IDOCs Configurations

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IDOCs Configurations....


Learn SAP — IDOC Configuration If you want to know the IDOC basic (create , execute and seect the ist! then Click Here" In this #ost et us see how to configure a new IDOC $essage ty#e in the SAP syste$" %he &ain SAP %ransaction for IDOC #rocessing is 'DI" AS soon as you go there you wi see a the t)code associated with the IDOC wi a##ear" %his contains a the IDOC t) codes fro$ creating to #rocessing to configuration" configuration" *ere we are going to ook in to a business case and see how we can configure the IDOC and how to #rocess the IDOC" 'e ha+e a %ext fie co$ing fro$ fro$ a rd #arty with custo$er first na$e, ast na$e and Age" 'e need to create a new $essage ty#e and store this infor$ation as idoc" Once we recei+ed this IDOC we need to #rocess the data and oad this data to a tabe(rea ife we ca a SAP -API or sa# function $odue nor$ay -P create!" %he text fie for$at is as foows .irst na$e char(/0!, ast na$e char(/0! and age nu$ber (!" A of the foowing things are trans#ortabe" Sa+e the trans#orts" 1ou can $o+e the sa$e config and the data fro$ one syste$ to another using this trans#ort" Create and/or Configure New IDOC segments:

%)Code is '2" Create a new Seg$ent ty#e 3%S%4C5S%" See the foowing screen shot"

Cick create and see the foowing screen shot" 6ow the Seg$ent is created we are ready to create Idoc ty#es and &essage ty#e" Create and7or Configure 6ew IDOC ty#es8 %)Code is '2" Create a new IDOC type ZTET!IDOC!T"#E$

Cick create that wi take you to the next screen" see the screen shot"

Cick on the create seg$ent" A #o#)u# wi dis#ay" See the foowing screen shot" Seect the created seg$ent ty#e and cick continue"

 6ow cick sa+e and sa+e the IDOC ty#e" 6ow we ha+e a IDOC structure that can ha+e the first,ast na$e and the age"6ow et us go to the $essage ty#e"

Create and/or Configure New %essage types:

%)Code is '92" :o to the screen cick on edit7change and add new entries and add a new $essage ty#e 3%S%4&S4%1P" See the foowing screen shot"

 6ow the new $essage ty#e is created" Configure t&e New %essage type and t&e New IDOC Type:

 %)Code is '9/"  6ow connect the &essage ty#e and the IDOC ty#e" :o to the screen cick on edit7change and add new entries and add the 3%S%4&S4%1P ,3%S%4IDOC4%1P and +ersion as ;?" Add the new function $odue to this $essage ty#e so that when e+er we get a new IDOC data then the SAP wi ca this function $odue where we need to #ut the code in for what e+er #rocess we need to do"(usuay decode the idoc and +aidate the data and #ost the data in the syste$!" :o in to this transaction and go to change $ode and add new entries" See the foowing screen shots"

In the new entry screen add the function $odue that you want to execute for this IDOC data" See the foowing screen shot"

 6ow setu# the Inbound #rocessing code" It is in ';/" :o to -D>2 and add your function $odue" go to ';/ and add your in#ut #rocessing code" See the foowing screen shot"

 6ow go to the Partner function and add this IDOC" So that for the sa$e data ty#e we can contro what function we need to do if that co$es fro$ different #artners"

Create and/or Configure #artner #rofile:

%)Code is '/0" :o to this transaction and setu# this &essage ty#e to the #artner that are sending the data to the SAP syste$" Our $essage is inbound so add this to the inbound #ara$eters" See the foowing screen shot"

*o#e this he#s" Let $e know if you ha+e any @uestions"

-eginners :uide to AL and IDOC Processing

AL (A##ication Link nabing! su##orts the construction and o#eration of distributed a##ications" AL handes the exchange of business $essages across oosey cou#ed SAP a##ications, ensuring that data is consistent" A##ications are integrated by using synchronous and asynchronous co$$unication, rather than through a centra database"

*&at is '+E, AL is SAP #ro#rietary technoogy that enabes co$$unication of data between two or $ore SAP 7 and7or 7 and externa syste$s" AL #ro+ides inteigent $echanis$s which cients can achie+e integration and distribution of a##ications and data" AL technoogy faciitates ra#id a##ication  #rototy#ing and a##ication interface de+eo#$ent, thus reducing deays in i$#e$entation" AL co$es with a##ication distribution and integration scenarios, and a set of toos,  #rogra$s, data definitions, and $ethods that you can easiy configure to get an interface u# and running"

'd-antages of '+E AL offers better #erfor$ance interface entrants co$#ared to traditiona techni@ues such as data sets (-DC! or ca transactions" AL does not use in#ut screen on the ot" AL is the strategy architecture of  7  Boose cou#ing with the egacy and third)#arty a##ications and is a key ee$ent of the -usiness .ra$ework" It #ro+ides an architecture  based on asynchronous $essage to the integration of -usiness .ra$ework, incuding -usiness Co$#onents, -usiness Obects and -APIs"

