ICRC the Right to Medical Care - Perrin
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The Right to Health in Armed Conflict
Te Rig Rig o o Heal in Armed Armed Conic Conic Pierre Perrin*
Te eecs o war on eal are muliaceed and range rom sriking eecs suc as e wounded, e dead, e epidemics and amine, o less visible ones including e disorganizaion o eal services and, in some cases, eir oal anniilaion. Bo ypes o eecs may resul in umaniarian ragedies wic aec wole populaions. Heal services reac o ese siuaions, owever, e implemenaion o e response sraegies encouners consrains a limi eir eec, especially wen violence is esablised as a war sraegy agains e civilian populaion. Suc acics o osiliies run couner o e umaniarian logic. Heal proessionals are no only responsible or proposing ecnical soluions o resolve eal problems, bu ey also mus use legal means, in paricular roug inernaional umaniarian law (IHL) and inernaional uman rigs, o eecively proec e rig o eal. In is regard, e role and responsibiliies o eal proessionals in ideniying e eecs o weapons wi e view o applying IHL rules on means and meods o warare is a elling example o suc a role, as well as o e complexiy o addressing eal issues in e conex o war.1 In imes o armed conic, bo inernaional umaniarian law and inernaional uman rigs law oer imporan proecions or e rig o eal. Given e various componens o is rig, e applicable legal ramework enails ineracion beween ose wo bodies o norms. Wen considering IHL, i is wor noing a proecion goes beyond specic
The Right to Health in Emergencies
provisions relaed o eal and eal services. I also encompasses norms a indirecly conribue o proecing e rig o eal, suc as e principles and rules governing e means and meods o warare. Wile one may primarily ink o civilians as persons wose eal is aeced by war, combaans are aeced oo. Indeed, IHL rules rs developed by ocusing on ways o alleviae e suering o wounded combaans on e baleeld and o ensure access by eal services o ose persons. Tis caper rs seeks o look a e legal bases o e rig o eal in armed conic o sow a IHL provides or a broad proecion. Second i oers a brie overview o e proecion o is rig in pracice. Finally i gives elemens on e underlying umaniarian and poliical background o undersand e curren evoluion wi respec o e proecion o e rig o eal in armed conic.
Te legal bases o the right to health
Te rig o eal Te rig o eal is undersood as e rig o ave access o eal services. However, i is no an absolue rig, as suc, o be in good eal. Te WHO denes eal services as all aciviies inended o resore and mainain eal. One ereore as o include vaccinaions, medical care, bu also saniary services relaed o waer and ygiene, and a clean environmen under is eading, as well as all aciviies ensuring access o ood resources. Tose “underlying deerminans o eal” imply consideraion o e rig o eal in a broader perspecive, wic is e basis o Aricle 25 o e Universal Declaraion o Human Rigs.5 Te corollary o is rig is e idea a saes are responsible or adoping appropriae saniary and social measures or e populaions o ave eecive access o eal services. 6 Suc obligaions are ound in several legal insrumens, including e Inernaional Covenan on Economic, Social and Culural Rigs (Aricles 12, 24), e Inernaional Convenion on e Eliminaion o All Forms o Racial Discriminaion (Aricle 5), e Convenion on e Eliminaion o All Forms o Discriminaion Agains Women (Aricles 10, 12, and 14), e Convenion on e Rigs o e Cild (Aricle 24). Wile all ese legal insrumens are applicable a all imes, including during armed conic, is caper will ocus primarily on e provisions o inernaional umaniarian law. Having dened e rig o eal as
The Right to Health in Armed Conflict
e rig o access o eal care, i applies o all persons weer ey are wounded or no. As is caper covers siuaions o armed conic owever, i will address mainly e rig o eal or persons, be ey combaans or non-combaans, wo are injured. Te rig o eal in armed conic Wiin possible limis, medicine as always responded o e needs o in jured persons and ried o limi e means and meods o warare, including roug describing and providing experise o beer undersand e eecs o weapons. In is work ‘On Te Pysician’, Hippocraes reers o war injuries as an area o surgical specializaion. 7 Based on repors o e consequences on eal o e use o nuclear weapons, wo pysicians, a Russian and an American, launced e idea o an associaion o medical docors o preven a nuclear war. Tis idea was e origin o e creaion o e organizaion called Inernaional Pysicians or e Prevenion o Nuclear War in Geneva. In 1985, is associaion received e Nobel Peace Prize or making people aware o e caasropic consequences a nuclear conic would enail. Te developmen o IHL, in paricular roug e Firs Geneva Convenion,8 was aimed a proecing and caring or persons injured during armed conic, rsly combaans. Tis consiued a major urning poin in modern umaniarian inking and oered a legal ramework or providing assisance o e wounded in wars.9 In parallel, various legal insrumens were elaboraed wi a view o limiing e means o warare, and o orbid e use o cerain weapons. In 1863, during e American Civil War, e Lieber Code 10 was elaboraed, limiing e miliary’s means o warare. Several inernaional insrumens were laer adoped, proibiing e use o expanding bulles, 11 biological 1 and cemical weapons.1 Suc regulaions are relevan wen considering eal issues in armed conics. Aloug e Inernaional Cour o Jusice, ollowing a reques by e World Heal Organizaion on e legaliy o e use o nuclear weapons, ruled in is 1996 advisory opinion a suc reques did no relae o a quesion wic arises wiin e scope o WHO aciviies,1 is nding was limied o e purpose o assessing e condiions o le a reques or an advisory opinion. I does no mean a IHL norms regarding means and meods o warare are no relevan rules oering a proecion o e rig o eal agains e eecs o cerain weapons.
