IDX.pan.Eng September 2017 v2
Short Description
Press Schedule
September 2017
ID Xtra CET/CEST For further informaon, please contact Anca Amariei PR Manager Discover !"" 00 40 31 22 85 310 ancaamariei!"isco#er$%com Antonia #evontova PR !onsultant 00 35& 888 '03 1'5 ale#onto#a!all(channels%com Anna $ovals%aa PR Manager Russia and &orth "ast "urope anna)o#als)a$a!ma(t#%ru
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Press Schedule 4rida 1 September 2017 0/(00 0/(0 0 A !rime !rime to to Reme Rememb mber er55 Time Bomb .er nite" .irlines Fliht 2& e-plo"es in mi"(air, crash in#esators on"er if it as an acci"ent ( or coul" it e the rst e#er act of mur"er($(aircra( omin 0/(0 0/( 0 A !rime !rime to to Reme Rememb mber er55 Judge, Jury, Jury, Executoner Executoner 6u"e Chillinorth an" his ife sa$ oo"$e to frien"s at a part$ an" are ne#er seen aain% Can police unra#el this stor$ of e#il an" corrupon 07(,0 07(, 0 A !rime !rime to to Reme Rememb mber er55 Acciden on Banyan S. Acciden San 7ernar"ino, C., 1&4+ hen 9ucille an" Cor) :iller;s car crashes, Cor) urns to "eath insi"e% Coul" 9ucille ha#e ante" ant e" her husan" out of the picture 0(60 0(6 0 A !rime !rime to to Reme Rememb mber er55 The Genleman Killer hen tea for to ecomes a mur"er of one, in#esators from all across usce for a fe ra#e omen%
September 2017
0(2 0(20 0 he he #oca #ocattor5 or5 Episode ! Fuelle" $ his on personal e-perience, professional people( n"er Tro$ ?unn emar)s on an emoonall$ chare" mission to reconnect lon(lost lo#e" ones% 0(, 0(, he he #oca #ocattor5 or5 A "oher#s $as %ish . oman ith leu)aemia loo)s for her "auhter, ha#in lost trac) of the chil" hen an acrimonious split from her ausi#e husan" le her homeless% 10(1 10(10 0 8eb o9 #ies #ies55 &a'ished . 28($ear(ol" is lure" into a relaonship $ an online pran)ster% hat unfol"s is the tiste" tale of ho an innocent irl pa$s the price for another person;s su@erin% 11(00 11(00 'eaut 'eaut :ueen :ueen Murder Murders5 s5 (ield o) Screams E#er$o"$ lo#es eaut$ Aueen Cursha :ornin, ut hen this hih school senior is foun" mur"ere", the communit$ faces the fact that there;s a )iller in their mi"st% 11(0 11(0 'eaut 'eaut :ueen :ueen Murder Murders5 s5 Buried Secres Tara Brinstea" competes in "oens of paeants% 7ut hen Tara oes missin, it;s a race aainst aainst the cloc) c loc) to n" e#er$o"$;s fa#ourite small( ton eaut$ Aueen%
Produced b "'S(tv )))(ebs(tv * + ,, -0.1,/2 * discover3ebs(tv
12(,0 12(,0 'eaut 'eaut :ueen :ueen Murder Murders5 s5 $as &all hen simsuit mo"el 6ulie ills ins the :iss Te-as eaut$ paeant, she;s soon li#in the fast life unl she en"s up ein rutall$ mur"ere"% 16(60 16(60 'eaut 'eaut :ueen :ueen Murder Murders5 s5 *eadly Sins Sheila 6o Darris mo#es to a ne ton to connue her eaut$ paeant career% The 18($ear(ol" has $et to se*le into her ne apartment hen she is foun" mur"ere"% 1,(2 1,(20 0 he he #oca #ocattor5 or5 Brohers $os and (ound icar"o searches for his half( rother, ho as i#en up for a"opon% ith the ai" of locaon specialist Tro$ ?unn, ill the mother see her chil" aain 1,(, 1,(, he he #oca #ocattor5 or5 A "oher#s +ope . oman name" San"$ loo)s for her sister, ho as i#en up for a"opon, in the hope of a reunion efore their ra#el$ ill mother "ies% 1(1 1(10 0 Murd Murder er !hose !hose Me5 Me5 $ooing )or $o-e Frien"s "isco#er the lifeless o"$ of oo"(nature" oo"(nature" ietnam #et ?re-elle% 9ea"s are scarce, unl ?etec#e o" ?emer$ charts the #icm;s nal hours%
September 2017 Schedule 1/(00 'lood Rela;ves5 *ead in he %aer To rothers ha#e a failin airline cleanin usiness% ith e$es "ea" set on li#in the hih life, one person in this famil$ ill e orth more "ea" than ali#e%
20(10 =rave Secrets5 Beyond The Gra-e ife an" mum San"ra ?u$st appears to ha#e it all, ut she a*les ith "epression% Der "eath seems to e a suici"e ( unl a messae comes from e$on" the ra#e%
26(60 he Per9ect Murder5 *eah And The "aiden 2'($ear(ol" mother ?ana Sa*erel" is foun" rutall$ rape" an" stranle" in her South Carolina hair salon, lea"in "etec#es on a hunt for a ruthless )iller%
1/(0 'lood Rela;ves5 #s /our (uneral The Cape Co" coastline is athe" in loo" aer one famil$;s ht for fortune turns "ea"l$% The in#esaon unco#ers liars on the path toar" n"in a )iller%
PR"MI"R" 21(00 4orbidden5 Ding 9or #ove5 Therapy 2n ce hen a #iolin pro"i$ see)s the help of a therapist, the$ connect o#er a share" lo#e of music% 7ut the conseAuences of this fori""en passion ill pro#e "ea"l
%$00(20 4orbidden5 Ding 9or #ove5 Therapy 2n ce hen a #iolin pro"i$ see)s the help of a therapist, the$ connect o#er a share" lo#e of music% 7ut the conseAuences of this fori""en passion ill pro#e "ea"l
%$17(,0 'lood Rela;ves5 0o Bones Abou . ealth$ famil$ in Te-as is "eepl$ roote" in the pecan farmin usiness% 7ut hen some rela#es ant to start "oin usiness "i@erentl$, the clas come out% 1(60 'lood Rela;ves5 0o 1es )or he %iced ith the ron )i"s out of the house, a couple is en>o$in the fruits of "eca"es of laour% 7ut ol" famil$ "emons soon creep ac) into the househol"% 1(20 Deadline5 !rime )ith amron o$in the fruits of "eca"es of laour% 7ut ol" famil$ "emons soon creep ac) into the househol"%
Saturda 2 September 2017 0/(00 #ove the 8a @ou #ie5 The +iman and +er hen 7onnie 9ee 7a)le$ met mo#ie star oert 7la)e it oul" spar) a relaonship that oul" ma)e traic hea"lines for $ears to come% 0/(0 #ove the 8a @ou #ie5 Girl Gone Me$e an" Eric 7echler appeare" to e the perfect Californian couple% 7ut hen one of them oes missin folloin a oan acci"ent are the$ the #icm of mur"er 07(,0 #ove the 8a @ou #ie5 Side E3ecs hen a o"$ is "isco#ere" at the home of a hite collar or)er, a #er$ pri#ate prolem ecomes a pulic trial% as it a homici"e or a suici"e 0(60 #ove the 8a @ou #ie5 The End o) he A3air Stephen an" .nel are a lamorous socialite pair% The$ create the perfect picture e-cept for the fact that .nel isn;t Stephen;s ife ( she;s his mistress%
