Id Vol.01

November 14, 2016 | Author: Gerald Oaks | Category: N/A
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[Update] -1 Light in all directions hoeohrichinda several. Even the body weight did not fe el at all. And suddenly my arm rings chayeoitdeon balhadeoni light enveloped my entire bo dy. And all of a sudden, brush my hair, there were several passes. What? And more and more blurred consciousness goes. Smart ....... The droplets dripping sounds. Seen as the sound seemed to cave. "Ooh ...My head ......This " Open my eyes and looking around was darkened caves. Where am I? "I remember at least one thing was missing, where are we in ' First, I am looking around where the vast high ceiling seemed to cave. And ins ide the Was only one way to get into. "What, this cave was not anywhere in midfield" I heard a sense of absurd. All those, and I light a cave ..... "Oh, I dream Let? Oh Geez ...Kamehameha " Pinch the ball really hurt. I can not believe I do not think. If you know how absurd these getneunga? And if you do not understand Yo grab h is large . And what the body is normal or not examined. Did not notice anything unusual. I was wearing the arms of the ring do not have that problem, except jyeotdaneu n said. "Let's go where it's only one way to do this if the ' Cave was a real great extent. It will be brighter rather than dark and mysteri ous. Hangs on the wall says it is a small sphere. "It's unbelievable how something like that ..... This cave is pretty long conv ersation, anyway ...." I walked quite. How much walking do not know what you do. Cave beoryeot'm a se nse of time gone Is based. After walking for so long, I could see the end of the cave. However, rather than out there seemed to be Plus, the more sinister .... "The breath of the huge animals, I think ...What the ... " I have to drink for light at the end of the cave to kill the footsteps looked at the light-filled place. And I have seen .... "I mean, I .... Oh, I never even met the monster book, What ' I once again looked at in detail what I saw. It is itself a giant golden phosp horescent Was. I look to see that side could not even see her. Long neck, golden wings, a long The tail may have guessed that all four days foot. And he was the head depends o n the horns. And daughters Close your eyes and breathe to the seats were chosen. And that guy's face was placed in front of a small consideration. And that str ange daewien Lay the sword. 'Oh, I never even met a black monster that addition, the hell, this is where I live Oh midfield two Banging? Where in the hell did I ?....' I think this and that, strange geomyirado hadaga first I just wanted him to co nclude naeryeot . Even a monster like that so he would have to rebel deombideorado Duh. No matte r what the sword Although there are ....

'I would not wake him. Dapgongneungheoda not hear you the best. ' I do not touch the ground and feet in the air for light sword dagagatda chamye o. And that sword vs. Naeryeoseotda above. You came towards the end of the handle that black sword to chop a strange statement increasingly expanded Handle engraved with the amount of white and red remained a geomjip. And it's mo re than geoteneun This one was stuck in a light beating jewelry. I'm looking at the sword back so strange it felt strange eyes. "No way You did not shit ....' I think their hands back, looked ominous. With two shining eyes and golden Stumbled. It is not the same monster calm and serenity, and wisdom and strength in her eyes contained such record. He found that for a while, looked at each other. And I was a crazy experience. Say is that it is a monster. "You came in here is how?" "Say ......." "I'm asking is do not hear? How did you get here you? " 'Stay calm. This is a different place, not midfield. First, remain calm and .. ...' I am looking into the face of the guy said. This experience is very rare. Um...Hmm ... I referred to that one .... Yecheon. And I do not know what that is here. " "No way you would not say that I am Pusan. ' I think when I asked him again. Um...Does not look like a dummy yecheonhwa name? It contains the name of this one anywhere in the continental Eopgeoneul two. " "In a continent where there's nothing I've heard What's going on here." Pusan inscribed started. Let's get an attitude ..... "It is located at the end of the continent where geurensen I do not know how w ell that name." I hear this guy's description was a feeling meonghaeji. 'Geurensen ... You've never heard of such thing. ... .Geurensen ... But I can not ... That's right lady just Even when the story ....' something odd seats eotneunde As I look bemused stare seoitja the moment he asked me such a day. "If you do not have people around here can not speak of here?" For a sharp question. Monster smart. "I do not know. I know how to write these words .... The original was just lik e I did the malgat Analysis on each division is as follows. I'm so confused he want me to say less naebaetja said. "Awake" Then suddenly the feeling of being clean in the head was a mess seureopdeon. "Now, okay?" "Yes,'ve been clear in the head ... Are you one? " "Yes, it is magic predicate magic you do not know?" I have questions for him shook his head. I've heard no such thing. And again, If I record. "I have not heard my name and said something similar?" My question to the guy that big, so unlike nodded. "People here do not think that's what you came here?" "I do not know. It fell in the mountains was a strange light. It's a cave, but then I woke up Therefore, the cave where I found out I've looked. " "Well, I do not know, but in my opinion cheonhwa, I think you passed the dimen

sion ...." What do you .... "Dimension to what? What do you mean? " "Difficult to explain to you in a short period of time. In short, God creates the world that four different Block wall built between this place is Iran atgo The wall dimensions. " "Then again, more than the wall way?" "Do not know. In the wall can not exceed the Creator and the light source and the source of darkness is the only one. That Dragon God and the non-dimensional load can not exceed the wall ....Or maybe you do not know the neom Way to move on again if you're here, uh ... " I was embarrassed at the end. What the hell ..... He will remind you of the cr eation's not a joke ahnilkka myeongsaek Ha is the Creator placed the sword on the track, I do not feel like crying aband oned. He then quietly Day into the camera. Surprisingly good, do you even know feel like I could use it fi rst, and he asked . "And you What are you doing here? Before that name? " "Heh, Dragon in front of you as a human being is so imposing. Yes, my name is this drone. " "Yes, this drone? It's a strange name. So what are you waiting for you here? " And he said, pointing a sword at my side. "I have to keep the sword. And said more than 10,000 years. " "Ha - these things do what? And you mean neomeotdan age 10,000 years old? " "But I do not know the exact number of groups. For thousand years would be rou ghly 10,005. " "Boost me .... must beHow? " "I do not need. The first is what it is. " Feel sorry for one. What are you going to keep doing it for ten thousand years I do not know what the hell is. I second the sword Had to catch a look at those things. And hurry me Just like that, then dried dro nes. "It will And life in the sword. Touched by their non-owners do not qualify for the Master 's party time When picking a hand to those who diminish. " Geomyigun great. Who ever made this thing? ...No. Who is this Master? ...No. This question is even if it's not. And since I do not have the owner will be gua rding you. " The guy to my question breath began to speak. .... Quite ssatyeoteotnabwa [Update] -2 "It's the name Lamia. If you're growing up created several dragon's head was f irst listed all of each Dragon King of incurring high and light and dark ... Originally started off as a joke, I was almost. Choi Because the weapon is created intentionally missed. Dragon King of the gods, so each buchugyeotji and dignitaries. And The best of their abilities and power that contains all depends on the strength of the metal and the best of God with the metal Eclipse did pour. And the handle part of my Dragon Heart and Dragon bones using the Geomjip created by the King of the Red Dragon made of leather. I have little in thousands Closest to the time invested will be made. Argyll and Ramiro were completed that day I catch it haeteu

And it was denied. Forcibly seize power, but its difficult to deal with the past is now narosseodo Was. Oh, so Lamy took part in the production of high-Lamy They, too, for it neom gyeoteuna Ahege was denied. Entered when you created all of our high power is not comparab le with, rather Exert a force that even the gods because it could not become the owner of Oh Lam y. Perhaps this is the master of Which can be a source of light and darkness, as the Creator and will be. Oh, so you unavoidably Lamy It was sealed on. I do not mind, because that power rests, however, by doing thi ngs it here Is guarded. Maybe now I remember me and that it would be so high. That Dragon King et taenikka already the end of its useful life. " Saying that a guy threw hollow eyes. I heard him describe the sword again examined in detail. "Is it that good?" Here are unsure about the value of my two Lamy Oh, how will I know the sword j ust as faithful That's why you're great you're made ... [...Dear @ @ @, Invade the sword seemed to me when you hear what was The sword, and I stop loo king at him Stretched hand. Deutdo side, but I do not know what I hear. He knows the risk and obviously touched, but the body is not a problem other t han mental well-shaped hands in Take it grasped the handle of the. Then the sudden sight of a beautiful woman, they're confused jimyeo A voice rang in my head. [Or Lamia I've met them here to be my master, he will bear the seal of promise . You Him to be my master. Would you like to be together forever with me?] 'What is ...What ......' [With me forever, will you?] Was asking the same question. "What I think it is ... not good for me? ' Absolute can not harm thee. Do you want to with me for eternity?] Voice is really pretty. .... "What you do not, ' [Eternal promise was made. I do not think you would go ahead and dig the Creat or will appeal. Ramiro I Huh? Eternity next to you ... Will be with you forever.] And again, bright eyes and warm smile jimyeo built in front of one of watching a woman looks I read the expression. I wander the world like a faint again, just the body caused charimyeo spirit. You have a lotus, and then wake up with this? Middle-aged man standing in front of me was. Deutdo who tender impression see med a majestic containing Said. "I happened to tell them what happened, how you want me together" Attention just before the sound Yeah, this drone was I speaking with? "I do not need to nolrahal. Is magic. Polymorph named ... " I look at him a moment the feeling that something is in my hands down my hand and everything looked into. Then that sword in my hand, dear Lamy was heard. It almost did not feel the we ight. I'm in front So in this drone asked. "What's wrong with it ...."

"That I want to ask! We've got it down you are suddenly ppumeumyeo light. Know what happened Is not it? No way it's been recognized you? " "I do not know suddenly I heard a woman's voice speaking to me myself and if t hey will be together forever As long as it does not harm a woman then told him to see and what did you lose c onsciousness. " Yeah, she thought for a moment and then he drones. Said looking at me. "Is it finally going to locate the owner? I shall end my suffering is what we need. " "Master? Hey, He had two masters of the sword and then I mean? " Yeah, she nodded drones. "Now that you're the owner of the sword will be put in hand to the throne of t he Absolute." "Hey! I do not want to do that. " "That's it you do not care with how to use its power to do it got. 16,000 year s ago. Of your body Finally, beyond the sword was kept gyereul to rest, I suppose. " Hey! What do you mean that? Dying are you talking about? " It's true. 10,000 years I'm usually the life of the Dragon Dragon is loaded mo re like some 5,000 years of life Over or whether it has already exceeded a thousand. Now the body will rest. " It's very special! How do I. I know from here .... Neoppuninde got to be the D ragon ......Im supposed to do E. He looked at me, smiled for a moment. "I do not do this because of me some magic and technology to the Dragon would have been disconnected. Yes Eora teach it " "What are you talking about you endlessly mitdo" "I give you everything I'll pass. Up to my certification. If those things for you, like me. Will. You are now of such a Dragon Dragon will teach some of the load to find. Won Reply to this favor to anybody, but ... " "Yeah, Got, was that I would not know the author go with route guidance even i f you have to leave Do not they know anything about this that I have nothing ... " "That's nothing to worry about. That's all I know is, as mentioned earlier, yo u would go beyond . To be their own selves, but it will need a little bit. And it's inconvenient I do not know about may only be the same, too, you can only get this magazine 7 is already two thousand years neom Do eoga back 7,000 years but one day before. Now, you're ready Haha funny to thi nk It's the sword of God dragon's intelligence and ability as a human ... Hopefully you can be a senior sinkkaji Itgetda. " YeeshWho is that guy kidding - small orders oewotda saw me laughing. My everything to you ... I'll buy you back into. Suddenly he balhaetda bright light. And trembling in my palm was reported. [Master of Magic is the power transition. Are you sure you want to defend?] I heard a voice in the light voice, but defense ..... "No. Do not defend it's not an attack. Okay? " I understand. [Update] -3 Then I fainted as soon as the light of my body Betrayed deopchigo.

Now you would think is too much, but I fainted. The original body is weak, I d o not do this .... I woke up from sleep naturally kkaedeut. Was still full of bright lights around. But yeah this drone was not even a cor pse. "Predicate is absolute magic? His memory, as well as the body's ability to tra nsfer me to the body, even sikyeoseo Will not. It's unbelievable the way this guy fuck her mana making chain to Drago n Heart And no one will give me? What do you want me to say fuck it " Heart of the dragon jinjjada amount of mana when you can not believe I used th e magic kingdom is a funny, . Although ....... Plus, I said, for the sword. The crazy bastard is gonna look at the south not to watch. Was what about? "Energy does not mean that you earlier?" Hear again the voice came into my head. Yes. Master] Um... Oh, he told me the name of Ramiro? " Yes... Yes. Master] "Do not do that sir. Just call me cheonhwa " [......Yes cheonhwanim] Ha it would not? But first, let's get out of here? "Lamia know how to get out of here!" [No way. Place outside and not through. If Ford is a telephone.] Teleportation Is it dry, but ...... "Yeah, that's not gonna have the memories of this drone should go, they do not fully understand the full two I'm gonna have to hurt for some time. How Can I? " I understand. So what do you want a telephone pod location?] "What do I have to close?" [Chanhwanim pyeolchiget in front of the room was in the video. Image Trap Then a picture came up in front of me. Then I like to actually see the picture was rather . Small size's just really like it. "Well, I mean, we mean what we are the red dot ...." I appeared in the center of the picture and pointed to the center of the mount ain. And he points to the woods in front of And shut down. "Well, let's go in here. A short walk to the town where it's coming soon. Well that's good. " I understand. Then move to a fixed point.] Large stretches around a large mountain in the woods, someone popped up. Momma ena be seen as the face 17 to 18-year-old looks. And the blue .....No, it was rather close to a boy. The boy's waist, the red Geomjip wrapped in tune As you fall colors shine like a normal little longer tha n Bastard Sword is a sword hanging record. The handle is white, but a blade cover geomjip in their visible appearan ce Do And boy, dressed in clothes you can not see a place that Aru was off. "The trees here Tuesday to midfield, great ... more ... Looks lush forests. " The boy was immediately cheonhwa. Oh, he's using it to move here was the Lamy. He looked a moment the woods. In midfield, the mountains, but I can not see th e forest because of large few small injuries. "Is suffering then why was I did not know where these places to find the gods

dare ..... That the town Side were you there? ' "From first destination would jeonghaeya eopeuni not blindly carry .... God's supposed to look ...... True Makmakhada I could think of. How do I find God ..... " Um...So let's go from the temple to find God somehow'll look at the temple. " I pay the conclusion of the sidewalk, walking cheonhwa suddenly exploded 10 me ters away where Abandoned. Destructive and followed strange .... "Kkeuek ..." "...Peeeee-ewy " "Look at this. Ilan teoteurimyeon so close ... What the hell is going on here? " Suspected to be young, middle-aged man's voice is followed by the voice of "So how does one make a long spell brig. And how much Skip to drop him for You should have hurt people I do not think so, and that would spoil all. " This time, the woman's voice seems to blaming him. "However, once the Remain careful. This time, so was this close " Yet the voice has been increasingly closer to me. And you hear it around in fr ont of five Persons came out and walked. Tigyeokdaeneun together at a distance of four perso ns and a little girl ....... "So's the longest ears. Is not human? So while I search for memories of this d rone .....Elf answers that Also the high elves. Elf is rare .... (Jakgaju: This man is a hero not the absol ute machine . And elpeuin sense I intend here is that appearance does not belong to the Davo s What do you Your ^^;;)' Arguing that they all stick to the middle of an armor-clad and leather looks y oung as 10. And also the girl the same age. Dwarf and unusual. Here the dwarf says. He jeilk eun Motsoriro were clamoring. The first thing you have discovered and cheonhwa yeoksina Elf But do not come talk to him. Station When do I need a High Elf dapdago? By then the girl is conscious cheonhwa know t he people around the person Is gone. Um... Here is someone who did not know if you're anywhere. Did not surprised b y the explosion of earlier photographs. " Gajukje armor, approached a young man wearing a long sword ohmyeo first had to say. Him cheonhwa The answer was staring once more. "No thanks." "I'm glad that right. I said to him. And here must haelyirago . My friend. Ilan here. And here's a friend of Ilan line, Delph is a Dwarf. And F Based two elves and monsters in the woods, because if you choose to accompany th e minutes. What is the name of a point, or that Was. Where is he like? Although never seen clothes. " He named him to do so, did not even ask me what is cheonhwa I bet it tells you in smooth water. And he's wearing clothes say cheonhwa wearing otyieotda in midfield. It juyakbin g I gave them two pretty clothes that suit was considerable curiosity. Deda haneul georineun Seemed to be quite tender. 'But their names to hear your name called cheonhwa the original name, not my c ar. Be too Tulle

Rather, I think correctly pronounce or do? ' "Oh, my name ..... Upgrades are This dress I am wearing clothes torn by the wi nd on the way how the nine As will be. " Yideuran name will come up on the fly cheonhwa. Yeah, exactly on borrowing th e name of this drone Was a one. "But this alone in the woods turned out to be quite dangerous teonde" Delph line overlooking the dwarves a voice deonjideut cheonhwa said. I have never seen him before thought he was very Cheonhwa across strange clothes and seemed to dwarf unlike the boundaries a bit.

[Update] -4 "Risk Summer's over? What's that, sir? " Where the affairs of the line at the end of Delph black cheonhwa do not know t he back asked. Ilan and his question of the freed people. "So a lot of this forest creatures is exceptionally Zion. Skills over here wh en I Who have several close together. Nd not know about this forest, but there? " In calming their people skills says, boy You show me. Nice to have you speak s uch good horse. "No, I did not know. I am far away from here because you have come to see you in a small town where Is I called and I do not know the rumors of the forest. " Cheonhwa instant lie seemed to be listening to all of them, that's probably it . Haelyiraneun girl said to me this time. Looks quite pretty. "Then this shall come with us until you leave the woods." "Oh, well, I hope. Let's go with us. " So at the end of haelui encouraged me, as Ido. This is good news for cheonhwa was saying. This is because no matter where in the jirina. "I'm good. Yireonjeoreon say that I do not know they can break it .....Oh, of course, the image trap Lamy What, you'll know what to write ' Cheonhwa as they walk slowly, with no upgrade asked them: (From now on, the na me of yideuran Well done you.) "But where are you going gilipnikka You?" So this is the answer to his question was the. "So we ..... Is performed. As a priest to perform here in Irian haeleun that w ill spiral Haeleul will follow the spiral. Know quite how to use a sword to do it, and Ilan 'm gyeomhae If you are concerned about our people in line with Delph're not keeping up. " "Mmm, you're saying ....' In short, I came along haeleul He did not talk about me elpeuin sense. You met in the woods all about her I'm not sure Seemed flowing. "And now, the first temple are looking for. We were using two healing potions run out in the wind .... In Upgrade Hi Where are you going? " "That's good. And objectives are different, but that you also will find a shri ne. If you do not mind to accompany I'd like " This is the end of upgrade nobody was complaining. So pass the ...

"Where are you going, but He gilipnikka High Elf minutes?" She seemed genuinely surprised by the end of the upgrade. High Elves can not s ee out of the ordinary well situation. And wonder, too, the other party. "High Elves? So, the high amount of sense and El Frances are you talking about ? " She said to me quietly. "How did you know I'd high elves? I'm an ordinary man do not recognize! " Huh? I know this revelation'm a High Elf minutes. I know this is so. " "Here I lie, but it may be I'll get better. ' Listening to an upgrade of her look at him there and turned his head. Upgrade entirely believe the words of Was not noticed. "Not even I could not. High elves to find out where that is not possible to sa y we knew each . (Yeah, this drone results of the data.) "But what I'm looking for the temple?" (From here, an exercise horses. And the best young to the age of the upgrade. 19 years old and that haeleun Banking franchise is also the same age. Ilan was a 40-deuwopeuna elves take care of what hagetseup nayiya Do you?) Relating to the temple priest haelyi grunge thing had been asked to upgrade. "The shrine does not specifically looking for. If you find some of the highest -ranking temple each temple gutyi're looking for. Oh... Highest-ranking priests or. " At the end of this upgrade will have these kinds of questions. Simply answer they are looking for upgrades Little is known of those three gods, the temple is said to be because the shrine . Oh, yeah, this drone Plethora of data geomsaekgyeol. "So you think you might be what he is to find them?" "I am looking for the whereabouts of the people. And he asked them aII his lin en dagibodaneun And your sindeulkke're asking yourself. " In addition to her all she did not listen to me, seemed surprised. "People who are looking for an alternative to God sigilrae siryeo're asked dir ectly by the gods to ask that question. Dapha please? Besides, God to man directly to answer Could not happen once the e nd of the last 100 years School?" 'Do they account? And nothing but clean up after a long and able to hajamyeon the problem. " "I'm laughing, I did not really understand a secret" So most of the talking while fleeing a forest can arrive in the village with h er. Seulranyiraneun record. We stopped for a moment stood in front of the village the next day. We determi ned the destination, but a point or destination of the Is precisely because there is not. "Somehow, I think I'll have to say here with you." Upgrade to her asked. "Where are you going?" Looking to upgrade absurd to say she said laughing. "I will find the gold dragon's head. One thing that he's got something above h andoff. Thought maybe " The rest of the party at the end of the Dragon (Upgrade the jeoeda ^ ^) or wit h a quirky sense stared into the face . Chatahganda not say that the Dragon, as I can tell you that picnic .... Will "

well ......" Forced to say that the elves .... However, was good news for upgrade. One day to visit the Dragon Not need to see him because this is a good chance. "Ilrina. I have a little more like me, go with me. I'm not done with the Drago n John " Delph upgrade at the end of the line as a quirky heard stuck. "Look at this. What the hell you're gonna see the Dragon. I wanted to meet eas ily meet Did not mean being said. And they would encounter with the fight to the death, l ike you, so that Says it's not one that seemed to picnic. Especially you upgrade. Although there are some possibilities that the high elves How do you dragon and human, are you gonna take him? " "Oh, it's huge voice, once a big bear ....' "Look at this. The Dragon's Delf line is wise. So I'm gonna listen to me exten t. And that, I received a rather they'd be happy " "Oh, it's you, dude, I heard the buzz? The Dragon's solitary animals. Yes, you r words. For you fellas do not mess in their area of attack, as when you're through it, " '~ Voice heomhane large size.' "That's good eojjihadeun ago. What do you say, ilrina? Would you like to go aw ay with me? " Toward a point or a line of Delph said. "Hey, you elves Are you insane? What are you gonna do go to hell dragon, no ma tter how much you A hill tribe of forest elves, El Prado, even if it you that high self-esteem rel ative to a horse now you gon deuri I think give ....?" "I guess going to be okay do not worry. I get to the dragon race, which we Her facial expression was enough. So she's okay " Finish line of a point to talk to Delph and looked at the upgrade to the quest ion of upgrading said. "If you do not mind, I decided to upgrade the hajiyo" I definitely sense that you trust the upgrade, but not that he learn his highEl Frances Dragon is interested in finding the terminal. Fractional Seconds and twelve of h is or her enough to contend 're Busy with the move because the upgrade will be a view. They came up with the conclusion that in the temple headed by Kelvin. But tha t one hour from two trillion When the party had crossed the stop Fri. The reason was because they appeared in front of 20 in-house. Everyone holding a knife or an ax as a weapon, such as the strength seemed to seeing. Ilan said first horn. Why are you doing this? "Not going to ask you would not know? ...You have a huge amount of jewelry tha t you are replacing You know. If you willingly gave us ... I do not want to see blood " "Simply reducing the bulk is Give me the money would go in the hot. This is wh at we need. And then, of course, the answer Not simple. " What I'm saying here, you will need to talk. It does not have the money before Yeah, this drone upgrade in the caves of the bail money came out with fabulous j ewelry that I changed The jewelry house then ten billion shillings accept the premise of the mountain

came out. And the rumor spread in the neighborhood who do not like that the thieves will wait on the road. [Update] -5 "I can not do it I guess I do not. That way, but rather a disadvantage is that it? Our side, the Wizard Although there ...." Herbal Magic is ending things deombiryeogo without fear? Listen to this ..... "Thank you, we have to worry about us your devoted, but please do not worry, w e can tightly Two are alike. " Rongsodeureul Yet he was not holding a fist-sized ball from the back was to ha nd-studded bar. The first two looked at it, and Ilan investigated. "It ..... Hooked up to a permanent spell ......" "Do not you have to know I was this happened due to saving of the wizard coat sandwiched party could also ... Liquid? " Eoboni dispel magic up there said, " Listening to the guy's stomach dwiteulryeotda upgrade. "He's tone. .... More like neunggeulneunggeulhange andeuleo Make it .....' But it was only maeumil of upgrade. Upgrading of the skills you do not know (y ou yinyeoseokui also 'll Have the exact skills you do not know ^ ^) party was different. Ilan quietly whispered to party. "Watch out! That this is real that you can make Pell a disk around the binary, but continuous 20 minutes to an hour but that he could overpower us as persons ...." The sense I had heard said. "Pell yirajiman Wizard available only on disk to stop drinking, but the ordina nce does not matter. And that's mabeopryeokeu Pell disk only seen as a class are one of the six are: Do not know who made it a significant two neunjineun Created by "It's "No such thing ilrina do you feel? That's insane that I know of, but not the g rade 7 class my dear sister. " Do you know the amount you ilrina? " Yes... To some extent available, but .... And an unstable, yet the use of mana ..... Rather If you think you'll be okay jeongryeongsul side " Upgrade to divide opinion yireonjeoreon watching party recalled a simple idea. "Excuse me. In my opinion, that he'd be beat with a load. " Upgrade to the stirring words of Ilan said his head. "It's almost impossible to upgrade. First, if a bit closer now to defend other s will by this. Alone, it's a possible. What is the number of people move that fast? Ev en a bit closer Even in low loads, but not strong protector gyeolryeoitseupnida. If the file is tolerable Goega is impossible. " However, where it's only a matter of standards here. Upgrading does not matter who was at. Um...Really. Could it be for me .... but is allJenny reach the door fir st thing new law is simple Are not the problem I have is a masterpiece and then run fencing shall we? ' "Well, wait a minute. I do hate having gatchumyeon conditions are worries that

the ... " "But can not upgrade it lasts ...." So this says that the stirring heads. "Do not worry ... Well - you know where to look. ... " Future upgrade of the party walked out saying that, All of a sudden disappeare d. And all of a sudden, people were carrying loads of bandits appeared before. An d hanging on the back Download Don Ramiro Figueroa beat the bead portion is gone. And again appeared b efore the party. Lamia, too Seems it did not happen was hanging on his waist. Then his movements, except tha t one elpeuman I have not seen anyone. And also upgrade ilrina certainly did not see the movement of. And upgrades that you have returned to their original position in which nobody did not say. And moments People figure to load all meonghadeon flop and started up the spirit. Is a diffi cult and Here are all bandits went away. You can not really upgrade to the movement of he r eyes that scared . Maybe was also a clever bandit. Just because you like the other guys to the en d, the hadaga More than half of the die to get your mind says. And the bulk of their companions will vanish as soon as I followed two soedoha etda question. "Upgrade. How do you ...." You! It's about how it moves? " Also a question I asked the first person to use a sword and magic So this was a sign Ilan. Upgrading of these questions was the malsang dapharyeoni speechless. "How do you explain ...... hanyaWhoa.Dammit! Devise a moment to explain to upgrade makmakhan hadaga said. "It says ..... Unusual step of Law Mana (units) will use the proper combinatio n. " But his answer to the question was not very helpful to people with. And a lot of doubts weigh Ilan has to be first. "Upgrade ... What do you mean by that, I now looked pretty faces many ways you speak of knowledge Ever heard of such a word never seemed to go Plus, the magic of not knowing how bitter It's possible movement ...." "You do not believe this group Ha. What? I hope that's okay. ' Appearance of the righteous is completely safe and Pacific shares. Why humans ....... "Ilan ...Anyway, I'm in motion systematic and likely. Jung taught little doubt We may be able to hit. " However, you can teach an upgrade, too quick movement at the end of its first one that you need answered So this was one. "That's a good upgrade too .... me!What? Okay? " Please upgrade to the yes yes let's also upgrade the other party wanted to tea ch the Droid What has the countless consent. "This guy's mouth wensuji ... I mean, why take out ... It's rough to teach the se people a lot ......' 'S not ruined But what can I say ........ Is that a belated huhoein Maybe at lunch in the shade of the river because they eat lunch, heard the com ments of upgrade. And listening to the description of the upgrade of these two figures were part

icularly yeolsimhiin. Just like that, just as warriors was Delph deuwopeuin line. So write this is b ecause the sword is the line Delph Because their legs can not run faster by upgrading it was pretty fast move with complaints Let neunghadago is acclaimed. Um... First I'll tell you the principles of movement. And then the time to tea ch towards the deuri Joe. Huh? I do not know how long this is gonna take. Depending on individual's d ifferent. First would be to learn What is the motion that the initiative will footwork. And the flag, that's like mana, and. But this is What is And other similar viscosity than the viscosity of Mana's. Ilan two mana Tell me something I know much about Please. " "Come Mana is the energy and not spread evenly everywhere and it is a living o rganism It's also necessary, however, was still obvious that the definition of mana was naeryeojiji We also support the wizard, magic, and to use their mana geotppunyigeodeun some processing ... " Um... Did you know these guys up to? Ah, that's good too, I did not want to ex plain to know Yeah, this drone Say what could happen if he was close. .....' This guy with a vast knowledge of its own it did not recognize him. And now th e end of Ilan Yeah, she is listening to the drone's memory rather than a result of reviewing t he know now shown correctly record. What is total nonsense So these drones how dragons lived there for a lon g time ...... Ilan said this was his story machija upgrade. "Have you heard of. Strength that is prevalent in mana. On the other hand, but also it seems like mana, and creeping Geotyijyo other rather than act on it in the body mombak action comes on And the Using that geomgi (气) also spout the same planet. Geomgi, saying, okay? " "Yeah, I know that's of course, writing geomgi It's a dream .... Sword Master That is how Here, the Sword Master Arenas freaks Ely 3 .... I do not myeongbakeneunAlso thos e in other countries until today ... Mean that you know and ....What's that got to do with anything but " Just like that, I know so much about each of the tests were "I mean, the sword that geomgi machine's spout in your body, but that aura uny onghae How about if the use? " [Update] -6 Upgrading of these remarks to those gathered here, I've heard absurd. Upgrade to hear two of Ilan Asked. "Look, the bottom of the upgrade you can do that mean? For anything that's sim ilar to say that I did not even see it. It's almost impossible ... " Following the end of the sense and Ilan said. Elpeuin also upgrade her look a little bit weird horse record. Anyway little closer understanding of the behavior of the human pleasure in noneditable she said. "That's right. For upgrade I also did not see anything like that. Would you li

ke to explain " 'Ha, this magical thing will not know why either. While. To use real human geo mgi Yonghada have not. Geomgiya hagisa sword that is a long time to realize how much you can use FB-DIMM, but probably only if you are using. Tion would be heavily consumed .... ' (How do you think about this ^ ^; point hekkalripnida getting. The first is to write .... II'm sorry) "I, um ....Ha not know if you ever hear of you to walk told me during a blood ......." However, the upgrade of the companions guessed what is it with each other in t he eyes, around the bar, and then to upgrade Rabomyeo shook his head. Then, looking into the upgrading of the front two compa nions to be written and it was dark. Them To teach from blood spot ....... "I'm do not believe it. I'll find another way ..........' Upgrading the head down and fell in a quiet thought. Then, watching him fulfil l the 're-What is wrong with him Nha? 'Looked at each other in the eyes. And a point I looked closely at such a D roid. Um... So first let's hang of the footwork from ten thousand to write because i t is quite alone. And giunyong The .... Use the one that's going to ....' I was told to devote his head upgrade again. "Because I think about it. You'll want to detail the footwork at first taught murigo Then I'll teach you to hit next. First, let's go. " Party to be bound by the opinion of the upgrade and went at the end of folding seats. Ilan gamyeo ride two Asked to upgrade. "Upgrade your old age jeomeunde also did learn from those who know?" "People are not taught me anything special. Read a book almost no more. Uh... And that book. It is not something that is available from. " "It does not want to be found in the What do you mean?" "I'll tell you folks sticking ..... Make blow ?....' Drop Haha It is no secret.^~^;;" And when jeonyeokttaejjeum companions were able to stand for a small village. And there a Hold the dining room at the inn is not only after completing all gathered in the garden at the rear of inn. Upgrade to pick up the first foot naegong new law took over the tracks. Whenever he walked the earth deep footprints seemed miraculous they had seen a man. Upgrading to the new law all point to expand the footprint and then come back to McKnight Chuckles. "Well, I got the old tracks take place. I literally went to move in turn. Mayb e Val Hekkalrijin shape so I will not. " After awhile you need to upgrade once again had the same job. The first thing he did with the dozer Hebrews points short legs do not reach the line of Delph was because it had. So this time the line Delph ago Was created, one for. They are looking to upgrade to an interesting comedy seemed to see. In particu lar, a dull magic body Ilan four feet of the new law and twist it, and fall were the days that were. Ha k, but not If the students are well prepared saengyi, elpeuin sense and a flexible body and

the moves by fast Fri The room went cooked. After the new law so long companions ikhija upgrade all th e tracks of the footwork Abandoned and cleared. Upgrade to a party a few weeks so some footwork taught. However, people who le arn yeogan It was not that tough. And also had to keep moving quickly. In particular, the wizard, Ilan and deuwopeuin line Delph added. Sarah magical strength that each weak deIt was an issue wopeura short legs. Yet even chakhaetda Kelvin destination. Kelvin sense is one of Nasu's three major cities is a pretty big city. Here a re the wizards and priests quite Were many places. I accordingly had the school of magic, too. Divided into two main places where attended by the sons of nobles attending la yer was where commoners. Yieoteuna tricks to the original one, as some of the nobles commoners baewooji n that can not be built. Of course, the school from those who did not give a good impression. And also to learn information Could be different. Not necessarily carry pyeongminman hakgyora commoners commoner and noble porce lain look good too Persons attending the car because it was greater between the two schools. And with the group arrived at the time of Kelvin lucky corner piece of the fes tival period, but the school was biceps . Though the school taken in the two arts, but that large, things to do as Chris tians is also mabeophak The city was one of many of the festival. "Then a little farther, hadaga Shall we go?" Yeah, she asked to see the people who crowded to upgrade done to answer them, after which the said party. To the question of the man and his companions are an extension of the maximum two said Ilan. "First, unpack, and the inn is not the first thing you need to grab. Something like a lot of great sights County " He said not forget to nip. Haelyi like to see it asked. "Ilan would Chart Wizard you went to school here?" Haha I am not a teacher where you learned to some extent but you can not build a foundation senior Can learn magic magic I do not have a senior studying alone, or out to obtain a good mentor. I got. So gather together to learn how .... Andoeji " "Oh, well inn, which looks fine .... I think also that as restaurant " Delph was listening to the stories of party lines is a good inn to inn looking McKnight said. So this Said by watching the inn. "Well, that looks fine. But the room could not have been? During the festival would mean a lot of people called " "We've got no choice. Banking franchise let's go. " Yeah, it calls haeleun iteotda aechingman. Since Al was gatnan hagisa would li ke ... Companions had not entered the faces behind the counter of a good man was beat en party. "Welcome, welcome. Would you like to eat? Or " Huh? How do you stay here for our room? " Haelyi went ahead and asked sweetly. "Yes Brother is room. Finish saminsil two are empty. Dont just glad you came h

ere. Will. They will find almost all the other inn. " Owners at the end of the party split for a short opinion. On two male companio ns of the women did not meet net school Was because based. But others went to a motel room and in here in the meantime, do not hold the r iljido did not miss. "Well, to put in the room not holding bangbuteo." Ilan, and so have the room to talk to the owner was asking for meal preparatio n. "Yes, we understand." The second floor guest room attached. Say a little guide the Kingdom of the guests. " Yes, father. One girl was carrying food from the hand. Age of the cute red-haired girl of a bout 19 students Long was a child. "Ladies, please follow me" Ushered into the room to tell them that party. That the burden should fall rou ghly upgrade immediately sikdangeu I am coming to. Then he came up with a girl named Lea. "Would you like to order something. Today is elmininyiraneun duck's good. " Um...So, three dog stew elminin 6 and no one wants to deosikigo sikidorok and Mac Week .... Upgrade to a point, or the amount of beer do you drink? " No! I give white wine " I ordered a point there. However, the upgrade did not know what to do. The two did not know the type of surgery Was because: "Oh, it's how I know this kind of surgery. ' "That's okay Darling's" Upgrade to the question of a woman named Lea and threw a shocking word. "That woman over there like a wine, do you guys eat girls" The word of Alexandria in the party stumbled several people giggling. So this is, and toward the Kingdom seolmyeonghaet . "This lady is a man not a woman upgrades. Because of that we've sometimes quir ky stopped ...... 'm A man anyway. Upgrade to eat and worth a cool beer would taste it. So the Mac Day 5, and casts a white wine " So this order of the Kingdom, and the rush to apologize to upgrade the abandon ed ran. This has all happened in fact was not to upgrade. The town came to party and meet a girl when you upgrade to the baths with the women in the wind to a misunderstanding Get a bath obvious accident (?)And the room was shaken up, hurry to catch anothe r one. Giledo coming here a few times and the lady had received misleading. However, the upgrade or did hwajocha. This was because not doing it once or tw ice a gyeokeun. In midfield, he scared a woman that you are misunderstood? "Damn it okryongsimgyeolyirangeotkkaji two son. ... Plus, it's because fairies okhyeonggyeolyirangeotI was crazy. Why learn to do this so do .......' In fact, when the upgrade is in midfield, this guy I saw the book okhyeonggyeo lyiran learned fairies. Then gradually changed in appearance is like a woman. So, trying to stop, but it does not even Came.

Geotmoseupman two little fairies that okhyeonggyeolyiran framework to transfor m rather than to change it Was because had. Plus, two fairies that okhyeonggyeolyiraneun girls to learn is because it was originally Had to be better. I learned to find something you will learn about the man okryongsimgyeolyieotd a. But I expect ikhija Had not happened. That two fairies okryongsimgyeolyiran okhyeonggyeolyiran synergistic as more t han a wind-Waegwan I think that is was Jean. Gyeonggukjisaekhal notch enough said. Plus, upgrade to the head, because no one was raising. Will come up to the waist, such as hair. Maybe I should cut ahkkawoseo but I think that's made even more people the ill usion was buchaejilhan . "I hope the true upgrade. Pretty like a girl mean - " "So this I believe this guy wanted to die ' "You .....Uh- You do not want to learn the footwork going on? " Huh? ...No. I'm saying that I mean handsome. Misconception ... " "Children come out like that geomyeonseo what're you're scratching the nerves! ' So it is enough to check the upgrade really wanted to learn the footwork. Oh, because I do not know that anyone . Forced to look for a low profile .... so here Lea gets a beer shortly after a moment, according to elmininyiraneun duck. And the Kingdom of the Upgrade as you put elminineul looked at again. And again, no matter how gyaut he ad I see a face like a woman .... "Uhh ... Is it not to be more of a man that's just ....' After a dinner party and drink a beer and talked about the schedule. "Mmm, this beer is a refreshing gentle'm also quite fine, but without ... It's delicious ^ ^ ' "I've already been there at lunch and enjoy the show just to take that jomhada ga and temples in the morning. Go To not to. And the next day after our shrine to See and on. " Ilan need to listen to other people's do not seem so determined abandoned. Sim ple like that hagisa Well, do the same thing to people itgetneunga water? "Well - I machyeoteuni meals all converge in a vacant lot, please." "Hey, Let's move on 'em - upgrade today. You taught me and everything. Oewotda the ... " "Yes, it oewoteunikka now going to have to do my That's where the power to bri ng out. Or as soon. " Upgrade to say that all of them are rather large yard with him and came to the inn. "Then the final test. Until now, people have learned the footwork to do their favor, at least at the rate of Please. " One for each end of each of upgrading as it could go out as soon as possible a ll the things I learned from Pyeolchyeotda to. 'Well, I'm fine I'll work much sense ... I've almost completely masterTo the d egree that without naegong I'll also usually avoid all of the attacks' If I do say that his sense is very fast, faster. Of course, people here say th ey view

. Plus, to welcome a little blurry, but was happening. "You're new law fits to the body? I learned much from the extreme, if there's not a point I want to catch a man People now get article, but ... " "Well - did. It's got to be Enough. Get yourself up all the room " New law on backyard pyeolchideon hard to say exactly sure what they did not kn ow what to upgrade first The upgrade went along. With the group gathered all in one shot. "I think all the footwork in the familiar. Now, the flag, so the footwork to u se mana unhaengha I'll teach you the know. And to do this, first it must operate from Managua. " "It's called mana, magic and the different operations, right?" "Of course, different. If you are the wizard, if you know it'll never need one . " "So how do you guys all about?" "That's all I know it's safe to explain. So I thought one way, each Each party in a little bit of mana in the body that I am moving my umjikyeojun T hen he Order to operate their own will to remember. " Listen, I was like a good way. However, other people with their Mana Mana Dhar a moved Ilan thought that asked two upgrades. "I'm worried about something being, feel free. No way would I work impossible. And after geolhago good I'm gonna be the point. " What? What is the best thing that's not? " "Yeah, so do not be impatient oysters haebomyeon'll know first. So who's gonna try first? Just like that, you want to try first? " And yes, look around you, it deoni nodded. "All right! So come and hug in front of me. This comfortable posture and leg ... Yeah, and hands Okay so I close my eyes and still feel itda moving something in the body, if any , We have to remember that " So it sit in a meditation posture upgrade and then bring your hands against th e back of Glacier to know their Diamond in the most secure degrees simbeop goitneun leader (Kim  禅 道) was a ungi. Diamond chose to lead this upgrade because this simbeop ipmae of two coins les s likely the best body and mind Wonderful for clearing foster good will, and was because of naegong. So this upgrade is that the body had touched more than 30 minutes past the upg rade slowly around So ... any of the hands of this body retreated. So it was not, however, as that position. "Yeah, I heard it on ungi party who is going to do next?" Upgrading the said quietly. And do not be quiet haelyi ecstatic to upgrade Edi nburg Yeah watching it Asked why. "So this is it's own in the body of their own because the nerves that move the mana Plus, there's nothing to it, so what's up his ass. " Upgrade to the end of the answer, Ilan, cited in haelsuneuro ungi. The only re maining non-human deuwo Elf was only peuwa. Delph and the line carrying the last sense to ungi or left. "Upgrades are available to but not humans, dwarves elpeuna something?" "I'm fine. Delph and without lines, but no more itjanahyo. " "How much information, but Donna doing it right? Yeah, like that which I'm alr eady over an hour " "It's different for each person is different. Usually I'm gonna have to like t

hat 5 hours. Can we worry about idea. " Finally, a point I've heard in a ungi. Delph ilrina lines as well as with huma ns, too Hyeoldoga did not differ significantly. "There you go Hugh. I like that is pretty long in bed to sleep. Jabolkka taeni I? " Wake up until the dawn will come no one ever did. And when the morning passes, maybe the best Ilan awake first. And this is the first to rise up Ilan's not in bed, eating soup and looking at their two Deuyeotda. "Kkaesyeotneyo. Would you like something to eat? " "No, I'm fine. But what time is it? And they're still not wake up? " "Yes Ilan ungi first, would you quit. And now it's time for the 5:00 close " "5:00? She was not mean and then I do not do this overnight? I can not believe I feel like Earl. It was a time that does not do .... Yeah, it does not wake up going, but why? " "So this is it than Ilan in the body because you have many gigabytes more. Ila n The Wizard So did not train the body called the inspection because it accumulated in the bo dy rather than the writer Ilan Because many. If something would happen. " Listening to the Stars will also upgrade the Ilan happens that it is the short ness of his body neukkyeot . In addition to its very malatda head. He seemed to feel younger again the body . "What's happening to upgrade it? Shortness of my body, one spirit is clear. " "That's a body in ungi evenly throughout the entire body because the energy tr ansfer of energy chungmanhaeji Based and that's because the efficacy of ungi itgoyo to clear the mind. I said t hat's good Point is what it's called " Upgrade and Ilan to talk like this when you woke up like Glacier and haelyi. Then, too, such as facial expressions, such as Ilan questions ..... And again, after about an hour to wake in the line Delph woke up after a point or a moment. And to both of us to ask questions, such as Ilan upgrade had to answer the sam e as the third. "Awakened man Of all the successes on the temple down to dinner" The back yard after dinner party gathered at Go to the temple had a very early time when the style. "Remember, everyone who ungi yesterday. Time as I would think so. Just a note When calm around people, and when there is no need to interfere. And a little sh ocked to be okay Ungi do not know whether the body receives a shock during the impact will be sig nificant. And yes You better be hard, especially hard to know if this could be your dream too soon well on the Master Sword All ... " What? Is it really real? " 'Cause like I said he's the Master Sword' "Then you pull up yesterday pyeolchyeotdeon footwork. Differ materially from y esterday, I'll be careful. Well I can not move. Where does strike ...." Sword Master at the end of the first, I feel better now naseotda Glacier. Stan

ding in the middle of the rear garden position Yeah, she said, holding the upgrade. "Yeah, well now the footwork and open it up for yesterday's move by itself So brisk was ungi Do not panic would be okay and the speed was too fast, too fast, do not panic st op. All right. " So with a nod at the end of the upgrade and the pyeolchyeotda footwork. How awkward at first, faster, faster is the top of the party, but it was not m aksang. Landscapes and cheeks in front of a passing wind in quickly, but there was a h idden charge for each. Strength did not lift much. Upgrade to the minus companions were surprised and looked at himself. So this upgrade is a fast-moving that the rating was good to see that. "Yeah, she's okay. Stop it! " And Just like that, stop the party stood in front of the wrought-face. Bliss two neomchyeotda his face. Be a good colleague accidentally while travel ing this stuff will baewoogedoel The dream did not know. This much on this trip alone, he got something big, you will "Thank you! Upgrade " "I do not need to say so far. Are you going to teach it this far I can not ass ociate ourselves? " 'Did you do it so much I sleep easy geolrijeokgeoryeobwa people. How uncomfort able together ' "Then tell me one person" One by the end of the upgrade very pleased to try running the new law. Delph, and especially the new law, expand the line and then was tearfully. Th e moving speed of the line do not Delph Dwarves do not take more than the law absolutely can not pay because it is the s peed. Feels like a hammer, but you know, the person ....... "Ha ha ha ha ha ... Look at that ...Fu ...Huh? I hate dwarves running ....." Ilan was right. He reported that the line runs laughing by Delph was abandoned . Bo others If you've tried it, many people like the people here are great hageteuna Foresig ht learned friend with his line, Delph That's a shame that you can possibly even be haetgie. What a hatchet-wielding Horde Delf line, but said the case. "I think it's past time to properly listen to try to see the temple." The time now realizing that the end of haelui companions naseotda the inn. McKnight also so busy that I walk away slowly, watching the street and stuck t o an inn. "And. It's been all over the place and ready to exercise. Am I going to have a great festival. But here, since when Festival ushered in? Ilan? " "It's Okay. That today's decision dir. Today is the day yesterday was the eve of the festival's start date And in the future to lead festival's three days worth lasts quite a showdown, es pecially the magic spell of the school It's a real highlight as soon as people handange'm going up there victory. Plus, items can also So to see whether that product may also participate in the wizard, not outside . ...What are you ilryeona product? " "Ilan's real? So what do you? We are going to see it. " So this was a sincere question like. "That? Perhaps today and tomorrow, I thought that two days? The time certainly does not know Mean. Heard in the temple soon. Let's go sightseeing to go. "

'Well-Magic showdown as well come here and seen that it was magic again like w e need much eopeuni. 've Lost the use jaemit ' After a while drinking companions had arrived in front of a shrine. Enshrining the god of woods and water immediately haelyi Was the temple of Irian. But rather than blindly to get to any temple or shrine haelyi going to the tem ple of God Would be better off to gatatgi. And they were right the youthful priest. "How can we help you?" The man in the priest's question was answered haelyi horn. Good morning ladies and gentlemen, Brother, we're not done here forward to the priest and ask me out. And Healing Potion guipduyo " "Oh, man ... you're a priest in Irian Nimes. Please wait a moment. Priest, I w ill tell you soon. " And moments later, Frist returned to a small party with a horse's permission a lone annaehaet hasyeotdaneun . There a long beard had not grown old blue clothes. "With you to the mountains with a gentle breeze blowing. Hmm. Yeah, I have pla ns to meet me? All these Are you not up " He seems older and gave a party towards the jondae. Without companions are all in place Then say, too haelyi pulled out. "I am a priest in the temple of the village opposite silrion is haelyirago. Of our free throws party So, stay a minute waiting to see teunimeul came. " Really. So what did the man go looking for me? " "Lower said. That I will upgrade. Sorry to say I do not know what to ask firs t, but Hump. Hi Hi geseo shrine Priest Irian jiyo should be able to hear the voice of. " Um... It's a difficult question. Hi Irene's words do not go directly to listen . Hard to say. It's, uh Tteotge what to say. He reveals the same thing if it were not necessary. So, nea rly one hundred Say anything is true! Over years. It also will like the other temples. Yeah! His standing in my own words could not hear. However, much if it comes to answer his own Prayed here, even if haelsajega daphasil will. " Really. If so, can not ask loudly where haelege 'll have to ask here Support had to come from? ' I see. Hi Priest, the Word of Thanks. " "'re Welcome, son. But to ask it got here? If you have additional questions, m ore ....." No! This is enough. Thank you. That we have not bothered you gave my dear sister. " Then at the end of the upgrade was built in Priests and a warm smile. Then, after meeting with Frist companions purchased a healing potion, then go into the city, then entered the shrine. Were talking about when you go to the temple for the festival was to Visit Appli cation. People walk around the city is the festive atmosphere was quite loud. Gakkawot gi already have lunch From the dining room because the party had to deulreugi. And the party which is the highlight of the festival mabeopdae Th starting at 13:00 to hear that you were too late.

