I08 Final Exam - Virtual 202301 Intermedio 8 07 - 00-08 - 30

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27/1/23, 09:17

I08 Final Exam: Virtual 202301 Intermedio 8 07:00-08:30

I08 Final Exam Due  N  No o due date

Points  1  10 00

Questions  30

Available  Jan 26 at 7:10am - Jan 26 at 8:30am 1 hour and 20 minutes Time Limit  50 Minutes

Instructions Dear student, Next, you will be assessed on the contents of the course. This written exam consists of 4 sections: Grammar Use, Vocabulary Vocabulary Use, Question Formulation and Tasks, and Open-ended Responses. You You will only have one opportunity to take the test.  You  Y ou will have 50 minutes minutes to complete the test. Good luck!

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This quiz was locked Jan 26 at 8:30am.

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49 minutes

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27/1/23, 09:17

I08 Final Exam: Virtual 202301 Intermedio 8 07:00-08:30

Section 1: Grammar Use Complete each item with the appropriate choice. Mark your  answer. (3 points each / subtotal = 30 points)

Question 1

3 / 3 pts

Complete each item with the appropriate choice. The electronics was already closed when I arrived there yesterday. If I _________  earlier, I _________ the product that I needed.

  had arrived - would have gotten

Question 2

3 / 3 pts

Complete each item with the appropriate choice. My bestfriend lost his laptop on the bus because he fell asleep. If he __________  asleep on the bus, he ________ lost his laptop.

  hadn't fallen - wouldn't have




27/1/23, 09:17

I08 Final Exam: Virtual 202301 Intermedio 8 07:00-08:30

Question 3

3 / 3 pts

Complete each item with the appropriate choice. You didn't study. If you ______, you _______ a better score.

  had studied-would have gotten


Question 4

0 / 3 pts

Complete each item with the appropriate choice.  A: Companies are are planning planning to reduce their waste by recycling recycling their own own cans and bottles. B: Yeah! I also heard less plastic _________ used by restaurants too.

  couldn’t be




27/1/23, 09:17

I08 Final Exam: Virtual 202301 Intermedio 8 07:00-08:30

Question 5

3 / 3 pts

Complete each item with the appropriate choice. Because I have Wifi at home, I'm able to work from any room in my house. If I  __________  _______ ___ Wifi at home, home, I ________ ________ able to work work from any room room in my house. house.

  didn't have - wouldn't be


Question 6

0 / 3 pts

Complete each item with the appropriate choice. If Henry _______ a good job, he _______ to ask you for money.

  would have-had not

Question 7

3 / 3 pts

Complete each item with the appropriate choice. https://icpna.instructure.com/courses/89142/quizzes/542953



27/1/23, 09:17

I08 Final Exam: Virtual 202301 Intermedio 8 07:00-08:30

 A: How was the concert? concert? B: Awesome! Some of the greatest hits _______ in the arena.

were sung

Question 8

3 / 3 pts

Complete each item with the appropriate choice. If I _____ given up music lessons, I _____ become a pretty good musician.

hadn't - would've

Question 9

3 / 3 pts

Complete each item with the appropriate choice.  A: Did you know that that people ar are e using bicycles bicycles to go to work? B: Yes, I did. Apparently it is a very popular trend. Scooters _________ too!




27/1/23, 09:17

I08 Final Exam: Virtual 202301 Intermedio 8 07:00-08:30

  are being used

Question 10

3 / 3 pts

Complete each item with the appropriate choice.  A: Amelia Amelia is mad at me me for wearing the same Halloween Halloween costume. costume. B: Relax! It is not your fault. If she _________ it a secret, you ________ _________ _ the same costume.

  hadn’t kept – wouldn’t have gotten

Section 2: Vocabulary Use Complete each item with the appropriate choice. Mark your  answer. (3 points each / subtotal = 30 points)

Question 11


3 / 3 pts



27/1/23, 09:17

I08 Final Exam: Virtual 202301 Intermedio 8 07:00-08:30

Complete each item with the appropriate choice.  A: My friend Linda Linda is definitely a _________. _________. She loves loves recycling, and buying organic organic products is important for her. B: She must be really concerned about the environment!


nature lover

Question 12

3 / 3 pts

Complete each item with the appropriate choice. On weekends, I usually __________ from the city to get some fresh air.

  get away


Question 13

0 / 3 pts

Complete each item with the appropriate choice. https://icpna.instructure.com/courses/89142/quizzes/542953



27/1/23, 09:17

I08 Final Exam: Virtual 202301 Intermedio 8 07:00-08:30

My brother can type 100 words per minute on his smartphone keyboard and I can only type 70 words per minute. It's hard to _________ with him!

  try out

Question 14

3 / 3 pts

Complete each item with the appropriate choice.  A: There is no no other way than than hard work work if you want to________ to_________. _. B: That’s what my dad used to say!

  get ahead


Question 15

0 / 3 pts

Complete each item with the appropriate choice. The sharp knife ______ him cut the steak into pieces.




27/1/23, 09:17

I08 Final Exam: Virtual 202301 Intermedio 8 07:00-08:30


Question 16

3 / 3 pts

Complete each item with the appropriate choice. I'm afraid I might forget about it. Please, _____ me to do it.


