Short Description
Download IDOCs...
Define and setup for user developed IDOC
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.
Defi Define ne seg segme ment nts: s: WE3 WE31 1 Creat Createe new new basic basic idoc idoc type: type: WE3 WE30 0 Creat Createe mess message age type: type: WE81 WE81 Link Link messag messagee type type to to IDOC IDOC basis basis type: type: WE82 WE82 Creat Createe RDC RDC desti destina natio tion: n: SM59 SM59 Creat Createe logic logical al syst system: em: SALE SALE Crea Create te por port: t: WE21 WE21 Creat Createe partn partner er pro profil file: e: WE20 WE20 Set up up distribu distribution tion model model (If (If necessa necessary): ry): BD64 BD64
1. WE31: Define segments Transaction code: WE31 Create segment Z1ACTIV Own segments should start with Z1..Z2….. instead of E1..E2….. Segments must be released before they are transported
2. WE30: Create new IDOC
Transaction: WE30 Create new idoc ZHRACT01. The idoc uses segment Z1ACTIV Note: Same idoc can exist in different versions e.g. ORDERS01, ORDERS02….. The difference between versions is that tehre are more segments in newer versions.
3. WE81: Create message type Transaction WE80 Create new message type ZHRACT01
4. WE82: Link message type to IDOC basis type Link message type ZHRACT01 to idoc baisi type ZHRACT01
5. SM59: Create RDC destination
6. SALE: Create logical system
7. WE21: Create port
8. WE20: Create partner profile
9. BD64: Set up distribution model (If necessary)
Generate IDOCs from a report *&---------------------------------------------------------------------*
*& Report ZHR_PERMITTED_ACT_TO_SCA NNERS * *& * *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* * * This report reads permitted activities from table ZHR_AKTIVITITER, * generates idocs of basis type ZHRACT01 and message type ZHRACT01 * and sends them to XI. * * * Functionality/program flow: * ============================ * - Read data from tables ZHR_AKTIVITITER and PRPS * - Create IDoc control record * - Create IDoc segments * - Distribute IDoc using function module MASTER_IDOC_DISTRIBUTE * - Show report * *--------------------------------------------------------------------REPORT zhr_permitted_act_to_scanners. TABLES: zhr_aktivititer. TYPES: BEGIN OF t_activities, orgeh LIKE zhr_aktivititer-orgeh, actid LIKE zhr_aktivititer-actid, descr LIKE zhr_aktivititer-descr, posid LIKE prps-posid, post1 LIKE prps-post1, END OF t_activities. DATA: gt_activities TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF t_activities, wa_activities TYPE t_activities, * Number of idoc created g_num_of_idocs TYPE i, * IDOC control record g_idoc_control LIKE edidc, * Return data from MASTER_IDOC_DISTRIBUTE gt_comm_idocs TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF edidc, wa_comm_idocs TYPE edidc, * IDOC data record gt_idoc_data TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF edidd, wa_idoc_data TYPE edidd, * Structure for idoc segment Z!ACTIV g_z1activ LIKE z1activ. *----------------------------------------------------------------------------* SELECTION SCREEN *----------------------------------------------------------------------------SELECTION-SCREEN BEGIN OF BLOCK SELECTION WITH FRAME TITLE text-001. * Data selection SELECT-OPTIONS: s_orgeh FOR zhr_aktivititer-orgeh.
PARAMETERS: p_date LIKE sy-datum DEFAULT sy-datum OBLIGATORY. SELECTION-SCREEN END OF BLOCK SELECTION. * Communication parameters SELECTION-SCREEN BEGIN OF BLOCK COMMUNICATION WITH FRAME TITLE text-002. PARAMETERS: p_idoctp LIKE edidc-idoctp OBLIGATORY DEFAULT 'ZHRACT01', "Idoc type p_mestyp LIKE edidc-mestyp OBLIGATORY DEFAULT 'ZHRACT01', "Message type p_rcvpor LIKE edidc-rcvpor OBLIGATORY DEFAULT 'SAPUXI', "Receiver port p_rcvprt LIKE edidc-rcvprt OBLIGATORY DEFAULT 'LS', "Receiver partne p_rcvprn LIKE edidc-rcvprn OBLIGATORY DEFAULT 'UXICLNT100'. "Receiver partn SELECTION-SCREEN END OF BLOCK COMMUNICATION. * Output SELECTION-SCREEN BEGIN OF BLOCK OUTPUT WITH FRAME TITLE text-010. PARAMETERS: p_idoc AS CHECKBOX, "Create idoc p_report AS CHECKBOX. "Show report SELECTION-SCREEN END OF BLOCK OUTPUT. *----------------------------------------------------------------------------* SELECTION SCREEN OUTPUT *----------------------------------------------------------------------------AT SELECTION-SCREEN OUTPUT. * Protect parameters for idoc type and message type LOOP AT SCREEN. IF screen-name = 'P_IDOCTP' OR screen-name = 'P_MESTYP'. screen-input = '0'. MODIFY SCREEN. ENDIF. ENDLOOP.