For upgrades between the dining room, the place was called the afternoon of th e elves is a restaurant table is a good Guernsey bull Was almost full. Fortunately, the upgrade on the inside, but there was enough no t to be a large table. So there were not ordering food. "Well, I like this vegetable to cool gospel and drink beer." "I just this and this and the beer ...And over here. " McKnight points whatnot in the food and drink menus in order. In particular, that a lot of them So these people and they were Delph deuwopeuin line. "Well - let's go out to eat." Yeah, she said. "Maybe He's too willing to rock. Similarly, first came here I do not know me. I guess. " Was in fact the idea of upgrading. So this story of our adventure here, and know ing that they yideubo haeleun It a lot (?) Upgrade yourself to see, even with almost similar. It's completely dependent on the person you need is actually an upgrade Ilan a nd ilrina Delph was about, and line. "Yo, so maybe you'll work on it? Enough already! So this was the next to be ashamed haelyi hollering was a word that sounds. "What's wrong hael. You want to see you're my first time here, huh? " "Yeah, okay so I'm quietly and eat." Let's say they feel watching me in haelyi So this guy was quiet. Yeah, lame like that upgrade the nunbiteul spent watching it. "So this ... You live completely tied up haelege .... Hagisa I right? ^^;;' Meal is not complete, let's go party a relaxing beer or wine and drank. "Still 40 minutes until game time, so do not come to buy something the meantim e, please? I Buy Daggers He had to " That was your idea of a point or the end of the party took place on the spot. As the market impact of the festival than usual. The ship was complicated, alm ost 2,3. And one of them Or for the purchase of the knife turned to mugijeom. Mugijeom we went to look ol d and nonWas the starting point. Mugijeom swords and armor, and several were on display. And on the side of mugijeom seems to be the owner of the Middle Ages were not two. "Welcome. What are you looking for the guests? " He asked a good laugh seems built. "I find decent daggers. What could be useful? Hope that been light, but. " "Well, write this dagger called Elf minutes .... Kook wait ... " Saying that, he went inside. And something like a box come up. Not that box Contains several different types of daggers were "Pretty heavy stuff here, not on display daggers and light things they usually carry a style thing months Most of the things Neil's pretty good but they do not have bought this house tha t was created in See pick of running things, " Yet he took out of the box showed a dagger from. Ely and whatnot that require daggers look at the people around the had seen. A nd dagger Upgrades also think that shit up with a saw to buy. During the upgrade to the white flowers that salpyeobodeon would like picked u p daggers drawn. It's usually a little longer than daggers were thin. But I am not a big differ ence record. And a handle wrapped in leather did not look well. But why it is upgradi ng

Gravitated. Catch it while it heard the same cool feeling. Then upgrade to the sounds of the heart had a beautiful voice. [Yideunim. Upgrade Now hold your geomeseo all depends nimkkeseo was measured. Depends, seen as Now seems to be sealed.] Upgrade the embarrassment in her voice ringing in his mind, but soon I got thi nking Oh Lamy. "Frighten hagisa So since this drone from the cave at all, say they have not s een one attached Article, I'll often think of something to say who's sword? But it's gonna jam ma gic? Look at this! Lamia during geomdeul you here that you have to find another magical sword are y ou? ' [Available. I'll find you soon. Detector Magic Hard Blade] [Found. There are two. Hi I will upgrade the eye of the direct ] "What you're lucky the store doing it for one two magic water would have so mu ch? It's like to be pretty hagisa Four geni deulinge mangetji whatnot. " Then the eyes of upgrading two of the sword was blue. Upgrade instantly picked up on those two . One of two daggers were usually only one day, the other a dagger in came to be. Especially during the Dagger a sinister light, as I was looking for a sword. "Hey it'll take them two three. And stop picking ilrina geolsseumyeon'll be tw o. Gabeopgeo Deunyo. " Upgrading of others without thought of them bought the horse is gone. Everythi ng else picked upgrade Were those purchased elsewhere. 50 Silver was about three tricks. (It's one of the money unit 1 silver 1 gold 1 silver rune 100 gold and 100 gol d was a rune. And this Silver is about one month to 20 gotgajeongui spending nearly 0.1 runes used by t he royal family or nobles Ordinary people can not use the unit was fine.) But I'm a huge jewel in the town to dispose of 10 runyiraneun wind had a lot o f money. It is not loud enough to upgrade at this time, Silver was 50. "Here's fifty silbeoyo. Can I see you, like armor or sword? " Magic Sword 3 bags or not, so kkahaneun itji other magical thinking of upgradi ng water asked. Analysis on each division is as follows. Favorite magic item you did not know the exact value of the idea that it's going to be, but were quite rare. But now, three of which contains the geomman upgrade if the one that was close to 1 Rune . Foresight rare magic that took it was because that has not stopped it from try ing to sell people. So this guy just upgrade the ones hanging from the magic that really only what your addition to the He had it bad. "You do that stuff here, and here's the things inside to see the things inside of one Eogaji " "Yes, we understand." Upgrading the armor and sword hung explore Lamy spoke to ah. 'Lamia of the things here that enchanted you? " No! It all depends on the measure will not be any more.] "I do not find here, not the side I can see what I do?" "Come with a good one. " According to the owner enters into Glacier asked.

"Dude, why upgrade it? You do not need more than a sudden geomyirani geomyiram yeon and armor? You! Do you wear? " "Move! Move him. Himself a good thing too him yet. ' "Shut up, hopefully I do not know might smash" "What do you mean, big boy. Dwarves do not dapdaphage answer me! " "This went on and then I'll tell you. So just sit tight until then. " They entered the place and upgrade on the back of the warehouse was mugijeom. Warehouses around the sword and armor, etc. The weapons were scattered. "I have no right to copy is clean, but I wish it was like it dir" "Yes thank you." "Where it's looking a little cleanup Behe? Lamia detect magic water ' [Detector Magic Hard mower .......... The city's looking for you upgrade one t hing has been detected. Jikjeopyoung Corp is conducted.] Then the eyes of upgrade points were displayed in blue. Upgrade pahaechyeotda shit up, go to that point. Then there came a sword. Tha t Rongsodeuyeotda black. Two were stuck for a long time seemed rusty iteotda geomj ip. "You're not only one of these? Mabeopgeom four pretty much covers anything fro m a single mugijeom big stuff. Anyway Write similar enough in midfield, I want to write it with your sword! ' Maybe she has a man in the Aran Lamy does not understand the details of the po wer of the sword a Seems to be. "What is this guy?" "That would mean old .... 20 silbeoman naegena moment, so you have something l ike that too. Geomjip Now that. " "Wait a minute ... geomjip Geomjip of this relationship in Lamia's magical? " [The two do not interact geomjip no magic power. Itself, the magic sword that took boip by this. Um...So that you'll change geomjip. But dugaera sword ... What's up? ' The weapon upgrade that receives the geomjip naseotda. And then explore around, leave mugijeom Lamy ordered to Oh. 'Lamia detect magic spell on the surrounding mugijeom find whether there is wa ter.' Upgrade time was lucky and I just hoped. But the answer was yeoksina. [No longer the magic of water.] "Well, Lemon points too long anyway doeseo're in this thing today is his lucky day." "Dude, you is not going to get lucky to say what is not good at all alone, so when you talk?" So these people around and they seemed to have been asking wondering. "So Come on! If you can learn about here ilrina ilrina dagger, right? " Sense or feeling that the upgrade over the end of the dagger batahdeulgo exami ned. And that seemed to surprise Baraboatda Droid. "Upgrade It's magic gum!" "What mabeopgeom!" "Really?" Ilan also emailed them look around deoni said. "Well, not keunmabeopeun magic of wind blades will be up there's still conside rable. But upgrade If this is the magic water, nothing else ...." "Wizard's Rob Shirai nalkka grunge. That's right. This point Buddha's magic wa ter. "

"Upgrading your great. But that's extortion, huh? Then, if the value is quite out of the magic of water God ... " "What is this magic going on over there did not even know mulin've not matter. And Shanker bring the haelyi. " The Sword in the Ilan going to check to see that I had tried to explain. "It's taken the magic shield protecting" Then upgrade to the sword looks Ilan asked. "Ilan yigeomen what magic I took it?" "Well, let's see! I know for sure, but among the least of Lightning Bolt and n oegyeokgyeui Protector too. " "Let's show the two fencing? Please ... do not ask him what Lamia has sealed'r e not even tell Ilan Avoriaz did. ' "Thanks to the upgrade, thanks to getting this magic sword" To upgrade another sense I was thinking and came haelyi said. "Well you're a sweetie, I was buying a cheaply need to carry so much that that will not hurt. Now you've been around for some time to come see the magic have to fight like th at. " "That's right. Ilan venue Where are you? " So this was the magic sword is reported as an enviable been asked to Ilan. "So, venue, said they were right there in front of the school of magic said to stand upright. Come on, let's go. " Who are familiar with the road leading to Ilan party visited the venue. Upgrade to him, but was uncomfortable. Oh, and a dagger at the waist Lamy shou ld be referred sogeomyira Should be that he is hanging his hand to obscure rongsodeuga was bugging. 'Make! Yeah, she Shall give him? But he middle of honey, although Lamy. " To think that the venue for the party in Ilan for India. Venue close to the ma rket and Earl Matthew did not take. Congress had not yet begun. Little place with the group wh en he gets It was full of the tournament was an empty seat near the stage. The apjarineun d o not know how else to the original risk It's not people who were not located. However, because the party because of the wizard, Ilan two-phase stars Coffin was. Into place with the group inside and some of the figures did not come. Seen as a wizard and the article appears to be elderly people and young adults also like article, and geomsahanayeot . They know each other is between the words iteotda geonnego. Then one man came up to captain. Download the white robes, holding a wide iteo tda as an old man. Good morning ladies and gentlemen, I rasilrin geurinsilteu magic school and is the principal of the school of magic. From now on we Festival of the school's pride and the magic will start a confrontation. And the winner one grade promotion and Phase two will give you loads of eunseol. And given the winner's preference is a lso promoted by one grade Will also be suited. And a few minutes outside of the wizard geomsabun itseupnid a also be exhibited. However, the absolute destruction or serious injury will be emphasized again tha t they should not. The other Part of the winner to scroll through the wizard, check the magic sword will deur idorok. The black Protectors of the magic created in our schools that are at stake. That is so str

ong, but it Walked into products. For all those eager to exhibit please Hebrews " His horse was shot with the fireworks. Boom ... Peongbeong "I will introduce exhibitors. 1st Round Exhibitor our school of magic is a stu dent at Crane ruingwa . Please Gridlock " Then the young man to captain two had come up to say hi to each other. Both w ere wearing a robe. . First, the road shoulders blonde ruinyi attack began. "Fire Lane" Biyeotda literally fire. The power of a small and do not need a wider range se ems difficult to avoid few small injuries. "Water Resources Blake" Iranian students to stem the spate of crane coming to them and still attacking the flames for destruction Went. "Water Shield" Crane as shield ruinyi water to soften the water prevents printer naetda Roble s. Rarely do this as geoteu Beopsilryeokyi a little overshadowed. 'That no person ruinyiraneun bond. As the water prevents absorption of water a nd I were. ' Are interested in upgrading seems to be looked at. And after a while the man wondeubeulreokeuro ruinyiraneun expected to push the m away just as our yigyeot . Unlike the first game and then yieotda prosecutors. Two people wearing pretty boy jalcharyeo friendship tea Were these: The age of 20 was enough. Both were pretty face she has. "Maybe we should jedeuleun nobody. About midfield skills that include real wor ld where you would not even toddlers. " This fight ends singgeopge tedious upgrade went as expected. "A fight What the hell? Precious? The degree that I will upgrade without havin g to even. " "Yeah, yeah I know, I know." Then start the rotation follows a three-phase with one check, one came up with the wizard. Wizards of the school student in her mid-20s seems to be checking deuthaetgo s eemed yongbyeongin. Um... Ppeonhane of this game is. " "Upgrade. Ppeonhadani. What do you mean? " "Well, you know there hael quite nervous and a wizard that checks the other ha nd, no such So no sign of a fight am under a great deal of experience of experience. Well, n o doubt that the battle between the wizard Then, while I run the wizard, hands-on experience so far, the results must fight in this state, almost jeroya Did. " "Lady you're quite surprising." McKnight then sitting next to the upgrade of the young knight has come to talk to. Upgrade to say, but that it was not close with. In this case, one or two times when it comes to angry If you would not yell at one hundred twelve hours and hours. "Ha - You're welcome but I Lady And I look forward not fix it." Yes... Huh? Yes...The ...Ah, yes, sir. "Sorry. Upgrade to look sorry for him at the end of the tournament was when you turn t

he attention to. "Inseokah. I believe? That is something that when women do not care side, a bi t unusual, but Then I called all the way to move ahead. " "You mean this guy ....." Inspection of the Middle Ages was a young man sitting next to a middle-aged an d articles that tell him the check, namuratda. Words, it seemed just seeing good friend. They did not cause him to say this, but they can not hear the next upgrade was not enough. Upgrading is their behavior is somehow seen as a guy does not mind because that article, young man Seemed to think. So, speaking as much as part of interest equal to tha said. Th ese Party in the conversation on the Upgrade noted. Both were already interested in competition. Upgrade of the Magic as expected We're overcome by Saga was because off-line. Here is an upgrade, while the explo sion of interest that might Proves she knows the situation .... "You do what I hear, too. Talking about sex is free, but the freedom of others bakkusyeo Is there? " "Uh-oh. Lady you're angry. Do not. Since these guys have call on There's quite a skill And here's to the sons of Earl Klein's family is also free to say. So too do not loathe I do. " He handed neunggeulneunggeulhage speak to upgrade. "I like that I always hated it. Neunggeuldaeneun Make Human. ' "Did you even if I saw that lady? Why say a guy like that, I accept Joe? Are you you say? " "Ho you say Lady sergeant. Look, it would not be so far persisted. And the Run in the face the beautiful hair, as I had before when I called the man Who do you believe? " "Look at this. What the hell would you say that Mr. Guillermo problem? Elves a nd Men than I am. I thought that looks prettier What are you? " "That's elves do. And you're saying that humans have no right to copy it'll be " "I'm gonna continue to put it that way bare." He turned to upgrade to the words of Pusan. But he was still building neunggeu lneunggeulhan expression. "The Lady is going on you know how to write a little kendo. 're Well. Klein's wife to do a samurai sword. I'd better know how to write! " "Hey do you stop people too so ....." Earl Klein, a friend made a fist with upgrades when dry. However, with upgrade s and the test Three meters distance away is not no way that it is never. Andoel's say this upgrade will also act as soon as the test boat rig back and male physical Hwadoeeotda. What is this? "What this is for." "Upgrade ....." "Keuk.In tteoleojingot How'd he ......" "Oh, he's a shape you like some? Anybody around who will help us nolryeoya lon gevity. " This guy looks a little distance is suda's ..... However, no one to care who was at the end of upgrade. Upgrade and fallen at a

ll test Bolppunyieotda. Upgrades also got up and followed the boat to check ahppeun look ed at. "Lady ......No.How do you just done? How to blow away someone punch To fit, right? " "Eventually it's going any questions? Apple printer, not the first to know it sipeum! ' "I have to give this to you, tell me what you do not think we can reason" "Hmm ... It's ......." The tests seemed to panic at the end of the upgrade. Until now, you say put sk ills to fool anybody Lani month I would not even hear yourself think that. And who was next to the words of Earl Klein Naseotda jee. He's also interested in what was once just because upgrades. "Hey young man not twenty thousand, and reconciliation with a friend, but this guy is such thing as a bad heart Is not that enough at this point pusena Tues ... I came to look at this game see ms like the end of the bout in the Sagetne one cup. Doing? " As soon as this upgrade Earl Klein scored a little angry. Joke's on the tests so angry that Bridleways is a person of high status nor Earl jungje went ahead and do so only upgrade a tying What the heck was that a little later. "What's your so far out there is too much to say. He wrote another twelve aII your fingers Sorry, do you sometimes stop here hajiyo to. " "Ha ha ha So, as I have you known Sena" When he did everything in place and Ilan So these two upgrades have to weigh. "What do you propose upgrading Grace ppeotppeothan happen right in front of yo u?" "He probably upgrade your status as hotangha If it was just beyond the hell di d you right now, and killed another aristocrat Must have been trying to look! Future, be careful. " "Like that. Well, I do not understand that it was Earl. What is the best teach er I've thought a little jajungha Joe. However, before this country (even in other countries but) people are not l ike that much eokmae the Star It's not a class of. Please aehaehae future, even if this happens " Suddenly from the bright light daejjok knockout blow came after that someone h eard the . A young girl turned around to upgrade the venue around the small things around the emitting hayanbit ttwiwoo Was high. On one side lobes slightly charred and blackened young man was lying. Dalryeowa some To put the young man announced that the girl won. "What is it? What is there gonna Ilan floating? " "Somehow I think Elemental Elemental Wizard, the same thing that women do not think it's a good idea?" "Elemental Magic ?.....Um...I mean, we're a collection of the world that make up the energy? ' As with articles on the wizard began to supplement the description. "That rayideuji jeongryeongin light. Although the Lesser but .... I thought of slashing got gwaeitneun. And in His name, Ray Klein, Klein, daughter of nine and here the little brother of rainteu Happens to be praying. In fact, you've come here, I want him to be played in thi s tournament, not the whole machine, " Surprising that the party seemed at the end of the wizard looked at her. Bonn

ie Klein, Earl adjust more Looks like gold has deutdo. Anyway, she ended the fight game today. And here she is finished the bout Earl comes up to say so divided. "Lena've fought well today. And greetings from here to here, be still learned' m after them. " Not be the first to say no to the nobility spleen indeed be handed soon to say . "Nice to meet you. I called my house is a wizard Ilan. And here ranoteuseu Gla cier Here is a priest of the Irian hael inspection early in Xi'an, and my good friend , Delph toreusiohneuip line by this. And, erm ilrina This one is called the Glacier drone writes a sword. " Ilan was a party to introduce. I pulled and I do not know the barrier was only a point. "Yes, I said to Ray Klein, Nine. Looks like the new adventurers. " "Yes, I trained as a priest of the Ariane accompanied itseupnida like to leave ." "They seem to be divided by party - even into the dining room greeting each ot her go." Klein, under the guidance of the Earl of people headed to his home. His house is located close Is had. Keulranginyiraneun of people on the way home, the young rainteu press articles and the inspector, the Iranian people means The party has come to talk to, especially the upgrade. However, a party to a gir l named Reina which one is Titus did not come pass. Except when you have met the party and do not hit the o pposite nunjocha there. "You look cool it's pretty. Naengwol sister just the same thing in midfield ' And the arrival home of the Earl Klein geureotdeut many nobles were quite larg e mansion. And If there is an unusual one side of the house will be stiff in Chapter haze. "Look at that upgrade, the Countess, is that you like martial arts deoni matna bwa usually nobles say it like that a good thing Makes them mean as far as I know. " "What does that have to do anything like that Tobor Tobor not? Please be sure other people do not know why That's where? Conventional wisdom, so that even though you learn if you have a s word is quite a problem. " Hey, Resistant to price search, and learn what neungeo care? " "If I'm in! Let's go and quiet. " Upgrading the words of companions were already entering through the front door . Upgrade the first guide to the living room was into view. "Everyone, please sit down in peace!" "Father, I went a while I'll be right." Ray is saying that, I went up a girl. Moments later a car and a girl appears t o be a maid Brought out the cookies. And when she's out of Reina freshen the clothes came in to the living room. "First, no dining car, holding a baby ready gotdoelgeoya" "Thank you. We invite you to a meal so you're watching " Ilan says she does not do the nobility. This is because their clients become e ach other. Inbaekjakchareom common man, rather than easier to treat people is the most comm on. Of course, he preferred the sword Or that a good deal for sure you were gonna. What means the car checked poetry naeohja Moore has an immediate gunggeumhange

ot. "You Are What happen tonight hangeot?" Instead, all we'll say and he's looked at all the upgrades. "And They're coming to ask! In this business, just tell them it's magic is the magic that makes you all move on 'em I thought .....No right to copy a couple of them got to the wizard, so ......A r eally long way ......So ' "Dad, what do you mean?" Um... Nine, you're not sure you know what I mean Ray ..............(Omitted ). ....... Have had this happen No reason to think it, but what the heck I do not understand how a " "Elemental Magic is not you going? Spirit of the Wind Spirit magic will happen if you use force, such as To. " Wow! Thank you, Miss, I really do not reward a good idea. No, no, no, I'm not gonna see Elemental Magic (The other magic prop) do not write me servos if seen what should we do? ' "I think not. They did it ....To illustrate the Sword Master's complicated Hav e you ever Do you? " "Well, I suppose so. Almost all of those you see here have seen itji " "Well, the sword master sword mana that maethin geomgi Have you Got to throw?" "Me and the press have seen this probably means that the court wizard, here is my son were the geuriha Ghent We do not have seen and my daughter. I, too, by the Marquis geurisi Advocaat wou ld be that you saw on the battlefield Thessalonian you're fighting ... " "This should be easy then. What I did is also similar to that. There are other weak By gently geotyijyo with fists rather than invisible sword. " "No, it is possible? Sword of mana, not his fist ....." "So, you mean the sword maseuteoran?" "Upgrade You ... Then ppossod. " "When you're here and there sikkeureopgun So this dude did not ask. And I then taught the footwork But if you're hitting chaeteoyaji noticed. ' "Slow down and ask questions." Then the court asked a wizard geuriha Ghent. "You mean you could say that you already maseuteoran sword?" Yes. Yakhagin admire. " This time the tests had asked you a question. "I Is that true? What the hell you're throwing away the sword .... instead of his fist geomgiI've never seen anything like that They've never " "My right to view've seen that answer." "My father's probably not. My father is still in a state of the Master Sword. How I Did not lift Have something that looks like a boy of age .... It's going to something with th e spirit. " "What are you talking about Serena! To the guests. I'm sorry about that's grea t. " Father! "Said Lena," "No, thank you. She also believes, as well as others, do not worry about it Ar e looks eoryeopdan Follow " "That's a you can see. In fact, the evidence must have been his father if it w as the Master Sword like that When I pihajan Right. " "Phooey! It's so hard to master the sword? Fusing to boast? Do not show this.

' "Hey, give me your best upgrade one test" "So this about this guy ........ It's very special! "All right. I got it. " Upgrade their mugijeom purchased from the knife pulled out a little longer. L eather handle, still Had two maeeojyeo. And because the groom was not sure the appearance of geomjip. Upgrading the Geomjip pulled the sword from. Dwigo chop was a milky color. And chop and beauti ful patterns in this new Gyeojyeoiteo was beautiful. Upgrade the sword to the sword, while Mana dealt sta re. However, his mana Listen, did not have a sword. "Well it is more But why? So this time I .....' ssege [Continue yideunim Halsey sword is the sword that was hanging mana force may e xplode and may seal.] 'Right seal. Lamia can now pull the seal? ' Yes... Now pulkkayo seals?] '..........No. Once the wizard magic, so I said the magic sword that's not my skills would be a fault Your ....' Upgrade was to put the sword back. Without worrying that people in front of pu zzled trustee A small bar party picked up. And there are mana was added. And along the rod Day of blue emerged. Oh .... there's people around to see it.Scored the elastic. Upgrading the The date placed on the table, drew jeteolyireul glass. And the day would have be en produced at the bar deulyeotda reap. That Rigaud is placed on the table, split up jeteolyireul geondeurija ashtray, which was exactly. To cut off the glass seemed too clean. "Really! If I did not know that much of the Sword Master're a beginner! That's great and I'm He is the Marquis did not see a hell of Managua with his fist! " Yes. Have not heard from since then I also heard of " "Anyway, this sword master at a young age, I heard on the state of one dinner party you're great. Kind of multiple. " Earl will guide you through the party stuck to the dining room. There, the wif e of Earl Earl when introduced to the party And shut down. And matitneun dinner .....* ^ ^ * Preview finished dinner party and say goodbye to the Count naseotda. "So thank you so much for the invitation has been." "What! See you in tomorrow, then President! " The earl's house party naseomyeo stuck inn. "Just like that, but that's kind of a beginner what is laying a sword master?" Count me before upgrading to the Sword Master himself had the word beginner. "That's .... I do not know about it .... I certainly For Ilan you know? " "It's mean? OK?" That is, all I use the Master Sword of Mana, and tell me that they had to In elementary geomeman their mana spell to increase the cutting properties by in jecting some to stick And not intermediate, rather than injecting the geomeman mana's that it symboliz es Although the recipe a little Lapeer Intermediate Sword if you want to geomgi not as big as the ability to create May be larger if itget mana consumption, but there are many people making so muc h not unconditionally Oh, and the sword formed Greater Mana Sword Master, Hibernate can not attack ene

mies with magic Not be highly similar. And Atlanta is a yes but I do not know exactly the update silbeogeup Geomgi, but something similar can be formed as a shield and geomgi also changed to suit your personal nature Here, however, who reached dadeogun kind as I know one or two students?? At pres ent no He did not have Sword Master of senior people on this continent about ten that I would know! And that Rate Silver Back ....." I do not know what it had itda "Is that right? What is so Great Silver was a two people person? " "I mean ...One person in five hundred years ago, the founding king of the empi re railron youngungwang maekreurigeoji Zion. And Roughly two hundred years ago a different one? Three hundred years ago a? I do n ot know exactly but as a master fire sword Maksimalrionyiraneun guy who worked for this man not sure of the nationality of the forces hyeongseongchi Geunya but nobody in his own mind wandered as having promiscuous behavior, howev er, says he did a bad thing. It feels like that and this is as far as I know, know what it is go with someone half inches deep It'll look for more books! " "Ilan ....Pride Yet he seems to be calming. " "Exactly What the hell is he?" "I'm saying. Do themselves. Night. Han! People, please. " "Heomheom. Well... "Euyigeu stop. Ilan and banking franchise in the inn, you got it. " When you have finished upgrading the Earl's house to eat dinner so did not sep arate. And tomorrow's daehoegwan Jeoneul to bed early, was told to. "Now we're coming today So I'm late." "Yes, first Earl nimkkeseo and he is." Upgrades have already arrived at the venue of the party could see the Count. U pgrade the inn's kitchen As some problems in the morning is a little late to the belated President. But s o late Not to go before the start of the competition could come. "But yesterday I saw ten thousand just do not go, why did you? You might win e nough Would have been. Are the Magic Sword precious items dear. " 'This Earl. What do you care leave them on my way to somebody else ' "He does not have much idea. If you've got sword and magic for me. " Um... It's rare that you have the magic sword where did you get going! " "Haha I got lucky. It is a magical sword weapons bought in terms yideoraguyo " Then the Earl of quirky companions seemed really built a look. "Ha - you lucky I'm in pretty ......." "Hm! Mabeopgeomra I see a bit of it? " "Very well. Here it is. " Upgrade a sword in his holding reach out to Ghent was geuriha. He's here to ta ke it by pulling There examined. "I geomyiguman made. I do not know what it's made of black magic also attacked the same system and bangeoma Hanging as the law's elaborate master of eight class stamp'd think I saw the pow er of Yes. Let us keep it better be worth that much out geomyiramyeon geomyirane signi ficant here that deals with Lynn clearly superior geomyinikka geombodaneun. " Yes... I understand.

Heard from him again, get the sword upgrade. So Hard to be quite gwichanatda HOLDING. Plus, hand-held, except that attend a What mokhago carrying the original Droid is the nature of the hate. Great. Was determined. Well anyway, Lamy'm falling even more performance. Admi nistrators spend it ...... Such a but .....' Conclude that their next upgrade to the sword, So this barge was extruded. And yes it looks like I said, what's wrong with the sword, get heard anyway, t hat was extruded. "Upgrade. Why ......." "Now you hold it, man!" What? Really? Is that true? " "Yeah, you're holding a sword two or annoyance walker!" Hey, But it's a magic sword .....*^^*" "He's quite the same effort you do. ......' "Get ... Okay, I've got anything else! " "You bet! Arizona're back to having this' t start arguing straight away. " "Oh, it's' bout this guy really childish." Earl heard this conversation with the group was upset to see upgrades. Others gave him the magic sword .... Usually not going to happen. Well, I unde rstand that others have when they die I'll carry around, but you're gwichanahseo ...... Upgrades as well as other comp anions were, l. Upgrade He came out holding a magic weapon in mugijeom sense I have nothing, and passed it to the end of haelege few small injuries. "Look what the upgrades you're going to do what black magic is quite expensive , but short. To others a whole lot like the way you are? " "It does not matter. Your Grace. It may fly a different sword. I think that's not very useful to me 'm. And colleagues traveling together anyway, I'm also very glad if you'd have a strong sword. " "If you can tell so far anyway, but young people neolguman barrel." At the end of this earl's horse was sound, marking the beginning of the compet ition. However, the upgrade of the Contest Ers did not. Yesterday I've seen is much guessing as to what level. Upgrading th e In the eyes reap President ppaedeuleotda dagger at the waist. And the handle is wound on Solved to die. Then chop and a shiny silver was exposed. And the handle on the g iljjukha What happened was studded jewelry. 'Well, fine, but .... Lamia. Two swords to seal the pool ......Mana's not movi ng here, loosening savor. People around me noticed. Lamia to form a magic shield, will you? ' [Has been formed. Yideunim] "Thank you, So this sword took me Unlock ' [So, please put your sword. Gyesil holding the sword to seal off the case will be the impact.] 'Ow! Let me worry about that, do not be afraid of the butdeuleomaesyeo ....' And the upgrade of its own body, self-defense groups dulreotda River. [Update Hi compression of mana shield around the body has been identified. Hi hwakbodoeeoteumeu safely upgrade of Is to unseal.] 'Ho! So for my own safety can be ensured if the seal has not been released, wi ll you? ' I heard so and upgrade your sword in hand baraboja geomeseo blue illuminated t teolryeowat tune As you fall . And more to shine a light on the handle and pommel, etc. geomjip ran out of th

e dirt and rust Revealed a brilliant appearance. And the same thing as geomeseoneun pieoolratda fragrant flowers. And Bluish disappeared. [Sword was sealed off. Yideunim.] 'Well, good scent, but what's the geomeseo I think ...' [The sword of the goddess of flowers in the production of flowers turned Eli s eems to be entering. And a variety of magic As one would give various effects. Yideunim. The aroma clears the mind, and do n ot mind Time points. ] School?" Thank you, good Lamia ' [No problem. And the magic shield around yideunim off.] "She dahane answer ...Daphadeoni I'm usually only water. " Upgrade to think so, and then kicked back the sword. Um... What's that smell? Ilrina flowers do not you think? " Yes... Vaguely. I can not see what flowers know ......" Um... That reminds me faintly smell perfume who's going? " 'Ho. Take care of the smell of a sword or two, eh? ' "Love the smell?" You said that more than companions without having to worry bout attracted atte ntion. Finish a game At the end of play then the game was Reina. This time, instead of the wizard was checking an opponent. That Simply check the last wizard yigyeotdeon that were mercenaries. "Hm! It's hard for this fight. " Watching this fight, said Capt. Earl. Ttalyiraseo grunge was also bothers appe arance. And I hear bout came, marking the beginning. Test was not easily accessible with a s word, a iteudoe. Nine was also just listening ray examination. And spun around the time that the light jeongryeongin Library Street was suspended. The first attack was the start of Reina. Those around her in the spirit of lig ht above, below, and in both directions, Nalryeotda toward the front of the check and prevent. Look surprised at all by t he sword, but he himself, without Light of the spirit flies stuck to the chest. Too bad. Spirit of light if they know their curtains are open to the explosion would be pushed back as a shock ...... " When Ilan say that stood the test without any impact. How has it changed, but its Flows of the sword is weak, but the color green. "Hmm ...Geomgi County. I'm getting to geomgi by destroying the spirit. So that 's not going to explode ...... Of him. Sword Master at a young age ..... deuldani for Beginners Do you think this is s omehow lose Lena. Back Job ....." "I think. Sword Master Novice opponent. Drink some spirits and magic learned t hat a Children encounter is your first time ... " Earl and the court wizard, in the words of Ghent geuriha Reina is the magic of a few servos geomgi ateuna Damage to the blocked or abandoned. And Reina is looking for the word threw the test. "I'm impressed. So that's what I do for the last attack. If you're avoiding th is is a binary, I would. So Piece of advice that I do not want you to have to think a quick note to strike h er back. Sword Master Novice include I'll not be able to stop these attacks, says. "

And the cast went on quietly. Of course, crush their spirits around the place says. "Sinyareunu ahyaheunaim ..... Govern the strength of the water at the height o f water you now I want to borrow { Layla, your power of water in front of me right now ...... less myeolhasoseo W ater table peopeokteu Leicester ...." Yet she had two hands reach out forward. Then her hands in a circle around the circle The two appeared in a huge circle with the thickness of the stream came spouting . The sword as soon as it Corp flew in towards. To avoid it, he had to go off at the track. Or is that Magic is not the only way you will get to direct. He felt it faze him in the face momentarily away young arms in the small beads eoteuna Heard out. And forward it to throw a shouted. "Fire Shield" Then the flames around him, consisting of a red curtain was formed. And as so on Reina Shield Was the magic of being exploded. Whether buditchija not hit the two magic ..... With a tremendous amount of street noise Pieoolratda vapor. But then it is broken during the Fire sildeuran. His Fire sil deubo Peopeokteu of water Bless all of Reina printer is a form that was more powerful. Whiteboards, but also the magic Well sealed from a conflict with a much weaker momentum than the first one was And soon the sword of mana injection tests and to the printer galratda Robles. Then the weak bulreseuteoneun Cracked and disappeared into his sides. The magic was gone immediately ran towar ds Reina is trying He was stopped in its place. Reyna is not shy in its place was gasping for breath. Somehow the magic four l arge crowd Yonghan seemed. "Hakhak ....... You know ...You took ...Education It's decent ......" I gotta go!Education.... AfterWas. " Her victory at the end of the Supervisory Board decided to test this with Earl and geuriha dalryeowa her Derry Ghent He went down. And descended down to take her case to her recovery magic geuriha Ghent Has evolved. "Recovery" "Thank you. Geurihagenteunim " "You're welcome, son. Come on get up " Reina is subject to the minor axis of the Count took place. Then there came to her inspection. "Are you okay?" "Yes thank you. Congratulations you have won them. " "No problem. I did fight. My name is referred to as the liner. It's very speci al! He stepped to her and say goodbye to Earl. Upgrade to say to each other again, they are handing back to the place. "Bodacious. Lena " "This is going under, the relative worth it. If you did that much better. He c ould be stronger than you, just do a little " What follow her brother and spoke to her was, respectively. However, not much to say, or too awkward to say they just sat upgrade. "Here we report anahra Let's get this game, or even today, I want you to have What sajuma " "Tsu-ho-ho-ho's father, a heart ... Is it really sajusil? "

It's very special! 'To ......' doltah goose Meanwhile the fight began again. However, there was no unusual relative short final bout twenty-two Eojyeotda. Reina is right in the final they defeated the liner Earl wrote a chec k and a black hood Oysters was unknown wizard. "Ilan Who's that wizard? Like I feel a dark shade is bad advice deoni ...." To say I was a bout upgrade. A wizard to check the relative dark shade of the magic Around him to talk like a black fog that shrouded went. It slowly neupcheoreom m eorikka the test Whether you mean it took the fear felt by declaring that the tests have only liv ed in surrender. Beotyeotdeo the end of Would probably be dead. "I do not know well. I think y'all ..... Black Wizard That's enough out here i f you need skills Strangely, there would be ......." Also a formidable opponent on the track liner seemed to feel that somebody tha t was being made to carefully I already had geomgi geomeneun of the maethyeoit. Around to see the finals of th e last people had gathered . First, the magic was still the wizard had a vision. "Dark Arrow" Then he flew around the black arrows. Oh, the arrow will fly only to the liner . Then again, he ordere Heard shall fly around. Then they hurriedly retreated were d Made a. "Fire Twister." And around him the wind swept the flames. Then a storm of fire with the liner quickly geomgi Galratda to. But the flames still spread out. And quickly his geuriha Ghent Pyeolchyeotda shield around. "A wizard's weird. Arrow in the dark even earlier Twister Fire in the way I wo rry about this party We got a move away from the people around them is making " I see. What a turn around in the words of President step down and everyone was away. Those who remain When it comes to the party and the upgrade of the Earl and expand the shield on one side was the old wizard. What the press say so that once you browse around black wizard stretched hands in order deoni Oewotda to. "Dark forces of space to keep you here and now unfolding Please rid me of ..." Then listen to his elder and black round plaque was about 13m in diameter arou nd the black film Was formed. How about just trapped inside texture rose hurriedly abandoned compa nions. "Maybe this is Klein's Something ..." "I think your instincts are correct" "Well, look. What the hell is this " Still formed a shield around the sieve geuriha Ghent asked. Then a black hood that was played in the eumseuphan voice. "Hell, ... Without learning. But if you guys have gamanhiman we'll get through tomorrow, I would go back after . Yet the old favorites standing on the side toward the wizard exclaimed. "It's been a long time. Lowry. Lindsay hurry me down It's over 30 years. I did

not think I was gonna be there. " Then he heard the wizard What is its complexion changes Lau looked at him hard to say deoni Was out. Um... Your executioners were there ........Keulrion. " "Hell, ... Do not forget to remember, I see. " "Is revenge?" "Or did I'd be Why do you find? I have, sir, to your executioners before I los e horsepower and one arm record. Multiple ..... Is not that obvious? " "Then I look ....Will contract? " "Of course I read all the horsepower in addition to the contract with the devi l, what a way to beat you. Getneunga? Thanks to this force, but said ........" Oh, my gosh. Put your hands out in front of it, he was saying. Then the ball in his hand we nt black. Then the old wizard Hay Lau belief that our bodies have moved quickly. Now as he was The ball daljamaja Lee had melted. "I fled. I never cared so gently that I want it to end? " "Fire ball ssereyisyeon" "Heh ...Only this much magic ..... Include this level do not believe it " Fire Fly in the direction He hands the ball wide circle painted. And according to his hand LA Fire ball in a black circle drawn deoni swallowed disappeared. "Keulrion .... How? "Do not be so surprised. O breath of cold water pumeura aura ....Ice Spear " According to his orders Lau What is the window of ice flew towards the wizard. "Fire Block" Saenggyeo wall of flame in front of him blocked the windows of ice. However, t he revision of two soils of the window just a spark Lau and Lee headed gwahagoneun. He did not have major damage quickly damage the window of one arm, but tipped five The right arm, sounded a little hurt. And this depends, have been identified bot h in the confrontation. "Geuriha Ghent. He stays down any dangerous yidaero Somehow it seems to him " I see. The difference was definitely starting to have magic power. Maybe you t hink I should be helping by this. Who'll give you the right to have the shield naedaesin? " "Then I trust the" Of Ilan around two companions went ahead and hit the shield. And geuriha Ghent is a nod towards the Ilan that stood toward the Black Wizard . "Big time. Was your 6 class? " What is on the Cleveland and hands stretched toward the wizard. "Fire Month" Cleveland came to his call as a fire barrier has arisen around. And then to do it this way Lau Came quickly. And that was from Lieutenant liner also ttwieowatda party unto. "Thank you very much. But if so I will be dangerous " "Stars do not matter. No way to win against three of the authors that the wiza rd does not see. " However, those of Ghent at the end of geuriha Lau Lee's face was pyeojijil. And then, Lau Li hwaak of facial expressions that represent the sound as if ev en came around with the Cleveland Was in flames disappeared. "Obviously I will not do any damage if you do not care about my work that I've had such a dumb warning Obviously, you mean a blank want to die? "

"Well, if you can beat us Maybe, but I never cared to see it Not have gone in and out just like a child! " The mean Cleveland Ghent geuriha own was wrinkled by the end of the whole. "I'm so very sorry to disappoint ...Never gyeolgyeda two wards. The next few h ours getting quite troubled by this Absolutely will not open. And sangdaera ....I also think that long for revenge d id not I trust you see? " "Both Klein and not easy to think I was, you know, be careful ...." "By the purity of darkness ...." Then grab the darkness has been sealed up. It sparks a heated shield balhaetda budithija. "He stays down any shield yidaero seems to be awake soon." Ilan told two companions rushed toward. Immediately balhaetda haelyi divine po wer. "Ahriannim coming to me now ....." Please rid me of darkness prevents And Ariane had spread around the bluish darkness attacking the shield of the A riane sinseongryeok Conflict with the shield was a little farther. And as soon as Ghent and Lau Li geuriha was brandishing the magic. "Sword Wand." "Light Magic Missile" Dark magic slowly disappeared under attack. And hael also met with divine powe r. "This defense, I'll never have no right to copy. Ll be attacked unless you do not know. " "That's right. Well, yours truly. " Lau does not get to say that the attack began. "Sword of the enemy fire is gareul. Fire Blade " And a big flame toward the sword, and flew on Cleveland. And that was followed by geuriha Ghent. "Jiahseu keuruno Lamu two ....Powers of darkness shall myeolha enemies.Explosi on hell. " Cleveland came flying toward his fire sword by the sword of darkness abandoned block. Then followed two Well into his circle formed around the doedeoni vigorously around the explosion caused mana. Cleveland is on Was embarrassed at the moment. Makatgi just because of the sword of fire was not able to make money right now. "Under the agreement with me to protect me, O Pray rageuni Luke La Moon." And as a black circle formed around him and around him sprang to the explosion . "Damn is the contractor's protection? But Luke La statement rageuni disgrace . ..." "He's a senior demon, right? It's too dark ...." "That's kind of hard to make it But how did you deal? He draws an agreement wo uld be difficult to Unless offering the best interests of eonga ...." Then the black curtain of dust appeared geothimyeo. And the film appear on bot h sides of Cleveland geothimyeo The darkness is born of his two hands geothin gathered. "Hell, ...Kkwaehaneun County. Dark Buster " And combined with one of his two hands went out gathering darkness. "Rageuni contact Luke can do? LA? It's very special! O, O flame flame here you want to force yiege Lent words.Flare " And in the hands of a white bitjulgiga flew geuriha Ghent. Soon two, light and darkness and light, this conflict Abandoned pushed out. Buster's starting to weaken the power of dark, but was tol d to fly at high speed. Low degree of

If the current in the power and the formation of Ilan shield was enough to neutr alize. So hurry Lau does not get defensive when magic was oewooryeo. "Bolt which is Rye" "Wand blade" "Shield" Yakhagin immediately went out, but the sword of lightning and the wind shield was formed. Dark Buster La Brightening Wand blade bolts and destroyed in a collision with Betrayed. Count o n this day, and Lowry, geuriha Ghent You may return back to me and I hael sense, yes two, respectively, were ppaedeul go sword. These are not things If sidongeoman without the need for good order became available was to use the m agic sword. "I guess I do not see things that got the job's got good stuff ' Cleveland came toward the two companions quipped. And as soon as the attack be gan. "Is this the block from me. Ice Spear. Dark Buster " He does not get Ice Spear throwing the router to block formation of Fire Let t he two straight dark bus Nalryeotda teoreul. Ghent geuriha see it they know the destructive power of the order 7 class Chapter made a stronger order. Dark Buster, relative to the two, but now this wa y I do not know if it's Was only. "Lightning ....Here the power of the destroyer of perforation of the balhara y ou ...Gigabit rayidein. " Then went huge stretches the width of the lightning. Yeah, she is followed by two and one is used in the Rye Or the magic of the earlier flare, such as Ghent was geuriha. Each one flew towa rd the Dark Buster . It was when they explode. "I do not know ... as a kkeutilji Dark ...Buster " They looked surprised. Five of magic dust explosion pieoohreun everything one between Buster flew the size. "Damn that guy, are not you tired?" Oh, so saying you unplug upgrade Lamy took the sword you get for trying this. "Let's take a look at what performance? ' Upgrade the sword to its full mana, then go forward, injecting the nalryeotda geomgi. "Jeokryong" And his geomeseo red mana for the appearance and flew with (It is for Eastern. People here do not know this for details.) And then something like petals around the nalryeotda. 'What the hell Getting geomgi well to that of the petals is not what this spec ial effects, sword ....' When he thought of a bitch due to fly to the beautiful petals geomgi Buster an d the Dark Both were destroyed rap. What is this?That ........." On Cleveland who beat his Dark Buster embarrassed looking at upgrading. The party also had the same panic. Dark Buster grade 7 class to just blow geom gi You're .... You! Sword Master ....Senior? " "Ahnilgeya ..............." What magic seven-class "Income .....What nonsense ...... Go Blizzard " His horse into the ground along the dalryeowatda something.