The Right to Health in Emergencies
Tis dual approach – to provide care and to prevent the eects o weapons – has been consistent throughout the development of the law of armed
Protecting the right to health through international humanitarian law
Numerous aspecs o inernaional umaniarian law address e proecion o e rig o eal in armed conic; ey concern e proecion o e rig o be given care and e proecion o essenial services o mainain eal. Te 1977 Addiional Proocol I saes a: “… all the wounded, sick and shipwrecked, to whichever Party they belong, shall be respected and protected. In all circumstances they shall be treated
umanely and sall receive, o e ulles exen pracicable and wi e leas possible delay, e medical care and aenion required by eir condiion. Tere sall be no disincion among em ounded on any grounds oer an medical ones.” 15
Several aricles in e Geneva Convenions and eir Addiional Proocols proec medical srucures and medical personnel. I is orbidden o aack ospials, and medical sa mus be able o perorm eir work wiou any discriminaion wasoever.16 Proecion is also required or essenial services aimed a mainaining eal, namely ood, drinking waer, ygienic measures, and abia. o ensure suc proecion, i is orbidden o aack or desroy ese services, or o render em inoperable. Wi respec o access o ood, i is orbidden o aack ood socks, agriculural zones, arvess, cale, and irrigaion insallaions.17 Inernaional umaniarian law also conains rules regarding e responsibiliies o e paries o e conic. For insance, in case o occupied erriories, e occupying power as e duy o ensure and mainain e medical and ospial esablismens and services, public eal and ygiene in e occupied erriory in cooperaion wi e naional auoriies.18 Restrictions on the means and methods of warfare
Resricions on e means and meods o warare, be ey roug general principles or roug specic rules covering paricular weapons, are also relevan wen considering e proecion o e rig o eal in armed con-
The Right to Health in Armed Conflict
ic. Tese resricions aec a range o aspecs, rom e eecs o weapons a may impac upon e eal o combaans, o e indirec eecs on civilians. I is or example orbidden o use amine as a weapon o war. 19 Pillaging, and poisoning o waer supplies, is also proibied. Te developmen and use o weapons is an area were e inerace beween e law and eal is paricularly imporan. In is regard, e eal impac o a weapon is used in order o assess e eecs o a weapon wen deermining weer i causes superuous injury or unnecessary suering. Tis rule also requires medical consideraions o be applied in order o ideniy e naure o e eecs o a means o warare. Moreover, e qualiy and availabiliy o ospials and eal services in e enemy area may be an elemen o ake ino accoun wen assessing e superuous or unnecessary caracer o e eecs o a weapon compared o is miliary uiliy, depending on e peculiariy o e eec. For example, i a pary o a conic as no means o rea a paricular ype o injury, i may be relevan in applying e proibiion o superuous injury or unnecessary suering rule. Recenly, several umaniarian organizaions 0 ave sown a civilian populaions are paricularly aeced by e use o cluser muniions. 1 “Cluster munitions are weapons that spread hundreds of tiny explosive
devices over wide areas and leave idden unexploded bombles a keep on killing or many years. In modern wars, civilians pay a ig price rom e use o suc weapons.”