*----------------------------------------------------------------------------* START OF SELECTION *----------------------------------------------------------------------------START-OF-SELECTION. PERFORM read_data. *----------------------------------------------------------------------------* END OF SELECTION *----------------------------------------------------------------------------END-OF-SELECTION. PERFORM create_control_record. PERFORM create_data_records. IF p_idoc = 'X'. PERFORM distribute_idoc. ENDIF. IF p_report = 'X'.
PERFORM show_report. ENDIF.
*&---------------------------------------------------------------------* *& Form read_data *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* * Read activities from ZHR_AKTIVITITER and the corresponding * WSB-elements and texts from PRPS *----------------------------------------------------------------------* FORM read_data. REFRESH gt_activities. SELECT zhr_aktivititer~orgeh zhr_aktivititer~actid zhr_aktivititer~descr prps~posid prps~post1 INTO CORRESPONDING FIELDS OF TABLE gt_activities FROM zhr_aktivititer LEFT OUTER JOIN prps ON prps~pspnr = zhr_aktivititer~pspnr WHERE zhr_aktivititer~orgeh IN s_orgeh AND zhr_aktivititer~begda = p_date. SORT gt_activities BY orgeh actid. ENDFORM. " read_data *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* *& Form create_control_record *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* * Create control record for IDOC - The values for the control * are taken from the selection screen * *----------------------------------------------------------------------* FORM create_control_record. CLEAR g_idoc_control. g_idoc_control-mestyp g_idoc_control-idoctp g_idoc_control-rcvpor g_idoc_control-rcvprt g_idoc_control-rcvprn
= = = = =
p_mestyp. p_idoctp. p_rcvpor. p_rcvprt. p_rcvprn.
ENDFORM. " create_control_record *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* *& Form create_data_records *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* * Create segment data records for idoc segment Z1ACTIV * *----------------------------------------------------------------------* FORM create_data_records. DATA: l_old_orgeh LIKE zhr_aktivititer-orgeh. REFRESH gt_idoc_data.
CLEAR: wa_activities, l_old_orgeh. SORT gt_activities BY orgeh. LOOP AT gt_activities INTO wa_activities. CLEAR: wa_idoc_data, g_z1activ. wa_idoc_data-segnam = 'Z1ACTIV'. g_z1activ-orgeh = wa_activities-orgeh. g_z1activ-actid = wa_activities-actid. g_z1activ-descr = wa_activities-descr. g_z1activ-posid = wa_activities-posid. g_z1activ-post1 = wa_activities-post1. MOVE g_z1activ TO
APPEND wa_idoc_data TO gt_idoc_data. ENDLOOP.
ENDFORM. " create_data_records *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* *& Form distribute_idoc *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* * Create and distribute idoc *----------------------------------------------------------------------* FORM distribute_idoc . REFRESH gt_comm_idocs. CALL FUNCTION 'MASTER_IDOC_DISTRIBUTE' EXPORTING master_idoc_control = g_idoc_control * OBJ_TYPE = '' * CHNUM = '' TABLES communication_idoc_contr ol = gt_comm_idocs master_idoc_data = gt_idoc_data EXCEPTIONS error_in_idoc_control = 1 error_writing_idoc_status = 2 error_in_idoc_data = 3 sending_logical_system_un known = 4 OTHERS = 5. IF sy-subrc 0. MESSAGE ID sy-msgid TYPE sy-msgty NUMBER sy-msgno WITH sy-msgv1 sy-msgv2 sy-msgv3 sy-msgv4. ELSE. COMMIT WORK. ENDIF.
ENDFORM. " distribute_idoc *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* *& Form show_report *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* * Show report *----------------------------------------------------------------------* FORM show_report . IF p_idoc = 'X'. *
Generated IDOCs WRITE : / text-003 COLOR COL_HEADING INTENSIFIED ON. LOOP AT gt_comm_idocs INTO wa_comm_idocs. WRITE : / wa_comm_idocs-docnum. ENDLOOP. SKIP 2. ENDIF.