Upgrade their sword the land of the report it kkotatda. "Land ilgeom" Then place the sword from the ground slightly parted flowers that I knocked de oni explosion beulrijadeuran Said. And here and there, exploded on impact with the ground sprang soil. 'What's this? Will be amplified more mana ... This sword ......Right, the godd ess of flowers, the goddess of forests and Eli My search .....Flowers and trees absorb mana and mana boost your .....It's very special! In this temple ilrayijeo Seonggeom ?.........But how is this ?......... You're stuck in mugijeomIlrayijeo ran this goddess Run make the sword's good, why do not manage ?....Thanks to the cabin, but I hav e ... " "Keuk.You obviously come from? Mwogilre .....I am a strong ?....It can't be! "Pathetic bitch ....Beat beat drum kit alone ninety thousand well .... Look no play ....." "What the ass to stay out of the south Is revenge .... Otherwise, get out of h ere I'll kill you. " "What's this? Why is not he stay out of a skill? If talent, good luck with tha t. ... " "Doom rageuni rakeuramun underlined the strength of O I want you now. Wish you the power of the enemy Myeolhagoja haohni ... " "I play for a loser you approve of orders are you? Steel! " Upgrade of the Mana looks like the end of the mass of the sword, depending on the Cleveland and flew towards. But it's those Was destroyed in the surrounding. "Huh? What is this? "That's seven-class upgrade with more orders to protect the user Mana swinging around Repelling the attack and got decent spread .... " Wow! Huh? I got to beat. " "Usually, if the inspection is not possible, but if you ... ... .." "Look, I do not chat or hand sseoboran mean anyone!" And stood on one side of the wizard series on the boundary with two upgrades g euriha shouted toward Ghent. His horse. I got the answer to the upgrade to finish the orders came toward Cleveland stood . "If this level ttuleul itgetji Wed? Jeokhwabonggeom! " Then upgrade to a new feature of the geomeseo played a red color is flying geo mgi. "How ... can play like that geomgi the form, right?" It's all here now linking was questioned. It came straight toward Cleveland Ca sting nalatgo Something also has keulrion geomgi of completing upgrades to feel that the Order made a oeeotdeon. "Myeolhari enemies into darkness ... Darkness Dark Dan." Then around the shape of his body without ruptures, the darkness came up with the upgrade of the geomgi. Based two kinds of Dwieongkkyeotda luck without an explosion. Both dark and red mana around dwieong kimeun was vibrating. That Upgrade to remember you kept pulling up next to the sword again. "Go, go baekbonghwang will help jeokbongeul" Then he went forth earlier geomeseo shaped like birds that flew in colors. Bae ksaekin. It The darkness of the street immediately flies were tangled jeokbonggwa. Soon the darkness, two kinds of small jeokbonggwa baekbong Flew on toward Cleveland myeolsikigo. Cleveland came to break the spell of his l ook like birds flying Geomgi of hope seemed to see that you can not trust, but did not stop me. And im

mediately flew Bounce right back and flew to geomgi. "Keuk ......Analysis on each division is as follows.This ...What ridiculous .. ....I'm not ...No. ... " On Cleveland somyeolhae so slowly began to speak. Contract with him when he died his body and soul with the devil according to t he contract was to be taken. Upgrading to put the sword was like watching. Until then, others were building a bemused expression. They are so far because I've never seen. It is common that Sword Master Moreover, the Sword Master is not even throw a half inches geomgi never upgrade because not enough of few small injuries. "But that's still just a floating military ...." Forming a circle in the words of upgrading and bead chain linking parameters w ere the same. You know, this way will probably be two or three times like that. "I'll have to smash! Hyeolnoegangji! " For the finger towards the upgrade of beads made a jigang. And in his fingers red mana They destroyed the beads expand. Abandoned. Kwagwagwang ......Seuseueut Beads became awake immediately around the black circle has been destroyed. And that was outside the circle of people inside could not lift because the pa rty of deuleoohmyeo Asked the safety of. Itdeon chill the spirit indeed be somewhat roughly, and the answer was fine Th e closer I get to the upgrade party Have. Now Looks like the end of competition. I'll stop .... IlanYou know a destinati on. " Um... The ...So, get ready .....But before that ....." "I'll tell you ... as you stop it ~ ~ Ikpop "Come ......." With a look of bemused companions followed the end of the upgrade. Then, watch ing the Earl called party has set. "Hey-ho-ho me to talk ... Come to my house. " "Ha ~ ~ Your Grace, so I'm just tired of us ... By the time to find the time t o come tomorrow, okay. I will. " Of course, as having the time says that. ' "Well, yeah.So I'll tiredWe'll try tomorrow. " "Thank you. The rest of us twenty thousand. " Upgrading of the party stood in front turned and smiled faintly headed to a mo tel. Returning to the inn for dinner party after resolving roughly told to bed earl y. Both strains are extremely STARK quite tired because the spirit. However, there were those who did not. I was just upgrade and elpeuin sense. T hey're in a restaurant Were divided into groups. I was at the request of a point. Ely and the first win e in the mouth, wet upgrade You asked. "I ask you directly. Are you Dragon? " Dragon? Dragon ...Dragon and no matter what you do not have forever, but not w here I Equals one, and see the Dragon as saying the only one seen outside. " No! I ask what brings you going? " "Because what happened in today's tournament. You know what a huge upgrade all the things that have been

Joe. If you do not mind Could you explain? " "Description as .....What's that simple. What is new law that I told it to tea ch? It looks like. I did By law it is not an expression such as proper use of mana attacked the law. Mayb e magic and the same The geotyijyo. Around the use of magic and mana to cast that's just different fo r different. " Do you hear yourself saying the upgrade of a point or saw And the words of the upgrade to some extent as to convince one nodded. "How much doeneungunyo understanding. But no one seemed to know such things ca n not Then I also Let me start that. " 'Well, are you still in doubt ....Is that it? However, these technologies also ...... DragonShe gonna know? " "That might have been thought of. ...... I can not tell if you suspect release d Eodeun former de Not raegonyi. Meet The Dragon sindani ask. It seems to be faster to do that John. " "It would be nice. Thank you. For taking the time to do so " It is not. Neither was suspected not what's good. But to get to a point, or th e Dragon Why is that? Can you tell me you did not? " Upgrades Upgrade to the end of her stare for a moment the horse pulled out. "I am the gold dragon's head to get to the reason is because he has nine of th e seal. Rods Guran phosphorus has a strong sealing force. Want to get it for them to explain why 're Dating to 200 years ago. Then they say, breaking into our town. Iteoteotseup figures by this. He was a warlock magic trauma suffered during the execution seemed to u nderstand there was crazy. He We broke into the village nalryeotdago magic is everywhere. The people of the vi llage towards him four magic Yonghaeseo struggled to prevent. Kkwaeiteotseupnida sacrifice. And detrimental t o him the elders of our town. Iphyeotjyo. Injured, he sacrificed his life for the last time you ran the summon ing spell. That Rigaud's body, he was summoned demons. Elder in that town with people who look b ad Mark, have summoned as soon as the seal. And re-sealed several times been made. So Until now, that there was no big deal. But three months ago due to lightning dam age ipeotseup Chains by this. Tried to reseal the meantime, seemed to shine all the signs of demonic possession horsepower would have been impossible. For eight months, we've left to seal the breach and the fact was making capabili ties. So the phrase that seals the end of consultation Was figured. And it's a gold dragon's head that you have a seed in Lisle Okay? So I fell in going after it " Um...The leaves from the town ......" No! Our elves in a forest near the village assuming does not leave. And the Wi zard When the contract refers to our world, even if haetgie track is gonna come " "Is it ......" "I'm gonna hurt headache .....' Or is there a point to upgrade their room and told the story to end. The next day the party was ready to travel. The preparations were both Ilan an d Glacier. Jeomsimttaejjeum companions Be ready. Upgrade to the table because they began to discuss the trip. "Prepare for battle in the words of a point, or the amount you did not do so b

ut would you mind? But two myeongsaek Leaving the way to meet the Dragon. " That's OK. Dragon hajiyo wise. We will not harm a person mess. With the excep tion of some Says. And those of us going to the same place to meet where the head of gold dra gon. He Woorimal reotge rush will not hear it but not attack. " "If you say so matjyo. But do you know the road? " Yes... By Lyle on where the seed is rare is the reyinon Mountains. It takes 12 days of this. " "I decided to start early tomorrow morning, do you say Ilrinayang? Or as I Province "That's going to need to rush that I shall leave tomorrow." "But the upgrade. Hi Earl said yesterday you swore you went ....Anganya? " "Yeah, it's ...Yeah, it's ... But what if there are not good to go for? ' "Yes, this. I will stand a good one eopdan said. Count me because of the minor things I did yesterday. Somehow we get there, you're gonna do another naljapahnoteuryeogo? " I see. Yeah, she's right upgrade, upgrade skills so what would you be if you c ould not have originated Gedeun'll want to get. " "Well ......" "... Oh.Me this little guy that lives in this world is not good at all do not know more Free? ' Hey, So, if you stay We'll just skills I mean, would not be an issue if the ar ticles so that t It acts as a master of the people, so I mean, you could always Is not the Marqui s and the Duke " 'It serves you right that's my goal ahnijannya' "It serves you right! I had such a long time ago if I wanted to be aristocrati c. I got things to do. I temple Supposed to go after you saw that. When the nobleman, so I'm not unable to move freely, " "It's not too ......" "Yeah, I mean, so giving to a letter that will leave quietly." "M gonna have to camp here today." Upgrade of the late Ilan they came down around the end of exploring. Bo ... I road about six corrective came to be. And since I do not have anywhere near the nearby village to make thi s camp is not out there. Lower end of their own party was doing to himself. Just like that, that might be in line with firewood and Delph Radish went to rescue a point and tied the horse. And haeleun was preparing dinn er. And Upgrade and Ilan looked around. It's already the second day the inn was a spiral . Upgrade with a bucket in the words of Leaving only a letter was coming out. Upgrade to the star around the other thing was looking around. Was only a smal l forest. But it was not near the water there was no correlation. Ely and summon the spi rits of water, because the charge Is vulnerable. "Drink called Sprite. If you think I learned more comfortable doing a sympathe tic, eh? " Upgrades to the water spirit summoned back to the camp, watching Ely and himse lf. Seemed quite comfortable. Summon Water Elemental no water available anywhere, and would burn Put it on without summoning the spirits said. They get a glimpse of his horse se nse and laughed.

"I'll teach you if you could get used to upgrade the. I just gave it to teach footwork ranging named. Part time 're Part of the reward. " "Did you hear that? Jungeolgeorin going far. " "It is. Learn upgrade me? " Yes... Let me know. " "During a conversation, I'm sorry. Let's do dinner first and then. Upgrade, go get some firewood and raindelpeunim Please. " Preparing meals, and to upgrade itdeon haelyi said. Enough to cover your eyes in the back of his The following line was carrying firewood Delph. "Line a few days, where there also Delph ahnide What is it? In addition, when not cold as the summer Wood doors do not need it so much. " "Bastard still be bad thing many eopjanneunnya? Come on, grow up blind Indah t his. " "Yet I eosyeoteoyo here?" Upgrading the line saying that Delph was holding it for a bit of a wood. "Hael! What do you have for dinner tonight? " "Oh, where are you menyuralge? Banking franchise. I've got as having that. Now today, soups and Marge Meat is not just about tops the rest. " "Mm-hmm. Matitgetneunde. Been obtained, and then gets the meat in the village do not care anything more. " Hey, Just like that, you know That's where the meat is so good? I would be nic e healthy vegetables to eat. " "Upgrade ... I need a sword upgrade hwidureuryeomyeon force. S eat meat and ha ve the power to figure One says. " 'What nonsense ~~~~' "Find your disposal." After a while you finish eating a meal is finished they say that I left haeleg e jalmeokeot. In fact, the dinner party was responsible for almost haelyi. Upgrades to some extent that he can cook Two was a terrible cook, but a point in the world of the elves, and yes I cook I lan and line Delph Did not notify you speak. And last of all you can say yes this guy was about the soup. So What could the knee? "Got it. Who is washing the dishes is on duty today? " Dishwashing .... Desin haelyi cook the dishes will indeed be decided. And toda y ..... Delph line .......... "I'm here. Hey Elf. Give me some call the water spirit. " Go to the side of the bowl and began to wash. Delph party line is to wash the dishes in Was the best. Dwarves would expect songilin delicate. "Hey, upgrade fencing practice today to help get it back?" "Noh ~ Today, I make a point or to the spirit of magic's why I have you got to learn I'm a no right to copy. " So this upgrade is two days of the sword was babysitting. Well, thanks to the footwork to use the law dictionary Had learned some extent the state. fine line. " Yeah! Then I'll have to So it is telling that haelui did go sideways. Once the upgrade and take care of him sitting in front of her and looked at El y.

"We need to start ilrina." "Well, first I'm going to start with a description of the ordinance. It's a na ture of spirit itself. So High spirits and there's the natural form. By the presence of water spirits. The air. In buldeungyi Did. And the natural forces that govern each jeongryeongwang do exist under the radar high, medium, under the three-step information on Present ryeongyi happens. " "Well, they based their spirits ....It's called no mana? Air, water, etc. have each reported the mana Right. " "That's right. Upgrade each ordinance can I be referred to as the aggregate of mana. Do with little commitment B.Rates go up the more he thought of the baby growing stronger with each jiyo. L esser's command recall. Listen to some of the communication medium ppunyigo can do. And with higher vers us the summoned party Be offended happens. And better than a human can come jeongryeongwang. Intellect ual abilities, such as the little dragon 'll See you're losing. Existence of this world, which was what these men would f ace from the start. " "So when they destroy the spirit can kill, I heard the word" "It's not loud enough. Even immediately after the destruction of jeongryeongwa ng jeongryeongwang Because the birth. And Exist that can actually destroy jeongryeongwang do so. And you can summon jeongr yeongwang linking John Re'm also very rare. In fact, nearly three hundred years did humans or elves. It 's what each of the Dragon Be summoned to the property belonging to the itjiman jeongryeongwang mean. Of co urse, nothing to summon enough womgeup de Raegondeulmanyo. " "That is so summoned Lumpur How are going to do?" "Not exactly the magical summoning of spirits. Affinity with the spirit and do not need to summon I really need. Two mana of nature, rather than have to use his own mana. Anyway The nature of spirit itself, so you need to summon the parties would use a mana. What information To grow this great affinity ryeonggwaui if you do not need the mana, but that ca se was rare. " "I understand that it is called Mana affinity what is going?" "It's kind of ...It's a natural to feel like? That is a unique wind and fire M ana Mana's unique And as the earth, how mana neukkineu nyaga significant. In particular, the natur e of the mana hankkeo Wizard Each time you feel this is embarrassing accepts. Some of the wizard, the wizard because the ordinance Embarrassing to have come out. Except of course we mean the elves and dragons. O nce summoned, however, the If agreement can be summoned by name, do call. The rape of this magical benefits ordinance Joe. " "Talking of the natural forces of each ......So it's not being so hard. Anyway , I learned of valor Holiday units of degrees perforation of the things that's your own natural power was the ultimate test of learning? And that's going on here ?.....What? ....''ll Be to find out "How do I summon Elemental ilrina?" "First, you need to summon the spirit that belongs to each of you feel the man a, and then to summon students strongly

Each. And then summoned to meet there when I have felt like they said with the m ana Will. And every spirit summoning spells oeupnida fit. I sense the presence or th e copy with me Reunani govern the presence of water to my call, ident ... If the flame exist th at govern fire This is what she does. This order did little more formal. Importantly, they have an affinity with the mana and Joe. " "I summon the spirit that classification?" "That's the first time to summon the spirits to those who will not care. First by summoning the spirits summoned Depending on the grade of the ordinance itself can summon spirits beneath hang c an Summon Lesser spirits If such thing be summoned spirits eopgetjiman Intermediate contracts that spirit and that spirit inferior to Do you want to command you to summon spirits. Of course, this also doejyo mana c onsumption. Not to me the mentality. And Each ordinance in accordance with the affinity of each grade will change to summ on the spirits. " "Mm-hmm! Well ... ... " "Then I'll give it a try ..... ilrinaFirst, what the spirit ......." So this next to his horse and said you were viewing. Hey, Upgrade fire. Do injustice to the spirit. " "No cooking, even when the water spirit jotchanah upgrade." "I am Spirit of the earth ..." "My mamipnida. Never mind. " Yet upgrading your eyes closed, the stronger the wind pungeul application of t he public by singing Holiday Daecheon Feel the wind went out of mana. And I can feel the wind has been strong pure man a. I sleep When you feel something has to knock. It was some pretty strong presence at hand . Just the other day So this looked like a drone that also in existence, such as the wind that the ve ry existence ....It eot presence . Upgrade its existence, awakening a sense panic. And then I looked at Ely. Then she Upgrades also seemed to feel the looming presence felt embarrassed and looked at upgrading to look like. "Ilrina What is it? Neukkingeon I? Such as a water spirit and evocative sense of presence was not such a Did. Fully ... It's a completely different feeling ....To the magnificent " Upgrade to say that was emerging at the head of. "That's right .... it's presence jeongryeongwang Well, according to the memor y of this drone is jeongryeongwang unmistakable. But They tell me that is not easily summoned jeongryeongwang ....How? "Update ....It seems senior trader .....I'm not sure ... " This attitude was watching from over here in Ilan, etc. have been asking. "Hey, what's going on ...Ilrina Why not? " "I felt when I try to upgrade the summons You're pretty crunchy." Yes... So, even higher spirits .....? That's great ....." Yeah I hear you say that a point is watching it reminded me of thinking that's not enough. "Ilrina I'll try again." Upgrade to say so again went to summon spirits. And I feel this has the same presence. Towards upgrading the existing Open on his machine went out with. Holiday unit s as well as punch with the wind Mana was like. And the order was the brig.

"I need to upgrade there with me singing on the wind came to my call prompts t o govern the presence of D. And a significant upgrade from its own mana in Seoul, awakening feeling that e scapes. And I saw in front of them shimmering space. I definitely have a point when you summon the spirit of this phenomenon was no t. And like the wind after it would have been a soft beep. [I am the source of the wind the wind jeongryeongwang sireudeuran] Yet space ilreongimyi emitting blue lady was born like that. She appeared in a quiet jyeogatda peojideut her presence. Peer-place finish fo ur fire Roger went. But did not dark. And do not hael and was also pinned. Looking to upgrade jeongryeongwang sireudeuraneun she said of the wind gibodan has said the feeling. [Summoned me over there to deal with me you present lacking. I have the promis e of the beginning You will admit in accordance with the contract. Me more than you would a contrac t?] Upgrade to itself feels soft jomjaegameul said while watching her feel. Yes... I want you and a contract. " [Good. Depending on the promise of the beginning or sireudeuraneun you will re spect a contract with. Your name What are you?] "I is upgrading. Wait, whose real name is different. Usually said that the pro nunciation wrong. " Really. Stars do not care. Update me over to celebrate the agreement.] "Thank you. And that. I would like to contract with other spirits of the wind. " Um... You did not deal with the spirit of the wind there?] "Yes, I would first raseo to summon the spirits" [.....What. So I summon you to the jonjaeran its first one mean? If so, you ha ve an affinity for What.] "....." [Whooping .... great.So that'll tell you me you were a contract Wind Spirit Ki ng. Main page of the wind. Ordinance and does not need a separate contract. If you go to the required grade only comforting spirit. The first contract whooping Jeongryeongwang spirits as one .....Jeongryeongwang surprise to hear other peopl e] Saying that she slowly disappeared. And a soft wind sweeping around whether ha ncharye Let's get on her presence disappeared. Pieonatda A fire and again. Tteolsseok! Sounds like something to fall companions looked up I hear. I put the upgrade as the eye could lay ahead. "Upgrade. Are you okay? " "Upgrade ....." "Do not worry. I'll be fine. Jeongryeongwang the presence or in the body is su mmoned by the wind yideunim And I think he is a mana-intensive. " Ely and a nod at the end of the companions and looked at the upgrade. And ilrina also concerned with such upgrades as a semi-surprise, staring eyes iteotda half. "Oh, it's rare close nearly half would escape ..... I'm a heotalhaeUm, shit je

ongryeongwang the presence of Consumes more gigabytes cheongnage over? ...What? What is this? Mana's body in his magnificent upgrade their momjeonchero felt spreading. And softly through the wind outside has been the influx of mana. The two stars without collision Upgrade of the year and replenish mana was spent. 'What the hell ...... Has increased rather rare .....' Upgrade to novelty was his brother who got the full body, with a look of bemus ed sense I looked at the cause. Ely, or watching his eyes full of questions asked. "Upgrade! What's the big deal? " "Well, I jeongryeongwang ilrina to summon again the wind is filled with mana'm exhausted? What? Tteotge's going on here? " Huh? You're talking about it .... I know for sure, but I heard that you jeongr yeongwang two elders What is so mana consumed when summoned there, but I'm back after property that b elongs to jeongryeongwang To summon mana mana's girlfriend told me that. In some cases, even increased man a Wide prayer hagoyo sikyeoju. If you do these things jeongryeongwang And not to s ummon the people. Summoned once After almost a month would'll be in bed. " "Is that right? I blew the machine Mana Mana from outside ....." Saenggeut sense to laugh or to give such an upgrade was short. "That's odd, but ....... I recovered so quickly, as they say that the upgrade did not mean 'm ....." Upgrade to listen to a description of the sense or passed to it for one of two kinds of understanding mana gone . "So what's the rest? Spread from within, not outside of ...... Yeah, it was a ..... Tremendous That chunk of mana, I forgot ' Upgrade its own to make sure I'm right and nodded his head. Heart of the Dragon was not conjured upgrade. Heart of the Dragon right, they said this drone. "But, well, that's good ....So if this is open at one time ......YeeshRusting is dead. ' "That's awesome upgrade anyway, how you act jeongryeongwang ......" Yeah! He did pretty good. " "Upgrading jeongryeongwang called! Well, that's the magic class premium. " "Stop it. This is not easy to summon one summon can not say for so often. " "Hey, at least I can do is all you got wind of the Spirit that I was not quite the degree to Nha? " After "...... And then Yeah, she'll tell me let's be honest Jealous? " So this upgrade asked, laughing slightly. "Frankly, I envy you got it. He's also good to fencing as jeongryeongwang jeo ngryeongwang ...So to stay Now you can not bear the sword spirit ...." "Dude, that mwodaedan it." "Yeah, yeah I've heard it all too common in tests nine spirits." "Hael jilyiragu I'm talking about guys, and then this guy I'm sure you're goin g to qualitatively different." Against that party hollering when they started to jungje Rye by Delph. "Knock it off, you little bastards. Come a little time's gone! Did not you do need to go again tomorrow! " "Mmm, I wonder. So who vigil ~ ~ ~ " "So this this right."

"You, also, do not think ... unless they knew their tteoneomgil" "Uhh ~ ~ ~" So there sat down on it to impress other people can not guginchae (?)Entered i nto its own sleeping bag. "~ ~ Whoa jaljatda haaham." Update the screwing up and stretching. And looked around. And on the other sid e guard. Delph was standing on the line was seen. "Good mornin '?" Yes... Must have made the suffering Delph line. " What? By ....." Listening to upgrade its looked around. Ely and the upgrade seemed to happen o ver there a little earlier than And revenues were at the low end was not haeleun was praying. Yeah, she is sleeping with who was Ilan. "Oh, dear! The thing is this guy must be the notes rise and fall asleep What a re you doing? Sunday Eonayo. Ilan, Ilan " And yes Ido aroused. And untidy breakfast ..... "When will the next town, but also a good guy ... Yes this?" "I saw on the map roughly think you can arrive late in the afternoon jeonyeokt taejjeum ....." "Now stop it from ~ s yes ..." I was driving behind the line of his Delph Ilan strides. And he began to follow behind the upgrade. Tataang .....Chwangang Budithimyeo sword Just as I had many people it's pretty sound. And the human does not seem to The noise .... "What do you mean? I kind of like a scream Would not have to go? " Looking to upgrade the Ilan said. "Mmm, could be dangerous, but not willing to walk away ..... act as initiators It went down near the end of the Upgrade and yes it will join at the top and side in the middle of a point, or wi th me and that hael Delph line. Let this much, and everyone must get back and isolate the same ..... bill Blood Do not support. " "Okay." And a party to the other side of the small forest horse tethered to him and ap proachable at it carefully Jakhaetda. And moments later, the situation shown in the middle of the wagon were two gro ups being replaced left. Do not get a bunch of The car seems to keep the Knights were wearing body armor. Students seemed to de crease the lot was myeongjeongdo 5. And those that surround them and the black armor and a mask of a dozen charact ers and Not between a pig head was monseuteoin Oak. And in one of these two men wearing Klan hoods were like. They seemed almost assured victory did not actively deombigo. Little remaining five People seemed to be kidding me stories. Yeah, she quietly watching all these people have been asking Iran. "Ilan. Who is that ?........" I'm not so sure. "I do not know, wearing a mask that one sentence nor of disgrace to the black armor inclusion to Oak I'm working on it .....But in that coach, and armor for the Knights of Gryphon s

entence where that sentence I think I've seen the ......Never cared jalnajil think ?...." Listening to the upgrade of Ilan said quietly. "Ilan faster than that right now I think I need to. There seems to be the boss guy Because I think to command the attack. " In the words of the black knight in shining armor upgrade seven of each articl e headed naseomyeo future. Upgrades like watching them all told. "So this, the line Delph men with me, Ilan, and a point or is this a magic gye onjehae rats. Self Now Upgrading to a faster rate dalryeonagatda with horses. And yes, also, not that fast but dalryeonagatda. Delph and the line no Lee has the footwork, but because the bridge has been unavoidably delayed, rathe r than Glacier. The first upgrade Oak was a step back and the rest of the article was to cut. Vigilant and spleen would be easy Was because based. And it took her waist, pulled ah told Lamy. And soon his sword toward the front of the enemy nalryeotda linking. Go fast in a flash of his dark and broken spine laid three. And that time arri ves Yeah, she was involved in an attack in line with Delph. Party of enemies popping numbers shaken up, but less as a check and jumped on male . But then they flew toward the ball hit the fire from over there. A result, had gathered Portrait of two people turned to ashes on the spot so that the rest of abandoned land to the body on fire gulreot . Then the commander stood back while the people of masks looked at side. And t hen they Not wearing body armor and connecting people to where the future look Ilan saw m e. And bokmyeonin Towards upgrading of attacks began again. And then the fire flew from over the observance. And that person is not wearing armor naseotda forward. "Water Arrow" Then the three heats water in a fire ball flew Arrow were destroyed by the con flict. "He's a healer upgrade." "Dude! It says nothing, but you know ... " 'I give up on magic attack, and we do a lot of guys assume the one?' Yet upgrade his sword in front of a mask being the waist and blew. "Ilan's not really magic, but magic is also ......' Hey, Just like that, you still have it, you're in the search for this shit to write when you do not blow it. " Of course. "Lightning Bolt." Chijik kkwakkwagwang .... He flew from the magic sword of lightning bolts towards the mask were scattere d. Then he was seeing on the other side look here dalryeowatda article with a swo rd. Yeah, he connects with a sword, the magic seemed to aiming it. "Yeah, I hope more proficient .... Yeah, I'm hard to include the job because . .. " Highway upgrade is thought that the course of the horizontal block stood. And he seemed such a sword fell gasoropda upgrade report. But then he soon da nghwangha

Said back was to take the fall. Upgrading to prevent his sword still in its plac e bouncin 'abandoned Gahaeon directly to you as soon as the attack was. He does not defend the sword sinking dwiraseo Had rushed to take the fall. And then from behind the mask of the other two, and make fun of upgrading to tackle the Have. Before you upgrade to a close, but he approachable thrown by the wind went out of the sword. From that sense I was seeing was a rush to blow the magic sword. "Ilrina Thank you. But I have nothing to worry about " Saying that the sword of mana upgrade the injection soccer kept pulling up nex t to the right. And his sword. Geomgi standing by to fly all this way for the coming two oak blew. And immediately rushed towards the test. "Just give ilgeom ilgeom Jincheon." Sword of the cloth just stop checking naetda upgrade. However, after it failed to follow the geomgi the block Said. Geomgi letting white. It then checks the last I've seen in the world He had it bad. The upgrade is processed in-house colleagues rushed to where they are a hassle . "Gunmarak!" Upgrades on all sides until well after the jump and climb naetda geomgi. Masking of the majority was concentrated and rainy like oak went down. Geomgi not obstruct. So Some terrified that he began to escape to the woods. And Ilan had been dealing w ith the wizard Also seemed perplexed at the unexpected situation quickly teleport to memorize t he order signed lease. And one of the quiet jyeobeo gone. "Banking franchise, are you okay? All you okay? " Exclaimed haeldeungyi come from forests. And you do not mind Yeah, this guy ga ve a wave as . And aside dagaohmyeo upgrade upgrade touched the shoulder of crackling. "Pretty wild upgrade skills .... And you know what you taught me amazing footw ork, thanks to that Okay? Anmatateo black nothing. " He and his sword, that went really say there was no sign. Amongst many people that premarital sseokyeo I have good search skills jiniji is not one that he scratches. "Of course not. Bound to imagine things that I've lost the use to teach? " So the conversation went to fold the first leg of articles looked up. The fiv e people in front of the carriage There were three of the articles were laying on the ground, but stood two men se emed difficult. Hael Dagagatda to expect from a priest injured. But the one person she was only a chiro. This is because two of whom had alrea dy died. She Jump the sanctity of force, no matter how much because I can not resurrect a dea d man. Jichigin then, but still seems full of stories watching party was grateful. "Thank you for your help as dangerous at times. Land of the Empire's imperial ahnakeuren I Knights of Templar Locke is known as Yu rakeurin leader Lat. I sincerely thank you. Dugisa also have to hand, and other personnel. Two people in the articles section of hair and own Guillen is updated and the blonde said Riley. Then Ilan them asked. "Yeah I saw where Gryphon sentence haetdeoni gisabun aII of the Empire, but wh y ahnakeuren

Where the attack ....." Leader of the article on the question of Ilan Lynn Lacroix seemed to hesitate for a moment. He had short blond hair and nice body. Of these, the good big. "We'll talk has been given to help people. We'm escorting a minute here He Announcing Arenas was on a point around the beam. Then one day an unidentified m asked prior to the attack of Will be blindsided like this. " Note to say so, the party obtained and opened the doors of the carriage. Insid e the carriage is not glamorous Were decorated softly. And one boy in the carriage was lying. Is not unconscious Lira had met expression. "Oh, that those of us escorting minutes. But yesterday, we met an arrow due to their fault. Did. It's poisonous arrows that emergency ordinances like that, but did not full y decipher Gesipnida read. Gesini two priests minutes ....Please treat. " "Do not mention it. Eungdang I need to do it all the time. " Yet haelyi went into the carriage. And he did a hand on the boy's forehead sin seongryeok He's capable of. Then look at haeleul Ilan asked. "But they were attacking him, Who is this?" "I do not know. I think that guy that guy looking to attack the secret of trav eling yigie There are few people who know. And they trained people such as the spleen of ... ..... Thieves Gras It is difficult to think. " It's very special! "......Do not know. " "But the imperial knights who escorted the senator why he .....? Prince ...Are you? " And that was quietly listening to the sound of two lakh Lynn nodded slightly. "He's a prince of the United States, who sipnida rahanteunimyi." But to say that they have never seemed to contain Ilan head gyaut're in a hurr y Regina Lynn Lacroix As the horse pulled out excuses. Just because you know what you mean when you do not usually told as if to say, but I now geteuna It is not a situation to help people who would never do more. "He's a .......Bastards ...Sir ... " Huh? Yes, yes. ... " And built a face like that knew Ilan. But that was beside him to hear somethin g Upgrade Did seokyeonchi. "It's weird ....Why ...........' Think so maybe I'm just Haelyi later with a look of fatigue after treatment of the Prince came down fr om the carriage. Busy treating wounded soldiers, plus up to the prince was a pretty tough shape . "I've finished treatment. You were tired, but have some more He's gonna wake u p. " "Thank you. Brother ... " "Do not mention it. I'm just here's what I do. " After holding the next party inflamed after the corpses floated on the spot. A nd while the move Ten thousand and one has set to rest beside a small fountain. Began in the late dinner party there. Then they asked, towards the Ilan. "Now do you propose to do?" "As soon as possible to go back to the empire be it." Um...

Then the two companions are looking at Lac Lynn would say something as an expr ession looked like linking. That Easy to say, however, seems quite a difficult butakin could not be retrieved. "I. ..Although we ask that you give me ...." "What ....." "There's only one in this situation have to ask ...... since What is there to ask. Ilan ' Lean to the question of Ilan Lacroix watch for two companions pulled hard to s ay. "I ask people for a number that I hope will act with us. That ten thousand I will appreciate it enough to practice. A line is difficult to know just ask me . " "That's not easy to decide ...... Just ......." Ilan say so, we called a wink. McKnight transferred to a moment away Began to talk. "What do we do?" "Ilan, it's a point I did not have to ask? When I move that we now ilrina Munyinikkayo. " I said at the end of a point upgrade. "I do not hurry. Been months, yet some of the time left hang can Gentlemen, I I'll just follow the opinion of. " So a point or two, and so balhija comments haelyi voted in favor. So the goal this article, because chivalry is difficult as haeleun priest (?) Help people Who was. Then the remaining setyieotda people. "Well, keep up with what's upgrade? Reyinon anyway heading into the mountains of the border under geoneoya If you do not see a problem with them was so far away It's not a mean or whateve r. " "I'll take it ....The honor'm not so fast. " "Okay, well, that decision ..... Um... "Hey, You're not even listening to what my opinion?" Hey! Delph line is that you had to come with me anyway, and how can you be in trouble. They pretend that you could the? Is not it? Kars is not yours dir numeneul sausa ges ....." "Who the hell cares how I do this so get over it? Of course, have to help. " "So, is it. Let's go. " Upgrade of the line of the party back into place again, looked at Delph. "One who's very simple .......' Get back in your seat for the implementation of party re-enter (Ilan), a decis ion as to what Lynn said Lacroix. "Okay. Let us also accompany geujjokbanghyangeuro facing so. " "Thank you. I will immediately return to the Empire just compensation. " No! We hope it is not so do. Please. Would you do care so much Is. " Lean heavily on the implementation of the decisions of Lacroix was grateful. H e is so are thus once again attacked May be attacked for trying to help do so thank you .... Would not If such a Lark In Lean Like a knight in the usual arrogance, or a body could Jalan. Everyone has finished eating around the prince woke up, I realized rahanteuran eun doubt. Then Lynn Lacroix urgently asked the state approached geonnego water. And the answer to the prince, and you do not mind a little smile to the Knight s Templar were cares. And the end is worth the damage of the Knights Templar was passed by the end o f the president, his top. "Looks like a decent personality in midfield in his office all make them proud yigeoneul ...

"Ilan, that Prince kid, I think surprisingly good personality." "Yeah're upgrading. Looks like exactly this. Usually equal to the princes thre w from sucks Ten awake as soon as Dir used ... " Listening to the other comrades of Ilan head was also a slight nod. After a while the prince, looking at party rahanteuege him to answer after bei ng asked to do something McKnight came unto. "Thank you. My hero is in trouble, that we've gotta go. I want to thank you .. ..." The mouth of his late companions naseotda also. It is not. My pleasure will do your. Your Highness, we are nothing more than j ust doing your job. " The prince who stood next to two lakh Lynn Prince said. "If the Prince Warrior Sword Master that, sir. Awesome skills you have. " Yet that point as well and was an erratic person. What are you talking about M cKnight's detractors saw it seems Looked at a face. "Then I tried. I have not seen exactly as melee geomgi'm saw the scattered. And here we have that much skill identification of the two minutes I guess it's. " Lynn Lacroix's words were not significantly different. View Just So this is th e same, was because of the warrior . In fact, with upgrades to the women, because as a slim body. And also clean th e face Women were sharper and clearer. Therefore, never directly to a misunderstanding Lynn Lacroix seemed to wonder ..... Then Delph as well as fighting line, but that dwarves use geomgi be ridiculous thing Yigie ..... However, the end seemed to be irrelevant by Droid. Huh? You've got the master sword. You must be a great skill. Imperial Sword M aster in our people, I I spoke to a few minutes, were you have some really great skills. " No! "Well ......Prince is not me. The Sword Master is an upgrade I'm here as w ell. " So this is the end of the Prince and pulled quickly naesewotda upgrade. But that seems an ideal upgrade to play games with a look of sipeojin Yeah, it looked at. "Yes, why Yeah .....Well, you are you. You do not like it so people aspiring ? ....." Yeah, she is embarrassed at the end of the upgrade and that of his companions at the end of ninth ..... Of course, a point or a byeolpyojeong Did not have. Just look for, l. "But even got to participate in a lie yimyeonseo haeleun priest? Will not mind ? To lie directly It's no big deal. .....' While lying wretch byeolsaenggakeul fulfill. With all respect, even back in mi dfield, playing a dude pretty l. Seems to be. "Dude! Let's say it straight! How do I maseuteonya Sword? It was not. Ilan? " But do not say anything, Ilan. Yeah, she looked embarrassed And there haeleul not say a word, but also Saw two baraman. "Are you finding me, bear the appearance of wanting to hear that. So I'll refr ain from the future. " No! Prince did not do it ....." "But, of course, two minutes, but ..........." lady But never forget to say rahanteu prince. Upgrade to him was because jjireudeut

atgi two overlook. "This should be corrected. As some would carry forward ..........' "Look at this. Prince ... The lady I am not to sure. Distinctly male. Now Mout h by this. "Ha ha, yes, sir. 'm Sorry. ......" I made a mistake. "Prince is not me ..... eodeun Horses pick up the phone. ... " And Ilan and laughed. "How will I stop to tease? Prince He's right. Sword Master yideuip here by this. Then Lynn Lacroix rahanteuwa surprising to look like the eyes and matneu detra ctors looked at upgrading. "I threw a little while is a joke. I was right. " However, at the end of the upgrade of articles and the prince seemed to not ha ve much faith. "Everybody that I know who are you playa physique ....There's just no telling. Yideunim. " "Haha do, ma'am." "Now let's go - twenty thousand. I need to go to the village can be reached je onyeokttaejjeum. " "Yes, sir." "And the Prince, are you going to dump on a stand that I'd love it." "I think it's best to do so. Rahanteunim. Lyle where it heard me say in three other Are you. " I understand. I'll take it. " Then they take your luggage at the end ofthe party won. Molmyeo rahanteuga asked to say. "You Are Where are you going?" "Lower said. Rahanteunim. And We have just been tapped reyinon Mountains. " "Reyinon ... What is there because of the ..... And a dragon who lives in the people we do not But ... " "That's one of our party, because there looking for somebody." "Or our city of late, not because I do not imagine." "No problem. Plus, we care so urgent, Please. Would You do aneuni is fine. " Companions around dinner time, until it became a little on the small town coul d be reached. The town was so big, but it was not a small way. Yeogagu a 500 degree view about the village seemed to gather. McKnight looked at the first inn. "Well excuse me. Is there an inn here, where are you? " So this middle-aged man passing by asked. "Travelers guess the entrants. Straight away and then you come to the middle o f the village inn knows about 4 together with two handed sword. Yes... Thank you! Walking a little man on horseback, in the words of its upcoming four little in n is among the rows of the left Came out of the place. "Ilan, do any inn? You place the flowers in the wind that would be great. " "Well, I think I see, too. Rahanteunimeun How are you? " "Yes, I think maybe that would be great." Get off the horse to an inn with the group approached a boy at the inn for dal ryeonawa beaten party. "I have come. Please say to me ... " Take a horse and watching the boys go into the stables companions went into th e inn. On the first floor of the inn seemed very own Eurasian restaurant people were gathered. People who eat drink .... They

For a moment I stare companions entered the passage of the Joshi said. Hmm what they are companions Looked at seemed to miropdaneun. First, even if the wizard ilhaengman. Elf. Dwarves. Side was a little hard to see, a prince of the advanced party clothes Boy wearing over armor setyieotda article. Kkeulman is also a long enough attent ion. But at least it's just not going their own interests will be only a reluctant on e. "Welcome, welcome ... Staying real, sir? Customers " "Four double rooms with two double rooms one you?" Then the big guy said with a look that difficult. "There is not outside a room for 4 people. There is only one room for 3 people left. " Upgrade to hear his words, said. "So please with it. Ilan, I'll go next to the inn. " "It's upgrade ....Have You OK? " Don't worry. Then I'll get a room here. Is not going to have to dinner. " Turn out to say so, went out of the body. The word was like watching the rahanteu prince. "Due to our ...... " It is not. You're welcome to write a four-minute shot, even'm gonna geupyeonyi safety. " Then a boy came up to say that remained tethered to guide companions went to t heir rooms with. "Pagan and heathen are. Both are stuck together. If you'd like to place my pre -ordered meals Let's. " "No, man, are co-workers, which one comes down to a direct order." "Yes, let it rest in peace ...." On the other hand is directly in front of me to upgrade the inn inn inn called 'fire' turned to flowers. "This inn is all going in the word flower?" Upgrade and open the door to saying that the inn entered. The inn, too, like ' wind flower' On the first floor as they had seemed the very own Eurasian restaurant. Also `gu ests` of wind and a similar number of flowers were. If there is a little different over here, this is a little quiet, whereas the really noisy. Can you say the name of the inn be like? Eodeun I got a room upgrade, go to the counter. "This is the key. Guests eat, but ...." No! No thanks. Saying that, the room turned to the upgrade. Corridor along the second floor o f his room in the rooms, the second Was room. The room was spotless. `A` wind across changeuroneun flowers appeared. Well, this one room, two Room and came out perfect. But coming down the stairs, a man came to upgrade. In great big The degree of back-handed sword strapped sword. He smiled silsil watching upgrade was coming. Upgrading is annoying but not mu ch As he was going through a really close. But the upgrade in-house stood in front of the block. So a little Yeoksina bikkyeotdeoni stood aside tha. Drinking alcohol around looking as if th ey are interesting in the morning. And so there was some frowning. "Ha-this guy can not even say one hundred twelve relative .....' I sigh, and then the upgrade of the stair railing, holding fifty drew gasps fr om the side.

