I-Matrix Basic For Operator

July 25, 2022 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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I-MATRIX   Automated  Automate d Concrete Batching System System



Document Version: Last Updated:

1.0 17 July 2011

COPYRIGHT All rights reserves. No part of this publication ma be pro!uce!" store! in a retrieval sstem" or transmitte!" in an form or b means of electronic" mechanical" photocoping" recor!ing an!#or other$ise $ithout the prior $ritten permission of I%G &ogics Pte. &t!.  No patent liabilit is assume! $ith respect to the use of the information containe! herein. 'ver  precaution has been ma!e to suppl complete an! accurate information. Ho$ever" Ho$ever" I%G &ogics Pte.&t! assumes no responsibilit for its use" use" or for an infringement infringement of patents or other rights of thir! parties $hich $oul! result.

COPYRIGHT ()*(" + I%G &OGIC, PT'.&T-. A&& RIGHT, R','R'-.



 ! "#TE#T$ TABLE ! ! TABLE ! "#TE#T$............................... "#TE#T$...................................................... .............................................. .............................................. ...................................... ...............ii ii 1

%&'A %&'AT(%) E#V%(#'E# E#V%(#'E#T.... T......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... ............... ................... .............. .....* * 1.1 1.2 1.3

LOGGING-IN  TO I-M   ATRIX ...................................................................................... ...................................................................................... 4 I-M ATRIX     M   M   SCREEN ................. .......................... ................. ............................................................. .....................................................4 4  AIN  S B ACKUP   D D ATA........ ................ ................. ................................................................................... ..........................................................................6 6


$ETT%#+ $ETT%#+ $,$TE' $,$TE' -A(A'ETE($ A(A'ETE($ A#D -T%#$... -T%#$........ .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... ............. ................. ........... ..7 7

%#-UTT%# %#-UTT%#+ + %#+(ED%E#T %#+(ED%E#T$.... $......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... ......... ......... .......... .......... .......... ........... ............. .......1 1 3.1 3.2 3.3


VIEW     I   I NGREDIENT  LIST ................ ...................................................................................... ......................................................................13 13 NGREDIENT   L ADD N EW  EW  I   I NGREDIENT  NGREDIENT ................ ......................... ....................................................................... ..............................................................14 14 EDITING    /DELETING E  ..............................................................16 16  XISTING I NGREDIENTS NGREDIENTS ..............................................................

ADJU$T%# ADJU$T%#+ + D%$"/A(+ D%$"/A(+E E !('ULA.. !('ULA....... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... ............. ................. ................... ............. ...17 17 4.1 4.2 4.3

VIEW     D  DISCHARGE   F  F ORMULA ................ ...................................... ................................................................. ...................................1  1  ORMULA........ ADD  A A N EW  EW  D  DISCHARGE   F  F ORMULA ORMULA......................................................................... .........................................................................1! 1! EDIT     OR DELETE  E   E   XISTING DISCHARGE   F  F ORMULA ORMULA....................................................... 2"

DE!%#%#+ DE!%#%#+ DE$%+# DE$%+# '%)E$.. '%)E$....... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... ............... ............... .....21 21 #.1 #.2 #.3

VIEW     D  DESIGN  M   M IXES IXES........ ................ ................ .................................................................... ................................................................. .....21 21 ADD  A  DESIGN  M   M IIX  ......................... ................................................................... ...........................................................22 22 A N EW  EW  D X ................. EDIT     OR DELETE  E   E   XISTING DESIGN  M   M IIX  X ...................................................................2#  .................................................................2# 

#.4 #.#

IXES......... IMPORTING    DESIGN  M   M IXES ................. ......................................................................... .................................................................2#  2#  E XPORT      D DESIGN  M   M IXES  E  ......................... ................................................ .......................................2! 2! IXES TO  AN  AN  E   XCEL F ILE  ILE ................

ADJU$T%# ADJU$T%#+ + $,$TE' $,$TE' -A(A'ETE($. A(A'ETE($...... ......... ......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... ............ ................. ................ ......2 2 6.1 6.2 6.3 6.4 6.# 6.6


AGGREGATE  M   M OISTURE  ......................... ................. .............................................................. ......................................................2$ 2$ OISTURE ................ FREEFALL   ................. ........ ................. ..................... .............................................................................. .................................................................3" 3" TRANSPORTER    DELA% ................. ......................... ...................................................................... ................................................................ ..31 31 CHOPPING    T IME  ......................... .............................................................................. ......................................................................31 31 IME ................. MIXING    P   ARAMETERS  ARAMETER S........ ................. ................. ........................................................................ ................................................................32 32 CEMENT     P ROPORTION   P  ........................................................................................32 ROPORTION ........................................................................................32

"U$T'E( "U$T'E( 'A#A+E'E 'A#A+E'E#T.. #T....... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... ............... ................... ........... ..  .1 .2 .3


ADD  A  C USTOMER ................ ................. ...................................................................... .............................................................33 33 A N EW  EW  C  USTOMER........ VIEW     C   C USTOMER USTOMER LIST ................. .......................... ................. .............................................................. ......................................................3! 3! SET  C   C USTOMER USTOMER OPTIONS........ ................ ................................................................ .................................................................... ............4" 4"

E'-L,EE E'-L,EE 'A#A+E'E 'A#A+E'E#T... #T........ .......... .......... ......... ......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .............. ................... ................. .......*1 *1 !.1 !.2 !.3

EMPLO%EE     L  LIST ................ ......................... ................. ....................................................................... ...............................................................41 41 EMPLO%EE     B  BOOK -IN   /BOOK -OUT .............................................................................43 ...........................................................................43 EMPLO%EE     M ODULE   M  ODULE   O OPTIONS......... ................. ................. ................. ...................................................... ..............................................4#  4# 

T(U"4 T(U"4 'A#A+E'E 'A#A+E'E#T... #T........ .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... ......... ............. ...........* $.1 $.2 $.3 $.4


VIEW      AND  T RUCKS ................. ................. ................. ....................................................... ...............................................4  4  AND M   ANAGE  T  RUCKS......... ASSIGN  D  DRIVERS TO T RUCKS RUCKS............................................................................... ...............................................................................4! 4! TRANSPORT     C OMPAN%   C   C ENTRE  .......................... ................................................ .......................................4$ 4$ OMPAN%   AND AND C OST  OST  C  ENTRE ................. SET  T   T RUCK  RUCK   O OPTIONS........ ................ ................. ......................................................................... ................................................................#" #"

%#VE#T %#VE#T( (, , 5 $U--L% $U--L%E( E( 'A#A+ 'A#A+E' E'E#T E#T... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ....... ........ ........ ....... ...1 1

1".1 1".2

SUPPLIER  M  ......................... ................ ............................................................. .....................................................#1 #1  ANAGEMENT   ANAGEM ENT ................. INVENTOR%     O  ORDER M   ANAGEMENT   ANAGEME NT ...........................................................................#3 .........................................................................#3

1".3 1".4

 AINTAIN ......... INVENTOR%     M   M  ................. ........................................................... ....................................................................... ....................#  #  INVENTOR%     & SUPPLIER OPTIONS..........................................................................  & ..........................................................................#$ #$




