LO 1. Recog Recogniz nize e the di diere erent nt type typess of compu compute terr LO 2. 2. Idenf Idenfy y the the types types and purpos purpose e of input input devices LO 3. Idenf Idenfy y tthe he part partss and and func funcons ons of processing device LO 4. 4. Idenf Idenfy y the the types types and purp purpose ose of outpu outputt devices LO 5. 5. Idenf Idenfy y the the types types and purp purpose ose of stora storage ge devices LO 6. Idenf Idenfy y tthe he type typess and and purp purpose osess of soware LO 7. 7. Apply Apply basic basic troubl troublesh eshoo oong ng te techn chniqu iques es LO 8. 8. LO 9. LO 10. LO 11. LO 12. LO 13. 13.
72 hours
Presen Presentt crite criteria ria in buyi buying ng a comput computer er Ex Explo plore re the Micro Microso so Windo Windows ws XP environment Work Work with a typical typical window window Browse the hierarchy hierarchy structure of les, les, folders and drives Customize Customize system system se sengs ngs Ulize Ulize common common applicao applicaon n soware SECOND YEAR
Working with Microso
LO 1. 1.
Introd Intr oduc uce e Micr Micros oso o Oc Oce e Wo Word rd 200 2003 3 applicaon
Oce 2003
LO 2. LO 3. LO 4. 4. LO 5. LO 6.
Cr Crea eate te an and d edi editt doc docum umen entt Form Format at co cont nten entt and and para paragr grap aphs hs Format d do ocument Org rga aniz nize cont ontent Mana nag ge docu docum ment ntss
Working With Microso Oce Excel 2003
LO 1. 1. LO 2. LO 3. LO 4. LO 5. 5.
Introd Intr oduc uce e spre spread adsh shee eett appl applic ica aon on Crea Create te wor workb kboo ook k in di die ere rent nt way wayss Crea Create te and and edi editt dat data a in a work worksh shee eett Modif Modify y ttabl able e stru structu ctures res and cell cell forma formats ts Mani Manipu pula late te dat data a usin using g form formul ulas as and and worksheet funcons
LO 6.
Draw Draw simp simple le conclu conclusio sions ns and creat create e cchar harts ts
36 hours
36 hours
LO 7.
based on tabular data Mana nag ge wor ork kboo books THIRD YEAR
Working With Microso
LO 1. 1.
Introd Intr oduc uce e Micr Micros oso o Oc Oce e Pow Power erPo Poin intt 2003
Oce PowerPoint 2003
LO 2. 2. LO 3. LO 4. LO 5. LO 6. LO 7. 7.
Crea Create te pre prese sent nta aon on in di dier eren entt ways ways En Ente terr ccon onte tent ntss iin n a pres presen enta tao on n Form Format at co cont nten entt of of a pres presen enta tao on n Inse Insert rt gr grap aphi hics cs a and nd cha chart rtss Enhan nhance ce th the e pre prese sent nta aon on Mana Manage ge and and del deliv iver er the the pre prese sent nta aon on
Exploring the Web and Network
LO 1.
Recog Recogniz nize e netw network ork fundam fundament entals als and the benets and risks of network compung Dete Determ rmin ine e the the rela relao ons nshi hip p betw betwee een n computer networks, other communicaons networks (like the telephone network) and the Internet Us Use e web web browsi browsing ng applic applicao aon n ssow oware are in accessing informaon on the Internet Search Search the Intern Internet et for inform informa aon on u usin sing g search engine Iden Id enf fy y how how e-ma e-mail il wor works ks and and rel relat ated ed “nequee” Idenf Idenfy y how how comput computers ers and Intern Internet et are used in dierent areas Iden Id enf fy y and and comp compar are e the the risk riskss of usi using ng computer hardware and soware Dete Determ rmin ine e the the lega legal, l, eth ethic ical al,, and and responsible uses of both the computers and Internet safety
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