Then he smiled a big, surprising look like the upgrade as well as she jumped d own the stairs. And again blocked the way of upgrades. Why are you doing this? 'Where the princess forever .....' Then he smiled a big, said the silsil. "There's not ...Just a pretty girl once too? Let's get acquainted. " "Oh, it's a word so if you're slipping. They'll eat, go to dinner would be wai ting. ' "I think you know something is wrong ....Is a man. Not a girl. So excuse me, p lease. " And the funnier it seemed a big laugh once said that to have a look around. "Look at this lady! The degree of a mouse, go yourself with ridiculous lies on e? " "Get out of tired of Ha-speaking" Wow! Strongly was coming, huh? " Then some young men who look to his fellow jaekkyeotda laugh. 'Terrific .......' Just upgrade to the big moment was in a plot to blow. McKnight was not seen by travelers on the other side of While a young man arose. "Look at this lady andoeji upsetting." 'Kkwaehage defenseless. However, we received help from the extension be doing something to solve complex look I'm ... " Thought that the big unto dagagatda upgrade. And then the upgrade seems that people looked at more. Then stretch out your h and and his times Place your hand on the novelty spurred plus. "Keoheok ....!" Boom! Kuung "Shit, she's bigger sound sikkeureopgun fall. And a brother, and tried to help , thank you. " Upgrade daze looking young man standing after the inn naseotda thank you. "I think you're rid of that gang, do not ohjina But I'm not being attacked at night So gwichaneunde ...." Upgrade to the 'wind flower' hyanghamyeo himself. Where is he right is only a nuisance. Inn We entered into the restaurant because they had an obligation in one place. Plac e a cup of beer in front of each word . Water, it is not beer. Rahanteuwa hael, a point I was holding to its own suits . "I'm sorry. I passed much time? Some problems at the inn and tell you ... " What? Sure we've come down by now, I got them, the inn? " "The inn was inn opposite. But orders were? " "We've ordered roughly. When counting on you will do. " "Yes. Then a clerk teuranteu Rice here. " This upgrade is my favorite food. Rice is a two teuranteu midfield, roasted ri ce and nonThis is because seuthan. Surprisingly, even with the world's midfield and had so me food. What Wan Said the same thing, but not completely. After the party came out a while, eating food for the journey ahead was clean. "Matitgun ...But what the Knights jeonghago your journey gesipnikka deulkkeseo neun? " Lacroix at the end of Ilan two brunette Lynn Gillen's article looked at the up date. And Guillen update of the party Towards said. "I know roughly two days versus the geography offers. I can hold the shortest

distance to the Empire by this. If the town is also to be avoided and how. Middle course, so the diffus ion problem 'll Hear. " Guillen haelyi update saying that listening to him, asked questions "So roughly how much time will it take?" "I do not know exactly but the road can hold roughly 10 days. Water is close t o the Capitol. However, my gadaga Estates may be escorted to the station heard shall see, so do not risk it. " Quietly listening to his words, Ilan said. "But I do not even know who has been attacked anybody ask for help in situatio ns where a gun ....." The prince said the rahanteu. It is not. We have people on the way to the manor of the Marquis itseupnida wo yiren. For me, my grandfather, He et A man who c: dobj emperor. " Is it his horse was Ilan et al. In fact, these days of the Empire of the royal family to know how it Itgetneunga. "But if you're talking like that, but the work of the prince that it is also n oticed that the internal will? ' Some of this thinking. So to think about the article was headed, and Ilan, and upgrades. For me a good sense of the feelings that can not or will know aneuni said. They thought nobody would think of the prince's travel schedule, as we know hi m trained systematically Figures are from Lynn and the Lark and the internal problems of the empire were present. Lynn Lacroix internal affairs as well as learn more about the Empire, rather t han spoken, but it gave some grief Said. And also it's more about themselves would not know where. He would not learn that he was president of the Knights of the .... "But first, tomorrow I need to ride horses and supplies and arrange travel'll have to put." Yes... And if you can be a good idea seems to be leaving here tomorrow. Fits r ahanteunimegen I do not know if real even though it would be great to avoid the enemies that sa ys the same. " "What a nice idea, As I leave tomorrow jiyo ilrannim " "I guess from tomorrow to hurry. So ilrina So this is me and get ready for foo d. " "Yes, Yes, that each horse and horseman rahanteunimkkeseoneun and prepare what you need for your trip Please " So this is what he says is what tudeolgeoryeotda complaints. "So yideuna Ilan, what do the Delf line? Perhaps you mean dumping and as glad as us. " "That's your paljaji, haelyi because you pointed picked up by someone else if you're going the other I think he's human. " "Geez ....." But "Now go and kick back in their rooms kkeutnaeteuni meal there again tomorrow, I'll be easy enough to move Should have to. " Everybody stood up at the end of its upgrade of the fire flowers grow well lik e to say `headed`. Entered the upgrade to upgrade the inn stood, a man reported. He fit right to upgrade earlier Oh, fell and was big. He came to upgrade each smile. "I'm sorry. I should not have published some twenty thousand joke go back. "

"Ho-Oh, he was fine surprisingly. Plus, does seem to be kkonghan. ' "I think that way a little gross. I'm gonna get you to accept your apology. An d like the cat, I do apologize. " Yet soneulnaemileo were shaking hands. ^ ^ Peace "Well, I'm gonna make a mistake before. So you really did not know sedeogun .. . How hanjido Now I drink saltaenikka go into that position. " Upgrade was the big place with big eyes stare back moves a replied. "That does not like - I drink ....." Why? "Well, if beer is not feeling well a little bit, but ...." "That's enough, let's go." I do say so, to become almost like a big upgrade for the upgrade sogaehaet sat for friends . They all combined to two sons and a big nyeoroseo All four soldiers cornerston e "I am Raul Perry ounce, and about this guy's geurenpeul castle, and this guy t eurunil, so And the only woman of our colleagues ilrinsireu Lamy. I've searched for a job is not in the " "I'm upgrading, I doe call it upgrade." Yeah! But the fuck are you magic? How did you do that earlier? " Raul's big questions of his colleagues were interested. What? The ...One? So ......Spirit's sake. " What? So you jeongryeongsa bother him? Fencing're wearing. " "Do not know how to use a little bit. And even though right now they're carryi ng to keep the body's ... " Is it the end, everyone seems to upgrade. All know about such things magical o r jeongryeongsul They tell me if this is not your quiet. "But everyone would come from?" "We? What do you owe us, eh just floating around. Not long ago, on the corner of the empire Mons ahnakeuren That took a minute to appear frequently teoga hunting again now wander around to find a job. Support ... " "You know as big-Len ........................................' "So now what does it ... ahnikeuren Empire Well, there's nothing more? " "Weird? Well naneunjal ...." Then the man will say that listening to the words batatda itdeon geurenpeulyir aneun. "I have something of a little am." "So what?" "Well, I'm not quite sure .... ahnide You know two network linking Rennes infi ghting is going on in the empire.Fatigue was told the Las He said that half of the center of lift jakyi mercenary side they're sure your f riends do not know Iove Uh, and certainly there's not a rumor nadoneun know tha he also says that he tol d me, I heard that, I heard on sulgim on. " "Duke called Las fatigue .............' "And so do you Why do you say that?" Lamy called female soldiers have been asking for the upgrade. "Is it? I'm curious. At first glance, I heard you say is true, but the one to ask, Going. " Yeah! It's us do not care what such a war, even if I should get lucrative. Wha t do you want to, but It's the guy? " "What are you doing, what else is new? There's companions can travel together.

" Yeah! So You Want to go, we go to. Some of our wizards will do that. Jeongryeo ngsul Do not know anybody. " "Ha ha ha, I caught up by then ...'m Not interested. " "Really? But ...." "So I'm gonna leave swilgeyo. Drink it too much. " Upgrading the room was immediately up and discard. Joshi walked into a room upgrade the sword stuck in the back and lay on the be d expands. "Duke called Las tired ..... Which guy are you? Like we need to tell me tomorr ow. " And quietly passed away. Spirit of the wind in your ears like a lullaby sound, listening ....... Happened the next day the price of upgrading to calculate down to the counter and turned to the 'wind flower'. Inn Grunge as a restaurant in the morning, people did not have that much. And one of the restaurant is simply Two people were eating and. "Hope you slept well. Ilrina, hael. " Yes. What about upgrades? ... " "Good morning." Update on the spot and asked. "Where are the others? Huh? I sprayed a lot of simple soup and juice both inte rnal stake. " "Ilan notes the crack Rise If you are a priest to wash their stay. And the res t is still a dream It's me. " "Really? I'll wake up in the morning that would be even, huh? " Haelyi nodded over bread bite. "There eusigo knight then I'd wake up in the dark." Moments later, upgrade the food came down the stairs when I try to eat were co mpanions. Yeah, she is right, and was Ilan articles. What? You waiteotnya upgrade already? " It's very special! Jamkkureogiin I'd like you not? Come on do not. " Then you need to eat each day companions scattered finished. "Please come to end soon." Listening to the self-Ilan mateun went out to buy things. So one of them go a lmost brought As you can see land, but what is haeleul getneunga ..... "This guy's married to live if you stuck .......' Yeah, it was seen watching the upgrade. Of the world does not forbid priests to marry. Of course, a few religions geum hagineun Regulation is not so much to the andago. The remaining upgrades and Ilan, alcohol was not on the line by one Delph. When you eat and drink and drink alcohol in each was different, not grunge. Delf line of beer, wine and upgrade Ilan was a sweet fruit. Upgrade to the sweet fruit and drink a sip of the story began yesterday. "Ilan ...Yesterday I did a talk about it ..... That half of the empire ahnake uren the diary's appearance. And the half-blood in the heart of the Las Duke said there's a guy. Of course, c ertain information It's not. He spoke with drunken soldiers heard what I've heard from a friend. Ra seupi ..... ToYou know him? " "Lars, Laura P. .......Duke, for a class like this also ..... AreAnd yet I hav e heard how much John Cross says he has to take the little politics. "

Delph was drinking beer with the line that we've got to hear a word they were wrong. No! Delph has been quiet busy preparing for this line do not know maybe. " "Well, I do not know. Upgrade. Princes and articles about him I guess we're as king for is our Who lived in rural wonak corner saying, then do not sseujil th good care ... " I see. Said the other day that said territory and also too far away. " "Yes, although it is quiet and secluded place happy place. Gotgwaneun mistake a lot of people. " "Mmm, roughly say that I understand ..." So the three of us share a drink in between most of the talking janssikhamyeo mission (?)A jump or They went back. Look, it took two hours semyieotda was. And yes it all as expect ed You're carrying all the luggage was alone. "Everything would seem prepared. Sligo ought to be ready to leave your own lug gage. " "Then I'll do that calculation." Yet upgrading the baby went to the counter. This guy's a gem, thanks to the di sposal of money right now M Addo was on the. "Calculation'm here. 2 Overview and nine servings of unemployment. " And people who own their own at the end of lunch rose batahdeun. Do not slow d own and ride horses Euleul is out. And completely out of the village came running from the time a li ttle bit of speed naemyeo Has begun. Director general of the Order of the horse hangs Ilan Lynn Lacroix listened to upgrade to the Las fatigue Duke I asked him about. "Las tired charge, sir? I'm not sure if he does not know. Young enough to know roughly the Mastered when I was told quite dissipated. And did the same thing a few years ag o'm. And then suddenly Based jisyeotjyo quiet. You take part in politics. Of course, the court must hav e been doing well under treatment mastered a short time ago it was a sudden you get back. You were going unde You were going. r the body was creepy. And there was a different story. " "Really? ........" "But the thing about why he ....." Huh? It is not. For at first glance, this is just to ask. " "I would not be nice to me yet has not yet sure ......' Lunch, dinner companions with it for sometime to find a suitable place began. And 30 More to minutes, finally came out a small forest. Eopeoteudoe trees shade the wa ter was kkwaeiteoseo. That However, the wind does not blow the same was true deopgi. "Mmm deowora ......" Hey, Yeah, she do not lie down That's where you got to wake up preparing meals roughly ....." Yeah, it'd be hanging at the end of the upgrade carrying lunch went back sat a flop. Dwarf with other people, too much hand deounji Desiree meal in the shade did n ot. Then they called the wind and watching the upgrade was thinking. Then comes to mind was that. Elemental ...... "Wait a second!" Now that I contracted it to Spirit Wind ...... We'll you call ....' "In the ...... So .......Silpeu ...Am I right? "

And his future in the small wings and a little blue fairies appear with a tran sparent body Natda. Looks like a fairy appeared silpeu Keep your head down looking at the upg rade looks him in the face Were floating in front. It seemed to be asking down command. Um...So. If the wind blew in the area for some ...... Deowoseo mean. " Silpeu smiled slightly and disappeared at the end of upgrade. Then the winds b egan to cool quickly. And the word that I had seen Frank Ely. "That's good. Upgrade. ... The wind is so widely as one silpeu It can also blo w cool air There's no Is it also grew up a contract with jeongryeongwang ...." But Is it a point or to the expression of the upgrade was heard. In fact, do you know how much he anyway? Plus, the memory of this drone So any way Dragon Is the standard. And roughly this much because of the Dragon. In fact, they almo st Lesser Spirit Not use it, but said. "Do you know how to use the spirit of?" Upgrade rahanteuga as articles and looked at the surprising. And what's odd about that upgrade to the leading scientists in that they looke d as if like. "So in the spirit magic to Sword Master Intermediate ..... You're checking spi rits. " What? That said roughly. " Then the next hearing which was a shout-out to upgrade rahanteuga. Both age we re similar. "But how did you escape? I have heard it, but it is uncommon spirit checks the river Andago not heard ...." As mentioned earlier, rahanteuui say that articles are usually not strong spir its. Both What can I say ... do you need to have a What spirit was born with exceptional t alent, if you have to drink the river cooked geomman May be suited by the cabin, but it's so simple ..... Although, I too usually th e knights of the relative In fact it was a tough one. Ordinance also needs to be opponents sword was becau se, as well as. "But the upgrade can handle one of the spirits know what ?...." "Me? There is not much. Outside the scope of Spirit of the Wind did not work. What is called the first true spirit Jeonyira .....Wind Spirit was only with the agreement ...." And look like a little disappointed built rahanteuga. Then you have other idea s Earl Spread oysters looked at the upgrade. "So here you better give me a different spirit. Once I'd love to know the ordi nance contract. " And that was next to the last chew of bread Yeah, she stood there, then. "Yeah, try doing one guy emerge other than the last time she ever not?" Yeah, that's the end of the Templars in the face she drew a question mark did not ask. Their Does not matter that much and said it would have been. "Hmm ~ ~ Tell me about it? Spirit they're a surprisingly pyeonhande .......... ' I was thinking that soon changed the upgrade. 'Era, nor do you need right now ... Although it is quickly filled, and consume manmanchan based Retreat .... Neglect ' "Rahanteunim that I will satisfy even the spirit of the wind. Right now you ha ve the necessary spirit

..... BeWhy ......." Upgrade to tap his shoulder, a word Yeah, it was looking at. "I need a shower, I'd like to deowoseo piped water. Absolutely that's somethin g you're about Is not she? Come on ... Sing me something.What? "Look at that. Upgrade, need one's sing! " "Oh, it's no help anyway - I have no right to copy human beings is a human ... .... I call him? Do? ' Hey, So this supposed to summon the spirit that it's really responsible for wh at I missed you jilgeonya move? What Yeah? " So this is embarrassing moment And then he guthimyeo face with a look that jus t will not hesitate to bogoya said. "Do not worry, I'll take charge of the contract come I'll try to go ..." "Oh, it's really just .......' I miss that. Upgrade to the pressure of the surrounding unavoidably summoned by the Spirit entered. Then a tremendous presence milryeowatda yeoksina. "Damn it - great, just a waste if I call jeongryeongwang geupyinya ......' Yieoteuna grumble of this upgrade is a reason behind it was everything. First, his affinity Holiday Daecheon SheEach ordinance shall force most certainly flocking affinity Plus's why it's n ot a problem. Mana? Suffice with a few viable himself. Dragon Heart is extra to. However, the first summons Whenever you are forced to jeongryeongwangil. Da-he who was wrong ............ t athagetneunga But just to summon the spirits who feel ingicheok was something to upgrade. So , to summon spirits of the Danha and the awakening. Then in the presence of spirits from around the meongha eitdeon articles and rahanteu, and Again, looks great spirit was fed up with the expectation that at least seems to indeed be looked at. "What's the matter? Upgrade " "I'm ready for both. Something is coming. " All seemed strange at the end of the upgrade, but picked up their weapons. And one place all its own Stood over. "I'm really something approaching ... Somehow I think the sky ... " Upgrade rather than too late, but we expect ilrina Elf pagong availability of air they seemed A point at the sky or at the end of the wire once it was seen olryeodabon comp anions. It is also outrageous personality Black and this guy fly in the sky, the party to find that the faster you have to think a good prey McKnight was coming towards you. Ilan was reported that each of the wizard began to memorize the order came out ahead. "On Target. A tornado. " Then a strong wind to fly bulmyeo ohdeon Wyverns play this direction, rose to fly. Ilan's atmosphere around the two wires play once seemed abandoned. But he was told to fly back without giving up easily. Flames that burn at all this time trying to cover up while ppumeu said. "Protect us, O Spirit" Ely went ahead and quickly abandoned the water spirit to stop the flames. The report is geumoseupeul naseotda upgrade. The idea was to try out the spirit of the wind. "The wind of the upper cone summoning spirits, Roy ......Jjiteo jeonyeoseokui discarded wings. "

Dragon appeared before upgrading their similar appearance, but hotter than Dra gon Spirit ~ to lean Ordered toward the icon. And his body was open to the aerodynamics. Syuahak. Huung ~ ~ Winds gusting incredibly squeal and then I hear something from the air tremble Adjuster came down. Koo.Nine ....Shrine. That apart, the wings were jjiteojin Wyverns. Wyverns of the wings is surprisi ngly thin, too, but this Street aerodynamic forces of the ordinance because the state opened its ganghaet gi was abandoned because it tears right. I rolled off and away party for a moment as Wyverns itdeoni gotjeongsineul cha rindeut Beetle Georimyeo happened. Get up, big guy was amazing. Place three or four dogs were n early the size of the. Boy It breaks the wings, while painful, appeared with the group in front of where it worked with the group seemed to Started to come up with. We're not that fast, but rather a form Usui was walloping. Boom ...Boom ....Boom .....Boom ...... But he can see me, but Bay was'm still. So this is more than the next guy looked at Ilan. "Come on. You should be beaten as soon as Lee Ilan. " "All right. Oh, I am about to do. " He turns towards saying that, today notes that the rise of the magic that was appropriate to have convinced Nalryeotda. Upgrade the other day once I was never asked about the memo memorayi jeura Rise It spells a good preview of the day Your memory will make the state'm ready to g o. In short, mechanism Roller without having done anything else sidongeoman the magic that you will cry . That memo did not rise, not the magic that you do not have. However, to use For long spells and it will need to follow your heart, wit is a tiring job. Grade marijuana guru may not have to worry about that but quite tiring for peo ple connecting on the degree of Ilan Jobs that do not rise'm a memo ordering that you are using is unlikely. I rise every morning, a Dana notes the day R Order? However, many lie-in Ilan euroseoneun Not much to say. "Magnum fire spear" Then the thickness of a few namutongman flame flew towards the window when you rotate the Wyverns. It is seen Once, but he's trying to avoid wires on the ground so fast, so it literally forc ed to fit the Was. He pushed back the right of the window flame Soon I went with the window ex ploded. The explosion of the debris he played here and there. Of course, the party did not come until the rahan Haeleun port or stomach became quite uncomfortable. "Wook.Ilan. I have not had a quiet spell? " Seemed to turn around after haelyi damn fool, I want you to Ilan was short. Ilan rahanteu as well as looked at the eyes. So? I note that the most appropriate raseo rise during a spell ......" Ilan awkward excuse .......As we take out the blame, or to hear a sweetheart . ........ Wyverns pass what was due to the invocation of spirits. I spent several days with McKnight's okay. And got the day was when the distan ce from the border. Yeah, she caught him by eating of venison to all Ilan said.

"Yijegot is the border. Too may the best gotiljido enemy attack. " Lacroix at the end of Ilan Lynn and articles of the same idea also filed a com ment. "I think the same too. If empire entering rahanteunimkkeseo attacks more diff icult because the Perhaps before approaching the border attack will come. So, until crossing the b order jigeumbo Everything is going to need more and more nervous. " "So you get to the border tomorrow, why not run without a break till." No! When it exceeds the amount of hael border to attack our deulroseo tired to come haedeuleo That the block is quite difficult. " Then stood with beckoning you to quietly upgrade. "Starting tomorrow, be more careful, do not just assume we will be more carefu l now. Do not make a sound. I'm here. " That said, upgrade the surrounding stone and wood sculptures all over the plac e to throw it off the fire is gone. And a pale moon in the sky bichyeoju OnIy the Iight was around. Why upgrade companions around the stone and wood, but the first cause, and all fish were wondering deonjyeotneunji . What is he seen as upgrading the appearance of something that was coming. Yet the party has been amazing. Upgrading is always the first non-elpeuin sens e or something dagaonda Knowing that. Think that when you are upgrading one of the walks in the woods. Upgrade went into the dark appearance of Ely did not look good for me except for the party. And moments later the sound o f the bush along with the revocation Thickness appeared. Sasak ...Sasasak ..... "Do not ever say it now. Do not even move ....Absolutely, okay? " Upgrade at the end of the party was more than a nod to the eolgyeol. And moments later, McKnight and 7-9 meters away from the crowd in a hand. And among them were stuck the last time you ran the Wizard. And around him th e other day and as Wearing body armor, as prosecutors were close to twenty people. They had a seat at the party The report looked at upgrading the place had gone. Geomjip them with red accents like muttering to himself checking his companion s tell Said. "The skill guys that's How did you know we were coming? You got a rush he went that way. I think ......." Hey! Randol. What do you think? " And randolyirago called wizard opened his mouth. "I told you the other day. That there is a great guy .... She had a spot to th e fatigue. If you have incorrectly or Ppeonhaeteunikka danghal to ... " As saying that I looked around more. "But you could say that she possessed the Sword Master's intermediate skills . ... It's such a skill You did not even completely unknown woman uioeya. " Yet hechyeojin without talking to bush walks in will follow. Other tests also his letter And began to follow. But randolyiraneun Wizard still looked around slowly, that rimyeo record. Then, looking at him in the house with the red geomjip been asked. Hey! "What's the matter?

"Well, you know, jayeonryeok around this. Mana is passing strange, but it's go t But I'm a tell for sure, nor magic nor ......" "Look at it like that anymore ... What spirits or fairies around we go, even i tgetji. Cr Notchilji really do not know. " I walked back to talking. Randoleun nod and look around once again around the The inspection and gatyihaetda pace. And they went to where the eye gone, upgrad e invisibly Update report some time afterward, and McKnight's luggage had cleared. Cleaned h er up and upgrade The stone and wood carvings, and his notahdun threw to another. And while talking him out Ilan, ilrina, hael, etc. Just wondering if that was asked. "Upgrading, how they gonna get us home?" "Update, earlier today a piece of stone and wood, what?" "Upgrading, how did this happen?" "You be quiet. What are you going to come with me to hear that sound? " Then upgrade to the end of the party daedeon the hollering stopped. Then, watc hing them is upgrading their What he had said. Of course, simply said. Do you know to take a day or two to d escribe the base of the Would have no right to copy said. "So in other words, the wooden pieces and stones, simply due to an effect simi lar to that circle, and Sr naen . Circle of Managua to absorb large amounts of resources into effect of the natu ral forces of a Mana Well, I hangeot As the state is to use a sieve. I get a feeling that the Wizard took the Did not know for sure that ten thousand. " "But how did that I know only of stone and wood? Ship of the circle of that ci rcle markers runeowa Ten due to use mana, but you're getting a completely different thing. Had no suc h thing. " "I mean this .... To expand the camp from time to time where you need to know the distribution of natural forces. The party Yeonryeok distribution and each can be achieved by rearranging the array of natu ral forces did. " Does that say that some people Ilan, ilrina, hael writes about a little person 's head deulppun He had it bad. The others did not understand me at all. What are you talking abo ut a ghost face, but was forgetting ssinarak . McKnight's not get out of its way to the border ran back to the woods. Not more than what you have here no longer will have no reason to hesitate. They started running the late night to watch the dawn to come dalryeonagatda p rinter. I ran behind the companions Aogo that there is something behind which the sun is not Emerged was when the degree. Geomdengyideuleul looked behind her companions and began to ride at full speed . The rate Ilan was riding in the back of the sense line was Delph horribly almost fainted. Then the enemies behind bars ohdeon So this is rabomyeo himself. Dammit! They're on, mate ....But even using the wizard magic.Eojjeonya? " Huh? Someone once said. ........ Saying that, Mr. Yeah, she's horribly mean to fall from the rear view multiple fly-Fire started . "Trying to fly the arrow is ~ midfield ..... What you're lucky you .....' here buldeongyinya

"Silpeu summoned ..... Of flying fireball makahjwo there. " Upgrade to say that the spirit of driving a small fairy-like in front of them appeared to silpeu ordered. And a nod to the yideoni silpeu disappear immediately after the wind had a stron g feeling of being compressed Betrayed Fire ohdeon see behind the explosion. "Ilan was roughly makgin. Is there any way? And I think to use spell ....." Upgrading the Ilan Ilan asked to go ride two aside. Ilan grasping the reins of the horse not only opened his mouth. I don't know. In this situation, I know .... I can not use a big spell Just so to defend better. " Upgrade the view, however, was not it. Ilan She drives a horse and I do not kn ow, but after intensive Geomdengyinyeoseokdeulyi side was gradually catching up after. The party had reason to. Some of McKnight properly because was not as fast as they could because record. Plus, there is an additional trick here is more superior. "This gadaga caught before reaching the border. But I'll take care of it ... g o gajaniThis one Sseuyeoseo care .....' Upgrade to think that riding a flying around the wind in the hair of a point o r beam came to be. Come to pass, and brush his hair ...... 'Why did not I think of it? Sound familiar to me Is not hagisa ....' "Royikon 10 summons." I shouted to the winds around a big upgrade at the same time as Slim chulreong im wind dragon in the form Spirit of the upper cone was Roy. Gamyeo as I had seen on horseback, and some ad miration seureopdaneun Expression was "Royikon. Hey guys intend to disturb neutchwojyo maximum speed. " [Yes, sir. Yideunim] A. Roy, along with ringing in the wind like corn in front of the upgrade disap peared. The upgrade is to look back and sprang dolahboja geomdengyideuljuwie sandy win ds and twisters. The four This red is this flash of light, but have not used it much weaker. The view loo king into the party, etc. Speeds up even more towards the border began to run. They disappear behind it, t he appearance After a long breath and exhale a tough stand in front of words could reach the b order post. Nasu, and know where the sense of big border post 200 Hang Len Custer was away at a distance. Sunday In a small town on the border lines that come with it right away without even st and as a point of Amazonas dagagat border post . Military guards were there for the party looked at closely. Puffing hard to br eath seemed harsh words Plus a little dirt and body overwritten party. Articles over the armor, they had .... Plus, articles are ahnakeu Renjegukui sentence had been using. The statement of the military to post direct ly dalryeogat One . And two articles came out like. The articles are also standing companions sto pped to come And waited. Without leaving the article with the upgrade and two naseotda Lynn L acroix. Lean down to the end of Lac Two articles to be him and take out a sheet of paper from his bosom was. "I ahnakeuren rakeurin president of the Empire Knights of the earth's oil Lock e rescued Lat. Here via the border And certificates. "

Yes... Arenas is a point I of the article, Locke is dry forest. I am honored to meet. And the increased Not been identified. Is acceptable to pass. " Lynn is an article titled Locke two lakh people, but the empire ahnakeuren hig her rank than his own use jondae Was Sense of Amazonas companions crossed lightly post ahnakeuren post of the Empir e there was a need to stay. Lynn Lacroix carved on their body armor because the sentence confirmed. Plus, a point on the side of Naas via the Empire Was because you saw a little taste of exaggeration. They salute the passing rahanteu and others were putting up. Stay close compan ions in the job post Abandoned in the late morning, the village inn, and began to eat lunch. "Whoa ... okay, then you've come this far?" "No. So this, they're coming along ..... Although the slow-and-drop upgrade .. ... Angeureotseupnikka? La Screen " I asked Ilan two lakh lean drinking the cup of water, and then nodded ttaeeona en mouth. "Yes, I think that probably will be followed without any problems. This became more restless, and then Jaknimkkeseo your place must face. Estates, where the distance would take approx imately three days near the Is "I'm on it. And you get close to the manor to say I need to hear. And women ou tside Said seokdeulyi seemed quite exhausted. " "It's quiet nothing. Upgrade County .... And, thanks to earlier military ttado lryeotseupnida upgrade before. " "No problem. If you do not, I'd have a point of the country. " Technically it is a point I was laughing a little. "But the spirit of the upgrade so much as a senior I can not recall. I can cal l it So's a two. " After a late breakfast so I asked to the owner after lunch rest until it is re leased it Was balhage. But not as fast as they could eat as much as it was forced to go slowly. Are you trying to speed Ilan, raintelpeu, rahanteu, haelyi eaten as it comes u p to complain Since been ...... But soon the party was able to increase the speed was not. On horseback, so Food digestion primally getneunga .................... Do you hungry. Reasonably accommodate the town party is not in custody. Furthermore, in the m idst of the woods too eopeoseo homeless flats Free was not forced to do the. So, the first upgrade to their camp by forming th emselves around The appearance of abandoned hidden. This is the middle of the plains, unlike las t time I moved whatnot Would put a pretty complicated. So weary companions to guard the upgrade to the silpeu SLEEP without erecting lookouts could be due to: Moreover, thanks to Gene upgrading the beast because of the attacks also do not need to worry. I spend a long day on the manor of the Marquis woriren companions ahead of a r e-search about najeol Dengyideulgwa had to encounter. Makahseon party in front of the stately house of red geomjip came ahead of the party.

"That's great. They beat us so coming here .... Just a little late, I almost can not be untouchable, even if You got that ... " Then he shouted towards the sound Lynn Lacroix. "Your executioners. What the hell for what purpose yigie decide to attack us. " "As the purpose ..... That's simple, Prince de raturun keurain know that charg e big len's life " His late articles are angry with the look of the sword was pulled back like co mpanions of Prince Bar Laboratories came .....Prince ....... "Were Prince? ' It was some doubt was thinking of upgrading, and Ilan. However, a few remaini ng companions Seemed embarrassed. Prince of princes of the empire ahnakeuren it .....Semyida h uge jikgwonin. But A dwarf and an elf who was saying that not really matter. "You obviously knew what He's the prince, who is trying to decide to attack?" "Of course! I was never a citizen of this country ..... Mu Receiving money are you doing enough. " "Mercenaries? So Who Are referrals received. " "Look at the size. They've been gone for a client is not going to say. " His words seemed to have no great expectations rakeurin also did so angry. Upgrade to Lynn A. Lacroix told he moved towards the eye. Then he looked close ly at upgrade . Then the word was toward him upgrade. "Speaking of which ..... I was wondering if youI'll give you three or four non -commissioned I do not think counts as a factor? " "There's no. If we abandon it for the money .....We no longer honor doejiyo sa y. " 'Yeoksina ... Upgrade yeoksina's right to think and he has to throw a word. "But it's not like it alone. To hear ...Lady kicked his crack my skills to the challenge Said. So, I just got me to like to contested. Until now, much of the skills that Lady They've never come across a word you have. You crack me If you're the lady of th is Roeneun hope to give. " This was his answer to the next wizard, simply ignored the man who tried to sh ort bus Is gone. Obligation in the eyes of his answer turned unto the upgrade. Was wondering h ow the answers might upgrade Upgrade your opponent deal because a woman said to the lady. Let me guess what g uys ..... Update Doe chronic That were a basis that does not have to worry, but .... I feel like IBut ..... His answer is the answer to the upgrade was scratching his head. What? It'll be okay ....It's me ... you do not have to pay by I wanted to ...Y ou ... " "My name is therefore not rodini sheet. Lady. " ".....Yeah ..... rodinissi I mean .... LES. Analysis on each division is as fo llows. D. Let's not be the word. When I was a woman I said? " He then in his next few danghwanghamyeo once he saw the wizard seems a little embarrassed Table Positive and apologized. Um...Ahem ...Excuse me ..... It was not intentional. Mm-hmm. " He looks quite puzzled seureounji servant was free to reap high haedaetda the hem. And its

Heard out of the sword was worn on the waist. It has a black blade of black geom yieotda. That Run the other hand, the handle of a sword with a white contrasts were followed. But to see the sword in LA Screen seemed to remind him of something. "The black ...... You .......Black Light? " Lacroix's Lynn to the question saying he was not right, I mean the one rotatio n of the turned his sword ppunyieot . "A good sword." Then he told me this after watching the best way to upgrade this fast walker, and the sword. Kkeonaedeuleot . Oh Lamy came out faded black-red color was subtle and smooth. "You've got some amazing sword, too, I guess. ...." They walked to the center of the horse naeryeoseo. And around the back of the party and they mulreonat companies. . Intermediate Sword master it close to the wheels, where the fighting is good o ne I will not. Wrong if we can end the life to flying, so .......... geomgi He puts up his sword to attack the first gwinhaetda to upgrade. However, respe ctfully denied and that the upgrade And handed over to the gonggyeokgwon. And the people shall Lodi towards the upgrade quickly narrowed down the street kept pulling up next to the sword. Nearly format Side-by-force jeokindeut silgeona rate did not. He is upgrading the sword authen tic chyeonaendamyeon Yieotda try the mountains. However, to upgrade his sword, his sword went smoothly flowing sideways. But the attack did not come applied. Lodi by upgrading your side towards such an upgrade sword possessed by turning a wheel upgrade went bare. Then the upgrade at this time abandoned his sword upward flow. Then in an instan t his body is empty Byeoryeotda. Rhodes also knows that knee, and stepped back scares. However, the yeoksina ahmugong upgrade Was a class of. What is this? Why did hold him to attack? Are you kidding me right now, even t hat is working? " "I'm sorry if you think ..... I know this is one geomjunge. Thorough room Eowijuui ... " Upgrading the prosecutor's words in such a sword is a sword and then think abo ut the upgrade is the same as 've Been there, but was pointless to keep fighting. As well as upgrades to the genitals using the sword and division are similar. However, as I am not jeoreotjineun . Simply attacking the sword of defense job. Upgrade of the sword is beat gently flowing Is a never. Really. So what are you gonna do about it? " The big swing your sword to Lodi nalryeotda geomgi. Upgrade geomgi watching a fast-flying sword geomgi a circular motion to push t he feeling Kept pulling up next to. Then went geomgi curved in the direction of the original. Lodi meonghaeiteotda seen it for a while, your. Or disposed of in accordance with state law, whoever their geomgi to say that they had never redirects. Push it to the front like that no matter destruction sikindamyeon understand t hat shed never heard beorindaneun Was.

"What's your .........It's ... Are not you free? " "Of course one can not? Geomgi in a sense, an extension of a sword that looks like If the sword is different from nothing. Geomgi move on like the sword of the gra in shed to find one that would shed not an Do you? You're a pretty weak adaptability. " This is not a matter of adaptability. Geomgi .....This is almost magical to ha ve a similar effect on men with Who would think such a fence was put on life ............ "That's great .... Then also ...." I do say so focused on his sword. Geomgi. Then a black light to come running h is geomeseo . We're going! Rampant " He ran at a rate that kept pulling up next to the sword. Rhodes and his quick sword upgrade of your surroundings Was dyed black light. Upgrades coming to his sword, his sword geomgi looked after injecting them mak ahna Went. Then, wielding a sword at the moment I woke up back. Upgrading the haeteud oe his sword Aogi Keep up the pace of the difficult. On the other hand, people who are watching this fight does not say anything it eotda blankly. Sword fight between master ..... Because it was not often that you never can s ee it around, and their Battered geomgi was not easy to see, too. Then they step back two of the eyes Degas was. After upgrading the back with a sword, a place unto itself heard in the chest. "Now am I going to attack. 'll Be careful. CAROL birch. " Upgrade with the upgrade of the body's cry that blur your eyes of the Lodi soo n around his Upcoming surrounds the shadow of the sword was loaded with numerous geomgi. Lodi is your feeling that it is not easy to stop coming to them with technolog y and I Pyeolchyeotda radish. Reddish-colored and black geomgi geomgi a smashing instantly fell. Upgrade bac k their Rhodes had had to go back to your seat was pushed backward. Then your clothes around Lodi geomjagukyi was predrilled. However, where in fa ct suffered no geomsangeul record. Lodi is your own clothes, I get back to geomsangdeuleul sword attack when I he ard going into the next upgrade . "Jeokyeomha" Upgrading the Flood was a billy geomeseo red geomgi it right away to your daga gatda Lodi. Lodi You heard it was when the sword in order to prevent geomgi. Upgrade of the finel y divided Lodi geomgi your place Ssabeoryeotda multiple. Lodi dureo your own cheap red light from the huge open f eel that when Things went exploded in lights. 'm A single blast of the air itself is not a dir ect risk Shock wave that rolled around the ground was pushed back. If you hit your own bo dy, even in the jeokhwakhi Onjeonchi failed lira .... Upgrade the other hand, he avoided getting hurt much he tries to be cautious i n their attacks. Fortunately, well-controlled

Rhodes seems to have been your pushed back in the end seemed about to roll. Upgr ades happen again bar him Rabomyeo the sword fell. "I still think fighting is it? Two pangareum I seemed to be enough of a skill together ...." t Lodi your sword for a while, looked at his own sword, put it in the geomjip. Ah like to see that the upgrade also geomjip Lamy returned to. "Young's real That's great .... Senior Master Sword's skills ......" "You're welcome ...." "No. I will not admit it because Jean decided to give this commission is not . ..." Your words of Lodi in the wizard seemed quite perplexed to your ttajideut Lodi said. "Look at this. Where's this thing. " "Look at this randol. You know my personality. For seed money and success do n ot give it back together for a Compensation, too. " And then the Wizard seems to know about your Roddy did not say anything. Then rotate your own words to his men shouted. "This mission fail. All we need to move out. " "Come on. Significant harm because of this storm, we ... " What? Anyway, I've got things right. Plus, no more looking out for your best d amage Cos you're not right. " Rhodes say that towards your upgrade gems in his pocket, pulled out one of Threw. What is the blue that he received the Blue Diamond looked at seemed to up grade. "Here you go. Compensation for damages due to damage by other people without t he same to the end, let's not go. Deombiltende mean. " "But it ...." "Just take leave. When you get that fine line to throw behind the request. " Upgrade of the year he brought men to smile ran away from the party. Upgrade Upgrade the horse's back with the group at hand being dragged. Among them, the face and eyes articles and rahanteuneun expression represents the was amazing. "Is it something intermediate yideuya ~ ~ you? Why is that man is superior to? ~ ~ " So this has been asked towards the end of the climb upgrade. I don't know. I Sword Master elementary, middle and on clear criteria for you do not know. Blast my skills We do not know where you belong, that's probably it for other people if you're s cum. " "The ...Reonya ... " Yeah, it said helplessly. In fact, I do not know either because their own. Whe re the Sword Master What will you choose to match the abilities heunhaeya Duh. "Now - now I'll go with time to spare Oh come eopeuni people. But I'll reach i nside While it would to. " Listening to such party's Lynn Lacroix molahgatda a horse. Bright sunshine pouring through the window ..... Tit ...Chireureu ......Tweet Breakfast in a real bed for a long time they sounded like an appropriate upgra de. Update on the bed, open my eyes and looked up at the ceiling blankly does happ en. Happened to anyone there. Soft and fluffy in the morning and then getting out of bed ........ hate

that feeling. Late last night an ardent companions arrived at the mansion of the Marquis of Marquis were interviewed. Not polite to greet the Marquis and the party is divided roughly into the room heard the marquis prepared. Sunday Ve do not hold a large number of rows a hanjira is tired. Of course, there is no obligation to explain Lynn Lacroix though the left. If he told you the story behind the Marquis too wa s dead eyes ....... a When you see them party is well. Of course, no going on for Lynne Lacroix manseo do .............. Smart ......Cleverly Lying down idly knocking the upgrade of the room reverberated to visit. The body in bed listening to the sound caused the upgrade opens the door in. L et's say, ladies We are inside. She came into the hands holding basin filled with water. Upgrade to get to know what it it next to her feet and began to wash in the mo rning, put it on. That Rigaud machija revenues Extruded her quietly in the towel. "10 minutes after the breakfast is ready." "Okay." Like to say that she went out holding a washbasin. Upgrade to rip off the nightgown she was wearing white tees and black pants in a bag and was out of the mouth. San otyiragoneun all these things come in here and it ... What can I say? Clothes and headed for the dining room over roughly upgrade. I do not know the structure of the mansion, but late yesterday. Ate a late dinner party where they thought that two liras upgrade immediately re staurant yesterday, there Headed Party in the dining room when we went there was almost awaits. Only rahanteuwa Marquis, and the like overslept The Ilan, So this ..... However, as soon as Ilan, and yes, also came into the di ning room. 'll Meet everyone in the restaurant, followed by the Marquis of laying before the later rahanteureul came into the dining room. Lacroix enters and their place took place in Lynn and the Knights. Up on the s pot to party too eolgyeol Natda. Then the most senior in rahanteuga but not next to the marquis and encour aged the party to a hug. "Hotels in peace ....... pleases Thanks again for rescuing no charge. " Marquis woyiren to party once again thanked. It would do nothing for a station in Prince Rahanteureul his grandson, who've saved these ....... Anyway, it's knights compa nions iljiman Hey, it is not even in this country does not need to know what life is. McKnight and his horse's mouth Two of said Ilan. "You're welcome to do your will. My lord. We are aware that no more. " Then a lady-in-waiting to come out of the food placed in front of their own. Marquis of it was watching the party back to the story. "Geugan More from captain had heard the story of the story. More than that, yo u know that you Have you? " "Yes, that although they are not obvious." "Are you alright nothing to chance. I, too, you are to some extent, because pe ople say jiphineun four Ram also asked to geuinga feelings " Ilan gwanyeon his late ...Yideoni seemed a nod to the Marquis that they are to upgrade

Not explained. Description of the Marquis shaking his head seolrae barrage seolr ae. "Huh, too ....Him? " "Did you know?" The marquis drank a cup of water out of them all, then after a lady-in-waiting began talking. "A thing of the palace, so I suggest you keep a secret writer. But he also is in the palace which I Had no idea about the Son. However, not in His Majesty indisposed right now .... . sinjira In fact, he's so Too bad aura will appear when your majesty was because of severe illness. " Surprised to listen to him as the prince looked at his grandfather. Ilan also like to see it opened up to the marquis. If you know the connection is not good so that That the ten thousand questions, what do you do? Although .......I do not know why sigo what you were majesty Prince ......" As a good citizen Marquis in white face staring rahanteureul opened her mouth. "Because he tired Las ......Go ahead and sign of His Majesty in his rebellion Noticing that the same He was. Checks and so is she will come over the body. So inevitably the palace d eep Sumeusyeotji the place does not just rumor says. And the prince to tell the trut h you do not charge this to your This is what you wanted before, so it's taking the time to travel. Then she know s that when a young ttaemunip by this. But knowing how you knew he was tired Las start to move, something like this in earnest County ......." "So how do you like Your father? Her body alright ... " Doemuleotda rushed to the Marquis seemed worried rahanteuga. His question is difficult to face with the Marquis shook his head. "Gesipnida getting her body not getting. Try to load fuse ateuna treatment ... ... Priest of the words Dahaetgi a gift from God because of the favors of one thousand people. " Due to this poor story has become a mess dinner. You can now go to the end and I'm going rahanteuui bunjuhi began to prepare to leave in accordance . Decided to go early tomorrow, and the marquis began to prepare articles of the escort. And This idea seemed to take the Marquis himself. How dark do not care a busy day si nce the storm, Needham Buleona cheongnage departed companions abandoned. Marquis and others jumped in t he wagon as rahanteuneun Rode horses. Marquis's party had 30 members include only the article. And the re st were soldiers. Do not And there is nothing driving the two men. To also be running at full speed in tw o teuldongan haet . Is a lot of persons in the middle there was no attack. Ilan just a tough horse , line, Delph, Haelyi transportation have changed the next day in a carriage. Hey, So this, great. Sounds like this is that the capital ......" Upgrade the look in front of a huge area overlooking the city and said to Glac ier. Yet deuleoseoji Did not know exactly, but looks gorgeous here, seemed to be on by seeing. "Yeah, you know there's the capital of Rennes antiroseuya size. Turns even the most beautiful of the many countries It's something I do not know me, but they've never seen elsewhere, the words-so. "

"Well, I do not know whether or not the best of many countries, but it certain ly seems true ....." ahreumdaungeon Overlooking the beautiful buildings of the capital upgrades between the party to arrive at a checkpoint in the capital in the morning. There, with the authority of the Marquis was able to go without any problems. And through the gates into the s Crushed stone on a flat, clean look eogaja distance and neutral buildings and bu sy roads or Vibrant people were attending. Upgrades, etc. So this first came here, they up and down the street towards th e imperial jeongsineop explores Eohaetda. This is because all the busy places first. Meanwhile, after a while I've been with vigorous companions arrived at the lan d side of the articles and as a detached palace hyanghaet . This is because there is the Prince's Palace. The original must be in the midd le of the princely palace hageteu I like that quiet because the prince wanted to detached palace. However, even fo r a detached palace gajangah Connecting to the nation's capital reumdapdaneun hagodo magnificently decorated detached palace was brilliantly expect. If this level Imperial Palace, becoming the country's small enough that the idea of Glacier was about. Party in the foyer of the article is to guide the prince and the marquis waiti ng to come out to meet the Emperor We have decided. Welcome, the ladies in party without the naeeoon tea and waited . In the midst of a Glacier Ilan had been asked to schedule future. The first party may place a plan to get to the prince Is one. "Well, I do not know what to do ..... Stars do not care, even if just leave he re I do not mind stopped ...... Spent time as may be suspicious, so ......" Runnin your mouth so when Ilan Lacroix Lynn and articles for the party to stay , especially to upgrade butakha High naseotda. Bondamyeon in their party's position, especially the upgrade was a tremendous power. Just upgrade the If you help to spread the rebellion forces think you easier to catch. In fact, y ou can use the army Duke of becoming a man, but without evidence is difficult to beat. Specifically, of the Duke, who seryeokin But then I do not know whether to blindly rather than revolt or pre-let him out it can be lifted This is because even. "But first, as I watched the situation is not going to be gareul. If it seems to us or not until Scrambling or destined to its original destination. " All in favor of the party expressed at the end of Ilan. This decision companions to come relax and wait for the owner of two detached palace. And each one starts to drink and sitting room in the car, it opens the door en tered four dolls. They rahanteu, Marquis, and wearing a hood, an old wizard and elder protection prayer boyidoe Unghuhan it was not a knight was a bucket of minutes. Looking for people who come to sit out on the spot occurred. The net has to s angjwa Encouraged that the party inside to aneumyeo. The Marquis then introduced to two men companions. "I first introduced you both do. You know, this is a court case wizard, Trent

biseutanteu ahpeureu cone, the This is called East Los Rigaud fantasy duke and he's directors scorpion. " "I'm honored to meet you. I called Magic Ken is the sine Ilan harpsichord. And over here Priest and articles huimaeului haelgwa So this is a raw hope. And this is my fri end raindel Program, and the elves who ilrina, and the inspector is upgrading. Now the work of a sinister or one trip Goitseupnida. " Ilan introduce two companions had their own party as well Keep your head down when he was introduced. And the court wizard, and Duke has also grateful to the prince who saved. At the end of personnel between them roughly the marquis opened his mouth. "So you guys do not come with you guys for your It's because I just want to as k. ....... Do not care for the eopneman First, listen to more stories, go on, by th e current situation Awkward. The emperor's illness is getting worse getting away ..... I just can no t start by writing hand I just went keurain charge (of the Prince's real name. It was built in Lac rahan teuraneun instantaneous pseudonym Lynn In it), go ahead and meet with His Majesty the deuleusyeotji sigo whatnot ..... But now, in the spirit, loss of His Majesty He is that Ras is not as some spleen and publish checks Duke fatigue, but over t ime, phase But Huang does not do any better over there, do gardenia gets scarce evidence. A nd exactly Some people do not even know they are participating as initiators in the situati on ........" "Then we would like to ask that when the ..........?" "That's .... Sr. evidence of how much evidence you hold the horn to give our s ide of course, actually. They are already there should be articles in geteuna people saying, you know ... . One gets so difficult Completely unknown faces are needed there. Plus, do not be in here belongs to a reputable person. Plus skills also not usually have no right to copy, O too ... But these conditio ns fit person .... Then I did. Keurain charge of the rescue have given you guys do not trust the informa tion will go ahead island. With no one to face this court deuleoohmyeo two on the other side does not know well, you guys even more The skills that are not ... Sword of My Lac by listening to the master even Lin Yu-known mercenary Black Wright said the captain and has wheels to compete Plus, you and other people's m agic skills stations Told me that great city ... " Ilan then pointed out that his horse was wrong. "My lord ...I do not know anything else, but we face the unknown seemed a'm wr ong. We already matseotseupnida with black light. We can already see the faces of the known way. Would have. " Eli's words on that one side was listening wizard, aching head was stirred. "No, no, I though they say they gyeorueoseo enemy does not tell clients about Yeah, I know, they're ... I do not know why, but maybe the party leader because of the varying nature with this Guess will do. " "But that was beside him ..... Wizard He was like figures Bay side of Las Duke fatigue ...."

