Classify the account titles according to their respective accounting elements and indicate their respective normal balances. Account titles Accounts payable Accounts receivable Prepaid rent Notes payable Baldado, capital Oce supplies epense Buiding !ervice income Business ta payable "nused supplies !alaries epense #and $ncome ta payable Baldado, dra%ing &raining &raining epense 'ividend income !!! premium payable E(uipment &raveling &raveling epense )epresentation epense *alue added ta payable +iscellaneous $ncome ain on sale of land
Normal balance
$$. ACCO"N&AB#E ACCO"N&AB#E ECONO+$C &)AN!AC&$ON! &)AN!AC&$ON! 'etermine %hether the business transactions is to be recorded in the boo-s of accounts or not and identify the accounts title for debit and credit. Business transactions
Account titles
)ecordabl e /es or No
0. O%ner1s contribution to business as initial investement 2. %ithdra%als of o%ners from the business. 3. 4iring of oce cler5. Payment of salary for the oce cler-s 6. billings of services rendered for audit service 7. payment of supplies used in the performance of service. 8. !igning of contract %ith the ne% client 9. payment of transportation cost incurred during the signing of contract :. unpaid oce rent incurred 0;. purchase of ne% computer on account
*. CO+P)E4EN!$*E P)OB#E+ October 0. /=abhelle /u invested P26;,;;; in an account entitled E*E)/&4$N services. &he deposit slip %as number 65320. October 3. $nvested e(uipment %ith an appraised value of P036,;;; the appraisal sheet %as numbered 0;;82;;3 October 6. Purchased P6;,;;; %orth of e(uipment by issuing chec- ;02356 October 9. Purchased P06,;;; %orth of e(uipment on account from the !O" !uppliers. &he invoice number %as 6789: October 07. Purchased P76,;;; %orth of e(uipment from the !A+! !upply Co. Chec- 0;0; %as issued in the amount of P2;,;;; as a do%n payment. &heir invoice number %as A3355. October 09. Provided P59,;;; %orth of services to a cash customer. &he billing entries %ere number 205. October 2;. Provided P:;,;;; %orth of services to a charge customer. &he billing slip %as number 235 October 3;. Provided P0;;,;;; %orth of services to a customer, collecting 76D in cash. &he billing slip %as number 7;97. )E"$)E'> 0. C)EA&E A C4A)& O< ACCO"N&! 2. Fournali=e the above transactions
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