In May 2008, 107 saes adoped a dra Convenion on Cluser Muniions wic eecively proibis e use, producion and ranser o all exising ypes o cluser muniions. Te dra Convenion esablises imporan commimens regarding assisance o vicims, clearance o conaminaed areas and desrucion o sockpiles. Furer, e adopion o e Proocol on Explosive Remnans o War in 2003 obliges e paries o e conic o remove all explosive remnans. Tis is a sep orward in e proecion o e populaions in e pos-conic pase, bu e essenial issue ere is o proec e civilian populaion during e conic. More and more, governmens and oer acors are commiing o proibiions on suc weapons, since eir use goes agains e principle o disincion beween miliary objecives and e civilian populaion/objecs.
The Right to Health in Emergencies
Te problem o landmines and explosive remnans o war sows e difculies encounered in e eors o ban weapons aving armul pos-conic eecs, paricularly wen ey are already being widely used. I is preerable o adop a sraegy o primary prevenion, wi a view o proibiing e developmen o cerain weapons rig rom e iniial concep, i eir poenial eecs violae e principles o inernaional umaniarian law. Tis approac ad been successully adoped or banning e use o blinding laser weapons. Inernaional umaniarian law and uman rigs law is expressed in a variey o legal insrumens a are applicable in armed conics. Tese siuaions are oen accompanied by displacemens o e populaions o a counry oer an a o eir origin. Tese populaions may be specically proeced by exra proecions under e 1951 Reugee Convenion and is Proocol o 1967, wic dene e responsibiliies o saes vis-à-vis reugees, and e Guiding Principles on Inernal Displacemen, wic ses ou e siuaion vis-à-vis inernally displaced persons (IDPs).5 Heal sa can also ave recourse o e recommendaions o e World Medical Associaion (WMA). Wile ese are no binding legal insrumens in e sric sense o e erm, ey ouline e posiion o e medical proession on difcul problems suc as orure, 6 or economic embargoes,7 wic are someimes encounered in armed conics. Moreover, a cerain number o recommendaions concern armed conic direcly.8 For insance, e WMA denes e posiion o eal personnel in e case o surgical riage,9 wic may resul in limied access o care or cerain groups o wounded. Tis eical ramework complemens e legal ramework, so as o elp eal sa “o work or e iges possible sandards o eical beaviour and care by pysicians, a all imes”.0
Tese examples give a general overview o e legal ramework a exiss o ensure e proecion o e rig o eal in armed conic. Te en joyment o this right depends on the willingness o the parties involved in
ese siuaions o carry ou eir responsibiliies in is regard.
The Right to Health in Armed Conflict
In practice: Protection o the right to health in armed confict
For e rig o eal o be respeced, eal services mus uncion correcly and populaions mus ave access o em. Te responsibiliies wiin eal services Providing appropriae care o persons aeced by armed conic is e responsibiliy o naional (miliary and civilian) auoriies. Depending on e willingness and capaciy o e auoriies o ace is responsibiliy, umaniarian organizaions concerned wi eal care sould adop a sraegy a combines e ollowing various approaces: Reminding e auoriies o eir responsibiliy by reerring o e rules o inernaional umaniarian law and uman rigs law, in paricular wen e auoriies appear insufcienly concerned abou populaions a are aeced by e conic, specically e ones a e iges risk, suc as prisoners and deainees. Supporing naional eal services wi a view o assising em in responding o e needs o e civilian populaion. O course, e auoriies sill need o ave a minimum uncional capaciy and be willing o cooperae wi umaniarian organizaions. Providing direc care o e populaions concerned. Tis approac mus no conribue o relieving e auoriies rom eir responsibiliy. Te las approac is required wen e capaciy o e naional eal services is overaxed by e increase in demand or eal services (or example, roug massive displacemens o people), deerioraion due o srucural problems (dysuncional governmen or insufcien budge allocaions or eal services), eal personnel eeing or securiy reasons, or e reusal o auoriies o provide eal assisance o cerain groups o people based on enic, poliical, religious or oer crieria. “… i circumstances cause it to provide services to the aected populations,
e ICRC does no ave e vocaion o subsiue e responsibiliies o e auoriies. I will coninue is eors owards e laer so a ey ake care o ese services and us ully ull eir obligaions.” 1
The Right to Health in Emergencies
Te inerace beween e auoriies and umaniarian organizaions depends on e applicable legal rameworks; us, in non-inernaional armed conics, umaniarian organizaions may oer eir services o e auoriies based on e rig o iniiaive, and on e poliical willingness o e auoriies o give access o e people o umaniarian organizaions.
Te good uncioning o eal services is a rs, necessary sage or obaining respec or e rig o eal, bu eal services mus also be accessible o all persons wiou discriminaion.
