

Firmware versions 5.00 and 5.20 implements Reports of binary states in the following way: Reports of binary states have to be done with the use of GGIO1 Logical Node GGIO1 Logical Node has configurable number of states (indications). GGIO1 LN can have a minimum of 8 states and a maximum of 128 states. It can be adjusted by groups of 8 states. All internal digital states available in UR relay can be mapped into GGIO1 states (indications) GGIO1 Logical Node is also used for Configurable GOOSE transmission. Up to two separate IEC 61850 clients can receive Buffered Reports1 from GGIO1 Logical Node at the same time. It means that there are two separate buffers, each of 10 Kbytes size Up to five separate IEC 61850 clients can receive Unbuffered Reports from GGIO1 Logical Node at the same time. It is mandatory to have “Settings->Product Setup->Communications->IEC 61850->Server Configuration->Server Scanning” parameter set to “Enabled” in order to receive Reports. Steps necessary to configure Reports in the UR: o Step 1. Setting of IEDName, Logical Device Instance and enabling of Server Scanning o Step 2. Setting the number of indications in GGIO1 Logical Node and mapping of internal states to GGIO1 states. o Step 3. Configuration of Report Control Blocks o Step 4. Device restart


The difference between Buffered Reports and Unbuffered Reports consist of the capability of storing the data changes (the IEC 61850 Reports) in an internal buffer when there is a communication failure. After the successful reconnection the IEC 61850 client can retrieve Reports stored in the buffer. This capability permits that relay’s data changes will not be lost by IEC 61850 client in case of communication failure. With Unbuffered Reporting when data changes occur during the communication loss, the IEC 61850 client has no way to receive it.


3.2.1 Step 1. Setting of IEDName, Logical Device Instance and enabling of Server Scanning This procedure has been illustrated above in chapter 3.1. 3.2.2 Step 2. Setting the number of indications in GGIO1 Logical Node and mapping of internal states to GGIO1 states. Go to the menu: “Settings->Product Setup->Communications->IEC 61850->GGIO1 Status Configuration”

In the following example GGIO1 has been configured to have 64 indications. It is not mandatory to map all indications, the ones that are not map will always have its value “OFF:”


3.2.3 Step 3. Configuration of Report Control Blocks There are three Report Control Blocks attached to the GGIO1 Data Set (UR Digital Report). These Report Control Blocks are called in Enervista UR Setup GGIO1.BR. GGIO1.BR01 and GGIO1.RP respectively. The first two are Report Control Blocks for Buffered Reporting and the latter is Report Control Block for Unbuffered Reporting: Name in Enervista UR Setup GGIO1.BR GGIO1.BR01 GGIO1.RP

Name in IEC 61850


Report Control Block Buffered Reporting first IEC 61850 client Report Control Block GGIO1$BR$brcbST01 Buffered Reporting first IEC 61850 client Report Control Block GGIO1$RP$urcbST Unbuffered Reporting GGIO1$BR$brcbST

for for for for for

No. of IEC 61850 clients that can connect to this RCB 1 1 5

The following picture shows the location of GGIO1 Report Control Blocks in IEC 61850 data model of UR. This is a screenshot from SISCO AXS4MMS Browser:


Report Control Blocks configuration in Enervista UR Setup in the menu:

“Settings->Product Setup->Communications->IEC 61850->Report Control Configuration”

By default Report Control Blocks are not configured in UR devices. Some IEC 61850 clients always configure the RCBs using IEC 61850 at initialization stage. However other IEC 61850 require preconfigured Report Control Blocks. Here is an example of a possible RCB configuration (seen from IEC 61850 level): RptID BufTm OptFlds TrgOps IntgPd

= UR180_DigitalBufRep1 = 100 (100 ms) = 0111001111 = 010011 (dchg = true, integrity = true, GI = true) = 60000 (60000ms = 60 seconds)

The corresponding UR setting values are:

Where: OptFlds TrgOps

= 29632 = 76

(0111001111 coded 2 bytes decimal) (010011 coded as 1 byte decimal)

Important note: Parameters OptFlds2 and TrgOps3 are defined in IEC 61850 standard as Bitstring data types. OptFlds is defined as BitString10 and TrgOps is defined as BitString6. 2