(DE( (DE( A#D A#D DEL%VE DEL%VE( (, 'A#A+E' 'A#A+E'E#T E#T... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ....... ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ...... ..0 0 11.1 11.2 11.3 11.4


ADD  AND  ORDERS....................................................................................... 6" AND E DIT  DIT  O DELIVER%   S SCHEDULE .........................................................................................62 .........................................................................................62 DELIVER%   S SCHEDULE   AND ................ ................................................... ...........................................64 64 AND B ATCHING P ROCESS ROCESS........ ORDER  AND OPTIONS............................................................................ ............................................................................66 66 AND DELIVER%   O

BAT"/% BAT"/%#+ #+ $"(EE#.. $"(EE#....... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... ......... ......... .......... .......... .......... .......... ............. ..........3

12.1 12.2

THE     B  B ATCHING SCREEN ................. ......................... ..................................................................... .............................................................6! 6! CONTROL    B ATCHING P ROCESS ROCESS........ ................ ...................................................................... .............................................................." "


POP    -UP   D DIALOG BOXES........ ................ ............................................................. ...................................................................... .................3 3

1 13.1 13.2


-(%#T%#+ -(%#T%#+ (E-(T (E-(T$.... $......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .....7 7 PRINT      R REPORTS............................................................................................... ...............................................................................................6 6 CHANGE     R  REPORT  S  SETTINGS................................................................................. .................................................................................   

$ETT% $ETT%#+ #+ U- U$E( U$E( +(U-$ +(U-$ A#D $E"U $E"U(%T (%T, , (%+/ (%+/T$. T$.... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ....... ...... ..7 7

14.1 14.2

DEFINING  U SER ....................................................................................$ $ SER GROUPS.................................................................................... ASSIGNING E MPLO%EES MPLO%EES...................................................................................... ......................................................................................!1 !1


Changing Changing User’s Password.. Password...... ........ ........ ........ ........ ....... ....... ....... ....... ....... ....... ....... ....... ........ .......... ............ ............ ........... ....... ..82 82




%&'AT(%) E#V%(#'E#T


 Logging-in to I-Matrix  I-Mat rix  I-Matrix 

/hen the I0%atri1 application starts" the first !ialog ou $ill encounter is the Lo6 %n !ialog.  Tpe our IC#2IN an! pass$or!" pas s$or!" an! clic3 4O56 to log0 in to the application. 

Clic3ing 4Cancel6 $ill e1it the application Clic3ing application an! go bac3  to /in!o$s environment.

 Note77 2or initial log0  Note

in" please use the IC#2IN an! pass$or! given b our ,ervice 'ngineer  1.2

 I-Matrix Main Screen

'ain 'enu

After logging0in" ou $ill come to %&'atri 'ain $creen. The main buttons are organise! into t$o groups7 8i9 8ii9

Operations  8left0han!0si!e9 0 inclu!es functions $hich are operate! !ail: an!  Setup & Administration Administration  ( right0 right0han han!0si !0si!e9 !e9 ; inclu! inclu!es es functi functions ons to change change sstem sstem configuration" options an! settings.



To e1it I0%atri1 or to s$itch to another user" clic3 4'1it ==6. After the Eit 'enu appears7  To s$itch to another user" clic3 4&og off6  To shut !o$n the PC" clic3 4,hut -o$n6 clic 3 4Cancel6  To cancel an! bac3 to main menu" clic3

Top Bar

The top of the application is Top Bar. The top bar inclu!es information of the compan an! the 8uic9 'enu. Here are the !escriptions for each button of 8uic9 'enu   Delivery Schedule (Alt + D)7 D)7 opens the Or!er > -eliver ,creen. Progress (Alt + B)7 B) 7 ?umps to the @atching ,creen. 'nable! onl $hen batching is   Batching Progress on0going.   Inventory Level (Alt + I)7 I)7 opens the Inventor &evel ,creen. T)7 ,et the status of select truc3 to Return#,tan!bB  Truck In (Alt + T)7   Print DO (Alt + P)7 P)7 Clic3ing this button brings up the -rint Deliery rderB !ialog sho$n belo$ for uic3 re0printing of -eliver Or!ers.

The suare bo1 at the top right corner of the top bar in!icates $hether the batching sstem has been I0%at %atri ri1 1 H% H%II. Gre reen en in in!i !ica cate tess CONN CONN' 'CT'T'- an an! ! gre re  in in!i !ica cate tess NOT co conn nnect ecte! e! to to   I0 CONN'CT'-. $ettin6 $ystem Date and Time

-ouble clic3 on the !ate an! time !ispla on the top0right han! corner of the 'ain 'enu calls up a screen to set the !ate an! time. ,elect the correct !ate an! time" then clic3 the O5B button to set. %&'atri $ystem $;ort cut 4eys

 !  Alt + D  Alt + B  Alt + I   Alt + T   Alt + P 

7 -ispla ,hortcut Help 7 Open Or!er > -eliver ,creen 7 ie$ @atching Progress 7 Go to Inventor &evel 7 Go to Truc3 ,tatus 7 Print historical -O.



 Note77 Pressing 2* at all screens $ill bring up a short0cut 3e  Note

list. 1.3

 Backup Data

It is recommen!e! that !ata be bac3e!0up into an e1ternal storage me!ia" e.g. thumb0!rive" portable har!0!is3" etc. after each !aBs batching.

To !ispla the bac30up !ialog" clic3 on the @ac3upB button above the '1it ==B button. You $ill see7

Clic3 on the @ro$seB button to select another !rive or fol!er to save to. Clic3 on @ac3upB if the !estination path is correct.




$ETT%#+ $,$TE' -A(A'ETE($ A#D -T%#$

To set the sstem parameters an! options" from the sstem menu" clic3 4,stem Options6. The ption screen is !isplae! as follo$s7

To set#change sstem parameters" clic3 on a button of the menu. To go bac3 to the main sstem menu" clic3 4@ac3 to %ain %a in %enu6. A66re6ate

To set aggregate parameters" parameters" clic3 4Aggregate6 4Aggregate6 on sstem option menu. A66re6ate options and parameters  are categoriFe! into  groups7  General parameters  /eighing Rate parameters  -ischarging Rate parameters

 Note77 It is compulsor to enter !ata for the fiel!s in Edit Disc;ar6e !ormula screen" clic3 4'!it ,tep6 or !ouble clic3 on the step" the Edit $tep !ialog $ill be !isplae!  2ollo$ the steps of A!! ,tep !escribe! above

-elete a step  2rom Add>Edit Disc;ar6e !ormula screen" clic3 on the step" an! then clic3 4-elete ,tep6.  Clic3 4Yes6 to !elete the step from the !ischarge formula" or clic3 4No6 to cancel !eleting.