Responsibiliies or proecing access o eal services In many armed conics, people no longer ave access o eal services or dieren reasons, suc as: Insecuriy wic limis e access o eal aciliies: “[Te] Mortality rate was higher in unstable eastern provinces, showing the
eec o insecuriy. Mos deas were rom easily prevenable and reaable illnesses raer an violence. Regression analysis suggesed a i e eecs o violence were removed, all-cause moraliy could all o almos normal raes”.
Discriminaion a e poin o access o eal aciliies, based on enic, religious, poliical, or oer acors: “… these conficts are oten characterized by rampant and gross disrespect
or e principle o medical neuraliy, wic guaranees e provision o eal care wiou discriminaion o all injured and sick combaans and civilians in ime o conic”.
Access o eal services depends on weer e paries o e conic ake all measures required o ensure ree access o eal aciliies. Te role o umaniarian organizaions is o assess weer people do ave access o eal services and, i necessary, o ideniy e obsacles wic inder
The Right to Health in Armed Conflict
suc access. Based on is analysis, umaniarian organizaions sould iniiae e ollowing: Dialogue wi all paries concerned: Wi e paries o e conic, o remind em o eir responsibiliies and o reques a measures be aken wi a view o ensuring e securiy o e populaion. Respecing e principles o inernaional umaniarian law requires a all ose bearing arms be inormed o e applicable sandards. eacing e basic rules o inernaional umaniarian law is ereore a rs sep. Wi eal sa, o remind em o e rules o inernaional umaniarian law and o e eical recommendaions applicable o e medical proession. Mobilizing e inernaional communiy by means o declaraions, repors, inervenions wi muliple players (saes, media, non-governmenal organizaions …) wo ave inuence in a given conex, wi e ob jecive o exering pressure on e paries o e conic and o encourage em o guaranee access o eal services. Humaniarian organizaions can sidesep e prerogaives o auoriies and oer eal services wiou e approval o e laer. Tis approac as been a e origin o e “wiou borders” movemens. As one observes a radicalizaion o violence in armed conics, 5 ere ollows a cerain “radicalizaion” in e proecion o e rig o eal, wic is inegraed ino e sraegies a include proecion by armed means o ensure e direc proecion o persons. For example, e “umaniarian inervenion” approac is used, or “le droit d’ingérence”, based on eical consideraions regarding e obligaion o provide care o people in emergency eal siuaions. Suc inervenions may serve o mainain peace or o resore peace. “Most United Nations multi-dimensional peacekeeping operations are
ereore mandaed o promoe and proec uman rigs by monioring and elping o invesigae uman rigs violaions and/or developing e capaciy o naional acors and insiuions o do so on eir own.” 6
The Right to Health in Emergencies
Te decisions o esablis peacekeeping orces o proec populaions are based on poliical and umaniarian acors. Waever e sare o one or e oer may be, eal consideraions will play an imporan role. In a sudy on moraliy in e Democraic Republic o e Congo (DRC), e auors recommended an increase o e UN peacekeeping orces o g insecuriy, wic is e main acor a prevens populaions rom accessing eal services in imes o armed conic.7 Tis ype o epidemiological sudy as a posiive impac on poliical decisions, especially wen ey are conduced wi a ig degree o proessionalism. Following a sudy on moraliy in Iraq,8 e respecive poliical players ried o discredi e resuls o e sudy by criicizing e meod used o gaer daa. 9 Tere is a risk o ocusing e discussion on e meods, insead o on e recommendaions o overcome e problems encounered.
Tere is an ineracion beween umaniarian and poliical aciviies. In e sor erm, is endency may ave repercussions on e percepion o e responsibiliies o e players in armed conics.
Te protection o the right to health in armed confict: What is its evolution?
