ICT Course of Study - 2016-2017

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Prepared by Dr. Fred Mednick: Ver. VI_22 September

Course Staffing and Descriptions  ICT in Education Program: Suriname  Course descriptions are updated often and can be found at the ICT in Education All website: http://needtoknow.org/courses http://needtoknow.org/courses and on the course platformdiscretion – Canvas.. In course descriptions below are subject to and change at the professors’ October, 2017, the Handbook will also be b e updated and available online at: http://needtoknow.org/handbook  

Course Staffing COHORT 3 (first-year students) January, students) January, 2017  2017  •  Module 1-2: Karen Triquet, Wim Mees, and Erick Moertabat •  Module 3-4: Koen dePryck and Erick Moertabat •  Module 5: Padhu Seshaiyer and Daniela Rosario •  Module 6: Fred Mednick and Andy Plak

COHORT 2 , classes begin November, 2016 •  Module 7:  Cathryn Bennett and Daniela Rossario •  Module 8: Patrick Van Damme and Andy Plak •  Module 9: Padhu Seshaiyer and Jerry Oldenstam •  Module 10: Olten van Genderen and Andy Plak •  Module 11: Koen dePryck and Erick Moertabat •  Module 12: Tom Vanwing and Wim Mees

COHORT 1 , classes begin November, 2016 •  Module 13:  Andy Plak and Vladena Baetge Jahn •  Module 14: Juany Roman and Daniela Rossario •  Module 15: Wim Mees and Karen Triquet •  Module 16: Bieke Abelshausen and Randy van Zichem •  Module 17: Padhu Seshaiyer •  Module 18: Fred Mednick and Andy Plak COHORT 1 STUDENTS: please see the description of your internship and lesson plan requirements under Year 3: Ready, Set, Teach!



Prepared by Dr. Fred Mednick: Ver. VI_22 September

Course Descriptions

Year 1: High Tech, High-Touch, High-Teach OBJECTIVES   OBJECTIVES  High-Tech = the ability of ICTs to multiply teacher effectiveness and accelerate efficiency.  High-Tech =  High Touch = Touch = the importance of hands-on learning in a supportive environment.  High-Teach =  High-Teach  = a focus on student achievement and successful classrooms   





Demonstrate efficiency and effectiveness for educators through ICT Show how ICTs help develop higher order thinking skills among learners Engage in 21st century collaborative problem-solving and group projects Launch e-Portfolios to document teaching excellence and impacts Prepare for practice teaching in Year 2 

These two modules shall be combined for Cohort 3, which begins in January, 2017

Module 1: E-Learning Platform This course s. introduces 21st Century skillsaccess required forcourse ICT-enhanced and effectiveness. effectivenes We will begin by ensuring to the platform,classroom providedefficiency by Canvas. Then, the six modules of this course center around concepts such as comfort with ICTs, blogs, websites, ICT-enhanced collaboration, problem-solving, and student-centered student-centere d learning. We will work in groups to provide hands-on demonstrations of what these concepts mean in the classroom. We will discuss and create e-Portfolios so that students can chart their professional growth and demonstrate competence in skills throughout the degree program.

Module 2: ICT-Enhanced 21st Century Learning We will explore ICT tools designed to enhance brain-storming strategies, collaboration, creativity, affinity mapping, and design thinking. Technology activities will enhance skill levels of teachers by focusing attention on how and when to use particular tools to meet particular needs in the classrooms. Students will work on projects that they can use in the classroom so that they are familiar with what their students will experience.

Module 3: Personalized and Self-Regulated Learning This module centers around ICT-facilitated habits of mind, communication, active learning, extended learning opportunities. student-centered learning, authentic assessment, and inquiry based learning. learni ng. We will review re view scenarios scenari os from Suriname to determine the degree to which these concepts can be put in place in classrooms.

Module 4: ICT Examples of Student Learning This module asks essential questions about how ICTs and 21st century pedagogies can, indeed, result in enhanced student learning. We will explore examples of research from around the world and determine how they might fit the context of Suriname. We will work through vetted resources from TACCLE2.eu for STEM, language instruction, and other key competencies. competencie s. This module sets us up for work in Year 2, where the focus will be on subject-matter mastery, based upon the expectations of Suriname’s national educational goals.



Prepared by Dr. Fred Mednick: Ver. VI_22 September

Module 5: Problem-Solving and Simulation This module’s focus on problem solving and simulation helps emerging and working teachers expand their capacity to transform their classrooms into active learning laboratories. It begins with more brainstorming techniques, then moves into the Japanese iterative process of Lesson Study, in which students work in groups to plan, teach, reflect, and share their work. From there, students take a lesson into the community so that they can demonstrate the capacity for learning outside, as well as inside, the classroom.