 Note&

S   pecial care nee!s to be ta3en $hen a!!ing or e!iting steps in a

!ischarge formula. $tep : $ae t;e Disc;ar6e !ormula 

2rom Add Disc;ar6e Disc;ar6e !ormula !ormula screen" clic3 4,ave 2ormula6" if the !ischarge formula is save! successfull" the screen $ill be close!.




 dit or De"ete xisting Disc$arge Disc$arg e %or&u"a %or&u"a Disc$arge %or&u"a

Edit a disc;ar6e ormula 

,ele ,elect ct th thee !isc !ischa harg rgee fo form rmul ulaa from from Vie? Disc;a screen" en" then then cli clic3 c3 4'!it 4'!it Disc;ar6 r6ee !ormul !ormula a scre 2ormula6 2ormu la6 or !ouble !ouble clic3 on that !ischarge !ischarge formula" formula" the Edit Disc;ar6e !ormula screen $ill appear for ou to e!it. 2ollo$ the steps of a!!ing !ischarge formula

Delete a disc;ar6e ormula  

,elect the !ischarg ,elect !ischargee formul formulaa from from Vi Vie? e? Disc;ar6e Disc;ar6e !ormula screen" then clic3 4-elete 2ormula6 Clic3 4Yes6 4Yes6 button of the message bo1 to !elete" or clic3 4No6 to go bac3 $ithout !eleting




DE!%#%#+ DE$%+# '%)E$

2rom $ystem 'ain 'enu" clic3 4-esign %i16" Desi6n 'i menu $ill appear to let ou organise the batching !esign mi1es.

The Desi6n 'i menu allo$s users to7 0 ie$ list of available !esign mi1es 0 A!! # '!it # -elete !esign mi1es 0 Import !esign mi1es from an '1cel file 0 '1port !esign mi1es to an '1cel file. '.1

View Design Mixes

2rom Desi6n 'i menu" clic3 4 4 ie$ -esign %i1es6" the Vie? Desi6n 'ies screen is !isplae!



 

2rom Sort #y discharge %or*ula combo %or*ula combo bo1" select a !ischarge formula. The !esign mi1es $hich are tagge! to that !ischarge formula $ill be !isplae! on .oncrete List7 If List7 If ou $ant to vie$ all the !esign mi1es" select "ie All  On .oncrete List " select a !esign mi1 name 8concrete name9" the !esign mi1 !etails $ill be !isplae! on Design on Design 0i1 Detail  table.  table. To vie$ the !ischarge formula $hich is tagge! to the !esign mi1" clic3 4ie$ 2ormula6" the !ischarge formula !etails $ill be !isplae!

Clic3 4@ac3 to -esign %i16 to go bac3 to Vie? Desi6n 'ies screen 


To go bac3 to Desi6n 'i menu" clic3 4@ac36  Add a New Design Mix 

You can a!! a ne$ !esign mi1 b7  Clic3ing on 4A!! Ne$ -esign %i16 button from the 'ain 'enu  Clic3ing on 4A!! -esign %i16 button from the Vie? Desi6n 'i screen.



$tep 1: %nput +eneral %normation o t;e Desi6n 'i

The general information of the !esign mi1 is on the left panel of Add Desi6n 'i screen.

  

  

 Product .ode& The  Product .ode& The concreteBs pro!uct co!e as assigne! b ou .oncrete 0i1 Design& The Design& The !esign mi1 name  Discharge or*ula&  or*ula&  The !ischarge formula name $hich is use! to !ischarge $ith the !esign mi1 !uring batching 0 To vie$ the !ischarge formula" clic3 4ie$ 2ormula6" !etails of the !ischarge formula $ill be sho$n. Slu*/& ,lump of the concrete Strength& Concrete Strength&  Concrete strength  Descri/tion& Concrete  Descri/tion&  Concrete !escription

$tep 2: Deine t;e %n6redients o t;e Desi6n 'i 

A!! ingre!ients

After the concrete name an! the !ischarge formula name is inputte!" the 4A!! Ingre!ient6  button $ill be enable!.  Clic3 4A!! Ingre!ient6 button. The Add %n6redient !ialog $ill appear 



 

,elect the Ingredient the Ingredient Na*e an! enter the amount of the ingre!ient in A*ount  in  A*ount  te1tbo1  te1tbo1 Clic3 4O56 to a!! the ingre!ient" or clic3 4Cancel6 to go bac3 to Add Desi6n 'i screen

'!it an Ingre!ient  2rom Add Desi6n 'i  screen" clic3 4'!it Ingre!ient6 or !ouble clic3 on an ingre!ient" the Edit Desi6n 'i %n6redient $ill be !isplae!  2ollo$ the steps of A!! Ingre!ient !escribe! above

-elete an Ingre!ient 2rom om Add Desi6 screen" en" select the ingre! ingre!ien ientt on  Ingredient   table" an! then clic3   2r Desi6n n 'i scre 4-elete Ingre!ient6.  Clic3 4Yes6 to !elete the ingre!ient from !esign mi1" or clic3 4No6 to cancel !eleting.

$tep : $ae t;e desi6n mi 

2rom rom Ad Add d Desi6n Desi6n 'i  screen screen"" clic clic3 3 4,av 4,avee -esig -esign n %i16 %i16"" if th thee !e !esig sign n mi1 mi1 is save! save! successfull" the screen $ill be close!.

 Note&

Thee !esi Th !esign gn mi1 mi1 must must

match matc h the the !isch !ischar arge ge fo form rmul ulaa for it to be save! successfull. An error !ialog $ill appear if  the !esign mi1 !oes not match the !ischarge formula. Clic3 4O56" change the !esign mi1 before resaving the !esign mi1.




 dit or De"ete xisting Design Mix 

Edit a desi6n mi  

,ele ,elect ct th thee !e !esig sign n mi1 mi1 fr from om Vie? Desi6n Desi6n 'i screen" then clic3 4'!it -esign %i16 or  !ouble clic3 on that !esign mi1" the Edit Desi6n 'i screen $ill appear for ou to e!it. 2ollo$ the steps of a!!ing !esign mi1

Delete a desi6n mi  


,elect the !esign mi1 from Vie? Desi6n 'i screen" then clic3 4-elete -esign %i16 Clic3 4Yes6 4Yes6 button of the message bo1 to !elete" or clic3 4No6 to go bac3 $ithout !eleting  I&porting Design Mixes

Another $a to input !esign mi1es into the sstem is to import Another import them from a %icrosoft %icrosoft '1cel file. To import !esign mi1es" follo$ these steps7 $tep 1: +enerate t;e %mport Template  

2rom Desi6n 'i 'enu" clic3 4Generate '1cel Template6 button" A message bo1 appears to inform ou of  the e1act location of the temp emplate ge gene nerat rate! e!"" no note te !o !o$n $n th thee fil filee pa path th an an! ! clic3 4O56.