OptFlds: Option Fields. The following bits are supported by the UR (from left to right): Bit 1: sequence-number Bit 2: report-time-stamp Bit 3: reason-for-inclusion Bit 4: data-set-name Bit 5: data-reference Bit 6: buffer-overflow (for buffered reports only) Bit 7: entryID (for buffered reports only) Bit 8: conf-revision Bit 9: segmentation


BitString data types are not typical data types used for internal data storage inside real devices. For that reason the UR settings corresponding to OptFlds and TrgOps parameters are coded as decimal numbers. UR OptFlds setting is coded as 2 bytes unsigned integer where the 10 highest bits correspond to 10 bits of OptFlds IEC 61850 parameter. UR TrgOps setting is coded as 1 byte unsigned integer where the 6 highest bits correspond to 6 bits of TrgOps IEC 61850 parameter. The conversion is done in the following manner: First step is to represent OptFlds value as 16 bits binary value. OptFlds = 0111001111 extended to 16 bits binary value is: Binary representation: Hexadecimal representation: Decimal representation:

0111001111000000 0x73C0 29632

(the last 6 bits are not used)

All possible4 variants of TrgOps values supported by the UR device are listed in table below: IEC 61850 TrgOps value 000000 010000 000010 000001 010010 010001 000011 010011

UR setting TrgOps value 0 64 8 4 72 68 12 76

Description of TrgOps flags activated none dchg integrity GI dchg,integrity dchg, GI integrity, GI dchg, integrity, GI

All possible variants of OptFlds values supported by the UR device will not be presented here due to high number of possible combinations.


Meaning of TrgOps bits (from left to right): bit 0: reserved bit 1: dchg (trigger Reports by data changes) bit 2: qchq (trigger Reports by quality changes) bit 3: dupd (trigger Reports by data update) bit 4: integrity (trigger integrity Reports based on IntgPd – Integrity Period) bit 5: GI (trigger General Interrogation Reports when requested by the client) 4 qchg and dupd flags are not supported in UR and cannot be enabled in TrgOps.


The following screenshot shows how the Report Control Block is seen from IEC 61850 browser:

3.2.4 Step 4. Device restart This step is necessary every time IEC 61850 parameters are modified.



IEC 61850 Reports of analogue data in the UR relay

Details on IEC 61850 reports of analogue data in UR firmware versions 5.00 and 5.20: Reports of analogue data in UR relay is done through Logical Nodes5 MMXU1 … MMXU6 and Logical Node GGIO4 Data Sets in MMXU1 … MMXU6 LNs are fixed Data Set in GGIO4 LN has a configurable number of elements (by groups of 4, from 4 to 32) and the user can map any UR analogue value to GGIO4 analogue indications. One IEC 61850 client can receive Buffered Reports from each MMXU Logical Node at the same time. It means that there is one buffer of 10 Kbytes size. Up to five separate IEC 61850 clients can receive Unbuffered Reports from each MMXU at the same time. GGIO4 Logical Node supports only Unbuffered Reporting. Up to five separate IEC 61850 clients can receive Unbuffered Reports from this LN.

Steps necessary to configure Analogue Reports in UR: o Step 1. Setting of IEDName, Logical Device Instance and enabling of Server Scanning o Step 2. If GGIO4 analogue reporting is going to be used then configure number of indications in GGIO4 LN and mapping of internal variables states to this node. o Step 3. Configuration of Report Control Blocks o Step 4. Device restart

3.3.1 Step 1. Setting of IEDName, Logical Device Instance and enabling of Server Scanning This procedure has been illustrated above in chapter 3.1.

5 The number of MMXUs is related to the number of CT/VT modules in the relay. There are two MMXUs for each CT/VT module. For example, if a relay contains two CT/VT modules, there will be four MMXUs available


3.3.2 Step 2. Setting the number of indications in GGIO4 Logical Node and mapping of internal analogue variables to GGIO4 analogue indications. Go to the menu: “Settings->Product Setup->Communications->IEC 61850->GGIO4 Analog Configuration”

In the following example GGIO4 has been configured to have 8 analogue indications. It is not mandatory to map all indications, the ones that are not map will always have its value “OFF:”


3.3.3 Step 3. Configuration of Report Control Blocks There are two Report Control Blocks attached to MMXU1 Data Set6 (UR Reports of measured analogues). These Report Control Blocks are called in Enervista UR Setup MMXU1.BR and MMXU1.RP respectively. The first Report Control Blocks is Buffered Reporting and the second is for Unbuffered Reporting: Name in Enervista UR Setup