Produced b "'S(tv %es%t# I J 44 K0L142 8&5 &&& I "isco#er$!es%t#
0(20 he #ocator5 Brohers $os and (ound icar"o searches for his half( rother, ho as i#en up for a"opon% ith the ai" of locaon specialist Tro$ ?unn, ill the mother see her chil" aain 0(, he #ocator5 A "oher#s +ope . oman name" San"$ loo)s for her sister, ho as i#en up for a"opon, in the hope of a reunion efore their ra#el$ ill mother "ies% 10(10 Murder !hose Me5 $ooing )or $o-e Frien"s "isco#er the lifeless o"$ of oo"(nature" ietnam #et ?re-elle% 9ea"s are scarce, unl ?etec#e o" ?emer$ charts the #icm;s nal hours% 11(00 'lood Rela;ves5 *ead in he %aer To rothers ha#e a failin airline cleanin usiness% ith e$es "ea" set on li#in the hih life, one person in this famil$ ill e orth more "ea" than ali#e% 11(0 'lood Rela;ves5 #s /our (uneral The Cape Co" coastline is athe" in loo" aer one famil$;s ht for fortune turns "ea"l$% The in#esaon unco#ers liars on the path toar" n"in a )iller%
September 2017 Schedule 12(,0 'lood Rela;ves5 0o Bones Abou . ealth$ famil$ in Te-as is "eepl$ roote" in the pecan farmin usiness% 7ut hen some rela#es ant to start "oin usiness "i@erentl$, the clas come out%
1/(00 I Almost =ot A)a 8ith It5 Go To Send A Bomb n The "ail .lert Maul is :aine;s most notorious escape arst% .er ein arreste" for mur"er, he spen"s the ne-t fe "eca"es pullin o@ "arin prison rea)s%
20(10 Suspicion5 "urder n The (amily hen 7ren"a Simpson;s son .lan oes missin, she is "etermine" to n" him% Dis stepmother osalin" claims he simpl$ #anishe" ( ut 7ren"a ants the truth%
16(60 'lood Rela;ves5 0o 1es )or he %iced ith the ron )i"s out of the house, a couple is en>o$in the fruits of "eca"es of laour% 7ut ol" famil$ "emons soon creep ac) into the househol"%
1/(0 I Almost =ot A)a 8ith It5 Go To Escape %ih A Ba4leaxe ussell Nerr is ser#in a 0($ear sentence for a crime he sa$s he "i"n;t commit, so he an" a fello inmate mastermin" an elaorate escape%
PR"MI"R" 21(00 @our 8orst &ightmare5 no The %ild hile out runnin in the :ontana il"erness, collee stu"ent Nari Sensen is ta)en prisoner $ to mountain men ith a sic) plan ( an" she;ll "o all she can to escape%
1,(20 he #ocator5 Kate#s $as +ope Tro$ is ta)en aac) $ a tearful fan at a oo) sinin% Nae hopes to n" her irth famil$ in or"er to help her anser Auesons she has aout her ac)roun"%
17(,0 I Almost =ot A)a 8ith It5 Go To 5reend To Be A &op Meter Bis is a career criminal ho constantl$ #os to o straiht% hen he;s arreste" for a strin of roeries, he refuses to o "on ithout a ht%
1,(, he #ocator5 Solen Kisses Tro$ ?unn helps a oman hose chil"ren ere ta)en aa$ hen she as 1&, as she recei#es ne informaon that coul" lea" to an emoonall$( chare" reunion%
1(60 I Almost =ot A)a 8ith It5 Go To &ra6l "y %ay To (reedom .er a otche" roer$, ?arr$l on'en?t5 An American Murder Mster5 +e &alls +imsel) *axis Gn 200, a local aca"emic rin a oo) on 6on7enHt ets a series of messaes from a man calle" ;?a-is;, ho has a "ar) osession ith the case ( ut h$
01(10 >on'en?t5 An American Murder Mster5 +e &alls +imsel) *axis Gn 200, a local aca"emic rin a oo) on 6on7enHt ets a series of messaes from a man calle" ;?a-is;, ho has a "ar) osession ith the case ( ut h$
22(,0 I Am usce home%
1,(20 'lood Rela;ves5 A he Sroe o) "adness Qrin"a in California has een #ote" one of .merica;s frien"liest tons% 7ut hen one famil$;s ar of or"s turns "ea"l$, the shoc)in re#elaons ill stun the enre naon% 1(10 Murder !hose Me5 The %oman n The $eopard 5rin *ress . "run)en ral results in the "eath of 6%% Fuller% . clue in his poc)et lea"s police on a search for a oman in a leopar" print "ress% 1/(00 Disappeared5 Girl nerruped ?a$s aer 6ennifer Nesse oes missin, her car is foun" aan"one" near her home% . "eca"e later her "isappearance remains one of Flori"a;s most ain crimes%
Produced b "'S(tv %es%t# I J 44 K0L142 8&5 &&& I "isco#er$!es%t#
1(60 Deadl ABairs5 (ool "e 2nce ?onal" an" 6ennifer Clar) are li#in happil$ in a Auiet suuran ton ( unl one of them in#ites a lo#er into their home% 7ut ill this lea" to rerets 1(20 'lood Rela;ves5 &radle o) $ies 7ea#er ?ams, o le" her into "aner, unl a local pastor comes forar" ith a shoc)in confession%
02(, Disappeared5 Girl nerruped ?a$s aer 6ennifer Nesse oes missin, her car is foun" aan"one" near her home% . "eca"e later her "isappearance remains one of Flori"a;s most ain crimes%
PR"MI"R" 21(00 4orbidden5 Ding 9or #ove5 $one Sar $us . oman enters into an a@air ith her "auhter;s ran"father, causin a ma>or ri in the famil$ an" e#entuall$ lea"in to a loo"$ Te-as sho"on%
00(20 4orbidden5 Ding 9or #ove5 $one Sar $us . oman enters into an a@air ith her "auhter;s ran"father, causin a ma>or ri in the famil$ an" e#entuall$ lea"in to a loo"$ Te-as sho"on%
06(6/ =rave Secrets5 Ten %ees $aer ?etec#es are shoc)e" hen it ta)es ten ee)s for an$one to report 6amie 9aia""ee missin% 7ut the$ soon unco#er "ar) secrets that 6amie )ept from almost e#er$one%
21(0 "vil #ives usce%
1(20 =rave Secrets5 Ten %ees $aer ?etec#es are shoc)e" hen it ta)es ten ee)s for an$one to report 6amie 9aia""ee missin% 7ut the$ soon unco#er "ar) secrets that 6amie )ept from almost e#er$one%
26(60 'ehind !losed Doors5 Shoc%ing Secrets Emm$ .ar"(innin >ournalist Ton$ Darris "el#es into the li*le )non an" terrif$in orl" of "omesc ause $ shinin a liht on its most une-pecte" #icms%
20(10 Suspicion5 The Boogieman hen 6oe Bere hears of a serial )iller on the loose, he pac)s up his famil$ an" mo#es to a ne home, ut sll feels uneas$ ( an" soon ets a "e#astan call%
Produced b "'S(tv %es%t# I J 44 K0L142 8&5 &&& I "isco#er$!es%t#