Components of '+E • • • • • • • • • •

Legacy Syste$ &essage ty#e IDOC ty#e Custo$er Distribution &ode .iter obect ty#e and fiter obects Change #ointers Ports Process codes Partner #rofie &essage Contro

T&e %ain teps in t&e Design of '+E %he Distribution &ode is a distribution too that stores infor$ation about the fow of $essages between different syste$s" A fiter obect ty#e is used in the distribution $ode of the custo$er to i$#ose a seection criterion on the $essage (ty#e! arising fro$ the ogic of the syste$" A fiter obect ty#e with a +aue associated with it is caed a fiter obect Change #ointers SAP 7 obects that $ark changes in SAP data" Change #ointers are $anaged by sharing $echanis$s in a &aster Data and changes are based on docu$ents (CD! obects" CD obects record the changes to $aster data at a fied e+e" %hese changes are recorded in %abes CD*D (header tabe! and CDPOS (detai tabe!"

%aintain O()ect 'ttri(utes A #ort is a ogica re#resentation of a co$$unication channe in SAP" %here are four ty#es of #orts that can be defined in  7 8 t.C, fie  7 /, and the Internet" Process codes are used in the AL and DI to identify the function $odue or the API" Code of each #rocess is associated with a $essage ty#e" Outbound #rocess codes are stored in the tabe %D2 whie entering codes are stored in #rocess %D/" 5se transaction ';2 to dis#ay outgoing codes and #rocess ';/ to dis#ay the codes" &essage contro is a $echanis$ by which the docu$ents are out#ut based on certain seection criteria, re@uire$ents, and se@uences" &essage contro d eter$ines the ty#e of docu$ent, date, nu$ber and the $ediu$ (#a#er, fax, AL or DI!"

#artner #rofile is an identifier for a syste$ used for co$$unicating $essages" %here are four ty#es of  #artner #rofies8 E5 for Custo$er, LI for =endor, - for -ank, and LS for Logica Syste$" E5, LI, and - are used for DI #artners, whie LS is used for AL co$$unications"

IDOC Definition An inter$ediate docu$ent (IDOC! is a container for distributing 7 a##ication data a$ong between 7, 7/ and non)SAP syste$s" AL uses IDocs to exchange data between ogica syste$s" 6on)SAP syste$s can use these IDocs" In the standard interface for data transfer, IDocs are created by $essage ty#es and ðods when data is to be distributed" %he ty#e of $essage is the for$at in which data for a business #rocess is trans$itted eectronicay" %ore info a(out t&e IDOC

An IDoc re#resents a configuration of an Idoc %y#e that deter$ines the IDoc structure" An IDoc consists of a header, se+era data seg$ents and status records" %he functions of the indi+idua ee$ents of an IDoc are as foows8 %he contents, structure, sender, recei+er and current status of the IDoc are defined in the IDoc header" ach data seg$ent contains a standard header consisting of a se@uentia seg$ent nu$ber, a descri#tion of the seg$ent ty#e and a 2000 character ong string fied containing the actua data of the seg$ent" %he status records show the history of the #rocessing ste#s a##ied to the IDoc"

How to c&eck t&e status of IDOC, In t&e sending ystem

%ransaction Code for IDoc ist is 8 '0> A ist of IDocs grou#ed by status is dis#ayed8 tatus 0, 2/, 9 ) IDoc successfuy transferred 0/, 0;, 0>, />,/ A ist of IDocs grou#ed by status is dis#ayed8 tatus

> ) IDoc successfuy u#dated F 8 %o stabish .C Connection" -D ste#s8 2" Design and de+eo# the custo$ IDoc with it s seg$ents and a new $essage ty#e /" Configure the AL en+iron$ent with the new IDoc and $essage ty#e (custo$er $ode,  #artner #rofies and inking IDoc to $essage ty#e! " De+eo# the outbound #rocess which does the foowing8 2" Po#uates the custo$ IDoc with contro info and functiona data /" Sends the IDoc to the AL ayer for distribution " 5#dates status and handes errors ;" Configure the AL inbound side (#artner #rofies with inbound #rocess code! >" De+eo# the inbound #rocess which does the foowing8 2" eads the IDoc into a -DC tabeJ seects other data that is re@uired /" uns transaction using ca transaction or -DC session " 5#dates status and handes errors =iew7Downoad the Co$#ete :uide on AL Configuration and De+eo#$ent"

Let start earning IDOC" IDOC is new to $e as we" I earned it when I was in one of the  #roect" It was great that I ha+e the o##ortunity to earn new stuff" -ack to the #ointG et start what you need to do with IDOC" 2! Create seg$ent ('2! Of course it wi ha+e na$ing con+ention for different co$#any" *ere are so$e ti#s8 If you co#y fro$ existing or std seg$ent eg8 322DP02402" If not you can ust #ut 32G"but this is ony the exa$#e" /! Create IDOC %y#es ('0! ! Create $essage ty#e ('92! ;! Link $essage ty#e with basic ty#e ('9/!

>! Create .& In the .& a the attributes shoud be the sa$e for Inbound or Outbound" -asicay you can get an exa$#e fro$ the std .& eg8 Inbound H IDOC!IN#T!DE+0." Outbound H IDOC!OT#T!H#%NT " ith
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