Name in IEC 61850


Report Control Block for Buffered Reporting Report Control Block for MMXU1.BR01 MMXU1$RP$urcbMX Unbuffered Reporting MMXU1.BR


No. of IEC 61850 clients that can connect to this RCB 1 5

The following picture shows the location of MMXU and GGIO4 Report Control Blocks in IEC 61850 data model of UR. This is a screenshot from SISCO AXS4MMS Browser:

The Report Control Block configuration procedure for analogues in Enervista UR Setup is identical to configuration procedure of Report Control Blocks for digitals. For details see chapter 3.2.3. 6

The same applies to other MMXU LN if present in the device.


3.3.4 Step 4. Device restart This step is necessary every time IEC 61850 parameters are modified. 3.3.5 IEC 61850 Analogue Reports based on deadbands IEC 61850 analogue data is provided in two forms: instantaneous and deadbanded. The instantaneous values are updated every time a read operation is performed by IEC 61850 client. The deadbanded values calculation is based on db settings. MMXU and GGIO4 Logical Nodes provide separate db parameters for all analogue variables. The configuration of db parameters for MMXU Logical Nodes is done in Enervista UR Setup from menu: “Settings->Product Setup->Communications->IEC 61850->MMXU Deadbands”

The MMXU deadband settings represent the deadband values used to determine when to update the MMXU “mag” and “cVal” values from the associated “instMag” and “instcVal” values. The “mag” and “cVal” values are used for the IEC 61850


buffered and unbuffered reports. These settings correspond to the associated “db” data items in the CF functional constraint of the MMXU logical node, as per the IEC 61850 standard. According to IEC 61850-7-3, the db value “shall represent the percentage of difference between the maximum and minimum in units of 0.001%”. Thus, it is important to know the maximum value for each MMXU measured quantity, since this represents the 100.00% value for the deadband. The minimum value for all quantities is 0; the maximum values are as follows: • phase current: 46 × phase CT primary setting • neutral current: 46 × ground CT primary setting • voltage: 275 × VT ratio setting • power (real, reactive, and apparent): 46 × phase CT primary setting × 275 × VT ratio setting • frequency: 90 Hz Example of db parameter calculations for currents and voltages: CT ratio = 800:1 = 800 VT ratio = 220000:110 = 2000 Desired deadband for primary Ampers on phsA current = 20 Amps primary Desired deadband for primary Volts on phsA voltage = 5 kVolts primary Calculation for currents: dbin % = (80020*46 ) = 0.00054 = 0.054 % 0.054 % corresponds to db = 54 Calculation for voltages: 5000 dbin % = ( 2000 *275 ) = 0.00909 = 0.909 % 0.909 % corresponds to db = 909 In short words the meaning of the above calculations is that for these particular CT and VT ratios the Report will be triggered each time phase A primary current changes for a value higher than 20 Amps and the Report will also be triggered each time phase A primary voltage changes for a value higher than 5 kVolts.


3.3.6 IEC 61850 Reports of analogue data from B90 version 5.20, 5.40 B90 device does not implement MMXU Logical Nodes. It implements MMXN Logical Nodes, nevertheless there are no Reports available in these nodes. In order to configure IEC 61850 reports of analogue variables from B90 the GGIO4 analogue Report has to be used. See details on GGIO4 analogue Reporting in chapter 3.3.2.



Retrieval of static information

IEC 61850 retrieval of static information can be implemented in the following way: 1) Static polling of data with GetDataValues service requests (MMS Read) sent by IEC 61850 client for desired attributes 2) Integrity Reports sent periodically by IEDs 3) General Interrogation Reports (GI) sent by IEDs upon requests from IEC 61850 clients Solution 1) is rarely used as it implies significant overhead in the network traffic and significant performance slow-down of IEC 61850 clients in case of big number of IEDs it is connected to. Solutions 2) and 3) form part of IEC 61850 Reporting scheme. Integrity Reports are sent spontaneously by IEDs when established Integrity Period elapses. General Interrogation Reports are sent only upon explicit request from the IEC 61850 client. In typical installations data retrieval from devices by IEC 61850 clients is based on hybrid solution that combines IEC 61850 Reporting based on data changes and Integrity/GI Reports.