00(20 Seual Assault In !ollege5 amron usce to her famil$
10(10 =rave Secrets5 Bo4om 2) The Sairs hen "etec#es arri#e at the Fithuh home for a fatal fall, the coroner noces suspicious oun"s% usce% . laless couple uses a fa)e prenanc$ in their crimes% 22(, I Am us;ce5 An =nconrollable 1age . man faces life in prison for stain his ancHe to "eath as her famil$ aits $ears for >usce% . laless couple uses a fa)e prenanc$ in their crimes%
0,(2, S)amp Murders5 n Too *eep The o"$ of 7e#erl$ 6ac)son is foun" in a car pulle" from a canal% Molice e-plore her relaonships, ut it ill ta)e a hotline pster to trac) "on her )iller
07(,0 S)amp Murders5 *ar %aer 7arara Defner;s o"$ is foun" Poan in Foll$ 9a)e% Qn the hunt for her )iller, oUcers unco#er a secret a@air efore ulmatel$ rinin >usce home%
0(12 IEd $ill 9or @ou5 A Shogun A3air 9ori thin)s she;s foun" ;:r% iht; in rue" Bar$% 9ori;s frien" 9isa arees an" lures Bar$ into a steam$ a@air, ut Bar$ then meets the irresisle Carol%
0(60 Deadl ABairs5 (ool "e 2nce ?onal" an" 6ennifer Clar) are li#in happil$ in a Auiet suuran ton ( unl one of them in#ites a lo#er into their home% 7ut ill this lea" to rerets
uesda 12 September 2017
0(20 'lood Rela;ves5 &radle o) $ies 7ea#er ?ams, or ri in the famil$ an" e#entuall$ lea"in to a loo"$ Te-as sho"on% 26(60 American Monster5 +ome ;ideo +i Qn an$ street, ehin" an$ smile, ma$ lur) an .merican :onster% or ri in the famil$ an" e#entuall$ lea"in to a loo"$ Te-as sho"on% 02(, Disappeared5 0o Sone =nurned ?a#i" a*en"s one nal meen efore "ri#in home to #isit his famil$% 7ut soon aer, his truc) is foun" aan"one"% Do "i" ?a#i" >ust #anish into thin air 06(6/ =rave Secrets5 +er "oher#s Secres Gn 2004 9ore*a 7oersoc) "isappears "urin a "a$ of shoppin% Gn#esators strule to i"enf$ a suspect unl the$ learn 9ore*a;s shoc)in secret% 0,(2, S)amp Murders5 1ocy %aers .er a a$ is foun" aan"one" alon Qhio;s Scioto i#er, police "isco#er the chil";s mother has een traicall$ mur"ere"% Gs the )iller connecte" to the oman;s past 0(12 IEd $ill 9or @ou5 *eadlies &ach . mother a*lin for a life, a father "ronin in ills% Gnsi"e this famil$ crisis lur)s unspea)ale e#il% . traic acci"ent starts the "onar" spiral%
Produced b "'S(tv %es%t# I J 44 K0L142 8&5 &&& I "isco#er$!es%t#
8ednesda 16 September 2017 0/(00 Disappeared5 $o-e Triangle 7ran"$ lea#es or) on Fri"a$ aernoon for the ee)en" ut fails to sho up for or) on :on"a$ mornin% ?i" she al) aa$ from her roc)$ lo#e life 0/(0 =rave Secrets5 Secres 2) The *eser hen Shauna Tia@a$ is foun" rutall$ mur"ere", her husan" Beore is the prime suspect% De has an alii, ut a secret sha*ers this seeminl$ perfect famil$% 07(,0 S)amp Murders5 n Too *eep The o"$ of 7e#erl$ 6ac)son is foun" in a car pulle" from a canal% Molice e-plore her relaonships, ut it ill ta)e a hotline pster to trac) "on her )iller 0(60 IEd $ill 9or @ou5 A Shogun A3air 9ori thin)s she;s foun" ;:r% iht; in rue" Bar$% 9ori;s frien" 9isa arees an" lures Bar$ into a steam$ a@air, ut Bar$ then meets the irresisle Carol%
September 2017 Schedule 0(20 'lood Rela;ves5 *ead in he %aer To rothers ha#e a failin airline cleanin usiness% ith e$es "ea" set on li#in the hih life, one person in this famil$ ill e orth more "ea" than ali#e%
16(60 IEd $ill 9or @ou5 *eadlies &ach . mother a*lin for a life, a father "ronin in ills% Gnsi"e this famil$ crisis lur)s unspea)ale e#il% . traic acci"ent starts the "onar" spiral%
10(10 Disappeared5 E-ery "oher#s Son 20($ear(ol" 7ear ?ia has "iaetes, so hen he #anishes one niht ith his elonins, in#esators are suspicious% Gs it lin)e" to another "isappearance
1,(20 'lood Rela;ves5 Blood s he 0e6 Blac Gn the "esert oasis of .riona, a famil$;s clim up the corporate la""er has them Push ith cash% 7ut soon, col"(loo"e" mur"er ill turn this famil$;s "ream into a nihtmare%
11(00 Disappeared5 0o Sone =nurned ?a#i" a*en"s one nal meen efore "ri#in home to #isit his famil$% 7ut soon aer, his truc) is foun" aan"one"% Do "i" ?a#i" >ust #anish into thin air
1(10 Cnravelled5 *eadly *emons alter Smith is a :arine Corps sol"ier ac) from GraA% ?ianose" ith Most(Traumac Stress ?isor"er, alter n"s comfort in the arms of $oun arst usce% . laless couple uses a fa)e prenanc$ in their crimes%
22(,0 Sin !it >us;ce5 An =nconrollable 1age . man faces life in prison for stain his ancHe to "eath as her famil$ aits $ears for >usce% . laless couple uses a fa)e prenanc$ in their crimes%
02(, Disappeared5 &ali)ornia $ea-ing Former Darlem Bloetro*er ico Darris is "ri#in to Sea*le an" m$steriousl$ #anishes% Gn#esators emar) on a >ourne$ that ros more ain as me passes%
26(60 American Monster5 Shootng 5hoenix Gn 2005, a monster stal)s the summer streets of Mhoeni-% .s the o"$ count )eeps risin, can the police catch the )iller efore he stri)es aain
06(6/ =rave Secrets5 A &ur-e n The 1oad en"$ Nratert;s #an iniall$ appears to ha#e s)i""e" o@ the roa", ut on closer inspecon police conclu"e that this is no acci"ent, ut homici"e%
00(20 8eb o9 #ies5 5laying *ocor 6essi)a falls for 6e@re$;s charm an" oo" loo)s, ut hen she "isco#ers his secret online life as ?r% 6e@, she realies she;s een "an a monster ho stal)s "an esites%
0,(2, S)amp Murders5 %ha $ies Beneah The o"$ of a eaut$ Aueen is foun" Poan in a la)e% .s oUcers "i "eeper into her list of a"mirers, the$ "isco#er the ne line eteen lo#e an" hate%