"It's getting too out of this bar is investigated According to a research repo rt that he was learning the magic The Duke said he learned as his side moved in favor of mercenary units deuthane ... Originally The Black Light side of the opponent that is not strong if it does not have a re ferral as we know it got, this Attack at the request of either the wizard sounded like special moves, so you as to the identity of Deuthane is okay you do not have to worry about. " Ilan and his two companions listened looked at them. Then again, looked at the Marquis. "But what is the evidence .... How is that even ppaeoh Have. " The answer to the question of Ilan on that one, too sick instead. "The evidence is called or unless they are mutually pledge to each other yeong aehagiro an exchange of information on the status According to a survey booklet that's what I pledge to his house hidden in a secr et warehouse I'm aware of that. In any way you guys do not care if you will, but it's difficu lt That we do not get too much woseo achievement ... " Ilan et al article have been blocked. Articles do not do things too difficult for their own success Is that? What's getting us what you mean god of thieves? "No, but it works so hard ..... Moreover, we have never done such thing as a t heft storage any more. "I know. So a little risky, but thought that his challenge to entering the Ear l of So Those who did obtain the unknown den. Nowadays he is attracting talented people are However, because then they're going to be easily accessible proficiency tests, b ut wants to know about you guys If possible success gets ........" "But is not it that way too dangerous! To be discovered, even when you ...." Ilan has solidified a face at the end of the ill-le. It was like the others, t oo. Failure at fault If life is not guaranteed. Furthermore, one also can not expect a rescue. "So this is gonna ask you to say that it would not matter if you got nothing t o do with. Our wonak dangerous thing you can not be forced to either your intelligence. " Ilan. Just like that, especially somethi His horse was also rejected the idea of ng like that too, and hael, etc. Not too young, too, as well as skills. Delph and the line of work to do it or no t, a point I Is not ....... Of course, there jeongryeongwang Sword Master with senior contractors to have a solid plan and above, but It was tough. Ilan thinks so, and looked at the party. Asked their thoughts. And the answer was simple. So this idea of Ilan and are protected in accordance with haeleun it was the La Indelpeu also have the same idea with a friend four years ..... And also some i lrina Ilan seems to read the thoughts of said means the same thing. Upgrading a slight smile, but stonewalling was to do anything. Looking to upgrade Ilan such ~ `What` What do you think But according to his opinion ... but then I will set him to thinking what he w as thinking said. "Sorry. We Marquis ...... Those days seem not to be. "

Ilan was rejected without this star is another excuse. Then the wizard or the Duke, too, was expected to some extent Falls seemed nodded. Saying, no matter what, even if their lives are not going t o talk to. And then the voice of the unexpected ways rang. "Can I try do it?" Both voice and turned to where the whale. Upgrade the street there to face a b ody sitting saenggeul in the morning. Then, towards the upgrade Ilan said. "Military Update, I admit that a great skill .... This thing is not usually a dangerous thing. Also, go to where you might even enters's done. " "Do not worry. Ilan, I'm not going to get into the stomach. If you just steal the geotahninga John? " "That's the sound that are hard ..." "Then why do you steal a little difficult geonjina Ready for this?" Yet attention turned to the wizard. Upgrade ahpeureu etc. at the end of the bewildered, but the upgrade operations at the request of the theft, they all Ryeoun went to explain why. According to his explanation is that a secret underground warehouse (universal , group ^ ^) But it's going to be a whirlwind journey. First, the heavily guarded border ar ound the mansion of the Duke He does not have a gap which stretches. If the doors of houses in there all nigh t, getting back lock (summertime dub Sure map ....) Each spell is hanging over each door They know as soon as the doo r opens, danda. The house Too few articles in the class of people that they will continue to roam. Destine d to enter the basement The library of the Duke of wards in the den, which also costs around the magic l urks yet discovered. Moreover, the door Itdana always someone standing in front of? And that leads to the basement entra nce at the back of the fireplace, he said. Here they know that the bitch. "Sure is incredible ....But I'm saying. I went past the magic door that's at s take? " "Are you calling Pell disk? ' I asked him about the magic that takes the best upgrade. "At first I did not know how many times deulkyeotdane top. Then the next time he's had a disk that uses Pell's spell book I do not have to go far, hardly den reonde always keep a secret passage behind t he fireplace to the magic deda Duke's also happened is out there, from a distance, not so much unyieotdane this ... " 'Let ~ ~ ~ Well ..... It's not completely impossible that Sometimes completely the other way, so wait a little bit Put eh ?..... They seem to be to get caught, you ....' "I do not think so, I'll give that a try. WouIdn't have the ... I think maybe possible. In addition, Though much has been discovered that chyeona to come away so do not worry about it Ilan " Upgrade seemed the last thing you look at his grave and the party towards the Ilan said. Upgrading of the Come here and do not mind how much people want to help me break was. Whether it' s the prince Whether a commoner said. Here alone is now their own chinjiin. More here and alo ne Together for the first time new figures are bad news for you ....

"By yourself, but ....Will you be all right? I'll give you ten thousand and pa ste if you will like the articles. " The Duke was a word that was heard next. That's OK. Difficult than others to move fast if we go alone, did not work. Ra ther Are easy to own. " Accept the opinion of this upgrade party in accordance with the opinion of the prince had to stay in a detached palace. And the upgrade to invade the home of the Duke's request, agreed to by the next evening. WHETHER How to prepare for the day to break things were ready. First, the moving party in place, headed by the laboratory of Le sick. His lab is also close to palace record. It's also quite a lot of money to the most beautiful place. Yieoteuna so gaeda of the Duke. Each of the wizard, the study because he is yireonjeoreon building repair cost o f the building to tear down the barrel um eating Cheongnage will thrust. Not by his words seemed to say, was having an aching tta ncheong oeuvres. "It's a pretty easy-going people who .....' After a moment of companions arrived the building was too Palace. In a detache d palace was not off much. Although ....... Here, unlike other buildings of the imperial splendor of the building without th e angle was jyeoit. Plus, the building It was laid out like a circle around. Circle on Ilan talked about that you said the Duke of sick le width during the study pokbalsagottae In order to prevent spread of balbeomwiga'm away. But exactly how much you think ing hung How'd he is alive out there, ...... Why do not care exactly call his lab, but his gwanso yigie bedroom, dining roo m and a lady-in-waiting, so They were running around. I doubt such a lady's maids looked as if haelyi asked. "There mabeopsanim, who here does the other wizards here?" "No, he stocked his disciples and the load he is not stuck in the lab deulkkaj i all there." Le Woof where the palace and ushered in the side of the room was jeilan. There is quite a big statement One was standing. Roughly looks firmer statement about 4 meters in height was th ree meters in length. normal Marwan promised seems hard to open. However, the wizard's lab door is also ...... Ordered that the door is Le Woof . "Yisyureu the door." And the door has been heard a voice. You sound a little bit of emotion .... gu ljikhago "Good evening, woopeureunim" "Answer the door ship?" So this is strange as watching the door, asked. Han imperial court of the Arch mage spell it Seek medical attention immediately say that a considerable silryeda. It also say s a commoner. However, the marquis and the prince or Likewise, he does not write such geoteneun seemed to care so much. "I did it's made, how to create a golem created using notatji. Given people Except that people do not drop open so why even make a defense to the magic ten thousand and one attack Not to be breaking down. " To explain that when he gently opened the door without a sound. And the contact was located inside the include huge great room. The room is 10

meters in diameter Amount of the room was circular. The Wizard of about seven people in ways they had to hold her to talk about so mething. They are coming Looked at people who wake up on the spot were greeted politely. The Prince and the street and out of here that often so awkward with each othe r or did not stuffy. For the coming upgrade, depending on their party, he looked puzzled and asked the Prince to Le Woof Description of the people who were saved and came up with gandanmyeongryohan. Duke entered the party and the upgrade was that wizards go someplace anatda hu g. Um table Both the extent of cheongnan yeoseo party was able to sit down. Inside the lab's ceiling is approximately 5 meters to one side, several experi ments showed organizations lies in the morning. Well as several books and another lay up neatly. Another year th at stuff Role was one of the doors and door are similar, but smaller. In short, the lab w as clean and simple. "Four days. Crystal 00 has an image to go, kid. " Le Woof hug the blonde next to him at the end of a handsome young wizard's hea d, and took place gyaut . As he approached the bookshelf on the side of the lab's deoni away and shook h ands. However, one Showed a small space. He put his hand there is the little finger about two words Blue Returned with the crystal. He brought home a crystal embedded in connecting to one side of the table was added. And society in tables Meighan and the circle formed by a three-dimensional buildings emerged. "That's insane. Adelaide hit by players, the appearance of the image .... Plus , save an image in a low blue crystals I understand that my job is. " Le Woof to the question of Ilan smiled slightly. "Well, there you are a wizard, I quickly noticed that's pretty good ...." 'An old man, a point here, but I still shit up wizard, the wizard himself .... ." chikyeosewoogin that Here some of the wizard, rather than thinking. ...... Who could it be?^ ^ The Duke looked at the building upgrade Explained to the party. "This is the mansion of the Duke's Las fatigue. As you can see here, here, and expenses are roughly 30 students a If you are not kept here and there, the guards discovered a spill, but intellige nce. For and Doors and windows that can go from the ground floor and on the inside so .... He y woopeureu So the structure of the ground floor Roughly like this, coming in here to enter our best to close it in the den. " Duke looked at the three-dimensional image floating around explained. However, a device that can fit in the den of the Duke of this description were available only to later have already The description was passed. They were right in the description of a detached pal ace. Upgrade its image, roughly the way of watching them was able to learn. If you enter this level was a huge Is helpful. Not once, not what it looks like what you see is a huge difference. Description of the Duke Listening Wizard to break into the party here, I noticed that the people who wer e. And the party Look at the head seems strange stumbled gyaut. This is perfectly normal. They se e it as Ilan raindel

Program, all except ilrina'll be seen as a kid says. "All you need do seupelbuk where he can tell me anything I'll get you" Looking to upgrade wizard duke let's talk straight upgrade their eyes bent unt o what then sulfur Been meant are operational as mentors to their glances seemed to require explana tion. "Ha-discipline once this great. ..." Eyes looking at his disciples to a master at work here that no idea this was I lan. Le Woof earnest desire of the eyes of the disciples in the description (everyt hing looks different depending on who is viewing Do not be!^^;;) For upgrade but now we have a simple explanation. Woopeureuwal "Upgrading the Sword Master's guess as to higher level skills and the black li ght of well-known yongbyeongdanin Who won the fight is headed. Upgrade to points around the original one, especial ly the men. " Le Woof the disciples that they do not make a mistake, and attention to detail was spared. Then Le Woof with his disciples, and he looked at the load. I know the above i s their Was it. Not surprisingly the guys seemed ridiculous looked at upgrading. And aga in, when the Rotate the line to Le Woof 'Where do you see this man looking like that? Do you already lost his bastard fired? ' When asked seemed to "How dare you guys ?....And I lied when I was Hardy? ' Utes with eyes that get hit. And that of course, as the disciples were nodding your head. Eyes do not know the torque on one side while the Duke and the upgrade require s upgrading things interfere Were listening. However, the answer is ... Upgrading of No No! All you need is not What? Remove all your clothes and go, if you are black . And the These documents will damahol hagoyo. " "That's of course ..... Are not need to prepare All right, all right then when it is necessary to To talk to ...." Roughly the end of the story and battle system, Disciples and the load being d ried Le Woof want to rush into the lab. Dwell in the evening closed. Too weak moonlight 22:00 mansion of the Duke of Las tired eyes, had seen some. Those eyes. One of the alley from the opposite side of the house shone. "We'll wait here." Upgrade of the young brunette standing next to the upgrade of the article said as a courtesy. He named Cheyenne I was a young articles. He's a young man, a disciple of Duke East In recognition of their skills, but was seohun articles. He's like upgrading from The Duke was being ordered to act. And he is noble This is being nice from the peacock as a benefactor of the Prince of Sword Maste r class I found out was because the word water. Sword Master is also younger than their own upgrades to the sound, he called t he Sword Master Droid Inspection will be recognized as. Then party on behalf of his gyeoteuroneun and was followed by Ilan.

"When we are notified immediately come out and sing us, okay?" "Do not worry. Ilan, I'll only be gone. " Upgrade to the back of it said he took his sword, stroked two of the following exit from the alley Have. Then the other side of the building quickly to a shadow, and Shai Ilan sum deoni I ly in view of the Is gone. Upgrade to the house to see the two eyes gone a while, even after dolry eoteuna mansion Did not see the shadow was destined for a rash. When two people are so baffled D roid Duke has already approached the house was in front of the window of the building . Images were reported as entering the windows to the boahdun. Pell upgrade disc in front of him a kind of a spell book, tore temperature. Th en a little light from the windows or Deoni disappeared. This upgrade opens the door it quietly naedineotda feet into the hallway of th e house. In the hallway a door upgrades After closing down the hall to the right to walk up to the portion to bend his h ead slightly, and then extruded from the stationary record. Then the eyes of upgrading One Knight standing guard to the door caught my eye . The article looks at the upgrade of the kind of hot spare disk Pell and Illusi on tore like a drum. Fell off Discover the magic of the study was the statement in order to fool th e eye of the article was the illusion. Then upgrade Step in the new law quickly after you kill the sound completely went into the st udy. Articles by Illusion Due to the upgrade entirely unaware of the future were passing by. However, this illusion has long Not support. The effect was to shine a minute. Long, who then approached their f uture too If you're not gonna deulkineun soon. Eyes were fairly well-organized library. Juxtaposed pieces of paper books and a remaining ....... And so does a clean desk "You live cleanly and ....." Dagagatda upgrade to a desk. According to the fireplace in order to open the d oor behind the desk Was that the device must be manipulated. Upgrade to the desk, went to the ink bottle lying on the desk to the right and then it turned a wheel Next to the fireplace with a fireplace flame went up toward the city recreation turned to the left of the ornament. So Now the sound of a fireplace without a small passage back milryeonamyeo exposed side. Upgrade for a while there, look at the aerodynamics of the eyes and feet on th e stairs after injection, without releasing heogongdap Borough went down the stairs. Upgrade the reasons I chose to have the device on the stairs I do not know wha t's for you, just in case He had it bad. If there is such a device, even if it takes much skill upgrading in the hurt. Lose it, even if it is obvious. As is here, if the unit alarms and almost opened the magic Do that gyeoldoeeo said. Began to rapidly about 10 meters in front of the door w as a. And the front One was standing in the article. Finish wiping're on the sword did not look towa rd the stairs.

Upgrade at this time without the use of illusion to pick up his half-fainting went by. Then After silencing the break to put the blood back so stood at the door. The statement went on and had a faint, but the flow of mana. "True-to-danhada. Fully in each door. Per room. Haenwatgun teamed with magic. Professional wizard spell hanging doors Is there any thing? Good book, gets more than one spell is dispelled. Euyigeu .. .." Upgrade from your pocket and remove a disk Pell heard. All of this woopeureu, the court would have created Archmage The performance was not a problem. Discover where the magic upgrade anyway as Pell tongeuro one thousand and two on the inside of the first statement after've checked ingicheok Began to push. The horizontal and vertical text was a rectangle of about 7 meter s. Place in the middle of a square table Yeoitgo 10 or so chairs were placed together. Upgrade journey through different places all over the place, but include There was nothing. Just hung the picture was only a few seconds. "Magic ..... Are you ?......" illusion at stake Toured all over the place to upgrade them first suspect was magic. Are the houses in each door and I had sex magic secret that would not surprise me to see where the magic hanging May ...... Believe upgrade their machine by around Mana Mana strange flows and resonance where the I found it. Upgrade soon came to feel the flow of mana over. It's just wall to t he left of the floor plan The height of two meters and was a part. Upgrading the dagaseotda there. "I think a stronger statement than the spells ....." Upgrade to a place to feel the flow of mana flowing through the door, the flow was more delicate gyeokhago. So raw Upgrade gakhamyeo dispel the spell book from his pocket and pulled out another o ne: (How much you ^^::) wateulji Trying to upgrade using it again in the back with one more yank jjiteo abandoned . Then the two Street looking back it was also a slight sway to undo deoni became blurred. "I do not want to do well ...... It's very special! Upgrading from a back pocket, pull out seupelbuk Chapter 5 jjiteo the two are left trying to cover everything. Why? Because when you leave ..... rewritten Chapter 3 of the hand relentlessly Pell jjiteo balgyeotda disk. Then the magic spark that was hanging from the wall Sprang. And as the wooden doors were makhyeojin would like a small box. I tried watching it, stretched out his hands around the upgrade mana shakes yo ur hand to feel his way the better. Was stopped. Appeared then disappeared again safe. Dammit! Make ......." nervous bout I was locked into looking at upgrading the walls. Among the techniques you kno w, I can not be released I wondered the support. However, because some of it reminds me of the will, but never before Is wrong situation is under control. The .......? Upgrade it into the consciousness of being worried that the same was a small w hisper. [Geumabeop yideunim off I can do it.] "....Um... Upgrade to the whisperings of the voices heard at the waist hanging down quick ly retrieve the eye Oh, overlooking Lami Saw

"Yes, I had forgot. Lamia ..... Well, you could do pahae? " Yes. Illusion and the barrier, and was trapped as the Thunder teurepyi. It's s till magical to me inferior John.] "Look, you little bastard. Will this then pahae? Oh, and what to do here, safe wooden doors If the law it hanging ...Take care ... " [Do not worry about it. Yideunim, I did. ......] "I want to hear it .....I think you have to say ...." It's very special! I .... Forward for me, tell me, tell me.] Oh upgrade at the end of the Lamy realized his mistake. Hey, it is not seen th is guy would talk to Was pretty. You must have had his sword, saying otherwise I would get used to .. ..... Wet The tube is gonna be a problem ..... "Lamia, sorry ... I mean the habit .... newbieSo, uh, walk sometimes it's anyt hing to say before you Right now they're even. " Yes. Thank you.] Oh, Lamy had to say immediately after the wall was safe. Magic will become dis abled. "You sure Lamia skills are good." I opened the wooden doors of the safe to tell. A bunch of boxes in a variety of documents and some modifications were shown. The modification in the laboratory of Le Woof as a modification was seen archi val images. Upgrading the right To find the line that contained a pledge to pull all naetda. Almost every place, and the table began traversing the. The documents that are a bunch of upgrades for dwijideon were able to detect t he filing. There are several people with the signature of the Las fatigue declaring with Duke Morris of the article record. "That's the ......Um...It's ... " Upgrading the Pledge of glanced remember you in the snow next to the other doc uments are placed. There are several slip and We were with two modifications to the content that was interesting. "No. It's not a Revolt - this simple ..... " Upgrade and modification of the oath, and also the note in his pocket hamkkese o was named Goy. And another note Could also be useful to put in another pocket. Then, after you close the safe do or to Ah Lamy After saying that the same magic that opens the door naseotda out. The guards in front of the door is still asleep, had undergone almost fainted. Upgrading a swipe of his blood, just as you would come down after touching wit hout touching the stairs in the library Came out. "If you wake up a little savor ...... The guy standing in front of the door. " Upgrade the Illusion pulled out from his pocket one left now. And behind the d oor and ripped the spell book . Then opened the door and kill the sound. Illusion of looking at upgrading see m well meokhyeotneunji Did. Upgrading to see him again for the sound came earlier statements on hold wi thout paying. Again there Dispels ...... If you do not have this much hair that is a ghost-like thief.^ ^ "What happened to ....." The house seemed to worry about looking at the Ilan himself. And I say next to

the Shire received itdeon . "It'll be fine. There was still a large disturbance ...." He's also saying I looked at the mansion. I know they also investigated in the basement of the house There was nothing at all advanced. But really safe? During the master class, lik e, a sword Greater even as close to the skills that pyeonghago but she said my grandfather ......I was thinking about four Silyida. If you noticed, in contrast to over 10 of the articles of clothing and clothes and then have them stand on one side Although drop ...... Then two people were waiting behind the characters' voices have been heard. "What do you stare at it, right?" The two men immediately back, looked toward the voice positively. Since when w as there that the Upgrade what stood there naturally. "Upgrade, when you ..... Thing that went? " "Do you have any worries?" Don't worry. Thought we jaldwaetgoyo happened. Come on, you know, the harvest of a surprise even to get back there. " Upgrading the revelation of the harvest of two people talking in strange place waiting for a closer amidst articles Went. But they are equestrian figures of over 10 captured three horses stood qui etly. Following Naeeojun warming party talk to people over 10 with a party headed for the palace and carefully. Looking to upgrade back in the laboratory of Le Woof's good to have companions waited. In the lab Upgrade of the party and the Duke, keurain, woyiren Marquis and Le Woof and his disciples were men and. That As they met three people back safely has given place. Without upgrading the ones they pulled imported. And of them was for a pledge. "Is that the pledge is seop. Seeing a pretty little self. " Duke batahdeun it listed there, the impression that the man glanced once wrink led their barrage. Then Duke is looking at the upgrade was a word. "And also geonjyeotseupnida unexpected." Upgrades Upgrade to the end of the Ilan and heard the same words as companions remained syayinan also upgrade Attributed to the head. "It's. I was looking to see how going with a pledge .... I think that if this is a Las fatigue Of the act and the guy tells me that other countries already. " Stay out of the horse around the wavelength of upgrading everyone in the gyeon gakhan seemed to be possessed by the hand of upgrade They looked at. In particular, all major figures such as Duke and the Marquis, e specially the. Upgrade lifted his hand Junghana paper to be able to see naemilmyeo to four days, and towards the party said. "But when I saw this message, it seemed fantastically with directing." Four hundred and twelve companions playing quietly at the end of the upgrade w hich looked at the images being played. Image For an old man came up to the passing of the wizard, the yireohaetda. I tried to get a good degree of `work in progress. So, now enters the final st age is gradually. What Side, and then we will enter a small dispute. But they will move if the family s

o He shall be'll be lightly guarded in the capital is expected. The Duke then sim yeon then straightforward. Now, if the force can be expected to succeed, even if the military kkwaedoenda. Make the exact date We will notify you as soon as we jeongdoeneun. That this is the result of succes sful versus doesindamyeon. She Ago. The doe You're. Your Grace. ' For details, but never delivered it was not easy. In short, by betraying the c ountry to sell Las fatigue Oh, and then puts all of the air there, crowned with an agreement will be a fant astically. "Eudeudeudeuk .......This guy ...." The Duke seemed excited all of my teeth broke the momentum transfer to trill m uchyeotda. Seen as his momentum, if you were in Las fatigue was the bare momentum jjiteo throw. Other figures also show the momentum Peacock Bay without having had an equival ent. "Duke first, keep your hair from the furniture to be sigo would be a measure . ..." Upgrade naseotda quietly. Upgrades for the content that you already read the m essage jimjakha albeit roughly Was he wrote the best throw of these shocks. I see. I think you take the ... First, if another enemy is concerned, Las proc essed as soon as the fatigue I suppose, and then prepare for war ..... Eudeuk ...Lira's kill this guy ....." jjiteo "Yiseuteuronim, woopeureunim all go. I need to now boeeo your father. This is the same time It is not processed. Thank you and have yideunim. First, go to the rest of the d etached palace gyesip "Please Klein said that, and then led the three men headed out hastily. And Cheyenne, and four days, I never know what might happen, etc. was ordered to wait. Only the detached palace, go to upgrade their peace because they like taking i t easy in the lab, the mwohaetgi M Ahiteotda. And 1,2 hours after the situation was conducted hastily. Entrusted with full powers from the emperor Klein moved to the East, with the Duke. They are first divided into military and rebels of the Knights Templar manor t owards linking up to do jusal Decreed. May thereby escaped the huge number of personnel. However, residents of the capital resources of Nobody had noticed, Redirecting. And all the people sending each manor estates a nd the parties engaged in revolt Had suffered an attack command to the nearest . And other rebels in the capital li nking the marquis fit And articles in leading, I went with the Shire. And fatigue of the day Lars Klei n and impulses are The Duke of direct sun to fit directly under the emperor led the Knights. Upgrad e companions there, too Were stuck. If this situation can not be nolgoman to return was to come along. Klein led the Las muscle fatigue over a hundred people or more prior to arriva l at the mansion of the manor Silent, not knowing anything. Then coming in front of over a hundred of articles and resources Krakow The report-ins began to churn. However, while it directly from the house side, m

ore than 40 They came out of the article. And they face the back of the slim white body of a young brunette The figures came out to walk. He is soon to learn about the Duke and the Prince said, seemed perplexed. "Keurain charge, East Grace ..... What do you want In addition, Knights ...." He's quite a lot of these appearances were baffled. Then he shouted, looking significantly Klein. "Las blood traitors serious." Lars Klein tired at the end of the opening size did not seem surprised jeokjan yi. It sees him continue to talk of Klein gushed. "Lars was trying to fatigue you dare to rebel. Colluding with the enemy, as we ll as the country palahmeokeu They've never forgiven their sins ryeo lira are unable to. " "Charge .....I do not know if I do not know what to say ... four ohna Excuse, I did not do it. Increased How do you be rude here, without geojocha to bondage. " He seemed to let him enough done a voice shouted. But his cry of a peacock in the East baksalna kouteum simply abandoned. "Hm. Dirty bastard is already evidence that it was secured. Enter the secret r oom in the basement you had not seen Nha? We have already acquired the status of the place are all the documents. Ho w dare you're going to be a traitor to this country .... I want you to kill yourself torn lira ....." Lars seemed perplexed at the end of the Duke of blood next to a portrait of th e Duke again looked toward the back . And moments later, two of which came up to the Middle Ages to the Las fatigue had something to talk to. Say that They seem embarrassed to Las fatigue jeokjanyi keurain attention back then he an d others turned into. "Keuk ... I like ability to go where you're contributing papers .... I like th is better than the throne To take. " And he let the signal around the house and behind the black armor seems to art icles 50 and mercenaries Prosecutors ran up 50. Was a huge personnel. How many people here that what happened was horribly dou bt. Peacock Personnel, etc. in the car while almost twice embarrassed. This is expected to s ome extent oeeoteudoe Many people could not hide was hiding. That was no option but to resign . Next to the barracks of the Duke sent me to contact you after the Marquis woyi ren ppaedeuleotda sword. "So, you've got out of extra times that amount in the capital in-person to say you're dreaming of rebellion . "Keuk ...The Knights of the Duke there is worse yatbomyeon each of those beyon d the beginner's sword master. Hageodeun with us, as well as the Wizard. Oh, woopeureu geooeda you will play we ll with. " His words were strained keurain etc.. The black armor of the knights of the sw ord master it more pedestrian Moreover, the skill of the wizard, if you have that support from Le Woof can not be expected is not Free. "What kind of a country.? What do you mean the country that are of like that t o hide the power ...." "First, to avoid the charge. Yatboatneunde enemy power ...... This degree of p ersonal danger to power car { I thought this might happen if you are resolved first Las fatigue to dispatch

troops and articles To be ....." "Yiseuteuronim what you do when you come to regret. Starting with the kid now You should be handled. That I will avoid Rigaud ago. " "........." Klein speaks to me of the Duke decided to go back to looking around and give u p recommending Articles do not be leaving you alone with five men fell inege charge. "We also want to help the duke. Do you need to contact them, Le Woof nimkkeseo magic here with me Let ilrina relative amount. " Ilan two went ahead and talked to the Duke. The duke was good to see that at t he end. And the other party, and three people Ilan's article and to defend a point that I ordered. On the other side of his command and at the same time the Knights had started coming. And at the top of their 50 Knights of the black body armor over dalryeoohgo and articles that followed were hirelings. And gotba 50 to 90, Nicole was the battle went against the overwhelming situation. At the top Running over a black body armor with a great sword master the exceptional skills of articles scattered drop or otherwise Iphyeonot wounded soldiers behind it and the Knights If you hurt yourself or tha t is fully processed articles Was an expression. In particular, they certainly did not worry about the enemy machine to handle the damage was not located by . "Hmm ..... Tran, kaelreok ............ Hit them guys go ...Please support them , the other knights. " 20 of the Order of the Duke of highly skilled people clog their armor was blac k. However, they Personnel that can fit 20 people like themselves and leave the remaining 30 pers ons, nearly beating of Eowatda. Furthermore, the back of their soldiers and knights had been shut up. Ilan and I saw it the first sense of the mercenaries, and had cast a spell to prevent the articles. "Fire Blaster. Explosion. " "Earth Spirit, O my enemy my enemy Burn Tie geomyiyeo of wind." Ilan's magic and the sense and spirit of the soldiers to drink, but the oppone nt is attacking with the article was too. Furthermore, Le Woof Wizard, one relative who occasionally had to defend their a ttacks. Ilan was looking to upgrade next to a story that just had emerged. "The last time Ilan mabeopyo to accelerate its speed. Hey what Strahan is what we know to do. " "No. That's even more personal magic like that in fighting a heap of walking a s a relative of Haste Will develop. Water Cannon.He was stuck in traffic due to shit again. " "Hey you upgrade and give it a shot. She's good ....Shield ... Now, I'm a bit ch to attack. You! Erin, I do not think I'm knocking of mercenaries? " "But it's ..... After ... I do not know. " I jumped like a bullet jungeolgeorin upgrade. First, different than anywhere e lse to hassle. Together they Plunged in the northeast. And to some of them out into the sword, kept pulling u p next to articles. "If the die roll. Lightning ( 雷) " Lamy's call Oh, formed with a sizeable upgrade noeryeokui geomgi fell on them.

It Similar earth persona quickly buditchimyeo ttaewobeorigo exploded four or five o f them were around in the aftermath of Knight was blown off. Upgrading to see it again Oh, put Ramiro turned Eli pulled out. And then ther e is injected geomgi Was formed by the sword. Just make sure to geomgi geombodaneun well to cut the a rmor was formed of there. Of course, depends on the sword never do anything so do you know Ramiro geomin de especially the jump off a building upgrade Eli will be turned off and the kkeonaedeun. Oh sure Lamy's ability to be a fool not familiar with. Upgrading the sonedeun Eli turned around holding a can think of was towards th e hwidureuryeodaga. "Mmm What am I thinking? Originally, I did so bad hair ..... So this guy drone s Is it? Royikon " Towards upgrading the articles and mercenaries summoned Roy Con that the comma nd to bring together and to himself months of the Kept pulling up next to the sword towards ryeodeuneun articles. I had formed as a machine-wielding geomyijiman geomgi Does not take armor became clear cutting. Of course, it is in the end. You're a weak person Is it presumptuous .... Retiring with a strong wind behind him embroiled in the coming century knights and mercenaries abandoned. Roughly ten Was over the line. Against the wind and the Eli turned them down on the ground w atching kkotatda upgrade. "Go back and .... Land ilgeom " Upgrade with the cry of the land will depend geomgi Sign enemy abandoned the p lace exploded. That Twinggyeoseo flying mercenaries and knights that went right. (Bowling huh?) Even if you were dead serious at least. "Did too weakly trying to preserve the body?" In fact, they would see that the explosion will be adjusted to geomgi mwohaese o. Who would ever miss me like I'm the man tteoji? Then, towards the upgrading of time and there was a fireball flying. Blow up 20 people in an instant upgrade To discard the wizard to feel a sense of crisis was sinking. However, it was counterproductive. Upgrading a flying fire ball slip away towa rds the flow of articles First, get rid of the wizard below to determine easy jindaneun Woof Le and Ilan together, a point or is dealing with Three people will be closer. Then, looking at upgrading to a wizard nalryeoteu F ire Blaster I abandoned it blocked by Roy Cone. "I sen yobeonen land ilgeom" Upgrade to the cry of the land ran along the sizeable geomgi. The wizards quic kly pulling it yourself Had cast a spell. However, the wizard can I say, the article did not even have to blow up the bo dy did? Two bodies blown wizard Forming a barrier and crashed in the Wizard of geomgi shockwave went flying up a gainst the building. This upgrade to the situation of the plays a little bit improved. Because upgrades and advanced spirits royikon could not move forward because t he black armor of mercenaries and articles They got the classic Wizard for a moment that the banks hold three of the wizard

, do not miss a moment With the mercenaries had cast a spell towards the articles. Woof mercenaries and articles for Le and Ilan ilrina Sake of the spirit of the black armor. Attack of the one or the spirit of truth to it, black armor, five of makdeon Students of the Order of the Knights of the sword blows, the sun, Le Woof been a ttacked in Ilan and they're mercenaries and articles Two of the 40 people went flying. However, as it did not stop. Woof Le and Ilan upgrade because of the attacks f rom the hands Because of the Wizard Woof mamnotgo mercenaries and articles for Le and Ilan tow ards magic was brandishing. Second Thanks to the magic of the rampage after they messed up the land and the mercena ries and the annihilation of the few people standing articles Was only. In addition, the upgrade wizard, two people were beaten and the spirit of attack as well as upgrading of the cloud geomgi People went dalrihae. Let's make sure the situation is reversed Duke embarrassed now dropped to 30 All cried out to the black armor. "Is not going to work. Should withdraw immediately. " Yet out of arms heard a small correction. Upgrading the mana to function in it s modified Nehemiah Nalryeotda wearing a sword. But before you upgrade sikimeuro Duke modification w ork that is not caught Left hand was only one. Black Knights also spell book and took out arms Burr tel repoteuhae Is gone. Them, the Knights of the sun completely chicken daedeuldeon Maridang Du nn has become. How WHETHER roughly Around the end of the battle was close to completely ruined. Brandishing a magic land to dig and tear down the houses to Everybody seemed to ran away from jyeoteumyeo hear no sound did not come. Knights of the sun still catches a few people articles wounded atgo is moved t o the Temple of articles Devices began. And severe wounds to aid those who went ahead and started first haelyi. Then, at haeleul Upgrades include watching a gathering place where Ilan walked transferred. Look ing to upgrade such great Duke Ot praised. How to go WHETHER been roughly ttaejjeumeseoya dwitsuseup woyiren ma rquis Take your chap running started to look like articles. However, the end of the battle from afar seemed to feel an atmosphere neutchue otda speed of the horse. "My lord, the duke Are you all right? We came running over quickly receive rep orts of the article, but the situation is already Together seemed the end ....." Upgrade at the end of the marquis duke said, patting the shoulder. "But what fun was dangerous because of this guy ten thousand and one unharmed. Everything really get a charge ability keurain Have to ..... it does. You're a lifesaver. " "Huh - has been well. Both the right side, I also ate there and do your thing and caved to hold things Things that were spoiling the dead. But he's tired ...." Ras "Hmm ... I went off to teleport an enemy knight of the Knights of 30 people wi th suspected late Sr., and it seems to be prepared for war-game, the story gets .... It was crazyD o each of Swords Master's in line for the state said ....." "Then ......." "Come discuss these and other cases come from court, let's go back to the pala

ce. Power back to the palace D. Yes... After answering a magnificent horse molahgatda Knights. Then they looked headed for the palace, along with upgrades of the Southern. The day after a night of noisy people next day, the Emperor of all the nobilit y bulreodeulyeotda palace. La Spiro estate related articles for those who left to handle them on the spot as a delegate Before sending a commander ordered them to fit the manor. And Duke and keurain, Marquis, wizards, etc. Last night was put together with the nobility of work as described As expected the country's national strength to know that it is considerably if y ou do not know the war immediately, versus Has ordered an evacuation. And a high conductor read the manor estates of article s that they have Also to divide and split them, and talented. In addition, the absolute work of t his Trying to Sergeant McKnight also gave the manor umeul haeteudoe refused on the g rounds of each. Ilan estates in the wizard If you have something you can not concentrate on that research, then I was too y oung to Highlands and yes it yourself Is not one, line and a point or a muleuna Mana Delph, and what to do, all future upgrades, too Reundamyeo Specifications ..... The manor is not thereby inferior to them, the s ergeant was a little random. Are youNot know the size and size Len Len fight ..... Anyway, the thing with o ne of the two countries more Breed? " Upgrade speak to their sense and asked that drive. "It's canon. Upgrade, I do not know. The national power of the two countries, I just heard that a very similar 'm. So far as to touch each other gyeonjeman said you did not. " Ray played on horseback, who currently heading the upgrade and was only ilrina . All the others know Keurene left. The day after that night, five days after noisy companions was whe n trying to go. Then Dalryeowatda messenger informing the war. Broke out in earnest in the state, but now the situation seen That it would be quite large and spread was dominant. Ilan and say that they'll help a little Network will know that rest in Rennes. And upgrades as well as to sense or not that far away you would not have happe ned to stay here a tough ride To hear said. In fact, near the border of Amazonas sense Ilan et al say that mor e nearly U Feel does not belong to the country village perched on the mountains, saying, pe ople had a sense of belonging to any country . Krakow is just the will that he helped with the idea. "However, Iran is where the Las ilrina fatigue that Karen was working and if t he country? They If you are not a lot of Black Knights' Would not it difficult? " "That could be it, but ...... Upgrade to the Sword Master, but all of a sudden a lot of people Could be? I do not think I am. Sword Master machine they only twelve jungyonghan chachulhae You're talking about probably the place to send. " Listening to the sense of upgrading or did you thought I could do that. "But atmospheres of Mars sword ..... If you know you can handle a little geomg

i geotinde possible .....Here we like it. Studied because it is rare for a Will? Then the midfield? Full Sword Master Got to heaven .....' Of a point or destination, the distance between the two was far reyinon Mounta ins. Does not take much hassle. If the horse run faster, you may arrive tomorrow mo rning, will be. "But that dragon's Rare ilrina know where she is?" "I do not know the exact rules. Watchman alppunyieyo of thumb to go find them, seen near the UD. " I was listening to talk to the emerging sort of upgrade was to the head. "Low-ilrina I heard when it says that a dragon of their journey ..... Rare in Are you sure? " "That's ....I'm not sure. It's half a chance ...." "If you can not be good if then - this means a ...... But I'm looking to downl oad Dragon ..... Sense or do you find the gold dragon's head .... Download the report might do to take care of what andoemyeon I'm hard (?) Have come to tell me going until the end of such land andeuleo you marry me? ' Completely optimism, worry is not like I feel like a typical human. Upgrade to a point in the afternoon or the next day reyinon northeast side of the mountains where the high mountains together dochakhaet . According to Ely, or would he live here. Anger - He's really living .... heomhande Go To those hard .......' This is based on this guy, this guy is with his thoughts. I just keep hanging. Located at the northeast corner of the mountains was pretty rough place. Get a ll the mountains of considerable height Was proud. I've never even been around here any length, even a person there as w ell Oh, it would have How much shall each of Dragon's Claire is living up to the monster. "Find ilrina gwichaneunde ......" Let's say there eungeunhage upgrade seemed to sense what detractors say is I l ooked at the upgrade. ".....Would come out stronger nalrimyeon herbal magic? " Dear god...Update .... Dragons in their area do not even exist to break par, b ut their area of Goehaneun jityiraguyo really stupid thing. You do not go through so much as a wo rd. Andoeyo never. " "Ha-though ..... 're Too wide. " Understanding of the mind as well that was ilrina upgrade. The mountain was a huge extent. To toss them all in place to take a month or so seemed to the. "Ilrina I'll sing it for you first entered the mountains." Upgrade at the end of the sense or seem a quirky looked. Boy, do not do anythi ng silly Leading scientists seemed says. "Update .... Dragon, do not you call him. The Dragon was not a dog ...^^;;" "I'll be a verse. I was wondering if any mean. When a guide horse coming.. Wel l - that Let's do this column. " Upgrade a step into the mountains moved from vigorously. Last word went from t he town is already disposed. You can take these words without going through the mountains being a yigie sai d. Ilrina also after the upgrade Began to follow. However, a significant heomhaetda mountain. In addition to over grown trees and grass. To move forward and hold it grew significantly slower rate. What kind yidaero n or gadaga

Dinner will be. PM because it was so well said. The sense I intend to upgrade to one on one look and keep your head up and loo ked at the sky. Then Well, I have a point to come, and waited. "This is hardly gadaga I have no right to copy." "But how ....." "Eophyeoyo .....Come on. " Sense to me, I did not know how the upgrade, but the back of first eophyeotda upgrade. Then, toward a point, or upgrade their necks, and the sense or the eopeotda Br ace. Then it let the car in front of the tree tops of the trees stood up to. I then laid out the new law Mukkokdaegireul began pounding forward. Said at a tremendous rate. "Update ....How? The trees. " "This one? It's simple. Last time I had taught the footwork for light it? Long end of it. Learn it's simple. " Upgrade it with tremendous speed and a sense of the Dragon Claire Riley as a s eed to the area, Jim Naeryeoseotda jakdoendaneun place. "We're here. .... Ilrina takes off .....There all evening doegane ....." Were the words of upgrade. Plus, San sokyira year passes more quickly. "Ilrina ...Come back here. One way I'm still listening, I'm gonna stop. " "Why?" "I told you earlier. Let's go deep to call you .... That's the point. But if w e just a Lena's painful. " Then, upgrade the sense I approached her to talk and rare form Chezy hwasikyeo ear sikyeoseo Abandoned block. Meteor strikes may lose this much at the next will never know. Then she seated on the ground. After I stopped the ears of a point, or upgrade the cone Roy recalled. "Royikon screaming sounds in the air to vibrate better to do we need you to do ?" [Available. Yideunim ...] Place the cones have a command to upgrade the Roy Castle aerodynamic drive up 6. And it cheonmahu (千 魔 吼) were operating under. "After the ~ ~....Dragon ...By Lyle seed ......Golden Lizard " In the sense that next to his voice and his body was feeling ungung ringing. E ar the Although not hear the words of his body coming upgrade was also a different expe rience. However, the information And that they tasted similar to her despair. Without this trip that you are rath er the Dragon To think of was a mess. And do not wind shook the trees. And mountain valleys His voice rang. Upgrade and immediately came to the voice of hear a Destructive daphadeut. Alas keuah ahang ~ ~ Upgrading the ears of those listening to the sound sense and placed formed. Ch ezy deulyeotda taken to prevent. And She pointed towards one end. But they had been flying gold of the giant creature s. That Jireumyeo nothing to Destructive said. "Upgrading ......What the hell were you thinking ......Bought his anger ...... " "I probably just like you call someone who's supposed .... I've heard of Drago n things as why self-esteem sseseo I thought you were not annaon. "

"But this upgrade .... If you are unable to do so, I'm even talk ...." Sense of the word, or just by the upgrade was only laughing. Then the eye gold en flies Headed dragon. "I could say that a point is a smart, rational deoni gold dragon ...... It's n ot at all ... Then I have heard you say that all excited like that ...... She cries that long lived highly ... " Looking to upgrade it a point to say I feel the car was a writer. "Upgrade ... A huge ego ssedaguyo Dragon. The long-sanmankeum .... But such a drag When you say ..... towards goneul I'm also angry the country. " When I finish a point close to the words of the dragon flies ohdeon breath wit hout letting the naeppumeotda. Sunday Or the breath of his golden flying to his head and looked feel that meonghaeji looked at his sister. Roll it up and then come back own small hands felt the mom ent she thought this Well the U.S. was in the air. Its golden past of the earth beneath their feet up against a huge explosion Caused a Looking at the explosion point. I have heard muttering the next. "Sigh ..... really great. We're not really bitter mammeokgo roughly enough to me to write a real mammeokgo ..... If Wow guess ... " Update on the outside of the sphere where it refers explosion naeryeoseotda la nd on top of a tree. DE Lyle raegon seed as well as upgrades can not believe you looked at the face. To absurd the ilrina Was likewise. Human breath to avoid the pounding that you're flying .... Can not be happening record. "How dare humans ......" Upgrade your breath and avoiding the light due to the degree of wounded pride back He again towards upgrading the nalryeotda breath. However, the upgrade at this t ime his breath more easily Abandoned damage. Toward the ground as the first affected by an explosion, rathe r than a side of blood If you walk straight out behind him is because the mountains budin seven. Kugugung ........Pounding ..... Upgrade from the top of the blast, watching the other trees in Lisle shouted t oward the seed. Of course, the Lion's Roar In the form says. "Now that we've ppumeot twice to breath a little upset garaanatna? Would you l ike to get the story then. To ... " "He ... Trivia alienate so skittish on the subject what do you believe ...." "I've heard it's going on Look at Gold clan possessed the most calm and ration al." "That's where the issue of a rational opponent not only a man like you does no t apply to . Riley goes to say that the seed of gold was ppumeumyeo polymorph. He changed into a young man with blonde Upgrade, and then stood like a tree top. "Look at this ... Who would want to do it then? You roam around trying to find any discrete Because I can not find shit like that ... " "Lie ........' Into a point and the next upgrade angyeo said it was. "So you will just need to get the arms. "Human!