Configuration of IEC 61850 commands in the UR

IEC 61850 Controllable objects are available in GGIO2 and XCBR logical nodes. GGIO2 logical node SPCSO objects map to 64 Virtual Inputs in UR relay. Virtual Inputs are internal variables that are used as generic commands. It is necessary to enable the required Virtual Inputs and to configure its type. Virtual Inputs can be either of type Latched of Self-Reset. With the use of FlexLogic the user can make complex control schemes in Enervista UR Setup software. The configuration of Virtual Inputs is done in Enervista UR Setup from the menu: “Setpoint->Inputs/Outputs->Virtual Inputs->Virtual Inputs”

The following picture shows the location of GGIO2 Logical Nodes with controllable objects SPCSO that map to UR’s Virtual Inputs. This is a screenshot from SISCO AXS4MMS Browser:


The following picture shows the location of XCBR1 Logical Nodes with three controllable objects, XCBR1$CO$Pos, XCBR1$CO$BlkOpn and XCBR1$CO$BlkCls. The first object maps to Open/Close breaker commands. BlkOpn command is used to block the execution of “Open breaker” command. BlkCls command is used to block the execution of “Close breaker” command.

The UR relay implements two different IEC 61850 control models. These models are: Direct control with normal security7 Select Before Operate (SBO) with normal security For GGIO2 commands the user can configure the desired control model in Enervista UR Setup software from the menu:

“Settings->Product Setup->Communications->IEC 61850->GGIO2 Control Configuration”


“Normal security” in IEC 61850 controls means that the device will not be sending additional information to IEC 61850 with the result of the command. There exist also commands with so-called “Enhanced Security” where the IED after the command execution sends feedback to IEC 61850 client with the information whether the command had been executed successfully or it failed. Controls with enhanced security are not supported by UR devices.


meaning of ctlModel values: 0 1 2


status only (command not available from IEC 61850) direct control with normal security SBO control with normal security

In the above example IEC 61850 control objects SPCSO1 and SPCSO2 of Logical Node GGIO2 have been configured as SBO commands with normal security and the rest of SPCSO objects have been configured as direct commands with normal security. The configuration of control model for XCBR1$CO$Pos command has to be done by IEC 61850 client at protocol level (the corresponding object is XCBR1$CF$Pos$ctlModel).



Retrieval of files via IEC 61850 from UR

UR implements IEC 61850 File Transfer services in standard manner. No special configuration is required. The file directory structure at IEC 61850 level is the following: LD/IEDNameLDName/ LD/IEDNameLDName/COMTRADE/

for event, fault report files for oscillography files

Where “IEDNameLDName” is formed by “IEDName” and “Logical Device Instance” UR settings. In the example described in chapter 3.1 it would be: LD/D60_Demo_Device/ LD/ D60_Demo_Device/COMTRADE/

for event, fault report files for oscillography files

An alternative method for retrieval of files from UR is the use of TFTP protocol.


4 4.1

IEC 61850 configuration in F650 relay Configuration of IEDName and Logical Device Name

IEDName is a descriptive string that identifies each IEC 61850 in the network. It is strongly recommended to configure different IEDNames for every IED in the network. Open “IEC 61850 Configurator” menu in Enervista 650 Setup software.

In “IEC 61850 Configurator” start the configuration offline with the default project then save the project on disk and send it to the device. Select File->Open IEC 61850 file from disk.

Select file default.iec.


Save the project to another file, specific to the F650 device you will be configuring. Every F650 device must have a separate *.iec project file.

Go to ICD/CID tab and in Communication->SubNetwork->ConnectedAP->Address modify the IP address and netmask.


In ICD/CID tab click on the IEDName (the default value is GEDevice) and modify its value.

Finally save the *.iec project on disk.