wo acors ave o be considered: Inegraion o e rig o eal in e general concep o “uman securiy”; and Te searc or some consisency beween e poliical and umaniarian managemen o armed conics. Te rig o eal and uman securiy Te rig o eal and oer undamenal uman rigs are inerrelaed. Te dieren violaions o e pysical and menal inegriy o persons (orure, ill reamen, sexual violence, muilaions, ec.), and aacks on e social inegriy o populaions (enic purges, orced reselemens, breaking up o amilies, ec.), all ave dramaic consequences or eal. In more
The Right to Health in Armed Conflict
general erms, eal proessionals eel a i would be uneical o care or people wiou also aking ino accoun e serious violaions o uman rigs and IHL, o wic ey could also be vicims. For some years now, is global approac o uman rigs as been ound in e concep o uman securiy, wic allows or e inegraion o all dimensions o uman rigs.0 Te searc or coerence beween e poliical and umaniarian approaces o armed conic Te poliical managemen o armed conics, and eir umaniarian consequences, are increasingly considered o be an exercise a needs o be conduced in a coordinaed manner. Te curren rend is o searc or coerence beween e andling o armed conic and is umaniarian consequences: “Te original concep o coerence envisioned a collecive rallying o military, political, economic and humanitarian assets to suppor t peace and security. It assumed a common understanding o the nature and dynamics o confict between these dierent domains, and a shared vision o the means
o resolving suc conic and o e naure o peace.” 1
In pracice, is global sraegy designed o ensure e proecion o uman securiy will require inervenions rom several angles: “Civilians are the main casualties in conficts. Both norms and mech anisms
o proec civilians sould be srengened. Tis requires compreensive and integrated strategies, linking political, military, humanitarian, and de-
velopmen aspecs.”
Tis inegraion as repercussions on e specic sraegies or proecing e rig o eal. For insance, prevening eal problems in e conex o massive populaion reselemens primarily ress on making e zones were ese populaions live sae, in order o preven em rom aving o move or reasons o insecuriy. I, in spie o everying, evacuaions are unavoidable and people nd emselves in camps, ensuring eir saey is an essenial elemen or e prevenion o violaions o eir undamenal rigs, and also o allow or e regular organizaion o medical assisance.
The Right to Health in Emergencies
Inegraion also as repercussions or e saring o responsibiliies beween e paries involved in armed conic. o guaranee access o eal services, we nd ourselves in a wo-way ow o responsibiliies beween civilian organizaions (NGOs, specialized UN organizaions), and e miliary eier under a UN mandae (peacekeeping orces), or acing wiin e ramework o agreemens wi naional auoriies (or example, e Unied Saes in Iraq). Te inegraion o poliical and umaniarian aciviies wiin a common sraegy is no wiou risk. Humaniarian organizaions will ave difculy in disinguising emselves rom e poliical acors, wo are paries in is sraegy, and consequenly o comply wi e principle o neuraliy vis-à-vis e paries o e conic. Te nancing o umaniarian inervenions by donor counries runs e risk o being condiioned by e progress acieved in e poliical andling o e armed conic. A cerain conusion may arise in e minds o e populaion regarding e percepion o e mandaes. For insance, in Aganisan e Inernaional Securiy Assisance Force (ISAF) mission is o assis e Agan governmen and e inernaional communiy in mainaining securiy. In pracice, is means a ere will be join inervenions beween ISAF orces and e Agan police, and e Civil Miliary Cooperaion (CIMIC) projecs concerning educaion, eal, and drinking waer.5 Tis mix o aciviies creaes some conusion relaing o e percepion o e mandaes, bo among e populaion and e auoriies. OXFAM noes: “As a resul o e U.S. engaging in ‘aid or inormaion’, Oxam was orced o close is program in Kandaar in 2003 … Communiies a we work wi ave become conused as e lines beween aid agencies and e miliary ave become blurred in Aganisan.”6 In an aemp o avoid is conusion, some coerence will ave o be soug, bo a e poliical and e umaniarian levels. In e poliical andling o armed conics, e Unied Naions Organizaion plays is role wi regard o bilaeral inervenions. In e andling o umaniarian maers a arise as a consequence o armed conic, e curren reorms o e UN sysem ave e objecive o acieving greaer coerence in e realm o umaniarian acion. In e more specic area o eal, e emergence o e World Heal Organizaion (WHO) as a player in emergency siuaions, including ose
The Right to Health in Armed Conflict
arising rom armed conics, as given i a cerain ormalized credibiliy due o is saus as ead o e eal cluser. In 2008, e declaraion o e WHO concerning e siuaion in e Gaza srip no only indicaes a e WHO akes par in e analysis o eal problems in siuaions o armed conic, bu also a i ries o acieve some coerence wi is poliical managemen: “WHO urges and requess: 1.