Riley goes to the Gold Dragon expect a little seed went to the opposite sex. Y et a little too soft, say Wojyeotda. "Well, as I hear it's pretty self-esteem is stronger dragon heard ... Then cop y the Dragon Reundago show? Then it hit me that I am Just add the so-called kkeuteda ....." "......." In that part of the seed as well as Riley had to say. In fact, no matter who t heir great size, too To call him to the crossroads ranked (?)Or so? In fact, even if the upgrade did not call him that, but were gonna ignore her ..... also "It's ......Not recognized .....What date did you find me? " Lyle such as Ely and could not believe looking at the seed. Dragon to admit it ..... What are you talking about Dragon detractors mostly seemed to say that listening to breath again is spouting. So I say that Riley is a seed together were the reason. Brass was because the upgr ade of the Dragon Upgrade the existing light for that damage the liver was interested. "What's Simple. And here I will give you a sense or that you bilryeoteumyeon Turns it. " Riley goes to the seed facing a moment turn our eyes back to a point I gave at tention to the upgrade. Great.First, move the seat ...Go. " Riley is a seed and upgrade their magic in the sense of the predicate and Clai re moved to its own. Upgrade to a point or a omgyeoon cave was a huge area. Where to live dragon he would do Are said. And his big caves little caves were drilled. Small and one person Show was a fairly large cave. Riley goes to the seed that our guide was one of caves. There, along with a sm all table Usually the living room or foyer of the mansion was decorated like a. Riley goes to the seed in place upgrade and a point or a Brought the car sat. Know, of course, magic. Boil your car is a little dragon th at ..... "Well what can I not?" First I looked at upgrading the sense seems to tell the head that was done. "I'm tired Ceres is a high-elpeuin ilrina. This whole thing low-cost ......... ........................China, Ryak ................................... Necessary because the district because of the seal. But as Riley, is that you seed Are familiar with how to borrow a horse and it will come. " "Sealing the lie ....... Like that ......Um...Inta. " And there behind my eyes blurred and his side was looking elf women. Perhaps he seemed to be created by magic. "Inta ... Among the items that I have had it with the seal of the orb? " Then she told me for a moment of silence for a moment replied. "Yes, I DID have was." Yeah! So, could you get it? " Lyle at the end of the seed to a point I think that when we are being well and has been expanded face. However, as soon as her face was dark. Late was because intaui. "It is difficult. It's the last time as a seed Lyle nimkkeseo breath-especiall y a sealed room to experiment Paehaeseo popped open the device. " "Well, what about that trouble me ......." Saying that I looked at Ely. "Hold on a second thinking about it again, then upgrade your story tell, okay?

Something to me Wanted to give a tell asking for I'm sure. " "So together I think I need to talk to a relative of the Dragon Dragon definit ely think it might be loaded Download Tell me have been good to give? Well - if you give this to him, tell hi m you have given Mean I do not know. " Upgrade to Riley at the end of the seed seems to have looked at that surprisin g. "Dragon to load? Who did you ask. ?....." I also heard next to a point of interest had at the end of upgrade. She is als o upgrading to meet the Dragon One reason was because the party did not know. "What are you've got the name of Gold Dragon from the favor Yeah ....." He sai d that this drone Yeah, he's listened to upgrade this drone to mumble the words to the frightene d faces Bar Upgrade Came Laboratories. It can't be! He ..........." Um... I know that dragon? " "Of course you would not know what they're young dragon, but much older, or if the model of the Dragon And he sent you two know you're sure where he does not know that anyone geoteu We're dealing with .... So on your feet. " Upgrade to Riley to seed and watching what happens at a point or a place but n ow the magic predicate, such as Had to teleport. And they get there, one of the small shack in the woods was no. "Gorgeous but not your ... Gesipnikka? Riley is a seed that is. " Then gently opened the door of the cabin, according to red-haired girl. The girl with red hair is finely chalrang was raised from the waist over a whi te face and clear the light is red I like cute little eyes were as a whole. When anyone a hug. Jugosip Was about to. She stood in front of his jipmun during the party, viewing it as a seed for Ly le investigated. "What are you going on? Plus, humans and elves take to mean? " Cerro Dragon Coast to the load that I have a hunch that the girl glanced at me watching the upgrade and said Ely. "Yeah, this boy has upgrades brought something from this drone seemed to Nimes ." Riley and the sense I upgrade to the seed, overlooking the serenity to Catania said. And Serenity Coast, too Upgrade looked at seemed a bit surprised. "Yes, this drone ....... nimeurobuteouiCome on in. " Serenity Hills home and ushered in a hurry to upgrade. 'Complaining that the Dragon is a great inspiration?' Upgrade was alone with his thoughts. Yeah, she met with the first drone, the s ituation is something he's seen as Did not feel something. They sit over here upgrade their mug has arisen in the future. Riley gave the seed to the fragrant tea and soft of stuff the other. "Mmm, this is good." Upgrading the car listening to Castello said sipping Serenity. "It's glad you liked it. So Hi So this upgrade is rea convey what is on the dr ones? " "That's So these drones had the magic of the class is 13. Ahsiltejyo? 13 of h is magic class Seuui knew that magic. The class also did not know the magic of the Dragon King and the other thing? That

Because there was the oldest. " Were the words of upgrade. Generally known to the human and elven magic to the 11 classes were Why ......." Others if they try anything to reach the 10 classes is difficult. However, on th e ground Among living species with the exception of the Dragon was the strongest. The mag ic of the original 11 classes or do not learn I have blown away the magic of a 10-class man can only know just all the magic, unlike But rather one more step to master is more powerful version. Among them, loaded with the Dragon to Dragon King The magic is one step higher is permitted. So download the Dragon, however, this drone was appointed as Even after being handed Magic Dragon King did not tell them. The reason is becau se the Dragon. The remaining I said because of the time. Then Ramiro has been created so dear to the load and the Dragon King Al The magic of the class to ryeojyeoya 13 is obsolete. Upgrade to the words of the Serenity Hills and Riley were cheering going to se ed. The magic of the stone disappeared 13 classes Oh, would come. In fact, they are obsolete even after 13 classes to re-create th e magic had worked. But it was not so easy. Plus he hates that pesky rumors geeureugiro I create the magic of the Dragon Class of 13, Johnny .... Well, did not say it . .... Such that during the upgrade Obsolete with the magic of Class 13 will be high. And the sense I had heard quit e Was surprised. They do not know their class, 11 classes and nearly ithyeojyeogan not never heard 12 and 13 classes of a dragon ...... magic? But here were some problems. Transfer problem was just magical. Magic 11 class to the senior class in 13 of the Tome of Magic It's quite difficult to learn through. In particular, they know the Dragon 12 cl asses and 13 classes The magic of the added. So, using the magic dragon also to copy the magic of the ir haecheulring Or the other was to convey to the Dragon. It is this part of the problem here. Upgrade to know a lot of magic, but never run It is that, because I can not use magic. But the mouth did not know the story ha jani Keurenyi will take. That magical run directly by Serenity Hills hajani So all of this drone of upg rade information received God will never be penetrated. Yes, as well as a result, this drone of the Dragon Heart and Due to upgrade the head by the reaction with Almost always this drone coordinato r was watching the situation. Geureomeu Due to the upgrade will not be no more untouchable. Why are the dragon on dragon load Download to respect the Dragon, and appoint a successor before he died some time later, jukgedoen . During that time, sent him the respect of the Dragon is the extreme. He neom t heir area Are not put at all, but rather is eowado bangige. If during this period that he no If the due date of death. Eopgetjiman never said such a thing. Eradication of th ose species, such as when haecheulring Mangsikyeobeorinda (commonly ...)To upgrade it as it is applied. Plus So these

drones You had a case load of the Dragon toured .....Are not more obvious? Serenity Hills and Riley go to the second seed went to exchange opinions. So t hese drones and upgrade old donggyeokin I can not believe that mean you can not catch and can not use magic But ....... Phase through a rough patch Hwangyieotda. Meanwhile, looking at them I feel a good sense. Upgrade to a fairly small part y of The work-shy dragon yonghan it seemed to Riley that the seed directly, such as s ealing of the phrase I take it that you will make. It took only a little time danda takes about four months. Like this is actually Dragon to take long positions, but caught in the lazy schedule is significantly faster until im . And here's a great dragon which is associated with upgrades in that they will be careful. Upgrading a sense I did not want to notify the machine does not know I had a p oint. And their conversation Upgrade of the dragon's magic in the yirueojyeotgi jeoneum and two in the number of people will never. Serenity Hills and Riley talking about the seed into the car and emptied durin g the upgrade. Upgrade abandoned the empty teacup Looking for Serenity Hills told. "Serenity Coast, here's your car ...." Yes...Examples here yideunim ...." She was immediately re-create the car. Then she said, looking at upgrading. "Serenity Hills ..... It's just sing that upgrade ......" Huh? Okay ...." Listening to upgrade her car, put down a drink. In midfield, enjoy delicious f or eating. Had the same stop. Serenity Hills then pulled the horse. "Well, upgrade, upgrade of my journey as if you're going to need to not interf ere with ...It should be all right. John? " What? Well...What about the load jikeun andoel with nothing? " Don't worry. It's not a lot of work to do. Maybe a special move other Because I do not care, you. " "Well, then .......I hope that's okay! " "Thank you. During the trip, feel free to offer 13 classes and magic, or have their own I could ... We're going to get as comfortable. " Serenity Hills at the end of the upgrade was a nod. "So where to go ?...." So? How do I make sense doing? Be achieved 's not ruined the original purpose .... Do you want me? Not to go into the LAN network. " "Yes, I'll go with you. ... Than they were with how much you mean " "It's not so busy I'd like to leave tomorrow morning ..... Saetdeoni night ... " Dawn says she is coming out of the upgrade was Since I've been everywhere since yesterday afternoon and had not had to be wal ked quickly past. "Ha, but also ride horses? So where are we? " Upgrades are looking at the sky came out of the cabin was the offense. And tha t was next to the Serenity Coast Said. "Upgrade, I was told, but ... you know taking a trip to Trento This is quite m eoldapnida. My magic.

To move fast, it's going to be. Have you ever been a long time before you know t he size in Rennes-based geography Eokhagoiteoyo " "Really? I'm on it. Geupyeonyi say It's like riding much better than. " She connects after upgrade Riley's words as they looked at the seed. "Lyle, I do not forget to ask." "Yes, sir. Download " Serenity Update your knowledge and sense to hear his words, I go where there i s a predicate stuck magic. "Go ...." Upgrade eyes for a moment it disappears after two hwanhaejyeot eyes have seen several people themselves Appeared. And get around here somewhere behind his eyes, you know the size of th e Imperial Palace was Len. And You're a wizard and his ears seemed to naval units facing the people and they we re amazing. "Oh ... ~" Also heard the screams. ...No.What a scream ... " Ahead with the idea that thi s upgrade come up toward his Seoryeo saw a wagon urgently. Upgrade staring straight into the wagon on the sid e of the two four Ramui avoiding the side facing the waist. The place we had a stand 4-5 meters or so past all Well, have ceased. Coachman three people aboard got out, big stumbled spirited. "Yo motherfuckers, if so ... What are we doing in the middle of the street ... ." Yet there he lay his head towards the upgrade of three was looking at the mout h shut. It opens the door loudly his side ornately dressed young man in his early 20s naeryeoseot . "What - you son of a bitch ..... Why are you suddenly do not? What's, uh, ?!.. ...." He's also the head spin watching three people have been asking politely that m y lips are sealed immediately. "Lady, where three minutes did not hurt. I drive a horse and carriage mess HIR E this guy ...... I I'll apologize. " Upgrade to overturn such a fool he seemed to be looking at. The guy next to body upgrade manchehagoneun Serenity Hills said the trees back , to the Imperial Palace geoleogat . "Serenity Hills ......Go to the people attending do I do if I'm in the middle of the street? Ppeonhaet dangerous It's ... " "I'm sorry ..... I moved casually hadabonikka ........" "Stop it ... upgrade You were not okay. " The house next to his horse, and they clear this track Muhsin looked set to fa ce the ball again deoni Had been asked laughing. "Where three minutes to get out of here? I'll take you in the sense that I apo logize. " His words were answers Upgrading the cold. That's OK. But thank you, but with connotations. " You move it over your head looks towards the two men walked daerigo palace. Up grade of the answer Gugin the impression that while he look at them angry and go to the coachman was urging. Here we go~~ Upgrading the cape of a wagon went past. "Oh, it's not luck that man ....."

Upgrade to the murmur of elves and dragons also seemed to agree nodded. In fact, the experience of serenity in your knowledge of the human race, that' s the guy you want to kill them a pass on the Make There was the next upgrade will be pared. Update the reference in which there is no way he went seolchil Said. Seth receives the attention of several people walking iteotda arrive at the en trance of the Imperial Palace. There Four of the men seemed firm holding the window stood. Upgrade approached them near the front of one of them in the best upgrade to t he hand. "What can I do for you, lady?" However, the upgrade was not mad. As I said last time is two thousand one hund red and twelve hwanaeryeomyeon tired. I Feel, or on purpose, but this approach work in humans over the train approached or If you just pass the ordinary. "Do you fix it.Lady is not And you want to meet people and I'm here. Ilan name ... " "Sin.My apologies. But What If Ilan well ..... Just " Go back and post a statement saying that, on the connecting side dagagatda per sonnel. Later article, Ghana You come to see from afar the rush dalryeowatda upgrade. "Failed to realize expecting. Yeah, this drone Grace ...." That's OK. So in both Ilan and would itseup? " Yes... Gesipnida. Hi To my knowledge, in the laboratory of Le Woof is somethin g I heard he was. stopped ...... "Well, are you ...? Okay, I got it I'll go find. " People say so, as the latter two the other day was nice to go to the lab heade d by Le Woof. "It's appearance is not yet a spirit of war." Ely said, or explore the surroundings. Her over at the end of the upgrade also gave a nod. So The last time you saw walking upgrades sits on its doorstep. Upgrade to a point or a doe is already registered in the statement Come on, did not take. "Yideuda. Open the door. ... " And Welcome to the statement with a sound that was held smoothly without any s ound. Measures Side, things are still bustling with people at the desk on one side of the peopl e had to touch something . Among them, we came Upgrade story was on the people sitting at a table. They U pgrade Looking to come and stop the conversation and hit a stopping by. "Wow, glad you're back live upgrade? Or just too scared to look at my little J udas, you've come so soon? " Yeah, she was approached by an upgrade after the upgrade to the murmur of the Serenity Hills re-upgrade report Asked. "Upgrade ... This here 's your friend, Lucy? " Yeah, everyone's eyes at the end of this Serenity headed to Catania. Upgrades as they remained think ahead towards the said "Serenity Hills here. Is a wizard. Coincidentally, as we have been fucking. Me age : "The Upgrade to the introduction of the Serenity Hills greeted the others were divi ded. And the Wizard of the load Not trying to look good in your eyes, there were human beings. "Upgrading work between military really what's going on? When Ran is back so s

oon ....." Upgrade to a two-digit Ilan looking anneungeol asked. "That's good news ... Cleared up a point or a ruse. Even the best finish ....S ooner or later, it did not jump to become the Would. But it was soon to come, and the magic agent. But here's the situation on Ilan? When No, I guess I do not mind seeing the ....." "I still do not get the quiet ..... After the reaction by then, no provocation at all, so it happens Still did not find a ready ...... You've devoted Only civilians just do not know it. " "We do not know when's Hands." Le Woof by his horse was. "What the guys they doing it I do not understand what the hell ..... Fertiliza tion of the Hang Aneuni longer moving .......Know what are you waiting for ...." Upgrade to hear a word without thinking itda naebaeteotda flop. "Well, how about I just throw it out of this sweep?" "I'm trouble ....He do not even know what they are hiding .....Rather, we pertamper deombyeotdagan May have got .....Moreover, he could easily get from those do not have a similar enough power ......Eojjihaet Sooner or later I'll decide all ...." Although .......His Majesty and the Duke of East .....?" keurain "He gets a busy guy. Nearly everything from His Majesty the Emperor's having, and this gets Duke of Straw His own words in preparation for subsequent ones. " "All the physical things are putting?" "It's not whether His Majesty body sigo increasingly becoming an enemy of the battle, the expected decision, not a gift from the former If the body is produced, even machine-ridden sick and even more difficult to ple ase, even during the war hasinda warming in Is not the big deal .... So you go and do that short. Has yet to be announced Ex ternally gets " Is it listening to the story of Le Woof and was thinking to upgrade was crosse d on the head. "But what about the Knights of training do you need? The last time that she ha d a lot of numbers, but the In a fight with a black article ....." Yeah! But this is not a problem ..... You did not talk Ilan here and discuss w ith the duke and The conclusion is a bit mean to you ...... KnightsCeases to gareuchyeoteu ..... You to listen to Ilan So here ...." He said that he was taught the islands Upgrade to hear that to say that it has been sick. He hates the fact that the nuisance. Yeah, she also taught by his wish was to make it easier. Sure is not no one to teach people, hundreds of placements mean? Plus, they ha ve knowledge of valor stubbornness. Almost all of the real world where you have martial arts midfield naegong know simbeop and blood spot, but ..... F Giseo only the sword. There is no use of naegong. Although they are called Sword Master is a What if itgetneunga? "I. .. Is not the Master Sword too? Better to teach them to think John ... " "That's not the. However, the master of the sword has some of the usual articl es of silryeokil Do not ... quickly teach But yeah I do this in the short term at Sword Master a nd butdeo

They would not have been raised so figured ..... Please.His Majesty also for keu rain dir ....." 'Ha ..... me I'm troubleBut Ilan simbeop two naegong guess you do not talk abo ut ...... Done this? Do not say it? ' "But how many articles they all do?" "That? So you teach the people in that article .... We'd all 200Among them, th e Master Sword Included also stocked. First, after you've learned to accept it under their arti cles to Belongs to teach ...." "200 myeongyira ..........Some levels I'm expecting ....?" "So that this time those black knights and a win this fight and not necessaril y enough to be Addo is fine, but some mean enough to hurt or So now at this level of Even good ....." 'Well, shall we? No one will teach all the work anyway, so fast, I think. ' Concluded that looking at upgrading the Le Woof opened his mouth. "I'll give that a try ...But the Knights can not have a problem to train a lit tle radical? " "Do not worry about it. Have already been placed on and gets the duke .... You r disposal to make you a I'm not to blame anyone. " "And I ... For those articles Sword Master Plus, because the nobles and that t o some extent Woo what you wrote above defiance. " "Does not want to worry too ..... geureonae These rules guide every single dec ision you do not care how their articles of ppophyeojil jipaneu Have been notified by you will not be any pressure for you if they ahmuso gumgin dago Not going to sleep. " "Okay. Do. So Where's the fog? " "It's on the back of the Imperial Order of the Knights of St. Chapter haze you will be." Um... Is that okay? I used the original Knights captain and those people would be angry ...." "Heoheoheoheo. There's nothing to worry about ....I tell people I do not know about you, but you get the training Among the articles headed itdane too many ... " "... "Mmm-ass ...." I'm sick kkaena So the next upgrade geuljjeokyimyeo head looked at it. "Just like that, you'll need some help. During training, you are an instructor . " Yeah, that's true face, which guthideoni shook his head. "No, dude! Article, I explain to them how I am going to captain? Absolutely no ... " "It's okay c: nsubj earlier woopeureu Did not hear your words? Plus, I'm letti ng you know a little bit Do not worry about it dont have no problem with that, for ...." Sense to say that the next turn your head and asked me to. "If the sense of work to do, I'll give you help me?" "I do." "Then I'll upgrade to the military training from tomorrow." "Starting tomorrow.? GM also told me you were jammed in articles. I was workin g, what happens to those people? " "Worry about .... I'm one step ahead already to get started right away Whether you need it down. Former's consent, as well. "

Upgrade their accommodation party keurain Prince was set to the same son of a bitch detached palace. While he hostel crowned Because as a result of moving to the Imperial Palace, a detached palace was empt y, did not deserve a place to stay for party meomuldo Rock will be granted. As I said before, this place is fairly big beautiful deda. Of course, their st rategies are often companions Could have the room. Upgrade to an 8-detached palace next morning naseotda . Le Woof 8:00 a.m. to exer cise the Arthurian legend This is because since. So this upgrade behind and come along with ilrina and Ser enity Hills. The rear of the palace Chapter haze from the detached palace in the opposite'm a little information had to go around the Imperial Palace. Chapter haze're up to Lee, about 10 minutes. Chapter haze is in the prototype, which was more than 200 meters in diameter. And There was a small forest behind its gymnasium gymnasium in front of the barracks had to rest a little daewa. In Chapter haze over their armor, the weather had been doyeol 200 people. Order articles raseo grunge was standing still in good order. More than 10 min utes to teach someone or Sweet Said. Then, with their prayers the next gentle man of 10 people were standing. T hey just Articles and Sword Master Chief seemed the most likely. Then, over the knights o f their armor Back seoiteot . Subjected to an upgrade of their most looking haze head man of strange streets seemed gyaut There were people to find out was to upgrade. Upgrade to tell the same people fo r a while and upgrade Knights of the land had three people thought we like to hit Las fatigue Duke Kni ghts captain of the sun There were few, and baggage. However, most people do not know what they have seen upgrades. Lars is so tir ed he home of the Duke of What happened to the spread of the Templars was also remained almost a secret. Plus, the upgrade is a court Gungeseodo was not long after wandering around for since it was Upgrade their stand on the track rather than go forward to stand in front of u nits towards their exclaimed. "So those of you Nice to meet you. I is an upgrade. You can improve the skills of the future You will teach them to kigi. And here's me Just like that, and the sense or the amount of help Will. Many of you have heard some stories you know where to Duke. Now I do Will be considerably more difficult ones. Firmly into battle, I will need to sta rt. Did you know all? " Upgrade in the position of the once did seoboji place, tell me what they want to say to them into the camera. They, too, seemed to be somewhat awkward at the end of these up grades. During the upgrade of their own Ido is an instructor at the end of the complaint were vomits. In fact, no upgrad es at the border, who handed sword People did not appear. 'Ha appearances do not necessarily report such things ..... Things like that w ell-received training early japahnwaya Just mean. To the poles, I guess, but my damn ....'re Going to have to go easy . ...' "First, go to training I think you do not trust my skills ...... Doing? Bo my skills Gosipseupnikka? "

Upgrade of the house had been well some of the questions were answered yes. Mo st of the figures were almost. Based Sarah face the guard, because polite, but upgrading to teach their people about whether ten thousand and one Is a question which had. Indebted to upgrade their Eli turned and pulled out complaining. "In terms of the effect is turned off Eli's better? ' "What's gonna be .....She gonna be a good idea to show shall brilliant? Let's like that ...... Nanhwa ten Transplant? It's gonna be good? " After you unlock all of the prescribed upgrade geomgyeoleul Chapter aerosol mi st, and then stand back to the end of the chapter starts falling in the middle o f . And for Eli turned geomgi about the size of the Sword made by injection. Upgra ding the Eli Geomgi jyeoe that created some of the soft red saekyieotda. Chapter haze, as well as articles that were reported at the end of the sense o r even the sea was amazing surprises. Upgrading the geomgi Eli formed a base expression taken sipyigeomui nanhwa hol ding turned. Eli turned down on Tap lightly with your other hand hanging down like that was a very smooth rider expression. Then, upgrade your sword and move slowly moved. Neither do I see the movement without There was not too late. Yeah, she is such a strange movement of articles and whe n you're wondering, the first expression Upgrade Is nanhwa ( 花) and pyeolchyeotda. Upgrade smoothly along the body, turning the swor d of a sword upgrade hwidureuja flowers The sky, the air - two geomgi naldeut mouth of the body, wrapped upgrade. Yisiki n immediately weathering ( 花), samsikin Peanut ( 花), sasikin hyeolhwa (血 花), ohsikin hwaryeonghwa ( 灵 花 )................Last rampant cannibalism (百花 舞). We are dancing on the upgrade sprinkled geomgi nanhwa sipyisikeul naetda unfol d. Geomgi along with his geomsike flying around, but the damage did not apply. By adjusting the aerodynamics in the middle, then neutralized to some extent b ecause diversifying. Articles and red flowers, etc. So this place to dance, I like this look at upg rading the meonghi Geomsikeul Street were ordered to set until after completing all the spirit was go. However, even though they are equipped to gather meonghaetda ranks. Upgrade no t understand this about the show Was not. "Well - I saw it, right?" Upgrade to answer, but did not cooperate, answer the few. Upgrade all of the geomsike was a reason why. In fact, it's unattended by midf ield bondamyeon glance Apollos, where it was not geteuna. Only those who master the right to just upgra de the sword unfold geomsikeul Beat to beat around the Nova mana was only felt. And watch it against geomsikeun As the head to get drawn into watching these m eonghi Now that ten thousand ................... It was likewise deuraegonin Serenity H ills. Plus, the unfolding upgrade Distribution of geomgi Mana felt that they can neutralize in the air well enough mana Could not guarantee being able to deal with. "Ha-high fence they saw the ears ....... nothing.So it would be respected? Cha

mwol ( 月)! " Upgrading from a billy, Eli turned blue, geomgi to cool around 200 meters in f ront of the balchuldoeeo Into two parts in a tree next to the abandoned rock. Although the original aim o f the trees next to the ilrina There is a slight modification of the target. Trees and forests without purpose , she does not want to hoeson Because. How effective was sure that this time do not care. Everybody cracked wide open eyes were looking at abandoned rocks. And moments later with a horse called the attention of upgrading the ranks of the maintenance was able to save yourself. "So far people with questions about my skills do you have?" It is not. Knights answered with one voice magnificently. "OK, now we are at training. Stand each from a distance. " And with his words and stood divided on both the Chapter haze. "Now go into training focus. Sword with a sword, stood at the end of both eyes distracted collect Do not be maintained until I tell you. Distractions to drag people will come. An d one Even if what's happening closer Do not let any worry. Conduct " Upgrading the skills at this article also put a question mark (?) Heard rather than draw swords. The articles have placed orders to upgrade and then installed on one side of t he barracks and walked toward the party does Came. And there was tea and some cookies placed. For an in place upgrade aneumye o bit me sweets . So look at it and then upgrade them looked at the article. "Upgrade, there's something to take you to the Knights built like that?" "Mmm, these cookies are good. ... That's focused training ....If the concentra tion results in a short period of time from going to prove anything to raise the First it's the lay of the concentration raised to govern themselves, and then al so their fencing Neulgetji a little different then you choose to teach fencing going ... " "Upgrading the power of concentration, all those articles ...... It can not be Why back in like a knight apprentice. " Place the next upgrade along the said tea. "Like a knight in an apprenticeship? Body ... Seeing the last time I went to c atch the Duke of Las fatigue in black articles and I fought in the article, when the sun maybe? Anyway, they did not calm at all ca lm down quite a few of them We went out against that. But that's part of the mess I was remaining. Make ment al state, so Ought to chassis securely. Ilrinna, Serenity Coast for me. I think this is good ...." Upgrade deulmyeo another cracker to a point, or encouraged, and Serenity Hills . So this is then re-muleowat . "But I do not know why Did not you concentrate on training?" "That? It's simple to me the other day your body does not ever turn the mana? And now along the way And turning. That's where your focus improves. In many ways it affects concentra tion, as well as Will impact on. " Really. So I'm lucky, hot? Well, I'm nothing to be like that? " "That's your mind ....... vs. RosieIf anything it'd be fine, but. We should no t. So what do you look Around a little distracting. Why do you stand. " saw me walk up to the first ranks of out standing next to the sword So it looks

. Ppaedeulgo Scowled at the end of the sword. Yeah, watching them with such articles with a point or before the earlier ques tion that I had been asked. "Upgrade ... Although the primary focus that training takes longer, you know? But how do you Try ...." "I do not worry. How much property they do not envision a way to? Plus, the ar ticles of there. These are usually articles of the training I needed. Articles Leader Class with swords masters .....What more concentration Bomyeondoel that firm, I guess. " Saying that, once again asked the mouth pastry. And sat alone beside the Seren ity Coast Jungeolgeorideut opened his mouth. Upgrades do not know which side your looking at upgrading the Serenity muttering Hard to say damah heard. Upgrade Now there was the magic of the 13 classes. It also is not any magic sp ells 13 large Theory of large bones that make up the entire raster was That's all a break, eve n if perhaps some of explaining Amount of ten thousand and one thing was to take. And next you're listening to some extent also in the study, shall be ilrina .. ..... Let's just passing through so arduous one hour distractions that get tired of articles have emerged. Upgrading to find their place and move like a ghost articles Sword Master Chief, or compel future Signed lease. I flew in front of their mind, no matter how yirajiman to sell the idea that was in the. After a 30 minutes it difficult to sweat has been prominent for. Upgrading took a look at them. "Once again, to talk. No matter what it is maintained that position. " And the next call Serenity Hills founded. It also upgrades up watching yeopeur oda ilrina Have been. "Serenity Hills, performed magic, you do. The range of the gymnasium as a whol e and look fantastic try. Really like Fantastic, I stay, although you will see something so unnatural seureopji ....." Upgrade your knowledge with a nod at the end of Serenity, and the spell was ca st. "Think Image Illusion!" Outside the Mana upgrade gymnasium at the strange surroundings, but what happe ned is formed I can not say that did not. However, the considerable confusion in the gymnasium was sparked. Of course, G M and articles Sword Master Class But they are still in the back of the articles are usually a few people to start a sword body hwidureugeona Was the roll. As the aerodynamic upgrade cheonmahu cried watching it. "Keep in mind no matter what happened to me to keep the state and the sword fe ll hwidu They're flowing now poised. " Ringing in the air upgrade to the voice of some mental or articles are cited a gain, the sword. But Was quite confused. Maybe they knew that a magic show illusions, but soksu Will muchaekin. Moreover, unfolding the magic dragon party, dragon Moreover geup imeya load ......

However, upgrades to the position of the command soon after the re-heuteureojy eotda caught. Each time upgrade After a thousand miles and was cast. Upgrade unlike the articles are confused and they are articles, such as Master Chief and the Sword Yeah, it looked standing. Um...Serenity Hills there jeonyeoseokdeulman more ssege haejwiyo separately. " Upgrade your knowledge told me it was not a problem at the end of Serenity aga in has cast a spell. And they pretty danghwangha Not started. But the sword did not hwidureugeona. When he would usually go after the Knights had also stabilized to some extent. Watching them back in place upgrade did. "You're not gonna get bored leave him like that!" Yet again asked my mouth cookies. Serenity Hills mouth also took the car. Upgrade to a point and then look at the chapter looked at the mist. So far I have not seen like that was not trained. "Mmm, that's upgrade training focused on short-term training certainly going t o be able to master, but upgrade Nd I think that anything like that?~~~!' If you think that is a point I asked in front of your mouth cookies. Know who made it was delicious. After a one hour, both halves seemed to get used to some extent were the first and remains the same. "Um .... huruk I got used to it now, huh? " Upgrading to put down the mug and stood up. Serenity was next to the boiler na ryeo Coast, but it is okay, too Dried words. "I like the end of the day, focus, and mental training .... It's fantastic. Be onnoemayeomhu ( 魔 焰 吼) " Looking at the most quiet, quiet upgrade haze bureudeut two songs sounded. I k now your sense and Serenity What are you doing, ...Upgrade of the ancient Egyptians around the strange feeli ng that the formation of Mana, but Foreign Davidson did not know what's going on. However, most aerosols were different. Sw eat and shake all rigido There was a sword making. , Also had a fall, and wield a sword. Ely, or watching it, and three Lenny was unlikely to know. She has not even spell aloud the articles you're des tabilized ...... "I do not think of the magic predicate .......How? That sounds a lot further back in your seat threw anatda upgrade again. But th e Knights to feel terrible. The same was true. Ely caused questions to be asked and asked and Serenity Hills. "What did he do to upgrade? I do not think magic ....." "Do not salt the beginning, and then .... It's calledSee what it takes the one to speak ..... Each person has roughly Be in one of the most painful, frightening stimulus that did that. In short, in the minds of their potential Which is the beginning, those things do not always do that, then similarly as by amplifying the reality. Disturbing their Umeul to represent ....It's out of the effect. Now there's a big shock that weak ly haenwaseo. " Upgrade your knowledge or sense of serenity and just singing to hear whether i t would be possible to just such a Consider came. But it will do so in a short time was in Riga. Upgrading the even ing so

Until the end of training day after the beginning, do not always tormented them and a magic. Knights fall gadaga Yell when they established the cause. So as the end of training, hours of magic and beonnoehang Geoduja mahureul Roll Everybody just went on the spot. Among them is still naego ng Hun Upgrade Just like that, and articles that ryeoneul Director, Sword master the soldier st ood. However, as the face right now. Would you lie face were also discarded. "Okay, I will conclude with this mental exercise. Back to take care of their o wn dissolution. " Serves as a sort of upgrade in place, people just pick went for. Jujeoanneun article was headed there too. Upgrading to see them once or with a sense of serenity Coast Chapter haze and then he tried to remind him Have turned back. Ely, or watching those upgrades and Serenity Hills Stop stood seemed too stran ge. Update on the haze toward the people that most stood. "Bow cheonryeong Simgok (天 灵活 心 哭) training fatigue solved smoothly tomorrow, huh? - ah ~ ~ ah ~ Huh? Clear ringing voice rang for as long as most fog. Unyonghan close to ten minutes to upgrade the look back Simgok cheonryeong bow stood. Then, a point not look back, I like watching upgrade and Serenity Hills as the eye can not believe the upgrade is People were looking at taking place on the spot. Walking out of Chapter haze to upgrade the description of Serre asked the Coas t. Nicely .... "Do not salt the beginning, after cheonryeong called Bow Simgok little to be t hought of as the opposite. This song around the mana Move the person's body to circulate the blood of the person you're unpacked. Mu ron to my voice. To meet that person know sikyeoseo mana. " As well as in the beginning, do not salt it, then once an unheard How yieotda mana. So in the evening to eat it for dinner, roughly rounded ridge lying dunghagone un early to go into the room Abandoned. So then they both report it haelyi Ilan and upgrade the training of t he words, as has been Simply replied. And sometime in the evening the Duke and woopeureu East, and His Majesty direct keurain I found a detached palace butterfly. Ohmyeo taking refreshments in the guest roo m of a lady-in-waiting busily moved. When he did all in place East is the best dust opened his mouth. "You what the hell I spoil that training? I wonder .....Grandson, he comes in syayinan deoni Do not eat dinner, go into the room Said fallen asleep. The body then you have n othing to say but dust Hey, "Plus, I feel in the laboratory to the gymnasium with the magic side, seemed t o catch the movement of Mana Hyeoteo. " Looking to upgrade also seemed to question woopeureu said. "Not a big deal. We've had some mental training. I feel like a poor concentrat ion. Plus, to quickly From illusion to illusion magic, did interfere with breeding. Now that it all d ay, and mental Does not belong to the lot as tired. Body with a sword, you know, a little too t


ired all day, but the end of the hour of the day of blood A loosening has been sent. " Listening to upgrade the Duke nodded. "Mm-hmm not sure I come in and I think you did, but I am such a Saint I've never done it before at all angles of the head is also well-dondan young pe ople on. " Klein then saying this word and listening carefully pulled out. "Hey ~ mean. Like I should get the training? " Klein's words saying no was prevented by the Duke and Le Woof. "Your Highness, His Majesty the bappeusiji Is not justice." Yes. If His Majesty received the training, who it'll be handled saopnikka. " "But I can not you a little bit outside darujil Is the sword." "First of all charges that it is never too late king, after being aligned. "...............Got it. Duke East. " The next day too late for the upgrade but most arrived in the mist. Chapter ha ze of the article, like yesterday doyeolhae in the morning. Loosen the bow Simgok cheonryeong sleep sleeping tired with my w aking eyes as grunge was yesterday. Yeah, Ido The best upgrade you to come and go in the front row stood. Upgrade to the stand in front of the story began to speak Said. "Concentration is over in training yesterday. Today we will practice the footw ork. For two footwork you Then, instead of a sword that is used to write much Dunn has the widest range of use. This is two times Divided by the movement of small movements in each direction divided by the tota l of 24 to move because Arbitrarily divided. First I'll show you " Well before the upgrade and the upgrade was taught pungunbo (云 ) and was cast. Where a smooth upgrade to the movement of the journal haekkalrineun move was s uch a move. Mainly in the opening two pungun midfield looking old man of the people was th e footwork. Once the footwork serves to upgrade the Glacier, a point or share articles, an d taught. Which both Learned about the order after mobeop mist itself had to wander around in the woo ds berries. Lunch time Just keep walking danija articles that support their movement became somewhat ac customed to. Upgrade its own lunch Regroup after a meal to meal orders and headed for the dining room. "Now - now on the application of the footwork learned in the morning goes on. From now on tree leaves one person Would have to fly, two of budithiryeo. All of them should be avoided. And get us ed to two If three, four, three will stretch you get used to it. Well-conducted. " Place the articles scattered upgrade hageupjeongryeongin the wind on one leaf, two of silpeu call silpeu He went on the train to afford. "That's insane. How to upgrade a 200 or a subpoena if silpeu ....." Sense or not in place, said looking at upgrading. "Well-by andeuleoyo force. If the contract is due to be summoned by jeomankeum sireudeurangwaui so Be hard to do. Plus, by consuming some mana mana flows through the wind And the only ones. " Also at the end of the day come, all training was lying. "Ha-scenery is good ....." Looking to upgrade the surrounding scenery himself. Upgrade Now they get a place away from the palace and into the forest is a for est hireuseuraneun. Imperial Palace

It is famous for beautiful scenery near deda. And people who live in the capital and royal, aristocratic Good retreat (?)Is recognized as a forest. Upgrading the hireuseu forest stand on a small hill, which looked around. Beau tiful panoramic forest and the small Flowers in bloom around the hills and animals ...... Upgrade to the hanging of t he back woods as well Eli yijyeo Seemed to stir a good point. Upgrade jump here and there in the woods, carry suc h articles Bars Came Laboratories. I just came here but came out for training. For training of n ew law 'm Gonna go running all over with trees and to avoid whatever is right in front. It is the tree with Bear, one of the leaves will drop. Of course, the absolute is not easy. So upgra ding the There is one kind of openness taught pungunsippalbongbeop (云 十八 棒法) pungun during the Stream (云 万 流) and Change transformed geomsikeuro taught. Grazing or the name implies, it's one thi ng Bay of wind and clouds That kind of holds up the flow in either direction leaves gamyeo Bell will be ab le to. That Reotge though it could take some time before. And they are completely soft pungu n Hari Stream What articles do not expect the captain or master of swords and yeah, except it says. Remainder Even knowing naegong simbeop neukkiljul the mana, because I do not know. Of cou rse, wipe the sword master skills Embark on .......Will be possible. "So they said the palace is only really good ...." Hael, as recommended by upgrading from a very well liked. Why upgrade from the haeleul his way back to him was to know. Until now, Yireonjeoreon's not happened, but now that the machine did. Upgrade haeleul looking around saying so called. "Hael, want to listen to me?" "Yeah, what's up?" "I've said before that? I wanted to ask them to God, and none met the Priest. " "So what?" "I am expecting to say here and now, through you, God." "But the upgrade.I know that I told you before God.. I have never given a dire ct answer to man. And I I have not been able to practice it a point to yet ...." "It's okay. You know you can use the power of the Divine? I only say that the Divine power, four If you're being charged yonghaeseo prayer. " But, Then, watching the next upgrade haeleul for Serenity Hills was asked to make t he magic around. "Okay then let's go, but do not expect it ....." "I do not care. There's no need to have absolute free .... For indented line b eyond the dimension of prayer Lamy Ah so the owner's message of Irian will have access to water. " "......????" Haeleun had questioned at the end of upgrade, but, l, and began to pray. The h and of her In the faint light began to balhagi Mark Divine. For so long, over time, her bod y Spread throughout the light went out. And the light did not seem entirely haeleul gamssatgo haelui appearance. Serenity Hills and the sense I was a little step back and looking.