IEC 61850 Reports of digital data in the F650 relay

F650 firmware versions 3.7x implement Reports of binary states in the following way: F650 relay has a number of pre-configured Data Sets for IEC 61850 Reporting There is a possibility to create custom Data Sets or modify the existing preconfigured Data Sets For IEC 61850 Reporting the user can either use the pre-configured or its own Data Sets Data Sets with digital states can be formed directly by attributes from all Logical Nodes or the generic eveGGIO1 Logical Node can be used eveGGIO1 Logical Node has a pre-configured Data Set with 192 elements. These elements maps to 128 “Control Events”8 and to 64 events of “Switchgear” All internal digital states available in F650 relay can be mapped into eveGGIO1 indications The user can reduce the number of indications in eveGGIO1 LN if needed. Here are the rules and limitations for creation/modification of Data Sets in F650: Maximum number of Data Sets in F650 is 20, including predefined and created by user. The number of 20 Data Sets applies to Data Sets for Reports and for transmission GOOSEs Maximum number of Data Sets for transmission GOOSEs is 4, thus if 4 transmission GOOSEs are configured maximum of 16 different Data Sets can be configured for Reports Maximum number elements in a Data Set created by the user in F650 is 64 F650 relay supports up to 5 simultaneous IEC 61850 connections thus a maximum of 5 different IEC 61850 clients can connect to it. For unbuffered reports only one URCB (Unbuffered Report Control Block), in this way all clients can connect to the same URCB, for instance to LLN0.RP.urcbA01 (urcbA01 is the name of the URCB in this example). For buffered reports each IEC 61850 client should connect to different BRCB (Buffered Report Control Block). This is necessary because F650 relay maintains separate buffers for all 5 clients that can receive a report. Here are the rules and limitations for creation/modification of Report Control Blocks F650: 8

“Control Events” are configurable binary states in F650 relay. Any internal digital state can be mapped to a “Control Event”. “Control Events” can be seen as user definable memory map of digitals, this memory map is also used for DNP3.0 and IEC 870-5-104 protocol in F650 device. The mapping of digitals to “Control Events” is done in Enervista 650 Setup in Setpoint->Relay Configuration->Control Events.


Maximum number of Report Control Blocks is 20, each of them that can be set as BRCB or URCB Maximum of 5 different BRCB’s can be attached to the same Data Set Maximum of 1 URCB can be attached to a Data Set Important notes: IEDName is a descriptive string that identifies each IEC 61850 in the network. It is strongly recommended to configure different IEDNames for every IED in the network. In F650 device all Report Control Blocks are located in logical node LLN0. For proper operation of IEC 61850 Reports it is necessary to enable “Snapshot Events” settings for all I/O boards present in the device and also “Snapshot Events” of all switchgears. By default these settings have value “Disabled” and IEC 61850 protocol would not update data. In general “Snapshot events” MUST be enabled for all device’s elements (Breaker, Protection Elements, etc.) in order IEC 61850 work properly. These settings by default are Enabled for all data except for I/O boards, which already has been explained above. The following picture shows how to find the menu for I/O boards settings:

Changing “Snapshot Events” setting to “Enabled” in I/O boards settings:

The following picture shows how to find the menu for Switchgear “Snapshot Events” settings: 25

Changing “Snapshot Events” setting to “Enabled” for all Switchgears:


4.2.1 Using pre-configured Reports of digital data in F650 relay Steps necessary to work with pre-configure Reports in the F650: o Step 1. Setting of IEDName, Logical Device Instance and enabling of “Snapshot Events” setting for I/O boards. o Step 2. Optimization of the number of indications in eveGGIO1, GGIO1 … GGIO4 LNs o Step 3. Mapping of internal states to eveGGIO1 indications o Step 4. Save project, send configuration to the relay and restart device The following picture shows the main window for configuration of IEC 61850 Reports in F650 relay:


The following picture shows configuration options available with DataSets:


4.2.2 Step 1. Setting of IEDName, Logical Device Instance and enabling of “Snapshot Events” setting for I/O boards. This procedure has been already explained in chapter 4.1. 4.2.3 Step 2. Optimization of the number of indications in eveGGIO1, GGIO1 … GGIO4 LNs and mapping of internal states to eveGGIO1 indications. In this example we will reduce the number of elements in eveGGIO1 LN to 32 indications and will adjust GGIO1 and GGIO2 LNs to I/O boards corresponding to the device model F2G1. First go the IEC 61850 Configurator, open the *.iec project file and go to “Reports” tab. Then in the “Report Control Block” list select with the mouse “brcbSTA01:Inputs1”, which is the control Block corresponding to eveGGIO1 pre-configured Data Set. In the “Data Set Elements” window select with the mouse all unnecessary elements. In this example we will leave first 32 indications that correspond to first 32 F650’s “Control Events”:


Once you selected unnecessary elements, remove them from the Data Set clickng on “X” icon or right-clicking with mouse and selecting “Delete FCDA” option. Now we will proceed to optimization of Data Sets corresponding to GGIO1 and GGIO2 LNs. The pre-configured Data Sets for LNs GGIO1, GGIO2, GGIO3 and GGIO4 are formed in the way the fit to any possible I/O board from the F650 device model list. These Data Set by default have 32 digital inputs and 8 analog inputs. In our example we have F650 with I/O boards model F2G1. According to the ordering code it means that: I/O board in slot F is of type 2 (8 digital inputs + 8 outputs + 2 circuit supervision circuits) I/O board in slot G is of type 1 (16 digital inputs + 8 outputs) In the “Report Control Block” list select with the mouse “brcbSTB01:ContInputs1”, which is the control Block corresponding to GGIO1 pre-configured Data Set. In the “Data Set Elements” window select with the mouse unnecessary elements and remove them. The following picture shows the Data Set for GGIO1 reduced to 8 indications:


Then in the “Report Control Block” list select with the mouse “brcbSTC01:ContInputs2”, which is the control Block corresponding to GGIO2 preconfigured Data Set. In the “Data Set Elements” window select with the mouse unnecessary elements and remove them. The following picture shows the Data Set for GGIO2 reduced to 16 indications:

Once the Data Set optimization process is finished save the *.iec project and send the IEC 61850 configuration files to the device:


If the ICD file of the relay is required for configuration of IEC 61850 then it is possible to export ICD file from the Enervista 650 Setup software.


4.2.4 Step 3. Mapping of internal states to eveGGIO1 indications As described in chapter 4.2 the indications of eveGGIO1 Logical Node map to 128 “Control Events” and to 64 events of “Switchgear. “Control Events” are configurable binary states in F650 relay. Any internal digital state can be mapped to a “Control Event”. “Control Events” can be seen as user definable memory map of digitals, this memory map is also used for DNP3.0 and IEC 870-5-104 protocol in F650 device. Chapter 4.2.2 provides details on eveGGIO1 Data Set optimization. Now we will describe the mapping of F650 digital signals to eveGGIO1 states through “Control Events” in Enervista 650 Setup. Go to Setpoint->Relay Configuration->Control Events:

The above picture shows 32 “Control Events” are configured and the mapping to internal digital signals is done. These 32 “Control Events” map to first 32 indications in eveGGIO1 Logical Node and will be sent to IEC 61850 client through the preconfigured Report described in chapter 4.3.2. Important Notes: “eveGGIO1” Logical Node allows flexible mapping of any of relay’s digital signal in order to be accessed by IEC 61850 clients. By default no mapping is provided in eveGGIO1 LN (in Relay Configuration->Control Events) and it has to be done by the user. The use of eveGGIO1 logical node for accessing status values of Contact Inputs is not recommended. Instead of eveGGIO1 for Contact Inputs there are special logical nodes GGIO1 – GGIO4 that correspond to maximum of four boards of I/O. With GGIO Logical nodes the timestamp for inputs it is more accurate (up to 1 ms).


4.2.5 Step 4. Device restart This step is necessary every time after sending IEC 61850 configuration files to the device.



Using pre-configured Reports of analogue data in F650 relay

Details on IEC 61850 reports of analogue data in UR firmware versions 3.7x: F650 relay has two pre-configured Data Sets for Reporting of analogue data, the first Data Set includes objects from MMXU1 LN and the second Data Set includes objects from MSQI1 LN The pre-configured Report Control Blocks for MMXU1 Data Set are brcbMXA01 and urcbMMXUA01. The pre-configured Report Control Blocks for MSQI1 Data Set are brcbMXB01 and urcbMMXUB01.


Important Note: In F650 relay versions 3.7x it is recommended to use Integrity Reports for analogue data instead of Reports triggered by data changes. This is because in some cases changes of voltage or current phase angles can trigger reports very often due to the difficulty to calculate a common deadband both for magnitude and phase angle values. The origin of this issue comes from inconsistency in IEC 61850 standard. In part 7-3 of IEC 61850 there is one common db parameter both for magnitude and angle of currents and voltages. It is not easy to adjust properly one parameter for two different variables like magnitude and angle.