Module 6: E-Portfolios - Public Evidence of Professional Competence In this module, we work on e-Portfolios in order to reflect upon the ICT in Education  journey. We review concepts around e-Portfolios, then provide evidence evi dence of learning learni ng to date: images, stories, examples, videos, assignments. And, equally important, we set the stage for what we need to learn about ICT-enhanced teaching and learning. We will look over templates and find ways in which students can critique each other’s work, ensuring that the skills gained in Year 1 are strengthened. This process will set the stage for students to create a Personalized Learning Plan for their practice teaching in Year 2.

Year 2: Preparation, Practice, Performance OBJECTIVES  







A new lesson-plan format shall connect to the course of study IOL professors will support a transition from the old to new lesson plan Observations will inform new perspectives on actual teaching Opportunitiess to develop curriculum and new lesson plans Opportunitie IOL will ensure that teachers already employed shall introduce curriculum Groups will then transform existing curriculum into 21st century lessons Lessons shall then be presented to mentors and IOL professors

Module 7: Personalized Learning Plans  







Textbooks and curriculum plans distributed by IOL Students will practice lesson-planning through a December 8 assignment Students will be observed by IOL inspectors, mentors, and IIED professors A Module 7 Group Project will focus on 21st century pedagogies Students will revise their e-Portfolios based upon new skills All teachers are required to observe classrooms and submit observation forms All teachers then present their lessons to mentors and IOL professors Teachers will update their e-Portfolios with direct evidence of their skills in ICTs



Prepared by Dr. Fred Mednick: Ver. VI_22 September

Module 8: Lesson Planning and Observations  

Observations in Paramaribo and Nickerie.   Personalized Learning Plans become timelines   Old and new lesson plans: transition   Preparations for peer teaching

Module 9: Special Projects in Science and Technology  

Observations of classrooms using an online form


Group Project on BESTREAMING: Basic Education: Science, Technology, Reading, Engineering, Arts and Mathematics.


Next Generation Festival will advance STEM education to inspire the next generation of scientists and engineers and showcases exhibitors, performers, speakers, partners, sponsors and advisors from all areas of STREAM: academic centers, government agencies, high tech companies, museums and community organizations.

Module 10: Teach Like a Champion! •


Textbooks and curriculum plans are subjected to continued review Exercises based on: "Teach Like a Champion " by Doug Lemov, including field notes, videos, and plug-and-play applications


Continued observations and lesson-planning


Mentorship engagement


IOL requirements begin to be met


Module 11: Practice for Peers and in Schools  

Mentors shall be briefed about new lesson-plan format  format 


Mentors shall work directly with pre-service and in-service teachers to develop lessons  lessons  


Peer and mentor feedback to identify areas of strength and weakness  weakness  


Teaching shall commence in an official capacity to work through IOL requirements  requirements  


A final exam project developed by IOL, based upon 21st century pedagogies  

Module 12: Systems Thinking and Community-Based Education  






Systems thinking in class: framework and tools The introduction of teaching and Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) Area-based learning and asset-based community development (ABCD) Group assignment project to apply systems thinking to tangible problems E-portfolio review

 Teach Like a Champion: http://teachlikeachampion.com/  



Prepared by Dr. Fred Mednick: Ver. VI_22 September

Year 3: Ready, Set, Teach! OBJECTIVES Year 3 demonstrates competencies in lesson planning, curriculum development, and ICTenabled 21st century pedagogies. Students will meet requirements in (a) student teaching for pre-service teachers and communities of practice for employed teachers (b) theories and practices of child development (c) Surinamese culture, and (d) community outreach Pre-service teachers and in-service teachers shall be separated in order to attend to their specific needs. International professors and mentors will work together in the formal evaluation of lesson plans, along with a review of the final e-Portfolio. An educational change project (designed in Module 13 and executed in Module 18) will integrate all aspects of ICT-enhanced teaching practice in order to make an in-depth contribution to curriculum and teaching in Suriname’s schools and communities

Module 13: Internship Requirements, Management of Education Change IOL REQUIREMENTS for STUDENTS SEEKING A BA in ICT in EDUCATION    Those seeking a BA degree are required to complete an internship for 16 weeks,

1x per day (all day). Time-frame to be determined by IOL.

  Those currently teaching will receive support from IOL in the form of an official

letter for school directors so that release time of one full day per week will be granted throughout the period of the internship.

  Students are responsible for working with IOL to make arrangements for

internships, including securing the school and working with an outside mentor and school-based supervisor.