01(10 I Am ly :iami teenaer Chrisn 7iloO is as talente" as she is eauful% Der parents treat her li)e a princess an" are ar$ hen she meets a charmin o$% 1,(20 'lood Rela;ves5 #s /our (uneral The Cape Co" coastline is athe" in loo" aer one famil$;s ht for fortune turns "ea"l$% The in#esaon unco#ers liars on the path toar" n"in a )iller% 1(10 8eb o9 #ies5 (aal (riendship . 15($ear(ol" irl relies on Faceoo) to sta$ in contact% hen she arees to meet one of the o$s, she "isco#ers the terrile truth ehin" her online frien"ship% 1/(00 Disappeared5 A (amily "an oert fails to pic) up his ife at the airport, an" his son tells in#esators ho he met some sha"$ men "a$s earlier% hat ma"e oert "isappear 1/(0 Murder !hose Me5 Somehing n The %aer The o"$ of a $oun mother(to( e is "umpe" in the shallo aters of a shin pon"% There are fe clues, unl ?etec#e o" ?emer$ unco#ers a fearful secret%
Produced b "'S(tv %es%t# I J 44 K0L142 8&5 &&& I "isco#er$!es%t#
17(,0 S)amp Murders5 2asis 2) *eah . teenaer is foun" lee"in to "eath alon ?eep Cree) Spilla$, lea#in police ith all )in"s of Auesons% ?etec#es turn to a m$sterious phone numer for help% 1(60 IEd $ill 9or @ou5 Sabbed in he Bac hen .nne meets ?ann$ it seems li)e a match ma"e in hea#en% 7ut $ears later, their "i#orce Auic)l$ spirals into a #iolent custo"$ a*le, hich soon turns "ea"l$% 1(20 'lood Rela;ves5 0o Bones Abou . ealth$ famil$ in Te-as is "eepl$ roote" in the pecan farmin usiness% 7ut hen some rela#es ant to start "oin usiness "i@erentl$, the clas come out% 20(10 Murder !hose Me5 Snae Eyes The o"$ of an uni"ene" oman is foun" $ an aan"one" factor$% 7ut ?etec#e ?emer$ is thron a cur#eall hen he reconises the #icm at the centre of the crime%
September 2017 Schedule PR"MI"R" 21(00 I Am oint, ?etec#e :cFa""en n"s the #icm as tarete" for e-ecuon ( an" unco#ers a surprisin emoonal connecon%
0,(2, S)amp Murders5 2asis 2) *eah . teenaer is foun" lee"in to "eath alon ?eep Cree) Spilla$, lea#in police ith all )in"s of Auesons% ?etec#es turn to a m$sterious phone numer for help%
01(10 Murder !omes to o)n5 *orohy *id 1igh The mur"er of elo#e" church la"$, ?oroth$ 9eatheroo", shoc)s Beoriana, .laama% umours across ton see "etec#es strule to separate fact from con%
0(12 IEd $ill 9or @ou5 Sabbed in he Bac hen .nne meets ?ann$ it seems li)e a match ma"e in hea#en% 7ut $ears later, their "i#orce Auic)l$ spirals into a #iolent custo"$ a*le, hich soon turns "ea"l
%$02(00 8eb o9 #ies5 5laying *ocor 6essi)a falls for 6e@re$;s charm an" oo" loo)s, ut hen she "isco#ers his secret online life as ?r% 6e@, she realies she;s een "an a monster ho stal)s "an esites% 02(, Disappeared5 A (amily "an oert fails to pic) up his ife at the airport, an" his son tells in#esators ho he met some sha"$ men "a$s earlier% hat ma"e oert "isappear 06(6/ Murder !hose Me5 Somehing n The %aer The o"$ of a $oun mother(to( e is "umpe" in the shallo aters of a shin pon"% There are fe clues, unl ?etec#e o" ?emer$ unco#ers a fearful secret%
Produced b "'S(tv %es%t# I J 44 K0L142 8&5 &&& I "isco#er$!es%t#
4rida 1 September 2017 0/(00 Disappeared5 &ali)ornia $ea-ing Former Darlem Bloetro*er ico Darris is "ri#in to Sea*le an" m$steriousl$ #anishes% Gn#esators emar) on a >ourne$ that ros more ain as me passes% 0/(0 =rave Secrets5 A &ur-e n The 1oad en"$ Nratert;s #an iniall$ appears to ha#e s)i""e" o@ the roa", ut on closer inspecon police conclu"e that this is no acci"ent, ut homici"e%
September 2017 Schedule 07(,0 S)amp Murders5 %ha $ies Beneah The o"$ of a eaut$ Aueen is foun" Poan in a la)e% .s oUcers "i "eeper into her list of a"mirers, the$ "isco#er the ne line eteen lo#e an" hate% 0(60 IEd $ill 9or @ou5 Killing "e So>ly :iami teenaer Chrisn 7iloO is as talente" as she is eauful% Der parents treat her li)e a princess an" are ar$ hen she meets a charmin o$% 0(20 'lood Rela;ves5 #s /our (uneral The Cape Co" coastline is athe" in loo" aer one famil$;s ht for fortune turns "ea"l$% The in#esaon unco#ers liars on the path toar" n"in a )iller% 10(10 8eb o9 #ies5 (aal (riendship . 15($ear(ol" irl relies on Faceoo) to sta$ in contact% hen she arees to meet one of the o$s, she "isco#ers the terrile truth ehin" her online frien"ship% 11(00 Disappeared5 A (amily "an oert fails to pic) up his ife at the airport, an" his son tells in#esators ho he met some sha"$ men "a$s earlier% hat ma"e oert "isappear
11(0 Murder !hose Me5 Somehing n The %aer The o"$ of a $oun mother(to( e is "umpe" in the shallo aters of a shin pon"% There are fe clues, unl ?etec#e o" ?emer$ unco#ers a fearful secret%
1(10 Murder !hose Me5 Snae Eyes The o"$ of an uni"ene" oman is foun" $ an aan"one" factor$% 7ut ?etec#e ?emer$ is thron a cur#eall hen he reconises the #icm at the centre of the crime%
12(,0 S)amp Murders5 2asis 2) *eah . teenaer is foun" lee"in to "eath alon ?eep Cree) Spilla$, lea#in police ith all )in"s of Auesons% ?etec#es turn to a m$sterious phone numer for help%
1/(00 Disappeared5 %al no *arness Tamm$ "isappears aer lea#in or)% Der rela#es n" a note sa$in she;s one for a al), ut searches $iel" no sins% hat happene" to Tamm$
16(60 IEd $ill 9or @ou5 Sabbed in he Bac hen .nne meets ?ann$ it seems li)e a match ma"e in hea#en% 7ut $ears later, their "i#orce Auic)l$ spirals into a #iolent custo"$ a*le, hich soon turns "ea"l
%$1/(0 Murder !hose Me5 (riendly (ire The aan"one" car of missin sailor us;ce5 An =nconrollable 1age . man faces life in prison for stain his ancHe to "eath as her famil$ aits $ears for >usce% . laless couple uses a fa)e prenanc$ in their crimes%
Produced b "'S(tv %es%t# I J 44 K0L142 8&5 &&& I "isco#er$!es%t#
September 2017 Schedule 06(6/ @our 8orst &ightmare5 Shado6 %aler For San"i :us), "an .n"$ 9eFleur is a elcome "istracon from her onoin "i#orce% 7ut hen he ants more an" she tries to en" it, he on;t ta)e no for an anser% 0,(2, Disappeared5 E-ery "oher#s Son 20($ear(ol" 7ear ?ia has "iaetes, so hen he #anishes one niht ith his elonins, in#esators are suspicious% Gs it lin)e" to another "isappearance 0(12 4atal "ncounters5 Terror in he %oods . ee)en" of "eer hunn in northern isconsin turns terrif$in hen, in less than 48 hours, an altercaon eteen hunters in the oo"s lea"s to mur"er%