$tep 2: %nput t;e Desi6n 'ies into t;e +enerated Template

This is the format of the template7

eneral infor!ation

 


Input our !esign mi1es into the green region of the template. 'ach !esign mi1 occupies one ro$. 2or each ro$ of !esign mi17 Input Produ  Product ct .ode3  .ode3  .oncrete 8rade3 Slu*/3 Strength  Strength   an! Discharge an!  Discharge or*ula Na*e 0 Input into General information columns 0 'nter the amount of ingre!ients nee!e! for each !esign mi1. If an ingre!ient is not use!" simpl leave that cell empt. (D


 

Repeat until ou finish inputting all the !esign mi1es ,ave the file

This is an e1ample of a !esign mi1 file after being inputte!7

$tep : %mport t;e Ecel !ile  

2rom De clic3  3  Desi si6n 6n 'i 'i 'enu 'enu" clic 4Import -esign %i1es6 Or In I n Vie ie? ? Desi Desi6n 6n 'i 'i screen" clic3 4Import -esign %i1es6

The %mp !ialog og is %mpor ortt Desi6n Desi6n 'i  !ial !isplae! on the right

 

'nter the path of the %icrosoft '1ce '1cell file to be importe! importe! into  I*/ort %ro* 91cel te*/late2  te1tbo1" te1tb o1" or clic3 4@ro$se6 4@ro$se6 to select the path. The $elect !ile !ialog appears. ,elect the file an! press 4O56 Clic3 4,tart Import6. The !esign mi1es $ill be importe! into the sstem If import is successful" a message bo1 Import successfullQ $ill appear. You then can clic3  4'1it6 to e1it from the Import !ialog

Ho$ever" if the import process encounters some errors" ou $ill see the message bo1 on the right7

Close the message bo1" then press 4Ne1t ,tep6 button" ou $ill see the !etails of the import errors



"uplicate "esign #i$es section

2rom the %mport (esults !ialog bo1" ou $ill 3no$ 0 The number of !esign mi1es $hich are successfull importe! 0 The number of !esign mi1es $hich have errors 0 The number of !esign mi1es $hich are alrea! e1iste! in the sstem

If there are errors reporte!" re0open the '1cel file" those recor!s $ith errors $ill be sho$n in re!. n!er Syste* 0essage column" 0essage column" the specific error is !escribe!. Resolve those errors an! save the file

If the '1cel file contains !esign mi1es $hich alrea! e1ist in the sstem" those !esign mi1es $ill be liste! in Du/licate in  Du/licate section  section of the !ialog (see screenshot a#ove). a#ove). You can choose to overri!e the e1isting overri!e e1isting !esign mi1es b clic3ing on the correspon!in correspon!ing g cell un!er Override column" or ou can choose not to overri!e them b removing the selection from the cell. To overri!e all !uplicate! !esign mi1es" clic3 4Overri!e All6. To ignore all !uplicate! !esign mi1es" clic3 4Overri!e None6

 

Clic3 4Reimport6 to retr importing the error#!uplicate! !esign mi1es Once the import process is e1ecute! successfull" ou can clic3 4'1it6 to close the !ialog.




 xport Design Mixes to an xce" %i"e

To e1port all !esign mi1es available in the sst sstem em to a %icr %icros osof oftt '1ce '1cell fi file le"" fr from om clic3 c3 4'1por 4'1portt -esign -esign Desi6n Des i6n 'i 'enu 'enu" cli %i1es6. You You $ill see s ee the !ialog on the right7

In Ep Epor ortt Desi6n Desi6n 'i  !ialog !ialog"" enter enter the !irector !irector in $hich ou $ant to e1port the !esign mi1es to. You can also clic3 4@ro$se6 to open the screen on the right. ,elect th thee !irec !irecto tor r to e1 e1po port rt to an an! ! th then en clic clic3 3 4O56 4O56.. The The !irect !ir ector or selecte! selecte! $ill $ill be !ispla !isplae! e! on  91/ort to 91cel   %older  te1tbo1.  te1tbo1.

Clic3 4,tart '1port6" the !esign mi1es $ill be e1porte! to the fol!er ou specifie!. /hen the process finishes" a message bo1 $ill appear as sho$n belo$7

Clic3 4O56. Go to the e1port fol!er" ou $ill see the e1port '1cel file. The '1cel file name follo$s the convention :D0 91/ort ! ; .

Clic3 4'1it6 to close the Eport Desi6n 'i !ialog



ADJU$T%#+ $,$TE' -A(A'ETE($


2rom the 'ain 'enu@ clic3 4,stem A!?ustment6 to come to the $ystem Adustment 'enu7

I0%atri1 allo$s users to a!?ust the follo$ing parameters7  Aggregate Ingre!ientsB %oisture  2reefall of compartments" silos" tan3s an! $eighing hoppers  -ela time of aggregate transporters an! cement transporters  Chopping time of compartments" silos an! tan3s  %i1ing parameters  Cement proportion in !esign mi1es (.1

 Aggregate Moisture

 

To a!?ust a!?ust Aggrega Aggregate te %oistu %oisture" re" clic3 clic3 4Aggre 4Aggregat gatee %oistu %oisture6 re6 from from $ystem Adustment 'enu. In the A66re6 A66re6ate ate 'oisture 'oisture Adustment !ialog" 3e in the ne$ values into the cells un!er  the  Adusted2   Adusted2  column.  column.  Clic Clic3 3 4,av 4,ave6 e6 to sa save ve th thee ne ne$ $" a! a!?u ?ust ste! e! va valu lues es or cl clic ic3 3 4@ 4@ac ac36 36 to e1 e1it it $i $ith thou outt saving.  Note& The  The a!?ustment values  Note& must fall in  0oisture  0oisture  specifie!  Adust*ent ,ange2  specifie! in  Aggregate  Aggregate O/tion2 . This range is ,ange at !ispla at ethe ! top on  Adust*ent ,ange of the table. (M




Clic3ing 42reefall6 from $ystem Adustment 'enu !isplas the !reea !reeall ll Adustment screen.

On the screen" all locations $hich can be a!?uste! are !isplae! an! categoriFe! into four groups7 Aggregate" Cement" /ater an! A!mi1ture  2or Aggregate" Aggregate" ou can a!?ust a !?ust freefalls of the bins an! $eighing hoppers  2or Cement" ou can a!?ust freefalls of the silos" transporters an! $eighing hoppers  2or /ater" /ater" ou can a!?ust freefalls of the storage tan3s an! $eighing hoppers  2or A!mi1ture" ou can a!?ust freefalls of the storage tan3s an! $eighing hoppers The freefa The freefall ll a! a!?u ?ustm stmen entt ra rang nges es 8s 8see ee Chap Chapte terr *9 are !i !isp spla lae e! ! at th thee to top p of freef freefal alll ta tabl bles" es" a!?ustments freefall must fall insi!e these ranges. 'nter a!?uste! values into   columns. 2orthese $ater tan3s" sincer each tan3 can!have eit either her the onene$" or t$o valves valves" " ouinto Adust*ent  can Adust*ent  a!?ust the columns. freefalls freefalls of the se valves val ves un!er un!e  Adust*ent   an!  Adust*ent ? columns. ? columns. Clic3 4,ave Clic3 4,ave Changes6 Changes6 to save save the ne$" ne$" a!?ust a!?uste! e! values" values" or clic3 4@ac36 to go bac3 to $ystem Adustment 'enu $ithout saving the changes.