Access of all urgent patients to specialized medical care outside the
Gaza srip, wiou unnecessary delays wic reduce eir possibiliy o surviving; 2. Free and unindered passage ino Gaza o all necessary medical equipmen, drugs, and consumables; 3. Provision o sufcien amouns o uel and elecriciy or e Gaza srip o ensure e ull uncioning o ospials, ambulances, generaors, waer and saniaion sysems, and oer vial inrasrucures; 4. Availabiliy o primary and secondary eal care, waer and ood or people living under curew wiin e Gaza srip. WHO advocaes or all paries concerned o bring o an immediae end all military operations and resume peace negotiations. Furthermore, WHO
calls all paries involved o abide by and conorm wi e Inernaional Humaniarian Laws and e Human Rigs reaies including e respec and ullmen o e rig o eal.” 7
Te proecion o e rig o eal in armed conic requires reliance on a legal ramework a recognizes e many aces o is rig. Wile IHL inegraes specic consideraions, sriking a balance beween umaniarian consideraions and miliary necessiy, uman rigs law remains relevan o complemen IHL in order o ll e poenial gaps. Considering e curren and uure evoluion o armed conics and eir impac on eal, i is no longer a maer o inking in erms o managing e umaniarian consequences o war, bu raer o aving o coose beween war or eal, because e consequences o war on e rig o eal will no longer be manageable or e medical corps.
The Right to Health in Emergencies
Heal proessionals are also responsible or paricipaing in e elaboraion o a rue sraegy or e prevenion o conics. In pracice, ey can conribue o is goal by: Raionally using e epidemiological ools o promoe eal concerns in e conex o curren and uure armed conics. Exercising eir abiliy o inuence poliical players. Conrolling researc and bioecnological work, or example roug eical commiees, o ensure suc researc will no be applied owards developing new weapons. Paradoxically, one major risk may derive rom medical researc: Te use o geneically engineered germs, or even germs produced by nanoecnology, would ave eecs on e populaion, wic would exend beyond any erapeuic capaciy. Only a sraegy o prevening armed conics will allow us o saeguard e rig o eal or uure generaions.
is caper was originally wrien by e auor in Frenc and ranslaed ino Englis by Salomé Hangarner. e auor would like o acknowledge wi graiude eo Bouruce or is conribuion o is caper. See, or example, Robin Coupland, ‘e eecs o weapons and e Solerino cycle’ 319(7214) British Medical Journal (1999), a 864–865. Commiee on Economic, Social and Culural Rigs (CESCR), General Commen No. 14 on e
4 5
rig o e iges aainable sandard o eal, 11 Augus 2000, UN Doc. E/C.12/2000/4, a paras. 9 and 11. See urer p://www.wo.in/opics/eal_ services/en/. CESCR, supra noe 2. Aricle 25 o e Universal Declaraion o Human Rigs reads: 1. Everyone as e rig o a sandard o living adequae or e eal and well-being o imsel
The Right to Health in Armed Conflict
and o is amily, including ood, cloing, ousing, and medical care and necessary social services, and e rig o securiy in e even o unemploymen, sickness, disabiliy, widowood, old age or oer lack o liveliood in circumsances beyond is conrol. 2. Moerood and cildood are eniled o special care and assisance. All cildren, weer born in or ou o wedlock, sall enjoy e same social proecion. Preamble o e Consiuion o e World Heal Organizaion (WHO) (1946), available a p:// www.wo.in/gb/bd/PDF/bd46/e-bd46_p2.pd. Hippocraes, On The Physician, 14: “Surgery concerning e injuries by war weapons is relaed o our opic, insoar as i as o do wi e exracion o arrows.” Firs Geneva Convenion or e Amelioraion o e Condiion o e Wounded in Armies in e Field (1864). Te IHL rules or proecing non-combaans in armed conics are conained in e our Geneva Convenions o 1949 and eir wo Addiional Proocols o 1977. IHL depends on classiying a conic as eier an inernaional armed conic or a non-inernaional conic. Inernaional armed conics are ose in wic a leas wo saes are opposing eac oer. Tese conics are ruled by a vas range o rules, among em e ones saed in e Geneva Convenions o 1949 and e addiional Proocol I o 1977. In non-inernaional armed conics, dissiden armed orces are conroning eac oer on e erriory o a single sae, or armed groups are ging eac oer. More limied rules, overall, are applicable o is ype o conic. Insrucions or e Governmen o Armies o e Unied Saes in e Field (1863). Declaraion (IV, 3) concerning Expanding Bulles (1899), available a p://www.icrc.org/il.ns/ FULL/170?OpenDocumen. Convenion on e Proibiion o e Developmen, Producion and Sockpiling o Baceriological (Biological) and oxin Weapons and on eir Desrucion (1972), available a p://www.icrc. org/il.ns/FULL/450?OpenDocumen.
Convenion on e proibiion o e developmen, producion, sockpiling and use o cemical weapons and on eir desrucion (1993), available a p://www.icrc.org/il.ns/INRO/ 553?OpenDocumen.