Sunda 17 September 2017 0/(00 Disappeared5 $o-e Triangle 7ran"$ lea#es or) on Fri"a$ aernoon for the ee)en" ut fails to sho up for or) on :on"a$ mornin% ?i" she al) aa$ from her roc)$ lo#e life
0/(0 Disappeared5 0o Sone =nurned ?a#i" a*en"s one nal meen efore "ri#in home to #isit his famil$% 7ut soon aer, his truc) is foun" aan"one"% Do "i" ?a#i" >ust #anish into thin air 07(,0 Disappeared5 &ali)ornia $ea-ing Former Darlem Bloetro*er ico Darris is "ri#in to Sea*le an" m$steriousl$ #anishes% Gn#esators emar) on a >ourne$ that ros more ain as me passes% 0(60 Disappeared5 A (amily "an oert fails to pic) up his ife at the airport, an" his son tells in#esators ho he met some sha"$ men "a$s earlier% hat ma"e oert "isappear 0(20 Disappeared5 %al no *arness Tamm$ "isappears aer lea#in or)% Der rela#es n" a note sa$in she;s one for a al), ut searches $iel" no sins% hat happene" to Tamm$ 10(10 =rave Secrets5 %ha "y "oher Kne6 7rilliant cellist, "e#ote" mother, an"%%% missin oman% Qne e#enin, 6anine Sutphen #anishes an" is ne#er hear" from aain% ?i" she lea#e of her on accor"
Produced b "'S(tv %es%t# I J 44 K0L142 8&5 &&& I "isco#er$!es%t#
11(00 S)amp Murders5 n Too *eep The o"$ of 7e#erl$ 6ac)son is foun" in a car pulle" from a canal% Molice e-plore her relaonships, ut it ill ta)e a hotline pster to trac) "on her )iller 11(0 S)amp Murders5 1ocy %aers .er a a$ is foun" aan"one" alon Qhio;s Scioto i#er, police "isco#er the chil";s mother has een traicall$ mur"ere"% Gs the )iller connecte" to the oman;s past 12(,0 S)amp Murders5 %ha $ies Beneah The o"$ of a eaut$ Aueen is foun" Poan in a la)e% .s oUcers "i "eeper into her list of a"mirers, the$ "isco#er the ne line eteen lo#e an" hate% 16(60 S)amp Murders5 2asis 2) *eah . teenaer is foun" lee"in to "eath alon ?eep Cree) Spilla$, lea#in police ith all )in"s of Auesons% ?etec#es turn to a m$sterious phone numer for help% 1,(20 S)amp Murders5 2u o) he S6amp . $oun mother is stae" four mes in the chest an" le for "ea" in the French 7roa" i#er% 7ut she li#es lon enouh to lea#e a cr$pc clue for "etec#es%
September 2017 Schedule 1(10 4atal "ncounters5 Terror in he %oods . ee)en" of "eer hunn in northern isconsin turns terrif$in hen, in less than 48 hours, an altercaon eteen hunters in the oo"s lea"s to mur"er%
1(60 'lood Rela;ves5 0o Bones Abou . ealth$ famil$ in Te-as is "eepl$ roote" in the pecan farmin usiness% 7ut hen some rela#es ant to start "oin usiness "i@erentl$, the clas come out%
21(0 Devil in the Details5 %arm 1e-ol-er hen lan"oner 6e@ 7riseois is foun" shot in the hea" in the e"room of his Daaii plantaon home, police soon n" themsel#es ith an islan" full of suspects%
1/(00 'lood Rela;ves5 *ead in he %aer To rothers ha#e a failin airline cleanin usiness% ith e$es "ea" set on li#in the hih life, one person in this famil$ ill e orth more "ea" than ali#e%
1(20 'lood Rela;ves5 0o 1es )or he %iced ith the ron )i"s out of the house, a couple is en>o$in the fruits of "eca"es of laour% 7ut ol" famil$ "emons soon creep ac) into the househol"%
22(,0 rue &ightmares5 0o 1es (or The %ary . series of o"" eha#iours has a man;s famil$ concerne" aout his ell(ein% Mlus, hen a resi"ent at a rerement home su""enl$ "ies, "etec#es are alerte"%
1/(0 'lood Rela;ves5 Blood s he 0e6 Blac Gn the "esert oasis of .riona, a famil$;s clim up the corporate la""er has them Push ith cash% 7ut soon, col"(loo"e" mur"er ill turn this famil$;s "ream into a nihtmare% 17(,0 'lood Rela;ves5 #s /our (uneral The Cape Co" coastline is athe" in loo" aer one famil$;s ht for fortune turns "ea"l$% The in#esaon unco#ers liars on the path toar" n"in a )iller%
20(10 'etraed5 The *e-il /ou Kno6 20($ear(ol" :iss$ Bruauh, a "e#out Chrisan, is sa#in herself for marriae% 7ut :iss$;s innocent charms a*ract the ron t$pe of men%%% ith "ea"l$ results% PR"MI"R" 21(00 Disappeared5 The $as Summer hen 15($ear(ol" Na$la 7er isn;t home aer a niht out, her lo#e" ones thin) she;s sta$in ith frien"s% .er si- "a$s, her last )non locaon raises suspicion%
Produced b "'S(tv %es%t# I J 44 K0L142 8&5 &&& I "isco#er$!es%t#
26(60 Paranormal #oc%do)n5 Shre6sbury 5rison oint, ?etec#e :cFa""en n"s the #icm as tarete" for e-ecuon ( an" unco#ers a surprisin emoonal connecon%
0,(2, Murder !omes to o)n5 *orohy *id 1igh The mur"er of elo#e" church la"$, ?oroth$ 9eatheroo", shoc)s Beoriana, .laama% umours across ton see "etec#es strule to separate fact from con%
07(,0 S)amp Murders5 2asis 2) *eah . teenaer is foun" lee"in to "eath alon ?eep Cree) Spilla$, lea#in police ith all )in"s of Auesons% ?etec#es turn to a m$sterious phone numer for help%
0(12 'etraed5 The *e-il /ou Kno6 20($ear(ol" :iss$ Bruauh, a "e#out Chrisan, is sa#in herself for marriae% 7ut :iss$;s innocent charms a*ract the ron t$pe of men%%% ith "ea"l$ results%
0(60 IEd $ill 9or @ou5 Sabbed in he Bac hen .nne meets ?ann$ it seems li)e a match ma"e in hea#en% 7ut $ears later, their "i#orce Auic)l$ spirals into a #iolent custo"$ a*le, hich soon turns "ea"l
%$Monda 1 September 2017 0/(00 Disappeared5 A (amily "an oert fails to pic) up his ife at the airport, an" his son tells in#esators ho he met some sha"$ men "a$s earlier% hat ma"e oert "isappear 0/(0 Murder !hose Me5 Somehing n The %aer The o"$ of a $oun mother(to( e is "umpe" in the shallo aters of a shin pon"% There are fe clues, unl ?etec#e o" ?emer$ unco#ers a fearful secret%
Produced b "'S(tv %es%t# I J 44 K0L142 8&5 &&& I "isco#er$!es%t#