*ransporter De"a+

To a!?ust aggregate # cement transportersB !ela" clic3  4Transporter -ela6 from $ystem Adustment 'enu 5e in the ne$" a!?uste! values in  Adusted2 columns. These values must be in the range specifie! in ,stem Options. Clic3 4,ave6 to save the ne$ settings or clic3 4@ac36 to go bac3 to $ystem Adustment 'enu.


,$opping *i&e

2rom $yst $ystem em Adustme Adustment nt 'enu 'enu" clic clic3 3 4C 4Ch hop oppi pin ng Time6 ime6 to call call up th thee ";op ";oppin6 pin6 Time Time Adustment  !ialog. ,imilar to freefall" chopping time are organise! into four groups7 Aggregate 8bins9" Cement 8silos9" 8s ilos9" /ater /ater 8tan3s9 an! A!mi1ture A!mi1ture 8tan3s9

5e in the ne$" a!?uste! values" then clic3 4,ave Changes6 to save" or clic3 4@ac36 to go bac3 to $ystem Adustment 'enu




 Mixing ara&eters

2rom $ys clic3 3 4%i1 4%i1in ing g Para Param met eter ers6 s6.. The The 'ii $ystem tem Adust Adustmen mentt 'enu 'enu" clic 'iin6 n6 -aramete -arameters rs Adustment  !ialog $ill pop up.

  

A!?ust the mi1er gateBs open time an! concrete hol!ing hopperBs open time b 3eing the values into te1t bo1 You can also a!?ust the mi1ing time for each !ischarge formula b 3eing in the cells un!er   Adusted2   Adusted2  column  column of 0i1ing of 0i1ing Ti*e Ti*e table.  table. Clic3 4O56 to save the ne$" a!?uste! values" or clic3 4Cancel6 to cancel the changes

 Note& %i1ing Parameters can onl be a!?uste! if the batching plant is a /et %i1 Plant (.( 

,e&ent roportion

If there is more than * silo containing the same cement" ou can change ho$ much to !ischarge from each !uring !uring batching. batching. To To a!?ust the proportion proportion of cement" from $ystem Adustment 'enu" clic3 4Cement Proportion6. You You $ill see s ee the follo$ing !ialog7

5e in the ne$ values un!er  Adusted2  column"  column" then clic3 4O56 to save the changes

 Note& The total proportion of one ingre!ient must be *))J (



"U$T'E( 'A#A+E'E#T

In this chapter" $e $ill sho$ ou ho$ to7  A!! a ne$ customer   ie$ available customers  -elete#'!it customers @elo$ sho$s the "ustomer 'enu" to open this menu" clic3 4Customer6 on 'ain 'enu.


 Add a New ,usto&er 

To a!! a ne$ customer" from "ustomer 'enu" clic3 4A!! Ne$ Customer6 an! "ustomer Add =iCard $ill be !isplae!. $tep 1: "ustomers %normation

The first step is inputting customerBs general information7



     

.usto*er ID 8compulsor9 .usto*er 8compulsor9&& the sstem alto assigns a customer I- accor!ing to the running or!er in .usto*er O/tion  8$ill be !escribe! later9. You can change this Customer I- if  nee!e!. .usto*er Na*e 8compulsor9 Na*e 8compulsor9&& Name of the customer   Address& customerBs  Address&  customerBs a!!ress .ountry  Postal .ode  0ain Tel  Tel   ,e*arks

After inputting the information" clic3 4Ne1t ,tep6 to input customerBs !etails" or ou can clic3  4'1it6 to finish the $iFar! $ithout entering customerBs !etails. If 4'1it6 is clic3e!" this message prompt $ill appear 

Clic3 4Yes6 to save the customer. Clic3 4No6 to not save the customer. Or clic3 4Cancel6 to remain at ,tep *Bs *Bs !ialog. Clic3 4Ne1t ,tep6 $ill bring ou to ,tep ( $tep 2: -roect $ite %normation

A customer can have one or more pro?ect sites. The pro?ect sites are liste! on the left. 'ach pro?ect site can be locate! in one or more locations. If ou select a pro?ect site" its locations $ill be !isplae! on Location on Location List  on  on the right.



A!! a pro?ect site to the customer 

To a!! a pro?ect site" clic3 4A!! 82(96 button $hich is on the right h an an! !-roect si!e of$ite  Proect Site The  $illList  be. Dialo6 !isplae!. Input  Proect .ode3 its Title3 .OD3 Tri/ .ount3 Distance and   Personincharge details: details: then clic3 4,ave6 to save the pro?ect site

The ne$ Proect ne$ Proect Site Na*e $ill Na*e $ill be !isplae! on Proect on Proect Site List  

'!it a pro?ect site To e!it a pro?ect site" clic3 4'!it 8296 button" -roect $ite Dialo6 $ill pop up for ou to e!it the pro?ect site information

-elete a pro?ect site To !elete a pro?ect site" clic3 4-el 8296 button. A message prompt pops up an! as3s ou $hether ou reall $ant to !elete the site" clic3 4Yes6 to confirm" or clic3 4No6 if ou no longer  $ant to !elete the site.

A!! a location to a pro?ect site on Proect Site List : then clic3   ,elect the pro?ect site on Proect 4A!! 82D96.  On Location Dialo6 poppe! up" enter Location enter Location an!  an! its Distance its Distance:: then clic3 4,ave6 to save the location.

The ne$ location no$ appears on Location on Location List  

'!it a location of a pro?ect site on Proect Site List  on  Location List .  ,elect the pro?ect site on Proect  , its locations are !isplae! on Location  ,elect the location ou $ant to e!it" an! clic3 4'!it 82E96.  %o!if the locationBs !etails on Location Dialo6" an! clic3 4,ave6

-elete a location of a pro?ect site on Proect Site List " its locations are !isplae! on Location on  Location List7  ,elect the pro?ect site on Proect  ,elect the location ou $ant to !elete  Clic3 4-el 8296 to !elete the location. A message prompt pops up an! as3s ou $hether  ou $ant to !elete the location. Clic3 4Yes6 to confirm.

After inputting the pro?ect site information" ou can7  Clic3 4Prev ,tep6 to mo!if previous step information  Clic3 4Ne1t ,tep6 to go the ne1t step of a!!ing ne$ customer 8Contact Personnel9 D


Clic3 4'1it6 to finish the $iFar! $ithout going to ne1t step. A message $ill as3 ou $hether  ou $ant to save the customer" clic3 4Yes6 to save" clic3 4No6 to cancel a!!ing ne$ customer" or clic3 4Cancel6 to go bac3 to Proect to Proect Site Ste/. Ste/.

 Note& ,tep ( 8Pro?ect ,ite information9 is an optional step. You still can save the customer $ithout entering Pro?ect ,ite information. If a customer !oes not have Pro?ect ,ite information" clic3 4Ne1t ,tep6 $ill e1it the A!! Customer /iFar!" since the follo$ing steps !epen!s on ,tep (. $tep : "ontract (estriction

,tep  is to input contracts for in!ivi!ual pro?ect sites of the customer. It allo$s ou to input contractBs perio!" as $ell as the restrictions enforce! on the contracts.

