Rh`t nl wo eoon cl clrr jro`ic jro`ic`st< `st< Dot”s s soo. oo. Ro eoo eoon n slao g goro`d oro`d.. Nl wo h` h`vo vo `ey o obbs< bbs< El, wo n nle”t. le”t. Dot”s bot sl slao. ao. @en nl wo h` h`vo vo `ey ccrumt< rumt< Rodd, wo nl nle”t e”t eoon ` dlt dlt.. Dot”s ju juy y `e lr`ebo `en ` j`e`e`.
(> VLME^W)
Rh`t sttmao mao nl hmeb yl ylu u usu`d usu`ddy dy o`t nm nmeeor< eeor< Rh`t” Rh`t”s slaot slaothmeb ylu eovo eovor r h`vo clr nmeeor nmeeor< < Nlos ylu ylurr c`amdy ovo ovorr h`vo cmsh clr jro jro`ic`s `ic`st< t< Nl thoy `dw `dw`ys `ys o`t h` h`ajurb ajurbors ors clr du duegh< egh< (7 VLME^W)
0. Rh`t splrt splrts s nl y ylu lu pd` pd`y< y< :. Rhl nl y ylu lu pd` pd`y y slg slggor gor wm wmth< th< 7. Hlw lct lctoe oe nlos y ylur lur to` to`a a pr`gt pr`gtmgo< mgo<
(3 VLME^W)
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G`e ylu si`t si`tojl`rn ojl`rn< < ]os, M g` g`e. e. M ro`ddy ddlvo lvo tl bl c`s c`st. t. G`e J Jrmt rmtt`e t`ey y tod toddd bll blln n kli klios< os< El, sho g`e”t g`e”t.. Who”s elt vory cueey. G`e G G`rdls `rdls j`io ` g`i g`io< o<
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