* Show selected activities SKIP 1. FORMAT COLOR COL_HEADING. WRITE AT 2 text-004. "Team WRITE AT 12 text-005. "Aktivitets ID'. WRITE AT 22 text-006. "Aktivitets beskrivelse'. WRITE AT 59 text-007. "PSP-element'. WRITE AT 79 text-008. "PSP kort tekst'. FORMAT RESET. LOOP AT gt_activities INTO wa_activities. WRITE: / wa_activities-orgeh UNDER text-004, wa_activities-actid UNDER text-005, wa_activities-descr UNDER text-006, wa_activities-posid UNDER text-007, wa_activities-post1 UNDER text-008. ENDLOOP.
" show_report
Updating IDoc data in segments By Kevin Wilson - From STEP 1 - Open document to edit CALL FUNCTION 'EDI_DOCUMENT_OPEN_FOR_EDIT' EXPORTING document_number = t_docnum IMPORTING
idoc_control TABLES idoc_data EXCEPTIONS document_foreign_lock document_not_exist document_not_open status_is_unable_for_changing OTHERS
= itab_edidc = itab_edidd = = = = =
1 2 3 4 5.
STEP 2 - Loop at itab_edidd and change data LOOP AT itab_edidd WHERE segnam = 'E1EDKA1'. e1edka1 = itab_edidd-sdata. IF e1edka1-parvw = 'LF'. e1edka1-partn = t_eikto. itab_edidd-sdata = e1edka1. MODIFY itab_edidd. EXIT. ENDIF. ENDLOOP. STEP 3 - Change data segments CALL FUNCTION 'EDI_CHANGE_DATA_SEGMENTS' TABLES idoc_changed_data_range = EXCEPTIONS idoc_not_open = data_record_not_exist = OTHERS =
itab_edidd 1 2 3.
STEP 3a - Change control record CALL FUNCTION 'EDI_CHANGE_CONTROL_RECORD' EXPORTING idoc_changed_control = EXCEPTIONS idoc_not_open = direction_change_not_allowed = OTHERS = STEP 4 - Close Idoc * Update IDoc status CLEAR t_itab_edids40. t_itab_edids40-docnum t_itab_edids40-status t_itab_edids40-repid t_itab_edids40-tabnam t_itab_edids40-mandt t_itab_edids40-stamqu t_itab_edids40-stamid t_itab_edids40-stamno
= = = = = = = =
t_docnum. '51'. sy-repid. 'EDI_DS'. sy-mandt. 'SAP'. 'B1'. '999'.
itab_edidc 1 2 3.
t_itab_edids40-stapa1 t_itab_edids40-stapa2 t_itab_edids40-logdat t_itab_edids40-logtim APPEND t_itab_edids40.
= = = =
'Sold to changed to '. t_new_kunnr. sy-datum. sy-uzeit.
CALL FUNCTION 'EDI_DOCUMENT_CLOSE_EDIT' EXPORTING document_number = t_docnum do_commit = 'X' do_update = 'X' write_all_status = 'X' TABLES status_records = t_itab_edids40 EXCEPTIONS idoc_not_open = 1 db_error = 2 OTHERS = 3.
Master data distribution using IDOCs Transaction codes
BD21 : Generate idocs from change pointers BD50 : Activate and deactivate change pointers for message type BD61 : Activate and deactivate change pointers generally BD64 : Distribution model
Step by Step example This example demonstrates how to distribute changes to the material master.
Sender system: C46 client 30 Receiver system: C46 client 200 Idoc message type: MATMAS
Activate change pointers If not done allready, activate change pointers generally (Transaction BD61) and for the message type ( Transaction BD50 )
ALE configuration in the sender system These step should be carried out in client 030 Create RFC destination Go to transaction SM59, select R/3 Connections create RFC destination that points to client 200:
Create port
Go to transaction WE21 and create port for client 200. The port should point to the RFC destination created above
Create partner profile Go to trsansaction WE20 and create partner profile C46CLNT200. Add outbound message type messsag type MATMAS:
Use receiver port Z000000002 and idoc basic type MATMAS03:
ALE configuration in the receiver system As in the sender system a RFC destination, port and partner profile should be created in the receiver system cielnt 200. In the partner profile add message type MATMAS:
Set up distribution model In client C30 set up distribution model to distribute MATMAS idocs to client 200 Go to trsnaction BD64 Create model view My Test Press the Add message type button and fill out the dialog box:
Your model should now look like this:
Testing the data distrbution
In the sender system client 030 go to trsnaction MM02 and change a material In sender system client 030 Go to transaction BD21 and select message type MATMAS and execute the program In the sender system client 030 go to transaction WE02 and check that an outbound idoc of basis type MATMAS03 and message type MATMAS has been sent without errors In the receiver system client 200 go to transaction WE02 and check that an inbound idoc of basis type MATMAS03 and message type MATMAS has been received without errors In the receiver system client 200 go to transaction MM02 and check that the material has been changed
How to create a function module for an IDOC 1. 2. 3. 4.