To vie$ contracts of a pro?ect site" select the pro?ect site name on Proect on  Proect Site combo Site combo bo1. 

A!! a ne$ contract Clic3 3 4A!! 4A!! 82 82(9 (966 to a! a!! ! a ne$ ne$ cont contra ract ct.. "ontract  Clic Dialo6 pops up  An auto auto .ontract ID is ID is generate! b the sstem. You can mo!if this auto I- b 3eing into the te1tbo1  

Input Date Date an!  9nd Date  of the or contract Clic3 Start 4,ave6 to an! 9nd save theDate of contract" clic3 4@ac36 to cancel

'!it a contract  ,elect the contract" an! clic3 4'!it 8296  %o!if the contractBs !etails on "ontract Dialo6 poppe! up" then clic3 4,ave6

-elete a contract  ,elect the contract" an! clic3 4-el 82ut $creen is !isplae!7

se Designation combo se Designation  combo bo1 to sho$ the emploees $hich have the selecte! !esignation on  9*/loyee Ta#le Ta#le.. If ou $ant to vie$ all emploees" emploees" select ,ho$ ,ho$ AllB. ,electing ,electing from this combo bo1 $ill automaticall refresh the gri! content $ith the !ate sho$n on screen @ !efault" the !ate sho$n on the screen is to!aBs !ate. You can select another !ate b clic3ing on the !rop !o$n icon besi!es the !ate. You must clic3 on the 4-ispla 82(96 to refresh the gri! content.

Employee Boo9 %n    

,elect the emploee Clic3 4@oo3 In 8296 /hen hen Boo9 %n Dialo6  appears" appears" select select the  Book in ti*e an! clic3 4,ave6 Thee empl Th emplo oee ee boo3 boo3 in time time no$ no$ !isp !ispla lae e! ! on  9*/loyee Ta#le. a#le. The emploee is sho$n in re! to in!icate that this emploee has not boo3 out at that


If ou $ant to un!o the boo3 in" clic3 4-elete @oo3ing 82D96" the emploee boo3 in $ill be cancelle!.

,che!ule6 from 'ain 'enu  opens the rder 5 Deliery $creen   as sho$n  belo$7  

Here are the functionalities provi!e! b the screen7  ie$" a!! an! e!it or!ers  ,che!ule !eliveries of or!ers for batching7  ie$ !eliver status  ,tart the batching process $ith sche!ule !eliveries 


,et Or!er > -eliver options  Add and dit /rders

Vie? rder List

The rder 5 Deliery $creen   sho$s all to!aB to!aBs or!ers 8inclu!ing those those to #e %ul%illed2   from  previous !ates. The or!ers are !isplae! in the Order Ta#le7 Or!ers a#le7  Or!ers $hich are late are sho$n in re!" or!ers $hich are !elivere! to!a are sho$n in blue. To vie$ the or!ers for a !ifferent !a" !a" ou can7  Choose a !ate using !ate pic3er at the top right corner   Press 4To!a6" 4Yester!a6 or 4Tomorro$6 buttons



Add #e? rder 

Clic3 4A!! Ne$ Or!er 82(96 Clic3 82(96 from from rder 5 Deliery $creen   to open open the the Add rder Dialo6

Input the information of the or!ers7 0 Order .ode7 .ode7 a uniue co!e to represent the or!er. @ !efault" it is generate! b the sstem accor!ing to Order .ode or*at  in  in Or!er > -eliver Option 0 .usto*er 7 The customer $ho reuests this or!er" this combo bo1 $ill !ispla a list of  Customer I- an! upon selecting" the name of the customer $ill be !isplae! in the area  ?ust belo$ the combo bo1 0  Proect Site7 Site7 the pro?ect site of the customer  0  Location  Location77 location of the pro?ect site 0 .ontract No& the No& the contact 8if an9 for the pro?ect site specifie! 0  Product .ode .ode77 the pro!uct co!e or!ere! 0 "olu*e o% Order 7 volume of the concrete gra!e to be batche! 0  PO Nu*#er 7 Purchase Or!er number given b our customer  0  Date$T  Date$Ti*e i*e o% Delivery7 Delivery 7 !ate an! time this or!er $ill have to be !elivere! 0  Date$T  Date$Ti*e i*e o% Order 7 !ate an! time this or!er is ma!e. -efault is current !ate an! time. 0 Ordered By7 By7 the customerBs representative $ho ma!e this or!er  0  Interval 7 interval bet$een !eliveries 0  Progr  Progressive essive Total  Total 7 The accumulate! !eliver total for this or!er  0 .on%i .on%ir* r* #e%ore #e%ore Delivery Delivery77 This This is to in in!i !ica cate te $heth $hether er is th there ere a nee! to call call o our  ur  customer before batching an!#or sen!ing the !eliver 0 Status Status77 The status of the or!er" the !efault status is To #e %ul%illed2  0 .ash Sales an! Sales an! its Cnit Price 0  No o% Loads7 Loads7 This 3eeps trac3 of the running number of loa!s that have been ma!e


Ther Th eree ar aree fo four ur buil built0 t0in in st stat atus uses es of or or!e !ers rs77 To To #e %ul%il %ul%illed led33 .ancel .anceled3 ed3 To a!! our o$n statuses" statuses " press .trl + S   ul%illed3 On @old . To

Clic3 4,ave6 to save s ave the or!er.

Edit an rder 

,elect an Or!er from Order List Ta#le



  

Clic3 4ie$#'!it Or!er 8296 '!it the !etails of the or!er on Edit rder Dialo6 Clic3 4,ave6 to save the or!er 


Ti/& !ouble Ti/&  !ouble clic3 on the or!er at Status Status column  column or press Ctrl, $ill pop up the $tatus Dialo6 $hich allo$s ou to change the status of the or!er 

End o Day 


Clic3 4'n! of -a6 button to change the status of to #e %ul%illed2 or!ers in that !a to the status specifie! in Options 8to be e1plaine! in section *).< later9 7 All the ueues remaining for those or!ers are also !elete!.  De"ier+ Sc$edu"e

The Delivery Schedule allo$s ou to ueue the truc3s before batching starts. @atching can then be The Delivery !o !one ne co cont ntin inuo uous usl l"" on onee ba batc tch h im imme me!i !iate atel l af afte terr th thee ot othe herr. This This $a $a" spee spee! ! is in incre crease ase! ! tremen!ousl. Add a Deliery into Deliery $c;edule 

,elect the or!er" then clic3 4A!! Sueue 82 -eliver screen.



In the ption Dialo6" ma3e our changes to the follo$ing settings7  Order .ode or*at 7 the format for generating the running Or!er Co!e   DO or*at 7 the format for generating the uniue running -O number   Seal No7 or*at 7 the format for generating the seal number    De%ault ueue SiEe7 SiEe7 this is the !efault loa! siFe selecte! $hen ou ueue the truc3s 

 9nd o% Day Status7 Status7 the or!er status $hich $ill be applie! for all To #e %ul%illed2  or!ers   or!ers if  4'n! of -a6 button is clic3e!