[Is that you? Oh Lamy beyond the dimensions of the owner and party .......]] As the light seemed softly quivering produced a beautiful voice. Not come as a natural, comfortable voice that had such a voice. Yes. I will cheonghaetseup you. " [[Lamy Oh lord thou mean? ....... Say it.]] "I'm a dimension greater than the water problem. Just get down here, but here you're getting the original and The other is the world's people. Is there a way back? Ah, but it may Lamy asked Not impressed. " Lamia.Upgrading the fact that the llamas are not fully aware about Oh. Oh, for the production of original Lamy Oh god also directly through participating Lamy hayeoteumeuro God will speak to some message. Almost a direct line Is the level. However, it does not know about the upgrade is still through a dif ficult message to haeleul Will be raised. Plus, the information put yireonjeoreon creates Lamy Oh God, you know, so that almost Was about the same. Until now, without any regard to the host that will jeongdoni. Upgrading the . .. Depending on who is viewing standards of beauty The two words differ enough? [[Is that right? That, you may wonder if you do not know .... Lamy Addo As a m atter of fact, I dapnida not know. Only The source and creator of dark and light, and that He might know kkeseoman peopl e where there are also I do not know what ...]] "I also heard that word ......Is there another way to hump? " Upgrade to the question of the moment of silence between the yieojida echoed t he voice of the Irian. [[I have had a long talk. Light and darkness in the beginning, you unbind some of their own Sigo create alter egos that make phosphorus levels of control over the two halve s did throw into the gaps. And all those people Oh rats, such as those parties that you will have the honor to look at the dimen sions ...... I was content. The two-in what I do not know where he is. In fact, even if this makes sense, to o.]] "Is it .......... sighJohn? " Yet all looked down her arms upgrade. Upgrade of the left wrist a bracelet fi lled with a small in the morning. [They light the darkness and there shall come from anywhere. If you want to h im to meet specified Maybe he's able to. Oh you the owner of Lamy .... Time for you can have our meet ing in the New Territories. That ....]]'m Hoping we can pay more than the dimension Finally, say that the light was slowly disappearing around haelui went. However, such an upgrade without having to worry that his arm looked at. "That's the ....Was in the cave wall, "a dimension of governing ..."Was writte n as .... So, in my midfield Two kinds of underground caves we saw in the ring and stick .....Is a marvel of light and darkness, ?.........That's it If I am unable to return to the midfield again? ' Between that idea out there yireonjeoreon upgrade haelyi awakening seemed to w ake up from a long prayer. So I do not know the conversation seemed so far. Serenity Hills has enjoyed such a magical looking haeleul. Upgrade to roughly the spirit and started to prepare my. "Ha ......" ~ thickens. Chayeojyeo upgrade in the day the arms-wide-in the name into thinking that it

was sent meonghi . However, it was obtained. How to use it .... I neomneunji dimension Then the conclusion was to find some of the darkness and the light. We'll find that if you can find that effort is not it? And upgrades to the article open for a few days old yonghyeong (Dragon 形 九 式) to tea ch the Hun Ryeoneul finished. Upgrade to the opening of the valor of the troops and the bes t reason for teaching is similar enough. Persons opening Fought with the highest number of dashboard also moves many people. So many peop le fighting the army and the The most similar is that Upgrading of the training is complete articles go on the parts as they have le arned that others Went to the train. Thank you were watching it, Duke. After work a room upgrade its information and Lamy Oh yeah this drone explores the darkness and the light of the information But was not supposed to learn. This definition is shown overall, but they know m ore about Could not. So relax, the upgrade had to eat. "South doneunge not happened to be it's time to hurry .......Let's slow .....G o back to the more busy the Download now to say so to teach, or should do to help work-Ilan and keurain .... ...." This upgrade to the worry out of the drones and Lamy Glacier View Uh Oh, the i nformation made on day 5 Was concluded. But do you want to maksang except Serenity Hills would have had to teach one. Just a handy-based Have bought two upgrades that have to do is to train them to help you fix or a d egree and the training Followed by a myeongssikui Wizard. In addition, every time we go to them and upgrade their kkakdeuthage example a rticles were equipped. Upgrading the skills to recognize and acknowledge their teachers because: Then the upgrade to the life of the palace has come in handy quite. Then one of these days, to each his own palace outside Upgrades Ready for a li ttle girl looked embarrassed sleeping joreuneun Had been. "Let's go ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Yeah, my brother?" Joreugo now to upgrade to a girl, blonde with blue eyes was a child age 14 to 5 years old. Was. Her name is Ana sireupi de ahyinel keurain by Len Prince's big brother is o nly one . Missing work to play from behind the sireupiwa state gave was quite break thro ugh. Then I let her out of the palace was in joreugo. At a few days with her own nolahjun fairly easy upgrade was a relative. Of cou rse, her father I pull out my brother said. Jenny to play with her situation, but they have now is not to upgrade will be in joreugo. So For giving her to play with and also completely upgrade keurain was over to the state. The first time that After myeotchil nolahjun Klein who has to screw her two upgrade will take care o f him came Take care. Today The barrel is getting busy before he got so much stuff to do, because the empero r lay sick to take care of her four

Rameun even Jenny to play with her so who was undeniable. Then to upgrade her c ase during the Sea horse was ejected. You're a good man is easy, as my dad and my brother .......... Moreover, the princess, her brother called to upgrade two enlisted Klein also was an issue. What? Do not let her have it though. "But sareupi ......Keurain brother going to the opposite ...." Upgrades will be in vain, I know this is not a word came try. But I was too. "It's okay if you're okay keurain brother Pierre said there was anything that you could." What? "Let's get right ....Let's get out of here ...." After each has been an upgrade. In fact, looking cute 15-year-old girl how to be insensitive joreuneun Would decline ......What is not said it's not that difficult. "Go change your clothes before going out ....Going anywhere dressed like that. " Upgrading the words of fancy dress clothes were you wearing right now sireupig a. I wear so do not roam with the gun ..... And her room and headed for the sireupireul daerigo. Room, put her clothes as deuraeseu Private rooms were put aside. And upgrade of a lady-in-waiting that is the most mediocre pick sireupiege coa ted'd made. She suffered Was a solid one-piece suit. Then the peasants of the middle class jalipeul otyie otda. A closer look, however, that The transition to a very advanced piece of think you know. And that the end tha t she will continue Her nanny escorted article does not converse with your chest and take the top un til they Derry wonhaeteuna Yegamhan incredibly annoying to go and upgrade the quality went there refused. That may be located in the center square in the five squares in the direction of dumping and affordable place much length. The road was connected to the gate negeui markets around the house that they are formed. And the Connection was one of the palaces of the road a distance of approximately 700 sq uare meters, compared to other countries in the Kkapda. As with LE upgrade to the square yigie're walking a short distance, then you w ant to go then sireupiga Where were heading to. Upgrade went ahead and walked to the gates of the way, a problem emerged. 'Nominee .....I have to take the road that I do not know who you'd think that ?...' Yet once looked sireupireul walking in front. "Please ... do not know the Riviera is not to ask what .......' In the middle of the square as three stages lay the beautiful fountain. Bonnie and water is the square or the number of people gathered to pray the pr ayers. Sireupineun interesting was the spirit had seemed to look around. The square was very funny, but something. If you smoke or mess turmoil in the square Such that there is no discipline. So take the market turned to upgrade the sireupireul. Knowing the market is ro ughly in the direction Were able to walk without prompting. I grabbed the hand sireupiui (ppeonhaetgi because he keeps forgetting to her s elling.)Walk

Upgrade to the eyes of men kkothyeotda sireupiege passing. For them a beautiful sister and cute Fortune appeared to be little brother came out to play. Sireupiga there wearing clothes for her very Went well. After a while the market has been formed on the street caught my eye. The market is always F or But it seemed quite cheerful. There is something here for people who wants to se ll stuff seonjeonha Charmer feat .... so the people I watched the hands of such upgrade sireupineun dragged up and down I go take a look. I sunsik Between the hours passed. Sireupi you're too tired and down, without the signs g radually exhausts the deoni Was shaped. Upgrade time watching such a reassurance came sireupireul. "Sireupi, lunch on? Mean it's become time for lunch. " What? Yes, my brother, but you know what you want. " Upgrade to the question is asked so sireupiui looked around. Then his eye look s fine Of restaurants caught my eye. "Sireupi, what about those restaurants? In the afternoon sunshine. " "Wow, nice names, there's going to." The two-story restaurant that specializes in the food sikdangman seemed to poi nt. Bunbigo the guests were dining. It is the upgrade to go upstairs, but it's alr eady the second floor, kick Will use that. So be on the first floor on one side without a place to hold the remaining anatda. Sireupi too Many people are not loud it seemed a little adaptation. "Sireupi What do you want?" "Me? Um...Tom and I want to eat one of those as well. " "Are you sure?" Yet here and there that you're upgrading the employee was called over. She app roached the upgrade watching Not received an order for upgrade. "Here I was gently roast duck. And please bring me some vegetables, seasoned, and after sireupi Like pudding? Yes, pudding, and a drop for chahana. 're Any kind of car is smoot h John. " I placed order and upgrade their water and heard before. Look at sireupineun r estaurant. in the morning. Occupies the second floor, first floor, but people who do not lo ok like aristocrats who did not have much . Almost looked like a commoner living in the adventure capital of Ghana. Then sireupiui shaped eyes looked a little odd if they called upgrade. "Look at that brother a look at these people, between adventure ....But it is unusual. " So saying she pointed to one side. There were a bunch of adventurers. But the party was an adventurer sireupiui s ay, unusual. He called Woman, because the party was that all personnel. Of course a woman is pretty enough to be No! Personnel of the party to fight like a girl * will be the two (the sword is hanging at the waist.) Priest over One and that is next to the witch with one shot of her head were women. Her this I was almost cornered gotsikdangui attention (and some have now sireupiege upgra de and the And says.) Women are only ahreumdawotgi jeommal because of her height. The most difficult age 17 MS-haired girl looks clean roads look more like the oldest sword, wearing a r

ed As head of the women were 20 or so. In short, everyone was younger. She also did not make the meal seemed to have a drink before the story had bee n placed. In the midst of a bob-haired girl looked at sireupireul. She looked at his U.S . sireupineun Sojitja his smile was too. Then again, she spreads fingers straighten settle yeo lilgopeul When sireupiyeok announced that fifteen hands unfolded. Then she smiled a bit of Moore and co-workers Seemed to say. After a moment she turned for some reason the upgrade and re-shot eyes sireupiege cow head What was nyeoege. Then she sits up sireupiwa upgrade came as a table. Then he came to talk to sireupiege wide smile. Hi~ I yiswihailjeuragohae, you got a name? " She said brightly. "Yeah, I sireupi, sireupiragohaeyo." She sireupiui Upgrade to hear from him unto his head turned. "I said to upgrade." Her little head at the end of the upgrade was coming back Smile gyaut sireupiw a told Upgrade . "Will not come and sit with us? Party, but I also want to introduce you'll agr ee. " And the answer to the challenges upgrade went sireupiga answer. "Oh, really? But really pork? Okay, let's go. " Sireupineun upgrade without asking the opinion of the place and left. Not being able to upgrade, as the two of them followed suit up on the spot. Upgrade to walk the walk and look yiswihailjeuraneun looked at the girl. And she was walking to be able to tell from the appearance. "That child is not unusual adventurer baekta haetdeoni party that seems sort o f stuck? ' She went to her place in the party and then perched sireupiwa to upgrade to in troduce their companions Said. "Then I'll introduce our party. This is the leader of our party Malagasy Acadi an, and this My sister and almost the same level of off-the sword, Lena servant, and a priest about me here yet. Gyeonseupin Keurane used here, and this wizard, St, and this is sireupi, and this is called the Upgrade Excuse me. " When the meal came out your name? Have been made. Upgrade of the meal came, to o, was sireupiwa Attracts attention of the restaurant was almost a meal to get chamyira immediate ly without anyone holding hekkalrija Came out. The amount of the meal that she was valued. Almost the same number of men was the amount eaten. Most women, even if an article saying, because of the size of the body is to e at less than men. Of course, a few days Varies, but if you say l. says. "What's that got to do a double in the glutton?" Thought that was upgrading. So that women and upgrade party began talking and eating the food. As expected there was a glutton, but the upgrade. Yiswihailjeuyeotda right. "You did not get a lot of honey baektareul .......' Then towards the companions asked sireupiga. "Do those adventurers?" Lena replied sweetly answer sireupiui servants. "Yeah, kind of an adventure ..... I just wanted to see in the world mean that

sort of thing. " "How nice to go there - I think dungeon? Why do not men at the party? " Sireupiga haedaetda two questions at once. Did a lot more than curious. "Dungeons? But didn 't try.. It was just a great way to find it difficult or not to Not to treasure monsters also had a great thing, and I do not have the intended male colleagues Somehow I do not want to attend, as we can accept the de Then a colleague Is he that good people did not even .... For people that do not have skills, rat her it's just to say jimil Hey, Um...Really. Is it a horse was when sireupiga St. "Well, then, sword in the other day I had two people who strut bulldog maksang receive two Auger I have yet to write sword-tail a few times myself when steered away more time. "

"And - I got all those people? But the Magic's gifted sister? " "Sure thing .....Since I see .... It's a genius mastered to five classesAnd Ca rmina D. Ando his sword so well. Andoelgeol not usually quite as men? " Such answers do not di Carmina sireupineun looked at. Then gently smiling eyes gave di Carmina. Then Sireupiege yiswihailjeuga asked. "Sireupi you do something, do you think?" I just like to ask or seemed to. And sireupiga nodded. What? My brother told me yet, I'm not sure how to write sword but the sword, m y brother is pretty in writing He did. " In fact, while playing Droid sireupiwa sireupiege Diamond Glacier and others t aught leadership (Kim  禅 道) and birch sword (白花  舞) taught. Gichoman gansinhida course. Until now, grab your sw d once She taught me that you have never seen a sudden, is not that it would not speak such good ..... He is It was said when reuchil yippeojin a flexible sword, because if you minced it an d became the body that, depending geomgyeole Is the sound. As an example, holding a sword geommuna PAT giants there is only o ne person among the obese .!!!!! "That does not mean that fit. You know how to use sireupi sseuni brother? " Carmina di Lena servant eye the story about the sword came out and asked inter ested. What? Bulldog grandfather told my brother I never got the sword! " What? Sireupi brother must've been good. " Then again yiswihailyi been asked to upgrade. "And what I'm good upgrade?" Upgrade to the question of her mouth all the vegetables, the answer was up all this way: (Jalmeokjyo this guy?) "I know how to write a little sword." "Really? Upgrade to the proposal saying it looked di Carmina, but did not seem to be an yone to fight. Small White also did not like it hands grip the sword. A guy with a sword to fight wit h the hands of people I know Can be seen. But there was nothing like the hand of upgrade. "Really? Hekkalrine ....' Then the eyes of some people upgrading from sending characters and figures cau ght my eye like. Just the other day You can also teleport to know the size of Rennes, and in this he was neunggeulne unggeulhan figures.

Upgrading to see him and frowned. The report seemed strange companions Upgrade to upgrade the report attributed to a place where the eye. And all at once the eyes of other people also jjipuryeojyeotda sari. Like men walking proudly with a trip to some extent have noticed that the part y euroseoneun fully bapmatin few small injuries. There might indeed be frown, but he came over to the party. The last time they Unctuous in human resources and its sides and back of the p erson I was about 5 people know Most of the sword was the garage. Among the articles that they even had one person in the car with the sword. During the standing of the unlucky that he re-Acadian companions smile to upgr ade and cargo Said. "Beautiful young woman doing now hear that they're so close privately. We like and want to place Do you? Our ladies are beautiful, and I'd like to titles featuring dining and se rving tea. " No! We completed the meal. I'm not available at this time we talk funny and ge nerous sense each other But I'm gonna have to forgive. " Earlier proposal was to upgrade di Carmina sireupiwa dankale cold cut two diff erent soft malgwaneun Lease cause is gone. Then his face went a little stiff. Then there came into his eye accidentally u pgrade. "Oh, I'm here again to meet a girl. Excuse me something the other day and apol ogy apology I want ...." However, in the upgrade of the reaction was better than the Malagasy D'. Upgra de was the low man, you asshole. "As we mentioned last time specifications. Do not bother me, but we want you e ating each other Is. " Upgrade to the mouth of the story, he just seemed to remain silent. And who was behind him in the garage of the sword - This article, based on Emp ire's geomyiran ahnakeuren A typical sword used buy. Geomeneun each sentence and the family of the Knights of Hang sentence is Really do not need to use the sword but the sword you're using almost .- Young c ame forward. And just as demonstrated above, the sword, get your hands spoke. "Nice to meet you. Why should I detinumyirago Lady pureuto Khan. Part of the K nights of the Wind Of the article. Reyidikke two minutes my friendships (友) committed a few examples, I apologize deuthade I'd like to buy a car. " Alleged that the suspense to say that this article was his. However, it is eve n more upgrades and new party Preconstructed was hard. Sireupineun course what I mean, I do not know what had seemed that are not wel l understood. "My answer is the same but now. Want you to step back twenty thousand. We may be talking ourselves All million. " A. Update on Sat Jodhpur was wrinkled face of the article. Even though they po litely say noble Do you like this answer seems to be a commoner would be crumpled ego proud. He c rumpled

Upgrade to the face around the time of dureobodeoni party with one look and went out. They all seemed out of watching people have been asking questions sireupiga. "But what's wrong? He was supposed to want to buy the car nicely ...." Outgoing sireupiui yiswihailjeuga questions answered. "I wonder .... That's how the kid's ... If you make a mistake if we apologize motsaenggyeoteumyeon Ooh, but a little short anhal They want this thing was supposed to hit it again Let's approach the idea of Did you see that earlier? 're Proud men walking .... I hate those guys are like that too sireupi They gotta be careful man. " Then at the end of yiswihailjeuui Lena servant seemed to nod your head is righ t given. "Yeah, yeah, because I am sure we win a beauty!" She was worse at the end of the party feel they laughed again. "But you girls going to tie this? Or going in straight? " Yiswihailjeuga sireupiui questions answered. "We could be here today, man, here are some thoughts here, it's the first time , there wabonikka . Now do not have a job somewhere, he does not mind, right? Big sister? "Yes, now go away somewhere, there is much here eopeuni's gonna go." "Sireupi, where you sleep, if you know where I get to meet her?" Yiswihailjeuui questions sireupiga wide laughed. "Oh, really? So, let's go home from our house, we pretty much neoleoseo strate gy. " "But .... I'm going to have invited anyone sireupi home? Then you fit at home, scolding. So How do you and I'm just kidding around, you know a good inn? " "It's okay. Can I invite you to my house I feel like it's okay to say anything , He does it too. What? Our home Come on, huh ladies ~ ~ ~ ~ " Joreuja sireupiga too embarrassed her. They're your own home at the inn mukdeu n sireupiui mukdeun Awards Sireupiui tube home but congestion is a problem accepting travelers do not even know. Then Upgrade was the word. "Please say sireupiui. Sireupine house deunyo wider. " Companions to upgrade so I decided to tell him. "Maybe we should go now. Sireupi now and come back with these people. Always w ere a master when seen so much. " What? Upgrading from a position moved up out of the yard. Keureudianyi was calculate d for the dish to go to sleep. Provided where the calculations have given the dish, so he or she heard, to upgr ade the dish and calculate sireupiui Had imagined. McKnight was when they come out a little bet. Sat greener future w ith their article titled His colleagues at hand. Stood by the road block and the upgrade. "No. There you go ~ ~ beautiful baby girl what?" One of them, brown hair, man of the horse walked toward upgrades. "Look at this. Why are you blocking the way? " Weigh them toward yiswihailjeuga asked. However, at the end of her article th at, rather glad. Said each seemed to smile. "How dare you even know what meokdaon roll installment on the subject of this shit going to defy me?" He sounds ridiculous singing has come to act. The number to treat to play with commoners as well as a noble, but not so much greener way to regulate

Discussion titled, did not even get that far. Carmina di inside his horse to feel more naahgamyeon be worse here said. "We apologize if we have not done anything wrong." "Oh, yeah, to know ..... You're So what do you do? I accept your apology and I do not want much. " Back then, said the youth of that obnoxious laugh. "Who knows, maybe a day for the market but if you mean ...."Ha ha ha." "This - article is not going to have to behave as if the articles!" Yiswihailjeuga seemed angry shouted. "Little bitch mouth heomhagun ~" "And you know how to write bitch, so the appearance of two with a sword, right ? I think I do about me? Is it OK to like the sword skills earlier speech? " Sat greener saying so heard her draw swords. Then, watching him in the Malagasy D'you want to prepare their own sword was a t. "Ha-jeoreongeot a knight. .....If article is not a woman, man to man deombyeoy a knightly halgeoah Nha? " Upgrade of the year he seemed to hear something detractors. "Look at this, will you .....Itneunnya house here, where? So what if your boyf riend came to take? " "My boyfriend? Of course, although I do not have to be found far away I'm here . " "What are you talking about? They want us to contact you just gonna fix this s hit man? " "Look at this form, you lick your eyes? With a man in front of you're not goin g to sort out, uh I mean, articles have been on tteotge .....Sireupi huh? " "Yes, he made a complete fool of him, well, what's up with articles and dwaetn eunji have." Sat greener upgrades and the like sireupiga barrage fool. Listening to upgrade its cargo Acadian party also looked at again. Then he asks me seemed really looked at the upgrade. As if to answer her question of such upgrades is looking for a greener Sat sho uted. "Hey, idiot article I am a man ..... Where Vonage So carry your eyes open? " "Mmm-child play with this guy ..." She was carrying a sword in his hand Sat greener quickly came unto upgrade. It looked greener on Sat walked slowly be upgrading within range of his sword quickly Moved. This is when I heard his arms and ran upgrade greener discussion was wiel ding a sword. However, it already Who came into the arms of upgrade did not affect at all. Upgrading the chapter o n his chest (掌) and Barrage is. 'Thermal imprint (火 印 掌 )...' Plus upgrade his chest made a mild deterioration Chapter. But weak enough not to die that was not the lack of power ilppun. "Size - Yuck ......." Sat greener on the pressure of the most degraded screaming not scream too much in the direction they came up 3-4 m Took the degree of roll. Chest pain after gulreogan considerable rolled grabbing breasts seemed. Then Sat watching greener Cheeky smile approached him, took the young man told the ot hers draw swords. He For discussion clothes were quickly reach Jodhpur. And on his chest in red palm of upgrade Was stamped. Other colleagues also came to see it and hold the sword. Sat Jodhpu r were captured

He touched on the chest, I came to the country. Jodhpur is troubling because Sat . And then, in their country Frowsty felt the heat. The heat was felt when the hand daeteul. Touching other p eople, too Upgrade arc looked at again. "You - what? Sagna magic? " Among them, said the blonde guy with the sword. Carmina his horses too far away on his chest in Acadian party president is loo king bright red Looked at the upgrade. "What exactly call absurd to say I do not know anything about magic." "So, what is that? Oh, did not even heard of. They will not kill you - even if I knew messing with the article Nha? " His veiled threats (?)Did not have the nerve to the upgrade. "Of course" "What do you believe that your fucking guts happen." Come on, do they mean, but you do not, but that was easy. Sat Udaipur his sword skills among the most excellent. Then he dropped out of a solid, like that How would their opponents. In fact, most of their nobility to act geoldeorado yi gie huhwan two Had not been afraid to fight. Sat in the back of the kkeungkkeunggeorimyeo then just stood greener. Then three of his back dalryeowatda articles. Then they were shown at the beginning Behind the greener earths and brown hair was in-house. Who are his friends came with them to go greener was discussed. Sensitivity of three of their body armor was blue. 'Light blue .....This guy is part of the Knights of the wind like? ' When you upgrade to the training of the articles were seen in the armor. They rush to iron, and where there are greener Sat salpimyeo stopped standing on his progress as we look Came. Women like to write in their eyes, the sword fight, as two of the wizard, only one beam came to be. However, listening to discussions greener turned unto the head upgra de. And discuss the upgrade and greener The president remained in the chest and looked alternately. Then he got an arti cle with a white face during the Towards the future upgrade naseomyeo said. "Who are you? Yigie personnel who decide to touching? " "Hmm, your place, and articles that I have to act contrary to an act's also Da nny geujjokyigeoneul Put in this way will the anger? Rather, they say an apple haewaya normal, huh? " He discussed the nature and Jabalpur upgrade at the end of the action seemed t o know the arm in speechless deuthaeteuna Who were burning there? He's also a determinate situation, rather than grunge an d naseotda dudun colleagues. "It's probably because you mistake the first printer you have a home for artic les." "So what?" The upgrade is very funny as generously asked. Obsidian was also next to the upgrade of cargo space to relax a little bit loo se. plus upgrade of skills gave them a little taste of free creative. And sireupiya . "I'm gonna be given us as. If not, I'll even power plays. " "Ho confident together ....However, the appearance of your eyes when you do no t see this wizard, right? "

Beside the point to upgrade the St. built her a little smile. "Hm! It is already known. So send someone to set and ask for support. You neve r missing I will not be able to go. " His words turned to carbonate a little endian, and the complexion. Whilst on the request to support this .... Something like that ... They are al l "I do not even plan on getting out there's nothing to stop me if I geotinde sl eeping, what you As talented? " "Your yarns are strong guy ....." Time-to-hand sword by his side all the articles which came out in the future. "Hold on I'm not prevent him leader of the bullshit that you have learned, so I'll take on the scene. Mean to try. " And then came up without saying anything more. He headed the other day to upgrade the articles and the articles were taught t o use things. Among them pungunbo (云 ) and pungun Stream (云 万 流) was only poorly imitate. Yonghyeong seemed old-fashioned yet unstudied. What is this?Eongseonghagineun Plus, learn the things that I told you why they never hang out with what? Article is headed guys caught it in the Verify - I gareuchingeol Plus, you teach these guys? ' Think so, and upgrade of the polar Geum Bo Bo pungun unfold easily avoid the a ttack after his abandoned Turn around and through the back of his head shaved by hand. Upgrade weight forw ard toward the sword, shoot hwidureuneura Ryeoitdeon going straight down as he hit died. Then, upgrade one rushed towards the other articles. He is the sword towards t he upgrade of the neck and chest Nalryeoteuna sword and a little to close for upgrade of the car was mulreoseon d umyeonseo. And when he achieved his sword upgrade also approached at high speed on his ch est geumgangta (Kim  打) and Was fed. He even wore armor pick up on an aerodynamic upgrade of fists beaten me oljjeonghajineun Did. Jimyeo crush armor rolled back and went out. Then get up, fell and two-hand ed sword of the knight Pungun upgrade the back of said attack, but Hillsboro upgrade again, pushing bac k his back and re-write in the wind Reojigo died. "Big ...Ugh ....People shitting and expression? " Two-handed swords to attack an article that is right for you looking at upgrad ing sorichyeot seemed sufficient . Upgrade to answer it in and flip the answer .... "Of course." "Ohhh .....Is killed. " The article is held horizontally to the side a sword rushed blindly to upgrade . Upgrade to face such a priceless watching him reach out jumyeo was built. "Yeolhwaingang (火 印 )!" Upgrading the hand unto the same time upgrade naeppeoteumgwa ohdeon iron flew back with the story that they The chap running back is one of the articles were almost the same time. Upgrade its own chapter (掌) flew back to the story rolling again half a dozen pe ople watching the ttwieoohneun Looked at the articles. I know that the upgrade was a face stuck them enough. Th ey, too Looking to upgrade from a distance the beating rate was faster.

"Upgrade ..... Does not it matter there are more articles coming ....." "Yes. Why do not you avoid? " Articles that the chap running towards upgrading the cargo and said Dian. However, that upgrade did not change attitudes. "Do not worry, it's alright!" Ahkkaon watch for upcoming articles, three of the articles they looked at the colored boy. So Arc attached salute to one of the upcoming articles. And word was referring to the upgrade. "She demanded to pretend riot, and skills are amazing." And try to add a few words after reporting his mouth to yeoldeon Knights of th e line for the upgrade The report went stiff as copper. "Knights of the wind budanjang upgrade Raon melpiseuga greet you." Um... "These people did something wrong he was." Saw the sireupireul mutda Raon nicely. In fact, the sireupiwa upgrade to play all over the place jumyeo look around t he palace and wander around She's a haze She's that Chapter Her pretty face is known. "Hello there. How doyou do? Raon melpiseuga princess." He was reported to him politely looked kkulneungeol knees and cargo directory inside the article went stiff. And that comes back in budanjang of articles, too, knelt. "Get up." Commanded them to more quickly upgrade the sireupiboda. Report gungeseodo princess you choose to wake up to greet them begone you choo se to upgrade to the command First is making. Klein's The Princess of the people holding the gun is almost fu ll Free upgrade two record. "Yes, but what yideunim ......" He asked looking at upgrading the description as you want. "They are all acting contrary to chivalry and the princess had harassed them h ere, Lady Was harassed. Plus, do not get it first, ppopdeogunyo geomkkaji. What do the tra ining that Sr How? " "Sin ...My apologies. Will be processed immediately. " "Be my guest. The guy over there named greener Sat gisajik deprived, it's you two brightness Are: Do not want this guy back, especially the sword're in deep. Water them well and there sins Will be. " Upgrade gisajik deprived of one point at the end of the unlucky people of laug hter and sanaepa (?)The face He turned two hayatge. "But what are we talking about? I have not even been properly training can com e out of this Believe ...." that's...... They can not come of this training was able to relax during the d ay. " "Is that right? But enough of you, I have learned'll have to restart. Much eos eolpeu Not impressed. " It is not. He received the training, the slowest of articles are those without skill. Perform other functions Both are nice to buy out. " I understand. Then he deulryeobo Knights of the wind better, and then wonder w hat to process Raon jusipsi

Wow! "Yes, we understand." Raon afford to upgrade the position and not take the sireupiwa Carmina di walk ed towards the castle. Do not upgrade to the Malagasy D'sireupireul was very careful watching. They are already 10 minutes passed without a word walked Gun was "Do not too difficult to do so, here's about getting more difficult sireupido. Oh and I also Not to be somebody. I treat them like that because the articles have been well g areuchyeotgi Nature. " "Really?" Upgrade of the most active party in the late Dian yiswihailjeuga carbonate had been asked. It's very special! "Where such upgrades, but I've learned martial arts? Until now I never seen a nything like that, I To ...." "Is this it? Did you give it some people ....... I do not know who he is. I wa nt to learn? " "Yeah, I mean the bare taruneul learn martial arts ones." "I fixed it exactly ....' "I'll teach you something eopeuni nothing difficult." Been saying that the conversation went smoothly teuja. Then they slowly approached the front of the palace gates. Daerigo upgrade them immediately gone into the dining room of a detached palac e. Quite a bit of time since the last spleen was already evening. Five of the rooms and choose from the surplus of a detached palace to her room was determined. The two detached palace McKnight was a little upgrade. Blast juneunde given her room to ask permission f or anything about Will not. Sireupineun Roar has already returned her to the palace. "If you're feeding time come into the dining room in a detached palace. And wi ll wear clothes for? " "Ooh ...What? "Well, thank you. Come dressed for washing. Must have been an hour's meal hujj eumyi. " Upgrade to explain the lady-in-waiting like some kindly told us the room and t heir own room and then headed After an hour, and they each had her comfortable clothing (the dress is not so mething. Adventure So do the kids can not be carried around. Came dressed in their own easy.)I put on to the dining room Have. Dwarf with one restaurant in the wizard, elf with one long red hair beauti ful over grown Star one person, one person or a priest one person checks that aside, and the ol der elderly hamyeong had two people Wizards seemed to. Then they showed the boy's side sireupiwa one. Update with me yet. Does not seemed Ladies-in-waiting to her chair, they come to sit determined by s ubtracting the self-given . Plenty of people who do not find a place to sit for those novelties her It was quite fortunate. First, watch for her sireupiga opened his mouth. "I'm home?" "Yes, thank you. My lady. " Carmina D'proposal to daepyogyeok sireupiege replied. "Then I'll let you know about the people here, my brother, who is my brother k

eurain de rateurun Ahnakeuren, the current emperor, sir. And this is the Duke of East Los La Fanta and my two Court case, who is the wizard who Afro-phone biseutanteu c: dobj please. And tha t's the upgrade Hi ilhaengeu So, who is checking into this, and priest of Irian hael, Elf ilrina minutes, and the dwarf him. Delph said the line, and Ilan, who is the wizard and the Serenity Coast's. " D. Introduction of Malagasy personnel under a brilliant eye for a moment meong haetda. Once for a lifetime in front of four people People were without bolil. But as soon as the chill spirit of his own party intr oduced Each Personnel at the end of the end of Klein's told you to relax. "But as soon as I upgrade annaohji brother?" As expected laughing exceedingly sireupiga of letting himself. Klein to build such a laugh looking at her, said. "You, you fucking with another upgrade, does not it?" "No. Sireupiga quite strange tone when speaking of the restaurant opens the door a man entered the rough. "Who is it?" These playful friendly people ........" I entered the upgrade saying the upgrade to see the smile that seemed more gya ut head distance Cyr Looked at the blood. "Sireupi ~ ~ ~ you ~ ~ ~" To John entered the two turned all upgrades for both the fresh and clean they all look like quirky . Upgrade now to do that he illuminates around the body was because of. Upgrade of the body blue Had a soft surround of light upgrade. Upgrade it with faint bluish tint around t he body Was flowing. Mokmalgoneun obscured the face and wrapped him I did not upgrade. I n fact, his bangeu Entered the upgrade is to sit down for a while in the bathroom for a shower, had entered. Then a strange out Brought the sound. I heard a while back, but let's talk straight sireupiga the s hower was assured. Upgrading from a shower to finish, and the clothes, but nothing was found. Otyim yeo party was in the closet. Otyimyeo God said they had. Would that dress was only placed on the bed. Mealti me Droid is not found until the clothes (clothes Yeah, she did not wear the cursor. ) So urgent Incidentally uihyeong to Chezy Chezy (意 形 降 气) was coming around with a wrap around. To upgrade the appearance of such party has their own liking reactions. Wizards and dragons, magic and gwanryeonden Chezy's mana upgrade the reaction in the fry, And examine the question of What is it with these reactions, and finally, that 's funny when you die Reupiui reaction .... "Sireupi ~, now my brother on my clothes back, please?" Upgrade to the voice of the tackled cease sireupiga opened his mouth to laugh. "Oh, my brother before I took my brother to bring your clothes in the room cle arly." "Sireupi. That women's clothes, dresses bitch. Twenty-five. Bar. That number i s not a cause, is not it? " "But I thought sireupiga brother dropped gonna go well ...." Next time I can not hear my brother was listening to two Klein opened his mout h.

"Sireupi Say Enough to bring clothes to upgrade. So please take care of you wa s always a joke Politics Sseugetni to ...." "Shoot, I hear ya." Sireupineun saying that standing next to her looked at the maid. Sireupiui eyes had received the clothes she soon brought upgrade. Beolman brought all but one was brought. "Room to move clothes notatseupnida other." Upgrade clothes batahdeun once the report sireupireul after fifty sigh went ou t with clothes clothes Donned. Chezy can even wrap around to the front of people, but some decent cloth es I Would not? Upgrades over the last coat wearing his body uihyeong Chezy (意 形 降 气) solved. Then the Sections of the machine body upgrading tteoitdeon clothes came sit down. Clothes and go to a restaurant across the upgrade again The remaining one, sat in the seat. Klein said he sit over here. "Upgrade, I'm sorry, this guy damn funny ..." That's OK. Not a one or two times ...." In fact, did. Upgrade to confuse a few nuts sireupiga chyeoteotda joke. However, under normal circumstances be compromised upgrade itgetneunga Riga? R oom before she had to do so successfully L, but finally her success is a joke. Do not take ten times the tree is going be yond Getneunga? (You can use to do this one right?^^;;;) As a representative of the questions that followed the wizard and the court ha d been asked by Le cannabis laws ill sign. "Upgrade, you just do something that is? I heard Mana feels not tell you how t o use a magic ...." "Simply put, would have the shape of mana. I was writing the magic just the ki nd of Sword Master Scales such as the body did Tues uihyeong mana. " "But, uh ..." Upgrade to say more before pulling the horse he replied cut. "Usually, but I will be wrong. In a weird way, like mana, movement that is pos sible Is If you are asked to explain decline. You may want to explain it, it will take a few days. " You want them to upgrade at the end of the LE was Woof. In fact, I uihyeong giraneun Ho River is also hard to see. First, more than f ive sudden, two backed naegong To be rising naegong simbeop (内功 心法) and then to the righteousness of naegong Chezy new process ( 气 神 功) completely familiarize yourself with those of Wu (悟 意) should realize fully. Howeve r, an exception upgrade this guy egemaneun . This guy facing Muhak the encounter is not in the usual way since. After saying that people are all sitting at the table began to eat. I was eat ing Pulled the horse during the upgrade. "Keurainnim (yunheo of the emperor as a so called), they told the story of the Knights, but more It turns out freaks. " "I heard the story sireupiege how the articles have been on this kid ......Dis cipline to take this opportunity I'm gonna get you for sure. " "But the duke articles in yeast seemed to slow their training." "Yeah, well, you're a nice enough never cared enough to teach those who teach you things and Bo Soils should difficult. " "That's right. Plus, training, mobilization doeni wizards to the wizard perfor med magic throughout the day, and I

I'm not sure if you say I'm just tired, like, you walk through the wizard, the m agic they recover Junee significant support to Chapter, but intelligence. " ', Is not it, I proposed some radical ways .... becauseHard to groom, but in l ess time by Ought to be ' "And yet, there is the same?" Upgrade your mouth slices of meat neoteumyeo asked. "I'm afraid so. That does not even move turned out to be exactly back down nor more .... We got something deep enough Mineunji ...." On one side of the duke replied quietly dining companions were Acadian Malagas y people were curious. In fact, the Nyeodeul great position in front of the four figures from the mouth shut because it was earlier. Of course Yiswihailjeuya its nature, but next to it to fit the mouth open with a wizard St . dried. That She pulled out a watch for the horse run upgrade. "Woopeureu, here's a 5 class St. They said the master. It is not the great ski lls to this level? " "Five classes? Jijjanga you? .....?" Age "19 years old." "Well, five classes at the age of 19 atmospheres of Mars .... It's amazing ski lls Who is your mentor? " "Yiswikanarago your minute man. My father's friend. You're elves. " Really. If you're elves heogin about you to someone with the qualities that I might teach it Hey, Anything you think what's gonna help out here? " Le Woof question has baffled her companions. It was not much to see you working with this magazine ..... angetneunyani "What is it? Guys ......Ahnakeuren not a man? " "Yes, I Nasu sense people." "Arenas sense?" ".........Yes... Plus, suddenly ......" "Yeah, when asked if all of a sudden embarrassment woopeureu ones. Give some t ime to think about it. You have to. " "I see what fun upgrades, but the more I have the makings of great people .... . Whether we need to think about. " "...Yes... "So where are you from others?" Malagasy East Duke has asked Dian party. The answer is D. Malagasy leader also has eyes. "We ahnakeuren all people." Ohgatda story so slowly. Carmina di Lena eye from the same town, two house servants all outstanding che cks have been his father. That Two people had learned the recipe as is the sword. And, uh maid Lena yiswihailje uneun Carmina di vision Tteon met at the village is located in the woods. Outgoing personality yiswihail jeuneun expect from out of town, two Gasipeohaeteotda like to see people. By the way, however, two people both at hom e and chamgoit opposite After her departure that they will sneak along for the ride. She forced a couple of days, then curled Along After you've got a pretty villages and miles that may be because I attend as rea dy. And aged Southern teuwa neneun monster in the woods budithingeol three people come togeth er and I started to get into the zoom. And then came a sudden the door opens and Articles One jump.

"My lord, the border was split.'m Sure this move connects canon." Jump and cry at the end of the article meomchwijyeotda hands of people who wer e eating. "What are you moving? Do not fuckin 'move to the border of the guy talking abo ut? " East Duke had been asked hastily. "Have you pushed on the front lines were replaced Ke's coming. We were waiting at the front, and Jean A brother, but it's hard to prevent. " "Hard to believe ..... Bottom of the large number of the enemy, even talking a bout? " "It .....No aura, hit, one or two rather than in the Sword Master Ke ....." "....What? The Duke at the end of the article quickly stood up on the spot. Slope LE and Klein in his side of the face was good also. Because of the canon last two days, but know how to find the Master Sword to t ake a large number of Would have never thought would appear to be true, but right now it happened. "Right now, the general meeting with the Duke and Marquis make them!" The Duke of people hurry to my room again fell to articles. "My lord, the first glance the status of the battle go back to my lab bosimyi ...." "I'm on it. Let woopeureu. Would you come with upgrades and others too? And si reupi These people you'd go into the room after dinner, they take care of you. " Klein finished two come forth come forward and say so in accordance geudwireul woopeureu and upgrade one of Confucius and Along the rows naseotda. Le Woof scuttle to arrive in the lab on one side of the table that people Came to sit around. And the four hundred and twelve Le Woof crystal clear to me and a place in the middle of the table for communication Went. "Canton 102, to request communications." Le Woof crystal ball tell him so once played with Uli deoni soft light. Then a ble to do so while Back to the three dimensions of a tennis wizard came up with one person. Good morning ladies and gentlemen, Woopeureunim. " "Mm-hmm, but what about your status reports Horn enlisted fairly heard is not good ...." "Yes, the enemy of the demand side, we are similar, but the enemy seems to hav e many of the Sword Master gatseupni . Although there is clear demand for still unknown and the majority intermediate beginner too Sword Master Hull # 3 is often enough to account for the degree. " Horn, in the hands of a wizard, then the paper was heard. Huh? Status of the Master Sword just clear of the enemy were there. Cheonjung chonginwon 3 Sword Master Seems to be of around 300. Sene're on engagement may be the difference between p eople. " "So you still may pass into battle If you could the video?" "Yes, it is possible. However, because of my position quite clear and distance can not be shown that Of thumb seems to be only two possible. " After a crystal ball to say that shine up the image disappeared Presidency. "Sword Master takes the power of 10% or a mean? What did you do? " "Or more. Canon Korea or another country or empire, as well as also with such power There is no country. What do you want to use way. " Le Woof saying that, when the Duke and again the image was created.

Video from a distance was like watching the battle scene. Horn, a wizard's eye view, but more distant seemed the warring battlefield loo ks quite Did not support. And with it, but also on the hit was a sword wrapped in brightl y colored shiny geomgi. Light About 200 more than the number of pieces scattered around the camp was confused. And they Confusing the roads where the soldiers come in a canon of the attack .... "The other day at the mansion of the Duke of Las fatigue fighting and a simila r pattern, or something." The three-dimensional image, said looking at the upgrade. "If I last long enough I do not think so ....... " "East to the duke, What is the arrival of our reinforcements." Krakow is the next to look at this video of the Duke had been asked. Lyrics to the incoming reports received by the Duke replied chimjunghan face. "No matter how much time you will have a day or so at the earliest." "Tell you what, but hardly one day be able to hold information such as Donna's not a situation I do not!" Were the words of Klein. Maybe tonight will be defeated before you go jeodaero ramyeon. "Woopeureu, magic to teleport to it?" "It is difficult. His Majesty, the distance you need the exact coordinates meo ndeda only have five hours to prepare because And that will take people who can be moved at once, so also are limited to 50 pe ople. Plus, more than an hour to move a second mana replenishment will take time. " "So does that mean there's nothing ........ Well how did I save personnel? " "That, too, must be prepared for some damage. Even the retreat with the number of friend from foe At least you will not be able to avoid being sued. " So that the three of them discuss the word Yeah, she was talking and listening . "What happened to that guy, but that many did you get the master sword?" But his words were an odd upgrade. "I think not saving force partake ......!!" Upgrade at the end of the upgrade of both eyes simultaneously describes the hy anghamyeo asked. "You see, in detail, but the security guys are using geomgi sword-wielding eos eolpeoyo something. Usually suryeonhae sword master sword like that if all the people you would not use the sword, that's a eodikka It has a great power or by being suddenly applied forces and do not know how to use those four straight Because I think they have coming in, wielding such. " "Sudden power? However, farming produce master sword like that's kind of idea how ....?" Le Woof said the wizard, the court case. 'But if he's telling the truth that this war is lost.' Woopeureu it, as well as in the hearts of all were saying. Of course, where t o eat like this Some of the people of the fell. Upgrade to worry so leave him for the missing man turned his head to the Seren ity Hills. "There is not possible to move up?" "Of course!" "Okay, well, I'm on my way. Woopeureu, hang on. I'll go and get one person ali ve. " Then at the end of the upgrade was embarrassed companions. He has even put on a sword master-class Sword of the Bay-person contact like that is difficult to master.

"Upgrade, I'm dangerous I know Those are the skills that have a strong Sr. Swo rd Master Sword you too For many people like that but it is a master-class ....." Hey, Update Well, I'll go with you ...." Then at the end of the Duke of East Coast and lab upgrades at the center of th e Cerro seomyeonseo said. "So this, you have the right to remain here, and the duke's just like other pe ople when I Sword Was known as a master-class? " "Go!" Upgrades Upgrade to the end of the word serenity and know your soon disappeare d. "What ......." "It was not the finest skills mean?" Then came the door opens and articles. "Your majesty, the duke and the marquis de Nimes many people did gather in the operation room." "Please wait!" Klein is so short and turned to gaze into the picture. Horn, his side suddenly looked at the two women. Attention, but again moved to the battlefield. To see their images, so transfe rred to a Palahseon eyes will have no right to copy the. Upgrade to the battlefield, watching the young wizard once stood staring into the eyes omgyeot battlefield . And the Horn asked. "I come from the upgrade might say. Where is the commander of the gesipnikka h ere? " Huh? Ah, yes, sir! I'm on casting spells are sorry we can not turn his head. M arquis chaseutel He is away from the battlefield on conducting. " Turned his attention to the end of the article, along with several upgrades of the eye in the rear of the battlefield on horseback, in the There were a bunch of. "Hiya - but quite balgun ...." Yes. Large that the other side, his light to cast a spell ......" Really. Serenity your stay here you know, it'll fit you " "Okay." Upgrade the Serenity Coast, leaving my stuff to battle back towards the foot s soahjyeo went at a tremendous rate. This is a focus on fast with a light industry noejeonjeongungbo (  前 弓) was Plus, a hu e source of naegong The speed upgrade will unfold yujain was terrific. Upgrade to ssoahjyeo around the body in soft blue one blue line seemed to grow . Needham Upgrade to rate ssoahjyeo cheongnan went to a place where the commander stood gu ess where it is stopped. 're Who was based with the blast appeared hancharye Looking to upgrade your sword Go tcha. "Oh, do not be too boundaries. Where gesipnikka chaseutel Marquis? " Upgrade to the question of upgrading to a distance of 10 meters long and black with black, was riding in the Knights of the Middle Ages Was the answer. "I chaseutelyineman you are?" During the war, he appeared without a sound upgrade, and asked the captain wat ching. "Nice to meet you. I upgrade, yes this drone is called Earl. What's malppunyi Earl ...^ ^ " "Never heard of it's .....Well supported by a soldier? " Looking to upgrade chaseutelhujakeun pretty smile looked at his back.

What? If you're reinforcements reinforcements.I will doulkka. And I can not ma ke a request . "What do you mean? Support disgrace myself .....I now ...." "Please remain calm. I came alone, support a jikyeobomyeon my favor, I will kn ow why When you say that I hope will step down immediately. To stop fighting immediatel y, says. " "But it's ......" However, before removing him to say more upgrades in the future were shot turn ed out. What? What is this?That ......." Upgrades were put on the motion of chaseuteleun neokeul. Shoot the eyes of upgrading jideut naahganeun come forward some of the best ev er saw a Sword Master . "Okay, first of all, do you need to investigate about two three'll have a capt ive." And in the back of the Serenity Hills in jeoneum told. "Serenity Coast so I have now knocked out two or three people going to move th at way they can take your -" - Okay, please do not worry about it Serenity Hills with magic upgrade immediately sent a message into the head. T hen, the best upgrade Sword Master unto dalryeonagatda before connecting. 指)" "Chwieulnanji (就 乙 Upgrading the equation was (指 功) his mahyeol (麻穴) and ahhyeol (穴), yeonmahyeol ( 麻 oldo (血 道) and At the same time went jeomhae. Then go out in the future as is the story went Roll. And then the soldiers toward him around trying to tackle when he disappeared. Upgrading the Koreans look back increases anryeokeul Serenity Coast-type lay aside. "All right! Only one or two more now " Yet his portrait on the left side of the sword-wielding man was in the back of the three hyeoldowa The blood of three Jeomhaetgo degrees jeomhyeoldoen figures have moved the Serenity Hills. "Students need to investigate the rest of it ....' chaenggyeotgo Upgrading to have a look around as soon as the gonryun (昆) of the unryongdaepalsi k (云 大 八 式) nalaholra eye to Article looks toward probing baekcheon gangji dysarthria (九 冰 白 穿  指) behind their n he inhuhyeol (咽喉 穴) And the head of the cheonryeonggae (天灵盖) is towards sahyeol was brandishing. The equat ion was brandishing in the air attitude bakkumyeo Can you avoid the sword was buried in Girard ally immediately goes masters died. Write a few articles are helmet but jigang (指 ) penetrate it enters or abandoned dr ill hole in the throat There is no way that will People friendly side of the depth from 30 to 40 people came around the back of the upgrade processes Sword Master for connecting to a march. "First, be most upset beorimyeon baby! Sikidorok focus all my attention! " Upgrading to a faster rate closer to them after they were falling in the middl e. Which articles are popping up around watching upgrade your sword as soon as I heard baffled hadaga . "Late!" Oh, they are faster than the ppopahdeun Lamy upgrade immediately they went tow ards the slit.

Then destroy the new law (破 怪 身法) is seonpungbo (  ) and the destructive power of nsive medical exam to start all Said. Kwagwagwagwagwak ....... Pagoegangsal rapidly passing into place upgrade (破 怪  ) around like the wind wheeled overhead ... upgrade the Oh, according to Lamy wielding a blade of the medical chyeonagatda two twisters.