Create new function module BD51 ALE Attributes: Add an entry for the function module WE81 Message types: Create a new messagetype WE82 Idoc Type/Message: Create Entry to link the above defined message type with the IDOC 5. WE57 Message/Application object: Create entry for Functionmodule/IDOC type/Messagetype/Object 6. WE42 Inbound process code: Create a new code that refers to the function module 7. WE20 Partner profile: Define the message type in the partner profile
Distributing material master idoc using changepointers Note: To create material master idocs without the use change pointers execute transaction BD10 The step to distribute material master idocs to other systems using change pointers are:
Create logical system for the receiver system: BD54 Create distribution model: BD64 Activate change pointers for message type MATMAS: Transaction BD50 Add MATMAS message type to the Outbound parameters for the partner profile for the receiver system: WE20 After the a material has been changed - Creater idocs from change pointers: BD21
Program RBDMIDOC which generates idocs from changepointers, can be schedules to run automatically
Example of distribution model that distributes MATMAS from logical system C46CLNT30L to XDTCLNT500:
Inbound IDOC Development
Create Idoc segments (WE31) Create Idoc (WE30) Create message type (WE81) Assign Message type to Idoc type (WE82) Develop posting program. Configure the function to handle one or more idocs in the same call (BD51) Assign function module to Idoc and message type (WE57) Create inbound process code (WE42) Add message type to inbound parameters for partner (WE20)
Develop posting program The posting program is implemented as a function module that handles posting of the inbound idoc (For eaxmple by suing batch input). Naming convetion: ZIDOC_INPUT_ Posting programs have a standard interface for there input, output and table parameters (See example below). Note that IDoc status codes can be found in transaction WE47. Example of posting program: FUNCTION zidoc_input_zprocord . *"---------------------------------------------------------------------*"*"Local interface: *" IMPORTING *" VALUE(INPUT_METHOD) LIKE BDWFAP_PAR-INPUTMETHD *" VALUE(MASS_PROCESSING) LIKE BDWFAP_PAR-MASS_PROC *" EXPORTING *" VALUE(WORKFLOW_RESULT) LIKE BDWF_PARAM-RESULT *" VALUE(APPLICATION_VARIABLE) LIKE BDWF_PARAM-APPL_VAR *" VALUE(IN_UPDATE_TASK) LIKE BDWFAP_PAR-UPDATETASK
DATA: it_edidd TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF edidd, wa_z1procord LIKE z1procord, l_return TYPE string, * lt_return TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF string, l_subrc LIKE sy-subrc, l_posting_error(1) TYPE c, l_posting_ok(1) TYPE c.
in_update_task = ''. * Check if the function module is called correctly READ TABLE idoc_contrl INDEX 1. IF sy-subrc 0. EXIT. ELSEIF idoc_contrl-mestyp 'ZPROCORD'. RAISE wrong_function_called. ENDIF. *---------------------------------------------------------------------* Loop through all Idocs *---------------------------------------------------------------------LOOP AT idoc_contrl. *---------------------------------------------------------------------* Select segments belonging to the Idoc *---------------------------------------------------------------------REFRESH: it_edidd. LOOP AT idoc_data WHERE docnum = idoc_contrl-docnum. APPEND idoc_data TO it_edidd. ENDLOOP. *---------------------------------------------------------------------* Loop through the segments *---------------------------------------------------------------------REFRESH idoc_status. CLEAR: l_posting_error, l_posting_ok.
LOOP AT it_edidd INTO idoc_data.
CASE idoc_data-segnam. WHEN 'Z1PROCORD'. CLEAR wa_z1procord. wa_z1procord = idoc_data-sdata. CLEAR l_subrc. PERFORM call_transaction USING wa_z1procord CHANGING l_subrc l_return. IF l_subrc = 0. l_posting_ok = 'X'.