0(20 'lood Rela;ves5 0o Bones Abou . ealth$ famil$ in Te-as is "eepl$ roote" in the pecan farmin usiness% 7ut hen some rela#es ant to start "oin usiness "i@erentl$, the clas come out% 10(10 4atal "ncounters5 Terror in he %oods . ee)en" of "eer hunn in northern isconsin turns terrif$in hen, in less than 48 hours, an altercaon eteen hunters in the oo"s lea"s to mur"er% 11(00 Disappeared5 %al no *arness Tamm$ "isappears aer lea#in or)% Der rela#es n" a note sa$in she;s one for a al), ut searches $iel" no sins% hat happene" to Tamm$
September 2017 Schedule 11(0 Murder !hose Me5 (riendly (ire The aan"one" car of missin sailor oint, ?etec#e :cFa""en n"s the #icm as tarete" for e-ecuon ( an" unco#ers a surprisin emoonal connecon%
0,(2, A !rime to Remember5 $uc Be A $ady hen Matricia 6ones; ullet( ri""en o"$ is foun" in a local lo#ers; lane, ?etec#e 7ronin n"s himself in a a*le of its ith a seeminl$ uneatale foe% 0(12 IEd $ill 9or @ou5 +ar o) *arness Bilert elie#es a strict parenn st$le is the est approach, ut his ife thin)s "i@erentl$% Gt isn;t lon efore this famil$ feu" escalates into trae"
Produced b "'S(tv %es%t# I J 44 K0L142 8&5 &&& I "isco#er$!es%t#
uesda 1 September 2017 0/(00 Disappeared5 %al no *arness Tamm$ "isappears aer lea#in or)% Der rela#es n" a note sa$in she;s one for a al), ut searches $iel" no sins% hat happene" to Tamm$ 0/(0 Murder !hose Me5 (riendly (ire The aan"one" car of missin sailor o$in the fruits of "eca"es of laour% 7ut ol" famil$ "emons soon creep ac) into the househol"% 10(10 'etraed5 The *e-il /ou Kno6 20($ear(ol" :iss$ Bruauh, a "e#out Chrisan, is sa#in herself for marriae% 7ut :iss$;s innocent charms a*ract the ron t$pe of men%%% ith "ea"l$ results% 11(00 Disappeared5 Too /oung )or $o-e hen a 14($ear(ol" irl runs aa$ to :e-ico ith her a"ult lo#er, her mother or)s relessl$ for her safe return% 7ut ill she e#er see her "auhter aain 11(0 Murder !hose Me5 $ooing )or $o-e Frien"s "isco#er the lifeless o"$ of oo"(nature" ietnam #et ?re-elle% 9ea"s are scarce, unl ?etec#e o" ?emer$ charts the #icm;s nal hours% 12(,0 A !rime to Remember5 $uc Be A $ady hen Matricia 6ones; ullet( ri""en o"$ is foun" in a local lo#ers; lane, ?etec#e 7ronin n"s himself in a a*le of its ith a seeminl$ uneatale foe%
16(60 IEd $ill 9or @ou5 +ar o) *arness Bilert elie#es a strict parenn st$le is the est approach, ut his ife thin)s "i@erentl$% Gt isn;t lon efore this famil$ feu" escalates into trae"
%$1/(0 Murder !hose Me5 The %oman n The $eopard 5rin *ress . "run)en ral results in the "eath of 6%% Fuller% . clue in his poc)et lea"s police on a search for a oman in a leopar" print "ress%
1,(20 'lood Rela;ves5 *uc Tape *i-orce For the ?eil"s of E"eater, famil$ ala$s comes rst% 7ut hen one ?eil" threatens to rea) that on", the$ n" the onl$ a$ out of this famil$ is mur"er%
17(,0 A !rime to Remember5 The Genleman Killer hen tea for to ecomes a mur"er of one, in#esators from all across usce for a fe ra#e omen%
1(10 Disappeared5 The $as Summer hen 15($ear(ol" Na$la 7er isn;t home aer a niht out, her lo#e" ones thin) she;s sta$in ith frien"s% .er si- "a$s, her last )non locaon raises suspicion%
1(60 IEd $ill 9or @ou5 (irs o *ie . shotun e""in lea#es na#al oUcers 6ohn an" eecca in a troule" marriae% =ears later, a erce custo"$ a*le pushes oth si"es into a "ea"l$ strule%
1/(00 Disappeared5 (ooprins in he Sand Street(smart uranite Shannon oes missin on the remote southern shores of 9on Gslan" aer ma)in a "esperate emerenc$ call% hat happene" to her
1(20 'lood Rela;ves5 (our %omen and a (uneral The 6ones famil$ li#es the oo" life, ith a popular usiness an" to lo#el$ "auhters% 7ut hen a ne houseuest n"s s)eletons in the closet, trae"$ ensues%
Produced b "'S(tv %es%t# I J 44 K0L142 8&5 &&& I "isco#er$!es%t#
September 2017 Schedule 20(10 Cnravelled5 A Beaut)ul "ind 7rilliant $oun mathemacian Chris Nrumm ets shoc)in nes an" spirals out of control% rin a iarre note in#ol#in euenics, he "e#ises a nal ;soluon;%
26(60 American Monster5 1igh Be)ore /our Eyes hen a usinessman meets a pre*$ actress, she appears to e the perfect match% 7ut the hone$moon "oesn;t last lon an" the relaonship ta)es a "ea"l$ turn%
02(, Disappeared5 (ooprins in he Sand Street(smart uranite Shannon oes missin on the remote southern shores of 9on Gslan" aer ma)in a "esperate emerenc$ call% hat happene" to her
PR"MI"R" 21(00 8ho $illed Angie Dodge5 $eith Morrison Inves;gates5 5ar ? Neith :orrison in#esates the rutal 1&& mur"er of 18($ear( ol" .nie ?o"e in G"aho Falls an" the contro#ersial confession an" con#icon of Chris Tapp%
00(20 8ho $illed Angie Dodge5 $eith Morrison Inves;gates5 5ar ? Neith :orrison in#esates the rutal 1&& mur"er of 18($ear( ol" .nie ?o"e in G"aho Falls an" the contro#ersial confession an" con#icon of Chris Tapp%
06(6/ Murder !hose Me5 The %oman n The $eopard 5rin *ress . "run)en ral results in the "eath of 6%% Fuller% . clue in his poc)et lea"s police on a search for a oman in a leopar" print "ress%
01(10 rue &ightmares5 0o 1es (or The %ary . series of o"" eha#iours has a man;s famil$ concerne" aout his ell(ein% Mlus, hen a resi"ent at a rerement home su""enl$ "ies, "etec#es are alerte"%
0,(2, A !rime to Remember5 The Genleman Killer hen tea for to ecomes a mur"er of one, in#esators from all across usce for a fe ra#e omen%
02(00 4orbidden5 Ding 9or #ove5 The Girl 6ih he Gold Earring Samira at)ins falls for a marrie" militar$ man aer a chance meen at his na#al ase% 7ut he is hi"in somethin+ a famil$ li#in out of state%
0(12 IEd $ill 9or @ou5 (irs o *ie . shotun e""in lea#es na#al oUcers 6ohn an" eecca in a troule" marriae% =ears later, a erce custo"$ a*le pushes oth si"es into a "ea"l$ strule%
21(0 rue &ightmares5 0o 1es (or The %ary . series of o"" eha#iours has a man;s famil$ concerne" aout his ell(ein% Mlus, hen a resi"ent at a rerement home su""enl$ "ies, "etec#es are alerte"% 22(,0 4orbidden5 Ding 9or #ove5 The Girl 6ih he Gold Earring Samira at)ins falls for a marrie" militar$ man aer a chance meen at his na#al ase% 7ut he is hi"in somethin+ a famil$ li#in out of state%