"Cheolhyeolpaegeukryu (血 霸 极 流)!! Mukgwanghyeolpungryu (墨 光 血 流)!! " Note by the destructive power of the sword upgrade more than 10 meters went on to become a mess geomgi second sword Geomgi spread all over the place and keep a portion of the body flew away by the soldiers emerged. "Sura Samdo (寿  三刀)!! Suraseomgwangryu (寿  光 流)!, Sura ten thousand hwaryu (寿 n (寿  血  刃)!! " By Sugar gagak "Eugeuk ....." "Customer ................" "Bad .........Arm, ........." "Mass .........Is a monster ......" Expand Samdo around Surat to upgrade came after it would scream and Destructiv e. Then the fireball from the sky Came off. Upgrade my way through the battlefield to carry magic with the wizard seemed to rush toward. "This much ....... 'll Give it back .... Bunhapin (分合 引)!! " Upgrades that are not strong enough to blow a fireball suddenly toward the bun hap of my hand containing the aerodynamic Push towards reversing direction and blew enemy. And then upgrade to the Sword M aster of around Came two. Ally in the four thousand two hundred forty-two was a hassle to preven t these upgrades were gathered. That Rigaud such persons of their common soldiers stepped back. And the eyes of the enemy side upgrade From here towards the chap running about one hundred people were also in the art icle. "Well, they called the Master Sword about 300 people called him the remaining 100 deoni do you have? But first, Starting with a guy who'll handle this? " I decided to upgrade around 110 people watching the upcoming Sword Master and boosting aerodynamics. "Put her in brutal bottom would hear the sound mitaswaehongang (弥 咤 碎 魂 )!! Buyuhaeng !! " Upgrade the sword to put the chain horn Mita their body fringed river floating row after the new law also changed to Plunged into the Master Sword to. And the best stories in front of the shed towa rds the pay week Chezy Back to unfold even naetda Chezy. And Chezy articles as they are hit by a collap se of blood jideut down tohamyeo Said. Hon MITA print two rivers that affect the appearance but also to destroy t he interior of the new process flow is the Chezy. The new law also expand and upgrade the public by floating fly line flowing umji kimeu such Around to satisfy his ease in any direction can change the direction. And then the magic fell back toward the upgrade. Dark energy, dark magic buste r laden came to be. "Noeryonggangsinjang (  降 神掌)!!" Slotted holes towards upgrading the magic unfold around upgrade to the corresp onding moments of up huh Sword Master

Do not miss the time of the intermediate and laden with a sword, rushed geomgi. The magic of the five classes As soon as the magic of the knobs and difficult to defend watching them up on th e air against upgrading oechyeot . "Look at me sireudeuran call me, the wind storm!" Upgrades Upgrade iteunhu cry of the wind around the hoeohrichyeotda tremendous pressure. This, in turn, Huh depends itdeon articles Sword Master and a handful of riders around the aban doned miteossik nalryeoga. "Whoa ... it's good ..... easyJinjakyireolkkeol ....." [Are you okay?] Upgrade of the ear has heard a soft voice. Yet a small upgrade of the shoulder with a new one came down to sit. "Thank you, sireudeuran" [Contractor's natural as real!] Runnin your mouth when you talk to Upgrade sireudeuranyi dajeonghi knights gat hered around the back. "Sireudeuran around half of my mana towards the attack. Wind of the sword and the arrow of the wind " [Right] Upgrade to answer that sat on the shoulders of a small light leak came sireude uranui hand with him Upgrade to evade detection by the mass of the novelties was. And as soon as the ambient air is compressed Spread at a tremendous rate. Knights Sword and Wand Well Wand not seen fit to Ar row Went out and fell. Upgrade to the appreciation felt immediately after exiting th e mana oil through the atmosphere Was inserted. Plus, in a great amount of internal upgrade doeeotda generate mana . Upgrade just yet, and So this has not been fully combined the drone's guess, was the Dragon Heart. "All right! Was promoted to the 7 or more rare. " Yet flying around the fallen knights and soldiers to rise on the shoulders wat ching the CYR Towards deuraneul said. "Thank you sireudeuran Can I go back. And I'll sing " [Yeah !......I'll see you over another contractor] She disappeared around the hwidoldeon wind disappeared too quickly. Then upgra de to around The huge number of corpses were lying. Sword Master also more than 100 remaining , the rest followed Differed fate. And there are also hundreds of soldiers dead, one shot out of sta te and combat Abandoned. Koreans do not spell this much extra is the ability to emit up to thi s point was not an absolute few small injuries. (In fact, 7,8-written ordinance to surgery halyi jeongryeong sul Plus upgrade also upgrade the skills of yieoteumeuro Gets used, rare ...Do ttajiji) Also engage the situation had improved considerably earlier than ever before. Upgrade of Sword Master to get out of the bottle Let's sweep away bought the fraud is fraud, right Ana Canon military troops Push upgrade the size of Rennes Would come closer to the back. "Make Push the ~ now ...." beorimyeon end is very near. Yet the conscientious new factory upgrade ( 心 神功) based on the momjuwie geumryeongche onwondangong (Kim 灵 天元 丹 功) as Oh, remove the film and Lamy Chezy muhyeonggeomganggyeol (无形  决) went out to put. "Whoo hoo finished with it ...." Upgrade to a 7 or higher or a new factory with improved a significant amount o

f novelty has focused on the anti-geomgyeole half. That Rigaud in the direction of the enemy commander went forward toward the holding. It flew toward him again, Dark Buster wateuna the ban is already around the bo dy per one thousand won and the ball ungi Throw the ball had been lightly to prepare. "Well - Here we go ...Promise the medical (无极 )!, Intangible iljeol (无形 一切)!, Int flow (无形 气 )!, Muhyeonggeuk (无形 极)!, Intangible vs. cheongang (无形 大 天)! " "Prohibition only ceiling (gold 灵 断 天 掌)!, Geumryeongcham (Kim 灵 )!" Upgrade to the sword next to the front and the upcoming enemies enemies occasi onally bare-handed geumryeongcheonwondangong A blow with his left hand byeoryeotda unyonghan. Destructive than the original i ntangible medical exam, primarily due to two nanhaeham Upgrade to a dozen enemies in front of the ilgeom ng flew to ilgeom. Plus, one g eomgyeoleul Spread Because he was out on the wrap does not stop. Plus, the magic sword flies toward him The river and back, had to beat. About one thousand meters that let you move for ward one hundred people who remained Upgrading the Master Sword of the block stood behind their commanders and superi ors, and they retreated in haste Was seen. And they also follow the common soldiers, and at high speed out of the bounds of friendly woke . As such they are looking into upgrading chaseutel jeoneum said to the Marquis. "Marquis is now. Be sure to back troops - " And trust the words of the marquis haneundeut upgrade as soon as the march of the two allies would stop falling back sijakhaet . Then upgrade them watching Oh, For the Lamy was added to the sword with his le ft hand struck aerodynamic. Teer two yiing "Keek ...." "Keuah ............Geugeuk " "Wook ..............." Upgrade of the tangeomsaleum (   音) soldiers and knights fell behind went his way. Upgrade tangeomsaleumeul watching them back their original positions milryeona l had a mum until the pyeolchyeotda Chueotda. And as soon as the military advances by the marquis chaseutel pushed f orward. But they and budit Did hijineun. Then, seeing chaseutelyi came to upgrade. As several articles of the Marquis yeopeuroneun were followed. Lamy also looking into upgrading their high Oh my lord turned toward them. "You've marveled at the spectacular plays,'ve done your country you come from? " Upgrade chaseuteleun than the first one to say a little raised. Upgrading of the skills were not you seen people with this good Earl not only about It was hard to believe, because that does not. Upgrade their skills in this view has been reached so far are people who dandu Great Silver Star Of around seemed to be. Yes. My lord. " "Honest to our lives. Furthermore, engagement can climb was pushing more hones t than before. The remaining forces of the enemy They seem a little over a thousand ..... In the meantime, there will not be much of a big deal " Haha You're welcome ....." "But really ....Follow the Earl? If you're that much of the skills ......"

Looking to upgrade chaseutelyi suspense had been asked. Thinking about upgrading his skills, if it was not ever count. And the extent of the Duke of others Was skills. "Yes, that, and there is not the same manor. I gwichangeodeunyo ... So I haete otjiyo specifications. " "But if that level of skill ..... Let me see You've placed upright for too lon g. That may not be comfortable Although the barracks, so ...." Chaseutel the marquis tried to upgrade the friendly guide to sincere. It is not. I will have to get back. Sword master of canon export side, because the very massive It will come to investigate. Now that has already secured three of the Master Sw ord back nd we'll see . Ha! Keep your sorry to see ..... Then tagoohsyeotso say? " It is not. Have been with my brother wizards. Well, good luck. " "You've Unfortunately, Thank you again ....Let's go back to your country after y ou. " Listening to the body nalryeotda chaseutelui upgrade. It came up with the same sinbeopin noejeonjeon Gungbo (  箭 弓) was Upgrades made to the jump seat right on the sand overlooking the sm ll chaseuteleun Once again was impressed. "Oh, that before I move ... but ........" And who was next to have a word. "My lord, that I only heard about the Great Silver geupjeongdoui two skills yo u did not?" "We do not. If you do not is never direct so sure but that is beyond the maste r sword. Oh, stay by your majesty itdani teeth ...." Chaseuteleun allied moving at high speed toward the barracks looked at the upg rade. "Serenity Hills would go back now?" Looking to upgrade the back Serenity Hills said. She seemed to get stuck next to the bread apart, Horn was a wizard. Yet before he Right after the eye had not chapters. "Thought it was great? Then I'll fuck you learned? Plus he looks tired, done i t Not even ....... Can not argue with him, feel free to boyigeo not! " "Boyigeo? Who the hell ????" boyigeo Upgrading of the Serenity Hills asked gamyeo aside. Behind her three of her ar ticles, press to move Woiteotda. "Red-like worm's mean he likes unusual sword ...." "Sword? Why? Dragon sword should never write ????" "I did not mean to have no right to copy the original Dragon's magical races, plus a return to the main house beuraeseuman a Ppumeu endure so little time to do what I have to learn? " "That's right ...... it hagin So here are interested in the dragon sword out ( ?)It? " Also went to the side of Arbor Update Serenity was preparing to move responded to the question of upgrading. No! If you're interested in the sword to the Dragon's Dream Black kkueobon not try it once. Just so Less loved by the magic dragon sword's a story. What now also interested in some of the Ancient The dragon is not equal to a second ...I live too long, it became interested in

the stars that's not big deal. Joe. But as much as he did not do it. " "It's a freak .......What? Mamyiji support ....Serenity Hills, as these guys a nd let's move on ....Studies have woopeureu Room'll stay together. " "Got it. Go! " After the lab has moved to upgrade the whole front of the people turned to loo k. "Now is - I'm home." However, people did not answer the upgrade at the end of the naughty. I do not know what to do all that the town faces were facing similar jitgoseo upgrade . He is the first I thought this was, in the Sword Master Intermediate when the black light and budit hyeoteul Greater than swords skills to master the magic in film today, and I is the state of Sword Master Seemed to have already jumped over. Whenever something went wrong ..... do exert a stronger What the hell. Exactly how much has the skills to do that, even had no idea. "Look ....Why are you doing it? Hey, So this " "Ooh ...Hmm...What? Do you want? " Yeah it was good to start the upgrade both, have been awesome to talk to as ha deoraneun. Hey, Upgrade skills you how far the hell? Yeah, I only heard about that a silv er grade of seeing updates Gatdeoman know ..... You skills - are you still hiding? " Hey, Something like that. ... " So take the word of the upgrade had transferred roughly. The others either did not ask. Upgrade skills had seen firsthand. Who taught you last time in question discha rged neunyaneun I'll answer to mean it will be true You're a Plus, do not present the entire con tinent in Feeding the Great Silver doengeot wanted to make sure the eye that is called. So how strong upgrade What would you take care of gareul? In addition, the upgrade is important for them is the fact jundaneun. Le Woof upgrade towards the upgrading of those that dropped the jeomhyeolhae w as passed three articles. Le Woof watching them prepare the disciples were few. Soon they knocked one out of the articles in the middle of the lab. And the arms and legs and tied with string. And throughout the body armor was stripped off. Across any of the clothes were in the white. Le Woof watching his articles here and there examined the body. Then a strange magic on his back Jean has found an inscription that. Klein and the Duke and Bala upgrade has also seen interest. And the circle staring at the Slope Le told the crowd that surrounds the story . "Mmm, a little more to see anything else here, but this section coming into fo rce of mana that same circle 'S not ruined .... This section ...." Yet watch for a portion of that circle. That part of the circle was the most c entrally located. "I think Mana involved in the conversion of the property" Serenity Hills, said the side was reported. Really. Although at first glance, I hear ..... But I thought we'd part out yet complete fire To ...."

"Yes, I am. Processing is the conversion of mana ..... Used in magic, mana, mana conversion geomgi Key visual hallucinations .... especially mean Plus, if the side effects remain doejyo force. " "I have to say this mworan??" Le Woof is the Catania knowledge about Serenity asked, surprised. "I think that circle, the way I see it transform created force. What I'm getti ng this ..... 'll Be worth the side effects It's going to? " "Side effects what you mean?" The ears of the people in question were collected at the end of Serenity Hills . "I'm not sure, but if this article a month or so I'm able to keep the Sword Ma ster, Other than that, I think, however, be possible, limit the human body can only ta ke so much'm. Plus, the period Once finished, I think a half a stretcher not a sword, and sword, even though th e Master Sword I am in a no hope, and in severe cases, circle time activities, death by congest ion of Mana That wants to .......How big do not care it's an unstable circle. " Listening to all of her was absurd. Then they had to sacrifice a huge and there. Furthermore, the future is a tremendous loss for peeking. Victimize artic les like this Your ...... Plus, there are also responding to an article we were overwhelmed. "Well, articles are not yet doing?" "Somehow I'm sure ..... Some of what you want, even though you know how much I agree, but hagetseupni How? With all respect, I suppose eating by pretending to write. " "Anyway, these guys continue to come ....." "But the duke, the Knights do not think it is so much ....." "No, yeah Think about this common soldier or common men ...." Duke and Glacier, Ilan was to give an opinion. Then the horse was upgrading. "Not at all this stuff to run the treatment of recipients also have a degree o f skill doe Support ..... I'm not anybody .... These are articles you can handle a sword to some level we know this You can use magic, but the general geomgi Ordinary people are sick, or to contro l a sudden mana Not like that? Congestion'll probably ......." Catania was baptized at the end of upgrading the girdle. "Upgrades, You're right, plus the formation of this circle for more than six c lasses required by the wizard { And this applies to the guy two to three days of sikineunde will require time. " Listening to their attention that the people gathered again moved unto the art icles lying. Although ....... Why have not we wake up? I think the magic is not ....." Le Woof and women of the question looked at the upgrades and Serenity Hills. "I'm stunned for mentioning. Would wake up? " "Yes, please wake up ... Do you have questions you need to, " "I'II do that." And mahyeol, ahhyeol, polishing serum to the price of three hyeoldoreul again solved his hyeoldoreul. But his body was a little soft jyeotdaneun geotmalgoneun just wake up. "If you're waking up." "Oh, Yeah, well, after two canon chamjeonhal went online, I started a war .... . Duke ...First, let's go to the conference. " "Yes, my lord." The Duke of Krakow and leave the area quickly left the lab for the meeting con

vened. Upgrades also M Loosen the two articles of the hyeoldoreul headed for their staying detached pal ace. "If on the other side like that ..... Autarch Len would significantly disadvan tageDo not you, Ilan? " Of course. There is not no other way but for now the there ..... In addition, during the war in earnest We're not pre-finished ....." "If war begins in earnest for other countries to request the alliance will not matter they That could be going on ... " However, upgrades, and some did not really matter. "It also did not develop the valor that stuff ....... Well - That's nothing hy eolhongangrimsul (血 魂 降 ) to It's totally a joke in comparison ..... I want to know something? ' But I have changed the thinking. The idea is not difficult situation than bakk wotdagi. Originally this room To do well you know the theory of the hyeoldowa naegong naegong of two or more p eople with sudden need. However, there is a place like this, There's no way that person is not it? Wha t? Will teach the theory, but it's For the rest of that is how it will be naegong. Plus, there's one thing which is important for treatment to one About time to take at least a week. Instead, the effect is obvious. This is a 10 0 years time So we have degrees of aerodynamic words, the master higher degree of Sword of Ma na Foresight hyeolhongang with (血 魂 ) a self-defense Chezy (身  气) will have. Plus. I need some drugs, too If it is the gain of the period. "Yideuya anyway!" "Mmm that's neukkihage What's up with that?? ' "Yideuya .....Teach me the things you used to fight - " "Stop ....Disgusting ....And that there must be mana in order to be covered in the body. But the current You're not re ... Do not blast! " "Damn, can not you ...." After they finished breakfast the next upgrade of the laboratory headed by Le Woof. Not this time also took him Carmina di. Do I pick up at most to hide, nor gut yi I can keep the place was. Plus, as yiswihailjeuga el favor prayer was inconceiva ble when I go style. In the lab, and some of the wizards was Le Woof. And one of the canon is still Knight lay tied to the one person. "Oh, do you bring?" The report of the celebrated Le Woof upgrade. He seemed a bit tired. "I'm tired of this?" "What fun too, so age do you mean, yesterday I went to a meeting for hanging t here for at least three Nessie The liver must be caught helplessly hageodeun .... " "But what do I have shown, woopeureunim?" Upgrade and a chat when Le Woof Ilan For two kkideo asked. "Well - not tried. Stars pointed But you can not get together a meeting .....Y ou've got questions and articles Bureau before the canon of what little action the court wizard's strange about t hat? " "What do you mean?" "I do not know. Now, they could not know for sure what shape it's okay hagisa

knights. " "But why the author ...." What? He connects, and so the study circle and I am looking to invalidate the order.Not what Mean I do not know why ... " Then came a lady-in-waiting holding a tea cookies. For a car after drinking a sip of Ilan Le Woof asked. "What's the canon? There is no response yesterday budithyeoteuni'm alone. " "I maldaeroya in the morning, got a call that he began to move their troops to the border 're Going back in this morning because of all the nobles again caught, not the o ne in the conference room. " "Woopeureunim, but I take your word for it earlier for me, that ... To that ar ticle that tipped off that the magic Will ... How long ago was that? " So this is what sits in a chair tied with throwaway bed watching an article as ked. "It was not long ..... alahbon It seems that, that would spell its own rather incomplete in the Specified shall apply to study magic and let me dispel mean .... Maybe it's awkw ard, get more research URGE seems you have nothing. " Yet attention to an article in enclosed shed. "But do you know that story? It's about that circle. " "But knowing it does. I did not believe that I taught, men, hypnotic suggestio n and magic to the river By imprinting the safety of the magic that left him .... I do not believe you gu ys tell her that Tsk " I get that a lot of people's faces were so good. From now on, will jeonjaengin earnest two. It is also a huge empire of nations will jeonjaengin. "But the strange thing now ... he's so weird military collects in one place .. ..." As a word that has more than Le Woof. "What do you mean one place?" Um... Every guy in the north of the border do not know probably gonna be the n earest city, yesterday you upgrade Wonders where to go fight .... There are unusually many troops are committed ... . That the meeting over It hurts even more and told me there was trouble. " Le Woof strange that the canon told the station. "But there must have been upgrading woopeureunim place yesterday .. What do yo u mean?" I have no idea about what happened yesterday at Acadian Party, the most active cargo yiswihailjeuga her star Le Woof gyeokdapge asked. "Oh, you guys do not know, yesterday there was a battle there and danyeowatgo there based upgrade Upgrades also bring someone with four faces. I'm going to tell you something mor e directly to you. " Speak softly, as the grandfather gave Le Woof. "However, to gather them into it you aiming at your place would not be somethi ng?" "Yesterday was not a fight about it because it did not?" Hail St. and two came up with their own opinions. However, upon hearing the op inion of St. was okay. Ends the first place that came directly from the attack's time to start a fight, something else now More than 2,3 times the troops had been committed. "You never know ..... But there is not a point to disagree with me. And a plac

e to aim at that geujjokeuroneun Okay? " "Serenity Hills, do not know anything about that precinct?" The long-lived upgrade Cerro Dragon Catania asked. "No. As far as I know, much ...... Oh, that reminds me, I've got a small fores t. Other unusual thing about I manage things without mana is concentrated than anywhere else ... 'm A little bit. " "The real .....Aiming there. What? " "But those forests to wage war, Lee noryeoseo I do not think so ..." "That is something we do not know if in the woods?" "Anything that aim, but the great empire do?" "An unknown happening." "Lena servants say, may never know, nobody cares because it's not in the fores t. The little forest Something that is unusual, but do not know anyone who thought him to be. " Teilbeul ten people sitting around me went bouncing. "Serenity Hills, do you know about the forest -?" The jeoneum ("-~~~~~-". Ofte n a whisper) Upgrade to the opinion of each other, presenting a hard look at the people who planted hyegwang (慧光 心) Sereni as Ahege been asked. Serre asked in a funny way, upgrade your knowledge and strange (?) Looking mechanism Message has the magic answer. No, that's unusual about ...... Come to think of it where there are over 1000 years ago Green Dragon Tarot It was rare seuui. Other than that, no no no singularity's forests, was talking earlier in Managua Concentrations even when I was there, he's extended spell. But I'm not strong. Long And had also "What place is there between you guys, I think -" Although there's no possibility of human How'd "That's where you're found who? But I can not take it equal to or greater John ny geogeona so by taking If you're starting a war? " But whether he deserved, I'd leave something .... "When I'd have to ask him -" Came up with a sure way to upgrade. However, it seemed difficult to know to an swer your serenity. that's......He makes it harder to wake up 50 years ago're on the water. "Sleep ??........ Conscious sleep mean? - " Update of the Well comes to mind memories of this drone's asked to. "You're aware. That's right. Governance lately to me before going to sleep twe lve annual ceremonies eopdamyeo Has rakhae .- " This ritual is called water dragons much like humans when you want a break bet ween the deep sleep to favorites . In fact, the nature of sleep, I sit Dragon could survive. What happens to slee p, but also If you can wake up right away. However, this is a conscious sleep, sleep, physic al and dimensional Discarded in the melt. Breaking, because you're not doing any iledo. If there is an exception to the emergency walk loaded I ttaeppunyida convene Dragon. Are not going to happen, but if you think about t hings that do not Is And there is a way to wake up the other way is to wake force. Space nokahit Even though that's rare in the space around the tooth, so space is a huge force. Usually the Dragon does not interfere with the well-used, but with the exception of the Red

Dragon Properties dirty freak Even if you wake up to the magic peobueo. But it's not a common thing. However, in a guide is no exception ...... "Have to wake up ...... there's nothing I canNo, no, no, you should go direct ...... He has hardly aroused I did not see anything saying it's not to me. .....-" "Go ahead -" So your saying you know Serenity was relieved to some extent. An upgrade to wa ke him if kkaewoojago . So download the sleeping man in the face a little so kkaewoogin. That mean you can not oppose to upgrade is suggesting that the ...... And the upgrade yet engaged themselves in a heated discussion looked at the pe ople. Upgrade to a word such naebaeteotda people looking. "If you go directly, rather than be tteodeulge so I'm not!" Upgrades to the interior of the end calmly sank quickly. Then they heard the words of upgrading looked at each other. "Yes, if it is not ..." "If you go directly'd ..." Yeah, that's right! Why are they such a simple problem, but it was not meant to seriously sit down and his mouth was what happened. And On the other hand, Le Woof Rigaud know what fun is that they were looking at. Ca non now cheaper because the head Keep it in the conference room wearing leak still sitting in the night, people h ave one without the harvest obtained They looked at me sitting here hollering was roughly one kind of opinion is rele ased. Furthermore, what Comments have been listening to a considerable persuasive. "I've also gathered a variety of a wide range of these going ....' Was. Now they sit around the table in elves dwarves, inspection, wizards, adve nturers, travel A.Indeed, were different people. "If you go yeah ....." guess. So this is only within the palace for some time we go somewhere that I seemed a little excited. So Or upgrade to the then shook his head toward him. "Yeah, l is not a lot .... I'm going a little bit of short inwonman ....." "..........Why ......." "Yeah, what's wrong? Go a lot of harm, no foul. " "Yeah, that, and going, just as you, Serenity Hills, you'd be using the telepo rt." So these were right in the end. The idea, however, was going to take a lot of upgrades. Serenity is not to your Gulf Rigaud had to go. Sweet like candy, because if a string of other people also see med to be hurting a lot . "Yeah, a lot of persons even in such places to go, well, I do not know whether the risk ....." However, Lena servant of her people who tuned in late deulppunyieotda her coll eagues. Other people I It was not the tongue. Tonghaebon magic skills upgrade yesterday to lay somethin g out to be a danger to upgrade the Dragon Will be enough. Ilan wonder watching them quite nice (?)Hebrews began to explain. "Lena servant, Lady's say you're right though ... who is an exception upgrade. You Yesterday But we have not seen what I saw yesterday, the Sword Master upgrade skills of te n top-two dumb people

Is able to deal bideorado skills. What? I is the wizard. Although I'm not sure s ure Says ... " Everybody knows that his words are not di Carmina looked at the upgrade. Upgrading the case of an article the other day because I know that this is not normal skills. However, master sword Ability to deal with it several printer-class guys??? Apparently, the bland, see med to be looking at. All I can not believe it was not hardly looked like. In fact, he is so proficient she is in the eyes of the people were great big. Even if it were even moderately muscular. But such an upgrade in all respects was an exception. "Well, you tell people who wanting to go .... Not much is going to take ...It' s about two or three people ...." Upgrade to the table that was sitting at the end of the people looked at each other. Then one of them yiswihailjeu Heard a hand. Then, watching her face that it was the upgrade and people. "Upgrades, Yeah, I ~ ~? I'm going ....... Please have mercy! "Yeah, yeah ....." "I knew it! ' Upgrade to the then she nodded toward. If you refuse to the bitter end will no t bother. There If it grows twelve could she come alone ^ ^; Then you have a point to go in with me, he said. She did not have any objecti on deneun go with. It's a rather favor? Elf was into the woods in the wrong part of the river guide s, if you will end its journey. "Okay, I'll take it this way." Upgrade to the conclusion that throw down the party heading into the mukdeon d etached palace stood for. "You have to go now? His Highness is going to say it ....." It is not. Well anyway, I'm not completely sure .... I can tell you is to com e .... Not take long Would have. " Detached palace turned to pick it up I do say so simple. Each party a simple load kkurin again returned to the lab. "Bye." "I'll only be gone, ladies." "Upgrade, I'm begging yiswihailjeu." "Serenity Hills Go!" "Got it. Teleport! " Serenity Hills with a horse that's standing in the middle of the lab with four light and disappeared. "Well - we go to eat rice." So this was the horse. Was lunch time we have any clear. I see the forest plains in front of four persons with a strong light appeared. Um... Here? " Droid looked around. About one kilometer away from the eyes of upgrading the f orest appeared. Then upgrade the party towards the mouth opened Serenity Hills. "Because of that close encounter of the forest more manajang can not teleport. They'll pay for it myself. If other people are at risk. " In fact, because of the forest manajang myeongsaek Teleport Exit the dragon is also an angle that could matter in A. And it was the upgrade the same situation. Not even a little girl, but when t he Elves and Statement will be teleported to this place. Yeah! If so ....What?

I do say so, towards the woods, the upgrade naedineotda feet. The other party's side and then walked upgrade. Machine in the woods not far from walked toward the woods with a light step. In woods and forests gakkawojija usually can not feel the flow of mana felt a little strange. "Uh-huh ~ quite normal to where the other mana based feel ...." "That's right. It's usually not the mana of the Forest ...... But you did not blow in the same forest itself Right. " "..... Somehow, I think so. " Upgrade and ilrina, Serenity Hills told what the self feels. But it does not p articipate in There's been sentient beings. "...Um...Do not feel something? " Yiswihailjeuyeotda. Baektareul her, but as yet a lack of training did not know how to feel mana. One step ahead of the forest dagagatda later upgrade. "This certainly is larger than the trees midfield guldan mean ......' Certainly did. Here some of the trees were different from those trees in midfi eld. Thick wood pile deda Twisted. The trees grow straight up in the mountains in midfield, but also grow crazy at the side were also . Plus, less than the trees here. Ely I've touched the trees watching up close. ".....The same with the other forest'd ..... " "That's right. I see that we usually think the woods ...... " "So you're gonna see in. ....." Upgrade to the leading party in the footsteps moved from woods. Some hot summer weather, but the trees block the sun was giving. And occasiona lly through the trees Hold your favorite sunshine, was a peaceful look. "Nice scenery here ...." Upgrade of the same idea seemed to say, but no. Upgrade to a good view of the surroundings to explore Serenity Hills hyegwang planted (慧光 心) inquired into. "But it is rare for him taroseuran? The scenery around here looking for Claire to replace, There does not seem to be a cave ....-" Riga No! There are small hills beyond. When you are in the body, where he lived fo r short nd . I did not need that space. The space between the hills and far underground, yo u usually stay buried Somewhat smaller than the huge rare.} "Mmm, That's weird ..... DragonHuh?? " The upgrade is definitely in the right place to live was jegakgak. So this was unusual phase Drones situation here is striking to know your Seren ity had been living in a cabin. Look at me that he had nothing to do unusual. The forest was quiet. Birds flying over the forest, except that the animals se emed "There does not seem to have an animal ....." Hard to say. "Strange flow of mana because this girl would not?" "He's not an animal? What? So where's his brother? " "I know what I'm even more birds flying wing to rest a minute to get out of he re you are busy ppareuni How ... " I walked the woods as if walking past the party of the 20th bunjjeumyi same th ing the next hill is quite bulky

Appeared. "Wow! Knesset usually far below the hill ..... But upgrade, you know the way a re you going? " Yiswihailjeuga than the previous hill towards the upgrade asked. In fact, righ t now on the way to the water for There was a man. Upgrade and serenity to your ow dragon in front of me knew Ely St attention, please. Nothing will yiswihailjeuya gakhaetjiman know .....Why is he ..... wateulkko "We do not even know what you're looking for where are you going?" "Ha Serenity Hills the other day and I did notice that here. And there in the hills inside the strange flow of mana Reumeul felt more time. If you go there so there's gotta be something! " "Mm-hmm did you do that!" Yiswihailjeuneun nod and asked the Serenity Hills. "Well, you know your Serenity Did you come here and go?" "No, I did not look fit." Serenity Hills replied simply. And then a step to upgrade stopped. And the right-hand side of the hill and lo oked at the forest. Following Another party also stopped, stood thus not stop looking at upgrading. "What's going on?" "What happened?" Yiswihailjeuwa sense to upgrade and not stop suddenly expressed doubts. She smiled slightly and answered their questions upgrade. "Heh ... I think our house is properly hear you've got coming this way. And go away Man, have faded. " "Sound, given the approximately 3,4 myeonggaryang ...... And I think sword mas ter ...." Upgrade at the end of the sense or the yiswihailjeuui face hardened. And next to the Serenity Coast has cast a spell. "Reading the object image (Read everything in a particular area). " So she does not feel the front of the square image was ttukkega. There's an up grade Around the same figure from the right side of the hill, with three red dots were coming. So On the left side of the hill and beyond the red dot to go away from the party ha d three dogs. [56] McKnight said, looking at it during the upgrade. "Serenity Hills can I see this more widely? Tell you what these guys think the re's more. " "It's possible. Rekto object. " Depending on her magic square yeosang grew more. And to the other side of the hill began to emerge. And in the opposite direction of where upgrades have a bunch of little red dot s on the right side was There Did not show a straight red spot. "Is this doing?" "You over there on their own magic in the circle that formed around the world is going. Chains do not come more horsepower punt Can be seen to try? " "No, I do not care ..... what many people in You're sure that he is here becau se of the purpose ...." Even then, the three companions of getting a red dot was coming up. "First, let's hide the end." Then each of them in the trees hid the body. Yiswihailjeuneun eopdeuryeotgo behind a tree in the woods behind a wooden body

and hid sense. And three Lenny knew was hiding in a tree behind the magic upgrade went behind a tree top. And moments Over time between footsteps and the voices of three articles with which they pla ce upgrade support Were out. People say when they passed was a little deulryeowat "What a virgin forest, the animals here?" "Well, I hunt, even if there are things that might be useful to spend time ... ." "Hey, but what's inside me, man?" "There's no way to know. You understand that we do .... I have heard it down t he court wizard would balgyeonhaenaen I heard ...." "When you get,, that can win this war, says that true?" "Well, I mean, I can not believe you got it, even deuleoanatnya Dragon in the hell? War Win? Plus he hit better after the entrance of the tent .... apedaDammit! "Well said. But it's not even a rumor Hut? " "Maybe ....." hahaha "Anyway, it's ...." ......................... Moments later they went to where the view is not visible when the party came t o the place we were again . "Upgrading to say thing's for sure ....I think I've found it straight? " "But really what's inside it?" "But how am I going? If you are blocking the entrance ......." Upgrade to hear was that watching the Serenity Hills asked. "Now that the inside of the cave in the hills in the far ...... Distance? " Hard to say. About ..... This is as close as 10 meters're taking. " "I like it ..... Agreement with the spirits of the land was ilrina? " Upgrade to the question of the extent geujeya committing look like Chan notice d sense I was with the Serenity Hills. That Phil yiswihailjeuneun still seems, however, does not come .... I Lesser spirits so much so far, but ...." yeoseo "Really?" And then I have identified the contents of the conversation to some extent yis wihailjeuga said. "I do not drop the magic hole in one of those as well? Sign in or upgrade your self to go out there and the articles of Or ...... handling Major said the Master Sword. " "Ha, but the local Longhouse still annoying ... There's an easy way to move mw otharyeogo hard do you have? " "Serenity Hills here, ten thousand and one without a sound to penetrate the sp ell?" "I'm a little difficult but. However, as the flow of mana if you have the wiza rd, see you out there doubt that. " "Can not you ..... Look to the hole in which to ilrina ordinance. The rest I'l l do that. " Though unlikely at the end of the sense or the upgrade of the land as it can b ring the spirit of the ttuleotda. Depth of 3,4 meters and was about. "Okay, so from now You're my turn." Came forward saying that the two hands upgrade drilled on the wall and stick i t out, spirits daeeot . "Everything is destroyed. Swaeokcheonggonggangsal (碎玉  功  )! " Upgrade to say that quietly around the blue light flowed warm. And upgrade the light Gathered in the hands of two more. Then a faint chill the upgrade was flowing ar

ound. In blue Hwipssain hands dug deeply into the wall began. And to the extent that it dadare u elbow Now "File (破)!" Upgrade with the upgrade of a quiet cry in front of the wall was going to fell like sand busyeojyeo. The deep Iga was one meter. Light coming through a tunnel through it with me watching the Serenity Hills Ely The mouth is closed the line again, amazed at all yiswihailjeuneun did not know. "The ....That's ....." Gave the answer yiswihailjeuga upgrade deodeumgeorimyeo mouth opened. "This is ..... Mana Sword Master feels when the upper or top-level ganeunghaej yeo. " Of course, anyone not enough, but ... " I'll use five swaeokcheonggonggangsaleul showed the interior of the cave. The cave was quite dark. Originally drilled spirits make sense to me as a turn ing wonsangbok Odor And the drilled portion of your upgrade was the same. Only knew the line quite l ike Delph Will be. Find and upgrade them to carry minerals pareo as a whole - and then, th e prize I ride the light hageupjeongryeongin Ely recalled. Then softly inside the cave w as found. Upgrade The way they entered a cave dug about 4 meters from the bottom of the ranked. Re ported that the height of Serenity Coast to use magic again, let's upgrade the light after jejihan yeonhyeongganggi ( 形  气) and their Jump down and started laying a few feet and then she jumped into the cave. Upgra ding the light in that cave After that touchdown, and Ely and the Cerro Castello, leisurely yiswihailjeuga c ame down from the air. So And upgrade their feet with the ground datja yeonhyeongganggireul scored. And bo th feet of the earth god datja As you looked at the upgrade period. Then the Serenity Hills had been asked. "It's .... Looks like a pure mana. " "That's right, as in pure mana with intact skin.'m Glad to compress." Upgrade your knowledge at the end of the sense or the serenity to understand h ow much goes nodded. However, this Swihailjeuneun was not at all. "Obviously I'm not a stone head ..... Gotta go back and study the Saint sister ....." Yiswihailjeuga muttered quietly. Immediately in front of three people say that they do not understand me Yiswihailjeuui was a commitment. Upgrading to stand in the cave that looked georimyeo were looking for where to go. Then upgrade and ilrina, Serenity Hills has a warm feeling of mana. Somewhere like that slip The flow of Mana said. Mana inside the cave was flowing underground. This upgrad e and then I I felt that the upper limit. "That did not sound right .... Yin (阳) jayeongi think of ......" Small upgrades alone himself. Moved from the first step in upgrading your way. The cave is fairly neoleotda . Nothing but wide Where they enter their gotppunyigo upgrade gotten bored tunnels that were the wa lls of the cave. I do not know whose work it inside, but fairly clean stone formation in kkakye ojyeo doeeoit

record. Was the height of three meters width was close to 4 meters. And you thin k the end of the tunnel Faint point of light in front of more than 20 meters were coming. Companions walked out into the light reflected. Have already upgrade cheonyito ng (天 耳 通) to anyone in Huyeotda confirm that there is. And moments later, the party of the tunnel about 10 meters wide exit Reached leading to the entrance hall. The hall ceiling height of approximately 5 meters gakkawotgo was a round shape . And the hole in the center of the circle with intricately carved the spout int o the air geomeunbit and hayanbit Two balls were floating. [57] Sense to see it but ... I see that as unlikely yiswihailjeuneun upgrade your k nowledge and serenity at first a Next, we must Severe was absurd. "What's that?" "That's why ......" For each of the questions were different. Serenity Hills is an upgrade to a po int that I know about them both enough water gatja Eowatda. "Upgrade, do you know about that?" Upgrade to a point or a question without an answer looked at Serenity Hills. S erenity Hills opened his mouth, whereupon the Began to explain. "That's keeping the magic circle ..... Dragon Well they've made their own magi c to keep Claire 're Bluffing to make. When originally performed the magic dragon amount of mana in there Direct support, but even some dragons do they use anything like that. That's man a yang dragon Nucleus to form a circle around it from here after the inhalation of mana automa tically given circle Relays them to the mana. That's been the way some variations. Unlike someone li ke manipulating To ........" That the upgrade was the wheelhouse. ".....Notatji manipulated quite dangerous. " "What ....." Upgrade and Serenity Hills at the end of the sense or the yiswihailjeuneun sho wed a significant question.Serenity Hills this Come on, went out one by me again. "So we do not know if that was what I think dragons (Just try doing kkaegiman ~ kwak ~) - perhaps, to upgrade Ten thousand're heard and - Well, do not leave the liver. And that circle, but t he obligation to dismantle the charging Because the chassis securely haenghaetgi moatgetjyo considerable mana. Then some one came in here, the appearance of that. It's. I understand the circle to some extent the appearance of something that wa s I'm the wizard. Called the Magic Dragon Hard to understand, but you would know roughly what it's like, and believe it, p lus there are a few. You see that? Nine of those two, it remained the original together two major man a. As light and darkness, or Snow's. And to strengthen the circle she knows too much we've used a similar ord er Getjyo. You see that? Engraved on the walls around the center of the circle is a n eight-grade rifle Circle

Did you do it. But there he meets the wizard and just blew it He was the appeara nce. The original Wizard It's the end, however, fills his hogisimman. But this circle doeeoseo the same o peration Gathering a significant amount of mana. But the problem here, just the slightest touch of a circle to touch a fix ... I Going to explode with two kinds of reactions did mana. Plus, quite pure explosiv e power of Mana yeoseo It's two keulgeo. " Sense and listen to the description of the Serenity Hills takes the cake was p retty. I do not know who made such things. Place just taking off ..... Yiswihailjeuneun next phase, but I'm not entirely su re what I describe I know that you've heard the risk danghi hard. "So, how did you disarm?" "Well, it's hard. Plus, here and there circle the wizard to install the more u nstable in the wind Determined lost. " Upgrade the look around here and there, saying it went to the center of the ha ll looked. "What do I do?" "If you can not break ......." "Well, all I did not no how." Serenity Hills at the end of the sense or the yiswihailjeuga listened. "What?" Then circle back and take care of you instead upgrade replied. "This dragon is installed at the center of that circle will turn off the drago n hung it Password that will happen is if the rest break ..... Collected two mana, given t he degree of reaction But ...." Were quite surprised at it yiswihailjeuga. But, Dragon ...Who ....." "It's okay here, Colonia Cerro Dragon and some few got acquainted. Serenity Hi lls alahbomyeon the go Going to be ... Serenity Hills! " "Okay, I'll go. No matter how I take it can take up to seven or more hours at the earliest. " Say that there are a nod to upgrade and then upgrade to know your watching Ser enity went to move. She From then asked yiswihailjeuga. "But that's how much throw your blows neundeyo." Upgrade to that question also looked at ilrina himself to such a low mana roug hly extracted yulyina The degree of a guess, but I did not know for sure. So? Reaction at that ...... sikindamyeon Roughly ....Half of the Empire two ah nakeuren'd be devastated? Probably To the extent that it's going to be hard .... Samurai What? If a class of about eight Wizards vs. Magic Defense Solution Although you can get away with as much system ..... So here it is canon to teote urinda dash ahnakeu Ttangdeongeorireul renyiran's absorbing ... What? The site is half a year in c hotohwadoen ttangyijiman I'll find the original shape ...." Upgrading is not a big deal, a point that seemed to hear you answered that lig ht Oh Nana yiswihailjeuegeneun Nieotda. How much do I have big chunks of three feet in diameter by two grand ho rse jinindan havoc Is? And if it is successful? Perhaps Canon twenty-two no doubt that a large cont inent choegangguk

Will be. Plus, use one of those things and I am easily frightened other countrie s to Furano to pounce. Will not be able to. This is someone out there can not be used at once, it can n ot be used again. As long as you're not that tell you that. Explain that to the wall and sat down with a plop on the ground, such as upgrading Was expected. Well that next sat watching ilrina upgrade. But he will not, but here and ther e yiswihailjeuneun Toured watching glanced. You have more sense yiswihailjeureul upgrade or unto th e eyes turned. "Who is this guy ......' This is a point I have been thinking. Would they know I can not enormous Awesome sword skills and has to do with the Dragon was going to load. And the o ther thing you feel Is that warm, comfortable. Upgrades take care of themselves and colleagues reali ze that without showing Arthur was not. What you do not know if these people feel comfortable with is th at you can. Elf himself neither as obscure even congested it feels like to someone with th ese feelings Was strange. Wooung woowoowoo Then I thought of a point on sound is broken by the ringing Managua. 've Gotte n an upgrade as quickly One's eyes or touched jjokbyeoke yiswihailjeuui appearance came in the Iong face . [58] Upgrade to a point, or get up quickly from a sitting position looked toward th e sound you hear. Of sound Located in the center of the circle of sources of mana guyeotda two. It is like crying on sound That was absorbed from around Mana Mana flow cease and each had been composed.An alysis on each division is as follows. Ely, or watching the keyboard and it quickly went to where yiswihailjeuga saw th at. She then Upgrade to the wall, hands, etc. Mostly blankly staring were two phrases. Her ha nds touch the Walls in a small circle with a small pink gems were stuck in this one. The pink of her hands Light had touched the jewel. "Upgrade ..... My end? This pisses hands ......" Geurikigo her pink in the center of gold in jewelry was be waiting. "Maybe .... I think part of that circle meets control ....." Upgrading a circle watching himself. Yiswihailjeuga phrase gaitneun control da ms have cracked hands The adverse events seemed to happen. Yet where attention turned to the high rota tional speeds of two spheres Was being. Watching it again, looked around. "Upgrades, what should I do? Two mana's starting to respond ....." So? If you know him if the explosion damaged a huge big lenses, and Canon wear s Besides the land That's why being in the explosion (地 气) will also be affected ..... Perhaps volcanoe s or ...Earthquakes ...." Upgrade serious look at the end of a point or two in yiswihailjeuneun and look ed at the mass of mana. That Upgrade to a passage that came with the season that strikes you several heard th e footsteps

. Upgrade to a point or a chunk of mana reported danghwanghamyeo but elves and h old each of them expect I noticed footsteps. And unto each other, turned to gaze. "Somehow the wizard, this seems to bear witness together to feel the pulse Man a ...." "What can I do?" Yiswihailjeuneun not mean to, but looked nervously over their've been looking at the tunnel . However, the upgrade seemed anything but opened his mouth. "I'll just stay here. Well anyway, sweetie, I can walk into the range of the e xplosion ..... No way with a knife. Deombigeteoyo? " I did hear of upgrading it. But, What is it that you do not? However, it Was too much. If so as to upgrade the skills ........ To do so, even if Dragon w ould do nataya . A party wall, drew the inside of the hole. And moments later, footsteps sounde d in the tunnel and Tell They came in several of the articles came soon. They came in all flustered to se e Mana in rotation Well, three out of standing on one side (外人) boundary of the sword, and heard. And m oments later, he The back of the wizard, came in with two one fuse. They wondered to see upgrades as well haeteu I did not care much. There was because there's a higher priority in front. Wizar d of rotation of two And watching chunks of mana was pretty nervous. Designee, and one of them go to middle-aged Upgrade Wizard looked at them saekmeori. "You ..... Are you? The reaction to this ....." When you say he's another middle-aged blonde quickly went to the wizard in the circle up and down Was looking around. Upgrade the sword to those articles was only gyeonggyeman. I t would do nothing that Three men standing in the eyes of a woman that did not look outside. What? One of whom El One of them, but said the garage peuyigo sword. "..... Yes. Bar is intended not to me ..... Control turns the phrase broken .. . " - END -Wjddbstjd1-

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