Question 17

3 / 3 pts

Complete each item with the appropriate choice.  A: Hi Carol! Why are are you doing all those _________? _________? B: I’m learning sign language. We use our hands to communicate with people.





27/1/23, 09:17

I08 Final Exam: Virtual 202301 Intermedio 8 07:00-08:30

Question 18

3 / 3 pts

Complete each item with the appropriate choice. Karen is so glued to her TV that it's difficult to _____ her ____.

  tear - away

Question 19

3 / 3 pts

Complete each item with the appropriate choice. The new PlayStation 4 has such an __________ design. It's the first video game console of this generation with such design.


Question 20


3 / 3 pts



27/1/23, 09:17

I08 Final Exam: Virtual 202301 Intermedio 8 07:00-08:30

Complete each item with the appropriate choice.  A: I believe smartphones smartphones are are the most useful useful gadgets these these days. B: I agree. People of all ages_______ from this invention.


Section 3: Question Formulation and Tasks Tasks Imagine you need the information below. Follow the instructions and write the necessary question / response. If you do not understand the instructions, ask your teacher. (4 points each /subtotal = 20 points)

Question 21

4 / 4 pts

Follow the instructions below. Ask a question / write your  statement in the box. I have a job interview online. Give me advice. (Use any expression for advice)

Your Answe Answer: r: I recommend you comment on your English skills, If you have to use it in your post, tis could help you a lot.




27/1/23, 09:17

I08 Final Exam: Virtual 202301 Intermedio 8 07:00-08:30

Question 22

4 / 4 pts

Follow the instructions below. Ask a question / write your  statement in the box.  Ask me about the the amount of of time that I have had had my current current laptop. (Use the the past participle form of a verb)

Your Answe Answer: r: How many years ago did your parents buy you that computer?

Question 23

4 / 4 pts

Follow the instructions below. Ask a question / write your  statement in the box. You are very stressed and you don’t have a lot of free time. Make a wish. (Use if only)

Your Answe Answer: r: If only I could get a better job, I could organize my schedule better.

Question 24

4 / 4 pts

Follow the instructions below. Ask a question / write your  statement in the box. You can't study because there's too much noise outside. (Use if only to express desire)

Your Answe Answer: r: If only I had a library nearby nearby,, I wouldn't have to listen to all the moise from the street.




27/1/23, 09:17

I08 Final Exam: Virtual 202301 Intermedio 8 07:00-08:30

Question 25

4 / 4 pts

Follow the instructions below. Ask a question / write your  statement in the box. You did not finish your homework. Apologize and promise to do something about it.

Your Answe Answer: r: I'm so sorry, I forgot homework. I promise it won't happen again

Section 4: Open-ended Responses Write your responses to the questions / comments below using complete ideas. Add a comment or additional information when necessary.  necessary.  (4 points each /subtotal = 20 points)

Question 26

3 / 4 pts

Use complete answers or short answers + additional information. For example: When is your birthday? birthday? My birthday is on May 1st. I usually celebrate it with my friends and family. In your opinion, what's the most important invention? Explain your answer. (Use the passive voice)

Your Answe Answer: r: For me the most important investment of all time is the bicycle because it's from has evolved over the years and to date it continues to have the https://icpna.instructure.com/courses/89142/quizzes/542953



27/1/23, 09:17

I08 Final Exam: Virtual 202301 Intermedio 8 07:00-08:30

same function and hasn't stopped being used.

Question 27

4 / 4 pts

Use complete answers or short answers + additional information. For example: When is your birthday? birthday? My birthday is on May 1st. I usually celebrate it with my friends and family. Who would you have called if you had gotten lost during your last trip? (Use the past unreal conditional)

Your Answe Answer: r: If I had lost the ticket, t icket, I would have called my mother to transfer money to me.

Question 28

4 / 4 pts

Use complete answers or short answers + additional information. For example: When is your birthday? birthday? My birthday is on May 1st. I usually celebrate it with my friends and family. When you entered the class today, had the teacher already called the attendance?

Your Answe Answer: r: Yes, the teacher already took atendance. He did it 5 minutes after  starting classes.

Question 29 https://icpna.instructure.com/courses/89142/quizzes/542953

4 / 4 pts 14/15


27/1/23, 09:17

I08 Final Exam: Virtual 202301 Intermedio 8 07:00-08:30

Use complete answers or short answers + additional information. For example: When is your birthday? birthday? My birthday is on May 1st. I usually celebrate it with my friends and family. Describe an anecdote or funny memory from your childhood. (Use phrasal verbs)

Your Answe Answer: r: When I was 8 years old. I remember r emember my brother dressed up as an angel but in reality he was a very naughty boy and my parents said he was a little devil. It was very funny to see him dressed like that.

Question 30

4 / 4 pts

Use complete answers or short answers + additional information. For example: When is your birthday? birthday? My birthday is on May 1st. I usually celebrate it with my friends and family. What would you do if you didn't have classes online to study English?

Your Answe Answer: r: If I didn't have online classes to study, I would look for an institute where I can study in person, so I don't stop learning



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