Legality of the Use by a State of Nuclear Weapons in Armed Conflicts, I. C. J. Repors (1996), para. 31.
18 19
Aricle 10, Firs Addiional Proocol o e Geneva Convenions (1977). Aricle 12, paragrap 1, and Aricle 15, paragrap 1 o e Firs Addiional Proocol o e Geneva Convenions; Aricle 19 o e Four Geneva Convenion, Aricle 15 o e Firs Addiional Proocol and Aricle 11 o e Second Addiional Proocol. “Sarvaion o civilians as a meod o comba is proibied. I is ereore proibied o aack, desroy, remove or render useless, or a purpose, objecs indispensable o e survival o e civilian populaion, suc as oodsus, agriculural areas or e producion o oodsus, crops, livesock, drinking waer insallaions and supplies and irrigaion works”: Aricle 14, Second Addiional Proocol o e Geneva Convenions. Aricle 56 o e Four Geneva Convenion. Aricle 14, Second Addiional Proocol o e Geneva Convenions. Inernaional Commiee o e Red Cross (ICRC), Handicap Inernaional, Human Rigs Wac, Unied Naions Mine Acion Service. Cluser muniions are deined as “all ammuniions or explosive carges designed o blow up a a speciic momen aer aving been launced or ejeced rom a paren cluser muniion”: 10th Ses sion o e Group o Governmen Expers o e Paries o e 1980 Convenion on Cerain Classical Weapons, 8 Marc 2005. Human Rigs Wac, Cluster Weapons: Scourge of Civilians, 23 Sepember 2008. ICRC, Cluster Munitions: Decades of Failure, Decades of Civilian Suffering (Geneva: ICRC, 2008), available a p://www.icrc.org/web/eng/sieen g0.ns/ml/p0946. Proocol on Blinding Laser Weapons, Proocol IV o e 1980 Convenion on Cerain Convenional Weapons (1995).
The Right to Health in Emergencies
37 38
See urer p://www.uncr.c/ml/menu2/ 7/b/principles.m. okyo Declaraion o e World Medical Associaion Direcives or pysicians concerning orure and oer punismens or cruel, inumane or debasing reamens in e conex o deenion or imprisonmen. World Medical Associaion Resoluion on Economic Embargoes and Heal (1997). World Medical Associaion Regulaions in imes o Armed Conlic (1956). World Medical Associaion Saemen on Medical Eics in e Even o Disasers (2006). World Medical Associaion Mission Saemen, available a p://www.wma.ne/e/abou/index. m#mission. ICRC, ‘Assisance Policy’, reproduced in 855 International Review of the Red C ross (2004), a 677–693. Common Aricle 3 o e our Geneva Convenions. Benjamin Coglan, Ricard J. Brennan e al. ‘Moraliy in e Democraic Republic o e Congo: A Naionwide Survey’ 367 The Lancet (2006), a 44–51. World Heal Organizaion (WHO), 25 Questions on Health and Human Rights (Geneva: WHO, 2002), available a p://www.wo.in/eniy/ r/NEW37871OMSOK.pd. Repor o e Secreary-General o e Unied Naions on e Proecion o Civilians in Armed Conlic, 28 November 2005, UN Doc. No. s/2007/643. Jean-Marie Guéenno, Under-Secreary-General or Peacekeeping Operaions, Unied Naions Peace Keeping Operaions: Principles and Guidelines, Marc 2008. Coglan, supra noe 33. Gilber Burnam, Riyad Laa, Sannon Doocy, Les Robers, ‘Moraliy aer e 2003 invasion o Iraq: A cross-secional cluser sample survey’, 368(9546) The Lancet (2006), a 1421–1428. U.S. Presiden George Bus dismissed e meodology as “prey well discredied”: CNN,
‘Sudy: War Blamed or 665 000 Iraqi Deas’, 11 Ocober 2006. Ausralian Prime Miniser Jon Howard said: “I’s no plausible, i’s no based on anying oer an a ouse-o-ouse survey …”: Ausralian Broadcasing corporaion, ‘Repor reignies debae over uman cos o Iraq war ’, The World Today, uesday, 27 Marc 2007. Perrin Pierre, ‘Sané publique e sécurié dans les urgences complexes’ 25 Refugee Survey Quarterly (2006), a 35–41. Humaniarian Policy Group, ‘e Poliics o Coerence: Humaniarianism and Foreign Policy in e Pos-Cold War Era’, Brieing Paper 1, July 2000, available a www.odi.org.uk/pg/papers/ pgbrie1.pd. Commission on Human Securiy, Human Security Now (New York: Commission on Human Securiy, 2003), available a p://www.umansecuriycs.org/inalrepor/index.ml. e Inernaional Securiy Assisance Force (ISAF) is NAO’s irs mission ouside e Euro Alanic area. ISAF operaes in Aganisan under a UN mandae and will coninue o operae according o curren and uure UN Securiy Council resoluions. Civil Miliary Cooperaion (CIMIC) Projecs are developed by NAO o reinorce cooperaion beween NAO and e civilian auoriies o e populaion. NAO, ‘NAO in Aganisan: Facsee’, July 2007, available a p://www.nao.in/issues/ aganisan/040628-acsee.m. Caroline Green, OXFAM spokesperson, commens repored by Inernaional Iner Press Service, Augus 2004. WHO, ‘Saemen on e siuaion in Gaza’, 3 Marc 2008, available a www.wo.in/eniy/ ac/crises/inernaional/middle_eas/WHO%20 saemen%20on%20siuaion%20in%20Gaza. pd.