ELSE. l_posting_error = 'X'. APPEND l_return TO lt_return. ENDIF. ENDCASE. ENDLOOP.
*---------------------------------------------------------------------* Set Idoc status code *---------------------------------------------------------------------CLEAR idoc_status. idoc_status-docnum = idoc_contrl-docnum. IF l_posting_ok = 'X' AND l_posting_error IS INITIAL. * Application document posted idoc_status-status = '53'. ELSEIF l_posting_error = 'X' AND l_posting_ok IS INITIAL. * Error: Application document not posted idoc_status-status = '51'. idoc_status-msgty = 'E'. idoc_status-msgid = 'ZPP_SIMATIC_INTERFAC'. idoc_status-msgno = '11'. * idoc_status-msgv1 = l_return.
ELSEIF l_posting_ok = 'X' AND l_posting_error = 'X'. Application document not fully posted idoc_status-status = '52'. idoc_status-msgty = 'E'. idoc_status-msgid = 'ZPP_SIMATIC_INTERFAC'. idoc_status-msgno = '10'. idoc_status-msgv1 = l_return. ENDIF. APPEND idoc_status. ENDLOOP.
How to use a filter in a distribution model You need to do create a filter for plant in BD64 , You can proceed with following transactions to do so .............. Maintain object type for message type (BD59) Client independentThe ALE objects are used to create links between IDocs and applications objects, to control the serialisation, to filter messages in the customer model and to use listings. For our own message type and IDoc you must maintain object types for the links.
If you want to check the serialisation for the message type, then you must maintain object types for the serialisation. If no serialisation object has been maintained for a given message type, then the serialisation will not be checked for this message type.To add an object type to our message type, follow these next few steps:
Enter transaction BD59 (ALE -> Extensions -> ALE object maintenance -> Maintain object types)3 Type in your message type ZINVRV and press enter Click on New entries Enter your object type, LIFNR (We need to use the vendor as a filter object), the segment name where LIFNR resides, Z1INVRV, a number 1 for the sequence followed by the actual field name LIFNR Save and exit You have now created an object that we’ll use as a filter object in the customer model to direct the flow of messages to the various logical systems based on the vendors in the filter of the message type ZINVRV.
We now need to add our new message type to the distribution model. Configuring the Distribution Model. This task is performed on your ALE reference client. Manual Configuration (BD64) Client dependent. To manually configure the customer
distribution model, read the ALE configuration procedure, and follow these steps:
Perform the Maintain customer distribution model directly function. (ALE -> Distribution customer model -> Maintain customer distribution model directly) Specify the customer model you want to maintain and the logical system that is to be the sender of the messages OR create a new model. (Create model ALE with logical system ALELS1C400) Choose the receiving systems to which the sending system must forward message type ZINVRV to. For each receiving logical system allocate the message type necessary for communication to the receiving systems as per ALE configuration procedure. Create filter objects (in our case LIFNR as the object type with the associated vendor number, 0000018001 with leading zeros, in the object area) for the message types. Save the entries.
Miscellanous Tips part 1
How to debug an outbound IDOC Usefull function modules Usefull standard programs Usefull tables
How to debug an outbound IDOC
Set the appropriate breakpoins Go to the tramnsaction from which ypoy generate the IDOC (E.g. ME22 or VL02) Go to the messages for the document you select ( In ME22 use menu Header>Messages). In other transactioncodes the mneu for messages may be palced somewhere else. In the Output window choose an existing message and press Repeat output (Or create a new message) Select menu Further data and change the dspatch time to 1 Send with periodically scheduled job Submit pogram RSNAT00. In the selection screen choose transmission medium 6 EDI and enter any further selection criterias Enter debug mode ( Type /H in the command line) Execute RSNAT00
Usefull function modules By Kevin Wilson - From
Returns a list of all Basis types (IDoc types), Extensions (IDoc types) and all messages related with their respective IDoc types.
since release 4.0B, Hotpackage 48
Reads all IDoc types assigned to a message type (logical message).
since release 4.0B, Hotpackge 42
Reads the structure and attributes (segments), as well as the segment attributes (fields and fixed values), for an IDoc type. In this case, the version of the record types and segments must be sent to the function module.
since release 4.0B, Hotpackge 42
Reads the structure and attributes for a segment. In this case, the version of the record types and the release for the segments must be sent to the function module.