Produced b "'S(tv %es%t# I J 44 K0L142 8&5 &&& I "isco#er$!es%t#
September 2017 Schedule 8ednesda 20 September 2017 0/(00 Disappeared5 Too /oung )or $o-e hen a 14($ear(ol" irl runs aa$ to :e-ico ith her a"ult lo#er, her mother or)s relessl$ for her safe return% 7ut ill she e#er see her "auhter aain 0/(0 Murder !hose Me5 $ooing )or $o-e Frien"s "isco#er the lifeless o"$ of oo"(nature" ietnam #et ?re-elle% 9ea"s are scarce, unl ?etec#e o" ?emer$ charts the #icm;s nal hours% 07(,0 A !rime to Remember5 $uc Be A $ady hen Matricia 6ones; ullet( ri""en o"$ is foun" in a local lo#ers; lane, ?etec#e 7ronin n"s himself in a a*le of its ith a seeminl$ uneatale foe% 0(60 IEd $ill 9or @ou5 +ar o) *arness Bilert elie#es a strict parenn st$le is the est approach, ut his ife thin)s "i@erentl$% Gt isn;t lon efore this famil$ feu" escalates into trae"
%$0(20 'lood Rela;ves5 *uc Tape *i-orce For the ?eil"s of E"eater, famil$ ala$s comes rst% 7ut hen one ?eil" threatens to rea) that on", the$ n" the onl$ a$ out of this famil$ is mur"er%
12(,0 A !rime to Remember5 The Genleman Killer hen tea for to ecomes a mur"er of one, in#esators from all across usce for a fe ra#e omen%
10(10 Disappeared5 The $as Summer hen 15($ear(ol" Na$la 7er isn;t home aer a niht out, her lo#e" ones thin) she;s sta$in ith frien"s% .er si- "a$s, her last )non locaon raises suspicion%
16(60 IEd $ill 9or @ou5 (irs o *ie . shotun e""in lea#es na#al oUcers 6ohn an" eecca in a troule" marriae% =ears later, a erce custo"$ a*le pushes oth si"es into a "ea"l$ strule%
11(00 Disappeared5 (ooprins in he Sand Street(smart uranite Shannon oes missin on the remote southern shores of 9on Gslan" aer ma)in a "esperate emerenc$ call% hat happene" to her
1,(20 'lood Rela;ves5 (our %omen and a (uneral The 6ones famil$ li#es the oo" life, ith a popular usiness an" to lo#el$ "auhters% 7ut hen a ne houseuest n"s s)eletons in the closet, trae"$ ensues%
11(0 Murder !hose Me5 The %oman n The $eopard 5rin *ress . "run)en ral results in the "eath of 6%% Fuller% . clue in his poc)et lea"s police on a search for a oman in a leopar" print "ress%
1(10 Cnravelled5 A Beaut)ul "ind 7rilliant $oun mathemacian Chris Nrumm ets shoc)in nes an" spirals out of control% rin a iarre note in#ol#in euenics, he "e#ises a nal ;soluon;%
Produced b "'S(tv %es%t# I J 44 K0L142 8&5 &&& I "isco#er$!es%t#
September 2017 Schedule 1/(00 Disappeared5 Jus a 0ice Guy .n unassumin teen "isappears aer ecomin in#ol#e" ith an a*rac#e $oun mum strulin in a "iUcult relaonship% here is he no an" hat is :ist$ hi"in
20(10 8eb o9 #ies5 0e6 /ear#s 1eributon . 33($ear(ol" spen"s her me Pirn ith men online% hen she fails to turn up for or), her frien"s orr$ that she "i"n;t >ust run aa$ ith :r iht%
00(20 8eb o9 #ies5 Searching (or "r. %rong hen oint, ?etec#e :cFa""en n"s the #icm as tarete" for e-ecuon ( an" unco#ers a surprisin emoonal connecon%
02(00 Sin !it >us;ce5 Blood Brohers To rothers see) >usce for their parents; "eath in a "run)( "ri#in acci"ent% Gn a retrial, a "efen"ant;s rother tesf$ aainst him for a possile "eath penalt
%$1(60 IEd $ill 9or @ou5 Truh or *eah Spar)s P$ hen ?onal" meets a eauful :ississippi lon"e% The$ soon et marrie" an" ha#e a happ$ famil$ ( ut eneath this lissful union lur) "eceit an" "aner%
22(,0 Sin !it >us;ce5 Blood Brohers To rothers see) >usce for their parents; "eath in a "run)( "ri#in acci"ent% Gn a retrial, a "efen"ant;s rother tesf$ aainst him for a possile "eath penalt
%$02(, Disappeared5 Jus a 0ice Guy .n unassumin teen "isappears aer ecomin in#ol#e" ith an a*rac#e $oun mum strulin in a "iUcult relaonship% here is he no an" hat is :ist$ hi"in
1(20 'lood Rela;ves5 "urder "ansion 7ruce an" ?arlene ouse ha#e ealth, success an" three on"erful chil"ren% 7ut ehin" close" "oors, a to-ic mi- of scorn, >ealous$ an" ree" is aout to oil o#er%
26(60 he !oroner5 I Spea% 4or he Dead5 =nburying The Truh Coroner Braham Detric) must pro#e mulple mur"ers ( ut ith no o"ies, an" noo"$ )nos the #icms; i"enes% . hue e-ca#aon re#eals chillin e#i"ence%
06(6/ Murder !hose Me5 *reams 2) "y "oher . 21($ear(ol" oman as )ille" on 8th :a$ 1&&% Der name as 7arara ?emer$ .rmstea" ( ?etec#e o" ?emer$;s mother% Do "i" he sol#e her mur"er
Produced b "'S(tv %es%t# I J 44 K0L142 8&5 &&& I "isco#er$!es%t#
September 2017 Schedule 0,(2, A !rime to Remember5 5aradise $os hen the $oun ife of a u"ice an" n" >usce for a fe ra#e omen%
11(00 Disappeared5 Jus a 0ice Guy .n unassumin teen "isappears aer ecomin in#ol#e" ith an a*rac#e $oun mum strulin in a "iUcult relaonship% here is he no an" hat is :ist$ hi"in
0(12 IEd $ill 9or @ou5 Truh or *eah Spar)s P$ hen ?onal" meets a eauful :ississippi lon"e% The$ soon et marrie" an" ha#e a happ$ famil$ ( ut eneath this lissful union lur) "eceit an" "aner%
0(60 IEd $ill 9or @ou5 (irs o *ie . shotun e""in lea#es na#al oUcers 6ohn an" eecca in a troule" marriae% =ears later, a erce custo"$ a*le pushes oth si"es into a "ea"l$ strule%
11(0 Murder !hose Me5 *reams 2) "y "oher . 21($ear(ol" oman as )ille" on 8th :a$ 1&&% Der name as 7arara ?emer$ .rmstea" ( ?etec#e o" ?emer$;s mother% Do "i" he sol#e her mur"er
hursda 21 September 2017 0/(00 Disappeared5 (ooprins in he Sand Street(smart uranite Shannon oes missin on the remote southern shores of 9on Gslan" aer ma)in a "esperate emerenc$ call% hat happene" to her 0/(0 Murder !hose Me5 The %oman n The $eopard 5rin *ress . "run)en ral results in the "eath of 6%% Fuller% . clue in his poc)et lea"s police on a search for a oman in a leopar" print "ress%