Autho r s
viously she has worked as human rights offic-
Pierre Perrin, MD, MPH, is an Associate Professor
er with the UN Human Rights Field Operation in
at the University Medical Centre,
Rwanda (1995–1996), and with the international
Geneva, Switzerland. He has been
commissions of inquiry on Darfur (2004) and on
an Associate Professor at the Insti-
Lebanon (2006). Lisa holds degrees in criminolo-
tut de Médecine Sociale et Préven-
gy (1992) and in law (1995) from the University of
tive since 1998. Dr. Perrin is a grad-
Alberta, Canada, and has been a member of the
uate of the Medical Faculty of
Law Society of Alberta since 1997. She received
Rennes. He obtained a Master of Public Health
her Diplôme d’Etudes Supérieures in Interna-
from Johns Hopkins University (Baltimore,
tional Law from the Graduate Institute of Inter-
USA). From 1975 to 1979, he carried out several
national Studies in Geneva in 1999.
missions on behalf of Médecins Sans Frontières in refugee camps in Africa and Asia. In 1980, he
Francis Omaswa is the Executive Director of the Af-
joined the staff of the International Committee
rican Centre for Global Health and
of the Red Cross, working in the field and in Ge-
Social Transformation (CHEST), an
neva. In 1996, he was nominated Physician in
independent “think-tank and net-
Chief of the ICRC, a position he held until leaving
work” initiative promoted by a net-
the ICRC at the end of 2006. In 1986, on behalf of
work of African and International
the ICRC and in cooperation with the WHO and
leaders in health and development.
the University of Geneva, he created the course
Until May 2008, he was the founding Executive
HELP (Health Emergencies in L arge Populations)
Director of the Global Health Workforce Alliance
to train health professionals for missions. In -
(GHWA). This work culminated in the first ever
itially, the course was given annually in Geneva,
global forum on human resources for health and
in English, but currently the three week training
the Kampala Declaration and Agenda for Global
course is offered seven times per year: In Switzer-
Action that now guides the global response on
land, the USA (2×), Japan, Benin (French), South
health workforce development. Before joining
Africa, and Mexico (Spanish). He holds numerous
GHWA, he was the Director General for Health
academic positions: Associate at the Johns Hop-
Services in the Ministry of Health in Uganda, dur-
kins School of Public Health; Associate Professor
ing which time he was responsible for coordinat-
at the Faculty of Law and Political Sciences of Aix-
ing major reforms in the health sector in Uganda.
Marseille; Guest Professor at the Université Libre
At the global level he was Vice-Chairman of the
of Brussels (2007–2008). He has been granted
Global Stop TB Partnership, Chair of the Portfolio
The Distinguished Alumnus Award 2004 from the
and Procurement Committee of the Global Fund
Alumni Association of Johns Hopkins University.
Board and a member of the steering committee of the High L evel Forum on health-related MDGs
Helen de Pinho is from South Africa where she
and has served as an adviser to governments in
trained as a physician, specialized
developing and developed countries. Dr. Omaswa
in public health, and completed an
is a graduate of Makerere Medical School, Kam-
MBA focusing on management edu-
pala, Uganda, a Fellow of the Royal College of
cation and systems thinking. She
Surgeons of Edinburgh, founding President of the
has worked as a health service man-
College of Surgeons of East, Central and South-
ager in the areas of reproductive
ern Africa and is a Senior Associate at the Johns
health, HIV/AIDS and health service delivery in
Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health.
both rural and urban areas of South Africa. In addition, she was a senior lecturer in the School of
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