Configuration and addition of new Report Control Blocks

F650 relay has fully configurable IEC 61850 Reports. It means that the user can create its own Reports and freely assign Report Control Blocks. By default there is a number of pre-defined Data Sets and Report Control blocks in the device. However the user can modify or delete these Data Sets. It is also possible to create new Data Sets. For each pre-defined Data Set there is one Unbuffered Report Control Block and one Buffered Report Control Block. One Unbuffered Report Control Block is enough to be able to send Unbuffered Reports to 5 independent IEC 61850 clients as each client connects to the same URCB. One Buffered Report Control Block permits the Buffered Report to be received by one IEC 61850 client. If required, it is possible to create more Buffered Report Control Blocks for given Data Set (the maximum number of BRCB’s attached to one Data Set is 5). Thus if there is a necessity to send Buffered Reports of eveGGIO1 pre-defined Data Set to three independent IEC 61850 clients then the user has to create two new Buffered Report Control Blocks and attach them to eveGGIO1 Data Set. We will show how to do it in the example below. In Enervista 650 Setup software in the IEC 61850 Configurator go to Reports menu, then put the mouse cursor on the list of Report Control Blocks and right click the mouse button. Select the option “Add Report”:


A dialog window will appear where the user should specify the type of Report, either Buffered or Unbuffered. In our example we select “Buffered” and 2 clients, this will add 2 new BRCBs. Then click on “Next” button:

A new dialog window will appear where the user should select the Data Set attached to the Report Control Blocks being created. There is a possibility to attach the report to already existing Data Sets. We will use this option as we want to increment number of Control Blocks of the existing Buffered Report:

Finally we can see that the tool has created two new Buffered Report Control Blocks and attached it to the pre-defined Data Set eveGGIO1. The tool created new Control Blocks with default “RCB Names” and default “Report identifications”. It can be freely configured by the user if required:


Once the Report Control Blocks configuration process is finished save the *.iec project and send the IEC 61850 configuration files to the device. Then restart the device.


Configuration of IEC 61850 commands in the F650 In the F650 relay IEC 61850 controllable data exist in logical nodes vinGGIO, XCBR1 and CSWI1 … CSWI4. Data from Logical node vinGGIO maps to Virtual Inputs of F650. XCBR represents the circuit breaker and all four CSWI logical nodes represent four first switchgear of F650 relay. Controllable data in vinGGIO logical node are SPCSO1 – SPCSO64 and DPCSO1 – DPCSO16. Signals SPCSO1 – SPCSO32 map to 32 Virtual Inputs Latched in F650 relay and signals SPCSO33 – SPCSO64 map to Virtual Inputs Self-Reset. DPCSO1 – DPCSO16 are double control points and operate on pairs of Virtual Inputs Latched. Thus DPCSO1 – DPCSO16 map to 32 Virtual Inputs Latched and an operation of one attribute DPCSO always operate on two Virtual Inputs Latched, one Virtual Input of the pair is set to “1” and the other Virtual Input of the pair is set to “0”. Controllable data in XCBR and CSWI logical nodes are Pos (position) objects. These are operations used to change state of breaker or switch. F650 relay supports all four IEC 61850 control modes (ctlModel), which are: Direct control with normal security SBO control with normal security Direct control with enhanced security SBO control with enhanced security However for data in vinGGIO logical node only “direct control with normal security” mode of control can be used. There is a configurable timeout for SBO control modes in XCBR and CSWI logical nodes. The value range for SBO timeout is 500 ms – 60 seconds. The sboClass attribute can only have value “operate-once”, “operate-many” pattern is not supported in IEC 61850 SBO controls in F650 relay. The following picture shows configuration of control model (ctlModel) of Pos Data Object in XCBR Logical Node


The following picture shows configuration of timeout for SBO operation of XCBR logical Node


Important Note: When control commands are sent to XCBR and CSWI Logical Nodes the origin categories are checked by the F650 device. In firmware versions 3.7x the permitted values for orCat attribute are 2,3,5 and 6. If orCat in the received command from IEC 61850 client has another value then the command will be rejected and Access-Denied error code will be returned on MMS level. The following picture shows how the Pos attribute of XCBR1 LNs is controlled from SISCO Browser. We can see that the user set proper value of orCat attribute:


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