I Robot, Reaction Paper

May 21, 2018 | Author: Frances Tracy Carlos Pasicolan | Category: Automation, Robotics, Robot, Technology, Science And Technology
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Fran France ces s Trac Tracy y C. Pasi Pasico cola lan n 4:00"m#

BS Mana Manage geme ment nt Thir Third d Year

STS STS 40 D (MTh (MTh 2:0 2:0 !

I Robot, $eaction Pa"er 

 %d&anced a'tomation and rootics are not )ar )rom ha""ening. ha""ening. *t+s ha""ening ha""ening Technology Technology li,e machines- s"eci)ically a'tomation and rootics- are designed and created to do things easily and )ast. %'tomation and rootics are "rogrammed to red'ce error or any 'nnecessary mo&ements that may ca'se delay and disr'"t the smooth )lo o) the o"erations. /'st li,e in the mo&ie- here almost e&erything is to'ch screened or &oice acti&ated. *n addition- roots can e hel")'l in dangero's sit'ation. i,e hen a root sa&ed S"ooner instead o) the girl. Tho'gh rootics and a'tomation are logically "rogrammed"rogrammed- they don+t ha&e emotions that made them ha&e no conscience. conscience. For instancea'tomated machines 'sed to co'nt &otes d'ring election ere in&ented to red'ce time- increase acc'racy and a&oid any miscalc'lations errors. 1'man o"erations s'ch as h'man tallying i) not addressed are &'lnerale to h'man inter&entions s'ch as changing the act'al ith their desired data andor ,ee"ing the data that leads to corr'"tion. Tho'gh a'tomation and rootics increase e))iciency and e))ecti&eness o) the "rocesses or o"erations- to some e3tent- these machines re"lace h'man or,s. Th's- machines ecome the s'stit'te )or em"loyment. 1oe&er- a'tomation and rootics can e controlled y h'man. *t+s hard to say i) the ad&antages o) a'tomation and rootics o'te o'teigh igh its disad disad&an &antag tages es eca's eca'se e there there ill ill alays alays e "ros "ros and and cons. cons. %nd %nd i) the one that that o'teighs the other- it+s not eca'se the a'tomation and rootics is good or ad 't eca'se o)  ho e created or "rogrammed them )or.  %'tomation and rootics rootics doesn+t necessarily "'t "'t 's all at ris, eca'se they accom"any 's in or,- "lay and entertain. Since these a'tomation and rootics are created and "rogrammed y h'mans- it has its on &'lnerailities. &'lnerailities. &en i) there are las that recogni5e the rights o) h'mans and its limits- e cannot o&erloo, the )act that h'mans can commit crimes. *n the mo&ie- there are las )or roots s'ch as- 6a *: % root may nt in7're a h'man eing or- thro'gh inaction- allo a h'man eing to come to harm8 a **: % root m'st oey orders gi&en it y h'man eings e3ce"t here s'ch orders o'ld con)lict ith the )irst la8 a ***: % root m'st "rotect its on e3istence as long as s'ch "rotection does not con)lict ith the )irst or second la.9 e all ,no that las ha&e loo"holes. /'st as any h'man can rea, any la- can roots do the same; Tho'gh as "resented in the mo&ie- roots ha&e een really hel")'l- h'man eings ha&e ecome reliant. Some are scared o)  these roots. hile others a""la'd ith the e3istence and )'nctionality o) a'tomation and rooticssome are still cynical- that is- they ha&e tr'st iss'es ith roots. They are scared o) hat roots are ca"ale o). They are also scared that roots ma,e ta,e o&er h'mans- that is- roots may eradicate h'mans. %nd lastly- some are scared o) roots eca'se roots li,e any mechanical machine ha&e not conscience. hat+s scary is ho e h'mans design o'r roots. For e3am"le- Sonny ho loo, ali,e ali,e one o) the s s ha&e ha&e to "ositro "ositronic nic o"eratin o"erating g core (i.e.(i.e.- rains# rains# that made made him 6more 6more h'man9 and he is ca"ale o) not )olloing the r'les that go&ern other roots i) he chooses too. Th's- he can commit a crime i) a h'man ordered him to do so 't his 6h'man9 side- his consciencemade him sa)er and reliale. For- Sonny as created y Dr. anning to lierate the roots. *n addit additio ionn- o"erat o"eratin ing g system system s'ch s'ch as ?*@* ?*@* (?irt' (?irt'al al *ntera *nteracti cti&e &e @ineti @inetic c *ntel *ntellig ligen ence# ce# may e a re&ol'tionary re&ol'tionary in&ention that integrates and systematically organi5e and distri'te data. 1oe&er- li,e h'mans- ma,ing this o"erating system or control system so smart li,e ?*@* maye threat to h'man e3istence eca'se hen a'tomation or rootics get a lot o) data- they ill loo, )or ne data 'ntil they are almost e&eryhere- controlling the hole society and other technologies. *) h'man logic has &'lnerailities- so does the )ast and "oer)'l rain o) ?*@*.
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