0(20 'lood Rela;ves5 (our %omen and a (uneral The 6ones famil$ li#es the oo" life, ith a popular usiness an" to lo#el$ "auhters% 7ut hen a ne houseuest n"s s)eletons in the closet, trae"$ ensues% 10(10 Cnravelled5 A Beaut)ul "ind 7rilliant $oun mathemacian Chris Nrumm ets shoc)in nes an" spirals out of control% rin a iarre note in#ol#in euenics, he "e#ises a nal ;soluon;%
16(60 IEd $ill 9or @ou5 Truh or *eah Spar)s P$ hen ?onal" meets a eauful :ississippi lon"e% The$ soon et marrie" an" ha#e a happ$ famil$ ( ut eneath this lissful union lur) "eceit an" "aner% 1,(20 'lood Rela;ves5 "urder "ansion 7ruce an" ?arlene ouse ha#e ealth, success an" three on"erful chil"ren% 7ut ehin" close" "oors, a to-ic mi- of scorn, >ealous$ an" ree" is aout to oil o#er%
Produced b "'S(tv %es%t# I J 44 K0L142 8&5 &&& I "isco#er$!es%t#
12(,0 A !rime to Remember5 5aradise $os hen the $oun ife of a us;ce5 Blood Brohers To rothers see) >usce for their parents; "eath in a "run)( "ri#in acci"ent% Gn a retrial, a "efen"ant;s rother tesf$ aainst him for a possile "eath penalt
%$06(6/ rue &ightmares5 0o 1es (or The %ary . series of o"" eha#iours has a man;s famil$ concerne" aout his ell(ein% Mlus, hen a resi"ent at a rerement home su""enl$ "ies, "etec#es are alerte"%
00(20 8ho $illed Angie Dodge5 $eith Morrison Inves;gates5 5ar ? Neith :orrison in#esates the rutal 1&& mur"er of 18($ear( ol" .nie ?o"e in G"aho Falls an" the contro#ersial confession an" con#icon of Chris Tapp%
0,(2, Disappeared5 The $as Summer hen 15($ear(ol" Na$la 7er isn;t home aer a niht out, her lo#e" ones thin) she;s sta$in ith frien"s% .er si- "a$s, her last )non locaon raises suspicion%
01(10 8eb o9 #ies5 Searching (or "r. %rong hen u"ice an" n" >usce for a fe ra#e omen%
1(1 1(10 0 4atal atal "ncoun "ncounte ters rs55 Game 2-er . #iolent #i"eo ame that 18( $ear(ol" ?e#in :oore pla$s osessi#el$ comes to life hen he confronts policemen .rnol" Stric)lan" an" 6ames Crump an" "ispatcher .ce :ealer%
Produced b "'S(tv %es%t# I %es%t# I J 44 K0L142 8&5 &&& I "isco#er$!es%t#
September Septemb er 2017 Schedule 1/(0 1/(00 0 'lood 'lood Rela Rela;v ;ves es55 *uc Tape *i-orce For the ?eil"s of E"eater, famil$ ala$s comes rst% 7ut hen one ?eil" threatens threatens to rea) that on", the$ n" the onl$ a$ out of this famil$ is mur"er%
1(2 1(20 0 'lood 'lood Rela Rela;v ;ves es55 Souhern +elle For Star)#ille couple 6oe$ an" Nris Fulham, frien"s an" famil$ are one an" the same% 7ut small ton hospitalit$ lea"s to "anerous liaisons an" mur"er%
26(6 26(60 0 ealous$ an" ree" is aout to oil o#er%
21( 21(0 0 Devi Devill in the the Deta Detail ils5 s5 "urder, &aun Syle ?efence la$er ChiAuita Tate is foun" stae" to "eath insi"e her oUce% ?etec#es n" hairs clutche" in her han" ( ill this clue lea" them to her )iller
02(0 02(00 0 8ho 8ho $ill $illed ed Angi Angie e Dodge5 $eith Morrison Inves;gates5 5ar ? Neith :orrison in#esates in#esates the rutal 1&& mur"er of 18($ear( ol" .nie ?o"e in G"aho Falls an" the contro#ersial confession an" con#icon of Chris Tapp%
22(, 22(,0 0 rue rue &ight &ightma mare res5 s5 (riends $ie These ur$% .er the autops$, Coroner Braham Detric) is suspicious of this strane "eath% 00(20 Sin !it >us;ce5 All (or Eighy *ollars Gn a heartrea)in stor$, a "e#ote" father see)s >usce for the mur"er of his elo#e" 15( $ear(ol" son, ho as roe" an" then run o#er for his iMa"% 01(10 8ho $illed Angie Dodge5 $eith Morrison Inves;gates5 5ar ? Neith :orrison in#esates the rutal 1&& mur"er of 18($ear( ol" .nie ?o"e in G"aho Falls an" the contro#ersial confession an" con#icon of Chris Tapp%
September 2017 Schedule 02(00 I Am us;ce5 All (or Eighy *ollars Gn a heartrea)in stor$, a "e#ote" father see)s >usce for the mur"er of his elo#e" 15( $ear(ol" son, ho as roe" an" then run o#er for his iMa"% 26(60 he !oroner5 I Spea% 4or he Dead5 Trial By (ire hen a couple is "isco#ere" in the aermath of a house re, rehters fear the$ arri#e" too late% 7ut the Coroner suspects that the re is no acci"ent% 00(20 8eb o9 #ies5 $o-e Goes Souh .n a"opte" teenaer has ala$s felt out of place at home% She see)s acceptance online an" meets Shan% Soon, the famil$ is "ran into a traic series of e#ents%
September 2017 Schedule 01(10 I Am ust as the$ start li#in toether his charm turns to #iolent >ealous
%$0(60 bsession5 Dar% Desires5 &aign Trail o) (ears . polician an" his ife are stal)e" $ their pri#ate pilot% De ants to claim the oman for himself an" is illin to use his plane as a "ea"l$ eapon%
02(00 Sin !it >us;ce5 All (or Eighy *ollars Gn a heartrea)in stor$, a "e#ote" father see)s >usce for the mur"er of his elo#e" 15( $ear(ol" son, ho as roe" an" then run o#er for his iMa"%
hursda 2 September 2017
0(20 'lood Rela;ves5 Sains and Sinners :onths aer the suici"e of her alcoholic mother, 7rae itnesses a mas)e" straner e-ecute her stepfather% ho is the shooter an" h$ "i" he taret Tim
02(, Disappeared5 $os in he *ar :atrice is arreste" hen she can;t pa$ her restaurant ill, ut aer cops release her into the niht ithout her car, )e$s, or cash, she "isappears% here is she 06(6/ he Per9ect Murder5 The +oneymoon Killers . 7elian hone$moon comes to a traic en" hen a frea) car acci"ent lea"s to "eath% The in#esaon points to #iolence, "eceit, an" an internaonal manhunt% 0,(2, &o)here to ust as the$ start li#in toether his charm turns to #iolent >ealous$% 1,(20 'lood Rela;ves5 (lesh and Blood Ne#in tells neihours that his stepfather stranle" his mother to "eath ( hile his step"a" 6erem$ accuses him of the same crime% ho is tellin the truth 1(10 8eb o9 #ies5 +iman +ire 9eslie an" 7rian li#e in an auent suuran neihourhoo" in Qhio% hen 9eslie oes online to ma)e usiness contacts, the famil$ is esiee" $ m$sterious threats%
17(,0 &o)here to
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