since release 4.0B, Hotpackge 42
Reads the structure of the record types for the specified version.
since release 4.0B, Hotpackge 42
Usefull standard programs
Processes messages that has not bees sendt (processing immediate) Program, som kaldes fra Output Message Control ved "udskrift" af ordrer m.v. Indeholder 2 entry points: EDI_PROCESSING og ALE_PROCESSING. Herfra kaldes det function module, som er tildelt via partner profilen og process koden. Generates IDOC's from change pointers (You can also use transaction BD21) Processes outbound IDOC's with status 30, ( IDOC's mass processing) Processes inbound IDOC's. Check if partner profiler is valid
Use program RSNAST00 to process the IDOCs
Usefull tables Table
Message Status
Miscellanous Tips part 2 Getting IDocs linked to Application documents Displaying and IDoc in a report Read IDoc from Database Creating and sending an IDoc ALE Inbound Pre-Processing
Getting IDocs linked to Application documents By Kevin Wilson - From REFRESH: t_roles. * VBRK = Invoice * LIKP = Delivery * BUS2032 = Sales Order * BUS2035 = Scheduling Agreement * objkey - Application document number appended with line if applicable t_object-objkey = itab_data-objky. t_object-objtype = 'VBRK'. CALL FUNCTION 'SREL_GET_NEXT_RELATIONS' EXPORTING object = t_object TABLES roles = t_roles EXCEPTIONS internal_error = 1 no_logsys = 2 OTHERS = 3.
LOOP AT t_roles WHERE objtype = 'IDOC'. t_idoc_docnum = t_roles-objkey. ENDLOOP.
Displaying and IDoc in a report By Kevin Wilson - From
AT LINE-SELECTION. GET CURSOR FIELD field_name. CASE field_name. WHEN 'ITAB_DATA-DOCNUM'. "IDoc number CALL FUNCTION 'EDI_DOCUMENT_DATA_DISPLAY' EXPORTING docnum = itab_data2-docnum EXCEPTIONS no_data_record_found = 1 OTHERS = 2.
Read IDoc from Database By Kevin Wilson - From *** Read the IDoc detail from the database CALL FUNCTION 'IDOC_READ_COMPLETELY' EXPORTING document_number = p_docnum IMPORTING idoc_control = s_edidc TABLES int_edidd = itab_edidd EXCEPTIONS document_not_exist = 1 document_number_invalid = 2 OTHERS = 3.
Creating and sending an IDoc By Kevin Wilson - From *** STEP 1 - Create IDoc internal table entries
*** STEP 2 - Call the function to distribute the IDoc CALL FUNCTION 'MASTER_IDOC_DISTRIBUTE' EXPORTING master_idoc_control obj_type TABLES communication_idoc_control master_idoc_data EXCEPTIONS
= s_edidc = 'BUS2032' = itab_edidc = itab_edidd
error_in_idoc_control error_writing_idoc_status error_in_idoc_data sending_logical_system_unknown OTHERS
= = = = =
1 2 3 4 5.
*** STEP 3 - Update IDoc status - If you wish to send additional status messag REFRESH: itab_edids. itab_edids-status itab_edids-msgty itab_edids-msgid itab_edids-msgno itab_edids-msgv1 itab_edids-msgv2
= = = = = =
c_idoc_status_ok. c_info_msg. c_msgid. c_msgno. itab_edidc-docnum. s_edidc-sndprn.
*** Call the function to update the ORDCHG IDoc status CALL FUNCTION 'IDOC_STATUS_WRITE_TO_DATABASE' EXPORTING idoc_number = s_edidc-docnum TABLES idoc_status = itab_edids EXCEPTIONS idoc_foreign_lock = 1 idoc_not_found = 2 idoc_status_records_empty = 3 idoc_status_invalid = 4 db_error = 5 OTHERS = 6.
ALE Inbound Pre-Processing By Kevin Wilson - From Sometimes it's necessary to change an Idoc before it is processed. One way to is to call a function module that updates the IDoc tables before calling the a Note that the function module below can be replaced with EDI_DATA_INCOMING if method to load IDocs to SAP.
FUNCTION Z_IDOC_INBOUND_ASYNCHRONOUS. *"---------------------------------------------------------------------*"*"Local interface: *" TABLES *" IDOC_CONTROL_REC_40 STRUCTURE EDI_DC40 *" IDOC_DATA_REC_40 STRUCTURE EDI_DD40 *"----------------------------------------------------------------------
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