Clic3 4,ave6 to save the changes" or clic3 4@ac36 to !iscar! the changes.



BAT"/%#+ $"(EE# 12 12

The @atching screen is $here ou monitor the batching progress an! control various functions. 12.1

*$e Batc$ing Screen

"eli+er( ,ueue ,ueue "eli+er(

*eighing *eighing &ars &ars "ischarge "ischarge &ars &ars Batching Batching #essages #essages

Batching Batching Control Control Buttons Buttons

pen t;e Batc;in6 $creen

There are ( $as to !ispla the @atching ,creen7  Clic3ing 4,tart @atching6 on rder $c;edule screen to start a ne$ batch  2rom" clic3ing 4@atching Progress6 on the Top Bar or rder $c;edule !ialog goes bac3 to the batching that is currentl on0going

 Note&

Thee 4@at Th 4@atch chin ing g Pr Prog ogres ress6 s6 bu butt tton onss are !i !isab sable! le! $hen $hen th ther eree is no

 batching in progress



Batc;in6 $creens "omponents

The Batc;in6 $creen consists of7   Delivery ueue& The -eliver Sueue is on the top right corner of the Batc;in6 $creen" it sho$s the current !eliveries being ueue! 

4eighing Bars& 'ach bar correspon!s to an ingre!ient of the sstem. The bar $ill up!ate the current batching status Batching Batching in in progress progress

Batch Batch nu!&er nu!&er

Batch Batch progress progress

Ingredient Ingredient Code Code

#oisture #oisture -for -for aggregate aggregate onl( onl(

Batching Batching co!pleted co!pleted

%arget %arget a!ount a!ount and and &atched a!ount &atched a!ount

The @atch Number is the current batch number for the current !eliver. 2or ever !eliver" @atch Number starts from *" the @atch Number colour correspon!s to the !eliver colour on -eliver &ist

 Discharge #ars& #ars& -ischar -isc harge ge bars bars are simila similarr to $eighi $eighing ng bars" bars" e1cept e1cept that that the inform informati ation on !ispla !isplae! e! is for  !ischarging phase. The sstem sho$s four !ischarge bars correspon!ing to four ingre!ient tpes7 Aggregate" Cement" /ater an! A!mi1ture

Batch Batch nu!&er nu!&er

Batch Batch progress progress

Ingredient Ingredient %(pe %(pe

"ischarge "ischarge Percentage Percentage

"ischarge "ischarge status status

 Batching .ontrol .ontrol Bar& @atching Control @ar is use! to Pause" Resume or Postpone the batching process.

 Delivery .ontrol Bar& The -eliver Control @ar inclu!es7  -eliver Sueue7 !ispla all !eliveries in batching ueue. /hen a !eliver is in progress" it is highlighte! b a colour co!e.  4-eliver ,che!ule6 button7 open rder $c;edule screen to sche!ule the !eliveries  4Print -O6 button7 print -O report manuall  4Truc3 In67 change status of truc3 to Return#,tan! @



   

4@atch6 button7 trigger the !ischarging phase of a batch 4-ischarge6 button7 trigger !ischarging into truc3  %i1ing Time Time an! %i1ing ,tatus7 !ispla mi1ing phase status ,stem %essage @o17 !ispla batching messages 8?am" slo$" !eliver saving" etc9

Vie? Deliery Details

To vie$ vie$ !eta !etail ilss of a !eli !elive ver r"" !oub !ouble le clic clic3 3 on it at  Delivery ueue tabl table" e" the the !eli !elive ver r !eta !etail ilss $i $ill ll be !isplae! as follo$e!7 Clic3 4Close6" the !ialog $ill e1it.

-rint Deliery (eport manually

@ !efault" -O Report are automaticall printe! !uring  batching. Ho$ever" the sstem allo$s users to print the report manuall. To !o that7  Clic3 4Print -O6 on Batc;in6 $creen  On the the -r -rint int Delie Deliery ry (epor (eportt !ialog" select the 

Truck date an! DO Nu*#er  "ting then clic3 4Print6 Cl Clic3 ic3 out 4Can 4Cance cel6 l6an! to DO ca canc ncel el pr prin inti ng an an! ! close clo se th thee !ialog

$et Truc9 (eturn $tatus

To set a truc3 status as Return#,tan! @7  Clic3 4Truc3 In6 button on Batc;in6 $creen  -o -oub uble le clic clic3 3 on the the tr truc uc3" 3" or se sele lect ct the the truc truc3 3 an an! ! cl clic ic3  3  4Return6. The truc3 status $ill be set to Return#,tan! @  Clic3 4@ac36 to cancel an! go bac3 to Batc;in6 $creen .


-ouble0cli -ouble 0clic3i c3ing ng on the truc3 truc3 also return returnss the truc3.

"lose t;e Batc;in6 $creen

To e1it the batching screen an! go bac3 to 'ain 'enu" clic3 4@ac3 to %ain %enu6 at the right  bottom of the Batc;in6 $creen 12.2

,ontro" Batc$ing rocess

$tart Disc;ar6in6 -;ase o a Batc;

After $eighing the materials" there are ( $as of beginning !ischarging7  ,stem Auto Auto @atching7 The sstem $ill start !ischarge !ischarge automaticall automaticall $henever $henever a batch is rea! for !ischarge



%anual @atching7 /hen a batch is rea! for !ischarge into the truc3#mi1er" the sstem enables 4@atch6 button. The sstem $ill start !ischarge $hen user clic3s on 4@atch6 button.

 Note& ,stem Auto#%anual @atching mo!e is set in +eneral -lant ption 8Please refer to Chapter7 ,etting ,stem Parameters an! Options for more !etails9

 Note& -ischarging Phase is e1ecute! accor!ing to the -ischarge 2ormula tagge! $ith the Concrete -esign %i1 of the !eliver

$tart Disc;ar6in6 "oncrete into Truc9  

 Dry 0i1 Plant& 2or Plant& 2or !r mi1 plant" there is no mi1er" so !uring !ischarging phase" the ingre!ients are !ischarge! !irectl into truc3. Clic3ing 4@atch6 button !ischarges the concrete into truc3.

4et 0i1 Plant& /ith $et mi1 plant" !uring mi1ing phase" the batching screen $ill !ispla the mi1ing status ,stem is rea! to !ischarge concrete into truc3 if mi1ing phase has complete!. There are t$o mo!es to control !ischarging into truc37  ,stem !ischarge !ischarge of concrete7 concrete7 After mi1ing time has been elapse!" elapse!" the sstem controls the opening of the mi1er#concrete hol!ing hopper gates to !ischarge into truc3. 0 If  Discharge Pro*/t   opti option on is not not se sele lect cte! e!"" th thee !i !isc scha harrge pr proc oces esss $ill $ill star startt instantaneousl $ithout as3ing for user input 0 If  Discharge Pro*/t   option option is selecte selecte!" !" the button button 4-ischar 4-ischarge6 ge6 is enable enable!" !" cli clic3  c3  4-ischarge6 an! the sstem $ill start the !ischarging process automaticall

/ot read( for discharge

0ead( for discharge. Clic "ischarge to discharge into truc

%anuall !ischarge concrete7 You control the !ischarge gates an! inform I0%atri1 $hen !ischarging is complete. 0 /hen sstem is not rea! for !ischarge" !ischarge" the  ,eady or Discharge label Discharge label in!icates NoQ an! the button 4Complete6 is !isable 0 /he /hen n sstem sstem is rea! rea! for !ischarg !ischargee 8i. 8i.e. e. mi1ing mi1ing complet completes9" es9" the label label  ,eady or   Discharge turns  Discharge  turns to YesQ an! the button 4Complete6 is enable 0 %anuall !ischarge the concrete" then clic3 4Complete6 to finish the !ischarge process.



