C47 Malignant neoplasm of peripheral neres an! autonomic nerous s"stem
C7&.0 #pina #pinall co cor! r! C.7&.1Cau!a euine
C70 C70
Ma Malig ligna nant nt n neo eopla plasm sm o off me meni ning nges es
C7&.& )lfac )lfactor" tor" b bulb ulb
C 70.0 Cerebral C7&.' )pti )ptic c n nere ere C 70.1 #pinal C7&.4 Aco Acoustic ustic n nere ere C71 Malignant $eoplasm of brain C7&.5 )ther an an! ! unspecie! cranial neres C71.0 Corpus Callosum C71.1 %rontal
C7&.8 )erlapping les lesion ion of br brain ain an! other parts of central nerous s"stem
c.71.& Temporal C71.' (arietal
C7&. nsp nspesie esie! ! C75
Mal Malign ignant ant n neop eoplas lasm m of other other e en!o n!ocri crine ne glan! glan!s s
C71.4 )ccipital
C75.1 (itu (ituitar" itar" g glan! lan!
C71.5 *entri+el +ecuali ent -*
C75.& Cran Craniopha iophar"nge r"ngeal al !uct
C71.6 Cerebellum
C75.' (ine (ineal al gl glan! an!
#ec #econ! on!ar" ar" malig malignan nantt neopla neoplasm sm of o othe therr sit sites es
9'5.4 (ine (ineal al glan!
C7.' #econ!ar" malignant neop neoplasm lasm of bra brain in an! cerebral meninges
9'6.1 /enign neopla neoplasm sm of pe peripheral ripheral neres
94& $eo $eopla plasm sm of uncer uncertai tain n or un un+no +no;n ;n be beha haior ior o off meninges
9'' C$#
Mal Malign ignant ant neo neopla plasm sm of men mening inges es 9 '&.0 Cerebral
9 4&.0 Cerebral
9 '&.1 #pinal
9 4&.1 #pinal
/en /enign ign n neop eoplas lasm m of br brain ain a an! n! ot other her p part arts s of
94' $eo $eopla plasm sm of un unce certa rtain in or un un+no +no;n ;n beh behai aiour our o off brain an! other parts of C$#
3clu!es angioma 918.0, Meninges 9'&.2,
3clu!es peripheral neres 948.&
peripheral neres 9'6.1, :etroocc :etrooccular ular tissue 9'1.6
9''.0 /rain, supratentoria supratentoriall
9''.0 /rain, supratentorial
9''.1 /rain, infratentorial
9''.1 /rain, infratentorial
9''.1 /rain /rain,, unsp unspecie ecie! !
9''.1 /rain /rain,, unsp unspecie ecie! !
9''.' Cran Cranial ial neres
9''.' Cran Cranial ial neres
9''.4 #pina #pinall cor!
9''.4 #pina #pinall cor cor! !
9''.7 )the )therr parts of C$#
9''.7 )the )therr parts of C$# 9'5 /en /enign ign n neop eoplas lasm m of ot other her a an! n! un unspe speci cie! e! en!ocrine
944 $eo $eopla plasm sm of un unce certa rtain in or un un+no +no;n ;n beh behai aior or of en!ocrine glan!s 944.' (itu (ituitar" itar" glan!
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