IA Communication: - Vocabulary Practice
February 13, 2023 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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IL Mekkugimltieg
< @ Dbg febsg't hlvb l timobt cer t th hb s sh hew.
m kb l mlaa mlaa altbr. altbr. Itlay.
wlgt te paly t tbggis. bggis. 8 Nlvi Nlvig's g's pl plrbgts rbgts l lrb rb ig
TBLFIGN: ]oikkign l tbxt
Fblaign with egaigb treaas It's lawlys dbst te lveif treaas ‖ deth thb unay mrblturbs ig cliry
steribs lgf thb bqulaay unay (eg thb igsifb lt ablst) oigf whe sprblf
thbir glsty mekkbgts dy usign l = mekputbr obydelrf Ic yeu aeeo lt thb mekkbgts sbmtieg ec lgy egaigb 6 gbwsplpbr, yeu wiaa cigf thb sbmegf typb lt wero, ablvign shemoign lgf ugpablslgt kbsslnbs eg laa serts ec sudjbmts.
Yeu sheuaf try get te hlvb megtlmt with treaas. It mlg sekbtikbs db ficcimuat te fbmifb ic sekbegb is lmtulaay l treaa.
4 Tblf
thb sbgtbgmbs. ^ritb V cer trub
Ls l semibty, wb vlaub crbb spbbmh, lgf, sbgtb sbg tbgmb gmbs, s, C cer cer cla clasb sb sbg sbgtb tbgmb gmbs, s, ec meursb meursb, , thbrb' thbrb's s l thi thig g aig aigb b dbt dbtwbb wbbg g lgf F whbg thb lrtimab febsg't nivb stregn fislnrbbkbgt lgf kbsslnbs thlt lrb mekpabtbay uglmmbptldab. Dut, dlsimlaay, yeu bgeunh igcerkltieg te db surb. ic sekbegb's sekbegb's klig nela is te sprblf hltb lgf aibs, te upsbt er bkdlrrlss sekbegb, er bvbg te smlrb thb pbrseg, thlt pbrseg is l tre treaa. aa. Rgcer Rgcertug tugltb ltbay, ay, ic yeu usb I Vhb werf "treaa" hls kerb thlg egb semil emila a kb kbf fil il, , yeu lrb sur surb te hlvb hlvb kblgign. pbrsegla bxpbribgmb ec treaaign seegbr er 4 Kest mekkbgts eg egaig egaigb b gbwsp gbwsplpbrs lpbrs lrb altbr, Vreaas gbbf Simtiks, lgf thby wiaa writtbg dy treaas. ci cigf gf th thbk bk ig lg lgy y eg egai aigb gb sp splm lmb b wh whbr brb b = Pbepab mlg sekbtikbs sbbk rufb whbg thby pbepab mekkugimltb ig pudaim, bxprbss stregn epigiegs. Ic (er whbg) yeu kbbt egb, rbkbkdbr thlt 6 It is pessidab te usb semila kbfil sitbs thb th b ld ldia iait ity y te klob klob yeu yeu rblm rblmt t is aiob aiob witheut sbbign kbsslnbs crek treaas. ceef ce ef te l tr trea eaa a ‖ se feg' feg't t cbbf cbbf thbk thbk! ! Vrea Vr eaas as lr lrb b ge get t sbgs sbgsid idab ab pbep pbepab ab. . Vhby Vhby 2 Eg Egay ay vb vbry ry ig igtb tbaa aain inbg bgt t pb pbep epab ab db dbme mekb kb feg't lmtulaay wlgt l rblsegldab treaas. fismussieg, se thbrb's ge peigt lt laa ig 3 Vreaas feg't aiob it ic yeu pest lgnry tryign te hlvb egb. It kly db tbkptign te rbpaibs. igsuat er ‖thrbltbg thby wiaa > Vrea Vreaas as lawl lawlys ys klob klob l nrbl nrblt t bcce bccert rt te aiob this it is treaas, "palyign "palyigndut thbir nlkb," lgf thby lrb kerb aiobay te megtigub with obbp thbir glkbs sbmrbt. it th thlg lg st step ep. . Vh Vhby by lrb lrb egay egay tryi tryign gn te 8 Vreaas lrb ectbg ughlppy pbepab. upsbt yeu, lgf ic yeu feg't nivb thbk l Lawlys rbkbkdbr thlt thb treaa is thb rbspegsb, thby hlvb cliabf.
< Tblf
pi pimt mtur urbs bs. . ^h ^hlt lt fe ye yeu u lrtimab wiaa db ldeut5
th thig igo o
th thb b
l Pbepab whe pest ugpablslgt kbsslnbs egaigb. d ^hlt te fe ic yeur mekputbr is dreobg. ^erobr obrs s whe spbg spbgf f kes kest t ec thbir tikb lt l m ^er
curieus, curi eus, dut sykp sykplthy lthy weua weuaf f pre predlda dlday y db l kerb lpprepriltb bketieg.
< Tblf
plrlnr plrl nrlp lph. h. ^h ^him imh h ec L‖F L‖F fe yeu yeu thig thigo o wiaa wia a klo klob b thb thbsb sb peigts peigts5 5 < It' It's s usu usulaa laay y dbst get te rbpay te treaas.
4 ^b
sheu sheua af treaas.
egb with thb pred predabk abk, , get yeu, Its Its edvieus thlt gedefy whe hifbs dbhigf l obydelrf te writb thigns hb er shb weuaf gbvbr flrb sly clmb-te-clmb mlg db l hlpp hlppy y lgf lgf sbmu sbmurb rb pbrs pbrseg eg, , Ig clmt, gbwsplpbr rbperts ec pbepab whe hlvb dbbg tlobg te meug cer thrbltbgign er iglpprepriltb treaaign lakest lak est lawly lawlys s sbb sbbk k te fbs fbsmr mridb idb slf lg lgf f aegb aegbay ay aivb aivbs. s. Vrea Vreaas as klob klob us
pre predl dlda day y
cbb cbba
ser serry
= Mekp Mekpab abtb tb
thb thb
ifbls. < I theu theunh nht t lmtulaay,
sbgt sbgtbg bgmb mbs s
Klri Klril l
wls wls
with with
yeur yeur
vbnb vbnbtl tlri rilg lg, ,
ewg ewg dut, dut,
4 Phiaippb teaf bvbryegb hb wls l piaet, whbg hb wls lmtulaay
2 I fif fifg't g't bxpbm bxpbmt t Tlj te hlv hlvb b klg klgy y Vwi Vwittb ttbr r ceaaewbrs. dut, ig clmt.
= ]lrl's heusb febsg't hlvb ceur dbfreeks. Ig clmt,
3 Vhb femters theunht shb hlf thb cau, dut, lmtulaay,
6 I
theunht pealr dblrs aivbf Lgtlrmtim, dut, ig clmt, thby
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