/ot read( for discharge

0ead( for discharge. #anuall( discharge into truc' and then clic Co!plete

 Note& The Syste*$0anual Discharge o% .oncrete 0ode  0ode   is set via ,stem Options. Please refer to Chapter ( for more !etails -ause>(esume Batc;in6 -rocess

se @atchin @atching g Contro Controll @ar at the bottom bottom of the Batc;in6 $creen  to pause#resume the batching  process  Pause#Resume aggregate $eighing /eighing66  To pause aggregate $eighing" clic3 4Pause Agg /eighing  To resume aggregate $eighing" clic3 4Resume Agg /eighing6 /eighing6 

Pause#Resume cement $eighing  To pause cement $eighing" clic3 4Pause Cem /eighing6 /eighing6 /eighing6  To resume cement $eighing" clic3 4Resume Cem /eighing6

Pause#Resume $ater $eighing  To pause $ater $eighing" clic3 4Pause /at /eighing6  To resume $ater $eighing" clic3 4Resume /at /eighing6

Pause#Resume a!mi1ture $eighing  To pause a!mi1ture $eighing" clic3 4Pause A!m /eighing6 /eighing6 /eighing6  To resume a!mi1ture $eighing" clic3 4Resume A!m /eighing6

Pause#Resume $eighing $eighing 8aggregate" cement" a!mi1ture" $ater9" $ater 9" clic3 4Pause All /eighing6 /eighing6  To pause allall  To resume those $eighing" clic3 clic 3 4Resume All /eighing6 Pause#Resume all !ischarging ce ment" a!mi1ture" $ater9" clic3 4Pause All -ischarge6  To pause !ischarging 8aggregate" cement"  To resume the !ischarge phase" clic3 4Resume All -ischarge6

-ostpone Batc;in6 -rocess

To postpone the batching process" clic3 4Postpone6 on Batc;in6 $creen" the sstem $ill complete the current !eliveries: those other !eliveries on ueue $ill be postpone! $c;edule Delieries rom t;e Batc;in6 $creen

Clic3 4-eliver ,che!ule6 button" the Batc;in6 $creen $ill e1it an! the rder $c;edule screen is !isplae!. After e!iting the !eliver sche!ule" ou can come bac3 to Batc;in6 $creen an time.




 op-up Dia"og Boxes

-uring batching process" batching !ialogs ma pop to inform users about the batching process # errors or get the reuire! user inputs. These !ialog bo1es are7  Ingre!ient &evel /arning -ialog  Input Truc3 an! -river   Chopping 2aile!  &imit ,$itch not -etecte!  /eighing#-ischarging Kam %n6redient Leel =arnin6 Dialo6

Ingre!ient &evel is chec3e! before ever !eliver starts" if an ingre!ient reaches belo$ its re0or!er  level" the sstem $ill pop up an %n6redient Leel =arnin6 Dialo6. /hen this !ialog is !isplae!"  please chec3 the inventor level. Clic3 4'1it6" the batching $ill continue normall. %nput Truc9 and Drier

@efore !ischarg @efore !ischarging ing concrete concrete into into truc3" truc3" the user user nee!s nee!s to input input the truc3 an! !river !river for each !eliver.. To !eliver To get truc3 an! !river input" the sstem pops up %nput Truc9 Dialo67



The -O number of the !eliver is !isplae! at the top of the screen.  ,e ,ele lect ct the the tr truc uc3 3 on Tru ruc3 c3 &ist &ist"" its its as assi sign gne! e! !r !riv iver er is automaticall selecte! on -river &ist.  If ou accept the selecte! !river" press 4O56" other$ise ou can select another !river" an! press 4O56. !efau fault lt"" $hen $hen cl clic ic3i 3ing ng 4O56 4O56"" th thee sste sstem m $i $ill ll pr prin intt  @ !e -eliver Or!er for the !eliver

 Note& 2or -eliver Or!er setting" please refer  to Chapter *(.( ";oppin6 !ailed

The $eighing gate#valve $ill be close! $hen the target amount is nearl reache!. Once the $eight stabilises" if it is belo$ the tolerance 8compare! to target amount9" sstem $ill open an! close the gate#valve for the perio! of time specifie! in A!?ustments 8see Chapter D.Disc;ar6in6 Jam

If a compar compartme tment# nt#hop hopper per is ?amme! ?amme! for too long" long" a !ialog $ill pop up. -uring $eighing" ou can choose to s$ap to another compartment $hich stores the same ingre!ient. To !o this" select the compartment on ,$ap list then clic3 4,$ap6.

To retr retr  to $eig $eigh# h#! !is isch char arg ge compartment" clic3 4Retr6

usi sin ng

th thee

?am ?amme! me!

To accept the $eigh#!ischarge results" clic3 4Accept6.



%n6redient Eceed

After $eighi After $eighing ng an ingre! ingre!ien ient" t" the sstem sstem chec3s chec3s its batche batche! ! amount amount.. If this this amount amount e1cee! e1cee!ss ingre!ientBss tolerance" %n6redient Eceed Dialo6 appears. ingre!ientB

Clic3 4Overri!e6 to accept the amount an! continue $ith the batching process.



1 -(%#T%#+ (E-(T$ 13 13.1

 rint 5eports

2rom the 'ain 'enu" clic3 4Report6 to open the (eport $creen is as sho$n belo$.

Report are organise! into  categories7 0 -ail Reports: 0 %onthl Reports: an! 0 Other tpes of a!0hoc reports

You $ill $ill see the list of report reportss un!er un!er each categor categor b clic3in clic3ing g on the buttons buttons 4-ail 4-ail6" 6" 4%onthl6 an! 4Others6. ,electing the report  ,elect the report.

,et printings7 for some reports ou can specif the perio! to generate the reports. Hereperio! are theofoptions 0 Today Today77 print the !ata of to!a 0  0onth  0onth77 print the !ata of the month an! ear specifie! 0  Period 7 print the !ata of the perio! bet$een Start Date an! an! 9nd  9nd Date  or DO and D, re/ort re/ort only only77 ,elect a -eliver to print base! on -O number. 0 ,elect the !ate that !eliver $as create 0 Choose the -O number in the combo bo1 ,elect the printer7 0 Choose the printer to print b Select Printer  combo  combo bo1

Previe$ the report before printing  Clic3 4Print Previe$ 82
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