Successful completion of 9 formal lessons implemented in the school where students are interning. interning. required as a graduation require requirement, ment, and the criteria –  based upon the NEW lesson plan introduced during the second ye year. ar.

MODULE on MANAGEMENT of EDUCATIONAL CHANGE  Students will be expected to invent their own innovative practices and show that they can address a community-based problem for which education can create a positive impact. This project will be distinguished for its ICT-enhanced curriculum AND teaching practices. The students can choose whether to focus on school-aged populations or an underserved population, such such as the elderly. The project shall be executed executed in Module 18. ELEMENTS 

  A model that shows the process of building change, including inputs, outputs, the role

of stakeholders, and outcomes expected   An evaluation plan that will be publicly accessible   A plan that relies upon local leadership and ownership   The open and public demonstration of impacts



Prepared by Dr. Fred Mednick: Ver. VI_22 September



IOL professors IIED professors Community organizations Parents



Youth: connect ICT4D at youth and after-school centers to address a specific problem (absenteeism or multi-grade classrooms); create a curriculum and implement it


Public Health: education for water, sanitation, traffic safety, to be integrated into classroom curriculum (science, social studies, etc.)


The Disabled: show how ICT services can identify issues, improve access; build curriculum around best-practice research; find a place for implementation; do not


Seniors: provide a plan for how those over 60 can access ICT services to identify and use practical services; integrate ICTs into existing services. If you create a program, you must create the curriculum, too.


Community Participation and Assessment: establishing community priorities for

advocacy, using ICT tools for public demonstrations of the people’s voice. Create or popularize apps that emphasize inclusion.   Curriculum Development: Development: an active contribution contribution to curriculum development for new textbooks in Suriname, in partnership with the Ministry of Education.


A poster presentation shall take place at IOL at the end of Module 18, open to teachers, school directors, IOL faculty, the Ministry of Education, and the general public, followed by a formal graduation ceremony, at which time a short documentary film of the program will be aired and diplomas distributed to successful graduates. Your e-Portfolio shall include a menu item entitled “Education Change Project,” along with the following sub-pages that describe: o

  Title of Project addressing the gap you want to close or the problem you want to

address, along with details about the before picture, your intervention, and the intended outputs and outcomes


  Objectives and Plan: your overarching goals of what you want to accomplish, and how

you want to go about it (be specific) o

  Change Model: a process that shows inputs, outputs, stakeholders, and outcomes


  Evaluation : of impacts, based upon a set of models

Module 14: Adult Learning and Peer Support  

Criteria for different roles of pre-service and in-service teachers


Workshops on educational leadership and the role of ICT in Education students


Principles of adult learning, essential for coaching colleagues unfamiliar with ICTs



Prepared by Dr. Fred Mednick: Ver. VI_22 September


Case studies designed to use real-life classroom examples to support those teachers


At least 4 formal lessons (IOL) requirements are to be formally observed and completed

Module 15: Textbook Revision and Contribution This module will be devoted to tying together all of Year 1 and 2, plus the first modules of Year 3 into a textbook revision project, to be shared with the school in which pre-service students are either conducting their student teaching and working teachers are participating in their peer communities of practice.  

Time will be allotted to work on the educational change project


Pre-service and working teachers are required to complete close to 8 of their formal lessons


Students will be given a grade level textbook and undergo a process of curriculum review, to be formally submitted to MINOV

Module 16: Peer Teaching for Newer Cohorts /Student Teaching In addition to completing IOL’s formal teaching requirements, ICT in Education students will  be responsible responsib le for teaching a portion of Module Modul e 10 from the Year Ye ar 2 program. Time will be b e made available, as well, to finalize the education change projects.

Module 17: Educational Change Project - Executed This module is devoted to the execution of the project designed in Module 13. Planning time in class will be devoted to all aspects of the program, from design of inputs, outputs, and outcomes to impacts. A review committee will help in the evaluation of the education change project, to be incorporated into one’s formal e-Portfolio.

Module 18: Presentations and Completion of Student Teaching Students educational change to the public. Students willprofessors also be to involved will in anpresent intensetheir counseling process with projects IOL professors, mentors, and IIED focus their career aspirations and to prepare pre-service teachers for their role as advisors to other educators. All educational change projects shall be made available in digital form on this Need to Know website and incorporated into each student’s e-Portfolio. At the end of this module, the ICT in Education students shall be able to prove their excellence as ICT-enabled teachers and shall be in a position to:  

Share experiences through hands-on practice


Building and support a professional network within and beyond their schools


Make a substantial contribution to Suriname’s new momentum toward national standards


Prepare to take their place as teacher leaders and ICT advocates in Suriname’s schools


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